增补考研词oew(灰色) 单词(=棕红) 汉译 另根 频序 oew+通俗词根 Pier605_AHD,印欧根,词族,背单词,上海唐街英语 AHD-印欧根pier605
_词源秘籍: 印欧根pIER
The American Heritage Dictionary of Indo-European Roots
【声明】对应例词是百度翻译,仅供参考@丁朝阳, @丁春秋.
1)←from 日耳曼语+古英语 1195+1062;
2)←from 拉丁语 1029 ;
3)←from 希腊语 645 ;
1)初中= 词频<2000, 例词数1000;
2)高中= 词频<5000, 例词数800;
3)大学= 词频<12000, 例词数1200;
3)博士= 词频<20000, 例词数1000;
4)前缀70000,后缀80000,也有词源! 例词数263+123;
5)扩展例词(2w+,无百度翻译), 例词数>5000 ;
AHD5词源统计 ; 例词数; 占比%
else 计数 ; 1152; 0.1122
古英语+日耳曼; 1524; 0.1484
拉丁语 计数; 5388; 0.5246
希腊语 计数 ; 2179; 0.2122
总计数----- ; 10270; 1
AHD5大众版,比AHD3专业版 删减了490词根。我找回45,例词355


原始印欧语音 清塞音
p t k
b d g
bʰ dʰ gʰ
kʷ gʷ gʷʰ
pʰ tʰ kʰ
梵语 p t k b d g bʰ dʰ h kʷ gʷ gʷʰpʰ tʰ kʰ
希腊语 p t k b d g pʰ tʰ kʰ ptk bdg ptkʰxx
拉丁语 p t c b d g f f h qu v fxx
日耳曼 pʰ tʰ kʰ p t k b d g hʷ kʷ/k b/gpʰ tʰ kʰ
古英语 f tʰ h p t c b d g hʷ cʷ/c b/gpʰ tʰ h?
记忆歌 pf皮肤bp扒皮bdg布达宫bg布谷鸟清气浊气
隋唐切韵 全清 全浊 次浊 圆唇音次清
古汉语 p t k b d g bʰ dʰ gʰ kʷ gʷ gʷʰpʰ tʰ kʰ
普通话 p t k pʰ tʰ kʰ
维尔纳定律 _sen| _ren was| were
尾辅音浊化 _es|_er
重读后音节 chosen _ise| _ize
【注解】 预备知识,印欧词根符号说明:
1) 浊音有声: voiced(发浊音技巧 nd,ng,mb) , 清音无声 voiceless(下标o=清化,下标v=浊化) ; 但是在AHD中,lmnr下面加点则表示能成音节 =自带元音syllabic: 591, wl̥kʷo- 狼狐, 336, n̥dʰer- 摁下
2) h =送气音 ,aspirated, 例词: bʰā-₂发音说, bʰa, phone, fa, , bʰā-₁ 发光晒;th=θ,dh=dʰ=ð; bdg,ptk都能送气哦~ 这在梵语里又多6个字母啊! classid 150
3) w =圆唇音 ,labialized, 例词: two, DoYou... 汉语例词:喔wo酷ku郭guo廓kuo,
4) ə =喉塞音 (国际音标符号ʔ)glottal 声门,laryngeal 喉头=零声母 、休止符、哑巴音、断音 , 作用:区分前后音节,使之不混淆。
5) e =基准元音,印欧词根中, 更响亮=a级形式,低音=o形式,省略元音=零级形式。i,u是辅助元音,aeo是主要元音。
h, w, 缩小为上标, 如 pʰ kʷ gʷ gʷʰ,dʰ,bʰ, 表示发音短促、不完全, classid 155 类似介音iu. 现代英语常见 ph, th, ch, gh, wh, 但只有梵文里才保留了d,dʰ,t,th, 完美组合( d, ð , t, θ ), (梵文字母悉昙体, 35辅音,-->隋唐切韵36声母).
b , p , f , v =bh ,
d , t , θ , ð =dh ,
g , k, h , ʒ =gh ,
dʒ , tʃ , ʃ = j , q , x =dg,ch,sh
dr , tr , ʃ , r = zh , ch , sh , r
dz , ts , s , z = z , c , s , s
m , n , ŋ , l , j , w 诀窍:联系汉语拼音方案表,对照国际音标72.

001,ad- ag- agh- agro- aik- aim- ais- aiw- ak- akʷ-ā-
011,al-₁ al-₂ al-₃ albʰo- alu- ambʰi an- anə- angh- ansu-
021,ant- apo- ar- arg- as- at- āter- au- aug- aus-
031,awi- awo- ayer- ayes- bak- bel- bʰā-₁ bʰā-₂ bʰa-bʰā- bʰad-
041,bʰag- bʰāghu- bʰāgo- bʰardʰ-ā- bʰares- bʰau- bʰegʷ- bʰei- bʰeid- bʰeidʰ-
051,bʰel-₁ bʰel-₂ bʰel-₃ bʰelgh- bʰendʰ- bʰer-₁ bʰer-₂ bʰerəg- bʰergh-₁ bʰergh-₂
061,bʰes- bʰeudʰ- bʰeuə- bʰeug- bʰlē- bʰleu- bʰoso- bʰrāter- bʰreg- bʰreu-
071,bʰrū- dā- dail- daiwer- dakru- de- deik- dek- dekm̥ deks-
081,del-₁ del-₂ dem- demə- dent- der- derk- deru- deu-₁ deu-₂
091,deuə- deuk- dʰē- dʰegʷh- dʰē(i)- dʰeigh- dʰer- dʰers- dʰēs- dʰeu-₁
101,dʰeu-₂ dʰeub- dʰeuə- dʰeugh- dʰghem- dʰgh(y)es- dʰīgʷ- dʰreg- dʰreibʰ- dʰreu-
111dʰugəter dʰwer- dlegh- dn̥ghū- dō- dus- dwo- dyeu- ed- eg
121,eghs egʷh- ei- eis- ekʷo- el- em- en epi er-₁
131,er-₂ erə- ers- es- (e)su- eu- euə- euə-dʰ-r̥ gal- gāu-
141,gel- gembʰ- gemə- genə- genu-₁ genu-₂ ger- gerbʰ- gerə-₁ gerə-₂
151,geus- ghabʰ- ghans- ghē- ghebʰ-el- ghei- ghel-₁ ghel-₂ ghedʰ- ghend-
161,gher-₁ gher-₂ gherə- ghes- gheslo- gheu- gheu(ə)- ghos-ti- ghrē- ghrebʰ-₁
171,ghrebʰ-₂ ghredʰ- ghrēi- ghrendʰ- ghwer- ghwībʰ- gleubʰ- gnō- gr̥ə-no- gʷā-
181,gʷeiə- gʷelə- gʷen- gʷerə-₁ gʷerə-₂ gʷet- gʷhedʰ- gʷhen- gʷher- gʷhī-
191,gʷhrē- gʷhren- gʷou- i- kā- kad- kaə-id- kai- kailo- kaito-
201,kakka- kan- kand- kap- kaput- kar- kas- kat- kau- ked-
211,keg- kei-₁ keiə- kekʷ- kel-₁ kel-₂ kelə-₁ kelə-₂ ken- kenk-
221,kens- kent- ker-₁ ker-₂ ker-₃ kerd- kerə- kerp- kers- kes-
231,keuə- klei- kleu- ko- kō- kob- kom konk- koro- kost-
241,kous- krei- kreuə- kreus- ksun kʷe kʷei-₁ kʷei-₂ kʷeiə- kʷeit-
251,kʷel-₁ kʷel-₂ kʷen- kʷent(h)- kʷer- kʷes- kʷēt- kʷetwer- kʷo- kʷon-
261,kʷrep- kʷr̥mi- laks- las- lau- lē- leb- leg- legh- legʷh-
271,lei- leid- leig- leigh- leikʷ- leip- leis-₁ leis-₂ leit- lendʰ-
281,leu- leubʰ- leudʰ- leu(ə)- leugh- leuk- [līk- lī̆no- lūs- mā-₁
291,mā-₂ mag- magh- maghu- māk- man-₁ man-₂ marko- māter- me-₁
301,me-₂ mē-₁ mē-₂ mē-₃ mē-₄ med- medʰu- medʰyo- meg- mei-₁
311,mei-₂ meigh- meik- mei-no- mel-₁ mel-₂ mel-₃ melə- melg- melit-
321,men-₁ men-₂ men-₃ men-₄ mendʰ- menegh- mer- merg- meuə- mizdʰo-
331,mori- mregh-u- mūs- nas- nāu- n̥dʰer- ne nebʰ- ned- nek-₁
341,nek-₂ nekʷ-t- nem- nepōt- ner-₁ ner-₂ nes-₁ nes-₂ neu- newn̥
351,newo- nobʰ- nogh- nogʷ- nō̆-men- nu- od- oi-no- oit- oktō(u)
361,ōku- okʷ- op- or- orbʰ- ors- ōs- ost- ous- owi-
371,pā- paəwr̥ pag- pāl- pan- pant- papa past- pau-₁ pau-₂
381,ped- pē(i)- peiə- peig- peku- pekʷ- pel-₁ pel-₂ pel-₃ pel-₄
391,pel-₅ pelə-₁ pelə-₂ pelə-₃ penkʷe pent- per₁ per-₂ per-₃ per-₄
401,per-₅ perd- perə-₁ perə-₂ perkʷu- pes- pet- petə- peuə- peuk-
411,pezd- pəter- plāk-₁ plāk-₂ plat- plek- pleu- pneu- pō(i)- porko-
421,poti- prek- preus- prī- pū̆- re- rē- rēd- reg- rei-
431,reidʰ- reig- rep- ret- reudʰ- reuə- reug- reup- r̥tko- sā-
441,sāg- sak- sal- sāwel- sē- sed- segh- sek- sekʷ-₁ sekʷ-₂
451,sekʷ-₃ sel- sem-₁ sem-₂ sēmi- sen- sengʷh- sent- sep- septm̥
461,ser-₁ ser-₂ seuə-₁ seuə-₂ skand- skei- skel-₁ skel-₂ sker-₁ sker-₂
471,sker-₃ (s)keu- skeud- skrībʰ- slēb- slēg- sleiə- sleubʰ- smei- (s)mer-₁
481,(s)mer-₂ snā- (s)nāu- (s)nē- sneigʷh- (s)neəu- so- sol- spē- spek-
491,(s)pen- spend- sper- sperə- sreu- stā- stāi- (s)teg- stegh- steig-
501,steigh- stel- (s)tenə- ster-₁ ster-₂ ster-₃ streb(h)- streig- sū- swād-
511,s(w)e- sweid- s(w)eks swel- swen- swep- swer- swesor- swo- syū-
521,tag- tauro- tegu- tek- teks- telə- tem- ten- terə-₁ terə-₂
531,terkʷ- ters- teuə- teutā- tkei- to- tolkʷ- tong- treb- trei-
541,trep- treud- tu- ud- uks-en- uper upo wal- wap- we-
551,wē- webʰ- wed-₁ wed-₂ weg- wegh- wei- weid- weiə- weik-₁
561,weik-₂ weik-₃ weip- wekti- wekʷ- wel-₁ wel-₂ welə- wemə- wen-₁
571,wen-₂ wer-₁ wer-₂ wer-₃ wer-₄ wer-₅ wē-r- wērə-o- werg- wers-
581,wes-₁ wes-₂ wes-₃ wes-pero- wesr̥ wet-₁ wet-₂ wi- wī-ro- wīkm̥tī-
591,wl̥kʷo- wl̥p-ē- wō̆s wrād- yē- yeg- yek- yē̆kʷr̥ yēr- yes-
601,yeu- yeug- yewes- yewo- yu-


专业术语 xxxxxxx 专业术语 xxxxxxx
zero-grade form零级 形式416 o-grade formo级 形式262
full-grade form全级 形式37 lengthened-grade form加长级 形式35
e-grade forme级 形式7 Suffixed form带后缀 形式:795
Suffixed带后缀的582 Derivatives include派生词 包括:212
Oldest form最初 形式:3 colored to变形 为:3
compound复合词205 Variant form变化形式108
Basic form基本形式105 extend form扩展形式134
combining form合并形式17 combining form合并形式17
contracted from 缩减自:22 contracted to缩减成为:22
Reduce form缩短形式4 participle,participial分词,部分概念73
causative使役动词23 stative状态动词的25
Nasalized form鼻音形式17 基本形式:基本形式102
reduplicated form重叠形式27 Metathesized form变位形式5
comparative form比较级25
←from a source akin to源自近亲于27 possibly from 可能源于35
combining form合并形式19 intensive prefix加强的 前缀25
denominative名词派生的44 centum languages(K类语,颚音)106
←from 源自...5538
Germanic←from 日耳曼语 1195 Old English←from 古英语 1062
Latin←from 拉丁语 1029 Greek←from 希腊语 645
Old Norse古挪威语165 Old High German高地德语150
Middle Dutch古荷兰语102 Sanskrit梵语92
Old French古法语90 Middle English中古英语54
Russian俄语25 Old Irish古爱尔兰22
Low German低地德语18 Old Persian古波斯12
Italian意大利语10 Persian波斯语9
Old North French古北法语9 Dutch荷兰语9
Old Iranian伊朗语8 Compare对比7
Old Church Slavonic古教会斯拉夫语7 Medieval Latin中世拉丁7
Old Russian古俄语6 Welsh威尔士6
Vulgar Latin通俗拉丁语3

;...001, ad- 挨到达
To, near, at.

    1. at prep.[表示价格、速度等]以,达;在..方面 ; ( 19 , ad , _ )
      atone 赎罪 , ( 51920 , )
      twit 笨蛋,傻瓜 , ( 63344 , )
      ←from 古英语 æt , near, by, at;

    2. ado 忙乱 , ( 51587 , ) from 古挪威语 at . Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *at .
  1. ←from 拉丁语 ad , ad- , to, toward.
    ad- L. ad-, 动向,背向,指向,置于其上, 到达,靠近或在场,加强原意 , ( x )
    -ad 表名词 ; ( x )
    adjuvant 辅助 , ( 29682 )
    aid n.援助,救护;助手,辅助物vi.援助,救援 , ( 1302 , _ , _ )
    amount n.总数,数量;数额v.共计;等同,接近(to) , ( 667 , men₂ , )
    paramount 往上越过adj.最重要的,主要的;至高无上的n.最高统治者[T8] , ( 9572 , kat , )
  2. Celtic *ad- , to, at, in compound *to-ad-ni-sed- (see sed- ).
[Pokorny 1. ad- 3.]
;...002, ag- 干行动
To drive, draw, move. 最初形式: *ag̑- , becoming *ag- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: agony , ambiguous , demagogue , essay , and squat.
  1. ←from 拉丁语 agere , to do, act, drive, conduct, lead, weigh.
    act v.表演;举动;起作用n.行为,法令;一幕 , ( 500 , ag , ag行动 )
    →[考研]→ action n.行动,动作;作用;运转;行为;战斗。 ( 437 )
    →[考研]→ activate v.刺激,激活,使活跃,使行动[T6]。 ( 7581 )
    →[考研]→ activity n.活动;活力;能动性;。 ( 529 )
    →[考研]→ interact v.互相作用,互相影响。 ( 4911 )
    →[考研]→ react v.反应,起作用;(against)反对,起反作用。 ( 3098 )
    →[考研]→ transaction n.办理,处理;交易,事务;(pl.)会报,学报。 ( 3423 )
    active adj.活跃的,敏捷的,积极的;在活动中的 , ( 1287 , _ , ag行动 )
    actor n.男演员;演员,行动者 , ( 1837 , _ , ag行动 )
    →[考研]→ actress n.女演员。 ( 3759 )
    actual a.实际的;现实的,真实的,目前的 , ( 1329 , _ , ag行动 )
    actuary 精算师 , ( 25215 )
    actuate 开动 , ( 30941 )
    agendum 待办事项 , ( x )
    agent n.代理人;代理商;产生作用的人或事物 , ( 1205 , ag , ag行动 )
    →[考研]→ agency n.代理(处);代办处;[美](政府的)机关,厅。 ( 821 )
    →[考研]→ agenda n.议事日程,记事册。 ( 2435 )
    agile adj.敏捷的;机敏的;活泼的[T8] , ( 18463 , ag , ag行动 )
    agitate 反复动v.煽动,摇动,骚动,使…激动[T8] ; ( 15677 , ag , ag行动 )
    allege vt.宣称,断言,提出……作为理由[T8] , ( 7166 , leg₁ , )
    →[oew]→ allegation n.主张,断言;辩解[T9]。 ( 4537 )
    ambage x , ( x )
    ambiguous 四处走的adj.模拟两可的[T8] , ( 6712 , ag , ag行动 )
    assay n.化验 v.化验 , ( 13279 , ag , _ )
    cache v.贮藏,隐藏.n.藏物处 , ( 8928 , ag , _ )
    coagulum 凝结物 , ( x )
    cogent 有说服力的 , ( 52966 , )
    essay n.文章,短文 , ( 2390 , ag , _ )
    exact a.确切的,正确的,精确的 , ( 2778 , ag , ag行动 )
    exacta 正序连赢 , ( x )
    examine v.检查,调查;对…进行考试 , ( 1267 , ag , _ )
    →[考研]→ exam n.考试,测验 ( 4263 )
    exigent 紧急的 , ( 40028 )
    exiguous 稀少的,不够的 , ( 54235 , )
    fumigate 烟熏 , ( 54670 , )
    fustigate 用棍棒打,抨击 , ( 54696 , )
    intransigent 不愿妥协的 , ( 56172 , )
    levigate 光滑的 , ( x )
    litigate vt.在法庭相争;提出诉讼vi.对簿法庭[T9] , ( 22858 , ag , )
    navigate vi.航行,航空vt.驾驶,航行于[T8] , ( 8931 , ag , )
    objurgate 训斥 , ( x )
    prodigal 挥霍的 , ( 60071 , )
    redact 编辑,编写,删除,去除 , ( 60538 , )
    retroactive adj.反动的,追溯的,有追溯力的,从以往某天开始生效 , ( 23703 , ag , _ )
    squat v.蹲(下).a.矮胖的.n.蹲姿 , ( 10790 , _ , _ )
    transact 交易,买卖 , ( 63132 , )
    variegate 使丰富多彩 , ( x )
  2. ←from 希腊语 agein , to drive, lead, weigh.
    -agogue x , ( x )
    agony n.(精神或肉体的)极大痛苦,创伤 ; ( 7131 , ag , ag行动 )
    anagoge 理想精神 , ( x )
    antagonize vt.使…敌对;使…对抗;对…起反作用vi.引起反抗[T8][T9] , ( 22715 , ag , _ )
    choragus 指挥 , ( x )
    demagogue 蛊惑民心的政客 , ( 53497 , )
    epact 闰余 , ( x )
    glucagon 胰高血糖素 , ( x )
    hypnagogic 催眠的 , ( x )
    mystagogue 神秘教义信仰者 , ( x )
    →[oew]→ mystic adj.神秘的;神秘主义的 n.神秘主义者[T8]。 ( 18441 )
    pedagogue 教师,好为人师的人 , ( 59263 , )
    protagonist n.主角,主要选手[T8] , ( 10127 , ag , agon竞争 )
    stratagem 战略,策略 , ( 62254 , )
    synagogue n.犹太人集会,犹太教会堂,犹太教 , ( 11624 , ag , agogue领导者 )
  3. 带后缀形式: *ag-to- . ←from 拉丁语 ambactus , servant, ←from Celtic *amb(i)-ag-to- , "one who goes around" ( *ambi , around; see ambʰi ).
    ambassador n.大使;特使,(派驻国际组织的)代表 , ( 4752 , ag , _ )
    embassage 大使 , ( x )
    embassy n.大使馆;大使及其随员 , ( 5510 , ag , _ )
  4. 带后缀形式: *ag-ti- , whence adjective *ag-ty-o- , "weighty. ←from 希腊语 axios , worth, worthy, of like value, weighing as much.
    axiom n.[数]公理 ; ( 21532 , ag , _ )
    axiology 价值论 , ( x )
    chronaxie 时值 , ( x )
  5. Possibly 带后缀形式: *ag-ro- , driving, pursuing, grabbing. ←from 希腊语 agrā , a seizing.
    pellagra 糙皮病 , ( 59291 , )
    podagra 痛风 , ( x )
  6. o级 带后缀形式: *og-mo- , furrow, track, metaphorically "incised line. ←from 古爱尔兰 Ogma (from Celtic *Ogmios ), name of a Celtic god and traditional inventor of the ogham alphabet.
    ogham 欧甘字母表 , ( 58739 , )
[Pokorny ag̑- 4.]
See also derivative agro- .
reaction n.反应,反作用 (Lat,101426)
interaction n.交互作用 (Lat,102104)
interactive adj.交互式的;相互作用的[T9] (Lat,105611)
enact vt.颁布,制定(法律);扮演[T8] (Lat,106514)
reactor n.反应器,反应堆,起反应的人[T6] (Lat,106686)
ambiguity n.含糊;不明确;暧昧;模棱两可的话[T9] (Lat,106942)
activation n.激活;活化作用[T9] (Lat,110825)
reactive a.反应的,反作用的 (Lat,111559)
agitation n.激动;搅动;煽动;烦乱[T6] (Lat,111642)
mitigate v.(使)缓和,(使)减轻[T8] (Lat,112185)
inactive a.不活动的,怠惰的 (Lat,112853)
enactment n.制定,颁布;通过;法令[T9] (Lat,112890)
counteract vt.抵消;中和;阻碍[T8] (Lat,113165)
proactive adj.前摄的,积极主动的,主动出击的,先发制人的 (Lat,113462)
reactionary adj.保守的,反动的;反动主义的;反对改革的n.反动分子;反动派;保守派[T8] (Lat,113743)
purge v.净化,清洗,通便n.泻药,净化[T8] (Lat,115658)
inaction n.无行动,不活动,无为,怠惰,迟钝 (Lat,118770)
activator n.催化剂;活化剂;激活剂;触媒剂[T9] (Lat,118901)
agility n.敏捷;灵活;机敏[T8] (Lat,119166)
actuality n.现状;现实;事实[T9] (Lat,119183)
interagency 跨部门的 (Lat,119520)
actuator n.激励者,电脑执行机构,电(电磁铁)螺线管,机促动器 (Lat,119967)
agitator n.<贬>(尤指政治变革的)鼓动者,煽动者,搅拌器,搅拌机 (Lat,122747)
transactional adj.交易的,业务的; (社会交往中)相互作用的 (Lat,124908)
actuarial adj.保险精算师的,保险精算的 (Lat,127864)
coagulation n.凝结,凝结物 (Lat,129062)
actionable adj.可控告的 (Lat,129198)
actuation n.刺激,冲动,吸合 (Lat,135353)
redaction n.编写,拟订,编辑,校订 (Lat,135498)
fumigation n.烟熏,熏蒸,忿恨 (Lat,135960)
coagulant n.凝结剂 (Lat,136413)
variegation n.上色,彩色,斑,彩斑 (Lat,137429)
cogency n.(理论、议论等的)说服力,中肯切题 (Lat,137575)
purgation n.<正>清除,净化,消除不良影响,通便 (Lat,138474)
deactivation n.钝化(作用),惰性化,非活动化,去活化 (Lat,138766)
examen n.每日的反省 (Lat,141132)
castigation n.严厉的责骂、批评或惩罚,修订 (Lat,142089)
cogitation n.仔细思考,计划,设计 (Lat,145196)
counteraction n.反对的行动,抵抗,反动 (Lat,147206)
castigate 严厉批评 (Lat,152641)
coagulate 凝结 (Lat,152930)
cogitate 慎重思考 (Lat,152967)
deactivate 使停止工作 (Lat,153410)
disambiguate 使消除歧义 (Lat,153667)
exigency 紧急,迫切 (Lat,154234)
expurgate 纯化 (Lat,154259)
indefatigable 不知疲倦的 (Lat,155952)
inexact 不准确的 (Lat,155996)
prodigality 浪费,挥霍 (Lat,160073)
purgative 泻药,通便药物 (Lat,160235)
purgatory 洗涤罪恶,炼狱,折磨,磨难 (Lat,160236)
reagent 试剂 (Lat,160480)
abaction (Lat,)
abactor (Lat,)
actant (Lat,)
actio (Lat,)
actionary (Lat,)
actuose (Lat,)
agentive (Lat,)
agible (Lat,)
agitative (Lat,)
agitato (Lat,)
ambages (Lat,)
ambaginous (Lat,)
ambagious (Lat,)
coact (Lat,)
coaction (Lat,)
coactive (Lat,)
coagency (Lat,)
coagent (Lat,)
coagment (Lat,)
coagmentation (Lat,)
cogitability (Lat,)
cogitable (Lat,)
cogitabund (Lat,)
cogitative (Lat,)
cogitator (Lat,)
compurgation (Lat,)
counteragent (Lat,)
counterreaction (Lat,)
disambiguation (Lat,)
enactor (Lat,)
entracte (Lat,)
excogitate (Lat,)
indagate (Lat,)
peract (Lat,)
precogitation (Lat,)
prodigence (Lat,)
purgament (Lat,)
reenact (Lat,)
reenactment (Lat,)
reenactor (Lat,)
reexamine (Lat,)
retroact (Lat,)
retroaction (Lat,)
subact (Lat,)
subaction (Lat,)
transactivation (Lat,)
transactivator (Lat,)
strategy n.战略,策略;对策,政策 (Greek,100915)
pedagogy n.教育,教育学,教学法[T8] (Greek,115493)
antagonist n.敌手 (Greek,120339)
axiomatic adj.<正>公理的,不证自明的,原则的,格言的 (Greek,129609)
axiogenesis (Greek,)
;...003, agh- 天辰光
A day (considered as a span of time). 最初形式: *ag̑h- , becoming *agh- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. ←from 古英语 dæg , day;
    day n.天,一昼夜;白昼,白天;时期,时代 ; ( 104 , agher , _ )
    →[考研]→ daylight n.日光,白昼,黎明。 ( 5870 )
    →[考研]→ daytime n.白天,日间 ( 7895 )
    daisy n.雏菊,第一流的,一流的人物 Daisy 戴西(女子名) , ( 15356 , agher , _ )
    today ad.在今天;现今,在当代n.今天;现在 , ( 232 , agher , _ )
  2. ←from 高地德语 tag , day;
    Landtag 州议会 , ( x )
  3. ←from 古英语 denominative dagian , to dawn.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *dagaz (with initial d- of obscure origin), day.
    dawn n.黎明,拂晓v.破晓;开始现出 , ( 3802 , agher , _ )
[Pokorny ā̆g̑her- 7.]
;...004, agro- 干农田
Field. Probably a derivative of ag- . 最初形式: *ag̑ro- , becoming *agro- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. ←from 古英语 æcer , field, acre, ←from 日耳曼语 *akraz .
    acre n.英亩;田地;地产 , ( 13013 , ag , _ )
    →[oew]→ acreage n.英亩数,面积 ( 16696 )
  2. ←from 拉丁语 ager (genitive agrī ), earlier *agros , district, property, field.
    aerie 鹰巢 , ( 51596 , )
    agrarian adj.土地的,有关土地的[T8] ; ( 11653 , ag , agri农耕 )
    agriculture n.农业,农艺,农耕 , ( 3019 , ag , )
    peregrine 游隼 , ( 59345 , )
    pilgrim n.圣地朝拜者,朝圣 , ( 11793 , ag , _ )
  3. ←from 希腊语 agros , field, and agrios , wild.
    agria 华奥 , ( x )
    agro- 农业 ; ( x )
    agrostology 草本学 , ( x )
    onager 弩炮 , ( x )
    stavesacre x , ( x )
[In Pokorny ag̑- 4.]
agricultural adj.农业的,农艺的[T3] (Lat,102545)
pilgrimage n.朝圣 vi.朝拜,朝圣 (Lat,108782)
nonagricultural adj.非农业的 (Lat,130625)
agrestal (Lat,)
nonagrarian (Lat,)
peragration (Lat,)
peregrinus (Lat,)
;...005, aik- 该有
To be master of, possess. 最初形式: *h₂eik̑- , 变形 为: *h₂aik̑- , becoming *aik̑- in satem languages and *aik- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. ←from 古英语 āgan , to possess, ←from 日耳曼语 *aigan , to possess.
    ought aux.应该(使用时,之后应接to,再接动词原形) , ( 1638 , eik , _ )
    owe v.欠(债等),应向…付出,归功于,得感谢 , ( 3461 , eik , _ )
    →[考研]→ owing a.欠的,未付的。 ( 15422 )
    1. ←from 古英语 āgen , one's own;
      own a.(用在所有格后面,加强语气)自己的 , ( 136 , eik , _ )
    2. ←from 高地德语 eigan , one's own. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 participial form *aiganaz , possessed, owned.
      eigenvalue 特征值 , ( 24979 )
      eigenvector 特征向量 , ( x )
  2. ←from Middle 低地德语 and 中古荷兰语 vrecht , vracht , "earnings," hire for a ship, freight, ←from 日耳曼语 prefixed form *fra-aihtiz , absolute possession, property ( *fra- , intensive prefix; see per₁ ).
    fraught adj.充满...的 , ( 12434 , eik , _ )
    freight n.货物,货运,运费 , ( 7683 , eik , _ )
  3. Reduplicated 零级 (perfect) form *h₂e-h₂ik- , remade to *h₂i-h₂ik- (> *īk- ). ←from 梵语 īṣṭe , he rules over.
    Ganesh x , ( x )
[Pokorny ēik- 298.]
;...006, aim- 影模
Copy. 最初形式: *h₂eim- , 变形 为: *h₂aim- .
  1. Suffixed 全级形式 *aim-olo- . ←from 拉丁语 aemulus , emulous.
    emulate vt.仿真;模仿;尽力赶上;同…竞争n.仿真;仿效[T8] , ( 10599 , im , _ )
    emulous 竞争心强的 , ( x )
  2. 零级形式 *h₂im- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 imitāre , to imitate, ←from 带后缀形式: *im-eto- ;
      imitate v.模仿,仿效;仿造,伪造 ; ( 7378 , im , _ )
      →[考研]→ imitation n.模仿,仿造;仿制品[T6]。 ( 7735 )
      inimitable 无法仿效的 , ( 56046 , )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 imāgō , image.
      image n.形象,声誉;印象;像;形象的描述,比喻 , ( 664 , im , _ )
      imagine v.想象,设想,料想 , ( 998 , _ , _ )
      →[考研]→ imaginary a.想象的,虚构的。 ( 6918 )
      →[考研]→ imagination n.想象(力);空想,幻觉;想象出来的事物。 ( 2783 )
      →[考研]→ imaginative adj.虚构的;富于想像的;有创造力的[T9]。 ( 6861 )
      imago 无意识意象 , ( 55833 , )
[Not in Pokorny; compare Hittite ḫimma-, ritual substitute.]
imagery n.像,意象,比喻,形象化[T9] (Lat,105965)
emulation n.仿真;竞争;效法[T9] (Lat,119698)
emulator n.仿真器;仿真程序 (Lat,139205)
imagerial (Lat,)
imitable (Lat,)
preimage (Lat,)
subimago (Lat,)
;...007, ais- 问想要
To wish, desire.
最初形式: *h₂eis- , 变形 为: *h₂ais- . 带后缀形式: *ais-sk- .
ask vt.问,询问;请求,要求;邀请,约请 , ( 163 , anghui , _ ) ←from 古英语 āscian , ācsian , to ask, seek, ←from 日耳曼语 *aiskōn .
[Pokorny 1. ais- 16.]
;...008, aiw- 熬长命 , Also ayu- .
Vital force, life, long life, eternity; also "endowed with the acme of vital force, young." 最初形式:s *h₂eiw-, *h₂eyu- , 变形 为: *h₂aiw-, *h₂ayu- .
派生词包括: no ₁, ever , medieval , age , and eon.
    1. ←from 古英语 ā , ever;
      no ad.不是,不a.没有的;不允许n.不,拒绝 , ( 83 , aiu , _ )
      →[考研]→ nobody pron.谁也不,无人 n.小人物。 ( 1277 )
    2. ←from 古英语 āwiht , āuht , anything, "ever a creature";
      aught 任何事物 , ( 36649 )
    3. ←from 古英语 ǣfre (second element obscure), ever;
      ever ad.曾经;永远;在任何时候;究竟 ; ( 288 , aiu , ev年寿 )
      →[考研]→ forever adv.(for ever)永远;总是。 ( 2406 )
      every a.每一个的,每个的;每隔…的;全部的 , ( 173 , aiu , _ )
      →[考研]→ everybody pron.(everyone)每人,人人。 ( 946 )
      →[考研]→ everyday adj.每日的,日常的。 ( 3200 )
      →[考研]→ everyone pron.(everybody)每人,人人,各人。 ( 552 )
      →[考研]→ everything pron.每件事,一切;最重要的东西。 ( 421 )
      →[考研]→ everywhere ad.到处,各处,无论何处。 ( 2094 )
      never ad.永不,从不,决不;从来没有;不,没有 , ( 139 , aiu , _ )
      →[考研]→ nevertheless conj.(nonetheless)然而,不过ad.仍然,不过。 ( 1832 )
    4. ←from 古挪威语 ei , ever.a, c,anddall from extended 日耳曼语 form *aiwi ;b ←from 日耳曼语 *aiwi + *wihti , "ever a thing, anything" ( *wihti- , thing; see wekti- ).
      aye n.赞成票,投赞成票者 int.是 ; ( 5609 , aiu , _ )
      nay adv.[书]不仅如此,而且 n.拒绝,反对,投反对票 adv.[古]否,不 , ( 22572 , ne , _ )
  1. 带后缀形式: *aiw-ā- . ←from Middle 低地德语 echte , true, legitimate, akin to 高地德语 ēohaft , according to custom, ←from ēwa , custom, right (< "what is eternal, what endures") + -haft , having (a characteristic) (see kap- ).
    echt 真正的 , ( x )
    1. 带后缀形式: *aiw-o- . ←from 拉丁语 aevum , age, eternity;
      coeval 同时代的 , ( 52964 , )
      longevity n.长寿[T8] , ( 11905 , aiu , )
      medieval adj.中世纪的[T8] , ( 4068 , aiu , )
      primeval adj.原始的,初期的[T9] , ( 23063 , aiu , ev年寿 )
    2. further 带后缀形式: *aiwo-tā(ti)- . ←from 拉丁语 aetās (stem aetāti- ), age;
      age n.年龄;时代;老年;长时间v.(使)变老 ; ( 351 , aiu , _ )
      coetaneous 同时代的 , ( x )
    3. further 带后缀形式: *aiwo-t-erno- . ←from 拉丁语 aeternus , eternal.
      eternal n.永久的,永恒的 , ( 6220 , aiu , _ )
      eterne 永恒的 , ( x )
      eternity n.来世,来生;不朽;永世[T9] ; ( 9482 , aiu , _ )
      sempiternal 永恒的 , ( x )
  2. 带后缀形式: *aiw-en- . ←from 希腊语 aiōn , age, vital force.
    eon n.永世[T9] , ( 21682 , aiu , _ )
  3. 零级形式 *yu- (earlier *h₂yu- ) in compound *h₂yu-gʷih₃-es- , "having a vigorous life" ( *gʷih₃-es- , life; see gʷei- ). ←from 希腊语 hugiēs , healthy.
    hygiene n.卫生,卫生学 , ( 9376 , guei , _ )
  4. o级形式 *oyu- (earlier *h₂oyu- ).
    1. ←from 希腊语 ou , not, variant of ouk , probably from a pre-希腊语 phrase *(ne) oyu (kʷid) , "(not on your) life" ( ne , not, and *kʷid , finite pronoun used as emphasizing particle; see ne , kʷo- );
      utopia 无有之地n.乌托邦;理想国[T8] , ( 17096 , moro , _ )
    2. ←from 梵语 āyuḥ , life, health, ←from 带后缀形式: *oyu-s- .
      Ayurveda 阿育吠陀 , ( x )
[Pokorny aiu̯- 17.]
See also derivative yeu- .
mediaeval adj.中世纪的,中古时代的,中古风的 (Lat,139157)
coetaneity (Lat,)
coeternal (Lat,)
coevality (Lat,)
eviternal (Lat,)
grandevity (Lat,)
grandevous (Lat,)
longevous (Lat,)
nonage (Lat,)
premediaeval (Lat,)
primaeval (Lat,)
;...009, ak- 刻锐利
Sharp. 最初形式: *h₂ek̑- , 变形 为: *h₂ak̑- , becoming *ak̑- in satem languages and *ak- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: acute , hammer , heaven , eager ₁, vinegar , acid , and oxygen.
  1. 带后缀形式: *ak-yā- .
    1. ←from 古英语 ecg , sharp side, ←from 日耳曼语 *agjō ;
      edge n.边,棱;刀口,刃v.侧身移动,挤进 ; ( 1011 , ak , _ )
      selvage 织物布边 , ( 61322 , )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 eggja , to incite, goad, ←from 日耳曼语 *agjan .
      egg n.蛋;卵;卵形物 , ( 1660 , ak , _ )
  2. 带后缀形式: *ak-u- .
    1. ←from 古英语 æhher , ēar , spike, ear of grain, ←from 日耳曼语 *ahuz- ;
      ear n.耳,耳朵;听力,听觉;穗 , ( 1541 , ak , _ )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 acus , needle;
      acicula , ( x )
      acuity n.敏锐,尖锐,剧烈[T8] , ( 18817 , _ , acu针 )
      aculeate 有刺的 , ( x )
      acumen n.敏锐,聪明[T8] , ( 22773 , ak , acu针 )
      acupuncture 用尖来刺:n.针灸,针灸疗法vt.对……实施针灸[T9] , ( 18935 , ak , )
      acute a.剧烈的;敏锐的;成锐角的;尖的,高音的 , ( 4220 , ak , _ )
      aglet 肩带 , ( x )
      ague 疟疾 , ( 51629 , )
      eglantine 野蔷薇的一种 , ( x )
    3. ←from 拉丁语 acus , chaff.
      acerose 针状的 , ( x )
  3. 带后缀形式: *ak-i- . ←from 希腊语 akis , needle.
    acidanthera x , ( x )
  4. 带后缀形式: *ak-men- , stone, sharp stone used as a tool, with metathetic variant *ka-men- , with variant *ka-mer- .
    1. ←from 古英语 hamor ;
      hammer n.铁锤,槌,榔头v.锤击,敲打 , ( 6487 , ak , _ )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 hamer , hammer. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *hamaraz .
      hamerkop x , ( x )
    3. probable variant *ke-men-. ←from 古英语 heofon , hefn , heaven, ←from 日耳曼语 *hibin- , "the stony vault of heaven," dissimilated form of *himin- .
      heaven n.天,天空,天堂;(Heaven)上帝,神 , ( 2798 , kam , _ )
  5. 带后缀形式: *ak-onā- , independently created in:
    1. ←from 古挪威语 ögn , ear of grain, and 古英语 agen , ear of grain, ←from 日耳曼语 *aganō ; and;
      awn , ( x )
    2. ←from 希腊语 akonē , whetstone.
      paragon 用来对比的试金石:模范,完美之物adj.完美的[T8] , ( 24126 , ak , _ )
  6. Also built to the root form *ak- with a suffix containing -n- (although the formation is obscure) is 梵语 aśani- , arrowhead, thunderbolt:
    anaconda 南美大蟒蛇 . ( 51719 , )
  7. Suffixed lengthened form *āk-ri- . ←from 拉丁语 ācer , sharp, bitter.
    acerate 针状的 , ( x )
    acrid adj.辛辣的,刻薄的[T8] , ( 23190 , ak , acid尖酸 )
    →[oew]→ acronym 名称的开头字母 : n.首字母缩略词[T8]。 ( 17724 )
    acrimony 尖刻 , ( 51561 , )
    eager a.(for)渴望的,热切的 ; ( 3272 , ak , _ )
    carvacrol 香芹酚 , ( x )
    vinegar n.醋 , ( 6172 , ak , _ )
  8. 带后缀形式: *ak-ri-bʰwo- . ←from 拉丁语 acerbus , bitter, sharp, tart.
    acerbic 尖刻的 , ( 51553 , )
    exacerbate vt.使加剧,使恶化,激怒[T8] , ( 10041 , eghs , _ )
  9. Suffixed (stative) form *ak-ē- . ←from 拉丁语 acēre , to be sharp.
    acid n.酸,酸性物质a.酸的,酸味的;尖刻的 , ( 2442 , ak , acid尖酸 )
  10. 带后缀形式: *ak-ēto- . ←from 拉丁语 acētum , vinegar.
    acetabulum 髋臼 , ( x )
    acetic 醋酸 , ( 33996 )
    acetum 醋酸溶液 ; ( x )
    ester , ( 24505 )
  11. 带后缀形式: *ak-mā- . ←from 希腊语 akmē , point.
    acme 顶峰 , ( 51559 , )
    acne n.痤疮,粉刺 , ( 17514 , ak , _ )
  12. 带后缀形式: *ak-ro- . ←from 希腊语 akros , topmost.
    acro- 顶点 ; ( x )
    acrobat 高空行走者:n.杂技演员,善变者[T8] , ( 22178 , ak , )
    acromion 肩峰 , ( x )
  13. o级形式 *ok- (from earlier *h₂ok- ) in 带后缀形式: *ok-ri- . ←from 拉丁语 ocris , rugged mountain.
    mediocre 山的中部:adj.中等的,平凡的,平庸的[T8] , ( 14366 , ak , )
  14. Suffixed o级形式 *ok-su- . ←from 希腊语 oxus , sharp, sour.
    amphioxus 文昌鱼 , ( x )
    oxalis 酢浆草 , ( x )
    oxygen n.氧,氧气 , ( 3659 , ak , )
    →[考研]→ oxide n.氧化物 ( 9980 )
    oxytone x , ( x )
    oxyuriasis 蛲虫病 , ( x )
    paroxysm 突然发作,突发症 , ( 59170 , )
[Pokorny 2. ak̑- 18, 3. k̑em- 556.]
cute a.可爱的,聪明的 (Lat,105737)
acidity n.酸性,酸度,酸过多,胃酸过多[T9] (Lat,114759)
acrimonious adj.辛辣的,严厉的,刻薄的,剧烈的 (Lat,124920)
exacerbation n.恶化,激怒,增剧,转剧 (Lat,127342)
acetate 醋酸盐 (Latin,151555)
acetone 丙酮 (Latin,151556)
triacetate (Latin,)
acerbity (Lat,)
acescent (Lat,)
acicular (Lat,)
acridine (Lat,)
acridity (Lat,)
acritude (Lat,)
acrity (Lat,)
acrolein (Lat,)
aculeolate (Lat,)
aculeus (Lat,)
acuminate (Lat,)
acusector (Lat,)
acutance (Lat,)
acutifoliate (Lat,)
acutilingual (Lat,)
acutilobate (Lat,)
aiguille (Lat,)
nonacuity (Lat,)
peracid (Lat,)
peracute (Lat,)
subacute (Lat,)
dioxide n.二氧化物 (Greek,105251)
monoxide n.一氧化物 (Greek,113519)
acrobatics n.杂技,杂技艺术,特技飞行,巧妙手法 (Greek,127299)
anoxic adj.缺氧的 (Greek,135627)
anoxia n.缺氧症 (Greek,139037)
acropolis 卫城(雅典) (Greek,151562)
acrostic 藏头诗,离合诗 (Greek,151563)
hypoxia 低氧,缺氧 (Greek,155768)
oxymoron 矛盾修辞法 (Greek,159012)
acmeism (Greek,)
acmesthesia (Greek,)
acmic (Greek,)
acrochordon (Greek,)
acromegalia (Greek,)
acromegaly (Greek,)
acrophobia (Greek,)
acroterion (Greek,)
acrotomophilia (Greek,)
oxyanion (Greek,)
oxyhalide (Greek,)
oxyntic (Greek,)
pentoxide (Greek,)
polyoxide (Greek,)
tetraoxygen (Greek,)
tetroxide (Greek,)
trioxide (Greek,)
;...010, akʷ-ā- 水库
  1. ←from 古英语 īg , īeg , island, ←from 日耳曼语 *aujō , "thing on the water," from *agʷjō .
    ait n.[英方]河中的小岛;湖中小岛;河中小岛 ; ( x )
    island n.岛,岛屿;(道路上的)交通安全岛 , ( 1346 , akua , )
  2. ←from 拉丁语 aqua , water.
    aqua , ( 51826 , )
    aquarelle 水彩画 , ( x )
    aquarium n.水族馆,养鱼池,鱼缸[T9] , ( 7781 , akua , aqua水 )
    aquatic adj.水上的,水生的n.水上运动,水生动植物[T8] , ( 9086 , akua , aqua水 )
    aqui- x , ( x )
    ewer 大口水壶 , ( 54213 , )
    gouache 广告色画颜料 ; ( 54963 , )
    aguafresca 阿瓜fresca , ( x )
    aguardiente x , ( 49075 )
    aquamarine 海蓝色的 , ( 51827 , )
    aquatint 飞尘腐蚀法 , ( 51830 , )
    aquavit 烧酒 , ( 42372 )
    aqueduct 高架渠 , ( 51831 , )
    sewer n.排水沟,下水道 , ( 10522 , akua , _ )
[Pokorny aku̯ā- 23.]
sewage n.污水,污物,下水道 (Lat,107334)
aquifer n.蓄水层[T8] (Lat,116846)
aquaculture n.水产养殖,水产业[T9] (Lat,119637)
aqueous adj.水的,水成的 (Lat,126704)
semiaquatic adj.半水生的,半水栖的 (Lat,149884)
sewerage 排水系统 (Lat,161392)
Aquarius (Lat,)
acquacotta (Lat,)
akvavit (Lat,)
aqua vitae (Lat,)
aquamanile (Lat,)
aquarial (Lat,)
aquatile (Lat,)
aquiferous (Lat,)
aquiform (Lat,)
;...011, al-₁ 高超
Beyond. 最初形式: probably *h₂el- , 变形 为: *h₂al- .
派生词包括: alarm , ultimate , else , alien , alibi , and parallel.
  1. o级形式 *ol- (earlier *h₂ol- ), "beyond."
    1. Compound forms *ol-se- , *ol-so- ( *so- , pronominal stem; see so- ). ←from 拉丁语 ille (feminine illa , neuter illud ), "yonder," that, ←from Archaic 拉丁语 ollus ;
      alarm n.惊恐;警报(器)vt.惊动,惊吓;向…报警 , ( 3563 , _ , )
      alert a.机警的,警觉的;机灵的vt.使…警觉 , ( 4916 , reg₁ , _ )
      alfresco 在户外的 , ( 51652 , )
      alligator n.产于美洲的鳄鱼 , ( 13275 , al₂ , _ )
      ElNiño 厄尔尼诺现象 , ( x )
      hoopla n.喧闹,投环套物游戏 , ( 22812 , _ , _ )
      lagniappe 免费赠品 , ( 49004 )
      langued'oïl 语言d 'oil , ( x )
      lariat 套索 , ( 32984 )
      voilà , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式:s *ol-s , *ol-tero- . ←from 拉丁语 uls , *ulter , ultrā , beyond.
      outré 荒诞的 , ( x )
      ulterior 隐秘的 , ( 63369 , )
      ultimate a.最后的,最终的;根本的 , ( 2666 , al₂ , ultim最后 )
      →[oew]→ ultimatum n.最后通牒;最后结论;基本原理[T9]。 ( 17611 )
      ultra- L. ultra-,来自ultra, to a point beyond, on the far side, farther off, beyond向远端的一点,在 远端,远离,超出 , ( x )
      utterance n.意见,说话,发表 , ( 9114 , _ , _ )
  2. 带后缀形式: *al-tero- , "other of two."
    1. ←from 拉丁语 alter , other, other of two;
      alter vt.改变,更改;改做(衣服)vi.改变,变化 , ( 2972 , al₂ , ali其他 )
      →[oew]→ altercation n.争论,口角 ( 24021 )
      altercate 发生口角 , ( x )
      alterity 短语 , ( 31559 )
      alternate v.(使)交替,(使)轮流adj.交替的,轮流的n.替换物[T8] , ( 8523 , al₂ , ali其他 )
      →[考研]→ alternative n.二选一;供选择的东西;取舍 a.二选一的。 ( 1503 )
      altruism n.利他,利他主义[T8] ; ( 19684 , al₂ , ali其他 )
      subaltern 陆军中尉 , ( 62329 , )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 adulterāre , to commit adultery with, pollute, probably from the phrase ad alterum , "(approaching) another (unlawfully)" ( ad , to; see ad- );
      adulterate 掺假 , ( 51591 , )
      adulterine 通奸所生的 , ( x )
      adultery n.通奸[T8] , ( 12129 , al₂ , ali其他 )
    3. variant 带后缀形式: *an-tero- , "other (of two). ←from 古英语 ōther , ←from 日耳曼语 *antharaz .
      o[l]ther adj.别的;其他的;(两个中的)另一个;其余的pron.其他的;(指两个人或事物中的第二个)那个;(指一组中其余的人或事物)其余的;(指与说话人所在位置等相反的方向或地点)另一边n.[the other]对立面;对立的事物 , ( x )
  3. 带后缀形式: *al-eno- . ←from 梵语 araṇa- , foreign.
    Aranyaka 阿兰那 , ( x )
  4. 扩展形式: *alyo- , "other of more than two."
    1. ←from 古英语 el- , elles , else, otherwise, ←from 日耳曼语 *aljaz (with adverbial suffix);
      else ad.其它,另外,别的;[与or连用]否则 ; ( 438 , al₂ , _ )
      →[考研]→ elsewhere ad.在别处,向别处。 ( 1911 )
      eldritch 可畏的 , ( x )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 alius , other of more than two;
      alias 别名 , ( 51656 , )
      alien n.外国人,外星人adj.外国的,相异的,性质不同的vt.让渡,转让[T6] ; ( 4195 , al₂ , ali其他 )
      alibi 其他地方:n.不在犯罪现场的证明,托辞v.辩解,找托辞开脱。源自法律术语“不在犯罪现场”[T8] , ( 16856 , al₂ , ali其他 )
      aliquot 试样,整除 , ( 51659 , )
      hidalgo 绅士 , ( 24451 )
    3. ←from 希腊语 allos , other.
      allo- G. allo-,来自allo, other, different别的,不 ; ( x )
      allegory 另有所指的公开讲话:n.寓言。源自古希腊人在集市上发表讽喻性演讲的做法。[T8] , ( 17122 , al₂ , )
      allelomorph 对偶基因 , ( x )
      allelopathy 相互影响 , ( 49117 )
      morphallaxis 变形再生 , ( x )
      parallax 视差 , ( 59130 , )
      paraallel adj.平行的;相同的,类似的;[电]并联的;[计]并行的adv.平行地,并列地n.平行线(面);相似物;类比;纬线vt.使平行;与…媲美;与…相比;与…相似 , ( x )
      trophallaxis 交哺 , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. al- 24, 2. an 37.]
alteration n.改变[T6] (Lat,108571)
alienation n.异化;疏远;转让;精神错乱;间离效果[T9] (Lat,110317)
alienate vt.使疏远,离间;让与[T8] (Lat,111534)
adulterous adj.通奸的,不贞的 (Lat,125822)
alternation n.交替,轮流,间隔,交替工作,更迭,变换 (Lat,126791)
alternator n.交流发电机 (Lat,129847)
adulteration n.掺假,掺杂,掺假货 (Lat,142336)
alterable adj.可变的,可改的 (Lat,144352)
alienable adj.可让与的 (Lat,150662)
inalienable 不可分割的 (Lat,155900)
penultimate 倒数第二的 (Lat,159321)
abalienate (Lat,)
adulterant (Lat,)
alienability (Lat,)
alter ego (Lat,)
alterability (Lat,)
alterant (Lat,)
alterative (Lat,)
altern (Lat,)
alternant (Lat,)
bialternant (Lat,)
inalienability (Lat,)
inalterable (Lat,)
nonalien (Lat,)
ultima (Lat,)
ultimogeniture (Lat,)
allophone 音位变体 (Greek,151669)
allogenic (Greek,)
allograph (Greek,)
parallactic (Greek,)
;...012, al-₂ 培养
To grow, nourish.
派生词包括: old , haughty , altitude , enhance , alumnus , coalesce , and prolific.
  1. Suffixed (participial) form *al-to- , "grown."
      1. ←from 古英语 eald , ald , old;
        alderman 年长的人:n.市议员,市府参事,资深市政官[T9] , ( 21449 , al₁ , _ )
        old a.年老的;…岁的;长时间的,老的;过去的 , ( 145 , al₁ , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 (comparative) ieldra , eldra , older, elder;
        elder a.年长的,资格老的n.长辈 , ( 3634 , al₁ , _ )
        →[考研]→ elderly a.较老的,年长的n.[the~]到了晚年的人。 ( 2393 )
      3. ←from 古英语 (superlative) ieldesta , eldesta , eldest;
        eldest adj.最年长的,年事最高的 , ( 8012 , al₁ , _ )
      4. 日耳曼语 compound *wer-ald- (see wī-ro- ).a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *alda- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 altus , high ("grown tall"), deep.
      alt x , ( x )
      alto 男声最高音,女声最低音 , ( 51686 , )
      haughty 高傲的,傲慢的 , ( 55244 , )
      hawser 船上的钢缆,缆索 ; ( 55256 , )
      altimeter 高度计 , ( 51685 , )
      altiplano 阿尔蒂普拉诺高原 , ( 33855 )
      altitude n.高度,海拔;[pl.]高处,高地 , ( 6963 , al₁ , alt高 )
      altocumulus 高积云 , ( x )
      altostratus 高层云 , ( x )
      enhance v.提高,增强 , ( 2531 , al₁ , _ )
      exalt 高出来:v.提升,提拔,赞扬,使得意[T8] , ( 22019 , al₁ , alt高 )
      hautboy 高音双簧箫 , ( x )
  2. 带后缀形式: *al-mo- . ←from 拉丁语 almus , nurturing, nourishing.
    almamater 母校 ,母校 ( 51674 , )
  3. 带后缀形式: *al-o- . ←from 拉丁语 alere , to nourish, and alumnus , fosterling, step-child, originally a participle of alere ("being nourished," < *al-o-mno- ).
    adolescent n.青少年adj.青春期的[T8] , ( 3846 , al₁ , al滋养 )
    adult n.成年人a.成年的,充分长成的,成熟的 , ( 1021 , al₁ , al滋养 )
    alible 有营养的 , ( x )
    aliment 食物 , ( x )
    alimony (离婚后一方给另一方的)生活费 , ( 51658 , )
    altricial 晚成雏 , ( x )
    alumnus 被抚养者:n.男校友,男毕业生。源自古人将孩子送到老师家里生活学艺的做法[T9] ; ( 10359 , al₁ , _ )
    coalesce 一起成长vi.合并;结合;联合vt.使联合;使合并[T8] , ( 16886 , _ , _ )
  4. Suffixed (causative) form *ol-eye- . ←from 拉丁语 abolēre , to retard the growth of, abolish ( ab- , from ; see apo- ).
    abolish vt.废除(法律、习惯等);取消 , ( 7501 , al₁ , _ )
  5. Compound form *pro-al- ( pro- , forth; see per₁ ). ←from 拉丁语 prōlēs , offspring.
    proletarian 无产者,无产阶级 , ( 60088 , )
    proliferous 增生的 , ( x )
    prolific 生产后代:adj.多产的,多育的,丰富的[T8] , ( 11364 , al₁ , al滋养 )
  6. 扩展形式: *aldʰ- . ←from 希腊语 althein , althainein , to get well.
    althea 蜀葵属植物 , ( x )
[Pokorny 2. al- 26.]
coalition n.联合;结合,合并[T8] (Lat,102461)
altar 高台:n.祭坛,圣坛,圣餐台[T9] (Lat,106187)
adolescence n.青春期[T8] (Lat,107762)
contralto n.女低音,女低音歌手 (Lat,133203)
coalescence n.合并,接合,联合,合生,聚结,愈合 (Lat,134290)
coalitional adj.coalition(联合,结合;结合体)的变形 (Lat,136955)
altitudinal adj.高度的,标高的 (Lat,137945)
alimentary adj.食物的,营养的 (Lat,142144)
exaltation 晋升,兴奋 (Lat,154214)
alimental (Lat,)
alimentation (Lat,)
alimonious (Lat,)
altiloquent (Lat,)
altissimo (Lat,)
coalescent (Lat,)
coalite (Lat,)
;...013, al-₃ 全有
All. 日耳曼语 and Celtic root.
  1. 带后缀形式: *al-na- .
    1. ←from 古英语 all , eall , eal- , al- , all;
      all a.全部的;非常的ad.完全地,很pron.全部 ; ( 43 , ol₂ , _ )
      →[oew]→ allspice 多香果。 ( 51672 )
      albeit conj.虽然 , ( 6056 , ol₂ , _ )
      already ad.已,已经,早已 , ( 292 , ol₂ , _ )
      also ad.而且(也),此外(还);同样地 , ( 86 , ol₂ , _ )
      although conj.尽管,虽然...但是 , ( 271 , ol₂ , _ )
      →[oew]→ altogether ad.完全,总之,全部地;总共;总而言之。 ( 3190 )
      always ad.总是,无例外地;永远,始终 , ( 198 , uegh , _ )
      as ad.同样地conj.由于;像...一样prep.作为 , ( 26 , _ , _ )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 allr , all. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *allaz .
      Althing 阿尔庭 , ( x )
  2. 日耳曼语 *ala- , all, in compound *Ala-manniz (see man-₁ ).
[In Pokorny 1. al- 24.]
;...014, albʰo- 阿白
派生词包括: elf , oaf , and albino.
  1. Possibly 日耳曼语 *albiz , *albaz , elf, if meaning "white ghostly apparition."
    1. ←from 古英语 ælf , elf;
      elf n.小精灵,矮人,淘气鬼,恶作剧的人,恶人 , ( 16336 , _ , _ )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 alfr , elf;
      oaf 呆子,畸形儿 , ( 58646 , )
    3. ←from Danish elv, elf;
      Erl-king 魔王》 , ( x )
    4. ←from 古法语 Auberon , ←from a source akin to 高地德语 Alberich .
      Oberon 奥伯龙 , ( x )
  2. ←from 古英语 -elfen , elf, possibly ←from 日耳曼语 *albinjō .
    elfin 小巧玲珑的 , ( 54007 , )
    elven 精灵 , ( 28879 )
  3. ←from 拉丁语 albus , white.
    abele 银白杨 , ( x )
    alb n.白麻布圣职衣;僧袍 , ( x )
    albedo 反照率 , ( 32807 )
    albescent 变白的 , ( x )
    albino 白化病 , ( 51643 , )
    albite 钠长石 , ( x )
    album n.(同一表演者的)集锦密纹唱片;集邮册,相册 , ( 2505 , albʰ , _ )
    albumen 蛋白 , ( 51645 , )
    aubade 晨歌 , ( x )
    auburn n.赤褐色 adj.赤褐色的 ; ( 22692 , albʰ , _ )
    daub 涂沫 , ( 53405 , )
[Pokorny albʰo- 30.]
albumin n.清蛋白,白蛋白 (Lat,132248)
alba (Lat,)
albarium (Lat,)
;...015, alu- 醉酒巫
In words related to sorcery, magic, possession, and intoxication.
带后缀形式: *alu-t- .
ale n.淡色啤酒(较一般啤酒含更多的酒精) , ( 10644 , alu , _ ) ←from 古英语 ealu , ←from 日耳曼语 *aluth- .
[Pokorny alu- 33.]
;...016, ambʰi 二逼 , Also m̥bʰi .
Around. Probably derived from *ant-bʰi , "from both sides" (see ant- ).
  1. 缩减形式 *bʰi .
    1. ←from 古英语 bi , , be , by;
      by prep.被;凭借;经由;由于ad.在近旁;经过 ; ( 22 , ambʰi , _ )
      abaft 在船尾 , ( x )
      but conj.但是prep.除...以外ad.只,才,仅仅 , ( 23 , ambʰi , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 be- , on all sides, be-, also intensive prefix;
      be- OE. be-,来自be, bi, by, near旁,近旁 , ( x )
    3. ←from 中古荷兰语 bie , by;
      beleaguer , ( x )
    4. ←from 高地德语 bi , by, at.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *bi , *bi- (intensive prefix).
      bivouac 临时露营 , ( 52206 , )
    1. ←from 古英语 ymbe , around;
      EmberDay x , ( x )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 um(b) , about, around;
      ombudsman n.调查官员舞弊情况的政府官员 , ( 19105 , ambʰ , _ )
    3. ←from 高地德语 umbi , around.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *umbi .
      umlaut 变音符,元音变换 , ( 63378 , )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 ambi- , around, about;
      ambi- L. ambi, around, on both sides, both围绕,两 , ( x )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 amb- , around, about, in ambulāre , to go about, walk ( *alāre , to go).
      alley n.小路,巷,(花园里两边有树篱的)小径 , ( 5313 , al₃ , _ )
      alley-oop 吭唷 , ( 48099 )
      ambulance n.救护车,救护船,救护飞机 , ( 5215 , ambʰi , ambi行走 )
      ambulate 走动 , ( 40984 )
      andante 行板(速度稍缓) ; ( 51727 , )
      funambulist 走绳索的人 , ( 54671 , )
      perambulate 漫步 , ( x )
      preamble n.序文,电报报头,前言vi.作序文[T8] , ( 22235 , al₃ , ambi行走 )
  2. ←from 希腊语 amphi , around, about.
    amphi- L. amphi-, around, on both sides环绕,两边 , ( x )
  3. Celtic *ambi , around, in compound *amb(i)-ag-to- (see ag- ).
[Pokorny ambʰi 34.]
amble 四处走v.n.(马的)漫步,缓行[T8] (Lat,117937)
ambulatory adj.& n.走动的,流动的,非固定的回廊 (Lat,123968)
circumambulation (Lat,)
;...017, an- 安在
  1. 扩展形式: *ana .
      1. ←from 古英语 an , on , a , on, and prefixed on- ;
        on a.连接上prep.在…上;靠近ad.向前,继续 ; ( 16 , _ , _ )
        →[考研]→ onto prep.在...上面;到...上面。 ( 1028 )
        acknowledge vt.承认;接受;告知(信件等的)收到;答谢 , ( 2067 , gn , _ )
        alike a.同样的,相像的ad.一样地;同程度地  , ( 4422 , leig₁ , _ )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 ā , in, on;
        aloft ad.在高处,在上,在空中 , ( 16489 , _ , _ )
        amiss adj.有毛病的,出差错的 adv.错误的 , ( 13267 , _ , _ )
      3. ←from 高地德语 ana- , on;
        anlage 原基 , ( x )
        Anschluss 联合 , ( x )
      4. ←from 中古荷兰语 aen , on.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *ana , *anō .
        onslaught n.冲击 , ( 12205 , slak , _ )
    1. ←from 希腊语 ana , on, up, at the rate of.
      ana 安娜 , ( x )
      ana- G. ana-,来自ana,up,on向上,在上 , ( x )
  2. 变化形式*no . ←from 古教会斯拉夫语 na , in, on, to, ←from Slavic *na .
    naprapathy 推拿疗法 , ( x )
[Pokorny 4. an 39.]
;...018, anᵊ- 孔呼吸
To breathe. 最初形式: *h₂enh₁- , 变形 为: *h₂anh₁- .带后缀形式: *h₂anh₁-mo- .
  1. ←from 拉丁语 animus , reason, mind, spirit, and anima , soul, spirit, life, breath;
    anima n.内心;灵魂;灵气;(男性的)女性特征 , ( 28323 )
    animadvert 批判 , ( x )
    →[oew]→ animation n.动画,动漫,激励,生气,活泼[T8]。 ( 9075 )
    animal n.动物,野兽,牲畜a.动物的,野兽的 , ( 722 , ane , anim气息 )
    animate vt.使有生气,使活泼,鼓舞adj.有生命的[T8] , ( 16431 , ane , anim气息 )
    animato 活跃的 , ( x )
    animism 万物有灵论 , ( 51747 , )
    animosity n.憎恶,仇恨,敌意[T8] , ( 15836 , ane , anim气息 )
    animus 敌意 ; ( 51748 , )
    equanimity 平静 , ( 54132 , )
    longanimity 坚忍 , ( x )
    magnanimous 宽宏的,大度的 , ( 57324 , )
    pusillanimous 胆怯的 , ( 60250 , )
    unanimous 心意一致的:adj.全体一致的,无异议的[T8] , ( 9399 , ane , anim气息 )
  2. ←from 希腊语 anemos , wind.
    anemo- x , ( x )
    anemone 风信子 , ( 51731 , )
[Pokorny 3. an(ᵊ)- 38.]
inanimate adj.无生命的;无生气的[T8] (Lat,120923)
animator n.动画片绘制者 (Lat,123150)
unanimity n.同意,全体一致[T8] (Lat,123880)
pusillanimity 胆怯 (Lat,160249)
reanimate 重生,复活 (Lat,160489)
animadversion (Lat,)
animalcule (Lat,)
animose (Lat,)
equanimous (Lat,)
exanimate (Lat,)
multanimous (Lat,)
nonunanimous (Lat,)
;...019, angh- 角刺痛
Tight, painfully constricted, painful. 最初形式: *ang̑h- , becoming *angh- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: anger , hangnail , and quinsy.
  1. ←from 古英语 ang-nægl , "painful spike (in the flesh)," corn, excrescence ( nægl , spike; see nogh- ), ←from 日耳曼语 *ang- , compressed, hard, painful.
    agnail 倒刺 , ( x )
    hangnail 指甲根部的倒刺 , ( 55189 , )
  2. 带后缀形式: *angh-os- . ←from 古挪威语 angr , sorrow, grief, ←from 日耳曼语 *angaz .
    anger n.愤怒,气愤vt.使发怒,激怒vi.发怒 , ( 2283 , angh , ang勒死 )
    →[考研]→ angry a.生气的,愤怒的;(天气)风雨交加的。 ( 1688 )
  3. 带后缀形式: *angh-os-ti- . ←from 高地德语 angust , anxiety, ←from 日耳曼语 *angusti- .
    angst n.焦虑,担心 , ( 17418 , angh , _ )
  4. ←from 拉丁语 angere , to strangle, torment.
    anxious a.焦虑的,担心的;急于(得到的),渴望的 , ( 3119 , angh , ang勒死 )
    →[考研]→ anxiety n.挂念,焦虑,焦急,忧虑;渴望,热望。 ( 2421 )
  5. 带后缀形式: *angh-os-to- . ←from 拉丁语 angustus , narrow.
    anguish n.痛苦,苦恼v.(使)极端痛苦[T8] , ( 8871 , angh , ang勒死 )
  6. ←from 希腊语 ankhein , to squeeze, embrace.
    quinsy 扁桃腺炎 , ( x )
  7. ←from 希腊语 ankhonē , a strangling.
    angina 心绞痛 , ( 51735 , )
[Pokorny ang̑h- 42.]
;...020, ansu- 魂灵神
Spirit, demon. 最初形式: *h₂e/onsu- , 变形 为: *h₂a/onsu- .
  1. ←from 古挪威语 āss , god, ←from 日耳曼语 *ansu- .
    Aesir 亚萨神族 ; ( x )
    Asgard 仙宫 , ( x )
  2. Suffixed 零级形式 *n̥su-ro- . ←from Avestan ahura- , spirit, lord.
    AhuraMazda 阿胡玛兹达 , ( x )
    Ormazd 善神 , ( x )
[Pokorny ansu- 48.]
;...021, ant- 早先
Front, forehead. 最初形式: *h₂ent- , 变形 为: *h₂ant-
派生词包括: along , end , advance , and antique.
  1. Inflected form (locative singular) *anti , "against," with derivatives meaning in front of, before; also end.
    1. ←from 古英语 and- , indicating opposition, ←from 日耳曼语 *andi- and *anda- .
      un- 联合国- ; ( x )
      along ad.向前;和...一起,一同prep.沿着,顺着 , ( 461 , ant , )
      →[考研]→ alongside ad.在旁边 prep.和...在一起;在...旁边。 ( 3393 )
    2. ←from 古英语 ende , end, ←from 日耳曼语 *andja- .
      end n.末端,端,梢;目标,目的v.终止,结束 , ( 219 , ant , _ )
      →[考研]→ ending n.结尾,结局。 ( 4383 )
    3. ←from 拉丁语 ante , before, in front of, against.
      ancient a.古代的,古老的,古式的 , ( 1702 , ant , _ )
      ante n.(赌纸牌下的)赌注;已付的金额;分担额;预付款vt.vi.(尤指赌账)付账;付出;支付分担额;付款(通常指不愿意的) , ( 27283 )
      ante- L. ante-, , ( x )
      anterior adj.较早的[T8] ; ( 15015 , ant , )
      advance n.前进,预付vi.前进,进展vt.促进,推进 , ( 1819 , ant , ante先前 )
      →[考研]→ advanced a.超前的,先进的;高级的;开明的;前进的。 ( 2322 )
      advantage n.优点,长处,有利条件;利益,好处 , ( 1196 , ant , _ )
      vanguard n.前锋,先锋,领导者 , ( 14253 , anti , _ )
    4. ←from 希腊语 anti , against, and enantios , opposite.
      anti- L. anti-, against相反,反对 ; ( x )
      enantiomer 对映体 , ( 35169 )
      enantiomorph 对映体 , ( x )
    5. Compound form *anti-ᵊkʷo- (from earlier *h₂anti-h₃kʷo- ) "appearing before, having prior aspect" ( *h₃kʷ- , appearance; see okʷ- ). ←from 拉丁语 antīquus , former, antique.
      antic n.傻里傻气的举动;滑稽的动作,古怪的姿势adj.古怪的,滑稽的;哗众取宠的vi.扮小旦;做滑稽动作 , ( 30209 )
      antique a.古式的,过时的 n.有价值的古物,古董 , ( 6255 , ant , anti反对 )
    6. 缩减形式 *n̥ti- .
      1. ←from 古挪威语 und , until, unto;
        until conj.&prep.直到…为止,在…以前;直到… , ( 238 , anti , _ )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 ont- , away from . Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *und- .
        elope 私奔 , ( 54018 , )
    7. 变化形式*anto- . ←from 梵语 antaḥ , end.
      Vedanta 吠檀多 , ( x )
  2. Probable inflected form (ablative plural) *ant-bʰi , "from both sides," whence *ambʰi , around. See ambʰi .
[Pokorny ant-s 48.]
enantiomerism (Greek,)
enantiornithine (Greek,)
;...022, apo- 抛分离 , Also ap- .
Off, away.
派生词包括: off , ebb , awkʷard , puny , and compote.
    1. ←from 古英语 of , æf , off;
      of prep.…的;在…之中;用…制的;关于…的 , ( 2 , ap , _ )
      off ad.离开;在远处;脱开prep.从,从...离开 , ( 165 , ap , _ )
      →[考研]→ offset vt.补偿,抵消 ( 6448 )
      →[考研]→ offspring n.儿女,子孙 ( 6529 )
      offal 动物内脏 , ( 58720 , )
    2. ←from 古英语 ebba , low tide;
      ebb n.退,弱,退潮,衰落 vi.潮退,衰退 , ( 14629 , ap , _ )
    3. ←from 高地德语 aba , off, away from ;
      ablaut 元音交替 , ( x )
    4. ←from 古英语 æftan , behind, ←from 日耳曼语 *aftan- .a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *af .
      aft adv.在船尾 ; ( 19983 , ap , _ )
      abaft 在船尾 , ( x )
  1. ←from 拉丁语 ab , ab- , away from .
    ab- 去,往 , ( 51518 , )
  2. ←from 希腊语 apo , away from , from .
    apo- G. apo-,来自apo, from, away从…出发,向… , ( x )
  3. Suffixed (comparative) form *ap(o)-tero- . ←from 古英语 æfter , after, behind, ←from 日耳曼语 *aftar- .
    after prep.在...以后;在...后面adv.以后,后来 , ( 106 , ap , _ )
    →[考研]→ afternoon n.下午,午后。 ( 1128 )
    →[考研]→ afterward ad.(afterwards)以后,后来。 ( 5441 )
  4. 带后缀形式: *ap-t-is- . ←from 古英语 eft , again, ←from 日耳曼语 *aftiz .
    eftsoons 不久 , ( x )
  5. 带后缀形式: *apu-ko- . ←from 古挪威语 öfugr , turned backʷard, ←from 日耳曼语 *afug- .
    awkʷard a.笨拙的;尴尬的;使用不便的;难处理的 , ( 4791 , ap , _ )
  6. Possible variant root form *po(s) , on, in.
    1. ←from 俄语 po , at, by, next to;
      pogrom 大屠杀,集体迫害 , ( 59740 , )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 post , behind, back, afterward;
      post- , ( 59876 , )
      posterior adj.其次的;较后的n.后部;臀部[T8] ; ( 17408 , ap , _ )
      postmortem 后期 , ( x )
      preposterous 前后(颠倒)的:adj.荒谬的;可笑的[T8] , ( 17772 , ap , _ )
      puisne 年少的 , ( x )
      puny adj.小的,弱的,微不足道的 , ( 20405 , gn , _ )
    3. ←from 拉丁语 pōnere , to put, place, ←from *po-s(i)nere ( sinere , to leave, let; of obscure origin).
      apposite 很恰当的 , ( 51818 , )
      apposition 同位语 , ( 44666 )
      apropos 相关的 , ( 51824 , )
      component n.组成部分,成分,元件a.组成的,合成的 , ( 1939 , _ , pon放置 )
      compose v.组成,构成;(of)由…组成;创作(诗歌等) , ( 4603 , _ , pos置放 )
      composite adj.复合的,合成的n.复合材料vt.使合成[T6] , ( 7351 , ap , pos置放 )
      composition n.作品,作文,乐曲;作曲;结构,组成,成分 , ( 2733 , ap , pos置放 )
      compost n.堆肥;混合物vt.堆肥;施堆肥[T8] , ( 6474 , _ , pos置放 )
      compote 蜜饯 , ( 53030 , )
      compound n.混合物,化合物a.混合的,化合的;vt.混合 , ( 3891 , ap , pon放置 )
      contrapposto 对应 , ( x )
      depone 宣誓作证 , ( x )
      deposit v.存放;使沉淀;付(保证金)n.存款;沉积物 , ( 4339 , ap , pos置放 )
      →[oew]→ depose 放下去 : vt.免职;作证;废黜 vi.宣誓作证[T8]。 ( 20066 )
      dispose v.(of)处理,处置;(for)布置,安排 , ( 7507 , ap , pos置放 )
      →[考研]→ disposal n.处理,处置;布置,安排。 ( 4547 )
      →[考研]→ disposition n.处置;性情;部署;倾向[T8]。 ( 7371 )
      exponent 拥护者,鼓吹者,指数 , ( 54253 , )
      expose v.(to)使暴露,受到;使曝光 , ( 2604 , ap , pos置放 )
      →[考研]→ exposure n.暴露,揭露;方向;陈列;遗弃;照射量。 ( 2409 )
      expound v.(解释,阐明,详细说明[T8] , ( 21226 , ap , pon放置 )
      impos vt.强加;征税;以…欺骗vi.利用;欺骗;施加影响 , ( x )
      impost 关税 , ( x )
      impost 关税 , ( x )
      interpose 插入 , ( 56153 , )
      juxtapose vt.并列;并置[T8] , ( 17351 , ieug , pos置放 )
      oppose v.反对,使对立,使对抗,使相对 , ( 2434 , ap , pos置放 )
      →[考研]→ opposite a.对面的,相对的,相反的 n.对立面。 ( 1830 )
      →[oew]→ opposition n.反对,相反 ( 1412 )
      position n.位置;职位;姿势,姿态;见解,立场,形势 , ( 432 , ap , pos置放 )
      →[考研]→ pose n.姿势,姿态 v.造成,提出,摆姿势,佯装。 ( 2763 )
      →[oew]→ poser 装腔作势的人。 ( 59868 )
      positive a.肯定的,积极的,绝对的,无疑的,正的 , ( 944 , ap , pos置放 )
      post v.贴出;公告;投寄n.(支)柱;邮政,邮寄;职位 , ( 1478 , ap , pos置放 )
      →[考研]→ postage n.邮费,邮资。 ( 12302 )
      →[考研]→ postcard n.明信片。 ( 7422 )
      →[考研]→ postman n.邮递员。 ( 17508 )
      →[考研]→ postpone v.推迟,延期。 ( 7866 )
      post v.贴出;公告;投寄n.(支)柱;邮政,邮寄;职位 , ( 1478 , ap , pos置放 )
      postiche 伪造的 , ( x )
      posture n.姿势,姿态v.摆姿势[T8] , ( 6413 , ap , pos置放 )
      preposition n.介词 , ( 29808 , ap , pos置放 )
      propose v.提议,建议;提名,推荐;求婚 , ( 2107 , ap , pos置放 )
      →[考研]→ proposal n.提议,建议;求婚。 ( 1717 )
      →[考研]→ proposition n.命题;提议;主题;议题 vt.向…提议;向…求欢 [T6]。 ( 5189 )
      provost n.(美国某些大学的)教务长;(苏格兰的)市长;(英国某些大学中的)学院院长;座堂主任 , ( 21396 , ap , _ )
      punt n.平底船,撑船,[足][橄]踢悬空球(球未落地前踢出) v.踢凌空球 , ( 15701 , pent , _ )
      reposit 贮藏 , ( x )
      suppose v.料想,猜想;假定;conj.假使...结果会怎样 , ( 1474 , upo₃ , pos置放 )
      transpose 使转移,使换位 , ( 63148 , )
[Pokorny apo- 53.]
purpose n.目的,意图;用途,效果 (Lat,100887)
impose v.征(税);(on)把…强加给 (Lat,102558)
opponent n.对手,反对者,敌手a.对立的,对抗的 (Lat,102614)
deposition n.沉积物;矿床;革职;宣誓作证,证词[T6] (Lat,107989)
proponent n.支持者;建议者;提出认证遗嘱者[T9] (Lat,108036)
imposition n.征收;强加;欺骗;不公平的负担[T9] (Lat,109631)
disposable adj.可任意处理的;可自由使用的;用完即弃的[T8] (Lat,110106)
repository n.贮藏室,仓库;知识库;智囊团[T8] (Lat,112283)
posit v.安置 (Lat,112508)
composure n.镇静;沉着[T8] (Lat,113044)
exposition n.博览会;阐述;展览会[T6] (Lat,113310)
juxtaposition n.并置,并列;毗邻[T9] (Lat,116245)
predispose v.(使)易罹患,(使)预先偏向于 (Lat,116920)
compositional a.合成的,组成的.n.作文,作曲,合成物 (Lat,117890)
decomposition n.分解,腐烂,变质[T8] (Lat,119064)
oppositional adj.反对的,对抗的 (Lat,119999)
depositor n.寄托者,存款人 (Lat,120172)
reposition n.重新配置,复位,贮藏,放回 vt.使复位,改变…的位置,使变换阵地 (Lat,120913)
exponential n.指数.a.指数的,幂数的 (Lat,122126)
supposition n.假定;推测;想像;见解[T9] (Lat,122727)
multipurpose a.多种用途的,多目标的 (Lat,123257)
repose 放回去:n.休息,静止,睡眠v.(使)休息,坐落,长眠,静卧[T8] (Lat,124101)
depository n.存放处 (Lat,125102)
positional adj.位置的,地位的,按位 (Lat,125831)
transposition n.调换,变换,移项,转位,扭绞,换位 (Lat,126604)
dispositional 计 意向的 (Lat,126823)
propositional adj.建议的,提议的,命题的 (Lat,129667)
expository adj.说明的,解释的 (Lat,129719)
superposition n.重叠,重合,叠合,叠加,叠置,叠覆 (Lat,130232)
compostable adj.compost(混合物)的变形 (Lat,130296)
reimpose vt.再强加,重新征收 (Lat,132564)
dispositive adj.(事件、行为等)决定性的 (Lat,134666)
opposable adj.可反对的 (Lat,135018)
superimposition n.叠印,叠加,被覆,叠置 (Lat,138779)
transposable adj.可换位的,有换位可能的 (Lat,139710)
interposition n.提出(异议)行为,插嘴(插入)行为,提出(异议)的事,插嘴(插入)的事 (Lat,142457)
prepositional adj.介词的,前置词的 (Lat,145966)
counterpose vt.使对立 (Lat,147078)
reimposition n.重新征收 (Lat,149832)
recomposition n.改组,改编,重写 (Lat,151361)
impostor 冒名行骗者 (Lat,155877)
impound 扣押 (Latin,155879)
indisposition 小病,微恙 (Lat,155974)
posada 小旅馆,客栈 (Lat,159867)
poseur 装腔作势的人 (Lat,159869)
postposition 后置词 (Lat,159886)
propound 提出供考虑 (Latin,160117)
repurpose 略加改变 (Lat,160662)
suppository 栓剂 (Lat,162458)
a posteriori (Lat,)
adposition (Lat,)
ambiposition (Lat,)
antepone (Lat,)
anteposition (Lat,)
appositional (Lat,)
appositive (Lat,)
circumposition (Lat,)
componential (Lat,)
componentry (Lat,)
compositionality (Lat,)
compositor (Lat,)
contraposition (Lat,)
contrapositive (Lat,)
counterproposal (Lat,)
counterproposition (Lat,)
decompound (Lat,)
deponent (Lat,)
depositional (Lat,)
dispone (Lat,)
disponee (Lat,)
dispositio (Lat,)
dispositor (Lat,)
disposure (Lat,)
entrepôt (Lat,)
expone (Lat,)
exponentiation (Lat,)
exponible (Lat,)
exposal (Lat,)
exposit (Lat,)
expositional (Lat,)
expositive (Lat,)
expositor (Lat,)
exposé (Lat,)
impone (Lat,)
imponent (Lat,)
imposable (Lat,)
imposure (Lat,)
interpone (Lat,)
interponent (Lat,)
interposal (Lat,)
juxtaposit (Lat,)
juxtapositional (Lat,)
oppone (Lat,)
opposal (Lat,)
oppositive (Lat,)
poseuse (Lat,)
positure (Lat,)
posteriority (Lat,)
postpositional (Lat,)
postpositive (Lat,)
prepositive (Lat,)
prepositor (Lat,)
prepositure (Lat,)
propone (Lat,)
repone (Lat,)
reposal (Lat,)
seposit (Lat,)
seposition (Lat,)
supposal (Lat,)
suppositional (Lat,)
suppositive (Lat,)
suppositor (Lat,)
transposal (Lat,)
transpositional (Lat,)
transpositive (Lat,)
;...023, ar- 安装配 , Also arᵊ- .
To fit together. 最初形式: *h₂erh₁- , 变形 为: *h₂arh₁- , with variant *h₂reh₁- , becoming *rē- .
派生词包括: army , harmony , inert , aristocracy , adorn , hatred , rite , arithmetic , and rhyme.
  1. 基本形式: *arᵊ .
    1. 带后缀形式: ar(ᵊ)-mo- .
      1. ←from 古英语 earm , arm, ←from 日耳曼语 *armaz ;
        arm n.手臂,扶手,臂状物v.武装;配备n.武器 , ( 556 , ar₁ , _ )
        →[oew]→ arms n.武器,兵种 ( 2204 )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 arma , tools, arms;
        ambry 橱柜 , ( x )
        arm n.手臂,扶手,臂状物v.武装;配备n.武器 , ( 556 , ar₁ , _ )
        armada 无敌舰队 , ( 24232 )
        armadillo 犰狳 , ( 51852 , )
        armature 骨架 , ( 51855 , )
        armoire 大衣橱 , ( 51857 , )
        army n.军队,陆军,军;大群,大批 ; ( 1169 , _ , arm武器 )
        alarm n.惊恐;警报(器)vt.惊动,惊吓;向…报警 , ( 3563 , _ , arm武器 )
        disarm vt.解除武装,回复平常的编制,缓和,消除(敌意,疑虑) vi.放下武器 , ( 11860 , ar₁ , arm武器 )
        gendarme 警察,宪兵 , ( 54820 , )
        →[oew]→ genitals n.生殖器(尤指男性外生殖器),<医><正>生殖的,生殖器的( genital的名词复数 ),性器官,私 ( 19540 )
        →[oew]→ genie n.妖怪,鬼 ( 23163 )
        →[oew]→ genes 0 ( 6957 )
        →[oew]→ genetics n.遗传学[T8]。 ( 9281 )
      3. ←from 拉丁语 armus , upper arm.
        armillarysphere 浑天仪 , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式: *ar(ᵊ)-smo- . ←from 希腊语 harmos , joint, shoulder.
      harmony n.协调,和谐;融洽 , ( 4694 , ar₁ , _ )
    3. 带后缀形式: *ar(ᵊ)-ti- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 ars (stem art- ), art, skill, craft;
        art n.艺术,美术;技术,技艺;文科,人文科学 , ( 358 , ar₁ , art技巧 )
        →[oew]→ artful adj.有技巧的,巧妙的[T9]。 ( 20136 )
        artisan n.工匠[T8] , ( 12687 , ar₁ , art技巧 )
        artist n.艺术家,美术家;(某方面的)能手 ; ( 901 , ar₁ , art技巧 )
        →[考研]→ articulate adj.有关节的,发音清晰的 v.清晰发音,清晰地说[T8]。 ( 5764 )
        →[考研]→ artificial a.人工的,人造的,人为的;虚伪的,做作的。 ( 3781 )
        →[考研]→ artistic a.艺术(家)的,美术(家)的;善于艺术创作的。 ( 3294 )
        inert 不活跃的adj.惰性的;呆滞的;迟缓的;无效的[T8] , ( 13750 , ar₁ , _ )
        inertia n.惯性;惰性,迟钝;不活动[T8] , ( 12271 , ar₁ , _ )
      2. further 带后缀形式: *ar(ᵊ)-ti-o- . ←from 希腊语 artios , fitting, even.
        artiodactyl 偶蹄动物 , ( x )
    4. 带后缀形式: *ar(ᵊ)-tu- . ←from 拉丁语 artus , joint.
      article n.文章,论文;条款,条文;物件;冠词 , ( 814 , ar₁ , _ )
    5. 带后缀形式: *ar(ᵊ)-to- . ←from 拉丁语 artus , tight.
      coarctate 压在一起的 , ( x )
    6. 带后缀形式: *ar(ᵊ)-dʰro- . ←from 希腊语 arthron , joint.
      arthro- x ; ( x )
      anarthrous x , ( x )
      diarthrosis 动关节 , ( x )
      dysarthria 构音障碍 , ( x )
      enarthrosis x , ( x )
      synarthrosis 不动关节 , ( x )
    7. Suffixed (superlative) form *ar(ᵊ)-isto- . ←from 希腊语 aristos , best.
      aristocracy n.精英政治,贵族政治[T8] , ( 11722 , ar₁ , _ )
  2. Possibly suffixed lengthened o级形式 (or separate root) *ōrᵊ-dʰ- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 ōrdō , order (originally a row of threads in a loom).
      ordain vt.任命某人为牧师;授某人以圣职;(上帝、法律等)命令;注定vi.颁布命令[T8] , ( 17175 , _ , order顺序 )
      order n.命令;次序;整齐;定货单;等级v.定制,订购 , ( 503 , ar₁ , order顺序 )
      →[考研]→ orderly a.整齐的,有秩序的,有条理的 n.勤务兵。 ( 8516 )
      ordinal 序数词 , ( 58846 , )
      ordinance n.条例;法令;圣餐礼[T8] , ( 10968 , _ , order顺序 )
      ordinary a.普通的,平凡的,平常的;平庸的 , ( 1774 , ar₁ , order顺序 )
      ordinate 纵座标 , ( 58848 , )
      ordo 圣务指南 ; ( 42386 )
      coordination n.协调,调和;对等,同等[T9] , ( 6929 , _ , order顺序 )
      inordinate adj.过度的;无节制的;紊乱的[T8] , ( 22321 , ar₁ , order顺序 )
      subordinate n.下属,下级;部属,属下adj.从属的;次要的vt.使居下位;使服从[T6] , ( 7885 , ar₁ , order顺序 )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 ōrdīrī , to begin to weave.
      exordium 绪论 , ( x )
      primordial 第一顺序的:adj.原始的;本初的;根本的;原生的[T9] , ( 17028 , ar₁ , order顺序 )
    3. ←from 拉丁语 ōrnāre , to adorn.
      ornament v.装饰,美化n.装饰,装饰物 , ( 9130 , ar₁ , orn装饰 )
      ornate adj.装饰,华丽的[T8] ; ( 11483 , ar₁ , orn装饰 )
      adorn vt.装饰[T8] , ( 11382 , ar₁ , orn装饰 )
      suborn 收买,买通 , ( 62349 , )
  3. Variant *rē- (< earlier *h₂reh₁- ).
    1. ←from 拉丁语 rērī , to consider, confirm, ratify.
      rate n.速率;等级;价格,费用v.估价;评级,评价 , ( 427 , ar₁ , rat理推 )
      →[考研]→ rational a.理性的,合理的。 ( 3890 )
      →[oew]→ ratify vt.批准,认可[T8]。 ( 12645 )
      ratio n.比,比率 , ( 2869 , ar₁ , rat理推 )
      ration 思考、计算:n.定量,配给量,口粮vt.配给,定量供应[T8] , ( 12552 , _ , rat理推 )
      reason n.原因,理性,理智v.推理,说服,辩论,讨论 ; ( 366 , ar₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ reasonable a.合理的,有道理的;通情达理的;适度的。 ( 1942 )
      arraign 提讯 , ( 51859 , )
    2. 带后缀形式: *rē-dʰ- .
        1. ←from 古英语 rǣdan , to advise;
          read v.朗读;阅读vt.辨认,观察vi.读到,获悉 , ( 286 , ar₁ , _ )
          →[考研]→ reader n.读者;读本,读物;(英国的)大学讲师。 ( 1308 )
          →[考研]→ reading n.读书,读物,(仪表等的)读数,阅读。 ( 1245 )
          rede vt.忠告,解开(谜),说故事n.计划;解释;传说 ; ( x )
          dread n.恐惧,可怕的人(或物).v.惧怕.a.恐怖的 , ( 9734 , _ , _ )
        2. ←from 古英语 rǣden, -rǣden , condition. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *rēdan .
          hatred n.憎恨,憎恶,怨恨 , ( 5618 , ar₁ , _ )
          →[考研]→ hate v.恨,憎恨;不愿,不喜欢 n.恨,憎恶。 ( 1773 )
          kindred n.家族,相似,亲属关系,(用作复数)亲戚、族人 adj.同族的,同类的,血缘的,类似的 , ( 23836 , ar₁ , _ )
        1. ←from 高地德语 rāt , counsel;
          rathskeller 餐厅 , ( x )
        2. ←from 古英语 rǣdels(e) , opinion, riddle. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *rēdaz .
          riddle n.谜,谜语,神秘人物 v.解谜,出谜,迷惑 , ( 14603 , ar₁ , _ )
    3. 零级形式 *rᵊ- . 日耳曼语 *radam , number, in dialectal North and West 日耳曼语 compound *hund(a)-rada- (see dekm̥ ).
  4. Variant root form *h₂reh₁i- , with 零级s *h₂rh₁i- and (metathesized) *h₂rih₁- , the latter 缩减成:*rī- .
    1. Suffixed metathesized 零级形式 *rī-tu- . ←from 拉丁语 rītus , rite, custom, usage.
      rite n.仪式,典礼 , ( 8266 , ar₁ , _ )
      →[oew]→ ritual a.宗教仪式的,典礼的 n.(宗教)仪式,典礼。 ( 3660 )
    2. Suffixed unmetathesized 零级形式 *ᵊrᵊi-dʰmo- . ←from 希腊语 arithmos , number, amount.
      arithmetic n.算术,四则运算 , ( 9854 , ar₁ , _ )
      logarithm 对数 , ( 57100 , )
    3. ←from a 日耳曼语 source akin to 高地德语 rīm , number, series.
      rhyme n.韵律;韵脚;韵文;押韵词vt.使押韵;用韵诗表达;把…写作诗vi.押韵;作押韵诗[T8] , ( 11737 , sreu , _ )
[Pokorny 1. ar- 55.]
extraordinary a.非常的;格外的;意外的;离奇的;临时的 (Lat,102632)
disorder n.混乱,杂乱;骚乱;失调,疾病 (Lat,102638)
coordinator n.协调者;协调器;同等的人或物[T9] (Latin,105505)
artifact n.人工制品[T8] (Lat,106356)
coordinate a.同等的,并列的;坐标的n.坐标 (Lat,106577)
armor n.装甲,盔甲,为……装甲[T4] (Lat,108225)
disarmament n.裁军[T9] (Lat,111079)
articulation n.关节;接合;清晰发音[T9] (Lat,111401)
ornamental adj.装饰的,装饰性的n.观赏植物;装饰品[T6] (Latin,112148)
ordination n.分类;任命;神职授任;排成等级[T9] (Lat,114001)
ordnance n.军火 (Lat,114503)
subordination n.从属;附属;主从关系[T9] (Lat,114958)
armament n.武器,军备[T9] (Lat,121163)
armory n.纹章,纹章学,兵工厂,军械库 (Lat,121348)
artifice n.手艺,工艺,诡计,巧妙的办法[T8] (Lat,122716)
adornment n.装饰,装饰品[T9] (Latin,123761)
artisanal adj.(尤指酿酒)手(工)艺性的 (Lat,124600)
artificiality n.人工,不自然,不自然之物,人造物 (Lat,129488)
preordain vt.预先规定,注定 (Lat,132299)
articular adj.关节的 (Lat,132613)
rearmament n.重整军备,改良装备 (Lat,133940)
insubordinate adj.不服从的,违抗的 (Lat,138591)
armamentarium n.(医药的)设备,全套配备,补给,物质支持 (Lat,140537)
articulatory adj.分节的,关节的 (Lat,140637)
subornation n.收买 (Latin,140645)
gendarmerie n.(欧洲国家的)宪兵队,(总称)宪兵 (Lat,143007)
disarticulation n.关节脱落 (Lat,146810)
articulator n.发音的人或物,发音矫正器,牙合架,接骨的人 (Lat,147656)
armistice 停战 (Lat,151856)
inarticulate 不连贯的 (Lat,155904)
inertial 惯性的 (Lat,155993)
insubordination 不服从,抗命 (Lat,156100)
ordinand 领受圣秩者 (Latin,158847)
ornamentation 装饰,点缀 (Latin,158866)
ornery 脾气暴躁的,闹别扭的 (Lat,158867)
rearm 重新武装 (Lat,160493)
reorder 追加定购 (Lat,160642)
superordinate 高级的,地位高的 (Lat,162441)
extraordinaire (Latin,)
grandorder (Latin,)
magnorder (Latin,)
mirorder (Latin,)
ordinariate (Latin,)
ornative (Latin,)
ornature (Latin,)
subordinary (Latin,)
arctation (Lat,)
armarium (Lat,)
armiferous (Lat,)
armiger (Lat,)
armigerous (Lat,)
armipotent (Lat,)
armorial (Lat,)
articulable (Lat,)
articulative (Lat,)
artisanality (Lat,)
biarticular (Lat,)
biarticulate (Lat,)
coarticulation (Lat,)
coordinal (Lat,)
incoordinate (Lat,)
incoordination (Lat,)
infraorder (Lat,)
inordination (Lat,)
interarticular (Lat,)
intra-articular (Lat,)
multiarticular (Lat,)
multiarticulate (Lat,)
nonarmigerous (Lat,)
noninert (Lat,)
noninertial (Lat,)
ordainment (Lat,)
ordinative (Lat,)
parvorder (Lat,)
preorder (Lat,)
preordination (Lat,)
primordium (Lat,)
quasiorder (Lat,)
quinquarticular (Lat,)
reordain (Lat,)
reordination (Lat,)
suborder (Lat,)
superordain (Lat,)
superorder (Lat,)
superordination (Lat,)
triarticulate (Lat,)
logarithmic adj.对数的 (Greek,131308)
antilogarithm (Greek,)
arithmomania (Greek,)
;...024, arg- 白银
To shine; white; the shining or white metal, silver. 最初形式: *h₂(e)rg̑- , 变形 为: *h₂(a)rg̑- , becoming *arg̑- in satem languages and *arg- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. 带后缀形式: *arg-ent- . ←from 拉丁语 argentum , silver.
    argent n.银adj.银的,银色的,象银的 , ( x )
    argentine adj.阿根廷的;银的n.阿根廷人;银[T9] , ( 14571 , arg , _ )
  2. 带后缀形式: *arg-i-l(l)- . ←from 希腊语 argillos , white clay.
    argil 陶土 , ( x )
  3. 带后缀形式: *arg-u-ro- . ←from 希腊语 arguros , silver.
    litharge 一氧化铅 , ( x )
    pyrargyrite 深红银矿 , ( x )
  4. 带后缀形式: *arg-u-no- . ←from 梵语 arjunaḥ , bright, white, silvery.
    Arjuna 阿诸那 , ( x )
  5. 带后缀形式: *arg-i-n- . ←from 希腊语 arginoeis , brilliant, bright-shining.
    arginine 精氨酸 , ( 35902 )
  6. 带后缀形式: *arg-u- , brilliant, clear. ←from 拉丁语 denominative arguere , to make clear, demonstrate (< *argu-yo- ).
    argue vi.辩论,争论vt.辩论,论证;说服,劝说 , ( 914 , arg , _ )
    →[考研]→ argument n.争论(吵),辩论;理由;论证。 ( 1074 )
  7. Suffixed 零级形式 *ᵊr̥g-ro- , becoming *arg-ro- .
    agrimony 龙牙草 , ( x )
    possibly←from 希腊语 argos , white (< *argros ).
  8. Suffixed 零级形式 *ᵊr̥g-ro- , becoming *arg-ro- .
    agrimony 龙牙草 , ( x )
    possibly←from 希腊语 argos , white (< *argros ).
[Pokorny ar(e)-g̑- 64.]
Argentina 白银之国:n.阿根廷[T9] (Lat,111316)
argentate (Lat,)
argenteous (Lat,)
argentiferous (Lat,)
argentite (Lat,)
;...025, as- 烧火灰
To burn, glow. 最初形式: *h₂es- , 变形 为: *h₂as- .
派生词包括: arson , and azalea.
  1. 扩展形式: *asg- .
    1. ←from 古英语 æsce , asce , ash;
      ash n.灰,灰末;(pl.)骨灰;(pl.)废墟 , ( 4809 , os , _ )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 asche , ash. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *askōn- .
      potassium n.钾 , ( 12060 , _ , _ )
  2. 带后缀形式: *ās-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 āra , altar, hearth.
    Ara 天坛星座 , ( x )
  3. Suffixed (stative) form *ās-ē- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 āridus , dry, parched, ←from ārēre , to be dry;
      arid 像烧过一样的:adj.干旱的,不毛的[T8] , ( 11509 , _ , _ )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 ārdēre , to burn, be on fire, ←from āridus , parched.
      ardent adj.热情的,热烈的,热心的,燃烧的[T8] , ( 12474 , _ , _ )
      ardor 热情 , ( 24365 )
      arson n.纵火,纵火罪[T8] , ( 13280 , _ , _ )
  4. 扩展形式: *asd- .
    1. ←from 希腊语 azein , to dry;
      zamia 苏铁科植物 , ( x )
    2. ←from 希腊语 azaleos , dry.
      azalea n.[植]杜鹃花 , ( 19426 , ar₂ , _ )
[Pokorny ā̆s- 68.]
aridity n.干旱,乏味,干燥性,荒芜 (Lat,133945)
aridisols (Lat,)
;...026, at- 轮转年
To go; with 日耳曼语 and 拉丁语 derivatives meaning a year (conceived as "the period gone through, the revolving year"). 带后缀形式: *at-no- .

annals 年报 , ( x )
annual a.每年的,一年生的n.年刊;一年生植物 , ( 1236 , at , ann年 )
annuity 按年支付的钱:n.年金,养老金[T9] ; ( 16112 , at , ann年 )
anniversary n.周年,周年纪念日 , ( 3462 , at , ann年 )
biennium 双年度 , ( x )
decennium 十年 , ( x )
millennium n.千年期,千禧年;一千年,千年纪念;太平盛世,黄金时代[T8] , ( 6866 , at , _ )
perennial adj.多年生的,常年的,四季不断的n.多年生植物[T8] , ( 10595 , _ , ann年 )
quadrennium 四年的时间 , ( x )
quinceañera 变成 , ( x )
quindecennial x , ( x )
quinquennium 五年的时间 , ( x )
septennial 连续七年的 , ( x )
sexennial 六周年纪念 , ( x )
superannuated 年老不能工作的,过时的 , ( 62426 , )
triennium 三年之期间 , ( x )
vicennial 二十年的 , ( x ) ←from 拉丁语 annus , year.
[Pokorny at- 69.]
centennial adj.一百年的,百年纪念[T9] (Lat,114286)
millennial adj.一千年的,千福年的 (Lat,123782)
bicentennial n.二百年,二百周年纪念 (Lat,124458)
biannual 两年一次的 (Lat,152149)
biennial 两年一次的 (Lat,152161)
triennial 每三年一次的 (Lat,163193)
annates (Lat,)
annotinous (Lat,)
bimillennial (Lat,)
perennate (Lat,)
semiannual (Lat,)
superannuate (Lat,)
;...027, āter-
  1. Suffixed 零级形式 *ātr-o- . ←from 拉丁语 āter (feminine ātra ), black (< "blackened by fire").
    atrabilious 忧郁的 , ( x )
  2. Suffixed 零级形式 *ātr-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 ātrium , forecourt, hall, atrium (perhaps originally the place where the smoke from the hearth escaped through a hole in the roof).
    atrium n.中庭,心房 , ( 19646 , atr , _ )
  3. Compound shortened 零级形式 *atro-ᵊkʷ- , "black-looking" ( *ᵊkʷ- , "looking"; see okʷ- ). ←from 拉丁语 ā̆trōx , frightful.
    atrocious 糟糕透顶的 , ( 24281 )
  4. 基本形式: *āter . ←from 古波斯 *ātar , fire (stem āç- attested in month name āçiyādiya , "(month) of fire-worship"), ←from Indo-伊朗语 *ātar .
    zircon 锆石 , ( 63987 , )
  5. Possibly, but obscurely related to this root is 梵语 atharvā, atharvan- , priest ( -van- , possessive suffix):
    Atharva-Veda x . ( x )
[Pokorny āt(e)r- 69.]
;...028, au- 听声响
To perceive. Compound forms *au-dʰ- , *awis-dʰ- , "to place perception" ( *dʰ- , to place; see dʰē- ).
  1. 带后缀形式: *awisdʰ-yo- or *audʰ-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 audīre , to hear.
    audible adj.听得见的[T8] , ( 11351 , aus , aud听 )
    →[oew]→ audio-visual adj.利用视觉和听觉,视听教学的 ( 21699 )
    audience n.听众,观众,读者;见面,会见 , ( 1159 , aus , aud听 )
    audile 听觉型的人 , ( x )
    audio- 音频- , ( x )
    audit n.审计v.审计,旁听[T8] , ( 4505 , aus , aud听 )
    →[考研]→ audio n./a.音频(响)(的);声音(的),听觉(的)。 ( 6800 )
    audition n.试听,试镜,听觉vi.试听,试音vt.让…试唱,试镜[T9] , ( 14198 , aus , aud听 )
    auditor n.审计员,听者,旁听生[T9] , ( 7854 , _ , aud听 )
    auditorium 听的地方:n.礼堂,观众席[T8] , ( 12999 , aus , aud听 )
    auditory n.听众,礼堂adj.听觉的[T9] , ( 12036 , _ , aud听 )
    oyez 肃静 ; ( 59013 , )
    obey v.服从,顺从 , ( 6091 , aus , aud听 )
    →[考研]→ obedience n.顺从;服从;遵守[T6]。 ( 9115 )
    →[考研]→ obedient 听话的adj.顺从的,服从的;孝顺的[T6]。 ( 17266 )
    →[oew]→ obeisance 恭顺,顺从。 ( 58655 )
    subaudition 言外之意 , ( x )
  2. ←from 希腊语 aisthanesthai , to feel.
    aesthetic adj.美的;美学的;审美的,具有审美趣味的[T8] ; ( 4582 , _ , _ )
    anesthesia n.=[美]anaethesia , ( 15921 , _ , _ )
[Pokorny 8. au̯- 78.]
inaudible adj.听不见的,不可闻的 (Lat,108365)
audiology n.听力学(主要研究对听力受损者的治疗方法) (Latin,140609)
audibility n.可听到,能听度,可听度 (Lat,147866)
audient (Lat,)
auditive (Lat,)
;...029, aug- 升增加
To increase. 最初形式: *h₂eug- , 变形 为: *h₂aug- . Variant *h₂weg- becoming *(a)weg- .
派生词包括: nickname , auction , and auxiliary.
    1. ←from 古英语 ēacan , ēcan , to increase;
      eke 节约使用 , ( 53987 , )
    2. ←from 古英语 ēaca , an addition. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *aukan .
      nickname n.绰号,昵称 , ( 7499 , aug , _ )
  1. Variant (metathesized) form *weg- (from *ᵊweg- ), extended to *wegs- (o级 *wogs- ).
    1. ←from 古英语 weaxan , to grow, ←from 日耳曼语 *wahsan ;
      wax n.蜡,蜂蜡v.打蜡 ; ( 7816 , uag , _ )
      woodwaxen x , ( x )
    2. ←from 古英语 *wæst , growth, hence perhaps waist, size, ←from 日耳曼语 *wahs-tu- .
      waist n.腰,腰部 , ( 4399 , uag , _ )
  2. Form *aug-ē- . ←from 拉丁语 augēre , to increase.
    auction n./vt.拍卖 , ( 4683 , aug , aug增大 )
    augend 被加数 , ( x )
    augment n.v.增加,增大,增强[T8] , ( 12125 , aug , aug增大 )
    author n.作者,作家,著作人;创始人,发起人 , ( 636 , aug , aug增大 )
    →[考研]→ authentic a.真的,真正的;可靠的,可信的,有根据的。 ( 5580 )
    →[考研]→ authority n.权力,权威;权威人士;(pl.)官方,当局。 ( 666 )
    authorize vt.批准,认可;授权给;委托代替[T8] , ( 6617 , aug , aug增大 )
  3. ←from 拉丁语 augur , diviner (< "he who obtains favorable presage" < "divine favor, increase").
    augur 预兆 ; ( 51931 , )
    inaugurate vt.正式启动,开始做,使就职,为……举行就职典礼。源自古代罗马人在采取重大行动或就职前都要预先占卜,得到吉兆方可行动[T6 , ( 15678 , aug , avi鸟xx )
  4. ←from 拉丁语 augustus , majestic, august.
    august n.8月 , ( 2644 , me₄ , aug增大 )
  5. 带后缀形式: *aug-s- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 auxilium , aid, support, assistance;
      auxiliary a.辅助的,支援的n.辅助者,辅助设备 , ( 13516 , aug , _ )
    2. ←from 希腊语 auxein , auxanein , to increase.
      auxin 生长素 , ( 51953 , )
      auxesis 细胞生长 , ( x )
[Pokorny au̯eg- 84.]
inauguration 就职典礼;开始,开创;开幕式[T9] (Latin,113053)
augmentation n.扩大,增大,增加物,<音>主题延长 (Lat,125463)
augury n.(古罗马)占卜术,占卜仪式,预兆 (Latin,135707)
augmentative (Lat,)
auxanogram (Greek,)
auxanography (Greek,)
auxanology (Greek,)
auxanometer (Greek,)
auxetic (Greek,)
auxochrome (Greek,)
auxology (Greek,)
auxotroph (Greek,)
auxotrophy (Greek,)
;...030, aus- 晒发光
To shine.
派生词包括: east , Easter , and aurora.
    1. ←from 古英语 ēast , east (< "the direction of the sunrise");
      east n.东,东方,东部a.东方的,东部的 , ( 645 , aues , _ )
      →[考研]→ Easter n.[宗](耶稣)复活节 ( 5556 )
    2. ←from 高地德语 ōstan , east. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *aust- .
      ostmark 马克 , ( x )
    1. ←from 古英语 ēasterne , eastern;
      eastern a.东方的,东部的 , ( 1485 , aues , _ )
    2. ←from Late 拉丁语 ostro- , eastern. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *austra- .
      Ostrogoth 东哥特人 , ( x )
  1. ←from 古英语 ēastre , Easter, ←from 日耳曼语 *austrōn- , dawn.
    easter n.[宗](耶稣)复活节 , ( 5556 , aues , _ )
  2. Possibly in 拉丁语 auster , the south wind, formally identical to the 日耳曼语 forms in2and3,but the semantics are unclear
    austral 南方的 , ( 51942 , )
    Austro- x . ( x )
[In Pokorny *ausōs- , dawn, also Indo-European goddess of the dawn.
  1. ←from 拉丁语 aurōra , dawn;
    aurora 极光 , ( 8061 )
    →[oew]→ aureate 华丽的。 ( 51935 )
    →[oew]→ aureole 光环。 ( 51936 )
  2. ←from 希腊语 ēōs , dawn.
    eo- x , ( x )
    Eos x ; ( x )
    eosin 伊红 , ( 39436 )
[Pokorny au̯es- 86.]
dory 海鲂 (Lat,153794)
oriole 黄鹂 (Lat,158864)
aurate (Lat,)
auriferous (Lat,)
aurification (Lat,)
aurous (Lat,)
inaurate (Lat,)
inauration (Lat,)
orpiment (Lat,)
;...031, awi- 翱翔鸟
Bird. 最初形式: *h₂ewi- , 变形 为: *h₂awi- .
派生词包括: aviation , bustard , ostrich , cockney , oval , and caviar.
    1. ←from 拉丁语 avis , bird.
      avian n.鸟adj.鸟的[T9] , ( 18163 , _ , avi鸟 )
      aviary 大鸟笼 , ( 51957 , )
      aviation n.航空;飞行术;飞机制造业[T4] ; ( 7107 , auei , avi鸟 )
      aviculture 养鸟 , ( x )
      avifauna 鸟类 , ( x )
      bustard 鸨鸟 , ( 52476 , )
      ocarina 小鹅笛,陶笛,埙 , ( 58687 , )
      osprey 鱼鹰 , ( 58887 , )
      ostrich n.鸵鸟 , ( 21628 , auei , _ )
    2. Compound *awi-spek- , "observer of birds" ( *spek- , to see; see spek- ). ←from 拉丁语 auspex , augur.
      auspice 观鸟→占卜→吉兆:n.赞助,主办,吉兆[T8] , ( 16926 , _ , avi鸟 )
  1. Possible derivatives are the Indo-European words for egg, *ōwyo- , *ōyyo- .
      1. ←from 古英语 ǣg , egg;
        cockney 伦敦东区的人 , ( 52950 , )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 egg , egg. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *ajja(m) .
        egg n.蛋;卵;卵形物 , ( 1660 , ak , _ )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 ōvum , egg.
      oval a.卵形的,椭圆形的n.卵形,椭圆形 , ( 7278 , auei , ov卵 )
      ovary 产卵场所:n.卵巢,子房[T9] , ( 19006 , auei , ov卵 )
      ovate 卵圆形的 , ( x )
      ovi- x , ( x )
      ovolo x , ( x )
      ovule 胚珠 , ( 58995 , )
      ovum 卵子 , ( 58996 , )
    2. ←from 希腊语 ōion , egg.
      oo- x ; ( x )
      avgolemono x , ( x )
      bottarga x , ( x )
    3. ←from a source akin to Middle 波斯语 khāyak , egg, ←from 古伊朗语 *āvyaka- , diminutive of *avya- .
      caviar n.鱼子酱 , ( 18088 , _ , _ )
[Pokorny au̯ei- 86.]
ovarian adj.卵巢的;子房的[T9] (Lat,118287)
aviator n.飞行员[T9] (Lat,119993)
ovulation n.排卵,产卵作用 (Lat,126487)
ovipositor n.产卵器 (Lat,146915)
augur 预兆 (Lat,151931)
auspicious 吉祥的 (Lat,151941)
oviduct 输卵管 (Lat,158989)
obovate (Latin,)
ovariole (Latin,)
Aves (Lat,)
Avicula (Lat,)
aucupation (Lat,)
auspex (Lat,)
auspicate (Lat,)
aviatrix (Lat,)
avicide (Lat,)
ovicapsule (Lat,)
ovicidal (Lat,)
ovicide (Lat,)
oviferous (Lat,)
oviform (Lat,)
oviposition (Lat,)
ovular (Lat,)
ovulatory (Lat,)
pluriovulate (Lat,)
;...032, awo- 叔伯
An adult male relative other than one's father.
  1. ←from 拉丁语 avus , grandfather.
    atavism 隔代遗传 , ( 38651 )
  2. ←from 拉丁语 avunculus , maternal uncle.
    avuncular 叔伯的 , ( 51962 , )
    uncle n.伯父,叔父,舅父,姑父,姨父 , ( 2826 , au₂ , _ )
  3. ←from 拉丁语 avia , grandmother.
    ayah 女仆 , ( x )
[Pokorny au̯o-s 89.]
avunculate (Lat,)
avunculicide (Lat,)
avunculocal (Lat,)
;...033, ayer- 亮早晨
Day, morning.
    1. ←from 古英语 ǣr , before;
      early a.早的,早期的,及早的ad.早,在初期 , ( 294 , aier , _ )
      ere 在之前 , ( 54141 , )
      or conj.或,或者(表示选择);即,大约;否则 , ( 28 , aier , _ )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 ār , before. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *airiz .
      or conj.或,或者(表示选择);即,大约;否则 , ( 28 , aier , _ )
  1. ←from 古英语 ǣrest , earliest, ←from 日耳曼语 (superlative) *airistaz .
    erst 以前 , ( x )
[Pokorny ā̆i̯er- 12.]
;...034, ayes- 亮黄铜
A metal, copper or bronze.

aeneous 青铜色的 , ( x )
era n.时代,年代,阶段,纪元 , ( 2202 , aios , _ ) ←from 拉丁语 aes , bronze, money.
[Pokorny ai̯os- 15.]
aim n.目的;瞄准vi.(at)目的在于vt.把…瞄准 (Lat,101595)
estimate v./n.估计,估价;评估 (Lat,101969)
esteem n.|.vt.尊重,敬重,认为 (Lat,110146)
estimable adj.值得尊敬的,可估计的,难能可贵 (Lat,129815)
inestimable 难以估量的 (Lat,155995)
aeneator (Lat,)
aeruginous (Lat,)
aerugite (Lat,)
aerugo (Lat,)
disesteem (Lat,)
eruginous (Lat,)
;...035, bak- 背靠人
Staff used for support.
    1. ←from 拉丁语 baculum , rod, walking stick;
      bacillus 杆菌 , ( 51979 , )
      →[oew]→ bacteria n.细菌 ( 3995 )
      baculum 阴茎骨 , ( x )
      baguette 小棍子n.法国棍子面包;成长方形的宝石[T9] , ( 21969 , bak , _ )
      bail₄ n.[法律]保释金;保释人,保释;[板球]三柱门上的横木;(马厩的)栅栏vt.保释,帮助脱离困境;将(财物)委托给…;往外舀水 , ( x )
      bailey 堡场 ; ( 51986 , )
      baculiform 棒状的 , ( x )
      debacle 拨开横木:n.崩溃;灾害;解冻[T8] , ( 14764 , bak , _ )
      imbecile 笨蛋,弱智 , ( 55834 , )
    2. Possibly 拉丁语 imbēcillus , imbecillus , feeble, possibly from *in-bacillus , "without a staff (to steady oneself), without support," from bacillus , diminutive of baculum ( in- , not; see ne ).
      imbecile 笨蛋,弱智 . ( 55834 , )
  1. ←from 希腊语 baktron , staff.
    bacterium bacteria的单数形式:n.细菌[T3] ; ( 15083 , _ , _ )
    corynebacterium 棒状杆菌属 , ( x )
[Pokorny bak- 93.]
imbecility n.愚笨,低能,弱智,愚蠢行为 (Lat,141230)
bacillary (Lat,)
bacilliform (Lat,)
baculine (Lat,)
;...036, bel- 暴强
  1. Suffixed o级形式 *bol-iyo- . ←from 俄语 bol'shoĭ , large.
    Bolshevik 布尔什维克 , ( 52287 , )
  2. Prefixed form *dē-bel-i- , "without strength" ( dē- , privative prefix; see de- ). ←from 拉丁语 dēbilis , weak.
    debilitate 使无力 , ( 53420 , )
    debility 衰弱 , ( 39148 )
[Pokorny 2. bel- 96.]
;...037, bʰā-₁ 发光晒
To shine. 最初形式: *bʰeh₂- , 变形 为: *bʰah₂- , becoming *bʰā- .
派生词包括: beacon , berry , banner , fantasy , and phase.
  1. Suffixed 零级形式 *bʰᵊ-w- .
    1. ←from 古英语 bēac(e)n , beacon;
      beacon n.信号灯,闪光灯 , ( 14325 , _ , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 bēcnan , bīecnan , to make a sign, beckon, ←from 日耳曼语 denominative *bauknjan ;
      beckon v.招手,召唤 , ( 12220 , _ , _ )
    3. ←from 古法语 boue , buoy.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *baukna- , beacon, signal.
      buoy n.(湖,河等中的)浮标,浮筒,救生圈 vt.使浮起,支撑,鼓励 , ( 15697 , bʰa₂ , _ )
  2. Perhaps 日耳曼语 *bazja- , berry (< "bright-colored fruit").
    1. ←from 古英语 berie , berige , berry, and 高地德语 beri , berry;
      berry n.浆果 ; ( 8413 , bʰel₁ , _ )
      mulberry 桑树,桑葚 , ( 58207 , )
    2. ←from 古法语 framboise , raspberry, alteration of Frankish *brām-besi , "bramble berry.".
      frambesia 印度痘 , ( x )
    1. ←from Spanish banda , sash;
      bandoleer 子弹带 , ( x )
    2. ←from Late 拉丁语 bandum , banner, standard. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *bandwa- , "identifying sign," banner, standard, sash, also "company united under a (particular) banner.".
      banderilla 公牛 , ( x )
      banderole 小旗 , ( x )
      banner n.旗(帜) , ( 6383 , bʰa₁ , _ )
      banneret 小旗 , ( x )
      banneret 小旗 , ( x )
  3. Suffixed 零级形式 *bʰᵊ-w-es- . ←from 希腊语 phōs (stem phōt- ), light.
    phos- , ( 59478 , )
    phot n.辐透,厘米烛光(照度单位) , ( x )
    →[oew]→ photograph n.照片 v.(给…)拍照[T3]。 ( 1968 )
    →[oew]→ photic 光的。 ( 59483 )
    →[oew]→ photogenic 上相的,上镜的。 ( 59487 )
    →[oew]→ photostat 直接影印本。 ( 59495 )
    photo- 照片- - - ; ( x )
    phosphorus 带来光线的:n.磷,晨星[T9] , ( 17855 , _ , _ )
  4. Suffixed 零级形式 *bʰᵊ-w- . ←from 希腊语 phaeithein , to shine, burn.
    Phaëthon 法厄同 , ( x )
  5. Extended and suffixed 零级形式 *bʰᵊ-n-yo- . ←from 希腊语 phainein , "to bring to light," cause to appear, show, and phainesthai (passive), "to be brought to light," appear, with 零级 noun phasis ( *bʰᵊ-ti- ), an appearance.
    fantasy n.幻想,空想;空想的产物,幻想作品 , ( 3381 , bʰa₂ , phan外观 )
    →[考研]→ fantastic a.(fantastical)奇异的,幻想的,异想天开的。 ( 5037 )
    →[oew]→ fancy n.爱好,迷恋 v.想象,幻想 a.花式的,奇特的。 ( 4556 )
    →[oew]→ fanciful adj.想像的;稀奇的[T9]。 ( 14123 )
    pant vi.喘,渴望.n.喘息 , ( 3683 , _ , _ )
    -phane x , ( x )
    phantasm 鬼魂,幽灵,幻觉,幻影 , ( 59428 , )
    phantom n.幽灵,幻影,虚位adj.幽灵的,幻觉的,有名无实的[T8] , ( 19881 , bʰa₂ , phan外观 )
    phase n.阶段,状态,时期;相,相位 , ( 2039 , _ , phan外观 )
    pheno- 发光,显示,展现 , ( 59441 , )
    phenomenon n.现象,稀有现象,珍品,奇迹,杰出人才 ; ( 2506 , bʰa₂ , phan外观 )
    diaphanous 半透明的 , ( 53601 , )
    emphasis n.强调,重点 , ( 1879 , _ , phan外观 )
    →[考研]→ emphasize v.(emphasise)强调。 ( 2275 )
    epiphany n.主显节[T9] , ( 16887 , bʰa₂ , _ )
    glaucophane 蓝闪石 , ( x )
    hierophant 导师,圣职者,解说者 , ( 55410 , )
    phaneritic 粗晶的 , ( x )
    phanerogam 显花植物 , ( x )
    Phanerozoic 显生宙 , ( x )
    phantasmagoria 幻灯,幻觉效应 , ( 59429 , )
    phosphene 光幻视 , ( x )
    sycophant 告密者,诽谤者,谄媚者,拍马者 , ( 62546 , )
    theophany 神灵显灵,观世音显灵 , ( 62878 , )
    tiffany n.纱的一种 , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. bʰā- 104.]
photo n.(photograph)照片 (Greek,101882)
photosynthesis n.光合作用 (Greek,121815)
telephoto n.电传照相,远距摄影照片 adj.用远距镜头照相的 (Greek,125856)
tryptophan n.<生化>色氨酸(脊椎动物日常食物中一种主要的氨基酸) (Greek,132377)
phenology 物候学 (Greek,159443)
phenotype 表现型的 (Greek,159446)
phosphor 启明星,磷,微光体 (Greek,159480)
photoelectric 光电的 (Greek,159486)
cataphote (Greek,)
phene (Greek,)
phenetic (Greek,)
phototaxis (Greek,)
phototherapy (Greek,)
phototroph (Greek,)
prophase (Greek,)
telophase (Greek,)
;...038, bʰā-₂ 发音说
To speak. 最初形式: *bʰeh₂- , 变形 为: *bʰah₂- , becoming *bʰā- .
派生词包括: fate , infant , prophet , abandon , banish , symphony , confess , and blame.
  1. ←from 拉丁语 fārī , to speak.
    fable n.寓言 , ( 15599 , bʰa₁ , fa说 )
    fabliau 故事诗 , ( x )
    fabulous adj.难以置信的,荒诞不经的,极好的[T8] , ( 6482 , bʰa₁ , fa说 )
    fado 法多 , ( 43005 )
    fairy a.幻想中的;虚构的;优雅的n.仙女;精灵 , ( 6716 , bʰa₁ , _ )
    fandango 凡丹戈舞(节奏欢快的西班牙舞蹈) , ( 54316 , )
    fate n.命运 , ( 3087 , bʰa₁ , fam说论 )
    →[考研]→ fatal a.致命的,毁灭性的。 ( 4945 )
    fay n.小仙子v.接合 ; ( x )
    affable 可以与其说话的adj.和蔼的,友善的[T8] , ( 20905 , bʰa₁ , fa说 )
    fantoccini 傀儡 , ( x )
    ineffable 难以言喻的 , ( 55989 , )
    infant n.婴儿,幼儿 , ( 3260 , bʰa₁ , fam说论 )
    infantry 年轻王子所率领的部队:n.步兵。古代欧洲王子年青时常被送至军营锻炼。在西班牙语中王子被称为infante,王子所 , ( 9490 , bʰa₁ , _ )
    preface n.序言,引言,前言v.作序,写前言 , ( 11284 , bʰa₁ , 蒋争xx )
  2. ←from 希腊语 phanai , to speak.
    -phasia x ; ( x )
    apophasis 以求婉达 , ( x )
    prophet 提前说:n.先知;预言者;提倡者[T6] , ( 8481 , bʰa₁ , phon声音 )
    1. ←from 古英语 bannan , to summon, proclaim, and 古挪威语 banna , to prohibit, curse;
      ban v.取缔,查禁;(from)禁止n.禁止,禁令 , ( 2900 , bʰa₁ , _ )
    2. ←from 古法语 ban , feudal jurisdiction, summons to military service, proclamation, 古法语 bandon , power, and 古英语 gebann , proclamation;
      banal 公告的:adj.陈腐的,中庸的。ban的形容词,本意是“公告的”,如banalright表示发布公告的权利,即管 , ( 20989 , bʰa₁ , _ )
      banns 结婚通告 ; ( 52016 , )
      abandon vt.离弃,丢弃;遗弃,抛弃;放弃 , ( 2790 , bʰa , _ )
    3. ←from 古法语 banir , to banish;
      banish vt.放逐。国王发布公告宣布剥夺某人公民权利,使其不受法律保护,人人可杀之,故只能远走他乡,相当于中国的放逐[T8] , ( 11310 , bʰa₁ , _ )
    4. ←from Late 拉丁语 bannus , bannum , proclamation;
      contraband 禁运品 , ( 53094 , )
    5. ←from 意大利语 bandire , to proclaim, proscribe, banish.a-eall ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *ban-wan , *bannan , to speak publicly (used of particular kinds of proclamation in feudal or prefeudal custom; "to proclaim under penalty, summon to the levy, declare outlaw").
      bandit 被放逐者:n.强盗,法外之徒[T6] , ( 15817 , bʰa₁ , _ )
  3. 带后缀形式: *bʰā-ni- .
    1. ←from 古挪威语 bōn , prayer, request;
      boon n.恩惠,福利 , ( 12368 , bʰa₁ , _ )
    2. ←from a Scandinavian source akin to 古挪威语 bōn , prayer. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *bōni- .
      bee n.蜂,蜜蜂;忙碌的人 , ( 4879 , bʰei , _ )
      perhaps←from 古英语 bēn , prayer,
  4. 带后缀形式: *bʰā-ma .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 fāma , talk, reputation, fame;
      fame n.名声;名望;传说vt使出名;传扬…的名 , ( 4656 , bʰa₁ , fam说论 )
      famous a.著名的 ; ( 1306 , bʰa₁ , fam说论 )
      defame 诽谤 , ( 53465 , )
      infamous adj.声名狼藉的;无耻的;邪恶的;不名誉的[T9] , ( 9355 , bʰa₁ , fam说论 )
    2. ←from 希腊语 phēmē , saying, speech.
      euphemism n.委婉语;委婉说法[T8] , ( 19742 , _ , phon声音 )
      Polyphemus 波吕斐摩斯 , ( x )
  5. Suffixed o级形式 *bʰō-nā- . ←from 希腊语 phōnē , voice, sound, and (denominative) phōnein , to speak.
    phone n.电话,耳机,听筒v.打电话[T3] , ( 628 , _ , phon声音 )
    -phone 电话 , ( x )
    phoneme 音素 , ( 59471 , )
    phonetic adj.语音的[T8] , ( 21444 , bʰa₁ , phon声音 )
    phono- 声音 , ( 59470 , )
    -phony 假的 ; ( x )
    anthem n.圣歌,赞美诗 , ( 10988 , bʰa₁ , _ )
    antiphon 轮流吟唱的歌 , ( x )
    aphonia 失音 , ( x )
    cacophonous 发音不和谐的 , ( 32787 )
    euphony 和谐的声音 , ( x )
    symphony n.交响乐[T6] , ( 8046 , bʰa₁ , phon声音 )
  6. Suffixed 零级形式 *bʰᵊ-to- . ←from 拉丁语 fatērī , to acknowledge, admit.
    confess v.供认,承认,坦白,忏悔 , ( 5140 , _ , fess说 )
    profess 上前宣称:v.公开宣称,自称,宣称信奉,当教授[T9] , ( 14306 , bʰa₁ , fess说 )
    →[oew]→ professor n.教授。 ( 924 )
  7. ←from 希腊语 blasphēmos , blasphemous,
    blame v.责备;怪,把…归咎于n.责任,过错;责备 , ( 1903 , bʰa₁ , _ )
    blaspheme 亵渎神灵 , ( 52220 , )
    perhaps from *ml̥s-bʰā-mo- , "speaking evil" ( blas- , evil; see mel-₃ ).
[Pokorny 2. bʰā- 105.]
fascinate v.迷住,强烈吸引 (Latin,107155)
infancy n.初期;婴儿期;幼年[T9] (Lat,110857)
fatality n.命运决定的事物,不幸,灾祸,天命 (Lat,113619)
fanatic 寺庙的,神灵附体的:n.狂热入迷者;盲信者;盲信adj.狂热的;盲信的[T8] (Lat,114844)
defamation n.诽谤,中伤[T9] (Lat,122853)
nefarious adj.邪恶的;穷凶极恶的;不法的[T8] (Lat,124100)
defamatory adj.诽谤的,中伤的 (Lat,132216)
affability n.和蔼,亲切 (Lat,135439)
confabulation 虚构的故事,谈话 (Lat,153053)
infamy 臭名昭著 (Lat,156005)
infanticide 杀婴罪 (Lat,156006)
infantile 婴儿的,幼稚的 (Lat,156007)
omnifarious 多方面的 (Lat,158778)
prefatory 前言性的 (Lat,159956)
bifarious (Lat,)
confabulate (Lat,)
effable (Lat,)
fabular (Lat,)
facund (Lat,)
facundious (Lat,)
facundity (Lat,)
famacide (Lat,)
famosity (Lat,)
fatidic (Lat,)
fatiferous (Lat,)
fetial (Lat,)
ineffability (Lat,)
nefand (Lat,)
nefandous (Lat,)
nonfatal (Lat,)
microphone n.话筒,扩音器 (Greek,106611)
cacophony n.刺耳的声音[T8] (Greek,120990)
symphonic adj.交响乐的 (Greek,124646)
telephony n.电话学,电话,电话制造 (Greek,128752)
phonemic adj.音素的,音位的 (Greek,129112)
polyphonic adj.有许多声音的,对位法的,复调的 (Greek,132230)
dysphonia n.发声困难 (Greek,137128)
telephonic adj.电的,用电话传送的 (Greek,144453)
homophony n.同音异义,同音歌唱,同音,主调 (Greek,146047)
stereophonic adj.有立体效果的,立体声的 (Greek,147642)
allophone 音位变体 (Greek,151669)
euphonious 好听的 (Greek,154194)
homophone 同音异义词 (Greek,155537)
megaphone 扩音器 (Greek,157628)
phonetics 语音学 (Greek,159472)
phonics 语音教学法 (Greek,159474)
phonograph 留声机 (Greek,159475)
phonology 音系,音系学 (Greek,159476)
polyphony 复调 (Greek,159790)
acrophonic (Greek,)
acrophony (Greek,)
antiphony (Greek,)
aphonic (Greek,)
apophony (Greek,)
archiphoneme (Greek,)
diaphony (Greek,)
diplophonia (Greek,)
euphonic (Greek,)
euphonize (Greek,)
heterophonic (Greek,)
heterophony (Greek,)
homophonous (Greek,)
hypophonesis (Greek,)
ideophone (Greek,)
idiophone (Greek,)
isophone (Greek,)
logophonetic (Greek,)
misophonia (Greek,)
monophonic (Greek,)
monophony (Greek,)
morphophonology (Greek,)
phonaesthesia (Greek,)
phonaesthetics (Greek,)
phonesthemic (Greek,)
phonogram (Greek,)
phonophobia (Greek,)
phonosemantics (Greek,)
phonotactics (Greek,)
;...039, bʰa-bʰā-
Broad bean.
  1. ←from 拉丁语 faba , broad bean.
    favabean 蚕豆 , ( 54346 , )
    favela 棚户区 , ( 54347 , )
  2. 变化形式*bʰa-un- . ←from 古英语 bēan , broad bean, bean of any kind, ←from 日耳曼语 *baunō .
    bean n.豆;菜豆,蚕豆 , ( 3040 , _ , _ )
  3. Possible 带后缀形式: *bʰa-ko- . ←from 希腊语 phakos , lentil.
    phacoemulsification 超声乳化吸出术 , ( x )
  4. 变化形式*bʰa-bʰo- . ←from a Slavic source akin to Polish bób and 俄语 bob , lentil.
    bupkis x , ( x )
[Pokorny bʰabʰā 106.]
;...040, bʰad- 更好
  1. ←from 古英语 betera , better, ←from 日耳曼语 (comparative) *batizō .
    better a.较好的ad.更好(地)v.改良n.较佳者 , ( 323 , bʰad , _ )
  2. ←from 古英语 bet(e)st , best, ←from 日耳曼语 (superlative) *batistaz .
    best a.最好的(good和well最高级)ad.最好地;最 , ( 245 , bʰad , _ )
  3. ←from 古英语 bōt , remedy, aid, ←from 日耳曼语 noun *bōtō .
    boot n.靴;(汽车后部的)行李箱;[the-]解雇 , ( 2701 , bʰad , _ )

  4. batten 板条 , ( 24518 )
    ultimately from 古挪威语 batna , to improve, ←from 日耳曼语 verb *batnan , to become better.
[Pokorny bʰā̆d- 106.]
;...041, bʰag- 分享吃
To share out, apportion, also to get a share.
  1. ←from 希腊语 phagein , to eat (< "to have a share of food").
    -phage 噬菌体 , ( x )
    -phagia x , ( x )
    phago- x , ( x )
    -phagous x ; ( x )
    esophagus n.食道 , ( 22672 , _ , _ )
  2. ←from 希腊语 phagros , whetstone ("eater, that eats metal"), also a name for the sea bream, ←from 希腊语 带后缀形式: *phag-ro- .
    porgy 棘鬣鱼 , ( x )
  3. ←from a Slavic source akin to Czech neboh , poor, unfortunate, ←from Common Slavic *ne-bogŭ , poor ("un-endowed").
    nebbish 胆小鬼 , ( 58384 , )
  4. ←from 梵语 bʰagaḥ , good fortune.
    pagoda 佛塔 ; ( 59039 , )
    bʰagavad-Gita 里《博伽梵歌》 , ( x )
  5. ←from 梵语 bʰajati , he apportions.
    bʰakti 巴克提 , ( x )
  6. 扩展形式: *bʰags- . ←from 波斯语 bakhshīdan , to give, ←from Avestan bakhsh- .
    baksheesh 施舍,小费 , ( 51993 , )
    buckshee 免费的 , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. bʰag- 107.]
;...042, bʰāghu- 手臂肢
Arm. 最初形式: *bʰāg̑hu- , becoming *bʰāghu- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).

bough n.大树枝,主枝 , ( 19445 , bʰagus , _ ) ←from 古英语 bōg , bōh , bough, ←from 日耳曼语 *bōguz .
[Pokorny bʰāghú-s (misprint for bʰāg̑hú-s ) 108.]
;...043, bʰāgo- 榉树
Beech tree.
    1. ←from 古英语 bōc , written document, composition;
      book n.书,书籍vt.订(票,座位,房间等),预定 , ( 243 , bʰago , _ )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 boek , beech;
      buckʷheat 荞麦 , ( 52420 , )
    3. ←from Norwegian bok , book.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *bōkō , beech, also "beech staff for carving runes on" (an early 日耳曼语 writing device).
      Bokmål 书面挪威语 , ( x )
  1. ←from 古英语 bēce , beech, ←from 日耳曼语 *bōkjōn- .
    beech n.山毛榉树或其木材 , ( 17468 , bʰago , _ )
[Pokorny bʰāgó-s 107.]
;...044, bʰardʰ-ā- 胡须
  1. ←from 古英语 beard , beard, ←from 日耳曼语 *bardaz .
    beard n.胡须 , ( 5387 , bʰar , _ )
  2. ←from 高地德语 barta , beard, ax, ←from 日耳曼语 *bardō , beard, also hatchet, broadax.
    halberd , ( 55143 , )
  3. ←from 拉丁语 barba , beard.
    barb n.鱼钩.vt.装倒钩于 , ( 21132 , _ , _ )
    barbel 有触须 , ( x )
    barbellate 有短硬毛的 , ( x )
    barber n.理发师vt.为…理发修整vi.当理发师 , ( 11772 , bʰar , _ )
    barbette 炮座 , ( x )
    barbicel x , ( x )
    barbule 鱼的触须 , ( x )
    barbut x , ( x )
    bichon 的比雄 ; ( x )
    rebarbative 厌恶的 , ( 60498 , )
[Pokorny bʰardʰā 110.]
barbate (Lat,)
barbet (Lat,)
barbine (Lat,)
;...045, bʰares- 大麦 , Also bʰars- .
    1. ←from 古英语 bere , barley, ←from 日耳曼语 *bariz- ;
      barn n.谷仓,仓库vt.把…贮存入仓 , ( 4349 , bʰares , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 bærlic , barley-like, barley, ←from 日耳曼语 *barz- .
      barley n.大麦 , ( 10403 , bʰares , _ )
  1. ←from 拉丁语 far (stem farr- ), spelt, grain.
    farina 淀粉 , ( x )
    farinaceous 粉状的 , ( x )
    farraginous 杂七杂八的 , ( x )
    farrago 大杂烩 , ( 54322 , )
    farro x , ( x )
[Pokorny bʰares- 111.]
;...046, bʰau- 敲击
To strike. 最初形式: *bʰeh₂u- , 变形 为: *bʰah₂u- , becoming *bʰau- .
派生词包括: beat , buttock , halibut , button , and refute.
  1. ←from 古英语 bēatan , to beat, ←from 日耳曼语 *bautan .
    beat n.敲打;(心脏等)跳动v.打败;(心脏等)跳动 , ( 1173 , bʰaut , _ )
  2. ←from 古英语 bȳtl , hammer, mallet, ←from 日耳曼语 *bautilaz , hammer.
    beetle n.甲虫 ; ( 8967 , bat , _ )
    battledore 羽毛球拍 , ( x )
    →[oew]→ battle n.战役,战斗;斗争 v.战斗,斗争,搏斗。 ( 1271 )
    →[oew]→ battery n.电池(组);(器具等的)一组,一套;炮兵连。 ( 3583 )
    →[oew]→ batter n.击球手 v.(接连)猛击[T9]。 ( 10260 )

  3. baste vt.粗缝,润以油脂,(在烤肉上)涂油,狠揍,大骂 , ( 21766 , bʰaut , _ )
    probably from a Scandinavian source akin to 古挪威语 beysta , to beat, denominative ←from 日耳曼语 *baut-sti- .
  4. ←from 古英语 diminutive buttuc , end, strip of land, ←from 日耳曼语 *būtaz .
    buttock 屁股 , ( 52483 , )
    1. ←from 中古荷兰语 butte , flatfish;
      halibut n.大比目鱼 , ( 21466 , bʰau , _ )
    2. ←from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Swedish but , flatfish. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *butt- , name for a flatfish.
      turbot 大菱鲆 , ( 63301 , )
  5. ←from 古法语 bo(u)ter , to strike, push, ←from 日耳曼语 *buttan .
    bouton 小结 , ( x )
    butt n.粗大的一端,靶垛,笑柄 v.以头抵撞,碰撞 , ( 6020 , bʰaut , _ )
    →[oew]→ buttocks n.臀部,臀部,屁股( buttock的名词复数 ) ( 12017 )
    button n.纽扣,按钮(开关)v.扣紧;扣上纽扣 , ( 2971 , bʰaut , _ )
    buttress n.(建筑)扶壁,支持物 vt.支持,(以扶壁)扶住 ; ( 20907 , bʰaut , _ )
    abut v.邻接,毗邻 , ( 21887 , bʰaut , _ )
    rebut v.反驳 , ( 22799 , bʰaut , _ )
    sackbut 低音喇叭 , ( x )
  6. Variant 零级形式 *bʰū- (< *bʰuᵊ- , metathesized from *bʰᵊu- ). 带后缀形式: *bʰū-t-ā- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 cōnfūtāre , to check, suppress, restrain ( com- , intensive prefix; see kom );
      confute 驳倒 , ( 53062 , )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 refūtāre , to drive back, rebut ( re- , back; see re- ).
      refute 打回去:vt.反驳,驳斥;驳倒[T8] , ( 13744 , bʰaut , fuse倾倒 )
  7. Possibly reduced 带后缀形式: *bʰu-tu- ( *bʰᵊu- ) ←from 拉丁语 futuere , to have intercourse with (a woman).
    footle 闲混 ; ( 54537 , )
    clafoutis x , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. bʰā̆u- 112.]
refutation n.驳斥 (Lat,126160)
irrefutable 无可辩驳的 (Lat,156219)
;...047, bʰegʷ- 看见怕
To run.
  1. ←from 古挪威语 bekkr , a stream, ←from 日耳曼语 *bakjaz , a stream.
    beck 小溪,召唤 , ( 52080 , )
  2. ←from 希腊语 phobos , panic, flight, fear, ←from phebesthai , to flee in terror.
    -phobe , ( x )
    -phobia 恐惧症 , ( x )
[Pokorny bʰegu̯- 116.]
;...048, bʰei- 蜜蜂
A bee.

bee n.蜂,蜜蜂;忙碌的人 , ( 4879 , bʰei , _ ) ←from 古英语 bēo , a bee, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *bīōn- .
[Pokorny bʰei- 116.]
;...049, bʰeid- 虫咬裂
To split; with 日耳曼语 derivatives referring to biting (hence also to eating and to hunting) and woodworking.
派生词包括: bite , bitter , and fission.
    1. ←from 古英语 bītan , to bite;
      beetle n.甲虫 , ( 8967 , bat , _ )
      bite v./n.咬,叮n.一口 , ( 3068 , bʰeid , _ )
    2. ←from 高地德语 bīzan , bizzan , to bite. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *bītan .
      tsimmes 文火乱炖蔬菜水果 , ( x )
  1. 零级形式 *bʰid- .
    1. ←from 古英语 bite , a bite, sting, ←from 日耳曼语 *bitiz ;
      bit n.一点,一些;小块,少量;片刻;[计]位,比特 , ( 905 , bʰeid , _ )
      1. ←from 古英语 bita , a piece bitten off, morsel;
        bit n.一点,一些;小块,少量;片刻;[计]位,比特 , ( 905 , bʰeid , _ )
      2. ←from a 日耳曼语 source akin to 古挪威语 biti , bit, crossbeam;
        bitt n.缆柱vt.系于缆柱 , ( x )
      3. ←from 意大利语 pizza, pizza, ←from a 日耳曼语 source akin to 高地德语 bizzo , pizzo , bite, morsel. (i)-(iii) all ←from 日耳曼语 *bitōn- ;
        pizza n.比萨饼(一种涂有乳酪核番茄酱的意大利式有馅烘饼) , ( 5036 , _ , _ )
      4. ←from Medieval 希腊语 pita ,
        pita n.(希腊和中东地区的)皮塔饼 , ( 21069 , _ , _ )
        perhaps from Gothic *bita , bite, morsel. (i)-(iv) all ←from 日耳曼语 *bitōn- .
    2. 带后缀形式: *bʰid-ro- . ←from 古英语 bit(t)er , "biting," sharp, bitter.
      bitter a.(有)苦(味)的;痛苦的,厉害的 , ( 3320 , bʰeid , _ )
  2. o级形式 *bʰoid- .
    1. ←from 古挪威语 beita (verb), to hunt with dogs, and beita (noun), pasture, food;
      bait n.饵,诱惑物 vt.以饵引诱(动物),把饵装上,欺负,折磨 vi.中途休息 , ( 7402 , bʰeid , _ )
    2. ←from 古法语 beter , to harass with dogs. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *baitjan .
      abet 唆使去咬:vt.教唆,煽动,支持[T8] , ( 20108 , bʰeid , _ )
  3. ←from 古法语 gibiez , game, ←from 日耳曼语 *gabaiti- ( *ga- , collective prefix; see kom ).
    giblets 禽类的内脏 , ( 54852 , )
  4. ←from 古英语 bāt , boat, ←from 日耳曼语 *bait- , a boat (< "dugout canoe" or "split planking").
    bateau 轻舟 , ( 41954 )
    boat n.小船,艇 ; ( 1298 , bʰeid , _ )
    boatswain 水手长 , ( 52257 , )
  5. Nasalized 零级形式 *bʰi-n-d- . ←from 拉丁语 findere , to split.
    -fid 支撑材 , ( x )
    fissi- x , ( x )
    fissile 易裂变的 , ( 54439 , )
    fission 裂变 , ( 54440 , )
    fissure n.裂缝,裂沟v.裂开,分裂[T8] , ( 19781 , bʰeid , fict假装 )
    vent n.出口.v.排出,发泄 , ( 9094 , ue , vent风 )
[Pokorny bʰeid- 116.]
fistula 瘘,瘘管 (Lat,154442)
bifid (Lat,)
contrafissure (Lat,)
fissiped (Lat,)
fistular (Lat,)
multifid (Lat,)
;...050, bʰeidʰ- 坚信赖
To trust, confide, persuade.
派生词包括: bide , fiancé , and infidel.
  1. Probably 日耳曼语 *bīdan , to await (< "to await trustingly, expect, trust") ←from 古英语 bīdan , to wait, stay.
    abide v.忍受,持续,停留,遵守[T8] , ( 10002 , bʰeidʰ , _ )
    abode 住所,家 , ( 51528 , )
  2. ←from 拉丁语 fīdere , to trust, confide, and fīdus , faithful.
    fiancé 未婚夫 , ( x )
    fiducial 基准 , ( x )
    fiduciary v.基于信用的,信托的,受信托的 n.被信托者,受托人 ; ( 20423 , bʰeidʰ , _ )
    affiance 婚约 , ( x )
    affiant 宣誓者 , ( x )
    affidavit 宣誓后陈述如下:n.宣誓书,宣誓后的声明。西方古人重视誓言,证人在公证人前宣誓后提供的证词可作为重要的法律证据。这种文 , ( 11447 , bʰeidʰ , _ )
    confidant n.知己,密友[T8] , ( 19838 , bʰeidʰ , fid相信 )
    confide vt.透露(秘密),委托vi.透露秘密,信赖[T8] , ( 11236 , bʰeidʰ , fid相信 )
    confident n.(of,in)确信的,自信的 , ( 2652 , bʰeidʰ , fid相信 )
    →[考研]→ confidence n.(in)信任;信心,自信;秘密,机密。 ( 1555 )
    →[考研]→ confidential adj.机密的,表示信任的,获得信任的[T6]。 ( 6590 )
    defiance n.蔑视;挑战;反抗[T8] , ( 10573 , gheidʰ , fid相信 )
    defy v.(公然)违抗,反抗;蔑视 , ( 7821 , bʰeidʰ , fid相信 )
    diffident 缺乏自信的 , ( 53619 , )
  3. Suffixed o级形式 *bʰoidʰ-es- . ←from 拉丁语 foedus (stem foeder- ), treaty, league.
    federal a.联邦的;联邦制的;联合的;同盟的 , ( 647 , bʰeidʰ , feder联盟 )
    →[考研]→ federation 联合;联邦;联盟;联邦政府[T9]。 ( 5761 )
    federate vt.vi.(使)结成联邦 ; ( 48792 )
    confederate 同谋 , ( 53055 , )
  4. 零级形式 *bʰidʰ- . ←from 拉丁语 fidēs , faith, trust.
    faith n.信任,信用;信仰,信条 , ( 1410 , bʰeidʰ , fid相信 )
    →[考研]→ faithful a.守信的,忠实的,如实的,可靠的。 ( 5462 )
    fay n.小仙子v.接合 , ( x )
    fealty 宣誓效忠 , ( 54349 , )
    fideism 信仰主义 , ( x )
    fidelity n.忠诚,忠实,保真度[T8] ; ( 12149 , bʰeidʰ , fid相信 )
    infidel 无信仰的:adj.异教徒的,无宗教信仰的n.异教徒[T9] , ( 22537 , bʰeidʰ , fid相信 )
    perfidy 背叛,不忠 , ( 59348 , )
[Pokorny 1. bʰeidʰ- 117.]
confidentiality n.机密性 (Lat,108667)
defiant adj.挑衅的;目中无人的,蔑视的;挑战的[T9] (Lat,111006)
confederation n.联邦 (Lat,113060)
infidelity n.无信仰,不信神;背信[T9] (Lat,115168)
interfaith adj.不同宗教信仰者(间)的,不同宗教团体(间)的 (Lat,120490)
confidante n.知己的女友 (Lat,124416)
diffidence n.缺乏自信 (Lat,132153)
confederacy 同盟 (Latin,153054)
perfidious 背叛的,不忠的 (Lat,159347)
diffide (Lat,)
feal (Lat,)
fiancée (Lat,)
multifaith (Lat,)
prefident (Lat,)
;...051, bʰel-₁ 流光
To shine, flash, burn; shining white and various bright colors.
派生词包括: blue , bleach , blind , blond , blanket , black , flagrant , and flame.
  1. Suffixed 全级形式 *bʰel-o- .
      1. ←from 俄语 belyĭ , white;
        beluga 白鲟鱼 , ( 52109 , )
      2. ←from Scottish Gaelic bealltainn , ←from 古爱尔兰 beltaine , "fire of Bel" ( ten, tene , fire; see tep- ), ←from Bel , name of a pagan Irish deity akin to the Gaulish divine name Belenos , ←from Celtic *bel-o- .
        Beltane 五月一日 , ( x )
    1. ←from 希腊语 phalaros , having a white spot.
      phalarope 瓣蹼鹬 , ( 51441 )
    2. ←from 希腊语 phallaina , moth (< *"white creature").
      phalaenopsis 蝴蝶兰属 , ( x )
  2. Extended root *bʰleᵊ₁- , 缩减成:*bʰlē- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *bʰlē-wo- . ←from 古法语 bleu , blue, ←from 日耳曼语 *blēwaz , blue.
      blue a.蓝色的;青灰色的;沮丧的,阴郁的n.蓝色 , ( 836 , bʰel₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ blueprint n.蓝图,设计图,计划 vt.制成蓝图,计划 ( 8599 )
      →[考研]→ blunder v.跌跌撞撞地走,犯大错,做错 n.大错,失误 ( 16340 )
      →[考研]→ blunt adj.钝的,生硬的 ( 8141 )
    2. Suffixed 零级形式 *bʰl̥ᵊ-wo- . ←from 拉丁语 flāvus , golden or reddish yellow.
      flavescent 逐渐变黄的 , ( x )
      flavo- 大海风情, ; ( x )
      flavin 黄素 , ( x )
      flavone 黄酮 , ( x )
      flavoprotein 黄素蛋白 , ( x )
  3. Various extended 日耳曼语 forms.
    1. ←from 古英语 blǣcan , to bleach, ←from 日耳曼语 *blaikjan , to make white.
      bleach v.漂白,变白 , ( 15069 , bʰel₁ , _ )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 bleikr , shining, white, ←from 日耳曼语 *blaikaz , shining, white.
      bleak a.寒冷的,荒凉的,黯淡的 , ( 7244 , bʰel₁ , _ )
    3. ←from 高地德语 blëcchazzen , to flash, lighten, ←from 日耳曼语 *blikkatjan .
      blitzkrieg 闪电站 , ( 52235 , )
      1. ←from 古英语 blæse , torch, bright fire;
        blaze n.火焰.vi.照耀,激发,燃烧 , ( 8836 , bʰel₁ , _ )
        →[oew]→ blazer n.颜色鲜明的运动夹克,宣布者 ( 16847 )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 bles , white spot;
        blesbok 南非白面大羚羊 , ( x )
      3. ←from 古法语 ble(s)mir , to make pale.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *blas- , shining, white.
        blemish n.污点,缺点,瑕疵 vt.弄脏,玷污,损害 , ( 21116 , _ , _ )
      1. ←from 古英语 blind , blind;
        blind a.盲的,瞎的;盲目的vt.使失明n.百叶窗 ; ( 2591 , bʰel₁ , _ )
        blindfold n,眼罩,障眼物; vt.将...眼睛蒙起来,蒙骗 adj.看不清的,盲目的 , ( 22215 , _ , _ )
        purblind 愚钝的 , ( x )
        →[oew]→ purgative 泻药,通便药物。 ( 60235 )
        →[oew]→ purgatory 洗涤罪恶,炼狱,折磨,磨难。 ( 60236 )
      2. ←from 高地德语 blentan , to blind, deceive;
        blende 闪锌矿 , ( x )
      3. ←from 古挪威语 blanda , to mix;
        blend n.混合(物)v.混和,混杂 , ( 4864 , bʰel₁ , _ )
      4. ←from 古法语 blond , blond.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *blendaz , clouded, and *bland- , *bland-ja- , to mix, mingle (< "make cloudy").
        blond adj.亚麻色的,金色的,浅色的,白肤金发碧眼的 n.肤色白皙的金发女人,白肤金发碧眼人 , ( 5984 , _ , _ )
      1. ←from 古英语 blencan , to deceive;
        blench 惊悸 , ( 52226 , )
      2. ←from 古法语 blanc , white. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *blenk- , *blank- , to shine, dazzle, blind.
        blanch v.漂白,使变白,遮断阳光 发白 , ( 21071 , bʰel₁ , blanc白 )
        blank a.空白的,空着的;失色的n.空白;表格 , ( 2758 , bʰel₁ , blanc白 )
        blanket n.毯子(可数);厚厚一层(可数)vt.铺上一层 ; ( 3728 , bʰel₁ , blanc白 )
        blancmange 果味牛奶冻 , ( 52215 , )
        PinotBlanc 白皮诺 , ( x )
    4. ←from 古英语 blyscan , to glow red, ←from 日耳曼语 *blisk- , to shine, burn.
      blush vi.脸红,惭愧;变红;害臊,怕羞n.脸红,红色;[古]一见,一瞥 , ( 11726 , bʰel₁ , _ )
  4. Extended root *bʰleg- , to shine, flash, burn.
    1. o级形式 bʰlog- . ←from 古英语 blæc , black, ←from 日耳曼语 *blakaz , burned.
      black a.黑(色)的;黑暗的n.黑(色);黑暗;黑人 , ( 273 , bʰel₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ blackboard n.黑板。 ( 15637 )
      →[考研]→ blackmail n.勒索,勒索所得之款 vt.勒索 ( 14791 )
      →[oew]→ blackberry n.黑莓 ( 17519 )
    2. 零级形式 *bʰl̥g- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 fulgēre , to flash, shine, and fulgur , lightning;
        fulgent 光辉的,灿烂的 , ( 54664 , )
        fulgurate 打闪 ; ( x )
        effulgent 灿烂的 , ( 53973 , )
        foudroyant 使人眼花缭乱的 , ( x )
        refulgent 灿烂的 , ( 60594 , )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 fulmen (< *fulg-men ), lightning, thunderbolt.
        fulminate 愤怒谴责 , ( 54668 , )
      1. ←from 拉丁语 flagrāre , to blaze;
        flagrant 正在发光的:adj.公然的,明目张胆的,臭名昭著的[T8] ; ( 23679 , bʰel₁ , flam火烧 )
        conflagrant 燃烧的 , ( x )
        conflagration 大火 , ( 53058 , )
        deflagrate 迅速燃烧 , ( x )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 flamma (< *flag-ma ), a flame.
        chamise x , ( x )
        flambé 燃烧着的 , ( x )
        flambeau 火炬 , ( x )
        flamboyant 正在燃烧的:adj.艳丽的;火焰似的;炫耀的n.凤凰木[T8] , ( 14342 , bʰel₁ , flam火烧 )
        flame n.火焰,火苗;热情;光辉v.发火焰,燃烧 , ( 3749 , bʰel₁ , flam火烧 )
        flamingo ①弗拉门科舞(一种节奏明快的西班牙舞蹈)②火烈鸟 , ( 63947 , )
        flammable adj.易燃的,可燃的n.易燃物[T8] ; ( 23029 , bʰel₁ , flam火烧 )
        inflame 在火焰中:v.(使)燃烧,激怒,(使)发炎,等于enflame[T8] , ( 18392 , bʰel₁ , flam火烧 )
    3. ←from 希腊语 phlegein , to burn.
      phlegm 痰,冷淡,迟钝,冷静,镇定 , ( 59463 , )
      phlegmatic 冷淡的,迟钝的,冷静的,镇定的 , ( 59464 , )
      Phlegethon x , ( x )
    4. o级形式 *bʰlog- . ←from 希腊语 phlox , a flame, also a wallflower.
      phlogiston 燃素 , ( 48387 )
      phlox 福禄考(高大开花植物) ; ( 59466 , )
      phlogopite 金云母 , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. bʰel- 118, bʰeleg- 124, bʰleu-(k)- 159.]
inflammatory adj.煽动性的 (Lat,109152)
inflammation n.炎症,发炎,燃烧,发火[T8] (Lat,109583)
flamboyance n.火红,艳丽,炫耀 (Lat,131734)
fulminant adj.(疾病)暴发性的 (Lat,132824)
fulmination n.严词谴责,爆发 (Lat,143196)
effulgence n.光辉 (Lat,150101)
flavonoid 类黄酮 (Lat,154472)
inflammable 易燃的,易激怒的 (Lat,156019)
flamage (Lat,)
flavivirus (Lat,)
fulgency (Lat,)
fulgid (Lat,)
fulgor (Lat,)
oriflamme (Lat,)
phlegmasia (Greek,)
phlegmon (Greek,)
phlegmonous (Greek,)
phlogistic (Greek,)
;...052, bʰel-₂ 憋气鼓
To blow, swell; with derivatives referring to various round objects and to the notion of tumescent masculinity.
派生词包括: boulevard , boulder , phallus , balloon , ballot , and fool.
  1. 零级形式 bʰl̥- .
    1. ←from 古英语 bolla , pot, bowl;
      bowl n.碗(状物),钵 , ( 2112 , beu , _ )
      →[考研]→ bowling n.保龄球 ( 8283 )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 bolr , tree trunk;
      bole 树干 , ( 52278 , )
    3. ←from 古挪威语 bulki , cargo (< "rolled-up load");
      bulk n.体积,容积;主体,大批,大量,大块 , ( 4257 , beu , _ )
    4. ←from 高地德语 bolla , ball;
      rocambole 小蒜 , ( x )
    5. ←from Middle High German bole , beam, plank;
      boulevard n.<美>林荫大道 , ( 15594 , beu , _ )
      bulwark n.壁垒,防波堤 , ( 23950 , uerg , _ )
    6. ←from 中古荷兰语 bolle , round object;
      boll 棉铃 , ( 52281 , )
    7. ←from 中古荷兰语 bille , buttock;
      biltong 干肉片 , ( x )
    8. ←from a Scandinavian source akin to Swedish bullersten , "rounded stone," boulder, ←from *buller- , "round object."a-hall ←from 日耳曼语 *bul- .
      boulder n.大石头 , ( 9533 , beu , _ )
  2. Suffixed 零级形式 *bʰl̥-n- .
    1. ←from 古挪威语 boli , bull, ←from 日耳曼语 *bullōn- ;
      bull n.公牛 , ( 4084 , ane , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 bulluc , bull, ←from 日耳曼语 *bulluka- ;
      bullock n.阉牛,一岁半以下的小公牛 , ( 14426 )
    3. ←from 希腊语 phallos , phallus;
      phallus 阴茎 ; ( 59427 , )
      ithyphallic x , ( x )
    4. possibly 拉丁语 fullō , a fuller
      full a.(of)满的,充满的a./ad.完全,充分 ; ( 398 , pel₅ , _ )
      →[oew]→ full-blown adj.盛开的,张满的,成熟的 ( 16852 )
      refoulement x . ( x )
    5. Probably 带后缀形式: *bʰol- .
      1. ←from 古英语 beallucas , testicles;
        bollock x , ( 36104 )
        bollix 乱糟糟的一团 , ( x )
      2. ←from 古英语 *beall , ball;
        ball n.球(状物);(正式的)舞会vt.把…捏成球状 , ( 1001 , beu , ball跳舞 )
        →[考研]→ baseball n.棒球。 ( 1883 )
        →[考研]→ basketball n.篮球,篮球运动。 ( 2418 )
        →[考研]→ football n.足球。 ( 1411 )
        →[考研]→ volleyball n.排球。 ( 10343 )
      3. ←from 高地德语 bal , ball;
        foosball 桌上足球 , ( 34160 )

      4. bilberry 越桔 , ( 41316 )
        probably from a Scandinavian source akin to Danish bolle , round roll;
      5. ←from 意大利语 dialectal balla , ball;
        balloon n.气球,飞船;a.气球状的v.乘坐气球;膨胀 , ( 5738 , beu , ball投掷 )
        ballot 小球:n.选票。源于古希腊人用来投票的黑白两色小球[T8] , ( 3947 , beu , ball投掷 )
        ballottement 冲互诊 , ( x )
      6. ←from 意大利语 palla , ball;
        pall-mall 蓓尔美尔街 , ( x )
      7. ←from 古法语 bale , rolled-up bundle.a-gall ←from 日耳曼语 *ball- .
        bale 大球:n.大包,捆v.打包[T8] , ( 15207 , ben , _ )
    6. Possibly suffixed o级形式 *bʰol-to- .
      1. ←from 古英语 bald , beald , bold;
        bold a.大胆的,勇敢的;冒失的;黑体的,粗体的 , ( 4357 , beu , _ )
      2. ←from Old Saxon bald , bold;
        bawd 鸨母 , ( 52067 , )
      3. ←from 古挪威语 ballr, baldr , brave.a-c ←from 日耳曼语 *balthaz , bold.
        Balder 巴尔德 , ( x )
    7. Suffixed o级形式 *bʰol-n- . ←from 拉丁语 follis , bellows, inflated ball.
      fils 儿子 , ( x )
      follicle 行囊,卵泡 , ( 54531 , )
      folly n.愚蠢,荒唐事 , ( 7985 , beu , _ )
      fool n.傻子,笨蛋vt.欺骗,愚弄vi.干蠢事 , ( 3961 , beu , _ )
      →[考研]→ foolish a.愚笨的,愚蠢的。 ( 5643 )
      →[oew]→ foolhardy 莽撞的。 ( 54535 )
    8. Possibly 希腊语 phal(l)aina , whale
      baleen 鲸须 . ( 46034 )
    9. Conceivably from this root (but more likely unrelated) is 希腊语 phellos , cork, cork oak
      phellem 木栓 ; ( x )
      phelloderm 栓内层 , ( x )
      phellogen 木栓形成层 . ( x )
[Pokorny 3 bʰel- 120.]
The following derivatives of this root are entered separately: bʰel-₃ , bʰelgh- , bʰleu- .
follicular adj.小囊的,卵泡的,滤泡的 (Lat,135278)
;...053, bʰel-₃ 粉末流
To thrive, bloom. Possibly from bʰel- ₂.
派生词包括: foliage , blossom , flora , bleed , bless , and blade.
  1. Suffixed o级形式 *bʰol-yo- , leaf.
    1. ←from 拉丁语 folium , leaf.
      foil n.箔,金属薄片 , ( 7840 , beu , _ )
      foliage n.植物;叶子(总称)[T8] , ( 7464 , beu , foli叶子 )
      folio 对开本,一页 , ( 54529 , )
      folium 叶形 ; ( x )
      cinquefoil 梅花形 , ( 48520 )
      defoliate 落叶 , ( 38713 )
      exfoliate 使叶片剥落,使死皮剥落 , ( 54229 , )
      feuilleton 小品文 , ( x )
      milfoil 耆草属植物 , ( 42530 )
      perfoliate 贯穿性的 , ( x )
      portfolio 携带纸张(的东西):n.公文包,文件夹,证券投资组合,部长职务[T8] , ( 4012 , beu , )
      trefoil 三叶植物,三叶形装饰图案 , ( 63166 , )
    2. ←from 希腊语 phullon , leaf.
      -phyll x , ( x )
      phyllo- 叶子 , ( 59505 , )
      -phyllous x ; ( x )
      chervil 细叶芹 , ( 52771 , )
      gillyflower 紫罗兰花 , ( x )
      podophyllin 盾叶鬼臼树脂 , ( x )
  2. 扩展形式: *bʰlē- (< *bʰleᵊ- ).
    1. o级形式 *bʰlō- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *bʰlō-w- . ←from 古英语 blōwan , to flower, ←from 日耳曼语 *blō-w- ;
        blow vi.吹,吹气,打气;吹奏;爆炸;n.打,打击 , ( 1650 , beu , _ )
        1. ←from 古挪威语 blōm , blōmi , flower, blossom;
          bloom n.花(朵);开花(期)v.开花 , ( 7741 , beu , _ )
        2. ←from 古英语 blōma , a hammered ingot of iron (semantic development obscure). Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *blō-mōn- .
          bloom n.花(朵);开花(期)v.开花 , ( 7741 , beu , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 blōstm , blōstma , flower, blossom, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *blō-s- ;
        blossom n.花(簇);花期;青春vi.开花;展开;繁荣 , ( 8018 , beu , _ )
      3. ←from 拉丁语 flōs (stem flōr- ), flower, ←from Italic 带后缀形式: *flō-s- ;
        ferret n.白鼬,雪貂,侦探,细带 vt.用雪貂打猎,追赶,搜出,驱出 vi.用雪豹狩猎,搜索 , ( 19420 , _ , _ )
        flora n.植物群,植物区系,芙罗拉(古罗马神话中的花神)[T8] , ( 9254 , beu , flor花 )
        Flora n.植物群,植物区系,芙罗拉(古罗马神话中的花神)[T8] , ( 9254 , beu , flor花 )
        floral a.花的,像花的 , ( 9273 , _ , flor花 )
        floret 花部 , ( 54491 , )
        floriated 花形的 , ( x )
        florid 红润的 , ( 54493 , )
        florin 弗罗林(英国旧时两先令的硬币) , ( 54494 , )
        florist n.花商,种花人[T9] , ( 18038 , beu , flor花 )
        -florous x , ( x )
        flour n.面粉 , ( 3894 , beu , _ )
        flourish n./v.繁荣,茂盛,兴旺 , ( 6994 , beu , flor花 )
        flower n.花;精华,精粹,精英;盛时vi.开花 ; ( 1705 , beu , _ )
        cauliflower n.[植]花椰菜 , ( 22092 , kaul , _ )
        deflower 夺去贞操 , ( 53467 , )
        effloresce 开花 , ( x )
        enfleurage 花香的提取 , ( x )
        florigen 成花素 , ( x )
        millefioriglass 玻璃工艺玻璃 , ( x )
        millefleur x , ( x )
      4. 带后缀形式: *bʰlō-to- , possibly in the meaning "swell, gush, spurt" in 日耳曼语 *blōdam , blood.
        1. ←from 古英语 blōd , blood;
          blood n.血液,血;血统,血亲;血气 , ( 745 , beu , _ )
          →[考研]→ bloody a.流血的,血腥的。 ( 3304 )
        2. ←from 古英语 *blēdan , to bleed, ←from 日耳曼语 denominative *blōdjan ;
          bleed vt.使出血,榨取vi.出血,流血 , ( 7026 , _ , _ )
        3. ←from 古英语 bloedsian , blētsian , to consecrate, ←from 日耳曼语 *blōdisōn , to treat or hallow with blood.
          bless vt.祝福,保佑,有幸具有 , ( 5408 , _ , _ )
    2. ←from 中世拉丁 blādum , bladium , produce of the land, grain, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *blē-da- .
      emblements 庄稼 , ( x )
    3. Suffixed 零级形式 *bʰlᵊ-to- . ←from 古英语 blæd , leaf, blade, ←from 日耳曼语 *bladaz .
      blade n.刀刃,刀片;桨叶;草叶,叶片 , ( 3625 , beu , _ )
[Pokorny 4. bʰel- 122.]
folic n.叶酸[T9] (Lat,122445)
folate n.叶酸 (Lat,125452)
inflorescence n.开花,花,花序,花朵,花簇 (Lat,138998)
defoliant 落叶剂 (Lat,153469)
bifoliate (Lat,)
deflorate (Lat,)
floriculture (Lat,)
floriferous (Lat,)
floriform (Lat,)
floruit (Lat,)
foliation (Lat,)
foliature (Lat,)
foliferous (Lat,)
foliolate (Lat,)
foliole (Lat,)
foliose (Lat,)
foliosity (Lat,)
folivore (Lat,)
multifoliate (Lat,)
quatrefoil (Lat,)
trifoliate (Lat,)
unifoliate (Lat,)
;...054, bʰelgh- 饱膨胀
To swell. Extension of bʰel- ₂ . 最初形式: *bʰelg̑h- , becoming *bʰelgh- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. o级形式 *bʰolgh- . ←from 古英语 bel(i)g , bælig , bag, bellows, ←from 日耳曼语 *balgiz .
    bellows 风箱 , ( 52107 , )
    →[oew]→ belly n.腹部,胃 vi.涨满 ( 4465 )
    bally n.肚子,腹部;(物体的)圆形或凸起部份;胃口,食欲;腹部…形的vt.vi.膨胀 , ( x )
  2. 零级形式 *bʰl̥gh- . ←from 古挪威语 bylgja , a wave, ←from 日耳曼语 *bulgjan .
    billow n.巨浪,波浪般滚滚向前的东西 v.翻腾 , ( 16163 , beu , _ )
  3. 零级形式 *bʰl̥gh- . ←from 古英语 bolster , cushion, ←from 日耳曼语 *bulgstraz .
    bolster n.垫子.vt.支持,支撑 , ( 9566 , bel , _ )
  4. o级形式 *bʰolgh- .
    1. ←from Irish bolg , bolc , bag.
      FirBolg 冷杉的博客 , ( x )
      Imbolc x , ( x )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 bulga , leather sack, ←from Celtic *bolg- .
      budget n.预算v.做预算 , ( 1018 , _ , _ )
      bulge n.|v.膨胀,鼓起 , ( 13321 , _ , _ )
[Pokorny bʰelg̑h- 125.]
;...055, bʰendʰ- 包绑定
To bind.
派生词包括: bind , bandanna , and bundle.
    1. ←from 古英语 bindan , to bind;
      bind v.捆,绑,包括,束缚 ; ( 3246 , bʰendʰ , _ )
      woodbine 忍冬属植物 , ( x )
    2. ←from 高地德语 binten , to bind. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *bindan .
      bindlestiff 乞丐 , ( x )
  1. ←from 梵语 bandʰati , he ties.
    bandanna n.大手帕(等于bandana) , ( 22180 , _ , _ )
  2. o级形式 *bʰondʰ- .
    1. ←from 古英语 bend , band, and 古法语 bende , band;
      bend v.(使)弯曲;屈从,屈服n.弯曲(处),曲折处 ; ( 2581 , bʰendʰ , _ )
      ribbon n.缎带,丝带,带,带状物 , ( 5741 , bʰendʰ , _ )
      →[oew]→ riband 丝带,缎带。 ( 60771 )
    2. ←from 古英语 bendan , to bend;
      bend v.(使)弯曲;屈从,屈服n.弯曲(处),曲折处 , ( 2581 , bʰendʰ , _ )
    3. ←from 古挪威语 band , band, fetter;
      band n.条,带;乐队;波段;一群,一伙v.缚,绑扎 , ( 1317 , bʰa₂ , band捆绑 )
      →[考研]→ bandage n.绷带 v.用绷带扎缚。 ( 10937 )
      bond n.结合(物),粘结(剂),联结;公债,债券,契约 , ( 1993 , bʰendʰ , band捆绑 )
    4. ←from 高地德语 band , band;
      gumband 口香糖的乐队 , ( x )
    5. ←from 古法语 bande , bond, tie, link.a-eall ←from 日耳曼语 *band- .
      band n.条,带;乐队;波段;一群,一伙v.缚,绑扎 , ( 1317 , bʰa₂ , band捆绑 )
  3. 带后缀形式: *bʰond-o- . ←from 古伊朗语 banda- , bond, fetter.
    bund 外滩 ; ( 33912 )
    cummerbund 宽腰带 , ( 53305 , )
  4. 零级形式 *bʰn̥dʰ- .
    1. ←from Middle High German bunt , league;
      bund 外滩 , ( 33912 )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 bondel , sheaf of papers, bundle. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *bund- .
      bundle n.捆,包,束 , ( 6742 , bʰendʰ , _ )
[Pokorny bʰendʰ- 127.]
;...056, bʰer-₁ 抱携带
To carry; also to bear children.
派生词包括: birth , fertile , suffer , furtive , and metaphor.
      1. ←from 古英语 beran , to carry;
        bear n.熊v.忍受,容忍;负担;结果实,生子女 , ( 1409 , bʰer₁ , _ )
        →[考研]→ bearing n.轴承;忍受;关系,影响;举止;方向。 ( 4551 )
      2. ←from 古英语 forberan , to bear, endure ( for- , for-; see per₁ ). Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *beran .
        forbear 克制 , ( 54542 , )
    1. ←from 古英语 bēr , bǣr , bier, and 古法语 biere bier, both ←from 日耳曼语 *bērō ;
      bier 棺材 , ( 30596 )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 bāra , wave, billow, ←from 日耳曼语 *bēr- .
      bore v.钻(孔),挖(洞);烦扰n.讨厌的人,麻烦事 , ( 4190 , bʰer₂ , _ )
      →[oew]→ border n.边界,国界;边(沿) v.交界,与…接壤;接近。 ( 1499 )
      →[oew]→ bordello 妓院。 ( 52319 )
    1. ←from 古英语 bearn , child, ←from 日耳曼语 *barnam ;
      bairn 小孩 , ( 51989 , )
    2. ←from 古英语 bearwe , basket, wheelbarrow, ←from 日耳曼语 *barwōn- .
      barrow 小推车,古坟 , ( 52043 , )
    1. ←from 古英语 *borlic , excellent, exalted (< "borne up"), ←from 日耳曼语 *bur- ;
      burly adj.魁伟的,结实的 , ( 16968 , bʰer₁ , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 byrthen , burden, ←from 日耳曼语 *burthinja- ;
      burden n.担子,重担,负担vt.给予负担或麻烦 , ( 2719 , bʰer₁ , _ )
    3. ←from a source akin to 古挪威语 burdʰr , birth, ←from 日耳曼语 *burthiz ;
      birth n.出生,诞生;出身,血统;起源;出现 , ( 1517 , bʰer₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ birthday n.生日;(成方)纪念日。 ( 2481 )
    4. ←from 古挪威语 byrr , favorable wind,
      birr 比尔 , ( x )
      perhaps ←from 日耳曼语 *burja- .
  1. Compound root *bʰrenk- , to bring (< *bʰer- + *enk- , to reach; see nek-₂ ). ←from 古英语 bringan , to bring, ←from 日耳曼语 *brengan .
    bring v.拿来,带来;产生,引起;使处于某种状态 , ( 259 , bʰer₁ , _ )
  2. ←from 拉丁语 ferre , to carry.
    -fer x , ( x )
    fertile a.肥沃的,富饶的;能繁殖的 ; ( 7418 , bʰer₂ , fer运载 )
    →[考研]→ fertilizer n.(fertiliser)肥料。 ( 7575 )
    afferent 传入 , ( 35142 )
    circumference 带着绕一周:n.周长,胸围[T4] , ( 18385 , ker₁ , fer运载 )
    confer (把意见)带到一起来:vt.授予vi.协商[T8] , ( 8404 , kom , fer运载 )
    →[考研]→ conference n.(正式)会议;讨论,商谈。 ( 919 )
    defer 拿开:v.推迟,延期;服从。原本=differ,后来受delay的影响词义发生变化[T8] , ( 12388 , bʰer₁ , fer运载 )
    defer 拿开:v.推迟,延期;服从。原本=differ,后来受delay的影响词义发生变化[T8] , ( 12388 , bʰer₁ , fer运载 )
    differ v.(from)与…不同;(with)与…意见不同 , ( 2948 , _ , fer运载 )
    →[考研]→ difference n.差别,差异,分歧。 ( 524 )
    →[考研]→ different a.差异的,差异的,不同的。 ( 196 )
    →[考研]→ differentiate v.区分,区别[T8]。 ( 7492 )
    efferent 传出 , ( 35630 )
    infer v.推论,推断 , ( 5300 , bʰer₁ , fer运载 )
    →[考研]→ inference n.推论,推理,推断;结论。 ( 8712 )
    offer v.提供,提议,出现n.出价,提议,意图 , ( 370 , bʰer₁ , fer运载 )
    prefer v.(to)更喜欢,宁愿 , ( 1720 , bʰer₁ , fer运载 )
    →[考研]→ preferable a.(to)更可取的,更好的。 ( 8601 )
    →[考研]→ preference n.(for,to)偏爱,喜爱;优惠;优先选择。 ( 2908 )
    proffer 提出来:n.提供;提出;提议vt.提供;提出;奉献[T8] , ( 20104 , bʰer₁ , fer运载 )
    refer v.参考,查询;提到,引用,涉及;提交,上呈 , ( 1264 , bʰer₁ , fer运载 )
    →[考研]→ reference n.提及,涉及;参考,参考书目;证明书(人)。 ( 1492 )
    suffer v.(from)受痛苦,患病;受损失;遭受;忍受 , ( 1270 , bʰer₁ , fer运载 )
    transfer vt./n.转移;转换;转让;过户;迁移;改乘 , ( 1745 , bʰer₁ , fer运载 )
    vociferate 大声呼叫 , ( x )
  3. Prefixed and suffixed 零级形式 *pro-bʰr-o- , "something brought before one" ( *pro- , before; see per₁ ). ←from 拉丁语 probrum , a reproach.
    opprobrium 谴责,抨击 , ( 58831 , )
  4. Possibly suffixed 零级形式 *bʰr̥-tu- in 拉丁语 words having to do with "chance" (? < "a bringing, that which is brought").
    1. ←from 拉丁语 fortuītus , happening by chance;
      fortuitous 偶然发生的 , ( 54573 , )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 fortūna , chance, good luck, fortune, and Fortūna , goddess of good fortune.
      Fortuna 命运 , ( x )
      fortune n.运气;命运;财产;财富 , ( 2847 , bʰer₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ fortunate a.幸运的,侥幸的。 ( 4935 )
  5. Probably lengthened o级形式 *bʰōr- . ←from 拉丁语 fūr , thief.
    ferret n.白鼬,雪貂,侦探,细带 vt.用雪貂打猎,追赶,搜出,驱出 vi.用雪豹狩猎,搜索 , ( 19420 , _ , _ )
    furtive adj.偷偷摸摸的,鬼鬼祟祟的,秘密的,私下的,隐密的 , ( 22421 , dʰeu₁ , _ )
    →[oew]→ furious adj.激烈的;狂怒的;热烈兴奋的;喧闹的[T4]。 ( 5486 )
    →[oew]→ fury n.狂怒,狂暴,激烈,狂怒的人,[希神]复仇女神 ( 6489 )
    furuncle ; ( x )
    furunculosis 疖病 , ( x )
  6. ←from 希腊语 pherein , to carry, with o级 noun phoros , a carrying.
    feretory 棺架 , ( x )
    -phore x , ( x )
    -phoresis 携运 , ( x )
    -phorous ,其 ; ( x )
    amphora 双耳细颈瓶 , ( 51713 , )
    anaphora 搞笑 , ( 41117 )
    diaphoresis 发汗 , ( x )
    euphoria 承受良好:n.精神欢快,欣快;兴高采烈;欣快症;幸福愉快感[T8] , ( 16643 , bʰer₁ , _ )
    mataphor n.隐喻,暗喻;象征 , ( x )
    periphery 带着走一周:n.外围,边缘;圆周;圆柱体表面[T8] , ( 11167 , bʰer₁ , _ )
    pheromone n.<生化>信息素 , ( 31464 , _ , _ )
    telpher 缆车的 , ( x )
    tocopherol 生育酚 , ( 40393 )
  7. ←from 希腊语 phernē , dowry ("something brought by a bride").
    paraphernalia 随身带的东西:n.随身用具;全部有关的事物;设备[T9] , ( 19877 , bʰer₁ , _ )
  8. ←from 梵语 bʰarati , he carries, brings.
    sambal 辣椒酱 , ( 41656 )
[Pokorny 1. bʰer- 128.]
ferry n.摆渡,渡船,渡口 vt.渡运,(乘渡船)渡过,运送 vi.摆渡,(船)来往行驶 (Latin,106199)
aquifer n.蓄水层[T8] (Latin,116846)
conifer n.[植]松类,针叶树 (Latin,120655)
Lucifer 堕落天使,撒旦 (Latin,157209)
vociferous 大声疾呼的 (Latin,163622)
;...057, bʰer-₂ 抱棕熊
Bright, brown.
  1. Suffixed 变化形式*bʰrū-no- .
    1. ←from 古英语 brūn , brown;
      brown n./a.褐色(的),棕色(的) , ( 1397 , bʰel₁ , _ )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 bruun ;
      bruin 熊先生 , ( 17914 )
    3. ←from 古法语 brun , shining, brown.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *brūnaz .
      brunet 深色的 , ( 35536 )
      burnet 伯内特 , ( 30402 )
      burnish 擦亮 , ( 52462 , )
  2. Reduplicated form *bʰibʰru- , *bʰebʰru- , "the brown animal," beaver. ←from 古英语 be(o)for , beaver, ←from 日耳曼语 *bebruz .
    beaver n.海狸(毛皮) , ( 15567 , bʰel₁ , _ )
  3. ←from 古英语 bera , bear, ←from 日耳曼语 *berō , "the brown animal," bear.
    bear n.熊v.忍受,容忍;负担;结果实,生子女 , ( 1409 , bʰer₁ , _ )

  4. berserker 狂战士 , ( 39186 )
    perhaps from 古挪威语 björn , bear, ←from 日耳曼语 *bernuz .
[Pokorny 5. bʰer- 136.]
;...058, bʰerᵊg- 白亮
To shine; bright, white. 最初形式: *bʰerhxgibreve;- , becoming *bʰerhxg- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. ←from 古英语 beorht , bright, ←from 日耳曼语 *berhtaz , bright.
    bright a.明亮的,辉煌的;聪明的;欢快的,美好的 , ( 1363 , _ , _ )
  2. "The white tree," the birch (also the ash).
    1. ←from 古英语 birc(e) , birch, ←from 日耳曼语 *birkjōn- ;
      birch n.桦树,白桦 , ( 12898 , bʰel₁ , _ )
      birk 比尔克 , ( x )
    2. probably suffixed 零级形式 *bʰrag-s- . ←from 拉丁语 fraxinus , ash tree.
      fraxinella 白藓 , ( x )
[Pokorny bʰerᵊg̑- 139.]
;...059, bʰergh-₁ 宝盖藏
To hide, protect. 最初形式: *bʰerg̑h- , becoming *bʰergh- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    1. 日耳曼语 compound *h(w)als-berg- (see kʷel- ₁);
    2. 日耳曼语 compound *skēr-berg- (see sker-₁ ). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *bergan , to protect.
  1. 零级形式 *bʰr̥gh- .
    1. ←from 古英语 byrgan , to bury, ←from 日耳曼语 *burgjan ;
      bury v.埋(葬),安葬;埋藏,遮盖 , ( 2979 , bʰeregh , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 byrgels , burial, ←from 日耳曼语 derivative *burgisli- .
      burial n.埋葬 , ( 6531 , bʰeregh , _ )
    1. ←from 古英语 borgian , to borrow, ←from 日耳曼语 *borgēn , to pledge, lend, borrow;
      borrow vt.借,借入;(思想、文字等)采用,抄袭 , ( 3357 , bʰeregh , _ )
    2. ←from 古法语 bargaignier , to haggle, ←from 日耳曼语 derivative *borganjan .
      bargain n.廉价货;交易,契约,合同v.议价,成交 , ( 5073 , bʰergh , _ )
[Pokorny bʰerg̑h- 145.]
;...060, bʰergh-₂ 城堡
High; with derivatives referring to hills and hill-forts. 最初形式: *bʰerg̑h- , becoming *bʰergh- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: iceberg , bourgeois , burglar , force , and fortify.
    1. ←from 古英语 beorg , hill;
      barrow 小推车,古坟 , ( 52043 , )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 bergh , mountain;
      iceberg n.冰山,冷若冰霜的人 , ( 13902 , bʰeregh , _ )
    3. ←from 高地德语 berg , mountain;
      inselberg 孤山 , ( x )
    4. 日耳曼语 compound *harja-bergaz (see koro- ).a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *bergaz , hill, mountain.
  1. ←from 古法语 berfroi , tower, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *berg-frij- , "high place of safety," tower ( *frij- , peace, safety; see prī- ).
    belfry 钟楼 , ( 52100 , )
  2. 零级形式 *bʰr̥gh- .
    1. ←from 古英语 burg , burh , byrig , (fortified) town;
      borough n.自治的市镇,区 , ( 7038 , bʰeregh , _ )
      burg , ( 52457 , )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 burch , town;
      burgomaster 市长 , ( x )
    3. ←from Late 拉丁语 burgus , fortified place, and 古法语 burg , borough;
      bourg n.村镇,有城堡的村镇 , ( x )
      bourgeois n.中产阶级,商人,资产阶级 adj.中产阶级的,平庸的 n.九点活字 , ( 7912 , bʰeregh , _ )
      burgess 伯吉斯 , ( x )
      burglar n.夜贼 ; ( 11803 , bʰeregh , _ )
      faubourg 郊区 , ( x )
    4. ←from 高地德语 burgāri , townsman, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *burg-warōn- , "city protector" ( *warōn- , protector; see wer-₄ ). a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *burgs , hill-fort.
      burgher 市民 , ( 30006 )
  3. Possibly suffixed 零级形式 *bʰr̥gh-to- . ←from 拉丁语 fortis , strong (but this is also possibly from dʰer- ).
    force n.力量,力;势力;(pl.)(总称)军队v.强迫 , ( 393 , _ , fort强壮 )
    fort n.堡垒,要塞 , ( 7370 , bʰeregh , fort强壮 )
    fortalice 小堡垒 , ( x )
    forte 特长,强项 , ( 54570 , )
    forte 特长,强项 , ( 54570 , )
    fortis 富通银行 , ( x )
    fortissimo 非常嘹亮的,最强音的 , ( 54572 , )
    fortitude n.刚毅,不屈不挠,勇气[T8] , ( 22108 , bʰeregh , fort强壮 )
    fortress n.壁垒,要塞vt.构筑要塞,以要塞防守[T6] ; ( 9711 , _ , fort强壮 )
    comfort n.舒适,安逸;安慰,慰问v.安慰,使舒适 , ( 2613 , bʰeregh , fort强壮 )
    →[考研]→ comfortable a.舒适的,舒服的;感到舒适的,安逸的。 ( 1758 )
    deforce 霸占 , ( x )
    effort n.努力;成就;艰难的尝试 , ( 539 , bʰeregh , fort强壮 )
    enforce v.实施,执行;强制;支持,坚持(要求,主张等) , ( 4202 , bʰeregh , fort强壮 )
    fortify vt.加强,增强,设防于vi.构筑防御工事[T8] , ( 16944 , bʰeregh , fort强壮 )
    panforte x , ( x )
    pianoforte 钢琴 , ( 59516 , )
    reinforce v.增援,加强 , ( 3763 , bʰeregh , fort强壮 )
[Pokorny bʰereg̑h- 140.]
explain v.解释,说明 (Lat,100563)
plane n.飞机;平面,水平面 (Lat,101324)
explanation n.解释,说明 (Lat,101845)
plain a.明白的;朴素的;坦率;平凡n.平原,旷野 (Lat,102854)
piano n.钢琴 (Lat,103336)
explanatory adj.说明的,解释性 (Lat,110238)
fortification n.设防;防御工事;加强;配方[T9] (Lat,122167)
forcible adj.强迫的,用暴力的,强有力的,有说服力的 (Lat,126883)
esplanade 广场,空地 (Lat,154171)
planar 平面的 (Lat,159655)
applanate (Lat,)
applanation (Lat,)
complanar (Lat,)
complanate (Lat,)
coplanar (Lat,)
coplanarity (Lat,)
plaintext (Lat,)
planary (Lat,)
planate (Lat,)
planation (Lat,)
;...061, bʰes- 噗吸
To breathe. Probably imitative. 零级形式 *bʰs- .

psyche n. 心智,灵魂,心灵,精神 , ( 10888 , bʰes , psych心灵 )
→[oew]→ psychology n.心理,心理学,心理状态。 ( 2772 )
→[oew]→ psychoanalysis n.精神分析,心理分析[T9]。 ( 11301 )
→[oew]→ psychotic adj.精神病的 n.疯子,精神病患者[T9]。 ( 17393 )
→[oew]→ psychopath 精神生病 : n.精神病人[T9]。 ( 22143 )
psychic adj.精神的,灵魂的,心灵的,超自然的n.灵媒,巫师[T9] , ( 8813 , bʰes , psych心灵 )
psycho- 心理 ; ( x )
metempsychosis 轮回 , ( x ) ←from 希腊语 psūkhē , spirit, soul, ←from psūkhein (< *bʰs-ū-kh- ), to breathe.
[Pokorny 2. bʰes- 146.]
psychologist n.心理学家[T9] (Greek,103480)
psychiatry n.精神病学,精神病治疗法[T9] (Greek,113078)
psychotherapy n.精神疗法,心理疗法 (Greek,115189)
psychosis n.精神病,精神错乱[T9] (Greek,122601)
psychopathic adj.精神病的,精神错乱的,要发疯似的 n.精神变态者 (Greek,129356)
psychopathy n.精神变态,心理变态 (Greek,138493)
hylopsychism (Greek,)
panpsychism (Greek,)
psychopomp (Greek,)
psychoticism (Greek,)
;...062, bʰeudʰ- 佛觉悟
To be aware, to make aware.
派生词包括: bid , forbid , and Buddʰa.
    1. ←from 古英语 bēodan , to proclaim;
      bid v.祝愿;命令,吩咐;报价,投标n.出众,投标 , ( 3146 , bʰeudʰ , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 forbēodan , to forbid;
      forbid v.禁止,不许 , ( 6240 , bʰeudʰ , _ )
    3. ←from 高地德语 farbiotan , to forbid.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *(for)beudan ( *for , before; see per₁ ).
      verboten 严禁的 , ( 63542 , )
  1. ←from 古英语 bodian , to announce, ←from boda , messenger, ←from 日耳曼语 *budōn- .
    bode v.预示,为…的兆头 , ( 19761 , bʰeudʰ , _ )
    →[oew]→ Bodʰisattva 菩萨。 ( 52265 )
  2. ←from 古英语 bydel , herald, messenger, and 高地德语 butil , herald, both ←from 日耳曼语 *budilaz , herald.
    beadle 小吏 , ( 35411 )
  3. ←from 古挪威语 bodʰ , command, ←from 日耳曼语 *budam .
    ombudsman n.调查官员舞弊情况的政府官员 , ( 19105 , ambʰ , _ )
  4. ←from 梵语 bodʰati , he awakes, is enlightened, becomes aware, and bodʰiḥ , perfect knowledge.
    Buddʰa 佛祖 ; ( 52421 , )
    bodʰisattva 菩萨 , ( 52265 , )
    bodʰitree 菩提树 , ( x )
    botree 博树 , ( x )
  5. Suffixed 零级形式 bʰudʰ-to- . ←from 梵语 buddʰaḥ , awakened, enlightened.
    Buddʰa 佛祖 , ( 52421 , )
[Pokorny bʰeudʰ- 150.]
;...063,bʰeuᵊ- 在生长 , Also bʰeu- .
To be, exist, grow. 最初形式: *bʰeuhx.
派生词包括: be , husband , imp , physics , future , neighbor , and beam.
  1. 扩展形式:s *bʰwiy(o)- , *bʰwī- .
    1. ←from 古英语 bēon , to be, ←from 日耳曼语 *biju , I am, will be.
      be v.(就)是,等于;(存)在;到达,来到,发生 ; ( 5 , bʰeu , _ )
      →[考研]→ being n.生物,生命,存在;。 ( 256 )
      forebear n.祖先,祖宗 , ( 20586 , _ , _ )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 fierī , to become.
      fiat n.命令,法令,许可,批准 , ( 17786 , dʰe₁ , _ )
    3. Possibly 带后缀形式: *bʰwī-lyo- , seen by some as the source of 拉丁语 fīlius , son, but this is more likely from dʰē(i)- .
  2. Lengthened o级形式 *bʰōw- .
    1. ←from 古挪威语 būa , to live, prepare, and būask , to make oneself ready ( -sk , reflexive suffix; see s(w)e- );
      bondage n.奴役,束缚 , ( 20885 , bʰeu , band捆绑 )
      bound₄ vi.跳,弹跳;限制;接壤vt.给…划界,限制;使弹回,使跳跃;束缚n.界限,限制;跃起;(球等的)反跳adj.用带子绑住的;有义务的;装订的,有封面的;[化,物]结合的 ; ( x )
      bustle v.匆匆忙忙.n.喧嚣 , ( 17454 , sue , _ )
      →[oew]→ busk 街头卖艺。 ( 52475 )
      husband n.丈夫 , ( 682 , bʰeu , _ )
      →[oew]→ husbandry 农牧业,畜牧业。 ( 55691 )
    2. ←from 高地德语 būan , to dwell;
      Bauhaus n.包豪斯建筑学派 , ( x )
    3. ←from 中古英语 bothe , market stall, ←from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Danish bōth , dwelling, stall.a-c ←from 日耳曼语 *bōwan .
      booth n.货摊,售货亭,棚 , ( 5953 , bʰeu , _ )
  3. 零级形式 *bʰu- .
      1. ←from 古英语 byldan , to build, ←from bold , dwelling, house, ←from 日耳曼语 *buthla- ;
        build vt.建造,建筑;建设,建立vi.增大,增强 , ( 440 , bʰeu , _ )
        →[考研]→ building n.建筑(物),房屋,大楼 [同]structure。 ( 482 )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 bōdel , riches, property, ←from alternate 日耳曼语 form *bōthla .
        boodle 一群 , ( x )
    1. ←from 希腊语 phuein , to bring forth, make grow, phutos , phuton , a plant, and phusis , growth, nature.
      physic 自然,物理,自然科学,医学,医药,医术,治疗 , ( 59508 , )
      physics n.物理(学) , ( 3261 , bʰeu , phys自然 )
      →[考研]→ physical a.物质的;肉体的,身体的;自然科学的,物理的。 ( 764 )
      →[考研]→ physician n.内科医生。 ( 2564 )
      →[考研]→ physicist n.物理学家。 ( 6720 )
      →[考研]→ physiological adj.生理学的,生理的[T8]。 ( 7903 )
      →[oew]→ physiology n.生理学;生理机能[T9]。 ( 11640 )
      physio- 自然,物理,生理,身体,躯体 , ( 59511 , )
      physique n.体格,体形[T9] , ( 17841 , bʰeu , _ )
      -phyte x , ( x )
      phyto- 发朵, , ( x )
      phyton 芬多精 ; ( x )
      apophysis 隆起 , ( x )
      diaphysis 骨干 , ( x )
      diphyodont 哺乳动物 , ( x )
      epiphysis 松果体 , ( x )
      euphuism 华丽词藻 , ( x )
      hypophysis 脑下垂体 , ( x )
      imp 小恶魔,小魔鬼 , ( 55850 , )
      Monophysite 一性论者 , ( x )
      neophyte 新种下的:n.新信徒,新入教者,初学者[T8] , ( 23616 , bʰeu , _ )
      periphyton 固着生物 , ( 50744 )
      symphysis 联合 , ( x )
      tracheophyte 维管植物 , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式: *bʰu-tā- .
      1. ←from 威尔士 bod , to be;
        eisteddfod 艾斯特福德节(威尔士的一种文化节) , ( 53985 , )
      2. ←from 古爱尔兰 both , a hut.
        bothy 茅屋 , ( 52326 , )
    3. 带后缀形式: *bʰu-tu- . ←from 拉丁语 futūrus , "that is to be," future.
      future n.将来,未来;前途,前景a.将来的,未来的 , ( 485 , bʰeu , _ )
  4. 零级形式 *bʰū- (< *bʰuᵊ- ).
      1. ←from 古英语 būr , "dwelling space," bower, room;
        bower 树荫 , ( 52344 , )
      2. ←from 古英语 gebūr , dweller ( ge- , collective prefix; see kom );
        neighbor n.(neighbour)邻居 , ( 1927 , bʰeu , _ )
      3. ←from 中古荷兰语 gheboer , ghebuer , peasant.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *būram , dweller, especially farmer.
        Boer 布尔人(荷裔南非人) , ( 52268 , )
        boor 粗鲁的人 , ( 52313 , )
    1. ←from 古英语 bȳre , stall, hut, ←from 日耳曼语 *būrjam , dwelling.
      byre 牛棚 , ( 52490 , )
    2. ←from a Scandinavian source akin to 古挪威语 bȳr , settlement, ←from 日耳曼语 *būwi- .
      bylaw 规章制度 , ( 24231 )
    3. 带后缀形式: *bʰū-lo- . ←from 希腊语 phūlon , tribe, class, race, and phūlē , tribe, clan.
      phyle 宗族 , ( x )
      phyletic 种类 , ( x )
      phylum ; ( 59507 , )
      phylogeny 种系发生 , ( 30117 )
  5. 零级 reduced suffixal form *-bʰw- , in 拉丁语 compounds.
    1. 拉丁语 dubius , doubtful, and dubitāre , to doubt, ←from *du-bʰw-io- (see dwo- ).
    2. 拉丁语 probus , upright, ←from *pro-bʰw-o- , "growing well or straightforward" (see per₁ ).
    3. 拉丁语 superbus , superior, proud, ←from *super-bʰw-o- , "being above" (see uper ).
  6. Possibly 日耳曼语 *baumaz (and *bagmaz ), tree (? < "growing thing").
    1. ←from 古英语 bēam , tree, beam;
      beam n.(横)梁,桁条;(光线的)束,柱v.微笑 , ( 4224 , bʰeu , _ )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 boom , tree;
      boom v.迅速发展,兴旺;发出隆隆声 , ( 3396 , bʰeu , _ )
    3. ←from Flemish boom , tree.
      bumpkin 乡巴佬 , ( 52441 , )
      bumpkin 乡巴佬 , ( 52441 , )
[Pokorny bʰeu- 146.]
;...064, bʰeug- 苯弯曲
To bend; with derivatives referring to bent, pliable, or curved objects.
派生词包括: bagel , buxom , and bog.
  1. 变化形式*bʰeugh- in 日耳曼语 *beug- .
      1. ←from 古英语 bēag , a ring;
        bee n.蜂,蜜蜂;忙碌的人 , ( 4879 , bʰei , _ )
      2. ←from 高地德语 boug , a ring. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *baugaz .
        bagel n.百吉饼(先蒸后烤的发面圈) , ( 15477 , bʰeug₂ , _ )
      1. ←from 古英语 boga , a bow, arch;
        bow v./n.鞠躬,点头n.弓(形);蝴蝶结 ; ( 4568 , bʰagus , _ )
        akimbo 叉腰的 , ( 51638 , )
      2. 日耳曼语 compound *elino-bugōn- (see el- );
      3. ←from a source akin to Middle 低地德语 boog , bow of a boat;
        bow v./n.鞠躬,点头n.弓(形);蝴蝶结 , ( 4568 , bʰagus , _ )
      4. ←from Middle 低地德语 bōch , bow of a boat.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *bugōn- .
        bowline 帆脚索 , ( 38308 )
        bowsprit 船头斜桁 , ( 52348 , )
    1. ←from 古英语 būgan , to bend, ←from 日耳曼语 būgan .
      bow v./n.鞠躬,点头n.弓(形);蝴蝶结 , ( 4568 , bʰagus , _ )
      buxom 丰满的 , ( 52485 , )
    2. ←from 中古英语 beil , a handle,
      bail n.保释,保证金,保证人 v.保释,舀水 , ( 8056 , man , _ )
      perhaps←from 古英语 *bēgel or from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Swedish *böghil , both ←from 日耳曼语 *baugil- .
    3. ←from 古英语 byht , a bend, angle, ←from 日耳曼语 *buhtiz .
      bight 海湾 , ( 52167 , )
  2. ←from Scottish and Irish Gaelic bog , soft, ←from Celtic *buggo- , "flexible.".
    bog n.沼泽 , ( 11733 , _ , _ )
[Pokorny 3. bʰeug- 152.]
bailiwick n.(郡副司法长官的)辖区 (Lat,132898)
bailiff 法警 (Lat,151987)
bailee (Lat,)
bailie (Lat,)
bailliage (Lat,)
baillie (Lat,)
bailment (Lat,)
bailor (Lat,)
;...065, bʰlē- 泼流吹
To blow. 缩减自: *bʰleh₁- , or possibly lengthened grade *bʰlēh₂- ←from alternative root *bʰleh₂- . Possibly identical to bʰel- II*bʰlē- above.
派生词包括: blaze ₃, flatus , and flavor.
  1. ←from 古英语 blāwan , to blow, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *blē-w- .
    blow vi.吹,吹气,打气;吹奏;爆炸;n.打,打击 , ( 1650 , beu , _ )
    1. ←from 古英语 blǣdre , blister, bladder;
      bladder n.膀胱,气泡 , ( 7697 , beu , _ )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 bladʰra (noun), bladder, and bladʰra (verb), to prattle. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *blēdram , "something blown up.".
      blather 喋喋不休的说 , ( 52221 , )
    1. ←from 古英语 blǣst , a blowing, blast;
      blast n.一阵(风);爆炸冲击波;管乐器声v.爆炸 , ( 5349 , beu , _ )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 blas(e) , a bladder;
      isinglass 鱼胶 , ( 45082 )
    3. ←from 中古荷兰语 blāsen , to blow up, swell.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 扩展形式: *blēs- .
      blasé 玩厌了的 , ( x )
      blaze n.火焰.vi.照耀,激发,燃烧 , ( 8836 , bʰel₁ , _ )
  2. 零级形式 *bʰl̥ᵊ- (> *bʰlā- ) ←from 拉丁语 flāre , to blow.
    flabellum 团扇 , ( x )
    flageolet 六孔竖笛 , ( x )
    flatulent 浮夸的 , ( 54470 , )
    flatus 肠胃胀气 , ( x )
    flavor n.(flavour)情味;风味;滋味v.给…调味 ; ( 4239 , beu , _ )
    afflatus 灵感 , ( x )
    conflate 合并 , ( 53059 , )
    deflate vt.放气;使缩小;紧缩通货;打击;使泄气vi.缩小;物价下降[T8] , ( 17904 , beu , flat吹 )
    inflate 往里吹:vt.使充气;使通货膨胀vi.膨胀;充气[T8] , ( 12560 , _ , flat吹 )
    insufflate 喷洒 , ( x )
    soufflé 蛋奶酥 , ( x )
[In Pokorny 3. bʰel- 120.]
inflation n.通货膨胀 (Lat,102470)
flute n.长笛.v.吹长笛,刻槽 (Latin,109998)
deflation n.通货紧缩,风蚀,降阶 (Lat,122766)
conflation n.异文合并 (Lat,127380)
flatulence n.<医>胃肠气胀,浮夸,自负 (Lat,130564)
afflation (Lat,)
efflate (Lat,)
efflation (Lat,)
exsufflate (Lat,)
exsufflation (Lat,)
flabile (Lat,)
insufflation (Lat,)
sufflate (Lat,)
sufflation (Lat,)
;...066, bʰleu- 波流膨
To swell, well up, overflow. Extension of bʰel- ₂.
  1. Possibly 日耳曼语 *blaut- . ←from 古挪威语 blautr , soft, wet.
    bloat 浮肿 , ( 52236 , )
  2. 扩展形式: *bʰleugʷ- . ←from 拉丁语 fluere , to flow, and -fluus , flowing.
    fluctuate v.(使)波动;(使)起伏 , ( 15044 , _ , flu流动 )
    fluent a.流利的,流畅的 , ( 11593 , beu , flu流动 )
    →[考研]→ flu n.流感 ( 5784 )
    →[oew]→ flute n.长笛.v.吹长笛,刻槽 ( 9998 )
    →[oew]→ fluorine 氟。 ( 54508 )
    fluid a.流动的,液体的n.流体,液体 , ( 4018 , beu , flu流动 )
    flume 水滑道,引水渠 , ( 54503 , )
    fluor 流体,氟石 , ( 54506 , )
    fluoro- 氟- , ( x )
    flush v.冲洗,(脸)发红 , ( 7236 , beu , flu流动 )
    fluvial 河流的 , ( 54512 , )
    flux n.涨潮,变迁,[物]流量,通量 vi.熔化,流出 vt.使熔融,用焊剂处理 ; ( 9825 , beu , flu流动 )
    affluent adj.富裕的,丰富的,流畅的n.支流,富人。美国经济学家约翰?加尔布雷斯(JohnGalbraith)在其著作《富裕社会 , ( 8264 , ben , flu流动 )
    confluent 融合性的 , ( 48832 )
    effluent adj.流出的n.污水,废气,流出物[T9] , ( 13491 , _ , flu流动 )
    effluvium 臭气 , ( 40994 )
    efflux 流出 , ( 44716 )
    fluoride 氟化物 , ( 54507 , )
    fluviomarine 河海的 , ( x )
    influence n.(on)影响,感化;势力,权势v.影响,感化 , ( 1005 , beu , flu流动 )
    →[考研]→ influential a.有影响的;有权势的。 ( 3857 )
    influenza (星辰的)影响n.流行性感冒。源自古人关于星象的迷信[T9] , ( 15794 , beu , flu流动 )
    influx n.流入,汇集[T8] , ( 9683 , _ , flu流动 )
    mellifluous 甜美流畅的 , ( 57646 , )
    reflux n.逆流,退潮[T9] , ( 15410 , _ , flu流动 )
    solifluction 融冻泥流 , ( x )
    superfluous adj.多余的,奢侈的,不必要的[T8] , ( 14387 , beu , flu流动 )
  3. 零级形式 *bʰlu- . ←from 希腊语 phlūein , phlūzein , to boil over.
    phlyctena x , ( x )
  4. Possibly 希腊语 phloos , phloios , tree bark (< "swelling with growth")
    phloem 韧皮部(由筛管将叶制造的糖分输送到各部位的植物组织) . ( 59465 , )
[Pokorny bʰleu- 158.]
fluctuation n.起伏,波动[T6] (Latin,111228)
fluency n.流畅,流利[T4] (Lat,115021)
affluence n.富裕;丰富;流入;汇聚[T8] (Lat,115882)
confluence n.汇合、汇流点;聚集[T9] (Lat,117650)
fluidity n.流动性;流质;易变性[T9] (Latin,123701)
diffluence (Lat,)
fluxion (Lat,)
;...067, bʰoso- 白光秃
  1. ←from 古英语 bær , bare;
    bare a.赤裸的,空的;稀少的,仅有的v.露出,暴露 , ( 3224 , _ , _ )
    →[考研]→ barely ad.赤裸裸地,无遮蔽地;仅仅,勉强,几乎没有。 ( 2269 )
  2. ←from Old Swedish and Old Danish bar , bare;
    ballast n.压舱物,沙囊 , ( 17956 , kla , _ )

  3. berserker 狂战士 , ( 39186 )
    perhaps from 古挪威语 berr , bare.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *bazaz .
[Pokorny bʰoso-s 163.]
;...068, bʰrāter- 把兄弟
Brother, male agnate.
    1. ←from 古英语 brōthor , brother;
      brother n.兄弟;同胞;教友 , ( 720 , bʰrater , _ )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 broeder , brother. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *brōthar- .
      bully n.欺凌弱小者 vt.威吓,威逼 , ( 9943 , beu , _ )
  1. ←from 拉丁语 frāter , brother.
    Fra 联邦铁路局 , ( x )
    fraternal adj.兄弟般的;友好的[T8] , ( 18750 , bʰrater , frater兄弟 )
    fraternity n.友爱;兄弟会;互助会;大学生联谊会[T8] , ( 12601 , bʰrater , frater兄弟 )
    fraternize 友善 , ( 33355 )
    friar n.男修道士,行乞修道士 ; ( 19509 , bʰrater , _ )
    confrere 同行 , ( 38208 )
    fratricide 杀兄弟罪 , ( 54598 , )
  2. ←from 希腊语 phrātēr , fellow member of a clan.
    phratry 氏族 , ( x )
  3. ←from 梵语 bʰrātā , bʰrātar- , brother.
    pal n.[口]好朋友,伙伴,同志; vi.结为朋友;Phase Alternating Line,PAL制式(逐行倒相制式) , ( 6223 , bʰrater , _ )
[Pokorny bʰrāter- 163.]
friary 托钵修院 (Lat,154619)
;...069, bʰreg- 掰揉断
To break.
派生词包括: breach , fraction , frail ₁, infringe , and suffrage.
    1. ←from 古英语 brecan , to break;
      break vt.打破;中止;违反vi.破(裂)n.休息时间 , ( 554 , bʰerg , _ )
      →[考研]→ breakdown n.崩溃,衰弱 ( 5053 )
    2. ←from 古英语 brēc , a breaking;
      breach n.破坏,裂口.vt.打破,突破 , ( 4449 , bʰreg , _ )
    3. ←from 意大利语 breccia , breccia, rubble, breach in a wall, ←from 高地德语 *brehha , ←from brehhan , to break;
      brash adj.仓促的,无礼的,性急的,傲慢的 n.胃灼热,骤雨,碎片 , ( 17690 , bʰreg , _ )
      breccia 角砾岩 , ( 47832 )
    4. ←from 古法语 breier , to break;
      bray 驴子嘶叫 , ( 52370 , )
    5. ←from 古法语 brier , dialectal variant of broyer , to knead.a-eall ←from 日耳曼语 *brekan .
      brioche 黄油鸡蛋圆面包 , ( 52388 , )
    1. ←from 中古英语 brake(n) , bracken, probably from a Scandinavian source akin to 古挪威语 *brakni , undergrowth;
      bracken 欧洲蕨 , ( 52357 , )
      brake₄ n.制动器,闸;刹车;阻碍vt.vi.刹(车) , ( x )
    2. ←from Middle 低地德语 brake , thicket. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *brak- , bushes (< "that which impedes motion").
      brake₅ n.制动器,闸;刹车;阻碍vt.vi.刹(车) , ( x )
  1. ←from Middle 低地德语 brake , flax brake, ←from 日耳曼语 *brāk- , crushing instruments.
    brake v./n.制动(器),闸,刹车 , ( 5547 , bʰreg , _ )
  2. Nasalized 零级形式 *bʰr̥-n-g- . ←from 拉丁语 frangere , to break.
    fractal 分形,不规则碎片形 , ( 54585 , )
    fracted 断裂的 , ( x )
    fraction n.碎片,小部分,一点儿;分数 , ( 4745 , bʰreg , fract打破 )
    fractious 暴躁的,易怒的 , ( 54586 , )
    fracture n.破裂,断裂;骨折vi.破裂;折断vt.使破裂[T6] , ( 6795 , bʰreg , fract打破 )
    fragile adj.脆的;易碎的[T6] , ( 5432 , bʰreg , fract打破 )
    fragment n.碎片,小部分,片断 , ( 5317 , bʰreg , fract打破 )
    frail adj.脆弱的,虚弱的[T6] , ( 9284 , bʰreg , fract打破 )
    frangible 易碎的 ; ( x )
    anfractuous 错综复杂的 , ( x )
    chamfer 斜切面 , ( 52728 , )
    defray 支付 , ( 53473 , )
    diffraction 衍射 , ( 22938 )
    infract 违反 , ( x )
    infrangible 不可侵犯的 , ( x )
    →[oew]→ infraction n.违反,违背[T8]。 ( 19358 )
    infringe breakin:vt.侵犯;违反;破坏vi.侵犯;侵害[T8] , ( 19299 , bʰreg , _ )
    irrefrangible x , ( x )
    ossifrage 鱼鹰 , ( x )
    refract 折射 , ( 60589 , )
    refrain n.重复,叠句,[乐]副歌 vi.节制,避免,制止 , ( 10440 , dʰar , fract打破 )
    refringent 折射的 , ( x )
    sassafras 黄樟 , ( 30192 )
    saxifrage 虎耳草属植物 , ( 49022 )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 suffrāgium , the right to vote, ←from suffrāgārī , to vote for (? < "to use a broken piece of tile as a ballot");
      suffragan 副主教 , ( 62383 , )
      suffrage 在下面用碎瓦片或叫喊声投票n.选举权;投票;参政权;代祷;赞成票[T8] , ( 13827 , bʰreg , fract打破 )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 refrāgārī , to vote against.
      irrefragable 不能否认的 , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. bʰreg̑- 165 (but not on good evidence).]
fray n.吵架.v.磨破,恼火 (Latin,115955)
refractor n.折射物,折射媒介,折射望远镜,折射器 (Lat,119641)
fragility n.脆弱;易碎性;虚弱[T9] (Lat,120598)
fragmentary adj.碎片的;不完全的;断断续续的[T9] (Lat,123254)
fractional adj.数分数的,小数的,微小的,极小的,部分的,少量的,零碎的 (Lat,123672)
refraction n.折射(程度),折射角 (Lat,127000)
birefringence n.双折射 (Lat,150660)
diffract 衍射 (Lat,153620)
refractive 折射的 (Lat,160590)
refractory 倔强的,顽固的 (Lat,160592)
refrangible 可折射的 (Lat,160593)
refrain(noun) (Lat,)
;...070, bʰreu- 烧冒泡 , Also bʰreuᵊ-, bʰreᵊu- .
To boil, bubble, effervesce, burn; with derivatives referring to cooking and brewing. 最初形式: *bʰreuh₁- .
派生词包括: brew , bread , broth , brood , breed , ferment , and fervent.
    1. ←from 古英语 brēowan , to brew, ←from 日耳曼语 *breuwan , to brew.
      brew v.酿造,酝酿 , ( 12169 , bʰer₁ , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 brēad , piece of food, bread, ←from 日耳曼语 *braudam , (cooked) food, (leavened) bread.
      bread n.面包 , ( 2146 , bʰer₁ , _ )
      1. ←from 古英语 broth , broth;
        broth n.肉汤 , ( 7728 , bʰereu , _ )
      2. ←from 通俗拉丁语 *brodum , broth. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *brudam , broth.
        broil v.烤(肉),酷热 ; ( 17822 , bʰereu , _ )
        embroil vt.使卷入,牵连,使纠缠 , ( 20322 , bʰer₁ , _ )
        imbroglio 乱局 , ( 55837 , )
  1. 变化形式*bʰrē- (from *bʰreᵊ- ).
      1. ←from 古英语 brōd , offspring, brood;
        brood vi.沉思,孵蛋.n.一窝 , ( 18292 , bʰereu , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 brēdan , to beget or cherish offspring, breed, ←from 日耳曼语 denominative *brōdjan , to rear young. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 derivative *brōd-ō , "a warming," hatching, rearing of young.
        breed v.(使)繁殖,生殖;产生;教养,抚养n.品种 , ( 4707 , bʰereu , _ )
      1. ←from 高地德语 brāt , brāto , roast meat;
        bratwurst 腊肠 , ( 31766 )
        sauerbraten 醋焖牛肉 , ( x )
      2. ←from 古法语 braon , meat. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 derivative *brēd-ōn- , roast flesh. Both1and2 ←from 日耳曼语 *brēdan , to warm.
        brawn 体力 , ( 52369 , )
  2. 变化形式*bʰres- .
    1. ←from 古法语 brese , burning coal, ember;
      braise , ( 52363 , )
      braze , ( 41343 )
      brazier 金属火盆 , ( 52371 , )
      breeze n.微风;轻而易举的事vi.来去匆匆,急速走 , ( 4500 , bʰereu , _ )
      bresaola x , ( x )
    2. ←from 意大利语 dialectal braṣa , burning coal
      braciola x , ( x )
    3. ←from Old Spanish brasa , burning coals.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *bres- .
      brazilwood 巴西苏木 , ( x )
  3. 缩减形式 *bʰer- , especially in derivatives referring to fermentation.
      1. 带后缀形式: *bʰer-men- , yeast. ←from 古英语 beorma , yeast, ←from 日耳曼语 *bermōn- ;
        barm 酵母 , ( x )
        barmy 发疯的 , ( 52032 , )
      2. further 带后缀形式: *bʰermen-to- . ←from 拉丁语 fermentum , yeast.
        ferment n.发酵;酵素;动乱vi.发酵;动乱vt.使发酵;酝酿;使动乱[T8] , ( 22473 , bʰereu , _ )
    1. 扩展形式: *bʰerw- . ←from 拉丁语 fervēre , to be boiling or fermenting.
      fervent adj.热心的;强烈的;炽热的;热烈的[T9] , ( 18638 , bʰereu , ferv沸腾 )
      fervid 异常强烈的 , ( 54377 , )
      fervor n.热情;热烈;热心;炽热。等于fervour[T8] ; ( 15129 , _ , ferv沸腾 )
      defervescence 退烧 , ( x )
      effervesce 泡腾 , ( x )
  4. As a very archaic word for a spring.
    1. Suffixed 零级形式 *bʰru-n(e)n- . ←from 古英语 burn , burna , spring, stream, ←from 日耳曼语 *brunnōn- .
      bourn 小溪 , ( x )
      burn v.燃烧,烧着;烧毁;灼伤n.烧伤,灼伤 , ( 1714 , bʰereu , _ )
    2. 带后缀形式: *bʰrēw-r̥ . ←from 希腊语 phrear , spring.
      phreatic 潜水 , ( x )
[Pokorny bʰ(e)reu- 143, 2. bʰer- 132.]
fermentation n.发酵,激动,纷扰 (Lat,123264)
effervescence n.冒泡,泡腾,活泼 (Lat,135712)
effervescent 热情的 (Lat,153968)
perfervid (Latin,)
fervency (Lat,)
fervescent (Lat,)
;...071, bʰrū- 播眉毛
Eyebrow. 最初形式: *bʰruhx- , becoming *bʰrū .
  1. ←from 古英语 brū- , eyebrow, eyelid, eyelash, ←from 日耳曼语 *brūs .
    brow n.眉(毛);额 , ( 6174 , akua , _ )
  2. Possibly in the sense of a beam of wood, and perhaps a log bridge. ←from 古英语 brycg(e) , bridge, ←from 日耳曼语 *brugjō (with cognates in Celtic and Slavic).
    bridge n.桥;桥牌;鼻梁vt.架桥;渡过 , ( 1562 , bʰar , _ )
[Pokorny 1. bʰrū- 172, 2. bʰrū- 173.]
;...072, dā- 打分割
To divide. 最初形式: *deh₂- , 变形 为: *dah₂- , becoming *dā- .
派生词包括: democracy , epidemic , demon , and time.
  1. 带后缀形式: *dā-mo- , perhaps "division of society. ←from 希腊语 dēmos , people, land.
    deme 同类群 , ( x )
    demos 演示 , ( x )
    demotic 人民的,通俗的 ; ( 53512 , )
    demagogue 蛊惑民心的政客 , ( 53497 , )
    demiurge 巨匠造物主 , ( 53509 , )
    democracy n.民主,民主制,民主国家 , ( 1597 , da₂ , dem民众 )
    demography 人口统计学 , ( 53511 , )
    endemic 在某群体内的(疫病)n.地方性的;风土的n.地方病[T8] , ( 12540 , da₂ , dem民众 )
    epidemic a.流行性的;传染的n.流行病;传播 , ( 5824 , da₂ , dem民众 )
    pandemic 全民的(疫病):adj.(疾病等)全国流行的;普遍的n.流行性疾病[T8] , ( 17138 , _ , dem民众 )
  2. Variant *dai- , ←from 扩展形式: *daᵊi- , with 零级 *dī- (< *diᵊ- , metathesized from *dᵊi- ).
    1. Root form *dai- . ←from 希腊语 daiesthai , to divide.
      geodesy 大地测量学 , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式: *dai-mon- , divider, provider. ←from 希腊语 daimōn , divinity.
      daimon 邪神 , ( x )
      demon n.魔鬼,极残忍的人 , ( 6843 , da₂ , _ )
    3. Suffixed 变化形式*dī-ti- .
      1. ←from 古英语 tīd , time, season;
        tide n.潮,潮汐;潮流,趋势 ; ( 4037 , da₂ , _ )
        →[考研]→ tidy a.整洁的,整齐的 v.整理,收拾。 ( 8588 )
        eventide 黄昏 , ( 54208 , )
      2. ←from 古英语 denominative tīdan , to happen (< "to occur in time");
        tide n.潮,潮汐;潮流,趋势 , ( 4037 , da₂ , _ )
      3. ←from 古挪威语 tīdʰr , occurring;
        tidings 消息,音讯 , ( 62948 , )
      4. ←from 高地德语 zīt , time.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *tīdiz , division of time.
        Yahrzeit 逝世周年纪念 , ( x )
        zeitgeber 授时因子 , ( x )
        Zeitgeist 时代精神 , ( 63951 , )
    4. Suffixed 变化形式*dī-mon- . ←from 古英语 tīma , time, period, ←from 日耳曼语 *tīmōn- .
      time n.时间,时刻;次,回;时代,时期;倍,乘 , ( 55 , da₂ , _ )
      →[考研]→ timely a.及时的,适时的 ( 8544 )
[Pokorny dā : dᵊ- 175.]
demographic adj.人口学的,人口统计学的[T9] (Greek,105165)
epidemiology n.流行病学 (Greek,118310)
Damocles 达摩克利斯之剑 (Greek,153387)
demonym (Greek,)
demophobia (Greek,)
ecdemic (Greek,)
;...073, dail- 打分割
To divide. Northern Indo-European root extended from *da(h₂)i- (see dā- ).
  1. ←from 古英语 dǣlan , to share, ←from 日耳曼语 *dailjan .
    deal v.处理;做买卖,经营;分配;对待n.交易 , ( 606 , da₂ , _ )
    →[考研]→ dealer n.经销商,商人 ( 2895 )
  2. ←from 古英语 dāl , portion, lot, ←from 日耳曼语 *dailaz .
    dole n.施舍品,悲哀,失业救济金 vt.发放救济 , ( 16611 , da₂ , dol痛苦 )
  3. ←from 古英语 ordāl , trial by ordeal, ←from 日耳曼语 prefixed form *uz-dailjam , "a portioning out," judgment ( *uz- , out; see ud- ).
    ordeal n.严酷的考验,痛苦的经验,折磨 , ( 8542 , da₂ , _ )
  4. ←from 中古荷兰语 deel , part, ←from 日耳曼语 *dailiz .
    firkin 小桶 , ( 54435 , )
[In Pokorny dā : dᵊ- 175.]
;...074, daiwer- 夫兄弟
Husband's brother.

levirate x , ( x ) ←from 拉丁语 lēvir , husband's brother.
[Pokorny dāiu̯ēr 179.]
;...075, dakru- 拖累泪
Tear. 最初形式: *dak̑ru- , becoming *dakru- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    1. ←from 古英语 tēar , tehher , tear;
      tear n.(pl.)眼泪vt.撕裂;使…分裂vi.破裂 , ( 2235 , dakru , _ )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 trane , tear, drop. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *tahr- , *tagr- .
      trainoil 火车油 , ( x )
  1. 带后缀形式: *dakru-mā- . ←from 拉丁语 lacrima (Archaic 拉丁语 dacruma ), tear.
    lachrymal 泪腺 , ( x )
[Pokorny dak̑ru- 179.]
;...076, de- 指向
Demonstrative stem, base of prepositions and adverbs.
  1. Form *dō (possibly instrumental).
      1. ←from 古英语 , to;
        to prep.(表示方向)到;向;(表示间接关系)给. , ( 6 , de , _ )
        →[考研]→ toward prep.向,朝,接近. ( 508 )
        too ad.也,还;太,过于;很,非常 , ( 131 , de , _ )
      2. ←from 高地德语 zuo , ze , to;
        tsimmes 文火乱炖蔬菜水果 , ( x )
      3. ←from 中古荷兰语 toe , to, shut. (i)-(iii) all ←from 日耳曼语 *tō .
        tattoo v.刺花样 n.纹身 , ( 8538 , de , _ )
    1. Italic *dō in compound *kʷām-dō (see kʷo- ).
  2. Form *dē (possibly instrumental), perhaps source of forms meaning "from , out of."
    1. ←from 拉丁语 , dē- , from ;
      de- 来自L. de-, from away, down从…出发,向… 离去,向下 , ( x )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 dēterior , worse, ←from 带后缀形式: *dē-tero- ;
      deteriorate v.(使)恶化,衰退 , ( 10420 , de , _ )
    3. compound *dē-bel-i- (see bel- );
    4. Celtic *dī , from , in compound *eks-dī-sedo- (see sed- ).
[Pokorny de- 181.]
deterioration n.变坏,退化,恶化 (Lat,108418)
deterior (Lat,)
;...077, deik- 讲指明
To show, pronounce solemnly; also in derivatives referring to the directing of words or objects. 最初形式: *deik̑- , becoming *deik- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: teach , toe , addict , preach , judge , revenge , and disk.
  1. Variant *deig- .
    1. o级形式 *doig- .
      1. ←from 古英语 tǣcan , to show, instruct, ←from 日耳曼语 *taikjan , to show;
        teach vt.教,讲授;教导(训)vi.讲课,当教师 , ( 669 , deik , _ )
        →[考研]→ teacher n.教师(员),老(导)师。 ( 388 )
        1. ←from 古英语 tācen , tācn , sign, mark;
          token n.表示;标志;记号;代用硬币a.象征性的 , ( 8019 , deik , _ )
        2. ←from 古英语 tācnian , to signify;
          betoken 预示 , ( 35825 )
        3. ←from Gothic taikns , sign;
          tetchy 易怒的 , ( 62852 , )
        4. ←from 古法语 tache , teche , mark, stain. (i)-(iv) all ←from 日耳曼语 *taiknam .
          tachisme 抽象绘画法 , ( x )
    2. 零级形式 *dig- . ←from 拉丁语 digitus , finger (< "pointer," "indicator").
      digit n.阿拉伯数字,手指或足趾,一指宽(约四分之三英寸) , ( 11498 , deik , _ )
      →[oew]→ digital a.数字的;数位的;手指的 n.数字。 ( 2480 )
      →[oew]→ digitalis 洋地黄。 ( 53622 )
  2. 基本形式: *deik- .
    1. Possibly o级形式 *doik- . ←from 古英语 , tahe , toe, ←from 日耳曼语 *taihwō .
      toe n.脚趾,足尖 , ( 4159 , deik , _ )
    2. 基本形式: *deik- . ←from 拉丁语 dīcere , to say, tell.
      dictate v.口授;(使)听写;指令,指示,命令; , ( 6348 , deik , dict说 )
      →[考研]→ dictation n.听写,口述;命令。 ( 20665 )
      →[考研]→ dictionary n.词典,字典。 ( 5045 )
      →[oew]→ dictator n.独裁者,命令者[T6]。 ( 8420 )
      diction 发音,措辞,用语 , ( 53611 , )
      dictum 说出来的话:n.格言,声明[T8] , ( 21772 , deik , dict说 )
      ditto 同上,同前 , ( 53734 , )
      ditty 小调,小曲 ; ( 53735 , )
      addict 发落,分配:n.有瘾的人vt.使上瘾,使沉溺。源自古罗马人对战俘的称呼,本意为“待分配的战利品”,后来延伸为“任人 , ( 7556 , _ , _ )
      benediction 祝福 , ( 52110 , )
      condition n.条件,状况,环境vt.决定;支配;训练 , ( 676 , deik , dict说 )
      contradict v.反驳,否定,与…矛盾[T4] , ( 8528 , _ , dict说 )
      →[考研]→ contradiction n.反驳,否认;矛盾,不一致。 ( 5877 )
      edict n.法令,布告[T8] , ( 19893 , deik , dict说 )
      fatidic 预言的 , ( x )
      herbbennet 草班纳特 , ( x )
      indict vt.控告,起诉,揭发[T8] , ( 9043 , deik , dict说 )
      indiction 诏示 , ( x )
      indite 创作 , ( x )
      interdict 禁令,禁行圣事令 , ( 56122 , )
      juridical 司法的,审判的 , ( 56449 , )
      jurisdiction n.司法权,审判权,管辖权[T8] , ( 4286 , deik , dict说 )
      maledict x , ( x )
      malison 残酷的人 , ( x )
      predict v.预言,预测,预告 , ( 1915 , deik , dict说 )
      valediction 告别演说 , ( 63475 , )
      verdict 真实的话:n.裁定,判决,结论[T8] , ( 4455 , deik , dict说 )
      veridical 不虚伪的 , ( x )
      voirdire 预先审查 , ( x )
    3. Suffixed 零级形式 *dik-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 dicāre , to proclaim.
      abdicate v.退位,放弃[T8] , ( 23365 , deik , dic宣称 )
      dedicate vt.致力于,献身于[T6] , ( 5274 , _ , dic宣称 )
      preach v.鼓吹,布道 , ( 6315 , deik , _ )
      predicament 断言:n.状态,困境。源自对亚里士多德所提出的的“范畴”的拉丁语意译,后来词义转变为“状态”,尤其是不好的状态,即“ , ( 10534 , _ , _ )
      predicate n.谓词 v.断言 , ( 17530 , deik , dic宣称 )
    4. Agential suffix *-dik- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 index , indicator, forefinger ( in- , toward; see en );
        index n.(pl.indexes,indices)索引v.附以索引 , ( 2284 , deik , dic宣称 )
        indicate v.指出,指示;表明,暗示 , ( 908 , _ , dic宣称 )
        →[考研]→ indication n.指出,指示;表明,暗示。 ( 3314 )
        →[考研]→ indicative adj.象征的;指示的;表示…的[T6]。 ( 9413 )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 iūdex (< *yewes-dik- ), judge, "one who shows or pronounces the law" ( iūs , law; see yewes- );
        judge n.法官;裁判员;鉴定人vt.审判;评论,裁判 , ( 1116 , deik , jud判断 )
        →[考研]→ judgement n.(judgment)审判,判决;判断(力);看法,意见。 ( 5759 )
        judicial 公正地说:adj.公正的,明断的,法庭的,审判的[T8] ; ( 3578 , deik , jud判断 )
        →[oew]→ judiciary adj.司法的;法官的;法院的 n.司法部;法官;司法制度[T9]。 ( 9849 )
        →[oew]→ judicious adj.明智的;头脑精明的;判断正确的[T8]。 ( 21686 )
        prejudice n.偏见,成见;损害,侵害v.使抱偏见,损害 , ( 5018 , ieuos , jud判断 )
      3. ←from 拉丁语 vindex (first element obscure), surety, claimant, avenger.
        vendetta n.族间仇杀,深仇 , ( 23901 , _ , _ )
        vindicate vt.维护;证明…无辜;证明…正确[T8] ; ( 17430 , deik , dict说 )
        avenge vt.替…报仇vi.报复,报仇[T8] , ( 19844 , deik , venge报仇vindict )
        revenge n.报复;复仇vt.报复;替…报仇;洗雪vi.报仇;雪耻[T4] , ( 5732 , deik , venge报仇vindict )
    5. ←from 希腊语 deiknunai , to show, and noun deigma ( *deik-mn̥ ), sample, pattern.
      deictic 指示性的 , ( 53480 , )
      deixis (定冠词等的)指示功能 ; ( 53484 , )
      apodictic 无可置疑的 , ( x )
      paradigm 并排显示:n.范例;词形变化表[T8] , ( 5936 , deik , _ )
      policy n.政策,方针 , ( 341 , deik , )
    6. 零级形式 *dik- . ←from 带后缀形式: *dik-skos , ←from 希腊语 dikein , to throw (< "to direct an object").
      disk n.磁盘,圆盘 ; ( 3373 , deik , _ )
      dictyosome 高尔基体 , ( x )
    7. Form *dikā- . ←from 希腊语 dikē , justice, right, court case.
      dicast 陪审官 ; ( x )
      syndic 理事 , ( x )
      theodicy 神义论 , ( 37626 )
[Pokorny deik̑- 188.]
judgment n.判断 (Lat,101961)
prediction n.预报;预言[T6] (Lat,104203)
addiction n.上瘾,沉溺;癖嗜[T9] (Lat,105814)
indictment n.起诉书,控告[T9] (Lat,106916)
contradictory adj.矛盾的;反对的;反驳的;抗辩的[T8] (Lat,107509)
dedication n.奉献;献身[T8] (Lat,107720)
addictive adj.上瘾的[T9] (Lat,109712)
predictive adj.预言性的;成为前兆的[T9] (Lat,111479)
adjudication n.裁定;判决;破产之宣告[T9] (Lat,119244)
judgmental adj.审判的 (Lat,120993)
dictatorial adj.独裁的,专制的,专横傲慢的[T9] (Lat,123056)
adjudicate 公正地说:v.判决,裁定[T8] (Lat,123515)
valedictorian n.致告别辞者,告别演说者 (Lat,124528)
nonjudgmental adj.不按个人道德标准进行评定的,不偏不倚的,客观的 (Latin,127436)
adjudicator n.裁判员,判决者,裁定者 (Lat,128258)
prejudgment n.在审判前判决,预断 (Lat,140963)
adjudicative adj.有判决权的,(法院)宣告的 (Lat,144378)
malediction n.诅咒,咒骂 (Latin,147676)
extrajudicial 未按法律程序的 (Lat,154268)
injudicious 不明智的 (Lat,156051)
interdiction 禁运,封锁 (Latin,156123)
judicature 司法系统 (Lat,156427)
prejudge 预先判断,成见 (Lat,159967)
prejudicial 有偏见的,有害的,不利的 (Lat,159968)
valedictory 告别的 (Lat,163476)
quasijudicial (Latin,)
adjudicatory (Lat,)
bidigitate (Lat,)
contradictive (Lat,)
digitate (Lat,)
digitiform (Lat,)
digitigrade (Lat,)
inditement (Lat,)
judicable (Lat,)
judicative (Lat,)
judicator (Lat,)
judicatory (Lat,)
multidigit (Lat,)
multidigitate (Lat,)
nonjudicial (Lat,)
;...078, dek- 教化
To take, accept. 最初形式: *dek̑- , becoming *dek- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: decent , paradox , and disdain.
  1. Suffixed (stative) form *dek-ē- . ←from 拉丁语 decēre , to be fitting (< "to be acceptable").
    decent a.体面的;正派的,合乎礼仪的;合适的 , ( 3971 , _ , _ )
    →[考研]→ decorate v.装饰,装璜,布置。 ( 5608 )
  2. Suffixed (causative) o级形式 *dok-eye- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 docēre , to teach (< "to cause to accept");
      docent 非正式教师,临时教师 , ( 53747 , )
      →[oew]→ doctrinaire 教条主义的,脱离实际的。 ( 53748 )
      docile 容易教导的:adj.温顺的,驯服的,容易教的[T8] , ( 23953 , dek , doc教导 )
      doctor n.医生;博士vt.授以博士学位;诊断;修改 , ( 589 , dek , doc教导 )
      →[考研]→ doctorate n.博士头衔 ( 11393 )
      doctrine 教的内容:n.教义,教条,信条,主义,学说[T6] , ( 3712 , dek , doc教导 )
      document n.公文,文献 , ( 1381 , dek , doc教导 )
      →[考研]→ documentary adj.记录的,文件的,纪实的 n.纪录片[T6]。 ( 4899 )
    2. ←from 希腊语 dokein , to appear, seem, think (< "to cause to accept or be accepted").
      dogma 相信是真的:n.教条,教理;武断的意见[T8] , ( 15118 , dek , dox意见 )
      dogmatic adj.教条的;武断的[T9] ; ( 20672 , dek , dox意见 )
      chionodoxa x , ( x )
      Docetism 幻影说 , ( x )
      doxology 颂歌 , ( 37933 )
      heterodox 异端的 , ( 55383 , )
      orthodox adj.正统的;传统的;惯常的;东正教的n.正统的人;正统的事物[T8] , ( 5398 , ueredʰ , dox意见 )
      paradox 相互对抗的观点:n.悖论,反论;似非而是的论点;自相矛盾的人或事[T8] , ( 7140 , per₁ , dox意见 )
  3. 带后缀形式: *dek-es- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 decus , grace, ornament;
      décor 装饰 , ( x )
      décorate vt.装饰;点缀;粉刷;授予(某人)勋章vi.装饰;布置 , ( x )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 decor , seemliness, elegance, beauty.
      decorous 高雅 , ( 29567 )
  4. 带后缀形式: *dek-no- . ←from 拉丁语 dignus , worthy, deserving, fitting.
    dainty n.美味adj.美味的,讲究的,挑剔的,秀丽的[T8] , ( 21309 , dek , dign有价 )
    deign 屈尊 , ( 53482 , )
    dignity n.(举止,态度等的)庄严,端庄;尊贵,高贵 ; ( 4408 , dek , dign有价 )
    condign 应得的 , ( 53049 , )
    dignify 使尊贵 , ( 53624 , )
    disdain vt.鄙弃n.蔑视[T8] , ( 11569 , dek , dign有价 )
    indign adj.[古]不值得的,不应得的,不光彩的 , ( x )
    indignant (认为)不合适的:adj.愤愤不平的,义愤的[T4] , ( 13596 , dek , dign有价 )
    indignation (认为)不合适:n.愤慨,义愤[T6] , ( 11212 , _ , dign有价 )
  5. Reduplicated form *di-dk-ske- . ←from 拉丁语 discere , to learn.
    disciple 将知识拿走的人:n.门徒,弟子[T8] , ( 11283 , dek , doc教导 )
    discipline n.纪律,学科 , ( 1843 , dek , doc教导 )
  6. ←from 希腊语 dekhesthai , to accept.
    dowel 暗榫 , ( 53814 , )
    pandect 总论 , ( x )
    synecdoche 举偶法,提喻法 , ( 62570 , )
  7. Suffixed o级形式 *dok-o- . ←from 希腊语 dokos , beam, support.
    diplodocus 梁龙 , ( 53653 , )
[Pokorny 1. dek̑- 189.]
documentation n.文件,证明文件,史实,文件编制[T9] (Lat,106230)
decoration n.装饰(品) (Lat,106237)
decorative adj.装饰性的,装潢用的[T6] (Lat,106640)
disciplinary adj.训练的,训诫的,规律的 (Lat,107170)
doctoral adj.博士的 (Lat,109675)
interdisciplinary 各学科间的 (Lat,110179)
decor n.舞台装饰 (Lat,110532)
doctrinal adj.学说的,教义的;教诲的[T9] (Lat,116831)
decorator n.室内装潢师 (Lat,117445)
dignitary adj.地位尊荣的n.高官,显要,高僧[T8] (Lat,118023)
indignity n.侮辱,轻蔑,有伤尊严,无礼举动[T8] (Lat,121002)
decorum n.礼仪;礼貌;端正;恪守礼仪[T8] (Lat,121901)
indoctrination n.教化;教导[T9] (Lat,122275)
disciplinarian n.实施纪律者,严格纪律信奉者 (Lat,125798)
indoctrinate 教导,强行灌输 (Lat,155978)
multidisciplinary 多学科的 (Lat,158222)
postdoctoral 博士后的 (Lat,159879)
redecorate 重新装修 (Lat,160544)
decorament (Lat,)
dignitarial (Lat,)
indignance (Lat,)
interdisciplinarity (Lat,)
transdisciplinarity (Lat,)
dogmatism 教条主义 (Greek,153765)
;...079, dekm̥ 十指百
Ten. 最初形式: *dek̑m̥ , becoming *dekm̥ in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: ten , December , decimate , dean , hundred , century , and hecatomb.
  1. 基本形式: *dekm̥ .
      1. ←from 古英语 tīen , ten;
        ten num.十pron./a.十(个,只...) , ( 626 , dekm , _ )
      2. 古挪威语 tjan , ten, in compound āttjān (see oktō(u) ). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *tehun .
    1. ←from 古英语 suffix -tēne , -tīne , -tȳne , ten, -teen, ←from 日耳曼语 *tehan .
      eighteen num.十八,十八个 , ( 4326 , okto , _ )
      fifteen num.十五pron./a.十五(个,只...) , ( 2543 , penkue , _ )
      fourteen num.十四,十四个 , ( 4346 , kuetuer , _ )
      nineteen num./a.十九pron.十九(个,只...) , ( 3999 , neun , _ )
      seventeen num.十七 n.十七个 , ( 5728 , septm , _ )
      sixteen num.十六 , ( 4552 , _ , _ )
      thirteen num./a.十三pron.十三(个,只...) , ( 4921 , dekm , _ )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 decem , ten.
      deci- F. deci-,来自L. decimus, tenth第十,十分 , ( x )
      decimal adj.小数的;十进位的n.小数[T6] , ( 17756 , _ , decem十 )
      decimate vt.十中抽一,取十分之一;大批杀害[T8] , ( 18305 , dekm , decem十 )
      decuple 十倍的 , ( x )
      decurion x , ( x )
      dicker 讨价还价 , ( 53607 , )
      dime n.一角硬币[T9] ; ( 10455 , dekm , _ )
      december n.十二月 , ( 2360 , dekm , decem十 )
      decemvir x , ( x )
      decennary 十年间 , ( x )
      decennium 十年 , ( x )
      decussate 交叉的 , ( x )
      dozen n.一打,十二个 , ( 1475 , duo , _ )
      duodecimal 十二进制 , ( x )
      octodecimo 十八开 , ( x )
      sextodecimo 十六开纸 , ( x )
    3. ←from irregular 拉丁语 distributive dēnī , by tens, ten each (formed by analogy with nōnī , nine each).
      denarius 便士 , ( x )
      denary 十进制的 , ( x )
      denier 旦,旦尼尔(测量尼龙线,丝线等的纤度单位) , ( 53520 , )
      dinar 第纳尔(中东和北非等国货币单位) , ( 53636 , )
    4. ←from 希腊语 deka , ten.
      dean n.(大学)院长;主持牧师;(基督教)教长 , ( 4915 , dekm , _ )
      deca- 十- , ( x )
      decade n.十年 , ( 899 , _ , _ )
      →[考研]→ December n.十二月。 ( 2360 )
      doyen 元老 ; ( 53824 , )
      decagon 十边形 , ( x )
      Decalogue 摩西的十诫 , ( 40483 )
      dodecagon 十二边形 , ( x )
  2. 日耳曼语 *tigu- , ten, decad (of uncertain formation, as though < *deku- ), in compound *twēgentig (see dwo- ).
  3. Ordinal number *dekm̥to- . ←from 古英语 teogotha , tēotha , tenth, ←from 日耳曼语 *teguntha- .
    tenth num.第十,十分之一 , ( 7048 , dekm , _ )
    tithe 什一税 , ( 62988 , )
  4. Suffixed 零级形式 *-dkm̥-tā̆ , reduced to *-km̥tā̆ , and lengthened o级形式 *-dkōm-tā̆ , reduced to *-kontā̆ .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 -gintā , ten times.
      nonagenarian 九十多岁的人 , ( 58536 , )
      octogenarian 八旬老人 , ( 58703 , )
      →[oew]→ octoroon 八分之一黑人血统的混血儿。 ( 58704 )
      Septuagint 旧约圣经 , ( x )
      sexagenary 六十的 , ( x )
    2. ←from 希腊语 *-konta , ten times.
      Pentecost 五旬节,圣灵降临节 , ( 59320 , )
  5. Suffixed 零级形式 *dkm̥-tom , hundred, reduced to *km̥tom .
    1. ←from 古英语 hundred , ←from dialectal North and West 日耳曼语 *hund(a)-rada- ( -rada- , ←from 日耳曼语 *radam , number; see ar- ), ←from 日耳曼语 *hundam , hundred.
      hundred num.百,一百;[pl.]许多a.一百的;许多 , ( 586 , dekm , _ )
    2. 日耳曼语 compound *thūs-hundi , "swollen hundred," thousand (see teuᵊ- ).
    3. ←from 拉丁语 centum , hundred.
      cent n.分(币);百percent百分之 , ( 13553 , dekm , cent百 )
      →[考研]→ centimetre n.厘米,公分 ( 29798 )
      →[oew]→ centaur 半人半马怪。 ( 52693 )
      cental 百磅 , ( x )
      centavo , ( x )
      centenarian 百岁老人 , ( 27446 )
      centenary n.一百年 adj.一百年的 , ( 15631 , dekm , cent百 )
      centesimal 百进 , ( x )
      centi- F. centi-, L. centi-, hundred 一百,来自centum, hundred一百(参见cent) , ( x )
      →[oew]→ centimeter n.厘米 ( 14494 )
      centime n.生丁(法国货币单位) , ( x )
      centner x , ( x )
      centum , ( x )
      century n.世纪,(一)百年 ; ( 471 , _ , cent百 )
      centennial adj.一百年的,百年纪念[T9] , ( 14286 , dekm , )
      cinquecento 意大利艺术 , ( x )
      percent n.(percent)百分之...的 , ( 582 , dekm , cent百 )
      →[考研]→ percentage n.百分数,百分率,百分比。 ( 1972 )
      quattrocento 十五世纪 , ( 38276 )
      seicento 卡拉瓦乔 , ( x )
      sen n.钱(日本铜币,等于1/100日元) , ( 5423 )
      seniti x , ( x )
      sexcentenary x , ( x )
      trecento 十四世纪 , ( 43641 )
    4. ←from 希腊语 hekaton , a hundred (? dissimilated from *hem-katon , one hundred; *hem- , one; see sem- ₁).
      hecatomb 百牲祭 , ( 51240 )
      hecto- F. hecto-, hundred百,来自G. hekaton, hundred 百 , ( x )
    5. ←from Avestan satᵊm , hundred.
      satem x , ( x )
[Pokorny dek̑m̥ 191.]
See also compound root wīkm̥tī- .
centennial adj.一百年的,百年纪念[T9] (Lat,114286)
decimation n.多数人的杀害,大量毁灭 (Lat,132859)
decennial adj.十年一度的 (Lat,139655)
sesquicentennial n.一百五十周年纪念 adj.一百五十周年的 (Lat,140325)
bicentenary 200周年 (Lat,152156)
centurion 百夫长 (Lat,152701)
dinero 钱 (Lat,153638)
decimator (Latin,)
decuman (Latin,)
centesimation (Lat,)
centifidous (Lat,)
centillion (Lat,)
centime (Lat,)
centurial (Lat,)
céntimo (Lat,)
decemfid (Lat,)
decempedal (Lat,)
decemvirate (Lat,)
decemviri (Lat,)
decurionate (Lat,)
decury (Lat,)
denar (Lat,)
denarian (Lat,)
dinheiro (Lat,)
duodecillion (Lat,)
nonagenary (Lat,)
octodecillion (Lat,)
octogenary (Lat,)
semicentennial (Lat,)
tricentennial (Lat,)
decameter 十米 (Greek,153428)
decathlon 十项全能运动 (Greek,153435)
decad (Greek,)
decagram (Greek,)
decahedron (Greek,)
decamer (Greek,)
decamerous (Greek,)
decapod (Greek,)
;...080, deks- 右南
Right (opposite left); hence, south (from the viewpoint of one facing east). 最初形式: *dek̑s- , becoming *deks- in centum languages(K类语,颚音). 带后缀形式: *deks(i)-tero- .

destrier 军马 , ( x )
dexter 德克斯特 , ( x )
dexterity n.灵巧;敏捷;机敏[T8] , ( 24004 , dek₁ , dexter右 )
dextro- 右旋的, ; ( x )
ambidextrous 左右手都灵活的 , ( 51693 , ) ←from 拉丁语 dexter , right, on the right side.
[In Pokorny 1. dek̑- 189.]
Compare ner-₁ .
dexterous adj.(身手)灵巧的,敏捷的,手巧,圆熟,利落 (Lat,132446)
dextrose 右旋糖 (Lat,153587)
ambidexterity (Latin,)
dextral (Lat,)
dextrality (Lat,)
dextrin (Lat,)
dextrorse (Lat,)
;...081, del-₁ 耷拉长
派生词包括: linger , Lent , longitude , and lunge.
  1. Probably extended and suffixed 零级形式 *dlon-gho- .
      1. ←from 古英语 lang , long , long;
        long a.长的,长时间的,长期的ad.长久,长期地 ; ( 188 , del₃ , _ )
        along ad.向前;和...一起,一同prep.沿着,顺着 , ( 461 , ant , long长 )
        longshore 沿岸 , ( 33258 )
      2. ←from 高地德语 lang , long;
        langlauf 越野滑雪 , ( x )
      3. ←from 古英语 gelang , along;
        belong v.(to)属于,附属,隶属;应归入(类别,范畴等) , ( 1999 , del₃ , long长 )
      4. ←from 古英语 denominative langian , to grow longer, yearn for, ←from 日耳曼语 *langōn ;
        long a.长的,长时间的,长期的ad.长久,长期地 , ( 188 , del₃ , _ )
      5. ←from 古英语 lengan , to prolong (possibly influenced by 古挪威语 lengja , to lengthen), ←from 日耳曼语 *langjan , to make long;
        linger v.逗留,闲荡 , ( 7853 , del₃ , _ )
      6. ←from 拉丁语 compound Longobardus , Langobardus (with 日耳曼语 ethnic name *Bardi ).a-fall ←from 日耳曼语 *langaz , long.
        Lombard 伦巴第 , ( x )
      1. ←from 古英语 lengthu , length;
        length n.长,长度;一段,一节,程度,范围 , ( 1567 , del₃ , long长 )
      2. ←from 古英语 lengten , lencten , spring, Lent, ←from West 日耳曼语 *langitinaz , lengthening of day;
        Lent vbl.lend的过去式和过去分词 n. [宗]四旬斋 , ( 12897 , dei , _ )
      3. ←from 中古英语 lenge , ling , ling, ←from a 低地德语 source akin to 荷兰语 lenghe , linghe , "long one."a-call ←from 日耳曼语 abstract noun *langithō .
        ling 鳕鱼,欧石楠 , ( 57005 , )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 longus , long.
      longeron 纵梁 , ( x )
      longitude n.经度;经线[T6] , ( 19019 , del₃ , long长 )
      lounge n.闲逛,休闲室,长沙发 vi.闲荡,懒洋洋地躺卧 vt.虚度光阴 ; ( 5585 , _ , _ )
      eloign 带走 , ( x )
      elongate 伸长 , ( 54017 , )
      longevity n.长寿[T8] , ( 11905 , aiu , long长 )
      lunge n.刺,刺进,跃进,套马索 v.突进,刺 , ( 12844 , _ , _ )
      oblong 长方形的,椭圆形的 , ( 58667 , )
      prolong 向前延长vt.拖延,延长[T6] , ( 11575 , del₃ , long长 )
      purloin 偷窃,擅自使用 , ( 60241 , )
  2. Possibly suffixed 变化形式*dl̥ᵊ-gho- . ←from 希腊语 dolikhos , long.
    dolichocephalic 长头的 , ( x )
    dolichocranial x , ( x )
[Pokorny 5. del- 196.]
longitudinal adj.经度的,纵向的 (Latin,110445)
elongation n.延长,延长线,<机>延伸率,<天>距(角) (Latin,125360)
prolongation n.延伸,延长部分,拓展 (Latin,132716)
allonge (Latin,)
longa (Latin,)
longanimity (Latin,)
longe (Latin,)
longinquity (Latin,)
longum (Latin,)
lungo (Latin,)
;...082, del-₂ 数落
To recount, count. o级形式 *dol- .
  1. ←from 古英语 tellan , to count, recount, ←from 日耳曼语 *taljan .
    tell vt.告诉,讲述;告诫;吩咐,命令;辨/区别 , ( 128 , del₁ , _ )
  2. ←from 古英语 getæl , quick, ready, ←from West 日耳曼语 *(ge-)tala- .
    tall a.(身材)高的,高大的;夸大的,离谱的 , ( 1566 , _ , _ )
    1. ←from 古英语 talu , story;
      tale n.故事,传说 , ( 2529 , del₁ , _ )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 tāle , speech, language. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *talō .
      Taal 塔阿尔 , ( x )
  3. ←from 中古英语 talken , to talk, ←from a source probably akin to 古英语 denominative talian , to tell, relate.
    talk n.谈话;聊天;讲话;演讲v.说话;交谈 , ( 202 , del₁ , _ )
  4. Perhaps 希腊语 dolos , ruse, snare
    dolerite 辉绿岩 , ( x )
    sedulous 勤勉的,勤奋的 . ( 61295 , )
[Pokorny 1 del- 193.]
;...083, dem- 家宅
House, household.
派生词包括: dome , domestic , and timber.
  1. Suffixed o级形式 *dom-o- , *dom-u- , house.
    1. ←from 拉丁语 domus , house;
      dome n.圆屋顶 , ( 5802 , dem , dom房屋 )
      domestic a.家里的;本国的;驯养的 , ( 1418 , dem , dom房屋 )
      domicile 住所 ; ( 53775 , )
      major-domo 总管 , ( 57355 , )
    2. 带后缀形式: *dom-o-no- . ←from 拉丁语 dominus , master of a household (feminine domina) .
      dame n.夫人,(英国)女爵士(的头衔) , ( 12139 , dem , _ )
      →[oew]→ damsel 少女,姑娘。 ( 53388 )
      Dan 段位 , ( 53391 , )
      danger n.危险;威胁;危险事物 , ( 1454 , dem , _ )
      →[考研]→ dangerous a.危险的,不安全的。 ( 1428 )
      Dom x , ( x )
      domain 所有权:n.领域,产业,地产[T8] , ( 3598 , dem , dom驯服 )
      →[考研]→ dominant a.支配的,统治的,占优势的。 ( 2797 )
      →[oew]→ domineer 专断。 ( 53777 )
      domaine 葡萄园 , ( x )
      dominate v.支配,统治,控制;占优势 , ( 2832 , dam , dom驯服 )
      dominical 主的 , ( x )
      dominie 牧师 , ( x )
      dominion n.主权,统治权,支配,领土[T9] , ( 20873 , dem , dom驯服 )
      domino n.骨牌,多米诺骨牌,面具,带面罩及头巾的外衣 , ( 18531 , dem , _ )
      domino n.骨牌,多米诺骨牌,面具,带面罩及头巾的外衣 , ( 18531 , dem , _ )
      don n.先生,阁下,指导教师 , ( 1892 , _ , _ )
      Donna 唐娜 , ( 8268 )
      dungeon n.地牢 ; ( 21754 , dem , _ )
      belladonna 颠茄 , ( 52102 , )
      duende 不可思议的魅力 , ( x )
      Madam n.女士,夫人 , ( 10945 , dem , _ )
      madame n.[法](用于已婚妇女姓名前的尊称)太太,夫人,女士 , ( 7029 , me₁ , _ )
      Mademoiselle 小姐 , ( x )
      Madonna 0 , ( 14048 , dem , _ )
      predominate v.主宰,支配,占优势[T8] , ( 17752 , dem , dom驯服 )
  2. Possibly suffixed 加长级形式 *dōm-n̥ . ←from 希腊语 dōma , house.
    dome n.圆屋顶 , ( 5802 , dem , dom房屋 )
  3. Compound *dems-pot- , "house-master" ( *-pot- , powerful; see poti- ). ←from 希腊语 despotēs .
    despot 暴君 , ( 53566 , )
  4. Root form *dem(ᵊ₂)- , to build (possibly a separate root).
    1. ←from 古英语 timber , building material, lumber, ←from 日耳曼语 *timram ;
      timber n.木材,木料 , ( 4107 , dem , _ )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 topt , homestead, ←from 日耳曼语 *tumftō .
      toft 小丘 , ( x )
[Pokorny dem- 198.]
dam n.水坝,水闸 (Lat,105201)
dominance n.优势;统治;支配[T9] (Lat,106134)
domination n.控制,支配[T8] (Lat,107039)
predominant adj.主要的;卓越的;支配的;有力的;有影响的[T6] (Lat,110701)
madam n.女士,夫人 (Lat,110945)
condominium n.共管,共同统治权 (Lat,113513)
domesticity n.家庭生活 (Lat,124130)
domestication n.驯养,驯化 (Lat,126179)
predominance n.优势;卓越[T9] (Lat,129288)
dominator n.支配者,支配力,统治者 (Lat,133507)
demesne 领地,地域 (Lat,153503)
domesticate 驯养 (Lat,153774)
dominatrix SM女王 (Lat,153776)
beldam (Latin,)
beldame (Latin,)
quasidominance (Latin,)
beldam/beldame (Lat,)
codomain (Lat,)
codominance (Lat,)
codominant (Lat,)
demoiselle (Lat,)
domal (Lat,)
domestique (Lat,)
domiciliary (Lat,)
dominative (Lat,)
domine (Lat,)
dominicide (Lat,)
dominium (Lat,)
duenna (Lat,)
semidome (Lat,)
semidominance (Lat,)
subdominant (Lat,)
superdominant (Lat,)
;...084, demᵊ- 强约束
To constrain, force, especially to break in (horses). 最初形式: *demh₂- .
  1. Suffixed o级形式 *dom(ᵊ)-o- . ←from 古英语 tam , domesticated, ←from 日耳曼语 *tamaz .
    tame a.驯服的,温顺的;沉闷的,乏味的vt.驯服 , ( 11356 , dam , _ )
  2. o级形式 *domᵊ- . ←from 拉丁语 domāre , to tame, subdue.
    daunt 畏惧 ; ( 53406 , )
    indomitable 不屈不挠的 , ( 55981 , )
  3. 零级形式 *dm̥ᵊ- . ←from 希腊语 damān , to tame (> adamās , unconquerable, ←from *n̥-dm̥ᵊ-nt- ).
    adamant adj.坚硬的 , ( 11812 , dam , _ )
    diamond n.金钢石,钻石;菱形 , ( 4502 , dam , _ )
[Pokorny (demᵊ-) 199.]
domitable (Latin,)
;...085, dent- 牙齿
Tooth. Originally *h₁d-ent- , "biting," present participle of ed- in the earlier meaning "to bite."
  1. o级形式 *dont- . ←from 古英语 tōth , tooth, ←from 日耳曼语 *tanthuz .
    tooth n.(pl.teeth)牙齿;齿状物; , ( 2285 , denk , _ )
  2. 零级形式 *dn̥t- . ←from 古英语 tūsc , tūx , canine tooth, ←from 日耳曼语 *tunth-sk- .
    tusk n.长牙.vt.以牙刺戳 , ( 20496 , den , _ )
  3. 全级形式 *dent- . ←from 拉丁语 dēns (stem dent- ), tooth.
    dental a.牙齿的;牙科(用)的 , ( 7740 , denk , dent牙齿 )
    →[oew]→ dent n.凹,凹痕,(齿轮的)齿,弱点 v.使凹下,凹进,削弱 ( 11330 )
    dentate 齿状 , ( x )
    denti- , ( x )
    denticle 小齿 , ( x )
    dentist n.牙医 ; ( 6485 , denk , dent牙齿 )
    dandelion 狮子的牙齿n.蒲公英[T9] , ( 20440 , den , _ )
    edentate 贫齿类动物 , ( x )
    edentulous 无齿的 , ( x )
    indent 缩格,下订单 , ( 55957 , )
    indenture 师徒契约 , ( 55959 , )
    trident 三叉戟 , ( 63192 , )
  4. o级 变化形式*ᵊdont- , ultimately becoming odont- in 希腊语 ←from 希腊语 odōn , odous , tooth.
    -odon x , ( x )
    -odont x , ( x )
    odonto- x ; ( x )
    dimetrodon 如此完好 , ( x )
    diprotodon x , ( x )
    mastodon 乳齿象 , ( 28789 )
[In Pokorny ed- 287.]
indentation n.缩排,呈锯齿状,缺口,印凹痕 (Lat,121338)
denture n.(一副)假牙,托牙 (Lat,141286)
dentition n.齿系 (齿列、牙列等),牙齿的加工,出牙,长牙 (Lat,144677)
dentin 牙质 (Lat,153524)
dentary (Latin,)
dentation (Latin,)
dentelle (Latin,)
dentigerous (Latin,)
dentine (Latin,)
interdentil (Latin,)
bident (Lat,)
bidental (Lat,)
denticity (Lat,)
denticulate (Lat,)
dentiferous (Lat,)
dentiform (Lat,)
dentifrice (Lat,)
dentil (Lat,)
dentinal (Lat,)
interdental (Lat,)
intradental (Lat,)
multidentate (Lat,)
quadridentate (Lat,)
tridentate (Lat,)
;...086, der- 裂去皮
To split, peel, flay; with derivatives referring to skin and leather.
  1. ←from 古英语 teran , to tear, ←from 日耳曼语 *teran .
    tear n.(pl.)眼泪vt.撕裂;使…分裂vi.破裂 , ( 2235 , dakru , _ )
  2. ←from 古英语 teart , sharp, severe, ←from 日耳曼语 *ter-t- .
    tart adj.酸的,辛辣的,尖酸的,刻薄的 vt.打扮 n.果馅饼,小烘饼,妓女 , ( 13441 , der , _ )
  3. Suffixed 零级形式 *dr̥-tom , "something separated or discarded. ←from 古英语 tord , turd, ←from 日耳曼语 *turdam , turd.
    turd 粪,狗屎 , ( 63302 , )
  4. Reduplicated form *de-dr-u- . ←from 古英语 tet(e)r , eruption, skin disease.
    tetter 皮肤病 , ( x )
  5. 带后缀形式: *der-mn̥ . ←from 希腊语 derma , skin.
    -derm 真皮 , ( x )
    derma 真皮 , ( x )
    -derma 真皮 , ( x )
    dermato- x ; ( x )
    epidermis 表皮 , ( 54117 , )
  6. ←from 梵语 darati , he splits.
    dahl 达尔 , ( x )
    Dalit 达利特人,印度贱民 , ( 53379 , )
    dʰurrie x , ( x )
[Pokorny 4. der- 206.]
;...087, derk- 看龙
To see. 最初形式: *derk̑- , becoming *derk- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
Suffixed 零级形式 *dr̥k-on(t)- .
dragon n.龙 , ( 5318 , derk , _ )
→[oew]→ Draconian adj.古代执政官的,严峻的 ( 21773 )
dragoon 骑兵 , ( 53831 , )
drake 公鸭 , ( 53833 , )
tarragon n.[植]龙嵩,龙嵩叶 ; ( 22086 , derk , _ )
rankle 化脓,发炎,使痛苦,使怨恨 , ( 60424 , ) ←from 希腊语 drakō , serpent, dragon (< "monster with the evil eye").
[Pokorny derk̑- 213.]
;...088, deru- 实木牢 , Also dreu- .
To be firm, solid, steadfast; hence specialized senses "wood," "tree," and derivatives referring to objects made of wood.
派生词包括: tree , trust , betroth , endure , and druid.
  1. Suffixed 变化形式*drew-o- .
    1. ←from 古英语 trēow , tree, ←from 日耳曼语 *trewam ;
      tree n.树,树状物vi.爬上树 , ( 704 , deru , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 trēow , pledge, ←from 日耳曼语 *treuwō .
      truce 契约:n.停战,休战,休战协定v.停战,停止争执[T8] , ( 11151 , deru , _ )
      →[oew]→ trusty adj.可信赖 ( 23685 )
  2. 变化形式dreu- .
    1. ←from 古英语 trēowe , firm, true;
      TRUE adj.真实的;正确的adv.真实地;准确地n.真实;准确[T3] , ( 659 , _ , )
    2. ←from 古英语 trēowian , trūwian , to trust;
      trow v.相信,以为 , ( x )
    3. ←from 古挪威语 tryggr , firm, true;
      trig adj.潇洒的;制轮具 , ( 32470 )
    4. ←from 古英语 trēowth , faith, loyalty, truth, ←from 日耳曼语 abstract noun *treuwithō ;
      troth 誓言,订婚 , ( 63240 , )
      truth n.真实,真相;真实性;真理 ; ( 903 , deru , _ )
      betroth 许配 , ( 32736 )
    5. ←from 古挪威语 traust , confidence, firmness, ←from 日耳曼语 abstract noun *traustam ;
      trust vt.信任;盼望;委托n.(in)信任,依赖;委托 , ( 1305 , deru , _ )
    6. ←from 古法语 triste , waiting place (< "place where one waits trustingly"), probably from a source akin to 古挪威语 denominative treysta , to trust, make firm.a-fall ←from 日耳曼语 *treuwaz .
      tryst 约会,幽会 , ( 63263 , )
  3. 变化形式*drou- . ←from 古英语 trēg , trīg , wooden board, ←from 日耳曼语 *traujam .
    tray n.盘,碟,托盘 , ( 4613 , deru , _ )
  4. Suffixed 零级形式 *dru-ko- .
    1. ←from 古英语 trog , wooden vessel, tray;
      trough n.槽,水槽,饲料槽,木钵 , ( 11982 , deru , _ )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 trog , trough. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *trugaz .
      trug 浅筐 , ( 63253 , )
  5. Suffixed 零级形式 *dru-mo- .
    1. ←from 古英语 trum , firm, strong;
      trim a.整齐的,整洁的v./n.整理,修整,装饰 , ( 6312 , deru , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 truma , troop. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *trum- .
      shelter n.掩蔽处;掩蔽,保护v.掩蔽,躲避,庇护 , ( 3300 , kel₈ , _ )
  6. 变化形式*derw- . ←from 古英语 te(o)ru , resin, pitch (obtained from the pine tree), ←from 日耳曼语 *terw- .
    tar n.焦油,柏油 , ( 14913 , deru , _ )
  7. Suffixed 变化形式*drū-ro- . ←from 拉丁语 dūrus , hard (many of whose English derivatives represent a semantic cross with 拉丁语 dūrāre , to last long; see deuᵊ- ).
    dour adj.严厉的;顽强的;阴沉的;不爱讲话的[T8] , ( 22455 , deru , _ )
    duramen 木心 , ( x )
    duress 胁迫 , ( 53906 , )
    durum 硬质小麦 ; ( 53909 , )
    durain 暗煤 , ( x )
    duramater 硬脑膜 , ( x )
    endure v.忍受,持久,持续 , ( 4681 , deru , dur持续 )
    →[考研]→ endurance n.忍耐(力),持久(力),耐久(性)。 ( 8513 )
    indurate 冷酷的 , ( x )
    obdurate 固执的 , ( 58654 , )
  8. Lengthened 零级形式 *drū- . ←from 希腊语 drūs , oak.
    drupe 核果 , ( x )
    dryad 树精 ; ( 53870 , )
    Dryopithecus 森林古猿 , ( x )
    germander 石蚕属植物 , ( x )
    hamadryad 树神 , ( x )
  9. Reduplicated form *der-drew- , dissimilated with suffix in *der-drew-on . ←from 希腊语 dendron , tree.
    dendro- x , ( x )
    →[oew]→ dendrite 树突(神经元末端的树枝状突起)。 ( 53518 )
    dendron 树枝石 ; ( x )
    philodendron 喜林芋 , ( 36219 )
    rhododendron n.[植]北美杜鹃,杜鹃花 , ( 22191 , deru , _ )
  10. ←from 拉丁语 druides , druids, probably from Celtic compound *dru-wid- , "strong seer" ( *wid- , seeing; see weid- ), the Celtic priestly caste.
    druid 德鲁伊特(古代凯尔特人的祭司) , ( 53867 , )
  11. o级形式 *doru- . ←from 梵语 dāru , wood, timber.
    deodar 喜马拉雅雪杉 , ( x )
[Pokorny deru- 214.]
duration n.持久;期间;持续时间 (Lat,104654)
durable a.持久的,耐久的 (Lat,108500)
durability n.经久,耐久力 (Lat,114568)
dura n.硬脑(脊)膜 (Latin,126231)
subdural adj.硬膜下的 (Lat,141312)
endurable adj.能持久的,耐用的,忍得住,恒久 (Lat,144845)
dural adj.硬脑膜的,硬脊膜的 (Latin,145116)
obduracy n.冷酷无情,顽固,执拗 (Latin,147549)
induration n.硬化,固结 (Lat,150609)
durance (Latin,)
durancy (Latin,)
dure (Latin,)
durity (Latin,)
durous (Latin,)
durative (Lat,)
endurant (Lat,)
nondurable (Lat,)
obduration (Lat,)
perdurable (Lat,)
perdurance (Lat,)
perdure (Lat,)
Epidendrum (Greek,)
dendric (Greek,)
dendrochronology (Greek,)
dendrogram (Greek,)
dendromancy (Greek,)
dryadic (Greek,)
;...089, deu-₁ 丢软胎
To lack, be wanting.
  1. Possibly 带后缀形式: *deu-s- .
    1. ←from 古英语 tēorian , tyrian , to fail, tire (< "to fall behind"), ←from 日耳曼语 *teuzōn ;
      tire v.(使)疲倦,(使)厌倦n.(=tyre)轮胎,车胎 , ( 3202 , _ , _ )
    2. ←from 希腊语 dein , to lack, want.
      deontology 义务论 , ( x )
  2. 带后缀形式: *deu-tero- . ←from 希腊语 deuteros , "missing," next, second.
    deutero- x ; ( x )
    deuteragonist 当配角的人 , ( x )
    deuterium 氘,重氢 , ( 53580 , )
    Deuteronomy 申命记 , ( x )
[Pokorny 3. deu- 219.] (For suffixed 零级形式 *du-s- , combining form of *dew-es- , a lack, seedus-.) [In Pokorny 3. deu- 219.]
deuteron n.氘核 (Greek,141369)
Deuteromycota (Greek,)
deuteranomaly (Greek,)
deuteranopia (Greek,)
deuteride (Greek,)
deuterogamist (Greek,)
deuterogamy (Greek,)
deuterostome (Greek,)
;...090, deu-₂ 做动力
To do, perform, show favor, revere.
派生词包括: embellish , and dynamite.
  1. 带后缀形式: *dw-eno- . ←from 拉丁语 bonus , good (< "useful, efficient, working").
    bonbon 糖果 , ( 52293 , )
    bonito 鲣鱼 , ( 30549 )
    bonny 漂亮的 , ( 52300 , )
    bonus n.奖金,红利 , ( 4413 , deu , bon好的 )
    boon n.恩惠,福利 , ( 12368 , bʰa₁ , _ )
    bounty n.慷慨,宽大,施舍,奖励金 ; ( 12826 , deu , _ )
    bonanza n.走运,发财 , ( 14208 , deu , bon好的 )
    bonhomie 欢快友好的感觉 , ( 52297 , )
    debonair 温文尔雅的 , ( 53421 , )
  2. Adverbial form *dw-enē . ←from 拉丁语 bene , well.
    benediction 祝福 , ( 52110 , )
    benefaction 善举 , ( 52111 , )
    benefactor 做好事者:n.施主,捐赠者,恩人[T8] , ( 17939 , deu , )
    benefic adj.有益的,行善的 , ( x )
    beneficence 善行 , ( 30386 )
    benefit n.利益,好处,恩惠v.有益于;(from,by)受益 , ( 740 , deu , _ )
    benevolent adj.仁慈的,慈善的,亲切的[T8] , ( 12021 , deu , )
    benign 长得好adj.良性的,和蔼的,亲切的[T8] , ( 7991 , deu , _ )
    bentrovato 它起码 , ( x )
    herbbennet 草班纳特 , ( x )
  3. Diminutive *dw-en-elo- . ←from 拉丁语 bellus , handsome, pretty, fine.
    beau n.花花公子 , ( 21711 , deu , _ )
    beauty n.美,美丽;美人,美丽的事物 , ( 1761 , deu , _ )
    belle n.美女 ; ( 22314 , deu , _ )
    beldam 恶婆 , ( x )
    belladonna 颠茄 , ( 52102 , )
    belvedere 瞭望台 , ( x )
    embellish v.修饰,装饰,润色 , ( 16701 , deu , _ )
  4. Possibly suffixed 零级形式 *dw-eye- . ←from 拉丁语 beāre , to make blessed.
    beatitude 祝福 ; ( 28827 )
    beatific 幸福的 , ( 52073 , )
    beatify 行宣福礼 , ( 39396 )
  5. Possible (but unlikely for formal and semantic reasons) suffixed 零级形式 *du-nᵊ- . ←from 希腊语 dunasthai , to be able.
    dynamic a.动力的,电动的;有生气的 , ( 3921 , deu , dyn力量 )
    dynamite n.炸药,危险的人或物vt.炸毁adj.极好的[T9] , ( 15616 , deu , dyn力量 )
    dynast n.王朝的君主,统治者(尤指世袭的) , ( 36421 )
    dynasty n.王朝,朝代[T9] ; ( 9833 , deu , dyn力量 )
    aerodyne 重航空器 , ( x )
[Pokorny 2. (deu-) 218.]
benignant (Latin,)
benignity (Latin,)
dynamo n.精力充沛的人,物发电机 (Greek,121270)
dynamism n.活力;动态;物力论;推动力;精神动力作用[T9] (Greek,121491)
aerodynamic a.空气动力学的 (Greek,121710)
dynastic adj.朝代的,王朝的 (Greek,125887)
aerodynamics 航空动力学 (Greek,151599)
antidynastic (Greek,)
autodyne (Greek,)
didynamous (Greek,)
heterodyne (Greek,)
metadynamics (Greek,)
;...091, deuᵊ- 久长 , Also dwaᵊ- .
Long (in duration). 最初形式: *deuh₂- with variant (metathesized) *dweh₂- , the latter 变形 为: *dwah₂- , becoming *dwā- . Suffixed 零级形式 *dū-ro- (< *duᵊ-ro- , 最初形式: *duh₂-ro- ).

durable a.持久的,耐久的 , ( 8500 , deru , dur持续 )
durance 监禁 , ( x )
duration n.持久;期间;持续时间 , ( 4654 , deru , dur持续 )
during prep.在…期间 ; ( 189 , deru , _ )
perdurable 永久的 , ( x )
thermoduric 耐热的 , ( x ) ←from 拉丁语 dūrāre , to last.
[In Pokorny 3. deu- 219.]
;...092, deuk- 导引教
To lead.
派生词包括: wanton , team , duke , subdue , and educate.
    1. ←from 古英语 tēon , to pull, draw, lead;
      tug n.|v.用力拉,拖船 ; ( 7167 , deuk , _ )
      wanton adj.荒唐的,嬉戏的,繁茂的,肆意的,不道德的,不贞洁的 n.荡妇,水性杨花的女人 vi.嬉戏,闲荡,放肆 vt.挥霍 , ( 24085 , deuk , _ )
    2. ←from 高地德语 ziohan , to pull. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *teuhan .
      Zugunruhe x , ( x )
      zugzwang x , ( x )
  1. Suffixed 零级形式 *duk-ā- . ←from 古英语 togian , to draw, drag, ←from 日耳曼语 *tugōn .
    tow v.拖,曳 , ( 9926 , deuk , _ )
    taut a.(绳子)拉紧的,紧张的.vt.使纠缠 , ( 11078 , deuk , _ )
  2. Suffixed o级形式 *douk-eyo- . ←from 古英语 *tīegan , tīgan , to bind.
    tie n.领带;联系,关系,纽带;束缚v.扎,系,捆 , ( 1730 , deuk , _ )
  3. Suffixed o级形式 *douk-mo- . ←from 古英语 tēam , descendant, family, race, brood, team, ←from 日耳曼语 *tau(h)maz .
    team n.小队,小组v.协同工作 , ( 332 , deuk , _ )
  4. ←from 古英语 tēman , tīeman , to beget, ←from 日耳曼语 denominative *tau(h)mjan .
    teem ①充满,大量②倾泻,流注 , ( 64019 , )
  5. 基本形式: *deuk- . ←from 拉丁语 dūcere , to lead.
    doge 总督 , ( 32191 )
    douche 妇女阴道冲洗法 , ( 53807 , )
    ducal 公爵的 , ( 53873 , )
    ducat 达克特(旧时在多个欧洲国家通用的金币) , ( 53874 , )
    duce 首领 , ( x )
    duchess n.女公爵,公爵夫人[T9] , ( 12571 , deuk , _ )
    duchy 公爵领地 , ( 53875 , )
    duct n.管道,导管.vt.用导管输送 , ( 10269 , deuk , _ )
    ductile 可延展的 , ( 53878 , )
    duke n.公爵,源自古罗马对本土以外各行省的最高统治者的称呼[T6] ; ( 5065 , deuk , _ )
    abducens 外展神经 , ( x )
    abduct vt.诱拐,诱导,绑架[T8] , ( 15331 , api , duce领导 )
    adduce 举证 , ( 51573 , )
    aqueduct 高架渠 , ( 51831 , )
    circumduction 环行 , ( x )
    con vt.记诵,精读 adv.反对地,反面 n.反对票,反对论,[医]肺病;console,控制台 , ( 7403 , gn , _ )
    condottiere 佣兵队长 , ( x )
    conduce 引导 , ( 53051 , )
    conduct n.行为,品行v.引导;管理;指挥(乐队);传导 , ( 1257 , deuk , duce领导 )
    →[考研]→ conductor n.管理者;(汽车)售票员;领队,指挥;导体。 ( 6379 )
    deduce 引导往下:vt.推导出,推断出,演绎出[T4] , ( 15287 , deuk , duce领导 )
    deduct vt.扣除;演绎(推理) , ( 14490 , deuk , duce领导 )
    educe vt.引出;唤起或开发出(潜能);推断(出);从数据中演绎(出) , ( x )
    endue 穿上 , ( x )
    induce v.引诱,劝使;引起,导致;感应 , ( 5981 , deuk , duce领导 )
    →[oew]→ induct vt.引导,感应,使就职,征召入伍[T8]。 ( 18983 )
    introduce vt.介绍;引进,传入;提出(议案等) , ( 1355 , deuk , duce领导 )
    →[考研]→ introduction n.(to)介绍;传入,引进;导言,导论,绪论。 ( 1947 )
    produce v.生产,制造,显示,演出,导致n.产品 , ( 551 , deuk , duce领导 )
    →[考研]→ product n.产品,产物;乘积。 ( 557 )
    →[考研]→ production n.生产,产品,作品,(研究)成果,总产量。 ( 739 )
    →[考研]→ productive a.生产(性)的,能产的,多产的。 ( 3948 )
    →[考研]→ productivity n.生产率。 ( 3614 )
    redoubt 掩体,堡垒 , ( 60558 , )
    reduce v.减少,缩小;简化,还原 , ( 749 , _ , duce领导 )
    →[考研]→ reduction n.减小,减少,缩小。 ( 1957 )
    seduction n.诱惑;魅力;(复数)诱惑物[T9] , ( 16442 , deuk , duce领导 )
    subduction 俯冲 , ( x )
    subdue v.征服 , ( 16792 , deuk , duce领导 )
    traduce 诽谤,中伤 , ( 63118 , )
    transducer n.传感器,变频器 变换器 , ( 19964 , deuk , _ )
  6. Suffixed 零级形式 *duk-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 ēducāre , to lead out, bring up ( ē- , < ex- , out; see eghs ).
    educate v.教育,培养,训练 , ( 3474 , _ , duce领导 )
    →[考研]→ education n.教育,培养,训练。 ( 305 )
[Pokorny deuk- 220.]
reproduction n.再现,复制品 (Lat,105675)
reproduce v.生殖;翻版;繁殖;复制,仿造 (Lat,105771)
reproductive a.生殖的,再生的,复制的 (Lat,106470)
deduction n.扣除,减除;推论;减除额[T9] (Lat,108305)
introductory adj.引导的,介绍的;开端的[T9] (Lat,108915)
semiconductor n.半导体 (Lat,109068)
induction n.感应;归纳法;感应现象;入门培训,入职仪式[T6] (Lat,109470)
seductive adj.有魅力的;性感的;引人注意的[T9] (Lat,111723)
seduce 引导其离开:vt.引诱,诱惑,诱奸[T9] (Lat,112235)
abduction n.诱拐,绑架;诱导[T9] (Lat,114598)
deductible adj.可扣除的,可减免的[T9] (Lat,117505)
inducement n.诱因,刺激物 (Lat,121527)
reintroduction n.再介绍,再引入 (Lat,123484)
conductivity n.传导性,传导率,电导率 (Lat,124853)
conduction n.(热、电等的)传导,导热,导电,传导率,传导性,电导 (Lat,125084)
abductor n.绑架者,拐骗者,劫持者 (Lat,125679)
deductive adj.推论的,演绎的 (Lat,126222)
superconductivity n.超导电性,超导性 (Lat,127820)
adduction n.引用,内收 (Lat,144377)
ductility n.展延性,柔软性,顺从,韧性,塑性,展性 (Lat,148873)
adductor 内收肌 (Lat,151574)
conductive 使容易发生的 (Lat,153050)
inductive 归纳的 (Lat,155985)
irreducible 无法简化的 (Lat,156218)
reducible 可简化的 (Lat,160563)
superconductor 超导体 (Lat,162432)
abduce (Lat,)
abducent (Lat,)
adducent (Lat,)
adduct (Lat,)
conducent (Lat,)
ductor (Lat,)
educt (Lat,)
inductor (Lat,)
nonconductive (Lat,)
redux (Lat,)
traducent (Lat,)
traducian (Lat,)
traduct (Lat,)
traduction (Lat,)
;...093, dʰē- 做放置
To set, put. 最初形式: *dʰeh₁- , becoming *dʰē- .
派生词包括: deed , doom , fashion , defeat , feckless , sacrifice , satisfy , face , and synthesis.
  1. 基本形式: *dʰē- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *dʰē-ti- , "thing laid down or done, law, deed. ←from 古英语 dǣd , doing, deed, ←from 日耳曼语 *dēdiz .
      deed n.行为,行动;功绩,事迹;证书;契据 ; ( 6421 , dʰe₁ , _ )
      indeed ad.确实,实在;真正地,多么 , ( 690 , _ , _ )
    2. 带后缀形式: *dʰē-k- . ←from 希腊语 thēkē , receptacle.
      theca 外壁 , ( x )
      tick n.滴答声;勾号v.滴答响;打勾号于 ; ( 10173 , _ , _ )
      amphithecium 周层 , ( x )
      apothecary 药商 , ( 51810 , )
      apothecium 子囊盘 , ( x )
      bibliotheca 图书馆 , ( x )
      bodega 酒窖 , ( 25402 )
      boutique n.专卖流行衣服的小商店 , ( 11370 , dʰe₁ , _ )
      cleistothecium 闭囊壳 , ( x )
      endothecium 内层 , ( x )
      perithecium 子囊壳 , ( x )
    3. 基本形式: *dʰē- . ←from 古波斯 dā- , to place.
      bard 游吟诗人 , ( 52027 , )
      purdah (某些穆斯林妇女不见外男的)内房制度 , ( 60234 , )
    4. 带后缀形式: *dʰē-to- , set down, created, in 古伊朗语 compound *khvatō-dāta- (see s(w)e- ).
  2. o级形式 *dʰō- .
    1. ←from 古英语 dōn , to do, ←from 日耳曼语 *dōn .
      do aux.v.vt.做,干,办,从事;引起vi.行动 ; ( 17 , dʰe₁ , _ )
      fordo 毁灭 , ( x )
    2. Suffixed o级形式 *dʰō-men- . ←from 拉丁语 abdōmen , belly, abdomen, perhaps "part placed away, concealed part" ( ab- , away; see apo- ).
      abdomen n.腹,腹部 , ( 10905 , _ , _ )
    3. Suffixed o级形式 *dʰō-mo- .
      1. ←from 古英语 dōm , judgment (< "thing set or put down");
        doom vt.注定,命定.n.厄运 , ( 8178 , dʰe₁ , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 -dōm , abstract suffix indicating state, condition, or power;
        -dom 表名词,“状态或领域” , ( x )
      3. 古挪威语 -dōmr , condition, in compound hōrdōmr (see kā- );
      4. ←from 俄语 Duma , Duma, ←from a 日耳曼语 source akin to Gothic dōms , judgment;
        duma 杜马 , ( x )
        dumka x , ( x )
      5. ←from 古英语 dēman , to judge, ←from 日耳曼语 denominative dōmjan .a-eall ←from 日耳曼语 dōmaz .
        deem v.认为,相信 , ( 6319 , dʰe₁ , _ )
    4. Suffixed o级形式 *dʰō-t- in compound *sakro-dʰōt- (see sak- ).
  3. 零级形式 *dʰᵊ- .
      1. Prefixed form *kom-dʰᵊ- . ←from 拉丁语 condere , to put together, establish, preserve ( *kom , together; see kom );
        abscond 逃走 , ( 51538 , )
        incondite 生硬的 , ( x )
        recondite 深奥的 , ( 60518 , )
        sconce 突出的烛台 , ( 25247 )
      2. prefixed and 带后缀形式: *kom-dʰ(ᵊ)-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 condīre , to season, flavor;
        condiment 一起放的东西:n.佐料,调味品[T8] , ( 21522 , dʰe₁ , _ )
        salmagundi 大杂烩 , ( x )
      3. compound *kred-dʰᵊ- (see kerd- );
      4. compound 带后缀形式: *gʷr̥ᵊ-dʰ(ᵊ)-o- (see gʷerᵊ- ₂).
    1. Suffixed 零级形式 dʰᵊ-k- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 facere (< *fak-yo- ), to do, make, and 拉丁语 combining form -fex (< *-fak-s ), "maker";
        -facient 乘数 , ( x )
        fact n.事实,实际 , ( 218 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        faction 活动:n.派别,小集团。原指古罗马战车比赛中驾驶一辆战车的一组人[T6] , ( 6303 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        -faction 表名词,“达到的状态” , ( x )
        factitious 人为的,虚假的 , ( 54284 , )
        factitive 使役动词 , ( x )
        factor n.因素,要素 , ( 788 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        factory n.工厂 , ( 1966 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        faena x , ( x )
        fashion n.流行式样(或货品),风尚,风气;样子,方式 , ( 1827 , dʰe₁ , _ )
        →[考研]→ fashionable a.流行的,时髦的。 ( 6409 )
        feasible a.可行的;切实可行的;行得通的;可用的 , ( 7061 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        feat n.功绩,壮举[T8] , ( 8444 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        feature n.特征;容貌;特色;特写v.以...为特色 , ( 1177 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        fetish n.物神,迷信,偶像 , ( 20472 , dʰe₁ , _ )
        -fic 膜集成电路 , ( x )
        -fy 财政年度 , ( x )
        hacienda n.庄园 ; ( 22577 , dʰe₁ , _ )
        affair n.[pl.]事务;事情(件);(个人的)事 , ( 1606 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        affect vt.影响;(疾病)侵袭;感动n.情感,感情 , ( 1042 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        →[oew]→ affected adj.受到影响的,受(疾病)侵袭的,假装的,做作的 ( 3157 )
        affect vt.影响;(疾病)侵袭;感动n.情感,感情 , ( 1042 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        affection n.爱,喜爱;爱慕之情;感情;疾病,不适 , ( 4956 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        amplify vt.放大,扩大,增强,详述[T4] , ( 12660 , _ , )
        →[考研]→ ample adj.丰富的,充裕的[T6]。 ( 6573 )
        →[考研]→ amplifier n.放大器,扩大器,扩音器[T9]。 ( 14171 )
        artifact n.人工制品[T8] , ( 6356 , _ , )
        artifice n.手艺,工艺,诡计,巧妙的办法[T8] , ( 22716 , ar₁ , _ )
        beatific 幸福的 , ( 52073 , )
        benefaction 善举 , ( 52111 , )
        benefic adj.有益的,行善的 , ( x )
        benefice n.圣职,圣俸;采地;采邑 , ( 48440 )
        →[oew]→ beneficial a.(to)有利的,有益的。 ( 4471 )
        →[oew]→ beneficiary n.受惠者,受益人 ( 7665 )
        beneficence 善行 , ( 30386 )
        benefit n.利益,好处,恩惠v.有益于;(from,by)受益 , ( 740 , deu , _ )
        chafe 产生热v.n.摩擦,擦热,擦伤,激怒[T8] , ( 20555 , dʰe₁ , _ )
        comfit 蜜饯 , ( 53011 , )
        confect n.糖果,蜜饯vt.调制;配制;(尤指)混合调制;把…制成糖果 , ( x )
        confetti 五彩纸屑 , ( 53057 , )
        counterfeit 比对着做:vt.伪造,仿造;假装,伪装vi.仿造;假装n.赝品;冒牌货;伪造品adj.假冒的,伪造的;虚伪的[T , ( 21664 , _ , fact做为 )
        defeasance 废止 , ( x )
        defeat n.击败,战胜,失败v.击败,战胜;使失败 , ( 2924 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        defect n.过失;缺点;不足 , ( 6631 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        deficient adj.不足的,有缺陷的,不充分的[T6] , ( 13332 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        discomfit 使窘迫 , ( 53678 , )
        edifice 神庙建筑:n.大厦;大建筑物[T8] , ( 19030 , aidʰ , _ )
        edify 教化 , ( 53961 , )
        effect n.结果;效果;影响;印象vt.招致;实现;达到 , ( 368 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        →[考研]→ effective a.有效的,生效的;被实施的;给人深刻印象。 ( 933 )
        efficacious adj.(药、措施等)有效的 , ( 22883 )
        efficient a.有效的,效率高的;有能力的,能胜任的 , ( 2432 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        →[考研]→ efficiency n.效率;功效。 ( 2448 )
        facsimile 使相同:vt.传真,临摹adj.复制的n.传真,复写[T8] , ( 16326 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        factotum 事务总管 , ( 54287 , )
        feckless 品格差的 , ( 54354 , )
        forfeit 做过界限:n.罚金;没收物;丧失的东西adj.因受罚而丧失的;被没收的,vt.(因犯罪、失职、违约等)丧失(权利、名 , ( 16849 , dʰur , fact做为 )
        infect vt.传染,感染;影响(思想等) , ( 6976 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        →[考研]→ infectious adj.传染的;传染性的;易传染的[T6]。 ( 7953 )
        justify v.证明...正当(或有理、正确),为...辩护 , ( 2920 , dʰe₁ , )
        malefactor 作恶者 , ( 57371 , )
        malfeasance 渎职 , ( 25464 )
        manufacture v.制造,加工n.制造,制造业;产品 , ( 4428 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        misfeasance 不当行为 , ( 48604 )
        modify v.更改,修改,修饰 , ( 4058 , med , )
        mollify 使平静,抚慰 , ( 58028 , )
        nidify 筑巢 , ( x )
        notify v.通知,告知,报告 , ( 7647 , gn , )
        nullify vt.使无效,作废;取消[T9] , ( 21906 , ne , )
        officinal 药用 , ( x )
        →[oew]→ officiate v.行使 ( 21356 )
        orifice 孔,穴,腔 , ( 58862 , )
        perfect a.完善的;完全的;(语法)完成的v.使完美 , ( 1225 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        →[考研]→ perfection n.尽善尽美,完美。 ( 6975 )
        petrify 使石化,惊呆 , ( 59410 , )
        →[oew]→ petrology 岩石学。 ( 59414 )
        →[oew]→ Peter vi.逐渐消失 Peter 彼得(男子名) ( 1959 )
        →[oew]→ petrodollar 石油美元。 ( 59413 )
        pluperfect 过去完成时,极好的 , ( 59714 , )
        pontifex 大祭司 , ( x )
        prefect 地方行政长官,教务长,学长,班长 , ( 59957 , )
        proficient 取得进步的:adj.熟练的,精通的n.专家,能手[T6] , ( 15153 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        profit n.利润,收益v.(by,from)得利,获益;有利于 , ( 1506 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        →[考研]→ profitable adj.有利可图的;赚钱的;有益的[T6]。 ( 4824 )
        putrefy 腐败,腐化 , ( 60255 , )
        →[oew]→ putrefaction 腐败,腐化。 ( 60254 )
        qualify v.(使)具有资格,证明合格;限制,限定;修饰 , ( 3361 , kuo , _ )
        →[考研]→ qualification n.资格,合格;限定,条件;合格证。 ( 5678 )
        rarefy 变稀薄,使高雅 , ( 60433 , )
        rectify 使其正确:vt.改正,整流[T6] , ( 13316 , reg₁ , )
        refect v.使精力恢复,使精神振作 , ( x )
        refectory 食堂,餐厅 , ( 60573 , )
        rubefacient 发红剂 , ( x )
        sacrifice n.牺牲,牺牲品;祭品v.(for,to)牺牲,献出 , ( 4466 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        satisfy v.满意,使满意,使相信,说服 , ( 2871 , dʰe₁ , )
        spinifex 带刺 , ( x )
        subfice 足够了 , ( x )
        subficient adj.足够的;充足的;充分的 , ( x )
        surfeit 过量 , ( 62472 , )
        tubifex 水丝蚓 , ( x )
        tumefacient 肿大的 , ( x )
        vivify 使活跃 , ( 39748 )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 derivative faciēs , shape, face (< "form imposed on something");
        façade 外观 , ( x )
        face n.脸,面貌;表情;正面v.面对着;朝,面向 , ( 265 , dʰe₁ , _ )
        →[考研]→ facilitate v.使变得(更)容易;使便利;推动;帮助;处进。 ( 4014 )
        →[考研]→ facility n.灵巧,熟练;(pl.)设备,设施,便利条件。 ( 1578 )
        →[oew]→ factual adj.事实的;真实的[T8]。 ( 7924 )
        →[oew]→ facetious 乱引人发笑的。 ( 54282 )
        facet n.小平面,方面,切面vt.在上琢面[T8] , ( 10619 , dʰe₁ , fac正面 )
        facial a.脸部的,面部的 , ( 6600 , _ , fac正面 )
        facies ; ( x )
        deface 损伤外观,丑化 , ( 53463 , )
        →[oew]→ deficit n.赤字,逆差;亏损,亏空;不足,缺乏。 ( 2504 )
        →[oew]→ defector 背叛者;逃兵;叛离者[T9]。 ( 19929 )
        →[oew]→ defecate 排便。 ( 53466 )
        efface 抹去 , ( 53966 , )
        surface n.表面;外表a.表面的,肤浅的 , ( 947 , dʰe₁ , fac正面 )
      3. ←from 拉丁语 compound officium (< *opi-fici-om ), service, duty, business, performance of work ( *opi- , work; see op- );
        office n.办公室,办事处;职务,公职;部,局,处 , ( 314 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        →[考研]→ officer n.官员,办事员;工作人员;军官。 ( 759 )
        →[考研]→ official n.官员,行政官员 a.官方的,官方的,正式的。 ( 578 )
        →[oew]→ officious 爱指手划脚的。 ( 58728 )
      4. further 带后缀形式: *dʰᵊ-k-li- . ←from 拉丁语 facilis (< Archaic 拉丁语 facul ), feasible, easy.
        facile 简单的,轻率的 , ( 54283 , )
        facilate vt.促进,助长;使容易;帮助 , ( x )
        faculty n.才能;学院,系;(学院或系的)全体教学人员 , ( 2253 , dʰe₁ , fact做为 )
        difficulty n.困难,困境,难题 , ( 1434 , _ , fact做为 )
        →[考研]→ difficult a.困难的,艰难的。 ( 473 )
    2. Suffixed 零级形式 *dʰᵊ-s- (probably identical with 零级 of dʰēs- ). ←from 拉丁语 fās , divine law, right.
      nefarious adj.邪恶的;穷凶极恶的;不法的[T8] , ( 24100 , bʰa₁ , 蒋争xx )
    3. ←from 拉丁语 -fāriam , adverbial suffix, as in bifāriam , in two places, parts, double, ←from *dwi-dʰ(ᵊ)- , "making two" ( *dwi- , two; see dwo- ).
      multifarious 多样的 , ( 58224 , )
      omnifarious 多方面的 , ( 58778 , )
    4. Reduplicated form *dʰi-dʰᵊ- . ←from 希腊语 tithenai , to put, with 零级 noun thesis ( *dʰᵊ-ti- ), a placing, and verbal adjective thetos ( *dʰᵊ-to- ), placed.
      thesis 放下的东西:n.论文,论点[T6] , ( 5581 , dʰe₁ , thes置放 )
      thetic 武断的 ; ( x )
      anathema 上交给上帝n.诅咒,革出教门,被诅咒者[T8] , ( 21790 , an , _ )
      antithesis 放到对面:n.对立面,对照,对仗[T8] , ( 19326 , dʰe₁ , thes置放 )
      diathesis 素质 , ( x )
      epenthesis 增音 , ( x )
      epithet 放到上面,额外放:n.绰号[T8] , ( 18311 , _ , _ )
      hypothecate 抵押 , ( x )
      hypothesis 放到下面(作为基础):n.假设,前提[T6] , ( 3392 , _ , thes置放 )
      metathesis 交换 , ( x )
      parenthesis n.插入语,附带,插曲,圆括号 , ( 19610 , dʰe₁ , thes置放 )
      prosthesis n.弥补,添字首音 , ( 14109 , dʰe₁ , _ )
      →[oew]→ prosthetics 假体制作,义肢安装。 ( 60126 )
      prothesis 圣餐台 , ( x )
      synthesis 放到一起:n.合成,综合,综合体[T6] , ( 6644 , dʰe₁ , thes置放 )
      →[考研]→ synthetic a.合成的,人造的;综合的。 ( 6850 )
    5. Suffixed 零级形式 *dʰᵊ-mn̥ . ←from 希腊语 thema , "thing placed," proposition.
      thematic adj.主题的,题目的,主旋律的[T8] , ( 11533 , _ , _ )
      theme n.题目,主题;主旋律,基调 ; ( 1749 , dʰe₁ , _ )
      speleothem 洞穴堆积物 , ( x )
    6. Reduplicated form *dʰe-dʰē- . ←from 梵语 dadʰāti , he places (past participle -hita- , ←from suffixed 零级 *dʰᵊ-to- ).
      samhita x , ( x )
      sandʰi 变调 , ( x )
    7. 缩减形式 *dʰ- in compound *au-dʰ- (see au- ).
[Pokorny 2. dʰē- 235.]
scientific a.科学上的 (Latin,101376)
sufficient a.(for)足够的,充分的(比enough拘谨、正式) (Lat,102151)
infection n.传染病,影响, (Lat,102709)
nonprofit adj.非营利的 (Lat,105233)
insufficient adj.不足的[T4] (Lat,106146)
fake n.假货,赝品a.假的,冒充的v.伪造;伪装 (Latin,106163)
deficiency n.缺乏,不足;缺点,缺陷 (Lat,106760)
efficacy n.功效,效力[T8] (Lat,106872)
superficial a.表面的;肤浅的,浅薄的 (Lat,107731)
ineffective a.无效的,(指人)工作效率低的 (Lat,107797)
unification n.统一;一致;联合[T8] (Latin,108821)
profitability n.收益性,利益率 (Latin,109031)
inefficient adj.无效率的,效率低的;无能的[T4] (Lat,109041)
defective 有缺陷的;不完美的n.有缺陷的人;不完全变化词[T9] (Lat,109379)
suffice 打好基础vt.满足,足够……用vi.足够,有能力[T6] (Lat,110128)
imperfect a.有缺点的,未完成的.n.未完成体 (Lat,110450)
feasibility n.可行性,可能性 (Lat,110730)
affective adj.情感的;表达感情的[T9] (Lat,111149)
prolific 生产后代:adj.多产的,多育的,丰富的[T8] (Latin,111364)
affectionate adj.亲爱的,挚爱的 (Lat,112153)
reunification n.重新统一,重新团结 (Latin,112157)
proficiency n.(in)熟练,精通 (Lat,112755)
facilitator n.促进者,帮助者,服务商 (Lat,115595)
imperfection n.不完整性,非理想性 (Lat,117015)
fiat n.命令,法令,许可,批准 (Latin,117786)
defection n.背叛;缺点;变节;脱党[T9] (Lat,117878)
benefactor 做好事者:n.施主,捐赠者,恩人[T8] (Lat,117939)
resurface vt.重铺路面 vi.重新露面 (Lat,118396)
aficionado n.[西班牙]狂热爱好者,迷 (Lat,118503)
disinfectant n.消毒剂adj.消毒的[T8] (Lat,121632)
ineffectual adj.无效的,不起作用的;徒劳无益的n.无用的人;无一技之长者[T8] (Lat,122319)
laissez-faire n.(自由)放任主义 (Latin,123394)
confection 做出来的东西:n.糖果,蜜饯;调制;糖膏(剂);精制工艺品[T8] (Lat,123951)
disinfection n.消毒,灭菌 (Lat,124018)
facilitation n.简易化,助长 (Lat,124398)
factional adj.派系的,小派别的 (Lat,124493)
affectation n.假装,装模作样,装模作样的言行,矫情 (Lat,126023)
disaffection n.不忠,(政治上)不满 (Lat,126025)
insufficiency n.不充足,不足 (Lat,126268)
refashion vt.再做,重制 (Latin,127595)
parfait n.冻糕,冻奶糊 (Lat,128678)
superficiality n.表面性的事物,浅薄 (Lat,128840)
sufficiency n.足量,充足;自满[T9] (Lat,129324)
profiteer vi.投机,牟求暴利 n.贸易 奸商,牟取暴利的人 (Lat,129551)
facilitative 医促进的,助长的 (Lat,130342)
trifecta n.赌马时,押中某一场前三名的赛马,排名序完全押中 (Latin,131200)
counterfactual adj.反事实的(指在不同条件下有可能发生但违反现存事实的) (Lat,132462)
perfecta n.<美><加>(赛马或跑狗中的)正序连赢 (Latin,133019)
effectuate vt.实行,完成 (Lat,133153)
confectionery n.甜食 (Lat,133846)
infective adj.会传染的,有传染性的,影响别人的,感染别人的 (Lat,135144)
discomfiture n.崩溃,大败,挫败,困惑 (Lat,135692)
effectual adj.奏效的,收效的,行之有效 (Lat,136112)
olfaction n.嗅,嗅觉 (Latin,139229)
effacement n.抹消,抹杀 (Lat,140060)
prefectural adj.地方官的 (Latin,141061)
perfectibility n.完全性 (Latin,141747)
defacement 毁损,磨灭,涂销 (Lat,142133)
facultative adj.特许的,兼性的 (Lat,143200)
effector n.受动器,感受器 (Lat,143287)
affectional adj.情感上的,爱情的 (Lat,145230)
confectionary adj.像糖果的,糖果商的 n.糖食,糖果店 (Lat,146295)
perfective adj.完成的,完成式的 n.完成式 (Lat,146487)
factious adj.派系的,与派系相关的,好争论的,不合作的 (Lat,146678)
officiant n.主祭 (Lat,147301)
defacto 实际上存在的(不一定合法) (Lat,153464)
disinfect 消毒 (Lat,153698)
factorial 阶乘 (Lat,154286)
forfeiture 没收 (Lat,154556)
prefecture 地方行政区域 (Lat,159958)
profiterole 奶心巧克力酥球 (Latin,160076)
disaffect (Latin,)
enface (Latin,)
enfacement (Latin,)
facade/façade (Latin,)
facette (Latin,)
factorable (Latin,)
inofficious (Latin,)
interoffice (Latin,)
nonofficial (Latin,)
omnificence (Latin,)
omnificent (Latin,)
perfector (Latin,)
prequalification (Latin,)
quasiperfect (Latin,)
refactorable (Latin,)
refection (Latin,)
suboffice (Latin,)
surficial (Latin,)
trifacial (Latin,)
uniface (Latin,)
unifacial (Latin,)
unifactorial (Latin,)
affectivity (Lat,)
benefactive (Lat,)
beneficiation (Lat,)
comfiture (Lat,)
confecture (Lat,)
contrafactive (Lat,)
contrafactual (Lat,)
difficile (Lat,)
effectible (Lat,)
effection (Lat,)
effectivity (Lat,)
effectuality (Lat,)
effectuation (Lat,)
efficacity (Lat,)
faciend (Lat,)
facient (Lat,)
facilitatory (Lat,)
facinorous (Lat,)
factionary (Lat,)
facture (Lat,)
feasance (Lat,)
indefeasible (Lat,)
malefaction (Lat,)
maleficence (Lat,)
nonfactual (Lat,)
nonfacultative (Lat,)
nonfeasance (Lat,)
nonproficiency (Lat,)
officiary (Lat,)
perfectible (Lat,)
reinfect (Lat,)
remanufacture (Lat,)
semelfactive (Lat,)
subprefect (Lat,)
subprefecture (Lat,)
subsurface (Lat,)
superficies (Lat,)
transfection (Lat,)
treasure n.财宝,财富;珍品v.珍爱,珍惜 (Greek,104521)
prosthetic adj.<医>义肢的,假体的 (Greek,115941)
nomothetic adj.制定法律的,以法律为根据的 (Greek,146049)
thesaurus 同义词词典 (Greek,162889)
Themis (Greek,)
anathematic (Greek,)
antithetic (Greek,)
athematic (Greek,)
enthesis (Greek,)
enthetic (Greek,)
epenthetic (Greek,)
epitheca (Greek,)
hypothec (Greek,)
monothematic (Greek,)
oligosynthetic (Greek,)
parenthetic (Greek,)
polysynthetic (Greek,)
prothetic (Greek,)
pseudothecium (Greek,)
thecium (Greek,)
;...094, dʰegʷh- 腾热
To burn, warm.
  1. Suffixed o级 (causative) form *dʰogʷh-eyo- . ←from 拉丁语 fovē , to warm, cherish, foment.
    foment 煽动 , ( 54532 , )
    fomite 污染物 , ( x )
  2. Suffixed 基本形式: dʰegʷh-rā- . ←from 希腊语 tephrā , ash.
    tephra 火山碎屑 , ( x )
[Pokorny dʰegu̯h- 240.]
;...095, dʰē(i)- 吮吸奶
To suck. 最初形式: *dʰeh₁(i)- , becoming *dʰē(i)- .
派生词包括: female , fawn ₂, fetus , fennel , and affiliate.
  1. Suffixed 缩减形式 *dʰē-mnā- . ←from 拉丁语 fēmina , woman (< "she who suckles").
    female n.女性;女人;雌兽a.女性的;雌的;柔弱的 , ( 1223 , dʰe₂ , _ )
    feminine adj.女性的;妇女(似)的;阴性的;娇柔的[T6] , ( 6323 , dʰe₂ , _ )
    femme 女人 ; ( 13510 )
    effeminate 女人气的 , ( 53967 , )
  2. Suffixed 缩减形式 *dʰē-to- . ←from 拉丁语 fētus , pregnancy, childbearing, offspring, with adjective fētus , fēta , pregnant.
    fawn n.(未满一岁的)小鹿,小山羊,小动物,鹿毛色,浅黄褐色 vi.奉承,讨好 v.生(小山羊或小动物) adj.浅黄褐色 , ( 23028 , dʰe₂ , _ )
    fetal adj.胎的,胎儿的[T9] , ( 10838 , dʰel₁ , _ )
    fetus n.胎儿,胎[T8] ; ( 11171 , dʰel₁ , _ )
    effete 软弱的,女人气的 , ( 53969 , )
    feticide 堕胎 , ( x )
    superfetate x , ( x )
  3. Suffixed 缩减形式 *dʰē-kʷondo- . ←from 拉丁语 fēcundus , fruitful.
    fecund 多产的 , ( 54355 , )
  4. Suffixed 缩减形式 *dʰē-no- . ←from 拉丁语 fēnum , faenum , hay (< "produce").
    fennel n.[植]茴香 , ( 15123 , dʰel₁ , _ )
    finochio 甘茴香 ; ( x )
    fenugreek 葫芦巴(种子用于南亚食物调味) , ( 54366 , )
    sainfoin 红豆草 , ( x )
  5. Probably suffixed 零级形式 *dʰī-lyo- (< *dʰiᵊ-lyo- ) ←from 拉丁语 fīlius , son, and fīlia , daughter (but these are conceivably from the root bʰeuᵊ- ).
    filial 孝顺的 , ( 54414 , )
    filiation 父子关系 , ( 35387 )
    fils 儿子 ; ( x )
    affiliate 使其成为子女:vt.接纳,使附属vi.参加,加入,发生联系n.联号,隶属机构[T8] , ( 9562 , dʰe₂ , _ )
    hidalgo 绅士 , ( 24451 )
  6. Suffixed 缩减形式 *dʰē-lo- . ←from 拉丁语 fēlāre , fellāre , to suck.
    fellatio 口交 , ( 34650 )
  7. Suffixed 缩减形式 *dʰē-l-īk- . ←from 拉丁语 fēlīx , fruitful, fertile, lucky, happy.
    felicitate 庆贺 , ( x )
    felicity 幸福,喜悦,恰当,贴切 ; ( 54360 , )
    felicific 带来幸福的 , ( x )
    infelicity 不吉利 , ( x )
  8. Suffixed 缩减形式 *dʰē-lā- . ←from 希腊语 thēlē , nipple.
    endothelium 内皮 , ( 38805 )
    epithelium 上皮细胞 , ( 28051 )
    mesothelium 间皮 , ( x )
  9. Suffixed 缩减形式 *dʰē-l-u- . ←from 希腊语 thēlus , female.
    theelin x , ( x )
[Pokorny dʰē(i)- 241.]
affiliation n.友好关系,从属关系,联盟,加入[T9] (Lat,108627)
femininity n.温柔;柔弱性;女子本性[T9] (Lat,112424)
affiliative adj.有亲和力的 (Lat,131032)
effeminacy n.柔弱,女人气,娇气 (Lat,144193)
felicitous 恰当的,贴切的 (Lat,154359)
disaffiliate (Lat,)
disaffiliation (Lat,)
felicitations (Lat,)
filiate (Lat,)
filicide (Lat,)
filiety (Lat,)
nonaffiliation (Lat,)
mesothelioma n.间皮瘤 (Greek,134342)
athelia (Greek,)
thelial (Greek,)
thelium (Greek,)
;...096, dʰeigh- 成形
To form, build. 最初形式: *dʰeig̑h- , becoming *dʰeigh- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: dairy , lady , dough , and paradise.
  1. ←from 古英语 dǣge , bread kneader, ←from 日耳曼语 *daigjōn- .
    dairy n.牛奶场,奶店 , ( 6063 , dʰeigh , 蒋争xx )
  2. ←from 古英语 compound hlǣfdige , mistress of a household (< "bread kneader"; hlāf , bread, loaf), ←from 日耳曼语 *dīg- .
    lady n.女士,夫人 , ( 1260 , dʰeigh , _ )
    →[oew]→ ladyfinger 秋葵。 ( 56696 )
  3. Suffixed o级形式 *dʰoigh-o- .
    1. ←from 古英语 dāg , dough;
      dough n.生面团 , ( 5459 , dʰeigh , _ )
    2. ←from 高地德语 teic , dough. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *daigaz .
      teiglach x , ( x )
  4. Suffixed 零级形式 *dʰigh-ūrā- . ←from 拉丁语 figūra , form, shape (< "result of kneading").
    figure n.体形;轮廓;数字;图形v.描绘;计算;推测 , ( 517 , dʰeigh , figur形状 )
    figurine n.小雕像[T8] ; ( 16963 , _ , fict假装 )
    configure vt.安装,使成形[T9] , ( 17046 , _ , fict假装 )
    disfigure vt.使……变丑,损污……的外观,毁容[T8] , ( 23598 , dʰeigh , figur形状 )
    prefigure 预兆 , ( 59960 , )
    transfigure 使变形,改观 , ( 63136 , )
  5. Nasalized 零级形式 *dʰi-n-gh- . ←from 拉丁语 fingere , to shape.
    fainéant 懒惰的 , ( x )
    faint a.微弱的;不明显的;暗淡的n./v.昏倒;昏晕 , ( 4134 , dʰeigh , _ )
    feign vt.假装,装作,捏造,[古]想象 vi.作假 , ( 17242 , dʰeigh , fict假装 )
    feint 假动作 , ( 54357 , )
    fictile 陶制品 , ( x )
    fiction n.虚构,编造;小说 , ( 2950 , dʰe₁ , fict假装 )
    →[oew]→ fictitious adj.虚构的;假想的;编造的;假装的[T8]。 ( 19205 )
    figment 虚构 ; ( 54409 , )
    effigy 雕像,肖像[T8] , ( 21740 , dʰeigh , figur形状 )
  6. Probable nasalized 零级形式 *dʰi-n-g(h)- . ←from 希腊语 thinganein , to touch.
    thigmotaxis 趋触性 , ( x )
    thixotropy 触变性 , ( x )
  7. Suffixed o级形式 *dʰoigh-o- . ←from Avestan daēza- , wall (originally made of clay or mud bricks).
    paradise n.天堂 , ( 6710 , dʰeigh , _ )
[Pokorny dʰeig̑h- 244.]
fictional adj.虚构的,小说的[T9] (Lat,107137)
fictive adj.想象的,虚构的 (Lat,121864)
nonfiction (Latin,)
antithixotropic (Greek,)
thigmonasty (Greek,)
thixotropic (Greek,)
;...097, dʰer- 牢固
To hold firmly, support.
派生词包括: infirmary , and throne.
  1. 带后缀形式: *dʰer-mo- . ←from 拉丁语 firmus , firm, strong.
    farm n.农场,饲养场v.种田,经营农牧业 , ( 1204 , dʰar , _ )
    →[考研]→ farmer n.农民,农场主。 ( 1793 )
    fermata 暂停 , ( 54370 , )
    firm a.坚固的;坚决的,坚定的n.公司,商号 , ( 781 , dʰar , firm坚固 )
    firm a.坚固的;坚决的,坚定的n.公司,商号 , ( 781 , dʰar , firm坚固 )
    firmament 苍穹 ; ( 54436 , )
    affirm v.肯定,确认,断言[T8] , ( 7708 , dʰar , firm坚固 )
    →[oew]→ affirmative adj.肯定的,(对正式辩论中的问题)表示赞成的,(态度,方法等)积极的,乐观的,怀有希望的 n.肯定语 ( 6702 )
    confirm v.使更坚固,使更坚定;(进一步)证实;确认 , ( 2058 , dʰar , firm坚固 )
    furl 卷起,收拢 , ( 54682 , )
    infirm 体弱的,生病的 , ( 56015 , )
    infirmary 病人去的地方:n.医务室[T9] , ( 15841 , dʰar , firm坚固 )
  2. Perhaps 扩展形式: *dʰergh- , seen by some as the source of 拉丁语 fortis , strong, but this is more likely from bʰergh- ₂.
  3. Suffixed 零级形式 *dʰr-ono- . ←from 希腊语 thronos , seat, throne (< "support").
    throne n.王座,君主 , ( 6355 , dʰar , _ )
  4. 带后缀形式: *dʰer-mn̥ . ←from 梵语 dʰarma , statute, law (< "that which is established firmly").
    dʰarma 法,达摩(影响整个宇宙的真理或规则) , ( 53589 , )
  5. 带后缀形式: *dʰer-eno- . ←from Prakrit dʰaraṇa , a holding firm.
    dʰarna x , ( x )
  6. Suffixed o级形式 *dʰor-o- . ←from 伊朗语 dāra- , holding, whence 波斯语 -dār .
    churidar x , ( x )
    sirdar 将领 , ( x )
    tahsildar x , ( x )
    zamindar 印度地主 , ( x )
[Pokorny 2. dʰer- 252.]
confirmation n.证实,确认,批准 (Lat,105509)
reaffirm vt.重申,再肯定 (Lat,112740)
affirmation n.主张,肯定;断言[T9] (Lat,112968)
confirmatory adj.确定的,证实的 (Lat,123403)
reaffirmation n.再断言,再肯定 (Lat,127914)
reconfirmation n.再证实,再确认 (Lat,151403)
infirmity 体弱,生病 (Lat,156016)
reconfirm 重申,再确认 (Lat,160520)
affirmance (Lat,)
affirmant (Lat,)
affirmatory (Lat,)
confirmational (Lat,)
disaffirm (Lat,)
disaffirmation (Lat,)
infirmarian (Lat,)
nonaffirmation (Lat,)
obfirm (Lat,)
obfirmation (Lat,)
;...098, dʰers- 敢大胆
To venture, be bold. o级形式 *dʰors- and 零级形式 *dʰr̥s- .

dare v.敢,胆敢 , ( 3372 , dʰers , _ )
durst 杜斯特 , ( x ) ←from 古英语 dearr and durst , first and third person singular present and past indicative of durran , to venture, respectively ←from 日耳曼语 *dors- and *durs- .
[Pokorny dʰers- 259.]
;...099, dʰēs- 神圣节
Root of words in religious concepts. 最初形式: *dʰeh₁s- , becoming *dʰēs- . Possibly an extension of dʰē- .
派生词包括: feast , fanatic , atheism , and enthusiasm.
  1. 带后缀形式: *dʰēs-yā- . ←from 拉丁语 fēriae (< Archaic 拉丁语 fēsiae ), holidays.
    fair a.公平的,合理的;相当的n.集市,交易会 , ( 1283 , dʰes , _ )
    →[考研]→ fairly ad.公正地,正当地;相当,还算。 ( 1838 )
    feria 平日 , ( x )
  2. 带后缀形式: *dʰēs-to- . ←from 拉丁语 fēstus , festive.
    feast n.节日,盛宴,筵席,宴会,酒席 vt.盛宴,款待,享乐,请客 vi.参加宴会,享受 , ( 6321 , dʰes , fest祝宴 )
    fest [医](德)固体的 , ( x )
    festal 节日的 , ( x )
    festival n.节日;音乐节;戏剧节a.节日的;快乐的 , ( 3012 , dʰes , fest祝宴 )
    festive adj.节日的,喜庆的,欢乐的[T8] , ( 10896 , dʰes , fest祝宴 )
    festoon n.花彩 vt.结彩于,使成为花彩形 , ( 22500 , dʰes , fest祝宴 )
    fete 游乐会 , ( 54382 , )
    fiesta n.[西]节日(特指在西班牙和拉丁美洲以游行和舞蹈来庆祝的节日),祭典,圣日,假日 ; ( 19336 , dʰes , _ )
    Oktoberfest 啤酒节 , ( x )
  3. Suffixed 零级形式 *dʰᵊs-no- . ←from 拉丁语 fānum , temple.
    fanatic 寺庙的,神灵附体的:n.狂热入迷者;盲信者;盲信adj.狂热的;盲信的[T8] ; ( 14844 , dʰes , _ )
    profane 在寺庙门前的,不能入寺的:adj.亵渎的;世俗的;异教的vt.亵渎;玷污[T8] , ( 22430 , dʰes , _ )
  4. Suffixed 零级形式 *dʰᵊs-o- . ←from 希腊语 theos (< *thes-os ), god.
    theo- 西奥- ; ( x )
    apotheosis 封神 , ( 51811 , )
    atheism 无神论 , ( 51914 , )
    enthusiaasm n.热情,热忱;热衷的事物;宗教的狂热 , ( x )
    henotheism 单一神论 , ( 55352 , )
    pantheon n.万神殿,名流群,先贤祠[T8] , ( 20103 , keu₂ , theo神 )
    polytheism 多神论 , ( 59797 , )
    tiffany n.纱的一种 , ( x )
[Pokorny dʰēs- 259.]
festivity n.欢庆,欢宴;庆典;欢乐[T9] (Lat,114184)
profanity n.亵渎;不敬的言语[T9] (Lat,118974)
Festus (Lat,)
festivous (Lat,)
infestive (Lat,)
;...100, dʰeu-₁ 流露水
To flow.
  1. ←from 古英语 dēaw , dew;
    dew n.露水 , ( 17097 , dʰeu₁ , _ )
  2. ←from 中古荷兰语 dau , dew;
    sundew 茅膏菜 , ( 39021 )
  3. 日耳曼语 compound *melith-dauwaz (see melit- ).a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *dauwaz , dew.
[Pokorny 1. dʰeu- 259.]
;...101, dʰeu-₂ 丢跌死
To die. Also dʰeuᵊ- (最初形式: *dʰeuh₂- ).
  1. Suffixed o级形式 *dʰou-to- . ←from 古英语 dēad , dead, ←from 日耳曼语 *daudaz .
    dead a.死的;无生命的;死气沉沉的ad.完全地 , ( 733 , dʰeu₂ , _ )
    →[考研]→ deadline n.最后期限。 ( 4601 )
    →[考研]→ deadly a.致命的;势不两立的; 极度的;必定的。 ( 4347 )
  2. Suffixed o级形式 *dʰou-tu- . ←from 古英语 dēath , death, ←from 日耳曼语 *dauthuz .
    death n.死,死亡;灭亡,毁灭,死因 , ( 411 , dʰeu₂ , _ )
  3. Suffixed o级形式 *dʰow-yo- . ←from 古挪威语 deyja , to die.
    die vi.死,死亡;(草木)枯萎,凋谢;渴望 , ( 511 , dʰeu₂ , _ )
  4. Extended 零级形式 *dʰuᵊi- , metathesized to *dʰwiᵊ- , 缩减成:*dʰwī- , whence 带后缀形式: *dʰwī-no- . ←from 古英语 dwīnan , to diminish, languish, ←from 日耳曼语 *dwīnan .
    dwindle v.缩小 , ( 14787 , dʰeu₂ , _ )
[Pokorny 2. dʰeu- 260. ]
Compare dʰeuᵊ- .
;...102, dʰeub- 深潜 , Also dʰeubʰ- .
Deep, hollow.
  1. ←from 古英语 dēop , deep, ←from 日耳曼语 *deupaz .
    deep a.深的,深长的;深奥的;强烈的ad.深入的,迟 , ( 870 , dʰel₂ , _ )
    depth n.深,深度,深奥,深刻 , ( 2427 , dʰel₂ , _ )
  2. ←from 古英语 dyppan , to immerse, dip, ←from 日耳曼语 expressive denominative *duppjan .
    dip v./n.浸,蘸 , ( 5801 , dʰel₂ , _ )
  3. Parallel root form *dʰeubʰ- . ←from 古英语 dȳfan , to dip, and dūfan , to sink, dive, ←from 日耳曼语 verb *dūbjan , ←from *deub- , *dub- .
    dive v./n.潜水,跳水,俯冲 , ( 5630 , dʰeub , _ )
  4. Suffixed parallel root form *dʰū̆bʰ-(o)n- , with expressive variants. ←from 希腊语 Pūthōn and Tuphōn , mythical monsters, ←from *dʰub(h)-n- and *b(h)ud(h)-n- , which already in Indo-European were doublets by inversion, referring to "bottom," "foundation," "depths," and the mythological monsters that inhabited them.
    python n.[动]大蟒,巨蟒 , ( 23841 , _ , _ )
    Python n.[动]大蟒,巨蟒 , ( 23841 , _ , _ )
    Typhon 怪物提丰 , ( 63356 , )
[Pokorny dʰeu-b- 267.]
;...103, dʰeuᵊ- 兜窝
To close, finish, come full circle. 最初形式: *dʰeuh₂- . Probably related to dʰeu- ₂ , "to die."
  1. Suffixed 零级形式 *dʰū-no- (< *dʰuᵊ-no- ), enclosed, fortified place; hill-fort.
      1. ←from 古英语 dūn , hill;
        down ad.下;由大到小prep.沿着…而下a.向下的 , ( 118 , dʰeu₁ , _ )
        →[考研]→ downstairs ad.在楼下,往楼下。 ( 5079 )
        →[考研]→ downtown ad.在城市的商业区 n./a.城市商业区(的)。 ( 4133 )
        →[考研]→ downward a.向下的 ad.(also downwards)向下,往下。 ( 8672 )
        down ad.下;由大到小prep.沿着…而下a.向下的 , ( 118 , dʰeu₁ , _ )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 dūne , sandy hill. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *dūnaz , possibly from *dʰū-no- .
        dune n.沙丘 , ( 9756 , dʰeu₁ , _ )
    1. ←from 古英语 tūn , enclosed place, homestead, village, ←from 日耳曼语 *tūnaz , fortified place, borrowed from Celtic *dū-no- , hill, stronghold.
      town n.市镇;市民;城市商业区,闹市区 , ( 468 , dʰeu₃ , _ )
  2. 带后缀形式: *dʰū-nes- (< *dʰuᵊ-nes- ) ←from 拉丁语 fūnus , funeral.
    funeral n.丧葬,葬礼 , ( 3089 , _ , _ )
[In Pokorny 4. dʰeu- 261.]
;...104, dʰeugh- 真有用
To produce something of utility.
  1. ←from 古英语 dyhtig , dohtig , strong (< "productive"), ←from 日耳曼语 扩展形式: *duht- .
    doughty 勇敢强悍的 , ( 53808 , )
  2. 带后缀形式: *dʰeugh-os- . ←from 希腊语 teukhos (< *theukhos ), gear, anything produced, tool, container, scroll.
    Heptateuch x , ( x )
    Hexateuch 六书 , ( x )
    Pentateuch 摩西五经 , ( 43625 )
[Pokorny dʰeugh- 271.]
;...105, dʰghem- 土地球
Earth. 最初形式: *dʰg̑hem- , becoming *dʰghem- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: bridegroom , chameleon , and homicide.
  1. Suffixed 零级形式 *(dʰ)ghm̥-on- , "earthling. ←from 古英语 guma , man, ←from 日耳曼语 *gumōn- .
    bridegroom 新郎 , ( 52381 , )
  2. o级形式 *dʰ(e)ghom- . ←from 希腊语 khthōn , earth.
    chthonic 神秘的 ; ( 42243 )
    allochthon 外来体 , ( x )
    autochthon 土著 , ( x )
  3. 零级形式 *dʰghm̥- . ←from 希腊语 khamai , on the ground.
    chamaephyte 地表植物 , ( x )
    chameleon n.变色龙 , ( 21042 , ghdʰem , _ )
    chamomile 甘菊 , ( 52730 , )
    germander 石蚕属植物 , ( x )
  4. Suffixed o级形式 *(dʰ)ghom-o- . ←from 拉丁语 humus , earth.
    humble a.谦卑的,恭顺的;地位低下的v.降低,贬低 , ( 6592 , ghdʰem , hum地面 )
    humiliate 使伏在泥地上:vt.羞辱;使…丢脸;耻辱[T8] , ( 12345 , ghdʰem , hum地面 )
    humility n.谦卑,谦逊[T8] , ( 11110 , ghdʰem , hum地面 )
    humus n.腐殖质;腐植土[T9] ; ( 31427 , ghdʰem , hum地面 )
    exhume 为检查死因掘出尸首 , ( 54233 , )
    inhume 埋葬 , ( x )
    transhumance 迁移性放牧 , ( 63141 , )
  5. Suffixed o级形式 *(dʰ)ghom-on- , "earthling."
    1. ←from 拉丁语 homō , human being, man;
      homage 成为你的人(臣服敬拜之礼):n.敬意,尊敬,效忠[T8] , ( 10540 , ghdʰem , hum人 )
      →[oew]→ homosexual adj.同性恋的 n.同性恋者[T9]。 ( 7382 )
      →[oew]→ homogeneous adj.均匀的,同种的,齐次的[T6]。 ( 9770 )
      →[oew]→ hominoid 人猿超科生物。 ( 55527 )
      →[oew]→ homo 人属。 ( 55529 )
      hombre 男人 , ( 55514 , )
      hominid adj.人类及其祖先的n.原始人类,人科动物[T9] , ( 31423 , es , _ )
      hominin 问题上 , ( x )
      Homo 人属 , ( 55529 , )
      homunculus 矮人,侏儒 , ( 55539 , )
      ombre 的影子 , ( x )
      omerta 拒绝作证 ; ( 45105 )
      bonhomie 欢快友好的感觉 , ( 52297 , )
      homicide n.杀人,杀人犯[T8] , ( 7294 , es , hum人 )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 hūmānus , human, kind, humane (in part from dʰghem- ).
      human a.人的,人类的n.人 , ( 350 , ghdʰem , hum人 )
      →[考研]→ humanity n.人类,人性,人情;(pl.)人文科学。 ( 3524 )
      →[oew]→ humanitarian n.人道主义者,慈善家,博爱主义者 adj.人道主义的,博爱的[T6]。 ( 6363 )
      →[oew]→ humanism n.人道主义 adj.人道主义的[T9]。 ( 18693 )
      humane adj.仁慈的,人道的;高尚的[T8] , ( 9760 , ghdʰem , hum人 )
  6. 带后缀形式: *(dʰ)ghem-yā- . ←from 古俄语 zemĭ , land, earth.
    chernozem 黑钙土 , ( x )
    sierozem 灰钙土 , ( x )
    zemstvo 地方自治组织 , ( x )
  7. 全级形式 *(dʰ)ghem- . ←from 波斯语 zamīn , earth, land.
    zamindar 印度地主 , ( x )
[Pokorny g̑hđem- 414.]
humiliation n.丢脸,耻辱;蒙羞;谦卑[T9] (Latin,108270)
inhuman adj.野蛮的 (Lat,120044)
superhuman adj.超人的,属于神仙的 n.超人 (Latin,123500)
exhumation n.掘尸,发掘,剥璐 (Lat,130316)
humic adj.腐殖的从腐殖质中提取的 (Lat,145933)
inhumane 不人道的 (Lat,156042)
inhumanity 非人性,不人道 (Lat,156043)
inhumation 埋葬,土葬 (Lat,156044)
subhuman 非正常人的,不适合人类的 (Latin,162338)
Nemo (Latin,)
ad hominem (Latin,)
disinhume (Latin,)
humicolous (Latin,)
nonhuman (Latin,)
omber (Latin,)
prehuman (Latin,)
transhuman (Latin,)
homuncular (Lat,)
humate (Lat,)
humation (Lat,)
;...106, dʰgh(y)es- 昨天
Yesterday. 最初形式: *dʰg̑h(y)es- , becoming *dʰgh(y)es- in centum languages(K类语,颚音). Suffixed (comparative) form *(dʰ)ghes-ter- .

yester- x , ( x )
yesterday n.&ad.昨天;前不久 , ( 952 , ghdʰies , _ )
→[oew]→ yesteryear 往昔,旧时。 ( 63918 ) ←from 古英语 geostran , giestran , "yester-," ←from 日耳曼语 *ges-ter- .
[Pokorny g̑hđi̯és 416.]
;...107, dʰīgʷ- 挖固定
To stick, fix.
    1. ←from 古英语 dīc , trench, moat;
      dike n.堤防.vt.筑堤提防 , ( 22095 , dʰeigh , _ )
      ditch n.沟,沟渠,水沟 , ( 7694 , dʰeigh , _ )
    2. ←from 中古英语 diggen , to dig, ←from a source perhaps akin to 古法语 digue , trench. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *dīk- .
      dig v.挖,掘 , ( 2965 , dʰeigh , _ )
  1. ←from 拉丁语 fīgere , to fasten, fix, and from fībula , clasp (shortened from *fīvibula , ←from fīvere , archaic variant of fīgere ).
    fibula 腓骨 , ( 54399 , )
    fichu 三角形披肩 , ( x )
    finca x , ( 35638 )
    fishgig x , ( x )
    fix v.(使)固定;修理;安装;决定;注视n.困境 , ( 2148 , dʰeigh , _ )
    →[考研]→ fixture n.夹具,固定装置,固定物[T8]。 ( 8107 )
    →[oew]→ fixation n.固定;定位;定影[T9]。 ( 16057 )
    fixate v.注视,(使)固定下来[T8] , ( 19743 , _ , fix缚固 )
    fixity 不变性 , ( 33899 )
    fixure n.(房屋等的)固定装置;[商]定期放款,定期存款;固定在某位置的人或物;(定期定点举行的)体育活动 ; ( x )
    affix vt.粘上,附上n.附加物,词缀[T8] , ( 18137 , dʰeigh , fix缚固 )
    antefix 末端装饰 , ( x )
    crucify 钉十字架:vt.十字架上钉死,折磨,克制[T9] , ( 21874 , cruc , )
    →[oew]→ crucial a.至关重要的,决定性的。 ( 2149 )
    →[oew]→ crucifix 被钉十字架的(人) : n.耶稣受难像[T9]。 ( 18709 )
    →[oew]→ cruise v.巡航;以节省燃料的速度前进 n.乘船巡游。 ( 5443 )
    →[oew]→ crusade n.十字军东征 vi.加入十字军东征运动[T8]。 ( 7958 )
    →[oew]→ cruiser n.巡洋舰,巡逻车,巡航飞机[T9]。 ( 10488 )
    →[oew]→ crux n.关键;难题;十字架形,坩埚[T8]。 ( 19957 )
    infibulate 扣住 , ( x )
    infix 中缀 , ( 56017 , )
    microfiche 缩微胶片 , ( 57775 , )
    prefix 前缀 , ( 59961 , )
    suffix 后缀,词尾 , ( 62381 , )
    transfix vt.刺穿,钉住[T9] , ( 17743 , dʰeigh , fix缚固 )
[Pokorny dʰēigu̯- 243.]
cross n.十字(架);苦难a.交叉的;发怒的v.穿过 (Latin,101301)
crucifix 被钉十字架的(人):n.耶稣受难像[T9] (Lat,118709)
crucifixion n.苦痛的考验,受难,刑罚,被钉死在十字架 (Lat,120338)
cruciform adj.十字形的 (Lat,134016)
cruciferous adj.十字花科的, (开)十字花的 (Lat,134144)
fibular adj.腓骨的 (Lat,142354)
intercross (Latin,)
recross (Latin,)
affixion (Lat,)
cruciate (Lat,)
crucifer (Lat,)
crucigerous (Lat,)
cruzeiro (Lat,)
discruciate (Lat,)
excruciate (Lat,)
infibulation (Lat,)
infixion (Lat,)
postfix (Lat,)
prefixion (Lat,)
suffixion (Lat,)
;...108, dʰreg- 拖拉滑
To draw, glide. 最初形式: *dʰreg̑- , becoming *dʰreg- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. ←from 古英语 drincan , to drink, ←from nasalized 日耳曼语 form *drenkan , to draw into the mouth, drink.
    drink v.(drank,drunk)喝,饮n.饮料;喝酒 , ( 1105 , dʰreg , _ )
  2. ←from 古英语 drencan , to soak, ←from nasalized o级 日耳曼语 causative form *drankjan , "to cause to drink.".
    drench v.湿透 , ( 16772 , dʰreg , _ )
  3. ←from a Scandinavian or late 古英语 source similar to 古挪威语 drukkna , to drown, ←from 日耳曼语 零级 带后缀形式: *drunk-nōn .
    drown v.溺死,淹没 , ( 6162 , dʰreg , _ )
[Pokorny dʰreg̑- 273.]
;...109, dʰreibʰ- 推驱
To drive, push; snow.
  1. ←from 古英语 drīfan , to drive, rush, ←from 日耳曼语 *drīban .
    drive v.开(车);驱;驱动,把(钉,桩)打入n.驾驶 , ( 540 , dʰreigh , _ )
    →[考研]→ driver n.驾驶员。 ( 1255 )
    drove vbl.drive的过去式 n.畜群 , ( 4978 , dʰreibʰ , _ )
  2. ←from 中古英语 drift , drove, herd, akin to 古挪威语 drift , snowdrift, and 中古荷兰语 drift , herd, ←from 日耳曼语 零级 带后缀形式: *driftiz .
    drift v./n.漂,漂流(物) , ( 3966 , dʰreibʰ , _ )
[Pokorny dʰreibʰ- 274.]
;...110, dʰreu- 提溜坠
To fall, flow, drip, droop.
派生词包括: dreary , and drowse.
  1. 扩展形式: *dʰreus- . ←from 古英语 -drysnian (in gedrysnian , to pass away, vanish), ←from 零级 日耳曼语 derived verb *drus-inōn .
    drizzle n.细雨 v.下毛毛雨 , ( 11467 , dʰreu , _ )
  2. Extended o级形式 *dʰrous- .
    1. ←from 古英语 drēor , flowing blood, ←from 日耳曼语 *drauzaz ;
      dreary adj.沉闷的 , ( 13593 , dʰreu , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 drūsian , to be sluggish, ←from 日耳曼语 *drūsjan .
      drowse 打瞌睡 , ( 33159 )
  3. Extended 零级形式 *dʰrub- .
    1. ←from 古英语 dropa , drop, ←from 日耳曼语 *drupan ;
      drop n.滴;落下;微量v.落下;下降;失落 , ( 839 , dʰreu , _ )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 drūpa , to hang down, ←from 日耳曼语 *drūpōn , to let fall;
      droop v.低垂,凋萎,萎靡 , ( 19005 , dʰreu , _ )
    3. ←from 中古英语 drippen , to drip, drop, ←from an unattested 古英语 *dryppan or another source akin to 古英语 droppa , drop, ←from 日耳曼语 geminated *drupp- ;
      drip v.滴下,漏水n.滴,水滴,点滴 , ( 8081 , dʰreu , _ )
    4. 日耳曼语 *drup- , to drip, in compound *obisdrup- (see upo- ).
  4. Suffixed 零级形式 *dʰrubʰ-yo- . ←from 希腊语 thruptein , to crumble.
    lithotripter x , ( x )
    lithotrity 碎石术 , ( x )
[Pokorny dʰreu- 274.]
;...111, dʰugᵊter- 女儿
Daughter. 最初形式: *dʰugh₂ter- .

daughter n.女儿 , ( 707 , dʰugter , _ ) ←from 古英语 dohtor , daughter, ←from 日耳曼语 *dohtēr .
[Pokorny dʰug(h)ᵊter 277.]
;...112, dʰwer- 门外论坛
Door, doorway (usually in plural). Originally an ablauting noun *dʰwor , *dʰur- , in the plural, designating the entrance to the enclosure (*dʰwor-o-) surrounding the house proper.
派生词包括: forest , and foreign.
  1. 零级形式 *dʰur- in 带后缀形式:s *dʰur-n̥s (accusative plural) and *dʰur-o- (neuter) ←from 古英语 duru , door (feminine, originally plural), and dor , door (neuter), respectively ←from 日耳曼语 *durunz and *duram .
    door n.门;门口,出入口;门状物;家;通道 , ( 319 , dʰur , _ )
    →[考研]→ doorway n.门口 ( 3910 )
  2. Suffixed o级形式 *dʰwor-āns (accusative plural) ←from 拉丁语 forās , (toward) out of doors, outside.
    farouche 沉默寡言的 , ( x )
    foreign a.外国的,(to)无关的;外来的;异质的 , ( 595 , dʰur , _ )
    →[考研]→ foreigner n.外国人。 ( 5796 )
    vicarforane 牧师久远的 , ( x )
  3. Suffixed o级形式 *dʰwor-ois (locative plural) ←from 拉丁语 forīs , (being) out of doors.
    forest n.森林 ; ( 1092 , dʰur , _ )
    afforest 绿化 , ( x )
    faubourg 郊区 , ( x )
    foreclose 关在外面v.阻止;排除;取消抵押品赎回权[T8] , ( 20564 , dʰur , _ )
    forfeit 做过界限:n.罚金;没收物;丧失的东西adj.因受罚而丧失的;被没收的,vt.(因犯罪、失职、违约等)丧失(权利、名 , ( 16849 , dʰur , fact做为 )
  4. Suffixed o级形式 *dʰwor-o- . ←from 拉丁语 forum , marketplace (originally the enclosed space around a home).
    forensic 关于论坛的:adj.法院的;辩论的;适于法庭的[T8] , ( 8363 , bʰoros , _ )
    forum n.论坛,讨论会 , ( 4324 , bʰoros , _ )
  5. ←from 古波斯 duvara- , door, gate.
    Dari 达里语 ; ( x )
    durbar 正式接见 , ( 47005 )
  6. 零级形式 *dʰur- . ←from 希腊语 thurā , door.
    thyroid n.甲状腺,甲状软骨 ; ( 15968 , dʰur , _ )
    thyreophoran x , ( x )
[Pokorny dʰu̯ē̆r- 278.]
;...113, dlegh- 忙碌
To engage oneself. European root found in Celtic, 日耳曼语, Slavic, and possibly 拉丁语.
    1. ←from 古英语 plegian , to exercise oneself, play;
      play v.玩,做游戏;参加比赛n.游戏;玩耍;剧本 , ( 225 , plek₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ playground n.运动场,游戏场。 ( 6261 )
    2. ←from Late 拉丁语 plevium (> 古法语 plevir , to pledge), pledge, guarantee;
      pledge n.誓约;保证v.发誓;保证 ; ( 6008 , _ , _ )
      frankpledge 十户 , ( x )
      replevin 财物的发还 , ( x )
    3. ←from 古英语 pliht , danger, peril, ←from 日耳曼语 derivative noun *plehti- .a-c ←from 日耳曼语 *plegan , probably altered (by dissimilation) from *tlegan .
      plight n.困境,婚约.v.保证 , ( 7802 , plek₁ , ply倍重 )
  1. 零级形式 *dl̥gh- . ←from 拉丁语 indulgēre , to indulge, explained by some as from prefixed and suffixed stative form *en-dl̥gh-ē- ( *en- , in; see en ).
    indulge v.纵容,沉溺 , ( 8065 , _ , _ )
[Pokorny dʰl̥gh- 271.]
;...114, dn̥ghū- 舌言辞
Tongue. 最初形式: *dn̥g̑huh₂- , becoming *dn̥g̑hū- in satem languages and *dn̥ghū- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    1. ←from 古英语 tunge , tongue;
      tongue n.舌;语言 , ( 2863 , dinghu , _ )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 tonghe , tongue. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *tungōn- .
      biltong 干肉片 , ( x )
  1. ←from 拉丁语 lingua (< Archaic 拉丁语 dingua ), tongue, language.
    languish vi.憔悴;凋萎;失去活力;苦思[T8] , ( 15756 , leg₂ , _ )
    languet 象舌头的东西 , ( x )
    ligula 唇舌 , ( x )
    ligule 舌状 , ( x )
    lingo n.(尤指)方言,行话,隐语 , ( 21649 , _ , _ )
    lingua 通用 , ( 27277 )
    linguine 意大利扁面条 , ( 27134 )
    linguist n.语言学家[T9] ; ( 17395 , dinghu , lingu舌言 )
    →[oew]→ linguafranca 通用语 ( 57006 )
    bilingual adj.双语的[T8] , ( 10503 , dinghu , lingu舌言 )
[Pokorny dn̥g̑hū 223.]
language n.语言,术语,(运用语言的)方式、风格 (Latin,100513)
linguistics n.语言学[T8] (Lat,111077)
languid adj.倦怠的;呆滞的;软弱无力的[T8] (Lat,123395)
sublingual adj.舌下的,舌下腺的 (Latin,141103)
interlanguage 语言间的 (Latin,156130)
languor 慵懒 (Lat,156737)
lingual 舌的,语言的 (Latin,157007)
multilingual 多语言的 (Lat,158227)
trilingual 三种语言的 (Latin,163200)
bilinguality (Latin,)
bilinguous (Latin,)
collingual (Latin,)
elinguation (Latin,)
ligular (Latin,)
prelingual (Latin,)
quadrilingual (Latin,)
lingua franca (Lat,)
linguiform (Lat,)
;...115, dō- 给予
To give. 最初形式: *deh₃- , 变形 为: *doh₃- , becoming *dō- .
派生词包括: betray , surrender , vend , dose , and antidote.
    1. 零级形式 *dᵊ- . ←from 拉丁语 dare , to give;
      dado 护壁板 , ( 53363 , )
      date n.日期,年代v.注明…的日期n./v.约会 , ( 818 , do , _ )
      →[考研]→ data n.(datum的复数)资料,数据。 ( 491 )
      →[考研]→ database n.(databank)数据库。 ( 2936 )
      dative 与格的 , ( 53404 , )
      datum n.数据,资料 , ( 6545 , do , _ )
      die vi.死,死亡;(草木)枯萎,凋谢;渴望 ; ( 511 , dʰeu₂ , _ )
      add vt.加;增加(进);进一步说/写vi.(to)增添 , ( 415 , do , _ )
      →[考研]→ addition n.加,加法;附加部分,增加(物)。 ( 2200 )
      →[考研]→ additional a.额外的,附加的,另外的。 ( 1242 )
      betra[dit]y vt.对…不忠;背叛;出卖;泄露 , ( x )
      edition n.版,版本,版次 , ( 3109 , do , dit给 )
      →[考研]→ edit v.编辑,校订。 ( 5456 )
      →[考研]→ editor n.编辑,编者。 ( 1554 )
      →[考研]→ editorial n.社论 a.社论的;编辑上的。 ( 5270 )
      perdition 堕入地狱 , ( 59342 , )
      ren[d]der v.使成为;递交;给予;表达 , ( x )
      rent v.租,租赁n.租金 , ( 2956 , do , _ )
      surrender vi.投降,屈服vt.放弃,交出n.投降,认输 , ( 5487 , do , _ )
      tradition n.传统;惯例;传说 , ( 1290 , do , dit给 )
      →[oew]→ translator n.译者;翻译器[T3]。 ( 9328 )
      traitor n.叛徒;卖国贼;背信弃义的人[T4] , ( 12974 , do , _ )
      trea[dit]son 叛国罪 , ( x )
      vend vt.出售(尤指土地等财产);(尤指在公共场所)贩卖;发表(意见,言论);声明 , ( 19717 , do , _ )
    2. 希腊语 dosis , something given (see4below).
  1. 带后缀形式: *dō-no- . ←from 拉丁语 dōnum , gift.
    donation n.捐赠品,捐款,贡献 , ( 5054 , do , don给予 )
    donative 赠与 , ( x )
    donor n.捐赠人 n.[化] 原料物质 ; ( 4808 , do , don给予 )
    condone vt.宽恕,赦免。原为法律术语,出自19世纪英国的《婚约诉讼法》,表示“夫妻一方对另一方的通奸行为以不再重犯为条件的宽 , ( 15181 , do , don给予 )
    pardon n.原谅,宽恕;请再说一遍v.原谅,饶恕,赦免 , ( 7313 , do , don给予 )
  2. 带后缀形式: *dō-t(i)- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 dōs (genitive dōtis ), dowry;
      dot n.点,圆点v.在…上打点 , ( 4874 , _ , don给予 )
      dowager 孀居贵妇 , ( 53812 , )
      dower 嫁妆 , ( 35791 )
      dowry n.嫁妆,亡夫遗产,天资[T8] ; ( 22124 , per₅ , don给予 )
      endow vt.赋予,捐赠,天生具有[T6] , ( 13082 , do , don给予 )
    2. ←from 俄语 dacha , gift, dacha, ←from Slavic *datja ;
      dacha 乡间别墅 , ( 53359 , )
    3. ←from 俄语 samizdat , samizdat, ←from dat' , to give.
      samizdat 地下出版物 , ( 40826 )
  3. 带后缀形式: *dō-ro- . ←from 希腊语 dōron , gift.
    lobsterthermidor 热月龙虾 , ( x )
    Pandora 潘多拉 , ( 59086 , )
  4. Reduplicated form *di-dō- . ←from 希腊语 didonai , to give, with 零级 noun dosis (< *dᵊ-ti- ), something given.
    dose n.剂量,一服,一剂v.(给…)服药 ; ( 3594 , do , don给予 )
    anecdote 不向外发布:n.轶闻,秘史,奇闻。源自拜占庭帝国历史学家普罗科匹阿斯(Procopius)的未出版著作《秘史》[T8 , ( 12154 , do , don给予 )
    antidote 给出相对之物:n.解药,解毒剂,矫正方法[T8] , ( 15607 , do , don给予 )
    apodosis 结论句 , ( x )
    epidote 绿帘石 , ( x )
[Pokorny dō- 223.]
traditional adj.传统的,惯例的,口传的,传说的 (Lat,100856)
donate n.v.捐赠,捐献[T8] (Latin,105429)
extradition n.引渡[T9] (Lat,114365)
rendition n.表演,演唱,翻译 (Lat,114481)
additive adj.附加的,加法的n.附加剂,附加物[T8] (Lat,118816)
addendum n.附加物,补遗,附录,<机>(齿轮的)齿顶(高) (Lat,127469)
pardonable 可原谅的,可赦免的 (Lat,159153)
addend (Lat,)
condonation (Lat,)
dedimus (Lat,)
dedition (Lat,)
donator (Lat,)
donatory (Lat,)
reddition (Lat,)
redditive (Lat,)
traditor (Lat,)
antidoron (Greek,)
;...116, dus- 坏错恶
Bad, evil; mis- (used as a prefix). Derivative of deu- ₁.
  1. ←from 希腊语 dus- , bad.
    dys- ME. dis-的变形,来自M. F. dis-,来自L. dys-, G. dys-,来自dys, hard, ill硬的,困难的, 不健康的 , ( x )
  2. ←from 梵语 Durgā , Durga (short for durgā devī , goddess who is difficult to approach), ←from durgā , feminine of durga- , difficult to approach, ←from dus- (becoming dur- before voiced consonants), bad, difficult ( *-ga- , going, coming; see gʷā- ).
    Durga 杜尔迦 , ( x )
[Pokorny dus- 227.]
;...117, dwo- 二两分
派生词包括: twilight , biscuit , between , combine , diploma , and doubt.
  1. 变化形式*duwo .
      1. ←from 古英语 twā̆ , two (nominative feminine and neuter);
        two num.二,两个n.两个(人或物) , ( 79 , duo , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 twēgen , two (nominative and accusative masculine). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *twa , two.
        twain n.两,双,二,一对 ; ( 16412 , duo , _ )
        twayblade 羊耳蒜 , ( x )
    1. ←from 古英语 twelf , twelve, and twelfta , twelfth, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *twa-lif- , "two left (over from ten)," twelve ( *-lif- , left; see leikʷ- ).
      twelfth n.第十二;十二分之一adj.第十二的;第十二个的;十二分之一的 , ( 9167 , _ , _ )
      twelve num.十二pron./a.十二(个,只...) , ( 2355 , duo , _ )
  2. Adverbial form *dwis and combining form *dwi- .
      1. ←from 古英语 twi- , two;
        twilight n.黎明,微光,略知 adj.微明的,黄昏的,黎明的,模糊的 , ( 8348 , duo , _ )
      2. ←from 高地德语 zwi- , twice. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *twi- .
        zwieback 烤干面包片 , ( 64007 , )
        zwitterion 两性离子 , ( x )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 bis (combining form bi- ), twice.
      bi- L. bi-,来自L. binus,与OE. twi-, G. di-有亲缘关系;L. bini, two, both二,二 者 , ( x )
      bis 重复 , ( 52199 , )
      bis- ; ( x )
      balance v.称,(使)平衡n.天平;平衡,均衡;差额,余款 , ( 1330 , duo , _ )
      barouche 四轮四座大马车 , ( x )
      bezel 宝石的斜面 , ( 52145 , )
      biscuit n.饼干,点心 , ( 8779 , bʰe , _ )
      bistort 拳参 , ( x )
    2. ←from 希腊语 dis (combining form di- ), twice.
      di- 两个,双 , ( x )
    3. ←from 古英语 -twist , divided object, fork, rope, ←from 日耳曼语 *twis .
      twist v.捻;拧;扭曲;蜿蜒曲折而行n.拧;歪曲;曲折 , ( 4450 , duo , _ )
    4. ←from 古英语 twige , twiga , twice, ←from 日耳曼语 *twiyes .
      twice ad.两次,两倍 , ( 1383 , duo , _ )
    5. ←from 古英语 twēntig , twenty, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *twēgentig , "twice ten" ( *-tig , ten; see dekm̥ ).
      twenty num.二十pron./a.二十(个,只...) , ( 1313 , dekm , _ )
    6. ←from 古英语 twīn , double thread, ←from 日耳曼语 *twīhna , double thread, twisted thread.
      twine v.(使)缠绕;(使)交织;编饰n.麻线;细绳;搓;合股线[T9] , ( 19409 , duo , _ )
    7. ←from 古英语 betwēonum and betweox , betwix , between, ←from 日耳曼语 compounds *bi-twīhna and *bi-twisk , "at the middle point of two" ( bi , at, by; see ambʰi ).
      between prep.在…之间,在(两者)之间ad.在中间 , ( 124 , _ , _ )
      betwixt 在中间 , ( 52138 , )
      twixt 在中间 , ( 63347 , )
    8. ←from 古英语 twilic , woven of double thread, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *twilic- , "two-threaded fabric.".
      twill 斜纹布 , ( 63338 , )
    9. 带后缀形式: *dwis-no- .
      1. ←from 古英语 twinn , getwinn , two by two, twin, ←from 日耳曼语 *twisnaz , double;
        twin a.双的,成对的,孪生的n.孪生子,双生子 , ( 2671 , duo , _ )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 bīnī , two by two, two each.
        bi- L. bi-,来自L. binus,与OE. twi-, G. di-有亲缘关系;L. bini, two, both二,二 者 , ( x )
        binal x , ( x )
        binary adj.二进位的,二元的 ; ( 9436 , duo , _ )
        combine v.联合;结合;化合n.集团;联合企业 , ( 1742 , duo , _ )
        →[考研]→ combination n.结合,联合;化合;团体;组合数码。 ( 1813 )
        pinochle 一种扑克牌游戏 , ( 35850 )
    10. 带后缀形式: *dwi-ko- . ←from 古英语 twigge , a branch, ←from 日耳曼语 *twig(g)a , a fork.
      twig 分叉:n.小枝;嫩枝;末梢[T8] , ( 13054 , duo , _ )
    11. Compound *dwi-plo- , twofold ( *-plo- ,-fold; see pel-₂ ). ←from 希腊语 diploos , diplous , twofold.
      diplo- 二重 , ( x )
      diploe n.板障(骨) , ( x )
      diploid 二倍体的 , ( 53654 , )
      diploma 对折的:毕业证书,学位证书;公文,文书;奖状vt.发给毕业文凭[T3] ; ( 7934 , duo , ply倍重 )
      →[考研]→ diplomatic a.外交的,从事外交的;策略的,有手腕的。 ( 3788 )
      →[oew]→ diplomacy 政府公文 : n.外交;外交手腕;交际手段[T9]。 ( 6572 )
      →[oew]→ diplomat n.外交官,有外交手腕的人,有权谋的人 ( 6225 )
      →[oew]→ diphthong 二合元音。 ( 53652 )
      anadiplosis 重复 , ( x )
      diplodocus 梁龙 , ( 53653 , )
    12. Suffixed reduplicated form *dwi-du-mo- . ←from 希腊语 didumos , double, the testicles.
      didymium 钕镨 , ( x )
      didymous 成对的 ; ( x )
      epididymis 附睾 , ( x )
    13. 带后缀形式: *dwi-gha . ←from 希腊语 dikha , in two.
      dichasium 二歧聚伞花序 , ( x )
      dicho- 说的, , ( x )
    14. ←from 梵语 dvīpaḥ , island, ←from earlier *dvi-ᵊp-o- "having water on two sides" ( *ap- , ᵊp- , water).
      dʰivehi 迪维希 , ( x )
  3. Inflected form *duwō .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 duo , two.
      deuce 局末平分 , ( 53577 , )
      dozen n.一打,十二个 , ( 1475 , duo , _ )
      dual adj.双的,双重的[T8] , ( 5748 , duo , du二2 )
      duet 两种声音构成的小乐曲:n.二重奏,二重唱[T8] , ( 15931 , duo , du二2 )
      duo n.[意] 二重唱,艺人的一对 , ( 9942 , _ , _ )
      duo- L. duo-, two二(参见词根du) ; ( x )
      duodecimal 十二进制 , ( x )
      duumvir x , ( x )
    2. ←from 希腊语 duo , duō , two.
      duad 成对的东西 , ( x )
      dyad n.对,双,二价元素,二分体 ; ( 22231 , _ , _ )
      dodecagon 十二边形 , ( x )
      hendiadys 二词一义,重言法 , ( 55347 , )
  4. 变化形式*du- .
    1. Compound *du-plo- , twofold ( *-plo- ,-fold; see pel-₂ ). ←from 拉丁语 duplus , double.
      double n.|a.两倍(的).vt.使加倍 , ( 1725 , duo , _ )
      doublet 紧身短上衣,对联 , ( 53805 , )
      doubloon 达布隆(西班牙旧时的金币) , ( 53806 , )
      duple 二倍的 , ( x )
    2. Compound *du-plek- , twofold ( *-plek- ,-fold; see plek- ). ←from 拉丁语 duplex , double.
      duplex adj.双工,双重的,复式的n.双工,复式公寓[T9] , ( 23094 , duo , ply倍重 )
      duplicate v.复制adj.复制的n.副本,复制品[T6] , ( 12491 , duo , ply倍重 )
      duplicity 欺骗 ; ( 53905 , )
      conduplicate 双折的 , ( x )
    3. 带后缀形式: *du-bʰw-io- . ←from 拉丁语 dubius , doubtful (< "hesitating between two alternatives"), and dubitāre , to be in doubt.
      doubt n./v.怀疑,疑虑 , ( 1404 , bʰeu , _ )
      dubious adj.可疑的;暧昧的;无把握的;半信半疑的[T8] ; ( 7790 , bʰeu , _ )
      redoubtable 令人敬畏的 , ( 60559 , )
  5. Also ultimately from this root, although the exact preform is unclear, is the Middle Indic prefix *du- , two.
    dupatta 一条 . ( x )
[Pokorny du̯ō(u) 228.]
duality n.二元性[T9] (Lat,120067)
recombinant n.重组复合器官,重组细胞,重组体子 (Lat,127959)
combinatorial adj.组合的 (Lat,131143)
indubitable 不容置疑的 (Lat,155983)
redouble 加倍,加强 (Lat,160557)
binate (Lat,)
dobla (Lat,)
doublure (Lat,)
dubiety (Lat,)
dubitable (Lat,)
dubitancy (Lat,)
dubitate (Lat,)
dubitation (Lat,)
dubitative (Lat,)
duplation (Lat,)
duumvirate (Lat,)
duumviri (Lat,)
nonduality (Lat,)
semidouble (Lat,)
diplopia n.复视 (Greek,149029)
diploblasty (Greek,)
diploidy (Greek,)
diplomatics (Greek,)
diplonema (Greek,)
diplophase (Greek,)
diplosis (Greek,)
diplotene (Greek,)
haplodiploid (Greek,)
haplodiploidy (Greek,)
;...118, dyeu- 老天地
To shine (and in many derivatives, "sky, heaven, god"). 零级s *dyu- and *diw- .
派生词包括: Tuesday , divine , jovial , Jupiter , diary , dismal , journey , and psychedelic.
  1. 基本形式: *dyeu- , Jove, the name of the god of the bright sky, head of the Indo-European pantheon.
    1. ←from 拉丁语 Iovis , Jupiter, or Iov- , stem of Iuppiter , Jupiter.
      Jove 朱庇特 , ( 56416 , )
      jovial 欢乐的 ; ( 56417 , )
      apojove x , ( x )
      perijove x , ( x )
      Sangiovese 桑娇维塞 , ( x )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 Iūlius , "descended from Jupiter" (name of a Roman gens), ←from derivative *iou-il- .
      july n.七月 , ( 1886 , aug , _ )
    3. Vocative compound *dyeu-pᵊter , "O father Jove" ( *pᵊter- , father; see pᵊter- ). ←from 拉丁语 Iuppiter , Iūpiter , head of the Roman pantheon.
      Jupiter 朱庇特,木星 , ( 56447 , )
    4. ←from 希腊语 Zeus (genitive Dios ), Zeus.
      Dione 土卫四 , ( x )
      Zeus 宙斯 ; ( 63962 , )
      dianthus 石竹类植物 , ( 37939 )
      Dioscuri 狄俄斯库里 , ( x )
  2. Noun *deiwos , god, formed by e -insertion to the 零级 *diw- and suffixation of (accented) -o- .
      1. ←from 古英语 Tīw (genitive Tīwes) , god of war and sky;
        Tiu 蒂乌 , ( x )
        tuesday n.星期二 , ( 5410 , dei , _ )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 Tȳr , sky god. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *Tīwaz .
        Tyr 酪氨酸 , ( x )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 deus , god.
      deism 自然神论 , ( 53483 , )
      deity n.神,神性[T9] , ( 10668 , dei , dei神 )
      joss ; ( x )
      adieu 再见 , ( 51578 , )
      adios 再见 , ( 28227 )
      deific 神圣的 , ( x )
      deusexmachina 机器神,特指剧本或小说中扭转乾坤之力量 , ( 53579 , )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 dīvus , divine, god.
      diva 女神:n.歌剧中的首席女主角[T8] , ( 16960 , dei , _ )
      →[oew]→ divinity n.神;神性;神学[T9]。 ( 13532 )
      →[oew]→ divination n.预言 ( 21412 )
      divine adj.神圣的,非凡的,天赐的,极好的v.占卜,预言[T8] , ( 4341 , dei , _ )
    3. ←from 拉丁语 dīves , rich (< "fortunate, blessed, divine").
      Dis n.阴间的神,冥府,阴间;Digital Image Stabilizer,数字图像稳定功能 , ( 31387 , _ , _ )
      Dives 0 , ( 42009 , _ , _ )
    4. Suffixed 零级形式 *diw-yo- , heavenly. ←from 拉丁语 Diāna , moon goddess.
      Diana 0 , ( 6235 , dei , _ )
    5. ←from 梵语 devaḥ , god, and deva- , divine.
      deva 提婆 , ( x )
      Devi 井斜 ; ( x )
      deodar 喜马拉雅雪杉 , ( x )
      Devanagari 梵文字母 , ( x )
    6. ←from Avestan daēuua- , spirit, demon.
      Asmodeus 魔王” , ( x )
  3. Variant *dyē- (< *dyeᵊ- ) ←from 拉丁语 diēs , day.
    dial n.钟(表)面,刻度盘,拨号盘v.拨号,打电话 , ( 7650 , dei , journ一日 )
    diary n.日记,日记簿 , ( 3945 , dei , journ一日 )
    diet n.饮食,食物 , ( 1992 , ai₁ , _ )
    dismal 坏日子:adj.忧郁,阴沉的,凄凉的n.低落的情绪[T8] , ( 10479 , dei , _ )
    diurnal adj.每日的,一日的n.日报,日记账[T8] , ( 34847 , dei , journ一日 )
    journal n.定期刊物,杂志,日报;日志,日记 , ( 2643 , dei , journ一日 )
    journey n.旅行,旅程v.旅行 ; ( 2055 , dei , journ一日 )
    →[考研]→ journalist n.记者,新闻工作者。 ( 2479 )
    adjourn 指定一天:v.推迟,延期,休会,换地方开会[T8] , ( 21100 , dei , journ一日 )
    ajouré x , ( x )
    circadian 生理节奏的 , ( 52870 , )
    meridian 子午线,经线 , ( 57693 , )
    postmeridian 午后的 , ( x )
    quotidian 普通的,日常的 , ( 60358 , )
    sojourn 停留一日n.v.旅居,逗留[T8] , ( 20848 , _ , journ一日 )
  4. Variant *deiᵊ- . ←from 希腊语 dēlos (< *deyalos ), clear.
    psychedelic adj.起幻觉的,迷幻的 n.迷幻剂 , ( 21563 , dei , _ )
    adelgid x , ( 42390 )
[Pokorny 1. dei- 183.]
deification n.祀为神,奉若神明,被奉为神者 (Lat,133497)
adjournment n.休会,延期,休会期,休庭期 (Lat,135561)
divinatory adj.占卦的 (Lat,138321)
meridional adj.欧洲(尤指法国)南部的,南欧的,子午线的 n.南欧人 (Lat,141658)
aggiornamento n.现代化 (Lat,145514)
antemeridian (Lat,)
deicidal (Lat,)
deicide (Lat,)
deiform (Lat,)
diurnality (Lat,)
infradian (Lat,)
jornada (Lat,)
nundinal (Lat,)
per diem (Lat,)
semidiurnal (Lat,)
transmeridional (Lat,)
triduan (Lat,)
triduum (Lat,)
ultradian (Lat,)
;...119, ed- 吃咬
To eat; original meaning "to bite." 最初形式: *h₁ed- .
    1. ←from 古英语 etan , to eat;
      eat vt.吃,喝vi.吃饭,吃东西 , ( 596 , ed , _ )
    2. ←from 高地德语 ezzen , to feed on, eat;
      etch v.蚀刻,鲜明地描述,铭记 , ( 12466 , ed , _ )
    3. ←from 中古荷兰语 eten , to eat;
      ort 剩菜,残羹 , ( 58873 , )
      1. ←from 古英语 fretan , to devour;
        fret v.(使)烦恼,(使)焦急,(使)腐蚀,(使)磨损 , ( 13735 , ed , _ )
      2. ←from 高地德语 frezzan , to devour. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 compound *fra-etan , to eat up ( *fra- , completely; see per₁ ).a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *etan .
        frass 蛀屑 , ( x )
  1. ←from 拉丁语 edere , to eat.
    edacious 贪吃的 , ( x )
    edible adj.可食用的[T8] , ( 13607 , ed , ed吃 )
    escarole 莴苣菜 , ( 29152 )
    esculent 可食用的 , ( x )
    esurient 暴食的 ; ( x )
    comedo 面疱 , ( x )
    comestible 可食的 , ( 53009 , )
    obese 吃得过度adj.肥胖的,过胖[T8] , ( 11787 , ed , _ )
  2. ←from 拉丁语 compound prandium , lunch, probably from *prām-(e)d-yo- , "first meal," *prām- , first; see per ₁.
    prandial 膳食的,正餐的 , ( 59923 , )
  3. 带后缀形式: *ed-un-o- . ←from 古挪威语 jötunn , giant, jotun, ←from 日耳曼语 idunaz (perhaps < "immense eater" or "man-eating giant").
    jotun 巨人 , ( x )
  4. 带后缀形式: *ed-un-ā- . ←from 希腊语 odunē , pain (< "gnawing care").
    anodyne 温和的 , ( 51759 , )
    pleurodynia 胸膜痛 , ( x )
  5. Suffixed 零级形式 *ᵊd-ti- . ←from 古伊朗语 *-sti- , food, in compound. *aspa-sti- clover, alfalfa ("horse food") ( *aspa- , horse; see ekʷo- ).
    alfalfa n.[植]紫花苜蓿 , ( 19425 , _ , _ )
  6. ←from 俄语 -ed , eater.
    Samoyed 萨摩耶人,萨摩耶犬 , ( 61024 , )
[Pokorny ed- 287.]
See also derivative dent- .
obesity n.肥胖[T9] (Lat,108043)
edibility n.适食性,可食性,可食用性 (Latin,144669)
inedible 不可食用的 (Lat,155988)
preprandial 餐前的 (Lat,159983)
esurience (Latin,)
inedia (Latin,)
inescate (Latin,)
inescation (Latin,)
edacity (Lat,)
allodynia (Greek,)
glossodynia (Greek,)
mastodynia (Greek,)
;...120, eg 厄我
I. Nominative form of the personal pronoun of the first person singular. 最初形式: *eg̑ , becoming *eg in centum languages(K类语,颚音). (For oblique forms see me-₁ ).
  1. ←from 古英语 ic , I, ←from 日耳曼语 *ek .
    I pron.(主格)我 , ( 11 , eg₁ , _ )
  2. 扩展形式: *egō . ←from 拉丁语 ego , I.
    ego n.自我,自负,利已主义;(心理学)自我意识 , ( 5277 , eg₁ , ego我己 )
    egoist 利己主义者 , ( 39754 )
    egotism 自负 , ( 29056 )
[Pokorny eg̑- 291.]
;...121, eghs 在外
Out. 最初形式: *eg̑hs , becoming *eghs in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: strange , and extreme.
  1. Variant *eks .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 ex , ex- , out of, away from ;
      ex n.[口]前妻或前夫,以前的男朋友或女朋友prep.不包括,除…之外 , ( 34854 , _ , _ )
      ex- 表示"由...出来,自"之义 ; ( 18787 , )
      deusexmachina 机器神,特指剧本或小说中扭转乾坤之力量 , ( 53579 , )
    2. ←from 希腊语 ex , ek , out of, from .
      ecto- G. ekto-,outside外面 , ( x )
      ex- 表示"由...出来,自"之义 , ( 18787 , )
      exo- G. exo-,out of,out,outside of,outside在… , ( x )
      exoteric 开放的 , ( 43980 )
      →[oew]→ exodus 往外走 : n.大批的离去,出埃及记[T8]。 ( 12096 )
      exotic a.外来的 ; ( 4632 , eghs , _ )
      ekpyrotic 火理论 , ( x )
      electuary 药糖剂 , ( x )
      lekvar x , ( x )
      synecdoche 举偶法,提喻法 , ( 62570 , )
  2. Suffixed (comparative) 变化形式*eks-tero- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 exter , outward (feminine ablative exterā , extrā , on the outside);
      estrange 使疏远 , ( 40672 )
      exterior a.外部的,外面的n.外部 , ( 8496 , eghs , _ )
      external a.外部的;客观的;外国的;表面的;[医]外用的 , ( 2232 , eghs , _ )
      extra- L. extra,outside,except,beyond外边,除 却,超出 , ( x )
      strange a.奇怪的,奇异的;陌生的,生疏的;外地的 , ( 1415 , eghs , _ )
      →[考研]→ stranger n.陌生人,生客;外地人,外国人。 ( 2780 )
    2. further suffixed (superlative) form *eks-t(e)r-ēmo- . ←from 拉丁语 extrēmus , outermost ( *-mo- , superlative suffix).
      extreme a.末端的,尽头的;极度的n.极端;最大程度 , ( 2166 , eghs , _ )
      →[考研]→ extra a.额外的,附加的 n.附加物,额外的东西。 ( 1262 )
      →[oew]→ extraordinary a.非常的;格外的;意外的;离奇的;临时的。 ( 2632 )
      →[oew]→ extravagant 漫游出界 : adj.奢侈的,浪费的,过度的,放纵的[T6]。 ( 9879 )
      →[oew]→ extraction n.取出;抽出;拔出;抽出物;出身[T6]。 ( 9736 )
      →[oew]→ extrapolate v.推断,[数]外推 ( 18286 )
      →[oew]→ extraneous adj.无关系的,外来的,[化]外部裂化,[化]新异反射 ( 22203 )
      →[oew]→ extrasensory 超感官的。 ( 54270 )
      extremum 极值 , ( x )
  3. 带后缀形式: *eghs-ko- . ←from 希腊语 eskhatos , outermost, last.
    eschatology 末世论 , ( 54162 , )
  4. Celtic *eks- , out (of), in compound *eks-dī-sedo- (see sed- ).
  5. ←from 俄语 iz , from , out of, ←from Balto-Slavic *iz .
    samizdat 地下出版物 , ( 40826 )
[Pokorny eg̑hs 292.]
extremity n.极度,绝境 (Lat,117397)
externality n.外在性,外形,外部事物,(经济学名词)外部效应 (Lat,122555)
estrangement n.疏远 (Latin,123856)
extern 不住机构内的工作人员 (Lat,154263)
exoplanet n.外星球 (Greek,127694)
exoticism n.异国情调,异国风味,对外国事物的兴趣 (Greek,130183)
exogamy 外婚制 (Greek,154239)
exothermic 外热的 (Greek,154244)
exoskeleton (Greek,)
exosome (Greek,)
exosphere (Greek,)
exotropia (Greek,)
;...122, egʷh- 参看ex,ye,en,摁劲 喝
To drink. 最初形式: *h₁egʷh- .Suffixed 加长级形式 *ēgʷh-r-yo- .
  1. ←from 拉丁语 ēbrius , drunk;
    inebriate , ( x )
    ryegrass 黑麦草 , ( 60962 , )
  2. 拉丁语 compound sōbrius (see s(w)e- ).
[Not in Pokorny; compare Hittite ekuzi, he drinks, and 希腊语 nēphein , to be sober (< "not drink," *ne-ēgʷh- ).]
;...123, ei- 易移走
To go. 最初形式: *h₁ei- , 零级 *h₁i- .
派生词包括: ambition , perish , sudden , transit , ion , initial , janitor , and January.
  1. 全级形式 *ei- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 īre , to go;
      adit 平硐 , ( 43356 )
      ambient adj.周围的[T8] , ( 16136 , ambʰi , _ )
      ambition n.对(成功、权力等)的强烈欲望,野心;雄心 , ( 4228 , ambʰi , it走 )
      →[考研]→ ambitious a.有抱负的,雄心勃勃的;有野心的。 ( 4245 )
      →[oew]→ ambit 界限。 ( 51694 )
      circuit n.环行,周线,巡回;电路,线路 , ( 3577 , ei₁ , circ环 )
      coitus 性交 , ( 52975 , )
      comitia 公民会议 , ( x )
      exit n.出口,通道 , ( 4353 , ei₁ , it走 )
      introit 入祭文 , ( x )
      issue n.问题,争端,发行(物),期号vt.发行,流出 , ( 290 , ei₁ , _ )
      obituary 人走了:adj.讣告的;死亡的n.讣告[T8] , ( 12623 , ei₁ , it走 )
      perish 完全走掉:vt.使麻木;毁坏vi.死亡;毁灭;腐烂;枯萎[T6] , ( 12678 , ei₁ , it走 )
      praetor 执政官 , ( x )
      preterite 过去时态的 , ( 40130 )
      sedition 煽动叛乱 , ( 61291 , )
      subito 急速地 , ( x )
      sudden a.出乎意料的,突然的 , ( 2189 , ei₁ , _ )
      trance n.|v.恍惚,出神 , ( 16247 , ei₁ , _ )
      transient adj.短暂的,路过的n.候鸟,过往旅客[T8] , ( 10292 , ei₁ , it走 )
      →[考研]→ transition n.过渡,转变[T6]。 ( 2395 )
      transit n.v.运输,运送,通道[T9] , ( 5476 , ei₁ , it走 )
      transitive 及物的 , ( 63142 , )
    2. ←from 希腊语 ienai , to go;
      ion n.离子[T6] ; ( 13610 , ei₁ , _ )
      anion 阴离子 , ( 51749 , )
      cation 阳离子 , ( 52663 , )
      dysprosium , ( 53921 , )
    3. ←from 梵语 eti , he goes (< Indo-伊朗语 *ai-ti ), and abstract noun ayanam , a going, way.
      Ramayana 罗摩衍那 , ( x )
  2. Suffixed 零级形式 *i-t- .
    1. Further 带后缀形式: *i-t-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 initium , entrance, beginning ( in- , in; see en ).
      commence vt.开始vi.获得学位 , ( 10334 , ei₁ , _ )
      →[oew]→ commencement n.开始,毕业典礼 ( 12796 )
      initial a.最初的,开头的;词首的n.词首大写字母 , ( 1607 , ei₁ , it走 )
      →[oew]→ initiation n.启蒙,传授;开始;入会[T9]。 ( 8819 )
      initiate 使入门、入门的:vt.发起,开始,创始,使初步了解,准许加入adj.新加入的,学习初步知识的n.新加入者,学习初步 , ( 4369 , _ , it走 )
      →[考研]→ initiative a.创始的,起始的 n.第一步,创始,主动精神。 ( 2157 )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 comes (stem comit- ), companion (< "one who goes with another"; com- , with; see kom ).
      count v.数,计算;算入;看作,认为n.计数,总数 , ( 1457 , ei₁ , count计算 )
      county n.(英国)郡,(美国)县 ; ( 1261 , ei₁ , _ )
      concomitant a.伴随的.n.伴随物 , ( 18221 , ei₁ , _ )
      constable 马厩主管:n.治安官,巡警,警察[T9] , ( 6912 , ei₁ , _ )
      viscount 副伯爵:n.子爵[T9] , ( 19277 , ei₁ , _ )
  3. 带后缀形式: *i-ter . ←from 拉丁语 iter , journey.
    errant adj.不定的;周游的;错误的;偏离正路的[T9] , ( 19639 , ei₁ , 蒋争飘 )
    eyre 艾尔 , ( x )
    itinerant adj.流动的,巡回的n.游商,巡回者[T8] , ( 20589 , ei₁ , it走 )
    itinerary adj.巡回的,流动的,旅程的n.旅程,旅行路线[T8] , ( 14729 , ei₁ , it走 )
  4. Perhaps 带后缀形式: *i-ti- . ←from 高地德语 arabeiti , labor, ←from 日耳曼语 *arbaithi- (see orbʰ- ).
    Gastarbeiter 客籍工人 , ( x )
  5. 扩展形式: *yā- (< *h₁yah₂- , colored from earlier *h₁yeh₂- ) in 带后缀形式:s *yā-no- , *yā-nu- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 iānus , archway, and Iānus , god of doors and of the beginning of a year;
      janitor n.看门人 , ( 15164 , ei₁ , _ )
      january n.一月 , ( 2234 , ei₁ , _ )
      Janus 门神 , ( 56301 , )
    2. ←from 梵语 yānam , way (in Buddʰism, "mode of knowledge," "vehicle").
      Hinayana 小乘佛教 , ( x )
      Mahayana 大乘佛教 , ( 57338 , )
[Pokorny 1. ei- 293.]
erratic adj.偏离正轨的,飘忽不定的n.古怪的人[T8] (Lat,111241)
transitory adj.短暂的,瞬息的[T8] (Lat,123684)
erratum 错误列表 (Lat,154152)
exeat 短假许可 (Lat,154223)
intransitive 不及物的 (Lat,156173)
coition (Lat,)
errata (Lat,)
inerrant (Lat,)
redient (Lat,)
redition (Lat,)
;...124, eis- 激情词
In words denoting passion. 最初形式: *h₁eis- or possibly *h₁eish₂- .
  1. 带后缀形式: *eis-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 īra , anger.
    irascible 易怒的,暴躁的 , ( 56205 , )
    irate adj.生气,发怒的 , ( 21648 , eis , _ )
    ire n.忿怒 , ( 20402 , eis , _ )
  2. Suffixed 零级形式 *is-(ᵊ)ro- , powerful, holy. ←from 希腊语 hieros , "filled with the divine," holy.
    hieratic 神圣的,僧侣的 , ( 55407 , )
    hiero- x ; ( x )
    hierarch n.教主,掌权者,高僧 , ( 47774 )
    hierarchy 主教的统治:n.层级,层级制度[T8] , ( 4641 , _ , _ )
    hierodule 圣役 , ( x )
    hieroglyphic 象形文字 , ( 25791 )
    hierophant 导师,圣职者,解说者 , ( 55410 , )
    1. ←from 古英语 īse(r)n , īren , iron;
      iron n.铁,铁制品,烙铁,熨斗v.熨(衣),熨平 , ( 2109 , aios , _ )
    2. ←from 高地德语 īsarn , īsan , iron. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *īsarno- , "holy metal" (possibly from Celtic).
      gisarme 战斧 , ( x )
      spiegeleisen 镜铁 , ( x )
  3. Suffixed o级形式 *ois-tro- , madness. ←from 希腊语 oistros , gadfly, goad, anything causing madness.
    estrus 雌性动物发情期 ; ( 54176 , )
    estrogen n.[生化]雌激素 , ( 10458 , eis , _ )
    estrone 雌激素酮 , ( 49133 )
  4. 带后缀形式: *eis-mo . ←from Avestan aēšma- , anger.
    Asmodeus 魔王” , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. eis- 299.]
estrogenic adj.雌激素的,动情激素的 (Greek,136131)
hieroglyph 象形文字,神秘符号 (Greek,155408)
anestrous (Greek,)
anestrus (Greek,)
anoestrus (Greek,)
hierocracy (Greek,)
hierodeacon (Greek,)
hierogram (Greek,)
hierolatry (Greek,)
hieromonk (Greek,)
hierurgy (Greek,)
oestrone (Greek,)
oestrus (Greek,)
;...125, ekʷo-
Horse. Probably to be segmented *ekʷ-o- , a 带后缀形式: akin to the lengthened o级 adjective ōku- , swift. 最初形式: h₁ek̑wo- , becoming ekʷo- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. ←from 拉丁语 equus , horse.
    equestrian a.骑马的.n.骑手 , ( 20682 , eku , _ )
    equid 马科动物 , ( x )
    equine 马的 , ( 54135 , )
    equitant 套折的 , ( x )
    equitation 骑马 , ( x )
    Equuleus 小马座 ; ( x )
    equisetum 木贼属 , ( x )
  2. ←from 希腊语 hippos , horse.
    eohippus 始祖鸟 , ( x )
    hippocampus 海马体,海马状突起 , ( 55452 , )
    Hippocrene 灵泉 , ( x )
    hippodrome 竞技场 , ( x )
    hippogriff 鹰头 , ( x )
    hippopotamus 河马 , ( 55454 , )
  3. ←from 古伊朗语 *aspa- , horse.
    alfalfa n.[植]紫花苜蓿 , ( 19425 , _ , _ )
[Pokorny ek̑u̯o-s 301.]
Hippolyte (Greek,)
ephippium (Greek,)
hippeis (Greek,)
hippology (Greek,)
hippomancy (Greek,)
hippophagy (Greek,)
hippophile (Greek,)
hippophobia (Greek,)
parahippocampus (Greek,)
;...126, el- 前臂
Elbow, forearm.
  1. 扩展形式: *el-inā- , elbow.
    1. ←from 古英语 eln , forearm, cubit, ←from 日耳曼语 *elinō ;
      ell 埃尔(旧时量布的长度单位) , ( 54011 , )
    2. ←from 古英语 elnboga , elbow, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *elino-bugōn- , "bend of the forearm," elbow ( *bugōn- , bend, bow; see bʰeug- );
      elbow n.肘,(衣服的)肘部vt.用肘推,用肘挤 , ( 4017 , bʰagus , _ )
    3. ←from 拉丁语 ulna , forearm.
      ulna 尺骨 , ( 63368 , )
  2. Extended o级形式 *ol-enā- . ←from 古爱尔兰 uilenn , elbow.
    uilleannpipe 尤利安管 , ( x )
  3. Extended lengthened o级形式 *ōl-enā- . ←from 希腊语 ōlenē , elbow.
    olecranon 鹰嘴 , ( x )
  4. Extended 基本形式: *el-in- . ←from 古波斯 arašn- , ell, ←from Indo-伊朗语 *aratn(i)- , probably from a variant *el-etn- of *el-in- .
    arshin x , ( x )
[Pokorny 8. el- 307.]
;...127, em- 分发
To take, distribute.
  1. ←from 拉丁语 emere , to obtain, buy.
    ademption 撤消遗赠 , ( x )
    example n.例子,实例;模范,榜样 , ( 671 , em , em取买 )
    exemplary adj.典范的;惩戒性的;可仿效的[T8] , ( 11664 , em , _ )
    exemplify v.举例证明;示范;作...的范例[榜样] , ( 10140 , em , em取买 )
    exemplum 例证 , ( 37880 )
    exempt 拿出来:vt.免除;豁免adj.被免除的;被豁免的n.免税者;被免除义务者[T8] , ( 9474 , em , em取买 )
    →[oew]→ exemption n.免除,豁免;免税[T9]。 ( 6825 )
    impromptu 快速准备就绪n.即兴曲;即席演出adv.即席地adj.即席的[T8] , ( 17501 , em , _ )
    peremptory 强硬的,专横的 , ( 59346 , )
    preemption 抢占 , ( 15540 )
    premium 在前面拿、回报:n.额外费用;奖金;保险费;溢价adj.高价的;优质的[T8] , ( 4488 , em , _ )
    prompt a.敏捷的,迅速的,即刻的v.激起,促进,推动 , ( 3957 , em , em取买 )
    →[oew]→ prompter 提词人(给演员提示台词)。 ( 60097 )
    pronto 立即,马上 , ( 60100 , )
    ransom n.敲诈,勒索 vt.赎回,勒索赎金 , ( 12929 , em , em取买 )
    redeem 买回来vt.赎回;挽回;兑换;履行;补偿;恢复[T8] , ( 13069 , em , em取买 )
    redemption n.赎回;拯救;偿还;实践[T9] , ( 8722 , em , em取买 )
    sample n.样品,实例,标本,抽样检查v.取样,采样 , ( 1322 , em , _ )
    vintage n.制造年期,葡萄收获期 adj.洒的,最佳的,过时的 v.收葡萄 , ( 7134 , em , _ )
  2. ←from 拉丁语 sūmere (< *sus(e)m- ), to take, obtain, buy ( sus- , variant of sub- , up from under; see upo ).
    sumptuary 限制费用的,禁止奢侈的 , ( 62405 , )
    sumptuous 消耗大的:adj.奢侈的,豪华的,华丽的[T8] ; ( 14885 , em , sume拿取 )
    assume vt.假装;假定,设想;承担;呈现,采取 , ( 1263 , em , sume拿取 )
    →[考研]→ assumption n.假定,设想;采取;承担;推测;假装。 ( 2405 )
    consume vt.消耗;吃完,喝光;(with)使着迷;烧毁 , ( 3541 , em , sume拿取 )
    →[考研]→ consumption n.消费(量),消耗。 ( 2680 )
    presume 预先拿起:vt.假定,推测,擅自,意味着vi.相信,擅自行为[T4] , ( 7015 , em , sume拿取 )
    →[考研]→ presumably ad.推测起来,大概。 ( 3628 )
    →[oew]→ presumption n.放肆,傲慢;推测[T8]。 ( 9949 )
    resum v.重新开始;继续;恢复职位 , ( x )
    subsume 拿起放在下面:vt.把……归入,把……包括在内[T8] , ( 18914 , em , _ )
[Pokorny em- 310.]
resume n.个人简历v.再继续,重新开始;再用;恢复 (Lat,104486)
resumption n.恢复;重新开始;取回;重获;恢复硬币支付[T9] (Lat,115460)
preempt (Lat,117421)
consumable adj.可消费的,会用尽的 n.消费品 (Lat,135955)
presumptuous adj.专横的;放肆的;冒昧的[T9] (Lat,142050)
reassume v.再假定 (Lat,142082)
nonconsumptive adj.不利用自然物产(或资源)的 (Lat,145432)
preemptory (Lat,147070)
subsumption n.包容,包含 (Lat,150432)
consumptive 痨病 (Lat,153090)
presumptive 假设的,推断的 (Lat,160006)
redemptive 拯救的,救赎的 (Lat,160547)
adeem (Latin,)
absume (Lat,)
absumption (Lat,)
adempt (Lat,)
assumable (Lat,)
assumpsit (Lat,)
assumptive (Lat,)
emptor (Lat,)
inconsumable (Lat,)
inconsumptible (Lat,)
insume (Lat,)
nonexempt (Lat,)
nonresumption (Lat,)
preemptive (Lat,)
redemptress (Lat,)
redempture (Lat,)
resumptive (Lat,)
résumé (Lat,)
subsumptive (Lat,)
sumption (Lat,)
sumptuosity (Lat,)
transume (Lat,)
transumption (Lat,)
transumptive (Lat,)
;...128, en 摁印
派生词包括: inner , entrails , industry , and dysentery.
    1. ←from Old English in , in;
      in prep.在…里(内,上);用…(表示)ad.进,入 , ( 7 , en , _ )
    2. ←from Old English inn , into, inne , inside;
      in prep.在…里(内,上);用…(表示)ad.进,入 , ( 7 , en , _ )
    3. ←from 古英语 inn , habitation, inn;
      inn n.小旅馆,客栈 , ( 5933 , en , _ )
    4. ←from 高地德语 in , in;
      tsimmes 文火乱炖蔬菜水果 , ( x )
    5. ←from 古英语 innera , farther in, inner, ←from 日耳曼语 (comparative) *inn(e)ra ;
      inner a.内部的,里面的;内心的 , ( 2222 , en , _ )
      1. ←from 古英语 binnan , within;
        ben 0 , ( 6541 , bend , _ )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 binnen , within ( be , by; see ambʰi + innan , in, within). Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *innan .a-fall ←from 日耳曼语 *in .
        bilander x , ( x )
  1. ←from 拉丁语 in , in- , in, into.
    en- OF. en-,来自L. in-变形:b,m,p前通常 , ( x )
    in- 在- - , ( x )
  2. ←from 希腊语 en , en- .
    en- 在- - ; ( x )
    enkephalin 脑啡肽 , ( x )
    parenchyma 薄壁组织 , ( 47410 )
    parenthesis n.插入语,附带,插曲,圆括号 , ( 19610 , dʰe₁ , thes置放 )
  3. 带后缀形式: *en-t(e)ro- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 intrō , inward, within;
      intro- L. intro,inwardly,to the inside ; ( x )
      introduce vt.介绍;引进,传入;提出(议案等) , ( 1355 , deuk , )
      introit 入祭文 , ( x )
      intromit 插入 , ( x )
      introrse 内曲的 , ( x )
      introspect 反省 , ( x )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 intrā , inside, within;
      enter vt.进入;参加,加入;写入vi.进去,进来 , ( 855 , en , _ )
      →[考研]→ entrance n.入口,门口;进入;入学,入会。 ( 2628 )
      →[考研]→ entry n.进入,入口;通道;记载,条目。 ( 2013 )
      →[oew]→ enteritis 小肠炎。 ( 54099 )
      intra- L. intra: within inside without passing beyond, ; ( x )
      intrados 内弧面 , ( x )
    3. ←from 拉丁语 interim , meanwhile, with ablative suffix -im , and intrīnsecus , on the inside, ←from int(e)rim + secus , alongside (see sekʷ- ₁).
      interior a.内部的,里面的n.内部,内地 , ( 3136 , en , _ )
      →[oew]→ intercollegiate adj.<主美>学院间的,院际的,大学之间的,校际的 ( 20068 )
      →[oew]→ internist n.[美]内科医师 ( 22248 )
      intrinsic adj.本质的,固有的[T9] , ( 7326 , seku₁ , _ )
  4. 带后缀形式: *en-ter . ←from 拉丁语 inter , inter- , between, among.
    entrails 内脏 , ( 54105 , )
    inter- 表示"在一起,交互"之义 , ( 20938 , )
    interior a.内部的,里面的n.内部,内地 , ( 3136 , en , _ )
    intern n.实习医师,被拘留者 vi.作实习医师 vt.拘留 , ( 11130 , _ , _ )
    internal a.内部的,内的;国内的,内政的 , ( 1515 , en , _ )
  5. ←from 拉丁语 (superlative) intimus , innermost ( *-mo- , superlative suffix).
    intima n.内膜 , ( x )
    intimate a.亲密的,密切的n.熟友,熟人 , ( 4719 , en , _ )
    →[考研]→ interim adj.中间的,临时的,间歇的 n.中间时期,过渡时期,暂定 ( 5554 )
    →[考研]→ into prep.到...里面,进入;成为(表示变化)。 ( 60 )
  6. 扩展形式: *en-do .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 industrius , diligent (Archaic 拉丁语 indostruus; *stru- , to construct; see ster- ₂);
      industry n.工业,产业;勤劳,勤奋 , ( 464 , ster₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ industrial a.工业的,产业的。 ( 1254 )
      →[考研]→ industrialize v.(industrialise)(使)工业化。 ( 29803 )
      →[oew]→ industrious adj.勤勉的[T6]。 ( 23742 )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 indigēre , to be in need ( egēre , to be in need). Bothaandb←from indu- , within, ←from Archaic 拉丁语 endo ;
      indigent adj.贫乏的,穷困的 , ( 20442 , eg₂ , _ )
    3. ←from 希腊语 endon , endo- , within.
      endo- F. endo-,来自G. endon-,within,at home , ( x )
  7. 带后缀形式: *en-tos .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 intus , within, inside;
      dedans 导入 , ( x )
      intestine a.内部的,国内的.n.肠 , ( 11780 , en , _ )
      intine 内壁 , ( x )
      intussusception 肠套叠 , ( x )
    2. ←from 希腊语 entos , within.
      ento- x , ( x )
  8. 带后缀形式: *en-tero- .
    1. ←from 希腊语 enteron , intestine;
      enteric 肠的 , ( 54098 , )
      entero- x , ( x )
      enteron 消化道 ; ( x )
      dysentery 痢疾 , ( 53917 , )
      exenterate 用外科手术去除 , ( x )
      mesentery 肠系膜 , ( x )

    2. atoll 珊瑚 , ( 51917 , )
      perhaps ultimately from 梵语 antara- , interior.
  9. 扩展形式: *ens .
    1. ←from 希腊语 eis , into;
      episode n.一段情节;片断;(连续剧的)一集 , ( 3307 , aud , _ )
    2. 带后缀形式: *ens-ō . ←from 希腊语 esō , within.
      esoteric a.秘传的,神秘的,难懂的 , ( 17852 , en , _ )
      esotropia 内斜眼 , ( x )
  10. Possibly suffixed 零级形式 *n̥-dʰa . ←from 古英语 and , and, ←from 日耳曼语 *anda , *unda .
    and conj.和,与,而且;那么;接连,又 , ( 3 , ant , _ )
[Pokorny 1. en 311.]
intimacy n.亲密,隐私 (Lat,106646)
intimation n.暗示,正式宣告 (Lat,125030)
entrail (Lat,)
internality (Lat,)
;...129, epi 在上方 , Also opi .
Near, at, against.
  1. ←from 拉丁语 ob , ob- , before, to, against.
    ob- 朝向,向前,相对,对着的,在上,表强调 , ( 58652 , )
  2. ←from 希腊语 epi , on, over, at.
    epi- G. epi-,来自epi,on,up,to在上,向上, , ( x )
  3. ←from 希腊语 opisthen , behind, at the back.
    opisthobranch x , ( x )
    opisthognathous x , ( x )
  4. 零级形式 *pi , on, in 希腊语 piezein (see sed- ).
  5. ←from 俄语 oblast' , oblast, ←from 古教会斯拉夫语 ob , on.
    oblast , ( 36551 )
  6. Reduced prefixal form *op- in *op-wer-yo- (see wer-₄ ).
  7. ←from 希腊语 *ops , extra on the side, with, in noun opson , condiment, cooked food.
    duopsony 两家买主垄断 , ( x )
    opsonin 调理素 , ( x )
[Pokorny epi 323.]
;...130, er-₁ 动起来
To move, set in motion. 最初形式: *h₁er- .
  1. 基本形式: *er- .
    1. Probably 日耳曼语 *ar- , *or- , *art(a) , to be, exist. ←from 古英语 eart and aron , second person singular and plural present of bēon , to be.
      are prep.是,在,公亩 , ( 65 , es , _ )
    2. Perhaps 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *er-n-os-ti- . ←from 古英语 eornoste , zealous, serious.
      earnest a.热心的,诚挚的n.热心;真挚;定金;认真 , ( 7485 , er₃ , _ )
    3. Uncertain o级 带后缀形式: *ori-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 orīrī , to arise, appear, be born.
      orient (太阳)升起的:adj.东方的n.东方v.确定方向,(使)朝东[T6] , ( 7782 , aues , ori升起 )
      →[考研]→ oriental adj.东方的,东方人的 n.东方人[T4]。 ( 8578 )
      →[考研]→ orientation n.方向;定向;适应;情况介绍;向东方[T6]。 ( 3510 )
      origin n.起源,由来;出身,来历 , ( 2428 , ergh , ori升起 )
      original a.最初的,原文的;新颖的n.原物,原作,原文 ; ( 943 , ergh , ori升起 )
      →[考研]→ originate v.发源,发生,引起,创作[T6]。 ( 6809 )
      abort 出生不正常:v.(使)流产,堕胎,(使)中止[T8] , ( 16519 , _ , _ )
    4. Suffixed o级形式 *or-smā- . ←from 希腊语 hormē , impulse, onrush.
      hormesis 毒物兴奋效应 , ( x )
      hormone n.荷尔蒙,激素 , ( 5309 , ser₃ , _ )
  2. Enlarged 扩展形式: *rei-s- .
    1. ←from 古英语 rīsan , ←from 日耳曼语 *rīsan ;
      rise v.升起;起立;上涨;起义n.上涨,增高;起源 ; ( 712 , ergh , _ )
      arise v.出现,发生;(from)由…引起,由…产生 , ( 2416 , _ , _ )
    2. Suffixed o级 (causative) form *rois-ye- .
      1. ←from 古英语 rǣran , to rear, raise, lift up;
        rear n.后面,背后,后方v.饲养,抚养,栽培,举起 , ( 3608 , ergh , _ )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 reisa , to raise. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *raizjan .
        raise v.举起,提升;增加;饲养;引起;竖起;提出 , ( 549 , ergh , _ )
[Pokorny 3. er- 326; ergh- 339.]
abortion n.流产,堕胎,失败,夭折,中止,早产 (Lat,102449)
aboriginal adj.土著的;原始的n.土著居民;土生生物[T8] (Latin,111368)
originality n.独创性 (Latin,112375)
abortive adj.失败的;流产的;堕胎的[T8] (Lat,120574)
disorientation n.方向障碍,迷惑,失取向 (Lat,123509)
originator n.创作者,发起人,开山祖,起因 (Latin,124549)
disorient vt.使迷失方向,使迷惑,使不知所措 (Lat,126396)
reorientation n.再定位 (Latin,127063)
origination n.发源,起始,鼻 (Latin,127686)
abortifacient n.堕胎药 adj.堕胎的,引起流产的 (Latin,147384)
orientate 定位,朝向 (Latin,158860)
reorient 重新定位 (Latin,160643)
Orientalia (Latin,)
orientational (Latin,)
orientative (Latin,)
horme (Greek,)
hormephobia (Greek,)
hormetic (Greek,)
hormic (Greek,)
;...131, er-₂ 生大地
Earth, ground. 扩展形式: *ert- .
  1. ←from 古英语 eorthe , earth;
    earth n.地球;陆地;泥土,土壤;尘世,人间 , ( 1250 , er , _ )
    →[考研]→ earthquake n.地震。 ( 4963 )
  2. ←from 中古荷兰语 aerde , eerde , earth. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *erthō .
    aardvark 土豚 , ( 51509 , )
    aardwolf 土狼 , ( x )
[Pokorny 4. er- 332.]
;...132, erᵊ- 条行
To row. 最初形式: *h₁erh₁- .
  1. 变化形式*rē- (缩减自: *reh₁- , ←from earlier *h₁reh₁- ).
    1. ←from 古英语 rōwan , to row, ←from 日耳曼语 *rō- ;
      row n.(一)排,(一)行;吵嚷v.划(船等),荡桨 , ( 1817 , ere , _ )
    2. 带后缀形式: *rō-tro- . ←from 古英语 rōther and 古挪威语 rōdʰr , steering oar, both ←from 日耳曼语 *rōthra , rudder;
      rudder n.舵,方向舵 , ( 15077 , ere , _ )
      Rus 俄文 , ( x )
      Russian a.|.n.俄罗斯(语)(的) , ( 1583 , _ , _ )
      Russky x , ( x )
    3. 带后缀形式: *rē-smo- . ←from 拉丁语 rēmus , oar.
      bireme 古代船 , ( x )
      remex 飞羽 , ( x )
      trireme 古希腊罗马时期的三层划桨战船 , ( 63212 , )
  2. Oldest 变化形式*h₁reh₁- becoming *erē- in 希腊语. ←from 希腊语 triērēs , trireme.
    trierarch x , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. erᵊ- 338.]
quadrireme (Lat,)
quinquereme (Lat,)
remiform (Lat,)
;...133, ers- 运动态
To be in motion.
  1. 变化形式*rēs- . ←from 古挪威语 rās , rushing, ←from 日耳曼语 *rēs- .
    race n.赛跑;人种,种族;属,种v.赛跑 , ( 796 , ergh , _ )
  2. 带后缀形式: *ers-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 errāre , to wander.
    err vi.犯错,做错,犯罪,[废]走上歧途 , ( 17405 , ei₁ , ei-en-eg-err )
    →[oew]→ errand n.差事;差使[T6]。 ( 13642 )
    erratic adj.偏离正轨的,飘忽不定的n.古怪的人[T8] , ( 11241 , eres , err漂泊 )
    erratum 错误列表 , ( 54152 , )
    erroneous adj.错误的,不正确的[T9] , ( 12441 , eres , err漂泊 )
    error n.错误,过失 ; ( 2049 , eres , err漂泊 )
    aberration n.失常,脱轨,离开正路[T8] , ( 16504 , eres , err漂泊 )
  3. Possible 零级形式 *r̥s-i- . ←from 梵语 ṛṣiḥ , poet, seer.
    rishi 圣人 , ( x )
[Pokorny 2. ere-s- 336.]
errant adj.不定的;周游的;错误的;偏离正路的[T9] (Latin,119639)
aberrant 反常的 (Latin,151520)
aberrance (Latin,)
aberrancy (Latin,)
inerrant (Latin,)
;...134, es- 是存在
To be. 最初形式: *h₁es- , 零级 *h₁s- .
派生词包括: yes , soothe , sin ₁, essence , absent , and proud.
  1. Athematic first person singular form *es-mi . ←from 古英语 eam , eom , am, ←from 日耳曼语 *izm(i) .
    am prep.是,在 n.A.M.上午,午前 [域] Armenia ,亚美尼亚 [军] Amplitude Modulation , ( 683 , es , _ )
  2. Athematic third person singular form *es-ti . ←from 古英语 is , is, ←from 日耳曼语 *ist(i) .
    is vt.vi.是(be的三单形式n.存在 , ( 30 , es , _ )
  3. Optative stem *sī- . ←from 古英语 gēse , yes, ←from sīe , may it be (so) ( gēa , yea; see i- ), ←from 日耳曼语 *sijai- .
    yes ad.是[用于肯定句前],是的 , ( 257 , i , _ )
  4. Suffixed 零级 (participial) form *h₁s-ont- , becoming *sont- , being, existing, hence real, true.
    1. ←from 古英语 sōth , true, ←from 日耳曼语 *santhaz ;
      sooth n.真实adj.真实的;抚慰的;温柔的;甜蜜的 , ( 34922 , es , _ )
      soothe v.缓和,安慰 , ( 12480 , es , _ )
    2. suffixed (collective) 零级形式 *sn̥t-yā- , "that which is. ←from 古英语 synn , sin, ←from 日耳曼语 *sun(d)jō , sin (< "it is true," "the sin is real");
      sin n.罪,罪恶v.犯罪 , ( 3852 , es , _ )
      →[oew]→ sinner n.罪人,不信神的人 ( 15053 )
    3. ←from 梵语 sat- , sant- , existing, true, virtuous.
      suttee 殉夫 ; ( x )
      bodʰisattva 菩萨 , ( 52265 , )
      Satyagraha 非暴力不合作 , ( x )
  5. 基本形式: *es- . ←from 拉丁语 esse , to be.
    entity 存在之物:n.实体,存在,本质[T8] , ( 4270 , es , _ )
    esse(e)nce n.本质,实质;精华,精髓;香精 ; ( x )
    abessive x , ( x )
    absent a.缺席的;缺乏的,不存在的;心不在焉的 , ( 4839 , _ , est存在 )
    →[考研]→ absence n.缺乏,不存在;缺席,不在场;缺席的时间。 ( 1986 )
    adessive 表示位置的 , ( x )
    essive 存在格 , ( x )
    improve v.改善,改进,增进;好转,进步 , ( 917 , per₆ , prob试检 )
    →[考研]→ improvement n.改进,进步,增进;改进措施。 ( 1863 )
    inessive 指示地点的 , ( x )
    interest n.(in)兴趣,重要性;利益v.(in)使发生兴趣 , ( 330 , _ , est存在 )
    →[考研]→ interesting a.有趣的,引人入胜的。 ( 1017 )
    ossia 或者 , ( x )
    present a.出席的,现在的n.现在,礼物v.赠送,提出 , ( 545 , per₄ , est存在 )
    →[考研]→ presence n.出席,到场,存在,在。 ( 1198 )
    →[考研]→ presently ad.一会儿,不久;现在,目前。 ( 7030 )
    present a.出席的,现在的n.现在,礼物v.赠送,提出 , ( 545 , per₄ , est存在 )
    proud a.(of)自豪的;引以自豪的;妄自尊大的 , ( 1987 , per₅ , _ )
    quintessence 第五要素,精华,精髓 , ( 60339 , )
    represe(e)nt vt.表现,象征;代表,代理;扮演;作为示范vi.代表;提出异议 , ( x )
    stover 干草 , ( 25403 )
  6. 基本形式: *es- . ←from 希腊语 einai (present participle ont- , being), to be (in pareinai , to be present).
    -ont 安大略省的 , ( x )
    onto- 在- - ; ( x )
    -biont 生物个体 , ( x )
    Homoiousian 类质论的 , ( x )
    Parousia 基督再临 , ( x )
    schizont 裂殖体 , ( x )
  7. 带后缀形式: *es-ti- . ←from 梵语 svasti , well-being ( su- , good; see (e)su- ).
    swastika n.纳粹党所用的十字记号 , ( 23033 , es , _ )
[Pokorny es- 340.]
See also extension (e)su- .
future n.将来,未来;前途,前景a.将来的,未来的 (Lat,100485)
represent v.描述,表示;代表,代理;阐明,说明 (Lat,100844)
essential a.本质的,基本的;净化的n.本质;要素 (Lat,101382)
representative n.代表,代理人a.(of)典型的,有代表性的 (Lat,102005)
representation n.表示法,表现,陈述,代表 (Lat,102518)
presentation n.介绍,陈述,提供,外观 (Lat,102623)
essence being:本质,实质,精华,香精[T6] (Lat,103561)
prowess n.威力 (Lat,112313)
absentee n.缺席者[T9] (Lat,115649)
representational adj.代表性的,具象派的 (Lat,117827)
omnipresent adj.无所不在的[T8] (Lat,123633)
omnipresence n.遍在 (Lat,132229)
futurity n.未来,未来的事 (Lat,136692)
presentational adj.表象的,直觉的 (Lat,139185)
nonrepresentational adj.非写实的,抽象的 (Lat,142187)
representable adj.能被描绘(描述),可被代表的 (Lat,146949)
presentment n.陈述,描写 (Lat,147169)
disinterest 无兴趣,客观 (Lat,153702)
inessential 无关紧要的 (Lat,155994)
nonentity 无成就的人 (Lat,158548)
presentable 像样的,体面的 (Lat,159995)
absentaneous (Lat,)
antessive (Lat,)
apudessive (Lat,)
coessential (Lat,)
ens (Lat,)
entitative (Lat,)
exessive (Lat,)
nonessential (Lat,)
nonpresence (Lat,)
presentaneous (Lat,)
presentative (Lat,)
presentator (Lat,)
presentee (Lat,)
representamen (Lat,)
representant (Lat,)
subessive (Lat,)
superessive (Lat,)
;...135, (e)su- 优秀
Good. 最初形式: *h₁(e)su- . Originally 带后缀形式: of es- .
  1. ←from 希腊语 eu- , well, combining form of eus , good.
    eu- L. eu-,来自G. eu-,来自eu, ey, eys, good , ( x )
    1. ←from 梵语 svasti , well-being, good luck ( -asti , being; see es- );
      swastika n.纳粹党所用的十字记号 , ( 23033 , es , _ )
    2. ←from 梵语 sukha- , running easily (said of a chariot), pleasant ("having good axle-holes"; kham , axle-hole). Bothaandb←from 梵语 su- , good.
      nainsook 薄棉织物 , ( x )
  2. ←from 波斯语 khvaš , ←from hu- ( becoming khv- before vowels), good ( -axša- , eye; see okʷ- ).
    cushy 舒服的 , ( 53329 , )
    perhaps from Urdu khūš , good,
    perhaps from 古伊朗语 *khvaxša- , having a good appearance,
[Pokorny esu-s 342.]
;...136, eu- 优衣库
To dress.
  1. ←from 拉丁语 induere , to don ( ind- , variant of in- , in, on; see en ).
    endue 穿上 , ( x )
    indumentum 羽毛 , ( x )
  2. ←from 拉丁语 exuere , to doff ( ex- , off; see eghs ).
    exuviae 蜕皮 , ( x )
  3. ←from 拉丁语 reduvia , fragment ( red- , back, in reverse; see re- ).
    reduviid 猎蝽科的 , ( x )
[Pokorny 2. eu- 346.]
See also extension wes-₂ .
;...137, euᵊ- 有冇
To leave, abandon, give out, whence nominal derivatives meaning abandoned, lacking, empty. 最初形式: *h₁euh₂- , 零级 *h₁uh₂- , with 变化形式*h₁weh₂- , 变形 为: *h₁wah₂- , becoming *wā- .
  1. 带后缀形式: *wᵊ-no- .
    1. ←from 古英语 wanian , to lessen ( ←from 日耳曼语 *wanēn ), and wan- , without;
      wane vi.变小,亏缺,衰落,退潮,消逝,呈下弦 n.月亏,月亏期,衰退,衰退期 ; ( 13966 , eu , _ )
      →[oew]→ wan a.苍白的,病态的.v.(使)变苍白 ( 6778 )
      wanton adj.荒唐的,嬉戏的,繁茂的,肆意的,不道德的,不贞洁的 n.荡妇,水性杨花的女人 vi.嬉戏,闲荡,放肆 vt.挥霍 , ( 24085 , deuk , _ )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 vanta , to lack, ←from North 日耳曼语 *wanatōn .
      want vt.想要;希望;需要;缺,缺少n.需要;短缺 , ( 96 , eu , _ )
  2. 带后缀形式: *wā-no- . ←from 拉丁语 vānus , empty.
    vain a.徒劳的,徒然的;自负的,爱虚荣的 , ( 9804 , eu , vac空 )
    vanity n.虚荣心;空虚;浮华;无价值的东西[T4] , ( 10118 , eu , vac空 )
    →[考研]→ vanish vi.突然不见;消失。 ( 5305 )
    vaunt 自夸 ; ( 35654 )
    evanesce vi.逐渐消失,隐没 , ( x )
    wanish vi.消失;突然不见;消亡,消灭;[数]化为零vt.使消失,使不见n.[语音学]消失音,弱化音 , ( x )
  3. 扩展形式: *wak- . ←from 拉丁语 vacāre (variant vocāre ), to be empty.
    vacant a.空的,未占用的;空缺的;神情茫然的 , ( 6802 , eu , vac空 )
    →[oew]→ vacancy n.空缺,空白,空虚[T9]。 ( 11257 )
    vacate v.空出,腾出,辞职,休假,取消,使撤退[T9] , ( 16744 , eu , vac空 )
    vacation n.休假,假期 , ( 3211 , eu , vac空 )
    vacuity 空虚 , ( 63466 , )
    vacuum n.真空,真空吸尘器 , ( 5417 , eu , vac空 )
    void a.无效的.n.空虚感,真空.vt.使无效 ; ( 7057 , eu , vac空 )
    avoid vt.防止,避免;逃避,避开 , ( 886 , bʰa₂ , vac空 )
    devoid 排放出去了的adj.缺乏的,全无的[T8] , ( 10611 , eu , vac空 )
    evacuate v.疏散,撤退,排泄[T8] , ( 9272 , eu , vac空 )
  4. Extended and 带后缀形式: *wās-to- . ←from 拉丁语 vāstus , empty, waste.
    waste v.浪费a.无用的;荒芜的n.浪费;废物 ; ( 1493 , eu , _ )
    devastate 清空掉:vt.毁灭;毁坏[T8] , ( 9135 , eu , _ )
[Pokorny 1. eu- 345.]
vacuous adj.空虚的,愚蠢的,茫然若失的,无聊的 adv.无意义地,茫然若失地,无所事事地 n.空虚,无聊,愚蠢 (Latin,128370)
evanescent 转瞬即逝的 (Latin,154204)
vastitude (Lat,)
;...138, euᵊ-dʰ-r̥ 有乳房
Udder. Related to wē-r- .
  1. Suffixed 零级形式 *ūdʰ-r̥ . ←from 古英语 ūder , udder, ←from 日耳曼语 *ūdr- .
    udder 母牛,母羊等的乳房 , ( 63364 , )
  2. Suffixed o级形式 *oudʰ-r̥ . ←from 拉丁语 adjective ūber , fertile, derived from ūber , "breast.".
    exuberant a.繁茂的,生气勃勃的,充溢的 , ( 16483 , eudʰ , _ )
    exuberate 耽溺 , ( x )
[Pokorny ēudʰ- 347.]
exuberance n.繁茂,丰富,充沛,充溢 (Latin,117970)
uberous (Latin,)
uberty (Latin,)
;...139, gal- 喊狗
To call, shout.
  1. ←from 古挪威语 kalla , to call, ←from 日耳曼语 expressive form *kall- .
    call vt.叫,喊;打电话vi.叫;访问n.叫;号召 , ( 149 , gal , _ )
  2. ←from 古英语 *clatrian , to clatter, ←from 日耳曼语 *klat- .
    clatter n.咔嗒,哗啦声,嘈杂的谈笑声 vi.发出哗啦声,喧闹的谈笑 vt.使卡搭卡搭的响 , ( 17045 , gal , _ )
  3. Expressive form *gall- . ←from 拉丁语 gallus , cock (< "the calling bird"; but probably also associated with Gallus , Gallic, as if to mean "the bird of Gaul," the cock being archaeologically attested as an important symbol in the iconography of Roman and pre-Roman Gaul).
    gallinaceous 公鸡的 , ( 54733 , )
    →[oew]→ gallium 镓。 ( 54734 )
    gallinule x ; ( x )
    picodegallo x , ( x )
  4. 带后缀形式: *gal-so- . ←from 古教会斯拉夫语 glasŭ , voice.
    glasnost “公开性”政策 , ( 22848 )
  5. Reduplicated form *gal-gal- . ←from 古教会斯拉夫语 glagolŭ , word.
    Glagolitic 格拉哥里语 , ( x )
[Pokorny 2. gal- 350.]
;...140, gāu- 乐购
To rejoice; also to have religious fear or awe. 最初形式: *geh₂u- , 变形 为: *gah₂u- , becoming *gau- (before consonants) and *gāw- (before vowels).
  1. Suffixed 扩展形式: *gāw-idʰ-ē- . ←from 拉丁语 gaudēre , to rejoice.
    gaud 俗气东西 , ( x )
    gaudy adj.华而不实的 , ( 19428 , jing , _ )
    gaudy adj.华而不实的 , ( 19428 , jing , _ )
    joy n.欢乐,喜悦;乐事,乐趣 ; ( 2677 , ga , _ )
    enjoy vt.享受…的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱 , ( 862 , ga , _ )
    →[oew]→ enjoyable a.有趣的,愉快的 ( 7114 )
    rejoice vi.高兴;庆祝vt.使高兴[T4] , ( 13908 , jing , _ )
  2. Form (with nasal infix) *gᵊ-n-u- . ←from 希腊语 ganusthai , to rejoice.
    ganoid x , ( x )
[Pokorny gāu- 353.]
enjoyment n.享受;乐趣;享有[T9] (Lat,106706)
gaudery (Lat,)
gaudioso (Lat,)
;...141, gel- 冷酷
Cold; to freeze.
派生词包括: chill , jelly , and glacier.
  1. ←from 古英语 c(i)ele , chill, ←from 日耳曼语 *kaliz , coldness.
    chill n.寒冷,寒气,寒战v.使寒冷 , ( 5411 , gel₁ , _ )
  2. ←from 古英语 ceald , cold, ←from 日耳曼语 *kaldaz , cold.
    cold a.冷的,寒冷的;冷淡的n.冷,寒冷;伤风 , ( 810 , kaul , _ )
    1. ←from 古英语 cōl , cold, cool;
      cool a.凉的;冷静的n.凉快ad.冷静地v.使变凉 , ( 1612 , gel₁ , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 cēlan , to cool, ←from 日耳曼语 *kōljan , to cool. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *kōl- , cool.
      keel n.龙骨(船的脊骨),平底船.v.装以龙骨,倾覆 , ( 23538 , gel₁ , _ )
  3. 带后缀形式: *gel-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 gelāre , to freeze.
    ge拉丁语 明胶 , ( x )
    gelation 凝胶 , ( x )
    jelly n.果子冻,一种果冻甜品 ; ( 9822 , gel₁ , _ )
    congeal 变稠 , ( 53064 , )
  4. 带后缀形式: *gel-u- . ←from 拉丁语 gelū , frost, cold.
    gelid 极寒的 , ( 50259 )
  5. Probably suffixed 零级形式 *gl̥-k- . ←from 拉丁语 glaciēs , ice.
    glacé 糖渍 , ( x )
    glacial adj.冰的;冰冷的;冰河时代的[T8] , ( 13843 , gel₁ , _ )
    glaciate vt.使结冰;以冰(或冰河)覆盖;使受冰河作用;冻结 , ( x )
    glacier n.冰河,冰川[T9] , ( 10947 , gel₁ , _ )
    glacis 斜堤 ; ( x )
    demi-glace 酱汁 , ( x )
    verglas 雨淞 , ( x )
[Pokorny 3. gel(ᵊ)- 365.]
glance v.(at,over)扫视n.匆匆看,一瞥,一眼 (Latin,102426)
gel n.凝胶体v.成冻胶 (Lat,108515)
gelatin n.凝胶,白明胶 (Lat,120557)
gelato n.(意大利语)冰淇淋 (Latin,127883)
gelatinous adj.胶状的 (Lat,128587)
gelignite 硝铵炸药 (Lat,154816)
glaciation 冰川作用 (Lat,154877)
gelifluction (Latin,)
jellification (Latin,)
congelation (Lat,)
gelati (Lat,)
gelée (Lat,)
glacious (Lat,)
;...142, gembʰ- 牙指甲
Tooth, nail. 最初形式: *g̑embʰ- , becoming *gembʰ- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: comb , unkempt , and gem.
  1. Suffixed o级形式 *gombʰ-o- .
      1. ←from 古英语 comb , camb , comb;
        comb n.梳子v.梳(理) , ( 8055 , gembʰ , _ )
        kame 冰砾 , ( x )
      2. ←from 荷兰语 kam , cog, comb;
        cam n.凸轮;Computer Aided Manufacturing,计算机辅助生产 , ( 21041 , gembʰ , _ )
      3. ←from 古英语 cemban , to comb, ←from 日耳曼语 denominative *kambjan , to comb. (i)-(iii) all ←from 日耳曼语 *kambaz , comb.
        unkempt adj.(头发)蓬乱的,未加梳理的,(言语等)粗野的,邋遢,披头散发 , ( 23378 , gembʰ , _ )
    1. ←from 希腊语 gomphos , tooth, peg, bolt.
      gomphosis 嵌合 , ( x )
  2. Suffixed 零级形式 *gm̥bʰ-ōn- . ←from 古英语 ā-cumba , part of flax separated in hackling, oakum ("stuff combed off"; ā- , away, off).
    oakum 麻絮 , ( 58647 , )
  3. Perhaps 日耳曼语 *kimb- . ←from 古英语 cim- , cimb- , rim (only in compounds),.
    chime n.一套发谐音的钟(尤指教堂内的),和谐 vi.鸣,打,和谐 vt.敲出和谐的声音,打钟报时 , ( 16522 , keu₂ , _ )
  4. Possibly 带后缀形式: *gembʰ-mā- . ←from 拉丁语 gemma , bud, hence gem.
    gem n.宝石,珍宝 , ( 9402 , gembʰ , _ )
    gemma 吉玛 , ( x )
    gemmation 芽生 , ( x )
    gemmule 小芽 , ( x )
[Pokorny g̑embʰ- 369.]
;...143, gemᵊ- 结婚
To marry. 最初形式: *g̑emh₁- , becoming *gemh₁- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
Suffixed 零级形式 *gm̥ᵊ-o- .
gamete 配子 , ( 54745 , )
gamo- x , ( x )
-gamous x , ( x )
-gamy 勇敢的 , ( x ) ←from 希腊语 gamos , marriage.
[Pokorny g̑em(e)- 369.]
;...144, genᵊ- 根生亲 , Also gen- .
To give birth, beget; with derivatives referring to aspects and results of procreation and to familial and tribal groups. 最初形式: *g̑enh₁- , becoming *genh₁- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: kin , king , jaunty , genius , pregnant ₁, gingerly , and nature.
  1. 基本形式: *genᵊ- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *genᵊ-es- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 genus , race, kind;
        gender n.(生理上的)性;(名词、代词等的)性 , ( 1925 , gn , gen生产 )
        general a.一般的,普通的;总的,大体的n.将军 , ( 423 , gn , gen生产 )
        generate vt.产生,发生;生殖 , ( 1938 , gn , gen生产 )
        generation n.产生,发生;一代(人) , ( 1104 , gn , gen生产 )
        generic adj.类的,属的,一般的,非商标的[T8] , ( 7178 , _ , gen生产 )
        generous a.宽宏大量的,慷慨的 , ( 3501 , gn , gen生产 )
        →[考研]→ generalize vt.概括,推广,使一般化 vi.形成概念[T6]。 ( 13359 )
        →[考研]→ generator n.发电机,发生器。 ( 6860 )
        →[考研]→ genetic a.遗传(学)的 n.[-s]遗传学。 ( 2789 )
        genre n.类型,流派 , ( 5401 , gn , _ )
        genus n.种,属[T8] ; ( 11132 , gn , gen生产 )
        congener 同类 , ( 39901 )
        degenerate adj.退化的;堕落的;变质的;变性的vt.使退化;恶化;使变质;衰减vi.退化;堕落n.堕落的人;腐化的人;精神变态者;退化的 , ( 17934 , gn , gen生产 )
        engender vt.使产生;造成vi.产生;引起[T8] , ( 12736 , en , gen生产 )
        miscegenation 混种,混血儿 , ( 57938 , )
      2. ←from 希腊语 genos and geneā , race, family;
        gene n.基因 ; ( 2376 , gn , gen生产 )
        allogeneic 同种异体的 , ( 49656 )
        genealogy n.宗谱;血统;家系;系谱学[T8] , ( 18615 , gn , gen生产 )
        genocide n.种族大屠杀[T9] , ( 10579 , gn , gen生产 )
        genotype 基因型 , ( 24976 )
        heterogeneous adj.异质的[T8] , ( 13038 , dek , _ )
        syngeneic 同系的 , ( x )
      3. ←from 希腊语 suffix -genēs , "-born.".
        -gen , ( x )
        -geny x ; ( x )
        epigene 外成的 , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式: *gen(ᵊ)-yo- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 genius , procreative divinity, inborn tutelary spirit, innate quality;
        genial adj.亲切的,友好的;和蔼的;适宜的[T8] , ( 22185 , ghenu , gen生产 )
        genius n.天才 ; ( 4557 , gn , gen生产 )
        congenial 一起产生的:adj.意气相投的,性格相似的,共鸣的[T8] , ( 20946 , gn , gen生产 )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 ingenium , inborn character ( in- , in; see en ).
        engine n.发动机,引擎;火车头 , ( 1600 , gn , _ )
        →[考研]→ engineer n.工程师。 ( 2088 )
        →[考研]→ engineering n.工程学。 ( 2079 )
        ingenious 富有天赋的:adj.有独创性的,机灵的,心灵手巧的[T6] , ( 11004 , gn , gen生产 )
        →[oew]→ ingenuity n.心灵手巧,独创性;精巧;精巧的装置。原本是 ingenuous的衍生词,后来常被误解为 ingenious 的衍生词,故。 ( 11846 )
    3. 带后缀形式: *genᵊ-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 indigena , born in (a place), indigenous ( indu- , within; see en ).
      indigen n.本地人,土著,当地的动物或植物 , ( x )
      indigenous 在此出生的adj.本地的,土著的,国产的[T8] , ( 4050 , gn , _ )
    4. 带后缀形式: *genᵊ-wo- . ←from 拉丁语 ingenuus , born in (a place), native, natural, freeborn ( in- , in; see en ).
      genuine a.真正的,名副其实的 , ( 3181 , ghenu , gen生产 )
      ingenuous 天真无邪的,天真的,单纯的 , ( 56027 , )
    5. 带后缀形式: *gen(ᵊ)-men- . ←from dissimilated 拉丁语 germen , shoot, bud, embryo, germ.
      germ n.微生物,细菌 , ( 10902 , gn , _ )
      german 同族的人:adj.德国的;德语的,德国人的n.德语;德国人[T3] , ( 1288 , gn , _ )
      germane 贴切的 , ( 54834 , )
      germinal , ( 37708 )
      germinate v.(使)发芽;(使)生长[T8] , ( 21972 , gn , _ )
  2. o级形式 *gonᵊ- , reduced to *gon- in 带后缀形式: *gon-o- .
    1. ←from 希腊语 gonos , child, procreation, seed.
      gonad 性腺 , ( 54938 , )
      gono- 戈诺- , ( x )
      -gony x ; ( x )
      archegonium 藏卵器 , ( x )
      carpogonium 果胞 , ( x )
      epigone 追随者 , ( 47788 )
    2. ←from 梵语 janaḥ , offspring, child, person.
      Harijan 神的子民 , ( x )
  3. 零级形式 *gn̥ᵊ- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *gn̥ᵊ-yo- .
      1. ←from 古英语 cyn(n) , race, family, kin;
        kin n.家属(集合称),亲戚,同族,血缘关系,家族 adj.有亲属关系的,性质类似的,同类的 ; ( 3311 , gn , _ )
        →[oew]→ kindle vt.点燃,使着火,引起,照亮 vi.着火,煽动,激起,发亮 ( 20373 )
        kindred n.家族,相似,亲属关系,(用作复数)亲戚、族人 adj.同族的,同类的,血缘的,类似的 , ( 23836 , ar₁ , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 cyning , king, ←from 日耳曼语 *kuningaz , king. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *kunjam , family.
        king n.君主,国王 , ( 1070 , gn , _ )
        →[考研]→ kingdom n.王国,领域。 ( 2415 )
    2. 带后缀形式: *gn̥ᵊ-t- .
      1. ←from 古英语 cynd , gecynd(e) , origin, birth, race, family, kind, ←from 日耳曼语 *kundjaz , family, race;
        kind a.仁慈的,友好的,亲切的,和蔼的n.种类 , ( 268 , gn , _ )
        →[考研]→ kindness n.仁慈,亲切;好意;友好行为。 ( 6458 )
      2. ←from 古英语 gecynde , natural, native, fitting ( ge- , collective prefix; see kom ), ←from 日耳曼语 *kundiz , natural, native;
        kind a.仁慈的,友好的,亲切的,和蔼的n.种类 , ( 268 , gn , _ )
      3. 带后缀形式: *gn̥ᵊ-ti- .
        1. ←from 拉丁语 gēns (stem genti- ), race, clan;
          gens 一族 , ( x )
          genteel gentle:adj.有教养的,文雅的;上流社会的[T8] , ( 20587 , gn , gen生产 )
          gentile 非犹太人,外邦人 , ( 54825 , )
          gentle a.和蔼的,文雅的,有礼貌的 , ( 2968 , gn , _ )
          →[考研]→ gentleman n.绅士,先生。 ( 2020 )
          →[考研]→ gently ad.轻轻地,温柔地 ( 2477 )
          gentry 绅士 , ( 14229 )
          jaunty adj.感到自信和自满的,洋洋得意的 ; ( 23411 , gn , _ )
          gendarme 警察,宪兵 , ( 54820 , )
        2. ←from 希腊语 genesis , birth, beginning.
          genesis n.起源,圣经旧约《创世纪》[T8] , ( 12045 , gn , gen生产 )
          -genesis 《创世纪》 , ( x )
      4. ←from 高地德语 kind , child, ←from 日耳曼语 secondary full-grade variant *kentham ;
        kindergarten n.幼儿园 , ( 8097 , gher₄ , _ )
        KrissKringle 幼年基督 , ( 56653 , )
        wunderkind 神童 , ( 63879 , )
      5. 带后缀形式: *gn̥ᵊ-to- . ←from 梵语 jāta- , born (verbal adjective of janate , he is born).
        Jataka 本生经 , ( x )
    3. Reduplicated form *gi-gn(ᵊ)- . ←from 拉丁语 gignere (past participle genitus ), to beget.
      genital adj.生殖的,生殖器的n.生殖器,外阴[T9] , ( 14275 , _ , gen生产 )
      genitive 属格,所有格 , ( 54823 , )
      genitor 母亲或父亲 , ( x )
      geniture 诞生 , ( x )
      gent n.绅士,假绅士 (pl.) 男厕 , ( 23767 , _ , _ )
      gingerly adv.小心翼翼地,谨慎的,极为小心地,慎重地 adj.慎重的,谨慎的 ; ( 13162 , gn , _ )
      congenital adj.与生俱来的,天生的[T8] , ( 14773 , gn , gen生产 )
      primogenitor 始祖 , ( x )
      primogeniture 长子身份 , ( 60030 , )
      progenitor 祖先 , ( 60081 , )
      progeny 生产出来:n.子孙;后裔;成果[T8] , ( 21458 , gn , gen生产 )
    4. 缩减形式 *gn- in 带后缀形式: *-gn-o- . ←from 拉丁语 benignus , good-natured, kindly ( bene , well; see deu-₂ ) and malignus , evil-natured, malevolent ( male , ill; see mel-₃ ).
      benign 长得好adj.良性的,和蔼的,亲切的[T8] , ( 7991 , deu , _ )
      malign 恶性的,恶意的,有害的,诽谤,中伤 , ( 57373 , )
    5. 零级形式 *gn̥ᵊ- becoming *gnā- . ←from 拉丁语 praegnās , pregnant ( prae- , before; see per₁ ).
      pregnant a.怀孕的,孕育的,充满的,意味深长的 ; ( 2893 , gn , gen生产 )
      →[oew]→ pregnancy n.怀孕;丰富,多产;意义深长[T9]。 ( 3675 )
      impregnate vt.使怀孕,灌输,浸透adj.怀孕的,充满的[T9] , ( 24225 , gn , _ )
    6. 带后缀形式: *gn̥ᵊ-sko- becoming *gnā-sko- . ←from 拉丁语 gnāscī , nāscī (past participle gnātus , nātus ), to be born.
      nada , ( 58297 , )
      naive native的法语版:adj.天真的,幼稚的[T8] , ( 6298 , gn , _ )
      nascent adj.初期的,开始存在的,发生中的[T8] , ( 17352 , gn , nat出生 )
      natal 新生的 , ( 58342 , )
      →[oew]→ nativity 耶稣诞生,圣诞。 ( 58354 )
      nation n.民族,国家 , ( 534 , gn , nat出生 )
      native a.本地的,本国的;天生的n.本地人,本国人 , ( 1639 , gn , nat出生 )
      nature n.自然界,大自然;性质,本性,天性 , ( 559 , gn , nat出生 )
      →[考研]→ national a.民族的,国家的,国立的。 ( 216 )
      →[考研]→ nationality n.国籍,民族。 ( 7625 )
      →[考研]→ natural a.正常的;自然界的,天然的,天赋的,固有的。 ( 637 )
      née 娘家姓的 , ( x )
      Noël 诺埃尔 ; ( x )
      adnate 贴生的 , ( x )
      agnate 同族的 , ( 39261 )
      cognate 词源同源的 , ( 52968 , )
      connate 原生 , ( x )
      enate 母系亲戚 , ( x )
      innate adj.先天的;固有的;与生俱来的[T8] , ( 10430 , gn , nat出生 )
      neonate 新生儿 , ( 32455 )
      puisne 年少的 , ( x )
      puny adj.小的,弱的,微不足道的 , ( 20405 , gn , _ )
      renaissance n.文艺复兴[T9] , ( 8180 , gn , _ )
    7. 缩减形式 *gn̥- in 梵语 compound kṛmi-ja- (see kʷr̥mi- ).
[Pokorny 1. g̑en- 373.]
international a.国际的,世界(性)的,跨国的 (Lat,100424)
multinational adj.多国的,跨国公司的,多民族的 n.多国籍公司,跨国公司 (Lat,108112)
generosity n.慷慨,大方;宽宏大量[T6] (Lat,108353)
supernatural a.|n.超自然(的),神奇(的) (Lat,109797)
transnational adj.影响数国的,数国参与的,跨国的 (Lat,109999)
prenatal adj.出生以前的 (Lat,114929)
generality n.概论;普遍性;大部分[T8] (Lat,115052)
generational adj.生育的,世代的 (Lat,115781)
regenerate vt.使再生;革新vi.再生;革新adj.再生的;革新的[T9] (Lat,118811)
intergenerational adj.两代间的 (Lat,120685)
degenerative adj.退步的,变质的,退化的 (Lat,123223)
generative adj.能生产的,有生产力的,生殖的 (Lat,124525)
germination n.萌芽,发生,萌发,生芽,催芽 (Lat,125260)
regenerative adj.恢复的,新生的,再生的,回热的 (Lat,125584)
binational adj.两个国家的,两个民族的 (Lat,126180)
subnational adj.低于国家的/地方的 (Lat,127878)
postnatal adj.出生后的,后天 (Lat,128165)
subgenre 亚种;亚美 (Lat,132652)
denature vt.使改变本性,使变质,使中毒 (Lat,136337)
agnatic adj.男系亲属的 (Lat,142990)
gentility 文雅,彬彬有礼 (Lat,154826)
germicide 杀菌剂 (Latin,154836)
natality 出生率 (Lat,158343)
preternatural 超自然的 (Lat,160014)
renascent 复兴的,再度流行的 (Lat,160634)
renascence 复兴,再度流行 (Lat,160635)
supranational 超国家的 (Lat,162464)
transgender 变性的,导装的 (Lat,163138)
cognatic (Latin,)
enatic (Latin,)
nongermane (Latin,)
adnascent (Lat,)
adnation (Lat,)
agnation (Lat,)
cognation (Lat,)
congeneric (Lat,)
connascence (Lat,)
connascent (Lat,)
connation (Lat,)
connatural (Lat,)
enascent (Lat,)
enation (Lat,)
generatrix (Lat,)
intergeneric (Lat,)
naissant (Lat,)
nascency (Lat,)
naturality (Lat,)
naïf (Lat,)
naïve (Lat,)
nonnative (Lat,)
regerminate (Lat,)
renaissant (Lat,)
renature (Lat,)
subgenus (Lat,)
transnationality (Lat,)
hydrogen n.氢 (Greek,104995)
homogeneous adj.均匀的,同种的,齐次的[T6] (Greek,109770)
pathogen n.病原体[T8] (Greek,111535)
antigen n.[美][免疫]抗原 (Greek,120653)
allergen allergy+gen:n.过敏原[T9] (Greek,120835)
eugenic adj.优生(学)的 (Greek,132975)
erogenous adj.唤起情欲的,性感的 (Greek,134026)
endogenous 内生的 (Greek,154068)
eugenics 优生学 (Greek,154191)
exogenous 外源性的 (Greek,154240)
spermatogenesis 生精,精子生成 (Greek,161937)
Eugene (Greek,)
anagenesis (Greek,)
autogenesis (Greek,)
autogenous (Greek,)
biogenesis (Greek,)
dysgenic (Greek,)
endogen (Greek,)
epigenesis (Greek,)
epigenetics (Greek,)
gametogenesis (Greek,)
homogenesis (Greek,)
homogenetic (Greek,)
hypogene (Greek,)
hypogenesis (Greek,)
hypogenic (Greek,)
hypogenous (Greek,)
monogenic (Greek,)
oogenesis (Greek,)
paragenesis (Greek,)
polygenous (Greek,)
progenesis (Greek,)
pseudogene (Greek,)
;...145, genu-₁ 角膝踝
Knee; also angle. 最初形式: *g̑enu- , becoming *genu- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. 变化形式*gneu- .
    1. ←from 古英语 cnēo , knee, ←from 日耳曼语 *knewam ;
      knee n.膝,膝盖 , ( 1825 , genu , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 cnēowlian , to kneel, ←from 日耳曼语 *knewljan .
      kneel v.跪,下跪 , ( 6468 , genu , _ )
  2. 基本形式: *genu- . ←from 拉丁语 genū , knee.
    geniculate 膝状体 , ( x )
    genuflect 屈膝 , ( 54827 , )
  3. o级形式 *gonu . ←from 希腊语 gonu , knee.
    polygonum 蓼属植物 , ( x )
    pycnogonid , ( x )
  4. Suffixed 变化形式*gōnw-yᵊ- . ←from 希腊语 gōniā , angle, corner.
    -gon 百分度 ; ( x )
    amblygonite 磷铝石 , ( x )
    diagonal adj.斜的,对角线的,斜纹的n.对角线,斜线[T8] , ( 11705 , ghenu , _ )
    goniometer 测角仪 , ( 38309 )
    orthogonal 正交 , ( 26074 )
[Pokorny 1. g̑enu- 380.]
reflect v.反射,反映,表现,反省,沉思 (Lat,101148)
flexible a.柔韧的,易弯曲的,灵活的,能变形的 (Lat,103540)
flexibility n.灵活性,弹性 (Lat,104049)
reflective adj.反射的;反映的;沉思的[T9] (Lat,108298)
deflect vt.使转向;使偏斜;使弯曲vi.转向;偏斜[T6] (Lat,113557)
reflex n.反射;反映;映像;回复;习惯性思维adj.反射的;反省的;反作用的;优角的[T9] (Lat,114034)
inflexible adj.顽固的;不可弯曲的;不屈挠的;不能转变的[T9] (Lat,115806)
reflector n.反射体,反射镜 (Lat,116379)
inflection n.弯曲,变形;音调变化[T9] (Lat,121003)
flexion n.弯曲,弯曲状态;弯曲部分[T9] (Lat,121971)
reflexion n.反射;反射作用(等于reflection)[T4] (Lat,139485)
flexure n.屈曲,弯曲部分,打褶,挠曲 (Lat,146262)
genuflection n.曲膝,屈服 (Lat,146664)
flexor 屈肌 (Lat,154480)
inflect 屈折,使词尾屈折变化 (Lat,156020)
reflexive 反身的 (Lat,160580)
flexile (Lat,)
flexuose (Lat,)
geniculation (Lat,)
geniculum (Lat,)
irreflexive (Lat,)
retroreflector (Lat,)
;...146, genu-₂ 角颌下巴
Jawbone, chin. 最初形式: *g̑enu- , becoming *genu- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. Form *genw- . ←from 古英语 cin(n) , chin, ←from 日耳曼语 *kinnuz .
    chin n.下巴,颏 , ( 4016 , genu , _ )
  2. 基本形式: *genu- . ←from 希腊语 genus , jaw.
    genial adj.亲切的,友好的;和蔼的;适宜的[T8] , ( 22185 , ghenu , gen生产 )
  3. Suffixed 变化形式*gnᵊ-dʰo- . ←from 希腊语 gnathos , jaw.
    ganache 巧克力酱 , ( 31024 )
    gnathal x , ( x )
    gnathic 颚的 , ( x )
    -gnathous x ; ( x )
    agnathan x , ( x )
    chaetognath 毛颚类动物 , ( x )
    compsognathus 秀颌龙 , ( x )
    gnathostome x , ( x )
  4. 变化形式*g(h)enu- . ←from 梵语 hanu , jaw.
    hanuman 长尾猴 , ( x )
[Pokorny 2. g̑enu- 381.]
Agnatha (Greek,)
agnathous (Greek,)
chilognath (Greek,)
endognathion (Greek,)
epignathous (Greek,)
exognathion (Greek,)
gnathophyma (Greek,)
hypognathous (Greek,)
hystricognath (Greek,)
mesognathion (Greek,)
mesognathous (Greek,)
prognathism (Greek,)
;...147, ger- 集聚类
To gather. 最初形式: *h₂ger- .
  1. 扩展形式: *grem- . ←from 古英语 crammian , to stuff, cram, ←from 日耳曼语 *kramm- .
    cram v.填满 , ( 10542 , ger₁ , _ )
  2. Reduplicated form *gre-g- . ←from 拉丁语 grex (stem greg- ), herd, flock.
    gregarious adj.群居的,社交的[T8] , ( 22005 , ger₁ , gregat收集 )
    greige 本色 ; ( x )
    aggregate v.集合,聚集,合计adj.集合的,合计的n.集合,合计[T8] , ( 7624 , ger₁ , gregat收集 )
    congregate v.聚集adj.聚集的[T8] , ( 16770 , _ , gregat收集 )
    egregious 超出众人的:adj.异乎寻常的(坏),过分的[T9] , ( 17032 , ger₁ , gregat收集 )
    segregate vt.使分离,使隔离[T9] , ( 15483 , sue , gregat收集 )
  3. 基本形式: *ᵊger- , with suffixed o级形式 *ᵊgor-ā- . ←from 希腊语 ageirein , to assemble, and aguris , agorā , marketplace.
    agora (古希腊)广场 , ( 51627 , )
    agoraphobia 广场恐惧症 , ( 51628 , )
    allegory 另有所指的公开讲话:n.寓言。源自古希腊人在集市上发表讽喻性演讲的做法。[T8] , ( 17122 , al₂ , 蒋争x )
    category n.种类,部属,类目;范畴,类型 , ( 1601 , ger₃ , _ )
    →[oew]→ categorize v.加以类别,分类 ( 10923 )
    panegyric 颂辞,颂文 , ( 59088 , )
[Pokorny 1. ger- 382.]
congregation n.集会;集合;圣会[T9] (Lat,105603)
segregation n.隔离,分离;种族隔离[T9] (Lat,108145)
desegregation n.废除种族隔离 (Lat,117286)
aggregation n.聚合,聚集;聚集体,集合体[T9] (Lat,121304)
congregational adj.(教堂)会众的,公理教会的 (Lat,121739)
congregant n.宗教团体的成员,犹太教团体的成员 (Latin,124290)
aggregator n.聚合器,整合者,汇集者,聚合 (Lat,135904)
desegregate 废除种族隔离 (Lat,153554)
disgregate (Latin,)
disgregation (Latin,)
gregarian (Latin,)
gregarine (Latin,)
disaggregate (Lat,)
intercongregational (Lat,)
;...148, gerbʰ- 抓挠
To scratch.
派生词包括: carve , crawl ₁, and program.
  1. ←from 古英语 ceorfan , to cut, ←from 日耳曼语 *kerban .
    carve v.雕刻,切割 , ( 5268 , gerbʰ , _ )
  2. ←from 古英语 cyrf , a cutting (off), ←from 零级 日耳曼语 form *kurbiz .
    kerf 切口 , ( 48751 )
  3. 变化形式*grebʰ- .
    1. ←from 古英语 crabba , a crab, ←from 日耳曼语 *krab(b)- ;
      crab n.蟹 , ( 6480 , gerbʰ , _ )
    2. ←from 高地德语 kerbiz , edible crustacean, ←from 日耳曼语 *krabiz- ;
      crayfish 刺龙虾 , ( 53230 , )
    3. perhaps 日耳曼语 *krab- . ←from 古挪威语 krafla , to crawl.
      crawl v./n.爬行,蠕动;缓慢(的)行进 , ( 5141 , gerbʰ , _ )
  4. 零级形式 *gr̥bʰ- .
    1. ←from 希腊语 graphein , to scratch, draw, write, gramma (< *gr̥bʰ-mn̥ ), a picture, written letter, piece of writing, and grammē , a line;
      glamour n.[亦作glamor] 魔力,魅力 v.迷惑 , ( 9831 , gerbʰ , _ )
      graffito 乱画 , ( 48094 )
      graft n.嫁接,(接技用的)嫩枝,(皮肤等的)移植,赎职 v.嫁接,接技,移植(皮肤等),赎职 , ( 18063 , gerbʰ , _ )
      gram n.克 , ( 23827 , gerbʰ , gram书写 )
      -gram 蟋蟀 , ( x )
      grammar n.语法,语法书 , ( 4835 , gerbʰ , gram书写 )
      →[考研]→ gramme n.克 ( 29802 )
      -graph , ( x )
      -grapher 记录仪 , ( x )
      graphic adj.形象的;图表的;绘画似的[T8] , ( 5927 , _ , gram书写 )
      →[考研]→ graph n.图表,曲线图。 ( 5885 )
      -graphy 书写符号 ; ( x )
      agrapha 耶稣之遗言 , ( x )
      agraphia 失写症 , ( x )
      anagram 异序词 , ( 51721 , )
      diagram n.图表;图解 , ( 6350 , gerbʰ , gram书写 )
      epigram 警句 , ( 54120 , )
      epigraph 铭文 , ( 54121 , )
      graphite 可用来写画的矿物:n.石墨[T6] , ( 12361 , gerbʰ , _ )
      →[oew]→ graphology 笔迹学(根据笔迹推断人的性格)。 ( 54988 )
      iconography n.肖像学,肖像画法 , ( 18020 , _ , _ )
      paragraph n.段,节;小新闻,短评 , ( 2025 , gerbʰ , _ )
      parallelogram 平行四边形 , ( 59133 , )
      program n.节目,计划,程序.vt.编程,为…安排节目 , ( 279 , gerbʰ , gram书写 )
      pseudepigrapha 伪典 , ( x )
      Tetragrammaton 神名 , ( x )
      topography n.地势;地形学;地志[T9] , ( 17001 , gerbʰ , gram书写 )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 grāve and Middle 低地德语 grave , count, ←from West 日耳曼语 *grafa , a designation of rank, possibly borrowed←from 希腊语 grapheus , scribe.
      landgrave 伯爵 , ( x )
      margrave 侯爵 , ( x )
      palsgrave 巴拉丁伯爵 , ( x )
[Pokorny gerebʰ- 392.]
photograph n.照片v.(给…)拍照[T3] (Greek,101968)
photographic adj.摄影的;逼真的;详细准确的[T4] (Greek,106329)
telegraph n.电报机,电报v.打电报,发电报 (Greek,108609)
telegram n.电报 (Greek,112281)
autograph n.亲笔签名,手稿vt.亲笔书写,签名于[T9] (Greek,112366)
monograph n.专题著作vt.写关于…的专题[T8] (Greek,117941)
polygraph 复写器,多产作家,测谎仪(能同时记录多个信号)[T9] (Greek,118721)
programmatic adj.标题音乐的,节目的 (Greek,120750)
hologram n.全息图,全息摄影[T9] (Greek,122368)
micrograph n.显微图,显微照片,显微照相 (Greek,130226)
diagrammatic adj.图表的,概略的 (Greek,133084)
holography n.全息摄影术,全息术,全息照相 (Greek,137590)
engram n.记忆的痕迹 (Greek,137962)
photomicrograph n.显微镜照相的照片,显微照片 (Greek,138428)
allograft n.(同种)异基因移植物 (Greek,138498)
telegraphy n.电信技术,超感 (Greek,144247)
epigraphic adj.题铭的,碑文的 (Greek,146906)
epigraphy n.碑文,题铭,题铭研究,金石学 (Greek,149642)
epigrammatic adj.警句(式)的,讽刺短诗(般)的 (Greek,150799)
digraph 双字母 (Greek,153625)
grapheme 书写单位 (Greek,154987)
monogram 字母组合图案 (Greek,158070)
orthography 文字正确拼写法 (Greek,158877)
pentagram 五角星形 (Greek,159316)
trigraph 三字母,三合字母 (Greek,163197)
anagrammatic (Greek,)
anepigraphic (Greek,)
autograft (Greek,)
grammatic (Greek,)
grammaticist (Greek,)
graphemics (Greek,)
graphene (Greek,)
graphomania (Greek,)
heterograph (Greek,)
hexagraph (Greek,)
homograph (Greek,)
isograft (Greek,)
lipogram (Greek,)
logographic (Greek,)
pangrammatic (Greek,)
pseudepigraphy (Greek,)
syngraft (Greek,)
telegramme (Greek,)
tetragram (Greek,)
tetragraph (Greek,)
trigram (Greek,)
;...149, gerᵊ-₁ 长老
To grow old. 最初形式: *g̑erh₂- , becoming *gerh₂- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. Suffixed 加长级形式 *gērᵊ-s- . ←from 希腊语 gēras , old age.
    ageratum 藿香 , ( 50045 )
    geriatrics 老年病学 , ( x )
  2. 带后缀形式: *gerᵊ-ont- . ←from 希腊语 gerōn (stem geront- ), old man.
    geronto- x , ( x )
[Pokorny g̑er- 390.]
;...150, gerᵊ-₂ 聒耳声
To cry hoarsely; also the name of the crane. 最初形式: *gerh₂- .
派生词包括: crack , cranberry , and pedigree.
  1. Words meaning "to cry hoarsely"; also words denoting the crow.
      1. ←from 古英语 crāwe , a crow;
        crow n.乌鸦.vi.啼叫 , ( 8394 , ger₂ , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 crāwan , to crow;
        crow n.乌鸦.vi.啼叫 , ( 8394 , ger₂ , _ )
      3. ←from 古英语 cracian , to resound;
        crack n.裂纹,缝隙;破裂声v.(使)破裂,砸开 , ( 3355 , ker₄ , _ )
      4. ←from 中古荷兰语 krāken , to crack;
        cracknel 薄饼干 , ( x )
      5. ←from 古挪威语 krāka , a crow;
        crake 秧鸡 , ( x )
      6. ←from 中古荷兰语 krōnen , to groan, lament.a-fall ←from 日耳曼语 *krē- .
        croon v.低声歌唱,低声哼,低吟 n.低唱,低吟,轻哼 , ( 20026 , _ , _ )
    1. Possibly from this root (but more likely imitative) is 日耳曼语 *kur(r)- . ←from 中古英语 curre , cur, akin to 古挪威语 kurra , to growl.
      cur 恶狗 , ( 53315 , )
  2. Words denoting a crane.
      1. ←from 古英语 cran , crane;
        crane n.起重机,鹤 , ( 8564 , ger₂ , _ )
      2. ←from Middle 低地德语 kran , crane. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *kran- , crane.
        cranberry n.[植]酸果蔓的果实 , ( 12532 , bʰel₁ , _ )
    1. 扩展形式: *grū- . ←from 拉丁语 grūs , crane.
      Grus 天鹤座 ; ( x )
      pedigree 鹤爪:n.血统,家谱(谱系图如同鹤爪)[T9] , ( 13757 , ger₂ , _ )
    2. Suffixed 变化形式*grā-k- . ←from 拉丁语 grāculus , jackdaw.
      grackle 白头翁之类 , ( 35989 )
    3. Suffixed 扩展形式: *gerᵊ-no- . ←from 希腊语 geranos , crane.
      geranium n.天竺葵 , ( 20890 , ger₁ , _ )
[Pokorny 2. ger- 383.]
;...151, geus- 品尝选
To taste, choose. 最初形式: *g̑eus- , becoming *geus- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    1. ←from 古英语 cēosan , ceōsan , to choose, ←from 日耳曼语 *keusan ;
      choose v.选择,挑选;甘愿 , ( 621 , _ , _ )
    2. ←from a 日耳曼语 source akin to Gothic kausjan , to test, taste, ←from 日耳曼语 causative *kausjan .
      choice n.选择(机会),抉择,选择项;入选者a.精选的 , ( 572 , _ , _ )
  1. ←from 希腊语 geuesthai, to taste.
    ageusia 味觉丧失 , ( x )
  2. 零级形式 *gus- . ←from 古挪威语 Valkyrja , "chooser of the slain," Valkyrie ( valr , the slain; see welᵊ- ), ←from 日耳曼语 *kuz- .
    Valkyrie 瓦尔基里(北欧神话中奥丁神待女,负责挑选阵亡者并将他们带到Valhalla) , ( 63483 , )
  3. Suffixed 零级形式 *gus-tu- . ←from 拉丁语 gustus , taste.
    gust n.一阵狂风,(感情的)迸发,汹涌 , ( 13585 , gheu , _ )
    gusto n.爱好,嗜好,趣味,由衷的高兴 ; ( 21588 , _ , _ )
    ragout 蔬菜炖肉 , ( 60392 , )
  4. Suffixed 零级形式 *gus-to- , whence further suffixed (frequentative) form *gus-t-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 gustāre , to taste.
    gustation 味觉 ; ( x )
    degust 品尝 , ( x )
    disgust n.厌恶,恶心v.使厌恶 , ( 7687 , _ , _ )
[Pokorny g̑eus- 399.]
gustatory adj.尝味的,味觉的 (Lat,135688)
gustoso (Latin,)
;...152, ghabʰ- 给付 , Also ghebʰ- .
To give or receive.
派生词包括: give , able , malady , prohibit , duty , and endeavor.
  1. Form *ghebʰ- .
    1. ←from 古英语 giefan , to give, and 古挪威语 gefa , to give;
      give v.给,授予;供给;献出,让步;捐赠;发表 , ( 121 , ghebʰ , _ )
    2. ←from 高地德语 geban , to give;
      zeitgeber 授时因子 , ( x )
    3. ←from 古英语 forgi(e)fan , to give, give up, leave off (anger), remit, forgive, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *far-geban , to give away ( *far- , away; see per₁ ).a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *geban .
      forgive v.原谅,饶恕 , ( 4022 , ghebʰ , _ )
  2. 带后缀形式: *ghebʰ-ti- , something given (or received) ←from 古挪威语 gipt , gift , a gift, ←from 日耳曼语 *giftiz .
    gift n.礼品,赠品;天赋,才能 , ( 1552 , ghebʰ , _ )
  3. o级形式 *ghobʰ- . ←from 古英语 gafol , tribute, tax, debt, ←from 日耳曼语 *gab-ulam , something paid (or received).
    gavel (拍卖商或法官用的)小槌 , ( 54797 , )
  4. Form *ghabʰ-ē- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 habēre , to hold, possess, have, handle (> habitāre , to dwell);
      able a.有(能力、时间、知识等)做某事,有本事的 , ( 322 , gebʰ , _ )
      →[考研]→ ability n.能力;本领;才能,才干;专门技能,天资。 ( 756 )
      binnacle 罗盘箱 , ( x )
      habile 熟练的 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ habitation n.住所,居住[T9]。 ( 22534 )
      →[oew]→ habeascorpus 人身拘禁保护法 ( 55099 )
      habit n.习惯,习性,脾性 , ( 2108 , ghebʰ , hab拥有 )
      habitable adj.可居住的,适合居住的[T8] , ( 22204 , _ , hab拥有 )
      habitant 居住者 , ( x )
      habitat n.栖息地,产地[T8] ; ( 3754 , ghebʰ , hab拥有 )
      avoirdupois 常衡 , ( 51960 , )
      cohabit 词源同居 , ( 52971 , )
      exhibit v.展出,陈列n.展览品,陈列品 , ( 3784 , _ , hab拥有 )
      →[考研]→ exhibition n.展览会;陈列,展览。 ( 1949 )
      inhabit 长期停留于其中:v.栖息,居住于,占据[T4] , ( 8346 , _ , hab拥有 )
      →[考研]→ inhabitant n.居民,住户。 ( 7892 )
      inhibit 使其长期停留于其中:vt.抑制,禁止[T8] , ( 8607 , _ , hab拥有 )
      malady n.疾病,弊病,腐败[T9] , ( 20150 , deu , _ )
      →[oew]→ malicious adj.恶意的;恶毒的;蓄意的;怀恨的[T8]。 ( 13272 )
      →[oew]→ malpractice n.玩忽职守;不法行为;治疗不当[T8]。 ( 13084 )
      →[oew]→ malaise n.不舒服;心神不安[T8]。 ( 19961 )
      →[oew]→ malevolent adj.恶毒的,有恶意的,坏心肠的[T8]。 ( 21456 )
      →[oew]→ malinger 装病以逃避工作。 ( 57374 )
      →[oew]→ malodorous 恶臭的。 ( 57380 )
      →[oew]→ maltreat 虐待。 ( 57385 )
      prebend 牧师的俸禄 , ( x )
      prohibit v.禁止,不准;阻止 , ( 5319 , _ , hab拥有 )
      provender 粮草 , ( 48715 )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 dēbēre , to owe ( dē- , away from ; see de- ).
      debenture 公司债券 , ( 53419 , )
      debit n.借方,借 vt.记入借方 , ( 31381 , ghebʰ , _ )
      debtle n.债务;负债情况;义务;罪,过失 , ( x )
      devoir 礼貌 , ( x )
      due a.(to)应支付的;(车,船等)预定应到达的 , ( 1430 , ghebʰ , deb负债 )
      duty n.义务,责任;职务;税 ; ( 1442 , ghebʰ , deb负债 )
      endeav vt.vi.尝试,试图;尽力,竭力n.努力,尽力 , ( x )
[Pokorny ghabʰ- 407. ]
Compare kap- .
debt n.债,债务 (Lat,101683)
enable v.使能够,使成为可能;授予权利或方法 (Lat,101876)
disability n.无力,残疾 (Lat,102756)
inability n.无能,无力 (Lat,105267)
rehabilitation n.复原,昭雪 (Lat,105353)
prohibition n.禁止,禁令[T6] (Lat,107459)
endeavor indebt:n.v.努力,尽力。等于endeavour[T6] (Lat,108131)
debtor n.债务人;借方[T9] (Lat,109139)
inhibition n.抑制;压抑;禁止[T9] (Lat,109437)
disable v.使残废,使失去能力,丧失能力 (Lat,110508)
habitual a.习惯的,惯常的 (Lat,113178)
rehabilitate vt.修复,改造,使康复 (Lat,115237)
exhibitor n.展出者,显示者 (Lat,116906)
inhibitory adj.禁止的,抑制的 (Lat,120668)
prohibitive adj.禁止的,禁止性的;抑制的[T8] (Lat,122759)
rehabilitative adj.使复原的,复职的 (Lat,125846)
habituate vt.使习惯于 (Lat,129877)
habituation n.适应,习惯性 (Lat,130026)
disinhibition n.抑制解除,脱抑制,去抑制 (Latin,136411)
debility n.衰弱 (Latin,139148)
inhabitable adj.适于居住的,可居住的 (Lat,142140)
enablement 计 允许,启动,实现 (Latin,145138)
rehabilitator n.rehabilitate(恢复…的地位;被修复;复兴)的变形 (Lat,148304)
debilitate 使无力 (Latin,153420)
disinhibit 使不再拘谨,使不再受约束 (Latin,153700)
indubitable 不容置疑的 (Lat,155983)
debile (Latin,)
disenable (Latin,)
habeas corpus (Latin,)
habendum (Latin,)
habenula (Latin,)
nonhabitual (Latin,)
debitor (Lat,)
habilitate (Lat,)
hability (Lat,)
habitance (Lat,)
habitator (Lat,)
habitude (Lat,)
habitudinal (Lat,)
inhabile (Lat,)
inhabitation (Lat,)
prebendary (Lat,)
prohibitory (Lat,)
rehabilitant (Lat,)
;...153, ghans-
Goose. 最初形式: *g̑hans- , becoming *ghans- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    1. ←from 古英语 gōs (nominative plural gēs ), goose;
      goose n.(pl.geese)鹅,雌鹅,鹅肉 ; ( 6388 , ane , _ )
      goshawk 苍鹰 , ( 54958 , )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 gās , goose;
      gosling 幼鹅 , ( 54959 , )
    3. ←from 高地德语 gans , goose;
      gunsel x , ( x )
    4. ←from Spanish ganso , goose, ←from a 日耳曼语 source akin to 高地德语 gans , goose.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *gans- (nominative plural *gansiz ).
      gonzo 愚蠢的 , ( x )
  1. ←from 古英语 ganra , gandra , gander, ←from 日耳曼语 *gan(d)rōn- .
    gander 公鹅 , ( 54750 , )
  2. ←from 古英语 ganot , gannet, ←from 日耳曼语 *ganōtōn- .
    gannet 塘鹅(大型海鸟),大胃王 , ( 54764 , )
  3. 带后缀形式: *ghans-er- . ←from 拉丁语 ānser (< *hanser ), goose.
    anserine 愚笨的 ; ( x )
    merganser 秋沙鸭 , ( 44612 )
  4. 基本形式: *ghans- . ←from 希腊语 khēn , goose.
    chenopod 藜科植物 , ( x )
[Pokorny g̑han-s- 412.]
Anser (Lat,)
;...154, ghē- 过继传
To release, let go; (in the middle voice) to be released, go. 最初形式: *g̑heh₁- , becoming *g̑hē- in satem languages and *ghē- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: heir , and gait.
  1. ←from 古英语 gān , to go, ←from 日耳曼语 变化形式*gaian .
    go v.去,离开;走;放置;变成;运转n.围棋 ; ( 49 , onomen , _ )
    ago ad.(常和一般过去时的动词连用)以前,…前 , ( 329 , _ , _ )
    forego vt.(在位置时间或程度方面)走在...之前,居先 , ( 22184 , per₆ , _ )
    forgo vt.作罢,放弃 , ( 16571 , per₆ , _ )
  2. 带后缀形式: *ghē-ro- . ←from 拉丁语 hērēs , heir (? < "orphan" < "bereft").
    heir n.继承人 , ( 6211 , ghe , her继承人 )
    hereditament 可继承的财产 , ( x )
    heredity 遗产 , ( 55367 , )
    heritage n.遗产,传统,继承物,继承权[T9] ; ( 3321 , ghe , her继承人 )
    inherit vt.继承(金钱等),经遗传而得(性格、特征) , ( 5684 , ghe , her继承人 )
  3. Possibly suffixed o级形式 *ghō-ro- , "empty space."
    1. ←from 希腊语 khōros , place, country, particular spot;
      -chore 烦人的事 , ( x )
      horiatiki x ; ( x )
      anchorite 隐士 , ( x )
      chorography 地方志 , ( x )
    2. ←from 希腊语 khōris , khōri , apart, separate.
      choripetalous 离瓣的 , ( x )
  4. Possible suffixed 零级形式 *ghᵊ-t(w)ā- .
    1. ←from 古挪威语 gata , path, street;
      gait n.步态,步法 vt.训练...的步法 , ( 13446 , _ , _ )
      gate n.大门;入口;观众人数,门票收入 , ( 2046 , _ , _ )
    2. ←from Old Swedish gata , lane. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *gatwōn- , a going.
      gantlet 长手套 , ( 32224 )
      gauntlet n.交叉射击 , ( 20748 , _ , _ )
  5. Suffixed 零级形式 *ghᵊ-no- . ←from 梵语 hīna- , inferior, verbal adjective of jahāti , he leaves, lets go (< reduplicated *ghe-ghē-ti , *ghe-gheᵊ-ti ).
    Hinayana 小乘佛教 , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. g̑hē- 418.]
inheritance n.继承,遗传,遗产[T9] (Lat,106626)
hereditary adj.遗传的,世袭的,世代相传的n.遗传类[T8] (Latin,112142)
heiress n.女继承人[T9] (Latin,124046)
;...155, ghebʰ-el- 头颅
  1. ←from 古挪威语 gafl , gable, ←from 日耳曼语 *gablaz , top of a pitched roof.
    gable 三角墙,山墙 , ( 54710 , )
  2. Form *kephal- , dissimilated from *khephal- . ←from 希腊语 kephalē , head.
    cephalic 头的,头颅的 , ( 52703 , )
    cephalo- x , ( x )
    -cephalous x ; ( x )
    autocephalous 独立的 , ( 48539 )
    encephalo- x , ( x )
    enkephalin 脑啡肽 , ( x )
    hydrocephalus 脑积水 , ( 40570 )
    pachycephalosaur 肿头龙 , ( x )
[Pokorny ghebʰ-el- 423.]
encephalopathy n.脑病 (Greek,130959)
anencephaly 无脑儿,无脑畸形 (Greek,140321)
microcephaly n.头小畸型 (Greek,150219)
cephalopod 头足纲动物 (Greek,152704)
encephalitis 脑炎 (Greek,154057)
acephalic (Greek,)
acephaly (Greek,)
autocephaly (Greek,)
brachiocephalic (Greek,)
brachycephalic (Greek,)
cephalomancy (Greek,)
cephalometry (Greek,)
cephalon (Greek,)
cephalopagus (Greek,)
diencephalon (Greek,)
dolichocephalic (Greek,)
encephalogram (Greek,)
holoprosencephaly (Greek,)
macrocephaly (Greek,)
mesaticephalic (Greek,)
mesencephalic (Greek,)
mesocephalic (Greek,)
metencephalon (Greek,)
myelencephalon (Greek,)
neencephalon (Greek,)
paleencephalon (Greek,)
prosencephalon (Greek,)
rhombencephalon (Greek,)
rhombencephalosynapsis (Greek,)
syncephalus (Greek,)
telencephalon (Greek,)
;...156, ghei- 冬天
Theoretical base of *ghyem- , *ghiem- , winter. 最初形式:s *g̑hei-, *g̑hyem-, *g̑hiem- , becoming *ghei-, *ghyem-, *ghiem- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. Form *ghiem- . ←from 拉丁语 hiems , winter.
    hiemal 冬天的,寒冷的 , ( 55406 , )
  2. Suffixed 变化形式*gheim-ri-no- . ←from 拉丁语 hībernus , pertaining to winter.
    hibernaculum 越冬芽 , ( x )
    hibernate 冬眠,蛰伏 , ( 55396 , )
  3. o级形式 *ghiom-. ←from 希腊语 khiōn (stem khion- ), snow, ←from earlier *khiōn, , *khiom- , with *-n- (< final *-m ) generalized in oblique stem from nominative singular khiōn (< *ghiōm with lengthened o级).
    chionodoxa x , ( x )
  4. Suffixed 零级形式 *ghim-r̥-yᵊ , "female animal one year (winter) old. ←from 希腊语 khimaira , she-goat.
    chimera 喀迈拉 , ( 52794 , )
[Pokorny 2. g̑hei- 425.]
hibernation 冬眠,蛰伏 (Latin,155397)
hibernacle (Latin,)
hibernal (Latin,)
hibernator (Latin,)
;...157, ghel-₁ 呼叫
To call.
    1. ←from 古英语 gellan , giellan , to sound, shout;
      yell vi.大叫;呼喊vt.叫着说n.叫声;喊声 , ( 3514 , ghel₁ , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 gielpan , to boast, exult;
      yelp n.咆哮 , ( 20410 , ghel₁ , _ )
    3. ←from 古英语 galan , to sing.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *gel- , *gal- .
      nightingale 夜莺 , ( 58483 , )
  1. Reduplicated form *ghi-ghl- . ←from 希腊语 kikhlē , thrush, later also the name for a kind of wrasse (a sea fish that has bright colors and jagged waving fins, reminiscent of the plumage of a bird).
    cichlid 丽鱼科鱼 , ( 36037 )
  2. ←from 希腊语 khelidwōn , khelidōn , the swallow.
    celandine 白屈菜 , ( x )
[Pokorny ghel- 428.]
;...158, ghel-₂ 光亮
To shine; with derivatives referring to colors, bright materials, gold (probably "yellow metal"), and bile or gall. 最初形式: *g̑hel- , becoming *ghel- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: gold , arsenic , melancholy , Hare Krishna , gleam , glimpse , and glide.
  1. Words denoting colors.
    1. 带后缀形式: *ghel-wo- . ←from 古英语 geolu , yellow, ←from 日耳曼语 *gelwaz .
      yellow a.黄的,黄色的n.黄色 , ( 1750 , gel₁ , _ )
    2. Suffixed 变化形式*ghlō-ro- . ←from 希腊语 khlōros , green, greenish yellow.
      chloro- 氯- ; ( x )
      chlorite 亚氯酸盐 , ( 38699 )
    3. Suffixed 变化形式*ghlo-wo- . ←from 希腊语 khloos (< *khlo-wo-s ), greenish color.
      染色体?谷歌浏览器? #N/A。 ( )
      chloasma 黄褐斑 , ( x )
    4. o级形式 *ghol- . ←from 俄语 zola , ashes (from their color).
      podzol 灰壤 , ( x )
    5. 带后缀形式: *ghel-i- . ←from 梵语 hari- , tawny yellow.
      HareKrishna 克里须那教徒 , ( 55216 , )
      Harijan 神的子民 , ( x )
    6. Possibly suffixed 零级形式 *ghl̥-wo- in 拉丁语 fulvus , tawny (with dialectal f- as in fel , gall)
      fulvous 黄褐色的 ; ( x )
      griseofulvin 灰黄霉素 . ( x )
  2. Words denoting gold.
    1. Suffixed 零级形式 *ghl̥-to- .
      1. ←from 古英语 gold , gold;
        gold n.金,黄金;金币;金黄色a.金的,金制的 , ( 1201 , andʰ , _ )
        →[考研]→ golden a.金黄色的;贵重的,极好的。 ( 1908 )
      2. ←from 古英语 gyldan , to gild, ←from 日耳曼语 denominative verb *gulthjan ;
        gild 镀金 , ( 54857 , )
      3. ←from 中古荷兰语 gulden , golden;
        guilder 荷兰盾 , ( 55050 , )
        gulden 基尔德 , ( x )
      4. ←from 中古英语 gollan , yellow flower, possibly from a source akin to 古挪威语 gullinn , golden.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *gultham , gold.
        gowan 延命菊 , ( x )
    2. Suffixed o级形式 *ghol-to- . ←from Polish złoto , gold.
      zloty 兹罗提 , ( x )
    3. Suffixed 全级形式 *ghel-no- . ←from Syriac zarnīkā , orpiment, ←from Middle 伊朗语 *zarnīk- , ←from 古伊朗语 *zarna- , golden.
      arsenic n.[化]砷,砒霜 , ( 15898 , gel₁ , _ )
  3. Words denoting bile.
    1. Suffixed o级形式 *ghol-no- . ←from 古英语 gealla , gall, ←from 日耳曼语 *gallōn- , bile.
      gall n.胆汁,恶毒,怨恨,五倍子,苦味,磨伤(尤指马的),肿痛,恼怒 vt.磨伤,烦恼,屈辱 vi.被磨伤 , ( 9178 , gel₁ , _ )
    2. Suffixed o级形式 *ghol-ā- . ←from 希腊语 kholē , bile.
      chole- , ( x )
      choler 胆囊,胆汁 , ( 52824 , )
      cholera n.[医]霍乱 ; ( 12810 , gel₁ , _ )
      acholia 胆汁缺乏症 , ( x )
      melancholy n.忧郁 adj.忧郁 , ( 17365 , gel₁ , melan黑色 )
    3. Suffixed 全级形式 *ghel-n- . ←from 拉丁语 fel , bile.
      felon n.重罪人,蛇头,瘭疽 adj.[古]凶恶的,邪恶的,残忍的 , ( 15179 , _ , _ )
  4. A range of 日耳曼语 words (where no preforms are given, the words are late creations).
    1. ←from 古英语 glǣm , bright light, gleam, ←from 日耳曼语 *glaimiz .
      gleam n.微光,闪光,瞬间一现v.(使)闪烁,(使)微微发光,隐约闪现[T6] , ( 10997 , gel₁ , _ )
    2. ←from 中古英语 glimsen , to glimpse, ←from a source akin to Middle High German glimsen , to gleam.
      glimpse n./v.一瞥,瞥见 , ( 5168 , gel₁ , _ )
    3. ←from 中古英语 glent , a glint, and glenten , to shine, ←from a source akin to Swedish dialectal glinta , to shine.
      glint n.闪光,闪烁v.(使)闪光,闪烁,闪闪发光[T9] , ( 16829 , gel₁ , _ )
    4. ←from 中古英语 glimeren , to glimmer, ←from a source akin to Swedish glimra , glimmer.
      glimmer n.微光,闪光,少许vi.闪烁,发微光[T8] , ( 16563 , _ , _ )
    5. ←from 古挪威语 glitra , to shine.
      glitter vi.闪光,闪烁n.闪光,灿烂[T4] , ( 12504 , _ , _ )
    6. ←from 高地德语 glīzan , to sparkle.
      glitz 耀眼,浮华 , ( 54891 , )
    7. ←from 古英语 glisnian , to shine.
      glisten vi.闪光,闪亮n.闪光,闪耀[T8] , ( 13855 , gel₁ , _ )
    8. ←from 中古荷兰语 glinsteren or Middle 低地德语 glisteren , to shine.
      glister 闪光,闪耀 , ( 54889 , )
    9. ←from 古英语 glæs , glass, ←from 日耳曼语 *glasam , glass.
      glass n.玻璃;玻璃杯;镜子;(pl.)眼镜 , ( 812 , gel₁ , _ )
      glaze n.釉,光滑面vt.装玻璃于,上釉于vi.变得光滑,变得呆滞[T8] , ( 12353 , gel₁ , _ )
      glazier 镶玻璃工人 , ( 54885 , )
    10. ←from 中古英语 glaren , to glitter, stare, ←from a source akin to Middle 低地德语 glaren , to glisten, ←from 日耳曼语 *glaz- .
      glare n.刺眼;耀眼的光;受公众注目vi.瞪眼表示vt.瞪视;发眩光[T3] , ( 6924 , gel₁ , _ )
    11. ←from a source perhaps akin to Icelandic glossi , a spark.
      gloss n.光彩;注释;假象vt.使光彩;掩盖;注释[T8] , ( 11689 , gel₁ , 蒋争x )
    12. ←from 高地德语 glanz , bright.
      glance v.(at,over)扫视n.匆匆看,一瞥,一眼 , ( 2426 , gel₁ , _ )
    13. ←from 古挪威语 glöggr , clear-sighted.
      gleg 敏捷的 , ( x )
    14. ←from 古英语 glæd , shining, joyful, ←from 日耳曼语 *gladaz .
      glad a.高兴的,快活的;乐意的,情愿的 , ( 2160 , gel₁ , _ )
    15. ←from 古英语 glēo , sport, merriment, ←from 日耳曼语 *gleujam .
      glee n.欢乐,高兴 ; ( 17224 , gel₁ , _ )
      gleeman 吟游诗人 , ( x )
      1. ←from 古英语 glēd , ember;
        gleed 烧红的煤 , ( x )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 glodʰ , ember. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *glō-di- .
        glogg 格拉格 , ( x )
      1. ←from 古英语 glōwan , to glow;
        glow v.发热,发光,发红n.白热 , ( 5652 , gel₁ , _ )
      2. ←from 高地德语 gluoen , to glow;
        glow v.发热,发光,发红n.白热 , ( 5652 , gel₁ , _ )
      3. ←from 中古英语 gloren , to gleam, stare, probably from a source akin to Norwegian dialectal glora , to gleam, stare;
        glower vi.怒目而视;瞪眼n.怒视;热切的注视;灯丝[T8] , ( 22777 , gel₁ , _ )
      4. ←from a source perhaps akin to 古挪威语 glotta , to smile (scornfully).a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *glō- .
        gloat v.心满意足 , ( 22674 , gel₁ , _ )
    16. ←from 古英语 glōm , twilight, ←from 日耳曼语 *glō-m- .
      gloaming 朦胧的微光 , ( 54892 , )
    17. Possibly distantly related to this root is 日耳曼语 *glīdan , to glide.
      1. ←from 古英语 glīdan , to slip, glide;
        glide v.|n.滑行 , ( 9612 , gel₁ , _ )
      2. ←from 古法语 glier , to glide;
        glissade 滑步 , ( 41409 )
      3. ←from 高地德语 glītan , to glide;
        glitch [俚][电]短时脉冲波形干扰,失灵,小故障 , ( 16724 , _ , _ )
      4. ←from 古英语 glida , kite (< "gliding, hovering bird"), ←from derivative 日耳曼语 *glidōn- .
        glede 老鹰 , ( x )
    18. ←from a source possibly akin to Middle 低地德语 glibberich , slippery.
      glib adj.口齿伶俐的,油腔滑调的 , ( 24218 , gel₁ , _ )
[Pokorny 1. g̑hel- 429.]
fulvic acid (Lat,)
fulvid (Lat,)
;...159, ghedʰ- 集合配
To unite, join, fit.
  1. Lengthened o级形式 *ghōdʰ- . ←from 古英语 gōd , good, ←from 日耳曼语 *gōdaz , "fitting, suitable.".
    good a.好的;善良的;擅长的;乖的n.好处;利益 , ( 114 , ghedʰ , _ )
    →[考研]→ goodness n.善良,仁慈;(食物等)精华 int.天哪。 ( 5360 )
    →[考研]→ goods n.(pl.)货物,商品。 ( 2302 )
  2. ←from 古英语 tōgædere , together ( , to; see de- ), ←from 日耳曼语 *gadurī , "in a body.".
    together ad.共同,一起;合起来,集拢地 , ( 297 , ghedʰ , _ )
  3. ←from 古英语 gad(e)rian , to gather, ←from 日耳曼语 *gadurōn , "to come or bring together.".
    gather v.聚集,聚拢;推测,推断 , ( 1704 , ghedʰ , _ )
[Pokorny ghedʰ- 423.]
;...160, ghend- 抓住 , Also ghed- .
To seize, take.
派生词包括: get , guess , prison , comprehend , surprise , and prey.
    1. ←from 古挪威语 geta , to get;
      get v.获得,得到;使,使得;变得,成为;到达 , ( 53 , _ , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 beg(i)etan , to get, beget, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *bigetan , to acquire ( *bi- , intensive prefix; see ambʰi );
      beget 成为...之父 , ( 52090 , )
    3. ←from 古英语 forg(i)etan , to forget, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *fer-getan , "to lose one's hold," forget ( *fer- , prefix denoting rejection; see per₁ ).a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *getan .
      forget v.忘记,遗忘 , ( 940 , per₄ , _ )
  1. ←from 中古英语 gessen , to guess, ←from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Swedish gissa , to guess, ←from 日耳曼语 *getisōn , "to try to get," aim at.
    guess v./n.猜测,推测;以为;猜想[同]surmise , ( 1067 , _ , _ )
  2. 基本形式: *ghend- . ←from 拉丁语 prehendere , prēndere , to get hold of, seize, grasp ( pre- , prae- , before; see per₁ ).
    prehensile 能抓住东西的,缠绕的 , ( 59964 , )
    prehension 理解 , ( 34813 )
    prison n.监狱 , ( 1310 , _ , pris捉握 )
    →[考研]→ prisoner n.囚犯。 ( 2782 )
    prize n.奖赏,奖金,奖品v.珍视,珍惜 , ( 2828 , per₃ , pris捉握 )
    prize n.奖赏,奖金,奖品v.珍视,珍惜 , ( 2828 , per₃ , pris捉握 )
    pry vi.窥探,打听.vt.撬动(开,起) ; ( 11767 , _ , _ )
    apprehend 抓住v.理解,担忧,逮捕[T8] , ( 15753 , _ , pris捉握 )
    apprentice 学习:n.学徒v.(使)当学徒[T8] , ( 9337 , _ , pris捉握 )
    apprise 告知 , ( 51819 , )
    comprehend 全部抓住:vt.理解,包含,由……组成[T6] , ( 8243 , _ , pris捉握 )
    comprise vt.包含,包括,由...组成;构成,组成 , ( 5058 , _ , pris捉握 )
    emprise 冒险 , ( x )
    enterprise n.事业,企(事)业单位;事业心,进取心 , ( 2255 , en , pris捉握 )
    entrepreneur n.企业家;承包人;主办者(保留了法语拼写方式)[T8] , ( 5457 , rad₁ , _ )
    impresario 剧院经理 , ( 55885 , )
    misprision 知情不报 , ( x )
    pregnable 易受攻击的,弱的,可攻破的 , ( 59963 , )
    reprehend 责备 , ( x )
    reprieve 抓回(牢房)n.缓期执行;暂时解救n.暂缓;缓刑[T8] , ( 21758 , _ , prob试检 )
    reprisal 反过去抓:n.报复,报复性劫掠[T8] , ( 19443 , _ , pris捉握 )
    reprise 重奏,重复 , ( 60654 , )
    surprise v.使诧异,使惊异;奇袭n.诧异,惊异;奇袭 , ( 1453 , _ , pris捉握 )
  3. Form *ghed- . ←from 拉丁语 praeda , booty (< *prai-heda , "something seized before"; prai- , prae- , before; see per ₁).
    predatory adj.掠夺的,掠夺成性的;食肉的;捕食生物的[T9] , ( 11528 , _ , preda掠食 )
    prey vi.捕食,掠夺 , ( 4964 , _ , preda掠食 )
    spree n.狂欢,纵乐,无节制的狂热行为 vi.狂欢,狂饮 ; ( 15131 , _ , _ )
    depredate 掠夺 , ( x )
    osprey 鱼鹰 , ( 58887 , )
[Pokorny ghend- 437.]
comprehensive a.内容广泛的,总括性的,综合的 (Lat,102580)
comprehension a.理解(力),领悟;包含,包含力 (Lat,103877)
predator n.捕食者;[动]食肉动物;掠夺者[T8] (Latin,105478)
imprisonment n.关押,监禁 (Lat,107007)
apprehension n.理解;恐惧;逮捕;忧惧[T9] (Lat,109505)
imprison vt.监禁,关押[T4] (Lat,111822)
incomprehensible a.费解的,不可思议的 (Lat,112109)
apprehensive adj.忧虑的;不安的;敏悟的;知晓的[T9] (Lat,113604)
comprehensible adj.可理解的[T8] (Lat,117161)
predation n.捕食;掠夺[T9] (Latin,118805)
reprehensible adj.应斥责的;应该谴责的[T8] (Lat,122602)
impregnable 坚不可催的 (Lat,155884)
incomprehension 无法理解 (Lat,155932)
prise 强行撬开 (Lat,160039)
apprisal (Lat,)
comprisal (Lat,)
deprehend (Lat,)
impresa (Lat,)
inapprehension (Lat,)
incomprehensive (Lat,)
prehend (Lat,)
prehensility (Lat,)
purprise (Lat,)
;...161, gher-₁ 掌握
To grasp, enclose; with derivatives meaning "enclosure." 最初形式: *g̑her- , becoming *gher- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: orchard , kindergarten , courteous , choir , and choral.
  1. Suffixed 零级形式 *ghr̥-dʰ- .
    1. ←from 古英语 gyrdan , to gird, ←from 日耳曼语 *gurdjan ;
      gird 系上 , ( 54869 , )
      girt 围绕 , ( x )
    2. ←from 古英语 gyrdel , girdle;
      girdle 腰带 , ( 54871 , )
    3. ←from 古挪威语 gjördʰ , girdle, girth.
      girth n.周长,(马等的)肚带,腰身 vt.以带束缚,围绕,包围 vi.围长为 , ( 22776 , gher₄ , _ )
  2. Suffixed o级形式 *ghor-to- or (in 日耳曼语) *ghor-dʰo- , an enclosure.
      1. ←from 古英语 geard , enclosure, garden, yard;
        yard n.院子,场地;码 ; ( 1280 , gher₄ , _ )
        orchard n.果园,果园里的全部果树,[美俚]棒球场 , ( 7323 , gher₄ , _ )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 gardʰr , enclosure, garden, yard;
        garth n.[古]庭院,内院,花院;鱼坝 ; ( x )
        Asgard 仙宫 , ( x )
      3. ←from 高地德语 garto , garden;
        kindergarten n.幼儿园 , ( 8097 , gher₄ , _ )
      4. ←from 古北法语 gart , garden;
        garden n.(菜,花)园;公园 , ( 881 , gher₄ , _ )
        →[oew]→ gardenia 栀子花。 ( 54777 )
        jardinière 花盆架 , ( x )
      5. ←from 古法语 hangard , shelter, possibly ←from 日耳曼语 *haimgardaz ( *haimaz , home; see tkei- );
        hangar n.飞机修理库,飞机棚 , ( 15818 , konk , _ )
      6. 日耳曼语 compound *midja-gardaz (see medʰyo- ). (i)-(vi) all ←from 日耳曼语 *gardaz .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 hortus , garden.
      horticulture 园艺学 , ( 55598 , )
      ortolan 食米鸟 , ( x )
  3. Prefixed and suffixed 零级形式 *ko(m)-ghr̥-ti- ( *ko(m)- , collective prefix, "together"; see kom ). ←from 拉丁语 cohors (stem cohort- ), enclosed yard, company of soldiers, multitude.
    cohort n.军队,步兵大队,一群 , ( 8504 , _ , _ )
    cortege 送葬车队 , ( 53161 , )
    court n.法院,法庭;宫廷,朝廷;院子;球场 , ( 414 , gher₄ , _ )
    →[考研]→ courtyard n.院子,庭院,天井。 ( 6190 )
    courteous n.有礼貌的;谦恭的[T6] , ( 14214 , gher₄ , _ )
    courtesan 高级妓女 , ( 53198 , )
    courtesy n.礼貌;好意;恩惠adj.殷勤的;被承认的;出于礼节的[T6] , ( 5706 , gher₄ , _ )
    courtier 宫廷里的人:n.朝臣;奉承者;谄媚者[T9] , ( 23662 , gher₄ , _ )
    curtilage 豪宅 , ( x )
    curtsy 屈膝礼 , ( 53327 , )
  4. Perhaps suffixed o级形式 *ghor-o- . ←from 希腊语 khoros , dancing ground (? perhaps originally a special enclosure for dancing), dance, dramatic chorus.
    carol n.颂歌,欢乐的歌 , ( 10060 , _ , _ )
    choir n.唱诗班,唱诗班的席位 , ( 5908 , gher₄ , _ )
    choral adj.合唱队的 , ( 11486 , aulo , _ )
    chorale 合唱团 , ( 25234 )
    choric 歌舞团的 , ( x )
    chorister 唱诗班歌手 , ( 36610 )
    chorus n.合唱(队) , ( 5700 , gher₄ , _ )
    hora n.传统式圆舞,霍拉舞 ; ( 27981 )
    choragus 指挥 , ( x )
    Terpsichore 古希腊神话中的歌舞女神 , ( 62832 , )
[Pokorny 4. g̑her- 442, g̑herdʰ- 444.]
curtain n.窗帘,门帘;幕(布);结束;vt遮掩 (Lat,103946)
horticultural a.园艺的 (Latin,115200)
frontcourt n.前场 (Latin,129679)
discourtesy n.无礼 (Latin,139014)
discourteous 失礼的 (Latin,153683)
Curtis (Latin,)
antecourt (Latin,)
;...162, gher-₂ 喜欢
To like, want. 最初形式: *g̑her- , becoming *gher- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. 带后缀形式: *gher-n- . ←from 古英语 giernan , gyrnan , to strive, desire, yearn, ←from 日耳曼语 *gernjan .
    yearn vi.渴望,想念,怀念,向往 , ( 11437 , gher₂ , _ )
  2. Possibly 扩展形式: *ghrē- .
    1. ←from 古英语 grǣdig , hungry, covetous, greedy, ←from 日耳曼语 *grēdiga- , hungry, formed from *grēduz , hunger;
      greedy a.贪吃的,贪婪的,渴望的 , ( 9371 , gher₂ , _ )
    2. ←from 希腊语 khrēsthai , to lack, want, use, ←from khrē , it is necessary.
      catachresis 用词不当 , ( x )
      chrestomathy 读本 , ( x )
  3. Suffixed 零级形式 *ghr̥-to- . ←from 拉丁语 hortārī , to urge on, encourage (< "to cause to strive or desire").
    hortative 劝告的,奖励的 ; ( 55596 , )
    exhort vt.忠告;劝诫vi.劝告[T8] , ( 19845 , _ , _ )
  4. Suffixed 零级形式 *ghr̥-i- . ←from 希腊语 kharis , grace, favor.
    charisma n.超凡魅力,感召力,教皇般的指导力 ; ( 15713 , gher₂ , _ )
    →[oew]→ charismatic adj.神赐能力的,超凡魅力的 ( 10171 )
    Eucharist 0 , ( 17031 , esu , _ )
  5. Suffixed 零级形式 *ghr̥-yo- . ←from 希腊语 khairein , to rejoice, delight in.
    chervil 细叶芹 , ( 52771 , )
[Pokorny 1. g̑her- 440.]
;...163, gherᵊ- 集线心肠
Gut, entrail. 最初形式: *g̑herh₂- , becoming *gherh₂- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. 带后缀形式: *gherᵊ-no- . ←from 古英语 gearn , yarn, ←from 日耳曼语 *garnō , string.
    yarn n.纱线.v.讲故事 , ( 8908 , _ , _ )
  2. 带后缀形式: *gherᵊ-n- . ←from 拉丁语 hernia , "protruded viscus," rupture, hernia.
    hernia 疝,疝气 , ( 55372 , )
  3. Suffixed o级形式 *ghorᵊ-d- . ←from 希腊语 khordē , gut, string.
    chord n.弦,和音 , ( 8002 , _ , _ )
    cord n.绳,索 , ( 5221 , _ , _ )
    cordon 封锁线 ; ( 53134 , )
    harpsichord 拨弦键琴 , ( 55224 , )
    hexachord 六度音阶 , ( x )
    tetrachord 四弦琴 , ( x )
  4. o级形式 *ghorᵊ- . ←from 希腊语 khorion , intestinal membrane, afterbirth.
    chorion 蛋壳 , ( x )
  5. Possible suffixed 零级形式 *ghr̥ᵊ-u- . ←from 拉丁语 haruspex , "he who inspects entrails," diviner ( -spex ,"he who sees"; see spek- ), but perhaps borrowed from Etruscan.
    haruspex x , ( x )
[Pokorny 5. g̑her- 443.]
chordata (Latin,)
monochord (Latin,)
polychord (Latin,)
;...164, ghes- 手工
Hand. 最初形式: *g̑hes- , becoming *ghes- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. 带后缀形式: *ghes-ōr , stem *ghes-(e)r- . ←from 希腊语 kheir , hand.
    chiro- x ; ( x )
    chironomid x , ( 48535 )
    chirurgeon 外科医生 , ( x )
    enchiridion 手册 , ( x )
    surgeon n.外科医生 , ( 3963 , gher₄ , _ )
    surgery n.外科,外科学;手术室,诊疗室 , ( 2045 , plek₁ , _ )
  2. 带后缀形式: *ghes-to- . ←from 拉丁语 praestō , at hand,
    press v.压;压榨;紧迫,催促n.报刊,通讯社;压榨机 , ( 927 , per₇ , press压 )
    presto 急板乐章,变(变魔术所说) ; ( 60005 , )
    imprest 预付 , ( x )
    perhaps from prefixed form *prai-ghes-to- ( *prai- , before; see per₁ ).
[Pokorny 1. g̑hesor- 447.]
;...165, gheslo- 千百万
Seen by some as a base for words meaning "thousand." 最初形式: *g̑heslo- , becoming *gheslo- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. 带后缀形式: *ghesl-yo- . ←from 希腊语 khīlioi , thousand.
    chiliad 上千年 , ( x )
    kilo- , ( 56550 , )
  2. Compound *sm̥-gheslo- ( *sm̥- , one; see sem-₁ ). ←from 古伊朗语 *hazahram , thousand.
    Hazara 哈扎拉 , ( x )
  3. ←from 拉丁语 mīlle , thousand, which has been analyzed as *smī- , "one" + a form *ghslī- , but is of obscure origin.
    mil n.千分之一寸;角位;毫英寸;毫寸 , ( 21977 )
    mile n.英里,哩,海里 , ( 4285 , gheslo , _ )
    millenary , ( x )
    millesimal 计费 , ( x )
    milli- 千,毫,千分之一 , ( 57842 , )
    milliary x , ( x )
    millime n.米利姆(突尼斯辅币名) , ( x )
    million num./n.百万,百万个 ; ( 239 , _ , _ )
    →[考研]→ millimeter n.(millimetre)毫米。 ( 15791 )
    →[考研]→ millionaire n.百万富翁。 ( 7929 )
    milfoil 耆草属植物 , ( 42530 )
    millefioriglass 玻璃工艺玻璃 , ( x )
    millefleur x , ( x )
    millennium n.千年期,千禧年;一千年,千年纪念;太平盛世,黄金时代[T8] , ( 6866 , at , _ )
    millepore x , ( x )
    millipede 千足虫 , ( 57849 , )
    permil每毫升 x , ( x )
[Pokorny g̑héslo- 446.]
mileage n.英里数,英里里程 (Lat,111043)
millennial adj.一千年的,千福年的 (Lat,123782)
multimillion (Lat,)
;...166, gheu- 浇灌酒
To pour, pour a libation. 最初形式: *g̑heu- , becoming *gheu- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: gut , funnel , fusion , and refund.
  1. 扩展形式: *gheud- .
    1. 零级形式 *ghud- .
      1. ←from 古英语 guttas , intestines, ←from 日耳曼语 *gut- ;
        gut n.内脏,[pl.]胆量.adj.本能的,根本的 , ( 5136 , gheu , _ )
      2. ←from Swedish gyttja ,
        gyttja 腐殖黑泥 , ( x )
        perhaps ←from 日耳曼语 *gutjōn.
    2. Nasalized 零级形式 *ghu-n-d- . ←from 拉丁语 fundere , to melt, pour out.
      foison 丰收 , ( x )
      fondant n.软糖,熔体 , ( 20280 , _ , _ )
      fondue 瑞士奶酪火锅 , ( 54533 , )
      font n.字体,字形,洗礼盘,泉,圣水器 , ( 13259 , _ , _ )
      found vt.建立;创立;创办;使有根据;铸造;熔制 , ( 470 , pent , 蒋争x )
      →[考研]→ foundation n.基础,根本,建立,创立;地基,基金,基金会。 ( 2140 )
      →[oew]→ foundling 弃婴。 ( 54578 )
      funnel n.漏斗,(使)通过漏斗,(使)成漏斗状[T9] , ( 14796 , gheu , _ )
      fuse v.(使)融合;(使)熔化n.导火索,保险丝,雷管[T6] , ( 11048 , gheu , fuse倾倒 )
      fusile x , ( x )
      fusion n.融合,融合物,熔化,熔接[T8] ; ( 6505 , _ , fuse倾倒 )
      affusion 注水 , ( x )
      circumfuse 围绕 , ( x )
      confound 倒到一起:使混淆,使混乱,挫败[T8] , ( 14304 , gheu , fuse倾倒 )
      confuse v.使混乱,混淆 , ( 4094 , gheu , fuse倾倒 )
      →[考研]→ confusion n.困惑,糊涂;混淆;混乱,骚乱。 ( 3108 )
      diffuse v.扩散,传播adj.弥漫的,散开的[T8] , ( 12653 , ghes , fuse倾倒 )
      effuse 流出 , ( x )
      infuse v.灌输,注入,激励[T8] , ( 12460 , _ , fuse倾倒 )
      perfuse 灌注 , ( 50593 )
      profuse 丰富的,大量的 , ( 60080 , )
      refund 流回来:v.退还,偿还,归还n.退款,偿还[T9] , ( 12016 , gheu , fuse倾倒 )
      refuse v.拒绝,谢绝n.废物,垃圾 , ( 1512 , gheu , fuse倾倒 )
      →[考研]→ refusal n.拒绝,回绝。 ( 4933 )
      refuse v.拒绝,谢绝n.废物,垃圾 , ( 1512 , gheu , fuse倾倒 )
      suffuse 在下面倾泻:vt.充满;弥漫[T8] , ( 21859 , _ , fuse倾倒 )
      transfuse 追加,注入,输血 , ( 63137 , )
  2. 扩展形式: *gheus- .
      1. ←from 古挪威语 gustr , a cold blast of wind, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *gustiz ;
        gust n.一阵狂风,(感情的)迸发,汹涌 , ( 13585 , gheu , _ )
      2. ←from 中古英语 gushen , to gush, perhaps akin to Icelandic gusa , to gush. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 零级形式 *gus- .
        gush v.涌出,滔滔不绝.n.迸发 , ( 15154 , gheu , _ )
    1. ←from 古挪威语 geysa , to gush, ←from 日耳曼语 suffixed o级形式 *gausjan .
      geyser n.天然热喷泉 , ( 20922 , gheu , _ )
      1. Suffixed 零级形式 *ghus-mo- . ←from 希腊语 khūmos , juice;
        chyme 食糜 ; ( x )
        ecchymosis 瘀斑 , ( x )
      2. suffixed 零级形式 *ghus-lo- . ←from 希腊语 khūlos , juice.
        chyle 淋巴 , ( x )
  3. 带后缀形式: *gheu-ti- . ←from 拉丁语 fūtilis , "(of a vessel) easily emptied, leaky," hence untrustworthy, useless.
    futile 容易流掉的:adj.无用的;无效的;没有出息的;琐细的;不重要的[T8] , ( 10161 , gheu , fuse倾倒 )
  4. 基本形式: *gheu- .
    1. ←from 希腊语 khein (stem form khu- ), to pour.
      alchemy n.炼金术。al原本是阿拉伯中的定冠词,相当于英语中的the,被欧洲人误认为是单词的一部分。[T8] , ( 21598 , au₁ , _ )
      parenchyma 薄壁组织 , ( 47410 )
    2. o级形式 *ghou- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 khoanē (< *khowanā ), funnel;
        choanocyte 环细胞 , ( x )
      2. ←from 希腊语 khoē (< *khowā ), a pouring.
        oinochoe x , ( x )
  5. Suffixed 零级 from *ghu-trā . ←from 希腊语 khutrā , pot.
    chytrid , ( x )
[Pokorny g̑heu- 447.]
fund n.资金,基金;存款,现款;(知识等的)累积 (Lat,100832)
fundamental a.基础的,基本的n.(pl.)基本原则,基本原理 (Lat,102036)
profound adj.深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的[T6] (Lat,103868)
infusion n.灌输;浸泡;注入物;激励[T9] (Lat,110228)
diffusion n.扩散,传播;漫射[T9] (Lat,111279)
transfusion n.输血,输液,灌输[T9] (Lat,113255)
futility n.无用;徒劳;无价值[T8] (Lat,117529)
profusion n.丰富,充沛;慷慨[T9] (Lat,120645)
foundry n.铸造,铸造场 (Lat,122873)
perfusion n.灌注,充满 (Lat,125540)
effusion n.流出,喷出 (Lat,125967)
refundable adj.可归还的,可退还的 (Lat,129586)
nonrefundable adj.不可归还的 (Lat,131536)
fundament n.基础,基本原理,臀部 (Lat,138373)
diffusive adj.散布性的,扩及的,普及的 (Lat,147358)
effusive 热情洋溢的 (Lat,153974)
fontanelle 囟门(婴儿头顶骨未合缝处) (Lat,154534)
profundity 深邃,深远 (Lat,160079)
circumfusion (Lat,)
diffusivity (Lat,)
diffusor (Lat,)
effund (Lat,)
fontal (Lat,)
fusibility (Lat,)
fusible (Lat,)
infound (Lat,)
infundibular (Lat,)
infundibuliform (Lat,)
infundibulum (Lat,)
infusive (Lat,)
infusoria (Lat,)
infusorian (Lat,)
interfuse (Lat,)
interfusion (Lat,)
nonfusible (Lat,)
perfusive (Lat,)
profusive (Lat,)
suffusion (Lat,)
suffusive (Lat,)
transfund (Lat,)
transfusive (Lat,)
;...167, gheu(ᵊ)- 召唤
To call, invoke. 最初形式: *g̑heu(h2/3)- , becoming *gheu(h2/3)- in centum languages(K类语,颚音). Suffixed 零级形式 *ghu-to- , "the invoked," god.
  1. ←from 古英语 god , god;
    god n.上帝(小写god泛指所有的“神,神像”) , ( 1075 , ghau , _ )
    →[oew]→ godfather n.教父 vt.当教父 ( 21425 )
    →[oew]→ godmother n.教母,名义上母亲 ( 23449 )
  2. ←from 古英语 gydig , gidig , possessed, insane, ←from 日耳曼语 *gud-iga- , possessed by a god;
    giddy adj.眼花缭乱的,头晕的,轻率的 v.(使)眼花,(使)眩晕 , ( 15124 , ghau , _ )
  3. ←from 高地德语 got , god.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *gudam , god.
    götterdämmerung 诸神的黄昏 , ( x )
[Pokorny g̑hau- 413.]
;...168, ghos-ti- 客留宿
Stranger, guest, host; properly "someone with whom one has reciprocal duties of hospitality."
  1. 基本形式: *ghos-ti- .
      1. ←from 古挪威语 gestr , guest;
        guest n.客人,宾客,旅客 , ( 1584 , ghostis , _ )
      2. ←from 高地德语 gast , guest. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *gastiz .
        Gastarbeiter 客籍工人 , ( x )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 hostis , enemy (< "stranger").
      host n.主人;旅店老板;节目主持人;一大群,许多 , ( 2001 , bʰili , _ )
      →[考研]→ hostess n.女主人,女房东,女服务员[T3]。 ( 10219 )
      hostile a.敌对的,敌方的,敌意的 , ( 4141 , bʰili , _ )
  2. Compound *ghos-pot- , *ghos-po(d)- , "guest-master," one who symbolizes the relationship of reciprocal obligation ( *pot- , master; see poti- ). ←from 拉丁语 hospes (stem hospit- ), host, guest, stranger.
    hospice n.收容所,救济院[T8] , ( 11308 , ghostis , hospit好客 )
    hospitable 能够接待客人的:adj.热情好客的,(环境)舒适的[T6] , ( 18847 , ghostis , hospit好客 )
    hospital n.医院 , ( 639 , ghostis , hospit好客 )
    hospitality n.殷勤,好客[T6] , ( 7400 , ghostis , hospit好客 )
    host n.主人;旅店老板;节目主持人;一大群,许多 , ( 2001 , bʰili , _ )
    hostage n.人质(被当做抵押品的客人),抵押物[T6] , ( 4457 , ghostis , _ )
    hostel n.宿舍,旅店,客栈 , ( 12533 , ghostis , _ )
    hostler 马夫 , ( 55603 , )
  3. Suffixed 零级形式 *ghs-en-wo- . ←from 希腊语 xenos , guest, host, stranger.
    xenia 种子直感 , ( x )
    xeno- 外国人,陌生人,客人 , ( 63883 , )
    xenon 氙,氙气 ; ( 63884 , )
    axenic 无菌 , ( x )
    euxenite x , ( x )
    pyroxene 辉石 , ( x )
[Pokorny ghosti-s 453.]
hotel n.旅馆 (Latin,100827)
hostility n.敌意;战争行动[T8] (Lat,105151)
co-host (Latin,121196)
inhospitable a.不好客的,不适于居住的 (Latin,123680)
hotelier 旅馆经理 (Latin,155610)
hostal (Latin,)
hosteler (Latin,)
inhospitality (Latin,)
xenophobia 仇外 (Greek,163886)
Xenarthra (Greek,)
xenic (Greek,)
xenobiotic (Greek,)
xenoblast (Greek,)
xenogamy (Greek,)
xenograft (Greek,)
xenolith (Greek,)
xenology (Greek,)
;...169, ghrē- 抓地长
To grow, become green. 缩减自: *ghreh₁- .
  1. o级形式 *ghrō- . ←from 古英语 grōwan , to grow, ←from 日耳曼语 *grō(w)an .
    grow v.生长,成长;渐渐变成;栽培,种植;发展 , ( 429 , _ , _ )
    →[考研]→ growth n.生长,增长,发展。 ( 695 )
  2. Suffixed o级形式 *ghrō-n-yo- . ←from 古英语 grēne , green, ←from 日耳曼语 *grōnjaz , green.
    green a.绿色的;生的;未成熟的n.绿色;蔬菜;植物 , ( 754 , gel₁ , _ )
    →[考研]→ greenhouse n.温室。 ( 5235 )
  3. Suffixed 零级形式 *ghrᵊ-so- . ←from 古英语 græs , grass, ←from 日耳曼语 *grasam , grass.
    grass n.草,草地 , ( 1934 , _ , _ )
    graze v.放牧,掠过,擦伤.n.擦伤(处) , ( 10312 , _ , _ )
[Pokorny (ghrē-) 454.]
;...170, ghrebʰ-₁ 抓住
To seize, reach.
  1. 零级形式 *ghr̥bʰ- . ←from 梵语 gṛbʰṇāti , gṛhṇāti , he seizes.
    Satyagraha 非暴力不合作 , ( x )
    1. ←from 中古英语 graspen , to grasp;
      grasp v./n.抓住,抓紧;掌握,领会 , ( 4230 , ghrebʰ₂ , _ )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 or Middle 低地德语 grabben , to seize. Bothaandb←from parallel (imitative) 日耳曼语 creations with base *grab- , *grap- .
      grab v./n.(at)抓(住);夺(得) , ( 1940 , ghrebʰ₂ , _ )
[Pokorny 1. ghrebʰ- 455.]
;...171, ghrebʰ-₂ 挖埋
To dig, bury, scratch.
  1. o级形式 *ghrobʰ- .
      1. ←from 古英语 grafan , to dig, engrave, scratch, carve;
        grave n.坟墓a.严肃的,庄重的 , ( 3389 , gherbʰ₁ , grav重 )
        engrave vt.雕刻;铭记[T8] , ( 16283 , ghrebʰ₁ , _ )
      2. ←from 高地德语 graban , to dig;
        graben 地堑 , ( x )
      3. ←from Swedish grava , to bury;
        gravlax 渍鲑鱼片 , ( 49630 )
      4. ←from 古法语 graver , to engrave. (i)-(iv) all ←from 日耳曼语 *graban .
        gravure 凹版印刷 , ( x )
    1. ←from 古英语 græf , trench, grave, ←from 日耳曼语 *grabam .
      grave n.坟墓a.严肃的,庄重的 , ( 3389 , gherbʰ₁ , grav重 )
  2. ←from 古英语 *grybban , to dig, ←from 日耳曼语 *grub(b)jan (with secondary ablaut).
    grub n.幼虫,[俚]食物 v.挖,掘 , ( 21076 , ghrebʰ₁ , _ )
  3. ←from 中古荷兰语 groeve , ditch, ←from 日耳曼语 *grōbō .
    groove n.沟,槽 , ( 9072 , ghrebʰ₁ , _ )
[Pokorny 2. ghrebʰ- 455.]
;...172, ghredʰ- 走阶梯
To walk, go. Suffixed 零级形式 *ghr̥dʰ-yo- .
  1. ←from 拉丁语 gradī (past participle gressus ), to walk, go;
    aggress v.攻击,侵犯 , ( 35776 )
    congress n.(代表)大会;(美国等国的)国会,议会 , ( 786 , ghredʰ , grad行走 )
    degression 递减 , ( x )
    digress 偏离 , ( 53626 , )
    egress 离去 , ( 53979 , )
    ingrediate n.(混合物的)组成部分;(烹调的)原料;(构成)要素;因素 , ( x )
    ingress 入侵,入境 , ( 56036 , )
    introgression 渐渗现象 , ( x )
    plantigrade 脚掌着地行走的,跖行动物 , ( 59662 , )
    progressient n.进步;前进;[生物学]进化;(向更高方向)增长v.(使)进步,(使)进行;发展;促进vi.发展;(向更高方向)增进 , ( x )
    regress n.退回,回归v.(使)倒退[T8] , ( 21495 , ghredʰ , grad行走 )
    retrograde 倒退,退化 , ( 60705 , )
    retrogress 倒退 , ( x )
    tardigrade 缓足动物 , ( 62671 , )
    transgress 违背,违犯 , ( 63140 , )
    →[oew]→ transitory adj.短暂的,瞬息的[T8]。 ( 23684 )
    →[oew]→ tram n.有轨电车 ( 11578 )
    →[oew]→ tramway n.[英]电车轨道,[美]缆车索道 ( 20210 )
  2. ←from 拉丁语 gradus (< deverbative *grad-u- ), step, stage, degree, rank.
    grade n.等级,级别;年级;分数v.分等,分级 , ( 1634 , ghredʰ , grad行走 )
    →[oew]→ graduation n.毕业,毕业典礼,刻度,分度[T3]。 ( 6090 )
    →[oew]→ gradient adj 倾斜的,步行的,适合步行的 n.斜坡,梯度,倾斜度[T6]。 ( 11363 )
    →[oew]→ gradation 层级。 ( 54969 )
    gradual a.逐渐的,逐步的 , ( 5132 , ghredʰ , grad行走 )
    graduate n.大学毕业生,研究生v.大学毕业a.毕了业的 , ( 2278 , _ , grad行走 )
    gree v.(使)同意n.优越,杰出,胜利 ; ( x )
    centigrade n./a.摄氏温度计(的);百分度(的) , ( 28115 , _ , grad行走 )
    degrade v.(使)降级,贬低,降低,退化[T6] , ( 11709 , ghredʰ , grad行走 )
    degree n.程度;度数;学位;等级 , ( 761 , ghredʰ , _ )
[Pokorny ghredʰ- 456.]
progress v./n.进步,进展;前进 (Lat,101296)
aggressive a.侵略的,好斗的,有进取心的,敢作敢为的 (Lat,102729)
ingredient n.(混合物的)组成部分,配料;成份,要素 (Lat,103137)
progressive a.进步的,先进的;前进的 (Lat,104146)
aggression n.侵略;进攻;侵犯;侵害[T3] (Lat,104621)
regression n.回归;退化;逆行;复原[T9] (Lat,105820)
progression n.前进,连续[T9] (Lat,107574)
degradation n.退化;降格,降级;堕落[T8][T9] (Lat,108470)
postgraduate adj.大学毕业后的n.研究生[T9] (Latin,112112)
transgression n.海侵;犯罪;违反;逸出[T8] (Lat,116433)
aggressor n.侵略者,挑衅者,侵略国[T8] (Lat,117319)
regressive adj.回归的;后退的;退化的[T9] (Lat,123177)
digression n.离题,岔开 (Lat,124740)
transgressor n.违背者 (Lat,131887)
degradable adj.可能降解的 (Lat,133492)
nonaggression n.不侵略 (Lat,133556)
digressive adj.离题的,枝节的 (Lat,146756)
retrogressive 倒退的,退化的 (Lat,160706)
anterograde (Latin,)
multigrade (Latin,)
nongraduate (Latin,)
saltigrade (Latin,)
aggradation (Lat,)
aggrade (Lat,)
antegrade (Lat,)
egression (Lat,)
egressive (Lat,)
gradine (Lat,)
graduality (Lat,)
graduand (Lat,)
ingressive (Lat,)
introgressive (Lat,)
progradation (Lat,)
prograde (Lat,)
retrogradation (Lat,)
;...173, ghrēi- 揉搓
To rub. 最初形式: *g̑hreh₁i- , with variant (metathesized) form *g̑hreih₁- , whence 零级 *g̑hrih₁- , becoming *g̑hrī- in satem language and *ghrī- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. ←from 古英语 grislīc , terrifying, ←from 日耳曼语 *gris- , to frighten (< "to grate on the mind").
    grisly adj.恐怖的,可怕的,令人毛骨悚然的 , ( 20030 , _ , _ )
  2. ←from 中古英语 grime , grime, ←from a source akin to 中古荷兰语 grīme , grime, ←from 日耳曼语 *grīm- , smear.
    grime n.尘垢,污点,煤尘 vt.使污秽,污浊 , ( 22489 , _ , _ )
  3. 扩展形式: *ghrīs- . ←from 希腊语 khrīein , to anoint.
    chrism 傅油,圣油仪式 , ( 52840 , )
    Christ n.基督,救世主,耶稣 , ( 4519 , gher₁ , _ )
    →[考研]→ Christian n.基督教徒 a.基督教徒的。 ( 1299 )
    →[考研]→ Christmas n.圣诞节。 ( 1291 )
    →[oew]→ Christopher 0 ( 7979 )
    christen v.命名为 , ( 22151 , _ , _ )
    christian n.基督教徒a.基督教徒的 ; ( 1299 , gher₁ , _ )
    christmas n.圣诞节 , ( 1291 , gher₁ , _ )
    cream n.乳脂,(鲜)奶油;奶油色 , ( 2105 , gher₁ , _ )
    KrissKringle 幼年基督 , ( 56653 , )
[Pokorny ghrēi- 457.]
;...174, ghrendʰ- 割肉磨
To grind.
  1. ←from 古英语 grindan , to grind, ←from 日耳曼语 *grindan .
    grind v.磨(碎),碾(碎) , ( 5550 , gher₁ , _ )
  2. ←from 古英语 grīst , the action of grinding, ←from 日耳曼语 *grinst- , a grinding.
    grist 碎麦 , ( 55018 , )
  3. ←from 拉丁语 frendere , to grind.
    fraise 障碍物 , ( x )
    frenulum 系带 , ( 54613 , )
    frenum 系带 ; ( x )
    refrain n.重复,叠句,[乐]副歌 vi.节制,避免,制止 , ( 10440 , dʰar , fract打破 )
  4. Sometimes but improbably regarded as from this root (in 变化形式*ghrend- ) is 希腊语 khondros , granule, groats, hence cartilage
    chondro- 细粒 ; ( x )
    hypochondria 疑心病,疑病症 , ( 55757 , )
    mitochondrion 线粒体 . ( 57984 , )
[Pokorny ghren- 459.]
;...175, ghwer- 火猛兽
Wild beast. 最初形式: *g̑hwer- , becoming *ghwer- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. 带后缀形式: *ghwer-o- . ←from 拉丁语 ferus , wild.
    feral adj.野生的,未驯服的,凶猛的,野兽的 , ( 19436 , dʰes , _ )
    ferine 野生的 , ( 54368 , )
    fierce a.凶猛的,残忍的;狂热的,强烈的 , ( 4302 , ghuer , _ )
  2. Compound *ghwero-ᵊkʷ- , "of wild aspect" ( *-ᵊkʷ- ,"-looking"; see okʷ- ). ←from 拉丁语 ferōx (stem ferōc- ), fierce.
    ferocious adj.凶恶的,残忍的,凶猛的,[口]十分强烈的,极度的 , ( 12176 , ghuer , _ )
  3. 加长级形式 *ghwēr- . ←from 希腊语 thēr , wild beast.
    treacle 糖浆 ; ( 63161 , )
    baluchitherium x , ( x )
    dinotherium 恐兽 , ( x )
    eutherian 真兽亚纲动物 , ( x )
    indricotherium 的巨 , ( x )
    megatherium 大地懒属 , ( x )
    theropod 兽脚亚目食肉恐龙 , ( 37757 )
[Pokorny g̑hu̯ē̆r- 493.]
ferocity n.凶猛,残忍,暴行 (Lat,120708)
;...176, ghwībʰ- 女贝逼
Shame, also pudenda. Expressive root, found only in Tocharian (in the literal meaning) and 日耳曼语.
  1. ←from 古英语 wīf , woman, ←from 日耳曼语 *wībam , woman (with semantic weakening from the original meaning; for the semantics, compare the histories of pudendum and cunt ).
    wife n.妻子,夫人,太太 ; ( 459 , ueg₁ , _ )
    hussy 粗野女子 , ( 55696 , )
  2. ←from 古英语 compound wīf-man(n) , "woman-person, wife person," female (as opposed to wæpen-man(n) , "weapon-person," male, with clear sexual overtones).
    woman n.(pl.)women妇女,成年女子 , ( 135 , per₆ , _ )
[Not in Pokorny; compare Tocharian B kʷīpe and Tocharian A kip , female pudenda.]
;...177, gleubʰ- 撕割剌
To tear apart, cleave.
派生词包括: clever , and hieroglyphic.
  1. 基本形式: *gleubʰ- .
    1. ←from 古英语 clēofan , to split, cleave, ←from 日耳曼语 *kleuban .
      cleave 劈开,坚守 , ( 52906 , )
    2. Probably o级形式 *gloubʰ- . ←from 中古英语 cliver , nimble, skillful, perhaps akin to East Frisian klüfer , klifer , skillful, and 古挪威语 kleyfr , easy to split, ←from 日耳曼语 *klaubri- .
      clever a.聪明的,伶俐的,机敏的,精巧的 , ( 4115 , gel₁ , _ )
  2. 零级形式 *glubʰ- .
      1. ←from 古英语 clufu , clove (of garlic);
        clove n.[植]丁香 vbl.cleave 的过去式 , ( 8104 , gleubʰ , _ )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 clove , a cleft;
        kloof 峡谷 , ( x )
      3. ←from a Scandinavian source akin to 古挪威语 klofi , a cleft.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *klub- , a splitting.
        clevis 脚架 , ( 47124 )
    1. ←from 古英语 geclyft , fissure, ←from 日耳曼语 *klufti- (*klub-ti-) .
      cleft 裂缝 , ( 52908 , )
    2. ←from 希腊语 gluphein , to carve.
      glyph 石雕符号,象形文字 , ( 54911 , )
      glyptic 雕刻的 ; ( x )
      anaglyph 浮雕 , ( x )
      hieroglyphic 象形文字 , ( 25791 )
    3. Suffixed 零级形式 *glubʰ-mā- . ←from 拉丁语 glūma , husk of grain.
      glume , ( x )
[Pokorny gleubʰ- 401.]
petroglyph n.(尤指史前的)岩画 (Greek,125532)
hieroglyph 象形文字,神秘符号 (Greek,155408)
Glyptodon (Greek,)
aglyphous (Greek,)
ditriglyph (Greek,)
ditriglyphic (Greek,)
glyptograph (Greek,)
monotriglyph (Greek,)
opisthoglyphous (Greek,)
proteroglyphous (Greek,)
solenoglyphous (Greek,)
;...178, gnō- 格物知
To know. 最初形式: *g̑neh₃- , 变形 为: *g̑noh₃- , becoming *g̑nō- in satem languages and *gnō- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: know , cunning , uncouth , ignore , noble , diagnosis , and narrate.
  1. 变化形式*gnē- , 缩减自: *gnēᵊ- . ←from 古英语 cnāwan , to know, ←from 日耳曼语 *knē(w)- .
    know vt.知道,了解;认识;识别vi.知道,了解 ; ( 56 , gn , _ )
    knowledge n.知识,学识;知道,了解 , ( 665 , gn , _ )
    acknowledge vt.承认;接受;告知(信件等的)收到;答谢 , ( 2067 , gn , _ )
  2. 零级形式 *gn̥ᵊ- .
    1. ←from 古英语 cunnan , to know, know how to, be able to, ←from 日耳曼语 *kunnan (古英语 first and third singular can ←from 日耳曼语 *kann ←from o级 *gonᵊ- );
      can aux.v.能;可以n.罐头;容器vt.把…装罐 , ( 37 , gn , _ )
      con vt.记诵,精读 adv.反对地,反面 n.反对票,反对论,[医]肺病;console,控制台 , ( 7403 , gn , _ )
      cunning adj.狡猾的,巧妙的,[美]漂亮的,可爱的 n.狡猾,诡诈 , ( 11419 , gn , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 cennan , to declare, and 古挪威语 kenna , to know, name (in a formal poetic metaphor), ←from 日耳曼语 causative verb *kannjan , to make known;
      ken 0 , ( 6043 , gn , _ )
      kenning 复合辞 , ( x )
    3. ←from 古英语 cūth , known, well-known, usual, excellent, familiar, ←from 日耳曼语 *kunthaz ;
      couth 温文尔雅的 ; ( x )
      uncouth 粗鲁的 , ( 63386 , )
    4. ←from 古英语 cȳth(the) , cȳththu , knowledge, acquaintance, friendship, kinfolk, ←from 日耳曼语 *kunthithō .
      kithandkin 朋友和亲属 , ( x )
  3. 带后缀形式: *gnō-sko- . ←from 拉丁语 (g)nōscere , cognōscere , to get to know, get acquainted with.
    notice n.通知,通告,布告;注意,认识v.注意到,注意 , ( 921 , gn , not标示 )
    notify v.通知,告知,报告 , ( 7647 , gn , not标示 )
    notion n.概念,想法,意念,看法,观点 , ( 1776 , gn , not标示 )
    notorious 著名的:adj.臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的[T6] ; ( 6328 , gen , not标示 )
    acquaint vt.(with)使认识,使了解,使熟悉 , ( 12320 , gn , _ )
    →[考研]→ acquaintance n.认识,相识,了解;相识的人,熟人。 ( 6888 )
    cognition n.认识,认知,认识能力[T9] , ( 14080 , gn , cogn知道 )
    cognizance 认定 , ( 34097 )
    connoisseur 知道的人:n.内行,鉴赏家[T8] , ( 17655 , gn , _ )
    incognito 伪装,隐姓埋名 , ( 55927 , )
    quaint adj.精巧的,古怪的,古雅的,离奇有趣的[T8] , ( 12110 , gn , _ )
    recognize v.(recognise)认出,承认,公认,赏识,表扬 , ( 893 , gn , cogn知道 )
    →[考研]→ recognition n.认出,辨认;承认。 ( 1916 )
    reconnaissance n.侦察;勘测(等于reconnoissance);搜索;事先考查[T8] , ( 12695 , gn , _ )
    reconnoiter 侦察 , ( 60521 , )
  4. 带后缀形式: *gnō-ro- . ←from 拉丁语 ignōrāre , not to know, to disregard ( i- , for in- , not; see ne ).
    ignorant a.无知的,愚昧的;不知道的 , ( 7298 , gn , cogn知道 )
    →[考研]→ ignorance n.无知,愚昧;不知道。 ( 5733 )
    →[oew]→ ignoble 不光彩的。 ( 55817 )
    →[oew]→ ignoramus 门外汉。 ( 55820 )
    ignore v.不理,不顾,忽视 , ( 1611 , gn , cogn知道 )
  5. 带后缀形式: *gnō-dʰli- . ←from 拉丁语 nōbilis , knowable, known, famous, noble.
    noble a.高尚的;贵族的,高贵的n.贵族 , ( 5474 , gen , _ )
    →[考研]→ normalization n.正常化,标准化,规格化,常态化[T6]。 ( 18653 )
    →[考研]→ notable 值得标注的 : adj.著名的,值得注意的 n.名人,显要人物[T6]。 ( 4814 )
    →[考研]→ notebook n.笔记本。 ( 5110 )
    →[考研]→ noticeable a.显而易见的,值得注意的,重要的。 ( 7707 )
  6. Reduplicated and 带后缀形式: *gi-gnō-sko- . ←from 希腊语 gignōskein , to know, think, judge (verbal adjective gnōtos , known), with gnōsis (< *gnō-ti- ), knowledge, inquiry, and gnōmōn , judge, interpreter.
    gnome 地下宝藏守护神 , ( 54916 , )
    gnomon 日晷 , ( 44433 )
    gnosis 灵知 , ( 39677 )
    Gnostic 诺斯替 ; ( 29882 )
    agnosia 失认症 , ( 51624 , )
    diagnosis n.诊断[T9] , ( 3654 , gn , cogn知道 )
    noscapine 诺司卡品 , ( x )
    pathognomonic 特殊的 , ( 47891 )
    physiognomy 相面术,人相学,容貌,相貌 , ( 59512 , )
    prognosis 提前知道:n.(医)预后[T8] , ( 12730 , gn , cogn知道 )
  7. Suffixed 零级形式 *gn̥ᵊ-ro- . ←from 拉丁语 narrāre (< *gnarrāre ), to tell, relate, ←from gnārus , knowing, expert.
    narrate vt.叙述;给…作旁白vi.叙述;讲述[T9] , ( 14249 , gn , _ )
    →[oew]→ narrative a.叙述性的 n.叙述。 ( 3215 )
  8. Suffixed 零级形式 *gn̥ᵊ-ti- . ←from Avestan zainti- , knowledge (remade from *zāti- ).
    Zend-Avesta , ( x )
  9. Traditionally but improbably referred here are:
    1. ←from 拉丁语 nota , a mark, note, sign, cipher, shorthand character;
      note n.笔记;按语,注释;钞票,纸币v.记下,摘下 ; ( 696 , gn , not标示 )
      →[oew]→ notary 公证人。 ( 58589 )
      annotate 注解 , ( 51755 , )
      connote 一起表示:vt.意味着;含言外之意[T9] , ( 22003 , _ , not标示 )
      prothonotary 首席书记 , ( x )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 norma , carpenter's square, rule, pattern, precept, possibly from an Etruscan borrowing of 希腊语 gnōmōn , carpenter's square, rule.
      norm n.准则,规范,准则,平均数 , ( 3810 , gn , norm规则 )
      Norma 诺玛 , ( x )
      normal a.正常的,普通的;正规的,标准的 ; ( 964 , gn , norm规则 )
      abnormal a.反常的,不正常的,不规则的 , ( 7529 , gn , norm规则 )
      enormous a.巨大的,庞大的 , ( 1976 , gen , norm规则 )
[Pokorny 2. g̑en- 376.]
cognitive adj.认知的,认识的[T6] (Lat,103498)
narrator n.叙述者,解说员[T9] (Lat,106495)
normative adj.规范的,标准的[T9] (Lat,109523)
nobility n.贵族;高贵;高尚[T9] (Lat,109632)
notation n.符号,乐谱,注释,记号法[T9] (Lat,109750)
abnormality n.异常;畸形,变态[T9] (Lat,112192)
denote vt.指示,表示,意味着[T6] (Lat,112576)
narration n.叙述,讲述;故事[T6] (Lat,113974)
connotation n.内涵,隐含含义[T8] (Lat,114318)
normality n.常态,规定浓度[T9] (Lat,115358)
notoriety n.恶名;声名狼藉;丑名[T9] (Latin,117183)
enormity n.巨大;暴行;极恶[T8] (Lat,120556)
notional adj.概念的,想象的,[语]表意的,实义的 (Latin,121253)
cognizant adj.已认知的,意识到的;司法审理的[T8] (Latin,123517)
annotation n.注释 (Lat,124639)
notate vt.以符号表示,把…写成记号(或标志) (Lat,128663)
connotative adj.含蓄的,<逻>内涵的 (Lat,134707)
notational 计 记数的 (Lat,134792)
denotative adj.指示的,外延的,表示的 (Lat,137486)
denotation n.指示 (Lat,140524)
cognitional (Latin,140624)
cognizable adj.可辨识的,可以审理的 (Latin,146452)
counternarrative (Lat,150675)
notarial adj.公证人的,公证的 (Latin,151486)
cognoscenti 专家 (Latin,152969)
ennoble 使尊贵 (Latin,154085)
precognition 预知,先知 (Latin,159940)
reacquaint 再熟悉 (Latin,160472)
subnormal 低于正常的,低能的 (Lat,162348)
binormal (Latin,)
circumnormal (Latin,)
cognitivity (Latin,)
cognize (Latin,)
cognoscence (Latin,)
cognoscible (Latin,)
cognovit (Latin,)
ennoblement (Latin,)
ignoscible (Latin,)
nobiliary (Latin,)
nobilitate (Latin,)
nobilitation (Latin,)
normable (Latin,)
notariat (Latin,)
notionality (Latin,)
quasinorm (Latin,)
reconnoitre (Latin,)
seminormable (Latin,)
agnition (Lat,)
agnize (Lat,)
annotator (Lat,)
connotational (Lat,)
denormal (Lat,)
denotational (Lat,)
denotatum (Lat,)
nondenotative (Lat,)
nonnormal (Lat,)
nonnormative (Lat,)
nonnotable (Lat,)
nonnotational (Lat,)
notability (Lat,)
seminorm (Lat,)
seminormal (Lat,)
agnosticism n.不可知论 (Greek,134115)
anagnorisis n.发现(亚里士多德<诗学>中用语,“发现”与“突转”被视作悲剧情节的主要成分) (Greek,150170)
agnostic 不可知论者 (Greek,151625)
gnomic 精辟的 (Greek,154917)
dysanagnosia (Greek,)
gnomonic (Greek,)
gnosia (Greek,)
gnosticism (Greek,)
telegnosis (Greek,)
;...179, gr̥ᵊ-no- 谷物
Grain. 最初形式: *g̑r̥h₂-no- , becoming *gr̥h₂-no- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    1. ←from 古英语 corn , grain;
      corn n.谷物,庄稼,玉米 , ( 2911 , _ , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 derivative noun cyrnel , seed, pip;
      kernel n.果仁,核心 , ( 15198 , ger₃ , _ )
    3. ←from 高地德语 korn , grain.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *kornam .
      einkorn 单粒小麦 , ( x )
  1. ←from 拉丁语 grānum , grain.
    garner v.储存 , ( 15101 , _ , _ )
    garnet 石榴子石 , ( 54780 , )
    grain n.谷物,谷类;颗粒,细粒 , ( 3313 , ger₅ , _ )
    gram n.克 , ( 23827 , gerbʰ , gram书写 )
    granadilla x , ( x )
    granary 谷仓 , ( 54975 , )
    grange 农庄,庄园 , ( 54982 , )
    grani- x , ( x )
    granita 碎冰 , ( 54983 , )
    granite 多颗粒的:n.花岗岩;坚毅;冷酷无情[T6] , ( 7690 , ger₅ , _ )
    granule 颗粒 , ( 24374 )
    grenade 有很多颗粒的物品:n.手榴弹;手雷vt.扔手榴弹;用催泪弹攻击[T8] , ( 11146 , ger₅ , _ )
    grenadine 石榴汁饮料 ; ( 55009 , )
    filigree 金银丝饰品 , ( 54415 , )
    grosgrain 罗缎 , ( 38449 )
    pomegranate 有很多颗粒的水果:n.石榴[T9] , ( 19187 , ger₅ , _ )
[In Pokorny g̑er- 390.]
granulate v.(使)成为粒状;(使)表面变粗糙[T9] (Latin,119806)
ingrain 浸泡在染料中:vt.使根深蒂固;把…染成木纹色adj.根深蒂固的。等于engrain[T9] (Latin,122410)
granulation n.使成粒状,有粒的表面,粗糙,肉芽 (Latin,126528)
granularity n.间隔尺寸,粒度 (Lat,146612)
granola 格兰诺拉麦片 (Latin,154984)
granular 颗粒状的 (Lat,154985)
grogram 粗松斜纹布 (Latin,155026)
engrain (Latin,)
granger (Latin,)
granivore (Latin,)
granivorous (Latin,)
granivory (Latin,)
multigrain (Latin,)
degranulation (Lat,)
;...180, gʷā- 过来滚去 , Also gʷem- .
To go, come. 最初形式: *gʷeh₂- , 变形 为: *gʷah₂- , becoming *gʷā- .
派生词包括: welcome , adventure , souvenir , acrobat , and diabetes.
    1. ←from 古英语 cuman , to come;
      come v.来;出现于,产生;是,成为;开始,终于 , ( 84 , gua , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 wilcuma , a welcome guest, and wilcume , the greeting of welcome, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *wil-kumōn- , a desirable guest ( *wil- , desirable; see wel-₁ ), ←from *kumōn- , he who comes, a guest;
      welcome int.欢迎a.受欢迎的vt./n.欢迎;迎接 , ( 1398 , gua , _ )
    3. ←from 古英语 becuman , to become, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *bi-kuman , to arrive, come to be ( *bi- , intensive prefix; see ambʰi ).a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *kuman .
      become vi.变成,开始变得vt.适合,同…相称 , ( 154 , gua , _ )
  1. 带后缀形式: *gʷ(e)m-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 venīre , to come.
    venire 陪审员召集令 , ( x )
    venue coming:n.犯罪地点,审判地点,发生地点,集合地点[T9] ; ( 5638 , gua , _ )
    advent 走过来:n.到来,出现,基督降临,基督降临节[T8] , ( 7706 , gua , ven来到 )
    adventitious 不定 , ( 41909 )
    adventure n.冒险,冒险活动,奇遇vt.大胆进行 , ( 3118 , gua , ven来到 )
    avenue n.林荫路,大街;(比喻)途径,渠道,方法 , ( 5647 , gua , ven来到 )
    circumvent 绕着走:vt.绕行,陷害,用计谋战胜[T8] , ( 15947 , _ , ven来到 )
    contravene 违反 , ( 53099 , )
    convene 走到一起:v.召集,传唤,聚集,集合[T8] , ( 11170 , gua , ven来到 )
    convenient a.(to)便利的,方便的 , ( 4186 , gua , ven来到 )
    →[考研]→ convenience n.便利,方便;(pl.)便利设备。 ( 4806 )
    convent n.女修道院[T9] , ( 10546 , gua , _ )
    conventicle 秘密聚会 , ( x )
    convention n.大会,会议;惯例,常规,习俗;公约,协定 , ( 2288 , gua , ven来到 )
    →[考研]→ conventional a.惯例的,常规的。 ( 2316 )
    coven 女巫团 , ( 53202 , )
    covenant 走到一起:n.契约,盟约;圣约;盖印合同v.订立盟约[T8] , ( 8703 , gua , _ )
    event n.事件,事情 , ( 577 , gua , ven来到 )
    →[考研]→ eventually ad.终于,最后。 ( 1086 )
    eventual adj.最后的,结果的;可能的;终于的[T9] , ( 5131 , _ , ven来到 )
    intervene 在……之间走:vi.调停,插入,干涉[T6] , ( 5614 , en , ven来到 )
    invent v.发明,创造;捏造,虚构 , ( 4102 , gua , ven来到 )
    →[考研]→ invention n.发明,创造,发明物。 ( 4633 )
    inventory 所发现之物:n.存货,存货清单;详细目录;财产清册[T8] , ( 4880 , _ , ven来到 )
    misadventure 恶运,不幸遭遇 , ( 57926 , )
    parvenu 暴发户,新贵 , ( 59189 , )
    prevenient 以前的 , ( x )
    prevent v.(from)预防,防止,阻止,制止,妨碍 , ( 1061 , gua , ven来到 )
    provenance comingforth(出来):n.出处,起源[T8] , ( 21281 , _ , _ )
    provenience 原始 , ( 48003 )
    revenant 归来的 , ( 42985 )
    revenue n.财政收入,税收 , ( 1693 , gua , ven来到 )
    souvenir cometomind(想起):n.纪念品vt.把……留作纪念[T4] , ( 10090 , gua , ven来到 )
    subvention 补助金,资助金 , ( 62365 , )
    supervene 意外发生,并发 , ( 62447 , )
  2. Suffixed 零级形式 *gʷm̥-yo- . ←from 希腊语 bainein , to go, walk, step, with basis (< *gʷᵊ-ti- , suffixed 零级形式 of *gʷā- ), a stepping, tread, base, -batos (< *gʷᵊ-to- ), going, and -batēs (< *gʷᵊ-tā- ), agential suffix, "one that goes or treads, one that is based.".
    base n.基础,底部;根据地v.(on)把…基于 , ( 487 , gua , bas低的 )
    →[考研]→ basement n.建筑物的底部,地下室,地窖。 ( 4290 )
    →[考研]→ basic a.基本的,基础的。 ( 932 )
    →[考研]→ basin n.盆,脸盆;内海,盆地。 ( 5907 )
    basis n.基础,根据 ; ( 906 , gua , _ )
    abasia 步行不能 , ( x )
    acrobat 高空行走者:n.杂技演员,善变者[T8] , ( 22178 , ak , bat走 )
    adiabatic 绝热 , ( 40367 )
    amphisbaena x , ( x )
    anabaena n.淡水藻类的一种,项圈藻 , ( x )
    anabasis 远征 , ( x )
    batophobia x , ( x )
    diabase 辉绿岩 , ( x )
    diabetes 穿越:n.糖尿病(体内糖份穿越至尿液中)[T8] , ( 4784 , gua , _ )
    hyperbaton 倒装法 , ( 55733 , )
    katabatic 下降的 , ( x )
    stereobate x , ( x )
    stylobate 柱座 , ( x )
  3. Suffixed 加长级形式 gʷēm-yo- .
    quim 女性生殖器 , ( x )
    perhaps←from 古英语 gecwēme , pleasant, fitting ("becoming"), ←from 日耳曼语 *-kʷǣmja- . ( *ge- , intensive prefix; see kom ).
  4. Suffixed 零级形式 *gʷ(ᵊ)-u- in compound *pres-gʷu- (see per₁ ).
  5. 基本形式: *gʷā- . ←from 希腊语 bēma , step, seat, raised platform.
    bema 讲坛 , ( x )
  6. 基本形式: *gʷā- or 零级形式 *gʷm̥- in 梵语 compound durga- , difficult to approach ( *dus- , *dur- , difficult; see dus- ). ←from 梵语 Durgā , Durga (short for durgā devī , goddess who is difficult to approach), ←from durgā , feminine of durga- .
    Durga 杜尔迦 , ( x )
  7. Reduplicated form *gʷe-gʷā- . ←from 梵语 jagat , moving, the world, originally present participle of *jagāti (remade as jigāti ), he goes.
    juggernaut n.Krishna 神像,使人盲目崇 , ( 23198 , gua , _ )
[Pokorny gu̯ā- 463.]
intervention n.介入;调停;妨碍[T9] (Lat,101929)
venture v.冒险,拼;大胆表示n.冒险事业,拼,闯 (Lat,103415)
prevention n.预防;阻止;妨碍[T6] (Lat,104035)
preventive adj.预防的,防止的n.预防药;预防法[T9] (Lat,108644)
adventurous adj.爱冒险的;大胆的;充满危险的[T9] (Lat,110724)
inconvenience n.麻烦,不方便之处 (Lat,111022)
reinvent vt.(在不知他人以发明的情况下)从复发明,彻底改造,从新使用 (Lat,111561)
inconvenient a.不便的,打扰的 (Lat,112499)
inventive 发明的;有发明才能的;独出心裁的[T9] (Lat,113198)
contravention n.违反,违背;矛盾;违法[T9] (Lat,119859)
adventist n.基督再临论者,基督再临派成员 (Lat,121490)
reinvention n.再创造、重塑。 (Lat,122048)
eventuality n.<正>可能发生的事情(尤指坏事情),偶然性,不测事件 (Lat,125493)
basso n.男低音歌手 (Lat,125592)
debasement n.降低,改造 (Lat,133143)
circumvention n.陷害,欺骗 (Lat,142256)
abasement n.贬低,谦卑,屈辱,降低 (Lat,147246)
abase 使低下,卑微 (Lat,151513)
bas-relief 浅浮雕 (Lat,152051)
basset 短腿猎犬 (Lat,152052)
bassoon 巴松管,大管 (Lat,152054)
debase 败坏名誉 (Lat,153416)
reconvene 重新召集 (Lat,160523)
supervenient 意外发生的,伴随发生的 (Lat,162448)
advene (Lat,)
advenient (Lat,)
bassus (Lat,)
circumventive (Lat,)
circumventor (Lat,)
convenance (Lat,)
introvenient (Lat,)
inventio (Lat,)
nonconventional (Lat,)
nonevent (Lat,)
nonintervention (Lat,)
obvention (Lat,)
prevene (Lat,)
provenient (Lat,)
souvenance (Lat,)
subvene (Lat,)
supervenience (Lat,)
supervention (Lat,)
venitive (Lat,)
venturous (Lat,)
diabetic adj.糖尿病的n.糖尿病患者[T9] (Greek,112027)
acrobatic adj.杂技的,杂技般的,杂技演员的 (Greek,125574)
aerobatic adj.特技飞行的 (Greek,143913)
anabatic (Greek,)
antiparabema (Greek,)
basidiocarp (Greek,)
basidioma (Greek,)
basidiomycete (Greek,)
basidiospore (Greek,)
basidium (Greek,)
basion (Greek,)
basionym (Greek,)
basophilic (Greek,)
catabasis (Greek,)
catabatic (Greek,)
diabatic (Greek,)
dibasic (Greek,)
hypobasis (Greek,)
katabasis (Greek,)
monobasic (Greek,)
polybasic (Greek,)
tribasic (Greek,)
;...181, gʷei- 生命快
To live. Also 181, gʷeiᵊ- *gʷeih₃- , with metathesized variant *gʷyeh₃- , 变形 为: *gʷyoh₃- , becoming *gʷyō- ).
派生词包括: quick , vivid , vitamin , whiskey , amphibious , microbe , and hygiene.
  1. Suffixed 零级形式 *gʷi-wo- , *gʷī-wo- (< *gʷiᵊ-wo- ), living.
      1. ←from 古英语 cwic , cwicu , living, alive;
        quick a.快的;灵敏的,伶俐的;敏锐的ad.快,迅速地 , ( 1229 , guei , _ )
        quicksilver 水银,瞬息万变的 , ( 60326 , )
      2. ←from 古英语 cwice , couch grass (so named from its rapid growth). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *kʷi(k)waz .
        couchgrass 茅草 , ( x )
        quitchgrass 葡萄冰草的草 , ( x )
        1. ←from 拉丁语 vīvus , living, alive;
          sempervivum x , ( x )
          vivify 使活跃 , ( 39748 )
          viviparous 胎生的 , ( 63616 , )
        2. ←from 拉丁语 vīpera , viper, 缩减自: *vīvipera , "bearing live young" (from the belief that it hatches its eggs inside its body), ←from feminine of earlier *vīvo-paros ( -paros , bearing; see perᵊ-₁ ).
          viper 蝰蛇 , ( 63592 , )
          weever 鲈鱼 , ( x )
          wyvern 双足飞龙 , ( x )
      1. ←from 拉丁语 denominative vīvere , to live.
        viand 食物 , ( x )
        victual 食物,饮料 , ( 63577 , )
        viva 万岁 , ( 23647 )
        →[oew]→ vivarium 生态缸(用于饲养动物作科研用途等)。 ( 63613 )
        →[oew]→ vivavoce 口试 ( 63614 )
        vivacious 活泼的 , ( 63612 , )
        vivid a.鲜艳的;生动的,栩栩如生的 ; ( 5583 , guei , viv生存 )
        convivial 欢快友好的 , ( 53108 , )
        revive v.(使)复兴,(使)苏醒,(使)复活,恢复精神,重演[T6] , ( 6362 , _ , viv生存 )
        survive v.幸免于,幸存;比…长命 , ( 1495 , _ , viv生存 )
        →[考研]→ survival n.幸存,生存;幸存者,残存物。 ( 2447 )
    1. ←from Middle 波斯语 *zhīwak , alive, ←from 古波斯 *jīvaka- , extension of jīva- .
      azoth 水银 , ( x )
    2. Further 带后缀形式: *gʷī-wo-tā- . ←from 拉丁语 vīta , life.
      viable adj.能活的,能养活的,可行的[T8] , ( 5582 , _ , vi路 )
      vital a.生死攸关的,重大的;生命的,生机的 ; ( 2271 , guei , viv生存 )
      →[oew]→ vitality n. 活力,生气;生命力,生动性[T9]。 ( 8920 )
      vitamin n.维生素 , ( 4074 , _ , viv生存 )
    3. Further 带后缀形式: *gʷi-wo-tūt- . ←from 古爱尔兰 bethu , life.
      usquebaugh 威士忌 , ( x )
      whiskey n.威士忌酒 adj.威士忌酒的 , ( 9709 , akua , _ )
  2. Suffixed 零级形式 *gʷiᵊ-o- . ←from 希腊语 bios , life (> biotē , way of life).
    bio- x , ( x )
    →[oew]→ biography n.传记[T8]。 ( 5515 )
    →[oew]→ biomedical adj.(有关)生物医学的 ( 15981 )
    biota 生物群 , ( 22118 )
    biotic 生物的 ; ( 52193 , )
    aerobe 需氧菌 , ( x )
    amphibian adj.两栖的,水陆两用的n.两栖动物,水陆两用飞机[T8] , ( 20583 , _ , _ )
    anabiosis 回生 , ( x )
    cenobite 修道士 , ( x )
    dendrobium 石斛兰 , ( x )
    microbe n.细菌,微生物[T8] , ( 13697 , guei , _ )
    rhizobium n.根瘤菌 , ( x )
    saprobe 污水生物 , ( x )
    symbiosis 共生关系,合作关系 , ( 62557 , )
  3. 变化形式*gʷyō- (< *gʷyoᵊ- ).
    1. ←from 希腊语 zōē , zoē , life.
      azo- 偶氮, ; ( x )
      diazo 重氮 , ( x )
      hylozoism 物活论 , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式: *gʷyō-yo- . ←from 希腊语 zōon , zōion , living being, animal.
      zodiac 黄道十二宫,星座图 , ( 63995 , )
      -zoic x , ( x )
      zoo- x , ( x )
      zoon 发育完全的个体 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ zoo n.动物园。 ( 6614 )
      →[oew]→ zoology n.动物学[T9]。 ( 34945 )
      -zoon x , ( x )
  4. Compound 带后缀形式: *yu-gʷiᵊ-es- (see aiw- ).
  5. Possibly 古英语 cwifer- , nimble
    quiver v./n.颤抖,抖动 . ( 14137 , guebʰ , _ )
[Pokorny 3 10915gu̯ei̯- 467.]
survivor n.生还者,残存物 (Lat,103973)
revival n.复兴;复活;苏醒;恢复精神;再生效[T9] (Lat,105366)
revitalize vt.使…复活;使…复兴;使…恢复生气[T8] (Lat,114130)
vivo adv.<意>活泼地 adj.活泼的 n.步步高旗下手机品牌 (Lat,130801)
conviviality n.欢宴,高兴,欢乐 (Lat,132511)
vivacity n.活泼,快活,有生气 (Lat,134100)
survivable 可存活的 (Lat,162483)
vivisection 活体解剖 (Latin,163617)
exvivo (Lat,)
invivo (Lat,)
revivable (Lat,)
reviviscence (Lat,)
revivor (Lat,)
victualage (Lat,)
vivace (Lat,)
vivandière (Lat,)
vivant (Lat,)
vivific (Lat,)
vivification (Lat,)
vivisepulture (Lat,)
biology n.生物学 (Greek,104280)
antibiotic n.抗生素adj.抗生的,抗菌的[T8] (Greek,106523)
biologist n.生物学家[T9] (Greek,106846)
autobiography n.自传[T8] (Greek,108159)
biopsy n.[医]活组织检查,活组织切片检查 (Greek,108788)
biosphere n.生物圈[T8] (Greek,118018)
symbiotic adj.共生的;共栖的[T9] (Greek,120200)
biometric 计量生物学 (Greek,124834)
symbiont n.共生有机体,共生体 (Greek,131021)
astrobiology n.天体生物学,太空生物学 (Greek,133092)
biophysics n.生物物理学 (Greek,135372)
biophysicist 生物物理学家 (Greek,141839)
biotin n.生物素,维生素,维生素H (Greek,141952)
biotype n.同型小种,生物型 (Greek,146060)
biopolymer n.生物高聚物 (Greek,149665)
biographic adj.传记的,传记体的 (Greek,150984)
abiotic 非生物的 (Greek,151522)
biome 生物群系 (Greek,152189)
biorhythm 生物节律 (Greek,152192)
macrobiotic 延年益寿的 (Greek,157293)
microbiology 微生物学 (Greek,157769)
probiotic 促进有益菌生长的 (Greek,160056)
Eumetazoa (Greek,)
Mesozoic (Greek,)
Metazoa (Greek,)
abiogenesis (Greek,)
aerobiology (Greek,)
anhydrobiosis (Greek,)
anoxybiosis (Greek,)
anthrozoology (Greek,)
azoic (Greek,)
azotemia (Greek,)
biocentrism (Greek,)
biochron (Greek,)
biocoenosis (Greek,)
biogenesis (Greek,)
biologism (Greek,)
biomorph (Greek,)
biomorphism (Greek,)
biophilia (Greek,)
biopoiesis (Greek,)
biosemiotic (Greek,)
biostasis (Greek,)
biosynthesis (Greek,)
biotope (Greek,)
biozone (Greek,)
chemobiosis (Greek,)
cryobiosis (Greek,)
cryptobiosis (Greek,)
cryptozoology (Greek,)
ectozoon (Greek,)
endosymbiont (Greek,)
endosymbiosis (Greek,)
enterobiasis (Greek,)
entozoon (Greek,)
epizoon (Greek,)
osmobiosis (Greek,)
protozoa (Greek,)
symbiogenesis (Greek,)
symbiology (Greek,)
zoanthropy (Greek,)
zoic (Greek,)
zoochore (Greek,)
zoogamete (Greek,)
zoogeography (Greek,)
zooid/zoöid (Greek,)
zoologic (Greek,)
zoomorphism (Greek,)
zoonosis (Greek,)
zoophagy (Greek,)
zoopoetics (Greek,)
zoospore (Greek,)
zootoxin (Greek,)
zooxanthella (Greek,)
;...182, gʷelᵊ- 掼撂 , Also gʷel- .
To throw, reach, with further meaning to pierce. 最初形式: *gʷelh₁- , with metathesized variant *gʷleh₁- , becoming *gʷlē- .
派生词包括: devil , emblem , metabolism , parliament , problem , symbol , ballet , and kill.
  1. Words denoting to throw, reach. Variant *gʷlē- , 缩减自: *gʷleᵊ- .
    1. Suffixed 零级形式 *gʷl̥-n-ᵊ- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 ballein , to throw (with o级 *bol- and variant *blē- );
        ballista 古代武器 ; ( 51222 )
        amphibole 角闪石 , ( x )
        arbalest 劲弩 , ( x )
        astrobleme 陨星坑 , ( x )
        bolide 火流星 , ( 50150 )
        devil n.魔鬼 , ( 4759 , guel₂ , _ )
        diabolical 糟糕透顶的 , ( 53590 , )
        embolism 动脉栓塞 , ( 54027 , )
        emboly 内陷 , ( x )
        epiboly 外包 , ( x )
        hyperbola 双曲线 , ( 55734 , )
        hyperbole n.[修辞]夸张法 , ( 22040 , guel₂ , _ )
        metabolism 扔过的:n.新陈代谢[T8] , ( 9499 , guel₂ , _ )
        →[oew]→ metabolic adj.变化的;新陈代谢的[T9]。 ( 11150 )
        palaver 琐事,忙乱,废话 , ( 59054 , )
        parable 扔到旁边:n.寓言,比喻;隐晦或谜般的格言[T8] , ( 16720 , guel₂ , _ )
        parabola 抛物线 , ( 59119 , )
        parley 和谈,对话 , ( 59166 , )
        parliament n.国会,议会 , ( 1998 , guel₂ , parl说谈 )
        parlor 会谈场所:n.客厅;会客室;业务室;雅座adj.客厅的[T9] , ( 9207 , guel₂ , _ )
        parol 口头 , ( x )
        parole n.诺言,誓言 vt.有条件释放,假释 , ( 8540 , quel₁ , _ )
        Polari x , ( x )
        problem n.问题,疑难问题;思考题,讨论题 , ( 186 , guel₂ , _ )
        symbol n.符号,标志;象征 , ( 2601 , sem₁ , _ )
      2. ←from 希腊语 ballizein , to dance.
        ball n.球(状物);(正式的)舞会vt.把…捏成球状 , ( 1001 , beu , ball跳舞 )
        ballad 舞曲:n.民谣,叙事歌谣,流行抒情歌曲[T8] , ( 13143 , guel₂ , ball跳舞 )
        →[oew]→ ballerina 舞女 : n.芭蕾舞女[T8]。 ( 19994 )
        ballet 小型舞会:n.芭蕾。源于15世纪时流行于意大利宫廷的舞蹈表演[T3] , ( 6066 , guel₂ , ball跳舞 )
        bayadere 舞妓 , ( x )
    2. Suffixed o级形式 *gʷol(ᵊ)-ā- . ←from 希腊语 bolē , beam, ray.
      bolometer 测辐射热计 , ( x )
    3. Possible suffixed o级形式 *gʷol(ᵊ)-sā- . ←from 希腊语 boulē , determination, will (< "throwing forward of the mind"), council.
      boule 法式滚球 , ( 52336 , )
      abulia 意志力丧失 , ( x )
    4. Suffixed 全级形式 *gʷelᵊ-mno- . ←from 希腊语 belemnon , dart, javelin.
      belemnite 箭石 , ( x )
  2. Words denoting to pierce.
    1. Suffixed o级形式 *gʷol-eyo- .
      1. ←from 古英语 cwellan , to kill, destroy;
        quell v.镇压 , ( 17176 , guel₁ , _ )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 quelen , to be ill, suffer. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *kʷaljan .
        quail v.感到恐惧 , ( 16964 , _ , _ )
    2. Suffixed 零级形式 *gʷl̥-yo- . ←from 中古英语 killen , to kill,
      kill vt.杀死,消灭;破坏,毁灭;消磨(时间) , ( 561 , guel₁ , _ )
      perhaps←from 古英语 *cyllan , to kill, ←from 日耳曼语 *kuljan .
    3. 全级形式 *gʷel- . ←from 希腊语 belonē , needle.
      belonephobia 尖物恐怖症 , ( x )
[Pokorny 2. gu̯el- 471, 1. gu̯el- 470.]
symbolic a.象征的,符号的 (Greek,104313)
problematic adj.问题的;有疑问的;不确定的[T9] (Greek,106083)
symbolize vt.象征;用符号表现vi.采用象征;使用符号;作为…的象征[T9] (Greek,109388)
symbolism n.象征,象征主义;符号论;记号[T9] (Greek,110030)
ballistic adj.弹道的;射击的[T9] (Greek,113753)
emblem 扔进去的东西n.象征;徽章;符号,vt.象征;用符号表示;用纹章装饰[T9] (Greek,113830)
emblematic adj.象征的;可当标志的[T8] (Greek,119153)
anabolic adj.合成代谢的 (Greek,125384)
metabolite n.代谢物 (Greek,127364)
symbolist n.使用象征者,象征主义者,符号论者 (Greek,130388)
symbology n.象征学,象征的使用 (Greek,138366)
thromboembolism n.血栓栓塞 (Greek,140376)
diabolic adj.魔鬼似的,残忍的,毒辣,万恶 (Greek,141051)
paraboloid n.抛物面 (Greek,151204)
catabolism 分解代谢 (Greek,152647)
embolus 栓子 (Greek,154028)
hyperbolic 双曲线的,夸张的 (Greek,155735)
metabolize 发生新陈代谢 (Greek,157711)
parabolic 比喻的,寓言的,抛物线的 (Greek,159120)
ametabolic (Greek,)
ametabolism (Greek,)
amphibolic (Greek,)
amphibolite (Greek,)
amphibolous (Greek,)
amphiboly (Greek,)
anabolism (Greek,)
ballism (Greek,)
ballistospore (Greek,)
belomancy (Greek,)
catabolic (Greek,)
embolic (Greek,)
embolismic (Greek,)
embolize (Greek,)
embolon (Greek,)
hemiballismus (Greek,)
holometabolism (Greek,)
hyperboloid (Greek,)
parle (Greek,)
taurobolium (Greek,)
;...183, gʷen- 女人
  1. 带后缀形式: *gʷen-ā- .
    1. ←from 古英语 cwene , woman, prostitute, wife, ←from 日耳曼语 *kʷenōn- ;
      quean 轻佻的女人 , ( 60314 , )
    2. ←from 古爱尔兰 ben , woman;
      banshee 女妖 , ( 52019 , )
    3. ←from 波斯语 zan , woman.
      zenana 闺中女子的 , ( x )
  2. Suffixed 加长级形式 *gʷēn-i- . ←from 古英语 cwēn , woman, wife, queen, ←from 日耳曼语 *kʷēniz .
    queen n.女王,皇后,王后 , ( 2183 , guen , _ )
  3. Suffixed 零级形式 *gʷn̥-ā- . ←from 希腊语 gunē , woman.
    gyne 雌蚁 , ( x )
    -gyne 雌蚁 , ( x )
    gyno- 妇科- , ( x )
    -gynous x , ( x )
    -gyny x ; ( x )
    gynecocracy 妇女当政 , ( x )
    gynecology 妇科学 , ( 55092 , )
    gynoecium 雌蕊群 , ( x )
[Pokorny gu̯ē̆nā 473.]
androgyny n.雌雄同体,雌雄同体性 (Greek,131130)
androgynous 雌雄同体的 (Greek,151729)
gynarchy 妇女当政 (Greek,155091)
misogynist 厌恶女人者 (Greek,157966)
polygyny 一夫多妻制 (Greek,159783)
acrogynous (Greek,)
androgyne (Greek,)
epigyne (Greek,)
epigynous (Greek,)
epigynum (Greek,)
gymnogynous (Greek,)
gynaeceum (Greek,)
gynaecocracy (Greek,)
gynecomastia (Greek,)
gynodioecious (Greek,)
gynoid (Greek,)
gynophobia (Greek,)
heterogynous (Greek,)
hypogynous (Greek,)
monogyny (Greek,)
oligogyny (Greek,)
philogyny (Greek,)
polygynist (Greek,)
;...184, gʷerᵊ-₁ 沉重
Heavy. 最初形式: *gʷerh₂- .
派生词包括: grave ₂, grief , aggravate , baritone , guru , brute , and blitzkrieg.
  1. 零级形式 *gʷr̥ᵊ- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *gʷr̥ᵊ-wi- . ←from 拉丁语 gravis , heavy, weighty.
      grave n.坟墓a.严肃的,庄重的 , ( 3389 , gherbʰ₁ , grav重 )
      gravid 怀孕的 , ( 54996 , )
      gravimeter 重力仪 , ( x )
      gravitate vi.受引力作用,被吸引[T9] , ( 16757 , guer , grav重 )
      gravity n.重力,引力;严肃,庄重 , ( 4266 , guer , grav重 )
      grief n.悲伤,悲痛;悲伤的事,悲痛的缘由 , ( 4456 , guer , grav重 )
      grieve v.(使)苦恼,(使)悲痛[T4] ; ( 13087 , guer , grav重 )
      →[oew]→ grievance n.委屈,冤情,不平,不满[T8]。 ( 12152 )
      aggravate vt.加重,加剧,使恶化,激怒[T8] , ( 12728 , guer , grav重 )
      →[考研]→ aggressive a.侵略的,好斗的,有进取心的,敢作敢为的。 ( 2729 )
      aggrieve 冒犯 , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式: *gʷr̥ᵊ-u- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 barus , heavy;
        barite 重晶石 , ( x )
        barium , ( 52030 , )
        baryon 重子 , ( 34167 )
        baryta 氧化钡 ; ( x )
        baritone n.男中音;男中音歌手adj.男中音的[T9] , ( 18285 , guer , ton音调 )
        →[oew]→ barometer n.气压计[T6]。 ( 21118 )
        barycenter 重心 , ( x )
        barysphere 地核 , ( x )
        charivari 喧闹的庆祝 , ( x )
      2. ←from 梵语 guru- , heavy, venerable.
        guru n.[印度教](个人的)宗教老师(或指导),(受下属崇敬的)领袖,头头 , ( 12773 , guer , _ )
    3. 带后缀形式: *gʷr̥ᵊ-es- . ←from 希腊语 baros , weight.
      bar n.条,杆,闩;酒吧;栅,障碍(物)v.闩上,阻拦 , ( 1023 , bʰoros , )
      →[oew]→ barrier n.栅栏,屏障;障碍(物) vt.把…关入栅栏。 ( 2903 )
      →[oew]→ barrister 能够越过栅栏上庭的人 : n.大律师,出庭律师[T8]。 ( 15258 )
      baro- 大气压力, ; ( x )
      centrobaric 重心的 , ( x )
      isallobar 等气压图 , ( x )
      isobar 等压线 , ( 56237 , )
    4. Possibly *gʷrī̆- in 希腊语 compound *u(d)-bri- (see ud- ).
  2. Suffixed 扩展形式: *gʷrū-to- . ←from 拉丁语 brūtus , heavy, unwieldy, dull, stupid, brutish.
    brut adj.(香槟酒)极干的n.未加糖的酒低糖的酒 , ( x )
    brute adj.残忍的,畜生般的 n.残忍的人,畜生 , ( 12807 , guer , _ )
  3. Suffixed 扩展形式: *gʷrī-g- .
    1. ←from Spanish brio or Provençal briu , vigor, ←from Celtic *brīg-o- , strength;
      brio 活泼 , ( 52387 , )
    2. ←from Old 意大利语 briga , strife, ←from Celtic *brīg-ā- , strife;
      brig 横帆双桅船,禁闭室 , ( 52384 , )
      brigade n.旅 vt.把…编成旅,把…编成队 , ( 7730 , guer , brig战斗 )
      brigand 强盗 , ( 30538 )
      brigantine x , ( 46255 )
    3. ←from 高地德语 krēg , chrēg , stubbornness, ←from 日耳曼语 *krīg- .
      blitzkrieg 闪电站 , ( 52235 , )
      sitzkrieg 长期战 , ( x )
  4. Suffixed 全级形式 *gʷerᵊ-nā- , millstone. ←from 古英语 cweorn , quern.
    quern 手推石磨 , ( x )
[Pokorny 2. gu̯er- 476.]
gravitational adj.重力的,引力的[T8] (Lat,109051)
grievous adj.痛苦的;剧烈的[T8] (Lat,121012)
aggravation n.加重(病情、负担、罪行、危机等的),更恶化,恼怒,愈益严重 (Lat,124350)
gravitation 引力 (Lat,154997)
aggravative (Latin,)
aggravator (Latin,)
aggrievement (Latin,)
ingravescence (Latin,)
ingravescent (Latin,)
multigravida (Latin,)
multigravidity (Latin,)
nongravitational (Latin,)
nulligravida (Latin,)
primigravida (Latin,)
reaggravate (Latin,)
supergravity (Latin,)
degravation (Lat,)
gravamen (Lat,)
gravida (Lat,)
gravidity (Lat,)
gravitas (Lat,)
grievant (Lat,)
barometric adj.大气压力 (Greek,131550)
bariatric n.肥胖症治疗学,肥胖病学,外科减肥 (Greek,133856)
hyperbaric 高气压的 (Greek,155732)
abarognosis (Greek,)
antibaryon (Greek,)
baresthesia (Greek,)
barognosis (Greek,)
barogram (Greek,)
barograph (Greek,)
barophobia (Greek,)
barostat (Greek,)
barycentre (Greek,)
barycentric (Greek,)
baryogenesis (Greek,)
baryton (Greek,)
barytone (Greek,)
hypobaric (Greek,)
isobaric (Greek,)
;...185, gʷerᵊ-₂ 赞成
To favor. 最初形式: *gʷerh₂- .
  1. Suffixed 零级形式 *gʷr̥ᵊ-to- . ←from 拉丁语 grātus , pleasing, beloved, agreeable, favorable, thankful, with related 带后缀形式:s *gʷr̥ᵊ-ti- , *gʷr̥ᵊ-t-ā- , *gʷr̥ᵊ-t-olo- .
    grace n.优美,文雅;恩惠,恩泽;宽限,缓刑;感恩祷告 , ( 3450 , gar , grat喜好 )
    →[考研]→ graceful a.优美的,文雅的,大方的。 ( 8229 )
    →[考研]→ gracious adj.亲切的;高尚的;和蔼的;雅致的[T4]。 ( 9494 )
    grateful a.(to,for)感激的;感谢的 , ( 3262 , _ , grat喜好 )
    gratify vt.使满足;使满意,使高兴[T8] , ( 22736 , gar , grat喜好 )
    gratis 免费的,无偿的 , ( 54992 , )
    gratitude n.感激,感谢 , ( 7282 , gar , grat喜好 )
    gratuitous 高兴时自愿做的:adj.无理由的,无端的;免费的[T8] , ( 21553 , _ , grat喜好 )
    gratuity 小费 ; ( 54993 , )
    agree vi.答应,赞同;适合,一致;商定,约定 , ( 592 , gar , grat喜好 )
    →[考研]→ agreeable a.符合的;一致的;欣然同意的;令人愉快的。 ( 11523 )
    →[考研]→ agreement n.协定;协议;契约;达成协议;同意,一致。 ( 851 )
    congratulate v.(on)祝贺,向…致贺词 , ( 9545 , _ , grat喜好 )
    →[考研]→ congratulation n.(on)祝贺,(pl.)祝贺词。 ( 29800 )
    disgrace n.耻辱;丢脸的人或事;失宠vt.使失宠;使丢脸;使蒙受耻辱;贬黜[T6] , ( 10135 , gar , grat喜好 )
    ingrate 忘恩负义的人 , ( 37192 )
    ingratiate 讨好,巴结 , ( 56033 , )
    maugre 不管 , ( x )
  2. Probably compound 零级形式 *gʷr̥ᵊ-dʰ(ᵊ)-o- , "he who makes praises" ( *-dʰ(ᵊ)- , to do; see dʰē- ). ←from 威尔士 bardd and Scottish and Irish Gaelic bard , bard, ←from Celtic bardo- , bard.
    bard 游吟诗人 , ( 52027 , )
[Pokorny 4. gu̯er(ᵊ)- 478.]
disagree vi.不一致,不适宜,不同意,争执 (Latin,103354)
disagreement n.不一致,争论,意见不同 (Latin,105631)
congratulations n.祝贺,贺词,祝词 (Lat,109596)
gratification n.满意;喜悦;使人满意之事[T8] (Lat,115866)
disagreeable adj.<正> 不合意的,令人不快的,讨厌的,(人)不友善的 (Latin,124243)
congratulatory adj.祝贺的 (Lat,127262)
ingratitude 忘恩负义 (Latin,156035)
aggrace (Latin,)
agreeance (Latin,)
congratulant (Latin,)
congree (Latin,)
gracioso (Latin,)
grazioso (Latin,)
gree (Latin,)
ingratiation (Latin,)
noncongratulatory (Latin,)
nongratuitous (Latin,)
graciosity (Lat,)
gratulant (Lat,)
gratulate (Lat,)
gratulation (Lat,)
gratulatory (Lat,)
;...186, gʷet- 解说
To say, speak.
  1. 基本形式: *gʷet- . ←from 古英语 cwethan , to say, speak, ←from 日耳曼语 *kʷithan .
    bequeath vt.遗赠,遗留,把...传下去 , ( 20772 , guet , _ )
    quoth 说过 , ( 60357 , )
  2. 带后缀形式: *gʷet-ti- . ←from 古英语 -cwis , will, ←from 日耳曼语 *kʷessiz .
    bequest n.遗产,遗赠 , ( 22196 , ambʰi , _ )
[Pokorny 2. gu̯et- 480.]
;...187, gʷhedʰ- 祈祷
To ask, pray.
  1. 带后缀形式: *gʷhedʰ-yo- . ←from 古英语 biddan , to ask, pray, ←from 日耳曼语 *bidjan , to pray, entreat.
    bid v.祝愿;命令,吩咐;报价,投标n.出众,投标 , ( 3146 , bʰeudʰ , _ )
  2. ←from 古英语 bed(u) , gebed , prayer ( ge- , intensive and collective prefix; see kom ), ←from 日耳曼语 *bidam , entreaty.
    bead n.珠子,水珠 , ( 7526 , _ , _ )
  3. 带后缀形式: *gʷhedʰ-to- . ←from 拉丁语 -festus , probably in īnfestus , hostile (< *n̥-gʷhedʰ-to- , "inexorable"; *n̥- , not; see ne ) and perhaps in manifestus , caught in the act, red-handed ( manus , hand; see man-₂ ).
    infest vt.骚扰,大批滋生 , ( 22515 , dʰers , fend打击 )
    manifest 用手抓住:v.显示,表明,证明adj.明显的,明白的n.载货单,旅客名单[T6] , ( 6893 , dʰers , fend打击 )
[Pokorny gu̯hedʰ- 488, 2. bʰedʰ- 114.]
;...188, gʷhen- 击杀抢
To strike, kill.
派生词包括: bane , fence , and offend.
  1. o级形式 *gʷhon- .
    1. ←from 古英语 bana , slayer, cause of ruin or destruction;
      bane 造成困扰的事物 , ( 52012 , )
    2. ←from Middle High German ban , bane , way, road (< "strike" in a technical sense like "swath"). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *ban-ōn- .
      autobahn 高速公路 , ( 32422 )
  2. Suffixed 零级形式 *gʷhn̥-tyā- .
    1. ←from 古挪威语 gunnr , war;
      gun n.枪,炮,手枪 , ( 1058 , guhen , _ )
    2. ←from 意大利语 gonfalone , standard, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *gund-fanōn- , "battle flag" ( *fanōn- , flag; see pan- ). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *gundjō , war, battle.
      gonfalon 号旗 , ( x )
  3. 带后缀形式: *gʷhen-do- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 dēfendere , to ward off ( dē- , away; see de- );
      defend v.防守,保卫;为…辩护,为…答辩 , ( 2120 , guhen , fend打击 )
      defense n.国防部,防卫 , ( 994 , guhen , fend打击 )
      fence n.篱笆;围栏;剑术v.用篱笆瓦围住;击剑 , ( 3048 , guhen , fend打击 )
      fend v.保护,供养 , ( 12812 , guhen , fend打击 )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 offendere , to strike against, be offensive, offend ( ob- , against; see epi ).
      offend v.犯罪,冒犯,违反,得罪,使...不愉快 , ( 6377 , guhen , fend打击 )
      →[oew]→ offensive a.冒犯的,攻击的 n.攻势,进攻。 ( 3534 )
      offense n.进攻 , ( 3889 , _ , fend打击 )
  4. Suffixed 零级形式 *gʷhn̥-tro- . ←from 波斯语 zahr , poison, ←from 古伊朗语 *jathra- .
    bezoar 牛黄 , ( x )
  5. 全级形式 *gʷhen- . ←from 梵语 hanti , he strikes.
    bonze 和尚 , ( x )
    kalanchoe 高凉菜属 , ( x )
    sangha 僧伽 , ( x )
[Pokorny 2. gu̯hen-(ᵊ)- 491, bʰen- 126.]
defensive n.|a.防御(的) (Lat,103330)
defensible a.可防御的 (Lat,122004)
indefensible 难以防守的,无可争辩的 (Lat,155953)
inoffensive 不冒犯人的 (Lat,156066)
reoffend 再犯法 (Lat,160641)
;...189, gʷher- 温热
To heat, warm.
派生词包括: brand , brandy , forceps , and fornicate.
  1. 零级形式 *gʷhr- .
    1. ←from 古英语 beornan , byrnan (intransitive) and bærnan (transitive), to burn;
      burn v.燃烧,烧着;烧毁;灼伤n.烧伤,灼伤 , ( 1714 , bʰereu , _ )
    2. ←from late 古英语 brynstān , "burning mineral," sulfur ( stān , stone; see stei- );
      brimstone 硫磺 , ( 52385 , )
    3. ←from 古挪威语 brenna , to burn.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *brennan (intransitive) and brannjan (transitive), formed from *brenw- with nasal suffix and analogical vocalism.
      brindled 有斑纹的 , ( 50215 )
    1. ←from 古英语 brand , piece of burning wood, sword;
      brand n.商标,标记,牌子v.使铭记;打火印,打烙印 , ( 2747 , bʰereu , _ )
    2. ←from 荷兰语 branden , to burn, distill;
      brandy n.白兰地酒,(夹心)糖果 , ( 8617 , bʰereu , _ )
    3. ←from 古法语 brand , sword;
      brandish vt.挥舞 n.挥舞 , ( 17745 , bʰereu , _ )
    4. ←from Old Provençal brand , sword.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *brandaz , a burning, a flaming torch, hence also a sword.
      brandade 鱼羹 , ( 47982 )
  2. 带后缀形式: *gʷher-m(n)o- . ←from 希腊语 thermos , warm, hot, and thermē , heat.
    therm 撒姆(煤气热量单位) , ( 62883 , )
    →[oew]→ thermal adj.热的,热量的 n.上升的热气流[T6]。 ( 7465 )
    →[oew]→ thermometer n.温度计。 ( 11997 )
    →[oew]→ thermos n.热水瓶,保温瓶。来自于德国品牌膳魔师保温瓶商标“Thermos” ( 21143 )
    -therm 小卡 , ( x )
    thermo- 热- , ( x )
    -thermy x ; ( x )
    hypothermia n.降低体温 , ( 21963 , _ , _ )
    lobsterthermidor 热月龙虾 , ( x )
  3. o级形式 *gʷhor- . ←from 拉丁语 forceps , pincers, fire tongs (< "that which holds hot things"; -ceps , agential suffix, "-taker"; see kap- ).
    forceps 镊子 , ( 54546 , )
    forcipate 钳状的 , ( x )
  4. Suffixed o级形式 *gʷhor-no- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 furnus , fornus , fornāx , oven;
      Fornax 天炉星座 , ( x )
      furnace n.炉子,熔炉 , ( 12061 , guher , _ )
      hornito 溶岩滴丘 , ( x )
    2. probably 拉丁语 fornix , arch, vault (< "vaulted brick oven")
      fornicate 通奸 , ( 54565 , )
      fornix 拱顶,拱廊 . ( 54566 , )
  5. Suffixed 零级形式 *gʷhr̥-to- , heated, likely source of 梵语 ghṛtam , ghee, clarified butter
    ghee 印度酥油 . ( 54844 , )
[Pokorny gu̯her- 493, bʰ(e)reu- 143.]
thermostat n.自动调温器,温度调节装置 (Greek,118570)
thermodynamic adj.热力学的,使用热动力的 (Greek,130065)
thermophilic adj.喜温的,嗜热的,适温的,喜温植物 (Greek,136286)
hyperthermia n.体温过高,超高温,高温 (Greek,144679)
endothermic 吸热的 (Greek,154074)
exothermic 外热的 (Greek,154244)
isotherm 等温线 (Greek,156244)
thermoplastic 热塑塑料 (Greek,162887)
athermancy (Greek,)
diathermancy (Greek,)
ectotherm (Greek,)
endotherm (Greek,)
geothermic (Greek,)
homeothermy (Greek,)
poikilotherm (Greek,)
thermobaric (Greek,)
thermochromism (Greek,)
thermolysis (Greek,)
thermophobia (Greek,)
thermoplegia (Greek,)
thermosphere (Greek,)
thermostatic (Greek,)
;...190, gʷhī- 集线系夹
Thread, tendon. Oldest 全级形式 *gʷhyehx- , with 零级形式 *gʷhihx- becoming *gʷhī- .
  1. 全级形式 gʷhyeᵊ- .
    zij x , ( x )

    ultimately from 古伊朗语 *ǰyā- , bowstring (attested in Avestan ǰyā- ).
  2. 带后缀形式: *gʷhī-slo- . ←from 拉丁语 fīlum , thread.
    ficelle 淡灰褐色 , ( x )
    filament 纺出的线:n.细丝,细线,单纤维,灯丝[T6] , ( 17618 , guhisl , fil线纺 )
    →[oew]→ filet n.肉片,鱼片 ( 22630 )
    filar 丝的 , ( x )
    filaria 丝虫属 , ( x )
    file n.锉刀;文件,档案v.锉 , ( 1637 , guhisl , fil线纺 )
    fillet 小绳子:n.鱼片;头带;平边;饰线vt.用带缚;把…切成片[T8] , ( 14160 , legh , _ )
    filose 丝状的 , ( x )
    filum ; ( x )
    defile ①玷污②山中狭径 , ( 63945 , )
    enfilade 纵向射击 , ( x )
    filiform 丝状 , ( x )
    filigree 金银丝饰品 , ( 54415 , )
    filoplume 毛羽 , ( x )
    filovirus x , ( x )
    profile n.侧面(像);轮廓,外形;人物简介 , ( 2864 , guhisl , fil线纺 )
    purfle 花边 , ( x )
[Pokorny gu̯heiᵊ- 489.]
fillet 小绳子:n.鱼片;头带;平边;饰线vt.用带缚;把…切成片[T8] (Lat,114160)
filament 纺出的线:n.细丝,细线,单纤维,灯丝[T6] (Lat,117618)
filigree 金银丝饰品 (Lat,154415)
defile ①玷污②山中狭径 (Lat,163945)
bifilar (Lat,)
defilade (Lat,)
enfilade (Lat,)
filarial (Lat,)
filariform (Lat,)
filiferous (Lat,)
multifilament (Lat,)
unifilar (Lat,)
;...191, gʷhrē- 闻呼吸
To smell, breathe. 最初形式: *gʷhreh₁- , becoming *gʷhrē .

breath n.呼吸,气息 , ( 1564 , bʰereu , _ )
→[oew]→ breathing n.呼吸,瞬间,微风 adj.呼吸的,逼真的,短暂的休息 ( 4091 )
breathe v.呼吸,吸入 , ( 2706 , _ , _ ) ←from 古英语 brǣth , odor, exhalation, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *brē-thaz .
[Pokorny gu̯hrē- 495.]
;...192, gʷhren- 思考
To think.
  1. ←from 希腊语 phrēn , the mind, also heart, midriff, diaphragm.
    frantic adj.狂乱的,疯狂的[T8] , ( 8075 , guhren , _ )
    frenetic 头脑发热的:adj.狂热的;发狂的n.疯子;狂人[T8] , ( 21185 , guhren , _ )
    frenzy n.狂暴;狂怒;暴怒vt.使发狂;使狂怒[T8] , ( 9138 , guhren , _ )
    -phrenia x , ( x )
    phreno- 思想,智慧 ; ( 59501 , )
    phrenitis 精神错乱 , ( x )
  2. Extended 零级 root form *gʷhrn̥-d- . ←from 希腊语 phrazein , to point out, show.
    phrase n.短语,词语,习语 ; ( 2430 , _ , phras说 )
    holophrastic x , ( x )
    metaphrase 逐字翻译 , ( x )
    paraphrase n.v.改述,意译[T8] , ( 16422 , _ , phras说 )
    periphrasis 迂回表达 , ( 59360 , )
[Pokorny gu̯hren- 496.]
schizophrenia n.精神分裂症[T9] (Greek,111828)
phrenology 颅相学 (Greek,159502)
Euphrosyne (Greek,)
euneirophrenia (Greek,)
euphrasy (Greek,)
oneirophrenia (Greek,)
phrenetic (Greek,)
phrenic (Greek,)
phronema (Greek,)
phronesis (Greek,)
phronetic (Greek,)
sophrosyne (Greek,)
;...193, gʷou- 牛犇
Ox, bull, cow. Nominative singular form *gʷōu-s .
派生词包括: cow ₁, beef , bugle ₁, and butter.
  1. ←from 古英语 , cȳ , cȳe , cow, ←from 日耳曼语 *kōuz (> *kūz ).
    cow n.母牛,奶牛 , ( 3456 , grou , _ )
    kine 母牛 ; ( x )
    cowslip 野生报春花 , ( 53210 , )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 bōs (stem bov- ), ox, bull, cow;
      beef n.牛肉 , ( 3858 , ane , _ )
      bovine 牛的 , ( 52341 , )
      bugle 军号 , ( 52429 , )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 būcina , horn, trumpet, ←from *bou-kanā- , "bellower" ( *-kanā- , singer; see kan- ).
      buccinator 颊肌 , ( x )
    1. ←from 希腊语 bous , ox, bull, cow;
      Boötes 牧夫座 , ( x )
      boustrophedon 交互书写法 , ( x )
      bucolic 牧牛的adj.牧歌的,乡下风味的n.农夫,田园诗[T8] , ( 24002 , ker₁ , _ )
      bugloss 牛舌草 , ( x )
      bulimia n.病贪食症,易饥症,贪欲 , ( 23427 , guou , _ )
      bumelia x , ( x )
      buprestid x , ( x )
      butter n.黄油,奶油v.涂黄油于…上 , ( 2641 , guou , _ )
      →[考研]→ butterfly n.蝴蝶。 ( 5682 )
      →[oew]→ buttery n.食品室,酒贮藏室 adj.像黄油样的,奉承的 ( 22216 )
      →[oew]→ butler n.仆役长,男管家 ( 7932 )
      butyric , ( x )
    2. ←from 希腊语 boubalos , buffalo,
      buffalo n.美洲野牛 , ( 9851 , buff , _ )
      perhaps from bous ;
    3. ←from 拉丁语 bōia , collar used to restrain a criminal (originally made from ox hide), ←from 希腊语 boeiā , ox hide, ←from bous .
      boy n.男孩子,儿子;男性服务员 , ( 408 , _ , _ )
      perhaps from 古法语 buie , fetter, shackle,
  2. ←from 梵语 gauḥ , go- , cow.
    gayal 大额牛 ; ( x )
    guar abbr.guaranteed 有保证的;有担保的;guaranty 保证;pyt guarantee of payment 付款保证 , ( 50512 )
    Gurkha 廓尔喀族 , ( x )
    kouprey x , ( x )
    nilgai x , ( 44409 )
  3. 带后缀形式: *gʷou-no- . ←from Pali goṇa- , ox.
    gunny 黄麻袋布 , ( 55069 , )
  4. 带后缀形式: *gʷōu-ro- . ←from 梵语 gauraḥ , wild ox.
    gaur 白肢野牛 , ( x )
  5. 零级 带后缀形式: *gʷw-ā- . ←from 希腊语 hekatombē , "sacrifice of a hundred oxen" ( hekaton , hundred; see dekm̥ ).
    hecatomb 百牲祭 , ( 51240 )
[Pokorny gu̯ou- 482.]
boor 粗鲁的人 (Latin,152313)
bucinator muscle (Latin,)
bovinic acid (Lat,)
;...194, i- 伊它
Pronominal stem.
派生词包括: yonder , identity , and item.
  1. ←from 古英语 ilca , same, ←from 日耳曼语 *is-līk- ( *līk- , like; see līk- ).
    ilk adj.相同的 n.家族,同类,种类 , ( 23900 , i , _ )
  2. ←from 古英语 geon , that, ←from 日耳曼语 *jaino- , *jeno- .
    yon , ( 21783 )
    1. ←from 古英语 geond , as far as, yonder, ←from 日耳曼语 *jend- ;
      yond 在那边 , ( x )
      yonder 那边的 , ( 63929 , )
    2. ←from 古英语 geondan , beyond, ←from 日耳曼语 *jendana- .
      beyond prep.在(或向)...的那边,远于;超出; , ( 743 , _ , _ )
  3. 扩展形式:s *yām , *yāi . ←from 古英语 gēa , affirmative particle, and gēse , yes (see es- ), ←from 日耳曼语 *jā , *jai .
    yea n.肯定,赞成 , ( 23263 , i , _ )
    yes ad.是[用于肯定句前],是的 , ( 257 , i , _ )
  4. ←from 古英语 gīet , gīeta still (preform uncertain).
    yet ad.还,尚,仍然;已经conj.然而ad.甚至 , ( 261 , i , _ )
  5. Relative stem *yo- plus particle. ←from 古英语 gif , if, ←from 日耳曼语 *ja-ba .
    if conj.(用于连接宾语从句)是否;是不是 , ( 47 , i , _ )
  6. 基本形式: *i- , with neuter *id-em . ←from 拉丁语 is , he (neuter id , it), and īdem , same.
    id abbr.身份(identification,identity).n.遗传素质 , ( 16370 , _ , _ )
    idem 同前 , ( 55799 , )
    identical a.(to.with)同一的,同样的 , ( 3611 , i , _ )
    identity n.身份;本体;特征;同一(性);一致;国籍;等式 ; ( 1375 , i , _ )
    →[考研]→ identification n.识别,鉴别;证件;认同。 ( 3223 )
    identify v.识别,鉴别;(with)把…和…看成一样 , ( 869 , i , _ )
  7. 带后缀形式: *i-tero- . ←from 拉丁语 iterum , again.
    iterate 重复,反复声明 ; ( 56251 , )
    reiterate vt.重申;反复地做[T8] , ( 12265 , _ , _ )
  8. Suffixed and 扩展形式: *it(ᵊ)-em . ←from 拉丁语 item , thus, also.
    item n.条(款),项目;一则(新闻),(戏剧的)节目 , ( 1170 , i , _ )
  9. Stem *i- plus locatival particle *-dʰa-i . ←from 拉丁语 ibīdem , in the same place.
    ibidem 如上 , ( x )
  10. Suffixed 变化形式*e-tero- in compound *ke-e-tero- (see ko- ).
[Pokorny 3. e- 281.]
;...195, kā- 喜欢
To like, desire. 最初形式: *keh₂- , 变形 为: *kah₂- , becoming *kā- .
  1. 带后缀形式: *kā-ro- .
      1. ←from 古英语 hōre ;
        whore n.娼妓 vi.卖淫 , ( 11813 , ka , _ )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 compound hōrdōmr ( -dōmr ,"condition"; see dʰē- ). Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *hōraz (feminine *hōrōn- ), "one who desires," adulterer.
        whoredom 偶像崇拜 , ( x )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 cārus , dear.
      caress vt.爱抚,抚抱n.爱抚,拥抱;接吻[T8] , ( 14586 , ka , _ )
      charity n.慈善(团体),仁慈,施舍 , ( 2844 , amma , _ )
      cherish vt.珍爱vt.怀有(感情等);抱有(希望等)[T6] ; ( 11388 , ka , _ )
      MotherCarey'schicken 海燕 , ( x )
  2. 带后缀形式: *kā-mo- . ←from Sanksrit kāmaḥ , love, desire.
    Kama 爱神 ; ( x )
    Kamasutra 爱经 , ( 56478 , )
[Pokorny kā- 515.]
charitable adj.慈善事业的;慷慨的,仁慈的;宽恕的[T8] (Lat,107273)
caressive (Lat,)
noncharitable (Lat,)
;...196, kad- 降临落
To fall. 最初形式: *k̑ad- , becoming *kad- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).

cadaver 坠落(至阴间):n.尸体,死尸[T8] , ( 20818 , kad₁ , _ )
cadence 鼓点:n.节奏,韵律,抑扬顿挫[T8] , ( 16263 , kad₁ , cad落下 )
cadent 有节奏的 , ( x )
caducous 易脱落的 , ( x )
cascade 反复坠落:n.层叠,小瀑布,喷流vi.倾泻[T8] , ( 13000 , kad₁ , cad落下 )
case n.箱,盒,容器;情况,事实;病例;案件 , ( 184 , kad₁ , cad落下 )
casual a.偶然的,碰巧的;临时的,非正式的 , ( 3693 , kad₁ , cad落下 )
casualty 意外:n.伤亡,伤亡人员,急症室[T9] , ( 5032 , kad₁ , cad落下 )
casuist 诡辩家 , ( x )
chance n.机会;可能性;偶然性,运气v.碰巧,偶然发生 , ( 614 , kad₁ , _ )
→[oew]→ chancellor 教堂中开关栅栏的人 : n.总理(德、奥等的);(英)大臣;校长(美国某些大学的);(英)大法官;(美)首席法官[T8]。 ( 4518 )
chute n.瀑布,斜道 ; ( 12847 , kad₁ , _ )
accident n.意外遭遇,事故;意外(因素) , ( 1504 , kad₁ , cad落下 )
→[考研]→ accidental a.偶然的;意外的;无意中的。 ( 7171 )
decay v./n.腐朽,腐烂;衰减,衰退 , ( 7429 , kad₁ , cad落下 )
→[oew]→ decadence n.堕落,颓废,衰落[T8]。 ( 22612 )
deciduous adj.落叶的,脱落的[T8] , ( 23274 , kad₁ , cad落下 )
escheat 无主财产接收官员 , ( 54163 , )
incident n.事件,事变 , ( 2059 , kad₁ , cad落下 )
→[考研]→ incidence n.影响程度,影响范围;发生率。 ( 4866 )
→[考研]→ incidentally adv.附带地,顺便提及 ( 7712 )
→[oew]→ incidental adj.附带的;偶然的;容易发生的[T6]。 ( 11311 )
occasion n.场合,时节,时刻;时机,机会 , ( 1985 , _ , cad落下 )
→[考研]→ occasional a.偶然的,非经常的,特殊场合的;临时的。 ( 3238 )
occident 欧美国家 , ( x )
recidivism 累犯 , ( 22917 ) ←from 拉丁语 cadere , to fall, die.
[Pokorny 1. k̑ad- 516.]
cancel v.取消,把…作废;删去,划掉 (Lat,104574)
coincidence n.巧合;一致;同时发生[T9] (Lat,106214)
coincide 落到一起:n.巧合,一致,符合[T6] (Lat,107542)
cancellation n.取消,删除[T9] (Lat,110920)
incarceration n.监禁,禁闭,钳闭 (Lat,116025)
incarcerate vt.把...关进监狱,监禁,幽闭 (Lat,116494)
decadent adj.颓废的;衰微的n.颓废者[T9] (Lat,121310)
coincidental adj.一致的,符合的,巧合的 (Lat,123173)
cadaverous adj.死人似的, 尸体般的,面色灰白的,枯槁的 (Lat,134739)
chancellery n.大臣 (Lat,138864)
cadenza 华彩乐章 (Lat,152500)
casuistry 诡辩 (Lat,152645)
chancel 祭坛 (Lat,152731)
chancery 大法官法庭 (Lat,152732)
cadaverine (Lat,)
cancellable (Lat,)
cancellate (Lat,)
cancellous (Lat,)
cancellus (Lat,)
demicadence (Lat,)
escheatage (Lat,)
recidivous (Lat,)
semelincident (Lat,)
subchancel (Lat,)
;...197, kaᵊ-id- 敲击
To strike. 最初形式: *keh₂-id- , 变形 为: *kah₂-id- .
  1. ←from 拉丁语 caedere , to cut, strike.
    caesura 音顿 , ( 52507 , )
    cement n.水泥;胶泥,胶接剂v.胶合;巩固,加强 , ( 7141 , sek₂ , _ )
    cestus 牛皮手套 , ( x )
    chisel n.凿子v.雕刻,凿,欺骗[T8] , ( 21751 , sek₂ , _ )
    -cide 表示“杀” , ( x )
    scissor vt.(用剪刀)剪;作剪式移动(尤指腿) ; ( 35738 )
    abscise 被切除 , ( x )
    circumcise 包皮环切 , ( 52871 , )
    concise 把多余部分全部切掉:adj.简洁的,简明的[T8] , ( 13384 , sek₂ , cide切 )
    decide v.决定,下决心;解决,裁决 , ( 538 , sek₂ , cide切 )
    excise vt.切除,收税n.消费税,货物税[T8] , ( 12059 , sek₂ , cide切 )
    incise 雕刻,切入 , ( 55922 , )
    precise a.精确的,准确的 , ( 3203 , sek₂ , cide切 )
    →[考研]→ precision n.精确,精确度。 ( 5402 )
    →[oew]→ precis 摘要,大纲。 ( 59939 )
  2. ←from 拉丁语 caelum (? < *caedum ), sculptor's chisel.
    Caelum 雕具星座 , ( x )
    ceil vt.装天花板,装船内格子板 , ( 19367 , kait , _ )
    →[oew]→ ceiling n.天花板;(规定价格、工资等的)最高限额。 ( 2843 )
    sallet , ( x )
[Pokorny (s)k(h)ai- 917.]
decision n.决定,决心;决议;决策 (Lat,100453)
decisive adj.决定性的;果断的,坚定的【六级 (Lat,105851)
homicide n.杀人,杀人犯[T8] (Latin,107294)
scissors n.剪子 (Lat,109644)
incision n.切口;雕刻,切割;切开[T8] (Lat,116363)
excision n.删除,切除;切除之物[T9] (Lat,120971)
circumcision n.割礼;净心;包皮环割术[T9] (Lat,122468)
indecision n.优柔寡断 (Lat,122514)
imprecision n.不严密,不精确 (Lat,131750)
indecisive adj.犹豫不决的;非决定性的[T8] (Lat,142029)
concision n.简洁,简明 (Lat,143502)
excisional 医adj.切除的 (Lat,143587)
germicide 杀菌剂 (Latin,154836)
imprecise 不精确的 (Lat,155883)
incisive 尖刻的,锐利的 (Lat,155923)
incisor 切牙,门齿 (Lat,155924)
cementum (Lat,)
deciso (Lat,)
excide (Lat,)
incisory (Lat,)
incisure (Lat,)
succise (Lat,)
succision (Lat,)
;...198, kai- 开火烤
Heat. 扩展形式: *kaid- .
  1. ←from 古英语 hāt , hot, ←from 日耳曼语 *haitaz ;
    hot a.(炎)热的;辣的;急躁的;激动的;热衷的 , ( 784 , kai , _ )
  2. ←from 古英语 hǣtu , ←from 日耳曼语 *haitī- .
    heat n.热,热度;热烈,激烈v.(给)加热,(使)变热 , ( 1029 , kai , _ )
[Pokorny kā̆i- 519.]
;...199, kailo- 囫囵神
Whole, uninjured, of good omen.
    1. ←from 古英语 hāl , hale, whole;
      hale ①健康的,健朗的②强拉硬拖 , ( 63952 , )
      whole n.全部a.全体的;全部的;完整的;无缺的 , ( 369 , kailo , _ )
      →[考研]→ wholly ad.完全地,全部,一概。 ( 5017 )
    2. ←from 古英语 *hālsum (> 中古英语 holsom ), wholesome;
      wholesome a.有益的,健康的,健全的 , ( 16110 , kailo , _ )
    3. ←from 古挪威语 heill , healthy.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *hailaz .
      hail v.下雹;欢呼,欢迎n.雹 ; ( 8530 , kailo , _ )
      wassail 饮酒狂欢 , ( 63680 , )
  1. ←from 古英语 hǣlth , health, ←from 日耳曼语 *hailithō .
    health n.健康,健康状况;卫生 , ( 307 , _ , _ )
    →[考研]→ healthy a.健康的,健壮的;有益健康的,卫生的。 ( 1473 )
  2. ←from 古英语 hǣlan , to heal, ←from 日耳曼语 *hailjan .
    heal v.治愈,愈合 , ( 5680 , kailo , _ )
    1. ←from 古英语 hālig , holy, sacred;
      holy a.神圣的,圣洁的 ; ( 2527 , kailo , _ )
      halibut n.大比目鱼 , ( 21466 , bʰau , _ )
      halidom 圣地 , ( x )
      holiday n.假日,节日,假期,休假 , ( 1487 , _ , _ )
      hollyhock 蜀葵 , ( 55502 , )
      →[oew]→ holly n.冬青树 ( 10427 )
    2. ←from 古英语 hālgian , to consecrate, bless, ←from 日耳曼语 derivative verb *hailagōn . Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *hailagaz .
      hallow 圣徒 ; ( x )
      Allhallowmas 万圣节 , ( x )
      Halloween n.万圣节前夕,诸圣日前夕 , ( 9827 , _ , _ )
[Pokorny kai-lo- 520.]
;...200, kaito- 荒地
Forest, uncultivated land.
  1. ←from 古英语 hǣth , heath, untilled land, ←from 日耳曼语 *haithiz .
    heath n.[植]石南,石南树丛 , ( 9455 , kaito , _ )
    →[oew]→ heather n.石南花 adj.杂色的,似石南的 Heather 希瑟(女子名) ( 11086 )
    1. ←from 古英语 hǣthen , heathen, "savage" (< "one inhabiting uncultivated land");
      heathen 未开化的人,异教徒 , ( 55288 , )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 heiden , heathen. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *haithinaz .
      hoyden 淘气的 , ( 44031 )
[Pokorny kaito- 521.]
;...201, kakka- 咔咔 , Also kaka- .
To defecate. Root imitative of glottal closure during defecation.
  1. ←from 中古英语 cukken , to defecate, ←from a source akin to 古挪威语 *kūka , to defecate.
    cuckingstool x , ( x )
  2. ←from 拉丁语 cacāre , to defecate.
    poppycock 胡说 , ( 59845 , )
  3. ←from 希腊语 kakos , bad.
    caco- x ; ( x )
    cacodyl 二甲砷基 , ( x )
    cacoëthes 恶习 , ( x )
    cacophonous 发音不和谐的 , ( 32787 )
    cacophony n.刺耳的声音[T8] , ( 20990 , _ , phon声音 )
[Pokorny kakka- 521.]
;...202, kan- 唱歌
To sing.
  1. ←from 古英语 hen(n) , hen, ←from 日耳曼语 *han(e)nī .
    hen n.母鸡 , ( 8939 , ane , _ )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 canere , to sing (> cantāre , to sing, frequentative of canere );
      canorous 音调优美的 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ canter (马的)慢跑。 ( 52564 )
      cant n.言不由衷的话,伪善的话,黑话,行话vi.讲黑话,讲客套话adj.黑话的,行话的,假仁假义的[T8] , ( 34833 , kan , cant唱歌 )
      cantabile 如歌的 , ( x )
      cantata 康塔塔(宗教题材短小音乐作品) , ( 52562 , )
      canticle 圣歌 , ( 52565 , )
      cantillate 吟诵 , ( x )
      canto (长诗的)篇,章 , ( 52567 , )
      cantor 领唱 , ( 52572 , )
      canzone 合组歌 , ( x )
      chant n.圣歌 , ( 8698 , kan , cant唱歌 )
      chanteuse 流行歌曲女歌手 , ( 52736 , )
      chantey 船夫曲 , ( 47538 )
      chantry 附属礼拜堂,祈唱堂 ; ( 52737 , )
      accent n.口音,腔调;重音(符号)vt.重读 , ( 4367 , kan , cant唱歌 )
      chanticleer 公鸡 , ( x )
      descant 高于主旋律的曲调 , ( 53551 , )
      enchant 唱进入vt.使迷惑;施魔法[T6] , ( 22202 , _ , cant唱歌 )
      incantation 咒语 , ( 55915 , )
      incentive adj.激励的,刺激的n.刺激,动机[T8] , ( 3071 , kan , _ )
      precentor 领唱人 , ( x )
      recant 公开声明放弃,撤消 , ( 60502 , )
    2. 带后缀形式: *kan-ā- , "singer," in 拉丁语 compound *bou-kanā (see gʷou- ).
  2. ←from 拉丁语 oscen , a singing bird used in divination (< *obs-cen , "one that sings before the augurs"; ob- , before; see epi ).
    oscine x , ( x )
  3. 带后缀形式: *kan-men- . ←from 拉丁语 carmen , song, poem.
    charm n.吸引力,魅力v.迷人,(使)陶醉;施魔法于 , ( 4802 , gal , _ )
    →[oew]→ chary 小心谨慎的。 ( 52753 )
[Pokorny kan- 525.]
accentuate vt.强调,重读[T8] (Lat,114806)
enchantment n.魅力;魔法;着迷;妖术[T9] (Lat,122125)
disenchantment n.觉醒,清醒 (Latin,124478)
chanson n.<法>歌曲,歌谣,小调 (Lat,135289)
recantation n.改变论调,取消主张 (Lat,139542)
accentuation n.重读,强调,预加量 (Lat,140445)
accentual adj.重音的,有抑扬的 (Lat,151228)
disincentive 遏制因素 (Latin,153696)
enchantress 女巫,迷人的女子 (Latin,154058)
plainchant 素歌,宗教圣咏 (Lat,159651)
Carmen (Latin,)
cantillation (Latin,)
canzona (Latin,)
discantus (Latin,)
disenchant (Latin,)
disencharm (Latin,)
vaticinate (Latin,)
vaticination (Latin,)
vaticinator (Latin,)
canción (Lat,)
cantation (Lat,)
cantatory (Lat,)
cantatrice (Lat,)
canticum (Lat,)
cantiga (Lat,)
cantilena (Lat,)
cantion (Lat,)
cantus (Lat,)
chansonnier (Lat,)
chanteur (Lat,)
concent (Lat,)
discant (Lat,)
incantational (Lat,)
succentor (Lat,)
;...203, kand- 发光 , Also kend- .
To shine.
  1. Suffixed (stative) form *kand-ē- . ←from 拉丁语 candēre to shine.
    candelabrum 枝状大烛台 , ( 40300 )
    candelilla 小烛树 , ( x )
    candent 灼热的 , ( x )
    candescence 白热 , ( x )
    candid adj.坦白的,率直的,偷拍的[T8] , ( 13224 , kand , cand白亮 )
    candida 念珠菌 , ( 52550 , )
    candidate n.候选人,候补者;报考者 , ( 1133 , kand , cand白亮 )
    candle n.蜡烛 , ( 4498 , kand , cand白亮 )
    candor n.坦白,坦率[T8] ; ( 17443 , _ , _ )
    incandesce v.(使)白热化 , ( x )
  2. ←from 拉丁语 compound incendere , to set fire to, kindle ( in- , in; see en ), ←from transitive *candere , to kindle.
    incendiary 燃烧弹;纵火犯,放火者;煽动者adj.煽动的;放火的,纵火的[T8] , ( 22247 , kand , _ )
    incense 焚烧之物:n.香vi.焚香vt.向……焚香,激怒[T8] , ( 15859 , kand , _ )
    incense 焚烧之物:n.香vi.焚香vt.向……焚香,激怒[T8] ; ( 15859 , kand , _ )
    frankincense 乳香 , ( 54595 , )
[Pokorny kand- 526.]
chandelier 蜡烛架子n.枝形吊灯[T8] (Lat,113646)
incandescent adj.辉耀的;炽热的;发白热光的[T9] (Latin,118884)
candela 坎,坎德拉(光强度单位) (Lat,152548)
candelabra 枝状大烛台 (Lat,152549)
chandler 船用杂货商,杂货店 (Lat,152733)
chandlery (Lat,)
;...204, kap- 卡抓头
To grasp.
派生词包括: have , heavy , cable , captive , deceive , capsule , and chassis.
  1. 基本形式: *kap- .
    1. ←from 古英语 hefeld , thread used for weaving, heddle (a device which grasps the thread), ←from 日耳曼语 *haf- .
      heddle 综丝 , ( x )
    2. ←from 古英语 hæft , handle, ←from 日耳曼语 *haftjam .
      haft 刀柄 , ( 55121 , )
    3. Form *kap-o- . ←from 古英语 habban , to have, hold, ←from 日耳曼语 *habai- , *habēn .
      have v.有,具有;体会,经受;从事;使;吃,喝 ; ( 10 , ghebʰ , _ )
      behave v.举止,举动,表现;运转,开动 , ( 3663 , _ , _ )
      →[考研]→ behavior n.(behaviour)行为,举止;(机器等)运转情况。 ( 875 )
    4. ←from 古英语 hefig , heavy, ←from 日耳曼语 *hafigaz , "containing something," having weight.
      heavy a.重的,重型的;沉重的,大量的,猛烈的 , ( 928 , kap , _ )
    5. ←from 古英语 hæfen , a haven, ←from 日耳曼语 *hafnō- , perhaps "place that holds ships.".
      haven n.港口,避难所 , ( 6747 , kap , _ )
    6. ←from 古英语 h(e)afoc , hawk, ←from 日耳曼语 *habukaz .
      hawk n.鹰 , ( 10785 , kap , _ )
    7. 带后缀形式: *kap-to- . ←from Middle 低地德语 echte , true, legitimate, akin to 高地德语 ēohaft , according to custom, ←from ēwa , custom, right (seeaiw-) + -haft , having (a characteristic; < "possessed by, seized by"), ←from -haft , caught, captured, ←from 日耳曼语 *haftam .
      echt 真正的 , ( x )
    8. 拉丁语 combining form -ceps (< *kap-s ), "taker" (see gʷher- , man-₂ , per₁ ).
    9. Probably from this root is 日耳曼语 *gaf- , the source of Provençal gafar , to seize
      gaff 手钩,挽钩 . ( 54720 , )
  2. 带后缀形式: *kap-yo- .
    1. ←from 古英语 hebban , to lift, ←from 日耳曼语 *hafjan .
      heave v.(用力)举,提,拉;扔;拖;呕吐n.举起 , ( 11870 , kap , _ )
      heft n.重量,体积 vt.举…以掂重量,举起 , ( 21000 , kap , _ )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 capere , to take, seize, catch.
      cable n.电报;电缆;缆,索,钢丝绳v.拍电报 , ( 2351 , kap , _ )
      →[oew]→ cabbage n.洋白菜,卷心菜。 ( 8242 )
      cacciatore 水银地震计 , ( x )
      caitiff 卑鄙的人 , ( x )
      capable a.有本领的,有能力的;(of)可以…的,能…的 , ( 2069 , kap , cap取 )
      →[考研]→ capacity n.容量,容积;能量,能力;接受力。 ( 1594 )
      →[考研]→ capsule 小容器 : n.胶囊;[植]蒴果;太空舱;小容器 adj.压缩的;概要的 vt.压缩;简述[T8]。 ( 10037 )
      →[oew]→ captivity n.囚禁;俘虏[T9]。 ( 11220 )
      →[oew]→ Capsicum 辣椒。 ( 52584 )
      capacious 宽敞的 , ( 26360 )
      capias 拘捕令 , ( x )
      capstan 铰盘 , ( 52586 , )
      caption 逮捕:n.标题,字幕,说明,逮捕vt.为…加标题或说明。中世纪逮捕令封面的标题通常是caption(逮捕)[T8] , ( 10388 , kap , cap取 )
      captious 挑剔的 , ( x )
      captivate vt.迷惑,迷住[T8] , ( 16896 , kap , cap取 )
      captive adj.被俘虏,被迷住的n.俘虏,迷恋者[T4] , ( 10101 , kap , cap取 )
      captor n.捕捉者,逮捕者,捕快 , ( 16328 , kap , cap取 )
      capture v./n.捕获,俘虏;夺得,攻占 , ( 2191 , kap , cap取 )
      catch v.捕捉,捕获;赶上;感染;理解,听到 , ( 710 , kap , _ )
      cater 反复去拿(食材):vt.提供外烩服务,上门承办酒席,投合,满足需要[T8] , ( 7534 , ane , _ )
      chase v./n.追逐,追求 , ( 3640 , kap , _ )
      →[oew]→ chassis n.底盘,架子[T9]。 ( 13268 )
      cop n.警察(slang俚语) , ( 2937 , kap , _ )
      copper n.铜;铜币,铜制器 ; ( 4723 , kap , _ )
      accept vt.接受,领受;认可,同意vi.同意,认可 , ( 773 , _ , ceive取 )
      →[考研]→ acceptance n.接受,接收,验收,接纳;承认,认可。 ( 3163 )
      anticipate vt.预料;期望;预先考虑;抢先;提前使用 , ( 4076 , ant , ceive取 )
      catchpole 法警 , ( x )
      conceive v.构思,设想,持有,怀孕[T6] , ( 5240 , gn , ceive取 )
      deceive v.欺骗,蒙蔽 , ( 11114 , kap , ceive取 )
      →[oew]→ deceit n.欺骗,谎言,欺诈手段[T4]。 ( 18626 )
      except prep.除…之外v.除外;反对 , ( 1441 , kap , ceive取 )
      →[考研]→ exception n.例外,除外;反对;异议。 ( 2401 )
      →[考研]→ exceptional adj.异常的,例外的[T6]。 ( 4996 )
      inception n.起初;获得学位[T8] , ( 11595 , kap , ceive取 )
      incipient adj.初期的;初始的;起初的;发端的[T8] , ( 21728 , kap , _ )
      intercept 在中途拿:vt.拦截;截断;窃听n.拦截;[数]截距;截获的情报[T8] , ( 10154 , kap , ceive取 )
      intussusception 肠套叠 , ( x )
      municipal 承担职责的,自治的adj.市政的,市的;地方自治的[T6] , ( 5088 , kap , )
      nuncupative 口述的 , ( x )
      occupy v.占,占用;占据,占领;使忙碌,使从事 , ( 3270 , kap , _ )
      →[考研]→ occupation n.占领,占据;占用;职业,工作。 ( 3233 )
      participate v.(in)参与,参加;分享,分担;含有,带有 , ( 1778 , kap , ceive取 )
      perceive v.察觉,感知;理解,领悟 , ( 2629 , kap , ceive取 )
      precept 预先采取:n.规则;格言;训诫;命令[T8] , ( 17790 , kap , ceive取 )
      receive v.收到,接到;遭受,受到;接待,接见 , ( 571 , kap , ceive取 )
      recipe 照此服用:n.处方,食谱。源自古代医生在处方上写的首单词[T6] , ( 2975 , kap , _ )
      →[考研]→ recipient adj.容易接受的,感受性强的 n.容器,接受者[T8]。 ( 4562 )
      →[oew]→ reciprocate v.互换,交换 ( 20152 )
      recover v.收回;(from)恢复,痊愈;重新获得 , ( 2407 , kap , cover掩盖 )
      →[考研]→ recovery n.痊愈,复元;重获,恢复。 ( 2317 )
      recuperate v.复原 , ( 20894 , kap , _ )
      susceptible 能被抓住的adj.易受影响的;易感动的;容许…的n.易得病的人[T8] , ( 7297 , kap , ceive取 )
  3. Lengthened-grade 变化形式*kōp- .
      1. ←from 古英语 behōf , use, profit, need;
        behoof 好处 , ( x )
      2. ←from 古英语 behōfian , to have need of. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 compound *bi-hōf , "that which binds," requirement, obligation ( *bi- , intensive prefix; see ambʰi ), ←from *hōf- .
        behoove 理应,理所当然 , ( 52096 , )
    1. ←from 希腊语 kōpē , oar, handle.
      copepod 桡足动物 , ( 36405 )
[Pokorny kap- 527.]
Compare ghabʰ- .
case n.箱,盒,容器;情况,事实;病例;案件 (Lat,100184)
concept n.概念,观念,设想 (Lat,101122)
participant n.参与者 (Lat,101341)
perception n.观念,洞察力,认识能力 (Lat,102054)
principal a.最重要的,主要的n.负责人,校长;资本,本金 (Lat,102419)
prince n.王子,亲王 (Lat,102754)
acceptable adj.可接受的,合意的 (Lat,102814)
capability n.才能,能力;性能,容量[T6] (Lat,103499)
reception n.接待,招待会;接收,接受,接收效果 (Lat,103641)
conception n.怀孕;概念;设想[T6] (Lat,104235)
conceptual adj.概念上的 (Lat,105552)
receipt n.收据,收条;收到,接到 (Lat,106317)
anticipation n.希望;预感;先发制人;预支[T9] (Lat,106750)
incapable adj.不能干的,不胜任的[T6] (Lat,107614)
deception n.欺骗,诡计 (Lat,108326)
receptor n.接受器,感觉器官 (Lat,109185)
receptive adj.善于接受的;能容纳的[T8] (Lat,110819)
interception n.拦截,截住;截断,截取;侦听,窃听[T9] (Lat,111050)
conceivable a.可能的,想得到的 (Lat,111076)
contraception n.避孕,避孕法 (Lat,112002)
deceptive adj.欺诈的;迷惑的;虚伪的[T9] (Lat,112614)
inconceivable adj.不能想像的,难以相信的 (Lat,113999)
cashier n.收银员,出纳员 (Lat,114452)
recapture n.取回,夺回,政府对公司超额收益或利润的征收 vt.拿回,夺回,再体验,政府征收再经历,再体验 (Lat,114557)
perceptive adj.感知的,知觉的;有知觉力的[T9] (Lat,114582)
contraceptive adj.避孕的 n.避孕品,避孕用具 (Lat,116812)
encase vt.装入,包住,围绕 (Lat,117307)
catchment n.排水,集水 (Lat,119660)
encapsulate vt.压缩;将…装入胶囊;将…封进内部;概述vi.形成胶囊[T8] (Lat,120149)
conceit n.自负,狂妄,幻想vt.幻想[T6] (Lat,122628)
receptacle 用来接纳的场所:n.[植]花托;容器;插座[T8] (Lat,122635)
perceptible adj.可察觉的,显而易见的,感觉得到的 (Lat,123876)
interceptor n.拦截机 (Lat,124095)
incapacitate vt.使无能力,使不能胜任 (Lat,124267)
anticipatory adj.期待着的,提早发生的 (Lat,125127)
receptivity n.感受性,接受能力 (Lat,125414)
incapacity n.无能力,伤残,(法律上)无行为能力 (Lat,126257)
caisson n.(水下作业用的)沉箱,藻井,沉雷箱 (Lat,130068)
preceptor n.教师,导师 (Lat,132261)
encapsulation n.包装,封装,包裹 (Lat,132804)
incapacitation n.无能力,使无能力,使无资格 (Lat,134426)
capsular adj.蒴的,蒴状的,被膜的医 (Lat,138861)
percept n.知觉的对象 (Lat,140538)
participial adj.分词的 (Lat,144408)
encasement n.装箱,套 (Lat,150481)
capacitance 电容 (Lat,152574)
capsicum 辣椒 (Lat,152584)
emancipate 解放 (Lat,154022)
forceps 镊子 (Lat,154546)
imperceptible 无法感知的 (Lat,155860)
participle 分词 (Lat,159184)
percipient 敏锐的 (Lat,159338)
principality 王公治理的国家,公国,侯国 (Lat,160038)
acceptancy (Lat,)
acceptant (Lat,)
acceptation (Lat,)
accipient (Lat,)
anticipative (Lat,)
capacitate (Lat,)
capistrate (Lat,)
captation (Lat,)
captivation (Lat,)
cassone (Lat,)
conceptacle (Lat,)
conceptible (Lat,)
conceptional (Lat,)
conceptive (Lat,)
discept (Lat,)
disceptation (Lat,)
disceptator (Lat,)
encapsulant (Lat,)
exceptant (Lat,)
exceptive (Lat,)
exceptor (Lat,)
excipient (Lat,)
exciple (Lat,)
excipulum (Lat,)
incapability (Lat,)
incapacious (Lat,)
incapacitant (Lat,)
incase (Lat,)
incasement (Lat,)
incept (Lat,)
inceptive (Lat,)
inceptor (Lat,)
incipience (Lat,)
intracapsular (Lat,)
percipience (Lat,)
preception (Lat,)
preceptive (Lat,)
preceptory (Lat,)
preceptress (Lat,)
precipient (Lat,)
recept (Lat,)
receptible (Lat,)
receptory (Lat,)
recipience (Lat,)
subcapsular (Lat,)
susception (Lat,)
susceptive (Lat,)
susceptivity (Lat,)
susceptor (Lat,)
suscipiency (Lat,)
suscipient (Lat,)
;...205, kaput- 头首领
    1. ←from 古英语 hēafod , head;
      head n.头;顶部;领导,首脑v.主管;位于..顶部 ; ( 229 , caput , _ )
      →[考研]→ headache n.头痛。 ( 5204 )
      →[考研]→ heading n.标题。 ( 5067 )
      →[考研]→ headline n.大字标题,新闻标题。 ( 4067 )
      →[考研]→ headmaster n.校长。 ( 8336 )
      →[考研]→ headquarters n.司令部,指挥部;总部,总局。 ( 2906 )
      →[oew]→ heady adj.鲁莽的,顽固的,任性的,性急的,猛烈的 ( 11913 )
      →[oew]→ headland n.向水中突出的陆地,畦头未耕的一条地,岬 ( 20424 )
      →[oew]→ headlong adv.头向前地,急速地,轻率地 adj.头向前的,急速的,轻率的,险峻的 ( 22925 )
      →[oew]→ headstrong 固执的,倔强的。 ( 55273 )
      behead vt.斩首,砍头,[地质](指海盗河pirale stream)使其他河川的水流入自己河中 , ( 22851 , _ , _ )
      forehead n.前额;(任何事物的)前部 , ( 4059 , _ , _ )
    2. ←from 高地德语 houbit , head. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *haubudam , *haubidam .
      hetman 波兰军事指挥官 , ( x )
  1. ←from 拉丁语 caput , head.
    bacalao 咸鳕鱼干 , ( x )
    caddie n.球童 vi.当球童 , ( 21134 , _ , _ )
    cadet n.军事院校学生,实习生,幼子。古代欧洲贵族家庭中长子能够世袭爵位,是家中的caput(首领),而幼子则是cadet(小 , ( 11142 , caput , _ )
    cape n.海岬(陆地伸至大海的头),披肩(与cap同源,原本表示包裹头颈部位的物品,后来才指无袖斗篷)[T6] , ( 7965 , caput , cap头 )
    →[考研]→ capitalism n.资本主义[T9]。 ( 4435 )
    →[oew]→ capsize 翻船。 ( 52585 )
    →[oew]→ cap n.便帽,军帽;盖,罩,套 v.覆盖于…顶端。 ( 2692 )
    →[oew]→ capuchin n.(天主教的)圣方济会托钵僧,嘉布遣斗篷,僧帽猴 ( 29215 )
    →[oew]→ capricious adj.反复无常的 ( 22078 )
    →[oew]→ caparison 披挂装饰。 ( 52575 )
    →[oew]→ capillary 毛细血管。 ( 52577 )
    capital n.首都;大写字母;资本a.主要的,大写字母的 , ( 846 , caput , cap头 )
    capital n.首都;大写字母;资本a.主要的,大写字母的 , ( 846 , caput , cap头 )
    capitate 头状花序的 , ( x )
    capitation 人头税 , ( 52578 , )
    capitellum 小头 , ( x )
    capitulate 小头→条款→条约:vi.有条件投降,认输[T8] , ( 23092 , _ , _ )
    capitulum 头状花序 , ( x )
    capo 品柱 , ( 28679 )
    capo 品柱 , ( 28679 )
    caprice 反复无常 , ( 52581 , )
    captain n.首领,队长;船长;上尉v.做…的首领,指挥 , ( 2486 , caput , cap头 )
    cattle n.牛;牲口,家畜 , ( 3398 , caput , _ )
    caudillo 领袖 , ( 38475 )
    chapiter 柱头 , ( x )
    chapter n.章;回,篇 , ( 1325 , caput , _ )
    →[oew]→ chapel 小披肩→供奉圣徒马丁的披肩碎片的地方 : n.小交通,礼拜堂。基督教徒马丁曾经在寒夜中将自己身上的斗篷撕下一半给路边的乞丐。 ( 5545 )
    →[oew]→ chaplain n.(私人、社团、医院、监狱、贵族、私人教堂、军中等的)牧师 ( 10296 )
    →[oew]→ chaperon 年长女伴。 ( 52741 )
    chef (厨房里的)头:n.大厨,主厨,厨师长;厨师[T8] , ( 3882 , _ , _ )
    chief a.主要的,首要的n.首领,领袖 , ( 1112 , caput , _ )
    chieftain n.酋长,首领 , ( 22123 , caput , _ )
    corporal adj.肉体的n.下士[T8] ; ( 15476 , caput , )
    achieve vt.实现,完成;达到,得到vi.达到预期目的 , ( 1080 , caput , _ )
    biceps n.[解剖]二头肌,强健的筋肉 , ( 15950 , _ , _ )
    decapitate 斩首 , ( 53432 , )
    kerchief 方巾,围巾 , ( 56513 , )
    mischief n.恶作剧;伤害;顽皮;不和[T6] , ( 11515 , caput , _ )
    occiput 后头部 , ( x )
    precipitate 头朝前(坠落或跳跃):v.(使)沉淀,(使)陷入,猛抛,急坠,冷凝成雨雪adj.急坠的,突如其来的n.沉淀物[T8 , ( 13767 , caput , cap头 )
    →[oew]→ precipice 头朝前(坠落或跳跃) : n.悬崖,绝境[T8]。 ( 23790 )
    recapitulate 重述,概括 , ( 60503 , )
    sinciput 前顶 , ( x )
    triceps 三头肌 , ( 63183 , )
[Pokorny kap-ut- 529.]
chapter n.章;回,篇 (Lat,101325)
achievement n.成就,功绩 (Lat,101900)
chef n.厨师,大师傅 (Lat,103882)
cape n.海岬(陆地伸至大海的头),披肩(与cap同源,原本表示包裹头颈部位的物品,后来才指无袖斗篷)[T6] (Lat,107965)
cadet n.军事院校学生,实习生,幼子。古代欧洲贵族家庭中长子能够世袭爵位,是家中的caput(首领),而幼子则是cadet(小 (Lat,111142)
precipitation n.沉淀,沉淀物;冰雹;坠落;鲁莽[T8] (Lat,114857)
biceps n.[解剖]二头肌,强健的筋肉 (Lat,115950)
cad n.(尤指对女性)卑鄙的男人,下流人,无赖;Computer Aided Design,计算机辅助设计 (Lat,119857)
caddie n.球童 vi.当球童 (Lat,121134)
achievable a.做得成的,可完成的 (Lat,121256)
precipitous adj.陡峭的,急躁的 (Lat,121854)
capitulation n.(有条件的)投降,概要,协议,一系列条款 (Lat,124968)
occipital adj.枕部的,枕骨的 n.枕骨 (Lat,127760)
decapitation n.斩首,杀头,断头术,大辟 (Lat,128494)
capo n.(弦乐器上的)弦枕,弦柱,(犯罪集团的)头目,(犯罪集团的)分支头目 (Lat,128679)
co-captain (Lat,130624)
sous-chef 助理厨师 (Lat,137038)
captaincy n.舰长(上尉)的地位,队长职位 (Lat,142851)
chattel 财产,动产 (Lat,152756)
quadriceps 四头肌 (Lat,160291)
recap (Latin,)
ancipital (Lat,)
ancipitous (Lat,)
bicipital (Lat,)
cabotage (Lat,)
capitular (Lat,)
capitulary (Lat,)
capitule (Lat,)
capodecina (Lat,)
caporegime (Lat,)
centicipitous (Lat,)
chaptrel (Lat,)
co-captaincy (Lat,)
occiput (Lat,)
per capita (Lat,)
precipitando (Lat,)
quadricipital (Lat,)
sincipital (Lat,)
sinciput (Lat,)
subcaptain (Lat,)
tri-captain (Lat,)
tricipital (Lat,)
unicipital (Lat,)
vice-captain (Lat,)
vice-captaincy (Lat,)
;...206, kar- 难掐 , Also ker- .
派生词包括: hard , and cancer.
  1. 变化形式*ker- .
    1. Suffixed o级形式 *kor-tu- .
      1. ←from 古英语 hard , heard , hard;
        hard a.坚硬的;结实的;困难的;难忍的;严厉的 , ( 373 , kar , _ )
        →[考研]→ harden v.(使)变硬。 ( 11094 )
        →[考研]→ hardship n.艰难,困苦。 ( 7217 )
        →[考研]→ hardware n.五金,金属制品;硬件。 ( 3751 )
        hardly ad.几乎不,简直不;仅仅 , ( 1466 , _ , _ )

      2. -ard 表名词,“不好的人” , ←from 日耳曼语 *-hart , *-hard , bold, hardy; ( x )
      3. ←from 古法语 estandard , flag marking a rallying place in battle, ←from Frankish *hard , hard;
        standard n.标准,规则a.标准的 , ( 718 , sta , _ )
      4. ←from 古法语 hardir , to make hard.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *harduz .
        hardy a.能吃苦耐劳的,坚强的 , ( 8187 , kar , _ )
    2. Suffixed 零级形式 *kr̥t-es- , ←from earlier 全级形式 *kret-es- . ←from 希腊语 kratos , strength, might, power.
      -cracy 政体 , ( x )
  2. Possible 基本形式: *kar- in derivatives referring to things with hard shells.
    1. Possibly 拉丁语 carīna , keel of a ship, nutshell
      careen vt.倾斜,倾,(为修理或清洁而)使倾侧 n.船的倾侧 , ( 21238 , kar , _ )
      carina 船底座 . ( x )
    2. Possibly 希腊语 karuon , nut
      karyo- x ; ( x )
      eucaryote 真核细胞 , ( x )
      gillyflower 紫罗兰花 , ( x )
      synkaryon 合子核 . ( x )
    3. Reduplicated form *kar-kr-o- . ←from dissimilated 拉丁语 cancer , crab, cancer, constellation Cancer.
      cancer n.癌 , ( 1156 , guei , _ )
      canker 溃疡病 , ( 52553 , )
      carangid x , ( x )
      chancre 下疳 , ( x )
    4. 带后缀形式: *kar-k-ino- . ←from 希腊语 karkinos , cancer, crab.
      carcino- x , ( x )
      carcinoma n.癌 , ( 16565 , kar , _ )
[Pokorny 3. kar- 531.]
;...207, kas- 灰色兔
Gray. 最初形式: *k̑as- , becoming *kas- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    1. ←from 古英语 hara , hare;
      hare n.野兔.v.飞奔 , ( 11690 , kas , _ )
      →[oew]→ harrier 鹞。 ( 55227 )
    2. ←from 高地德语 haso , rabbit. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *hazōn- , *hasōn- .
      hasenpfeffer x , ( x )
  1. 带后缀形式: *kas-no- . ←from 拉丁语 cānus , white, gray, grayed hair.
    canescent 变灰白的 , ( x )
[Pokorny k̑as- 533.]
;...208, kat- 下来
  1. Possibly 希腊语 kata , down
    cata- G. kata-,来自kata,down向下 . ( x )
  2. 带后缀形式: *kat-olo- . ←from 拉丁语 catulus , young puppy, young of animals ("dropped").
    cadelle 大谷盗 , ( x )
[Pokorny 2. kat- 534.]
;...209, kau- 凿击锄
To hew, strike.
    1. ←from 古英语 hēawan , to hew;
      hew v.砍 , ( 23078 , kau₃ , _ )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 höggva , to cut;
      haggis 羊杂碎肚 , ( 55124 , )
      haggle v.争价 n.争价 ; ( 21526 , kau₃ , _ )
      hacksaw 钢锯 , ( 55109 , )
    3. ←from 古法语 houe , a hoe.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *hawwan .
      hoe n.锄头 v.用锄耕地,锄 , ( 19711 , kau₃ , _ )
  1. ←from a source akin to 古挪威语 högg , a gap, a cutting blow, ←from 日耳曼语 *hawwō .
    hag 老巫婆,丑老太婆 , ( 55122 , )
  2. ←from 古英语 hīeg , hay, cut grass, ←from 日耳曼语 *haujam .
    hay n.干草 , ( 6754 , kagh , _ )
  3. 带后缀形式: *kau-do- . ←from 拉丁语 cūdere (< *caudere ), to strike, beat.
    incus 砧骨 , ( 30753 )
[Pokorny kāu- 535.]
;...210, ked- 走过程
To go, yield.
  1. 加长级形式 *kēd- . ←from 拉丁语 cēdere , to go, withdraw, yield.
    cease v./n.停止,中止 , ( 4907 , sed₃ , _ )
    cede vt.放弃,割让[T8] , ( 16289 , sed₃ , cede走步 )
    cession 割让 ; ( 52713 , )
    abscess (体液)走开:n.脓肿;脓疮vi.形成脓肿[T9] , ( 22982 , sed₂ , cede走步 )
    accede 走近vi.加入,同意,就任[T8] , ( 22657 , sed₃ , cede走步 )
    access n.进入;接入;到达;享用权;入口vi.存取 , ( 937 , sed₂ , cede走步 )
    →[考研]→ accessory 加入的 : adj.附属的,同谋的,副的 n.附件,配件,从犯[T4]。 ( 8679 )
    →[oew]→ accession n.增加;就职;到达 vt.登记入册[T9]。 ( 12140 )
    ancestor n.祖宗,祖先;原型,先驱 , ( 4979 , ant , _ )
    antecede 在…之前 , ( x )
    concede vt.承认;容许;(比赛结束前)认输;退让 , ( 5403 , sed₃ , cede走步 )
    decease 死亡 , ( 53436 , )
    exceed v.超过,胜过;越出 , ( 3764 , sed₂ , cede走步 )
    →[考研]→ exceedingly ad.极端地,非常。 ( 10623 )
    incessant adj.不断的;不停的;连续的[T8] , ( 19128 , _ , cede走步 )
    intercede 在之间来回走:vi.调停,调解,求情,说项[T8] , ( 24024 , sed₂ , cede走步 )
    precede 在前面走:v.领先,在…前面,优于,高于[T6] , ( 7454 , sed₂ , cede走步 )
    →[考研]→ precedent adj.在前的;在先的 n.先例;前例[T8]。 ( 5920 )
    →[考研]→ preceding a.在前的,在先的。 ( 6155 )
    predecessor 在前面走掉了的人:n.前任,前辈[T8] , ( 5713 , sed₂ , _ )
    proceed v.进行,继续下去;发生 , ( 2886 , sed₂ , cede走步 )
    →[考研]→ proceeding n.进行;程序;诉讼;事项[T6]。 ( 12901 )
    recede vt.后退,减弱,撤回[T8] , ( 10684 , sed₂ , cede走步 )
    retrocede 后退 , ( x )
    secede vi.脱离;退出vt.从…中脱离;割让[T8] , ( 21882 , sed₂ , cede走步 )
    succeed vi.成功;继承,接替vt.接替;继…之后 , ( 2097 , sed₂ , cede走步 )
    →[oew]→ succeeding adj.以后的,随后的 v.成功( succeed的现在分词 ),完成,继承,达到目的 ( 11605 )
  2. Prefixed and 带后缀形式: *ne-ked-ti- , "(there is) no drawing back" ( *ne- , not; see ne ). ←from 拉丁语 necesse , inevitable, unavoidable.
    necessary a.必需的,必要的;必然的n.必需品 , ( 692 , ne , _ )
    →[考研]→ necessitate vt.使成为必需,需要;迫使[T9]。 ( 12959 )
    →[考研]→ necessity n.必要性,需要;必然性;(pl.)必需品。 ( 3805 )
[In Pokorny sed- 884.]

accessible a.可得到的,易接近的,可理解的
excess a.过量的,额外的n.过量;过剩;超额;无节制
excessive a.过多的;过分的;额外
procedure n.程序,手续,步骤
process n.过程,进程;工序,制作法;工艺v.加工,处理
success n.成就,成功;成功的事物,有成就的人
successful a.圆满的;顺利的;成功的
successive a.接连的,连续的

recession n.撤回,退回,退后,工商业之衰退,不景气 (Lat,102685)
processor n.加工业者,处理机 (Lat,104538)
succession n.连续,系列;继任,继承 (Lat,105144)
successor n.继承者;继任者,后续的事物[T6] (Lat,105248)
concession n.让步,妥协;特许(权); (Lat,105849)
procession n.队伍,行列 (Lat,107655)
procedural adj.程序上的[T9] (Lat,108324)
recess vt.使凹进,把…放在隐蔽处vi.休假n.休息,休会,凹处[T8] (Lat,109859)
inaccessible adj.难达到的;难接近的;难见到的[T6] (Lat,112899)
cessation n.停止;中止;中断[T8] (Lat,118174)
secession n.脱离,分离[T9] (Lat,118472)
antecedent n.前情;先行词;祖先adj.先行的,先前的[T8] (Lat,120179)
intercession n.求情,说情,调停, 斡旋 (Lat,126814)
precession n.运动,旋进,岁差 (Lat,129109)
decedent n.死者 (Lat,134314)
concessionary 优惠的 (Lat,153040)
predecease 先于...去世 (Lat,159943)
recessionary 经济衰退的 (Lat,160506)
recessive 隐性的 (Lat,160507)
reprocess 再加工 (Lat,160656)
abscession (Lat,)
antecedaneous (Lat,)
antecessor (Lat,)
cessative (Lat,)
cessavit (Lat,)
circumincession (Lat,)
decession (Lat,)
discede (Lat,)
discession (Lat,)
excedent (Lat,)
incessable (Lat,)
necessitarian (Lat,)
necessitude (Lat,)
nonnecessity (Lat,)
nonrecessive (Lat,)
preprocess (Lat,)
preprocessor (Lat,)
processionary (Lat,)
processive (Lat,)
précis (Lat,)
retrocession (Lat,)
retrocessive (Lat,)
;...211, keg- 钩牙黑客
Hook, tooth.
    1. ←from 古英语 haca , hook, akin to 古挪威语 haki , hook;
      hake 无须鳕 , ( 55139 , )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 hake , hook. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *hakan- .
      harquebus 火绳枪 , ( x )
    1. ←from 古英语 hōc , hook;
      hook n.钩,吊钩,钩状物v.钩住 , ( 4184 , keg , _ )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 hōk , hoec , hook;
      hooker n.渔船 , ( 12815 , keg , _ )
    3. ←from 高地德语 hāko , hook.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 lengthened form *hōka- .
      haček x ; ( x )
      Hakenkreuz 钩十字 , ( x )
  1. ←from 中古荷兰语 hekel , hatchel, a flax comb with long metal hooklike teeth, ←from 日耳曼语 *hakila- .
    hatchel 使烦恼 , ( x )
    heckle 麻梳,责问,诘问 , ( 55299 , )
  2. ←from 古英语 -haccian , to hack to pieces as with a hooked instrument, ←from 日耳曼语 *hakkijan .
    hack v.砍 n.出租 , ( 10227 , keg , _ )
[Pokorny keg- 537.]
;...212, kei-₁ 城床住
To lie; bed, couch; beloved, dear. 最初形式: *k̑ei- , becoming *kei- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: city , and cemetery.
  1. 基本形式: *kei- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *kei-wo- .
      1. ←from 古英语 hīwan , members of a household, ←from 日耳曼语 *hīwa- ;
        hind a.后边的,后面的 , ( 12475 , kei₂ , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 hīgid , hīd , a measure of land (< "household"), ←from suffixed 日耳曼语 form *hīwidō .
        hide v.隐藏,躲藏;隐瞒n.皮革,兽皮 , ( 1496 , kei₂ , _ )
    2. 带后缀形式: *kei-wi- . ←from 拉丁语 cīvis , citizen (< "member of a household").
      city n.城市;都市;市 , ( 285 , kei₂ , _ )
      →[考研]→ citizen n.公民;市民,居民。 ( 1386 )
      →[oew]→ citadel 城堡。 ( 52879 )
      civic a.市的,市民的 , ( 4659 , kei₂ , civ居民 )
      →[oew]→ civility n.礼貌;礼仪;端庄[T8]。 ( 16006 )
      civil a.公民的,市民的;民间的;民用的;有礼貌的 , ( 1022 , kei₂ , civ居民 )
      →[考研]→ civilian n.平民 a.平民的;民用的。 ( 3596 )
      →[考研]→ civilization n.(=civilisation)文明,文化。 ( 3761 )
      →[考研]→ civilize v.(=civilise)使文明,开化。 ( 29799 )
    3. 带后缀形式: *kei-liyo- . ←from 古爱尔兰 céle , companion.
      ceilidʰ 同乐会 , ( 46437 )
  2. o级形式 *koi- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *koi-nā- . ←from 拉丁语 cūnae , a cradle.
      incunabulum 最初期 , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式: *koi-m-ā- . ←from 希腊语 koimān , to put to sleep.
      cemetery n.墓地,公墓 , ( 5492 , kei₂ , _ )
  3. Suffixed 零级形式 *ki-wo- . ←from 梵语 śiva- , auspicious, dear.
    Shiva 湿婆 , ( 23156 )
[Pokorny 1. k̑ei- 539.]
civilian n.平民a.平民的;民用的 (Lat,103596)
cunabula (Lat,)
incunable (Lat,)
incunabula (Lat,)
incunabular (Lat,)
;...213, keiᵊ- 激动起
To set in motion. 最初形式: keih₂- .
派生词包括: resuscitate , and kinetic.
  1. Possibly extended variant o级 from *koid- in 日耳曼语 *hait- , to call, summon (but this may be from a separate root *kaid- ).
    1. ←from 古英语 hātan , to call, summon, order, ←from 日耳曼语 *haitan .
      hight , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式: *koid-ti- .
      1. ←from 古英语 hǣs , a command, bidding;
        hest 命令,训谕 , ( 55381 , )
      2. ←from 古英语 compound behǣs , a vow, promise, command ( be- , intensive prefix; see ambʰi ). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *haissiz , ←from *hait-ti- .
        behest n.[诗]命令,吩咐,要求 , ( 22181 , kei₁ , _ )
  2. 零级形式 *ki- .
    1. Suffixed iterative form *kiᵊ-eyo- . ←from 拉丁语 ciēre (past participle citus ), with its frequentative citāre , to set in motion, summon.
      cite v.引用,引证,举(例) ; ( 2627 , kei₁ , cite驱策 )
      →[oew]→ citation n.引用,引证;传票[T8]。 ( 9034 )
      excite v.刺激,使激动;激发,激励 , ( 4643 , kei₁ , cite驱策 )
      →[考研]→ excitement n.刺激,激动,兴奋。 ( 3236 )
      →[考研]→ exciting a.令人兴奋的,使人激动的。 ( 2819 )
      incite vt.煽动,激励,刺激[T8] , ( 15491 , kei₁ , cite驱策 )
      oscitancy 打呵欠 , ( x )
      resuscitate 再次激发v.(使)复兴,(使)复苏[T8] , ( 22603 , kei₁ , cite驱策 )
      solicitous 焦急的,操心的,关心的,关切的 , ( 61799 , )
    2. 带后缀形式: *kiᵊ-neu- . ←from 希腊语 kīnein , to move.
      kinematics 运动学 , ( 56560 , )
      kinesics 人体动作学 , ( x )
      -kinesis 运动 , ( x )
      kinetic a.(运)动的,动力(学)的 ; ( 15196 , _ , _ )
      bradykinin 缓激肽 , ( x )
      cinematograph 拍成电影 , ( x )
      hyperkinesia 运动机能亢进 , ( x )
      kinesiology 运动机能学 , ( 24717 )
      kinesthesia 动觉 , ( x )
      telekinesis 心灵致动 , ( 62764 , )
[Pokorny kēi- 538.]
solicitor 呼吁者:n.律师;法务官;募捐者;掮客[T9] (Lat,105310)
recite v.背诵,叙述,例举[T3] (Lat,108590)
solicit 全身心地呼唤:v.征求,招揽,恳求,请求[T8] (Lat,110993)
recital n.朗诵,吟诵;独奏会;背诵;独唱会[T8] (Lat,114661)
excitation n.刺激,兴奋,激动 (Lat,117359)
recitation n.背诵;朗诵;详述;背诵的诗[T9] (Lat,117757)
solicitation n.诱惑,揽货,恳切地要求,游说 (Lat,120141)
resuscitation n.恢复知觉,苏醒 (Lat,122026)
excitable adj.容易激动的 (Lat,127587)
incitement n.煽动,鼓动 (Lat,127900)
excitability n.可激发性,兴奋性 (Lat,138971)
insouciance 无忧无虑者 (Lat,156093)
insouciant 无忧无虑的 (Lat,156094)
recitative 歌剧的宣叙调 (Lat,160510)
accite (Lat,)
concitation (Lat,)
concite (Lat,)
excitant (Lat,)
excitative (Lat,)
incitable (Lat,)
incitant (Lat,)
incitation (Lat,)
incitative (Lat,)
inexcitable (Lat,)
irresuscitable (Lat,)
solicitant (Lat,)
cinema n.电影院;电影,影片 (Greek,104693)
cinematic adj.电影的,影片的 (Greek,116403)
kinetics n.动力学 (Greek,124560)
hyperkinetic adj.运动机能亢奋的,运动过度的 (Greek,135975)
kinescope n.<主美>(电视)显像管,电视屏幕纪录片 vt.(电视节目的录象) 电视节目录影 (Greek,140346)
kinesis 运动,动作 (Greek,156561)
kinesthetic 运动感官的 (Greek,156562)
akinesia (Greek,)
akinesis (Greek,)
akinete (Greek,)
akinetic (Greek,)
diakinesis (Greek,)
dyskinesia (Greek,)
dyskinetic (Greek,)
hyperkinesis (Greek,)
hypokinesia (Greek,)
hypokinesis (Greek,)
hypokinetic (Greek,)
kinesiologist (Greek,)
kineticism (Greek,)
kinetochore (Greek,)
kinetophobia (Greek,)
photokinesis (Greek,)
;...214, kekʷ- 排泄粪
Excrement. 最初形式: *k̑ekʷ- , becoming *kekʷ- in centum languages(K类语,颚音). Suffixed o级形式 *kokʷ-ro- .

copro- 粪, , ( x ) ←from 希腊语 kopros , dung.
[Pokorny k̑eku̯- 544.]
;...215, kel-₁ 扣冚盖
To cover, conceal, save. 最初形式: *k̑el- , becoming *kel- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: hell , hole , holster , apocalypse , and eucalyptus.
  1. o级形式 *kol- .
      1. ←from 古英语 hell ;
        hell n.地狱,阴间;苦境,极大痛苦 , ( 1576 , kel₆ , _ )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 Hel , the underworld, goddess of death. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *haljō , the underworld (< "concealed place").
        Hel 冥界 , ( x )
      1. ←from 古英语 heall , hall;
        hall n.礼堂,会堂,办公大楼,门厅 , ( 1244 , kel₆ , _ )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 höll , hall. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *hallō , covered place, hall.
        Valhalla 瓦尔哈拉殿堂(北欧神话中阵亡将士与奥丁神居住的宫殿) , ( 63480 , )
    1. 带后缀形式: *kol-eyo- . ←from 希腊语 koleon , koleos , sheath.
      coleus 锦紫苏 ; ( 30162 )
      coleopteran 甲虫类之昆虫 , ( x )
      coleoptile 胚芽鞘 , ( x )
      coleorhiza 胚根鞘 , ( x )
  2. 零级形式 *kl̥- .
      1. ←from 古英语 hulu , husk, pod (< "that which covers");
        hold v.拿着;保有;托住;举行;继续n.握住;船舱 , ( 262 , kel₇ , _ )
        →[考研]→ holder n.持有人;所有人;固定器;(台、架等)支持物[T9]。 ( 3839 )
        hull n.(果实等的)外壳,船体,Hull赫尔 , ( 6081 , kel₆ , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 hol , a hollow;
        hole n.洞,孔 , ( 1364 , kel₆ , _ )
      3. ←from 古英语 holh , hole, hollow;
        hollow a.空的,中空的;空洞的,空虚的v.挖空,凿空 , ( 6776 , kel₆ , _ )
      4. ←from 古英语 healh , secret place, small hollow.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *hul- .
        haugh 泛滥平原 , ( x )
      1. ←from 高地德语 hulft , covering;
        holster n.手枪用的皮套 , ( 16456 , kel₆ , _ )
      2. ←from 中世拉丁 hultia , protective covering. Bothaandb←from suffixed 日耳曼语 form *hulftī- .
        housing n.住房,住房供给;(外、阀)壳,防护罩 , ( 1543 , kel₆ , _ )
        →[oew]→ house n.房屋;商业机构;[H-]议院 v.给...房子住。 ( 206 )
        →[oew]→ housewife n.家庭主妇。 ( 8508 )
    1. 扩展形式: *kl̥ᵊ- becoming *klā- . ←from 拉丁语 clam , in secret.
      clandestine adj.秘密的 , ( 15948 , kel₆ , _ )
    2. Suffixed 变化形式*kal-up-yo- . ←from 希腊语 kaluptein , to cover, conceal.
      Calypso 海神,卡利普索民歌(流行于加勒比海地区) , ( 52531 , )
      calyptra 根冠 ; ( x )
      apocalypse 揭示掩盖的东西:n.启示,天启。源自圣经新约《启示录》[T8] , ( 23191 , ap , _ )
      eucalyptus 桉树 , ( 54189 , )
  3. 全级形式 *kel- .
      1. ←from 古英语 helm , protection, covering;
        helm n.舵 , ( 11960 , kelp , _ )
        →[oew]→ helmsman 舵手。 ( 55336 )
      2. ←from 中古英语 helmet , helmet, ←from a source akin to Frankish *helm , helmet. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *helmaz , "protective covering.".
        helmet n.头盔,钢盔 , ( 5147 , kel₆ , _ )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 occulere < *ob-kel- (past participle occultus ), to cover over ( ob- , over; see epi ).
      occult 严实隐藏adj.神秘的;超自然的;难以理解的vt.掩蔽n.神秘学vi.被掩蔽[T8] , ( 23375 , kel₆ , _ )
    2. 带后缀形式: *kel-os- . ←from 拉丁语 color , color, hue (< "that which covers").
      color n.(=colour)颜色;颜料;肤色v.给…着色 , ( 1000 , kel₆ , _ )
    3. 带后缀形式: *kel-nā- . ←from 拉丁语 cella , storeroom, chamber.
      cell n.细胞;小房间;蜂房;电池 , ( 983 , kel₆ , _ )
      →[oew]→ cellular 小蜂窝的 : 细胞的;多孔的;由细胞组成的 n.移动电话;单元[T9]。 ( 6464 )
      cella n.内殿,内堂 , ( x )
      cellar n.地窑,地下室 , ( 7915 , kel₆ , _ )
      cellarer 酒窖 ; ( x )
      rathskeller 餐厅 , ( x )
    4. 带后缀形式: *kel-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 cilium , lower eyelid.
      cilium 纤毛 , ( x )
      seel 闭目 ; ( x )
      supercilious 高傲的,傲慢的 , ( 62430 , )
      supercilium 眉毛,眉部 , ( 62431 , )
  4. 加长级形式 *kēl- . ←from 拉丁语 cēlāre , to hide, ←from 带后缀形式: *kēl-ā- .
    conceal v.隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽 , ( 6047 , kel₆ , _ )
[Pokorny 4. k̑el- 553.]
ceiling n.天花板;(规定价格、工资等的)最高限额 (Latin,102843)
concealment n.隐藏,隐蔽,隐蔽处 (Lat,123368)
ciliate n.纤毛虫 adj.有睫毛的,有纤毛的 (Lat,148502)
ciliary adj.睫毛的,纤毛的,毛状的 (Lat,150185)
cilia (Lat,)
ciliation (Lat,)
apocalyptic adj.启示录的,天启的[T9] (Greek,116967)
calyx 花萼 (Greek,152532)
Calyptrogyne (Greek,)
apocalypticism (Greek,)
calyce (Greek,)
epicalyx (Greek,)
eucalypt (Greek,)
;...216, kel-₂ 扣盖山
To be prominent; hill.
  1. 零级形式 *kl̥- .
    1. ←from 古英语 hyll , hill, ←from suffixed 日耳曼语 form *hul-ni- ;
      hill n.小山,山岗,高地;[pl.]丘陵(地带) , ( 1655 , gue , _ )
      →[oew]→ hillock 山丘。 ( 55438 )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 hōlmr , islet in a bay, meadow, ←from suffixed 日耳曼语 form *hul-ma- .
      holm 湖心岛 , ( 55503 , )
  2. 带后缀形式: *kel-d- . ←from 拉丁语 excellere , to raise up, elevate, also to be eminent ( ex- , up out of; see eghs ).
    excel v.优秀,胜过他人.n.[计]电子表格(软件名称) , ( 9125 , gue , _ )
    →[考研]→ excellent a.卓越的,极好的。 ( 1715 )
  3. o级形式 *kol- .
    1. ←from 希腊语 kolophōn , summit;
      colophon 版本记录 , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式: *kol(u)men- . ←from 拉丁语 culmen , top, summit;
      culminate v.达到顶点 , ( 10728 , gue , _ )
    3. extended and 带后缀形式: *kolumnā- . ←from 拉丁语 columna , a projecting object, column.
      colonel n.陆军上校,团长 , ( 5753 , gue , _ )
      colonnade 柱廊 , ( 52997 , )
      colonnette x , ( x )
      column n.圆柱,柱状物;列;(报刊中的)专栏 , ( 2238 , gue , _ )
[Pokorny 1. kel- 544.]
;...217, kelᵊ-₁ 盖温暖
Warm. 最初形式: *k̑elh₁- , with metathesized variant *k̑leh₁- , becoming *k̑lē- in satem languages and *klē- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. Suffixed 变化形式*klē-wo- .
    1. ←from 古英语 hlēo , hlēow , covering, protection (as from cold);
      lee 0 , ( 5063 , kel₁ , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 -hlēow , warm. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *hlēwaz .
      lukewarm adj.冷淡的 , ( 19790 , kel₁ , _ )
  2. Suffixed 零级形式 *kl̥ᵊ-ē- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 calēre , to be warm;
      calenture 中暑 , ( x )
      chafe 产生热v.n.摩擦,擦热,擦伤,激怒[T8] , ( 20555 , dʰe₁ , _ )
      chauffeur 用来产生热量的东西:n.司机vt.开车运送vi.当汽车司机。来自法语,本指早期蒸汽机车上的司炉工人[T9] , ( 18672 , kel₁ , _ )
      cholent x ; ( x )
      decalescence 吸热 , ( x )
      incalescent x , ( x )
      nonchalant 冷漠的,不热情的 , ( 58540 , )
      recalescence 复辉 , ( x )
      réchauffé x , ( x )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 derivative adjective calidus , warm.
      cauldron n.(=caldron)大锅炉 , ( 21960 , _ , _ )
      caudle 粥汤 , ( x )
      chowder n.(美)杂脍;海鲜杂烩浓汤;巧达浓汤[T9] ; ( 22852 , kel₁ , _ )
      scald 加热,使滚烫,烫伤 , ( 61109 , )
  3. Suffixed 零级形式 *kl̥ᵊ-os- . ←from 拉丁语 calor , heat.
    caloric adj.热量的,卡路里的[T9] , ( 34831 , kel₁ , _ )
    calorie n.卡路里(热量单位)[T8] ; ( 15820 , guher , _ )
    caloreceptor x , ( x )
    calorific 有热量的 , ( 52527 , )
    calorimeter 量热计 , ( 50508 )
    calorimetry 量热法 , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. k̑el- 551.]
nonchalance n.漠不关心,无动于衷,冷淡 (Lat,125440)
caldera 火山口 (Lat,152518)
calorigenic (Latin,)
chafery (Latin,)
chalder (Latin,)
chaldron (Latin,)
chaud-froid (Latin,)
chauffer (Latin,)
chauffeuse (Latin,)
decalescent (Latin,)
caldarium (Lat,)
calefacient (Lat,)
calefaction (Lat,)
calefactive (Lat,)
calefactory (Lat,)
calescent (Lat,)
calid (Lat,)
calor (Lat,)
calore (Lat,)
calorifacient (Lat,)
;...218, kelᵊ-₂ 喊叫
To shout. 最初形式: *kelh₂- , with metathesized variant *kleh₂- , 变形 为: *klah₂- , becoming *klā- .
派生词包括: exclaim , haul , calendar , and class.
  1. 变化形式*klā- (< *klaᵊ- ).
    1. ←from 古英语 hlōwan , to roar, low, ←from 日耳曼语 *hlō- .
      low a.低,矮;低级的,下层的,卑贱的;低声的 , ( 371 , kel₂ , _ )
      →[考研]→ lower a.较低的,下级的,下游的 v.降下,放低。 ( 1294 )
    2. 带后缀形式: *klā-mā- . ←from 拉丁语 clāmāre , to call, cry out.
      claim v.要求;声称;索赔n.要求;断言;索赔;权利 , ( 800 , kel₂ , claim大叫 )
      clamant 吵闹的 , ( x )
      clamor n.v.喧嚣,叫喊[T8] ; ( 16222 , kel₂ , _ )
      acclaim n.v.欢呼,喝彩,称赞[T8] , ( 12563 , kel₂ , claim大叫 )
      declaim 慷慨陈词 , ( 53441 , )
      exclaim v.呼喊,惊叫,大声说 , ( 8464 , kel₂ , claim大叫 )
      proclaim v.宣告,声明 , ( 6268 , kel₂ , claim大叫 )
      reclaim 喊回来:vt.开拓,回收再利用;改造某人,使某人悔改vi.抗议,喊叫n.改造,感化;再生胶。源自古代鹰猎术语,指呼 , ( 10189 , kel₂ , claim大叫 )
  2. o级形式 *kolᵊ- .
    1. ←from 中古荷兰语 halen , to haul, pull (? < "to call together, summon");
      keelhaul 惩罚,重罚 , ( 56498 , )
    2. ←from 古法语 haler , to haul. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *halōn , to call.
      hale ①健康的,健朗的②强拉硬拖 , ( 63952 , )
      haul v.拖曳,拖运,用力拖 ; ( 5473 , _ , _ )
      halyard 升降索 , ( 55164 , )
  3. 零级形式 *kl̥ᵊ- (> *kal- ).
    1. 带后缀形式: *kal-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 concilium , a meeting, gathering (< "a calling together"; con- , together; see kom ).
      conciliate 抚慰 , ( 53042 , )
      council n.理事会,委员会,议事机构 ; ( 762 , kel₂ , _ )
      reconcile v.使和好,调解,使调和;(to,with)使一致 , ( 7619 , _ , _ )
    2. 带后缀形式: *kal-end- . ←from 拉丁语 kalendae , the calends, the first day of the month, when it was publicly announced on which days the nones and ides of that month would fall.
      calendar n.日历,月历 , ( 5130 , kel₂ , _ )
      calends 每月第一日 , ( x )
    3. 带后缀形式: *kal-e- . ←from 希腊语 kalein (variant klē- ), to call.
      ecclesia 教堂 , ( x )
      Paraclete 安慰者 , ( x )
    4. 带后缀形式: *kal-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 calāre , to call, call out.
      intercalate 设置 , ( x )
      nomenclator 词汇手册 , ( x )
    5. 带后缀形式: *kl̥ᵊ-ro- or suffixed 变化形式*klaᵊ-ro- 缩减成:*klā-ro- . ←from 拉丁语 clārus , bright, clear.
      clear a./ad.清晰的(地)vt.清除;使清楚vi.变清澈 , ( 431 , kel₂ , _ )
      glair ; ( x )
      Aufklärung 启蒙 , ( x )
      chiaroscuro 明暗对比法 , ( 52775 , )
      clairvoyant 有洞察力的人 , ( 28917 )
      clarain 亮煤 , ( x )
      declare v.宣布,宣告,声明;断言,宣称 , ( 2290 , kel₂ , clar清明 )
      →[考研]→ declaration n.宣言,宣布,声明。 ( 4690 )
      éclair 泡芙 , ( x )
  4. Possibly extended 零级形式 *kl̥d- , becoming *klad- in 带后缀形式: *klad-ti- . ←from 拉丁语 classis , summons, division of citizens for military draft, hence army, fleet, also class in general.
    class n.班级,年级;种类,等级,阶级;(一节)课 , ( 404 , kel₂ , _ )
    →[考研]→ classic n.(pl.)杰作,名著 a.第一流的,不朽的。 ( 2509 )
    →[考研]→ classical a.经典的,古典(文学)的。 ( 2831 )
    →[考研]→ classification n.分类,分级。 ( 4926 )
    →[考研]→ classify v.分类,分等(级)。 ( 5561 )
    →[考研]→ classmate (名)同班同学。 ( 5629 )
    →[考研]→ classroom n.教室,课堂。 ( 1605 )
[Pokorny 6. kel- 548.]
declaration n.宣言,宣布,声明 (Lat,104690)
clarity n.清楚,明晰;透明[T8] (Lat,105501)
clarify v.澄清,阐明 (Lat,105591)
proclamation n.公告;宣布;宣告;公布[T8] (Lat,114504)
exclamation n.感叹;惊叫;惊叹词[T6] (Lat,117915)
reclamation n.开垦,开拓,改造,废物回收利用 (Lat,118833)
conciliatory adj.抚慰的,调和的 (Latin,120180)
declarative adj.宣言的,公布的 (Lat,125448)
declaratory adj.宣言的,公布的 (Lat,132777)
acclamation n.喝彩,欢呼,欢迎,拥护 (Lat,133436)
declamation n.<正,贬>慷慨激昂的演说,雄辩 (术) (Lat,137565)
declamatory adj.雄辩家式的,演说口吻的,朗读式的 (Lat,141429)
exclamatory adj.叫喊的,感叹的,惊叹的 (Lat,146591)
nomenclature 系统命名法,专门名称 (Latin,158533)
;...219, ken- 小鲜肉
Fresh, new, young.
  1. 带后缀形式: *ken-t- . ←from 拉丁语 recēns , young, fresh, new ( re- , again; see re- ).
    recent a.新近的,近来的 , ( 502 , ken₃ , _ )
  2. Suffixed 零级形式 *kn̥-yo- . ←from 希腊语 kainos , new, fresh.
    -cene x ; ( x )
    cainotophobia x , ( x )
    Cenozoic 新生代 , ( x )
    kainite 钾盐镁矾 , ( x )
[Pokorny 3. ken- 563.]
;...220, kenk- 网格结
To gird, bind. 变化形式*keng- .

cinch n.肚带;紧握;有把握的事情vt.紧握住;系肚带[T9] , ( 22553 , kenk₁ , _ )
cincture , ( x )
cingulum 扣带 ; ( x )
enceinte 怀孕的 , ( x )
precinct 提前圈出的:n.选区;管理区;管辖区[T9] , ( 9517 , kenk₁ , cing束阻 )
shingles 带状疱疹 , ( 61453 , )
succinct 简明的 , ( 62369 , ) ←from 拉丁语 cingere , to gird.
[Pokorny 1. kenk- 565.]
;...221, kens- 宣布
To proclaim, speak solemnly. 最初形式: *k̑ens- , becoming *kens- in centum languages(K类语,颚音). 带后缀形式: *kens-ē- .

censor vt.审查,检查n.检查员;潜意识压抑力;信件检查员[T6] , ( 14509 , kens , _ )
→[oew]→ censorship n.审查制度;审查机构[T9]。 ( 8480 )
census 对人口的评价:vt.实施统计调查n.人口普查,人口调查[T8] ; ( 5832 , kens , _ )
recension 修订 , ( x ) ←from 拉丁语 cēnsēre , to judge, assess, estimate, tax.
[Pokorny k̑ens- 566.]
;...222, kent- 刺戳
To prick, jab.
  1. ←from 希腊语 kentein , to prick.
    center n.|a.中心(的).v.居中,使集中 ; ( 751 , kent , _ )
    →[oew]→ centralization n.集中,中央集权化 ( 21811 )
    amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺术 , ( 51704 , )
    dicentra 荷色牡丹 , ( x )
    eccentric 离开中心的adj.古怪的,反常的n.古怪的人[T8] , ( 8351 , kent , centr中心 )
  2. 带后缀形式: *kent-to- . ←from 希腊语 kestos , belt, girdle.
    cestus 牛皮手套 , ( x )
  3. Suffixed o级形式 *kont-o- . ←from 希腊语 kontos , punting pole, goad.
    heterokont 不等鞭毛的 , ( x )
[Pokorny k̑ent- 567.]
;...223, ker-₁ 牛角脚
Horn, head; with derivatives referring to horned animals, horn-shaped objects, and projecting parts. 最初形式: *k̑er- , becoming *ker- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: horn , unicorn , hornet , reindeer , migraine , cheer , rhinoceros , and cerebrum.
  1. 零级形式 *kr̥- . 带后缀形式: *kr̥-no- .
      1. ←from 古英语 horn , horn;
        horn n.(牛羊等的)角;号,喇叭;角状物;角制品 , ( 4231 , ker₂ , _ )
        →[oew]→ horny adj.角状的 ( 21684 )
        →[oew]→ hornbill 犀鸟。 ( 55579 )
        hornbeam 鹅耳枥 , ( 55578 , )
      2. ←from 高地德语 horn , horn. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *hurnaz .
        alpenhorn 山笛 , ( x )
        althorn 高音喇叭 , ( x )
        flugelhorn 活塞军号 , ( 54502 , )
        hornblende 角闪石 , ( x )
  2. Extended o级形式 *koru- .
    1. ←from 希腊语 korumbos , uppermost point (< "head").
      corymb 伞状花序 , ( x )
    2. ←from 希腊语 koruphē , head.
      coryphaeus 领导者 , ( x )
    3. 带后缀形式: *koru-do- . ←from 希腊语 korudos , crested lark.
      corydalis 紫堇属之植物 , ( x )
    4. 带后缀形式: *koru-nā- . ←from 希腊语 korunē , club, mace.
      corynebacterium 棒状杆菌属 , ( x )
  3. Extended e级形式 *keru- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *kerw-o- , "having horns."
      1. ←from 拉丁语 cervus , deer;
        cervid x , ( x )
        cervine 像鹿一样的 , ( x )
        serval n.薮猫(山猫的一种) , ( x )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 cervīx , neck.
        cervix 子宫颈 , ( 52711 , )
    2. 带后缀形式: *keru-do- .
      1. ←from 古英语 heorot , hart, stag;
        hart 雄鹿 , ( 55230 , )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 hert , deer, hart. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *herutaz .
        hartebeest 大羚羊 , ( x )
  4. Italic and Celtic blend of (I) *kr̥-no- and (II) *koru- yielding *kor-nu- . ←from 拉丁语 cornū , horn.
    corn n.谷物,庄稼,玉米 , ( 2911 , _ , _ )
    cornea 角膜 , ( 53146 , )
    →[oew]→ cornel 山茱萸。 ( 53148 )
    →[oew]→ cornelian 红玉髓。 ( 53149 )
    corneous 角质 , ( x )
    corner n.角,街角;偏僻处;vt.将…逼入困境; , ( 1151 , ker₂ , corn牛角 )
    cornet 短号,蛋卷冰淇淋 , ( 53150 , )
    cornichon 酸黄瓜 , ( x )
    corniculate 有角的 , ( x )
    cornu ; ( x )
    bicornuate 双角的 , ( x )
    Capricorn 摩羯座 , ( 52582 , )
    cornification 角质化 , ( x )
    lamellicorn x , ( x )
    longicorn 天牛 , ( x )
    tricorn 三角帽 , ( x )
    unicorn n.独角兽[T8] , ( 21383 , ker₂ , )
  5. Extended 零级形式 *kr̥ᵊ- .
    1. ←from 希腊语 karē , karā , head.
      charivari 喧闹的庆祝 ; ( x )
      cheer v.(使)振奋,(使)高兴v./n.喝彩,欢呼 , ( 5161 , ker₂ , _ )
    2. ←from 希腊语 karoun , to stupefy, be stupefied (< "to feel heavy-headed").
      carotid 颈动脉 , ( 22012 )
    3. ←from 希腊语 karōton , carrot (from its hornlike shape).
      carrot n.胡萝卜 , ( 5661 , ker₂ , _ )
      carotene 胡萝卜素 , ( 52610 , )
  6. Suffixed further 扩展形式: *kr̥ᵊs-no- .
    1. ←from 希腊语 krānion , skull, upper part of the head.
      cranium 颅骨 ; ( 53223 , )
      migraine n.偏头痛 , ( 16473 , ker₂ , _ )
      olecranon 鹰嘴 , ( x )
    2. ←from 古英语 hyrnet , hornet, ←from 日耳曼语 *hurznuta- .
      hornet 大黄蜂,马蜂 , ( 55580 , )
  7. E-grade further 扩展形式: *kerᵊs- .
    1. ←from 希腊语 keras , horn.
      carat 克拉,开 , ( 52590 , )
      →[oew]→ carnelian 光玉髓。 ( 52608 )
      cerambycid x , ( x )
      cerastes 角蝰 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ cervical adj.[解]颈的,子宫颈的 ( 12472 )
      kerato- x ; ( x )
      ceratopsian x , ( x )
      chelicera 螯角 , ( x )
      cladoceran 水蚤类的 , ( x )
      keratin 角蛋白 , ( 56508 , )
      Monoceros 麒麟座 , ( x )
      rhinoceros 犀牛 , ( 60757 , )
      triceratops 三角龙 , ( 63184 , )
    2. ←from 波斯语 sar , head.
      sirdar 将领 , ( x )
    3. 带后缀形式: *kerᵊs-ro . ←from 拉丁语 cerebrum , brain.
      cerebellum 小脑 , ( 52705 , )
      cerebrum n.大脑 , ( 29218 , ker₂ , _ )
      saveloy 干腊肠 , ( x )
  8. 扩展形式: *krei- .
    1. ←from 古挪威语 hreinn , reindeer, ←from 日耳曼语 *hraina- .
      reindeer n.驯鹿 , ( 16742 , dʰeu₁ , _ )
    2. ←from 高地德语 hrind , ox, ←from 日耳曼语 *hrinda- .
      rinderpest 牛瘟 , ( 36686 )
    3. Possibly 扩展形式: *krī- . ←from 希腊语 krīos , ram.
      criosphinx 狮身羊头像 , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. k̑er- 574.]
cerebral a.脑的,大脑的 (Lat,110405)
unicorn n.独角兽[T8] (Lat,121383)
corneal adj.角膜的 (Lat,132513)
cerebellar adj.小脑的 (Lat,138467)
Capricorn 摩羯座 (Lat,152582)
cervix 子宫颈 (Lat,152711)
cornea 角膜 (Lat,153146)
cornucopia 丰饶角 (Lat,153153)
Cervidae (Lat,)
Cornus (Lat,)
bicorn (Lat,)
bicorne (Lat,)
cerebrifugal (Lat,)
cerebripetal (Lat,)
cornaceous (Lat,)
cornicle (Lat,)
corniferous (Lat,)
cornification (Lat,)
corniform (Lat,)
intracerebral (Lat,)
intracervical (Lat,)
quadricorn (Lat,)
quadricornous (Lat,)
tricorne (Lat,)
tricornigerous (Lat,)
tricornute (Lat,)
unicornous (Lat,)
craniologist (Greek,)
craniometry (Greek,)
craniosynostosis (Greek,)
hemicrania (Greek,)
megrim (Greek,)
;...224, ker-₂ 抓地长
To grow. 最初形式: *k̑er- , becoming *ker- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: cereal , Creole , concrete , and recruit.
  1. 带后缀形式: *ker-es- . ←from 拉丁语 Cerēs , goddess of agriculture, especially the growth of grain.
    cere n.谷类植物;谷物;粮食;荞麦食品adj.谷物的,谷物制成的 , ( x )
    →[oew]→ ceremony n.典礼,仪式;礼节,礼仪。 ( 2927 )
    →[oew]→ cerumen 耳垢。 ( 52710 )
    Ceres 刻瑞斯 , ( x )
    →[oew]→ cereal n.加工而成的谷类食物;谷类植物,谷物。 ( 7223 )
    →[oew]→ cerium 铈。 ( 52707 )
  2. 扩展形式: *krē- (< *kreᵊ- ).
    1. 带后缀形式: *krē-yā- . ←from 拉丁语 creāre , to bring forth, create, produce (< "to cause to grow);
      create v.创造,创作;引起,造成,建立 , ( 399 , ker₆ , cre创造 )
      →[考研]→ creative a.有创造力的,创造性的。 ( 2098 )
      →[考研]→ creature n.人,动物;生物。 ( 2549 )
      →[oew]→ creation n.创造,创作物 ( 1909 )
      →[oew]→ creationism n.创造宇宙说,特别创造说,神创论 ( 19536 )
      →[oew]→ creole n.克里奥尔人,克里奥耳语,路易斯安那州的法国移民的后裔 adj.克里奥尔人的,克里奥尔语的,克里奥耳式法语的 ( 11261 )
      Creole n.克里奥尔人,克里奥耳语,路易斯安那州的法国移民的后裔 adj.克里奥尔人的,克里奥尔语的,克里奥耳式法语的 , ( 11261 , ker₆ , _ )
      cria x , ( x )
      griot 流浪 ; ( 31561 )
      procreate 繁殖,生殖 , ( 60063 , )
    2. 带后缀形式: *krē-sko- . ←from 拉丁语 crēscere , to grow, increase.
      crescendo n.vi.声音渐强adj.渐强的adv.渐强地[T8] , ( 21422 , ker₆ , _ )
      crescent n.新月,新月状物adj.新月形的,逐渐增加的[T9] , ( 16211 , ker₆ , cre创造 )
      crew n.全体船员,全体乘务员 ; ( 1988 , ker₆ , _ )
      accrue vi.增长vt.积累,获得[T8] , ( 16039 , ker₆ , cre创造 )
      concrescence 愈合 , ( x )
      concrete a.具体的,实质性的n.混凝土v.用混凝土修筑 , ( 3162 , ker₆ , cre创造 )
      decrease n.减少,减小;减少量v.减少,变少,降低 , ( 3475 , ker₆ , cre创造 )
      excrescence 赘生物 , ( 54220 , )
      increase v./n.增加,增长,增进 , ( 518 , ker₆ , cre创造 )
      →[考研]→ increasingly ad.不断增加地,日益。 ( 1502 )
      recruit v.征募(新兵),吸收;补充n.新成员,新兵 , ( 3726 , ker₆ , _ )
  3. Suffixed o级形式 *kor-wo- , "growing," adolescent. ←from 希腊语 kouros , koros , boy, son, and korē , girl.
    kore 科莱 , ( x )
    kouros 青年雕像 ; ( x )
    Dioscuri 狄俄斯库里 , ( x )
    hypocorism 委婉语 , ( x )
  4. Compound *sm̥-kēro- , "of one growth" ( *sm̥- , same, one; see sem-₁ ). ←from 拉丁语 sincērus , pure, clean.
    sincere a.诚挚的,真实的,诚恳的 , ( 7452 , keneko , _ )
[Pokorny 2. k̑er- 577.]
creativity n.创造(力) (Lat,104226)
recruitment n.征募新兵,补充 (Latin,105340)
recreation n.娱乐,消遣 (Latin,106086)
creator n.创建者,创作者 (Lat,106273)
re-create vt.改造,改制,重新创造 (Lat,109416)
accretion n.添加;增加物;连生;冲积层[T8] (Lat,121812)
croissant n.羊角面包 (Lat,123113)
procreation n.生产,生殖 (Lat,123265)
procreative adj.生产的,有生殖力的 (Lat,128954)
accrete v.共生,合生,使依附,使连接 adj.共生的 vi.逐渐增长 (Latin,128990)
decrescendo n.渐弱,乐节 adj.渐弱(声音)的 (Lat,150118)
accresce (Latin,)
accrescence (Latin,)
accrescent (Latin,)
surcrew (Latin,)
creant (Lat,)
decrescence (Lat,)
decrescent (Lat,)
excrescent (Lat,)
increscent (Lat,)
procreant (Lat,)
procreator (Lat,)
;...225, ker-₃ 热火烤
Heat, fire.
  1. 带后缀形式: *ker-tā- . ←from 古英语 heorth , hearth, ←from 日耳曼语 *herthō .
    hearth n.壁炉地面,家庭(生活) , ( 11181 , ker₅ , _ )
  2. 零级形式 *kr̥- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 carbō , charcoal, ember;
      carbon n.碳 , ( 2722 , ker₅ , _ )
      →[考研]→ carbohydrate n.碳水化合物,糖类[T8]。 ( 4758 )
      →[oew]→ carborundum 碳化硅。 ( 52597 )
      carbuncle 痈,红宝石 , ( 52599 , )
    2. 扩展形式: *krem- . ←from 拉丁语 cremāre , to burn.
      cremate vt.火葬,焚化 , ( 23578 , _ , _ )
  3. Possibly suffixed and 扩展形式: *kerᵊ-mo- . ←from 希腊语 keramos , potter's clay, earthenware.
    ceramic a.陶器的.n.陶瓷制品 , ( 9201 , _ , _ )
  4. Possibly variant 扩展形式: *krās- . ←from 俄语 krasit' , to color.
    crash v./n.碰撞,坠落,摔坏n.失败,瓦解;爆裂声 , ( 2988 , _ , _ )
[Pokorny 3. ker(ᵊ)- 571.]
cremation n.火葬,火化 (Lat,123152)
carbonara n.<意>烤面条加干酪沙司 (Latin,135915)
carbonation n.碳酸饱和,碳酸化作用 (Latin,136486)
crematory n.火葬场 adj.火葬的 (Lat,143333)
bicarbonate 碳酸氢盐 (Latin,152155)
carbonate 碳酸盐 (Latin,152595)
radiocarbon 放射性碳(物理术语,用以测定年代) (Latin,160376)
Carboniferous (Latin,)
incremate (Lat,)
;...226, kerd-
Heart. 最初形式: *k̑erd- , becoming *kerd- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. 带后缀形式: *kerd-en- . ←from 古英语 heorte , heart, ←from 日耳曼语 *hertōn- .
    heart n.心(脏);内心,感情;热忱;中心,要点 , ( 477 , kerd , _ )
  2. 零级形式 *kr̥d- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 cor (stem cord- ), heart;
      cordate 心形的 , ( x )
      cordial adj.衷心的,热诚的n.补品,兴奋剂,甘露酒[T4] , ( 17423 , kerd , cord心 )
      courage n.勇气,胆量 , ( 3349 , kerd , cord心 )
      →[oew]→ courageous adj.有胆量的,勇敢的[T6]。 ( 9016 )
      quarry n.采石场.vt.挖出 ; ( 8302 , kerd , _ )
      accord vt.给予(欢迎、称颂等)vi.&n.符合,一致 , ( 2103 , kerd , cord心 )
      →[考研]→ accordance n.一致,和谐,符合。 ( 5359 )
      →[考研]→ accordingly ad.相应地,照着办,按照;于是,因此。 ( 4434 )
      →[oew]→ accordion 和谐之音 : n.手风琴[T9]。 ( 18708 )
      concord 和谐,一致 , ( 53044 , )
      cordiform 心形的 , ( x )
      discord n.不和,嘈杂声vi.不一致,刺耳[T8] , ( 19152 , kerd , cord心 )
      misericord 一种短剑 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ miserable a.痛苦的,悲惨的。 ( 5786 )
      →[oew]→ miserly 吝啬的,小气的。 ( 57953 )
      record n.记录;最高记录;履历;唱片v.记录;录音 , ( 507 , kerd , cord心 )
      →[考研]→ recorder n.记录员;录音机。 ( 6352 )
    2. 带后缀形式: *kr̥d-yā- . ←from 希腊语 kardiā , heart, stomach, orifice.
      cardia 贲门 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ cardinal n.基数,红衣主教,大红色,深红色,女式斗篷 adj.基本的,最重要的,大红色的,深红色的 ( 9891 )
      →[oew]→ cardiology 心脏病学。 ( 52602 )
      cardiac adj.心脏的,心脏病的n.强心剂[T9] , ( 8947 , kerd , cardi心 )
      cardio- 有氧运动, ; ( x )
      endocardium 心内膜 , ( x )
      epicardium 心外膜 , ( x )
      megalocardia 心肥大 , ( x )
      myocardium 心肌 , ( 42356 )
      pericardium 心包 , ( 46065 )
  3. Possibly *kred-dʰᵊ- , "to place trust" (an old religious term; *dʰᵊ- , to do, place; see dʰē- ) ←from 拉丁语 crēdere , to believe.
    credence n.信任,凭证[T8] , ( 18724 , kred₁ , cred相信 )
    →[oew]→ creditor n.债权人,贷方[T9]。 ( 7848 )
    →[oew]→ credentials 0 ( 17602 )
    →[oew]→ creed n.信条,教义,来自拉丁语 credo[T8]。 ( 12602 )
    credible 可靠的,可信的[T8] , ( 7172 , kred₁ , cred相信 )
    credit v./n.信用,信任n.信用贷款,赊欠;名誉,名望 , ( 1124 , kred₁ , cred相信 )
    →[考研]→ credential n.凭证,证书,国书[T9]。 ( 8680 )
    credo n.信条,教义,直接来自拉丁语[T8] , ( 22775 , kred₁ , cred相信 )
    credulous 轻信的 , ( 53234 , )
    grant v.同意,准予;授予n.授予物;津贴;转让证书 ; ( 1530 , kred₁ , _ )
    miscreant 恶棍,歹徒,不法之徒 , ( 57947 , )
    recreant 懦夫,叛徒,胆小的,怯懦的 , ( 60525 , )
[Pokorny (k̑ered-) 579.]
encourage v.鼓励,怂恿 (Lat,101157)
core n.果核;中心,核心 (Lat,102026)
incredible a.不可相信的,惊人的,不可思议的 (Latin,103496)
credibility n.可信性 (Latin,104564)
discourage v.使泄气,使失去信心 (Lat,104895)
encouragement n.鼓励,奖励 (Lat,105535)
accreditation n.委派,信赖,鉴定合格 (Latin,111184)
discredit vt.不信,使失去权威n.怀疑,无信用[T8] (Latin,112339)
incredulous adj.不轻信的[T8] (Latin,118100)
concordance n.和谐,一致性 (Lat,124137)
discordant adj.不和的,不一致的,不调和的,不谐和的 (Lat,124788)
discouragement n.沮丧,使人泄气的事物,阻止,劝阻 (Lat,126022)
credulity n.轻信,易受骗 (Latin,128090)
concordant adj.<正>和谐的,一致的,协调的 (Lat,133767)
discordance n.不调和,不和,不一致性,不整合,假整合 (Lat,135608)
cordiality n.热诚,诚挚,热诚的行为(或言辞) (Lat,136865)
concordat 政教协定 (Lat,153045)
accordant (Lat,)
accordatura (Lat,)
cardinality (Lat,)
corcle (Lat,)
kern (Lat,)
nonaccordant (Lat,)
obcordate (Lat,)
scordatura (Lat,)
cardiologist n.心脏病医生[T8] (Greek,117153)
cardiomyopathy n.心肌病 (Greek,131911)
electrocardiogram 心电图 (Greek,153995)
cardialgia (Greek,)
cardiograph (Greek,)
cardioid (Greek,)
cardiomegaly (Greek,)
cardioplegia (Greek,)
cardioplegic (Greek,)
cardiospasm (Greek,)
electrocardiography (Greek,)
hemicardia (Greek,)
neurocardiology (Greek,)
;...227, kerᵊ- 搅混
To mix, confuse, cook. 最初形式: *k̑erh₂- , becoming *kerh₂- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. 变化形式*krā- (< *kraᵊ- ).
    1. ←from Middle 低地德语 rōr , motion, ←from 日耳曼语 *hrōr- ;
      uproar n.喧嚣,骚动 , ( 16630 , kere , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 hrēr , lightly boiled, half-cooked, possibly ←from 日耳曼语 *hrōr- (seea).
      rare a.稀有的,难得的,珍奇的;稀薄的,稀疏的 , ( 1748 , er , _ )
      →[考研]→ rarely ad.很少,难得,非常地。 ( 2198 )
      →[oew]→ rarity n.稀有,珍品 ( 12684 )
  2. 零级形式 *kr̥ᵊ- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *kr̥ᵊ-ti- . ←from 希腊语 krāsis , a mixing;
      idiosyncrasy n.特质,特性 ; ( 24047 , kere , idio独特 )
      dyscrasia 恶液质 , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式: *kr̥ᵊ-ter- . ←from 希腊语 krātēr , mixing vessel.
      crater n.弹坑 , ( 8539 , kere , _ )
      krater 科瑞特 , ( 48881 )
[Pokorny k̑erᵊ- 582.]
;...228, kerp- 收集采摘
To gather, pluck, harvest. Variant *karp- .
  1. ←from 古英语 hærfest , harvest, ←from 日耳曼语 *harbistaz .
    harvest n.收获,收成;成果,后果v.收获,收割 , ( 5160 , ker₃ , _ )
    →[oew]→ harrow 靶,耙。 ( 55228 )
  2. ←from 拉丁语 carpere , to pluck.
    carpet n.地毯 ; ( 3876 , ker₃ , _ )
    excerpt n. vt.摘录,引用 , ( 8332 , ker₃ , _ )
    scarce a.缺乏的,不足的;稀少的,罕见的 , ( 6823 , ker₃ , _ )
    →[考研]→ scarcely ad.几乎不,简直没有,勉强。 ( 5810 )
  3. ←from 希腊语 karpos , fruit.
    -carp 鲤鱼 , ( x )
    carpel 果实心皮 , ( 52615 , )
    carpo- x , ( x )
    -carpous x , ( x )
[In Pokorny 4. sker- 938.]
carpediem 抓住机遇 (Lat,152614)
decerp (Lat,)
decerpt (Lat,)
decerption (Lat,)
discerp (Lat,)
discerption (Lat,)
;...229, kers- 跑运行
To run. 最初形式: *k̑ers- , becoming *kers- in centum languages(K类语,颚音). 零级形式 *kr̥s- .
  1. ←from 拉丁语 currere , to run.
    corral n.畜栏.vt.关进畜栏 , ( 19053 , kers₁ , _ )
    corrida 斗牛 , ( 38872 )
    corrido x , ( x )
    corridor n.走廊,通道 , ( 3493 , kers₁ , cur流跑 )
    corsair 海盗船 , ( 30908 )
    courante 库兰特舞 , ( x )
    courier n.送快信的人,旅行从仆 , ( 16969 , kers₁ , cur流跑 )
    course n.课程,教程;过程,进程;路程,路线;一道菜 , ( 380 , kers₁ , cur流跑 )
    current n.电流,水流;潮流,趋势a.当前的;流通的 , ( 612 , kers₁ , cur流跑 )
    →[考研]→ currency n.流传,流通;通货,货币。 ( 2946 )
    →[考研]→ curriculum n.(pl.curricula)课程,(学校等的)全部课程。 ( 1771 )
    →[oew]→ curse n.诅咒,咒语,祸因 vt.诅咒,咒骂,使受罪。 ( 6830 )
    →[oew]→ cursory 跑的 : adj.草率的,匆忙的,粗略的[T8]。 ( 19748 )
    →[oew]→ curricular adj.课程的[T9]。 ( 11032 )
    cursive 草书的 , ( 53326 , )
    cursor 跑的东西:n.光标,游标,指针[T9] , ( 17624 , _ , _ )
    curule 高官的 ; ( x )
    concourse n.人群,大道,广场,运动场[T9] , ( 23630 , kers₁ , cur流跑 )
    concur 一起跑:vi.同时发生,同意,一致[T8] , ( 12698 , kers₁ , cur流跑 )
    decurrent 下延的 , ( x )
    discourse 跑远:n.v.论述,演讲,谈论,讲述[T6] , ( 3057 , kers₁ , cur流跑 )
    →[oew]→ discursive 跑远的 : adj.散漫的;离题的;东拉西扯的;无层次的[T8]。 ( 13318 )
    excursion n.短途旅行,游览;离题;[物理]偏移,漂移 , ( 9208 , kers₁ , cur流跑 )
    hussar 旧时的轻骑兵 , ( 55695 , )
    incur 跑入内:vt.招致,引发[T8] , ( 9434 , kers₁ , cur流跑 )
    intercourse 在之间跑:n.性交,交往,交流[T6] , ( 7045 , kers₁ , cur流跑 )
    kraal 栅栏式村庄 , ( 56647 , )
    occur v.发生,出现;存在;想起,想到 , ( 866 , kers₁ , cur流跑 )
    →[考研]→ occurrence n.发生,出现;事件,事故,发生的事情。 ( 5923 )
    parkour 跑酷,城市疾走 , ( 59164 , )
    percurrent x , ( x )
    precursor 在前面跑的人:n.先驱,前导[T8] , ( 13286 , kers₁ , cur流跑 )
    recourse 往回跑:n.求助,追索[T8] , ( 10922 , kers₁ , cur流跑 )
    recur vi.重现,复发,递归[T9] , ( 15985 , kers₁ , cur流跑 )
    →[oew]→ recurrent adj.复发的;周期性的,经常发生的[T9]。 ( 9456 )
    succor 救助,救援,帮助 , ( 62370 , )
  2. 带后缀形式: *kr̥s-o- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 carrus , a two-wheeled wagon;
      car n.汽车,车辆,车;(火车)车厢 , ( 275 , kers₁ , car车跑 )
      career n.(个人的)事业;专业,生涯,职业,经历 , ( 813 , _ , car车跑 )
      cargo n.船货,货物 , ( 5562 , kers₁ , car车跑 )
      caricature 超载,夸大:n.漫画,讽刺画vt.用漫画来讽刺,画成漫画[T8] , ( 14732 , kers₁ , _ )
      cariole 雪橇 , ( x )
      cark 烦恼 , ( x )
      caroche 花车 , ( x )
      carry v.运送,搬运;传送,传播;领,带 , ( 550 , kers₁ , car车跑 )
      →[考研]→ carriage n.(四轮)马车;(火车)客车厢。 ( 5106 )
      →[考研]→ carrier n.搬运人;载体。 ( 3685 )
      charge v.索(价);控告;充电n.(pl.)费用,代价;电荷 , ( 877 , _ , car车跑 )
      chariot n.二轮战车[T9] , ( 19956 , _ , car车跑 )
      charrette 专家研讨会议 ; ( x )
      discharge v./n.卸货,排出;发射,放(电);遣散,解雇 , ( 5427 , _ , car车跑 )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 carpentum , a two-wheeled carriage. Bothaandb←from Gaulish carros , a wagon, cart.
      carpenter n.木工,木匠 , ( 9237 , kers₁ , _ )
[Pokorny 2. k̑ers- 583.]
career n.(个人的)事业;专业,生涯,职业,经历 (Lat,100813)
carriage n.(四轮)马车;(火车)客车厢 (Lat,105106)
cargo n.船货,货物 (Lat,105562)
concurrent adj.并发的;一致的;同时发生的[T9] (Lat,111968)
caricature 超载,夸大:n.漫画,讽刺画vt.用漫画来讽刺,画成漫画[T8] (Lat,114732)
extracurricular a.课外的,业余的 (Lat,115497)
recharge vt.再充电,再进攻,恢复精力 (Lat,117899)
incursion n.侵犯,入侵 (Lat,117971)
surcharge n.超载,追加罚款,额外费 vt.使装载过多,追加罚款 (Lat,119809)
chariot n.二轮战车[T9] (Lat,119956)
recursion n.递归,递归式,递推 (Lat,131584)
charioteer n.战车的御者 (Lat,139965)
excursus n.附录,附记,补说 (Lat,142986)
recursive 循环的 (Lat,160535)
concurrency (Lat,)
countercharge (Lat,)
decursion (Lat,)
dischargee (Lat,)
discurrent (Lat,)
discursion (Lat,)
discursory (Lat,)
discursus (Lat,)
encharge (Lat,)
excur (Lat,)
excurrent (Lat,)
excursive (Lat,)
incurrent (Lat,)
incursive (Lat,)
occurrent (Lat,)
occursion (Lat,)
parcourse (Lat,)
succursal (Lat,)
;...230, kes- 城墙隔
To cut. 最初形式: *k̑es- , becoming *kes- in centum languages(K类语,颚音). Variant *kas- .
  1. 带后缀形式: *kas-tro- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 castrāre , to castrate;
      castrate 阉割 , ( 52644 , )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 castrum , fortified place, camp (perhaps "separated place").
      alcazar 城堡 , ( x )
      castellan 城主 , ( x )
      castellated 有城堡的 , ( 52638 , )
      castle n.城堡;(国际象棋中的)车 , ( 2916 , kastr , _ )
  2. 带后缀形式: *kas-to- . ←from 拉丁语 castus , chaste, pure (< "cut off from or free of faults").
    caste n.(印度社会中的)种姓,具有严格等级差别的社会阶层[T8] , ( 12794 , kastr , _ )
    chaste 贞结的 ; ( 52754 , )
    →[oew]→ chastity n.贞洁;纯洁;简洁[T9]。 ( 21120 )
    →[oew]→ chasten 使懊悔。 ( 52755 )
    castigate 严厉批评 , ( 52641 , )
    incest n.血亲相奸,乱伦 , ( 12668 , en , _ )
  3. Suffixed (stative) form *kas-ē- . ←from 拉丁语 carēre , "to be cut off from ," lack.
    caret 补字号 , ( 52603 , )
  4. Extended geminated form *kasso- . ←from 拉丁语 cassus , empty, void.
    cashier n.收银员,出纳员 , ( 14452 , kuet , _ )
    →[考研]→ cash n.现金,现款 v.兑现,付(或收)现款。 ( 1448 )
    quash v.取消 , ( 23239 , kuet , cuss摇动 )
    cassation 废弃 , ( x )
[Pokorny k̑es- 586.]
incest n.血亲相奸,乱伦 (Lat,112668)
chastity n.贞洁;纯洁;简洁[T9] (Lat,121120)
castigation n.严厉的责骂、批评或惩罚,修订 (Lat,142089)
incestuous 乱伦的 (Lat,155918)
cassate (Lat,)
castigator (Lat,)
;...231, keuᵊ- 抠窟窿
To swell; vault, hole. 最初形式: *k̑euhx- , becoming *keuhx- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: cave , excavate , and church.
  1. o级形式 *kouᵊ- .
    1. 基本形式: *kouᵊ- becoming *kaw- . ←from 拉丁语 cavus , hollow.
      cava 卡瓦酒 , ( 52675 , )
      cave n.洞,穴 , ( 3730 , _ , cav中空 )
      cavern n.大山洞,洞穴,凹处vt.挖空,把…存放在洞穴中[T8] , ( 14543 , _ , cav中空 )
      cavetto 打圆 , ( x )
      cavity n.腔,洞凹处[T6] ; ( 8533 , _ , cav中空 )
      concave 凹状 , ( 53036 , )
      excavate v.挖掘,开凿,细查[T8] , ( 13635 , _ , cav中空 )
    2. 带后缀形式: *kow-ilo- . ←from 希腊语 koilos , hollow.
      -cele 肿物 , ( x )
      celiac 腹腔 , ( 34357 )
      -coel 的理解 , ( x )
      coelom 体腔 ; ( x )
      acoelomate 无体腔的 , ( x )
      coelacanth 腔棘鱼 , ( 52963 , )
    3. Suffixed 加长级形式 *kōw-o- . ←from 希腊语 kōos , hollow place, cavity.
      codeine 可待因 , ( 52956 , )
  2. 零级形式 *kū- (< *kuᵊ- ).
    1. Suffixed 缩短形式 *ku-m-olo . ←from 拉丁语 cumulus , heap, mass.
      cumulate v.累积 , ( 43252 )
      cumulus 积云 ; ( 53307 , )
      accumulate vt.堆积,积累,积聚vi.累积,聚积 , ( 5940 , keu₂ , _ )
    2. 基本形式: *kū- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *kū-ro- , "swollen," strong, powerful. ←from 希腊语 kūrios (vocative kūrie ), master, lord;
        church n.教堂;教会,教派;(宗教的)礼拜仪式 , ( 558 , keu₂ , _ )
        kirk 教堂 , ( 56578 , )
        Kyrie 姬莉叶 ; ( x )
        kermis 庙会 , ( x )
      2. 带后缀形式: *kuw-eyo- . ←from 希腊语 kuein , to swell, and derivative kūma (< *kū-mn̥ ), "a swelling," wave;
        cyma 反曲线 , ( x )
        cymatium 波纹花边 , ( x )
        cyme 聚伞花序 ; ( x )
        cymophane 猫眼石 , ( x )
        kymograph 波动曲线记录仪 , ( x )
        pseudocyesis 假孕 , ( x )
      3. 带后缀形式: *en-kū-yo- ( *en , in; see en ). ←from 拉丁语 inciēns , pregnant.
        enceinte 怀孕的 , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. k̑eu- 592.]
cave n.洞,穴 (Lat,103730)
cage n.笼,鸟笼;牢房,监狱 (Lat,104578)
accumulation n.积聚,累积;堆积物[T9] (Lat,107704)
cumulative adj.累积的[T9] (Lat,107994)
excavation n.挖掘,发掘[T9] (Lat,109165)
cavernous adj.似巨穴的 (Lat,116873)
cajole 进入笼子:vt.哄骗,劝诱[T8] (Lat,124182)
excavator n.开凿者,发掘者,挖掘机 (Lat,125520)
cavitation n.空洞形成,气穴现象,空化,涡凹,汽蚀 (Lat,136263)
accumulator n.<英>蓄电池,积聚者,蓄势器,收集器,蓄电池组 (Lat,137813)
concavity 凹形 (Lat,153037)
cumulus 积云 (Lat,153307)
biconcave (Lat,)
biconcavity (Lat,)
cajolement (Lat,)
caval (Lat,)
cavate (Lat,)
cavatina (Lat,)
cavea (Lat,)
cavernicolous (Lat,)
cavernulous (Lat,)
cavicorn (Lat,)
cumulativity (Lat,)
cumuliform (Lat,)
cumulose (Lat,)
cumulous (Lat,)
encage (Lat,)
quasiconcave (Lat,)
quasiconcavity (Lat,)
;...232, klei- 斜靠邻
To lean. 最初形式: *k̑lei- , becoming *klei- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: decline , climax , climate , and ladder.
  1. 全级形式 *klei- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *klei-n- . ←from 拉丁语 -clīnāre , to lean, bend.
      decline v.下降,衰落;拒绝n.下降;斜面,倾斜,衰落 , ( 1701 , klei , clin弯曲 )
      incline v.(使)倾斜;(使)倾向于n.斜坡,斜面 , ( 15705 , _ , clin弯曲 )
      recline 向后靠:vi.靠;依赖;斜倚vt.使躺下;使斜倚[T8] , ( 20326 , klei , clin弯曲 )
    2. 带后缀形式: *klei-tro- . ←from 拉丁语 clītellae , packsaddle, ←from diminutive of *clītra , litter.
      clitellum 环带 , ( x )
    3. 带后缀形式: *klei-wo- . ←from 拉丁语 clīvus , a slope.
      acclivity 向上的斜坡 , ( x )
      declivity 倾斜 , ( 42767 )
      proclivity n.倾向,癖性[T9] , ( 23237 , klei , clin弯曲 )
    4. 带后缀形式: *klei-tor- , "incline, hill. ←from 希腊语 diminutive kleitoris , clitoris.
      clitoris 阴核 , ( 52918 , )
  2. Zero grade form *kli- .
    1. ←from 古英语 hlid , cover, ←from 日耳曼语 *hlid- , "that which bends over," cover.
      lid n.盖 , ( 5107 , klei , _ )
    2. 带后缀形式: *kli-n- . ←from 古英语 hlinian and hleonian , to lean, ←from 日耳曼语 *hlinēn .
      lean v.倾斜,屈身;倚,靠,依赖a.瘦的,无脂肪的 , ( 1856 , klei , _ )
    3. 带后缀形式: *kli-ent- . ←from 拉丁语 cliēns , dependent, follower.
      client n.律师等的当事人,委托人;商店的顾客 , ( 1213 , klei , _ )
    4. 带后缀形式: *kli-to- in compound *aus-klit-ā- (see ous- ).
    5. 带后缀形式: *kli-n-yo- . ←from 希腊语 klīnein , to lean.
      -clinal 渐变群的 , ( x )
      cline n.[生]渐变群(一种生态特征) , ( 25691 , _ , _ )
      -cline 克莱因 , ( x )
      -clinic 诊所 , ( x )
      clino- 倾斜, , ( x )
      clisis x , ( x )
      klismos x ; ( x )
      aclinicline 无倾线 , ( x )
      anaclisis 依赖心理 , ( x )
      clinandrium 花粉囊 , ( x )
      enclitic 附属的 , ( x )
      matriclinous x , ( x )
      patroclinous 倾向父亲的,雄性遗传 , ( 59229 , )
      pericline 穹顶 , ( x )
      proclitic 后接的 , ( x )
    6. 带后缀形式: *kli-mn̥ . ←from 希腊语 klima , sloping surface of the earth.
      climate n.气候;风气,社会思潮 , ( 2085 , klei , _ )
      →[oew]→ climactic adj. 高潮的;顶点的;渐层法的[T9]。 ( 23873 )
      →[oew]→ clime 气候带。 ( 52914 )
    7. Lengthened 零级形式 *klī- , with lengthening of obscure origin.
      1. 带后缀形式: *klī-n-ā- . ←from 希腊语 klīnē , bed;
        clinic n.诊所 ; ( 2837 , klei , _ )
        diclinous 单性的 , ( x )
        monoclinous x , ( x )
        triclinium 躺卧餐桌 , ( x )
      2. 带后缀形式: *klī-m- . ←from 希腊语 klīmax , ladder.
        climax n.高潮;顶点;层进法;极点[T6] , ( 9628 , klei , clin弯曲 )
  3. Suffixed o级形式 *kloi-tr- . ←from 古英语 hlǣd(d)er , ladder, ←from 日耳曼语 *hlaidri- .
    ladder n.梯子,阶梯 , ( 4773 , klei , _ )
[Pokorny k̑lei- 600.]
inclination n.倾向,爱好;斜坡[T6] (Lat,108887)
declination n.倾斜,下倾,赤纬,磁偏角 (Lat,125112)
disinclination n.<正>不愿意,不情愿 (Lat,133119)
declinable (Lat,)
disincline (Lat,)
;...233, kleu- 听内容
To hear. 最初形式: *k̑leu- , becoming *kleu- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: leer , loud , and Hercules.
  1. 扩展形式: *kleus- . ←from 古英语 hlēor , cheek (< "side of the face" < "ear"), ←from 日耳曼语 *hleuza- .
    leer 色迷迷的看,奸笑 , ( 56839 , )
  2. 零级形式 *klu- .
    1. ←from 古英语 hlystan , to listen, ←from 日耳曼语 *hlustjan .
      list₄ n.清单,目录;倾斜;布边,布头;狭条vt.列出,列入;把…编列成表;记入名单内vi.列于表上 , ( x )
    2. ←from 古英语 hlysnan , to listen, ←from 日耳曼语 *hlusinōn .
      listen vi.倾听(与介词to并用,方可置宾语) , ( 734 , kleu₁ , _ )
      →[oew]→ list n.表,目录,名单 v.把…编列成表,列入表内。 ( 714 )
    3. Suffixed lengthened form *klū-to- .
      1. ←from 古英语 hlūd , loud;
        loud a.大声的,响亮的;吵闹的,喧嚣的 , ( 2835 , kleu₁ , _ )
        →[考研]→ loudspeaker n.扩音器,喇叭 ( 15509 )
      2. ←from 高地德语 hlūt , sound. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *hlūdaz , "heard," loud.
        ablaut 元音交替 , ( x )
        umlaut 变音符,元音变换 , ( 63378 , )
  3. 全级形式 *kleu- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *klew-yo- . ←from 希腊语 kleiein , to praise, tell.
      Clio 克莱奥 , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式: *klew-es- , "fame. ←from 拉丁语 Herculēs , ←from 希腊语 Hēraklēs , Hērakleēs .
      Hercules 赫拉克勒斯 , ( 55364 , )
      →[oew]→ Hera 赫拉。 ( 55356 )
    3. 带后缀形式: *kleu-to- . ←from Middle 波斯语 srōd , sarod, akin to Avestan sraota- , hearing, sound, ←from 伊朗语 *srauta- .
      sarod 萨罗达琴 , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. k̑leu- 605.]
;...234, ko- 其他
Stem of demonstrative pronoun meaning "this. " 最初形式: *k̑o- , becoming *ko- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: he ₁, et cetera , and behind.
  1. 变化形式*ki- .
      1. ←from 古英语 , he;
        he pron.他;(不论性别的)一个人 , ( 14 , ko , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 him , him (dative of );
        him pron.他(he的宾格形式) , ( 64 , ko , _ )
        →[考研]→ himself pron.[反身代词]他自己;他本人。 ( 315 )
      3. ←from 古英语 his , his (genitive of );
        his pron.[he的所有格/物主代词]他的(所有物) , ( 21 , ko , _ )
        →[考研]→ hitherto ad.迄今,至今 ( 7393 )
      4. ←from 古英语 hire , her (dative and genitive of heo , she);
        her pron.[she的宾格]她;[she的所有格]她的 , ( 34 , ko , _ )
        →[考研]→ hers pron.[she的物主代词]她的(所有物)。 ( 3545 )
        →[考研]→ herself pron.[反身代词]她自己;她亲自,她本人。 ( 650 )
      5. ←from 古英语 hit , it (neuter of );
        it pron.它;[作无人称动词的主语] , ( 8 , _ , _ )
        →[考研]→ its pron.[it的所有格]它的。 ( 72 )
        →[考研]→ itself pron.(it的反身代词)它自己,它本身。 ( 449 )
      6. ←from 古英语 hēr , here;
        here ad.在(到,向)这里;这时;在这一点上 , ( 113 , ko , _ )
      7. ←from 古英语 heonane , heonon , ←from here
        hence ad.从此,今后;因此 , ( 2694 , ko , _ )
        →[考研]→ henceforth ad.今后,自此以后 ( 14111 )
      8. ←from 古法语 hare , call used to set dogs on, ←from Frankish *hara , over here, hither, alteration (perhaps influenced by *dara , thither) of earlier *hera (compare 高地德语 *hera , hither).a-hall ←from 日耳曼语 *hi- .
        harass v.烦恼 , ( 10159 , _ , _ )
    1. 带后缀形式: *ki-tro- . ←from 古英语 hider , hither, ←from 日耳曼语 *hi-thra- .
      hither 到此处,向这里 , ( 55470 , )
    2. 带后缀形式: *ki-s . ←from 拉丁语 cis , on this side of.
      cis- L. cis-,来自cis, , ( x )
  2. 变化形式*ke- .
    1. Preposed in *ke-etero- ( *e-tero- , a second time, again; see i- ). ←from 拉丁语 cēterus (neuter plural cētera ), the other part, that which remains.
      etcetera n.附加的人,附加物,以及其他,等等 , ( 16331 , _ , _ )
    2. Postposed in 拉丁语 -ce (see nu- ).
    1. ←from 古英语 behindan , in the rear, behind ( bi , at; see ambʰi ).
      behind prep.在...的背后,(遗留)在..后面;落后于 , ( 390 , ko , _ )
      hind a.后边的,后面的 , ( 12475 , kei₂ , _ )
    2. ←from 高地德语 hintar , behind.
      hinterland n.内地,穷乡僻壤 , ( 23030 , ko , _ )
    3. ←from 古英语 hindrian , to check, hinder, ←from 日耳曼语 derivative verb *hindrōn , to keep back.1-3all ←from 日耳曼语 root *hind- , behind, attributed by some to this root (but more likely of obscure origin).
      hinder v.(from)阻止,妨碍a.后面的 , ( 10676 , ko , _ )
      hindrance n.妨碍,障碍 , ( 23315 , _ , _ )
[Pokorny 1. ko- 609.]
;...235, kō- 磨尖松
To sharpen, whet. 最初形式: *k̑eᵊ₃- , 变形 为: *k̑oᵊ₃- , 缩减成:*k̑ō- (becoming *kō- in centum languages(K类语,颚音)).
  1. Suffixed 扩展形式: *koᵊi-no- . ←from 古英语 hān , stone, ←from 日耳曼语 *hainō .
    hone n.磨(刀)石vt.用磨刀石磨 , ( 12604 , ke , _ )
  2. Possibly 希腊语 kōnos , cone, conical object (< "a sharp-pointed object")
    cone n.圆锥体, , ( 6939 , ke , _ )
    conic 圆椎形的 ; ( 53066 , )
    conifer n.[植]松类,针叶树 , ( 20655 , _ , fer运载 )
    conodont 牙形石 . ( x )
[Pokorny k̑ē(i)- 541.]
conical adj.圆锥 (形)的 (Greek,123607)
conicoid (Greek,)
conoid (Greek,)
conoscope (Greek,)
orthocone (Greek,)
orthoconic (Greek,)
polyconic (Greek,)
;...236, kob- 好运
To suit, fit, succeed.

hap 运气,机会,幸运 , ( 55200 , )
happen v.(偶然)发生;碰巧,恰好 , ( 270 , kob , hap运气 )
→[oew]→ happenstance 偶然情况。 ( 55203 )
happy a.快乐的,幸福的;乐意的;令人满意的 ; ( 717 , kob , hap运气 )
hapless adj.不幸的,运气不好的[T9] , ( 18588 , _ , _ )
mishap 坏运气:n.灾祸,不幸事件,晦气[T9] , ( 18417 , kob , hap运气 ) ←from 古挪威语 happ , chance, good luck, ←from 日耳曼语 *hap- .
[Pokorny kob- 610.]
;...237, kom 靠扛共
Beside, near, by, with.
派生词包括: enough , handiwork , and country.
    1. ←from 古英语 ge- , with, also participial, collective, and intensive prefix;
      enough a.(for)足够的n.足够,充分ad.足够地 , ( 310 , enek , _ )
      gemot 司法机关 , ( x )
      handiwork n.手工,手艺,手工 , ( 20761 , kom , _ )
      →[oew]→ handicraft 手工艺。 ( 55175 )
      witenagemot 国会 , ( x )
      yclept 名叫 , ( x )
      yean 小羊羔 , ( 63908 , )
    2. ←from 高地德语 gi- , participial, collective, and intensive prefix. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *ga- , together, with (collective and intensive prefix and marker of the past participle).
      gemütlich 令人愉快的 ; ( x )
      gebrauchsmusik 实用音乐 , ( x )
  1. ←from 拉丁语 cum , co- , with.
    cum 和,与,及 ; ( 53302 , )
    cooncan 一种牌戏 , ( x )
  2. ←from Archaic 拉丁语 com , with (collective and intensive prefix).
    co- L. com-,与OE. ge-有亲缘关系, , ( x )
    com- 共同 , ( x )
  3. British Celtic *kom- , collective prefix, in compound *kombrogos (see merg- ).
  4. 带后缀形式: *kom-trā- . ←from 拉丁语 contrā , against, opposite.
    con vt.记诵,精读 adv.反对地,反面 n.反对票,反对论,[医]肺病;console,控制台 , ( 7403 , gn , _ )
    contra- L. contra-,来自contra, against , ( x )
    contrary a.(to)相反的,矛盾的n.反对,矛盾;相反 , ( 4555 , kom , _ )
    →[oew]→ contraceptive adj.避孕的 n.避孕品,避孕用具 ( 16812 )
    →[oew]→ contrapuntal 对位的。 ( 53098 )
    counter n.柜台;计数器a./ad.相反(的)v.反对,反击 , ( 2839 , kom , count计算 )
    →[oew]→ counteract vt.抵消;中和;阻碍[T8]。 ( 13165 )
    counter- ME. counter-,来自M. F. contre-, conter-来 自L. contra, against相反 , ( x )
    country n.国家;农村,乡下 ; ( 182 , kom , _ )
    →[考研]→ countryside n.乡下,农村。 ( 3299 )
    encounter n./v.遇到,遭遇 , ( 3000 , _ , _ )
  5. 带后缀形式: *kom-yo- . ←from 希腊语 koinos , common, shared.
    coeno- x ; ( x )
    cenobite 修道士 , ( x )
    epicene 阴阳人 , ( x )
    Koine 共通语 , ( x )
  6. 缩减形式 *ko- in compounds (see gher-₁ , mei-₁ , smei- ).
[Pokorny kom 612.]
;...238, konk- 靠挂
To hang. 最初形式: *k̑onk- , becoming *konk- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    1. ←from 古英语 hōn , to hang;
      hang v.悬挂,垂吊;吊死,绞死 , ( 1119 , konk , _ )
      →[oew]→ hangover n.残留,遗物,宿醉 ( 17017 )
      →[oew]→ hangdog 羞愧的。 ( 55185 )
      →[oew]→ hang-up 忧虑,焦急。 ( 55191 )
    2. ←from 荷兰语 (dialectal) hankeren , to long for;
      hanker 渴望 , ( 55193 , )
    3. ←from 中古英语 henge , hinge , hinge, possibly related (ultimately from the base of 古英语 hangian , to hang).a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *hanhan (transitive), hangēn (intransitive), hang.
      hinge n.(门、盖等的)铰链 , ( 11894 , konk , _ )
  1. 带后缀形式: *konk-it-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 cūnctārī , to delay.
    cunctation 迟延 , ( x )
[Pokorny k̑enk- 566, k̑onk- 614.]
;...239, koro- 战乱
War; also war-band, host, army.
  1. ←from 古英语 here , army.
    heriot 的领主 , ( x )
  2. ←from 古法语 herban , a summoning to military service ( ban , proclamation, summons; see bʰā-₂ ).
    arrière-ban 服役诸侯 , ( x )
    1. ←from 古英语 herebeorg , lodging;
      harbor n.(harbour)海港;避难所v.隐匿,窝藏 , ( 7966 , koro , _ )
    2. ←from 古法语 herberge , lodging. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 compound *harja-bergaz , "army hill," hill-fort, later shelter, lodging, army quarters ( *bergaz , hill; see bʰergh-₂ ).
      harbinger n.预言者,预兆 vt.预告,充做…的前驱 , ( 21018 , koro , _ )
      →[oew]→ Harold 0 ( 9127 )
  3. ←from Anglo-Norman herald , ←from 日耳曼语 compound *harja-waldaz , "army commander" ( *wald- , rule, power; see wal- ).
    herald n.使者.vt.预报,标志 , ( 10789 , ual , _ )
  4. ←from 古法语 harneis , harness, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *harja-nestam , "army provisions" ( *nestam , food for a journey; see nes-₁ ).
    harness v.治理,利用n.马具,挽具 , ( 10640 , nes , _ )
  5. ←from 古英语 hergian , to ravage, plunder, raid, ←from 日耳曼语 denominative *harjōn .
    harry v.掠夺,折磨 , ( 4425 , koro , _ )
    hurry vi.匆忙vt.催促;急运(派)n.急(匆)忙 , ( 3375 , keuero , _ )
    →[oew]→ hurl n.用力或猛烈的投掷.v.用力投掷 ( 9919 )
    →[oew]→ hurly-burly 骚动,喧闹。 ( 55689 )
  6. ←from Old 意大利语 aringo , arringa , public square, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *harihring , assembly, "host-ring" ( *hringaz , ring; see sker-₂ ).1-7all ←from 日耳曼语 *harjaz , army.
    harangue 长篇演说,呵斥,大声谴责 , ( 55207 , )
[Pokorny koro-s 615.]
;...240, kost- 骷髅骨
Bone. Probably related to ost- .

coast n.海岸,海滨 , ( 2147 , kost , _ )
→[oew]→ coastal a.海岸的,沿海的 ( 4214 )
costa n.肋;缘;中脉;前缘脉 , ( x )
costard 大苹果 , ( 53172 , )
→[oew]→ costal 肋骨的。 ( 53171 )
→[oew]→ costermonger 水果蔬菜小贩。 ( 53173 )
costrel 装酒壶 , ( x )
cuesta 单面山 , ( x )
cutlet 肉排 ; ( 53335 , )
accost (军舰)横着靠近vt.勾引;引诱;对…说话;搭讪;逼近[T8] , ( 24044 , kost , _ )
intercostal 肋骨间的 , ( 56118 , )
sternocostal 胸肋的 , ( x ) ←from 拉丁语 costa , rib, side.
[Pokorny kost- 616.]
coast n.海岸,海滨 (Lat,102147)
intracoastal adj.沿海的,海滨的 intracoastal waterway 沿海航道 (Lat,132381)
bicostate (Lat,)
costate (Lat,)
curvicostate (Lat,)
entrecôte (Lat,)
infracostal (Lat,)
multicostate (Lat,)
quadricostate (Lat,)
supracostal (Lat,)
tricostate (Lat,)
unicostate (Lat,)
;...241, kous- 听声音
To hear. 最初形式: *h₂kous- .
    1. ←from 古英语 hīeran , to hear;
      hear v.听见;审讯;(from)收到..的信/电话;听说 , ( 223 , keu₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ hearing n.听,倾听;听力;审讯。 ( 1706 )
    2. ←from 古英语 he(o)rcnian , to harken. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *hauzjan .
      hearken 倾听,聆听 , ( 55278 , )
  1. 带后缀形式: *ᵊkous-yo- . ←from 希腊语 akouein , to hear.
    acoustic a.有关声音的,声学的 , ( 10108 , _ , _ )
[Pokorny 1. keu- 587.]
;...242, krei- 刻锐罪
To sieve, discriminate, distinguish.
派生词包括: garble , crime , certain , excrement , crisis , and hypocrisy.
  1. 基本形式: with variant instrumental suffixes.
    1. 带后缀形式: *krei-tro- . ←from 古英语 hridder , hriddel , sieve, ←from 日耳曼语 *hridra- ;
      riddle n.谜,谜语,神秘人物 v.解谜,出谜,迷惑 , ( 14603 , ar₁ , _ )
    2. 带后缀形式: *krei-dʰro- . ←from 拉丁语 crībrum , sieve.
      cribriform 筛状 , ( 44373 )
      garble 歪曲,篡改 , ( 54772 , )
      →[oew]→ garbage n.垃圾。 ( 5242 )
      →[oew]→ garb n.服装.v.装扮 ( 17619 )
  2. 带后缀形式: *krei-men- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 crīmen , judgment, crime;
      crime n.罪行,犯罪 , ( 894 , ker₃ , crim控诉 )
      criminal n.罪犯,刑事犯a.犯罪的,刑事的 ; ( 1828 , ker₃ , crim控诉 )
      recriminate 反责,反控 , ( 60527 , )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 discrīmen , distinction ( dis- , apart).
      discriminate 区别对待:v.区别,辨别,歧视[T8] , ( 8041 , sek₆ , crim控诉 )
  3. Suffixed 零级形式 *kri-no- . ←from 拉丁语 cernere (past participle crētus ), to sift, separate, decide.
    certain a.某,某一,某些;(of)一定的,确信的,可靠的 ; ( 462 , ker₃ , cert确定 )
    →[考研]→ certainly ad.一定,必定,无疑;当然,行。 ( 605 )
    →[考研]→ certainty n.必然,肯定;必然的事。 ( 5374 )
    →[考研]→ certificate n.证(明)书,执照。 ( 3817 )
    →[考研]→ certify v.证明,保证[T6]。 ( 9238 )
    acertain 确定 , ( x )
    concern v.涉及,关系到v./n.关心n.(利害)关系 , ( 708 , ker₃ , cern分离 )
    →[考研]→ concerning prep.关于,论及。 ( 2914 )
    concert n.音乐会,演奏会;一齐,一致 , ( 2710 , kan , cert确定 )
    decree 决定:v.颁布,判决,发布命令n.判决,法令[T6] , ( 7894 , ker₃ , _ )
    discern v.识别,辨别,看清楚,认识,领悟[T6] , ( 9105 , ker₃ , cern分离 )
    disconcert 使不安 , ( 53680 , )
    discrete adj.离散的,不连续的n.分立元件,独立元件[T8] , ( 9620 , _ , cern分离 )
    excrement 排泄物 , ( 54219 , )
    excrete 排泄 , ( 54221 , )
    incertitude 不确定 , ( x )
    recrement 废物 , ( x )
    secern 分开 , ( x )
    →[oew]→ secrete vt.藏匿;私下侵吞;分泌[T8]。 ( 19353 )
    secret a.秘密的,机密的n.秘密 , ( 1653 , ker₃ , cern分离 )
    secretary n.秘书,书记;部长,大臣 , ( 1093 , _ , cern分离 )
  4. Suffixed 零级形式 *kri-n-yo- . ←from 希腊语 krīnein , to separate, decide, judge, and krīnesthai , to explain.
    crisis n.(pl.crises)危机,紧要关头 , ( 1221 , ker₃ , _ )
    critic n.批评家,评论家 , ( 1737 , ker₃ , cri判罪 )
    →[考研]→ critical a.批评的,评论的;危急,紧要的;临界的。 ( 1162 )
    →[考研]→ criticism n.评论性的文章,评论;批评,指责,非难。 ( 1860 )
    →[考研]→ criticize v.(criticise)批评,评论。 ( 3193 )
    criterion 用来区别的手段:n.(判断的)标准,准则,规范[T6] ; ( 8823 , ker₃ , cri判罪 )
    apocrine 顶浆分泌 , ( x )
    diacritic 变音符 , ( 53591 , )
    eccrine 外分泌腺的 , ( x )
    endocrine 内分泌 , ( 54066 , )
    epicritic 精细觉的 , ( x )
    exocrine 外分泌 , ( 54237 , )
    hematocrit 血细胞比容 , ( 41865 )
    hypocrisy n.伪善,虚伪[T9] , ( 10122 , ker₃ , _ )
    paracrine 旁分泌 , ( x )
[Pokorny 4. sker-, Section II. 945.]
certification n.证明,保证;检定[T8] (Lat,107231)
ascertain vt.确定,查明,明确[T6] (Lat,109414)
secretion n.分泌;分泌物;藏匿;隐藏[T9] (Lat,110083)
discernible adj.可辨别的;可识别的[T8] (Lat,113283)
excretion n.(动植物的)排泄,排泄物 (Lat,119248)
discernment n.<褒>识别能力,洞察力,敏锐,精明 (Lat,122623)
criminality n.有罪,犯罪;犯罪行为[T9] (Lat,122644)
recrimination n.反责,反控;揭丑[T9] (Lat,123801)
certitude n.确信 (Lat,125747)
certiorari n.诉讼文件移送命令 (Lat,133088)
recertification n.换发新证 (Lat,138605)
ascertainable adj.可确定(探知),可发现的 (Lat,142440)
decertification 否定代表资格 (Lat,147586)
incriminate 使负罪,连累 (Lat,155942)
cribellate (Latin,)
cribble (Lat,)
cribellum (Lat,)
cribrate (Lat,)
criminate (Lat,)
decern (Lat,)
secernent (Lat,)
critique n.批评,评论文章vt.批判,评论[T8] (Greek,105396)
hypocrite 在底下区分n.伪君子[T8] (Greek,120371)
endocrinology n.内分泌学 (Greek,131074)
Kritosaurus (Greek,)
criticaster (Greek,)
criticise (Greek,)
eccrinology (Greek,)
eccrisis (Greek,)
eccritic (Greek,)
heterocrine (Greek,)
holocrine (Greek,)
hypercriticism (Greek,)
kritarchy (Greek,)
merocrine (Greek,)
syncrisis (Greek,)
;...243, kreuᵊ- 生鲜
Raw flesh. 最初形式: *kreuh₂- .
  1. Suffixed o级形式 *krowᵊ-o- . ←from 古英语 hrēaw , raw, ←from 日耳曼语 *hrawaz .
    raw a.未煮过的,生的;未加工过的,未经训练的 , ( 2896 , kreu , _ )
  2. 带后缀形式: *krewᵊ-s- . ←from 希腊语 kreas , flesh.
    creatine 肌酸 , ( x )
    creodont 哺乳动物 , ( x )
    creosote 杂酚油 , ( 53242 , )
    pancreas n.[解]胰腺 , ( 21591 , keu₂ , _ )
  3. Suffixed 零级形式 *krū-do- (< *kruᵊ-do- ).
    1. ←from 拉丁语 crūdus , bloody, raw;
      crude a.天然的,未加工的;未熟的;粗鲁的,粗野的 ; ( 4940 , pend , _ )
      →[oew]→ crud 渣滓。 ( 53280 )
      ecru 淡褐色的 , ( 53953 , )
      recrudesce 复发 , ( 60528 , )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 crūdēlis , cruel.
      cruel a.残忍的,残酷的 , ( 4805 , kreu , _ )
[Pokorny 1. A. kreu- 621.]
;...244, kreus- 结晶体
To begin to freeze, form a crust.
  1. Suffixed 零级形式 *krus-to- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 crusta , crust;
      crouton 油炸肉丁 , ( 53277 , )
      crust n.外皮,壳;地壳 , ( 6344 , kreu , _ )
      crustacean 甲壳动物 , ( 53286 , )
      crustaceous 硬皮的 , ( x )
      crustose 紧贴在土壤的 ; ( x )
      encrust 结壳 , ( 23779 )
    2. ←from 希腊语 krustallos , ice, crystal.
      crystal n.水晶,水晶饰品;结晶a.水晶的,透明的 , ( 3637 , kreu , _ )
      →[oew]→ crystallize v.明确 ( 19496 )
      crystalline a.水晶(般)的,透明的 , ( 14650 , _ , _ )
      crystallo- 表示“结晶” ; ( x )
      Kristallnacht 水晶之夜 , ( x )
  2. Suffixed 零级形式 *krus-es- . ←from 希腊语 kruos , icy cold, frost.
    cryo- 低温- , ( x )
  3. Suffixed 零级形式 *krus-mo- . ←from 希腊语 krūmos , icy cold, frost.
    crymotherapy 冷冻疗法 , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. B. kreu- 621.]
custard n.奶油蛋羹,奶油冻 (Lat,116160)
crustal adj.地壳的,(尤指)地球或月球外壳的 (Lat,135573)
encrustation n.结壳,用覆盖物,镶嵌,硬壳 (Lat,141278)
crouton 油炸肉丁 (Lat,153277)
incrustation 结壳,硬外层 (Lat,155943)
crostata (Lat,)
croustade (Lat,)
croûte (Lat,)
crustation (Lat,)
crustific (Lat,)
crustose (Lat,)
duricrust (Lat,)
incrust (Lat,)
;...245, ksun 协同
Preposition and preverb meaning "with."
  1. ←from 希腊语 sun , xun , together, with.
    syn- 一起,一致 , ( 62558 , )
  2. 基本形式: *su(n)- .
    1. ←from 古俄语 compound sŭvětŭ , assembly;
      soviet n.|a.苏维埃(的) , ( 945 , sem₁ , _ )
    2. ←from 俄语 so- , s- , with, together.aandb←from 古俄语 sŭ(n)- , with, together.
      sputnik 人造地球卫星 , ( 62035 , )
[In Pokorny 2. sem- 902.]
;...246, kʷe 和附属
And (enclitic).

sesqui- sesqui- (L.), (semis, halfque, and) , ( x )
ubiquity 无处不在 , ( 25187 ) ←from 拉丁语 -que , and.
[Pokorny 1. ku̯e 635.]
;...247, kʷei-₁ 补亏
To pay, atone, compensate. Suffixed o级形式 *kʷoi-nā- .

pain n.痛,痛苦;(pl.)努力,劳苦vt.使痛苦 , ( 971 , keui₁ , _ )
→[考研]→ painful a.疼痛的,使痛苦的,费力[心]的,棘手的。 ( 3180 )
penal adj.刑事的,刑罚的[T9] , ( 10402 , kuei₁ , pen处罚 )
→[oew]→ penitentiary adj.应处监禁的;监禁的;忏悔的 n.监狱;教养所;宗教裁判所[T9]。 ( 22173 )
penalty n.处罚,刑罚,惩罚,罚金 , ( 2770 , kuei₁ , pen处罚 )
pine n.松树 , ( 3743 , kuei₁ , _ )
punish v.惩罚,处罚 ; ( 4815 , kuei₁ , pen处罚 )
→[oew]→ punitive adj.惩罚的,刑罚的[T9]。 ( 10533 )
impunity n.不受惩罚,无患,免罚[T8] , ( 19298 , kuei₁ , pen处罚 )
penology 刑罚学,监狱管理学 , ( 59312 , )
punitory 刑罚的 , ( x )
repine 抱怨 , ( x )
subpoena n.传票 vt.传呼,索取 , ( 13774 , kuei₁ , _ ) ←from 希腊语 poinē , fine, penalty.
[Pokorny 1. ku̯ei-(t-) 636.]
penalize vt.处罚;处刑;使不利[T8] (Latin,115338)
repent 反过来惩罚:v.后悔,忏悔,对……感到后悔[T4] (Latin,120650)
penance n.苦修,忏悔vt.使……以苦行赎罪[T8] (Latin,120877)
penitence 悔罪,忏悔 (Latin,159305)
penitent 悔罪的,忏悔的 (Latin,159306)
impune (Latin,)
;...248, kʷei-₂ 魁魏巍
To pile up, build, make. o级形式 *kʷoi- .
  1. ←from 梵语 kāyaḥ , body;
    cheetah n.[动]印度豹(一种似豹的动物,产于南亚及非洲) , ( 22963 , kait , _ )
  2. 带后缀形式: *kʷoi-wo- , making, in denominative verb *kʷoiw-eyo- . ←from 希腊语 poiein , to make, create.
    poem n.诗 , ( 2625 , kuei₂ , _ )
    poesy 诗,诗篇 , ( 59735 , )
    poet n.诗人 , ( 2985 , kuei₂ , _ )
    →[考研]→ poetry n.诗歌,诗集。 ( 2817 )
    →[oew]→ poetaster 打油诗人,蹩脚诗人。 ( 59736 )
    poetic a.诗歌的 , ( 7109 , _ , _ )
    -poiesis x , ( x )
    -poietic x ; ( x )
    epopee 叙事诗 , ( x )
    mythopoeic 神话时代的 , ( 51451 )
    onomatopoeia 拟声,拟声词 , ( 58794 , )
    pharmacopoeia 药典 , ( 59434 , )
[Pokorny 2. ku̯ei- 637.]
allopoiesis (Greek,)
autopoiesis (Greek,)
piyyut (Greek,)
poiesis (Greek,)
;...249, kʷeiᵊ- 酷安静 , Also kʷyeᵊ- .
To rest, be quiet. 最初形式:s *kʷeih₁- , *kʷyeh₁- .
派生词包括: while , coy , and requiem.
  1. Suffixed 零级形式 *kʷī-lo- (< *kʷiᵊ-lo -).
      1. ←from 古英语 hwīl , while;
        while conj.当…的时候;而;虽然;尽管n.一会儿 , ( 144 , kuei₃ , _ )
        →[oew]→ whilst conj.同时,时时,有时,当…的时候,<英>同“while” ( 3445 )
      2. ←from 古英语 hwīlum , sometimes. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *hwīlō .
        whilom 从前的 , ( x )
    1. Possibly 拉丁语 tranquillus , tranquil ( trāns , across, beyond; see terᵊ-₂ ).
      tranquil adj.宁静的,平静的[T6] . ( 13273 , _ , _ )
  2. 变化形式15181*kʷyē- (< *kʷyeᵊ- ).
    1. 带后缀形式: *kʷyē-t- . ←from 拉丁语 quiēs , rest, quiet.
      requiem 安魂曲,安魂弥撒 , ( 60663 , )
    2. 带后缀形式: *kʷyē-ske- . ←from 拉丁语 quiēscere (past participle quiētus ), to rest.
      coy adj.腼腆的,怕羞的,卖弄风情的 , ( 21850 , _ , _ )
      quiet a.安静的,平静的n.安静v.使安静,平静 , ( 1357 , kuei₃ , qui安静 )
      →[oew]→ quietus 寂灭,解脱。 ( 60331 )
      quit v.离开,退出;停止,放弃,辞职 ; ( 3127 , _ , quit免除 )
      acquiesce 变得安静vi.默许,勉强同意[T8] , ( 19708 , kuei₃ , qui安静 )
      acquit vt.清偿,无罪释放,推卸责任或义务[T8] , ( 13672 , kuei₃ , quit免除 )
      quitclaim 放弃权利 , ( 46518 )
      quite ad.十分,完全;相当,颇;的确,真正 , ( 367 , kuei₃ , _ )
      quitrent 免役税 , ( x )
      requiescat 祈祷 , ( x )
[Pokorny ku̯eiᵊ- 638.]
acquittal n.赦免;无罪开释;履行;尽职;(债务等的)清偿[T8] (Latin,119356)
acquiescence n.默许;默从[T9] (Lat,122133)
quiescence n.静止 (Lat,134975)
acquiescent adj.默认的 (Lat,136322)
quiescent 静态的,静止的 (Lat,160328)
quietude 安静,寂静 (Lat,160330)
acquittance (Latin,)
inquietude (Lat,)
;...250, kʷeit- 白发光 , Also kʷeid- .
White; to shine. 最初形式: *k̑weit- , becoming *kʷeit- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. Suffixed 变化形式*kʷeid-o- .
    1. ←from 古英语 hwīt , white;
      white a.白色的;苍白的;白种的n.白色;白种人 ; ( 312 , kel₆ , _ )
      Whitsunday 圣灵降临节 , ( 63772 , )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 wit , white;
      witloof x , ( x )
    3. ←from 中古荷兰语 wijting , whiting;
      whiting 牙鳕 , ( 63771 , )
      1. ←from 高地德语 hwīz , wīz , white;
        edelweiss 火绒花 , ( 53959 , )
      2. ←from obsolete German Bismuth , Wismuth , perhaps obscurely related to 高地德语 wīz , white.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *hwītaz .
        bismuth , ( 33494 )
  2. Suffixed o级 变化形式*kʷoid-yo- . ←from 古英语 hwǣte , wheat (from the fine white flour it yields), ←from 日耳曼语 *hwaitjaz .
    wheat n.小麦 , ( 4873 , kueit , _ )
[Pokorny 3. k̑u̯ei- 628.]
;...251, kʷel-₁ 廓殖住 , Also kʷelᵊ- .
To revolve, move around, sojourn, dwell. 最初形式:s kʷel- , kʷelh₂- .
派生词包括: colony , cult , wheel , cyclone , pulley , and bucolic.
  1. 基本形式: *kʷel- . ←from 拉丁语 colere , to till, cultivate, inhabit (< *kʷel-o- ).
    colonia 殖民地 , ( 26188 )
    colony n.殖民地;侨民;聚居区;(动植物的)群体 , ( 3959 , _ , cult耕种 )
    →[考研]→ colonial a.殖民地的,关于殖民的 n.殖民地居民。 ( 3515 )
    cult n.祭仪,礼拜式 , ( 5788 , ker₁ , cult耕种 )
    cultivate v.耕作,栽培,养殖;培养,教养,磨炼 , ( 6354 , ker₁ , cult耕种 )
    culture n.文化,文明;修养;耕种;栽培,培育; , ( 634 , ker₁ , cult耕种 )
    Kultur 军国主义 ; ( x )
    incult 未开垦的 , ( x )
    inquiline 寄居动物 , ( x )
    silvicolous x , ( x )
  2. 带后缀形式: *kʷel-es- . ←from 希腊语 telos , "completion of a cycle," consummation, perfection, end, result.
    telic 目的的 , ( 62785 , )
    telium x , ( x )
    telo- x , ( x )
    telos 目的 ; ( x )
    entelechy 的原理 , ( x )
    talisman 护身符 , ( 62624 , )
    teleology 目的论 , ( 62770 , )
    teleost 硬骨鱼类的 , ( x )
    teleutospore 冬孢子 , ( x )
  3. Suffixed reduplicated form *kʷ(e)-kʷl-o- , circle.
    1. ←from 古英语 hwēol , hweogol , wheel, ←from 日耳曼语 *hwewlaz .
      wheel n.轮,车轮 , ( 2156 , kuel , _ )
    2. ←from 希腊语 kuklos , circle, wheel.
      cycle n.自行车;周期,循环v.骑自行车;循环 , ( 2212 , ker₁ , circ环 )
      →[oew]→ cyclamen 仙客来。 ( 53346 )
      →[oew]→ Cyclops 古希腊神话中的独眼巨人。 ( 53347 )
      cyclo- 三轮车, , ( x )
      cycloid 摆线 , ( x )
      cyclone n.旋风;[气象]气旋;飓风[T8] , ( 22486 , ker₁ , circ环 )
      cyclosis 胞质环流 ; ( x )
      bicycle n.自行车vt.骑自行车运送vi.骑自行车[T3] , ( 4129 , _ , circ环 )
      encyclical 教皇通谕 , ( 54064 , )
      epicycle 本轮 , ( 49543 )
    3. ←from 梵语 cakram , circle, wheel.
      chakra 轮(人体精神集中点之一) , ( 52724 , )
      chakram x , ( x )
      chukker 马球戏 , ( x )
    4. Metathesized form *kʷe-lkʷ-o- . ←from 古波斯 *carka- .
      charkha 手纺车 , ( x )
    5. Probably ultimately from *kʷ(e)-kʷl-o- is the Old Chinese word for "wheeled vehicle" (reflected by modern Mandarin chē ), borrowed from an Indo-European language of Central Asia. ←from Middle Chinese t(SHOOKR) ←from an Old Chinese word probably from or akin to Tocharian A kukäl and Tocharian B kokale , wagon.
      jinriksha 人力车 , ( x ) hia
      , vehicle,
  4. o级形式 *kʷol- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *kʷol-so- , "that on which the head turns," neck.
        1. ←from 古挪威语 hāls , neck, ship's bow;
          hawse 锚链孔 , ( x )
        2. ←from 中古荷兰语 hals , neck;
          ringhals 眼镜蛇 , ( x )
        3. ←from 古法语 hauberc , hauberk, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *h(w)als-berg- , "neck-protector," gorget ( *bergan , to protect; see bʰergh-₁ ). (i)-(iii) all ←from 日耳曼语 *h(w)alsaz .
          habergeon 短铠甲 , ( x )
          hauberk 锁子甲 , ( x )
      1. ←from 拉丁语 collum , neck.
        col 山口 , ( 52976 , )
        collar n.衣领;环状物 , ( 4588 , ker₁ , _ )
        collet 夹头 , ( 35792 )
        cullet 碎玻璃 ; ( 50207 )
        accolade 抱脖子的仪式→册封骑士仪式→荣誉称号授予仪式n.荣誉,荣誉称号授予仪式[T8] , ( 19786 , ker₁ , _ )
        decollate 杀头 , ( x )
        décolleté 肩的 , ( x )
        machicolate 开堞眼 , ( x )
        machicolation 枪眼 , ( x )
        torticollis 斜颈 , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式: *kʷol-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 -cola and incola , inhabitant ( in- , in; see en ).
      -colous x ; ( x )
      pratincole 林鹬 , ( x )
    3. 带后缀形式: *kʷol-o- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 anculus , "he who bustles about," servant ( an- , short for ambi- , around, about; see ambʰi );
        ancillary adj.补助的,副的 , ( 14374 , ker₁ , _ )
      2. ←from 希腊语 polos , axis of a sphere;
        pole n.柱,杆;地极,磁极,电极 , ( 3234 , ker₁ , _ )
        pulley n.滑车,滑轮 , ( 20050 , ker₁ , _ )
      3. ←from 希腊语 boukolos , cowherd, ←from -kolos , herdsman.
        bucolic 牧牛的adj.牧歌的,乡下风味的n.农夫,田园诗[T8] , ( 24002 , ker₁ , _ )
    4. 带后缀形式: *kʷol-es- (probably a blend of o级 *kʷol-o- and expected e-grade *kʷel-es- ) ←from Slavic kolo , koles- , wheel.
      calash 带篷马车 , ( x )
      kolacky x , ( x )
    5. Suffixed o级形式 *kʷol-eno- in 古伊朗语 compound *vahā-carana- (see wes-₃ ).
    6. Suffixed 零级 变化形式*kʷl̥ᵊ-i- . ←from 希腊语 palin , again (< "revolving").
      palimpsest 重写羊皮纸 , ( 59057 , )
      palindrome 回文(正读反讲都一样的词语) , ( 59058 , )
      palingenesis 轮回 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ palladium 钯。 ( 59062 )
      →[oew]→ Pallas 雅典娜。 ( 59063 )
      palinode 翻案诗 , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. ku̯el- 639.]
cultural a.文化的,教养的 (Lat,100942)
agriculture n.农业,农艺,农耕 (Lat,103019)
cultivation n.培养;耕作;耕种;教化;文雅[T9] (Latin,108106)
multicultural adj.多种文化的,反映多种文化的,适合于多种文化的 (Lat,109110)
acculturation n.文化适应,同化过程,文化互渗 (Lat,113388)
postcolonial (Latin,114950)
subculture n.次培养基,次培养菌 v.次培养 (Lat,116409)
counterculture n.反主流文化,反传统文化 (Lat,123292)
precolonial adj.沦为殖民地前的,殖民地时期前的 (Latin,124541)
acculturate v.适应文化使适应文化 (Latin,127539)
cultivator n.中耕机,耕耘机,耕种者,农民 (Latin,127844)
inculturation 因地制宜的文化适应 (Lat,128193)
countercultural (Latin,128449)
bicultural adj.二元文化的(指一个国家两种文化并存的) ,两种语言的 (Latin,129893)
subcultural 医亚文化 (Latin,133547)
cultivable 可耕作的 (Latin,153300)
intercultural 文化间的 (Latin,156119)
culturati (Latin,)
decollation (Latin,)
deculturate (Latin,)
deculturation (Latin,)
décolletage (Latin,)
encollar (Latin,)
inquilinity (Latin,)
inquilinous (Latin,)
apiculture (Lat,)
cyclic a.循环的,周期性的 (Greek,119419)
polycyclic adj.多轮的,多环 (Greek,137077)
tricyclic adj.三环的,三轮列的 (Greek,141329)
heterocyclic adj.杂环的,不同环式的 (Greek,147795)
acyclic 非周期的 (Greek,151568)
anticyclone 反气旋 (Greek,151776)
tricycle 三轮车 (Greek,163191)
unicycle 独轮自行车 (Greek,163412)
anticyclonic (Greek,)
cyclide (Greek,)
cyclotomic (Greek,)
dicyclic (Greek,)
eccyclema (Greek,)
epicycloid (Greek,)
hemicycle (Greek,)
hemicyclium (Greek,)
homocyclic (Greek,)
hypercycle (Greek,)
hypocycloid (Greek,)
isocyclic (Greek,)
mesocyclone (Greek,)
monocyclic (Greek,)
pseudocyclosis (Greek,)
tetracyclic (Greek,)
;...252, kʷel-₂ 长高远
Far (in space and time).
  1. 加长级形式 *kʷēl- . ←from 希腊语 tēle , far off.
    tele- 远的,电视的,电话的 ; ( 62755 , )
    hypertelorism 距离过远 , ( x )
  2. Suffixed 零级形式 *kʷl̥-ai . ←from 希腊语 palai , long ago.
    paleo- 远古的 , ( 59045 , )
[Pokorny 2. ku̯el- 640.]
;...253, kʷen- 女神
Holy. 最初形式: *k̑wen- , becoming *kʷen- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
Suffixed 零级形式 *kʷn̥-s-lo- .
housel 圣餐 , ( x ) ←from 古英语 hūsl , hūsel , sacrifice, Eucharist, ←from 日耳曼语 *hunslam .
[Pokorny *k̑u̯en- 630.]
;...254, kʷent(h)- 困苦
To suffer.
  1. 带后缀形式: *kʷenth-es- . ←from 希腊语 penthos , grief.
    nepenthe 忘忧药 , ( x )
  2. 零级形式 *kʷn̥th- . ←from 希腊语 pathos , suffering, passion, emotion, feelings.
    pathetic adj.可怜的,令人同情的[T6] , ( 8166 , guadʰ , passi承受 )
    →[oew]→ pathology n.病理学[T8]。 ( 11202 )
    →[oew]→ pathogen n.病原体[T8]。 ( 11535 )
    pathic 病态的 , ( x )
    patho- 疾病的 , ( 59219 , )
    pathos n.痛苦,感伤,悲怅,哀婉 , ( 22478 , guadʰ , passi承受 )
    -pathy 表“感觉” ; ( x )
    apathy n.冷漠[T8] , ( 13945 , guadʰ , passi承受 )
    pathognomonic 特殊的 , ( 47891 )
    sympathy n.同情,同情心;赞同,同感;慰问 , ( 3895 , ksun , passi承受 )
    →[考研]→ sympathetic a.有同情心的;赞同的;n.交感神经。 ( 4900 )
    →[考研]→ sympathize v.(sympathise)(with)同情;共鸣,同感;赞成。 ( 14451 )
[Pokorny ku̯enth- 641.]
empathy n.神入,移情作用,同理心[T8] (Greek,109147)
pathologist n.病理学家[T9] (Greek,115687)
psychopath 精神生病:n.精神病人[T9] (Greek,122143)
antipathy n.反感,厌恶[T8] (Greek,122497)
homeopathic adj.同种疗法的,顺势疗法的 (Greek,124511)
pathogenic adj.引起疾病的 (Greek,124558)
psychopathic adj.精神病的,精神错乱的,要发疯似的 n.精神变态者 (Greek,129356)
idiopathic adj.医 特发的,突发性的,先天的 (Greek,129641)
psychopathy n.精神变态,心理变态 (Greek,138493)
apathetic 不易动情的:adj.冷漠的[T8] (Greek,141986)
homeopathy 顺势疗法 (Greek,155521)
pathogenesis 发病机制 (Greek,159220)
allopath (Greek,)
allopathy (Greek,)
etiopathogenesis (Greek,)
pathoclisis (Greek,)
sympathectomy (Greek,)
;...255, kʷer- 制作
To make.
  1. ←from 梵语 karoti , he makes.
    namaskar 印度合十礼 , ( 58306 , )
    Prakrit 古代印度语 , ( x )
    puggaree 头巾 , ( x )
    Sanskrit 梵语 , ( 61051 , )
  2. 带后缀形式: *kʷer-ōr with dissimilated form *kʷel-ōr . ←from 希腊语 pelōr , monster (perhaps "that which does harm").
    peloria x , ( x )
  3. 带后缀形式: *kʷer-ᵊs- . ←from 希腊语 teras , monster.
    tera- 万亿 , ( 62817 , )
    terato- 畸形,怪胎,怪物 , ( 62818 , )
  4. 带后缀形式: *kʷer-mn̥ . ←from 梵语 karma , act, deed.
    karma n.因缘,因果报应 , ( 22778 , kuer , _ )
  5. 带后缀形式: *kʷer-o- . ←from Middle 波斯语 laškar , army,
    lascar 印度水手 , ( x )
    perhaps from 古伊朗语 *raxša-kara- ("furnishing protection"; *raxša- , protection).
  6. 带后缀形式: *kʷr̥-tu- . ←from 古爱尔兰 Cruithne , the Picts, ←from Cruithen , a Pict, ←from *kʷriteno- , member of a tribe inhabiting Britian, Pict, ultimately derived from *kʷr̥tu- , shape, form (perhaps in reference to the designs the Picts tattooed or painted on their bodies).
    Cruithne x , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. ku̯er- 641.]
;...256, kʷes- 生气怨
To pant, wheeze. 最初形式: *k̑wes- , becoming *kʷes- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. ←from 古挪威语 hvæsa , to hiss, ←from 日耳曼语 *hwēsjan .
    wheeze vi.喘息,很困难地呼吸 , ( 18280 , kues , _ )
  2. ←from 拉丁语 querī , to complain.
    quarrel v.争吵,争论n.争吵,争吵的原因 , ( 10070 , kues , quer抱怨 )
    querulous 抱怨的,恼怒的 , ( 60318 , )
  3. Suffixed 零级形式 *kus-ti- . ←from 希腊语 kustis , bladder, bag (< "bellows").
    cyst n.[生物](动、植物的)胞,包囊,膀胱,囊肿 , ( 18636 , kues , _ )
    cysto- 膀胱镜检查, , ( x )
[Pokorny k̑u̯es- 631.]
querent (Lat,)
querimony (Lat,)
;...257, kʷēt- 摇动
To shake. 缩减自: *kʷeᵊ₁t- . 零级形式 *kʷᵊt- , becoming *kʷat- .
  1. ←from 拉丁语 quatere (past participle quassus , in composition -cussus ), to shake, strike;
    cascarabuckthorn 药鼠李鼠李 , ( x )
    cask 小木桶,酒桶 , ( 52631 , )
    →[oew]→ casket n.首饰盒,匣子,[美]棺材 ( 13153 )
    →[oew]→ casement 门式窗。 ( 52628 )
    scutch 打麻机 , ( x )
    squash vt.压碎,硬塞n.美国南瓜 ; ( 7944 , kuet , _ )
    concuss 脑震荡 , ( 53048 , )
    discuss vt.讨论,商议 , ( 941 , kuet , cuss摇动 )
    percuss vt.轻敲;轻叩;叩诊 , ( x )
    rescue v./n.营救,援救 , ( 3646 , kuet , _ )
    soukous x , ( x )
    succussion 振荡 , ( x )
  2. ←from 希腊语 passein , to sprinkle.
    pasta n.意大利面食;面团[T9] , ( 5502 , kuet , _ )
    →[oew]→ pasty 馅饼。 ( 59209 )
    paste n.糊,浆糊v.粘,贴 , ( 8517 , kuet , past喂食 )
    pastel 小糊状物:n.粉蜡笔;粉蜡笔画柔和的;彩色蜡笔的,粉蜡笔的。最早指用树叶煮成的糊状物,用于染色[T8] , ( 9290 , kuet , _ )
    pastiche 集锦,混成作品 , ( 59203 , )
    pastis 法国茴香酒 , ( 59205 , )
    pastry n.油酥点心;面粉糕饼[T8] , ( 7319 , kuet , _ )
    pâté 脑袋 , ( x )
    patisserie 糕点铺,糕点店 , ( 59221 , )
    patty n.小馅饼, , ( 17839 , kuet , _ )
[Pokorny ku̯ēt- 632.]
discussion n.讨论 (Lat,100969)
repercussion 反过去彻底打击:n.反响,弹回,反射[T8] (Lat,114825)
concussion n.冲击,震荡,脑震荡[T8] (Lat,115829)
percussion n.叩诊,振动,碰撞,敲打乐器,打击乐器组[T8] (Lat,117081)
quash v.取消 (Lat,123239)
percussive adj.敲击的 (Lat,128723)
concussive adj.给与冲击的,震荡性的 (Latin,138613)
fracas 争吵,打斗等 (Latin,154584)
cassation (Latin,)
excuss (Latin,)
excussio (Latin,)
excussion (Latin,)
subconcussive (Latin,)
succuss (Latin,)
succussation (Latin,)
cassate (Lat,)
cassation!--desiderative-- (Lat,)
conquassate (Lat,)
decussation (Lat,)
discussive (Lat,)
discutient (Lat,)
percussor (Lat,)
quassation (Lat,)
recussion (Lat,)
squassation (Lat,)
succussive (Lat,)
;...258, kʷetwer- 四方
派生词包括: four , squad , quarantine , and farthing.
  1. o级形式 *kʷetwor- .
      1. ←from 古英语 fēower , four;
        four num.四pron./a.四(个,只...) , ( 215 , kuetuer , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 fēowertig , forty;
        forty num./a.四十pron.四十(个,只...) , ( 2659 , kuetuer , _ )
      3. ←from 古英语 fēowertēne , fourteen ( -tēne , ten; see dekm̥ ).a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *fe(d)wor- , probably from *kʷetwor- .
        fourteen num.十四,十四个 ; ( 4346 , kuetuer , _ )
        fortnight n.两星期 , ( 9460 , _ , _ )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 quattuor , four.
      quatrain 四行诗 ; ( 60312 , )
      cater-cornered 对角线的 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ catty-cornered 对角的。 ( 52670 )
      quattrocento 十五世纪 , ( 38276 )
    2. ←from 古伊朗语 cathwārō , four.
      charpoy 吊床 , ( x )
      czardas 民间 , ( x )
  2. Multiplicatives *kʷeturs , *kʷetrus , and combining forms *kʷetur- , *kʷetru- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 quater , four times.
      cahier 笔记本 , ( 33602 )
      carillon 大钟 , ( 52605 , )
      carnet 通关卡 , ( x )
      casern 兵营 , ( x )
      quaternary 第四纪 , ( 39672 )
      quaternion 四元数 , ( x )
      quire 对折的四张纸,一刀 , ( 60344 , )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 quadrum , square.
      cadre n.基础结构,骨骼,干部 , ( 14408 , _ , _ )
      quadrate 方形的 , ( x )
      quadrille 方阵舞 , ( 60293 , )
      quarrel v.争吵,争论n.争吵,争吵的原因 , ( 10070 , kues , quer抱怨 )
      quarry n.采石场.vt.挖出 ; ( 8302 , kerd , _ )
      escadrille 飞行小队 , ( x )
      squad n.班 , ( 4020 , kuetuer , _ )
      square n.正方形;广场a.正方形的v.使成方形 , ( 1975 , kuetuer , _ )
      trocar 套管针 , ( x )
    3. ←from 拉丁语 quadri- , four.
      quadri- , ( x )
    4. ←from 拉丁语 quadrāns , a fourth part.
      quadrant n.象限;象限仪;四分之一圆[T9] , ( 20033 , kuetuer , _ )
    5. ←from 拉丁语 quadrāgintā , forty ( -gintā , ten times; see dekm̥ ).
      quarantine n.检疫,隔离,(政治或商业上的)封锁,检疫期间 vt.检疫,使在政治或商业上孤立 , ( 18450 , kuetuer , _ )
    6. ←from 拉丁语 quadri(n)gentī , four hundred.
      quadricentenary x , ( x )
    7. 变化形式*kʷet(w)r̥- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 tetra- , four;
        tetra- , ( 62854 , )
      2. ←from 希腊语 tessares , tettares , four;
        tessera 小石块,小方块 ; ( 62843 , )
        diatessaron 四福音合参 , ( x )
      3. ←from 希腊语 tetras , group of four;
        tetrad 四分体 , ( x )
      4. 零级形式 *kʷt(w)r̥- . ←from 希腊语 tra- , four.
        trapezium 梯形 , ( 63155 , )
        →[oew]→ trapeze 秋千,吊架。 ( 63154 )
        →[oew]→ trapezoid 不规则四边形。 ( 63156 )
  3. Ordinal adjective *kʷetur-to- .
      1. ←from 古英语 fēortha , fēowertha , fourth;
        fourth num.第四个 , ( 1528 , kuetuer , _ )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 veerde , fourth;
        firkin 小桶 , ( 54435 , )
      3. ←from 古英语 fēorthing , fēorthung , fourth part of a penny.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *fe(d)worthōn- .
        farthing 法寻(英国旧硬币,值1/4旧便士) , ( 54326 , )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 quārtus , fourth, quarter.
      quadrille 方阵舞 , ( 60293 , )
      quadroon 黑人血统占四分之一的混血儿 , ( 60298 , )
      quart n.夸脱,一夸脱的容器[T4] , ( 29809 , kuetuer , _ )
      →[考研]→ quarterly n.季刊 adj.一年四次的,每季的 adv.每季地 ( 10824 )
      →[oew]→ quartet n.四重奏;四重唱;四件一套[T8]。 ( 10931 )
      quartan 每四天的 , ( x )
      quarter n.四分之一;季;一刻钟;(pl.)方向;(pl.)住处 , ( 1333 , kuetuer , _ )
      quarto 四开本 ; ( 60309 , )
      écarté 纸牌的一种玩法 , ( x )
[Pokorny ku̯etu̯er- 642.]
squadron n.一群,空军中队,骑兵中队 v.把...编成中队 (Lat,107691)
quadruple adj.四倍的;四重的vt.使…成四倍vi.成为四倍n.四倍[T9] (Lat,118778)
quadrennial adj.继续四年的,每四年一次的 (Lat,131006)
quadrature n.求积,求积分,求积法,求面积,转象差 (Lat,141266)
interquartile 经四分点 (Lat,143669)
quadrangle 四方形院子 (Lat,160287)
quadratic 四倍的,平方的 (Lat,160290)
quadriceps 四头肌 (Lat,160291)
quadrilateral 四边形的 (Lat,160292)
quadrillion 千的五次幂(1015) (Lat,160294)
quadruped 四足动物 (Lat,160296)
quadruplet 四胞胎 (Lat,160297)
quartermaster 军需官 (Latin,160307)
quartile 四分位数 (Lat,160308)
quarte (Latin,)
quatern (Latin,)
semiquartile (Latin,)
biquadratic (Lat,)
biquaternion (Lat,)
conquadrate (Lat,)
inquartation (Lat,)
quadrifarious (Lat,)
quadrifid (Lat,)
quadrifolium (Lat,)
quadrifrons (Lat,)
quadrilingual (Lat,)
quadriliteral (Lat,)
quadrinational (Lat,)
quadrinodal (Lat,)
quadrinomial (Lat,)
quadrinominal (Lat,)
quadripara (Lat,)
quadrireme (Lat,)
quadrisection (Lat,)
quadrivalent (Lat,)
quadrivium (Lat,)
quadruplex (Lat,)
quadruplicate (Lat,)
quartal (Lat,)
quartary (Lat,)
quartic (Lat,)
quartine (Lat,)
quaternate (Lat,)
quaternity (Lat,)
quatrefoil (Lat,)
trapezius n.斜方肌 (Greek,133087)
trapezohedron (Greek,)
;...259, kʷo- 谁孰 , Also kʷi- .
Stem of relative and interrogative pronouns.
派生词包括: who , whether , either , quorum , quip , and quality.
    1. ←from 古英语 hwā , hwæs , hwǣm , who, whose, whom, ←from 日耳曼语 personal pronouns *hwas , *hwasa , *hwam ;
      who pron.谁,什么人;…的人;他,她,他们 , ( 42 , kuo , _ )
      →[考研]→ whoever pron.[引导名词从句]谁;无论谁;究竟是谁。 ( 4410 )
      whose pron.谁的;哪(个)人的,那些(人)的 , ( 472 , kuo , _ )
      whom pron.谁;哪个人(who的宾格) , ( 848 , kuo , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 hwæt , what, ←from 日耳曼语 pronoun *hwat ;
      what pron.什么a.多么,何等;什么;尽可能多的 , ( 36 , kuo , _ )
      →[考研]→ whatever pron.无论什么 a.无论什么样的。 ( 765 )
      →[考研]→ whatsoever ad.(用于否定句中以加强语气)任何。 ( 6390 )
    3. ←from 古英语 hwȳ , why, ←from 日耳曼语 adverb *hwī ;
      why ad./conj.为什么;…的理由int.咳,哎呀 , ( 161 , kuo , _ )
    4. ←from 古英语 hwilc , hwelc , which, ←from 日耳曼语 relative pronoun *hwa-līk- ( *līk- , body, form; see līk- );
      which a./pron.哪个,哪些;什么样的;那个,那些 , ( 39 , kuo , _ )
      →[考研]→ whichever pron./a.无论哪个,无论哪些。 ( 7675 )
    5. ←from 古英语 , how, ←from 日耳曼语 adverb *hwō ;
      how ad.1.(表示方法、手段、状态)怎样;如何 , ( 85 , gue , _ )
      →[考研]→ however ad.然而,可是,不过,无论如何 conj.无论。 ( 191 )
      1. ←from 古英语 hwenne , hwanne , when;
        when ad./pron.何时;当时conj.那时;然后;而 , ( 54 , kuo , _ )
        →[考研]→ whenever conj.无论何时,随时;每当。 ( 2291 )
      2. ←from 古英语 hwanon , whence. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 adverb *hwan- .
        whence ad.从何处,从那里n.根源 , ( 16406 , kuo , _ )
    6. ←from 古英语 hwider , whither, ←from 日耳曼语 adverb *hwithrē ;
      whither 哪里,何处 , ( 63770 , )
    7. ←from 古英语 hwǣr , where, ←from 日耳曼语 adverb *hwar- .a-hall ←from 日耳曼语 *hwa- , *hwi- .
      where ad.在哪/那里conj./pron.哪里conj.然而 , ( 130 , kuo , _ )
      →[考研]→ whereas conj.而,却,反之。 ( 2027 )
      →[考研]→ wherever conj.无论在哪里 ad.无论在哪里,究竟在哪里。 ( 3606 )
    1. ←from 古英语 hwæther , hwether , which of two, whether;
      whether conj.是否,会不会,不管,无论 ; ( 272 , kuo , _ )
      neither a.两者都不pron.两者都不ad.也不 , ( 1451 , kuo , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 ǣghwæther , ǣther , either, ←from 日耳曼语 phrase *aiwo gihwatharaz , "ever each of two" ( *aiwo , *aiwi , ever, and *gi- , ←from *ga- , collective prefix; see aiw-and kom ). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *hwatharaz .
  1. ←from 拉丁语 quī , who.
    qua 作为,以...身份 , ( 60282 , )
    quibble 斤斤计较,吹毛求疵,模棱两可 , ( 60321 , )
    quorum 法定人数 , ( 60355 , )
  2. ←from 拉丁语 quid , what, something.
    hidalgo 绅士 , ( 24451 )
    quiddity 本质 , ( x )
    quidnunc 爱说长道短的人 , ( x )
    quip n.讽刺,妙语,双关语 v.说讽刺的话,嘲弄,说托辞 ; ( 17652 , kuo , _ )
    kickshaw 精美的菜肴 , ( x )
  3. ←from 拉丁语 quasi , as if (< quam + , if; see swo- ), ←from quam , as, than, how.
    quasi , ( 29598 )
  4. ←from 拉丁语 quod , what.
    quodlibet 神学上的论争 , ( x )
  5. 带后缀形式: *kʷo-ti .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 quot , how many;
      quote v.引用,援引 , ( 2682 , kuo , _ )
      →[考研]→ quota n.配额;定额;限额[T8]。 ( 5971 )
      →[oew]→ quotation n.引文,引语 ( 8246 )
      quotidian 普通的,日常的 , ( 60358 , )
      quotient 被整除多少次:n.商;系数;份额[T9] ; ( 22492 , kuo , _ )
      aliquot 试样,整除 , ( 51659 , )
    2. further 带后缀形式: *kʷo-ty-o- . ←from 希腊语 posos , how much.
      posology 剂量学 , ( x )
  6. ←from 拉丁语 quom , when.
    quondam 原来的,曾经的 , ( 60353 , )
  7. ←from 拉丁语 quem , whom.
    cooncan 一种牌戏 , ( x )
  8. ←from 拉丁语 quantus , how great.
    quantity n.量,数量;大量 , ( 3550 , kuo , _ )
    →[考研]→ quantify vt.量化;为…定量;确定数量 vi.量化;定量[T6]。 ( 10805 )
    →[考研]→ quantitative a.数量的,定量的 ( 6900 )
    →[oew]→ quantum n.量子论[T8]。 ( 6085 )
  9. ←from 拉丁语 quālis , of what kind.
    quality n.质量,品质,特性 ; ( 620 , kuo , _ )
    →[考研]→ qualitative adj.定性的;质的,性质上的[T6]。 ( 7225 )
    kickshaw 精美的菜肴 , ( x )
  10. ←from 拉丁语 quandō , when (from *kʷām + -dō , to, til; see de- ).
    cue 暗示,提示,球杆 , ( 5874 , kau₃ , _ )
  11. ←from 拉丁语 uter , either of two, ultimately from *kʷo-tero- (becoming -cuter in such compounds as necuter , neither, ←from which uter was abstracted out by false segmentation).
    neuter 中性的,阉割 , ( 58446 , )
  12. ←from 拉丁语 ubi , where, ultimately from locative case *kʷo-bʰi (becoming -cubi in such compounds as alicubi , somewhere, ←from which ubi was abstracted out by false segmentation, perhaps under the influence of ibi , there).
    ubiquity 无处不在 , ( 25187 )
  13. ←from 古波斯 *ciš-ciy , something ( < *kʷid-kʷid ).
    cheese n.干酪,乳酪 , ( 2310 , kuo , _ )
[Pokorny ku̯o- 644.]
casein n.干酪素,酪蛋白 (Lat,125268)
quesadilla n.油炸玉米粉饼(一种墨西哥食品,以干酪等为馅) (Lat,125607)
subquotient (Latin,)
caseic (Lat,)
caseous (Lat,)
;...260, kʷon- 狗犬
Dog. 最初形式: *k̑won- , becoming *kʷon- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. ←from 希腊语 kuōn , dog.
    cynic 像狗的:n.愤世嫉俗者;犬儒学派的人adj.犬儒学派的[T8] ; ( 19518 , kuon , _ )
    cynosure 北极星,引人注目的人 , ( 53351 , )
    Procyon 南河三 , ( x )
    quinsy 扁桃腺炎 , ( x )
  2. Suffixed 零级形式 *kʷn̥-to- .
    1. ←from 古英语 hund , dog;
      hound n.猎犬 vt.带猎犬狩猎,卑鄙的人,追捕,激励,使追逐 , ( 10667 , keu₂ , _ )
    2. ←from 高地德语 hunt , dog;
      dachshund 猎獾狗 , ( 53360 , )
    3. ←from 中古荷兰语 hond , dog.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *hundaz .
      keeshond 荷兰狗 , ( x )
  3. Nominative form *kʷō . ←from 威尔士 ci , dog.
    corgi 柯吉犬 , ( 53138 , )
  4. Variant *kan-i- . ←from 拉丁语 canis , dog.
    canaille 贱民 , ( x )
    canary 金丝雀 , ( 52545 , )
    canicular 天狼星的 , ( x )
    canine adj.犬的,犬齿的,犬科的,像犬的n.犬,犬齿[T8] , ( 20285 , kuon , _ )
    chenille 雪尼尔内衣 , ( 52766 , )
    kennel n.狗舍,养狗场[T8] , ( 19855 , kann , _ )
[Pokorny k̑u̯on- 632.]
canid n.犬科动物(包括家犬、狼、狐等) (Lat,136300)
Canis (Latin,)
Canis Major (Lat,)
canicule (Lat,)
postcanine (Lat,)
cynicism n.玩世不恭,愤世嫉俗;犬儒主义;冷嘲热讽[T9] (Greek,111539)
Cynosaurus (Greek,)
cynodont (Greek,)
cynology (Greek,)
cynophagy (Greek,)
cynophilia (Greek,)
cynophobia (Greek,)
eucynodont (Greek,)
;...261, kʷrep- 身体
Body, form, appearance. Probably a verbal root meaning "to appear."
  1. 带后缀形式: *kʷrep-es- . ←from 古英语 hrif , belly ←from 日耳曼语 *hrefiz- .
    midriff 腹部,肚子 , ( 57809 , )
  2. Suffixed 零级形式 *kʷr̥p-es- . ←from 拉丁语 corpus , body, substance.
    corporal adj.肉体的n.下士[T8] , ( 15476 , caput , corp身体 )
    corporal adj.肉体的n.下士[T8] , ( 15476 , caput , corp身体 )
    corporate adj.法人的,群体的,共同的,社团的,公司的[T8] , ( 1591 , _ , corp身体 )
    corporeal 身体的,实体的 , ( 53156 , )
    →[oew]→ corporation n.市镇自治机关;法人;公司,企业。 ( 2362 )
    →[oew]→ corpulent 发福的。 ( 53157 )
    corposant 圣爱尔摩火 , ( x )
    corps n.军团,兵队,团,兵种,技术兵种,特殊兵种,(德国大学的)学生联合会 , ( 6035 , krep , corp身体 )
    corpse n.尸体 , ( 6185 , krep , corp身体 )
    corpulence 肥胖 , ( 48142 )
    corpus n.资料,文集,尸体 , ( 14916 , krep , corp身体 )
    corpuscle 红血球 , ( 53158 , )
    corsage 小花束 , ( 53160 , )
    corse 尸体 , ( x )
    corset n.束腹,妇女的胸衣.vt.严格控制 ; ( 21829 , _ , corp身体 )
    leprechaun 爱尔兰传说中的魔法精灵 , ( 56888 , )
[Pokorny 1. krep- 620.]
corporation n.市镇自治机关;法人;公司,企业 (Lat,102362)
incorporate v.包含,合并,吸收adj.合并的,一体的[T6] (Lat,103082)
incorporation n.合并,组建公司 (Lat,110254)
corporeality n.肉体的存在,形体的存在 (Lat,134453)
corporative adj.社团的, 法人的,社团管的, 组成社团的 (Lat,143022)
incorporeal 无形的 (Lat,155939)
accorporate (Lat,)
bicorporal (Lat,)
concorporate (Lat,)
concorporation (Lat,)
corporality (Lat,)
corporature (Lat,)
corporeity (Lat,)
corpuscular (Lat,)
disincorporate (Lat,)
disincorporation (Lat,)
extracorporeal (Lat,)
incorporal (Lat,)
incorporality (Lat,)
incorporeality (Lat,)
incorporeity (Lat,)
tricorporal (Lat,)
;...262, kʷr̥mi- 蠕虫
Rhyme word to *wr̥mi- , worm (see wer-₂ ).
carmine 深红色 , ( 52607 , )
crimson a.深红色的.v.变深红色.n.深红色 , ( 13400 , kurmi , _ )
kermes 胭脂虫,胭脂染料 , ( 56515 , ) ←from Arabic qirmiz , kermes, borrowed from 梵语 compound kṛmi-ja- , "(red dye) produced by worms" ( -ja- , produced; see genᵊ- ), ←from kṛmi- , worm.
[Pokorny ku̯r̥mi- 649.]
;...263, laks- 鲑鱼
Salmon. 带后缀形式: *laks-o- .
  1. ←from 高地德语 lahs , salmon;
    lox 薰大麻哈鱼 , ( 57205 , )
  2. ←from Swedish lax , salmon. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *lahsaz .
    gravlax 渍鲑鱼片 , ( 49630 )
[In Pokorny lak̑- 653.]
;...264, las- 放纵
To be eager, wanton, or unruly.
    1. ←from 古英语 lust , lust;
      lust n.繁殖力,强烈的性欲.vi.强烈欲望 , ( 8741 , las , _ )
    2. ←from 高地德语 lust , desire;
      wanderlust 旅行癖 , ( 63667 , )
    3. ←from 古英语 lystan , to please, satisfy a desire, ←from 日耳曼语 denominative verb *lustjan .a-call from suffixed 日耳曼语 零级形式 *lustuz .
      list₅ n.清单,目录;倾斜;布边,布头;狭条vt.列出,列入;把…编列成表;记入名单内vi.列于表上 , ( x )
  1. 带后缀形式: *las-ko- . ←from 拉丁语 lascīvus , wanton, lustful.
    lascivious 好色的,淫荡的 , ( 56764 , )
[Pokorny las- 654.]
;...265, lau- 增益
Gain, profit. 最初形式: *leh₂u- , 变形 为: *lah₂u- .
  1. 带后缀形式: *lau-no- . ←from 高地德语 lōn , reward ←from 日耳曼语 *launam .
    guerdon 报酬 , ( x )
  2. Suffixed 零级形式 *lu-tlo- . ←from 拉丁语 lucrum , gain, profit.
    lucrative adj.有利的 , ( 7776 , lau , _ )
    lucre 钱财 , ( 57211 , )
[Pokorny lāu- 655.]
;...266, lē- 让放行
To let go, slacken. 缩减自: *leᵊ₁- .
  1. 扩展形式: *lēd- .
      1. ←from 古英语 lǣtan , to allow, leave undone, ←from 日耳曼语 *lētan ;
        let v.让,允许,听任;设,假设;出租,租给 , ( 192 , leid₁ , _ )
      2. ←from Late 拉丁语 laetus , semifree colonist, ←from 日耳曼语 derivative *lēthigaz , freed.
        liege 君主,领主,臣民 ; ( 56942 , )
        allegiance n.忠贞,效忠 , ( 7743 , _ , leg法律 )
    1. 零级形式 *lᵊd- .
      1. ←from 古英语 læt , late, with its comparative lætra , latter, and its superlative latost , last, ←from 日耳曼语 *lataz ;
        late a.迟的,晚的,晚期的;已故的ad.迟,晚 , ( 389 , leid₁ , _ )
        →[考研]→ lately ad.最近,不久前。 ( 4886 )
        →[考研]→ later ad.后来,过后。 ( 264 )
        →[oew]→ latest a.最近的 ( 3316 )
        latter a.后者的;后一半的,接近终了的n.后者 , ( 1786 , leid₁ , _ )
        last a.最后的,刚过去的ad.最后n.最后v.持续 , ( 129 , kla , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 lettan , to hinder, impede (< "to make late"), ←from 日耳曼语 *latjan ;
        let v.让,允许,听任;设,假设;出租,租给 , ( 192 , leid₁ , _ )
      3. 带后缀形式: *lᵊd-to- . ←from 拉丁语 lassus , tired, weary.
        lassitude 倦怠,疲乏 ; ( 56769 , )
        alas int.唉 , ( 9018 , leid₁ , _ )
  2. Suffixed 基本形式: *lē-ni- . ←from 拉丁语 lēnis , soft, gentle.
    lenient adj.宽大的;仁慈的[T8] , ( 20782 , leid₁ , _ )
    lenis 微弱的 , ( x )
    lenitive 缓和的 , ( x )
    lenity 宽大的行为 , ( x )
[Pokorny 3. lē(i)- 666.]
leniency n.宽大,仁慈 (Lat,124494)
leniment (Lat,)
lenition (Lat,)
lenitude (Lat,)
;...267, leb-
To lick; lip.
  1. ←from 古英语 lippa , lip, ←from 日耳曼语 *lep- .
    lip n.嘴唇 , ( 1919 , leb , _ )
  2. 变化形式*lab- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *lab-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 labium , lip;
      labial 唇音 , ( 56670 , )
      labium , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式: *lab-ro- . ←from 拉丁语 labrum , lip.
      labellum 唇瓣 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ label n.舔;贴标签 v.把...称为;用标签于;用标签标明; ( 2807 )
      →[oew]→ labiodental 唇齿音。 ( 56671 )
      labret 嘴唇装饰品 , ( x )
      labrum 上唇 , ( 41951 )
[Pokorny lē̆b- 655.]
bilabial 双唇音 (Latin,152170)
bilabiate (Latin,)
infralabial (Latin,)
labiate (Latin,)
sublabial (Latin,)
supralabial (Latin,)
;...268, leg- 敛集讲
To collect; with derivatives meaning "to speak. " 最初形式: *leg̑- , becoming *leg- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: leech ₁, lecture , legend , intelligent , sacrilege , loyal , and logic.
  1. Perhaps 日耳曼语 *lēkjaz , enchanter, one who speaks magic words. ←from 古英语 lǣce , physician.
    leech n.水蛭,吸血鬼,榨取他人利益的人 vt.(为治疗)以水蛭吸血 vi.依附并榨取他人 , ( 23352 , leg₁ , _ )
  2. ←from 拉丁语 legere , to gather, choose, pluck, read.
    lectern 讲台 , ( 56833 , )
    lection 经文 , ( x )
    lecture n./v.演讲,讲课 , ( 3031 , leg₁ , lect集读法 )
    legend 应读的读物:n.传奇,说明,图例。本指基督教圣徒们的传记,是基督教徒的指定读物。因为内容充满神奇色彩,故衍生出“传奇” , ( 3861 , leg₁ , lect集读法 )
    legible 清晰可读的 , ( 56857 , )
    legion 精选出来的(士兵):n.军团,军队,众多adj.众多的,大量的[T8][T9]legionary=legion- , ( 10392 , leg₁ , lect集读法 )
    less[i]on n.教训,训诫;功课;课程,一堂课;[宗]日课vt.教训,训斥;教课;向…授课 ; ( x )
    coil v.卷,盘绕n.(一)卷,(一)圈;线圈,绕组 , ( 10026 , leg₁ , _ )
    collect v.收集,搜集;领取,接走;收(税等);聚集,堆积 , ( 1519 , leg₁ , lect集读法 )
    →[考研]→ collection n.收藏(品),收集(物)。 ( 1004 )
    →[考研]→ collective n.集体 a.集体的,共同的。 ( 3106 )
    diligent (注意)区分开的adj.勤勉的,专心的[T4] , ( 15132 , leg₁ , lect集读法 )
    elect v.选举,推选;选择,作出选择 , ( 3010 , leg₁ , lect集读法 )
    →[oew]→ election n.选举 ( 808 )
    florilegium 选集 , ( x )
    interligent adj.聪明的;理解力强的;有智力的;[计]智能的 , ( x )
    lect vt.疏忽;忽略;遗漏;疏于照顾n.玩忽;被忽略的状态;怠慢 , ( x )
    prelect 讲课 , ( x )
    sacrilege 亵渎,渎圣 , ( 60977 , )
    select v.选择,挑选a.精选的,选择的 , ( 1790 , ksun , lect集读法 )
    →[考研]→ selection n.选择,挑选;选集,精选物。 ( 1753 )
    sortilege 抽签决定 , ( x )
  3. ←from 希腊语 legein , to gather, speak, with o级 derivative logos , a gathering, speech (See also6below for derivatives independently built to logos ).
    lexicon n.词典,辞典[T8] , ( 20544 , leg₁ , _ )
    logion 箴言 , ( x )
    -logue 罗格 , ( x )
    -logy …学,学者 ; ( x )
    alexia 失读症 , ( x )
    analects 《论语》 , ( x )
    anthology 花的采集:n.(诗、文、曲、画等的)选集[T8] , ( 14059 , _ , )
    catalog n.(catalogue)目录(册)v.编目(录) , ( 6136 , _ , _ )
    dialect n.方言 , ( 10369 , leg₁ , _ )
    →[oew]→ dialectic adj. 辩证的;辩证法的;方言的 n. 辩证法;逻辑论证[T9]。 ( 16919 )
    dialogue n.v.对话[T3] , ( 3125 , leg₁ , log说话 )
    dyslexia n.难语症;诵读困难;阅读障碍[T8] , ( 31395 , leg₁ , _ )
    eclectic (从各种学说中)摘选adj.折衷的;选择的;折衷学派的n.折衷派的人;折衷主义者[T8] , ( 13460 , leg₁ , _ )
    eclogite 榴辉岩 , ( x )
    eclogue 牧歌 , ( 38693 )
    horologe 钟表 , ( x )
    lectotype 选型 , ( x )
    prolegomenon 绪论 , ( x )
  4. 带后缀形式: *leg-no- . ←from 拉丁语 lignum , wood, firewood (< "that which is gathered").
    ligneous 木质的 , ( x )
    ligni- x , ( x )
  5. Possibly 加长级形式 *lēg- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 lēx , law (? < "collection of rules");
      legal a.法律的,法定的;合法的,正当的 , ( 775 , leg₁ , leg法律 )
      legist 法家人物 , ( x )
      legitimate adj.合法的,正当的,正统的vt.使合法,认为正当[T8] , ( 3523 , leg₁ , leg法律 )
      lex n.[拉]法;法律;法律体系;罗马公法 , ( x )
      loyal a.(to)忠诚的,忠贞的 ; ( 4917 , leg₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ loyalty n.忠诚,忠心。 ( 4073 )
      legislator n.立法者,立法委员[T9] , ( 6451 , _ , leg法律 )
      privlege ˈprɪvlɪdʒ] n.特权;(因财富和社会地位而仅有部分人享有的)权益;免责特权;特殊荣幸vt.给与…特权,特免 , ( x )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 denominative lēgāre , to depute, commission, charge (< "to engage by contract"). (It is also possible, but uncertain, that 拉丁语 lēx comes, like English law ←from a form meaning "that which is set or laid down," from legh- ).
      legacy (遗嘱)指定的东西:n.遗产,遗赠[T8] , ( 3787 , leg₁ , leg指定 )
      →[考研]→ legislation n.法律(规);立法,法律的制定(或通过)。 ( 1654 )
      →[oew]→ legislature n.立法机关,立法机构[T8]。 ( 5097 )
      →[oew]→ legation 公使馆。 ( 56852 )
      legate 教宗使节 ; ( 56850 , )
      colleague n.同事,同僚 , ( 1884 , leg₁ , lig绑 )
      →[oew]→ college n.学院,高等专科学校,大学。 ( 439 )
      collegial 学院的 , ( 23243 )
      delegate n.代表vt.委派…为代表;授权;委托 , ( 6041 , leg₁ , leg指定 )
      relegate 派遣回去:vt.贬谪,归入,放逐[T9] , ( 13502 , leg₁ , leg指定 )
  6. Suffixed o级形式 *log-o- . ←from 希腊语 logos , speech, word, reason.
    logic n.逻辑,逻辑学 , ( 3342 , leg₁ , log说话 )
    →[考研]→ logical a.逻辑的,符合逻辑的。 ( 3929 )
    →[oew]→ logo n.标识语 Logo教学语言 ( 6892 )
    →[oew]→ logistics n.后勤学,后勤 ( 13831 )
    →[oew]→ logogram 标识符,词符。 ( 57108 )
    →[oew]→ logos 词语,辩理,理性。 ( 57109 )
    →[oew]→ logrolling 互投赞成票。 ( 57110 )
    logistic adj.逻辑的;[军]后勤学的n.[逻]数理逻辑;符号逻辑;[军]后勤学 , ( 17458 , _ , _ )
    logo- 标志- - , ( x )
    Logos 词语,辩理,理性 , ( 57109 , )
    -logy …学,学者 ; ( x )
    analogous adj.类似的,可比拟的[T9] , ( 9726 , leg₁ , log说话 )
    apologue 寓言 , ( x )
    apology n.道歉,认错,辩解,辩护 , ( 5121 , leg₁ , log说话 )
    →[考研]→ apologise vi.[英]=apologize ( 32910 )
    Decalogue 摩西的十诫 , ( 40483 )
    epilogue 后记 , ( 54122 , )
    homologous 同源的,类似的 , ( 55535 , )
    logarithm 对数 , ( 57100 , )
    paralogism 谬论 , ( x )
    prologue n.序言,开场白[T8] , ( 23746 , leg₁ , log说话 )
    syllogism 三段论,演绎推理 , ( 62551 , )
[Pokorny leg̑- 658.]
religion n.宗教,信仰 (Latin,101491)
league n.同盟,联盟;联合会,社团 (Latin,101526)
lesson n.(功)课;[pl.]课程;教训 (Latin,101534)
intelligence n.智力,聪明;理解力;情报,消息,报导 (Latin,101535)
illegal a.不合法的,非法的 (Lat,102266)
intellectual n.知识分子a.智力的,理智的,有理解力的 (Latin,102513)
elite 挑选出来的:n.精华,精英[T8] (Latin,102997)
alleged adj.声称的,所谓的,被断言的,可疑的,靠不住的 v.宣称,断言( allege的过去式和过去分词) (Lat,103504)
legislative adj.立法的;有立法权的n.立法权;立法机构[T9] (Latin,103589)
privilege n.特权,优惠,特许v.给予优惠,给予特权 (Lat,103624)
intelligent a.聪明的,明智的,理智的 (Latin,103676)
collector n.收藏家,征收者 (Lat,104241)
electoral adj.选举的;选举人的[T9] (Latin,104284)
allegation n.主张,断言;辩解[T9] (Latin,104537)
eligible 值得选中的:adj.合格的,符合条件的n.有资格者,适任者[T8] (Lat,104765)
neglect v./n.忽视;疏忽,漏做,忽略 (Lat,105035)
delegation n.代表团,授权,委托 (Lat,105273)
selective adj.选择的,精挑细选的,有选择性的[T3] (Lat,105628)
legendary adj.传说的,传奇的n.传说集;圣徒传[T9] (Lat,105959)
legitimacy n.合法;合理;正统[T8] (Latin,106222)
allege vt.宣称,断言,提出……作为理由[T8] (Lat,107166)
electorate n.选民;选区[T8] (Latin,107415)
negligence n.疏忽,忽视,粗心大意[T8] (Lat,107711)
intellect n.智力,理解力,智囊团,智力高的人[T6] (Latin,108777)
recollection n.回忆,回忆起的事物[T8] (Latin,109409)
eligibility n.适任,合格,被选举资格 (Lat,109714)
negligible adj.可忽略的,微不足道的[T8] (Latin,110915)
collegiate adj.大学的;学院的;大学生的[T9] (Latin,112031)
elective adj.选修的;选举的;选任的n.选修课程[T9] (Lat,112950)
negligent adj.疏忽的;粗心大意的[T9] (Lat,113241)
diligence n.勤奋,勤勉,注意的程度[T4] (Lat,113343)
legality n.合法,墨守陈规,法律上的义务 (Lat,114126)
intelligentsia n.知识分子(集合称),知识阶层,知识界 (Latin,115473)
legislate v.立法,制订法律[T8] (Latin,116521)
cull v.精选 (Latin,117444)
elector n.有选举权的人,选举人,总统选举人,<美>总统选举团成员 (Lat,119211)
ineligible adj.不合格的,不胜任的,不符合条件的n.无被选资格者[T8] (Lat,119712)
intercollegiate adj.<主美>学院间的,院际的,大学之间的,校际的 (Latin,120068)
recollect v.回忆,回想[T4] (Latin,120448)
legume n.豆类,豆荚 (Latin,120951)
predilection 预先区分开n.偏爱,嗜好[T8] (Latin,123236)
selectivity n.选择性,专一性 (Latin,124175)
collectible adj.可收集的,可代收的,适于收藏的 n.适宜收藏的东西,业余爱好的收藏物,传统收集之物(如:邮票,辅币,艺术品等),非传统 (Lat,124507)
counterintelligence n.反情报秘密行动,反情报政府部门 (Latin,124905)
disloyalty n.不忠实,不信,不义,背信弃义 (Latin,126608)
selector n.选择者,选择器 (Lat,128632)
legibility n.易读性,易辨认,易理解,清晰度 (Latin,128753)
collegian n.学院的一员,学院的学生 (Latin,130475)
lectionary n.<圣经>选文集 (Lat,135055)
lignin n.木质素 (Lat,136781)
relegation n.驱逐,贬黜,降级 (Lat,138034)
ineligibility n.无被选资格,不适任 (Latin,142833)
delegator n.代表团团员(delegate的变形) (Latin,144350)
selectee n.征召员 (Latin,150966)
illegibility n.不清不楚,不可辨认,模糊 (Latin,151035)
deselect 撤消选定 (Latin,153555)
disloyal 不忠诚的 (Latin,153706)
illegible 不能辨认的 (Lat,155824)
lector 大学讲师 (Lat,156834)
legatee 遗产继承人 (Latin,156851)
legato 连音的 (Latin,156853)
legionary 军团士兵 (Latin,156858)
legionnaire 军团成员 (Latin,156859)
leguminous 豆科植物的 (Latin,156866)
lignite 褐煤 (Lat,156972)
negligee 质地轻薄的女式晨衣 (Latin,158402)
preselect 预选 (Latin,159993)
collegiality (Latin,)
collegium (Latin,)
delegable (Latin,)
delegacy (Latin,)
delegatee (Latin,)
delegatory (Latin,)
electability (Latin,)
electable (Latin,)
electee (Latin,)
intellection (Latin,)
intellectuality (Latin,)
lectin (Latin,)
lectorate (Latin,)
legatary (Latin,)
legatine (Latin,)
legendry (Latin,)
legific (Latin,)
legitim (Latin,)
nondelegate (Latin,)
nonelective (Latin,)
nonelite (Latin,)
nonlegal (Latin,)
nonnegligible (Latin,)
nonselective (Latin,)
postelection (Latin,)
predilect (Latin,)
preelection (Latin,)
prelection (Latin,)
prelector (Latin,)
reelect (Latin,)
reelection (Latin,)
reselect (Latin,)
selectance (Latin,)
superdelegate (Latin,)
superselection (Latin,)
uniselector (Latin,)
extralegal (Lat,)
ligniform (Lat,)
lignose (Lat,)
psychology n.心理,心理学,心理状态 (Greek,102772)
theology n.神学,宗教体系[T9] (Greek,104217)
biology n.生物学 (Greek,104280)
analogy n.类比,类推[T6] (Greek,106014)
ecology 关于生物栖息地的学问:n.生态学[T6] (Greek,106799)
terminology n.术语(学) (Greek,108639)
geology n.地质学[T6] (Greek,109136)
monologue n.独白,等于monology[T8] (Greek,114262)
apologetic adj.道歉的;赔罪的[T9] (Greek,114517)
trilogy n.三部剧,三部曲 (Greek,116984)
dialog n.(dialogue)对话,对白 (Greek,118225)
morphological a.形态学的 (Greek,118928)
ideologue n.理论家,思想家,空想家 (Greek,120461)
eulogy 好话:n.悼词;颂词;颂扬;赞词[T8] (Greek,122613)
dyslexic n.诵读困难者 adj.诵读困难的 (Greek,127968)
apologia n.辩解文,辩解书 (Greek,132706)
zoology n.动物学[T9] (Greek,134945)
etymology 词源学 (Greek,154188)
lexeme 词位,词素 (Greek,156907)
lexicography 词典编纂学 (Greek,156909)
lexicology 词汇学 (Greek,156910)
lexis 全部词汇 (Greek,156911)
meteorology 气象学 (Greek,157727)
neologism 新词,新义 (Greek,158416)
neurology 神经学 (Greek,158442)
philology 语文学 (Greek,159456)
tautology 同义反复,赘述 (Greek,162705)
toxicology 毒理学 (Greek,163099)
alexithymia (Greek,)
dialectologist (Greek,)
dialectology (Greek,)
dialogue doxology (Greek,)
dyslogia (Greek,)
dyslogism (Greek,)
ethnolect (Greek,)
legomenon (Greek,)
lexigram (Greek,)
logophile (Greek,)
;...269, legh- 依靠躺
To lie, lay.
派生词包括: ledge , lair , beleaguer , lees , law , and fellow.
  1. 带后缀形式: *legh-yo- .
    1. ←from 古英语 licgan , to lie, ←from 日耳曼语 *ligjan ;
      lie vi.躺,平放;处于;位于v.说谎n.谎话 , ( 852 , legh , _ )
      1. ←from 古英语 lecgan , to lay;
        lay v.放,搁;下(蛋);铺设,敷设;设置,布置 , ( 820 , laos , _ )
        →[考研]→ layer n.层,层次;铺设者。 ( 2297 )
        →[考研]→ layoff n.活动停止期间;临时解雇;操作停止;失业期[T9]。 ( 10561 )
        →[考研]→ layout n.安排,布局,设计;规划图,布局图。 ( 6299 )
        ledge n.岩架,岩石突出部 , ( 9418 , _ , _ )
        ledger n.[会计]分类帐,分户总帐,底帐,[建](手脚架上的)横木 , ( 12963 , _ , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 belecgan , to cover, surround ( be- , over; see ambʰi ). Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *lagjan .
        belay v.把绳索拴在系绳栓上 , ( 30502 )
  2. 带后缀形式: *legh-ro- .
    1. ←from 古英语 leger , lair;
      lair n.窝 , ( 21717 , legh , _ )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 leger , lair, camp;
      leaguer n.(联盟、联合会等的)盟员,会员,成员,围攻 vt.围攻 ; ( 20196 , _ , _ )
      beleaguer , ( x )
    3. ←from 高地德语 legar , bed, lair.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *legraz .
      laager 用马车围起的车阵 , ( 56668 , )
      lager n.[美]酿造后再贮藏成熟的啤酒 ; ( 15772 , legh , _ )
      Lagerstätte x , ( x )
      stalag 战俘营 , ( x )
  3. ←from 中世拉丁 lia , sediment, ←from Celtic *leg-yā- .
    lees n.(酒等中的)沉淀物,渣滓;避风处,背风处( lee的名词复数 ) , ( x )
  4. 加长级形式 *lēgh- . ←from 古挪威语 lāgr , low, ←from 日耳曼语 *lēgaz , "lying flat," low.
    low a.低,矮;低级的,下层的,卑贱的;低声的 , ( 371 , kel₂ , _ )
  5. 带后缀形式: *legh-to- . ←from 拉丁语 lectus , bed.
    coverlet 被单 , ( 25810 )
    litter n.垃圾.v.乱扔东西 ; ( 7723 , legh , _ )
    wagon-lit x , ( x )
  6. Suffixed o级形式 *logh-o- .
    1. ←from 古挪威语 *lagu , lag- , law, "that which is set down";
      law n.法律,法规,法学,规律,定律 ; ( 281 , leg₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ lawyer n.律师。 ( 1077 )
      →[oew]→ lawful adj.法律许可的,守法的,受自然规律支配的 ( 11675 )
      bylaw 规章制度 , ( 24231 )
      Danelaw 丹麦律法 , ( x )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 lag , a laying down;
      fellow n.人,家伙;伙伴,同事a.同样的,同事的 , ( 2181 , legh , _ )
      →[考研]→ fellowship n.伙伴关系 ( 8526 )
    3. ←from 古挪威语 lög , law;
      outlaw n.歹徒,逃犯,丧失公权者 v.将...放逐,宣布...为不合法 , ( 13216 , legh , _ )
    4. ←from 高地德语 lāga , act of laying.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *lagam .
      anlage 原基 , ( x )
      vorlage 滑雪的前倾姿势 , ( x )
  7. ←from 古挪威语 lögn , dragnet (< "that which is laid down"), ←from 日耳曼语 *lag-īnō- .
    lagan 拉根 , ( x )
  8. Suffixed o级形式 *logh-o- . ←from 希腊语 lokhos , childbirth, place for lying in wait.
    lochia 恶露 , ( x )
[Pokorny legh- 658, 2. lēg̑h- 660.]
;...270, legʷh- 拎轻
Light, having little weight.
派生词包括: levity , carnival , elevate , leprechaun , and lung.
  1. 带后缀形式: *legʷh-t- .
    1. ←from 古英语 līht , lēoht , light;
      light n.光;灯v.点燃;照亮a.轻(快);淡;明亮 , ( 401 , leguh , _ )
      →[oew]→ lightly ad.轻轻地,轻松地,轻蔑地 ( 3488 )
      →[oew]→ lighten v.减轻,点亮,容光焕发 ( 11446 )
      →[oew]→ light-fingered 惯偷的。 ( 56960 )
      →[oew]→ light-headed 头晕的。 ( 56962 )
    2. ←from 古英语 līhtan , to lighten. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *līht(j)az .
      lighter n.点火者,打火机,驳船 v.驳运 , ( 7376 , leguh , _ )
  2. 带后缀形式: *legʷh-wi- . ←from 拉丁语 levis , light, with its derivative levāre , to lighten, raise.
    leaven 发酵剂,酵母 , ( 56828 , )
    lever 抬举之物:n.杠杆v.用杠杆撬,把……作为杠杆[T4] , ( 8313 , leguh , lev升举 )
    →[考研]→ levy 提高税额 : n.v.征税,征兵,征收[T8]。 ( 9981 )
    →[oew]→ levitate 使升空,漂浮。 ( 56905 )
    levity 轻浮,轻佻 ; ( 56906 , )
    alevin 小鲑鱼 , ( x )
    alleviate vt.减轻,缓和[T8] , ( 8690 , leguh , lev升举 )
    carnival 再见了肉:n.狂欢节,嘉年华,饮宴狂欢。源自人们在基督教封斋节开始前三天纵情吃喝玩乐的惯例[T8] , ( 16182 , ker₃ , carn肉 )
    elevate vt.提升,升高,举起,振奋[T6] , ( 8282 , leguh , lev升举 )
    →[考研]→ elevator n.电梯,升降机。 ( 4780 )
    legerdemain 手法,花招 , ( 56854 , )
    mezzo-relievo 半浮雕 , ( x )
    relevant a.有关的,中肯的,相应的,实质性的 , ( 1757 , leguh , lev升举 )
    relieve v.减轻,解除,援救,救济,换班 , ( 4333 , leguh , lev升举 )
  3. 变化形式*lagʷh- . ←from 古爱尔兰 lū- , small.
    leprechaun 爱尔兰传说中的魔法精灵 , ( 56888 , )
  4. Nasalized form *l(e)ngʷh- . ←from 古英语 lungen , lungs (from their lightness), ←from 日耳曼语 *lung- .
    lung n.肺 , ( 3885 , _ , _ )
  5. 拉丁语 oblīvīscī , to forget, attributed by some to this root, is more likely from lei- .
[Pokorny legu̯h- 660.]
relief n.(痛苦等)减轻,解除;援救,救济 (Latin,101628)
elevation n.高地;海拔;提高;崇高;正面图[T6] (Latin,107869)
leverage n.杠杆作用,手段vt.利用,影响,为…提供杠杆作用,通过杠杆作用来操作资金[T9] (Latin,108486)
levee 抬高之处:n.堤坝,码头[T8] (Latin,112839)
alleviation n.减轻,缓解,缓和,镇痛物 (Latin,125848)
levitation n.升空,漂浮,浮起 (Latin,131054)
bas-relief 浅浮雕 (Latin,152051)
Levant (Latin,)
counter-relief (Latin,)
deleverage (Latin,)
legerity (Latin,)
levade (Latin,)
leviable (Latin,)
relevé (Latin,)
sublevation (Latin,)
superelevation (Latin,)
;...271, lei- 黏联 , Also slei- .
派生词包括: slime , slick , and oblivion.
    1. ←from 古英语 slīm , slime;
      slime n.粘土,粘液 , ( 20084 , lei₁ , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 slipor , slippery;
      slippery a.滑的,滑溜的 , ( 8446 , lei₁ , _ )
    3. ←from 古英语 *slice , smooth, and -slīcian , to make smooth;
      slick a.圆滑的,精巧的 , ( 11106 , lei₁ , _ )
    4. ←from 古英语 līm , cement, birdlime;
      lime n.酸橙,石灰 , ( 6353 , _ , _ )
    5. ←from 古英语 lām , loam;
      loam 肥沃土壤 , ( 57073 , )
    6. ←from 中古英语 slight , slender, probably from a Scandinavian source akin to 古挪威语 slēttr , smooth, sleek;
      slight a.轻微的,微小的;纤细的,瘦弱的 , ( 2702 , lei₁ , _ )
    7. ←from 中古英语 slippen , to slip, probably from a source akin to 中古荷兰语 and Middle 低地德语 slippen , to slip, slip away;
      slip v.滑,滑倒;滑掉;溜走n.疏忽,小错,口误,笔误 , ( 2019 , leb , _ )
      →[考研]→ slipper n.拖鞋 ( 11460 )
    8. ←from Middle 低地德语 slēpen , to drag.a-hall ←from 日耳曼语 *slī̆- with various extensions.
      schlep 拖,拉,搬运,不情愿的赶往 , ( 61154 , )
  1. 带后缀形式: *lei-mo- . ←from 拉丁语 līmus , slime.
    limacine 蛞蝓的 , ( x )
    →[oew]→ limnology 湖泊学,湖沼学。 ( 56991 )
    limicoline 涉禽类的 , ( x )
  2. 带后缀形式: *lei-w- . ←from 拉丁语 oblīvīscī , to forget (< "to wipe, let slip from the mind"; ob- , away; see epi ).
    oblivion 往上飘浮:n.遗忘;湮没;赦免[T9] , ( 16404 , lei₁ , _ )
    oubliette 地下密牢 , ( 47919 )
  3. 带后缀形式: *lei-wo- . ←from 希腊语 leios , smooth.
    leiomyoma 平滑肌瘤 , ( x )
  4. 扩展形式: *(s)leiᵊ- (最初形式: *(s)leihx- ), with metathesis *(s)leᵊ(i)- .
    1. 零级形式 with nasal infix *li-n-ᵊ- . ←from 拉丁语 linere (perfect lēvī ), to anoint;
      liniment 擦剂 , ( 57008 , )
    2. suffixed 零级形式 *lī- (< *liᵊ- ) ←from 希腊语 lītos , plain, simple;
      litotes 反叙法(用否定或较弱的证据加强表示肯定) , ( 57052 , )
    3. suffixed metathesized form *leᵊ-wo- , whence *lē-wo- . ←from 拉丁语 lēvis , smooth.
      levigate 光滑的 , ( x )
[Pokorny 3. lei- 662.]
;...272, leid- 玩笑话
To play, jest. Suffixed o级形式 *loid-o- .

ludic 顽皮的,爱开玩笑的 , ( 57214 , )
ludicrous adj.荒唐可笑的,滑稽的[T8] ; ( 11405 , leid₂ , lud扮演 )
collude 密谋 , ( 52993 , )
delude vt.欺骗,哄骗,迷惑[T8] , ( 22512 , _ , lud扮演 )
elude 通过欺骗得以出去:vt.(巧妙地)躲避,逃避[T8] , ( 13156 , leid₂ , lud扮演 )
illusion n.幻想,错误的观念;错觉,幻觉,假象 , ( 4818 , leid₂ , lud扮演 )
interlude n.插曲,间奏曲,幕间节目[T8] , ( 21202 , leid₂ , lud扮演 )
prelude n.前奏,序幕vt.成为…的序曲,作为序曲演奏,通过序曲引入vi.演奏序曲[T8] , ( 11847 , leid₂ , lud扮演 )
prolusion 序言 , ( x ) ←from 拉丁语 lūdus , game, play, and lūdere , to play (but both words may possibly be from Etruscan).
[Pokorny leid- 666.]
elusive adj.难懂的;易忘的;逃避的;难捉摸的[T8] (Lat,107722)
allude vi.暗指,拐弯抹角地说道,顺便提及[T8] (Lat,112078)
delusion n.迷惑,欺骗;错觉;幻想[T8] (Lat,113717)
allusion n.暗示;提及[T8] (Lat,114853)
collusion n.勾结;共谋[T8] (Lat,115480)
illusory adj.错觉的;幻影的;虚假的;产生幻觉的[T8] (Lat,118824)
disillusion vt.使醒悟;使不再抱幻想n.幻灭;醒悟[T8] (Lat,119995)
delusional 妄想的 (Lat,122245)
allusive adj.暗指的,影射,间接提到 (Lat,133829)
collusive adj.共谋的 (Lat,138608)
delusive adj.欺骗的,迷惑的,虚妄的,令人错解的 (Lat,149170)
illusive 虚幻的 (Lat,155831)
elusory (Latin,)
lusory (Latin,)
delusory (Lat,)
elusion (Lat,)
illude (Lat,)
;...273, leig- 联盟绑
To bind. 最初形式: *leig̑- , becoming *leig- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. ←from Middle 低地德语 līk , leech line, ←from 日耳曼语 *līk- .
    leech n.水蛭,吸血鬼,榨取他人利益的人 vt.(为治疗)以水蛭吸血 vi.依附并榨取他人 , ( 23352 , leg₁ , _ )
  2. Suffixed agent noun *l(e)ig-tor- . ←from 拉丁语 lictor , lictor.
    lictor 扈从 , ( x )
  3. 零级形式 *lig-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 ligāre , to bind.
    league n.同盟,联盟;联合会,社团 , ( 1526 , leig₂ , lig绑 )
    legato 连音的 , ( 56853 , )
    liable a.有...倾向的;可能遭受...的;有责任的 , ( 5134 , leig₂ , lig绑 )
    →[考研]→ liability n.责任;债务;倾向;可能性;不利因素[T6]。 ( 2999 )
    liaison n.联络;(语言)连音[T8] , ( 7585 , leig₂ , _ )
    liana 藤本植物 , ( 30166 )
    lien 扣押权,留置权 , ( 56943 , )
    ligament n.韧带;纽带,系带[T9] , ( 15333 , leig₂ , lig绑 )
    ligase 连接酶 , ( x )
    ligate 动脉或血管等结扎 , ( 56957 , )
    ligature 绷带,带子 ; ( 56958 , )
    alloy n.合金vt.使成合金;使减低成色vi.易于铸成合金[T4] , ( 11952 , leig₂ , _ )
    ally n.同盟者,同盟国,vt.使结盟;与…有关联 , ( 3117 , leig₂ , lig绑 )
    →[考研]→ alliance n.同盟,同盟国;结盟,联姻。 ( 2993 )
    colligate 使联结 , ( 52989 , )
    furl 卷起,收拢 , ( 54682 , )
    oblige v.强迫,迫使;责成;(使)感激,施恩于 , ( 7950 , leig₂ , lig绑 )
    →[考研]→ obligation n.义务,责任。 ( 3047 )
    →[oew]→ obligatory adj.义务的;必须的;义不容辞的[T8]。 ( 13522 )
    rally v.重整,恢复,振作n.聚集,集会,拉力赛 , ( 4929 , leig₂ , lig绑 )
    religion n.宗教,信仰 , ( 1491 , leig₂ , lig绑 )
    →[考研]→ religious a.宗教的,信教的,虔诚的。 ( 953 )
    →[oew]→ religiosity n.笃信宗教,虔诚 ( 17294 )
    rely v.(on)依赖,依靠;信赖,信任 , ( 1971 , legh , _ )
    →[考研]→ reliable a.可靠的,可信赖的,确实的。 ( 3319 )
    →[考研]→ reliance n.信赖;信心;受信赖的人或物[T4]。 ( 6465 )
[Pokorny 4. leig- 668.]
;...274, leigh- 溜舔
To lick. 最初形式: *leig̑h- , becoming *leigh- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. ←from 希腊语 leikhein , to lick.
    electuary 药糖剂 , ( x )
    lekvar x , ( x )
    lichen n.青苔,苔藓,地衣 , ( 19157 , leigh , _ )
  2. 零级形式 *ligh- .
    1. ←from 古英语 liccian , to lick;
      lick vt.舔;(火焰或浪)掠过;打败n.舔;少量 , ( 7845 , leigh , _ )
    2. ←from 古法语 lechier , to live in debauchery. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *likkōn .
      lecher 色鬼 , ( 56830 , )
  3. Nasalized 零级形式 *li-n-gh- . ←from 拉丁语 lingere , to lick.
    anilingus 吻肛 , ( x )
    cunnilingus 舔阴 , ( 53309 , )
[Pokorny leig̑h- 668.]
;...275, leikʷ- 离开
To leave.
派生词包括: eclipse , loan , and derelict.
  1. 基本形式: *leikʷ- . ←from 希腊语 leipein , to leave.
    eclipse 不断消失vt.使黯然失色;形成蚀n.日蚀,月蚀;黯然失色[T8] , ( 8898 , leiku , _ )
    ellipsis 省略 , ( 54013 , )
  2. o级形式 *loikʷ- . ←from 古挪威语 lān , loan, ←from 日耳曼语 *laihwniz .
    loan n.贷款;出借,借出v.借出 , ( 1763 , leiku , _ )
  3. 零级形式 *likʷ- .
    1. Suffixed 零级形式 *likʷ-o- . ←from 希腊语 lipo- , lacking.
      lipogram 避讳 , ( x )
      1. 日耳曼语 compound *ain-lif- (see oi-no- );
      2. 日耳曼语 compound *twa-lif- (see dwo- ). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *-lif- , left.
  4. Nasalized 零级形式 *li-n-kʷ- . ←from 拉丁语 linquere , to leave.
    delinquent adj.有过失的;怠忽的;拖欠债务的n.流氓;行为不良的人;失职者[T9] , ( 17092 , leiku , _ )
    derelict adj.玩忽职守的;无主的;被抛弃了的n.遗弃物;玩忽职守者;被遗弃的人[T8] , ( 13118 , _ , _ )
    relic n.遗迹,遗物;废墟;纪念物[T8] , ( 11739 , leiku , _ )
    relinquish 留在后面:vt.放弃;放手;让渡[T8] , ( 13315 , leiku , _ )
[Pokorny leiku̯- 669.]
dereliction n.无主,抛弃物,溺职 (Lat,128063)
relict n.遗物,残遗物,残生物,遗孀 (Lat,138261)
reliquary 圣物箱,圣骨匣 (Lat,160621)
delict (Lat,)
reliction (Lat,)
;...276, leip- 留下活
To stick, adʰere; fat.
派生词包括: life , and liver.
  1. ←from 古英语 līf , life (< "continuance"), ←from 日耳曼语 *lībam .
    life n.生命,生存;一生,寿命;生活;生物 , ( 123 , leip₁ , _ )
    →[考研]→ lifetime n.一生,终生。 ( 3032 )
    lively a.活泼的,活跃的;栩栩如生的,真实的 , ( 5512 , leig₁ , _ )
    1. ←from 古英语 lifian , libban , to live;
      live v.活着,生活,居住a.活的,生动的,直播的 , ( 227 , leip₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ living a.活的,有生命的,天然的,逼真的n.生活,生计。 ( 929 )
    2. ←from 高地德语 lebēn , to live. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *libēn .
      lebensraum 生存空间 , ( 44753 )
    1. ←from 古英语 lǣfan , to leave, have remaining;
      leave v.离开;留下,忘带;让,听任;交付n.许可;假期 , ( 187 , leip , _ )
    2. ←from 古法语 laier , to leave, ←from Frankish *laibjan . Bothaandb←from o级 日耳曼语 causative *-laibjan .
      delay v./n.耽搁,延迟 , ( 2673 , leg₂ , late带来 )
      relay n.接力赛,中继转播(设备).vt.转述,转播 , ( 9425 , leg₂ , _ )
  2. ←from 古英语 lifer , liver (formerly believed to be the blood-producing organ), ←from 日耳曼语 *librō .
    liver n.肝,肝脏 , ( 4494 , leip₁ , _ )
  3. 零级形式 *lip- . ←from 希腊语 lipos , fat.
    lipo- 脂肪, , ( x )
  4. 变化形式*ᵊleibʰ- . ←from 希腊语 aleiphein , to anoint with oil.
    aliphatic 脂肪族 ; ( x )
    synalepha x , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. leip- 670.]
;...277, leis-₁ 跟随学
Track, furrow.
  1. o级形式 *lois- .
    1. ←from 古英语 lāst , lǣst , sole, footprint, ←from 日耳曼语 *laist- ;
      last a.最后的,刚过去的ad.最后n.最后v.持续 , ( 129 , kla , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 lǣstan , to continue, ←from 日耳曼语 *laistjan , "to follow a track";
      last a.最后的,刚过去的ad.最后n.最后v.持续 , ( 129 , kla , _ )
    3. 带后缀形式: *lois-ā- . ←from 古英语 lār , learning, ←from 日耳曼语 *laizō .
      lore n.学问,(动物的)眼光知识 , ( 14691 , uelu , _ )
  2. ←from 古英语 leornian , to learn, ←from 日耳曼语 零级形式 *liznōn , "to follow a course (of study).".
    learn v.学习,学,学会;(of,about)听到,获悉 , ( 326 , leis , _ )
    →[考研]→ learned a.博学的,有学问的。 ( 3397 )
    →[考研]→ learning n.知识,学问;学习。 ( 1206 )
  3. Suffixed 全级形式 *leis-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 līra , a furrow.
    delirium 精神错乱 , ( 20978 )
[Pokorny leis- 671.]
;...278, leis-₂ 遛小

least a.最小的;最少的ad.最小;最少 , ( 407 , _ , _ )
less a./ad.更少的(地),更小的(地) , ( 318 , leu₁ , _ ) ←from 古英语 comparative lǣs , lǣssa and superlative lǣst , lǣrest , ←from 日耳曼语 comparative *lais-izō and superlative *lais-ista- .
[In Pokorny 2. lei- 661.]
;...279, leit- 拉动捞
To go forth, die.
  1. Suffixed o级形式 *loit-eyo- .
    1. ←from 古英语 lǣdan , to lead;
      lead v.领导;领先;通向,导致n.带领,引导;铅 , ( 344 , kla , _ )
      →[考研]→ leadership n.领导阶层,领导能力。 ( 1368 )
      →[考研]→ leading a.领导的,指导的;第一位的;最主要的。 ( 1407 )
    2. ←from 高地德语 leitan , to lead. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *laidjan .
      leitmotif 主旨,主旋律 , ( 56870 , )
  2. Suffixed variant o级形式 *loit-ā- . ←from 古英语 lād , course, way, ←from 日耳曼语 *laidō .
    load v.装(货),装载n.装载(量),负荷(量);(一)担 , ( 2867 , kla , _ )
    lode 矿脉 ; ( 57095 , )
    livelihood n.生计,谋生 , ( 10833 , kla , _ )
[Pokorny leit(h)- 672.]
;...280, lendʰ- 开阔地
Open land.
  1. ←from 古英语 land , land;
    land n.陆地,土地,国家v.(使)靠岸(登陆,降落) ; ( 478 , lendʰ₂ , _ )
    →[考研]→ landlady n.女房东,女地主,(旅馆等的)老板娘 ( 14250 )
    →[考研]→ landlord n.房东,地主。 ( 4085 )
    →[oew]→ landmark n.地标,里程碑[T8]。 ( 5985 )
    island n.岛,岛屿;(道路上的)交通安全岛 , ( 1346 , akua , insul岛屿 )
  2. ←from 中古荷兰语 land , land;
    bilander x , ( x )
    landscape n.风景,全景.vt.美化 , ( 1960 , lendʰ₂ , _ )
    uitlander 外国人 , ( x )
  3. ←from 高地德语 lant , land;
    auslander x , ( x )
    geländesprung 腾越 , ( x )
    hinterland n.内地,穷乡僻壤 , ( 23030 , ko , _ )
    landsleit x , ( x )
    landsman 同胞 , ( 28368 )
  4. ←from Middle 低地德语 lant , country;
    landgrave 伯爵 , ( x )
    landgravine 伯爵夫人 , ( x )
  5. ←from 古挪威语 land , land;
    landrace 长白猪 , ( x )
    Landsmål x , ( x )
  6. ←from 古法语 launde , heath, pasture.a-eall ←from 日耳曼语 *landam ;f ←from 日耳曼语 , or from Celtic *landā- .
    lawn n.草地,草坪 , ( 3570 , lendʰ₂ , _ )
[Pokorny 3. lendʰ- 675.]
;...281, leu- 流松
To loosen, divide, cut apart.
派生词包括: forlorn , analysis , and solve.
  1. Extended 日耳曼语 root *leus- .
      1. ←from 古英语 -lēosan , to lose;
        lorn 冷清的,孤单的 , ( 57156 , )
        losel 无用之人 , ( x )
        1. ←from 古英语 forlēosan , to forfeit, lose;
          forlorn adj.被遗弃的 , ( 19206 , leu₁ , _ )
        2. ←from 荷兰语 verliezen (past participle verloren ), to lose. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *fer-leusan , *far-leusan ( *fer- , *far- , prefix denoting rejection or exclusion; see per₁ ). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *leusan , with 古英语 and 荷兰语 past participle loren ←from 日耳曼语 *luzana- , ←from Indo-European suffixed 零级形式 *lus-ono- .
          forlornhope 希望渺茫 , ( x )
      1. ←from 古英语 lēas , "loose," free from , without, untrue, lacking;
        leasing n.<古><苏格兰>说谎,谎言 , ( 15634 , leu₁ , _ )
        -less 表形容词,""无…的,不…的” , ( x )
      2. ←from 古英语 los , loss;
        lose v.丢失,迷路,输掉,亏本,失败,走慢,使沉湎于 , ( 357 , leu₁ , _ )
        →[oew]→ lost adj.失去的,丧失的,错过的,迷惑的,不为人知的 vbl.lose的过去式和过去分词 ( 1131 )
        loss n.丧失,遗失;损失,损耗,亏损;失败 , ( 755 , leu₁ , _ )
      3. ←from 古挪威语 lauss , louss , loose;
        loose a.(宽)松的;不精确的;自由的,散漫的 , ( 2875 , leu₁ , _ )
        →[考研]→ loosen v.解开,放松。 ( 8181 )
      4. ←from German dialectal lösch , loose.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *lausaz .
        loess 黄土 , ( 34253 )
    1. ←from 古挪威语 ljōsta , to strike,
      leister 鱼叉 , ( x )
      perhaps ←from 日耳曼语 *leustan .
  2. 基本形式: *leu- .

    1. lag v./n.落后,滞后vt.用隔热材料覆盖(锅炉等) , ( 9947 , _ , _ )
      probably from a source akin to Swedish lagg , barrel stave (< "split piece of wood"), ←from 日耳曼语 *lawwō .
    2. 零级形式 *lu- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 lūein , to loosen, release, untie;
        lyo- x , ( x )
        lysis 溶菌作用 , ( 42973 )
        lyso- x , ( x )
        -lyte ·莱特 , ( x )
        lytic 细胞溶解酶的 , ( 57274 , )
        -lytic 溶解性 ; ( x )
        analysis n.(pl.analyses)分析;分解 , ( 705 , an , lax放松 )
        →[考研]→ analyse vt.分析,分解 n.分析 ( 7121 )
        →[考研]→ analytic adj.分析的,解析的 ( 12162 )
        catalysis 催化 , ( 39864 )
        dialysis n.透析[T9] , ( 18953 , leu₁ , _ )
        lyase 裂合酶 , ( x )
        palsy n.瘫痪 , ( 19545 , _ , lax放松 )
        paralysis n.麻痹[T9] , ( 13008 , lou , lax放松 )
        tachylyte 玄武玻璃 , ( x )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 luēs , plague, pestilence (< "dissolution, putrefaction");
        lues 梅毒 , ( x )
      3. prefixed form *se-lu- ( se- , apart; see s(w)e- ). ←from 拉丁语 solvere , to loosen, untie.
        soluble adj.可溶的,可溶解的;可解决的[T4] , ( 14186 , leu₁ , solv松 )
        →[考研]→ solution n.解答,解决办法;溶解,溶液。 ( 1172 )
        →[oew]→ solvent adj.有偿付能力的;有溶解力的 n.溶剂;解决方法[T8]。 ( 10181 )
        solute n.溶解物,溶质 , ( 38298 )
        solve v.解决,解答 ; ( 2032 , ksun , solv松 )
        absolute a.绝对的,完全的;确实的,肯定的 , ( 2791 , leu₁ , solv松 )
        absolve vt.免除;赦免;宣告…无罪[T8] , ( 21981 , leu₁ , solv松 )
        assoil 补偿 , ( x )
        consolute 共溶性 , ( x )
        dissolve v.(使)溶解,(使)融化;解散,取消 , ( 5418 , ksun , solv松 )
        resolute adj.坚决的;果断的[T6] , ( 17877 , leu₁ , solv松 )
        →[考研]→ resolution n.坚决,决心;决定,决议。 ( 1979 )
        resolve v.决心;(使)分解,溶解;决议n.解决;决心 , ( 2618 , leu₁ , solv松 )
[Pokorny 2. leu- 681.]
dissolution n.分解,溶解;(议会等的)解散;(契约等的)解除;死亡[T9] (Lat,109502)
insolvency n.破产,无力偿还;倒闭[T8] (Lat,115060)
insolvent adj.破产的;无力偿还的n.破产者;无力偿还者[T9] (Lat,121517)
absolution n.宽恕,赦罪,(誓言、诺言或责任的)免除,解除 (Lat,126220)
dissolute 放纵的 (Lat,153726)
insoluble 不法溶解的 (Lat,156091)
irresolute 无决心的,踌躇的 (Lat,156226)
solubility 可溶性,溶解性,浓度 (Lat,161809)
solvency 偿付能力,溶解力 (Lat,161810)
absolutive (Lat,)
absolutory (Lat,)
insolubility (Lat,)
resolvent (Lat,)
solvend (Lat,)
catalyst n.催化剂,刺激因素[T6] (Greek,109361)
catalytic adj.起催化作用的n.催化剂[T9] (Greek,115591)
meta-analysis 元分析 (Greek,122234)
electrolyte n.<化>电解液,电解质 (Greek,122900)
lysine n.赖氨酸 (Greek,133572)
electrolytic adj.电解的,由电解产生的,电解质 (Greek,141895)
catalyse 催化 (Greek,152652)
electrolysis 电解 (Greek,154000)
hydrolysis 水解 (Greek,155720)
lysosome 细胞中的溶酶体 (Greek,157273)
paralyse 使瘫痪 (Greek,159135)
paralytic 瘫痪的 (Greek,159136)
Hippolyte (Greek,)
aparalytic (Greek,)
autolysis (Greek,)
cytolysis (Greek,)
hydrolyte (Greek,)
hydrolytic (Greek,)
lysigeny (Greek,)
plasmolysis (Greek,)
proteolysis (Greek,)
;...282, leubʰ- 恋爱
To care, desire; love.
派生词包括: livelong , belief , and libido.
  1. 带后缀形式: *leubʰ-o- . ←from 古英语 lēof , dear, beloved, ←from 日耳曼语 *leubaz .
    lief 高兴地,乐意地 ; ( 56941 , )
    leman 爱人 , ( x )
    livelong 整个的 , ( 57059 , )
  2. o级形式 *loubʰ- .
      1. ←from 古英语 lēaf , permission (< "pleasure, approval");
        leave v.离开;留下,忘带;让,听任;交付n.许可;假期 , ( 187 , leip , _ )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 verlof , leave, permission ( ver- , intensive prefix, ←from 日耳曼语 *fer- , see per₁ );
        furlough 休假 , ( 54684 , )
      3. ←from 古英语 gelēafa , belief, faith, ←from 日耳曼语 *galaubō ( *ga- , intensive prefix; see kom ).a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *laubō .
        belief n.信任,相信,信念;信仰,信条 , ( 1343 , leubʰ , _ )
    1. ←from 古英语 gelēfan , belēfan , to believe, trust ( be- , about; see ambʰi ), ←from 日耳曼语 *galaubjan , "to hold dear," esteem, trust ( *ga- , intensive prefix; see kom ).
      believe vt.相信,认为vi.相信,信任,信奉 , ( 237 , _ , _ )
  3. 零级形式 *lubʰ- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *lubʰ-ā- . ←from 古英语 lufu , love, ←from 日耳曼语 *lubō .
      love n.爱,爱情,喜欢vt.爱,热爱;爱好,喜欢 , ( 355 , leis , _ )
      →[考研]→ lovely a.可爱的,好看的;令人愉快的,美好的。 ( 2720 )
      →[考研]→ lover n.爱好者;(pl.)情侣。 ( 3064 )
    2. Suffixed (stative) form *lubʰ-ē- . ←from 拉丁语 libēre , to be dear, be pleasing.
      quodlibet 神学上的论争 , ( x )
    3. ←from 拉丁语 libīdō , pleasure, desire.
      libido n.性欲,性的冲动,生命力 , ( 22477 , leubʰ , _ )
      →[oew]→ libidinous 性欲强的,好色的。 ( 56922 )
[Pokorny leubʰ- 683.]
;...283, leudʰ- 怜爱
To mount up, grow. 最初形式: *h₁leudʰ- .
  1. 基本形式: *leudʰ- . ←from 高地德语 liut , person, people, ←from 日耳曼语 *liud-i- .
    landsleit x , ( x )
  2. 带后缀形式: *leudʰ-ero- . ←from 拉丁语 līber , free (the precise semantic development is obscure).
    liberal a.慷慨的,大方的;富足的;自由的,思想开放的 , ( 1799 , leudʰ , liber自由 )
    →[oew]→ libertarian n.(思想或行动等的)自由论者,哲自由意志论者 adj.自由的,自由意志论者的,自由论者的 ( 18062 )
    →[oew]→ libra 天秤座。 ( 56923 )
    liberate vt.解放,释放 , ( 9417 , _ , liber自由 )
    libero 自由人 , ( 44758 )
    libertine 浪荡公子 , ( 56921 , )
    liberty n.自由,自由权;特权 , ( 4080 , leudʰ , liber自由 )
    livery n.侍从,(贵族家中规定仆人穿的衣服)制服,特定服装 ; ( 19558 , leudʰ , _ )
    deliver v.交付,递送;发表,表达;释放;接生 , ( 1608 , _ , liber自由 )
    →[考研]→ delivery n.递送;交付;分娩;交货;引渡。 ( 2542 )
[Pokorny 1. leudʰ- 684.]
liberation n.解放,释放[T3] (Lat,104937)
liberalize v.(使)自由化[T9] (Latin,120617)
liberator n.解放者,释放者[T9] (Lat,122825)
deliverance n.释放,意见,判决 (Latin,123046)
illiberal 不开明的 (Lat,155827)
liberality 宽宏大度,开明 (Lat,156920)
liberticide (Latin,)
libertinage (Latin,)
ultraliberal (Latin,)
illiberality (Lat,)
;...284, leu(ᵊ)- 流洗
To wash. 最初形式: *leu(h₃)- .
  1. 带后缀形式: *lou-kā- . ←from 古英语 lēag , lye, ←from 日耳曼语 *laugō .
    lye 碱液 , ( 57260 , )
  2. 带后缀形式: *lou-tro- .
    1. ←from 古英语 lēthran , līthran , to lather;
      lather 涂肥皂,肥皂泡。 , ( 56782 , )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 laudʰr , soap, foam.
      lutefisk 泥封鱼 , ( x )
  3. 变化形式*law- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 lavere , to wash (in compounds, -luere );
      loment 节荚 , ( x )
      lotion n.洗液,洗剂 ; ( 14022 , lou , _ )
      ablution 洗礼 , ( 32858 )
      alluvion 沙洲 , ( x )
      colluvium 崩积层 , ( x )
      deluge 往下倾泻:n.(上帝毁灭世界的)大洪水,暴雨,泛滥vt.淹没[T8] , ( 21016 , lou , lav洗 )
      dilute 冲洗掉:adj.稀薄的,淡的vt.稀释,冲淡,削弱vi.变淡,变稀薄[T8] , ( 12760 , lou , lav洗 )
      eluent 洗脱液 , ( x )
      elute 洗提 , ( x )
      eluvium 残积层 , ( x )
    2. form *law-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 lavāre , to wash;
      launder v.洗涤,清洗n.流水槽[T9] , ( 20222 , lou , lav洗 )
      →[oew]→ laundry n.洗衣房(店);待洗衣物,所洗衣物。 ( 5843 )
      lavabo 洗手盆 , ( x )
      lavage 灌洗胃肠等 , ( 56795 , )
      lavatory n.厕所,盥洗室 , ( 13991 , lou , lav洗 )
      lave vt.[文] 洗涤;给…沐浴;(水)冲刷;沿…流淌 , ( 36490 )
      lavish adj.丰富的,大方的,浪费的vt.慷慨给予,浪费,滥用[T8] , ( 9834 , lou , lav洗 )
    3. ←from 拉丁语 lavātrīna , lātrīna , a bath, privy.
      latrine 茅厕,便坑 , ( 56786 , )
  4. o级形式 *lou- . ←from 希腊语 louein , to wash.
    pyrolusite 软锰矿 , ( x )
[Pokorny lou- 692.]
pollution n.污染 (Lat,102359)
lavender n.[植]熏衣草属,熏衣草花,淡紫色 adj.淡紫色的 vt.用熏衣草熏 (Latin,108929)
lava n.熔岩,火山岩 (Latin,109306)
dilution n.稀释,冲淡;稀释法;冲淡物[T9] (Latin,115994)
alluvium n.冲积层,淤积层 (Latin,145136)
depollute (Latin,)
diluent (Latin,)
dilutive (Latin,)
diluvial (Latin,)
diluvian (Latin,)
diluvium (Latin,)
elluviation (Latin,)
eluvial (Latin,)
illuviation (Latin,)
illuvium (Latin,)
lavation (Latin,)
lutaceous (Latin,)
lutite (Latin,)
abluent (Lat,)
elution (Lat,)
loture (Lat,)
;...285, leugh- 说谎
To tell a lie.
    1. ←from 古英语 lēogan , to lie;
      warlock 男巫 , ( 63677 , )
    2. ←from 古英语 belēogan , to deceive ( be- , about; see ambʰi ). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *leugan .
      belie v.掩饰 , ( 19198 , leugh , _ )
  1. ←from 古英语 lyge , a lie, falsehood, ←from 日耳曼语 *lugiz .
    lie vi.躺,平放;处于;位于v.说谎n.谎话 , ( 852 , legh , _ )
[Pokorny 1. leugh- 686.]
;...286, leuk- 亮光
Light, brightness.
派生词包括: light ₁, illuminate , lunatic , lucid , and lynx.
  1. 基本形式: *leuk- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *leuk-to- .
      1. ←from 古英语 lēoht , līht , light;
        light n.光;灯v.点燃;照亮a.轻(快);淡;明亮 , ( 401 , leguh , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 līhtan , to shine, ←from 日耳曼语 *leuht-jan , to make light. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *leuhtam .
        lightning n.闪电a.闪电般的,快速的 , ( 5286 , leuk , _ )
    2. 基本形式: *leuk- . ←from 拉丁语 lūx , light.
      luculent 透明的 , ( x )
      lux n.勒克斯(照明单位) ; ( 27987 )
      Lucifer 堕落天使,撒旦 , ( 57209 , )
      luciferin 荧光素 , ( x )
    3. 带后缀形式: *leuk-smen- . ←from 拉丁语 lūmen , light, opening.
      limbers 污水道 , ( x )
      limn 描写 , ( 30840 )
      lumen 流明(光通量单位) , ( 57226 , )
      luminary n.发光体,杰出人物,知识渊博的人[T8] , ( 22139 , leuk , lumin光 )
      luminous adj.发光的,明亮的,清楚的[T6] ; ( 10691 , leuk , lumin光 )
      illuminate v.阐明,说明,照亮,使灿烂,用灯装饰[T6] , ( 7414 , _ , lumin光 )
      →[考研]→ illustration n.说明;例证,插图;举例说明。 ( 5213 )
      phillumenist x , ( x )
    4. 带后缀形式: *leuk-snā- . ←from 拉丁语 lūna , moon.
      Luna 月神 , ( x )
      lunar adj.月亮的,阴历的[T6] , ( 8182 , leuk , lun月亮 )
      lunate 新月状的 , ( x )
      lunatic 月亮影响的:adj.精神错乱的n.疯子[T8] , ( 18347 , leuk , lun月亮 )
      lune 弓形 , ( x )
      lunula 甲半月 ; ( x )
      mezzaluna x , ( x )
      sublunary 月下的 , ( x )
    5. 带后缀形式: *leuk-stro- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 lūstrum , purification;
        luster n.光泽,光彩v.(使)有光泽,发亮[T9] , ( 19931 , leuk , _ )
        lustrum 五年时间 , ( x )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 lūstrāre , to purify, illuminate.
        illustrate v.举例说明,阐明;图解,加插图 , ( 2596 , _ , lust明亮 )
    6. 带后缀形式: *leuko-dʰro- . ←from 拉丁语 lūcubrāre , to work by lamplight.
      lucubrate 夜间学习,夜间工作,努力 ; ( 57212 , )
      elucubration x , ( x )
    7. 带后缀形式: *leuk-o- . ←from 希腊语 leukos , clear, white.
      leuko- 白色- - ; ( x )
      melaleuca 白千层属灌木 , ( 29952 )
    8. 带后缀形式: *leuk-os , *leuk-es- .
      risk v.冒…的危险n.冒险;风险 , ( 640 , sek₁ , _ )
      perhaps ultimately from 古伊朗语 607raučah- , day (古波斯 raucah- ).
  2. o级形式 *louk- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *louk-o- .
      1. ←from 古英语 lēah , meadow (< "place where light shines"), ←from 日耳曼语 *lauhaz ;
        lea 0 , ( 10892 , lendʰ₂ , _ )
      2. ←from 中古英语 levin , lightning, ←from 日耳曼语 *lauh-ubni- .
        levin n.闪电 , ( x )
    2. Suffixed (iterative) form *louk-eyo- . ←from 拉丁语 lūcēre , to shine.
      lucent 光亮的,透明的 , ( 57208 , )
      lucid adj.透明的,明晰的,易懂的,头脑清楚的[T8] ; ( 19527 , leuk , lust明亮 )
      elucidate vt.阐明,说明[T8] , ( 20173 , leuk , lust明亮 )
      noctiluca 夜光虫 , ( x )
      pellucid 清澈的 , ( 59293 , )
      relucent 光辉的 , ( x )
      translucent adj.透明的,半透明的[T8] , ( 11939 , leuk , lust明亮 )
  3. 零级形式 *luk- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *luk-sno- . ←from 希腊语 lukhnos , lamp.
      link v.连接,联系n.环节,链环 , ( 1610 , kleng , _ )
      lychnis 剪秋罗属 , ( x )
    2. Attributed by some to this root (but more likely of obscure origin) is 希腊语 lunx , lynx (as if from its shining eyes)
      lynx 猞猁 , ( 57268 , )
      ounce n.盎司,英两 . ( 16291 , leuk , _ )
[Pokorny leuk- 687.]
illumination n.照明;照度;启发;灯饰;阐明[T9] (Lat,111785)
luminosity adj.光度;光明;光辉[T9] (Lat,121687)
lucidity n.明朗,清晰,透明 (Latin,127411)
luminescent adj.发冷光的,发光的 (Lat,128296)
illumine vt.照亮,照明,启发 (Lat,128482)
luminescence n.冷光,发冷光 (Lat,128914)
elucidation n.说明,阐明 (Latin,130728)
translucency n.半透明,半透明物,半透澈度 (Lat,135705)
luminaria n.(墨西哥的)传统圣诞灯(一种棕色纸灯,内燃蜡烛) (Lat,137753)
illuminati n.(自称)有睿智的人,先觉者,光照派 (Lat,144706)
lunette n.眼镜堡,弦月窗,半圆壁 (Latin,146419)
superluminal adj.超光速的 (Latin,146769)
luciferase n.荧光素酶 (Latin,149008)
luminance 亮度 (Lat,157227)
Lucifer(bearer of light) (Latin,)
circumlunar (Latin,)
demilune (Latin,)
dislimn (Latin,)
elucubrate (Latin,)
illuminable (Latin,)
illuminance (Latin,)
illuminant (Latin,)
intraluminal (Latin,)
lucubration (Latin,)
luminaire (Latin,)
luminal (Latin,)
lumine (Latin,)
lunisolar (Latin,)
mezzelune (Latin,)
noctilucent (Latin,)
pellucidity (Latin,)
plenilunary (Latin,)
semilunar (Latin,)
semipellucid (Latin,)
subluminal (Latin,)
subluminous (Latin,)
sublunar (Latin,)
translucid (Latin,)
translucidus (Latin,)
transluminal (Latin,)
cislunar (Lat,)
enlumine (Lat,)
luciferous (Lat,)
lucifugal (Lat,)
luminant (Lat,)
luminiferous (Lat,)
lunation (Lat,)
luniform (Lat,)
relumine (Lat,)
superlunary (Lat,)
translunar (Lat,)
;...287, [līk- 象形
Body, form; like, same. 日耳曼语 root.
派生词包括: alike , each , and frolic.
  1. ←from 古英语 līc , form, body.
    lych-gate 停柩门 , ( x )
  2. ←from 古英语 -līc , having the form of.
    -ly 表副词,通常放在形容词后 , ( x )
    -ly 以某方式 , ( x )
    1. ←from 古英语 gelīc , similar, and 古挪威语 (g)līkr , like, both ←from 日耳曼语 *galīkaz ;
      alike a.同样的,相像的ad.一样地;同程度地  , ( 4422 , leig₁ , _ )
      like ₂, 相似的,像
      likely a.很可能的,有希望的ad.大概,多半 , ( 504 , leig₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ like v.喜欢 prep.象;比如 a.相象的 n.象…一样。 ( 75 )
      →[考研]→ likelihood n.可能(性) ( 4710 )
      →[考研]→ likewise ad.同样地,照样地;又,也,而且。 ( 4724 )
      →[oew]→ likeness n.相象,相似物 ( 14128 )
      →[oew]→ likeable 讨人喜欢的。 ( 56974 )
    2. ←from 古英语 ǣlc , each, ←from 日耳曼语 phrase *aiwo galīkaz , "ever alike" ( *aiwo , *aiwi , ever; see aiw- ).
      each a./pron.各,各自的,每 ; ( 159 , leig₁ , _ )
      every a.每一个的,每个的;每隔…的;全部的 , ( 173 , aiu , _ )
  3. 日耳曼语 compound *is-līk- (see i- ).
  4. ←from 古英语 onlīc , ←from 日耳曼语 *ana-līkaz .
    alike a.同样的,相像的ad.一样地;同程度地  , ( 4422 , leig₁ , _ )
  5. ←from 中古荷兰语 -lijc , -like.
    frolic 嬉戏的 , ( 54643 , )
  6. ←from 古英语 līcian , to please, ←from 日耳曼语 *līkjan .
    like 1 , 喜欢
  7. 日耳曼语 compound *hwa-līk- (see kʷo- ).
[Pokorny 2. lē̆ig- 667.]]
;...288, lī̆no- 连线
  1. Form *lino- . ←from 希腊语 linon , flax.
    linoleicacid 亚油酸 , ( x )
  2. Form *līno- . ←from 拉丁语 līnum , flax, linen, thread.
    leno n.纱罗织法,纱罗织物 , ( x )
    line n.线;路线,航线;排;线路;界线v.排队;加衬 , ( 284 , lino , _ )
    →[考研]→ linear adj.线的,线型的,直线的,线性的[T8]。 ( 5392 )
    →[考研]→ liner n.[美]班机,划线者,衬垫 ( 8790 )
    →[oew]→ linoleum n.油布;油毯;漆布[T8]。 ( 16955 )
    →[oew]→ linotype 莱诺铸排机(旧时用于报纸印刷)。 ( 57013 )
    line n.线;路线,航线;排;线路;界线v.排队;加衬 , ( 284 , lino , _ )
    lineage n.家系,血统[T8] , ( 10202 , lino , _ )
    linen n.亚麻布,亚麻线;亚麻制品adj.亚麻的;亚麻布制的[T4] , ( 6173 , lino , _ )
    lingerie 亚麻制品n.女用贴身内衣裤[T9] , ( 19458 , lino , _ )
    linnet 赤胸朱顶雀 , ( 57011 , )
    lint 纤维屑,飞花 ; ( 57015 , )
    align v.(使)排列,(使)排成一行,使结盟[T8] , ( 8318 , lino , _ )
    →[oew]→ alignment n.队列,成直线;校准;结盟[T6]。 ( 8953 )
    →[oew]→ alienation n.异化;疏远;转让;精神错乱;间离效果[T9]。 ( 10317 )
    crinoline 裙衬 , ( 53255 , )
    lineaaspera 粗线 , ( x )
    linseed 亚麻籽 , ( 27535 )
[Pokorny lī̆-no- 691.]
delineate vt.描绘,描写,画……的轮廓[T8] (Latin,113964)
nonlinear adj.非线性的 (Latin,116945)
realignment n.重新排列,重新定线,改组 (Latin,120248)
delineation n.描绘 (Latin,125159)
curvilinear adj.曲线的,由曲线而成的 (Latin,127643)
linearity n.线性,直线性 (Lat,128421)
nonlinearity n.非(直)线性(特性) (Latin,129184)
lineament n.面部轮廓,面貌 (Latin,137176)
collinearity n.共线性,同线性 (Latin,139242)
unilinear adj.始终遵循一条发展道路的,一条路线贯穿始终的,单线的 (Latin,143228)
lineal 直系的,嫡系的 (Latin,156998)
matrilineal 母系的 (Latin,157555)
realign 重新调整 (Latin,160484)
rectilinear 直线的 (Latin,160530)
ambilineal (Latin,)
ambilineality (Latin,)
bilinear (Latin,)
curvilinearity (Latin,)
delineavit (Latin,)
lineate (Latin,)
lineation (Latin,)
multilinear (Latin,)
nonalignment (Latin,)
noncollinear (Latin,)
nonlineal (Latin,)
quasilinear (Latin,)
rectilinearity (Latin,)
sesquilinear (Latin,)
sublineage (Latin,)
sublinear (Latin,)
supralinear (Latin,)
trilinear (Latin,)
collinear (Lat,)
collineation (Lat,)
linea (Lat,)
multicollinearity (Lat,)
;...289, lūs- 虱虫

louse n.虱子,寄生虫 , ( 19120 , lus , _ ) ←from 古英语 lūs , louse, ←from 日耳曼语 *lūs- .
[Pokorny lū̆s- 692.]
;...290, mā-₁ 好运
Good; with derivatives meaning "occurring at a good moment, timely, seasonable, early. " 最初形式: *meh₂- , 变形 为: *mah₂- , becoming *mā- .
  1. 带后缀形式: *mā-tu- .
    1. Further 带后缀形式: *mā-tu-ro- . ←from 拉丁语 mātūrus , seasonable, ripe, mature;
      mature a.成熟的,熟的;成年人的v.(使)成熟 ; ( 4817 , ma₁ , _ )
      immature adj.不成熟的;未成熟的;粗糙的[T9] , ( 11655 , ma₁ , _ )
      premature adj.早产的;不成熟的;比预期早的n.早产儿;过早发生的事物[T8] , ( 7209 , per₄ , _ )
    2. further 带后缀形式: *mā-tu-to- . ←from 拉丁语 Mātūta , name of the goddess of dawn.
      matinee n.白天举行的音乐会,妇女便装之一种 , ( 21634 , ma₁ , _ )
      →[oew]→ maturity n.成熟;到期;完备[T8]。 ( 5714 )
      matins 晨祷 , ( 57546 , )
      matutinal 早晨的 , ( 57564 , )
  2. 带后缀形式: *mā-ni- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 māne , (in) the morning;
      mañana 明天 , ( x )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 mānis , mānus , good.
      manes 阴间的诸 , ( x )
[Pokorny 2. mā- 693.]
maturation n.成熟;化脓;生殖细胞之形成[T9] (Lat,119439)
immaturity n.不成熟,未充分成长,未成熟,粗糙 (Lat,127051)
maturescent 变成熟的,开始成熟的 (Lat,157563)
maturant (Lat,)
maturate (Lat,)
;...291, mā-₂ 奶妈娘
Mother. A linguistic near-universal found in many of the world's languages, often in reduplicated form.
  1. ←from 拉丁语 mamma , breast.
    mamma 妈妈 , ( 57389 , )
    →[oew]→ mammary 乳房的,乳腺的。 ( 57390 )
    mammal n.哺乳动物 , ( 7462 , amma , _ )
    mammilla 乳头 , ( x )
    mamoncillo x , ( x )
  2. Probably from this root is 希腊语 Maia , "good mother" (respectful form of address to old women), also nurse
    Maia 古罗马丰饶女神,古希腊大地女神 , ( 57341 , )
    maieutic 接生术的 ; ( x )
    maiasaura 慈母龙 . ( x )

  3. mama n.妈妈 , ( 8304 , amma , _ )
    more recently formed in the same way.
[Pokorny 3 10827 694.]
;...292, mag- 制造配 , Also mak- .
To knead, fashion, fit. 最初形式:s *mag̑-, *mak̑- , becoming *mag-, *mak- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: make , mason , mingle , magma , and mass.
      1. ←from 古英语 macian , to make;
        make n.(产品)来源,制法vt.制造,做成,准备 , ( 57 , _ , _ )
      2. ←from 古法语 masson , mason;
        mason n.泥瓦匠.vt.用砖瓦砌成 , ( 22580 , mag , _ )
      3. ←from 中古荷兰语 maken , to make. (i)-(iii) all ←from 日耳曼语 verb *makōn , to fashion, fit.
        maquillage 美容品 , ( x )
    1. ←from 古英语 gemæcca , mate, spouse, ←from 日耳曼语 compound noun *ga-mak-(j)ōn- , "one who is fitted with (another)" ( *ga- , with, together; see kom ). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *mak- .
      match n.火柴;比赛,竞赛;对手,配偶v.匹配,相称 , ( 1445 , mag , _ )
      →[oew]→ matchless 无与伦比的,举世无双的。 ( 57534 )
      →[oew]→ matchmaker 媒人。 ( 57535 )
    1. ←from 古英语 mengan , to mix;
      mingle v.(使)混合 , ( 11360 , mag , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 gemang , mixture, crowd ( ge- , together; see kom ). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 nasalized form *mangjan , to knead together.
      among prep.在…之中;在一群(组)之中;于…之间 , ( 291 , mag , _ )
      mongrel 杂种狗 , ( 58053 , )
  1. 带后缀形式: *mak-yo- . ←from 希腊语 magma , unguent, ←from massein (aorist stem mag- ), to knead.
    magma 岩浆 , ( 57321 , )
  2. Suffixed 加长级形式 *māg-ya- . ←from 希腊语 māza , maza , a (kneaded) lump, barley cake.
    mass n.大量,众多;团,块;(pl.)群众,民众;质量 ; ( 1550 , mag , _ )
    →[考研]→ massive a.大而重的,厚实的,粗大的;大规模的,大量的。 ( 1996 )
    amass vt.集聚,积累[T8] , ( 13453 , _ , _ )
  3. Suffixed 加长级形式 *māk-ero- . ←from 拉丁语 mācerāre , to tenderize, to soften (food) by steeping.
    macerate 浸泡,浸软 , ( 57284 , )
[Pokorny mag̑- 696, 2. māk- 698, men(ᵊ)k- 730.]
;...293, magh- 有能力
To be able, have power.
派生词包括: dismay , might ₁, machine , and magic.
    1. ←from 古英语 magan , to be able;
      may n.五月 , ( 95 , amma , _ )
      →[考研]→ May n.五月。 ( 95 )
      →[考研]→ maybe adv.可能;大概;也许。 ( 457 )
    2. ←from 古法语 esmaier , to frighten. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *magan , to be able.
      dismay n.|v.沮丧,绝望 , ( 9189 , magh , _ )
  1. ←from 古英语 miht , power, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *mah-ti- , power.
    might aux.v.可能,也许n.力量,威力,权力 , ( 152 , magh , _ )
  2. ←from 古英语 mægen , power, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *mag-inam , power.
    main a.主要的,总的n.总管道;干线 , ( 522 , magh , _ )
    →[考研]→ mainland n.大陆,本土。 ( 6037 )
  3. Suffixed 加长级形式 *māgh-anā- , "that which enables. ←from 希腊语 (Attic) mēkhanē , (Doric) mākhanā , device.
    machine n.机器,机械v.用机器加工 , ( 949 , magh , _ )
    →[考研]→ machinery n.(总称)机器,机械。 ( 4536 )
    →[oew]→ machinist n.机械师,机械工,机械安装修理工 ( 23099 )
    →[oew]→ machination 阴谋,诡计。 ( 57287 )
    mechanic n.技工,机修工 , ( 5522 , magh , mechan机器 )
    →[考研]→ mechanical a.机械的,由机构制成的;机械似的,呆板的。 ( 3557 )
    →[oew]→ mechanistic 机械论的。 ( 57603 )
    mechanism n.机械装置,机构;机制 , ( 2532 , magh , mechan机器 )
    mechano- 机械 ; ( x )
    deusexmachina 机器神,特指剧本或小说中扭转乾坤之力量 , ( 53579 , )
  4. Possibly 带后缀形式: *magh-u- . ←from 古波斯 maguš , member of a priestly caste (< "mighty one").
    magic n.魔术,魔(魅)力,巫术a.有魔力的,魔术的 , ( 3067 , magh , _ )
    →[oew]→ Magi 带礼物朝拜耶稣圣婴的东方三贤士。 ( 57312 )
    magus 术士,魔法师 , ( 57333 , )
[Pokorny magh- 695.]
mechanics n.力学;结构;技术;机械学[T4] (Greek,110822)
mechanize 使机械化的 (Greek,157604)
mechane (Greek,)
mechanobiology (Greek,)
mechanophilia (Greek,)
mechanophobia (Greek,)
;...294, maghu- 年青
Young person of either sex. 带后缀形式: *magho-ti- .
  1. ←from 古英语 mægden , virgin;
    maid n.少女,处女,女仆 , ( 6288 , maghos , _ )
    →[oew]→ maidenhead 处女,童贞。 ( 57344 )
    maiden n.少女,处女.a.初次的 , ( 11608 , maghos , _ )
  2. ←from 荷兰语 maagd , maid. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *magadi- , with diminutive *magadin- .
    matjesherring x , ( x )
[Pokorny maghos 696.]
;...295, māk- 薄长
Long, thin. 最初形式: *meh₂k̑- , 变形 为: *mah₂k̑- , becoming *māk̑ in satem languages and *māk- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. 零级形式 *mᵊk- becoming *mak- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 macer , thin;
        meager n.兆 , ( 13341 , mak , _ )
      2. ←from 希腊语 makros , long, large. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 带后缀形式: *mak-ro- .
        macro- 长的,大的,宏观的 , ( 57292 , )
        macron 长音符,平调符 ; ( 57296 , )
        amphimacer x , ( x )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 maciāre , to make thin, ←from 带后缀形式: *mak-ye- .
      emaciate 使消瘦 , ( 28618 )
  2. Suffixed 全级形式 *māk-es- . ←from 希腊语 mēkos , length.
    mecopteran x , ( x )
    paramecium 草履虫 , ( 46989 )
[Pokorny māk̑- 699.]
macerate 浸泡,浸软 (Latin,157284)
;...296, man-₁ 男人 , Also mon- .
  1. 扩展形式:s *manu- , *manw- .
    1. ←from 古英语 man(n) (plural menn ), man;
      man n.(pl.men)人;人类(单数,不加冠词);男人 ; ( 112 , men₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ mankind n.人类。 ( 6613 )
      leman 爱人 , ( x )
      Norman n.|a.法国诺曼第人(的) , ( 5626 , manu , _ )
    2. ←from 高地德语 man , man;
      fugleman 示范者 , ( x )
      landsman 同胞 , ( 28368 )
    3. ←from 中古荷兰语 man , man;
      manikin 人体模型,侏儒 , ( 57427 , )
      →[oew]→ mandrake 茄参,曼陀罗,情花。 ( 57407 )
      →[oew]→ mandrill 山魈。 ( 57408 )
      mannequin n.服装模特儿,人体模型 , ( 19015 , manu , _ )

    4. yeoman 自耕农 , ( 63912 , )
      perhaps from Old Frisian man , man;
    5. ←from 古挪威语 madʰr , mannr , man;
      Norman n.|a.法国诺曼第人(的) , ( 5626 , manu , _ )
      ombudsman n.调查官员舞弊情况的政府官员 , ( 19105 , ambʰ , _ )

    6. Alemanni 阿勒曼尼人 , ( x )
      possibly*Ala-manniz , tribal name (< "all men": *ala- , all; see al- ₃).a-fall ←from 日耳曼语 *manna- (plural *manniz );
    7. ←from 梵语 manuḥ , man, ←from Indo-伊朗语 *manu- .
      Manu 马努 , ( x )
  2. ←from 高地德语 mennisco , human, ←from 日耳曼语 adjective *manniska- , human, ←from *manna- (see1).
    mensch 好人,乐于助人的人 , ( 57670 , )
  3. ←from 俄语 muzh , man, male, ←from Slavic 带后缀形式: *mon-gyo- .
    muzhik 农夫 , ( x )
[Pokorny manu-s 700.]
;...297, man-₂ 手摸
派生词包括: manacle , maneuver , and manure.
    1. ←from 拉丁语 manus , hand;
      manacle 手铐 , ( 57394 , )
      →[oew]→ manifesto n.宣言;声明;告示 vi.发表宣言[T8]。 ( 9732 )
      →[oew]→ mandatory adj.强制的;托管的;命令的 n.受托者(等于 mandatary)[T8]。 ( 5826 )
      →[oew]→ manhandle 用力举起,粗暴对待。 ( 57419 )
      manage v.经营,管理,处理;设法,对付;操纵,运用 , ( 1110 , man , man手做 )
      →[考研]→ management n.经营,管理;处理,操纵;管理部门。 ( 608 )
      →[考研]→ manager n.经理,管理人。 ( 746 )
      manège 驯马术 , ( x )
      manner n.方式;举止;(pl.)风度,礼貌;规矩;风俗 , ( 1613 , man , man手做 )
      manual a.手的,手工做的,体力的n.手册,指南 , ( 4111 , man , man手做 )
      →[考研]→ manipulate vt.(熟练地)使用,操作;(巧妙地)处理。 ( 5346 )
      manubrium , ( x )
      manus n.手,上肢,丈夫对妻子的权威 ; ( 33514 )
      amanuensis 助手 , ( 51690 , )
      maintain v.维修,保养,维持,供养,坚持,主张,支持 , ( 1009 , man , )
      maneuver 用手操纵:n.v.机动,演习,用计,调遣[T8] , ( 10040 , man , _ )
      manicotti 通心粉似的 , ( 40809 )
      manicure n.v.手部护理,美甲[T9] , ( 20602 , cura , )
      manifest 用手抓住:v.显示,表明,证明adj.明显的,明白的n.载货单,旅客名单[T6] , ( 6893 , dʰers , xxx )
      mansuetude 驯服,温顺,柔和 , ( 57443 , )
      manufacture v.制造,加工n.制造,制造业;产品 , ( 4428 , dʰe₁ , )
      manumit 释放 , ( x )
      manure 用手耕作→施肥:vt.施肥于;耕种n.肥料;粪肥[T8] , ( 10305 , man , _ )
      manuscript 手写的东西:n.手稿[T6] , ( 5540 , ker₃ , man手做 )
      mastiff 大驯犬,獒 , ( 57527 , )
      →[oew]→ masturbate 用手染污v.手淫[T9]。 ( 22170 )
      mortmain 永久营业 , ( x )
      quadrumanous x , ( x )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 manipulus , handful ( -pulus , perhaps -ful; see pelᵊ-₁ ).
      maniple 小队 , ( x )
      manipulation n.操纵,操作,篡改[T9] , ( 6064 , _ , man手做 )
  1. 带后缀形式: *man-ko- , maimed in the hand. ←from 拉丁语 mancus , maimed, defective.
    manqué 未成功的 , ( x )
  2. ←from 拉丁语 compound manceps , "he who takes by the hand," purchaser ( -ceps , agential suffix, "taker"; see kap- ).
    emancipate 解放 , ( 54022 , )
  3. ←from 拉丁语 compound mandāre , "to put into someone's hand," entrust, order ( -dere , to put; see dʰē- ).
    mandamus 命令书 , ( 49615 )
    mandate n.(书面)命令,训令.vt.委任统治 , ( 4658 , man , mand命令 )
    MaundyThursday 濯足星期四 ; ( 57569 , )
    command n./v.命令,指挥,控制n.掌握,运用能力 , ( 2220 , man , mand命令 )
    →[oew]→ commander n.司令官,指挥官 ( 2727 )
    commando n.突击队,突击队员。源自南非英语,最早指南非殖民时期由欧洲殖民者组成的、与当地土著作战的民兵队伍[T9] , ( 11616 , _ , _ )
    commend vt.推荐;称赞;把…委托vi.称赞;表扬[T6] , ( 13692 , man , mand命令 )
    countermand 抵消 , ( 53187 , )
    demand n./v.要求,请求,需要(量)v.查问 , ( 981 , _ , mand命令 )
    recommend v.推荐,介绍;劝告,建议 , ( 1982 , man , mand命令 )
    remand n.送还,遣回;还押vt.还押,还押候审;遣回[T9] , ( 21614 , man , mand命令 )
[Pokorny mᵊ-r 740.]
recommendation n.推荐,介绍(信) (Latin,103131)
managerial adj.管理的 (Lat,107086)
manifestation n.表现;显示;示威运动[T8] (Lat,107612)
manageable a.易处理的,易管理的 (Lat,110802)
manipulative adj.巧妙处理的;操纵的,用手控制的[T8] (Latin,118339)
commandment n.戒律;法令[T9] (Latin,118949)
commandant n.司令官,指挥官,〈美〉(陆军军官学校的)校长 (Latin,123339)
commendable adj.值得表扬的,值得称赞的,很好的,可推荐的 (Latin,123777)
commendation n.奖,表扬,嘉奖状,推荐 (Latin,124965)
manumission n.解放 (Lat,139449)
adminicle (Latin,)
commendam (Latin,)
commendatory (Latin,)
counterdemand (Latin,)
demandant (Latin,)
encomienda (Latin,)
mandatary (Latin,)
mandator (Latin,)
maniraptoran (Latin,)
maniraptoriform (Latin,)
manubrial (Latin,)
manuport (Latin,)
remandment (Latin,)
Bimana (Lat,)
Quadrumana (Lat,)
bimanous (Lat,)
bimanual (Lat,)
mainour (Lat,)
manifer (Lat,)
maniform (Lat,)
manuary (Lat,)
manuduction (Lat,)
;...298, marko- 马驾驭
  1. ←from 古法语 mareschal , ←from Frankish *marha-skalkaz , horse-servant ( *skalkaz , servant).
    marshal n.元帅.v.整顿,排列 , ( 9941 , marko , _ )
  2. ←from 古英语 mere , miere , mare, ←from 日耳曼语 feminine *marhjōn- .
    mare n.母马,母驴,月球或火星等表面阴暗区 , ( 10441 , marko , _ )
[Pokorny marko- 700.]
;...299, māter- 母体
Mother. Based ultimately on the baby-talk form mā- ₂ , with the kinship term suffix *-ter- .
派生词包括: mother ₁, matrix , and matter.
    1. ←from 古英语 mōdor , mother;
      mother n.母亲 , ( 241 , amma , _ )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 moeder , mother. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *mōdar- .
      mother n.母亲 , ( 241 , amma , _ )
  1. ←from 拉丁语 māter , mother.
    almamater 母校 , ( 51674 , )
    mater n.[英]母亲,妈妈 , ( 17555 , ma₂ , _ )
    →[oew]→ materialism n.唯物主义 ( 14660 )
    →[oew]→ materialistic adj.唯物论的,唯物主义的 ( 18722 )
    →[oew]→ matriarch 女家长,女族长。 ( 57548 )
    →[oew]→ matricide 弑母。 ( 57553 )
    maternal adj.母亲的;母性的;母系的;母体遗传的[T8] , ( 7343 , amma , matr母亲 )
    maternity n.母性,母道;妇产科医院adj.产科的;产妇的,孕妇的[T9] , ( 9923 , amma , matr母亲 )
    matriculate 被大学录取 , ( 57554 , )
    matrix n.矩阵;模型;基质;母体;子宫;脉石[T8] , ( 5336 , amma , matr母亲 )
    matron n.主妇;保姆;妇女;女舍监;护士长[T9] ; ( 14147 , amma , matr母亲 )
    madrepore 石蚕 , ( x )
    matrimony 婚姻 , ( 57556 , )
  2. ←from 希腊语 mētēr , mother.
    metro- 地铁, ; ( x )
    metropolis 母城:n.大都市;首府;重要中心[T8] , ( 16124 , amma , )
    →[oew]→ metropolitan adj.大都市的;大主教辖区的;宗主国的 n.大城市人;大主教;宗主国的公民[T6]。 ( 4312 )
  3. ←from 拉丁语 māteriēs , māteria , tree trunk (< "matrix," the tree's source of growth), hence hard timber used in carpentry, hence (by a calque on 希腊语 hūlē , wood, matter) substance, stuff, matter.
    material n.材料,原料,资料a.物质的,肉体的,实质性的 , ( 604 , amma , _ )
    matter n.物质,物体;毛病,麻烦;事情v.有关系,要紧 , ( 456 , amma , _ )
  4. ←from 希腊语 compound Dēmētēr , name of the goddess of produce, especially cereal crops ( dē- , possibly meaning "earth").
    Demeter 得墨忒耳 , ( x )
[Pokorny mātér- 700.]
matrimonial adj.婚姻的;与婚姻有关的;根据结婚的惯例的[T9] (Lat,118405)
materiality n.物质性 (Lat,123971)
matrilocal adj.(婚后)居住在女方家的,入赘的 (Lat,149695)
immaterial 非物质的,不重要的 (Lat,155839)
matriculant (Lat,)
;...300, me-₁
Oblique form of the personal pronoun of the first person singular. For the nominative see eg .
  1. ←from 古英语 mē̆ (dative and accusative), ←from 日耳曼语 *mē̆- .
    me pron.[I的宾格]我 , ( 66 , me₁ , _ )
    myself pron.[反身代词]我自己;我亲自 , ( 677 , me₁ , _ )
  2. Possessive adjective *mei-no- .
    1. ←from 古英语 mīn , my;
      mine pron.(I的物主代词)我的(东西)n.矿v.采矿 , ( 1973 , me₁ , _ )
      my pron.(I的所有格)我的 , ( 50 , me₁ , _ )
    2. ←from 中古荷兰语 mijn , my. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *mīn- .
      Mynheer 先生 , ( x )
  3. Possessive adjective *me-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 meus , mine.
    madame n.[法](用于已婚妇女姓名前的尊称)太太,夫人,女士 , ( 7029 , me₁ , _ )
    Monsieur 0 , ( 18539 , _ , _ )
  4. Genitive form *me-wo . ←from 古爱尔兰 mo , my.
    mavourneen 亲爱的 , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. me- 702.]
;...301, me-₂ 中间的
In the middle of.
  1. 带后缀形式: *me-dʰi . ←from 古英语 mid , among, with, ←from 日耳曼语 *mid- .
    midwife n.助产士,接生员,产婆 , ( 12369 , medʰi , _ )
  2. 带后缀形式: *me-ta . ←from 希腊语 meta , between, with, beside, after.
    meta- L. L. & G. meta-,来自meta, after, with, , ( x )
[Pokorny 2. me- 702.]
See also medʰyo- .
;...302, mē-₁ 心动道德
Expressing certain qualities of mind. 最初形式: *meh₁- .
  1. Suffixed o级形式 *mō-to- .
    1. ←from 古英语 mōd , mind, disposition;
      mood n.心情,情绪;语气 , ( 2341 , med , _ )
    2. ←from 高地德语 muot , mind, spirit. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *mōthaz .
      gemütlich 令人愉快的 , ( x )
      gemütlichkeit 小心 , ( x )
  2. Perhaps suffixed o级形式 *mō-s- . ←from 拉丁语 mōs , wont, humor, manner, custom.
    moral a.道德(上)的,精神上的n.寓意,教育意义 , ( 1394 , moro , mor风俗 )
    →[考研]→ morality n.道德,美德。 ( 5019 )
    →[oew]→ moron n.[口]低能者,笨人,[医]痴愚者(指智商在50-70之间的成年人),[心]性(欲)倒错者,性反常者 ( 19294 )
    morale n.士气,斗志[T8] , ( 7188 , _ , mor风俗 )
    mores 风俗习惯,传统 , ( 58126 , )
    morose 忧郁的,闷闷不乐的 , ( 58132 , )
[Pokorny 5. mē- 704.]
immoral adj.不道德的;邪恶的;淫荡的[T9] (Lat,111001)
immorality n.不道德,淫荡 (Lat,123480)
morigerous (Lat,)
morosity (Lat,)
;...303, mē-₂ 摩米月
To measure. 最初形式: *meh₁- .
派生词包括: piecemeal , immense , meter ₁, geometry , moon , and semester.
  1. 基本形式: mē- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *mē-lo- . ←from 古英语 mǣl , "measure, mark, appointed time, time for eating, meal," ←from 日耳曼语 *mēlaz .
      meal n.膳食,一餐 ; ( 1630 , me₄ , _ )
      piecemeal 零碎的 , ( 59536 , )
    2. 带后缀形式: *mē-ti- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 mētīrī , to measure;
        measure v.测量,分派,权衡n.尺寸,量度器,措施,办法 , ( 938 , me₄ , _ )
        →[oew]→ measurement n.测量法,度量 ( 3340 )
        →[oew]→ measureless 无边无际的。 ( 57598 )
        mensural 定律的 ; ( x )
        commensurate adj.相称的;同量的;同样大小的[T8] , ( 21122 , me₄ , mens测量 )
        dimension n.尺寸,尺度;维(数),度(数) , ( 2708 , me₄ , mens测量 )
        immense a.广大的,巨大的;[口]极好的 , ( 5262 , me₄ , mens测量 )
      2. ←from 希腊语 mētis , wisdom, skill.
        Metis 混血儿 , ( 57739 , )
    3. Possibly 希腊语 metron , measure, rule, length, proportion, poetic meter (but referred by some to med- ).
      meter n.米,公尺 , ( 3658 , _ , meter测量 )
      meter n.米,公尺 , ( 3658 , _ , meter测量 )
      meter n.米,公尺 , ( 3658 , _ , meter测量 )
      -meter , ( x )
      metrical 格律的 , ( 57741 , )
      -metry 对称 ; ( x )
      diameter n.直径 , ( 5229 , me₄ , meter测量 )
      gematria 希伯来人 , ( x )
      geometry n.几何(学) , ( 8294 , ge , meter测量 )
      isometric 等距的,静力锻炼的 , ( 56240 , )
      metrology 计量学 , ( 57744 , )
      →[oew]→ metric a.米制的,公制的。 ( 10016 )
      metronome 节拍器 , ( 57745 , )
      symmetry 尺寸一样:n.对称性[T6] . ( 8547 , _ , meter测量 )
    4. Reduplicated 零级形式 8178*mi-mᵊ- . ←from 梵语 mimīte , he measures.
      mahout 驯象师 , ( 57340 , )
      maund n.重量单位;蒙特 , ( x )
  2. Extended and 带后缀形式:s *mēn- , *mēn-en- , *mēn-ōt- , *mēn-s- , moon, month (an ancient and universal unit of time measured by the moon).
    1. ←from 古英语 mōna , moon, ←from 日耳曼语 *mēnōn- .
      moon n.(加the)月球,月亮;卫星 ; ( 2474 , me₄ , _ )
      →[oew]→ moonlit adj.月光照耀的 ( 22796 )
      →[oew]→ moonshine 私酿酒,非法配制并销售的威士忌。 ( 58102 )
      monday n.星期一 , ( 3941 , me₄ , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 mōnath , month, ←from 日耳曼语 *mēnōth- .
      month n.月,月份 , ( 282 , me₄ , _ )
      →[考研]→ Monday n.星期一。 ( 3941 )
      →[考研]→ monthly a.每月的 ad.每月一次,按月 n.月刊。 ( 3632 )
    3. ←from 希腊语 mēn , mēnē , month.
      meno- 较少, ; ( x )
      amenorrhea 闭经 , ( 36027 )
      catamenia 月经 , ( x )
      dysmenorrhea 痛经 , ( x )
      emmenagogue 通经剂 , ( x )
      menarche 月经初潮 , ( 34143 )
      meniscus 膝关节的半月板 , ( 57666 , )
      menopause n.[生理]绝经期,更年期,活动终止期 , ( 13985 , me₄ , _ )
    4. ←from 拉丁语 mēnsis , month.
      menses 月经 , ( 57671 , )
      menstrual adj.[生理]月经的,[罕]一月一次的,每月的 , ( 17575 , _ , _ )
      menstruate 来月经 ; ( 57672 , )
      bimestrial 持续两个月的 , ( x )
      semester n.学期 , ( 6884 , me₄ , _ )
      trimester n.三个月,学期 , ( 22066 , me₄ , _ )
[Pokorny 3. mē- 703, mēnōt 731.]
incommensurable adj.不能比较的,不配比较的 (Latin,129597)
commensurable adj.可以同单位度量的,能较量的 (Latin,141617)
incommensurate 不相称的,不能相比的 (Latin,155929)
parameter n.参数,系数,参量[T6] (Greek,106017)
perimeter n.周长[T6] (Greek,107919)
metre n.米,公尺 (Greek,109882)
thermometer n.温度计 (Greek,111997)
symmetric 比例相同的:adj.对称的,匀称的[T6] (Greek,117821)
asymmetry n.不对称 adj.不对称的,不对等的 (Greek,118442)
barometer n.气压计[T6] (Greek,121118)
parametric adj.参(变)数的,参(变)量的 (Greek,126526)
barometric adj.大气压力 (Greek,131550)
anemometer 风速计 (Greek,151730)
asymmetric 不对称的 (Greek,151906)
hexameter 六音步诗行 (Greek,155394)
pentameter 五音步诗行 (Greek,159317)
telemeter 遥测仪 (Greek,162768)
telemetry 遥测术 (Greek,162769)
anemometric (Greek,)
antisymmetric (Greek,)
antisymmetry (Greek,)
axonometric (Greek,)
bathometer (Greek,)
diametric (Greek,)
dysmetria (Greek,)
graphometer (Greek,)
hygrometer (Greek,)
hygrometry (Greek,)
isodiametric (Greek,)
isoperimetric (Greek,)
monosymmetric (Greek,)
parameterize (Greek,)
parametrize (Greek,)
polymeter (Greek,)
telemetric (Greek,)
tetrameter (Greek,)
trimeter (Greek,)
trimetric (Greek,)
;...304, mē-₃ 模大
Big. 最初形式: *meh₁- .
  1. Suffixed (comparative) form *mē-is- . ←from 古英语 māra , greater, and māre (adverb), more, ←from 日耳曼语 *maizōn- .
    more a.更多的n.更多的人(或东西)ad.更,更多 , ( 61 , me₃ , _ )
    →[考研]→ moreover conj./ad.再者,加之,而且。 ( 1984 )
  2. Suffixed (superlative) form *mē-isto- . ←from 古英语 mǣst , most, ←from 日耳曼语 *maista- .
    most a.最多的;大多数的ad.最;极其n.大多数 , ( 120 , me₃ , _ )
    →[考研]→ mostly ad.几乎全部地;主要地,大部分,基本上。 ( 1588 )
  3. 带后缀形式: *mē-ro- , *mē-ri- . ←from 高地德语 māri , news, narration.
    Märchen 童话 , ( x )
  4. Suffixed o级形式 *mō-ro- . ←from Gaelic mōr , big, great.
    claymore 双刃大刀 , ( 52904 , )
[Pokorny 4. mē- 704.]
;...305, mē-₄ 割草
To cut down grass or grain with a sickle or scythe. 最初形式: *meh₁- .
  1. ←from 古英语 māwan , to mow, ←from 日耳曼语 *mē- .
    mow v.割(草).n.草堆 , ( 13444 , me₂ , _ )
  2. 带后缀形式: *mē-ti- . ←from 古英语 mǣth , a mowing, a mown crop, ←from 日耳曼语 *mēdiz .
    aftermath n.结果,后果 , ( 6518 , _ , _ )
  3. 带后缀形式: *mē-twā- , a mown field. ←from 古英语 mǣd , meadow, ←from 日耳曼语 *mēdwō .
    mead 蜂蜜酒 , ( 57586 , )
    meadow n.草地,牧场 , ( 6773 , me₂ , _ )
[Pokorny 2. mē- 703.]
;...306, med- 摩医疗
To take appropriate measures.
派生词包括: medicine , modest , modern , commodity , and empty.
    1. ←from 古英语 metan , to measure (out), ←from 日耳曼语 *metan ;
      mete n.边界 v.给予 , ( 23798 , med , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 gemǣte , "commensurate," fit ( ge- , with; see kom ), ←from 日耳曼语 derivative *mǣtō , measure.
      meet n.会,集会v.遇见;会谈;迎接;满足;符合 , ( 327 , med , _ )
      →[考研]→ meeting n.会议,集合,汇合,会见,接见,汇合点。 ( 624 )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 medērī , to look after, heal, cure;
      medical a.医学的,医疗的,医药的;内科的 , ( 694 , med , med治疗 )
      →[oew]→ medication n.药物;药物治疗;药物处理[T9]。 ( 4042 )
      medicate 用药物治疗 , ( 57610 , )
      medicine n.内服药,医药;医术;医学,内科学 , ( 1635 , med , med治疗 )
      medico 医生,大夫 ; ( 57613 , )
      metheglin 蜂蜜酒 , ( x )
      remedy n.药品;治疗措施v.治疗,医治;纠正,补救 , ( 4698 , med , med治疗 )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 meditārī , to think about, consider, reflect.
      meditate 反复权衡考虑:vt.考虑;计划;企图vi.冥想;沉思[T6] , ( 15805 , _ , _ )
      →[考研]→ meditation n.冥想;沉思,深思[T8]。 ( 7037 )
  1. 带后缀形式: *med-es- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 modestus , "keeping to the appropriate measure," moderate;
      modest a.谦虚的,有节制的 ; ( 3114 , med , mod方法 )
      immodest 不正派的,猥亵的 , ( 55844 , )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 moderārī , "to keep within measure," to moderate, control. Bothaandb←from 拉丁语 *modes- , replacing *medes- by influence of modus (see5below).
      moderate a.有节制的,中等的,适度的,温和的,稳健的 ; ( 3664 , med , mod方法 )
      immoderate 不适度的 , ( 55843 , )
  2. ←from 希腊语 medein , to rule (feminine participle medousa < *med-ont-ya ).
    Medusa 水母,水母体 , ( 57615 , )
  3. Suffixed o级形式 *mod-o- . ←from 拉丁语 modus , measure, size, limit, manner, harmony, melody.
    modal 情态动词 , ( 58002 , )
    mode n.方式,式样 , ( 2716 , med , mod方法 )
    →[考研]→ modernization n.现代化 ( 10548 )
    model n.样式,型;模范;模型,原型;模特v.模仿 , ( 501 , med , mod方法 )
    modern a.现代的,近代的,新式的 , ( 801 , med , mod方法 )
    modicum 少量,一点点 , ( 58008 , )
    modify v.更改,修改,修饰 , ( 4058 , med , mod方法 )
    modulate v.调制;调节,调整[T6] , ( 20846 , med , mod方法 )
    module n.模块,组件[T6] , ( 3990 , med , _ )
    modulus 模量 , ( 25833 )
    mold n.模子vt.浇铸,塑造 , ( 8610 , med , _ )
    mood n.心情,情绪;语气 , ( 2341 , med , _ )
    moulage 印模 ; ( x )
    →[oew]→ mould n.[亦作mold] 肥土,壤土,[亦作mold] 霉,模具 v.用土覆盖,发霉,铸造 ( 11963 )
    accommodate 使尺寸适合:v.(使)适应,调和,容纳[T8] , ( 4055 , med , mod方法 )
    →[考研]→ accommodation n.(accommodations)住宿,留宿;膳宿供应。 ( 3219 )
    commode 五斗橱,座椅式便桶 , ( 53019 , )
    commodious 宽敞的 , ( 32144 )
    commodity 便利之物:n.日用品,商品,货品[T6] , ( 4971 , med , mod方法 )
  4. Suffixed o级形式 *mod-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 modius , a measure of grain.
    modiolus 耳蜗轴 , ( x )
    mutchkin x , ( x )
  5. Possibly lengthened o级形式 *mōd- .
    1. ←from 古英语 mōtan , to have occasion, to be permitted or obliged;
      mote 尘埃,微粒 , ( 58150 , )
      must aux.&v.必须;很可能;一定要n.必须做的事 , ( 157 , med , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 ǣmetta , rest, leisure, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *ē-mōt-ja- (prefix *ē- , meaning uncertain, ←from Indo-European , , to). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *mōt- , ability, leisure.
      empty a.空的;空洞的v.倒空,使成为空的 , ( 1581 , _ , _ )
[Pokorny 1. med- 705.]
modification n.修改,修正,改变[T6] (Lat,105436)
modernity n.现代性[T9] (Lat,109291)
postmodern a.后现代主义的 (Lat,110655)
modular adj.模块化的;模数的;有标准组件的[T9] (Lat,111502)
modesty n.谦逊,虚心 (Lat,112141)
moderation n.适度;节制;温和;缓和[T9] (Latin,112193)
remodel vt.重新塑造,改造 (Latin,115239)
modality n.形式,形态;程序;物理疗法;主要的感觉[T9] (Lat,115856)
moderator n.缓和剂 (Latin,116298)
supermodel n.超级名模 (Latin,122395)
modulation n.调制,调幅度,移调 (Lat,123463)
commodification (Latin,127146)
modulator n.调节器,调制器 (Lat,129382)
ultramodern adj.超现代化的 (Lat,129494)
multimodal adj.多种方式的,多峰 (Lat,133394)
intermodal adj.联合运输的 (Lat,133455)
bimodal adj.双峰的 (Lat,140817)
immodesty n.无礼 (Latin,141002)
accommodative adj.乐于助人的,随和的,善于适应新环境的 (Latin,142555)
Quasimodo (Latin,)
accommodator (Latin,)
bimodality (Latin,)
bimodular (Latin,)
bimodule (Latin,)
decommodification (Latin,)
demodulate (Latin,)
demodulator (Latin,)
intermodulation (Latin,)
moderato (Latin,)
multimodality (Latin,)
remodulate (Latin,)
trimodal (Latin,)
trimodality (Latin,)
ultramodernity (Latin,)
unimodal (Latin,)
unimodality (Latin,)
unimodular (Latin,)
unimodularity (Latin,)
demodulation (Lat,)
modularity (Lat,)
modulo (Lat,)
postmodernity (Lat,)
;...307, medʰu- 蜜酒
Honey; also mead.
  1. ←from 古英语 meodu , mead, ←from 日耳曼语 *medu .
    mead 蜂蜜酒 , ( 57586 , )
  2. ←from 希腊语 methu , wine.
    amethyst 水晶 , ( 51698 , )
    methylene 亚甲基 , ( 57736 , )
[Pokorny médʰu- 707.]
;...308, medʰyo- 中间的
派生词包括: middle , medieval , and meridian.
    1. ←from 古英语 midd(e) , middle;
      mid adj.中央的,中部的,中间的 , ( 5754 , medʰi , _ )
      →[oew]→ middle-class a.中产阶级的 ( 5070 )
      →[oew]→ middlebrow 品位一般的。 ( 57795 )
      →[oew]→ middleman 中间人,经销商。 ( 57799 )
      →[oew]→ middling 中间的。 ( 57804 )
      →[oew]→ midnight n.午夜 ( 3590 )
      →[oew]→ midway n.中途,半路.a.中途的.ad.在中途 ( 13047 )
      →[oew]→ midshipman 海军军校学员。 ( 57810 )
      →[oew]→ midstream 中流。 ( 57811 )
      →[oew]→ midsummer 仲夏,中夏。 ( 57812 )
      midst n.中间prep.在……中间[T4] ; ( 5395 , _ , _ )
      amid prep.在…中间,在…之中,被…围绕 , ( 4256 , medʰi , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 middel , middle, ←from West 日耳曼语 diminutive form *middila- ;
      middle n./a.中间(的),当中(的) , ( 802 , medʰi , _ )
    3. ←from 古挪威语 Midʰgardʰr , Midgard, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *midja-gardaz , "middle zone," name of the earth conceived as an intermediate zone lying between heaven and hell ( *gardaz , enclosure, yard; see gher-₁ ).a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *midja- .
      Midgard 米德加德 , ( x )
  1. ←from 拉丁语 medius , middle, half.
    mean v.表示…的意思a.卑鄙的;平均的n.平均值 , ( 172 , medʰi , _ )
    →[考研]→ means n.方法,手段。 ( 930 )
    →[考研]→ meantime n.(meanwhile)其间,其时 ad.同时,当时。 ( 4925 )
    →[考研]→ meanwhile n.其时,其间 ad.当时,与此同时。 ( 1791 )
    medal n.奖章,勋章,纪念章 , ( 3724 , _ , _ )
    medial adj.中间的,普通的,平均的[T9] , ( 21987 , medʰi , medi中间 )
    →[oew]→ media n.媒体 ( 790 )
    →[oew]→ Mediterranean 大地之间的 : n.地中海 adj.地中海的[T4]。 ( 6432 )
    →[oew]→ mediocrity n.平庸之才;平常[T8]。 ( 20156 )
    median adj.中央的,[数学] 中线的,中值的 n.中部,当中,[数学] 中线,中值 , ( 7394 , medʰi , medi中间 )
    mediastinum 纵隔 , ( 32555 )
    mediate v.居中调解adj.居间的,间接的[T8] , ( 9902 , medʰi , medi中间 )
    medium n.(pl.media)媒体,方法,媒介,介质a.中等的 , ( 2748 , medʰi , medi中间 )
    mezzaluna x , ( x )
    mezzanine 两层楼之间的中间层 , ( 57753 , )
    mezzotint 金属版印刷法 , ( 57755 , )
    mizzen 后桅,后帆 , ( 57989 , )
    moiety 一半 , ( 36020 )
    mullion 窗户间的竖窗棂 ; ( 58213 , )
    intermediate a.中间的,居间的;中级的n.中间体,媒介物 , ( 6130 , medʰi , medi中间 )
    →[oew]→ intermediary adj.中间的;媒介的;中途的 n.中间人;仲裁者;调解者;媒介物[T8]。 ( 12282 )
    →[oew]→ intermezzo 幕间曲。 ( 56140 )
    medieval adj.中世纪的[T8] , ( 4068 , aiu , medi中间 )
    mediocre 山的中部:adj.中等的,平凡的,平庸的[T8] , ( 14366 , ak , medi中间 )
    mediterranean 大地之间的:n.地中海adj.地中海的[T4] , ( 6432 , medʰi , medi中间 )
    meridian 子午线,经线 , ( 57693 , )
    milieu n.周围,环境 , ( 15130 , medʰi , _ )
  2. ←from 希腊语 mesos , middle.
    meso- 中间的 , ( 57703 , )
  3. ←from Romani mindž , vagina, possibly from Armenian mēǰ (stem miǰ- ), middle.
    minge 阴部,阴毛 , ( 57884 , )
[Pokorny medʰi- 706.]
See also me-₂ .
immediate a.立即的,即时的;直接的,最接近的 (Lat,101689)
multimedia n.多媒体,多媒体的采用 (Latin,106993)
mediation n.调解;仲裁;调停[T9] (Lat,109492)
mediator n.调停者;传递者;中介物[T9] (Lat,112473)
immediacy n.直接 (Lat,117721)
submediant (Latin,)
antemeridian (Lat,)
dimidiate (Lat,)
dimidiation (Lat,)
intermedio (Lat,)
mediant (Lat,)
mediatrix (Lat,)
mediety (Lat,)
postmeridian (Lat,)
;...309, meg- 伟大
Great. 最初形式: *meg̑- , becoming *meg- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
派生词包括: much , magnate , mayor , maestro , and maharajah.
    1. ←from 古英语 micel , mycel , great;
      mickle 许多的 , ( 57767 , )
      much a.多的,大量的ad.十分,非常;到极大程度 , ( 125 , me₃ , _ )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 mikill . Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *mik-ila- .
      mickle 许多的 , ( 57767 , )
  1. 带后缀形式: *mag-no- . ←from 拉丁语 magnus , great.
    magnate n.巨头,要人,富豪,大亨[T8] , ( 20821 , me₃ , magn壮大 )
    magnitude n.大小,重要,量级,震级,光度[T6] , ( 4528 , me₃ , magn壮大 )
    magnum 容量为1.5升的大酒瓶 ; ( 57330 , )
    magnanimous 宽宏的,大度的 , ( 57324 , )
    magnific adj.庄严的,崇高的 , ( x )
    magnificent a.华丽的,高尚的,宏伟的 , ( 4695 , dʰe₁ , )
    magnifico 贵族 , ( 40905 )
    magnify v.放大,夸大,赞美[T6] , ( 12735 , me₃ , magn壮大 )
    magniloquent 夸张的 , ( x )
  2. Suffixed (comparative) form *mag-yos- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 māior , greater;
      major a.主要的n.成年人,专业学生,主修课程v.主修 , ( 363 , me₃ , magn壮大 )
      major-domo 总管 , ( 57355 , )
      majority n.多数,大多数,成年,法定年龄 , ( 970 , me₃ , magn壮大 )
      majuscule 大写字母 , ( x )
      mayor n.市长 , ( 2663 , me₃ , _ )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 māiestās , greatness, authority;
      maestoso 庄严的 , ( x )
      majesty n.威严;最高权威,王权;雄伟;权威[T6] , ( 8719 , me₃ , magn壮大 )
    3. ←from 拉丁语 magister , master, high official (< "he who is greater").
      maestro n.大师;名家;大音乐家[T8] , ( 21986 , _ , _ )
      magisterial 地方行政官的,权威的,威严的 , ( 57318 , )
      →[oew]→ magnet n.磁体,磁铁。 ( 7177 )
      →[oew]→ magnesium n.[化]镁 ( 15375 )
      →[oew]→ MagnaCarta 大宪章 ( 57322 )
      →[oew]→ magnacumlaude 优异成绩的第二等 ( 57323 )
      →[oew]→ magistrate n.地方法官;文职官员;治安推事[T6]。 ( 9240 )
      magistral 教师的 , ( x )
      magist(e)rate 法官 , ( x )
      master n.男主人;师傅;硕士v.精通,控制a.主要的 , ( 1652 , me₃ , _ )
      →[考研]→ masterpiece n. 杰作;绝无仅有的人[T4]。 ( 8696 )
      Mister 0 , ( 14542 , me₃ , _ )
      mistral 密史脱拉风(法国南部出现于冬季的寒冷强风) , ( 57980 , )
      →[oew]→ mister 0 ( 14542 )
      mistress n.女主人,主妇,情妇[T3] , ( 6679 , _ , _ )
  3. Suffixed (superlative) form *mag-samo- . ←from 拉丁语 maximus , greatest.
    maxim n.格言,准则,座右铭[T8] , ( 10835 , me₃ , magn壮大 )
    maximum n.最大值,极限a.最大的,最高的 , ( 2586 , me₃ , magn壮大 )
  4. Suffixed (feminine) form *mag-ya- , "she who is great. ←from 拉丁语 Maia , name of a goddess.
    may n.五月 , ( 95 , amma , _ )
    may n.五月 , ( 95 , amma , _ )
  5. 带后缀形式: *meg-ᵊ-(l-) . ←from 希腊语 megas (stem megal- ), great.
    mega- 巨大的,极大的,百万,兆 , ( 57617 , )
    megalo- 巨大的,夸大的 ; ( 57624 , )
    acromegaly 肢端肥大症 , ( x )
    omega 希腊字母表的最后一个字母 , ( 58772 , )
  6. Suffixed (superlative) form meg-(ᵊ)-isto- . ←from 希腊语 megistos , greatest.
    Almagest 天文学大成 , ( x )
    HermesTrismegistus 赫耳墨斯 , ( x )
  7. 变化形式*megh- (< *meg-ᵊ- ) ←from 梵语 mahā- , mahat- , great.
    Mahabʰarata 《摩诃婆罗多》 , ( x )
    maharaja 印度过去的土邦主,王公 , ( 57334 , )
    maharani 土邦主妃,王公妃 , ( 57335 , )
    maharishi 印度教圣哲 , ( 57336 , )
    mahatma 印度的圣人,圣雄甘地 , ( 57337 , )
    Mahayana 大乘佛教 , ( 57338 , )
    mahout 驯象师 , ( 57340 , )
[Pokorny meg̑(h)- 708.]
mastery n.掌握,精通[T9] (Lat,108325)
mayoral adj.市长的 (Lat,118077)
maximal adj.最高的,最大的;最全面的[T9] (Latin,120644)
majoritarian n.多数主义者 (Lat,129844)
magnanimity n.宽宏大量 (Lat,130622)
supermajority (Latin,131644)
submaximal 医次于最大的 (Latin,133412)
majordomo n.管家,总监 (Lat,135733)
mayoralty 市长职位 (Lat,157578)
quartermaster 军需官 (Lat,160307)
remaster 重新录制母带 (Lat,160623)
semimajor (Latin,)
magistery (Lat,)
magistracy (Lat,)
magistrature (Lat,)
majorate (Lat,)
magnetic a.磁的,有磁性的;有吸引力的 (Greek,104393)
magnetism n.磁,磁力,吸引力,磁学 (Greek,122617)
magnetometer n.磁力计 (Greek,131886)
geomagnetic adj.地磁的 (Greek,133668)
magnetite n.磁铁矿 (Greek,136826)
paramagnetic adj.顺磁性的 (Greek,145569)
diamagnetic adj.反磁性的 n.反磁性体 (Greek,148028)
electromagnet 电磁铁 (Greek,154001)
magnetize 使磁化,吸引 (Greek,157326)
manganese 锰 (Greek,157413)
bioelectromagnetism (Greek,)
biomagnetism (Greek,)
diamagnetism (Greek,)
magnetobiology (Greek,)
magnetologist (Greek,)
magnetosome (Greek,)
paramagnetism (Greek,)
;...310, mei-₁ 买变换
To change, go, move; with derivatives referring to the exchange of goods and services within a society as regulated by custom or law.
派生词包括: mad , molt , mutate , mistake , communism , amoeba , and migrate.
  1. ←from 拉丁语 meāre , to go, pass.
    meatus ; ( 35161 )
    congé 撤职 , ( x )
    irremeable x , ( x )
    permeate vt.渗透,透过;弥漫vi.弥漫;透入;散布[T8] , ( 12719 , mei₂ , _ )
  2. Suffixed o级形式 *moi-to- .
    1. ←from 古英语 *gemǣdan , to make insane or foolish, ←from 日耳曼语 *ga-maid-jan , denominative from *ga-maid-az , "changed (for the worse)," abnormal ( *ga- , intensive prefix; see kom );
      mad a.发疯的;狂热的,着迷的;恼火的,生气的 , ( 2634 , mei₂ , _ )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 mūtāre , to change;
      mew ①猫叫声②笼子,鹰笼 , ( 63973 , )
      molt 蜕羽,换毛 , ( 58032 , )
      mutate v.改变,(使)突变[T8] ; ( 20962 , _ , mut改变 )
      commute v.乘公交车上下班,乘车(船等)往返于两地 , ( 9048 , mei₂ , mut改变 )
      permute 交换 , ( x )
      remuda 备用马群 , ( x )
      transmute 使变化,变质,变形 , ( 63146 , )
      →[oew]→ transmigration 转生,转世。 ( 63144 )
    3. ←from 拉丁语 mūtuus , "done in exchange," borrowed, reciprocal, mutual.
      mutual a.相互的,彼此的;共同的,共有的 , ( 2912 , mei₂ , mut改变 )
      →[oew]→ mutation n.突变;变化;元音变化[T9]。 ( 9252 )
      →[oew]→ mutable 可变的,会变的。 ( 58266 )
  3. Suffixed 零级形式 *mi-tā- . ←from 拉丁语 sēmita , sidetrack, side path (< "thing going off to the side"; sē- , apart; see s(w)e- ).
    azimuth 方位角 , ( 51968 , )
    zenith n.顶点,顶峰,天顶,最高点 , ( 20485 , _ , _ )
  4. Suffixed 零级形式 *mi-tro- .
    1. ←from 梵语 mitraḥ , friend, friendship;
      Mitra 密特拉 , ( x )
    2. ←from Avestan and 古波斯 mithra- , contract. Bothaandb←from Indo-伊朗语 *mitra- , friend(ship), contract, god of the contract.
      Mithras 密特拉神 , ( x )
  5. Suffixed extended 零级形式 *mit-to- .
    1. ←from 古英语 mis- , mis-, and 古法语 mes- (from Frankish *miss- );
      mis- 坏的,错的,不好的 , ( 57925 , )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 mis(s) , mis(s)- , miss, mis-;
      amiss adj.有毛病的,出差错的 adv.错误的 , ( 13267 , _ , _ )
      mistake n.错误,过失,误解v.弄错;(for)把…误认为 , ( 1510 , mei₁ , _ )
      →[oew]→ mistrust n.|v.不信任,猜疑 ( 18042 )
      →[oew]→ mistrial 无效审判。 ( 57981 )
    3. ←from 古英语 missan , to miss, ←from 日耳曼语 *missjan , to go wrong.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *missa- , "in a changed manner," abnormally, wrongly.
      miss n.小姐v.思念,未击中,错过,漏掉,逃脱 , ( 779 , mei₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ missing a.漏掉的,失去的,失踪的。 ( 2861 )
  6. Suffixed o级形式 *moi-n- in compound adjective *ko-moin-i- , "held in common" ( *ko- , together; see kom ).
    1. ←from 古英语 gemǣne , common, public, general, ←from 日耳曼语 *gamainiz ;
      mean v.表示…的意思a.卑鄙的;平均的n.平均值 , ( 172 , medʰi , _ )
      demean vt.举止,贬低身份 , ( 22646 , ambʰi , _ )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 commūnis , common, public, general.
      common a.普通的;共同的;一般的;n.公有地 , ( 567 , mei₂ , _ )
      →[考研]→ commonplace n.寻常的事物adj.平凡的 ( 8989 )
      →[考研]→ commonwealth n.国民整体,共和国,联邦 ( 6895 )
      →[oew]→ Commons 0 ( 4705 )
      commune n.公社vi.谈心,亲密交谈;密切联系[T8] , ( 13551 , mei₂ , commun共同 )
      →[oew]→ Communist n.共产主义者,共产党员 adj.共产主义者的 ( 3400 )
      commune n.公社vi.谈心,亲密交谈;密切联系[T8] , ( 13551 , mei₂ , commun共同 )
      communicate v.传达,传送;交流;通讯,通话 , ( 2799 , mei₂ , commun共同 )
      →[考研]→ communication n.通讯,传达;(pl.)通讯系统;交通(工具)。 ( 1189 )
      →[考研]→ community n.同一地区的全体居民,社会,社区;共同体。 ( 302 )
      communism n.共产主义 ; ( 6761 , _ , commun共同 )
      excommunicate 革除教籍 , ( 54217 , )
      incommunicado 无接触,禁止接触 , ( 55931 , )
  7. Suffixed o级形式 *moi-n-es- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 mūnus , "service performed for the community," duty, work, "public spectacle paid for by a magistrate," gift;
      municipal 承担职责的,自治的adj.市政的,市的;地方自治的[T6] , ( 5088 , kap , mun服务 )
      munificent 慷慨的 , ( 58241 , )
      remunerate 付酬,支付报酬 , ( 60632 , )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 immūnis , exempt from public service ( in- , negative prefix; see ne ).
      immune a.免疫的,有免疫力的;有受影响的;豁免的 , ( 4543 , mei₂ , mun服务 )
      →[oew]→ immunity n.免疫力;豁免权;免除[T8]。 ( 7500 )
      →[oew]→ immunology 免疫学。 ( 55848 )
  8. Possibly 扩展形式: *(ᵊ)meigʷ- (but more likely a separate root).
    1. ←from 希腊语 ameibein , to change;
      amoeba 变形虫 , ( 51706 , )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 migrāre , to change one's place of living.
      migrate v.迁移,移居(国外) ; ( 8747 , mei₂ , migr迁移 )
      emigrate v.(反)immigrate;(to,from)自本国移居他 , ( 14131 , mei₂ , migr迁移 )
[Pokorny 2. mei-, 3. mei- 710, mei-gu̯- 713, 2. mei-t(h)- 715.]
immigrant a.(从国外)移来的,移民的n.移民,侨民 (Lat,102662)
immigration n.外来移民;移居[T3] (Lat,102838)
migration n.迁移;移民;移动[T8] (Lat,104499)
migrant adj.移居的,流浪的n.候鸟,移居者,随季节而迁移的人[T9] (Lat,106340)
emigration n.移民;移民出境;移居外国[T9] (Lat,111757)
migratory adj.迁移的,流浪的[T8] (Lat,116021)
immigrate v.(使)移居入境[T6] (Lat,117940)
emigrant adj.移民的,移居的n.移民,侨民[T9] (Lat,119154)
permeability n.渗透性,磁导率,可渗透性 (Lat,128005)
semipermeable adj.半透性的 (Lat,145854)
permeation n.渗入,透过 (Lat,148348)
impermeability n.不能透过的性质,不渗透性,不透性 (Lat,151480)
impermeable 不可渗透的 (Lat,155863)
permeable 可渗透的 (Lat,159372)
countermigration (Lat,)
immeability (Lat,)
interpermeate (Lat,)
meatal (Lat,)
migrational (Lat,)
nonmigratory (Lat,)
permeance (Lat,)
permeant (Lat,)
permease (Lat,)
remigrant (Lat,)
remigrate (Lat,)
remigration (Lat,)
suprameatal (Lat,)
transmigrant (Lat,)
transmigrate (Lat,)
transmigratory (Lat,)
émigré (Lat,)
;...311, mei-₂ 小没冇
派生词包括: menu , mince , minestrone , and minister.
  1. ←from 希腊语 meiōn , less, lesser, ←from extended variant *meiu- .
    meiofauna 较小型底栖生物 , ( x )
    meiosis 细胞的减数分裂 ; ( 57635 , )
    Miocene 中新世 , ( x )
  2. 零级 compounded 带后缀形式: *ne-mi-s (see ne ).
  3. Suffixed 零级形式 *mi-nu- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 minuere , to reduce, diminish;
      menu n.菜单 , ( 3310 , mei₁ , _ )
      mince vt.切碎;矫揉做作地说vi.装腔作势;碎步走n.切碎物,肉馅[T8] , ( 11037 , mei₁ , min迷你 )
      minuend 被减数 , ( x )
      minuet 小步舞曲 , ( 57915 , )
      minute n.分钟,片刻;(pl.)会议记录a.微小的 , ( 360 , mei₁ , min迷你 )
      minutiae 微小的细节 , ( 57917 , )
      comminute 粉碎 , ( x )
      diminish v.(使)减少,(使)变小[T6] , ( 5114 , _ , min迷你 )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 minor (influenced by the comparative suffix -or ), less, lesser, smaller;
      minor a.较小的,较小的n.兼修学科v.(in)兼修 , ( 2301 , mei₁ , min迷你 )
      minus a.负的,减的prep.减去n.负号,减号 ; ( 7018 , mei₁ , min迷你 )
      minuscule n.小写字;草写小字adj.极小的;用草写小字写的,等于miniscule[T8] , ( 17459 , mei₁ , min迷你 )
    3. further suffixed (superlative) form *minu-mo- . ←from 拉丁语 minimus , least;
      minim 二分音符 , ( 57900 , )
      minimum n.最小值,最低限度a.最小的,最低的 , ( 2599 , mei₁ , min迷你 )
      →[考研]→ minimize v.最小化[T6]。 ( 4635 )
      →[考研]→ minority n.少数,少数派,少数民族。 ( 1797 )
      →[oew]→ minimal a.最小的,最小限度的 ( 4529 )
      →[oew]→ miniature adj.微型的,小规模的 n.缩微图[T6]。 ( 6510 )
      →[oew]→ mini n.袖珍型的东西,微型汽车,微型电脑,迷你短裙 adj.袖珍的,微型的,(裙)超短的 ( 10464 )
      →[oew]→ minicab 须电话预订的出租洗车。 ( 57894 )
      →[oew]→ minion 走狗,宠儿,下属。 ( 57903 )
      →[oew]→ miniskirt 迷你裙。 ( 57905 )
    4. ←from 拉丁语 minister , an inferior, servant (formed after magister , master; see meg- );
      minestrone 意大利浓菜汤 , ( 57882 , )
      minister n.部长,大臣 , ( 787 , mei₁ , min迷你 )
      ministry n.(政府的)部;牧师 , ( 2804 , mei₁ , min迷你 )
      mystery n.神秘,神秘的事物;神秘小说,侦探小说 , ( 2585 , mei₁ , myst神秘 )
      →[考研]→ mysterious a.神秘的,可疑的,难理解的。 ( 4307 )
    5. ←from 俄语 men'she , less.
      Menshevik 孟什维克的 , ( x )
[Pokorny 5. mei- 711.]
administration n.经营,管理;行政,行政机关,管理部门 (Lat,100767)
administrative a.管理的,行政的 (Lat,102904)
administrator n.管理人;行政官[T9] (Lat,103039)
administer v.管理;执行;给予vi.给予帮助;执行遗产管理人的职责;担当管理人[T9] (Latin,104615)
ministerial adj.部长的;内阁的;公使的;牧师的[T9] (Lat,109586)
diminutive adj.小的,小型的,微小的n.爱称;指小词;身材极小的人[T8] (Lat,118614)
diminution n.减小,减少,缩减 (Lat,125108)
ministration n.帮助,服侍,服侍 (Latin,129420)
diminishment (Lat,131230)
minstrelsy n.吟游,游唱,吟游诗人 (Lat,149401)
diminuendo 渐弱 (Lat,153634)
minstrel 游方艺人 (Lat,157911)
maladministration (Latin,)
ministerialis (Latin,)
ministerium (Latin,)
ministrate (Latin,)
quasiminuscule (Latin,)
semiminor (Latin,)
administratrix (Lat,)
comminution (Lat,)
comminutor (Lat,)
maladminister (Lat,)
ministrant (Lat,)
ministrative (Lat,)
émincé (Lat,)
;...312, meigh- 小便
To urinate. 最初形式: *meig̑h- , becoming *meigh- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    1. ←from 古英语 mist , mist;
      mist n.薄雾,霭 , ( 5913 , meigh , _ )
    2. ←from 中古英语 misellen , to drizzle, ←from a source perhaps akin to 荷兰语 dialectal mieselen , to drizzle;
      mizzle 细雨 , ( x )
    3. ←from 古英语 mistel , mistletoe, ←from 日耳曼语 diminutive form *mihst-ila- , mistletoe (which is propagated through the droppings of the missel thrush).a-call ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *mih-stu- , urine, hence mist, fine rain.
      misselthrush 獬鸫鸫 , ( x )
      mistletoe 槲寄生 , ( 57979 , )
  1. 带后缀形式: *migh-tu- . ←from 拉丁语 micturīre , to want to urinate (desiderative of meiere , to urinate).
    micturate 排尿,小便 , ( 57786 , )
[Pokorny meig̑h- 713.]
;...313, meik- 迷糊混 , Also meig- .
To mix. 最初形式:s *meik̑-, *meig̑- , becoming *meik-, *meig- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
  1. 零级 变化形式*mig- . ←from 希腊语 mignunai , to mix, and noun mixis (< *mig-ti- ), a mingling.
    migmatite 混合岩 ; ( x )
    amphimixis 交配 , ( x )
    apomixis 无融合生殖 , ( x )
    panmixia 随机交配 , ( x )
  2. Suffixed 零级形式 *mik-sk- . ←from 拉丁语 miscēre (past participle mixtus ), to mix.
    meddle v.管闲事 , ( 21590 , meik , _ )
    medley n.混杂的人群,杂乱的一团,混合物,杂录,[音]集成曲 adj.混合的,拼凑的 , ( 17659 , meik , _ )
    mélange 文学作品的杂集 , ( x )
    melee n.混战,搏斗,格斗 , ( 24099 , _ , _ )
    mesclun 法国蔬菜沙拉 , ( 31856 )
    mestizo 混血儿 , ( 57709 , )
    miscellaneous adj.混杂的,各种各样的;多方面的,多才多艺的[T9] , ( 20031 , meik , mix混合 )
    miscible 可混杂的 , ( 57942 , )
    mix v.使混合;混淆 , ( 1923 , meik , mix混合 )
    →[考研]→ mixture n.混合;混合物,混合剂。 ( 2346 )
    mixure n.混合,混杂;混杂的事物[人群];混合(状态) , ( x )
    mustang 北美野马 ; ( 58265 , )
    admix 混合 , ( x )
    commix 混合 , ( x )
    immix 混合 , ( x )
    miscegenation 混种,混血儿 , ( 57938 , )
    pell-mell 匆忙,仓促 , ( 59292 , )
    promiscuous adj.混杂的 , ( 22084 , meik , mix混合 )
  3. Possibly 日耳曼语 *maisk- (phonological details unclear) ←from 古英语 *māsc , *mācs , māx- , mashed malt.
    mash v.捣碎 , ( 15860 , meigh , _ )
[Pokorny mei-k̑- 714.]
promiscuity n.混杂,混乱,(男女的)乱交 (Lat,124006)
admixture 混合 (Lat,151585)
immiscible 不相溶的 (Lat,155842)
intermix 混合 (Lat,156142)
miscellany 混合体 (Lat,157939)
remix 重新混合 (Lat,160625)
Métis (Lat,)
admixtion (Lat,)
commixture (Lat,)
immiscibility (Lat,)
immixture (Lat,)
intermixture (Lat,)
maslin (Lat,)
miscellanea (Lat,)
miscibility (Lat,)
permiscible (Lat,)
permix (Lat,)
permixtion (Lat,)
postmix (Lat,)
premix (Lat,)
;...314, mei-no- 意图悯
Opinion, intention.
  1. ←from 古英语 *mān , opinion, complaint, ←from 日耳曼语 *main- .
    moan n.呻吟声,悲叹声v.呻吟,抱怨,悲叹 , ( 9865 , meino , _ )
  2. ←from 古英语 mǣnan , to signify, tell, complain of, moan, ←from 日耳曼语 *mainjan .
    mean v.表示…的意思a.卑鄙的;平均的n.平均值 ; ( 172 , medʰi , _ )
    bemoan vt.哀叹 , ( 19759 , meino , _ )
[Pokorny mei-no- 714.]
;...315, mel-₁ 绵软滑
Soft; with derivatives referring to soft or softened materials of various kinds.
  1. 扩展形式: *meld- .
    1. ←from 古英语 meltan , to melt, ←from 日耳曼语 *meltan .
      melt v.(使)融化,(使)熔化 , ( 4370 , mel₁ , _ )
    2. Possibly 日耳曼语 *miltja- . ←from 古英语 milte , spleen, and 中古荷兰语 milte , milt.
      milt 米特 , ( x )
    3. Possibly 日耳曼语 *malta- . ←from 古英语 mealt , malt.
      malt n.麦芽 , ( 14210 , mel₅ , _ )
    4. Suffixed 变化形式*mled-sno- . ←from 希腊语 blennos , slime, also a name for the blenny.
      blenny 鲇鱼 , ( x )
    5. Suffixed 零级形式 *ml̥d-wi- . ←from 拉丁语 mollis , soft.
      moil 辛苦工作 , ( x )
      mojito 莫吉托 , ( x )
      mollify 使平静,抚慰 , ( 58028 , )
      mollusk 软体动物 , ( 25305 )
      mouillé x ; ( x )
      emollient 使缓和的 , ( 54040 , )
    6. Possibly nasalized 变化形式*mlad- . ←from 拉丁语 blandus , smooth, caressing, flattering, soft-spoken.
      bland a.温和的,乏味的.v.变得乏味 , ( 10632 , mel₁ , _ )
      blandish 谄媚 , ( x )
  2. 变化形式*smeld- .
    1. ←from 中古荷兰语 or Middle 低地德语 smelten , to smelt;
      smelt v.熔解,熔炼,闻,动词smell的过去式和过去分词 , ( 19594 , mel₁ , _ )
    2. ←from 高地德语 smalz , animal fat;
      schmaltz 感伤,伤感 , ( 61156 , )
    3. ←from 意大利语 smalto , enamel, glaze;
      smalt 深蓝色 , ( x )
    4. ←from 古法语 esmail , enamel.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *smelt- ;
      enamel n.珐琅,瓷釉 , ( 11691 , mel₁ , _ )
    5. ←from 古英语 smelt , smylt , a marine fish, smelt,
      smelt v.熔解,熔炼,闻,动词smell的过去式和过去分词 , ( 19594 , mel₁ , _ )
      perhaps ←from 日耳曼语 *smelt- .
  3. 扩展形式: *meldʰ- .
    1. ←from 古英语 milde , mild, ←from 日耳曼语 *mildja- .
      mild a.温和的,轻微的,味淡的,不含有害物质的的 , ( 4006 , mel₁ , _ )
    2. Possibly 希腊语 maltha , a mixture of wax and pitch
      maltha 软沥青 . ( x )
  4. 带后缀形式: *mel-sko- . ←from 古英语 mel(i)sc , mylsc , mild, mellow, ←from 日耳曼语 *mil-sk- .
    mulch n.覆盖,覆盖物 vt.覆盖树根 , ( 14268 , _ , _ )
  5. 扩展形式: *ml̥ᵊk- . ←from 希腊语 malakos , soft.
    bonanza n.走运,发财 , ( 14208 , deu , bon好的 )
    chondromalacia 软骨软化 , ( x )
    malacology 软体动物学 , ( x )
    osteomalacia 骨软化 , ( x )
  6. Possibly Celtic *molto- , sheep. ←from 古法语 moton , sheep.
    mutton n.羊肉,[谑]绵羊,[俚]女性生殖器,性交 , ( 29806 , mel₁ , _ )
  7. Possibly suffixed 零级形式 *(ᵊ)ml-u- . ←from 希腊语 amblus , blunt, dull, dim.
    amblygonite 磷铝石 , ( x )
    amblyopia 弱视 , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. mel- 716.]
mollusc 软体动物门 (Lat,158029)
emollience (Latin,)
mollescence (Latin,)
mollescent (Latin,)
mollification (Latin,)
mollient (Lat,)
mollitude (Lat,)
molluscicide (Lat,)
molluscivore (Lat,)
;...316, mel-₂ 强大
Strong, great.
  1. Suffixed (comparative) form *mel-yos- . ←from 拉丁语 melior , better.
    ameliorate vt.改善,改进.vi.变得更好 , ( 21888 , mel₂ , _ )
    meliorate 改善,改良,变好 , ( 57644 , )
    meliorism 社会向善论 , ( 57645 , )
  2. Suffixed 零级形式 *ml̥-to- . ←from 拉丁语 multus , much, many.
    molto , ( x )
    mucho 你不断地忙碌着, , ( x )
    multi- 许多,多个 , ( 58214 , )
    multitude n.多数,群众 , ( 8964 , mel₂ , _ )
[Pokorny 4. mel- 720.]
multiplicity n.多样性,多重性[T8] (Lat,113912)
amelioration n.改善,改进 (Latin,128712)
multiplex 多厅影院 (Lat,158228)
;...317, mel-₃ 霉烂坏
False, bad, wrong.
  1. ←from 拉丁语 malus , bad, and male , ill (> malignus , harmful).
    mal- 坏的,不良的,错误的 , ( 57361 , )
    malice n.怨恨,恶意,预谋[T6] , ( 13381 , melo , _ )
    malign 恶性的,恶意的,有害的,诽谤,中伤 ; ( 57373 , )
    dismal 坏日子:adj.忧郁,阴沉的,凄凉的n.低落的情绪[T8] , ( 10479 , dei , _ )
    malady n.疾病,弊病,腐败[T9] , ( 20150 , deu , _ )
    malaria 坏空气带来的病:n.疟疾;瘴气[T9] , ( 10332 , melo , _ )
    →[oew]→ maladroit 不灵巧的,笨拙的。 ( 57363 )
    →[oew]→ malapropism 近音词误用。 ( 57364 )
    maledict x , ( x )
    malefactor 作恶者 , ( 57371 , )
    malefic 有害的 , ( x )
    malentendu x , ( x )
    malevolence 恶意 , ( 30045 )
    malison 残酷的人 , ( x )
    malversation 贪污 , ( x )
  2. Perhaps suffixed 零级形式 *ml̥-s- . ←from 希腊语 blasphēmos , blasphemous,
    blame v.责备;怪,把…归咎于n.责任,过错;责备 , ( 1903 , bʰa₁ , _ )
    blaspheme 亵渎神灵 , ( 52220 , )
    perhaps from *ml̥s-bʰā-mo- , "speaking evil" ( *bʰā- , to speak; see bʰā-₂ ).
  3. 带后缀形式: *mel-yo- . ←from Avestan mairiia- , treacherous.
    markhor 捻角山羊 , ( x )
[Pokorny 2. mel- 719, mēlo- 724.]
;...318, melᵊ- 磨糜烂 , Also mel- .
To crush, grind; with derivatives referring to various ground or crumbling substances (such as flour) and to instruments for grinding or crushing (such as millstones). 最初形式: *melh₂- .
  1. o级形式 *mol- . ←from 中古荷兰语 malen , to whirl, ←from 日耳曼语 *mal- .
    maelstrom 大漩涡,混乱 , ( 57310 , )
  2. 全级形式 *mel- . ←from 古英语 melu , flour, meal, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *mel-wa- .
    meal n.膳食,一餐 , ( 1630 , me₄ , _ )
  3. 零级形式 *ml̥- . ←from 古英语 molde , soil, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *mul-dō .
    mold n.模子vt.浇铸,塑造 , ( 8610 , med , _ )
    molder 腐烂,腐朽 , ( 58022 , )
  4. 全级形式 *mel- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 molere , to grind (grain), and its derivative mola , a millstone, mill, coarse meal customarily sprinkled on sacrificial animals;
      meunière x , ( x )
      mill n.磨粉机,磨坊;作坊,工厂 , ( 3438 , mel₅ , _ )
      mola 翻车鱼 , ( 58021 , )
      molar adj.磨碎的,臼齿的,质量的,[化][物]摩尔的 n.臼齿,磨牙 , ( 18601 , mel₅ , _ )
      mole₄ n.鼹鼠;防波堤;痣;间谍 , ( x )
      moulin 冰川锅穴 ; ( x )
      emolument 酬金 , ( 54041 , )
      immolate 宰杀牲口献祭,烧死 , ( 55845 , )
      ormolu 仿金铜,铜锡合金 , ( 58865 , )
    2. possible 带后缀形式: *mel-iyo- . ←from 拉丁语 milium , millet.
      mealie 玉米 , ( 57588 , )
      miliary 粟粒状的 , ( x )
      milium 美丽姆 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ miller n.磨房主,面粉厂主,碾磨工,铣工,[昆]蛾 ( 7033 )
      millet 黍类,粟 ; ( 57841 , )
      gromwell 紫草属植物 , ( x )
  5. Suffixed 变化形式*mal-ni- . ←from 拉丁语 malleus , hammer, mallet.
    malleable a.有延展性的,可锻的 , ( 23279 , _ , _ )
    malleolus , ( 49620 )
    →[oew]→ mall n.购物商场,商业街,林荫路 ( 4110 )
    mallet n.槌棒 , ( 22111 , mat , _ )
    malleus 锤骨 , ( 31652 )
    maul 伤害,打伤,袭击,撕咬 ; ( 57567 , )
    pall-mall 蓓尔美尔街 , ( x )
  6. 零级形式 *ml̥- . ←from 希腊语 mulē , mulos , millstone, mill.
    amylum 淀粉 , ( x )
    mylonite 糜棱岩 , ( x )
  7. Possibly 扩展形式: *mlī- . ←from 古俄语 blinŭ , pancake.
    blini 小薄饼 , ( 37389 )
    blintz 一种薄饼卷 , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. mel- 716.]
demolition n.毁坏,毁坏之遗迹 (Lat,110423)
malleability n.有延展性,柔韧性,柔顺 (Lat,132213)
;...319, melg- 挤牛奶
To rub off; also to milk. 最初形式: *h₂melg̑- , becoming *h₂melg- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    1. 零级形式 *ml̥g- . ←from 拉丁语 mulgēre , to milk.
      emulsion 乳状液 , ( 54052 , )
    2. 全级形式 *melg- .
      1. ←from 古英语 meolc , milc ;
        milk n.牛奶;(植物流出的)白色乳液v.挤奶 , ( 1873 , melg , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 -milce , milch, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *meluk-ja- , giving milk;
        milch 产奶的 , ( x )
      3. ←from 高地德语 miluh , milk.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *melkan , to milk, contaminated with an unrelated noun for milk, cognate with the 希腊语 and 拉丁语 forms given inIIbelow, to form the blend *meluk- .
        milchig 乳制品的 , ( x )
  1. Included here to mark the unexplained fact that no common Indo-European noun for milk can be reconstructed is another root *g(a)lag- , *g(a)lakt- , milk, found only in the following:
    1. ←from 希腊语 gala (stem galakt- ), milk.
      galactic adj.银河的;乳汁的[T9] , ( 15458 , _ , _ )
      galacto- x , ( x )
      galaxy 乳汁(环):n.银河,银河系,星系[T8] ; ( 3656 , glact , _ )
      agalactia 无乳 , ( x )
      polygala 远志 , ( x )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 lac , milk.
      lactate 泌乳 , ( 56684 , )
      lactate 泌乳 , ( 56684 , )
      lacteal 乳状的 , ( x )
      lactescent x , ( x )
      lacto- , ( x )
      latte n.拿铁咖啡;(意大利语)牛奶 , ( 21354 , _ , _ )
      lettuce n.[植]莴苣,生菜,苦菜类,[俚]纸币 ; ( 7971 , glact , _ )
      arrozconleche 吃arroz反对全球 , ( x )
      dulcede leche 的牛奶 , ( x )
    3. The blended 日耳曼语 form cited inI. 2.above.
[Pokorny mē̆lg̑- 722, glag- 400.]
lactic adj.乳的 (Lat,126296)
lactation n.哺乳期 (Latin,126412)
lactase n.乳糖分解酵素 (Latin,142891)
lactose 乳糖 (Lat,156686)
ablactate (Latin,)
ablactation (Latin,)
lactary (Latin,)
lactational (Latin,)
lacteous (Latin,)
laitance (Latin,)
galactagogue (Greek,)
galactorrhea (Greek,)
polygalactia (Greek,)
;...320, melit- 蜜蜂
  1. ←from 希腊语 meli , honey.
    hydromel 蜂蜜酒 , ( x )
    marmalade 橘子酱 , ( 57481 , )
    melilot 草木犀属植物 , ( x )
    membrillo x , ( x )
    oenomel x , ( x )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 mel (stem mell- ), honey, ←from *meld- , syncopated from *melid- ;
      melliferous 甜的 , ( x )
      mellifluous 甜美流畅的 , ( 57646 , )
      molasses n.糖蜜,糖浆[T9] , ( 19035 , melit , _ )
    2. suffixed 零级形式 *ml̥d-to- , "honied. ←from 拉丁语 mulsus , honey-sweet.
      mousse n.一种多泡沫含奶油的甜点 , ( 19503 , _ , _ )
  2. ←from 古英语 mildēaw , honeydew, nectar, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *melith-dauwaz , honeydew (a substance secreted by aphids on leaves; it was formerly imagined to be distilled from the air like dew; *dauwaz , dew; see dʰeu- ₁), ←from *melith- .
    mildew n.霉,霉菌,(植物的)霉病 vi.发霉,生霉 vt.使发霉 , ( 22390 , mel₁ , _ )
[Pokorny meli-t 723.]
mellific (Latin,)
mellifluence (Latin,)
mellifluent (Latin,)
melliloquent (Latin,)
mellivorous (Latin,)
;...321, men-₁ 扪心想
To think; with derivatives referring to various qualities and states of mind and thought.
派生词包括: mind , mention , automatic , mania , money , monster , mosaic , music , and amnesia.
  1. 零级形式 *mn̥- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *mn̥-ti- .
      1. ←from 古英语 gemynd , memory, mind, ←from 日耳曼语 *ga-mundi- ( *ga- , collective prefix; see kom );
        mind n.精神,理智,意见,记忆力v.注意,介意,反对 , ( 383 , men₁ , ment心智 )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 mēns (stem ment- ), mind;
        mental a.精神的,思想的,心理的,智力的,脑力的 ; ( 1447 , men₁ , ment心智 )
        →[oew]→ mentality n.心态;智力;精神力;头脑作用[T9]。 ( 7995 )
        →[oew]→ Mensa 方桌,圣坛石顶板。 ( 57669 )
        amentia 白痴 , ( x )
        dement 疯狂的 , ( x )
      3. ←from 拉丁语 mentiō , remembrance, mention.
        mention v./n.提及,说起 , ( 1129 , men₁ , ment心智 )
    2. 带后缀形式: *mn̥-to- . ←from 希腊语 -matos , "willing.".
      automatic a.自动(装置)的;无意识的;n.自动机械 , ( 3536 , men₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ automation n.自动化;自动操作[T4]。 ( 11090 )
    3. 带后缀形式: *mn̥-yo- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 mainesthai , to be mad;
        maenad 暴怒的女人 , ( x )
      2. ←from Avestan mainiiuš , spirit.
        Ahriman 恶灵 , ( x )
      1. ←from 希腊语 maniā , madness;
        mania n.[医]颠狂,狂躁,癖好,狂热 , ( 16004 , men₁ , _ )
        maniac adj.发狂的,癫狂的,疯狂的 n.[医]燥狂(症)者,疯子,一种高速电子数字计 , ( 19216 , men₁ , _ )
        manic adj.[医]狂躁的 n.噪狂者 , ( 14179 , _ , _ )
      2. ←from 希腊语 -manēs , ardent admirer.
        balletomane 芭蕾舞迷 , ( x )
  2. 全级形式 *men- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *men-ti- .
      1. ←from 高地德语 minna , love;
        minnesinger 吟游诗人 , ( x )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 minne , love. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *minthjō .
        minikin 娇小的人 , ( x )
      1. ←from 拉丁语 reduplicated form meminisse , to remember;
        memento n.纪念品,引起回忆的东西[T8] , ( 17406 , men₁ , memor记忆 )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 comminīscī , to contrive by thought ( com- , intensive prefix; see kom );
        comment n.注释,评论,意见v.(on)注释,评论 , ( 1387 , _ , ment心智 )
      3. ←from 拉丁语 reminīscī , to recall, recollect ( re- , again, back; see re- );
        reminiscent adj.怀旧的,回忆往事的;耽于回想的n.回忆录作者;回忆者[T9] , ( 8168 , _ , ment心智 )
      4. possibly 拉丁语 Minerva , name of the goddess of wisdom
        Minerva 密涅瓦 . ( x )
      1. ←from 希腊语 Mentōr , Mentor, man's name (probably meaning "adviser");
        mentor 思考者:n.指导者,导师,良师益友,vt.指导[T8] , ( 6394 , men₁ , ment心智 )
      2. ←from 希腊语 mantis , seer (vocalism obscure).
        -mancy x , ( x )
        mantic 预言的 , ( x )
        mantis 螳螂 , ( 57446 , )
    2. ←from 梵语 mantraḥ , counsel, prayer, hymn.
      mandarin 中国古代官僚,大臣,普通话 , ( 57402 , )
      mantra n.颂歌,圣歌,咒语 , ( 13903 , men₁ , _ )
    3. 带后缀形式: men-es- . ←from 希腊语 menos , spirit.
      Eumenides 欧墨尼得斯 , ( x )
  3. o级形式 *mon- .
    1. Suffixed (causative) form *mon-eyo- . ←from 拉丁语 monēre , to remind, warn, advise.
      monish x , ( x )
      monition 忠告 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ monstrous adj.巨大的;怪异的;荒谬的;畸形的[T6]。 ( 11451 )
      →[oew]→ monomania 单狂,偏狂。 ( 58072 )
      →[oew]→ monstrosity 巨大而丑陋的建筑物。 ( 58090 )
      monitor n.班长;监听器,监视器v.监控,监测 , ( 2534 , men₁ , mon忠告 )
      →[考研]→ monetary adj.钱的,货币的,财政的[T8]。 ( 3835 )
      →[考研]→ money n.货币,钱。 ( 214 )
      monster n.怪物,妖怪,畸形的动植物 , ( 3988 , men₁ , monstr表示 )
      monument n.纪念碑,纪念馆,遗迹,不朽的业绩 , ( 4820 , men₁ , mon忠告 )
      muster n.集合,阅,样品,清单,一群 v.集合,召集,征召,鼓起(勇气等),集聚 ; ( 10214 , men₁ , _ )
      admonish vt.告诫,劝告[T8] , ( 16564 , men₁ , mon忠告 )
      demonstrate v.论证,证实;演示,说明 , ( 1618 , _ , monstr表示 )
      premonition 提前警告:n.征兆,预告[T8] , ( 22306 , men₁ , mon忠告 )
      summon 私底下提醒vt.召唤,召集,号召[T6] , ( 7128 , men₁ , mon忠告 )
    2. Suffixed o级形式 *mon-twa . ←from 希腊语 Mousa , a Muse.
      mosaic 缪斯的(作品):adj.摩西的;拼成的;嵌花式的n.马赛克;镶嵌;镶嵌细工[T8] , ( 8809 , _ , _ )
      Muse n.缪斯女神[T9] , ( 12384 , men₁ , _ )
      museum n.博物馆,展览馆 , ( 1414 , men₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ musical a.音乐的;有音乐才能的 n.音乐片。 ( 2159 )
      →[考研]→ musician n.音乐家,乐师。 ( 3555 )
      →[oew]→ muse n.缪斯女神[T9]。 ( 12384 )
      music n.音乐,乐曲,乐谱 , ( 405 , men₁ , _ )
  4. 扩展形式: *mnā- , 缩减自: *mnaᵊ- .
    1. ←from 希腊语 reduplicated form mimnēskein , to remember.
      amnesia n.失忆症[T8] , ( 19465 , men₁ , _ )
      amnesty 不记得:n.大赦,特赦vt.对……进行大赦[T8] , ( 7824 , men₁ , _ )
      anamnesis 既往症 , ( x )
    2. ←from 希腊语 mnēmōn , mindful.
      mnemonic 助记的,助记符号 , ( 57990 , )
    3. ←from 希腊语 mnēmē , memory.
      Mnemosyne 摩涅莫辛涅 , ( x )
  5. Indo-European verb phrase *mens dʰē- , "to set mind" ( *dʰē- , to put; see dʰē- ) underlying compound noun *mn̥s-dʰē- . ←from Avestan mazdā- , wise.
    AhuraMazda 阿胡玛兹达 , ( x )
    Mazdaism 拜火教信仰者 , ( x )
    Ormazd 善神 , ( x )
[Pokorny 3. men- 726, mendʰ- 730.]
demonstration n.示范;证明;示威游行[T9] (Lat,103411)
commentary n.评论;注释;评注;说明[T8] (Lat,105671)
dementia n.痴呆症[T9] (Lat,109557)
monumental adj.不朽的;纪念碑的;非常的[T8] (Lat,109657)
demonstrator n.示威者;论证者;指示者;证明者[T9] (Lat,111411)
reminisce vt.追忆说vi.回忆[T8] (Latin,118045)
admonition n.警告,告诫[T9] (Lat,118199)
reminiscence n.回忆;怀旧;引起联想的相似事物[T9] (Latin,121990)
demonstrable adj.可表明的,可论证的 (Lat,126085)
demonstrative adj.公开表露感情的,感情外露的,<正式>表明… n.指示词 (Lat,127295)
admonishment n.警告 (Latin,130844)
monstrance n.圣体匣,圣物盒 (Latin,142231)
admonitory adj.劝告的,训诫的,轻责的 (Lat,144569)
premonitory adj.有预兆的 (Latin,144804)
remonstrance 抱怨,抗议 (Latin,160626)
remonstrate 抱怨,抗议 (Lat,160627)
Premonstratensian (Latin,)
admonitor (Latin,)
counterdemonstration (Latin,)
counterdemonstrator (Latin,)
indemonstrable (Latin,)
monstration (Latin,)
premonstrant (Latin,)
premonstrate (Latin,)
premonstration (Latin,)
premonstrator (Latin,)
resummon (Latin,)
demonstrant (Lat,)
demonstratory (Lat,)
monitory (Lat,)
remonstrant (Lat,)
remonstration (Lat,)
remonstrative (Lat,)
pyromaniac n.放火狂 adj.放火狂的 (Greek,149201)
hypomania 轻度躁狂症 (Greek,155761)
kleptomania 偷盗癖 (Greek,156601)
megalomania 自大狂 (Greek,157625)
pyromania 纵火狂 (Greek,160272)
Mneme (Greek,)
anamnestic (Greek,)
dysmnesia (Greek,)
hypermania (Greek,)
;...322, men-₂ 突出山
To project.
派生词包括: mouth , menace , and mountain.
  1. Suffixed 零级形式 *mn̥-to- in a western Indo-European word for a projecting body part, variously "chin, jaw, mouth."
    1. ←from 古英语 mūth , mouth, ←from 日耳曼语 *munthaz ;
      mouth n.口,嘴 , ( 961 , akua , _ )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 mentum , chin.
      mental a.精神的,思想的,心理的,智力的,脑力的 , ( 1447 , men₁ , AHD5错men1 )
  2. ←from 拉丁语 minae , projecting points, threats.
    menace n.v.威胁,恐吓[T6] , ( 9643 , men₂ , _ )
    minacious 威吓的 ; ( x )
    amenable 能被驱赶的adj.顺从的,易驾驭的,有责任的,经得起考验的[T8] , ( 14087 , men₂ , _ )
    demean vt.举止,贬低身份 , ( 22646 , ambʰi , _ )
    promenade 驱赶(牲畜)往前走:n.散步,骑马v.散步,游行展示[T8] , ( 13415 , _ , _ )
  3. ←from 拉丁语 -minēre , to project, jut, threaten.
    eminent adj.杰出的;有名的;明显的[T8] , ( 10437 , men₂ , min突出 )
    imminent 伸到近前:adj.即将来临的;迫近的[T8] , ( 7202 , men₂ , min突出 )
    prominent a.突起的,凸出的;突出的,杰出的 , ( 2980 , men₂ , min突出 )
    promontory 岬角 , ( 60096 , )
  4. Suffixed o级形式 *mon-ti- . ←from 拉丁语 mōns (stem mont- ), mountain.
    mons n.隆凸,隆起,阜 , ( x )
    Montagnard 山地居民 , ( x )
    montane 山地的,山的 , ( 58091 , )
    →[oew]→ montage a mounting : n.蒙太奇(电影的基本结构手段和叙事方式) ;剪辑;混合画,拼集的照片[T8]。 ( 19919 )
    monte n.始于西班牙的纸牌赌博游戏 , ( 11940 )
    monticule 小山 , ( x )
    mount v.登上;安装n.支架,底板;(用于山名前)山峰 , ( 3315 , men₂ , mount山上 )
    mount v.登上;安装n.支架,底板;(用于山名前)山峰 , ( 3315 , men₂ , mount山上 )
    mountain n.山 ; ( 1328 , men₂ , mount山上 )
    amount n.总数,数量;数额v.共计;等同,接近(to) , ( 667 , men₂ , mount山上 )
    ultramontane 山那边的人 , ( x )
[Pokorny 1. men- 726, 2. menth- 732.]
prominence n.突出;显著;突出物;卓越[T9] (Latin,108691)
paramount 往上越过adj.最重要的,主要的;至高无上的n.最高统治者[T8] (Latin,109572)
demeanor n.<正>行为,举止,态度 (Latin,112216)
mountainous adj.多山的;巨大的;山一般的[T3] (Latin,113360)
dismount n.下车,下马v.(使)下车,(使)下马[T9] (Lat,118878)
tantamount a.同等的,相当于 (Latin,119754)
insurmountable a.不能克服的,不能超越的 (Latin,120642)
surmount vt.克服,越过;战胜[T8] (Lat,121342)
mountaineer n.登山者,登山运动员 (Latin,121898)
preeminence n.卓越,杰出 (Latin,124298)
imminence n.急迫,危急,迫近的危险(或祸患) (Latin,132765)
surmountable adj.可战胜的,可克服的 (Latin,143944)
preeminent adj.卓越的,杰出的,超群的 adv.卓越地,杰出地,超群地 (Latin,144211)
eminence 显赫 (Latin,154036)
remount 再次骑上,重新开始 (Latin,160631)
Belmont (Latin,)
Montana (Latin,)
Vermont (Latin,)
intermontane (Latin,)
montan (Latin,)
montant (Latin,)
nonremontant (Latin,)
remontancy (Latin,)
remontant (Latin,)
remontoire (Latin,)
supereminence (Latin,)
supereminent (Latin,)
tramontana (Latin,)
cismontane (Lat,)
monticello (Lat,)
montiform (Lat,)
montigenous (Lat,)
piedmont (Lat,)
submontane (Lat,)
tramontane (Lat,)
transmontane (Lat,)
ultramontanism (Lat,)
;...323, men-₃ 维持
To remain. Variant suffixed (stative) form *man-ē- .

manor 逗留之地:n.庄园;领地;采邑,采地[T9] , ( 7052 , men₄ , man居住 )
manse 牧师住宅 , ( 57442 , )
mansion n.大厦;宅邸[T6] , ( 5696 , men₄ , man居住 )
ménage 家务 ; ( x )
immanent 内在的 , ( 55838 , )
permanent a.永久的,持久的 , ( 2197 , peril , man居住 )
remain v.剩下,余留;留待,尚须;仍然是,依旧是 , ( 498 , _ , man居住 )
→[考研]→ remainder n.余数,残余;剩余物;其余的人 adj.剩余的;吃剩的[T6]。 ( 5613 )
→[考研]→ remains n. 残余;遗骸[T4]。 ( 2141 ) ←from 拉丁语 manēre , to remain.
[Pokorny 5. men- 729.]
remnant adj.剩余的n.剩余[T8] (Lat,108922)
permanence n.持久;永久[T8] (Lat,119269)
menial 家里的(奴仆):adj.卑微的;仆人的;适合仆人做的n.仆人;住家佣工;下贱的人[T8] (Lat,123665)
immanence n.天生,固有 (Lat,130636)
impermanence n.暂时,无常 (Lat,131118)
impermanent 非永久的 (Lat,155862)
maisonette 两层独立公寓 (Lat,157353)
manorial 庄园的 (Lat,157439)
menagerie 小动物园,私人野生动物园 (Lat,157658)
meiny (Lat,)
messuage (Lat,)
nonpermanence (Lat,)
nonpermanent (Lat,)
quasipermanent (Lat,)
remanence (Lat,)
remanent (Lat,)
semipermanent (Lat,)
;...324, men-₄ 孤小
Small, isolated.
  1. ←from 希腊语 manos , rare, sparse.
    manometer 压力计 , ( x )
  2. Suffixed o级形式 *mon-wo- . ←from 希腊语 monos , alone, single, sole.
    monad 单子(不可分割的实体) , ( 58038 , )
    →[oew]→ monkey n.猴子。 ( 5156 )
    →[oew]→ monarchy n.君主政体;君主国;君主政治[T8]。 ( 7744 )
    →[oew]→ monotonous adj.单调的,无抑扬顿挫的;无变化的[T8]。 ( 15280 )
    →[oew]→ monologue n.独白,等于 monology[T8]。 ( 14262 )
    →[oew]→ monogamous adj.一夫一妻的;单配的[T9]。 ( 22966 )
    →[oew]→ monism 一元论。 ( 58055 )
    →[oew]→ monosyllable 单音节。 ( 58080 )
    monastery n.修道院,僧侣 , ( 8228 , men₃ , mon单独 )
    monk n.修道士,僧侣 , ( 6953 , men₃ , mon单独 )
    mono- L. mono-,来自G. mono-,来自monos, alone, ; ( x )
    pseudomonad 假单胞菌 , ( x )
  3. Possibly also 带后缀形式: *men-i- , a small fish. ←from 中古英语 meneu , a small fish, ←from a source akin to 古英语 myne , mynwe , minnow.
    minnow n.鲤科小鱼 , ( 18165 , men₃ , _ )
[Pokorny 4. men- 728, meni- 731.]
monopoly n.垄断(者) (Greek,104977)
monastic n.僧侣,修道士 adj.庙宇的 (Greek,112805)
monolith n.整块石料;单成岩;庞然大物[T9] (Greek,123615)
monopsony n.买主垄断,买主独家垄断 (Greek,143930)
monasticism 僧侣生活 (Greek,158042)
monotone 单一声调,单调 (Greek,158082)
monachism (Greek,)
monadic (Greek,)
monatomic (Greek,)
monist (Greek,)
monoid (Greek,)
monometer (Greek,)
monopod (Greek,)
;...325, mendʰ- 想数学
To learn. 零级形式 *mn̥dʰ- .

mathematical a.数学的;数学上的 , ( 5770 , men₁ , _ )
mathematics n.数学 ; ( 3772 , men₁ , _ )
chrestomathy 读本 , ( x )
polymath 博学家 , ( 59785 , ) ←from 希腊语 manthanein (aorist stem math- ), to learn.
[Pokorny mendʰ- 730.]
;...326, menegh-

many a.许多的,多的pron.许多人或物,许多 , ( 99 , menegh , _ )
→[oew]→ manifold 许多倍。 ( 57426 ) ←from 古英语 manig , mænig , many, ←from 日耳曼语 *managa- .
[Pokorny men(e)gh- 730.]
;...327, mer- 磨抹杀
To rub away, harm.
派生词包括: nightmare , morsel , morbid , mortal , mortgage , and ambrosia.
    1. ←from 古英语 mare , mære , goblin, incubus, ←from 日耳曼语 *marōn- , goblin.
      nightmare n.恶梦;可怕的事物,无法摆脱的恐惧 , ( 3981 , mer₂ , _ )
    2. ←from 希腊语 marainein , to waste away, wither.
      marasmus 消瘦症 ; ( x )
      →[oew]→ mar n.污点,瑕疵.vt.破坏. ( 11292 )
      amaranth 苋属植物 , ( 29522 )
    3. Perhaps suffixed o级形式 *mor-i- in 古爱尔兰 fomoire , fomoir , Fomorian,
      perhaps from earlier *wo-mor-i- , sinister supernatural being ( *wo- under; < *upo- ; see upo ):
      Fomorian x . ( x )
  1. o级形式 *mr̥-to- , "ground down.
    mortar n.灰泥,迫击炮.vt.用灰泥结合 , ( 8811 , mer₂ , _ )
  2. Possibly extended root *merd- . ←from 拉丁语 mordēre , to bite.
    mordacious 咬痛的,锐利的,刻薄的 , ( 58121 , )
    mordant 讽刺的 , ( 58122 , )
    mordent 波音 , ( x )
    morsel n.一口,少量(食物)[T8] ; ( 20081 , mer₂ , mord咬 )
    premorse x , ( x )
    remorse biteback:n.懊悔;同情[T8] , ( 14415 , mer₂ , mord咬 )
  3. Possibly 带后缀形式: *mor-bʰo- . ←from 拉丁语 morbus , disease (but this is more likely of unknown origin).
    morbid adj.病态的,有病的,由病引起的[T8] , ( 20258 , mer₂ , mort死 )
    →[oew]→ mortician 殡葬业从业者。 ( 58142 )
  • Possibly the same root is *mer- , "to die," with derivatives referring to death and to human beings as subject to death.
    1. 零级形式 *mr̥- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *mr̥-tro- . ←from 古英语 morthor , murder, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *mur-thra- ;
        murder v./n.谋杀,凶杀 , ( 1413 , mer₂ , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *mr̥-ti- . ←from 拉丁语 mors (stem mort- ), death;
        mort 莫特 , ( x )
        mortal adj.总有一死的,凡人的n.凡人[T4] ; ( 10377 , _ , mort死 )
        amortize 分期偿还 , ( 51708 , )
        mortify 杀死(肉欲):v.禁欲,苦修;使屈辱[T8] , ( 22952 , mer₂ , mort死 )
        postmortem 后期 , ( x )
      3. 带后缀形式: *mr̥-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 morī , to die, with irregular past participle mortuus (< *mr̥-two- ), replacing older *mr̥-to- (for which seed);
        moribund 垂死的,行将灭亡的 , ( 58127 , )
        mortgage 以父亲之死(后遗产)为抵押的贷款:n.vt.抵押,按揭。源自贵族子弟以父亲死后可继承的爵位和财富为抵押获得贷款的做法。 , ( 3006 , mer₂ , mort死 )
        mortmain 永久营业 , ( x )
        mortuary n.太平间,停尸房,死的[T8] , ( 22859 , mer₂ , mort死 )
        murrain 瘟疫 , ( x )
      4. prefixed and 带后缀形式: *n̥-mr̥-to- , "undying, immortal." *n̥- , negative prefix; see ne )
        1. ←from 拉丁语 immortālis ;
          immortal adj.不朽的,长生的,神仙的n.神仙,不朽人物[T6] , ( 12551 , ne , mort死 )
        2. ←from 希腊语 ambrotos , immortal, divine( a- + -mbrotos , brotos , mortal);
          ambrosia 仙肴 , ( 51695 , )
        3. ←from 梵语 amṛtam , immortality ( a- + mṛta- , dead).
          amrita 仙露 , ( x )
    2. Suffixed o级形式 *mor-t-yo- . ←from 希腊语 mantikhōras (corrupted from marti(o)khōras ), manticore, probably from 伊朗语 compound *martiya-khvāra- , "man-eater" ( *khvāra- , eating; see swel- ), ←from 古波斯 martiya- , a mortal man.
      manticore 怪兽 , ( x )
  • [Pokorny 4. mer-, 5. mer- 735.]
    mortality n.死亡数,死亡率;必死性,必死的命运[T8] (Lat,103972)
    morbidity n.发病率;病态;不健全[T9] (Lat,113242)
    morgue n.太平间,停尸房 (Lat,115916)
    immortality n.不朽;不朽的声名;不灭[T9] (Lat,116907)
    mortification n.屈辱,羞愧,失面子,<宗>禁欲 (Latin,129924)
    antemortem (Latin,)
    mordacity (Latin,)
    mordancy (Latin,)
    mordente (Latin,)
    mordicancy (Latin,)
    mordicant (Latin,)
    mordication (Latin,)
    mordicative (Latin,)
    morsitation (Latin,)
    mortiferous (Latin,)
    rigor mortis (Lat,)
    ;...328, merg- 码边
    Boundary, border. 最初形式: *merg̑- , becoming *merg- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    派生词包括: marquee , demarcation , and margin.
      1. ←from 古英语 mearc , boundary, landmark, sign, trace;
        mark n.痕迹;记号;分数v.标记,打分,使有特色 , ( 829 , mavors , mark记号 )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 marc , border;
        margrave 侯爵 , ( x )
      3. ←from 古法语 marc , marche , border country;
        march n.三月(略作Mar.) , ( 1278 , mavors , _ )
        →[考研]→ March n.三月(略作 Mar.)。 ( 1278 )
        marquee n.大帐篷,华盖 n.[计]选取框 , ( 17066 , merk , _ )
        marquis n.(英国等的)侯爵 , ( 19104 , merk , _ )
        marquise 侯爵夫人 , ( 57489 , )
      4. ←from 中世拉丁 marca , boundary, border;
        marchese x , ( 33876 )
        marchioness 女侯爵,侯爵夫人 , ( 57457 , )
        →[oew]→ marque 知名品牌,捕拿特许。 ( 57486 )
      5. ←from Old 意大利语 marcare , to mark out;
        demarcation 界定 , ( 23669 )
      6. ←from 古英语 marc , a mark of weight or money;
        mark n.痕迹;记号;分数v.标记,打分,使有特色 , ( 829 , mavors , mark记号 )
      7. ←from Swedish mark , a mark of money;
        markka 芬兰的货币单位 , ( x )
      8. ←from Middle High German marke , mark of money.a-hall ←from 日耳曼语 ←from 古挪威语 merki , a mark, ←from 日耳曼语 *markja- , mark, border.
        marka 马尔卡的 , ( x ) a-h all from Germanic *mark-, boundary, border territory;
        also to mark out a boundary by walking around it (ceremonially "beating the bounds");
        also a landmark, boundary marker, and a mark in general (and in particular a mark on a metal currency bar, hence a unit of currency);
        these various meanings are widely represented in Germanic descendants and in Romance borrowings.
        lettersofmarque 字母的品牌 , ( x )
        marquetry 镶嵌细工,镶嵌艺术 ; ( 57488 , )
        remark n.(about,on)评语,意见v.(on)评论;注意到 , ( 3622 , merk , mark记号 )
        →[考研]→ remarkable a.值得注意的;显著的,异常的,非凡的。 ( 2546 )
      9. ←from Frankish *markōn , to mark out, ←from 日耳曼语 denominative verb *markōn .
        marc 葡萄果渣 , ( 57456 , )
        march n.三月(略作Mar.) , ( 1278 , mavors , _ )
      10. ←from 拉丁语 margō , border, edge.
        margin n.页边空白;边缘;余地;幅度 ; ( 3610 , merk , _ )
        →[考研]→ marginal a.记在页边的,旁注的;(意识)边缘的。 ( 4754 )
        emarginate 顶端微凹的 , ( x )
      11. Celtic 变化形式*mrog- , territory, land. ←from 威尔士 Cymro , Wales, ←from British Celtic *kom-brogos , fellow countryman ( *kom- , collective prefix; see kom ), ←from *brogos , district.
        Cymry 威尔士人 , ( x )
    [Pokorny mereg̑- 738.]
    ;...329, meuᵊ- 哞推动
    To push away.

    mob n.暴民.vt.成群围住,聚众袭击 , ( 6556 , meu₂ , mov移动 )
    →[考研]→ mobilize v.动员,调动,组织,使运动[T6]。 ( 8489 )
    mobile a.可动的,活动的,运动的 , ( 4391 , meu₂ , mov移动 )
    moment n.片刻,瞬间,时刻 , ( 356 , meu₂ , mov移动 )
    →[考研]→ motel n.汽车旅馆 ( 6972 )
    →[考研]→ motivate vt.促动;激励,鼓励,作为…的动机。 ( 4352 )
    →[考研]→ movie n.电影,电影院。 ( 789 )
    momentous adj.重要的;重大的[T6] , ( 13482 , meu₂ , mov移动 )
    momentum n.势头;[物]动量;动力;冲力[T8] , ( 4944 , meu₂ , mov移动 )
    mosso 快速的 , ( x )
    motif n.主题;动机;主旨;图形;意念[T8] , ( 6658 , meu₂ , mov移动 )
    motion n.运动,动;提议,动议v.提议,动议 , ( 1824 , meu₂ , mov移动 )
    motive n.动机,目的a.发动的,运动的 , ( 4131 , meu₂ , mov移动 )
    motor n.发动机,电动机 , ( 2456 , meu₂ , mov移动 )
    move v.移动,迁移;活动;感动n.移动,活动,行动 , ( 242 , meu₂ , mov移动 )
    movement n.运动,活动;移动,迁移 ; ( 674 , meu₂ , mov移动 )
    commotion 全都在动:n.骚动,暴乱[T8] , ( 15337 , meu₂ , mov移动 )
    emotion n.情绪,情感,感情 , ( 2454 , meu₂ , mov移动 )
    promote v.促进,发扬;提升,提拔;增进,助长 , ( 1392 , meu₂ , mov移动 )
    remote a.远的,遥远的,疏远的,偏僻的,细微的 , ( 2686 , meu₂ , mov移动 )
    remove v.移动,脱掉,调动,免职 , ( 1056 , _ , mov移动 )
    →[考研]→ removal n.移动,迁居;除去。 ( 4194 )
    [Pokorny 2. meu̯- 743.]
    emotional adj.情绪的,情感的 (Lat,101685)
    mutual a.相互的,彼此的;共同的,共有的 (Latin,102912)
    promotion n.提升,晋升,促进,推销,促销[T6] (Lat,103122)
    motivation n.动机;积极性;推动[T4] (Latin,103278)
    mobility n.移动性;机动性;迁移率[T8] (Latin,105137)
    commute v.乘公交车上下班,乘车(船等)往返于两地 (Latin,109048)
    mutation n.突变;变化;元音变化[T9] (Latin,109252)
    locomotive adj.运动的,移动的,机车的n.机车,火车头[T8] (Lat,109381)
    promotional adj.增进的,奖励的 (Lat,109869)
    motivational adj.动机的,动力的 (Latin,112289)
    momentary adj.瞬间的;短暂的;随时会发生的[T6] (Latin,112662)
    emotive a.感情的,引起强烈感情的 (Lat,118681)
    motivator n.动力;激励因素[T9] (Latin,119687)
    mutiny n.兵变,反抗 v.叛变,造反,兵变 (Latin,120411)
    mutate v.改变,(使)突变[T8] (Latin,120962)
    immobile adj.固定的,稳定的,不变的[T9] (Latin,121201)
    demote vt.使降职,使降级[T8] (Lat,123055)
    immutable adj.不变的,不可变的[T9] (Latin,123857)
    mutuality n.相互关系,相关 (Latin,126325)
    demotion n.降级 (Lat,127141)
    transmutation n.变形,变化 (Latin,131175)
    mutability n.易变性,性情不定,突变性,易弯性 (Latin,135216)
    motility n.运动性,自动力,机动性 (Lat,136366)
    pari-mutuel n.赛马赌博的彩金,赛马赌金计算器 (Latin,140153)
    motile adj.能动的,显示活力的 n.运动型 (Lat,141914)
    countermove n.反向运动,对抗手段 (Latin,142737)
    commutation 减刑,代偿 (Latin,153022)
    commutative 交换的 (Latin,153023)
    locomotion 移动,运动 (Lat,157092)
    molt 蜕羽,换毛 (Latin,158032)
    moult 蜕羽,换毛 (Latin,158167)
    mutable 可变的,会变的 (Latin,158266)
    mutineer 暴乱者,叛变者 (Latin,158269)
    mutinous 暴乱的,叛变的 (Latin,158270)
    permutation 置换,排列组合 (Latin,159373)
    transmute 使变化,变质,变形 (Latin,163146)
    amotion (Latin,)
    amove (Latin,)
    bimotor (Latin,)
    cocommutator (Latin,)
    commutable (Latin,)
    commutativity (Latin,)
    commutator (Latin,)
    countermotion (Latin,)
    countermovement (Latin,)
    emotivity (Latin,)
    emove (Latin,)
    equimomental (Latin,)
    immutation (Latin,)
    immute (Latin,)
    incommutable (Latin,)
    momental (Latin,)
    momentaneous (Latin,)
    motation (Latin,)
    motional (Latin,)
    movant (Latin,)
    movent (Latin,)
    noncommutative (Latin,)
    noncommutativity (Latin,)
    nonmotile (Latin,)
    nonmotility (Latin,)
    nonmutual (Latin,)
    permutable (Latin,)
    permutate (Latin,)
    permutational (Latin,)
    permute (Latin,)
    promotive (Latin,)
    promove (Latin,)
    subpermutation (Latin,)
    transmove (Latin,)
    transmutable (Latin,)
    transmutate (Latin,)
    transmutual (Latin,)
    trimotor (Latin,)
    admove (Lat,)
    commove (Lat,)
    promotor (Lat,)
    remotion (Lat,)
    ;...330, mizdʰo- 报酬

    meed 报酬 , ( x )
    [Pokorny mizdʰó- 746.]
    ;...331, mori- 墨绿水
    Body of water; lake (?), sea (?).
      1. ←from 古英语 mere , sea, lake, pond;
        mere a.纯粹的;仅仅,只不过 ; ( 2526 , mer₁ , _ )
        →[考研]→ merely adv.仅仅,只不过。 ( 1614 )
        mermaid n.美人鱼[T8] , ( 22140 , mori , _ )
        →[oew]→ Merlin 0 ( 21087 )
      2. ←from a Scandinavian source akin to 古挪威语 marr , sea;
        marramgrass 滩草,沙茅草 , ( 57490 , )
      3. ←from 高地德语 mari , sea;
        meerschaum 海泡石烟斗 , ( 48363 )
      4. ←from 中古荷兰语 meer , sea.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *mari- .
        meerkat 灰沼狸 , ( 57616 , )
      1. ←from 古英语 mersc , merisc , marsh;
        marsh n.湿地,沼泽 , ( 6781 , _ , _ )
      2. ←from 古法语 maresc , mareis , marsh. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *mariska- , water-logged land.
        morass 沼泽,困境 , ( 58119 , )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 mare , sea.
      maar 低平火山口 , ( x )
      mare n.母马,母驴,月球或火星等表面阴暗区 , ( 10441 , marko , _ )
      marinara 海员式沙司 , ( 25377 )
      marine a.海的,海生的;船舶的,航海的 , ( 4248 , mori , mari海 )
      →[oew]→ marinade n.腌泡汁 vt.腌泡 ( 15937 )
      →[oew]→ mariner 水手。 ( 57468 )
      maritime 靠近海的:adj.海的,海事的,沿海的[T8] ; ( 9307 , mori , mari海 )
      bêche-de-mer 海参 , ( x )
      cormorant 鸬鹚 , ( 53145 , )
      mariculture 海水养殖 , ( 57466 , )
      ormer 鲍鱼 , ( x )
      ultramarine 群青色 , ( 63371 , )
    [Pokorny mori 748.]
    submarine adj.海底的,海水下面的n.潜水艇,海底生物[T4] (Lat,107715)
    marina n.散步道,码头 (Latin,116614)
    marinate v.腌,用盐水浸泡[T9] (Lat,117094)
    marination (Latin,)
    ;...332, mregh-u- 截短
    Short. 最初形式: *mreg̑h-u- , becoming *mregh-u- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    1. 带后缀形式: *mregh-wi- . ←from 拉丁语 brevis , short.
      brief a.简短的,简洁的v.简短介绍,简要汇报 , ( 1864 , braghu , brev短 )
      →[考研]→ briefcase n.手提箱,公事皮包。 ( 8633 )
      brumal 冬天的 ; ( x )
      abbreviate 缩短 , ( 51519 , )
      abridge 删节 , ( 51534 , )
    2. 零级形式 *mr̥ghu- .
        1. ←from 古英语 myrge , mirige , pleasant;
          merry a.欢乐的,愉快的 , ( 7990 , braghu , _ )
          →[oew]→ merriment 高兴。 ( 57698 )
        2. ←from 古英语 myrgth , pleasure, joy, ←from 日耳曼语 *murgithō , pleasantness. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *murgja- , short, also pleasant, joyful.
          mirth 欢乐,欢笑 , ( 57923 , )
      1. ←from 希腊语 brakhus , short.
        brachy- ; ( x )
        amphibrach 短长短格 , ( x )
        tribrach 三臂动物 , ( x )
      2. ←from 希腊语 comparative brakhiōn , shorter, hence also "upper arm" (as opposed to the longer forearm).
        brace v.支撑,激励,振作n.支柱,曲柄,大括号[T6] , ( 8273 , braghu , _ )
        →[oew]→ bracelet n.手镯[T8]。 ( 10424 )
        bracero x , ( 29777 )
        brachium , ( x )
        brassard 臂章 , ( x )
        brassiere 胸罩 , ( 52367 , )
        pretzel n.一种脆饼干,[美俚][音] 法国号 ; ( 20305 , braghu , _ )
        abrachia 无臂畸形 , ( x )
        embrace v.拥抱;包含;包围;环绕;采用;接受 , ( 3141 , _ , _ )
    [Pokorny mreg̑hu- 750.]
    abbreviation n.省略,缩写,简化,缩写词,略语,数学约分,音乐略号 (Lat,123758)
    brevet n.名誉晋升 v.予以名誉晋升 (Lat,147419)
    breve 二全音符 (Lat,152376)
    brevity 简短 (Lat,152377)
    debrief 正式询问,盘问 (Lat,153422)
    brevextensor (Latin,)
    brevicaudate (Latin,)
    braces (Lat,)
    breviary (Lat,)
    brachistochrone (Greek,)
    brachycephaly (Greek,)
    brachydactyly (Greek,)
    brachyury (Greek,)
    dibrach (Greek,)
    ;...333, mūs- 肌肉鼠
    A mouse; also a muscle (from the resemblance of a flexing muscle to the movements of a mouse).
    1. ←from 古英语 mūs (plural mȳs ), mouse, ←from 日耳曼语 *mūs- (plural *mūsiz ).
      mouse n.(pl.mice)鼠,耗子 , ( 3433 , mus , _ )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 mūs , mouse.
      murine 小鼠 , ( 49995 )
      muscle n.肌肉,体力 , ( 2060 , mus , _ )
      →[考研]→ muscular a.肌肉发达的,强壮的 ( 7296 )
      mussel 贻贝 , ( 58264 , )
      mustelid x , ( 51481 )
      musteline x , ( x )
    3. ←from 希腊语 mūs , mouse, muscle.
      myelo- x , ( x )
      myo- x ; ( x )
      epimysium 肌外膜 , ( x )
      myosotis 勿忘我草 , ( x )
      mysticete x , ( x )
      perimysium 肌束膜 , ( x )
      syringomyelia 脊髓空洞症 , ( x )
    4. Perhaps suffixed 缩减形式 *mus-ko- . ←from 梵语 muṣkaḥ , testicle, scrotum (? < "little mouse").
      Muscadet 麝香白葡萄酒 , ( 58247 , )
      muscat 麝香白葡萄 , ( 58248 , )
      muscatel 麝香葡萄,玫瑰香葡萄 , ( 58249 , )
      musk 麝香 , ( 58257 , )
      must₅ aux.必须;必然要;(做出逻辑推断);(表示坚持)n.必须做的事,必不可少的事物;葡萄汁;霉臭;麝香vt.vi.(表示必要或很重要)必须;(提出建议)应该;得;(表示很可能或符合逻辑)一定adj.不可或缺的;狂暴的 ; ( x )
      nutmeg n.肉豆蔻,肉豆蔻种子中的核仁 , ( 15382 , mus , _ )
    [Pokorny mūs 752.]
    muscularity n.发达的肌肉,强壮 (Lat,133398)
    musculature 肌肉系统 (Lat,158251)
    intermuscular (Lat,)
    amyotrophic 医 肌萎缩的 (Greek,135653)
    myoelectric adj.肌电的 (Greek,137770)
    electromyography n.肌电描记术,肌电图学 (Greek,144314)
    Nectomys (Greek,)
    Oryzomys (Greek,)
    Sigmodontomys (Greek,)
    electromyogram (Greek,)
    electromyograph (Greek,)
    endomysium (Greek,)
    musophobia (Greek,)
    myomancy (Greek,)
    myomorphous (Greek,)
    myomorphy (Greek,)
    myopathy (Greek,)
    myositis (Greek,)
    myotome (Greek,)
    ;...334, nas- 鼻子
    1. ←from 古英语 nosu , nose, ←from 日耳曼语 零级形式 *nusō .
      nose n.鼻子;(飞机,船等的)前端,突出部分 , ( 1785 , nas , _ )
      →[oew]→ nosegay 小花束。 ( 58582 )
      nuzzle v.用鼻子紧挨,用鼻子擦,用鼻子爱抚,紧贴,舒服地躺着[T9] ; ( 22044 , nas , _ )
      nostril n.鼻孔[T9] , ( 11710 , nas , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 næss , headland, ←from 日耳曼语 *nasja- .
      ness 洛克 , ( 16461 )
    3. 加长级形式 *nās- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 nāris , nostril;
        naris 鼻孔 , ( x )
      2. expressive form *nāss- . ←from 拉丁语 nāsus , nose.
        nasal adj.鼻的;鼻音的n.鼻骨;鼻音;鼻音字[T8] , ( 9052 , nas , nas鼻 )
        naso- x ; ( x )
        nasturtium 旱金莲 , ( 58341 , )
        pince-nez 夹鼻眼睛 , ( 59582 , )
    4. ←from Romany nāk , nose, ←from expressive Indo-Aryan form *nakka- .
      nark 警察的线人,密告 , ( 58332 , )
    [Pokorny nas- 755, neu-ks- 768.]
    intranasal adj.鼻内的 (Lat,129788)
    nasalance (Lat,)
    nasality (Lat,)
    nonnasal (Lat,)
    ;...335, nāu-
    Boat. 最初形式: *neh₂u- , 变形 为: *nah₂u- , becoming *nau- (before consonants) and *nāw- (before vowels).
    1. ←from 拉丁语 nāvis , ship.
      nacelle 飞机的引擎机舱 , ( 36400 )
      naval n.海军的,军舰的 , ( 4845 , nau₂ , nau船 )
      →[考研]→ navigation n.航行,航海[T4]。 ( 8201 )
      nave n.中央广场,车轮的中心部 , ( 13033 , nabʰ , _ )
      navicular 舟状的 , ( x )
      navigate vi.航行,航空vt.驾驶,航行于[T8] , ( 8931 , ag , nau船 )
      navy n.海军 , ( 5250 , nau₂ , nau船 )
    2. ←from 希腊语 naus , ship, and nautēs , sailor.
      nausea 航海导致的不适:n.晕船,恶心[T8] , ( 10934 , _ , nau船 )
      -naut x , ( x )
      nautical adj.航海的,海上的,船员的[T8] , ( 19413 , nau₂ , nau船 )
      nautilus 鹦鹉螺 , ( 58369 , )
      noise n.喧闹声,噪声,吵嚷声 ; ( 1831 , nau₂ , _ )
      →[考研]→ noisy a.吵闹的,喧闹的。 ( 6197 )
      aeronaut n.气球驾驶员 , ( x )
      Argonaut 阿尔戈号的船员 , ( x )
      astronaut n.宇航员[T3] , ( 6728 , nau₂ , nau船 )
      cosmonaut 宇航员 , ( 53169 , )
      →[oew]→ cosmos n.宇宙 ( 11299 )
      →[oew]→ cosmopolitan adj.世界性的; 世界主义的, 四海一家的 n.四海为家者;世界主义者;世界各地都有的东西[T8]。 ( 13631 )
      →[oew]→ cosmetics n.美容品,化妆品( cosmetic的名词复数 ),脂粉 ( 13719 )
    [Pokorny 1. nāus- 755.]
    navigable adj.(水域)可航行通航的,(船只、飞机等)可领航的,可操纵的 n.(河、海和船舶等的)适航性 (Lat,126468)
    antenave (Lat,)
    nonnavigable (Lat,)
    aeronautic (Greek,)
    ;...336, n̥dʰer- 那摁下
      1. ←from 古英语 under , under;
        under prep.在…下面;在…以下ad.在下面;少于 , ( 174 , endʰer , _ )
        →[考研]→ undergo vt.遭受,经历,承受。 ( 4065 )
        →[考研]→ underground a.地下的;秘密的 n.地铁 ad.在地下。 ( 4247 )
        →[考研]→ underline vt.在…下划线;强调。 ( 11191 )
        under- OE. under,under在下,少于 , ( x )
      2. ←from 高地德语 untar , under. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *under- .
        U-boat 潜艇 , ( x )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 īnferus , lower.
      inferior a.下等的,下级的;劣等的,差的n.下级,晚辈 , ( 6736 , endʰer , _ )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 īnfernus , lower.
      infernal 地狱的,坏透的 , ( 56012 , )
      inferno n.阴间,地狱 , ( 23954 , endʰer , _ )
    3. ←from 拉丁语 īnfrā , below.
      infra- 低于 , ( 56024 , )
    [Pokorny n̥dʰos 771.]
    ;...337, ne 那匿冇
    派生词包括: naughty , never , nothing , annul , nice , annihilate , negligee , deny , and renegade.
      1. ←from 古英语 ne , not, and , no;
        naught , ( 58366 , )
        naughty adj.淘气的,顽皮的(本意为一无所有的)[T4] , ( 10844 , ne , _ )
        neither a.两者都不pron.两者都不ad.也不 , ( 1451 , kuo , _ )
        never ad.永不,从不,决不;从来没有;不,没有 , ( 139 , aiu , _ )
        nill 不愿意 , ( x )
        no ad.不是,不a.没有的;不允许n.不,拒绝 , ( 83 , aiu , _ )
        no ad.不是,不a.没有的;不允许n.不,拒绝 , ( 83 , aiu , _ )
        none pron.没有任何人(东西);都不ad.一点也不 , ( 1016 , ne , _ )
        nor conj./ad.也不,也没有 , ( 900 , ne , _ )
        not ad.不,不是,不会;没有 , ( 24 , ueks , _ )
        nothing n.没有东西;什么也没有;无关紧要的人或事 ; ( 298 , ne , _ )
        hobnob 亲近,巴结 , ( 55483 , )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 ne , not;
        nay adv.[书]不仅如此,而且 n.拒绝,反对,投反对票 adv.[古]否,不 , ( 22572 , ne , _ )
      3. ←from 高地德语 ne , ni , not.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *ne- , *na- .
        nix n.[俚]无,皆无,(德国神话中的)女水妖,女水神 int.停!,不要!,不行! vt.禁止,拒绝 , ( 22840 , ne , _ )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 ne- , not, and nūllus , none ( ne- , + ūllus , any; see oi-no- ).
      annul 废除 , ( 51756 , )
      nefarious adj.邪恶的;穷凶极恶的;不法的[T8] , ( 24100 , bʰa₁ , )
      nescience 无知 , ( x )
      neuter 中性的,阉割 , ( 58446 , )
      nice a.美好的,令人愉快的;友好的,亲切的 , ( 911 , ne , _ )
      →[oew]→ nicety n.美好,准确,精密,纤细 ( 23923 )
      null adj.无效力的,无效的,无价值的,等于零的 n.零,空,零迅号 , ( 14301 , ne , nul无 )
      nullify vt.使无效,作废;取消[T9] , ( 21906 , ne , nul无 )
      nullipara 未产妇 , ( x )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 nimis , too much, excessively, very (< *ne-mi-s , "not little"; *mi- , little; see mei- ₂).
      nimiety 过多 , ( x )
    3. ←from 拉丁语 nihil , nīl , nothing, 缩减自: nihilum , nothing (< *ne-hīlum , "not a whit, nothing at all"; hīlum , a thing, trifle; origin unknown).
      nihilism 虚无主义 , ( 58489 , )
      nihility 虚无 , ( x )
      nil nihil无,零[T8] ; ( 18575 , guhisl , _ )
      annihilate vt.歼灭;战胜;废止vi.湮灭;湮没[T8] , ( 20076 , _ , nihil无冇 )
    4. ←from 拉丁语 nōn , not (< *ne-oinom , not one thing"; *oino- , one; see oi-no- ).
      non- L. non-,来自L. non, not不是,不 ; ( x )
      nonplus 困惑 , ( x )
      nonsuit 驳回 , ( x )
    5. ←from 拉丁语 nisi , unless ( , not, ←from *nei + , if; see swo- ).
      nisi 非绝对的 , ( x )
      1. ←from 拉丁语 prefix neg- , not;
        lect vt.疏忽;忽略;遗漏;疏于照顾n.玩忽;被忽略的状态;怠慢 , ( x )
        negligee 质地轻薄的女式晨衣 , ( 58402 , )
        →[oew]→ negligence n.疏忽,忽视,粗心大意[T8]。 ( 7711 )
        negotiate v.商订;谈判,洽谈,交涉 , ( 3041 , ne , neg否定 )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 negāre , to deny. Bothaandb←from Italic *nek , not.
        negate v.否定[T8] ; ( 16309 , ne , neg否定 )
        →[oew]→ negative a.否定的,消极的,阴性的n.负数;(摄影)底片。 ( 1467 )
        abnegate 否认,放弃 , ( 51527 , )
        deny v.否认,否定;拒绝 , ( 1711 , ne , _ )
        →[考研]→ denial n.否认;拒绝;否认某事或某事实的声明。 ( 5519 )
        renegade n.叛徒,变节者,脱党者adj.背叛的,叛徒的[T8] , ( 17331 , ne , neg否定 )
        renege vi.食言,违例出牌n.出牌违例[T8] , ( 23558 , ne , _ )
    6. ←from 希腊语 nē- , not.
      nepenthe 忘忧药 , ( x )
    7. 零级 combining form *n̥- .
        1. ←from 古英语 un- , not;
          un- OE. un-, on-,为and-之变形,意为against 相反 , ( x )
        2. ←from 高地德语 un- , not. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *un- .
          Zugunruhe x , ( x )
      1. ←from 拉丁语 in- , not;
        in- L. in-,in在内,向内,进入 , ( x )
      2. ←from 希腊语 a- , an- , not;
        a- OE. a-,an,on在上 , ( x )
        an- 去,往 , ( 51717 , )
      3. ←from 梵语 a- , an- , not;
        ahimsa 不杀生 , ( x )
      4. compound *n̥-mr̥-to- (see mer- ).
    [Pokorny 1. 756.]
    annihilation n.灭绝;消灭;湮灭[T9] (Lat,120456)
    annihilator (Lat,)
    nihil (Lat,)
    ;...338, nebʰ-
    1. 带后缀形式: *nebʰ-(e)lo- .
      1. ←from 古挪威语 nifl- , "mist" or "dark," probably ←from 日耳曼语 *nibila- ;
        Niflheim 死人国 , ( x )
      2. ←from 高地德语 Nibulunc , Nibilung , ←from 日耳曼语 suffixed patronymic form *nibul-unga- , beside 高地德语 nebul , mist, fog, ←from 日耳曼语 *nebla- .
        Nibelung 矮人种的一员 , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式: *nebʰ-elā- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 nebula , cloud;
        nebula n.星云 , ( 11203 , nebʰ , _ )
        nebulous 星云状的,模糊的 , ( 58385 , )
      2. ←from 希腊语 nephelē , cloud.
        nepheline 霞石 ; ( x )
        nephelometer 浊度计 , ( x )
    3. 带后缀形式: *nebʰ-es- . ←from 希腊语 nephos , cloud.
      nephology 云学 , ( x )
    4. Nasalized form *ne-m-bʰ- . ←from 拉丁语 nimbus , rain, cloud, aura.
      nimbus 雨云 , ( 58492 , )
    [Pokorny 2. (enebʰ-) 315.]
    nuance n.细微差别 (Latin,112911)
    nebulosity n.星云状态,星云状物,朦胧 (Latin,127278)
    nebular adj.星云的 (Lat,135723)
    obnubilate 阴云密布,使糊涂 (Latin,158669)
    nubilous (Latin,)
    ;...339, ned- 绑结网
    To bind, tie.
    1. o级形式 *nod- .
      1. ←from 古英语 net(t) , a net, ←from 日耳曼语 *nati- ;
        net n.网,网状物v.用网捕,使落网a.纯净的 , ( 2052 , ned , _ )
        →[考研]→ network n.网状物;广播网,电视网;网络。 ( 922 )
      2. ←from 古英语 netel(e) , netle , nettle, ←from 日耳曼语 *nat-ilo , a nettle (nettles or plants of closely related genera such as hemp were used as a source of fiber);
        nettle n.荨麻 , ( 22043 , _ , _ )
      3. ←from Anglo-Norman nouch , brooch, ←from 日耳曼语 *nat-sk- .
        ouch int.哎唷!痛呀! , ( 19301 , ned , _ )
    2. Lengthened o级形式 *nōdo- . ←from 拉丁语 nōdus , a knot.
      node n.节点 , ( 7754 , _ , _ )
      nodule 节,节结 , ( 58526 , )
      nodus , ( x )
      noil 落棉 , ( x )
      noose n.套索,束缚,陷阱,(the noose)绞刑 vt.用套索捉 ; ( 18641 , ned , _ )
      denouement 结局,收场 , ( 53522 , )
    3. With re-formation of the root. ←from 拉丁语 nectere (past participle nexus ), to tie, bind, connect.
      nexus n.关系;连结,连系[T8] ; ( 16252 , ned , nect绑接 )
      adiponectin 脂联素 , ( x )
      adnexa 附件 , ( x )
      annex vt.附加;获得;并吞n.附加物;附属建筑物[T8] , ( 18661 , ned , nect绑接 )
      connect vt.连接;与…联系,接通(电话)vi.连接 , ( 2119 , kom , nect绑接 )
      →[考研]→ connection n.(connexion)联系,连接;亲戚,社会关系。 ( 1563 )
      fibronectin 纤连蛋白 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 1. ned- 758.]
    disconnect vt.拆开,使分离vi.断开[T9] (Lat,111338)
    reconnect vt.再供应(水电等),再接通(电话) (Lat,117593)
    annexation n.合并;附加物[T8] (Lat,119003)
    nodal adj.节的,结的,节似的 (Lat,128425)
    nodular adj.小节的,小瘤的,小结的 (Lat,137435)
    connexion n.联系,连结 (Lat,138691)
    internode n.节间,节间部 (Lat,150743)
    interconnect 相互连接 (Lat,156116)
    binodal (Latin,)
    extranodal (Latin,)
    intranodal (Latin,)
    multinodal (Latin,)
    nodulation (Latin,)
    nodulus (Latin,)
    supernode (Latin,)
    trinodal (Latin,)
    uninodal (Latin,)
    acnode (Lat,)
    adnexum (Lat,)
    annectent (Lat,)
    annexion (Lat,)
    crunode (Lat,)
    deannexation (Lat,)
    internodal (Lat,)
    nodose (Lat,)
    nodosity (Lat,)
    nodulose (Lat,)
    tacnode (Lat,)
    ;...340, nek-₁ 匿死亡
    Death. 最初形式: *nek̑- , becoming *nek- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    派生词包括: nuisance , innocent , and nectarine.
    1. ←from 拉丁语 nex (stem nec- ), death.
      internecine 内讧 , ( 56146 , )
      pernicious adj.有害的,恶性的,致命的,险恶的[T8] , ( 20559 , nek , _ )
    2. Suffixed (causative) o级形式 *nok-eyo- . ←from 拉丁语 nocēre , to injure, harm.
      nocebo 概念, , ( x )
      nocent 有害的 , ( x )
      nocuous 有害的 , ( x )
      nuisance n.讨厌的人(或东西);麻烦事 ; ( 7392 , _ , _ )
      innocent a.(of)清白的,无罪的;无害的;单纯的,无知的 , ( 2848 , aiu , noc伤害 )
      innocuous adj.无害的,无毒的,无伤大雅的[T8] , ( 18485 , _ , _ )
    3. Suffixed o级形式 *nok-s- . ←from 拉丁语 noxa , injury, hurt, damage entailing liability.
      noxious adj.有害的,有毒的,败坏道德的,讨厌的[T8] ; ( 19782 , nek , noc伤害 )
      obnoxious 暴露于损害的adj.讨厌的,可憎的(词义受noxious影响)[T8] , ( 18167 , nek , noc伤害 )
    4. Suffixed 全级形式 *nek-ro- . ←from 希腊语 nekros , corpse.
      necro- 死者,死人 , ( 58388 , )
      necrosis 器官或组织细胞坏死 ; ( 58392 , )
      necromancy 通灵者 , ( 58390 , )
    5. ←from 希腊语 nektar , the drink of the gods, "overcoming death" ( *tar- , overcoming; see terᵊ-₂ ).
      nectar n.[希神]神酒,任何美味的饮料,花蜜 , ( 18616 , dʰes , _ )
      nectarine 油桃 , ( 58393 , )
    [Pokorny nek̑- 762.]
    innocence n.清白,天真无邪 (Latin,105978)
    innocuity (Latin,)
    innoxious (Latin,)
    nociception (Latin,)
    nociceptive (Latin,)
    nocifensor (Latin,)
    nocument (Latin,)
    enecate (Lat,)
    necrotic adj.坏死的,坏疽的,骨疽的 (Greek,131970)
    necropsy n.&vt.验尸,尸体剖检 (Greek,134066)
    necrophilia n.恋尸狂,恋尸癖 (Greek,140100)
    necropolis 墓地 (Greek,158391)
    Necronomicon (Greek,)
    necrophobia (Greek,)
    necrospermia (Greek,)
    necrotize (Greek,)
    necrotomy (Greek,)
    ;...341, nek-₂ 达到够
    To reach, attain. 最初形式: *nek̑- , becoming *nek- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    1. o级形式 *nok- . ←from 古英语 genōg , enough, ←from 日耳曼语 *ganōga- , sufficient, ←from *ga-nah , "suffices" ( *ga- , collective prefix; see kom ).
      enough a.(for)足够的n.足够,充分ad.足够地 , ( 310 , enek , _ )
    2. 变化形式*enk- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 reduplicated enenkein , to carry (suppletive aorist of pherein , to carry; see bʰer- ), with derived noun onkos , a burden, mass, hence a tumor (from suffixed o级 *onk-o- ; see2below).
        oncogenesis 肿瘤形成 , ( x )
        oncolite 核形石 , ( x )
        oncology n.肿瘤学 , ( 22599 , enek , _ )
      2. Suffixed o级形式 *onk-o- . ←from 梵语 amśaḥ , part, portion.
        paisa 派士 , ( 59041 , )
        pice 派士 , ( 42641 )
      3. Compound root *bʰrenk- (see bʰer₁ ).
    [Pokorny enek̑- 316.]
    oncologist 肿瘤学家 (Greek,121107)
    oncocyte (Greek,)
    oncocytoma (Greek,)
    ;...342, nekʷ-t- 黑夜晚
    Night (perhaps originally "twilight, twilight of the morning and evening" as opposed to *kʷsep- , "the dark of the night"). Probably from a verbal root *negʷ- , to be dark, be night. o级形式 *nokʷ-t- .
      1. ←from 古英语 niht , neaht , night;
        night n.夜间;夜;晚(上) ; ( 211 , kei₁ , _ )
        fortnight n.两星期 , ( 9460 , _ , _ )
      2. ←from 高地德语 naht , night. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *naht- .
        Kristallnacht 水晶之夜 , ( x )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 nox (stem noct- ), night.
      nocti- x , ( x )
      nocturn n.(天主教)夜祷 , ( x )
      nocturnal adj.夜的,夜曲的 , ( 13324 , nekut , noct夜晚 )
      equinox 春分,秋分 , ( 54137 , )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 noctua , night owl.
      noctuid 夜蛾科的 , ( x )
      noctule 大蝙蝠 , ( x )
    3. ←from 希腊语 nux (stem nukt- ), night.
      Nix n.[俚]无,皆无,(德国神话中的)女水妖,女水神 int.停!,不要!,不行! vt.禁止,拒绝 ; ( 22840 , ne , _ )
      nyctalopia 夜盲症 , ( x )
      nyctinasty 就眠性 , ( x )
    4. Perhaps 零级形式 *n̥kʷ-t- . ←from 希腊语 aktīs (stem aktīn- ), ray, traditionally taken as from *n̥kʷ-t- . This derivation is supported by the 梵语 cognate aktuḥ , meaning both "ray" and "night,", but has recently contested in favor of a derivation from ak-, "sharp," the rays of the sun originally having been conceived of as a pointed weapon. If the oldest meaning of *nekʷ-t- is "twilight," however, 希腊语 aktīs the traditional derivation from n̥kʷ-t- can be upheld if the 希腊语 word is considered to have originally referred to the rays of the sun seen in the morning and evening twilight.
      actinium , ( 51566 , )
      actino- 射线,光线 , ( 51565 , )
    5. Suffixed plain verbal root *negʷ-ro- . ←from 拉丁语 niger , black.
      negro n.黑人a.黑人的 , ( 20146 , niger , negr黑 )
      niello 乌银 , ( x )
      nigella 黑种草 , ( x )
      nigrescence 变黑 , ( x )
      nigrosine 苯胺黑 ; ( x )
      denigrate vt.诋毁;使变黑;玷污[T8] , ( 19519 , ne , negr黑 )
      filmnoir 黑色电影 , ( 54418 , )
      PinotNoir 黑皮诺 , ( x )
    [Pokorny neku̯-(t-) 762.]
    denigration n.弄黑,诋毁,贬低,抹黑 医 涂黑,变黑 (Lat,128576)
    equinoctial 春分或秋分的 (Lat,154136)
    negritude 黑人特征 (Lat,158405)
    nocturne 夜曲 (Lat,158523)
    noctambulous (Latin,)
    noctiluca (Latin,)
    noctilucent (Latin,)
    seminocturnal (Latin,)
    denigrative (Lat,)
    denigrator (Lat,)
    negrita (Lat,)
    negrito (Lat,)
    nigrescent (Lat,)
    nigrine (Lat,)
    nigrities (Lat,)
    nigritude (Lat,)
    nocturnality (Lat,)
    notturno (Lat,)
    trinoctial (Lat,)
    ;...343, nem- 分配数
    To assign, allot; also to take.
    派生词包括: numb , nemesis , and nomad.
      1. ←from 古英语 niman , to take, seize;
        numb adj.麻木的 v.失去知觉 ; ( 10713 , nem , _ )
        benumb 使麻木 , ( 48314 )
      2. ←from 古英语 nǣmel , quick to seize, and numol , quick at learning, seizing;
        nimble adj.敏捷的 , ( 18943 , nem , _ )
      3. ←from 高地德语 nëman , to take.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *nem- .
        nim 尼姆 , ( 42391 )
    1. ←from 希腊语 nemein , to allot.
      nemesis n.报应,复仇女神 ; ( 20115 , nem , _ )
      economy n.节约;经济 , ( 673 , ueik₁ , )
      →[考研]→ economic a.经济(上)的,经济学的。 ( 375 )
      →[考研]→ economical a.节约的,经济的。 ( 9602 )
      →[考研]→ economics n.经济学,经济情况。 ( 3198 )
    2. Suffixed e级形式 *nom-os , *nom-es- . ←from 梵语 namaḥ , namas- , obeisance.
      namaskar 印度合十礼 , ( 58306 , )
      namaste 合十礼 , ( x )
    3. o级形式 *nom- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 nomos , portion, usage, custom, law, division, district;
        nome , ( 28881 )
        -nomy x ; ( x )
        anomie 社会的反常状态 , ( 28996 )
        antinomian 唯信仰论的 , ( 45591 )
        antinomy 矛盾 , ( 40998 )
        astronomer n.天文学家 , ( 5076 , _ , _ )
        astronomy n.天文学[T3] , ( 7503 , men₁ , )
        autonomous adj.自治的;自主的;自发的[T8] , ( 6792 , _ , _ )
        chironomid x , ( 48535 )
        Deuteronomy 申命记 , ( x )
        metronome 节拍器 , ( 57745 , )
        nomograph 计算图表 , ( x )
        nomology 法理学 , ( x )
        nomothetic 制定法律的 , ( 46049 )
        numismatic 钱币的 , ( 40062 )
      2. ←from 希腊语 nomē , pasturage, grazing, hence a spreading, a spreading ulcer;
        noma 诺玛 , ( x )
      3. ←from 希腊语 nomas , wandering in search of pasture;
        nomad n.游牧部落的人,流浪者.a.游牧的 , ( 18640 , nem , _ )
      4. ←from 希腊语 nomimos , legal.
        nummular 圆形的 , ( x )
        nummulite 货币石 , ( x )
    4. Perhaps suffixed o级形式 *nom-eso- . ←from 拉丁语 numerus , number, division.
      number n.数,数字,数量,号码,一群v.共计,编号 , ( 176 , nem , number数计 )
      numeral adj.数字的n.数字[T9] ; ( 23617 , nem , number数计 )
      →[oew]→ numerous a.众多的,许多的,大批的。 ( 2319 )
      →[oew]→ numerical adj.数值的,数字的[T6]。 ( 8620 )
      →[oew]→ numerator 分子。 ( 58621 )
      →[oew]→ numerology 数字占卜学。 ( 58622 )
      enumerate vt.例举,枚举[T8] , ( 18979 , nem , number数计 )
      innumerable adj.不可数的,无数的[T6] , ( 12613 , ne , number数计 )
      supernumerary 多余的 , ( 62440 , )
    [Pokorny 1. nem- 763.]
    enumeration n.计数,列举,细目,详表,点查 (Lat,126987)
    enumerator n.计数者,计数员,人口普查员 (Lat,136846)
    numeration n.计算,编号,读数法 (Lat,149816)
    numeracy 识数能力 (Lat,158620)
    numéraire (Latin,)
    denumerable (Lat,)
    enumerable (Lat,)
    enumerative (Lat,)
    equinumerant (Lat,)
    equinumerous (Lat,)
    innumeracy (Lat,)
    innumerate (Lat,)
    innumerous (Lat,)
    nonenumerative (Lat,)
    numerable (Lat,)
    numerary (Lat,)
    numerate (Lat,)
    numerative (Lat,)
    numero (Lat,)
    numerosity (Lat,)
    renumerate (Lat,)
    autonomy n.自治,自治权[T8] (Greek,104293)
    ecology 关于生物栖息地的学问:n.生态学[T6] (Greek,106799)
    nomadic a.游牧的,流浪的 (Greek,114546)
    taxonomy n.分类学;分类法[T9] (Greek,116250)
    polynomial adj.多项式的,多词学名(指由两个以上的词构成的学名)的 n.多项式,由2字以上组成的学名 (Greek,130610)
    agronomy n.农艺学,农学 (Greek,135883)
    metronomic adj.节拍器的 (Greek,143531)
    anomy 不规范状态 (Greek,151760)
    ecumenism 基督教合一运动精神 (Greek,153956)
    gastronomy 美食学 (Greek,154791)
    numismatics 钱币学 (Greek,158625)
    Numidia (Greek,)
    antinome (Greek,)
    antinomic (Greek,)
    archnemesis (Greek,)
    bionomics (Greek,)
    isonomy (Greek,)
    nomadism (Greek,)
    nomadize (Greek,)
    nomarch (Greek,)
    nomarchy (Greek,)
    ;...344, nepōt- 侄子女
    Grandson, nephew. Feminine *neptī- .

    nephew n.侄子,外甥 , ( 6812 , nepot , _ )
    nepotism 裙带关系 , ( 58420 , )
    niece n.侄女,甥女 , ( 8070 , nepot , _ ) ←from 拉丁语 nepōs , grandson, nephew, and neptis , granddaughter, niece.
    [Pokorny nepōt- 764.]
    grandnephew n.甥(外)孙,侄孙 (Lat,151062)
    nepoticide (Lat,)
    ;...345, ner-₁ 北下左
    Under, also on the left; hence, with an eastward orientation, north. Suffixed 零级形式 *nr̥-t(r)o- .
    1. ←from 古英语 north , north;
      Nordic n.北欧人;日耳曼民族;具有北欧日尔曼民族外貌特征的人;[体]北欧两项滑雪adj.北欧人的;日耳曼民族的;斯堪的纳维亚的;北欧式 , ( 18793 , ner , _ )
      →[oew]→ Norway 0 ( 8142 )
      norteño x , ( x )
      north n.北,北方a.北方的,北部ad.向北方,在北方 , ( 496 , ner , _ )
      →[考研]→ northeast n.东北 a.东北方的 ad.向东北,在东北。 ( 5667 )
      →[考研]→ northwest n.西北方,西北部a.西北的ad.向西北,在西北。 ( 4572 )
    2. ←from 古英语 northerne , northern;
      northern a.北方的,北部的 , ( 1222 , ner , _ )
    3. ←from 中古荷兰语 nort , north;
      Norse 诺尔斯语,北欧人 , ( 58575 , )
    4. ←from 古挪威语 nordʰr , north.
      Norman n.|a.法国诺曼第人(的) , ( 5626 , manu , _ )
      Norwegian a.挪威的n.挪威人,挪威语 , ( 9463 , ner , _ )
    [Pokorny 2. ner- 765.]
    Compare deks- .
    ;...346, ner-₂ 安卓男
    Man; basic sense "vigorous, vital, strong."
    最初形式: *h₂ner- .
    andro- 穿心莲内酯- , ( x )
    -androus x , ( x )
    -andry 安德利 ; ( x )
    philander 调戏,玩弄女性 , ( 59452 , ) ←from 希腊语 anēr (stem andr- , ←from 零级形式 *ᵊnr- ), man.
    [Pokorny 1. ner-(t-) 765.]
    ;...347, nes-₁ 回家
    To return safely home.
    1. ←from 古法语 harneis , harness, possibly from a 日耳曼语 source akin to 古英语, 高地德语 (in composition), and 古挪威语 nest , food for a journey, ←from 日耳曼语 *nes-tam .
      harness v.治理,利用n.马具,挽具 , ( 10640 , nes , _ )
    2. Suffixed o级形式 *nos-to- . ←from 希腊语 nostos , a return home.
      nostalgia n.乡愁,思乡病[T8] , ( 9025 , leg₁ , alg痛 )
    [Pokorny nes- 766.]
    ;...348, nes-₂ 我们
    Oblique cases of the personal pronoun of the first person plural. For the nominative see we- .
    1. 零级形式 *n̥s- . ←from 古英语 ūs , us (accusative), ←from 日耳曼语 *uns .
      us pron.我们(we的宾格形式) , ( 117 , _ , _ )
    2. Suffixed (possessive) 零级形式 *n̥s-ero- . ←from 古英语 ūser , ūre , our, ←from 日耳曼语 *unsara- .
      our pron.[we的所有格]我们的 , ( 87 , _ , _ )
      →[考研]→ ourselves pron.[反身代词]我们自己;我们亲自。 ( 1765 )
      ours pron.[we的物主代词]我们的(所有物) , ( 4610 , _ , _ )
    3. o级形式 *nos- , with suffixed (possessive) form *nos-t(e)ro- . ←from 拉丁语 nōs , we, and noster , our.
      Nostratic x , ( x )
      nostrum 灵丹妙药,江湖药 ; ( 58585 , )
      paternoster 主祷文,祷告经 , ( 59216 , )
    [Pokorny 3. ne- 758.]
    ;...349, neu- 闹喊
    To shout.
    Suffixed (participial) o级形式 *now-ent-(yo-) , "shouting.
    nuncio 罗马教廷大使 ; ( 58628 , )
    announce v.正式宣布;发表;通告;广播(电台节目) , ( 1575 , neu₁ , nounce报告 )
    denounce 往下说:vt.谴责,告发,公开抨击,宣布废除[T6] , ( 8288 , neu₁ , nounce报告 )
    enunciate 说出来:v.发音,阐明,宣布[T8] , ( 21550 , neu₁ , nounce报告 )
    internuncio 使者 , ( x )
    pronounce v.发…的音;宣布,宣判 , ( 7346 , neu₁ , nounce报告 )
    renounce v.放弃,宣布中止[T8] , ( 14643 , neu₁ , nounce报告 ) ←from 拉丁语 nūntius , "announcing," hence a messenger, also a message, and nūntium , message.
    [Pokorny 1. neu- 767.]
    announcement n.公告;宣告;发表;通告[T3] (Latin,103453)
    pronunciation n.发音,发音方法 (Latin,111295)
    pronouncement n.声明 (Latin,114534)
    denunciation n.谴责,斥责;告发[T8] (Lat,120887)
    annunciation n.宣告, (尤指)天使传报 (Lat,127026)
    enunciation n.清晰的发音,表明,宣言,口齿 (Latin,128414)
    nunciature n.罗马教皇使节之职 (Latin,146048)
    denouncement 法 告发,谴责,通告废除 (Latin,150453)
    renunciation 声明放弃,摒弃,克己,禁欲 (Lat,160639)
    enounce (Latin,)
    enouncement (Latin,)
    enunciable (Latin,)
    enunciative (Latin,)
    internuncial (Latin,)
    obnounce (Latin,)
    pronuntiatio (Latin,)
    renouncement (Latin,)
    ;...350, newn̥ 九点午
    1. ←from 古英语 nigon , nine, with derivatives nigontig , ninety, and nigontēne , nineteen ( -tēne , ten; see dekm̥ ), ←from 日耳曼语 *nigun , variant of *niwun .
      nine num.九pron./ad.九(个,只...) , ( 1015 , neun , _ )
      nineteen num./a.十九pron.十九(个,只...) , ( 3999 , neun , _ )
      ninety num.九十,九十个 , ( 4608 , neun , _ )
      ninth num.第九,九分之一 , ( 5600 , neun , _ )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 novem , nine (< *noven , with m for n by analogy with the m of septem , seven, and decem , ten).
      november n.十一月 , ( 2413 , me₄ , _ )
      novena 祷告 ; ( 35753 )
      nonagenarian 九十多岁的人 , ( 58536 , )
    3. Ordinal form *neweno- . ←from 拉丁语 nōnus , ninth.
      nona- L. nona-, non-,来自nonus, ninth第九,九分 , ( x )
      nones 第五次祈祷 , ( x )
      noon n.中午,正午 ; ( 4589 , neun , _ )
      nonagon 九边形 , ( x )
      nonanoicacid 壬酸 , ( x )
    4. Prothetic or prefixed forms *h₁newn̥ , *h₁nwn̥ . ←from 希腊语 ennea , nine (< *ennewa , *enwa- ).
      ennead 九个一组 , ( x )
      enneagram 九型人格 , ( x )
    [Pokorny e-neu̯en 318.]
    None (Lat,)
    nonary (Lat,)
    enneadic (Greek,)
    enneagon (Greek,)
    enneahedron (Greek,)
    enneamer (Greek,)
    enneastyle (Greek,)
    enneasyllabic (Greek,)
    enneode (Greek,)
    ;...351, newo- 新生
    New. Related to nu- .
    派生词包括: neon , and nova.
    1. 带后缀形式: *new-yo- .
      1. ←from 古英语 nēowe , nīwe , new;
        new a.新(近)的;新来的;不熟悉的;没经验的 , ( 88 , neuos , _ )
        →[考研]→ news n.新闻,消息;新闻报道,新闻广播。 ( 590 )
        →[考研]→ newspaper n.报纸。 ( 1071 )
        →[oew]→ newcomer n.新来的人,移民 ( 6645 )
        →[oew]→ Newton 0 ( 9553 )
        →[oew]→ newlywed n.新婚的人 ( 17807 )
        →[oew]→ Newtonian 0 ( 23189 )
        →[oew]→ newsworthy 有新闻价值的。 ( 58463 )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 nȳr , new. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *neuja- .
        Nynorsk 尼诺斯克语 , ( x )
        span-new 崭新的 , ( x )
    2. 基本形式: *newo- . ←from 希腊语 newos , neos , new.
      neo- 新的 , ( 58410 , )
      neon 新的元素:n.氖,霓虹灯[T9] , ( 11197 , neuos , _ )
      neoteric 近代 ; ( x )
      misoneism 守旧主义 , ( x )
    3. 带后缀形式: *new-aro- . ←from 希腊语 nēron , water, ←from nēros , fresh (used of fish and of water), 缩减自: nearos , young, fresh.
      aneroid 无液气压计 , ( x )
    4. 基本形式: *newo- . ←from 拉丁语 novus , new.
      nova 新星 , ( 58598 , )
      novation 约务更替 , ( x )
      novel n.(长篇)小说a.新奇的,新颖的 , ( 1687 , neuos , nov新 )
      novel n.(长篇)小说a.新奇的,新颖的 , ( 1687 , neuos , nov新 )
      novelty n.新奇,新颖性,新奇的事物[T6] , ( 8356 , neuos , nov新 )
      novice n.新手,新学者[T8] , ( 8641 , neuos , nov新 )
      novillada x , ( x )
      novillero 斗牛士 ; ( x )
      innovate v.创新,改革,改变,创立,创始[T6] , ( 23769 , _ , nov新 )
      renovate vt.革新,更新,修复[T8] , ( 11526 , neuos , nov新 )
      →[oew]→ Renovation n.革新,修理,恢复活力[T8]。 ( 10164 )
      ergonovine 麦角新碱 , ( x )
    5. 带后缀形式: *new-er-ko- . ←from 拉丁语 noverca , stepmother (< "she who is new").
      novercal 继母的 , ( x )
    [Pokorny neu̯os 769.]
    innovation n.创新,革新[T8] (Lat,103432)
    innovative adj.创新的,革新的[T8] (Lat,104748)
    supernova n.[天]超新星 (Lat,112829)
    innovator n.改革者,创新者[T9] (Lat,117574)
    novella n.短篇故事,中篇小说 (Lat,122928)
    renovator n.革新者 (Latin,139426)
    novitiate 初学期 (Lat,158600)
    innovational (Latin,)
    innovatory (Latin,)
    renovatable (Latin,)
    renovative (Lat,)
    ;...352, nobʰ- 中枢 , Also ombʰ- .
    Navel; later also "central knob," boss of a shield, hub of a wheel. 最初形式: *h₃nobʰ- , variant *h₃ombʰ- (< *h₃onbʰ- ).
      1. ←from 古英语 nafu , nafa , hub of a wheel;
        nave n.中央广场,车轮的中心部 , ( 13033 , nabʰ , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 nafogār , auger, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *nabō-gaizaz , tool for piercing wheel hubs ( *gaizaz , spear, piercing tool). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *nabō .
        auger 螺旋钻 , ( 51930 , )
    1. 变化形式*ombʰ- . ←from 拉丁语 umbō , boss of a shield.
      umbo 的浮雕 , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式: *nobʰ-alo- . ←from 古英语 nafela , navel, ←from 日耳曼语 *nabalō .
      navel n.[解]脐,肚脐,中央,中心点 , ( 17964 , nabʰ , _ )
    3. Suffixed 变化形式*ombʰ-alo- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 umbilīcus , navel;
        umbilicus ; ( 63375 , )
        nombril 盾脐 , ( x )
      2. ←from 希腊语 omphalos , navel.
        omphalos 肚脐,中心,圣石 , ( 58782 , )
    [Pokorny 1. (enebʰ-) 314.]
    ;...353, nogh- 抓挠 , Also ongh- .
    Nail, claw. 最初形式:s *h₃nogh-, *h₃ongh- .
    1. Suffixed (diminutive) form *nogh-elo- . ←from 古英语 nægl , nail, ←from 日耳曼语 *nagla- .
      nail n.指甲,爪;钉v.将…钉牢,钉住 , ( 4397 , onogh , _ )
    2. Form *ᵊnogh- . ←from 希腊语 onux (stem onukh- ), nail.
      onyx 玛瑙石 ; ( 58802 , )
      deinonychus 恐爪龙 , ( x )
      paronychia 甲沟炎 , ( x )
      perionychium x , ( x )
      sardonyx 红玛瑙 , ( x )
    3. 变化形式*ongh- . ←from 拉丁语 unguis , nail, claw, hoof, with diminutive ungula , hoof, claw, talon (< *ongh-elā- ).
      unguiculate x , ( x )
      unguis , ( x )
      ungulate 有蹄类动物 , ( 63407 , )
    [Pokorny onogh- 780.]
    ungual (Lat,)
    unguiferous (Lat,)
    unguiform (Lat,)
    ungular (Lat,)
    Mesonychia (Greek,)
    hapalonychia (Greek,)
    mesonychid (Greek,)
    onychectomy (Greek,)
    onycholysis (Greek,)
    onychomancy (Greek,)
    onychomycosis (Greek,)
    onychophagia (Greek,)
    onychophagy (Greek,)
    onychorrhexis (Greek,)
    ;...354, nogʷ- 内裸
    1. 带后缀形式:s *nogʷ-eto- , *nogʷ-oto- . ←from 古英语 nacod , naked, ←from 日耳曼语 *nakʷeda- , *nakʷada- .
      naked a.裸体的,无遮敝的,无掩饰的 , ( 3338 , nogu , _ )
    2. 带后缀形式: *nogʷ-edo- . ←from 拉丁语 nūdus , naked.
      nude adj.裸体的,裸的,与生俱有的,无装饰的 n.裸体画,裸体 , ( 9369 , nogu , _ )
      nudi- x ; ( x )
      denude 使裸露 , ( 53526 , )
    3. 带后缀形式: *nogʷ-mo- . ←from 希腊语 gumnos , naked (with metathesis due to taboo deformation).
      gymnasium n.(gym)体育馆,健身房 , ( 16191 , gn , _ )
      gymnast n.体操运动员 ; ( 20139 , nogu , _ )
      gymnosophist 密修者 , ( x )
      gymnosperm 裸子植物 , ( x )
    4. 带后缀形式: *nogʷ-no- . ←from 古波斯 *nagna- , bare, naked.
      naan 馕,印度烤饼 , ( 58294 , )
    [Pokorny nogu̯- 769.]
    nudity n.裸体,赤裸 (Lat,117670)
    nudist 裸体主义者 (Latin,158610)
    denudation (Lat,)
    nonnude (Lat,)
    seminude (Lat,)
    seminudity (Lat,)
    gymnastics n.体操,体育 (Greek,112900)
    gymnophobia (Greek,)
    gymnoplast (Greek,)
    gymnospore (Greek,)
    ;...355, nō̆-men- 喊名
    Name. 最初形式: *h₁no(h₃)-mn̥ , 零级形式 *h₁n̥(h₃)-men- .
    1. ←from 古英语 nama , name, ←from 日耳曼语 *namōn- .
      name n.名字(称/声/义)vt.给…取名;列举;提名 , ( 296 , onomen , _ )
      →[考研]→ namely ad.即,也就是。 ( 4763 )
      →[oew]→ namesake n.同姓的人,同名的人,同姓名的人,同名的事物 ( 17963 )
      →[oew]→ nameless adj.不知名的,无名的,<文>不可名状的,(因听者知道你所指或不想令某人难堪)不会指名道姓 ( 18527 )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 nōmen , name, reputation.
      nominal adj.名义上的[T8] , ( 8509 , onomen , nomin名字 )
      →[oew]→ nominative 主格。 ( 58535 )
      nominate vt.提名,推荐,任命,指定[T6] , ( 6391 , onomen , nomin名字 )
      noun n.名词 ; ( 10618 , onomen , _ )
      agnomen 绰号 , ( x )
      anomia 忘名病 , ( x )
      binomial 二进制的 , ( 52182 , )
      cognomen 姓氏 , ( x )
      denominate 命名 , ( 53521 , )
      ignominy 耻辱,不名誉 , ( 55819 , )
      misnomer 不当用词 , ( 57963 , )
      nomenclator 词汇手册 , ( x )
      nuncupative 口述的 , ( x )
      praenomen 第一个名字 , ( x )
      pronoun n.代词 , ( 18386 , onomen , _ )
      renown 反复提及名字n.声誉;名望vt.使有声望[T8] , ( 21469 , _ , nomin名字 )
    3. ←from 希腊语 onoma , onuma , name (assimilated from enuma , preserved in proper names in Laconian).
      onomastic 名字的 , ( x )
      -onym 术语 , ( x )
      -onymy x ; ( x )
      allonym 别名 , ( x )
      anonymous 没有名字的:adj.匿名的,无名的[T8] , ( 4782 , onomen , onym名字 )
      antonomasia 换称 , ( x )
      eponym 名祖(用姓名,名称命名地方,发现,发明等) , ( 54127 , )
      eponymous 同名的 , ( 54128 , )
      euonymus 卫矛 , ( 41399 )
      heteronymous 相关而异名的 , ( x )
      homonymous 同名的 , ( x )
      matronymic 母系姓氏 , ( 57558 , )
      metonymy 转喻 , ( 57740 , )
      onomatopoeia 拟声,拟声词 , ( 58794 , )
      paronomasia 文字游戏 , ( x )
      paronymous x , ( x )
      patronymic 父名的 , ( 59230 , )
      pseudonym n.假名,笔名[T8] , ( 20663 , es , onym名字 )
      synonymous adj.同义的;同义词的;同义突变的[T9] , ( 11361 , _ , _ )
    4. ←from 古爱尔兰 ainm , name.
      moniker n.名字,绰号 , ( 22042 , _ , _ )
    [Pokorny en(o)mn̥- 321.]
    nomination n.任命,提名;提名权[T9] (Lat,104086)
    nominee n.被提名者[T9] (Lat,105584)
    denomination n.面额,面值,名称[T8] (Lat,111766)
    denominator n.[数] 分母,命名者 (Lat,118581)
    denominational adj.受教派控制的,教派所有的 (Lat,122377)
    nondenominational adj.不限于一宗教宗派的,与宗教宗派无关的 (Lat,126635)
    nominator n.提名者,任命者,续任者 (Lat,138967)
    ignominious 耻辱的 (Lat,155818)
    interdenominational 各教派共有的 (Lat,156120)
    nomenclature 系统命名法,专门名称 (Latin,158533)
    pronominal 代词的 (Lat,160099)
    innominate (Latin,)
    innomine (Latin,)
    renominate (Latin,)
    agnominal (Lat,)
    agnomination (Lat,)
    binomen (Lat,)
    binominal (Lat,)
    denominative (Lat,)
    multidenominational (Lat,)
    multinominal (Lat,)
    postnominal (Lat,)
    prenominal (Lat,)
    redenomination (Lat,)
    surnominal (Lat,)
    trinomen (Lat,)
    trinominal (Lat,)
    synonym n.同义词[T9] (Greek,121266)
    pseudonymous adj.使用笔名的,匿名的 (Greek,137390)
    metonym n.换喻中所使用的词或短语 (Greek,140107)
    antonym 反义词 (Greek,151787)
    homonym 同形异义词 (Greek,155536)
    hyponym 下位词 (Greek,155762)
    metronymic 母系的,母名的,跟母亲姓的 (Greek,157746)
    onomastics 人名等专有名词词源学 (Greek,158793)
    synonymy 同义,同义关系 (Greek,162573)
    cryptonym (Greek,)
    eponymy (Greek,)
    euonym (Greek,)
    hyperonym (Greek,)
    hyponymy (Greek,)
    meronym (Greek,)
    meronymy (Greek,)
    onomasiology (Greek,)
    onomasticon (Greek,)
    onomasty (Greek,)
    onomatology (Greek,)
    onomatophore (Greek,)
    paronym (Greek,)
    tautonym (Greek,)
    tautonymous (Greek,)
    tautonymy (Greek,)
    xenonym (Greek,)
    ;...356, nu- 现在
    Now. Related to newo- .
    1. ←from 古英语 , now.
      now ad.现在,如今,目前;当时,于是,然后 , ( 76 , neuos , _ )
      →[考研]→ nowadays ad.现今,现在。 ( 5064 )
      →[考研]→ nowhere ad.任何地方都不,没有地方。 ( 3009 )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 nunc , now (< *nun-ce ; -ce , a particle meaning "this," "here"; see ko- ).
      quidnunc 爱说长道短的人 , ( x )
    [Pokorny nu- 770.]
    ;...357, od- 憎恨
    To hate.

    annoy vt.使恼怒,使生气;打扰vi.招人讨厌 , ( 10139 , odi , _ )
    ennui 无聊 , ( 54086 , )
    noisome 恶心的,厌烦的 , ( 58530 , )
    odium 憎恶,厌恶 , ( 58713 , ) ←from 拉丁语 ōdī , I hate, and odium , hatred.
    [Pokorny 2. od- 773.]
    annoyance n.烦恼,可厌之事 (Lat,110494)
    odious 可憎的 (Lat,158712)
    ;...358, oi-no- 一碗满
    One, unique.
    派生词包括: once , atone , union , universe , and any.
    1. 基本形式: *oi-no- .
        1. ←from 古英语 ān , one;
          a n.(A)As 或 A's 安(ampere);(a) art.一; n.字母A , ( 4 , oino , _ )
          an art.一,每一 , ( 89 , oino , _ )
          once ad.一次,曾经conj.一(旦)…就…n.一次 , ( 287 , oino , _ )
          one num.一pron.一个(只)(表示代替可数的东西) ; ( 45 , oino , _ )
          →[考研]→ oneself pron.[反身代词]自己;亲自,本人。 ( 7021 )
          →[考研]→ onion n.洋葱。 ( 3206 )
          →[考研]→ only ad.仅仅,只不过 a.唯一的 conj.可是,不过。 ( 92 )
          alone a.单独的,孤独的ad.单独地,独自地;仅仅 , ( 867 , oino , _ )
          anon 很快 , ( 51761 , )
          atone 赎罪 , ( 51920 , )
          lone a.孤独的,寂寞的,单身的 , ( 5112 , oino , _ )
          →[oew]→ lonesome adj.寂寞的 ( 19752 )
          lonely a.孤独的,寂寞的;荒凉的,人迹稀少的 , ( 4118 , oino , _ )
          none pron.没有任何人(东西);都不ad.一点也不 , ( 1016 , ne , _ )
        2. ←from 古英语 endleofan , eleven, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *ain-lif- , "one left (beyond ten)," eleven ( *lif- , left over; see leikʷ- );
          eleven num.十一pron./a.十一(个,只...) , ( 3562 , oino , _ )
        3. ←from 高地德语 ein , one.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *ainaz .
          einkorn 单粒小麦 , ( x )
          turnverein 体育协会 , ( x )
      1. ←from 拉丁语 ūnus , one.
        uni- L. unus, one一个(参见词根un) , ( x )
        union n.联合,团结;联盟,联邦;协会,社团;和谐 , ( 907 , oino , un有1 )
        →[oew]→ unilateral adj.单边的;单侧的;单方面的;单系的[T8]。 ( 10487 )
        unite vi.联合,团结;统一,合并vt.使联合 , ( 3185 , oino , un有1 )
        unity n.团结;统一,一致,整体 ; ( 3275 , oino , un有1 )
        →[考研]→ unify vt.统一;使相同,使一致[T8]。 ( 10324 )
        →[考研]→ unit n.单位,单元;部件,元件;机组,装置。 ( 891 )
        coadunate 结合的 , ( x )
        triune 三位一体的 , ( 28796 )
        unanimous 心意一致的:adj.全体一致的,无异议的[T8] , ( 9399 , ane , )
        unicorn n.独角兽[T8] , ( 21383 , ker₂ , un有1 )
        universe n.宇宙,万物 , ( 2268 , oino , )
        →[考研]→ universal a.普遍的,全体的,通用的;宇宙的,世界的。 ( 2670 )
        →[考研]→ university n.(综合)大学。 ( 655 )
        ununhexium x , ( x )
        ununpentium x , ( x )
        ununquadium x , ( x )
        ununtrium x , ( x )
      2. ←from 古俄语 inŭ , one.
        indricothere x , ( x )
      3. 拉丁语 nōn , not (< *ne-oinom , "not one thing"; see ne ).
    2. 带后缀形式: *oino-ko- .
      1. ←from 古英语 ǣnig , one, anyone, ←from 日耳曼语 *ainigaz ;
        any a.(用于否定句、疑问句等)什么,一些;任何的 , ( 98 , oino , _ )
        →[考研]→ anybody pron.(否定句)任何人;(肯定句)随便哪个人。 ( 1545 )
        →[考研]→ anyhow ad.不管怎么说,无论如何;不论用何种方法。 ( 10150 )
        →[考研]→ anyone pron.(用于疑问句,否定式)任何人。 ( 641 )
        →[考研]→ anything pron.任何东西(事物);无论什么东西(事物)。 ( 334 )
        →[考研]→ anyway ad.不管怎么说,无论如何;不论以何种方式。 ( 1266 )
        →[考研]→ anywhere ad.无论哪里;(用于否定、疑问等)任何地方。 ( 1955 )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 ūnicus , sole, single;
        unique a.唯一的,独一无二的 , ( 1661 , oino , un有1 )
      3. ←from 拉丁语 ūncia , one twelfth of a unit.
        inch n.英寸 , ( 5699 , oino , _ )
        ounce n.盎司,英两 , ( 16291 , leuk , _ )
        uncial 安色尔字体 ; ( x )
        quincunx 梅花形 , ( x )
    3. 带后缀形式: *oino-lo- in 拉丁语 ūllus (see ne ).
    [Pokorny 3. D. e- 281.]
    uniform n.制服,军服a.相同的,一律的 (Lat,102856)
    reunion n.团圆,重聚,联合 (Latin,107032)
    unification n.统一;一致;联合[T8] (Latin,108821)
    reunification n.重新统一,重新团结 (Latin,112157)
    reunite v.(使)再结合 (Latin,112256)
    uniformity n.均匀性;一致;同样[T9] (Lat,112770)
    disunity n.不统一 (Latin,128859)
    nonuniform adj.不一致的,不均匀的 (Latin,136489)
    disunite 使不统一 (Latin,153731)
    adunation (Latin,)
    biunique (Latin,)
    coadunation (Latin,)
    malunion (Latin,)
    nonuniformity (Latin,)
    nonunion (Latin,)
    nonunique (Latin,)
    nonunity (Latin,)
    unific (Latin,)
    quincuncial (Lat,)
    unary (Lat,)
    unate (Lat,)
    ;...359, oit- 有用
    To take along, fetch. 最初形式: h₃eit- , 变形 为: h₃oit- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 ūtī , to use.
      usage n.使用,用法;习惯,习俗;惯用法 , ( 5806 , _ , us使用 )
      use n.使/应用;用法/途;益/用处vt.用;消耗 , ( 102 , _ , us使用 )
      usual a.通常的,平常的 , ( 1465 , _ , us使用 )
      usurp 抢过来使用v.篡夺,侵占[T8] , ( 20189 , labʰ , us使用 )
      usury 放高利贷 , ( 63462 , )
      utensil n.用具,器皿[T6] , ( 16767 , _ , us使用 )
      utility n.效用,公用 , ( 3088 , _ , us使用 )
      utilize vt.利用 ; ( 5674 , _ , us使用 )
      abuse vt.滥用;虐待,辱骂;诋毁n.滥用;恶习;弊端 , ( 1729 , _ , us使用 )
      peruse 用完:vt.详细考察;精读[T8] , ( 18803 , _ , us使用 )
    2. 带后缀形式: oit-to-. ←from 希腊语 ois- , nominal stem and future tense stem corresponding to pherein , to carry, abstracted from verbal adjective oistos, able to be borne, endurable, ←from earlier *oit-to-s , carried, by regular phonological change.
      esophagus n.食道 , ( 22672 , _ , _ )
    [Not in Pokorny. ]
    abusive adj.辱骂的;滥用的;虐待的[T9] (Lat,109003)
    utilitarian n.功利主义者adj.功利的,功利主义的[T8] (Latin,113136)
    disuse n.不用,废弃 (Lat,127793)
    perusal n.熟读,精读,肉眼观察,目测 (Lat,127794)
    usufruct n.用益权,使用权,行使用益权 vt.根据用益权占有 (Lat,144989)
    disabuse 使省悟 (Lat,153665)
    usure (Lat,)
    ;...360, oktō(u) 八脚鱼
    Eight. 最初形式: *ok̑tō(u) , becoming *oktō(u) in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
      1. ←from 古英语 eahta , eight, with derivatives eahtatig , eighty, and eahtatēne , eighteen ( -tēne , ten; see dekm̥ );
        eight num.八pron.八(个,只...) , ( 715 , okto , _ )
        eighteen num.十八,十八个 , ( 4326 , okto , _ )
        eighty num./a.八十pron.八十(个,只...) , ( 4514 , _ , _ )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 āttjān , eighteen ( tjān , ten; see dekm̥ ). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *ahtō .
        atto- x , ( x )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 octō , eight.
      Octans 南极星座 , ( x )
      octant 八分仪 , ( x )
      octave n.八个一组的物品,八度音阶 , ( 21355 , okto , _ )
      octavo 八开本 , ( 58701 , )
      octet 八重奏 , ( 58702 , )
      octo- 奥克托- , ( x )
      october n.十月 , ( 2099 , me₄ , _ )
      octonary 八个一组 ; ( x )
      octodecimo 十八开 , ( x )
      octogenarian 八旬老人 , ( 58703 , )
    2. ←from 希腊语 oktō , eight.
      octad x , ( x )
      octo- 奥克托- ; ( x )
      octopus 八爪鱼:n.章鱼[T9] , ( 20749 , okto , _ )
    [Pokorny ok̑tō(u) 775.]
    octaval (Lat,)
    octonion (Lat,)
    ;...361, ōku- 迅速
    Swift. 最初形式: *ōk̑u- , becoming *ōku- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    1. ←from 希腊语 ōkus , swift.
      oxytocic 催产剂 , ( x )
    2. Possibly altered 零级形式 *aku- in compound *aku-petro- , "swift-flying" ( *pet-ro- , flying; see pet- ). ←from 拉丁语 accipiter , hawk.
      accipiter 猛禽 , ( x )
    [Pokorny ōk̑ú-s 775.]
    See also ekʷo- .
    ;...362, okʷ- 眸看
    To see. 最初形式: *h₃ekʷ- , 变形 为: *h₃okʷ- , 零级 *h₃kʷ- .
    派生词包括: eye , daisy , window , inoculate , and autopsy.
      1. ←from 古英语 ēage , eye;
        eye n.眼(睛);视力;眼力;监督vt.看,审视 ; ( 295 , akue , _ )
        →[考研]→ eyebrow n.眉毛.v.为…描眉 ( 5450 )
        →[考研]→ eyesight n.视力。 ( 14105 )
        daisy n.雏菊,第一流的,一流的人物 Daisy 戴西(女子名) , ( 15356 , agher , _ )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 auga , eye;
        walleyed 白眼的 , ( x )
        window n.窗,窗口 , ( 644 , oku , _ )
      3. ←from German Auge , eye;
        augen 眼球状 , ( x )
      4. ←from 低地德语 oog , oge , eye.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *augōn- (with taboo deformation).
        ogle 色迷迷的看 , ( 58740 , )
    1. 带后缀形式: *okʷ-olo- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 oculus , eye;
        eyelet 鞋眼 , ( 28178 )
        →[oew]→ eyewitness n.目击者,见证人 ( 12014 )
        →[oew]→ eyeball n.眼球,眼珠子 ( 14843 )
        ocellus 单眼 , ( x )
        ocular 眼睛的 , ( 58706 , )
        oculist 眼科医生 , ( 58707 , )
        oculus 眼睛 , ( 48342 )
        ullage 气隙 ; ( x )
        antler n.鹿角,角枝 , ( 15624 , oku , _ )
        inoculate vt.接种;嫁接;灌输[T8] , ( 22737 , oku , ocul眼睛 )
        monocle 单片眼睛 , ( 58063 , )
        oculomotor 眼球运动的 , ( x )
        pinochle 一种扑克牌游戏 , ( 35850 )
      2. ←from 法语 aveugle , blind, ←from Gallo-拉丁语 compound *ab-oculus , blind, calqued on Gaulish exs-ops , blind.
        inveigle 引诱,欺骗 , ( 56187 , )
    2. Form *okʷ-s . ←from 希腊语 ōps , eye (and stem *op- , to see).
      ceratopsian x , ( x )
      metopic x , ( x )
      myopia 近视,目光短浅 , ( 58283 , )
      nyctalopia 夜盲症 , ( x )
      Pelops 珀罗普斯 , ( x )
      phlogopite 金云母 , ( x )
      prosopography x , ( x )
      prosopopeia 拟人法 , ( x )
      pyrope 镁铝榴石 , ( x )
      triceratops 三角龙 , ( 63184 , )
    3. 带后缀形式: *okʷ-s- . ←from 波斯语 khvaš , ←from Middle 波斯语 xvašš , ←from *axšši , eye (Avestan aši- ) ( hu- , xʷ- , good; see esu- ).
      cushy 舒服的 , ( 53329 , )
      perhaps from Urdu khuš , good,
      perhaps from 古伊朗语 *khvaxši- , having a good appearance,
    4. 带后缀形式: *okʷ-ti- . ←from 希腊语 opsis , sight, appearance.
      opsin 视蛋白 , ( x )
      -opsis x , ( x )
      -opsy x ; ( x )
      autopsy n.验尸←亲眼检视[T9] , ( 10932 , nek , _ )
      dropsy 水肿 , ( 53861 , )
      iodopsin 视紫蓝质 , ( x )
      rhodopsin 视紫红质 , ( 45161 )
      synopsis 同时看到:n.大纲,概要[T8] , ( 23585 , oku , _ )
    5. 带后缀形式: *okʷ-to- . ←from 希腊语 optos , seen, visible.
      optic adj.光学的,视觉的,眼睛的n.眼睛,镜片[T9] ; ( 17936 , _ , opt眼睛 )
      diopter 折射光,屈光度 , ( 53648 , )
      optoelectronics 光电子学 , ( x )
      optometry 视力测试 , ( 58834 , )
      panoptic 展示全景的 , ( 48269 )
    6. 带后缀形式: *okʷ-ā- . ←from 希腊语 opē , opening.
      metope 墙面 , ( x )
    7. 带后缀形式: *okʷ-mn̥ . ←from 希腊语 omma (< *opma ), eye.
      ommatidium 小眼 , ( x )
      ommatophore x , ( x )
    8. 带后缀形式: *okʷ-tro- . ←from 希腊语 katoptron , "back-looker," mirror ( kata- , down, back; see kat- ).
      catoptric 反射的 , ( x )
    9. ←from 希腊语 ophthalmos , eye (with taboo deformation).
      ophthalmo- 眼睛 ; ( 58820 , )
      exophthalmos 眼球突出 , ( x )
    10. 零级形式 *ᵊkʷ- , in compounds (see ant- , āter- , ghwer- ).
    [Pokorny oku̯- 775.]
    binocular adj.双目并用的,双筒 (Lat,123972)
    inoculation n.<植>接芽,<医>预防接种 (Lat,125458)
    intraocular adj.眼内的 (Lat,142822)
    circumocular (Lat,)
    biopsy n.[医]活组织检查,活组织切片检查 (Greek,108788)
    synoptic adj.提纲的,概要的 (Greek,129146)
    panopticon n.圆形监狱 (Greek,143354)
    diplopia n.复视 (Greek,149029)
    dioptrics 折射光学 (Greek,153649)
    amblyopia (Greek,)
    anopia (Greek,)
    catadioptrics (Greek,)
    catoptrics (Greek,)
    catoptromancy (Greek,)
    catoptrophobia (Greek,)
    cyclops (Greek,)
    diopter/dioptre (Greek,)
    eisoptrophobia (Greek,)
    emmetropia (Greek,)
    hemianopsia (Greek,)
    opsoclonus (Greek,)
    optokinetic (Greek,)
    pleoptics (Greek,)
    tritanopia (Greek,)
    ;...363, op- 工作
    To work, produce in abundance. 最初形式: *h₃ep- , 变形 为: *h₃op- .
    派生词包括: opera ₁, maneuver , manure , opulent , and cornucopia.
    1. 带后缀形式: *op-es- . ←from 拉丁语 opus (stem oper- ), work, with its denominative verb operārī , to work, and secondary noun opera , work.
      opera n.歌剧 , ( 3559 , op₁ , oper工作 )
      operate v.操作,运转,开动,起作用,动手术 , ( 1446 , op₁ , oper工作 )
      →[考研]→ operation n.运转,开动,操作,手术,运算,经营。 ( 834 )
      →[考研]→ operational a.操作的,运转的,起作用的,经营的。 ( 5314 )
      →[考研]→ operator n.操作人员,(电话)接线员。 ( 3490 )
      operose 吃力的 , ( x )
      opus n.作品[T8] ; ( 23800 , op₁ , _ )
      cooperate v.(with)合作,协作,相配合 , ( 5195 , op₁ , oper工作 )
      →[考研]→ cooperative adj.合作的,合作社的 n.合作社[T6]。 ( 5025 )
      inure 使习惯 , ( 56182 , )
      maneuver 用手操纵:n.v.机动,演习,用计,调遣[T8] , ( 10040 , man , _ )
      manure 用手耕作→施肥:vt.施肥于;耕种n.肥料;粪肥[T8] , ( 10305 , man , _ )
      officinal 药用 , ( x )
      stover 干草 , ( 25403 )
    2. Italic compound *opi-fici-om (see dʰē- ).
    3. 带后缀形式: *op-en-ent- . ←from 拉丁语 dissimilated opulentus , rich, wealthy.
      opulent 多产的:adj.丰富的;富裕的;大量的[T8] , ( 21391 , _ , _ )
    4. 带后缀形式: *op-ni- . ←from 拉丁语 omnis , all (< "abundant").
      omni- 全,总 , ( 58775 , )
      omnibus 汇编,公共汽车 ; ( 58776 , )
      omnium-gatherum 杂凑 , ( x )
    5. Suffixed (superlative) form *op-tamo- . ←from 拉丁语 optimus , best (< "wealthiest").
      optimum adj.最适宜的n.最佳效果;最适宜条件[T6] , ( 9681 , op₁ , opt希望 )
      →[考研]→ optimistic a.乐观主义的。 ( 4126 )
      →[oew]→ optimism n.乐观;乐观主义[T6]。 ( 5865 )
    6. ←from 拉丁语 cōpia , profusion, plenty, ←from prefixed form *co-op- ( co- , collective and intensive prefix; see kom ).
      copious adj.丰富的;很多的;多产的[T9] , ( 22183 , op₁ , _ )
      copy n.抄本,摹本;(一)本vt.抄写;考试中抄袭 ; ( 1667 , op₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ copyright n./a.版权(的)。 ( 5344 )
      cornucopia 丰饶角 , ( 53153 , )
    [Pokorny 1. op- 780.]
    cooperation n.合作,协作 (Lat,103020)
    optimal adj.最佳的;最理想的[T9] (Lat,107189)
    operative adj.有效的,运转中的n.侦探,技工[T8] (Lat,110531)
    postoperative adj.手术后的 (Lat,114602)
    manoeuvre n.[亦作maneuvre] 策略,调动 v.用策略,调动,演习,(敏捷地)操纵 (Lat,115997)
    preoperative adj.外科手术前的 (Lat,121080)
    oeuvre n.全部作品 (Lat,121756)
    opulence n.富裕,富饶 (Lat,125062)
    suboptimal adj.未达最佳标准的,不最理想的,不最适宜的,不最满意的 (Lat,129549)
    operant n.发生作用的人或物,工作的人或物 adj.动作的 (Lat,130490)
    interoperability n.互用性,协同工作的能力 (Lat,131905)
    operability 运转或操作性能,可操作性,可手术性 (Lat,150553)
    chef-d'oeuvre 代表作 (Lat,152764)
    inoperable 无法实行的 (Lat,156067)
    interoperable 可互相操作的 (Lat,156148)
    operable 可操作的 (Lat,158816)
    operand 运算对象 (Lat,158817)
    hors d'oeuvre (Lat,)
    inopulent (Lat,)
    inurement (Lat,)
    operosity (Lat,)
    optimate (Lat,)
    opuscule (Lat,)
    ;...364, or- 大鸟
    Large bird. 最初形式: *h₃er- , 变形 为: *h₃or- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *or-n- . ←from 古英语 earn , eagle, ←from 日耳曼语 *arnuz , eagle.
      erne n.白尾鹫 , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式: *or-n-īth- . ←from 希腊语 ornīs (stem ornīth- ), bird.
      ornitho- x ; ( x )
      aepyornis x , ( x )
      notornis 南秧鸟 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 1. er- 325.]
    ;...365, orbʰ- 孤转
    To turn, with derivatives referring to change of change allegiance or status. 最初形式: *h₃erbʰ- , colored *h₃orbʰ- . 带后缀形式: *orbʰ-o- , "bereft of father," also "deprived of free status."
    1. 带后缀形式: *orbʰ-o- .
      1. In words referring to the act of turning: ←from 高地德语 arabeit(i) , labor, ←from 日耳曼语 *arbaithi- ,
        Gastarbeiter 客籍工人 , ( x )
        perhaps from *orbo-iti- , "a going of a turn," in reference to the repetitive nature of agricultural labor ( *-iti- , a going; see ei- );
      2. In words referring to orphans and persons of reduced or changed status:
        1. ←from 希腊语 orphanos , orphaned;
          orphan n.孤儿,失去生母的幼小动物 adj.无双亲的,孤儿的 vt.使成孤儿 , ( 9968 , orbʰ , _ )
        2. ←from Czech robota , compulsory labor, drudgery, ←from 古教会斯拉夫语 rabota , servitude, ←from rabŭ , slave, ←from Old Slavic *orbŭ .
          robot n.机器人,自动机械 , ( 4389 , orbʰ , _ )
    2. 带后缀形式: *orbʰ-i- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 orbis , disc, sphere (< "that which turns");
        orb n.球,天体,圆形物 vt.弄圆,成球形,围着, vi.[古]沿着轨道移动 , ( 22045 , cal , orb圆圈 )
        orbicular 完整的 , ( x )
        orbiculate 球状的 , ( x )
      2. Further 带后缀形式: *orbʰ-i-t- . ←from 拉丁语 orbita , rut, track made by a wheel.
        orbit n.轨道v.(使)沿轨道行 , ( 5014 , cal , orb圆圈 )
    3. Perhaps from this root is the 希腊语 mythological name Orpheus (? < "he who goes to the other side" or "he who turns").
      Orpheus 俄耳甫斯 , ( x )
      Orphic 俄耳普斯的 , ( 44733 )
      Orphism 俄耳甫斯主义 . ( x )
    [Pokorny orbʰo- 781.]
    orbital adj.轨道的,眼眶的[T9] (Lat,111596)
    suborbital adj.眼眶下的 (Lat,132242)
    deorbit (Lat,)
    orbicle (Lat,)
    postorbital (Lat,)
    superorbital (Lat,)
    ;...366, ors- 臀部
    Buttocks, backside.
    1. 带后缀形式: *ors-o- .
      1. ←from 古英语 ærs , ears , backside;
        arse n.屁股,[英]饭桶,笨蛋 , ( 17300 , ors , _ )
        ass n.驴,笨人,臀部 , ( 5335 , _ , _ )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 ærs , backside, tail. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *arsaz .
        dodo 渡渡鸟(不能飞行,现已灭绝) , ( 53755 , )
    2. 带后缀形式: *ors-ā- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 ourā , tail;
        uro- x , ( x )
        -urous x ; ( x )
        anthurium 花烛属植物 , ( 46848 )
        anuran 无尾类的 , ( x )
        coenurus x , ( x )
        cynosure 北极星,引人注目的人 , ( 53351 , )
        dasyurid x , ( x )
        eremurus x , ( x )
        ophiuroid x , ( x )
        oxyuriasis 蛲虫病 , ( x )
        sciurid x , ( x )
        squirrel n.松鼠 , ( 8124 , ors , _ )
        trichuriasis 鞭虫病 , ( x )
      2. ←from 希腊语 silouros , sheatfish, probably from ourā , tail (with an obscure first element).
        silurid x , ( x )
    [Pokorny ers- 340.]
    ;...367, ōs- 口说
    Mouth. 最初形式: *h₃ōs- , but precise preform uncertain.
    1. ←from 拉丁语 ōs (stem ōr- ), mouth, face, orifice, and derivative ōstium (< 带后缀形式: *ōs-to- ), door.
      oral a.口头的 , ( 3558 , or , ora说话 )
      os 操作系统 , ( x )
      oscillate v.振荡,犹豫 , ( 23875 , or , _ )
      osculate 接吻 , ( 58883 , )
      osculum 排水孔 , ( x )
      ostiary 看门人 , ( x )
      ostium , ( 51162 )
      usher vt.引,领,陪同.n.带位员 ; ( 9412 , or , _ )
      inosculate 结合 , ( x )
      orifice 孔,穴,腔 , ( 58862 , )
      oronasal 口鼻 , ( x )
      orotund 嗓音洪亮的 , ( 58872 , )
      oscitancy 打呵欠 , ( x )
      peroral 口周围的 , ( x )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 aurīga , charioteer (< *ōr-īg- "he who manages the (horse's) bit"; -īg- lengthened from ig- driving, ←from *ag- ; see ag- ) possibly from ōs- .
      Auriga 御夫座 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 1. ōus- 784.]
    intraoral 口内的 (Latin,145958)
    adosculation (Latin,)
    inosculation (Latin,)
    interosculate (Latin,)
    osculant (Latin,)
    ostiolar (Lat,)
    ostiole (Lat,)
    ;...368, ost- 骷髅骨
    Bone. 最初形式: *h₂ost- , with e-grade *h₂est- 变形 为: *h₂ast- .
    1. ←from 拉丁语 os (stem oss- ), bone.
      os 操作系统 , ( x )
      osseous 骨的 , ( 58888 , )
      ossicle 听小骨 , ( 36679 )
      ossuary 骨罐 ; ( 30556 )
      ossifrage 鱼鹰 , ( x )
      ossify 使骨化,僵化 , ( 58889 , )
    2. ←from 希腊语 osteon , bone.
      osteo- 骨的 , ( 58894 , )
      osteon 骨单位 ; ( x )
      endosteum 骨内膜 , ( x )
      exostosis 外生骨疣 , ( x )
      periosteum 骨膜 , ( 40593 )
      synostosis 骨性结合 , ( x )
      teleost 硬骨鱼类的 , ( x )
    3. 带后缀形式: *ost-r- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 ostrakon , shell, potsherd;
        ostracize vt.放逐;排斥;按贝壳流放法放逐[T8] , ( 23433 , ost , _ )
        ostracod 介形亚纲动物 , ( x )
        ostracon x ; ( x )
        ostracoderm x , ( x )
        periostracum 角质层 , ( x )
      2. e级形式 *ᵊest- , becoming *ast- . ←from 希腊语 ostreon , oyster;
        oyster 有硬壳的生物:n.牡蛎,[无脊椎]蚝;沉默寡言的人[T6] , ( 7533 , ost , _ )
      3. ←from 希腊语 astragalos , vertebra, ball of the ankle joint, knucklebone, Ionic molding.
        astragal 距骨 , ( x )
        astragalus 黄芪 , ( 44386 )
    4. 带后缀形式: *ost-n̥-ko- . ←from 希腊语 ostakos, astakos , lobster.
      astaxanthin 虾青素 , ( x )
    [Pokorny ost(h)- 783.]
    ossicular 医小骨的 (Lat,133965)
    ossification n.骨化,(思想等的)僵化 (Lat,137267)
    ossature (Latin,)
    osselet (Latin,)
    osseocartilaginous (Latin,)
    osseointegration (Latin,)
    exossation (Lat,)
    interosseous (Lat,)
    ossiferous (Lat,)
    osteoporosis n.骨质疏松症 (Greek,113131)
    osteotomy n.骨切开术,截骨术 (Greek,137774)
    osteosarcoma n.骨肉瘤 (Greek,141660)
    osteogenesis n.骨生成,骨发生 (Greek,143325)
    osteoarthritis 骨关节炎 (Greek,158895)
    osteopathy 骨疗学,正骨术 (Greek,158897)
    ostracism 排斥,排挤 (Greek,158899)
    Entomostraca (Greek,)
    Leptostraca (Greek,)
    Malacostraca (Greek,)
    Osteichthyes (Greek,)
    dysostosis (Greek,)
    hyperostosis (Greek,)
    monostotic (Greek,)
    osteoblast (Greek,)
    osteochondritis (Greek,)
    osteochondrosis (Greek,)
    osteoclast (Greek,)
    osteogenic (Greek,)
    osteoid (Greek,)
    osteology (Greek,)
    osteolysis (Greek,)
    osteoma (Greek,)
    osteomalacia (Greek,)
    osteonecrosis (Greek,)
    osteopenia (Greek,)
    osteosis (Greek,)
    osteothrombosis (Greek,)
    osteotome (Greek,)
    ;...369, ous- 竖耳听 , Also aus- .
    Ear. 最初形式: *h₂ous- , with e-grade *h₂eus- 变形 为: *h₂aus- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *ous-en- . ←from 古英语 ēare , ear, ←from 日耳曼语 *auzōn- .
      ear n.耳,耳朵;听力,听觉;穗 , ( 1541 , ak , _ )
    2. 带后缀形式: *aus-i- . ←from 拉丁语 auris , ear.
      aural adj.耳的,听觉的,气味的,先兆的[T4] , ( 18071 , aus , aur耳 )
      auricle 耳廓 , ( 51938 , )
      orecchiette x ; ( x )
      auriform x , ( x )
      ormer 鲍鱼 , ( x )
    3. ←from 拉丁语 auscultāre , to listen to (< *aus-klit-ā-; *aus- + *kli-to- , inclined; see klei- ).
      auscultation 听诊 , ( 46968 )
      scout n.侦察员,侦察机(舰)v.搜索,侦察 , ( 8676 , au₂ , _ )
    4. Suffixed 基本形式: *ous-os- . ←from 希腊语 ous (stem ōt- ), ear.
      otic 耳朵的 , ( 58903 , )
      oto- x ; ( x )
      myosotis 勿忘我草 , ( x )
      parotidgland 腮腺 , ( x )
    5. 基本形式: *ous- in 希腊语 compound *lag-ous- (see slēg- ).
    [Pokorny 2. ōus- 785.]
    auricular adj.耳的,耳状的,耳语的,耳廓的 (Lat,136543)
    binaural adj.两耳的,用两耳的,(声音通常分别传到两耳)双声道的,立体声的 (Lat,138305)
    auricle 耳廓 (Lat,151938)
    aurinasal (Latin,)
    auscultate (Latin,)
    auriculate (Lat,)
    biauricular (Lat,)
    biauriculate (Lat,)
    circumaural (Lat,)
    interauricular (Lat,)
    ;...370, owi- 绵羊
    Sheep. 最初形式: *h₂owi- .
    1. ←from 古英语 ēwe , eōwu , ewe, ←from 日耳曼语 *awi- .
      ewe 母羊 , ( 54212 , )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 ovis , sheep.
      ovine 羊的 , ( 58990 , )
    [Pokorny óu̯i-s 784.]
    ovile (Lat,)
    ;...371, pā- 粑饲养
    To protect, feed. 最初形式: *peh₂- , 变形 为: *pah₂- , becoming *pā- .
    派生词包括: fodder , forage , fur , food , foster , pasture , pantry , and company.
    1. 带后缀形式: *pā-trom .
      1. ←from 古英语 fōdor , fodder;
        fodder n.饲料,草料,素材 , ( 17090 , _ , _ )
      2. ←from 古法语 feurre , fodder;
        forage n.草料, , ( 14947 , pa , _ )
        foray v.|n.突袭,偷袭 , ( 14085 , pa , _ )
        fourragère 饰带 , ( x )
      3. ←from 古法语 forre, fuerre , trimming made from animal skin, fur (< "sheath, case, lining").a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *fōdram .
        fur n.毛,毛皮 , ( 4869 , _ , _ )
        furrier 毛皮商 , ( 54687 , )
    2. 带后缀形式: *pā-dʰlom (doublet of *pā-trom ) ←from 拉丁语 pābulum , food, fodder.
      pabulum 精神食粮 , ( 39675 )
    3. 扩展形式: *pāt- .
      1. ←from 古英语 fōda , food, ←from 日耳曼语 *fōd- , food;
        food n.食物,粮食,养料 , ( 337 , _ , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 fēdan , to feed, ←from 日耳曼语 denominative *fōdjan , to give food to;
        feed v.(on,with)喂养,饲养;(with)向…供给 , ( 1589 , _ , _ )
        →[考研]→ feedback n.反馈;反应;回授。 ( 3977 )
      3. 带后缀形式: *pāt-tro- . ←from 古英语 fōstor , food, nourishment, ←from 日耳曼语 *fōstra- .
        foster vt.收养,培养,促进 , ( 4222 , _ , _ )
    4. 扩展形式: *pās- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *pās-sko- . ←from 拉丁语 pāscere , to feed;
        pasture n.草地;牧场;牧草vt.放牧;吃草[T6] ; ( 7063 , pa , past喂食 )
        antipasto 开胃菜 , ( 51780 , )
        repast 餐,饭菜 , ( 60646 , )
      2. 带后缀形式: *pās-tor- . ←from 拉丁语 pāstor , shepherd;
        pastern 骹关节 , ( 59201 , )
        →[oew]→ pasteurize 巴氏消毒法。 ( 59202 )
        pastor 放牧的人:n.牧人,牧师vt.做……的牧师[T8] , ( 5527 , pa , past喂食 )
        pester vt.使烦恼,纠缠 , ( 22062 , pa , _ )
      3. 带后缀形式: *pās-t-ni- . ←from 拉丁语 pānis , bread.
        panada 面糊 , ( x )
        panatela x , ( x )
        panicgrass 恐慌的草 , ( x )
        pannier 挂篮 , ( 59093 , )
        panocha 软糖 , ( x )
        pantry n.食品室,餐具室[T6] , ( 13944 , pa , pan面包 )
        pastille 粉笔画 , ( x )
        penuche 粗糖 ; ( x )
        appanage 封地 , ( x )
        companion n.同伴,共事者;伴侣 , ( 3684 , mad , pan面包 )
        company n.公司;陪伴;宾客;连(队),(一)群,队,伙 , ( 181 , pa , pan面包 )
        panforte x , ( x )
        panko x , ( x )
    5. 带后缀形式: *pā-tor- . ←from 波斯语 pād , protecting against, ←from 伊朗语 *pātar- (Avestan pātar- ).
      bezoar 牛黄 , ( x )
    6. 带后缀形式: *pā-won- , protector. ←from 古波斯 khshathra-pāvā , protector of the province.
      satrap 太守 , ( 38858 )
    [Pokorny pā- 787, 1. pō(i)- 839.]
    accompany v.陪伴,陪同;伴随,和...一起发生,伴奏 (Lat,103025)
    pastoral adj.牧师的;牧人的;田园生活的;乡村的n.牧歌;田园诗;田园景色[T8] (Lat,107475)
    pastel 小糊状物:n.粉蜡笔;粉蜡笔画柔和的;彩色蜡笔的,粉蜡笔的。最早指用树叶煮成的糊状物,用于染色[T8] (Latin,109290)
    accompaniment n.陪伴物,伴奏 (Lat,111335)
    empanada n.(南美的)肉馅卷饼 (Lat,130861)
    pastorale n.田园曲,牧歌式歌剧 (Lat,138704)
    pastorate n.牧师的职责,牧师的任期,牧师团 (Lat,141542)
    pasturage 牧场 (Lat,159208)
    impanation (Latin,)
    panelle (Latin,)
    panetela (Latin,)
    panetella (Latin,)
    panettone (Latin,)
    panivorous (Latin,)
    pastiglia (Latin,)
    pasturable (Latin,)
    antepast (Lat,)
    impanate (Lat,)
    pastorage (Lat,)
    pastorium (Lat,)
    pastural (Lat,)
    repasture (Lat,)
    ;...372, paᵊwr̥ 火焰
    Fire. 最初形式: *peh₂wr̥ , 变形 为: *pah₂wr̥ , with 零级 *ph₂ur- metathesized to *puh₂r- . 零级形式 *pūr- (from *puh₂r- ).
    1. ←from 古英语 fȳr , fire, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *fūr-i- .
      fire n.火;火灾,失火;炉火vi.开火vt.放(枪) , ( 657 , peuor , _ )
      →[考研]→ fireman n.消防队员。 ( 11922 )
      →[考研]→ fireplace n.壁炉 ( 6285 )
    2. ←from 希腊语 pūr , fire.
      pyre (火葬或祭祀用的)柴堆 , ( 60265 , )
      pyretic 发热的,热病的 , ( 60266 , )
      pyrites 硫化铁矿 , ( x )
      pyro- , ( 60271 , )
      pyrosis 胃灼热 , ( x )
      pyrrhotite 磁黄铁矿 ; ( x )
      ekpyrotic 火理论 , ( x )
      empyreal 九天的 , ( x )
    [Pokorny peu̯ōr 828.]
    pyroclastic adj.火成碎屑的 n.火成碎屑物 (Greek,141613)
    pyromaniac n.放火狂 adj.放火狂的 (Greek,149201)
    pyrolysis n.高温分解 (Greek,150178)
    pyrite 硫化矿物 (Greek,160270)
    pyromania 纵火狂 (Greek,160272)
    pyrotechnic 烟花 (Greek,160273)
    Empyreuma (Greek,)
    antipyretic (Greek,)
    pyromancy (Greek,)
    pyrometric (Greek,)
    pyrophobia (Greek,)
    pyrophoric (Greek,)
    pyrosome (Greek,)
    ;...373, pag- 拍平紧 , Also pak- .
    To fasten. 最初形式:s *pag̑-, *pak̑- , becoming *pag-, *pak- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    派生词包括: fang , peace , pact , palisade , and travel.
    1. 加长级形式 *pāk- . ←from 古英语 fēgan , to fit closely, ←from 日耳曼语 *fōgjan , to join, fit.
      fay n.小仙子v.接合 , ( x )
    2. Nasalized form *pa-n-g- , also *pa-n-k- .
        1. ←from 古英语 fang , feng , plunder, booty, ←from 日耳曼语 *fangam , *fangiz ;
          fang n.(犬,狼等的)尖牙,犬牙,(毒蛇的)毒牙,牙根,尖端 vt.灌水引动(水泵) , ( 16924 , pag , _ )
        2. ←from 荷兰语 vangen , to catch, ←from remade 日耳曼语 verb *fangan ;
          vang 张索 , ( x )
        3. ←from 中古英语 *-fangel , taken, akin to 高地德语 -fangolon , to close, ←from 日耳曼语 *fanglōn , to grasp. (i)-(iii) all derivatives of 日耳曼语 *fanhan , to seize.
          newfangled 新奇时髦的 , ( 58453 , )
      1. ←from 拉丁语 pangere , to fasten.
        compact a.紧密的,结实的;简明的v.使紧凑,压缩 , ( 5471 , pag , pact系紧 )
        impact n.冲击,碰撞;影响v.影响;挤入,压紧 , ( 923 , pag , pact系紧 )
        impinge 推压进去:vi.撞击;侵犯vt.撞击[T8] , ( 22987 , pag , _ )
        spinto x , ( x )
    3. Root form *pā̆k- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 pāx , peace (< "a binding together by treaty or agreement");
        pace n.步,步伐,步调,速度v.踱步,用步测 , ( 2457 , pet₂ , _ )
        pax n.圣像牌,接吻礼,[罗神]和平女神int.[英俚](学生用语)别打了 , ( 23573 )
        pay v.付款,付出代价,给予注意n.工资,薪金 , ( 293 , pag , _ )
        →[考研]→ payment n.支付,付款额。 ( 1809 )
        peace n.和平;平静,安宁 ; ( 931 , pag , paci镇平 )
        →[考研]→ peaceful a.和平的,平静的,安宁的,爱好和平的。 ( 3753 )
        appease vt.安抚,使平息,对……让步[T8] , ( 16405 , pag , paci镇平 )
        pacific adj.和平的,温和的[T4] , ( 7022 , dʰe₁ , paci镇平 )
        pacify vt.安抚,使平息[T8] , ( 23937 , pag , paci镇平 )
        →[oew]→ pacifist n.和平主义者[T8]。 ( 21946 )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 pacīscī , to agree.
        pact n.协定;公约;条约;契约[T8] , ( 6385 , pag , pact系紧 )
        patio n.天井,院子 , ( 8102 , pet₂ , _ )
    4. 带后缀形式: *pak-slo- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 pālus , stake (fixed in the ground);
        pale a.苍白的,灰白的;浅的,暗淡的 , ( 2667 , pag , _ )
        →[oew]→ pallet n.扁平工具,棘爪,货盘 ( 18268 )
        palisade 木栅栏 , ( 59060 , )
        pawl , ( x )
        peel v.剥,剥皮,剥落n.皮[T4] , ( 5206 , pag , _ )
        pole n.柱,杆;地极,磁极,电极 ; ( 3234 , ker₁ , _ )
        impale 刺穿 , ( 55851 , )
        travail n.辛苦 , ( 22585 , pag , _ )
        travel n.旅行v.旅行;行进,传播 , ( 965 , pag , _ )
      2. probably 拉丁语 pāla , spade
        palette n.调色板,颜料 , ( 8648 , pag , _ )
        peel v.剥,剥皮,剥落n.皮[T4] . ( 5206 , pag , _ )
    5. 加长级形式 *pāg- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 pāgus , "boundary staked out on the ground," district, village, country;
        pagan n.异教徒 adj.异教的 , ( 11708 , pag , _ )
        peasant n.(不用于英国或美国)小农;佃农;农民 , ( 4212 , pag , _ )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 pāgina , "trellis to which a row of vines is fixed," hence (by metaphor) column of writing, page;
        page n.页,记录,事件,专栏vt.给...标页码 , ( 750 , pag , _ )
        pageant n.盛会,庆典,游行,虚饰,露天表演 , ( 12943 , pag , _ )
      3. ←from 拉丁语 prōpāgāre , to propagate (< "to fix before"; prō- , before, in front; see per ₁);
        propagate 嫁接嫩芽、接穗:vt.传播;传送;繁殖;宣传vi.繁殖;增殖[T6] , ( 14905 , pag , _ )
        →[oew]→ propaganda n.宣传,[天主教]传道总会 ( 5836 )
      4. ←from 希腊语 pēgnunai , to fasten, coagulate, with derivative pagos (< *pag-o- ), mass, hill.
        pectin 果胶 , ( 59258 , )
        pegmatite 伟晶岩 ; ( x )
        Areopagus 最高法院 , ( x )
        mastopexy 乳房固定术 , ( x )
    [Pokorny pā̆k̑- 787.]
    repay v.偿还,报答,还钱给 (Lat,108487)
    repayment n.偿还的款项,报答,报复 (Lat,110375)
    propagation n.传播;繁殖;增殖[T6] (Lat,114178)
    peasantry n.农民,小农阶级 (Lat,114921)
    appeasement n.平息,缓和,姑息,绥靖政策 (Lat,123183)
    compactor n.<美>垃圾捣碎机,压土机,夯土机,夯具 (Lat,126954)
    compaction n.压紧,紧束的状态,压实 (Lat,131044)
    impingement n.侵犯,冲击,反跳 (Lat,137687)
    paisano n.农民,乡下人 (Lat,140893)
    impaction n.装紧,压紧,嵌塞,嵌入 (Lat,144006)
    pacifism 和平主义,绥靖主义 (Latin,159024)
    compinge (Lat,)
    copayment (Lat,)
    counterpropaganda (Lat,)
    impactive (Lat,)
    impalement (Lat,)
    ;...374, pāl- 拍手
    To touch, feel, shake. Earlier *peh₂l- , 变形 为: *pah₂l- , becoming *pāl- .
      1. ←from 古英语 fēlan , to examine by touch, feel;
        feel v.触;认为vi.摸上去有…感觉;摸索;觉得 , ( 153 , pal , _ )
        →[考研]→ feeling n.感情;心情;知觉;同情。 ( 766 )
      2. ←from 高地德语 vuolen , to feel. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *fōljan , to feel.
        sprachgefühl x , ( x )
    1. Reduplicated 零级形式 *pal-p- (from *pᵊl-p(ᵊ)- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 palpus , a touching;
        palp 触须 , ( 45600 )
        →[oew]→ palpitation 心悸。 ( 59078 )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 palpārī , palpāre , to stroke gently, touch;
        palpable adj.明显的;可感知的;易觉察的[T8] , ( 14019 , pal , _ )
        palpate 触摸,触诊 , ( 59076 , )
        palpitate 急速跳动,悸动 , ( 59077 , )
      3. ←from 拉丁语 palpebra , eyelid (< "that which shakes or moves quickly").
        palpebra 眼睑 , ( x )
    2. Perhaps expressive reduplicated form *pal-pal- . ←from 拉丁语 pāpiliō , butterfly.
      papilionaceous 蝴蝶的 , ( x )
      papillon 彩蝶,蝴蝶,蝴蝶犬 , ( 59113 , )
      papillote 卷发纸 , ( x )
      pavilion n.大帐蓬,亭,阁 vt.搭帐蓬,笼罩 , ( 11240 , pal , _ )
    3. Perhaps suffixed 零级形式 *pal-yo- . ←from 希腊语 pallein , to sway, brandish.
      catapult v.弹射,猛投n.弹射器,投石车,石弩,弹弓[T9] , ( 21597 , pal , _ )
    4. Perhaps 带后缀形式: *psal-yo- . ←from 希腊语 psallein , to pluck, play the harp (but more likely of imitative origin).
      psalm 赞美诗,赞美歌 , ( 60155 , )
      psaltery 古代弦乐器 , ( 60157 , )
    [Pokorny 1. G. pel- 801, polo- 841.]
    palpation 触诊,扪诊 (Latin,132893)
    palpitant (Latin,)
    psalter 圣咏集,诗篇集 (Greek,160156)
    psalmodicon (Greek,)
    psalmody (Greek,)
    psaltikon (Greek,)
    ;...375, pan- 盘织物
      1. ←from 古英语 fana , flag, banner, weathercock;
        vane 叶片,风向标 , ( 63488 , )
      2. 日耳曼语 compound *gund-fanōn- (see gʷhen- ). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *fanōn .
    1. 扩展形式: *panno- . ←from 拉丁语 pannus , piece of cloth, rag.
      pane n.窗格玻璃,长方块 , ( 14106 , pan , _ )
      panel n.面,板;控制板,仪表盘;专门小组 ; ( 1775 , pan , _ )
      pannacotta 奶酪 , ( x )
    [Pokorny pā̆n- 788.]
    empanel vt.记入名簿上,选任(陪审员) (Lat,141024)
    impanel 选任陪审员 (Lat,155853)
    repanel (Lat,)
    subpanel (Lat,)
    ;...376, pant- 所有
    All. Attested only in Tocharian and 希腊语.

    pan- 全,泛,亲 ; ( 59080 , )
    diapason 和谐 , ( x )
    pancratium 角斗 , ( x )
    pancreas n.[解]胰腺 , ( 21591 , keu₂ , _ ) ←from 希腊语 pās (neuter pan , stem pant- ), all.
    [In Pokorny 1. k̑eu- 592.]
    ;...377, papa 爸爸
    A child's word for "father," a linguistic near-universal found in many languages.
    1. ←from 法语 papa , father.
      papa n.爸爸 , ( 14064 , pa , _ )
    2. ←from 希腊语 pappās , father, and pappos , grandfather.
      pappus 冠毛 , ( x )
      pope n.罗马教皇,主教,大腿上要害部位 , ( 4638 , pa , _ )
      →[oew]→ popery 教皇主义(对罗马天主教的贬称)。 ( 59836 )
      →[oew]→ pop a.流行的n.(发出)砰的一声 v.突然出现。 ( 2460 )
      →[oew]→ poppet 木偶,玩偶,宝贝儿。 ( 59844 )
    [Pokorny pap(p)a 789.]
    ;...378, past- 紧固捆
    Solid, firm.
      1. ←from 古英语 fæst , fixed, firm;
        fast a.快的,迅速的;坚固的ad.紧紧地;迅速地 ; ( 977 , onomen , _ )
        shamefaced 羞愧的,惭愧的 , ( 61414 , )
        steadfast adj.坚定的 , ( 20397 , past , sist站立 )
        →[oew]→ stereoscope 立视镜,立体镜。 ( 62153 )
        →[oew]→ steroid 类固醇。 ( 62158 )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 vast , firm, fast. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *fastuz , firm, fast.
        avast 停住 , ( x )
    1. ←from 古英语 fæstnian , to fasten, establish, ←from 日耳曼语 *fastinōn , to make firm or fast.
      fasten v.扎牢,使固定 , ( 10643 , past , _ )
      →[oew]→ fastness 要塞。 ( 54333 )
    2. ←from 古挪威语 festa , to fix, affirm, ←from 日耳曼语 causative *fastjan , to make firm.
      handfast 抓牢 , ( x )
      1. ←from 古英语 fæstan , to abstain from food;
        fast a.快的,迅速的;坚固的ad.紧紧地;迅速地 , ( 977 , onomen , _ )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 fasta , to abstain from food. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *fastēn , to hold fast, observe abstinence.
        breakfast n.早餐v.(给某人)吃早餐 , ( 2201 , ieium , _ )
    [Pokorny pasto- 789.]
    ;...379, pau-₁ 破少
    Few, little. 最初形式: *peh₂u- , 变形 为: *pah₂u- .
    派生词包括: few , pauper , foal , pony , and pullet.
    1. Adjectival form *pau- , few, little.
      1. ←from 古英语 fēawe , few, ←from 日耳曼语 *fawaz .
        few a.[表肯定]有些,几个;[表否定]几乎没有的 , ( 175 , pou , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *pau-ko- . ←from 拉丁语 paucus , little, few.
        paucity n.缺乏;少数;少量[T8] , ( 20867 , pou , _ )
        poco adv.少,稍 , ( 43516 )
      3. 带后缀形式: *pau-ro- in metathetical form *par-wo- . ←from 拉丁语 parvus , little, small, neuter parvum , becoming parum , little, rarely.
        paraffin 石蜡,煤油 , ( 59125 , )
        parvorder x , ( x )
        parvovirus 细小病毒 , ( x )
      4. Compound *pau-paros , producing little, poor ( *par-os , producing; see perᵊ-₁ ). ←from 拉丁语 pauper , poor.
        pauper 穷人,贫民 , ( 59233 , )
        poor a.贫困的;可怜的;贫乏的;贫瘠的;低劣的 , ( 629 , pou , _ )
        poverty n.贫穷,贫困 ; ( 2287 , pou , _ )
        depauperate 发育不全的 , ( x )
        impoverish 使贫穷 , ( 55880 , )
    2. Suffixed 零级形式 *pu-lo- , young of an animal.
      1. ←from 古英语 fola , young horse, colt, ←from 日耳曼语 *fulōn- .
        foal 小马驹 , ( 54519 , )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 fylja , young female horse, ←from 日耳曼语 derivative *fuljō .
        filly 小牝马 , ( 54417 , )
    3. 基本形式: *pau- and 零级形式 *pū̆- , boy, child.
      1. 带后缀形式: *pu-ero- . ←from 拉丁语 puer , child.
        puerile 孩子气的 , ( 60190 , )
        puerperal 产后 , ( x )
      2. 扩展形式: *put- .
        1. ←from 拉丁语 pullus (< *putslo- ), young of an animal, chicken;
          poltroon 胆小鬼,懦夫 , ( 59774 , )
          pony n.矮种马,小马 , ( 7506 , pou , _ )
          pool n.水池,游泳池;合资经营v.合伙经营,联营 , ( 1673 , _ , _ )
          poulard 母肉鸡 , ( x )
          poulter'smeasure 波尔特的测量 , ( x )
          poultry n.家禽 , ( 8625 , plou , _ )
          pullet 小母鸡 , ( 60206 , )
          Punchinello 矮胖子 ; ( x )
          catchpole 法警 , ( x )
        2. ←from 拉丁语 pusillus (< *putslo-lo- ), old diminutive of pullus ;
          pusillanimous 胆怯的 , ( 60250 , )
        3. further 带后缀形式: *put-o- . ←from 拉丁语 putus , boy.
          putto 丘比特裸像 , ( x )
      3. 带后缀形式: *paw-id- . ←from 希腊语 pais (stem paid- ), child (> paideia , education).
        pedo- 轮到pedo - ; ( x )
        encyclopedia 包含所有知识的东西:n.百科全书[T8] , ( 13552 , _ , _ )
        orthopedics 整形外科 , ( 32738 )
    [Pokorny pōu- 842.]
    impoverishment n.贫穷,穷困,贫化 (Lat,125619)
    puerility 天真,幼稚 (Lat,160191)
    pullulate 迅速繁殖,大量扩散 (Lat,160208)
    parvifoliate (Lat,)
    parvity (Lat,)
    paucal (Lat,)
    pauciloquent (Lat,)
    pauperage (Lat,)
    puerperant (Lat,)
    pullorum (Lat,)
    pullulation (Lat,)
    repullulate (Lat,)
    repullulation (Lat,)
    ;...380, pau-₂ 计数
    To cut, strike, stamp. 最初形式: *peh₂u- , 变形 为: *pah₂u- .
    1. Suffixed (participial) 零级形式 *pu-to- , cut, struck.
      1. ←from 拉丁语 putāre , to prune, clean, settle an account, think over, reflect;
        putamen 硬膜 , ( x )
        putative adj.推定的,假定的,公认的[T8] ; ( 14662 , peue , pute思考 )
        account a.叙述,说明;账目,账户vi.说明,解释 , ( 768 , peue , count计算 )
        →[考研]→ accountant n.会计人员,会计师。 ( 6181 )
        amputate vt.切除(手臂,腿等) , ( 21937 , ambʰi , pute思考 )
        compute v./n.计算,估计 , ( 9647 , peue , pute思考 )
        →[考研]→ computer n.计算机,电脑;计算者。 ( 531 )
        count v.数,计算;算入;看作,认为n.计数,总数 , ( 1457 , ei₁ , count计算 )
        depute vt.委任;授权给;指定…为代理人[T8] , ( 39477 , _ , pute思考 )
        dispute n.争论,争执v.争论,辩论;反驳;怀疑;阻止 , ( 2584 , peue , pute思考 )
        impute 归因于,归咎于 , ( 55895 , )
        repute 多次考虑:vt.认为,把……称为n.名誉,声望[T8] , ( 23939 , _ , pute思考 )
      2. possibly 拉丁语 puteus , well
        pit n.坑,陷阱;煤矿,矿井 . ( 3994 , peue , _ )
    2. 基本形式: 4055*pau- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *pau-yo . ←from 拉丁语 pavīre , to beat;
        pave v.铺砌,铺(路) , ( 9161 , peue , _ )
        →[考研]→ pavement n.人行道,公路 ( 5941 )
        pavé 铺平道路 , ( x )
      2. suffixed (stative) form *paw-ē- . ←from 拉丁语 pavēre , to fear (< "to be struck");
        pavid 胆小的 , ( x )
      3. perhaps 希腊语 paiein , to beat
        anapest 抑抑扬格 . ( 51724 , )
    [Pokorny 3 pēu- 827.]
    reputation n.名誉,名声,声望 (Lat,102262)
    deputy n.代理人,代表a.副的,代理的 (Lat,102446)
    discount n.折扣;贴现(率)vt.打折扣;不重视 (Lat,103932)
    accountability n.有责任,有义务,可说明性,会计责任,可计量性,责任制 (Lat,105042)
    accountable 可解释的,有责任的,有解释义务的[T8] (Lat,106561)
    recount v.叙述,重新计算 (Lat,107570)
    accountancy n.会计师之职,会计学 (Lat,111882)
    reputable adj.声誉好的;受尊敬的;卓越的[T9] (Lat,113724)
    amputation n.<医>截肢(术),切断,切除,删除 (Lat,115694)
    computation n.估计,计算[T9] (Lat,116282)
    amputee n.受切断手术的人 (Lat,119013)
    indisputable adj.无争论之余地的,明白的 (Lat,122892)
    disreputable adj.名誉不好的,不体面的,不名誉,为人所不齿 (Lat,126417)
    imputation n.归罪,负责,诋毁,非难 (Lat,132616)
    disputation n.辩论,争论 (Lat,133053)
    disputant n.辩论者,争议人,争论者 adj.争论的 (Lat,133482)
    disputable adj.可争辩的,可商榷的,有争议的 (Lat,143150)
    countable adj.<语法>(指名词)可数的 (Lat,144675)
    disrepute 不敬 (Lat,153721)
    raconteur 善于讲故事的人 (Lat,160365)
    pavage (Latin,)
    accompt (Lat,)
    accomptant (Lat,)
    computable (Lat,)
    deputable (Lat,)
    disputative (Lat,)
    imputable (Lat,)
    imputative (Lat,)
    incomputable (Lat,)
    irreputable (Lat,)
    nonimputable (Lat,)
    paviage (Lat,)
    pavidity (Lat,)
    pavior (Lat,)
    precompute (Lat,)
    putaminous (Lat,)
    recompute (Lat,)
    supputate (Lat,)
    supputation (Lat,)
    suppute (Lat,)
    ;...381, ped- 前进脚
    派生词包括: foot , fetter , pioneer , millipede , impeach , pajamas , fetch ₁, pessimism , and impeccable.
    1. Nominal root.
      1. Lengthened o级形式 *pōd- .
        1. ←from 古英语 fōt , foot.
          foot n.(pl.feet)脚,足;英尺;底部 , ( 465 , akua , _ )
          →[考研]→ footstep n.脚步(声),足迹。 ( 8163 )
        2. ←from 高地德语 fuoz , foot. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *fōt- .
          foosball 桌上足球 , ( 34160 )
      2. 带后缀形式: *ped-ero- . ←from 古英语 fetor , feter , leg iron, fetter, ←from 日耳曼语 *feterō .
        fetter 锁链 , ( 54385 , )
      3. 带后缀形式: *ped-el- . ←from 中古英语 fitlock , fetlock , fetlock, ←from a 日耳曼语 source akin to 高地德语 vizzelach , fetlock, ←from 日耳曼语 *fetel- .
        fetlock 球节 , ( 50290 )
      4. 基本形式: *ped- . ←from 拉丁语 pēs (stem ped- ), foot.
        pawn n.典当,抵押物,人质,(象棋)兵、卒,爪牙,被人利用的人 vt.当掉,以...担保 , ( 16736 , pan , _ )
        -ped x , ( x )
        pedal 脚用的(东西):adj.脚的,脚踏的n.踏板,脚蹬子v.骑(自行车),踩踏板[T6] , ( 8901 , ped , ped足 )
        →[考研]→ pedestrian n.行人,步行者 adj.徒步的,缺乏想象力的[T3]。 ( 7661 )
        →[oew]→ pediatrician n.儿科医师[T9]。 ( 13534 )
        →[oew]→ peddle vi.挑卖,沿街叫卖 vt.叫卖,散播 ( 15675 )
        →[oew]→ pedlar 流动小贩。 ( 59273 )
        pedate 鸟足状的 , ( x )
        pedest(e)rian n.步行者;行人adj.徒步的;平淡无奇的;一般的 , ( x )
        pedi- 没效果, , ( x )
        pedicel 花梗 , ( x )
        peduncle 花梗 , ( x )
        peon 苦工,苦力 , ( 59325 , )
        pes n.足,脚 , ( x )
        pioneer n.先驱,倡导者,开拓者 ; ( 5082 , ped , _ )
        millipede 千足虫 , ( 57849 , )
        sesquipedal x , ( x )
        tripedal x , ( x )
        →[oew]→ tripod n.三脚架;三脚桌[T8]。 ( 14531 )
        trivet 三脚火炉架,三脚铁架 , ( 63220 , )
        vamp 妖妇 , ( 63486 , )
      5. 带后缀形式: *ped-yo- .
        1. ←from 拉丁语 expedīre , to free from a snare ( ex- , out of; see eghs );
          expedite vt.加快,促进,分发畅通的;adj.迅速的;方便的[T9] , ( 23796 , ped , ped足 )
          →[oew]→ expedient 权宜之计。 ( 54249 )
        2. ←from 拉丁语 impedīre , "to put in fetters, hobble, shackle," entangle, hinder ( in- , in; see en ).
          impede 放进脚镣:vt.妨碍,阻止[T8] , ( 12234 , ped , ped足 )
      6. 带后缀形式: *ped-ikā- . ←from 拉丁语 pedica , fetter, snare.
        impeach 放进脚镣vt.弹劾;归咎;怀疑n.控告,检举;弹劾;怀疑[T8] , ( 15479 , ped , _ )
      7. o级形式 *pod- .
        1. ←from 希腊语 pous (stem pod- ), foot;
          pew n.教堂内的靠背长凳 vt.排座位 , ( 14193 , ped , _ )
          -pod 圆荚体 , ( x )
          podium 立足之地:n.乐队指挥台;矮墙;墩座墙[T8] ; ( 11318 , ped , _ )
          antipodes 波德 , ( x )
          apodal x , ( x )
          appoggiatura 花音 , ( x )
          Apus x , ( x )
          chenopod 藜科植物 , ( x )
          lycopodium 石松属植物 , ( x )
          macropod x , ( x )
          monopodium 单轴 , ( x )
          octopus 八爪鱼:n.章鱼[T9] , ( 20749 , okto , _ )
          Oedipus 俄狄浦斯 , ( x )
          pelecypod 瓣鳃动物 , ( x )
          phalarope 瓣蹼鹬 , ( 51441 )
          platypus 鸭嘴兽 , ( 59671 , )
          podagra 痛风 , ( x )
          podiatry 足部医疗 , ( 59734 , )
          podophyllin 盾叶鬼臼树脂 , ( x )
          polyp n.珊瑚虫(水螅型),息肉 , ( 22502 , ped , _ )
          polypod 多足 , ( x )
          rhizopus 根霉 , ( x )
          sympodium 合轴 , ( x )
          xenopus 非洲爪蟾蜍 , ( x )
        2. ←from 俄语 pod , under.
          podzol 灰壤 , ( x )
      8. 带后缀形式: *ped-ya . ←from 希腊语 peza , foot.
        trapezium 梯形 , ( 63155 , )
      9. 带后缀形式: *ped-o- .
        1. ←from 希腊语 pedon , ground, soil;
          pedo- 轮到pedo - , ( x )
          pedon 单个土体 ; ( x )
          parallelepiped 平行六面体 , ( x )
        2. ←from 梵语 padam , footstep, foot, and pāt , foot;
          pada , ( x )
          paisa 派士 , ( 59041 , )
          pice 派士 , ( 42641 )
          pie n.馅饼 , ( 3708 , ped , _ )
          pug 哈巴狗 , ( 60196 , )
        3. ←from Middle 波斯语 pāī , leg, foot;
          charpoy 吊床 , ( x )
          pajama 睡衣 , ( x )
          teapoy 小桌 , ( x )
        4. 加长级形式 *pēd-o- .
          1. ←from 希腊语 pēdon , rudder, steering oar;
            pilot n.飞行员;领港员v.驾驶(飞机等);领航,引水 , ( 1936 , ped , _ )
          2. ←from 希腊语 pēdān , to leap.
            diapedesis 血球渗出 , ( x )
      10. 带后缀形式: ped-ī- . ←from 希腊语 pedilon , sandal.
        cypripedium 凤仙花 , ( x )
    2. Verbal root *ped- , to walk, stumble, fall.
      1. ←from 古英语 fetian , feccean , to bring back, ←from 日耳曼语 *fetēn .
        fetch v.取来;接来;引出;售得;吸引n.取得;拿 , ( 6753 , ped , _ )
        1. Suffixed (comparative) form *ped-yos- . ←from 拉丁语 pēior , worse (< "stumbling");
          pejoration 堕落 ; ( x )
          impair v.损害,削弱.vt.(计算机)损伤 , ( 9656 , ped , _ )
        2. suffixed (superlative) form *ped-samo- . ←from 拉丁语 pessimus , worst;
          pessimism n.悲观,悲观情绪;厌世主义[T8] , ( 15187 , _ , _ )
        3. 带后缀形式: *ped-ko- . ←from 拉丁语 peccāre , to stumble, sin.a-call←from 拉丁语 *ped- .
          peccadillo 小罪过,岔子,小错 , ( 59254 , )
          peccant 犯罪的 , ( 59255 , )
          peccavi 忏悔 ; ( x )
          impeccable adj.无瑕疵的,无缺点的,无懈可击的[T8] , ( 13718 , _ , _ )
    [Pokorny 2. pē̆d- 790.]
    expedition 摆脱束缚:n.远征,探险,考察,探险队,敏捷[T3] (Lat,104813)
    impairment n.损害,损伤 (Lat,106478)
    impeachment n.弹劾,控告,怀疑 (Lat,108184)
    pedigree 鹤爪:n.血统,家谱(谱系图如同鹤爪)[T9] (Lat,113757)
    pedestal peddestall=footofstall=货摊的脚:n.基座,基础vt.搁在台上,支持,加座[T8] (Lat,114368)
    impediment n.口吃;妨碍;阻止[T8] (Lat,114372)
    revamp v.修补 (Latin,117157)
    expeditionary adj.探险的,出征的(尤指军事上) (Latin,123052)
    expediency n.适宜,方便,合算,利己 (Latin,123690)
    stapes n.镫骨 (Latin,127314)
    expeditious adj.迅速而有效率的,迅速完成的 (Latin,129401)
    bipedal n.& adj.两足动物(的) (Lat,130329)
    petiole n.叶柄,柄部 (Latin,140345)
    peonage n.当劳役偿债的制度 (Lat,142355)
    pedicle n.花梗,肉茎,茎,蒂 (Lat,146522)
    biped 两足动物 (Lat,152194)
    centipede 蜘蛛 (Latin,152696)
    impeachable 可控告的 (Latin,155855)
    inexpedient 不妥当的,不明智的 (Lat,155999)
    pedicure 足部护理 (Lat,159271)
    pejorative 贬损的,轻蔑的 (Lat,159285)
    quadruped 四足动物 (Lat,160296)
    centipedal (Latin,)
    decempedal (Latin,)
    expeditate (Latin,)
    impedition (Latin,)
    impeditive (Latin,)
    interpetiolar (Latin,)
    intrapetiolar (Latin,)
    multiped (Latin,)
    multipede (Latin,)
    octopede (Latin,)
    pedatifid (Latin,)
    pedunculate (Latin,)
    petiolar (Latin,)
    petiolate (Latin,)
    petiolular (Latin,)
    petiolulate (Latin,)
    petiolule (Latin,)
    repedation (Latin,)
    semiped (Latin,)
    semipedal (Latin,)
    stapedius (Latin,)
    subpetiolate (Latin,)
    suppedaneum (Latin,)
    velocipede (Latin,)
    oppidum (Lat,)
    pediform (Lat,)
    pedigerous (Lat,)
    piedfort (Lat,)
    piedmont (Lat,)
    quadrupedal (Lat,)
    tetrapod n.& adj.四足动物(的) (Greek,135784)
    polyposis n.息肉病 (Greek,141903)
    antipode n.正好相反的事物,恰恰相对事物,对映点 (Greek,145209)
    amphipod (Greek,)
    decapod (Greek,)
    podomancy (Greek,)
    podomere (Greek,)
    podopaediatric (Greek,)
    ;...382, pē(i)- 怕伤害 , Also pē-, pī- .
    To hurt. 缩减自: *peᵊ₁(i)- ; 零级s *piᵊ₁-, *pᵊ₁- .
    1. Suffixed (participial) form *pī-ont- (< *piᵊ-ont- ) ←from 古英语 fēond , fīond , enemy, devil, ←from 日耳曼语 *fījand- , hating, hostile.
      fiend 恶魔 , ( 54405 , )
    2. Possibly *pē- in suffixed 零级形式 *pᵊ-to- . ←from 拉丁语 patī , to suffer.
      passible 易动情的 , ( x )
      passion n.热情,激情,爱好;激怒;强烈感情 , ( 2511 , paen , passi承受 )
      passive a.被动的,消极的 , ( 5211 , paen , passi承受 )
      patient a.有耐心的,能忍耐的n.病人,患者 ; ( 617 , paen , passi承受 )
      →[考研]→ patience n.耐心,忍耐。 ( 4264 )
      compassion 一道忍受:n.同情,怜悯[T8] , ( 5970 , paen , passi承受 )
    [Pokorny pē(i)- 792.]
    passionate adj.热情的,热烈的,激昂的,易怒的[T8] (Lat,105695)
    compatible a.能和睦相处的,合得来的;兼容的 (Lat,106281)
    impatient a.不耐烦的,急躁的 (Lat,107075)
    incompatible adj.不相容的;矛盾的;不能同时成立的n.互不相容的人或事物[T6] (Lat,109372)
    compassionate adj.慈悲的,富有同情心的vt.同情,怜悯[T8] (Lat,109582)
    impatience n.急躁,不耐烦[T9] (Lat,110919)
    compatibility n.[计]兼容性 (Lat,111672)
    passivity n.被动性 (Lat,120227)
    impassive adj.冷漠的,无感觉的[T8] (Lat,123212)
    incompatibility n.不一致,合不来,不兼容,不匹配 (Lat,123543)
    dispassion n.冷静,公平 (Lat,141709)
    impassivity n.平静,无神经,泰然自若 (Lat,145373)
    impassible adj.不觉痛苦的,不受伤害的,无感觉的 (Latin,145543)
    dispassionate 无感情的 (Lat,153710)
    impatible (Latin,)
    interpatient (Latin,)
    nonpassible (Latin,)
    passibility (Latin,)
    passional (Latin,)
    passionary (Latin,)
    patible (Latin,)
    patientive (Latin,)
    perpession (Latin,)
    impassion (Lat,)
    noncompatible (Lat,)
    ;...383, peiᵊ- 胖脂胀
    To be fat, swell.
    派生词包括: fat , pituitary , and Irish.
    1. 零级形式 *pī- (缩减自: *piᵊ- ).
      1. Possibly 带后缀形式: *pī-tu- . ←from 拉丁语 pītuīta , moisture exuded from trees, gum, phlegm.
        pip₅ n.果核;种子;小毛病;(纸牌,骰子上的)点vt.破壳而出;打败 , ( x )
        pituitary 脑垂体 , ( 59635 , )
      2. Possibly 带后缀形式: *pī-nu- . ←from 拉丁语 pīnus , pine tree (yielding a resin).
        pine n.松树 , ( 3743 , kuei₁ , _ )
        pineal 松果体 , ( 59585 , )
        pinnace 舰载艇 , ( 47003 )
        piñon 矮松 , ( x )
        Pinot 黑比诺 ; ( x )
        piñacloth 碧娜布 , ( x )
      3. 带后缀形式: *pī-won- . ←from 希腊语 pīōn , fat.
        propionicacid 丙酸 , ( x )
      4. 带后缀形式: *pī-wer- , "fat, fertile."
        1. ←from 古英语 Īras , the Irish, ←from *Īwer-iū , the prehistoric Celtic name for Ireland;
          Erse 苏格兰盖尔语 , ( 54154 , )
          Irish n.|a.爱尔兰人(的),爱尔兰语(的) , ( 2274 , eis , _ )
        2. ←from 希腊语 Pīeriā , a region ofMacedonia, ←from *Pīwer-iā- .
          PierianSpring 缪斯女神的春天 , ( x )
    2. Extended o级形式 *poid- . ←from 古英语 fǣt(t) , fat, ←from 日耳曼语 past participle *faitidaz , fattened, ←from derivative verb *faitjan , to fatten, ←from *faitaz , plump, fat.
      fat a.多脂肪的,肥胖的;丰厚的n.脂肪,肥肉 , ( 1538 , pi , _ )
    [Pokorny pei̯(ᵊ)- 793.]
    ;...384, peig- 喷刻画 , Also peik- .
    (earlier *peik̑- , remaining as such in satem languages). To cut, mark (by incision).
    1. Alternate form *peik- . ←from 古英语 fīl , file, ←from 日耳曼语 *fīhala , cutting tool.
      file n.锉刀;文件,档案v.锉 , ( 1637 , guhisl , fil线纺 )
    2. Nasalized 零级形式 *pi-n-g- . ←from 拉丁语 pingere , to embroider, tattoo, paint, picture.
      paint n.油漆,颜料v.油漆;涂,涂漆;画;描绘,描述 , ( 1572 , _ , _ )
      →[考研]→ painting n.上油漆,着色;绘画;油画;画法。 ( 1233 )
      Pictor 画架座 , ( x )
      picture n.画,图片;影片;美景v.画,描述,想象 , ( 613 , peik , pict描写 )
      picturesque adj.图画般的,生动的,别致的[T9] , ( 10307 , peik , pict描写 )
      pigment n.色素,颜料v.上色,呈现颜色[T8] , ( 12356 , peik , pict描写 )
      pimento 西班牙甜椒 , ( 59575 , )
      pint n.品脱 , ( 10525 , peik , _ )
      pinto 黑白斑纹的 ; ( 59602 , )
      depict v.描绘;描写,描述 , ( 4325 , peik , pict描写 )
      pictograph 象形文字 , ( 30141 )
      →[oew]→ pictorial adj.绘画的,形象化的 n.画报,画刊[T8]。 ( 11333 )
    3. Suffixed 零级形式 *pik-ro- . ←from 希腊语 pikros , sharp, bitter.
      picro- x , ( x )
    4. o级形式 *poik- . ←from 希腊语 poikilos , spotted, pied, various.
      poikilotherm 变温动物 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 1. peig- 794.]
    depiction n.描绘,描述[T9] (Lat,110653)
    repaint vt.再次(重新)油漆,再次(重新)画,恢复…原来的色彩 n.重新涂漆的东西 (Lat,122782)
    pimiento n.辣椒 (Lat,130603)
    pigmentation 色素沉着 (Lat,159555)
    pigmentary (Lat,)
    ;...385, peku- 财富
    Wealth, movable property. 最初形式: *pek̑u- , becoming *peku- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
      1. ←from 古挪威语 , property, cattle;
        fellow n.人,家伙;伙伴,同事a.同样的,同事的 , ( 2181 , legh , _ )
      2. ←from 古法语 fie , fief, and 古英语 feoh , cattle, goods, money;
        fee n.费(会费,学费等);酬金 , ( 1846 , bʰa₁ , _ )
        fief 封地,采邑 ; ( 54403 , )
        enfeoff 转让 , ( x )
        feoffment 赠于不动产 , ( x )
      3. ←from 中世拉丁 feudum , feudal estate.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *fehu- .
        feud n.不和,争执,世仇.vi.长期争斗 , ( 14312 , peig , _ )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 pecus , cattle.
      pecorino 佩科里诺干酪 , ( 28060 )
    2. 带后缀形式: *peku-n- . ←from 拉丁语 pecūnia , property, wealth.
      pecuniary 金钱的 ; ( 59261 , )
      impecunious 不名一文的,贫穷的 , ( 55856 , )
    3. 带后缀形式: *peku-l- . ←from 拉丁语 pecūlium , riches in cattle, private property.
      peculate 盗用,挪用 , ( 59260 , )
      peculiar a.古怪的,异常的;特殊的,特有的 , ( 5153 , pek₂ , _ )
    [In Pokorny 2. pek̑- 797.]
    pecunious (Latin,)
    ;...386, pekʷ- 煮熟
    To cook, ripen.
    1. Assimilated form (in Italic and Celtic) *kʷekʷ- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 coquere , to cook;
        cook n.厨师v.烹调,烧煮;纂改(账目),捏造 , ( 1408 , peku , _ )
        cuisine n.烹饪,烹调法[T8] , ( 7270 , _ , _ )
        kitchen n.厨房 , ( 1032 , peku , _ )
        quittor 马蹄疽 ; ( x )
        apricot n.杏,杏树 , ( 16656 , peku , _ )
        biscotto 意大利式香脆饼 , ( x )
        biscuit n.饼干,点心 , ( 8779 , bʰe , _ )
        charcuterie 熟食店 , ( 39708 )
        concoct 一起煮:vt.捏造,炮制,调合,图谋[T8] , ( 16590 , peku , coct煮烹 )
        decoct , ( x )
        precocious adj.早熟的,过早发育的[T8] , ( 20032 , peku , coct煮烹 )
        ricotta n.意大利乳清干酪 , ( 21265 , peku , _ )
        sancocho x , ( x )
        terracotta 赤陶土 , ( 62834 , )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 culīna , kitchen, deformed from coquīna .
        culinary adj.厨房的;烹调用的[T8] , ( 9318 , peku , _ )
        kiln n.窑,炉 , ( 19720 , peku , _ )
    2. ←from 希腊语 pepōn , ripe.
      pepo 浆果 ; ( x )
      pumpkin n.南瓜 , ( 8565 , peku , _ )
    3. ←from 希腊语 peptein , to cook, ripen, digest (> peptos , cooked).
      peptic adj.消化的,有助消化的n.消化器官[T8] , ( 20634 , peku , _ )
      peptize 解胶 ; ( x )
      drupe 核果 , ( x )
      eupeptic x , ( x )
      pepsin 胃蛋白酶 , ( 59330 , )
      peptone 蛋白胨 , ( x )
    4. ←from 希腊语 -pepsiā , digestion.
      dyspepsia 消化不良 , ( 53919 , )
    5. ←from 梵语 pakva- , ripe.
      pukka 真品的,高质量的 ; ( 60203 , )
      pakora 帕可拉 , ( 48994 )
    6. ←from 古伊朗语 *-pāka- , cooked (Avestan -pāka- ).
      ceviche 酸橘汁腌鱼 ; ( 32184 )
      escabeche x , ( x )
    [Pokorny peku̯- 798.]
    peptide n.<生化>肽,缩氨酸 (Greek,120804)
    dyspeptic adj.消化不良的,胃弱的,患胃病的 n.消化不良的人 (Greek,136579)
    polypeptide 多肽 (Greek,159789)
    dipeptide (Greek,)
    eupepsia (Greek,)
    monopeptide (Greek,)
    oligopeptide (Greek,)
    pentapeptide (Greek,)
    tetrapeptide (Greek,)
    tripeptide (Greek,)
    ;...387, pel-₁ 平白无
    派生词包括: pallor , falcon , and poliomyelitis.
    1. Suffixed 变化形式*pal-wo- .
        1. ←from 古英语 fealu , fealo , reddish yellow;
          fallowdeer 黇鹿 , ( 54311 , )
        2. ←from Frankish *falw- , reddish-yellow. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *falwaz .
          fauvism 野兽主义 , ( 54344 , )
      1. ←from 拉丁语 pallēre , to be pale;
        pale a.苍白的,灰白的;浅的,暗淡的 , ( 2667 , pag , _ )
        pallid 苍白的 , ( 59067 , )
        pallidum 螺旋体 , ( x )
        pallor 苍白,恐惧 ; ( 59068 , )
        appall 使胆寒 , ( 16346 )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 palumbēs (influenced in form by 拉丁语 columbus , dove), ringdove, "gray-bird.".
        palomino 帕尔米洛马 , ( 59075 , )
    2. Probably 带后缀形式: *pel-ko- . ←from Late 拉丁语 falcō , falcon, ←from 日耳曼语 *falkōn- , falcon (< "gray bird"; but this is also possibly from the Late 拉丁语).
      falcon 嘴像弯钩的:n.猎鹰;隼[T8] ; ( 14838 , pel₇ , _ )
      gyrfalcon 矛隼 , ( 42381 )
    3. Suffixed 扩展形式: *peli-wo- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 pelios , dark;
        Pelops 珀罗普斯 , ( x )
      2. o级形式 *poli-wo- . ←from 希腊语 polios , gray.
        poliomyelitis 脊髓灰质炎,小儿麻痹症 , ( 59756 , )
        →[oew]→ polio n.<医>脊髓灰质炎(等于poliomyelitis) ( 16067 )
    4. Perhaps 希腊语 pelargos , stork (< *pelawo-argos , "black-white bird"; argos , white; see arg- )
      pelargonium 天竺葵属植物 . ( 45167 )
    [Pokorny 6 pel- 804.]
    ;...388, pel-₂ 平折叠
    To fold.
    1. Extended o级形式 *polt- .
      1. ←from 古英语 fealdan , faldan , to fold;
        fold v.折叠;合拢;抱住n.褶,褶痕;羊栏;信徒 , ( 4127 , plek₂ , _ )
      2. ←from 高地德语 faldan , to fold;
        faltboat 可折叠的小艇 , ( x )
      3. ←from 意大利语 falda , fold, flap, pleat;
        furbelow 俗丽的装饰 , ( x )
        1. ←from 中世拉丁 compound faldistolium , folding chair;
          faldstool 无靠背的椅子 , ( x )
        2. ←from 古法语 faldestoel , faldstool. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 compound *faldistōlaz , "folding stool" ( *stōlaz , stool; see stā- ).
          fauteuil 太师椅 , ( x )
      4. ←from 古英语 -feald , -fald , -fold, ←from 日耳曼语 combining form *-falthaz , *-faldaz .a-eall ←from 日耳曼语 *falthan , *faldan .
        -fold 表形容词或副词,“倍,双重” , ( x )
    2. Combining form *-plo- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 -plus , -fold (as in triplus , threefold);
        decuple 十倍的 , ( x )
        multiple a.多样的,多重的n.倍数v.成倍增加 , ( 2127 , plek₁ , ply倍重 )
        →[oew]→ multiplication n.乘法[T6]。 ( 20336 )
        octuple 八倍 , ( x )
        quadruple adj.四倍的;四重的vt.使…成四倍vi.成为四倍n.四倍[T9] , ( 18778 , plek₁ , ply倍重 )
        quintuple 五倍 , ( 60342 , )
        septuple 七倍 , ( x )
        sextuple 六倍的 , ( x )
        triple adj.三倍的,三方的三倍数;三个一组vi.增至三倍vt.使成三倍[T9] , ( 7851 , plek₁ , ply倍重 )
        →[考研]→ tribute n.颂词,称赞 ( 4882 )
      2. ←from 希腊语 -plos , -ploos , -fold (as in haploos , haplous , single, and triploos , triple).
        -ploid x ; ( x )
        triploblastic 三胚层的 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 3a. pel- 802.]
    plus prep.加上a.正的,加的n.加号,正号 (Latin,101698)
    double n.|a.两倍(的).vt.使加倍 (Latin,101725)
    surplus n.过剩,剩余;余款,余额a.过剩的,剩余的 (Latin,104826)
    plural a.复数的n.复数 (Latin,115571)
    pluralist n.兼管数个教堂者,兼职者 (Latin,117561)
    ;...389, pel-₃ 平皮藏
    Skin, hide.
    1. 带后缀形式: *pel-no- . ←from 古英语 fell , skin, hide, ←from 日耳曼语 *felnam .
      fell vbl.fall 的过去式 vt.击倒,打倒(疾病等),致于...死地,砍伐 n.一季所伐的木材,兽皮,羊毛 adj.凶猛 , ( 2296 , fall , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 filmen , membrane, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *fel-man-ja- .
      film n.电影;胶片;薄膜,薄层vt.把..拍成电影 , ( 648 , pel₆ , _ )
    3. 带后缀形式: *pel-ni- . ←from 拉丁语 pellis , skin.
      pelisse 皮制上衣 , ( x )
      pellicle 薄膜 , ( x )
      pelt n.投掷,毛皮.v.剥...的皮,投掷 , ( 19635 , pel₄ , _ )
      peltry 生皮 , ( x )
      pillion 摩托车后座 ; ( 59571 , )
      pellagra 糙皮病 , ( 59291 , )
      surplice 教士和唱诗班穿的白色罩衣 , ( 62475 , )
    4. ←from 希腊语 -pelas , skin.
      erysipelas 丹毒 , ( x )
    5. 带后缀形式: *pel-to- . ←from 希腊语 peltē , a shield (made of hide).
      peltate 盾状的 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 3b. pel- 803.]
    ;...390, pel-₄ 平送卖
    To sell.
    Lengthened o级形式 *pōl- .
    bibliopole 书商 , ( x )
    →[oew]→ Bible 0 ( 3069 )
    →[oew]→ bibliography 关于书的图示法 : n.参考书目,文献目录[T8]。 ( 12048 )
    monopoly n.垄断(者) , ( 4977 , pel₂ , _ ) ←from 希腊语 pōlein , to sell.
    [Pokorny 5. pel- 804.]
    ;...391, pel-₅ 平推动
    To thrust, strike, drive.
    派生词包括: anvil , filter , pulsate , polish , and appeal.
    1. 带后缀形式: *pel-de- .
        1. ←from 古英语 anfilt(e) , anfealt , anvil ("something beaten on");
          anvil n.[解]砧骨 , ( 22401 , pel₄ , _ )
          1. ←from 古英语 felt , felt;
            felt n.毡,毡制品,(造纸用的)毛布 vt.把...制成毡,使粘结 vi.粘结 vbl.feel的过去式和过去分词 , ( 966 , pel₄ , _ )
          2. ←from 中世拉丁 filtrum , filter, piece of felt. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *feltaz , *filtiz , compressed wool. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *felt- , *falt- , to beat.
            filter n.滤器,滤纸 , ( 4523 , pel₄ , _ )
            filtrate 滤液 , ( 54422 , )
      1. ←from 拉丁语 pellere (past participle pulsus ), to push, drive, strike.
        pelt n.投掷,毛皮.v.剥...的皮,投掷 , ( 19635 , pel₄ , _ )
        poussette 环舞 , ( x )
        pulsate 振动,搏动 , ( 60210 , )
        pulse n.脉搏,脉冲 , ( 4871 , pel₁ , pel驾驶 )
        push v.推;催逼,逼迫n.推,推力;促进,推进 ; ( 897 , pel₄ , _ )
        compel v.强迫,迫使 , ( 5964 , kom , pel驾驶 )
        dispel 赶开:vt.驱散,消除[T8] , ( 14726 , pel₄ , pel驾驶 )
        expel v.把…开除;驱逐;排出;发射 , ( 9546 , pel₄ , pel驾驶 )
        impel 赶进去:vt.推动,驱使,激励[T8] , ( 21599 , pel₄ , pel驾驶 )
        impulse v.推动n.推动;冲动,刺激 , ( 5324 , pel₄ , pel驾驶 )
        propel 往前赶:vt.推进,驱使,驱策,激励[T6] , ( 9203 , pel₄ , pel驾驶 )
        repel 赶回去:vt.抵制,击退[T6] , ( 14230 , pel₄ , pel驾驶 )
        1. Suffixed o级形式 *pol-o- , fuller of cloth. ←from 拉丁语 polīre , to make smooth, polish (< "to full cloth");
          polish v.磨光,擦亮;使优美,润饰n.擦光剂,上光蜡 , ( 4828 , pel₄ , _ )
          →[考研]→ polite a.有礼貌的,客气的;有教养的,文雅的。 ( 5038 )
        2. suffixed o级形式 *pol-o- (with different accentuation from the preceding), fulled (of cloth) ←from 拉丁语 compound adjective interpolis (also interpolus ), refurbished ( inter- , between; see en ).
          interpolate 插话,插嘴 , ( 56152 , )
    2. 扩展形式: *pelᵊ₂- .
      1. Present stem *pelnā- .
        1. ←from 拉丁语 appellāre , "to drive to," address, entreat, appeal, call ( ad- , to; see ad- );
          appeal vi.呼吁,恳求;申诉n.呼吁;申诉;吸引力 , ( 1265 , pel₄ , pel驾驶 )
          peal 钟鸣,钟响,洪亮的响声,轰隆声 , ( 59251 , )
          rappel 绕绳下降 , ( 60428 , )
          repeal vt.废除,撤销,废止,放弃,否定n.废除,撤销[T6] , ( 13094 , pel₄ , pel驾驶 )
        2. ←from 拉丁语 compellāre , to accost, address ( com- , intensive prefix; see kom ).
          compellation 姓名 , ( x )
      2. Possible suffixed 零级 extended adverbial form *pl̥ᵊ-ti- , or locative plural *pl̥ᵊ-si . ←from 希腊语 plēsios , near (< "pushed toward"), ←from pre-希腊语 *plāti or *plāsi .
        plesiomorphy x , ( x )
        plesiosaur 蛇颈龙 , ( 41908 )
    [Pokorny 2a. pel- 801.]
    compulsory adj.义务的;必修的;被强制的n.规定动作[T6] (Lat,106827)
    expulsion n.驱逐;开除[T8] (Lat,111474)
    compulsion n.强制;强迫;强制力[T8] (Lat,111625)
    compulsive adj.强制的;强迫的[T9] (Lat,112981)
    propulsion n.推进;推进力[T6] (Lat,114480)
    impulsive adj.冲动的;受感情驱使的;任性的[T8] (Lat,115339)
    appellate adj.上诉的;受理上诉的[T9] (Lat,115575)
    appellant adj.上诉的n.上诉人[T9] (Lat,115770)
    repulsive adj.排斥的;令人厌恶的;击退的;冷淡的[T9] (Lat,120443)
    repellent adj.排斥的,防水的,弹回的,令人讨厌的n.防护剂,防水布,排斥力[T8] (Latin,121004)
    repulse vt.拒绝;驱逐;憎恶n.拒绝,击退[T8] (Lat,123049)
    appellation n.<正>名称,称号,称呼,名目 (Lat,126028)
    repulsion n.厌恶,反感,<物>推斥,排斥力 (Lat,126934)
    pulsation n.脉搏,悸动,脉动,搏动性 (Lat,128784)
    impolite adj.无礼的,粗鲁的 (Lat,129252)
    propulsive adj.对某物(尤指机动交通工具)起推动作用的,推进的,有推进力的,趋于推动 (Lat,129628)
    interpolation n.窜改,添写,插补 (Lat,130639)
    pulsatile adj.脉动的,跳动的 (Lat,143950)
    politesse 礼貌,礼节 (Lat,159759)
    propulsor (Latin,)
    appellable (Lat,)
    appellative (Lat,)
    appulse (Lat,)
    appulsion (Lat,)
    appulsive (Lat,)
    compulsatory (Lat,)
    compulsivity (Lat,)
    depulse (Lat,)
    depulsion (Lat,)
    expellent (Lat,)
    expolish (Lat,)
    impellent (Lat,)
    impulsion (Lat,)
    impulsor (Lat,)
    nonpropulsive (Lat,)
    politure (Lat,)
    propellent (Lat,)
    pulsative (Lat,)
    pulsatorpulse (Lat,)
    pulsion (Lat,)
    repulsory (Lat,)
    ;...392, pelᵊ-₁ 平填补
    To fill; with derivatives referring to abundance and multitude. 最初形式: *pelh₁- ; variant *pleh₁- , becoming *plē- .
    派生词包括: fill , plenty , folk , accomplish , expletive , and plebeian.
    1. 零级形式 *pl̥ᵊ- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *pl̥ᵊ-no- . ←from 古英语 full , full, ←from 日耳曼语 *fulnaz , *fullaz , full.
        full a.(of)满的,充满的a./ad.完全,充分 , ( 398 , pel₅ , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 fyllan , to fill ( ←from 日耳曼语 derivative verb *fulljan , to fill), and fyllu , full amount ( ←from 日耳曼语 abstract noun *full-īnō- , fullness).
        fill v.(with)填满,充满 , ( 837 , pel₅ , _ )
      3. ←from 高地德语 fullen , to fill, ←from 日耳曼语 derivative verb *fulljan , ←from *fulla- , full (see1above).
        gefiltefish 鱼丸) , ( x )
      4. ←from 拉丁语 plēnus , full, ←from 拉丁语 stem *plēno- , replacing *plāno- (influenced by 拉丁语 verb plēre , to fill; seeIV. 1.below).
        plenary 全体的,全民的 , ( 59685 , )
        plenitude 大量,众多 , ( 59687 , )
        plenty n.丰富,大量 , ( 1918 , pel₅ , plen充满 )
        →[考研]→ plentiful a.富裕的,丰富的。 ( 9721 )
        plenum 全体会议 ; ( 59688 , )
        plenipotentiary 全权代表 , ( 59686 , )
        replenish vt.补充,再装满;把…装满;给…添加燃料[T8] , ( 16212 , pel₅ , plen充满 )
        terreplein x , ( x )
      5. 带后缀形式: *pl̥ᵊ-go- .
        1. ←from 古英语 folc , people;
          folk n.人们;民族;亲属a.民间的 , ( 1686 , _ , _ )
        2. ←from 高地德语 folc , people. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *folkam .
          Herrenvolk 统治民族 , ( x )
          volkslied 民谣 , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式: *p(e)lᵊ-u- .
      1. Obscure comparative form. ←from 拉丁语 plūs , more (Archaic 拉丁语 plous ). See alsoIV. 5.below.
        più , ( x )
        plural a.复数的n.复数 , ( 15571 , pel₅ , _ )
        plus prep.加上a.正的,加的n.加号,正号 ; ( 1698 , pel₅ , _ )
        nonplus 困惑 , ( x )
        pluperfect 过去完成时,极好的 , ( 59714 , )
        surplus n.过剩,剩余;余款,余额a.过剩的,剩余的 , ( 4826 , pel₅ , _ )
      2. o级形式 *pol(ᵊ)-u- . ←from 希腊语 polus , much, many.
        poly- 多,复,聚 ; ( 59775 , )
        hoipolloi 大众 , ( x )
      3. Possibly from this root (but probably rather from pel-₁ ) is 拉丁语 palūs , marsh (? < "inundated"):
        paludal 沼泽的 , ( x )
        palustrine 沼泽的 . ( x )
    3. 带后缀形式: *p(e)lᵊ-o- . 拉丁语 compound manipulus (see man-₂ ).
    4. 变化形式*plē- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 plēre , to fill.
        accomplish v.实现(计划等);达到(目的);完成(任务) , ( 3170 , pel₅ , plen充满 )
        complete a.完全的,圆满的v.完成,结束,使完满 , ( 817 , pel₅ , plen充满 )
        →[考研]→ complement 用来满足之物 : n.补足物,补语,补角[T6]。 ( 7001 )
        compliment 遵守礼节:n.恭维,称赞,问候,致意,道贺[T6] , ( 8460 , pel₅ , plen充满 )
        comply 满足:vi.遵守,顺从[T6] , ( 4800 , pel₅ , plen充满 )
        deplete vt.耗尽,使衰竭[T9] , ( 14011 , pel₅ , plen充满 )
        expletive 填充空白的:adj.填补的,附加的n.填补物[T9] , ( 20692 , _ , plen充满 )
        implement n.(pl.)工具,器具v.贯彻,实现 , ( 2678 , pel₅ , plen充满 )
        replete 反复填充:adj.充满的,装满的[T9] , ( 17314 , pel₅ , plen充满 )
        supply v.(with,to)供给,供应,补足n.供应,供应量 , ( 1195 , pel₅ , plen充满 )
        →[考研]→ supplement n.补遗;增刊;附录 v.增刊,补充。 ( 5003 )
      2. Possibly 带后缀形式: *plē-dʰw- . ←from 拉丁语 plēbs , plēbēs , the people, multitude.
        plebe 一年级学生,新生 , ( 59679 , )
        plebeian 平民,平民的,庸俗的 , ( 59680 , )
        plebs 市井小民,贱民 ; ( 59682 , )
        plebiscite 全民公决 , ( 59681 , )
      3. 带后缀形式: *plē-dʰwo- . ←from 希腊语 derivative verb plēthein , to be full.
        plethora n.过剩,过量 ; ( 17696 , pel₅ , _ )
        plethysmograph 体积描记器 , ( x )
      4. Suffixed adjective (positive) form *plē-ro- . ←from 希腊语 plērēs , full.
        plerocercoid 全尾蚴 , ( x )
      5. Suffixed (comparative) form *plē-i(s)on- . ←from 希腊语 pleōn , pleiōn , more.
        pleo- 恐龙- - , ( x )
        pleonasm 冗言,赘述 ; ( 59689 , )
        pleiotropy 基因多效性 , ( x )
        Pliocene 上新世 , ( x )
      6. Suffixed (superlative) form *plē-isto- . ←from 希腊语 pleistos , most.
        Pleistocene n.adj.[地]更新世(的) , ( 26408 )
    5. Possibly 梵语 pūraḥ , cake (< "that which fills or satisfies"):
      poori x . ( x )
    [Pokorny pel- 798.]
    implementation n.实现;履行;安装启用[T9] (Lat,103079)
    completion n.完成,结束,实现[T6] (Lat,104060)
    compliance n.顺从,服从;承诺[T8] (Lat,104672)
    accomplishment n.成就;完成;技艺,技能[T9] (Lat,105954)
    incomplete a.不完全的,不完整的 (Lat,106311)
    complementary a.补充的,补足的 (Lat,107623)
    supplementary a.增补的,补充的 (Lat,109465)
    depletion n.消耗;损耗;放血[T9] (Lat,111571)
    supplemental adj.补充的,追加的[T9] (Lat,114035)
    plurality n.多数;复数;兼职;胜出票数[T9] (Lat,116594)
    compliant adj.顺从的;服从的;应允的[T8] (Lat,119466)
    supplementation n.增补,补充 (Lat,121745)
    complementarity n.补充,补足,并协性 (Lat,124136)
    incompletion n.不完全 (Lat,137715)
    resupply 重新供给 (Lat,160687)
    suppletion 补充,增补,不规则词形变化 (Lat,162453)
    Compline (Lat,)
    complementation (Lat,)
    completive (Lat,)
    depletive (Lat,)
    impletion (Lat,)
    noncompliance (Lat,)
    plenitudinous (Lat,)
    pluriform (Lat,)
    reimplement (Lat,)
    reimplementation (Lat,)
    repletion (Lat,)
    repletive (Lat,)
    suppletive (Lat,)
    suppletory (Lat,)
    pleroma (Greek,)
    plethodontid (Greek,)
    plethoric (Greek,)
    plethysm (Greek,)
    plethysmometry (Greek,)
    ;...393, pelᵊ-₂ 平坦地
    Flat; to spread. 最初形式: *pelh₂- ; variant *pleh₂- , 变形 为: *plah₂- , becoming *plā- .
    派生词包括: field , planet , plasma , plastic , and polka.
    1. 带后缀形式: *pel(ᵊ)-tu- . ←from 古英语 feld , open field, ←from 日耳曼语 *felthuz , flat land.
    2. 带后缀形式: *pel(ᵊ)-t-es- (by-form of *pel(ᵊ)-tu- ).
      1. ←from 高地德语 feld , field;
        feldspar 长石 , ( 54358 , )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 veld , velt , field. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *feltha- , flat land.
        veld 南非的无树草原 , ( 63519 , )
    3. 变化形式*plā- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *plā-ru- . ←from 古英语 flōr , floor, ←from 日耳曼语 *flōruz , floor;
        floor n.地板,(楼房)的层 , ( 679 , pela , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *plā-no- . ←from 拉丁语 plānus , flat, level, even, plain, clear.
        llano 大草原 , ( x )
        piano n.钢琴 , ( 3336 , pela , _ )
        plain a.明白的;朴素的;坦率;平凡n.平原,旷野 , ( 2854 , pela , _ )
        planarian 真涡虫 , ( x )
        plane n.飞机;平面,水平面 , ( 1324 , pela , _ )
        plane n.飞机;平面,水平面 , ( 1324 , pela , _ )
        plane n.飞机;平面,水平面 , ( 1324 , pela , _ )
        planish 压平 , ( x )
        plano- 普莱诺- , ( x )
        planula 浮浪幼体 ; ( x )
        esplanade 广场,空地 , ( 54171 , )
        explain v.解释,说明 , ( 563 , _ , _ )
        pianoforte 钢琴 , ( 59516 , )
    4. Suffixed 零级形式 *pl̥ᵊ-mā- . ←from 拉丁语 palma (< *palama ), palm of the hand.
      palm n.手掌,掌状物,棕榈vt.与…握手,藏…于掌中 , ( 3365 , pela , _ )
      palm n.手掌,掌状物,棕榈vt.与…握手,藏…于掌中 , ( 3365 , pela , _ )
      palmary 杰出的 , ( x )
      palmier 葡果棕榈 , ( x )
    5. Possibly extended 变化形式*plan- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 planāsthai , to wander (< "to spread out");
        planet n.行星 ; ( 1902 , pela , _ )
        aplanatic 消球差的 , ( x )
      2. perhaps 日耳曼语 *flan- . ←from 法语 flâner , to walk the streets idly, ←from a source akin to 古挪威语 flana , to wander aimlessly.
        flâneur 浪荡子 , ( x )
    6. Suffixed 零级形式 *plᵊ-dʰ- . ←from 希腊语 plassein (< *plath-yein ), to mold, "spread out.".
      -plasia x , ( x )
      plasma n.血浆 , ( 7407 , pela , _ )
      -plast , ( x )
      plaster n.石膏;灰泥;膏药vt.减轻;粘贴;涂以灰泥;敷以膏药;使平服[T4] , ( 7780 , pela , _ )
      plastic n.(常pl.)塑料,塑料制品a.可塑的,塑性的 , ( 1679 , pela , _ )
      plastid 质体 , ( x )
      -plasty 整形术 ; ( x )
      dysplasia 发育不良 , ( 28078 )
      metaplasm 词形变异 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ metamorphosis n.变形;变质[T9]。 ( 17589 )
      →[oew]→ metaphysics n.玄学,形而上学[T8]。 ( 18510 )
      toxoplasma 弓形虫 , ( 45520 )
    7. o级形式 *polᵊ- .
      1. ←from 俄语 polyĭ , open;
        polynya 冰湖 , ( x )
      2. ←from Slavic *polje , broad flat land, field.
        Polack 波兰佬 , ( 59747 , )
        →[oew]→ Poland 0 ( 7028 )
        polka n.波尔卡舞,女用紧身短上衣 , ( 22650 , pela , _ )
    [Pokorny pelᵊ- 805.]
    See also extensions plāk-₁ , plat- .
    plan n.计划,规划;平面图,设计图v.计划 (Latin,100413)
    explanation n.解释,说明 (Latin,101845)
    explanatory adj.说明的,解释性 (Latin,110238)
    deplane 下飞机 (Latin,153531)
    pianissimo 很弱 (Latin,159515)
    planar 平面的 (Latin,159655)
    applanate (Latin,)
    applanation (Latin,)
    aquaplane (Latin,)
    complanar (Latin,)
    complanate (Latin,)
    coplanar (Latin,)
    coplanarity (Latin,)
    deplanate (Latin,)
    emplane (Latin,)
    peneplain (Latin,)
    plaintext (Latin,)
    planary (Latin,)
    planate (Latin,)
    planation (Latin,)
    planification (Latin,)
    planiform (Latin,)
    planular (Latin,)
    planulate (Latin,)
    plastique n.塑料炸弹 (Greek,143611)
    protoplasm 原生质 (Greek,160139)
    plastochron (Greek,)
    plastromancy (Greek,)
    plastron (Greek,)
    prosoplasia (Greek,)
    pseudoplastic (Greek,)
    symplast (Greek,)
    ;...394, pelᵊ-₃ 平高堡
    Citadel, fortified high place. 最初形式: perhaps *pelh₃- (but exact laryngeal uncertain). 零级形式 *pl̥h₃- .
    1. ←from 希腊语 polis , city (phonological development unclear).
      police n.警察,警察机关a.警察的v.管辖 , ( 392 , pele , polit国家 )
      →[考研]→ policeman n.警察。 ( 3881 )
      →[考研]→ political a.政治的。 ( 260 )
      →[考研]→ politician n.政治家,政客。 ( 2260 )
      →[考研]→ politics n.政治,政治学;政纲,政见。 ( 987 )
      →[oew]→ politesse 礼貌,礼节。 ( 59759 )
      policy n.政策,方针 , ( 341 , deik , polit国家 )
      polis 古希腊城邦 , ( 59757 , )
      politic 政治的,谨慎的,明智的,从政的 , ( 59760 , )
      polity n.政治组织,国家组织,政治,政体 ; ( 15031 , pele , polit国家 )
      acropolis 卫城(雅典) , ( 51562 , )
      cosmopolis 国际都市 , ( x )
      cosmopolite 世界主义的 , ( x )
      megalopolis 大都会 , ( 57627 , )
      metropolis 母城:n.大都市;首府;重要中心[T8] , ( 16124 , amma , polis城市 )
      necropolis 墓地 , ( 58391 , )
      policlinic 门诊部 , ( x )
      propolis 蜂胶 , ( 40644 )
    2. ←from 梵语 pūr , pur- , fortress.
      gopuram x , ( x )
    [In Pokorny 1. pel- 798.]
    cosmopolitan adj.世界性的;世界主义的,四海一家的n.四海为家者;世界主义者;世界各地都有的东西[T8] (Greek,113631)
    geopolitics n.地缘政治学 (Greek,124262)
    Decapolis (Greek,)
    Tripoli (Greek,)
    biopolitics (Greek,)
    ecumenopolis (Greek,)
    eperopolis (Greek,)
    heptapolis (Greek,)
    hexapolis (Greek,)
    pentapolis (Greek,)
    politeia (Greek,)
    tetrapolis (Greek,)
    ;...395, penkʷe 五指拳
    派生词包括: five , Pentecost , quintessence , finger , and foist.
    1. 基本形式: *penkʷe .
      1. Assimilated form *pempe .
          1. ←from 古英语 fīf , five, with derivative fīftig , fifty ( -tēne , ten; see dekm̥ );
            five num.五pron./a.五(个,只...) ; ( 269 , penkue , _ )
            fifty num.五十,五十个 , ( 2071 , penkue , _ )
          2. ←from 高地德语 finf , funf , five. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *fimf .
            fin n.鳍,鱼翅 , ( 10008 , _ , _ )
          1. ←from 古英语 fīftēne , fifteen;
            fifteen num.十五pron./a.十五(个,只...) , ( 2543 , penkue , _ )
          2. ←from 古挪威语 fimmtān , fifteen. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 compound *fimftehun , fifteen ( *tehun , ten; see dekm̥ ).
            femto- 毫微微- , ( x )
      2. Assimilated form *kʷenkʷe .
        1. ←from 拉丁语 quīnque , five;
          cinquain 五行诗 , ( x )
          cinque , ( x )
          quinque- x ; ( x )
          cinquecento 意大利艺术 , ( x )
          cinquefoil 梅花形 , ( 48520 )
          quincunx 梅花形 , ( x )
        2. ←from 拉丁语 distributive quīnī , five each;
          keno 基诺 , ( x )
          quinate 奎尼酸 , ( x )
        3. ←from 拉丁语 compound quīndecim , fifteen ( decem , ten; see dekm̥ );
          quinceañera 变成 , ( x )
          quindecennial x , ( x )
        4. ←from 拉丁语 quīngentī , five hundred.
          quincentenary 五百周年纪念 , ( 60336 , )
      3. ←from 希腊语 pente , five.
        penta- , ( 59315 , )
        pentad 五个一组 ; ( x )
        penstemon x , ( 33404 )
        pentagon n.五角形[T9] , ( 14088 , ghenu , penta-五 )
        pentameter 五音步诗行 , ( 59317 , )
        pentathlon 五项全能运动 , ( 59318 , )
      4. ←from 梵语 pañca , five.
        punch n.冲压机,冲床;穿孔机v.冲压,穿孔 ; ( 4692 , penkue , punct刺 )
        →[oew]→ Punch n.冲压机,冲床;穿孔机 v.冲压,穿孔。 ( 4692 )
        pachisi 印度双骰游戏 , ( x )
    2. Compound *penkʷe-(d)konta , "five tens," fifty ( *-(d)konta , group of ten; see dekm̥ ).
      1. ←from 拉丁语 quīnquāgintā , fifty.
        quinquagenarian 中老年 , ( x )
        Quinquagesima x , ( x )
      2. ←from 希腊语 pentēkonta , fifty.
        Pentecost 五旬节,圣灵降临节 , ( 59320 , )
        pinxterflower x , ( x )
    3. Ordinal adjective *penkʷ-to- .
      1. ←from 古英语 fīfta , fifth, ←from 日耳曼语 *fimftōn- .
        fifth a.第五的 , ( 2450 , penkue , _ )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 quīntus (< *quinc-tos ), feminine quīnta , fifth.
        quint 五胞胎 , ( 24601 )
        quintain 枪靶 , ( x )
        quintet 五重奏 , ( 60340 , )
        quintile 五分位值 ; ( 60341 , )
        quintessence 第五要素,精华,精髓 , ( 60339 , )
        quintillion 百万的三次方 , ( x )
        quintuple 五倍 , ( 60342 , )
    4. 带后缀形式: *penkʷ-ro- . ←from 古英语 finger , finger, ←from 日耳曼语 *fingʷraz , finger (< "one of five").
      finger n.手指;指状物;指针 , ( 1230 , penkue , _ )
    5. Suffixed reduced 零级形式 *pn̥k-sti- .
      1. ←from 古英语 fȳst , fist;
        fist n.拳头vt.用拳头打;紧握 , ( 4292 , penkue , _ )
      2. ←from 荷兰语 vuist , fist. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *funhstiz .
        foist 强加 , ( 54527 , )
    [Pokorny penku̯e 808, pn̥ksti- 839.]
    quintessential adj.精髓的,典型的 (Latin,116319)
    quinary 五个的 (Lat,160334)
    quinquefoil (Latin,)
    quinquennial (Latin,)
    quinquennium (Latin,)
    quinquepartite (Latin,)
    quinquevalent (Latin,)
    quinta (Latin,)
    quintant (Latin,)
    quintary (Latin,)
    quinte (Latin,)
    quintus (Latin,)
    semiquintile (Latin,)
    biquinary (Lat,)
    biquintile (Lat,)
    quinarius (Lat,)
    quintal (Lat,)
    quintan (Lat,)
    quintic (Lat,)
    quintipara (Lat,)
    ;...396, pent- 去踩走
    To tread, go.
    派生词包括: find , pontiff , and sputnik.
    1. ←from 古英语 findan , to find, ←from 日耳曼语 *finthan , to come upon, discover.
      find v.(found,found)找到;发现;发觉;感到 , ( 119 , pent , _ )
      →[考研]→ finding n.发现,发现物;(常pl.)调查/研究结果。 ( 1312 )
    2. Suffixed o级形式 *pont-i- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 pōns (stem pont- ), bridge (earliest meaning, "way, passage," preserved in the priestly title pontifex , "he who prepares the way"; -fex , maker; see dʰē- );
        pons , ( 59822 , )
        pontifex 大祭司 , ( x )
        pontiff 教皇,宗座 , ( 59823 , )
        pontine 桥的 , ( x )
        pontoon 浮桥,浮码头 , ( 59826 , )
        punt n.平底船,撑船,[足][橄]踢悬空球(球未落地前踢出) v.踢凌空球 ; ( 15701 , pent , _ )
        osteopontin 骨桥蛋白 , ( x )
        transpontine 泰晤士河南岸的 , ( x )
      2. ←from 俄语 sputnik , fellow traveler, sputnik, ←from put' , path, way.
        sputnik 人造地球卫星 , ( 62035 , )
    3. 零级形式 *pn̥t- . ←from 希腊语 patein , to tread, walk.
      peripatetic 巡回工作的,流动的 , ( 59359 , )
    4. Suffixed 零级形式 *pn̥t-ᵊ- .
      1. ←from 古英语 pæth , path;
        path n.小路,小径;路线,轨道 , ( 1323 , pent , pass通过 )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 pad , way, path. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *patha- , way, path, probably borrowed (? via Scythian) from 伊朗语 *path- .
        pad n.垫,衬垫;便笺簿v.加上衬垫 ; ( 4550 , _ , _ )
        footpad 拦路强盗 , ( 40499 )
    [Pokorny pent- 808.]
    pontage (Lat,)
    pontic (Lat,)
    pontile (Lat,)
    pontonier (Lat,)
    ;...397, per₁ 前先基
    Base of prepositions and preverbs with the basic meanings of "forward," "through," and a wide range of extended senses such as "in front of," "before," "early," "first," "chief," "toward," "against," "near," "at," "around."
    派生词包括: far , paradise , afford , first , protein , veneer , probe , privy , pristine , and priest.
    1. 基本形式: *per and 扩展形式: *peri .
        1. ←from Middle High German vereinen , to unite, ←from 高地德语 far- ;
          turnverein 体育协会 , ( x )
        2. ←from Yiddish farklemmen , to clamp, choke up, ←from Middle High German verklemmen , ←from 高地德语 far- ;
          farklempt x , ( x )
        3. ←from 中古荷兰语 vieren , to let out, slacken;
          veer vi.转向,(风向)顺(时针)转 vt.使转向,放出(锚) n.转向,方向的转变 , ( 12257 , _ , _ )
        4. 日耳曼语 compound *fer-getan (see ghend- );
        5. ←from 中古荷兰语 verrompelen , to wrinkle.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *fer- , *far- , used chiefly as an intensive prefix denoting destruction, reversal, or completion.
          frump 衣着老式的女子 , ( 54655 , )
      1. Suffixed (comparative) form *per-ero- , farther away. ←from 古英语 feor(r) , far, ←from 日耳曼语 *fer(e)ra .
        far a./ad.远,久远,遥远ad.到…程度,…得多 , ( 236 , per₁ , _ )
        →[考研]→ farther ad.更远地,再往前地 a.更远的。 ( 13590 )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 per , through, for, by.
        per prep.每;经,由 , ( 653 , _ , _ )
        →[考研]→ perform v.履行,执行;表演,演出;完成(事业)。 ( 1134 )
        →[考研]→ performance n.履行,执行;表演,演出;性能,特性;成绩。 ( 632 )
        per- 通过,完全的,整个的,表强调 ; ( 59331 , )
        paramount 往上越过adj.最重要的,主要的;至高无上的n.最高统治者[T8] , ( 9572 , kat , mount山上 )
        paramour 情妇 , ( 59137 , )
        parget 石膏 , ( x )
        parterre 花坛 , ( 59180 , )
        parvenu 暴发户,新贵 , ( 59189 , )
      3. ←from 希腊语 peri , around, near, beyond.
        peri- 在周围,在附近 ; ( 59352 , )
        perissodactyl x , ( x )
        1. ←from 梵语 pari- , couch;
          pantoum x , ( x )
          puggree 遮阳布 , ( x )
        2. ←from Avestan pairi- , around;
          paradise n.天堂 , ( 6710 , dʰeigh , _ )
        3. ←from 古波斯 pari , around, over;
          bard 游吟诗人 , ( 52027 , )
          purdah (某些穆斯林妇女不见外男的)内房制度 , ( 60234 , )
        4. 古伊朗语 compound *pari-vāraka- (see wer-₄ ).a-dall from Indo-伊朗语 *pari- , around.
      4. ←from 古俄语 pere- , around, again, ←from Slavic *per- .
        perestroika n.(苏联经济与政治体制的)改革,调整,政治经济重建的 , ( 17788 , _ , _ )
    2. 零级形式 *pr̥- .
        1. ←from 古英语 for , before, instead of, on account of;
          for prep.为了;给;代替;向;支持conj.因为? , ( 12 , _ , _ )
        2. ←from 古英语 for- , prefix denoting destruction, pejoration, exclusion, or completion. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *fur , before, in.
          for- OE. for- , ( x )
          →[考研]→ forward ad.(also forwards)向前 a.向前的 v.转交。 ( 724 )
      1. 扩展形式: *pr̥t- . ←from 古英语 forth , ←from 日耳曼语 *furth- , forward.
        forth ad.向前;向外,往外 ; ( 2279 , per₁ , _ )
        →[考研]→ forthcoming adj.即将来临的 n.来临 ( 5742 )
        afford vt.担负得起(损失、费用、后果等),买得起 , ( 1803 , _ , _ )
      2. Suffixed (comparative) form *pr̥-tero- . ←from 古英语 furthra , furthor , farther away, ←from 日耳曼语 *furthera- .
        further ad./a.更远,更往前;进一步v.促进,增进 , ( 686 , per₁ , _ )
        →[考研]→ furthermore ad.而且,此外。 ( 2811 )
        1. Compound *pr̥-st-i- or *por-st-i- , with o级形式 *por- (see stā- );
        2. ←from 拉丁语 por- , forth, forward. Bothaandb←from 拉丁语 por- ←from *pr̥- .
          porrect 伸出的 , ( x )
      3. 带后缀形式: *pr̥-sōd . ←from 拉丁语 porrō , forward.
        parget 石膏 , ( x )
    3. Extended 零级形式 *pr̥ᵊ- .
      1. Suffixed (superlative) form *pr̥ᵊ-mo- .
        1. ←from 古英语 forma , first, ←from 日耳曼语 *fruma- , *furma- ;
          former a.以前的,在前的pron.前者 , ( 451 , per₄ , _ )
        2. ←from 古英语 formest , first, ←from 日耳曼语 *frumista- , *furmista- ;
          foremost a.最重要的,最初的 , ( 6909 , per₄ , _ )
        3. 拉丁语 compound prandium , "first meal," late breakfast, lunch (probably < *prām-d-ium < *pr̥ᵊm-(e)d-yo- ; second element *-(e)d- , to eat; see ed- ).
      2. Suffixed (superlative) form *pr̥ᵊ-isto- . ←from 古英语 fyrst , fyrest , first, ←from 日耳曼语 *furista- , foremost.
        first a./ad.第一;最初;首次n.开始pron.第一名 , ( 90 , per₄ , _ )
      3. 带后缀形式: *pr̥ᵊ-wo- .
        1. ←from 希腊语 prōira , forward part of a ship, ←from analogically 带后缀形式: *prōw-arya ;
          prow ①船首②勇敢的 , ( 63988 , )
        2. ←from 希腊语 prōtos , first, foremost, ←from suffixed (superlative) form *prōw-ato- . Bothaandb←from 希腊语 *prōwo- , first, foremost.
          protein n.蛋白质 , ( 2485 , per₆ , _ )
          protist 原生生物 , ( 42680 )
          proto- G. protos,before,ahead在…前,在前面 , ( x )
          proton 基本粒子:n.质子[T6] , ( 15731 , per₆ , _ )
      4. 带后缀形式: *pr̥ᵊ-i . ←from 拉丁语 arepennis , half-acre (second element obscure), ←from Gaulish ari (combining form are- ), before, ←from Celtic *(p)ari , *are .
        arpent 阿邪 , ( x )
    4. 扩展形式: *pr̥ᵊā̆ .
        1. ←from 古英语 fore , for , before;
          fore a.在前的.n.前头,船头 , ( 12417 , per₄ , _ )
          →[考研]→ forecast v./n.预测,预报。 ( 5516 )
          →[考研]→ foresee v.预见,预知。 ( 9322 )
          fore- OE. fore-,来自fore,在前部 ; ( x )
          forefather n.祖先,祖宗 , ( 23797 , _ , _ )
        2. ←from 高地德语 fora , before;
          vorlage 滑雪的前倾姿势 , ( x )
        3. ←from 古英语 beforan , before, ←from 日耳曼语 prefixed and 带后缀形式: *bi-fora-na , in the front ( *bi- , at, by; see ambʰi ).a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *fura , before.
          before prep.(指时间)在…以前,在..前面,在..之前 , ( 140 , per₄ , _ )
          →[考研]→ beforehand adv.预先 ( 9335 )
      1. ←from 希腊语 para , beside, alongside of, beyond.
        para- 在旁,在周围,辅助,准,超过,相反,保护,防御 ; ( 59118 , )
        palfrey 帕尔弗里 , ( 34072 )
      2. ←from 梵语 purā , before.
        Purana 印度史诗 , ( x )
    5. 扩展形式: *prō̆ .
        1. ←from 古挪威语 frā , from , ←from 日耳曼语 *fra , forward, away from ;
          frae 从那边 , ( x )
          fro adv.向那边,向后prep.〈英方〉同n.〈美俚〉非洲发型= Afrona.见 ; ( 13209 )
          froward 难驾驭的 , ( x )
        2. 日耳曼语 *fra- , completely, in compounds (see ed- , aik- ).
      1. 带后缀形式: *prō̆-mo- .
        1. ←from 古英语 fram , forward, from , ←from 日耳曼语 *fram , from ;
          frame n.框架;体格;骨架;组织;机构v.设计;制定 , ( 1990 , per₅ , _ )
          →[考研]→ framework n.构架;框架;结构;组织;机构。 ( 2483 )
          from prep.(表示时间)从…;(表示原因)因为;(表示来源)来自…;(表示分离)与…分离[隔开] , ( x , _ , )
        2. ←from 古法语 f(o)urnir , to supply, provide, ←from 日耳曼语 derivative verb *frumjan , to further, ←from 日耳曼语 *frum , forward;
          furnish v.供应,提供;装备,布置 , ( 9753 , per₅ , _ )
          furniture n.家具 , ( 2444 , per₅ , _ )
          veneer n.薄板,单板,胶合板,饰面,外表,虚饰 vt.镶饰,胶合,虚饰 , ( 17344 , per₅ , _ )
        3. ←from Czech prám , raft.
          pram 婴儿车 , ( 59920 , )
      2. 带后缀形式: *prō-wo- .
          1. ←from 高地德语 frouwa , lady;
            Frau 已婚的女人 , ( x )
            Fräulein 小姐 , ( x )
          2. ←from 古挪威语 freyja , lady. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *frōwō- , lady, lengthened-grade feminine of *frawan- ; lord.
            Freya 弗雷娅 , ( x )
        1. ←from 古挪威语 Freyr , ←from 日耳曼语 *frawa- , alteration of *frawan- . lord;
          Frey 弗雷 , ( x )
        2. form *prō-wo- , independently created in Slavic. ←from 古教会斯拉夫语 pravŭ , true.
          naprapathy 推拿疗法 , ( x )
      3. ←from 拉丁语 prō , prō̆- , before, for, instead of.
        pride n.自豪;自满;引以自豪的东西v.使自豪 , ( 2762 , per₅ , _ )
        pro adv.正面地 (英国)档案局 PRO(Public Record Office) , ( 4875 , per₅ , _ )
        pro- 在前,向前,拥护,支持,倾向,亲 , ( 60049 , )
        prodigality 浪费,挥霍 , ( 60073 , )
        proud a.(of)自豪的;引以自豪的;妄自尊大的 , ( 1987 , per₅ , _ )
        prowess n.威力 ; ( 12313 , per₅ , _ )
        improve v.改善,改进,增进;好转,进步 , ( 917 , per₆ , prob试检 )
        purchase v.买,购买n.购买的物品 , ( 1896 , kap , _ )
      4. 带后缀形式: *prō-no- . ←from 拉丁语 prōnus , leaning forward.
        prone a.易于…的,很可能…的 , ( 6472 , per₄ , _ )
      5. Possible 带后缀形式: *pro-ko- . ←from 拉丁语 compound reciprocus , alternating, "backʷard and forward" ( *re-ko- , backʷard; see re- ).
        reciprocal adj.互惠的,相应的,倒数的,彼此相反的 n.倒数,互相起作用的事物 , ( 9780 , per₁ , _ )
      6. Suffixed adverb *pro-kʷe .
        1. ←from 拉丁语 prope , near;
          approach v.靠近,接近n.接近;途径,入门;方式,方法 , ( 627 , per₅ , proach接近 )
          rapprochement 再次接近n.友好;恢复邦交;友善关系的建立[T8] , ( 23539 , per₇ , _ )
          reproach 带过来骂:n.责备,耻辱vt.责备,申斥[T4] , ( 20649 , per₆ , proach接近 )
        2. 带后缀形式: *prokʷ-inkʷo- . ←from 拉丁语 propinquus , near;
          propinquity 临近,接近 , ( 60110 , )
        3. suffixed (superlative) form *prokʷ-isamo- . ←from 拉丁语 proximus , nearest.
          proximate 最接近的,最临近的 ; ( 60149 , )
          approximate a.近似的vi.(to)接近 , ( 10362 , _ , proach接近 )
      7. Compound *pro-bʰw-o- , growing well or straightforward ( *bʰw-o- , to grow; see bʰeuᵊ- ). ←from 拉丁语 probus , upright, good, virtuous.
        probable a.很可能的,大概的;有希望的,可能的 , ( 2788 , bʰeu , prob试检 )
        probe n.探针,探测器v.(以探针等)探查,穿刺,查究 , ( 5532 , bʰeu , prob试检 )
        probity 正直,诚实 , ( 60057 , )
        proof n.证据,证明;校样,样张 , ( 2881 , bʰeu , prob试检 )
        prove v.证明,证实;检验;考验;鉴定;结果是,表明是 ; ( 957 , bʰeu , prob试检 )
        approve v.(of)赞成,赞许,同意;批准,审议,通过 , ( 2561 , bʰeu , prob试检 )
        →[考研]→ approval n.批准,通过;赞成,同意。 ( 2357 )
        improbity 邪恶 , ( x )
        reprove 责备,非难 , ( 60659 , )
      8. ←from 希腊语 pro , before, in front, forward.
        pro- 在前,向前,拥护,支持,倾向,亲 , ( 60049 , )
      9. Suffixed (comparative) form *pro-tero- . ←from 希腊语 proteros , before, former.
        hysteronproteron 倒置法 , ( x )
        Proterozoic 原生代 , ( x )
        →[oew]→ Protestant 抗议(罗马教廷)的 : adj.新教的;新教徒的 n.新教;新教徒[T9]。 ( 5677 )
        →[oew]→ protestation 郑重的声明,坚决的表示。 ( 60137 )
      10. ←from 梵语 pra- , before, forth.
        Prakrit 古代印度语 , ( x )
      11. Celtic *ro- , intensive prefix. ←from 古爱尔兰 roar , enough, ←from Celtic compound *ro-wero- , sufficiency ( *-wero- , ←from root *wer- , also the source of 古爱尔兰 feraid , he supplies, provides).
        galore 丰富的 , ( 23753 )
    6. 扩展形式:s *prai- , *prei- .
        1. ←from 拉丁语 prae , before;
          pre- 在前,先于,预先 ; ( 59933 , )
          preterism x , ( x )
          preterit 过去时态 , ( x )
        2. compound *prai-ghes-to- (see ghes- ).
      1. Suffixed (comparative) form *prei-yos- . ←from 拉丁语 prior , former, higher, superior.
        prior a.优先的,在前的;(to)在…之前 , ( 2349 , per₄ , _ )
        →[考研]→ priority n.先,前;优先,重点,优先权。 ( 2137 )
      2. 带后缀形式: *prei-wo- .
        1. ←from 拉丁语 prīvus , single, alone (< "standing in front," "isolated from others");
          private a.私人的,个人的,秘密的,私下的 , ( 599 , per₆ , priv私有 )
          →[oew]→ privacy n.隐私;秘密;隐居;隐居处[T9]。 ( 3395 )
          →[oew]→ privation 剥夺,丧失,贫困,匮乏,艰难。 ( 60045 )
          privlege ˈprɪvlɪdʒ] n.特权;(因财富和社会地位而仅有部分人享有的)权益;免责特权;特殊荣幸vt.给与…特权,特免 , ( x )
          privity 共同利益关系 , ( x )
          privy adj.私人的;不公开的;秘密参与的n.有利害关系的人;厕所[T9] ; ( 12050 , per₆ , priv私有 )
          deprive vt.使丧失,剥夺[T6] , ( 7203 , _ , priv私有 )
        2. ←from 拉丁语 proprius , one's own, particular (< prō prīvō , in particular, ←from the ablative of prīvus , single; prō , for; seeV. 4.).
          proper a.适合的;合乎体统的;固有的;有礼貌的 , ( 1666 , per₅ , proper适当 )
          property n.财产,资产,地产,房地产,所有物;性质,特性 ; ( 841 , per₆ , proper适当 )
          appropriate a.适当的,恰当的,特有的vt.拨给,挪用,盗用 , ( 1094 , per₅ , proper适当 )
          expropriate 征用 , ( 54257 , )
          proprioception 本体感受 , ( 41916 )
          proprioceptor 本体感受器 , ( x )
          proprium 自我统一体 , ( x )
      3. 扩展形式: *preis- .
        1. Suffixed (superlative) form *preis-mo- .
          1. ←from 拉丁语 prīmus (< *prīsmus ; ablative plural prīmīs ), first, foremost;
            premier adj.第一的,最初的n.首相,总理[T4] , ( 4928 , per₆ , prim第一 )
            primal adj.原始的,最初的,主要的[T9] , ( 12782 , _ , prim第一 )
            primary a.最初的,初级的;首要的,主要的,基本的 , ( 1186 , per₆ , prim第一 )
            primate 首要的:adj.首要的,灵长目动物的n.灵长目动物,大主教,首领[T8] , ( 15148 , per₆ , prim第一 )
            prime a.首要的;最好的,第一流的n.青春,全盛期 , ( 1187 , per₅ , prim第一 )
            primitive a.原始的,远古的,早期的;粗糙的,简单的 , ( 5040 , per₆ , prim第一 )
            primo 首先 , ( 30278 )
            primus 燃油炉 ; ( 60034 , )
            imprimis 首先 , ( x )
            primavera 白桃花心木 , ( 31339 )
            →[oew]→ primacy n.首位,卓越,大主教的职位[T9]。 ( 11732 )
            →[oew]→ primer n.初级读物,识字课本,原始物[T9]。 ( 14700 )
            →[oew]→ Primula 报春花属。 ( 60033 )
            primeval adj.原始的,初期的[T9] , ( 23063 , aiu , ev年寿 )
            primipara 初产的孕妇 , ( x )
            primogenitor 始祖 , ( x )
            primogeniture 长子身份 , ( 60030 , )
            primordial 第一顺序的:adj.原始的;本初的;根本的;原生的[T9] , ( 17028 , ar₁ , order顺序 )
          2. ←from 拉丁语 compound prīnceps , "he who takes first place," leader, chief, emperor ( -ceps ,"-taker"; see kap- ).
            prince n.王子,亲王 , ( 2754 , kap , prim第一 )
            →[考研]→ princess n.公主,王妃。 ( 4335 )
            →[oew]→ principality 王公治理的国家,公国,侯国。 ( 60038 )
            principal a.最重要的,主要的n.负责人,校长;资本,本金 , ( 2419 , kap , prim第一 )
            principle n.原理,原则;主义,信念 , ( 1153 , kap , prim第一 )
        2. 带后缀形式: *preis-tano- . ←from 拉丁语 prīstinus , former, earlier, original.
          pristine a.质朴的,原始的 , ( 11658 , per₆ , _ )
    7. 扩展形式: *pres- in compound *pres-gʷu- , "going before" ( *gʷ-u- , going; see gʷā- ). ←from 希腊语 presbus , old, old man, elder.
      presbyter 长老(指长老教制会中的教徒领袖) , ( 59990 , )
      PresterJohn 普雷斯特龙卷风约翰 , ( x )
      priest n.教士,神父 ; ( 2645 , per₆ , _ )
      presbyopia 老花眼 , ( 42974 )
    8. 扩展形式: *proti . ←from 希腊语 pros , against, toward, near, at.
      pros- 优点- - , ( x )
    [Pokorny 2. A. per 810.]
    Other possibly related forms are grouped under per-₂ , per-₃ , per-₄ , per-₅ .
    privilege n.特权,优惠,特许v.给予优惠,给予特权 (Latin,103624)
    probability n.可能性;机率;[数]或然率[T4] (Lat,104696)
    inappropriate adj.不适当的;不相称的[T9] (Lat,105186)
    proximity n.接近,邻近[T9] (Lat,107254)
    appropriation n.拨款,挪用[T9] (Lat,107684)
    probation n.试用,试用期,缓刑[T9] (Lat,107801)
    deprivation 剥夺;损失;免职;匮乏;贫困[T8] (Latin,108199)
    proprietary adj.所有的;专利的;私人拥有的n.所有权;所有人[T8] (Latin,109441)
    proprietor n.业主;所有者;经营者[T9] (Latin,110119)
    improbable a.不大可能的,不像会发生的,似不可信的 (Lat,111372)
    proximal adj.最接近的,邻近的[T9] (Lat,112758)
    priory n.小修道院 (Lat,116516)
    propriety n.适当;礼节;得体[T8] (Lat,117842)
    subprime adj.准一流的,近乎头等的,准最低贷款利率的 (Lat,119725)
    impropriety n.不适当;不得体;不正当行为[T9] (Lat,119969)
    probationary adj.试用的,缓刑的 (Lat,128390)
    improbability n.不大可能的事物,未必有的事 (Lat,132846)
    probative adj.检验的 (Lat,133256)
    propitiation n.安抚,和解 (Lat,142317)
    approbation 批准 (Lat,151820)
    disapprobation 反对 (Latin,153668)
    opprobrium 谴责,抨击 (Latin,158831)
    primrose 报春花 (Latin,160032)
    privateer 私掠船(旧时用以攻击和劫掠其它船只) (Latin,160044)
    privative 剥夺的,表否定的 (Latin,160046)
    probate 遗嘱认证,遗嘱检验 (Lat,160054)
    prodigal 挥霍的 (Latin,160071)
    propitiatory 安抚的,使息怒的,为和解的 (Lat,160112)
    propitious 吉祥的,吉利的 (Lat,160113)
    reprobate 堕落的人,不道德的人 (Lat,160655)
    coprime (Latin,)
    nonprime (Latin,)
    prima facie (Latin,)
    primality (Latin,)
    repristinate (Latin,)
    semiprime (Latin,)
    semiprivate (Latin,)
    a priori (Lat,)
    primine (Lat,)
    proband (Lat,)
    reproval (Lat,)
    subprimal (Lat,)
    subprior (Lat,)
    protocol 书册的第一页:n.协议;草案;礼仪v.拟定[T8] (Greek,104877)
    prototype n.原型;标准,模范[T6] (Greek,106863)
    protagonist n.主角,主要选手[T8] (Greek,110127)
    antiproton 反质子 (Greek,151783)
    presbytery 长老会(苏格兰国教) (Greek,159991)
    protoplasm 原生质 (Greek,160139)
    Presbyterianism (Greek,)
    Protozoa (Greek,)
    amphiprotic (Greek,)
    archpriest (Greek,)
    presbyterium (Greek,)
    protanomaly (Greek,)
    protanopia (Greek,)
    protopresbyter (Greek,)
    ;...398, per-₂ 铺运送
    To lead, pass over. A verbal root belonging to the group of per ₁.
    派生词包括: fjord , welfare , emporium , opportune , important , and sport.
    1. 全级形式 *per- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *per-tu- . ←from 古挪威语 fjördʰr , an inlet, estuary, ←from 日耳曼语 *ferthuz , place for crossing over, ford.
        firth 狭长海湾 , ( 54437 , )
        fjord 海湾 , ( 54450 , )
      2. 带后缀形式: *per-onā- . ←from 希腊语 peronē , pin of a brooch, buckle (< "that which pierces through").
        peroneal 腓侧的 , ( 41162 )
      3. 带后缀形式: *per-yo- . ←from 希腊语 peirein , to pierce.
        diapir 底辟 , ( x )
      4. 带后缀形式: *per-trā- . ←from 希腊语 petrā , cliff, rock (dissimilated from *pertrā- ), with possible earlier meaning "bedrock" (< "what one comes through to").
        petro- 岩石的,石油的 , ( 59411 , )
        petrous 岩石的 , ( 59415 , )
        pier n.码头,(桥)墩 ; ( 8549 , _ , _ )
        parsley n.[植]欧芹 , ( 7786 , caput , _ )
        petrify 使石化,惊呆 , ( 59410 , )
        petroleum n.石油 , ( 7766 , caput , petr石岩 )
        →[考研]→ petrol n.汽油。 ( 6858 )
        saltpeter 硝石,硝酸钾 , ( 61010 , )
      5. 带后缀形式: *per-wr̥ , *per-wn̥- , bedrock, "a coming through, what one comes through to," and derived adjective *per-wn̥-to- , rocky. ←from 梵语 parvataḥ , mountain.
        Parvati 帕瓦蒂 , ( x )
    2. o级形式 *por- .
          1. ←from 古英语 faran , to go on a journey, get along;
            fare n.车费,船费;伙食;乘客v.过活;进展;经营 ; ( 5039 , per₁ , fare走 )
            →[考研]→ farewell int.再会,别了 n.告别。 ( 8388 )
            warfare n.战争,作战,冲突,竞争 , ( 5767 , _ , fare走 )
            wayfarer 旅行者 , ( 63694 , )
            wayfaring 徒步旅行 , ( x )
            welfare n.福利;幸福;福利事业 , ( 1770 , per₅ , fare走 )
          2. ←from 古英语 feldeware , possibly altered by folk etymology in 古英语 from an earlier *feldefare , ←from *fare , a goer, ←from faran (see (i) above).
            fieldfare 田鸫 , ( x )
        1. ←from 高地德语 faran , to go, travel;
          gaberdine 工作服 , ( x )
        2. ←from 古挪威语 fara , to go, move.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *faran , to go.
          fartlek 法特莱克训练法 , ( x )
      1. 带后缀形式: *por-o- , passage, journey. ←from 希腊语 poros , journey, passage.
        pore n.气孔;小孔[T6] ; ( 12210 , per₁ , _ )
        aporia 自相矛盾 , ( 51806 , )
        emporium 大型商城 , ( 54046 , )
        poromeric 通气性强的塑料 , ( x )
      2. Suffixed (causative) form *por-eyo- , to cause to go, lead, conduct.
        1. ←from 古英语 ferian , to transport, ←from 日耳曼语 *farjan , to ferry;
          ferry n.摆渡,渡船,渡口 vt.渡运,(乘渡船)渡过,运送 vi.摆渡,(船)来往行驶 , ( 6199 , per₁ , fer运载 )
        2. ←from 梵语 pārayati , pālayati , he leads across, brings to safety.
          guar abbr.guaranteed 有保证的;有担保的;guaranty 保证;pyt guarantee of payment 付款保证 , ( 50512 )
          wallah 从事某工作的人 , ( 63660 , )
      3. 加长级形式 *pōr- .
        1. ←from 古英语 (ge)fēra , "fellow-traveler," companion ( ge- , together, with; see kom ), ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *fōr-ja- ;
          fere 费勒 , ( x )
        2. ←from 高地德语 fuoren , to lead, ←from 日耳曼语 suffixed (causative) form *fōr-jan .
          führer 元首 , ( x )
      4. Possibly 带后缀形式: *por-no- , feather, wing (< "that which carries a bird in flight").
        1. ←from 古英语 fearn , fern (having feathery fronds), ←from 日耳曼语 *farnō , feather, leaf;
          fern n.蕨类植物 , ( 12414 , pet₁ , _ )
        2. ←from 梵语 parṇam , leaf, feather.
          paan 槟榔 , ( x )
    3. 零级形式 *pr̥- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *pr̥-tu- , passage.
        1. ←from 古英语 ford , shallow place where one may cross a river, ←from 日耳曼语 *furdu- ;
          ford n.浅滩.v.徒涉 , ( 6010 , per₁ , _ )
          →[oew]→ forthwith adv.立刻,不犹豫地 ( 20768 )
          →[oew]→ forthright adv.马上,立即 adj.直接的,直率的,坦白的,豪爽的 n.直路 ( 19355 )
        2. ←from 拉丁语 portus , harbor (< "passage").
          port n.港口 ; ( 2528 , per₂ , port运送 )
          importune 纠缠 , ( 55876 , )
          →[oew]→ importunate 纠缠不休的。 ( 55875 )
          opportune 适当的,有机会的 , ( 58827 , )
          →[oew]→ opportunity n.机会。 ( 659 )
          passport n.护照,达到某种目的的手段 , ( 6380 , pet₂ , pass通过 )
      2. 带后缀形式: *pr̥-tā- . ←from 拉丁语 porta , gate.
        porch n.门廊,走廊 , ( 3768 , per₂ , port大门 )
        port n.港口 , ( 2528 , per₂ , port运送 )
        portal n.大门,入口[T9] , ( 10167 , per₂ , port大门 )
        portcullis 铁闸门,吊闸 , ( 59859 , )
        porter n.守门人,门房,行李搬运工,服务员 , ( 8179 , per₂ , port运送 )
        portico 门廊 , ( 59864 , )
        portière 门帷 , ( x )
        portulaca 马齿苋属的植物 , ( x )
        purslane 马齿苋 , ( 35147 )
      3. Suffixed (denominative) form *pr̥-to- . ←from 拉丁语 portāre , to carry.
        port₅ n.港口;(事情的)意义;(计算机与其他设备的)接口;(船、飞机等的)左舷vt.举枪;持枪;左转舵vi.转向左舷adj.左舷的,左侧的vt.vi.转舵(向左),把(舵)转向左边adv.向左舷,向左 , ( x )
        portable a.轻便的,手提(式)的,可移动的 , ( 5868 , per₂ , port运送 )
        portage 陆上搬运 , ( 59856 , )
        portamento 延音 , ( x )
        portative 可携带的 , ( x )
        porter n.守门人,门房,行李搬运工,服务员 ; ( 8179 , per₂ , port运送 )
        comport 举止 , ( 53028 , )
        deport vt.驱逐出境,放逐;举止[T8] , ( 14599 , per₂ , port运送 )
        →[oew]→ department n.部,局,处,科,部门;系,学部。 ( 792 )
        →[oew]→ deportment 举止,风度。 ( 53533 )
        export v./n.输出,出口n.出口商品 , ( 3086 , _ , port运送 )
        import v./n.进口,输入,(pl.)进口商品;要旨,含意 , ( 4011 , _ , port运送 )
        →[考研]→ importance n.重要,重要性。 ( 1132 )
        important a.重要的,重大的;有地位的,有权力的 , ( 222 , _ , port运送 )
        portfolio 携带纸张(的东西):n.公文包,文件夹,证券投资组合,部长职务[T8] , ( 4012 , beu , port运送 )
        purport 带到前面n.意图,主旨,意义vt.意图,打算,声称,意指[T8] , ( 15297 , per₂ , port运送 )
        rapport 带回来n.默契,密切关系,交往,和谐一致[T8] , ( 12892 , per₂ , _ )
        report n./v.报告,汇报;传说,传阅 , ( 353 , per₂ , port运送 )
        →[考研]→ reporter n.报告人,通讯员;记者,报导者。 ( 1680 )
        sport n.(体育)运动(pl.)运动会vi.开玩笑;玩耍 , ( 776 , per₂ , port运送 )
        →[考研]→ sportsman n.爱好运动的人;运动员。 ( 14313 )
        support n./vt.支撑;支持;赡养;维持n.支持者;支柱 , ( 372 , per₂ , port运送 )
        transport v.运输,运送,搬运n.运输;运输系统,运载工具 , ( 2115 , per₂ , port运送 )
        →[oew]→ transportation n.运输(工具、系统) ( 2969 )
    [Pokorny 2. B. per 816.]
    deportation n.驱逐出境;放逐[T8] (Lat,115586)
    importation n.进口,输入品[T9] (Lat,120155)
    portability n.可携带,轻便 (Lat,123946)
    deportee n.被放逐者,被判充军的人 (Lat,129984)
    comportment n.举动,行为 (Lat,131237)
    transportable adj.可运输的 n.便携式电视机(或计算机) (Lat,134121)
    exportation n.出口 (Lat,134964)
    reportable adj.可报告的,值得报告的 (Lat,136121)
    reimportation n.再输入,再输入的东西 (Lat,139679)
    supportable adj.可支持的,可援助的,可忍耐的 (Lat,142848)
    exportable adj.可输出的,适于输出的 (Lat,143408)
    deportable adj.可(或应)驱逐出境的,可(或应)流放的 (Lat,145106)
    disport 自娱自乐 (Lat,153715)
    insupportable 忍耐不住的,不能忍受的 (Lat,156105)
    rapporteur 特派调查员 (Lat,160429)
    reportage 报道文体 (Lat,160651)
    apport (Lat,)
    asportation (Lat,)
    comportable (Lat,)
    comportance (Lat,)
    comportation (Lat,)
    importable (Lat,)
    importunity (Lat,)
    nonportable (Lat,)
    portance (Lat,)
    porterage (Lat,)
    proport (Lat,)
    reexport (Lat,)
    reimport (Lat,)
    reportative (Lat,)
    aporetic (Greek,)
    gonopore (Greek,)
    ozopore (Greek,)
    polypore (Greek,)
    porism (Greek,)
    porismatic (Greek,)
    ;...399, per-₃ 扑风险
    To try, risk (< "to lead over," "press forward"). A verbal root belonging to the group of per ₁.
    1. Lengthened grade *pēr- . ←from 古英语 fǣr , danger, sudden calamity, ←from 日耳曼语 *fēraz , danger.
      fear n.害怕,恐惧;危险vt.畏惧,害怕,担心 , ( 935 , _ , _ )
      →[考研]→ fearful a.可怕的,吓人的;害怕,担心,惊恐。 ( 6598 )
    2. 带后缀形式: *perī-tlo- . ←from 拉丁语 perīclum , perīculum , trial, danger.
      parlous 危险的,动荡的 , ( 59167 , )
      peril 冒险尝试:n.危险;冒险vt.危及;置…于险境[T6] , ( 9484 , per₃ , peri通过 )
    3. 带后缀形式: *per-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 experīrī , to try, learn by trying ( ex- , from ; see eghs ).
      experience n./vt.经验;经历;体验;阅历 , ( 354 , per₃ , peri通过 )
      →[考研]→ experimental a.实验(性)的,试验(性)的。 ( 3282 )
      experiment n.实验;试验v.(on)进行实验;做试验 , ( 1815 , per₃ , peri通过 )
      expert n.专家,能手a.熟练的,有经验的;专门的 , ( 1008 , per₃ , peri通过 )
      →[考研]→ expertise n.专门知识;专门技术;专家的意见[T8]。 ( 3442 )
    4. 带后缀形式: *per-ya . ←from 希腊语 peira , trial, attempt.
      pirate 攻击者:n.海盗;盗版;侵犯专利权者vt.掠夺;翻印;剽窃vi.做海盗;从事劫掠[T6] ; ( 8662 , per₃ , _ )
      →[oew]→ piracy n.海盗行为,侵犯版权,非法翻印 盗版 ( 15784 )
      empiric n.经验主义者,[古]江湖医生 , ( 39658 )
    [Pokorny 2. E. per 818.]
    inexperience n.缺乏经验,不熟练,未熟 (Lat,122288)
    antipiracy (Greek,)
    apeirogon (Greek,)
    apeirohedron (Greek,)
    piratic (Greek,)
    ;...400, per-₄ 迫压按
    To strike. A verbal root belonging to the group of per ₁.
    扩展形式:s *prem- , *pres- .
    pregnant a.怀孕的,孕育的,充满的,意味深长的 , ( 2893 , gn , )
    press v.压;压榨;紧迫,催促n.报刊,通讯社;压榨机 , ( 927 , per₇ , press压 )
    pressure n.压,压力,压迫,强制,紧迫,困苦,困难 , ( 735 , per₇ , press压 )
    print n.印刷,印刷品,字体v.印刷,出版;洗印 ; ( 2122 , per₇ , _ )
    appressed 紧靠的 , ( x )
    après 然后 , ( x )
    compress vt.压紧,压缩;(把思想、文字等)浓缩 , ( 12501 , per₇ , press压 )
    depress v.压抑,降低;使沮丧,压下 , ( 11204 , pres , press压 )
    espresso n.(蒸汽加压煮出的)浓咖啡 , ( 16702 , _ , _ )
    express v.表达,表示a.特快的,快速的n.快车,快运 , ( 1293 , per₇ , press压 )
    →[考研]→ expression n.表达;表情;声调;腔调;榨出;措词;式;符号。 ( 1337 )
    impress v.(on)印,盖印;留下印象,引人注目 , ( 3737 , per₇ , press压 )
    →[考研]→ impression n.印象,感想;盖印,压痕。 ( 2265 )
    →[考研]→ impressive a.给人深刻印象的,感人的。 ( 2960 )
    imprimatur 批准,同意 , ( 55888 , )
    imprint n.印记;痕迹;特征;版本说明vt.加特征;刻上记号[T8] , ( 14013 , per₇ , _ )
    oppress 对着压:压迫,压抑,使烦恼,使感到沉重[T4] , ( 15657 , per₇ , press压 )
    repress 往后压:v.抑制,镇压,约束[T9] , ( 17039 , pres , press压 )
    reprimand n.申斥 , ( 19490 , per₇ , _ )
    reprisal 反过去抓:n.报复,报复性劫掠[T8] , ( 19443 , _ , pris捉握 )
    reprise 重奏,重复 , ( 60654 , )
    suppress 压下vt.抑制,镇压,废止[T6] , ( 5960 , pres , press压 ) ←from 拉丁语 premere (past participle pressus ), to press.
    [Pokorny 3. per- 818.]
    depression n.沮丧,消沉,萧条(期) (Lat,102293)
    oppression n.压抑;镇压;压迫手段;沉闷;苦恼[T9] (Lat,107246)
    repression n.抑制,镇压[T9] (Lat,107660)
    compression n.压缩,浓缩;压榨,压迫[T6] (Lat,108232)
    expressive adj.表现的;有表现力的;表达…的[T9] (Lat,108443)
    suppression n.抑制;镇压;压抑[T9] (Lat,110068)
    oppressive adj.压迫的;沉重的;压制性的;难以忍受的[T9] (Lat,110235)
    repressive adj.抑制的;镇压的[T9] (Lat,112407)
    reprint v.再版 (Lat,112607)
    depressive adj.抑郁的;压抑的[T9] (Lat,114191)
    compressor n.压缩机;压缩物;收缩肌;压迫器[T9] (Lat,118326)
    oppressor n.压制者,压迫者[T9] (Lat,122701)
    decompression n.减压,解压 (Lat,125695)
    decompress vt.使减压 (Lat,127929)
    compressive adj.有压缩力的 (Lat,128953)
    compressible adj.可压缩的,可压榨的 (Lat,134318)
    depressor n.抑压者,抑压物,(检验或手术中用的)压板,压器 (Lat,136609)
    incompressible adj.不能压缩的 (Lat,139434)
    inexpressive adj.无表情的,无意义的 (Lat,141331)
    expressivity n.善于表达,表达性,示性 (Lat,142226)
    imprimatura n.<意>(上釉或着色的)底色,底子,底漆 (Lat,144001)
    impressionable 易受影响的 (Lat,155886)
    inexpressible 无法形容的 (Lat,156001)
    irrepressible 无法遏制的 (Lat,156224)
    suppressant 抑制剂,抑制药 (Lat,162459)
    suppressor 镇压者,压制者 (Lat,162460)
    appress (Lat,)
    appressorium (Lat,)
    compressional (Lat,)
    counterpressure (Lat,)
    expressible (Lat,)
    expressional (Lat,)
    expressor (Lat,)
    impressible (Lat,)
    impressional (Lat,)
    impressor (Lat,)
    incompressibility (Lat,)
    oppressible (Lat,)
    preprint (Lat,)
    repressible (Lat,)
    repressor (Lat,)
    subexpression (Lat,)
    surprint (Lat,)
    transrepression (Lat,)
    ;...401, per-₅ 捕抓获
    To traffic in, sell (< "to hand over," "distribute"). A verbal root belonging to the group of per ₁ . Base of two distinct extended roots.
    1. Root form *pret- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 compound inter-pres (stem inter-pret- ), go-between, negotiator ( inter- , between; see en ).
        interpret vt.解释,说明;口译 , ( 2963 , _ , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *pret-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 pretium , price.
        praise v.赞扬,歌颂;表扬n.称赞,赞美;赞美的话 , ( 3771 , per₃ , preci价值 )
        precious a.珍贵的,贵重的 , ( 3980 , per₃ , preci价值 )
        price n.价格,价钱;代价v.标价 ; ( 434 , per₃ , _ )
        appraise vt.评价,鉴定,估价[T8] , ( 17237 , per₃ , preci价值 )
        appreciate vt.为...表示感激,感谢;欣赏,赏识,评价 , ( 1963 , per₃ , preci价值 )
        depreciate 贬值 , ( 53536 , )
    2. Variant root form *perᵊ- (最初形式: *perh₂- ). 带后缀形式: *p(e)r-n-ᵊ- , with o级 *por(ᵊ)-nā- . ←from 希腊语 pornē , prostitute, ←from pernanai , to sell.
      pornography n.色情文学,色情描写 , ( 8512 , per₃ , _ )
    [In Pokorny 2. C. per 817.]
    appreciation n.欣赏,鉴别;增值;感谢[T6] (Lat,104472)
    depreciation n.贬值,折旧[T9] (Lat,112298)
    ;...402, perd-
    To fart.
      1. ←from 古英语 *feortan , to fart, ←from 日耳曼语 *fertan , *fartōn .
        fart n.[俗]屁 vi.放屁 , ( 23095 , perd , _ )
      2. Perhaps ←from Middle High German varzen, to fart. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *fertan , *fartōn .
        futz 闲混 , ( 40253 )
        perhaps from partial translatation and alteration of Yiddish (arum)fartsn (zikh) , to fart (around),
    1. ←from 希腊语 perdix , partridge (which makes a sharp whirring sound when suddenly flushed).
      partridge 山鹑 , ( 59186 , )
    [Pokorny perd- 819.]
    Compare pezd- .
    ;...403, perᵊ-₁ 配组装
    To produce, procure. 最初形式: *perh₂- ; possibly related to perᵊ- ₂. See also per- II.
    派生词包括: parade , parry , emperor , parachute , sever , and parent.
    1. 零级形式 *pr̥ᵊ- (becoming *par- in 拉丁语).
      1. 带后缀形式: *par-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 parāre , to try to get, prepare, equip;
        parade n./v.游行,夸耀n.检阅,阅兵式v.使列队行进 , ( 4510 , _ , par准备 )
        pare vt.修剪,削皮,消减[T8] , ( 17429 , per₅ , par准备 )
        parlay n.连本带利的赌博 vt.连本带利地赌博,使增值 , ( 23141 , _ , _ )
        parry 挡开,闪避 , ( 59173 , )
        parure 全套首饰 ; ( x )
        apparatus 配置好的n.(成套的)器械,设备[T8] , ( 6522 , per₅ , par准备 )
        →[考研]→ apparent a.表面上的,貌似真实的;显然的,明明白白的。 ( 2008 )
        apparel 安排好(衣着):vt.给……穿衣,装饰n.服装,盛装[T8] , ( 12402 , per₅ , par准备 )
        comprador 买办 , ( x )
        disparate 剪开的:adj.迥然不同的,不相干的n.无法相比的东西[T8] , ( 10410 , per₅ , par相等 )
        emperor n.皇帝 , ( 5071 , per₆ , _ )
        imperative adj.必要的,不可避免的,势在必行的,命令的,祈使的n.必要的事,命令,需要,规则,祈使语气[T8] , ( 8223 , _ , _ )
        imperator 最高统治者 , ( x )
        →[oew]→ imperious adj.专横的,傲慢的,迫切的[T8]。 ( 24123 )
        imperial a.帝国的,帝王的;(度量衡)英制的 , ( 4132 , bʰar , _ )
        parachute 防备坠落:n.降落伞vi.跳伞,空投[T6] , ( 9892 , kad₁ , _ )
        parasol 大遮阳伞 , ( 59145 , )
        prepare v.准备,预备 , ( 986 , per₅ , par准备 )
        →[考研]→ preparation n.准备,预备;制剂,制备品。 ( 2400 )
        →[oew]→ preparedness n.有准备,已准备 ( 15745 )
        rampart 壁垒,矮墙 , ( 60414 , )
        repair n.修理,修补v.补救,纠正;修理 , ( 3251 , per₅ , par准备 )
        separate a.(from)分离的,分开的 , ( 1353 , ksun , par准备 )
        sever v.切断 , ( 12759 , per₅ , _ )
        several a.几个,若干,数个;各个的,各自的 , ( 309 , per₅ , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *par-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 parere , parīre , to get, beget, give birth;
        -para 帕拉 , ( x )
        parity n.平价;同等;相等[T8] , ( 11834 , per₅ , par相等 )
        -parous 怀孕的 , ( x )
        parturient 临产的,分娩的 , ( 59187 , )
        →[oew]→ parturition 分娩。 ( 59188 )
        postpartum adj.产后的 , ( 20151 , _ , _ )
        repertory n.仓库 , ( 16833 , _ , _ )
        viper 蝰蛇 , ( 63592 , )
      3. parallel suffixed (participial) form *par-ent- . ←from 拉丁语 parēns , parent;
        parent n.父母,母亲;(pl.)双亲;父母 , ( 396 , per₆ , par生 )
      4. 带后缀形式: *par-o- , producing:
        1. ←from 拉丁语 iūniperus , juniper,
          juniper n.[植]刺柏属丛木或树木 , ( 17220 , _ , _ )
          perhaps from compound *yoini-paros , "producing juniper berries" ( *yoini- , juniper berry);
        2. compound *pau-paros (see pau- );
        3. Italic compound *wīwo-paros (see gʷei- ).
      5. 带后缀形式: *par-ikā- . ←from 拉丁语 Parcae , the Fates (who assign one's destiny).
        Parcae 命运三女神 , ( x )
    2. Suffixed o级形式 por(ᵊ)-sī- . ←from 古英语 hēahfore , calf, a compound (with obscure first element) of fearr , calf, ←from 日耳曼语 *farzī- .
      heifer 未生育过的小母牛 , ( 55314 , )
    [Pokorny 2. D. per 818.]
    appear vi.出现;出场;问世;仿佛;出版,发表 (Lat,100444)
    appearance n.出现,露面;外表;(在会议等)作短暂露面 (Lat,101633)
    disappear v.不见,消失 (Lat,101932)
    empire n.帝国 (Lat,103237)
    separation n.分离,分开,间隔[T3] (Lat,103645)
    parental adj.父母亲的,父母的;亲代的,亲本的[T9] (Lat,104039)
    transparent a.透明的,透光的;易理解的;明显的 (Lat,106150)
    disappearance n.消失,不见[T6] (Lat,107176)
    repertoire n.全部节目 (Lat,108165)
    transparency n.透明,透明度[T4] (Lat,111556)
    preparatory adj.预备的n.预科,预科学校[T9] (Lat,112101)
    inseparable adj.不能分的 (Lat,112909)
    reparation n.赔偿;修理;赔款[T8] (Lat,116496)
    apparition n.幽灵,幻影[T8] (Lat,116666)
    empress n.女皇,皇后[T9] (Lat,118374)
    severance n.断绝 (Lat,119071)
    reparative adj.修缮的,赔偿的,弥补的 (Lat,134117)
    separability n.可分离性,可分性 (Latin,150089)
    apparat (尤指共产党的)政府体制 (Lat,151812)
    disrepair 失修 (Lat,153720)
    irreparable 不能修复的 (Lat,156223)
    oviparous 卵生的 (Lat,158991)
    separable 可分开的 (Lat,161352)
    separator 分离器 (Lat,161353)
    viviparous 胎生的 (Lat,163616)
    co-emperor (Latin,)
    parison (Latin,)
    separative (Latin,)
    separatory (Latin,)
    separatrix (Latin,)
    severability (Latin,)
    vituperate (Latin,)
    antepartum (Lat,)
    biparous (Lat,)
    deiparous (Lat,)
    disparition (Lat,)
    dissever (Lat,)
    disseverance (Lat,)
    empery (Lat,)
    fissiparity (Lat,)
    imperant (Lat,)
    multiparous (Lat,)
    nonparental (Lat,)
    nullipara (Lat,)
    nulliparity (Lat,)
    nulliparous (Lat,)
    oviparity (Lat,)
    parturiency (Lat,)
    parturifacient (Lat,)
    pluriparous (Lat,)
    preparative (Lat,)
    primipara (Lat,)
    primiparous (Lat,)
    reparable (Lat,)
    semelparity (Lat,)
    semelparous (Lat,)
    semitransparent (Lat,)
    severable (Lat,)
    uniparous (Lat,)
    vivipary (Lat,)
    ;...404, perᵊ-₂ 配部件
    To grant, allot (reciprocally, to get in return). 最初形式: *perh₃- . Possibly related to perᵊ- ₁. See also per- II.零级形式 *pr̥ᵊ- (becoming *par- in 拉丁语).
    1. 带后缀形式: *par-ti- . ←from 拉丁语 pars (stem part- ), a share, part;
      parcel n.包裹,邮包,部分v.打包,捆扎,分配 , ( 7842 , per₅ , part部分 )
      parcener 共同继承人 , ( x )
      parse (语句的)部分:v.解析;从语法上分析n.从语法上分析;分列[T8] , ( 23434 , per₅ , _ )
      part n.部分,角色,一方,零件,地区,部,篇v.使分开 , ( 151 , per₅ , part部分 )
      →[考研]→ partial a.部分的,不完全的;偏袒的,不公平的,偏爱的。 ( 4154 )
      →[考研]→ participant n.参与者 ( 1341 )
      →[考研]→ particular a.特殊的,苛求的,个别的n.详情,细节,特色。 ( 584 )
      →[考研]→ partly ad.部分地,不完全地,在一定程度上。 ( 2249 )
      →[考研]→ partner n.合作者,合伙人,合股人,伙伴,舞伴,配偶。 ( 1190 )
      →[oew]→ partition n.划分,分开;分割;隔墙;隔离物 vt.分割;分隔;区分[T6]。 ( 10472 )
      →[oew]→ partake vt.分担,共享 vi.共享,参与,带有 ( 20259 )
      particle n.粒子,微粒;极小量;小品词,虚词 , ( 4321 , per₅ , part部分 )
      partisan adj.党派的;效忠的;偏袒的;盲目推崇的n.游击队;虔诚信徒;党羽[T8] , ( 7674 , _ , part部分 )
      partita 组曲 , ( 37953 )
      party n.聚会,政党,当事人v.举行(参加)社交聚会 ; ( 267 , per₅ , _ )
      bipartite 一式两份的 , ( 45360 )
      compart vt.分隔 , ( x )
      impart 分享部分:vt.给予(尤指抽象事物),传授;告知,透露[T6] , ( 12160 , per₅ , part部分 )
      →[oew]→ impartial adj.公平的,公正的;不偏不倚的[T6]。 ( 11589 )
      participate v.(in)参与,参加;分享,分担;含有,带有 , ( 1778 , kap , )
      repartee 快速回答,快问快答 , ( 60645 , )
    2. possibly 带后缀形式: *par-tiōn- . ←from 拉丁语 portiō , a part (first attested in the phrase prō portiōne , in proportion, according to each part, perhaps assimilated from *prō partiōne );
      portion n.一部分,一份 , ( 2759 , per₅ , part部分 )
      proportion n.比例;部分;均衡,相称 , ( 2073 , per₅ , part部分 )
    3. perhaps 拉丁语 pār , equal
      pair n.一对,一双;一副;夫妇v.配对,成对 , ( 1483 , per₅ , par相等 )
      par n.标准;票面价值;平均数量adj.标准的;票面的[T9] , ( 6183 , per₅ , par相等 )
      pareve 素馨的 , ( x )
      parity n.平价;同等;相等[T8] , ( 11834 , per₅ , par相等 )
      peer n.同辈,同等地位的人;贵族v.凝视,隐约出现 ; ( 2796 , per₅ , par相等 )
      compare vt.(to,with)比较;(to)把…比作vi.相比 , ( 1037 , per₁ , par相等 )
      →[考研]→ comparable a.(with,to)可比较的,比得上的。 ( 4213 )
      →[考研]→ comparative a.比较的,相当的。 ( 5292 )
      →[考研]→ comparison n.比较,对比,比喻,比拟。 ( 2117 )
      →[考研]→ compartment 分隔开的部分 : n.隔间;区划;卧车上的小客房 vt.分隔;划分[T8]。 ( 7291 )
      imparity 不平等 , ( x )
      nonpareil 无与伦比的人 , ( 58557 , )
      pari-mutuel 赛马赌金计算器 . ( 40153 )
    [Pokorny 2 C. >per 817.]
    department n.部,局,处,科,部门;系,学部 (Lat,100792)
    apartment n.[英]房间,套间;[美]公寓 (Lat,101592)
    apart ad.分离,离开,隔开a.分离的,分隔的 (Lat,102014)
    departure n.离开,起程 (Lat,103573)
    counterpart n.副本;配对物;极相似的人或物,对应的人或物[T8] (Lat,104451)
    depart vi.离开,起程a.过去的,逝世的 (Lat,106337)
    proportional adj.比例的,成比例的,相称的,均衡的 (Lat,108466)
    bipartisan adj.两党连立的 (Lat,109226)
    disparity n.不同;不一致;不等[T8] (Lat,109870)
    jeopardy n.危险,危险 (Lat,109877)
    departmental adj.部门的 (Lat,109925)
    umpire 不平等,第三者n.裁判员,仲裁人vi.当裁判,任裁判vt.仲裁,裁判[T8] (Lat,111092)
    disproportionate adj.不成比例的[T9] (Lat,111414)
    nonpartisan (Lat,116042)
    particulate adj.微粒的,粒子的 n.微粒,粒子 (Lat,119121)
    particularity n.特性 (Lat,121574)
    tripartite adj.三重的,分成三部分的 (Lat,121959)
    disparage 认为不对等:蔑视;毁谤[T8] (Lat,122201)
    passel n.一批,一群 (Lat,128533)
    reapportionment n.重新分配,立法机构中席次的重新分配 (Lat,129143)
    apportionment n.土地分配,分摊,分派 (Lat,130033)
    disparagement n.轻视,轻蔑 (Lat,131115)
    intraparty adj.政党内的 (Lat,136454)
    counterparty 合同的一方,对手方 (Lat,146059)
    apportion 分摊 (Lat,151817)
    partiality 偏袒 (Lat,159183)
    participle 分词 (Lat,159184)
    partitive 表部分的,表量词语的 (Lat,159185)
    peerage 贵族 (Lat,159279)
    proportionality 相称原则,恰当性 (Lat,160114)
    subpar 低于标准的 (Lat,162350)
    bipartient (Lat,)
    bipartition (Lat,)
    champerty (Lat,)
    comparator (Lat,)
    compartition (Lat,)
    compartmental (Lat,)
    coparcenary (Lat,)
    coparcener (Lat,)
    dispart (Lat,)
    equipartition (Lat,)
    ex parte (Lat,)
    impar (Lat,)
    jeopardous (Lat,)
    multipartite (Lat,)
    parcenary (Lat,)
    parile (Lat,)
    partite (Lat,)
    purpart (Lat,)
    purparty (Lat,)
    quadripartite (Lat,)
    reapportion (Lat,)
    repartition (Lat,)
    superparticular (Lat,)
    tripartient (Lat,)
    unipartite (Lat,)
    ;...405, perkʷu- 橡木
    1. 零级形式 *pr̥kʷ- .
      fir n.[植]冷杉 , ( 13845 , _ , _ )
      probably from a Scandinavian source akin to Old Icelandic 17560fȳri , fir, ←from 日耳曼语 *furh-jōn- .
    2. Assimilated form *kʷerkʷu- . ←from 拉丁语 quercus , oak.
      quercetin 槲皮素 ; ( 41128 )
      quercitron 栎皮粉 , ( x )
    [Pokorny perku̯u-s 822.]
    ;...406, pes- 吊挂屌
    Penis. 带后缀形式: *pes-ni- .

    pencil n.铅笔vt.用铅笔写 , ( 4452 , pes , _ )
    →[oew]→ penicillin n.[微]青霉素(音译名为盘尼西林) ( 20753 )
    penicillium 青霉菌 , ( x )
    penis n.阳物,[解]阴茎 , ( 8581 , kal , _ ) ←from 拉丁语 pēnis (< *pesnis ), penis, tail.
    [Pokorny 3. pes- 824.]
    ;...407, pet- 前飞跑
    To rush, fly. Also petᵊ- . 最初形式: *peth₁- . Variant *pteh₁- , becoming *ptē- .
    派生词包括: feather , compete , perpetual , ptomaine , symptom , and hippopotamus.
    1. 带后缀形式: *pet-rā- . ←from 古英语 fether , feather, ←from 日耳曼语 *fethrō , feather.
      feather n.羽毛 , ( 5648 , pet₁ , _ )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 petere , to go toward, seek.
      -petal 花瓣 , ( x )
      petition v.请愿,恳求n.请愿,请愿书,诉状[T6] , ( 5803 , pet₁ , pet飞翔 )
      petulant 易怒的,使性子的,闹脾气的 ; ( 59420 , )
      appetite n.食欲,胃口;欲望,性欲;爱好,趣味 , ( 5620 , pet₁ , pet飞翔 )
      →[oew]→ appetizer n.开胃菜,开胃食品[T9]。 ( 12603 )
      compete vi.比赛;竞争;对抗 , ( 2292 , pet₁ , pet飞翔 )
      →[考研]→ competent a.有能力的,能胜任的;足够的。 ( 5541 )
      →[考研]→ competition n.竞争,比赛;角逐,较量;[总称]竞争者。 ( 1114 )
      →[考研]→ competitive a.竞争的;好竞争的;(价格等的)有竞争力的。 ( 2135 )
      →[oew]→ competitor n.竞争者,对手 ( 3872 )
      impetigo 脓胞病 , ( 55868 , )
      impetuous 冲动的 , ( 55869 , )
      impetus 瞄准、冲向:n.动力,冲力[T8] , ( 8748 , pet₁ , pet飞翔 )
      perpetual adj.永久的;不断的;四季开花的;无期限的[T6] , ( 8988 , pet₁ , _ )
      →[oew]→ perpetuate vt.使不朽;保持 adj.长存的[T8]。 ( 10729 )
      repeat v.重复,重说,重做n.重复 , ( 1779 , pet₁ , pet飞翔 )
      →[考研]→ repeatedly ad.重复地,再三地。 ( 3803 )
    3. 带后缀形式: *pet-nā- . ←from 拉丁语 penna , pinna , feather, wing.
      panache 神气十足 , ( 59081 , )
      pen n.钢笔,圆珠笔,作家,围栏vt.写,关入栏中 , ( 3613 , bend , _ )
      penna 廓羽 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ pennant n.细长三角旗,短绳 ( 17292 )
      →[oew]→ penmanship 笔法,书法。 ( 59307 )
      pennate 有翼的 , ( x )
      pennon 三角旗,燕尾旗 , ( 59309 , )
      pin n.钉;大头针,别针,徽章v.(up)钉住,别住 , ( 4797 , _ , _ )
      pinna 羽片 , ( 48477 )
      pinnacle n.小尖塔,山顶,顶点 vt.造小尖塔,把...放在极高处 , ( 16694 , peti₁ , _ )
      pinnate 羽毛的,羽状 , ( 59596 , )
      pinnati- x , ( x )
      pinnule x ; ( x )
      empennage 尾翼 , ( x )
    4. 带后缀形式: *pet-ro- in compound *aku-petro- (see ōku- ).
    5. 带后缀形式: *pet-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 propitius , favorable, gracious, originally a religious term meaning "falling or rushing forward," hence "eager," "well-disposed" (said of the gods; prō- , forward; see per ₁).
      propitious 吉祥的,吉利的 , ( 60113 , )
    6. Suffixed 零级形式 *pt-ero- . ←from 希腊语 pteron , feather, wing, and pterux , wing.
      -pter x ; ( x )
      apteryx 几维 , ( x )
      archaeopteryx 始祖鸟 , ( 51840 , )
      coleopteran 甲虫类之昆虫 , ( x )
      dipteral x , ( x )
      isopteran x , ( x )
      mecopteran x , ( x )
      monopteros x , ( x )
      orthopteran 直翅目昆虫的 , ( x )
      peripteral x , ( x )
      plecopteran x , ( x )
      pteridology 蕨类植物学 , ( x )
      pterygoid 翼状的 , ( x )
      sauropterygian 角色 , ( x )
    7. Suffixed 零级形式 *pt-ilo- . ←from 希腊语 ptilon , soft feathers, down, plume.
      coleoptile 胚芽鞘 , ( x )
    8. Reduplicated form *pi-pt- . ←from 希腊语 piptein , to fall, with verbal adjective ptōtos (< *ptō-to- ), falling, fallen, and nominal derivatives ptōsis (< *ptō-ti- ), a fall, and ptōma (< *ptō-mn̥ ), a fall, fallen body, corpse.
      ptomaine 尸毒 , ( x )
      ptosis 上睑下垂 ; ( x )
      asymptote 渐近线 , ( x )
      peripeteia 剧情突变 , ( x )
      proptosis 突出 , ( 46024 )
      symptom n.(疾病的)症状;(不好事情的)征兆,表征 , ( 2757 , ksun , _ )
      →[oew]→ symptomatic adj.症状的,征候的,征兆的,有症状的,表明...的症候 ( 13109 )
    9. o级形式 *pot- . ←from 希腊语 potamos "rushing water," river ( -amo- , 希腊语 suffix).
      hippopotamus 河马 , ( 55454 , )
      potamology 河流学 , ( 59893 , )
    10. 带后缀形式: *pet-tro- . ←from 梵语 pattram , feather, leaf.
      talipot 一种大棕榈树 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 2. pet- 825.]
    competence n.能力,胜任;权限;足以过舒适生活的收入。等于 (Lat,104767)
    repetition n.重复,反复 (Lat,106000)
    repetitive a.重复的,反复的 (Lat,110009)
    incompetent adj.无能力的,不胜任的;不合适的;不适当的;无力的n.无能力者[T8] (Lat,110597)
    incompetence n.无能力,不适当 [律]无行为能力,法律上无资格 (Lat,112236)
    petulance n.闹气,性急 (Lat,133470)
    pinniped adj.鳍足类的 (Lat,139701)
    propitiation n.安抚,和解 (Lat,142317)
    centripetal 向心的 (Lat,152700)
    propitiate 安抚,使息怒 (Latin,160111)
    appete (Lat,)
    appetence (Lat,)
    appetent (Lat,)
    appetition (Lat,)
    inappetence (Lat,)
    noncompetitive (Lat,)
    pennage (Lat,)
    penniform (Lat,)
    pennigerous (Lat,)
    petulcity (Lat,)
    petulcous (Lat,)
    pinnal (Lat,)
    pinniform (Lat,)
    repetitor (Lat,)
    répétiteur (Lat,)
    apoptosis 细胞凋亡 (Greek,133001)
    asymptomatic 无症状(疾病) (Greek,151907)
    anaptotic (Greek,)
    peripety (Greek,)
    polyptoton (Greek,)
    proptotic (Greek,)
    ptotic (Greek,)
    symptosis (Greek,)
    ;...408, petᵊ- 前通过
    To spread. 最初形式: *peth₂- .
    派生词包括: fathom , patent , and compass.
    1. Suffixed o级形式 *pot(ᵊ)-mo- . ←from 古英语 fæthm , fathom, ←from 日耳曼语 *fathmaz , "length of two arms stretched out.".
      fathom n.长度单位(6英尺).v.看穿 , ( 17717 , sphei₁ , _ )
    2. Suffixed (stative) variant 零级形式 *pat-ē- . ←from 拉丁语 patēre , to be open.
      patent n.|a.专利(权)(的) , ( 4394 , pet₂ , _ )
      patulous 扩展 , ( x )
    3. Probably variant 零级形式 in remade nasalized form *pat-no- . ←from 拉丁语 pandere (past participle passus < *pat-to- ), to spread out.
      pace n.步,步伐,步调,速度v.踱步,用步测 , ( 2457 , pet₂ , _ )
      pandy 打手心 , ( x )
      pas n.舞步,舞蹈;[口]爸( pa的名词复数 ) , ( 32362 )
      paseo 散步 , ( x )
      pass v.经/通/穿/度过;传递n.通行证;考试及格 , ( 548 , pet₂ , pass通过 )
      →[考研]→ passenger n.乘客,旅客。 ( 2206 )
      →[oew]→ passer-by 0 ( 32917 )
      passé 过时了 , ( x )
      passim 各处,多处(书,文章注释) ; ( 59198 , )
      compas 节奏 , ( x )
      compass n.罗盘,指南针;(pl.)圆规 , ( 7626 , pet₁ , pass通过 )
      expand v.(使)膨胀,(使)扩张;张开,展开 , ( 1910 , pet₂ , _ )
      PasoFino 帕索非诺 , ( x )
      pasqueflower 白头翁 , ( x )
      passacaglia 帕萨卡里亚舞 , ( x )
      passage n.通过,经过;通路,走廊;(一)段落,(一)节 , ( 725 , pet₂ , pass通过 )
      passage n.通过,经过;通路,走廊;(一)段落,(一)节 , ( 725 , pet₂ , pass通过 )
      passport n.护照,达到某种目的的手段 , ( 6380 , pet₂ , pass通过 )
      repand 有波状边的 , ( x )
      spawn vi.产卵.n.卵 , ( 9188 , _ , _ )
    4. 带后缀形式: *pet-alo- . ←from 希腊语 petalon , leaf.
      petal n.花瓣 , ( 12241 , pet₂ , _ )
    5. 带后缀形式: *pet-ano- . ←from 希腊语 patanē (? < *petanā- ), platter, "thing spread out.".
      paella 西班牙杂烩饭 , ( 59034 , )
      pan n.平底锅,盘子,面板 , ( 2755 , aig , _ )
      →[oew]→ pants n.裤子, 短裤。 ( 13071 )
      →[oew]→ pantaloons 女式灯笼裤,男式马裤。 ( 59097 )
      →[oew]→ pantechnicon 家具搬运车。 ( 59098 )
      →[oew]→ pantomime 哑剧。 ( 59103 )
      →[oew]→ pantyhose 女式紧身裤。 ( 59104 )
      →[oew]→ panic n./a.恐慌(的),惊慌(的) vt.使惊慌,使害怕。 ( 4026 )
      →[oew]→ panacea n.万能药 ( 20494 )
      paten n.圣餐碟,祭碟,金属制平碟 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ patella 膝盖骨。 ( 59212 )
      patina n.铜绿,绿锈,薄层,光泽,古色 , ( 22061 , pet₂ , _ )
      patina n.铜绿,绿锈,薄层,光泽,古色 , ( 22061 , pet₂ , _ )
    6. ←from 希腊语 petasos , broad-brimmed hat, ←from 希腊语 带后缀形式: *peta-so- .
      petasos x , ( x )
    [Pokorny 1. pet- 824.]
    expansion n.扩张,膨胀;张开,伸展 (Lat,102472)
    encompass vt.包含;包围,环绕;完成[T8] (Lat,107184)
    expanse n.宽阔;广阔的区域;苍天;膨胀扩张[T9] (Lat,109661)
    expansive adj.广阔的;扩张的;豪爽的[T8] (Lat,112954)
    impasse 不能通过:n.僵局,死路[T8] (Latin,116785)
    patellar adj.膝盖骨的 (Lat,134462)
    patency n.明显 (Lat,135775)
    impassable 不能通行的 (Latin,155854)
    encompassment (Latin,)
    expansivity (Latin,)
    impatent (Latin,)
    pandiculate (Latin,)
    pandiculation (Latin,)
    passus (Latin,)
    patera (Latin,)
    patin (Latin,)
    subrepand (Latin,)
    dispand (Lat,)
    dispansion (Lat,)
    passant (Lat,)
    passement (Lat,)
    passementerie (Lat,)
    patefaction (Lat,)
    patelliform (Lat,)
    ;...409, peuᵊ- 剖剔净
    To purify, cleanse. 最初形式: *peuh₂- .
    Suffixed 零级形式 *pū-ro- (< *puh₂-ro- )
    pour v.灌注,倾泻,涌入,流,倾盆大雨 , ( 2353 , _ , _ )
    pure a.纯的,纯洁的;纯理论的,抽象的;完全的 , ( 2431 , peu₂ , pur纯洁 )
    →[考研]→ purify v.净化[T4]。 ( 15954 )
    purée , ( x )
    purge v.净化,清洗,通便n.泻药,净化[T8] , ( 15658 , ag , purg使清净 )
    Puritan 纯洁者:n.清教徒adj.清教徒的[T9] ; ( 19315 , peu₂ , pur纯洁 )
    compurgation 免罚宣誓 , ( x )
    depurate 清洁 , ( x )
    expurgate 纯化 , ( 54259 , )
    purblind 愚钝的 , ( x )
    spurge 大戟 , ( 31785 ) ←from 拉丁语 pūrus , pure, and pūrgāre , to purify (< *pūr-igāre < *pūr-agāre ; *ag- , to drive; see ag- )
    [Pokorny 1. peu- 827.]
    purity n.纯洁,纯度[T8] (Lat,108340)
    puree n.菜肴的一种,浓汤 v.(将菜,水果等)煮成浓汤,面包的一种 (Latin,114738)
    purification n.净化;提纯;涤罪[T9] (Lat,119962)
    impurity n.杂质,不纯,不洁[T6] (Lat,122598)
    impure 不纯的,有杂质的 (Lat,155894)
    depuration (Lat,)
    ;...410, peuk- 尖刺点 , Also peug- .
    To prick. 最初形式:s *peuk̑-, *peug̑- , becoming *peuk-, *peug- in centum languages(K类语,颚音). 零级形式 *pug- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *pug-no- . ←from 拉丁语 pugil , pugilist, and pugnus , fist, with denominative pugnāre , to fight with the fist.
      poniard 匕首 , ( x )
      pugilism 拳击 , ( x )
      pugilstick x , ( x )
      pugnacious 好斗的 ; ( 60198 , )
      impugn 怀疑,质疑 , ( 55892 , )
      oppugn 质疑 , ( x )
      repugn 反抗 , ( x )
    2. Nasalized 零级形式 *pu-n-g- . ←from 拉丁语 pungere , to prick.
      bung 瓶塞 , ( 52444 , )
      pink n.粉红色a.粉红色的 , ( 2488 , _ , _ )
      poignant 刺痛的:adj.尖锐的;辛酸的;深刻的;切中要害的[T8] , ( 11373 , peug , punct刺 )
      point n.尖;点;条款;分数,得分;论点v.(at,to)指 , ( 199 , peug , punct刺 )
      pointillism 点描技法 , ( 59744 , )
      pontil 铁棒 , ( x )
      pounce v.突袭 n.突袭 , ( 16495 , peug , punct刺 )
      pounce v.突袭 n.突袭 , ( 16495 , peug , punct刺 )
      puncheon 短柱 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ punctilious 一丝不苟的。 ( 60221 )
      →[oew]→ pun n.双关语 vi.说双关语 vt.用双关语 ( 17116 )
      →[oew]→ punnet 果篮。 ( 60224 )
      →[oew]→ punster 说双关语的人。 ( 60225 )
      punctilio 拘束 , ( x )
      punctual a.严守时刻的,准时的,正点的 , ( 21865 , peug , punct刺 )
      punctuate v.加标点于,强调[T3] , ( 12957 , _ , punct刺 )
      puncture n.v.刺穿,戳破[T8] , ( 19287 , peug , punct刺 )
      pungent adj.辛辣的,刺激的,尖刻的[T8] ; ( 17068 , peug , punct刺 )
      bontebok x , ( x )
      compunction 内疚,懊悔 , ( 53033 , )
      expunge 删除 , ( 54258 , )
      spontoon 警棍 , ( x )
      trapunto 提花垫纬凸纹布 , ( x )
    3. ←from 希腊语 pugmē , fist.
      pygmaean x , ( x )
      Pygmy 俾格米人,侏儒,矮小者 , ( 60260 , )
    4. Seen by some as the base of 日耳曼语 fuk(k)- in words related to sexual intercourse, but uncertain.
      fuck vi.性交 vt.欺骗,利用,诅咒,与...性交 n.性交,杂种,性交对象,毫不在乎 int.他妈的 . ( 5779 , bʰreg , _ )
    [Pokorny 6899peuk̑- 828.]
    appointment n.约会,约定;任命,委派;委任的职位 (Lat,102411)
    appoint vt.任命,委派;指定,约定(时间、地点等) (Lat,103681)
    disappointment n.失望,沮丧[T3] (Lat,104602)
    punch n.冲压机,冲床;穿孔机v.冲压,穿孔 (Latin,104692)
    disappoint vt.失望;(希望等)破灭,挫败(计划等) (Lat,107537)
    appointee n.被任命者,[律]指定的财产受益人 (Lat,113815)
    punctuation n.标点,标点符号[T3] (Lat,114724)
    counterpoint n.[音]对位法,旋律配合,对应物 (Lat,118263)
    acupuncture 用尖来刺:n.针灸,针灸疗法vt.对……实施针灸[T9] (Latin,118935)
    repugnant adj.讨厌的;矛盾的;敌对的[T8] (Lat,122906)
    punctuality n.准时,守时[T9] (Lat,129293)
    reappoint v.再任命,重新指定 (Lat,130682)
    pungency n.(气味等的)刺激性,辣,(言语等的)辛辣,尖刻 (Lat,134196)
    reappointment n.连任,复职 (Lat,136103)
    appointive adj.由任命而充当的 (Lat,148656)
    multipoint adj.多点(式)的,多位置的,多头 (Lat,149254)
    contrapuntal 对位的 (Lat,153098)
    pointe 芭蕾舞鞋的硬鞋尖 (Lat,159743)
    repugnance 厌恶,恶心 (Lat,160661)
    bipunctate (Lat,)
    bipunctual (Lat,)
    demi-pointe (Lat,)
    dispunge (Lat,)
    expunction (Lat,)
    impugnable (Lat,)
    impugnation (Lat,)
    impunctate (Lat,)
    impunctual (Lat,)
    inexpungible (Lat,)
    punctate (Lat,)
    punctatim (Lat,)
    punctation (Lat,)
    punctator (Lat,)
    punctiform (Lat,)
    punction (Lat,)
    puntilla (Lat,)
    puntillero (Lat,)
    punto (Lat,)
    tripoint (Lat,)
    ;...411, pezd-
    To fart.
    1. 带后缀形式: *pezd-i- . ←from 古英语 fīsting , a breaking wind, and 中古英语 fisten , to fart, ←from 日耳曼语 *fistiz , a fart.
      feist 无用的人 , ( x )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 pēdere , to fart.
      petard 攻城炸药箱,爆竹 , ( 59400 , )
    3. Perhaps 拉丁语 pēdis , louse (? < "foul-smelling insect")
      pedicular 虱子的 . ( x )
    [Pokorny pezd- 829, 2. peis- 796.]
    Compare perd- .
    ;...412, pᵊter- 父亲
    Father. 最初形式: *ph₂ter- .
    1. ←from 古英语 fæder , father, ←from 日耳曼语 *fadar .
      father n.父亲;创始人,发明者;(Father)神父 ; ( 274 , peter , _ )
      forefather n.祖先,祖宗 , ( 23797 , _ , _ )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 pater , father.
      padre 牧师,神父 , ( 59032 , )
      pater n.(英国学生用的俚语)父亲 , ( 27696 )
      →[oew]→ patronage n.赞助;光顾;任免权[T8]。 ( 8498 )
      →[oew]→ patriotism n.爱国主义;爱国心,爱国精神[T8]。 ( 9664 )
      →[oew]→ pattern n.模式,式样;图案,图样 v.仿制,模仿。 ( 918 )
      paternal adj.父亲的;得自父亲的;父亲般的[T9] , ( 16624 , peter , patr父 )
      patri- 父亲 , ( 59224 , )
      patrician 贵族的,上流社会的 , ( 59225 , )
      patrimony 文物,祖传遗产 , ( 59228 , )
      patron 父亲:n.赞助人;保护人;主顾。古罗马时期平民依赖贵族为生,须仰仗其庇护,尊称为patron(父亲)。后引申为“保护 , ( 5504 , peter , patr父 )
      →[考研]→ patriotic adj.爱国的,有爱国心的 ( 8098 )
      père 父亲 ; ( x )
      compadre 老兄 , ( 53024 , )
      expatriate 逐出祖国:vt.使移居国外;流放,放逐;使放弃国籍vi.移居国外;放弃原国籍n.被流放者;移居国外者adj , ( 17366 , _ , patr父 )
      goombah 老兄 , ( x )
      perpetrate v.犯 , ( 16054 , peter , _ )
    3. ←from 希腊语 patēr , father.
      patri- 父亲 , ( 59224 , )
      patriot 同胞:n.爱国者[T6] ; ( 16234 , peter , patr父 )
      allopatric 分布区不重叠的 , ( x )
      eupatrid 世袭贵族 , ( x )
      parapatric x , ( x )
      patriarch n.家长;族长;元老;创始人[T9] , ( 14601 , peter , patr父 )
      sympatric 同域的 , ( 50198 )
    [Pokorny pᵊtḗ (r) 829.]
    Patrick (Latin,105956)
    perpetrator n.犯罪者,作恶者 (Latin,111133)
    repatriation n.遣送回国;调回本国[T9] (Lat,113916)
    paternity n.父权;父系;父系后裔[T9] (Lat,115526)
    patter n.急速拍打声,轻快脚步声,行话,(魔术师或小丑的)喋喋快语,饶舌 vi.急速地说,滴答地响,发出急速轻拍声,念经,念顺口溜, (Latin,123990)
    patroness n.女资助人,女赞助者,女主顾 (Latin,135847)
    patrimonial adj.祖传的 (Lat,137619)
    perpetration n.做坏事,犯罪 (Latin,138070)
    patrilineage n.父系家族(或家谱) (Latin,139416)
    patrilateral adj.父系的,父亲一方的,堂亲关系的 (Latin,143026)
    patrilocal adj.(婚后)居住在男方的 (Lat,145554)
    Jupiter 朱庇特,木星 (Lat,156447)
    paterfamilias 男性家长 (Latin,159214)
    paternoster 主祷文,祷告经 (Latin,159216)
    patricide 弑父 (Latin,159226)
    patrilineal 父系的 (Lat,159227)
    repatriate 遣返 (Latin,160647)
    Patricia (Latin,)
    compaternity (Latin,)
    compère (Latin,)
    impetrate (Latin,)
    impetration (Latin,)
    impetrative (Latin,)
    impetrator (Latin,)
    padrone (Latin,)
    patriate (Latin,)
    patriation (Latin,)
    patriciate (Latin,)
    patricidal (Latin,)
    patriclinous (Latin,)
    patricliny (Latin,)
    patrifocal (Latin,)
    patrilineality (Latin,)
    patrilinear (Latin,)
    patronal (Latin,)
    patronate (Latin,)
    patroon (Latin,)
    perpetrable (Latin,)
    patrilocality (Lat,)
    patriarchy n.家长;族长;元老;创始人[T9] (Greek,118828)
    patronymic 父名的 (Greek,159230)
    allopatry (Greek,)
    eupatrides (Greek,)
    patrology (Greek,)
    patronym (Greek,)
    sympatry (Greek,)
    ;...413, plāk-₁ 平安详 , Also plak- .
    To be flat. Earliest form *pleh₂k- , 变形 为: *plah₂k- , becoming *plāk- . Extension of pelᵊ- ₂.
    派生词包括: fluke ₁, flaw ₁, plead , placenta , and archipelago.
    1. ←from 古挪威语 flō , layer, coating, ←from 日耳曼语 *flōhō .
      floe 浮冰 , ( 54486 , )
    2. 变化形式*plāg- .
      1. ←from 古英语 flōc , flatfish, ←from 日耳曼语 *flōk- ;
        fluke n.侥幸,偶然的机会 , ( 17751 , pela , _ )
      2. ←from 中古英语 flake , flake, ←from a Scandinavian source probably akin to Norwegian flak , flat piece, flake, ←from 日耳曼语 *flakaz ;
        flake n.薄片.v.使成薄片,剥落 , ( 10944 , pela , _ )
      3. ←from 古挪威语 flaki , fleki , hurdle, ←from 日耳曼语 *flak- .
        flake n.薄片.v.使成薄片,剥落 , ( 10944 , pela , _ )
    3. 扩展形式: *plakā- . ←from 古挪威语 flaga , layer of stone, ←from 日耳曼语 *flagō .
      flag₄ n.旗;旗帜;信号旗;菖蒲vt.标示vi.疲乏,变弱,热情衰减 , ( x )
      flaw n.缺点,瑕疵 , ( 6566 , pela , _ )
    4. Possibly suffixed (stative) form *plak-ē- , to be calm (as of the flat sea) ←from 拉丁语 placēre , to please, be agreeable.
      placebo n.安慰剂;为死者所诵的晚祷词。源自葬礼所唱晚祷词中的第一句。[T8] , ( 9792 , pela , _ )
      placid 令人愉悦的:adj.平静的;安静的;温和的;沉着的[T8] , ( 16484 , pela , plac取悦 )
      plea n.恳求,请求,辩解,藉口 , ( 5343 , pela , _ )
      →[考研]→ pleasure n.愉快,快乐;乐事,乐趣。 ( 1696 )
      plead vt.借口;为...辩护;托称vi.恳求;辩护[T6] , ( 4750 , pela , _ )
      pleasant a.令人愉快的vt.使高兴vi.满意;喜欢 , ( 3245 , pela , plac取悦 )
      please v.请;使愉快,使满意;喜欢,愿意 ; ( 888 , pela , plac取悦 )
      complacent adj.自满的;得意的;满足的[T8] , ( 14254 , pela , plac取悦 )
    5. Root noun *plak- . ←from 拉丁语 supplex , suppliant (whence denominative supplicāre , to beg humbly, first attested in Archaic 拉丁语 as sub vos placō , I entreat you; sub , under; see upo ).
      supplicate 祈求,哀求 , ( 62456 , )
      supple adj.柔软的,逢迎的,顺从的 vt.使柔软,使顺从 vi.变柔顺 , ( 16664 , plek₁ , plen充满 )
      →[oew]→ suppliant 祈求者,哀求者。 ( 62454 )
    6. Lengthened 带后缀形式: *plāk-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 plācāre , to calm (causative of placēre ).
      placable 可安抚的,易抚慰的 , ( 59643 , )
      placate vt.抚慰;怀柔;使和解[T8] , ( 20910 , pela , plac取悦 )
      →[oew]→ placental 胎盘的。 ( 59647 )
    7. Nasalized form *pla-n-k- . ←from 拉丁语 plancus , flat, flat-footed.
      planchet 造币用金属板 , ( x )
      plank n.厚木板(条) , ( 9762 , pela , _ )
    8. 变化形式*plag- .
      1. Perhaps 拉丁语 plaga , net (? < "something extended")
        plagiary n.剽窃,文抄公 ; ( x )
      2. ←from 希腊语 plagos , side.
        plagal x , ( x )
        plagio- x , ( x )
        playa 普拉亚 , ( 26725 )
    9. Root form *plak- . ←from 希腊语 plax , flat, flat land, surface, plate.
      placenta 胎盘 , ( 59646 , )
      placoid 有盾鳞的鱼 ; ( x )
      leukoplakia 黏膜白斑病 , ( x )
      placoderm 盾皮鱼 , ( x )
    10. Possible 变化形式*pelag- . ←from 希腊语 pelagos , sea.
      pelagic 远海的,远洋的 ; ( 59287 , )
      archipelago 海洋的首领:n.群岛,多岛的海。古希腊人将爱琴海视为“海之首领”,该海区多岛屿,故该词含义转为“多岛的海,群岛”[ , ( 18671 , arkh , _ )
    [Pokorny 1. plā-k- 831.]
    complacency n.自满;满足;自鸣得意[T8] (Lat,113675)
    pleasurable adj.快乐的,愉快的,合意的 (Lat,114441)
    displeasure n.不愉快;不满意;悲伤[T9] (Lat,118108)
    implacable adj.不能安抚的;难和解的;不能缓和的[T9] (Lat,123651)
    displease vt.使生气,触怒vi.变得令人生气,导致不快[T4] (Lat,139479)
    placidity n.平静 (Lat,142761)
    complaisant 顺从的 (Lat,153026)
    placatory 安抚的,抚慰的 (Lat,159644)
    pleasantry 客气话,客套 (Lat,159675)
    complaisance (Lat,)
    counterplea (Lat,)
    implead (Lat,)
    placability (Lat,)
    placation (Lat,)
    placative (Lat,)
    pleasance (Lat,)
    abyssopelagic (Greek,)
    allopelagic (Greek,)
    bathypelagic (Greek,)
    epipelagic (Greek,)
    hadopelagic (Greek,)
    mesopelagic (Greek,)
    ;...414, plāk-₂ 平泛滥
    To strike. 最初形式: *pleh₂k- , 变形 为: *plah₂k- , becoming *plāk- .
    1. Nasalized 变化形式s *pla-n-k- , *pla-n-g- .
      1. ←from 中古英语 flingen , to fling, ←from a Scandinavian source akin to 古挪威语 flengja , to flog, whip, ←from 日耳曼语 *flang- ;
        fling v.(用力地)扔,抛,丢 , ( 8155 , _ , _ )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 plangere , to strike (one's own breast), lament;
        plaint 起诉,诉状,凄凉的声音 , ( 59653 , )
        →[oew]→ plaintiff 悲叹的、抱怨的 : n.原告[T8]。 ( 3669 )
        →[oew]→ plaintive adj.悲哀的,哀伤的[T8]。 ( 23789 )
        plangent 哀婉的,凄凉的 ; ( 59658 , )
        complain v.(about,of)抱怨;申诉 , ( 2257 , _ , plain捶胸 )
        →[考研]→ complaint n.抱怨,诉苦,怨言,控告;疾病。 ( 2582 )
      3. 带后缀形式: *plang-yo- . ←from 希腊语 plazein , to drive away, turn aside.
        plankton 浮游生物 , ( 59660 , )
    2. 变化形式*plāg- . ←from 拉丁语 plāga , a blow, stroke.
      plague n.瘟疫,灾害,麻烦,苦恼vt.折磨,使苦恼 , ( 7601 , plak , _ )
    3. 带后缀形式: *plāk-yo- . ←from 希腊语 plēssein , to beat, strike.
      plectrum 琴拨,拨子 , ( 59683 , )
      -plegia x , ( x )
      plexor 叩诊槌 ; ( x )
      apoplexy 中风 , ( 51805 , )
      cataplexy 猝倒 , ( x )
      paraplegia 截瘫 , ( 59140 , )
    [Pokorny 2. plāk- 832.]
    plain a.明白的;朴素的;坦率;平凡n.平原,旷野 (Lat,102854)
    complainant n.发牢骚的人,原告 (Lat,127558)
    plangency (Lat,)
    hemiplegia n.偏瘫,半身麻痹,半身不遂,风痱,偏废不仁 (Greek,149640)
    apoplectic 大怒的 (Greek,151804)
    cataplectic (Greek,)
    monoplegia (Greek,)
    pleximeter (Greek,)
    tetraplegia (Greek,)
    ;...415, plat- 平传播 , Also pletᵊ- .
    To spread. (最初形式: *pletᵊ₂- ). Extension of pelᵊ- ₂.
    派生词包括: flatter ₁, plant , plateau , platitude , and plaza.
    1. 变化形式*plad- .
      1. ←from 古挪威语 flatr , flat;
        flat a.平坦的,扁平的,平淡的n.一套房间;平面 , ( 1736 , pela , _ )
        →[oew]→ flatfish 比目鱼。 ( 54468 )
      2. ←from 古法语 flater , to flatter. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *flataz , flat.
        flatter vt.过分夸赞,奉承,使满意 , ( 12692 , pela , _ )
    2. Suffixed 变化形式*plad-yo- . ←from 古英语 flet(t) , floor, dwelling, ←from 日耳曼语 *flatjam .
      flat a.平坦的,扁平的,平淡的n.一套房间;平面 , ( 1736 , pela , _ )
    3. 基本形式: *plat- . ←from Late 拉丁语 fladō , flat cake, pancake, ←from 日耳曼语 *flathō(n) , flat cake.
      flan 果馅饼 , ( 54461 , )
    4. ←from Anglo-Norman floundre , flounder, ←from a Scandinavian source probably akin to Old Swedish flundra , flatfish, flounder, ←from 日耳曼语 suffixed nasalized form *flu-n-th-r-jō- .
      flounder vi.(在水中)挣扎,困难地往前走,踌躇,发慌 n.挣扎,辗转,比目鱼 , ( 20689 , pela , _ )
    5. Nasalized form *pla-n-t- . ←from 拉丁语 planta , sole of the foot, and denominative plantāre , to drive in with the sole of the foot, plant, whence planta , a plant.
      clan n.氏族,部落 , ( 6932 , pela , _ )
      plan n.计划,规划;平面图,设计图v.计划 , ( 413 , pela , _ )
      →[考研]→ plantation n.种植园。 ( 7104 )
      →[oew]→ planetary adj.行星的[T9]。 ( 8402 )
      →[oew]→ planter n.种植者,耕作者,种植园主,殖民者 ( 15494 )
      →[oew]→ planar 平面的。 ( 59655 )
      plant n.植物,作物;工厂;装置v.栽种,播种,栽培 , ( 678 , pela , plant种植 )
      plantain n.[植] 车前草,香蕉之一种 , ( 22305 , pela , _ )
      plantar 跖的,足底的 ; ( 59661 , )
      plantigrade 脚掌着地行走的,跖行动物 , ( 59662 , )
      supplant 踩在脚下vt.代替;排挤掉[T8] , ( 16069 , pela , _ )
      transplant n./v.移植(植物;组织,器官等);迁移; , ( 6500 , pela , plant种植 )
    6. Suffixed 零级形式 *pl̥t(ᵊ)-u- . ←from 希腊语 platus , flat, broad.
      piazza n.广场,走廊,露天市场 , ( 21837 , pela , _ )
      place n.地方;名次;地位;寓所v.安排;放置;投(资) , ( 171 , pela , _ )
      plaice , ( 59649 , )
      plane₄ n.水平;平面;飞机;木工刨adj.平的,平坦的vt.用刨刨平;小船等擦着水面疾驶vi.鸟滑翔 , ( x )
      planetree 悬铃木 , ( 59657 , )
      plate n.金属板,片;盘子,盆子;板,钢板v.镀,电镀 , ( 1657 , pela , _ )
      →[oew]→ platelet n.[解]血小板 ( 11162 )
      →[oew]→ Platonic adj.柏拉图哲学的,柏拉图主义的,理想的,不切实际的 ( 21650 )
      plateau 平坦的地方:n.高原,平稳时期[T6] , ( 8634 , pela , _ )
      Plateresque x , ( x )
      platina , ( x )
      platinum n.白金,铂 , ( 11122 , pela , _ )
      platitude 陈词滥调,老生常谈 , ( 59669 , )
      platy n.(中美洲)剑尾鱼属,新月鱼adj.(岩石)裂成平坦薄片的,板状的,扁平状的 , ( x )
      platy- 板- - , ( x )
      plaza n.广场;市场,购物中心[T8] ; ( 11452 , pela , _ )
      plateosaurus 板龙 , ( x )
    [Pokorny plā̆t- 833.]
    implant 植入vt.种植;灌输;嵌入n.植入物vi.被移植[T8] (Lat,108624)
    transplantation n.移植,迁移,移民[T8] (Lat,117769)
    implantation n.培植,灌输,植入,着床 (Lat,122660)
    implantable adj.可植入的,可移植的 (Lat,128250)
    supplantation (Lat,)
    platypus 鸭嘴兽 (Greek,159671)
    Platyrrhini (Greek,)
    Platyzoa (Greek,)
    platyhelminth (Greek,)
    platysma (Greek,)
    ;...416, plek- 平折叠
    To plait. Extension of pel- ₂ . 最初形式: *plek̑- , becoming *plek- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    派生词包括: flax , pliant , and perplex.
    1. Suffixed o级形式 *plok-so- . ←from 古英语 fleax , flax, ←from 日耳曼语 *flahsam , flax.
      flax 黄麻 , ( 54473 , )
    2. 全级形式 *plek- . ←from 拉丁语 -plex , -fold (in compounds such as duplex , twofold; see dwo- ).
      multiplex 多厅影院 , ( 58228 , )
      →[oew]→ multiplicity n.多样性,多重性[T8]。 ( 13912 )
      →[oew]→ multimillionaire n.大富豪,巨富 ( 22223 )
      →[oew]→ multilingual 多语言的。 ( 58227 )
    3. ←from 拉丁语 plicāre , to fold (also in compounds used as denominatives of words in -plex , genitive -plicis ).
      plait 辫子 , ( 59654 , )
      pleat , ( 59676 , )
      pliant 柔顺的,温顺的 , ( 59696 , )
      plica 皱襞 , ( x )
      plicate 有褶的 , ( x )
      plight n.困境,婚约.v.保证 , ( 7802 , plek₁ , ply倍重 )
      plissé 褶裥 , ( x )
      ply v.不停使用,辛勤工作,忙于,定期来往,不断供给[T9] ; ( 17376 , plek₁ , ply倍重 )
      apply vi.(以书面形式)申请;请求vt.应用;实施 , ( 916 , plek₁ , ply倍重 )
      →[考研]→ appliance n.电器;器械,装置;应用,适用。 ( 7826 )
      →[考研]→ applicable a.可应用(实施)的;适当的,合适的。 ( 5929 )
      →[考研]→ application n.申请,请求,申请书;应用,实施,实用性。 ( 1141 )
      complicate v.使..复杂;使..难懂;使(疾病等)恶化; , ( 6935 , plek₁ , ply倍重 )
      →[考研]→ complicated a.错综复杂的,麻烦的,难解的。 ( 2815 )
      →[考研]→ complication n.并发症;复杂;复杂化;混乱[T6]。 ( 6087 )
      complice n.[古]同伙,共犯 , ( x )
      deploy unfold:n.部署v.部署,展开,使疏开[T9] , ( 6450 , plek₁ , ply倍重 )
      display v./n.陈列,展览,显示(器) , ( 1740 , plek₁ , ply倍重 )
      employ n./v.雇用;用,使用 , ( 2190 , plek₁ , ply倍重 )
      →[考研]→ employee n.雇工,雇员。 ( 1085 )
      →[考研]→ employer n.雇主。 ( 2194 )
      →[考研]→ employment n.雇用;使用;工作,职业。 ( 1449 )
      explicate 解释清楚的 , ( 54252 , )
      explicit a.详述的,明确的;坦率的;显然的 , ( 4234 , plek₁ , ply倍重 )
      exploit v.开拓;开发;剥削n.功绩[勋];业绩 , ( 4726 , plek₁ , ply倍重 )
      implicate vt.使卷入,连累,涉及,暗指[T8] , ( 10977 , plek₁ , ply倍重 )
      →[oew]→ imply v.意指,含…意思,暗示。 ( 2859 )
      implicit a.含蓄的;(in)固有的;无疑问的;绝对的 , ( 5961 , _ , ply倍重 )
      →[考研]→ implication n.含意,暗示,暗指;牵连。 ( 2760 )
      replicate 再次折叠:v.复制,折叠adj.复制的,折叠的[T8] , ( 9276 , plek₁ , ply倍重 )
      →[oew]→ replica n.复制品,复制物[T8]。 ( 10711 )
      reply v./n.(to)回答,答复,以…作答 , ( 1956 , plek₁ , ply倍重 )
      splay v.张开 , ( 21189 , plek₁ , _ )
    4. 带后缀形式:s *plek-to- and *plek-t-to- . ←from 拉丁语 plectere (past participle plexus ), to weave, plait, entwine.
      pleach 编织 , ( x )
      plexus 血管,淋巴管,神经等的丛 ; ( 59694 , )
      amplexicaul 抱茎 , ( x )
      amplexus 抱合 , ( x )
      complect 编织 , ( x )
      complex a.复杂的;合成的,综合的n.联合体 , ( 1259 , plek₁ , ply倍重 )
      →[oew]→ complicity n.共谋;串通;共犯关系[T8]。 ( 17686 )
      →[oew]→ complexion 体液的综合 : n.肤色;面色;情况;局面(古代人认为体液决定人的性格和体质,而肤色是其表现之一)[T8]。 ( 11221 )
      perplexed adj.困惑的,不知所措的 , ( 23396 , _ , ply倍重 )
    5. ←from 希腊语 plekein , to plait, twine, and plektos , twisted.
      plecopteran x , ( x )
    [Pokorny plek̑- 834.]
    complexity n.复杂,复杂性;复杂错综的事物[T6] (Lat,103746)
    applicant n.申请者,请求者 (Lat,104708)
    exploitation n.开发,开采;利用,剥削[T9] (Lat,106040)
    deployment n.部署,调度 (Lat,107344)
    duplicate v.复制adj.复制的n.副本,复制品[T6] (Lat,112491)
    ploy n.花招,手段 (Lat,112545)
    replication n.复制;回答;反响[T9] (Lat,112979)
    duplication n.复制;副本;成倍[T9] (Lat,113614)
    inexplicable adj.费解的;无法说明的;不能解释的[T8] (Lat,113887)
    perplex vt.使困惑,使为难;使复杂化[T6] (Lat,118170)
    applicability n.适用性,适应性 (Lat,120109)
    multiplication n.乘法[T6] (Lat,120336)
    explication n.说明 (Lat,125480)
    applicator n.敷抹器 (Lat,125819)
    perplexity n.困惑,混乱,复杂,困难 (Lat,127021)
    exploitable adj.可开发的,可利用的 (Lat,133152)
    replicator 重复符,重复符号 (Lat,133413)
    multiplicative n.乘法 adj.增加的,乘法的 (Lat,137741)
    replicant 电影复制杀人魔 (Lat,142345)
    duplicator n.复制器,复制者 (Lat,151474)
    explicable 可解释的 (Lat,154251)
    implicature 含蓄,言外之意 (Lat,155872)
    inapplicable 不适用的 (Lat,155903)
    pliable 易弯曲的 (Lat,159695)
    reapply 重新申请 (Lat,160490)
    supplicant 祈求者,哀求者 (Latin,162455)
    supplicate 祈求,哀求 (Latin,162456)
    supplication 祈求,哀求 (Latin,162457)
    triplicate 一式三份 (Lat,163208)
    applicate (Latin,)
    appliqué (Latin,)
    centuplication (Latin,)
    complicacy (Latin,)
    complicant (Latin,)
    conduplicate (Latin,)
    conduplication (Latin,)
    replicative (Latin,)
    triplicity (Latin,)
    applicative (Lat,)
    applicatory (Lat,)
    centuplicate (Lat,)
    contortuplicate (Lat,)
    counterploy (Lat,)
    demi-plié (Lat,)
    deplication (Lat,)
    explicandum (Lat,)
    explicans (Lat,)
    explicative (Lat,)
    explicator (Lat,)
    explicatory (Lat,)
    explicature (Lat,)
    implex (Lat,)
    implexion (Lat,)
    implicational (Lat,)
    induplicate (Lat,)
    induplication (Lat,)
    multiplicand (Lat,)
    nonexploitation (Lat,)
    nonpliant (Lat,)
    plexure (Lat,)
    pliancy (Lat,)
    plié (Lat,)
    quadruplicate (Lat,)
    reduplication (Lat,)
    replicable (Lat,)
    subduplicate (Lat,)
    ;...417, pleu- 平飞流
    To flow.
    派生词包括: pulmonary , Pluto , flow , fowl , flutter , and fluster.
    1. 基本形式: *pleu- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 pluere , to rain.
        plover n.千鸟 , ( 31467 , pleu , _ )
        pluvial 雨的,洪水的 , ( 59724 , )
        pluvious 雨淋 , ( x )
      2. ←from 希腊语 plein (< *plewein) , to swim.
        pleopod 腹肢 , ( x )
      3. ←from 希腊语 pleusis , sailing.
        pleuston 水漂生物 , ( x )
      4. Suffixed 零级形式 *plu-elos . ←from 希腊语 dissimilated puelos , trough, basin.
        pyelitis 肾盂炎 , ( x )
      5. 带后缀形式: *pl(e)u-mon- , "floater," lung(s).
        1. ←from 拉丁语 pulmō (< *plumonēs ), lung(s);
          pulmonary adj.肺部的 , ( 13025 , pleu , _ )
        2. ←from 希腊语 pleumōn , pneumōn (influenced by pneuma , breath; see pneu- ), lung.
          pneumo- 气动- , ( x )
          pneumonia n.[医] 肺炎 , ( 9387 , pneu , _ )
          pneumonic 肺的,与肺相关的 , ( 59726 , )
      6. Suffixed o级形式 *plou-to- . ←from 希腊语 ploutos , wealth, riches (< "overflowing").
        Pluto 冥王星 ; ( 59719 , )
        plutocracy 财阀统治 , ( 59720 , )
      7. Lengthened o级形式 *plō(u)- .
          1. ←from 古英语 flōwan , to flow;
            flow v.流,流动n.流量,流速 , ( 1769 , beu , _ )
          2. perhaps 中古荷兰语 vluwe , fishnet
            flue 烟道 , ( 54501 , )
            Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *flōwan , to flow.
        1. 带后缀形式: *plō-tu- . ←from 古英语 flōd , flood, ←from 日耳曼语 *flōduz , flowing water, deluge.
          flood n.洪水,水灾v.淹没,发大水,泛滥 , ( 3804 , _ , flu流动 )
    2. 扩展形式: *pleuk- .
      1. ←from 古英语 flēogan , to fly, ←from 日耳曼语 *fleugan , to fly.
        fly n.飞行;苍蝇v飞行;飘杨a.机敏的 , ( 1120 , pleu , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 flēoge , a fly, ←from 日耳曼语 *fleugōn- , flying insect, fly.
        fly n.飞行;苍蝇v飞行;飘杨a.机敏的 , ( 1120 , pleu , _ )
      3. Probably 日耳曼语 *fleuhan , to run away. ←from 古英语 flēon , to flee.
        flee v.逃走;逃避 , ( 3935 , bʰeug₁ , _ )
      4. ←from 古英语 flȳgan , flēgan , to put to flight, ←from 日耳曼语 causative *flaugjan .
        fley 威胁 , ( x )
      5. ←from 古法语 fleche , arrow, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *fleug-ika .
        flèche 小尖塔 , ( x )
        fletcher 弗莱彻 , ( x )
      6. 零级形式 *pluk- .
        1. ←from 古英语 *flycge , with feathers (only in unfligge , featherless), ←from 日耳曼语 *flugja- , feather;
          fledge 长羽毛 , ( 29968 )
        2. ←from 古英语 flyht , act of flying, and *flyht , act of fleeing, escape, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *flug-ti- ;
          flight n.飞翔,飞行;航班;航程;逃跑;楼梯的一段 , ( 1331 , pleu , _ )
          flight n.飞翔,飞行;航班;航程;逃跑;楼梯的一段 , ( 1331 , pleu , _ )
        3. ←from 古英语 fugol , bird, ←from 日耳曼语 *fuglaz , bird, dissimilated from possible (but unlikely) 带后缀形式: *flug-laz ;
          fowl n.家禽,禽,禽肉 v.捕野禽 , ( 21492 , pleu , _ )
        4. ←from Middle High German vlügel , wing, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *flug-ilaz .
          flugelhorn 活塞军号 , ( 54502 , )
          fugleman 示范者 , ( x )
    3. 扩展形式: *pleud- .
      1. ←from 古英语 flēotan , to float, swim ( ←from 日耳曼语 *fleutan ), and 古挪威语 fljōtr , fleet, swift ( ←from 日耳曼语 *fleutaz ).
        fleet n.舰队,船队 , ( 4056 , pleu , _ )
        fleet n.舰队,船队 , ( 4056 , pleu , _ )
      2. 零级形式 *plud- .
          1. ←from 古英语 flotian , to float;
            float n.飘浮;漂流物v.浮动;漂浮;传播;动摇 , ( 3734 , pleu , _ )
          2. ←from 古法语 floter , to float. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 derivative *flotōn , to float.
            flotsam 漂浮物 , ( 54497 , )
        1. ←from 古挪威语 floti , raft, fleet;
          flotilla 小型舰队 , ( 54496 , )
        2. ←from 古英语 floterian , flotorian , to float back and forth ( -erian , iterative and frequentative suffix);
          flutter vi.振翼,(脉搏|心脏)不规则跳动.vt.使..焦急 , ( 10775 , pal , _ )
        3. ←from 古挪威语 flytja , to further, convey, ←from 日耳曼语 *flutjan , to float.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *flut- , *flot- .
          flit n. vi.掠过,迁徙,迅速飞过,(鸟,蝙蝠等)飞来飞去 , ( 18381 , pleu , _ )

      3. fluster 忙乱,紧张 , ( 54509 , )
        probably from a Scandinavian source akin to Icelandic flaustr , hurry, and flaustra , to bustle, ←from 日耳曼语 *flausta- , 缩减自: 带后缀形式: *flaut-stā- , probably from *pleud- , o级 *ploud- .
    [Pokorny pleu- 835, pl(e)u-mon- 837.]
    extrapulmonary (Lat,)
    intrapulmonary (Lat,)
    apnea n.无呼吸,呼吸暂停,窒息 (Greek,121629)
    pneumatic adj.装满空气的,有气胎的,汽力的,风力的,灵魂的 n.气胎 (Greek,122817)
    pneumatology n.灵物学,圣灵学,气体(治疗)学 (Greek,131271)
    dyspnoea n.呼吸困难 (Greek,141161)
    apnoea (睡眠)呼吸暂停 (Greek,151800)
    anapnograph (Greek,)
    anapnoic (Greek,)
    pleon (Greek,)
    pleuropneumonia (Greek,)
    pneumotaxic (Greek,)
    ;...418, pneu- 呼吸声
    To breathe. Imitative root.
    1. ←from 古英语 fnēosan , to sneeze, ←from 日耳曼语 *fneu-s- .
      sneeze n.喷嚏vi.打喷嚏 , ( 16019 , jing , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 fnora , sneezing, ←from 日耳曼语 *fnu-s- .
      snore v.打鼾,打着鼾渡过(时间) n.打鼾,鼾声 , ( 13906 , jing , _ )
      snort v.喷鼻息 n.喷鼻息 , ( 11119 , jing , _ )
    3. ←from 希腊语 pnein , to breathe, with o级 nouns pnoiā , -pnoia , breathing, and pnoē , breath.
      apnea n.无呼吸,呼吸暂停,窒息 , ( 21629 , pneu , _ )
      dipnoan x , ( x )
      dyspnea 呼吸困难 , ( 31980 )
      eupnea 平静呼吸 , ( x )
      hyperpnea 喘息 , ( x )
      hypopnea 呼吸浅慢 , ( x )
      polypnea 呼吸急促 , ( x )
      tachypnea 呼吸急促 , ( x )
    4. 带后缀形式: *pneu-mn̥ . ←from 希腊语 pneuma , breath, wind, spirit.
      pneuma 元气 , ( x )
      pneumatic adj.装满空气的,有气胎的,汽力的,风力的,灵魂的 n.气胎 , ( 22817 , pneu , _ )
      pneumato- x , ( x )
      pneumo- 气动- ; ( x )
      amphiuma x , ( x )
    5. 日耳曼语 variant root *fnes- . ←from 古英语 fnǣran , to snort, gnash one's teeth.
      sneer v.冷笑,讥笑,嘲笑 n.冷笑,嘲笑 , ( 16488 , sner₁ , _ )
    [Pokorny pneu- 838.]
    ;...419, pō(i)- 泼水喝汤
    To drink. 最初形式: *peh₃(i)- , 变形 为: *poh₃(i)- .
    1. 基本形式: *pō(i)- , reduced to *pō- (< *poh₃- ).
      1. 带后缀形式: *pō-to- . ←from 拉丁语 pōtus , drunk; a drink (whence pōtāre , to drink).
        potable 可饮用的 , ( 59892 , )
        potation 饮料 , ( x )
        potatory 有饮酒习惯的 , ( x )
      2. 带后缀形式: *pō-ti- . ←from 拉丁语 pōtiō , a drink.
        poison n.毒物,毒药v.放毒,毒害,污染 , ( 5847 , poi , _ )
        →[考研]→ poisonous a.有毒的,恶意的,恶毒的,道德败坏的。 ( 9012 )
        potion n.一剂;一服;饮剂[T9] , ( 19497 , poi , _ )
      3. 带后缀形式: *pō-tlo- , drinking vessel. ←from 梵语 pātram , cup, bowl.
        hibachi 木炭火盆 , ( 40201 )
      4. Suffixed reduplicated 零级形式 *pi-pᵊ-o- (最初形式: *pi-ph₃-o- ), whence *pi-bo- , assimilated to *bi-bo- . ←from 拉丁语 bibere , to drink.
        beer n.啤酒 , ( 2034 , per₆ , _ )
        beverage n.饮料[T8] , ( 9347 , poi , _ )
        bib 围嘴 , ( 52151 , )
        bibulous 爱喝酒的 ; ( 52153 , )
        imbibe 喝,饮,吸收 , ( 55835 , )
        imbrue 弄脏 , ( x )
      5. Suffixed 零级形式 *pᵊ-ti- (最初形式: *ph₃-ti- ), *po-ti- . ←from 希腊语 posis , drink, drinking.
        symposium 一道饮酒:n.讨论会,座谈会;专题论文集;酒宴,宴会[T6] , ( 14279 , ksun , _ )
    2. 零级形式 *pī- (< *piᵊ- ).
      1. 带后缀形式: *pī-ro- . ←from Slavic *pirŭ , feast (古教会斯拉夫语 pirŭ ).
        pierogi x , ( x )
        pirozhki x , ( x )
      2. Suffixed (nasal present) form *pī-no- . ←from 希腊语 pīnein , to drink.
        pinocytosis 胞饮 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 2. pō(i)- 839.]
    compotation (Lat,)
    compotator (Lat,)
    perpotation (Lat,)
    potability (Lat,)
    ;...420, porko- 幼猪
    Young pig. 最初形式: *pork̑o- , becoming *porko- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
      1. ←from 古英语 fearh , little pig;
        farrow 一窝仔猪 , ( 54324 , )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 diminutive form varken , small pig. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *farhaz .
        aardvark 土豚 , ( 51509 , )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 porcus , pig.
      porcelain 状如乳猪阴户般光洁的贝壳:n.瓷;瓷器adj.瓷制的;精美的[T6] , ( 8923 , porko₁ , _ )
      porcine 像猪的 , ( 59850 , )
      pork n.猪肉 ; ( 5308 , mei₁ , _ )
      porcupine 豪猪,箭猪 , ( 59851 , )
      porpoise 海豚,鼠海豚 , ( 59855 , )
    [Pokorny pork̑o-s 841.]
    ;...421, poti- 效能
    Powerful; lord.
    1. ←from 拉丁语 potis (> *pots > pos- ), powerful, able.
      podesta 波德斯塔 , ( x )
      poss+ess vt.拥有;掌握,懂得;主宰;缠住,迷住 , ( x )
      power n.力,精力;功率,电力;(数学)幂;权力,势力 , ( 255 , poti , _ )
      →[考研]→ powerful a.强大的,有力的,有权的。 ( 1154 )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 compound posse , to be able (缩减自: potis , able + esse , to be; see es- ).
      poss 可能 , ( 59873 , )
      potent adj.有效的,强有力的,有权势的,有说服力的[T9] ; ( 6832 , poti , potent有力 )
      →[oew]→ potential a.潜在的,可能的 n.潜能,潜力。 ( 973 )
      →[oew]→ potentate 君王,统治者。 ( 59897 )
      impotent adj.无力的;无效的;虚弱的;阳萎的[T9] , ( 15592 , poti , potent有力 )
      omnipotent 全能的 , ( 58779 , )
      →[oew]→ omnipresent adj.无所不在的[T8]。 ( 23633 )
      prepotent 具有优势的 , ( x )
    3. Form *pot- .
      1. Compound *ghos-pot- (see ghos-ti- );
      2. compound *dems-pot- (see dem- ).
      1. ←from 梵语 patiḥ , lord;
        vanaspati x , ( x )
      2. ←from 古波斯 pati- , master. Bothaandb←from Indo-伊朗语 *pati- , lord.
        bashaw x , ( x )
        Padishah 国王 , ( x )
        pasha 帕夏 , ( 24879 )
    [Pokorny poti-s 842.]
    possible a.可能的,做得到的;合理的;可允许的 (Lat,100335)
    impossible a.不可能的;难以忍受的,很难对付的 (Lat,101433)
    possess v.占有,拥有 (Latin,103081)
    potency n.效能;力量;潜力;权势[T9] (Lat,112585)
    impotence n.无能为力,医阳痿,阴痿 (Lat,119207)
    posse n.民防团,地方武装团队,一队[T8] (Lat,120177)
    omnipotence n.全能,万能,无限威力 (Latin,129821)
    impotency n.无力,性无能 (Lat,140265)
    despot 暴君 (Latin,153566)
    omniscient 全知全能的 (Latin,158780)
    omnivore 杂食动物 (Latin,158781)
    potentiality 潜力 (Lat,159898)
    puissance 大权,权势 (Lat,160199)
    puissant 大权在握的 (Lat,160200)
    compossible (Lat,)
    idempotence (Lat,)
    idempotent (Lat,)
    nilpotence (Lat,)
    nilpotent (Lat,)
    potence (Lat,)
    subpotency (Lat,)
    superpotency (Lat,)
    superpotential (Lat,)
    unipotent (Lat,)
    ;...422, prek- 祈祷
    To ask, entreat. 最初形式: *prek̑- , becoming *prek- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    1. 基本形式: *prek- . ←from *prex , prayer (attested only in the plural precēs ), with 拉丁语 denominative precārī , to entreat, pray.
      pray v.请求,恳求;祈祷,祈求 , ( 2933 , perk , _ )
      →[oew]→ prayers 0 ( 11027 )
      prayer n.祈祷,祷告,祷文 , ( 2492 , _ , _ )
      precarious 恳求得到的:adj.危险的,不牢靠的[T8] ; ( 11272 , perk , prec祈祷 )
      deprecate 强烈反对 , ( 53535 , )
      imprecate 祈求 , ( x )
      prie-dieu 祈祷椅 , ( x )
    2. Suffixed 零级形式 *pr̥k-sk- becoming *pork-sk- , 缩减成:*posk- in 带后缀形式: *posk-to- , 缩减成:*posto- . ←from 拉丁语 postulāre , to ask, request.
      postulate vt.假定;要求;视…为理所当然n.基本条件;假定[T6] ; ( 16209 , perk , _ )
      expostulate 抗议,争执 , ( 54254 , )
    [Pokorny 4. perk̑- 821.]
    imprecation 咒骂 (Lat,155882)
    precatory 委托的,恳求的 (Lat,159937)
    apprecation (Lat,)
    deprecable (Lat,)
    deprecation (Lat,)
    precation (Lat,)
    ;...423, preus- 冻结霜
    To freeze, burn.
    1. ←from 古英语 frēosan , to freeze, ←from 日耳曼语 *freusan , to freeze.
      freeze v.使结冰,使凝固 , ( 3380 , preus , _ )
    2. Suffixed 零级形式 *prus-to- . ←from 古英语 forst , frost , frost, ←from 日耳曼语 *frustaz , frost.
      frost n.霜,霜冻,严寒 , ( 7775 , preus , _ )
    3. 带后缀形式: *preus-i- . ←from 拉丁语 denominative prūrīre , to burn, itch, yearn for, ←from *preusis , *preuris , act of burning.
      prurient 好色的,下作的 , ( 60154 , )
      prurigo 痒疹 , ( x )
      pruritus 瘙痒 , ( 35781 )
    4. Suffixed 零级形式 *prus-wīnā- . ←from 拉丁语 pruīna , hoarfrost.
      pruinose 具粉霜的 , ( x )
    [Pokorny preus- 846.]
    ;...424, prī- 爱自由
    To love. 最初形式: *prihx- (becoming *priy- before vowels).
    派生词包括: filibuster , friend , and Friday.
    1. 带后缀形式: *priy-o- .
      1. ←from 古英语 frēo , free, and frēon , freogan , to love, set free;
        free a.自由的;免费的;免税的;空闲的vt.释放 , ( 420 , prai , _ )
        →[考研]→ freedom n.自由,自主,免除,特权。 ( 1164 )
        →[oew]→ freelance n.自由作家,自由记者 adj.特约的,自由职业的 vi.当自由职业者 ( 10178 )
        →[oew]→ freehold n.自由保有,不动产 ( 18838 )
        →[oew]→ freemason 共济会成员。 ( 54607 )
      2. ←from 荷兰语 vrij , free. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *frijaz , beloved, belonging to the loved ones, not in bondage, free, and *frijōn , to love.
        filibuster n.掠夺兵,暴兵,海盗 vi.掠夺,阻饶议事 vt.阻碍议案通过 , ( 17278 , prai , _ )
        freebooter 战争掠夺者 , ( 54604 , )
    2. Suffixed (participial) form *priy-ont- , loving. ←from 古英语 frīond , frēond , friend, ←from 日耳曼语 *frijand- , lover, friend.
      friend n.朋友 , ( 289 , prai , _ )
      →[考研]→ Friday n.星期五。 ( 3808 )
      →[考研]→ friendly a.友好的,友谊的。 ( 2612 )
      →[考研]→ friendship n.友谊,友好。 ( 2992 )
      →[oew]→ frighten v.使惊恐。 ( 5740 )
      →[oew]→ fright n.惊骇,吃惊 ( 11807 )
    3. Suffixed 缩短形式 *pri-tu- .
      1. ←from 高地德语 fridu , peace;
        Siegfried 齐格弗里德 , ( x )
      2. ←from 古法语 esfreer , to disturb, ←from 通俗拉丁语 *exfredāre , to break the peace, ←from ex- , out, away (see eghs ) + *fridāre , to make peace, ←from 日耳曼语 *frithu- , peace;
        affray 打架 , ( 51607 , )
        afraid adj.害怕的,恐惧的;犯愁的,不乐意的 , ( 1345 , prai , _ )
      3. 日耳曼语 *frij- , peace, safety, in compound *berg-frij- (see bʰergh-₂ ).a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *frithuz , peace.
    4. Suffixed feminine form *priy-ā- , beloved.
      1. ←from 古挪威语 Frigg , goddess of the heavens, wife of Odin;
        Frigg 弗丽嘉 , ( x )
      2. ←from 古英语 Frīgedæg , Friday, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *frije-dagaz , "day of Frigg" (translation of 拉丁语 Veneris diēs , "Venus's day"). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *frijjō , beloved, wife.
        friday n.星期五 , ( 3808 , prai , _ )
    [Pokorny prāi- 844.]
    ;...425, pū̆- 疱腐烂
    To rot, decay. Probably from earlier *puhx- (becoming *puw- before vowels).
    派生词包括: foul , fuzzy , potpourri , and pus.
    1. 带后缀形式: *pū-lo- .
      1. ←from 古英语 fūl , unclean, rotten;
        foul a.邪恶的,下流的.n.犯规.v.弄脏 , ( 7983 , _ , _ )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 fūll , foul;
        fulmar 暴风鹱(海鸟) , ( 54667 , )
      3. ←from 古英语 fȳlth , foulness, ←from 日耳曼语 abstract noun *fūlithō ;
        filth n.污秽,污物,不洁,猥亵 , ( 14915 , _ , _ )
      4. ←from 古英语 fȳlan , to sully, ←from 日耳曼语 denominative *fūljan , to soil, dirty.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *fūlaz , rotten, filthy.
        file n.锉刀;文件,档案v.锉 , ( 1637 , guhisl , fil线纺 )
        foil n.箔,金属薄片 ; ( 7840 , beu , _ )
        defile ①玷污②山中狭径 , ( 63945 , )
    2. 扩展形式: *pug- . ←from 中古英语 fog , fogge , aftermath grass, ←from a Scandinavian source probably akin to Icelandic fūki , rotten sea grass, and Norwegian fogg , rank grass, ←from 日耳曼语 *fuk- .
      fog n.雾气,雾v.以雾笼罩,被雾笼罩 , ( 5431 , pu , _ )
    3. Extended 变化形式*pous- . ←from 低地德语 fussig , spongy, ←from 日耳曼语 *fausa- .
      fuzzy adj.有绒毛的,模糊的,失真的 , ( 10444 , pu , _ )
    4. 带后缀形式: *pu-tri- . ←from 拉丁语 puter (stem putri- ), rotten.
      putrescent 腐败的 , ( x )
      putrid 腐败的,腐臭的 , ( 60256 , )
      puttanesca x ; ( x )
      ollapodrida 什锦菜podrida , ( x )
      potpourri 百花香,集锦,大杂烩 , ( 59902 , )
      putrefy 腐败,腐化 , ( 60255 , )
    5. 带后缀形式: *puw-os- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 pūs , pus;
        purulent 化脓的 , ( 60245 , )
        pus ; ( 60247 , )
        suppurate 化脓 , ( 62461 , )
      2. ←from 希腊语 puon , puos , pus.
        pyo- 巴西- - - , ( x )
    6. ←from 希腊语 compound empuein , to suppurate ( en- , in; see en ).
      empyema 积脓症 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 2. pū̆- 848.]
    putrescible adj.易腐烂的 n.会腐烂的物质 (Lat,150159)
    putrefaction 腐败,腐化 (Lat,160254)
    purulence (Lat,)
    putredinous (Lat,)
    putrefacient (Lat,)
    putrefactive (Lat,)
    putresce (Lat,)
    putrescence (Lat,)
    putrescine (Lat,)
    putridity (Lat,)
    putrilage (Lat,)
    putrilaginous (Lat,)
    ;...426, re- 绕转回 , Also red- .
    Backʷard. 拉丁语 combining form conceivably from Indo-European *wret- , metathetical variant of *wert- , to turn (< "turned back"), an 扩展形式: of wer- ₂.
    1. ←from 拉丁语 re- , red- , backʷard, again.
      re- 向后,往回,相对,相反,再,表强调 , ( 60471 , )
    2. 带后缀形式: *re(d)-tro- . ←from 拉丁语 retrō , backʷard, back, behind.
      retral 后部的 , ( x )
      retro- 向后,往回 ; ( 60703 , )
      arrears n.到期未付款,欠帐 , ( 14360 , _ , _ )
      rearguard 后卫部队 , ( 60492 , )
      rearward 后面的 , ( 60495 , )
      reredos 屏风 , ( x )
    3. 带后缀形式: *re-ko- in 拉丁语 reciprocus (see per₁ ).
    ;...427, rē- 惹事
    To bestow, endow. 最初形式: *reh₁- . 带后缀形式: *reᵊ-i- , goods, wealth, property.

    re symb [化] 铼(rhenium) (英国)皇家工兵部队 RE(Royal Engineers) , ( 1707 , rei , _ )
    real a.真的,真实的;实际的,现实的 , ( 300 , leg₁ , _ )
    →[考研]→ realise 0 ( 16300 )
    →[考研]→ realistic a.现实(主义)的。 ( 3899 )
    →[考研]→ reality n.现实,实际;真实。 ( 1050 )
    →[考研]→ really ad.确实,实在,真正地,果然。 ( 162 )
    realia 实物教具 , ( 60483 , )
    rebus 图形字谜游戏 ; ( 60501 , )
    reify 使具体化 , ( 60607 , )
    republic n.共和国,共和政体 , ( 2779 , rei₂ , popul人民 )
    [Pokorny 4. rei- 860.]
    surreal adj.超现实的,离奇的 (Lat,114482)
    irrealis (Lat,)
    ;...428, rēd- 抓挠刮擦
    To scrape, scratch, gnaw. 最初形式: *reh₁d- , becoming *rēd- .
    1. o级形式 *rōd- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 rōdere , to gnaw;
        rodent adj.啮齿类的;咬的,嚼的;侵蚀性的n.啮齿动物[T9] ; ( 13344 , rad₁ , rod咬啮 )
        corrode vt.侵蚀;损害vi.受腐蚀;起腐蚀作用[T8] , ( 29801 , rad₁ , rod咬啮 )
        →[oew]→ corrosive adj.腐蚀的;侵蚀性的 n.腐蚀物[T8]。 ( 20721 )
        erode v.侵蚀,腐蚀 , ( 9803 , _ , rod咬啮 )
      2. suffixed (instrumental) form *rōd-tro- . ←from 拉丁语 rōstrum , beak, ship's bow.
        rostrum 讲坛,指挥台 , ( 60881 , )
    2. Possibly extended 零级形式 *rᵊd-d- , becoming *razd- , whence *rād- in 拉丁语.
      1. ←from 拉丁语 rādere , to scrape;
        radula 齿舌 , ( x )
        rape 掳走(妇女):n.v.强奸,掳走,掠夺[T9] , ( 3566 , labʰ , rap攫夺 )
        rappee 粗鼻烟 , ( x )
        rascal 无赖,淘气鬼 , ( 60435 , )
        rash adj.轻率的;鲁莽的;不顾后果的n.皮疹,突然大量出现的事物[T6] , ( 10316 , kret , _ )
        rasorial 抓地觅食的 , ( x )
        ratteen 珠皮大衣呢 , ( x )
        raze vt.夷为平地,消除,拆毁[T8] , ( 21691 , rad₁ , rad刮擦 )
        →[oew]→ razorbill 刀嘴海雀。 ( 60465 )
        razor n.剃刀[T3] ; ( 8603 , rad₁ , rad刮擦 )
        abrade 磨损 , ( 51533 , )
        corrade 侵蚀 , ( x )
        erase vt.擦除,抹去[T4] , ( 7849 , rad₁ , rad刮擦 )
      2. suffixed (instrumental) form *rād-tro- . ←from 拉丁语 rāstrum , rake.
        raclette x , ( 39256 )
        raster 光栅,栅格,框架 , ( 60439 , )
    3. 零级形式 *rᵊd- . ←from 古英语 ræt , rat, ←from 日耳曼语 *rattōn- .
      rat n.鼠 , ( 4092 , ane , _ )
    [Pokorny 2. rēd- 854.]
    erosion n.腐蚀,磨损;削弱,减少 (Lat,105569)
    corrosion n.侵蚀;损害vi.受腐蚀;起腐蚀作用[T6] (Lat,113641)
    abrasive adj.粗糙的;有研磨作用的;伤人感情的[T8] (Lat,115779)
    abrasion n.磨损,擦伤[T8] (Lat,122885)
    erasure n.擦掉,删去,删掉的词,消音,抹音 (Lat,124040)
    nonabrasive (Latin,)
    raduliform (Latin,)
    rase (Latin,)
    rasure (Latin,)
    subradular (Latin,)
    corrasion (Lat,)
    noncorrosive (Lat,)
    radular (Lat,)
    rodenticide (Lat,)
    ;...429, reg- 跑直正
    To move in a straight line, with derivatives meaning "to direct in a straight line, lead, rule. " 最初形式: *h₃reg̑- , becoming *h₃reg- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    派生词包括: right , realm , anorexia , rich , rule , interrogate , and reckless.
    1. 基本形式: *reg- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *reg-to- . ←from 古英语 riht , right, just, correct, straight, ←from 日耳曼语 *rehtaz .
        right a.右的,正确的n.右,权利ad.在右边,正确地 , ( 141 , onomen , _ )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 regere , to lead straight, guide, rule (past participle rēctus , hence adjective rēctus , right, straight).
        realm n.王国,国土;领域 , ( 4365 , reg₁ , reg统治 )
        →[考研]→ regulation n.规则,规章;调节,校准;调整。 ( 1848 )
        rectitude 正直 , ( 60531 , )
        recto 右页 , ( 60532 , )
        rector 治理者:n.校长,院长,教区牧师[T9] , ( 15489 , reg₁ , rect正直 )
        rectum 直肠 , ( 60533 , )
        rectus 腹直肌 , ( 32037 )
        regent adj.摄政的,统治的n.摄政王,摄政者 , ( 12833 , reg₁ , reg统治 )
        →[oew]→ regalia n.王权,王位的标志(如王冠等),(等级、社团等的)标记,徽章 ( 23725 )
        →[oew]→ regale 使愉悦。 ( 60596 )
        regime 统治:n.政权,政体,管理体制[T6] , ( 1898 , reg₁ , reg统治 )
        regimen n.养生法[T9] , ( 10950 , _ , _ )
        regiment 统治:n.军队中的团,大量[T6] , ( 7964 , reg₁ , reg统治 )
        region n.地区,地带,行政区,(科学等)领域 ; ( 799 , reg₁ , reg统治 )
        address n.住址;致词v.向...致词;在信封上写姓名 , ( 1026 , _ , _ )
        adroit 灵巧 , ( 51589 , )
        alert a.机警的,警觉的;机灵的vt.使…警觉 , ( 4916 , reg₁ , _ )
        correct a.正确的,恰当的,端正的v.改正,纠正,矫正 , ( 1531 , kom , rect正直 )
        →[oew]→ correspondent n.记者,通讯员;通信者。 ( 3035 )
        derecho x , ( 42291 )
        direct a./ad.径直的(地)v.管理,指导;(at,to)指向 , ( 1039 , reg₁ , rect正直 )
        →[考研]→ direction n.方向,方位;指令,说明。 ( 721 )
        →[考研]→ directly ad.直接地,径直地;马上,立即。 ( 1099 )
        →[考研]→ director n.指导者,主任,导演。 ( 541 )
        →[考研]→ directory n.目录;名录;姓名地址录 adj.指导的;咨询的[T3]。 ( 6300 )
        erect v.树立,建立,使竖立a.直立的,垂直的 , ( 7350 , reg₁ , rect正直 )
        →[oew]→ erection n.勃起;建造;建筑物;直立[T9]。 ( 12852 )
        incorrigible 屡教不改的 , ( 55940 , )
        porrect 伸出的 , ( x )
        rectangle 直角:n.矩形[T3] , ( 11095 , reg₁ , )
        →[oew]→ rectory n.教区长的管区 ( 17193 )
        rectify 使其正确:vt.改正,整流[T6] , ( 13316 , reg₁ , rect正直 )
        rectilinear 直线的 , ( 60530 , )
        resurge 复活 , ( x )
        Risorgimento 复兴运动 , ( x )
        sord x , ( x )
        source n.源,源泉;来源,出处 , ( 663 , upo₁ , surge立起 )
        surge vi.汹涌;彭湃;蜂拥而至n.巨浪;汹涌;彭湃 , ( 5624 , reg₁ , surge立起 )
        →[oew]→ surrogate 在下面(代替某人)要求vt.代理 adj.代理的[T8]。 ( 12478 )
      3. ←from 希腊语 oregein , to stretch out, reach out for (with o- ←from oldest root form *ᵊ₃reg̑- ).
        orexin 促食素 ; ( x )
        anorectic 厌食的 , ( x )
        anorexia n.食欲减退,厌食 , ( 14569 , reg₁ , _ )
    2. 加长级形式 *rēg- , Indo-European word for a tribal king.
        1. ←from 古英语 rīce , realm;
          bishopric 主教的 , ( 42127 )
          eldritch 可畏的 , ( x )
        2. ←from 古挪威语 rīki , realm;
          Riksmål x , ( x )
        3. ←from 高地德语 rīchi , realm;
          Reich 帝国 ; ( x )
          reichsmark 马克 , ( x )
        4. ←from 古英语 rīce , strong, powerful, and 古法语 riche , wealthy.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *rīkja- , ←from Celtic 带后缀形式: *rīg-yo- .
          rich a.富的,有钱的;富饶的;(in)充足的,丰富的 , ( 1040 , reg₁ , _ )
      1. ←from 拉丁语 rēx , king (royal and priestly title).
        real a.真的,真实的;实际的,现实的 , ( 300 , leg₁ , _ )
        regal adj.帝王的[T8][T8] , ( 13034 , leg₁ , reg统治 )
        regulus 狮子座的 , ( x )
        reign n.君主统治.v.统治,支配 , ( 5601 , reg₁ , _ )
        rex 国王 , ( 60735 , )
        rial n.伊朗的银币,里亚尔 , ( x )
        riyal 里亚尔 , ( x )
        royal a.王室的,皇家的;第一流的,高贵的 ; ( 1440 , leg₁ , reg统治 )
        →[考研]→ royalty n.皇室;版税;王权;专利税[T6]。 ( 7791 )
        ariary x , ( x )
        regicide 弑君者 , ( 60599 , )
        regiusprofessor 钦定讲座教授 , ( x )
        vicereine 总督夫人 , ( x )
        viceroy 总督 , ( 63575 , )
      2. 带后缀形式: *rēg-en- . ←from 梵语 rājā , rājan- , king, rajah (feminine rājñī , queen, rani), and rājati , he rules.
        raj n.统治 , ( x )
        rajah 国王 , ( 29606 )
        rani 旧时印度女邦主 , ( 60422 , )
        rye n.裸麦 ; ( 19673 , reg₁ , _ )
        maharaja 印度过去的土邦主,王公 , ( 57334 , )
        maharani 土邦主妃,王公妃 , ( 57335 , )
    3. Suffixed 加长级形式 *rēg-olā- . ←from 拉丁语 rēgula , straight piece of wood, rod.
      rail n.栏杆,围栏;(pl.)铁路;铁轨;横杆,栏杆 , ( 2842 , rad₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ railroad n.(railway)铁路 v.由铁道运输。 ( 4846 )
      →[考研]→ rain n.雨;雨天;下雨 vi.下雨 vt.使大量落下。 ( 1402 )
      →[考研]→ rainbow n.虹。 ( 7108 )
      reglet 扁条 , ( x )
      regular a.有规律的;整齐的,匀称的,正规的,正式的 , ( 1239 , _ , reg统治 )
      regulate v.管制,控制;调节,校准;调整 , ( 4032 , reg₁ , reg统治 )
      rillettes x , ( x )
      rule v.统治;支配;裁定n.规章,条例;习惯;统治 , ( 675 , reg₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ ruler n.统治者,支配者;尺,直尺。 ( 5853 )
    4. o级形式 *rog- .
      1. ←from 古英语 raca , racu , rake (implement with straight pieces of wood), ←from 日耳曼语 *rakō .
        rake n.耙子,斜度 , ( 11740 , reg₁ , _ )
        →[oew]→ rakehell 浪子,放荡子。 ( 60405 )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 rec , framework, ←from 日耳曼语 *rak- .
        rack n.挂物架,搁物架v.使痛苦,折磨 , ( 5024 , reg₁ , _ )
        →[考研]→ racket n.球拍,喧闹纷乱 v.过着花天酒地的生活 ( 10247 )
      3. Possibly 日耳曼语 *rankaz (with nasal infix) ←from 古英语 ranc , straight, strong, hence haughty, overbearing.
        rank n.军衔,社会阶层;排v.分等级,把…分类 , ( 2800 , ker₁ , _ )
      4. ←from 古英语 gerecenian , to arrange in order, recount ( ge- , collective prefix; see kom ), ←from 日耳曼语 *rakinaz , ready, straightforward.
        reckon v.计算,总计,估计,猜想,依赖 , ( 6565 , reg₁ , _ )
      5. 带后缀形式: *rog-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 rogāre , to ask (< "stretch out the hand").
        rogation 祈祷 , ( x )
        rogatory 查询的 ; ( x )
        abrogate 废除 , ( 51535 , )
        arrogate 冒称,妄取 , ( 51862 , )
        →[oew]→ arrogant 颐使气指的adj.傲慢的[T8]。 ( 8054 )
        corvée 强迫劳役 , ( x )
        derogate 贬低 , ( 53546 , )
        interrogate 人和人之间的问话:v.审问,质问[T8] , ( 14385 , _ , rog询问 )
        prerogative 率先发问或要求:adj.有特权的n.特权[T8] , ( 12270 , reg₁ , rog询问 )
        prorogue 休会 , ( x )
        subrogate 代替 , ( x )
        supererogate x , ( x )
      6. 带后缀形式: *rog-o- . ←from 拉丁语 ergō , therefore, in consequence of, perhaps 缩减自: a 拉丁语 phrase *ē rogō , "from the direction of" ( ē , < ex , out of; see eghs ), ←from a possible 拉丁语 noun *rogus , "extension, direction.".
        ergo 因此,所以 , ( 54144 , )
    5. Lengthened o级形式 *rōg- .
      1. ←from 古英语 rec(c)an , to pay attention to, take care (formally influenced by 古英语 reccan , to extend, stretch out, ←from 日耳曼语 *rakjan ), ←from 日耳曼语 *rōkjan .
        reck 关心,留心,顾虑 , ( 60511 , )
      2. ←from 古英语 rēcelēas , careless ( -lēas , lacking; see leu- ), ←from 日耳曼语 rōkja- .
        reckless a.不计后果的,鲁莽的 , ( 8886 , reg₁ , _ )
    6. Suffixed 零级形式 *r̥g-yo- . ←from 梵语 ṛjyati , he stretches out.
      raita 沙拉 , ( 47462 )
    [Pokorny 1. reg̑- 854.]
    resource n.(pl.)资源,财力;办法,智谋;应变之才 (Lat,100948)
    regional adj.地区的;局部的;整个地区的[T9] (Lat,101431)
    regulatory a.管理的,控制的,调整的 (Lat,104314)
    indirect a.间接的,迂回的 (Lat,105290)
    directive adj.指导的;管理的n.指示,指令[T9] (Lat,105777)
    triangle n.三角(形) (Lat,106242)
    regulator n.调整者,调整器 (Lat,106612)
    correction n.改正,修正[T3] (Lat,106657)
    incorrect adj.不正确的,不适当的,不真实的,错误的[T3] (Lat,107368)
    escort n.护卫(队),护送,陪同(人员),护卫队 v.护卫,护送,陪同 (Lat,107670)
    irregular adj.不规则的;无规律的;非正规的;不合法的[T4] (Lat,107920)
    interrogation n.讯问;审问;[语]疑问句[T9] (Lat,108138)
    insurgent 揭竿而起:adj.起义的,叛乱的n.起义者,叛乱者[T8] (Lat,109320)
    deregulation n.违反规定,反常,解除管制规定 (Lat,109440)
    rectangular a.长方形的,矩形的,成直角的 (Lat,109477)
    resurrection n.复活,复兴[T8] (Lat,110133)
    rogue (假装)乞讨者:n.流氓,小淘气,凶猛的离群兽adj.凶猛的v.欺诈,游手好闲,去劣[T9] (Latin,110215)
    angular adj.角的,有角的,生硬的,笨拙的,瘦削的[T8] (Lat,110389)
    insurgency n.叛乱,叛乱状态, (Lat,111246)
    triangular adj.三角形的,三角的[T8] (Lat,111761)
    resurgence n.复活,再现[T8] (Lat,111885)
    regularity n.规则性;整齐;正规;匀称[T6] (Lat,112211)
    derail v.出轨 (Lat,114533)
    resurrect v.(使)复活,(使)复兴[T8] (Lat,114647)
    redirect vt.(信件)重寄,使改道,使改变方向 (Lat,115437)
    rectal adj.直肠的 (Lat,115946)
    correctional adj.改正的,矫正的,修正的 (Lat,116123)
    irregularity n.不规则;无规律;不整齐[T6] (Lat,116608)
    corrective adj.矫正的;惩治的[T9] (Lat,116981)
    derailleur n.<法>(自行车)变速器,装有变速器的自行车 (Lat,118558)
    directorate n.理事之职,高级职员会,董事会 (Lat,118680)
    interrogator n.讯问者,审问者,质问者,询问器 (Lat,119110)
    directional a.方向的,指导性的 (Lat,119259)
    insurrection n.起义,暴动,造反,叛乱[T9] (Lat,120601)
    deregulate v.解除管制 (Lat,121479)
    derogatory adj.贬损的[T8] (Lat,122093)
    triangulation n.三角测量,分成三角形,推论 (Lat,124358)
    regimental adj.团的、团队的 n.军服,团 (Lat,124844)
    directorial adj.指挥的,指挥者的,管理的 (Lat,125807)
    rectification n.矫正,<电>整流,<化>精馏,<数>求长 (Lat,129437)
    abrogation n.取消,废除 (Lat,129771)
    erector n.建设者,安装工 (Lat,129976)
    derailment n.出轨 (Lat,130333)
    unidirectional adj.单向的,单向性的 (Lat,130430)
    subregion n.(动植物分布的)亚区,子域,分区 (Lat,130743)
    subregional (Lat,131321)
    corrector n.修正者,校正者,校对者 (Lat,133331)
    indirection n.间接 (Lat,133467)
    derogation n.毁损,堕落,减损 (Latin,133484)
    regimentation n.编组团队,组织化,系统化 (Lat,134077)
    interregional n.地区与地区间的 (Lat,134542)
    directionality n.方向性,定向性,指向性 (Lat,135356)
    interrogatory adj.质问的,疑问的 n.疑问,质问,质询 (Lat,136695)
    multidirectional adj.多方面的; 多向的 (Lat,137573)
    angularity n.有角,生硬成,角状 (Lat,138331)
    bidirectional 双向的 (Lat,152160)
    dirigible 可操纵的 (Lat,153662)
    interregnum 政权空白期,政权更迭期 (Lat,156155)
    interrogative 审问的,质问的 (Lat,156157)
    maladroit 不灵巧的,笨拙的 (Lat,157363)
    quadrangle 四方形院子 (Lat,160287)
    quadrangular 四边形的 (Lat,160288)
    regency 摄政 (Lat,160598)
    resurgent 复兴的,复活的 (Lat,160688)
    surrogacy 代孕 (Lat,162479)
    Regis (Latin,)
    adret (Lat,)
    angulose (Lat,)
    arrect (Lat,)
    biangular (Lat,)
    biangulate (Lat,)
    bidirectionality (Lat,)
    birectify (Lat,)
    biregular (Lat,)
    coregency (Lat,)
    coregent (Lat,)
    correctory (Lat,)
    correctress (Lat,)
    corregidor (Lat,)
    corregimiento (Lat,)
    corrigendum (Lat,)
    corrigent (Lat,)
    corrigibility (Lat,)
    corrigible (Lat,)
    counterinsurgency (Lat,)
    counterinsurgent (Lat,)
    directress (Lat,)
    directrix (Lat,)
    equiangular (Lat,)
    equiangularity (Lat,)
    experrection (Lat,)
    incorrigibility (Lat,)
    interregent (Lat,)
    interregimental (Lat,)
    multangular (Lat,)
    multiangular (Lat,)
    nonrectangular (Lat,)
    obrogate (Lat,)
    obrogation (Lat,)
    octangle (Lat,)
    octangular (Lat,)
    porrection (Lat,)
    prorogatio (Lat,)
    prorogation (Lat,)
    quinquangular (Lat,)
    rectilinearity (Lat,)
    rection (Lat,)
    rectitudinous (Lat,)
    rectorate (Lat,)
    rectress (Lat,)
    rectricial (Lat,)
    rectrix (Lat,)
    regality (Lat,)
    regible (Lat,)
    regious (Lat,)
    regle (Lat,)
    regula (Lat,)
    reguline (Lat,)
    reregulate (Lat,)
    rogatio (Lat,)
    semiangle (Lat,)
    semiangular (Lat,)
    semiregular (Lat,)
    septangle (Lat,)
    septangular (Lat,)
    sexangle (Lat,)
    sexangular (Lat,)
    subrector (Lat,)
    subrectory (Lat,)
    subregent (Lat,)
    subrogation (Lat,)
    triangularity (Lat,)
    trirectify (Lat,)
    viceregent (Lat,)
    dysorexia (Greek,)
    orectic (Greek,)
    parorexia (Greek,)
    ;...430, rei- 流跑动
    To flow, run.
    1. Suffixed 零级形式 *ri-nu- .
      1. ←from 古英语 rinnan , to run, and 古挪威语 rinna , to run ( ←from 日耳曼语 *rinnan , to run, ←from *ri-nw-an ), and←from 古英语 causative ærnan , eornan , to run (from secondary 日耳曼语 causative *rannjan );
        run v.奔,跑;流,淌;蔓延,伸展;经营;运转 , ( 231 , ergh , _ )
        runnel 小河,小溪 , ( 60948 , )
      2. ←from 古英语 ryne , a running, ←from secondary 日耳曼语 derivative *runiz ;
        EmberDay 安贝天 , ( x )
      3. ←from 古英语 *rynet , ←from secondary 日耳曼语 derivative *runita- .
        rennet 凝乳酶 , ( 60637 , )
    2. Suffixed 零级形式 *ri-l- . ←from 荷兰语 ril or 低地德语 rille , running stream, ←from 日耳曼语 *ril- .
      rill 细沟 , ( 60796 , )
    3. 带后缀形式: *rei-wo- . ←from 拉丁语 rīvus , stream.
      rival n.竞争者,对手v.竞争,对抗a.竞争的 , ( 3789 , ergh , riv河流 )
      →[oew]→ rivalry n.竞争;对抗;竞赛[T8]。 ( 7721 )
      rivulet 小河,小溪 ; ( 60826 , )
      derive v.取得;导出;引申;来自;源自;出自 , ( 3409 , ergh , riv河流 )
    [Pokorny 3. er- 326.]
    river n.河流 (Lat,101091)
    derivative adj.派生的;引出的n.衍生物,派生物;导数[T8] (Lat,114288)
    riparian adj.河边的,水滨的,河岸拥有人 (Lat,121530)
    derivation n.引出,导出,衍生,衍生物,语词源,派生,出处,由来,起源 (Lat,124310)
    rivality (Lat,)
    rivose (Lat,)
    ;...431, reidʰ- 乘骑路
    To ride.
    派生词包括: raid , road , and array.
    1. 基本形式: *reidʰ- .
      1. ←from 古英语 rīdan , to ride, ←from 日耳曼语 *rīdan .
        ride v./n.骑,乘 , ( 1393 , reidʰ , _ )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 verēdus , post horse, ←from Celtic *wo-rēd- ( *wo- , under; see upo ).
        palfrey 帕尔弗里 , ( 34072 )
    2. o级形式 *roidʰ- .
        1. ←from 古英语 rād , a riding, road, ←from 日耳曼语 *raid- ;
          raid n/v..袭击,搜查 , ( 5176 , reidʰ , _ )
          road n.路,道路,途径 , ( 412 , reidʰ , _ )
        2. ←from Middle High German reidel , rod between upright stakes (< "wooden horse"), possibly ←from 日耳曼语 *raid- (seea).
          raddle 红赭石 , ( 60369 , )
      1. Probably 日耳曼语 *raid-ja- . ←from 古英语 ræde , geræde , ready (< "prepared for a journey").
        ready a.(for)准备好的,现成的;甘心的 ; ( 793 , reidʰ , _ )
        →[考研]→ readily ad.容易地;乐意地,欣然地。 ( 3454 )
        already ad.已,已经,早已 , ( 292 , ol₂ , _ )
      2. Probably 日耳曼语 *raidjan . ←from 通俗拉丁语 *-rēdāre , to arrange.
        raiment 衣服,服装 ; ( 60399 , )
        array n.|v.展示,排列 , ( 3996 , _ , _ )
        curry n.咖哩粉,咖哩饭菜 vt.用咖哩粉调味,用马梳梳,制革 , ( 9935 , pel₇ , _ )
    [Pokorny reidʰ- 861.]
    ;...432, reig- 直伸到
    To reach, stretch out. 最初形式: *reig̑- , becoming *reig- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    1. o级形式 *roig- . ←from 古英语 rǣcan , to stretch out, reach, ←from 日耳曼语 *raikjan .
      reach v.抵达;(out)伸手,够到n.能达到的范围 , ( 497 , reig₂ , _ )
    2. Possibly suffixed (stative) 零级形式 *rig-ē- . ←from 拉丁语 rigēre , to be stiff (? < "be stretched out").
      rigid a.刚性的;刻板的;严厉的 , ( 5138 , reig₂ , reg统治 )
      →[考研]→ rigorous adj. 严格的,严厉的;严密的;严酷的[T6]。 ( 6894 )
      rigor n.严厉;精确;苛刻;僵硬[T8] , ( 13752 , reig₂ , _ )
    [Pokorny (reig̑-) 862.]
    derigueur 合乎礼节 (Lat,153541)
    ;...433, rep- 揉破抓
    To snatch.
    Suffixed 零级形式 *rap-yo- .
    rapacious 贪婪的 , ( 60425 , )
    →[oew]→ rap n.叩击,轻拍,轻敲,斥责 vt.敲,拍,打,厉声说出,斥责,使着迷 vi.敲击,交谈 [军] Rocket Assiste ( 6496 )
    →[oew]→ rapture n.强奸,狂喜,(基督教)基督徒的被提[T6]。 ( 20963 )
    rape 掳走(妇女):n.v.强奸,掳走,掠夺[T9] , ( 3566 , labʰ , rap攫夺 )
    rapid a.快,急速的n.(pl.)急流,湍滩 , ( 2433 , labʰ , rap攫夺 )
    rapine 掠夺 , ( x )
    rapt adj.入迷的,全神贯注的[T8] , ( 21558 , labʰ , rap攫夺 )
    ravage n.蹂躏,破坏v.毁坏,掠夺[T8] , ( 16195 , _ , rap攫夺 )
    raven n.大乌鸦,掠夺 , ( 20051 , ker₄ , rap攫夺 )
    ravin 贪婪的 , ( x )
    ravish 使销魂,使狂喜 ; ( 60460 , )
    erepsin 肠肽酶 , ( x )
    subreption 歪曲事实 , ( x )
    surreptitious 秘密的,偷偷摸摸的 , ( 62478 , ) ←from 拉丁语 rapere , to seize.
    [Pokorny rep- 865.]
    ravine 激流冲刷:n.沟壑,山涧;峡谷[T8] (Latin,115165)
    raptor 掠夺者:n.猛禽,迅猛龙,伶盗龙[T9] (Lat,122208)
    rapidity n.迅速,急速,速度,险峻,快度 (Lat,126163)
    rapacity n.贪婪,贪心,劫掠的欲望 (Lat,143721)
    enrapture 狂喜 (Latin,154090)
    rapturous 狂喜的 (Lat,160430)
    ravenous 极其饥饿的 (Latin,160457)
    enrapt (Latin,)
    raptorial (Latin,)
    arreption (Lat,)
    arreptitious (Lat,)
    raptio (Lat,)
    raptus (Lat,)
    subreptitious (Lat,)
    ;...434, ret- 绕圈ρ
    To run, roll.
    1. Prefixed Celtic form *to-wo-ret- , "a running up to" ( to- , to; wo , under, up, up from under; see upo ). ←from 古爱尔兰 tóir , pursuit.
      Tory n.保守党党员,保皇党人 adj.保守分子的 , ( 5607 , _ , _ )
    2. Suffixed o级形式 *rot-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 rota , wheel.
      rodeo n.马术竞技会,将牛、马驱集在一起 , ( 14992 , reth , _ )
      roll v.滚动;使摇摆;卷,卷起n.卷,卷形物;名单 , ( 1469 , reth , _ )
      rota 勤务轮值表 , ( 60882 , )
      →[oew]→ rotation n.旋转;循环,轮流[T4]。 ( 5889 )
      rotary adj.旋转的,转动的,轮流的n.旋转式及其,转缸式发动机[T4] , ( 12699 , reth , rot旋转 )
      rotate v.(使)旋转 , ( 7599 , reth , rot旋转 )
      rotund 圆的,圆胖的 , ( 60887 , )
      rotunda 圆形大厅 , ( 60888 , )
      roulette 小轮子:n.轮盘,轮盘赌[T9] , ( 22325 , reth , _ )
      round a.圆的prep.围绕ad.在周围v.绕行n.(一)回合 , ( 769 , reth , _ )
      →[考研]→ role n.角色,作用,任务,职责。 ( 425 )
      →[考研]→ roundabout n.绕道,环形交通枢纽,旋转木马 adj.绕圈子的,不直截了当的,间接的,迂回的 ( 17006 )
      rowel 小齿轮 ; ( x )
      barouche 四轮四座大马车 , ( x )
      control n.(over)控制,支配v.控制,支配 , ( 347 , _ , _ )
      prune v.剪除 , ( 18198 , pag , _ )
      rocambole 小蒜 , ( x )
      rotavirus 轮状病毒 , ( 30558 )
      rotaxane x , ( x )
      rotiform 轮状的 , ( x )
      rotogravure 照相凹版 , ( x )
    3. Suffixed (participial) form *ret-ondo- . ←from 拉丁语 rotundus , round, probably from *retundus , "rolling.".
      rotund 圆的,圆胖的 , ( 60887 , )
      rotunda 圆形大厅 , ( 60888 , )
      round a.圆的prep.围绕ad.在周围v.绕行n.(一)回合 , ( 769 , reth , _ )
    [Pokorny ret(h)- 866.]
    enroll v.(enrol)招收;登记;入学;参军;成为会员 (Latin,105253)
    controller n.管理员,控制器 (Latin,106339)
    enrollment n.登记,注册,入会 (Latin,107425)
    rotational adj.转动的,轮流的 (Lat,124553)
    enrollee n.入会者,入学者,入伍者,名字被登入名单者 (Latin,124909)
    rotator n.旋转者,转动体 (Latin,126119)
    arrondissement n.郡(法国的政区),(尤指巴黎等大城市的)区 (Latin,131620)
    decontrol v.解除管制 (Latin,136787)
    rotifer n.轮虫 (Lat,138302)
    rondel 十四行回旋诗,十四行短诗 (Lat,160861)
    rondo 回旋曲 (Lat,160862)
    roundel 圆形标志 (Lat,160896)
    irrotational (Latin,)
    multirole (Latin,)
    multiroll (Latin,)
    redondilla (Latin,)
    reenroll (Latin,)
    rondelle (Latin,)
    rotatory (Latin,)
    roundelay (Latin,)
    roundlet (Latin,)
    semiround (Latin,)
    Rotifera (Lat,)
    circumrotation (Lat,)
    contrarotation (Lat,)
    rondeau (Lat,)
    rotelle (Lat,)
    rotiferous (Lat,)
    rotula (Lat,)
    rotundifolious (Lat,)
    rotundity (Lat,)
    ;...435, reudʰ- 锈铁红
    Red, ruddy. 最初形式: *h₁reudʰ- .
    派生词包括: red , robust , corroborate , ruby , and rubric.
    1. o级形式 *roudʰ- .
        1. ←from 古英语 rēad , red;
          red a.红的,红色的n.红色;红色颜料 , ( 598 , kel₆ , _ )
          →[oew]→ redʰerring 红鲱鱼,转移注意力的次要事物 ( 60550 )
        2. ←from 古挪威语 raudʰr , red;
          rorqual 一种鲸 , ( x )
        3. ←from 中古荷兰语 root , red.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *raudaz .
          rooibos 南非红叶茶树 , ( 60864 , )
      1. Perhaps ultimately also ←from 日耳曼语 raudaz is Old Spanish roán , roan, if from Gothic *rauths , red, or a kindred 日耳曼语 source.
        roan 毛色斑杂的动物 . ( 60832 , )
      2. ←from a source akin to 古挪威语 reynir , mountain ash, rowan (from its red berries), ←from 日耳曼语 *raudnia- .
        rowan 欧洲花楸 , ( 60905 , )
      3. ←from 拉丁语 rūfus (of dialectal Italic origin), reddish.
        rufescent 带红色的 , ( x )
        rufous 红褐色的 , ( x )
      4. ←from 拉丁语 rōbus , red.
        rouille 大蒜蛋黄酱 , ( 44766 )
        rubiginous 锈的 , ( x )
      5. ←from 拉丁语 rōbur , rōbus , red oak, hardness, and rōbustus , strong.
        roble 白橡树 , ( x )
        roborant 强壮剂 , ( x )
        robust 像红橡树一般:adj.强健的;健康的;粗野的;粗鲁的[T8] ; ( 6964 , _ , _ )
        corroborate vt.证实;使坚固[T8] , ( 15000 , _ , _ )
        rambunctious 喧闹的 , ( 60410 , )
      6. ←from Middle Indic lohita- , ←from 梵语.
        lollipop 棒棒糖 , ( 57114 , )
        perhaps from Romani lolo , red,
    2. 零级形式 *rudʰ- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *rudʰ-ā- .
        1. ←from 古英语 rudu , red color;
          ruddle 使发红 , ( x )
        2. ←from 古英语 rudduc , robin;
          ruddock 知更鸟 , ( x )
        3. ←from 古英语 rudig , ruddy.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *rudō .
          ruddy adj.红的,红润的 v.(使)变红 , ( 21246 , reudʰ , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *rudʰ-sto- . ←from 古英语 rūst (also rust ?), rust, ←from 日耳曼语 *rust- .
        rust n.铁锈v.(使)生锈 , ( 11519 , reudʰ , _ )
      3. ←from 拉丁语 rubeus , red.
        rouge 胭脂 , ( 60890 , )
        rubeola 麻疹 , ( x )
        ruby n.红宝石,红宝石色adj.红宝石色的[T6] ; ( 16142 , reudʰ , _ )
        rubefacient 发红剂 , ( x )
      4. ←from 拉丁语 rubicundus , red, ruddy.
        rubicund 红润的 , ( 60918 , )
      5. ←from 拉丁语 rūbidus , red.
        rubidium , ( 60919 , )
      6. Suffixed (stative) form *rudʰ-ē- . ←from 拉丁语 rubēre , to be red.
        rubescent x , ( x )
      7. 带后缀形式: *rudʰ-ro- .
        1. ←from 拉丁语 ruber , red;
          rubella 风疹 , ( 60915 , )
          rubric n.[印]红字,红色印刷,题目 ; ( 16474 , reudʰ , _ )
          bilirubin 胆红素 , ( 52173 , )
        2. ←from 拉丁语 rutilus , reddish;
          rutilant 闪光的 , ( x )
          rutile 金红石 , ( x )
        3. ←from 希腊语 eruthros , red (with prothetic vowel from oldest 零级形式 *ᵊrudʰ- );
          erythema 红斑 , ( 28958 )
          erythro- x , ( x )
        4. ←from possibly remade 希腊语 erusi- , red, reddening.
          erysipelas 丹毒 , ( x )
      8. 带后缀形式: *rudʰ-to- . ←from 拉丁语 russus , red.
        rissole 炸肉饼,炸肉丸 , ( 60818 , )
        roux 油面酱 , ( 60904 , )
        russet 赤褐色的 , ( 60954 , )
    [Pokorny reudʰ- 872.]
    corroboration n.进一步的证实,进一步的证据 (Latin,126963)
    corroborative adj.确证(性)的,确凿的 (Latin,137825)
    Rubio (Latin,)
    corroborant (Latin,)
    corroborator (Latin,)
    erubescence (Latin,)
    rubious (Latin,)
    rubricate (Latin,)
    rubrication (Latin,)
    rubricator (Latin,)
    erubescent (Lat,)
    ;...436, reuᵊ- 撸阔
    To open; space. 最初形式: *ruhx-mo- .
    1. Suffixed 零级形式 *rū-mo- (< *ruᵊ-mo- ).
      1. ←from 古英语 rūm , space;
        room n.房间,室,空间,地方;余地 , ( 228 , reuos , _ )
      2. ←from 高地德语 rūm , space;
        lebensraum 生存空间 , ( 44753 )
      3. ←from Old Provençal run , ship's hold, space.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *rūmaz ;
        rummage v.到处翻寻,搜出,检查 n.翻箱倒柜的寻找,检查,零星杂物 , ( 14859 , reuos , _ )
        →[oew]→ rumba 伦巴舞。 ( 60935 )
      4. ←from 古英语 rȳman , to widen, open up, ←from 日耳曼语 denominative *rūmjan .
        ream n.令,大量的纸 vt.扩展,铰大,榨取,铰除,刮,欺骗 , ( 23791 , reuos , _ )
    2. 带后缀形式: *reu(ᵊ)-es- . ←from 拉丁语 rūs , "open land," the country.
      rural a.乡下的,田园的,乡村风味的 , ( 1670 , reuos , rur乡村 )
      →[oew]→ Ruritanian 理想王国的。 ( 60952 )
      rustic adj.乡村的,纯朴的,粗野的,粗俗的n.乡巴佬,乡下人[T8] , ( 11567 , reuos , rur乡村 )
    [Pokorny reu̯ᵊ- 874.]
    rusticity n.乡村的特点、风格或气息 (Latin,147145)
    nonrural (Latin,)
    roister (Latin,)
    roisterous (Latin,)
    rusticate (Latin,)
    rustication (Latin,)
    ;...437, reug- 涡流ρ
    To vomit, belch; smoke, cloud. 最初形式: h₁reug- .
    1. ←from 古英语 rēocan , to smoke, reek, and rēcan , to fumigate, ←from 日耳曼语 *reukan .
      reek n.[主苏格兰]烟,水蒸汽,雾,臭气 vi.冒烟,发臭气,散发 vt.用烟熏,散发 , ( 18590 , reug , _ )
    2. Suffixed 零级形式 *rug-to- . ←from 拉丁语 rūctāre , to belch.
      eruct 打嗝 , ( x )
    [In Pokorny reu-b- 871.]
    ;...438, reup- 揉破抓 , Also reub- .
    To snatch.
    派生词包括: bereave , rob , usurp , and bankrupt.
    1. 基本形式: *reub- . ←from Flemish rippen , to rip, ←from 日耳曼语 *rupjan .
      rip v.撕,剥,劈,锯,裂开,撕裂n.裂口,裂缝 , ( 4847 , reup , _ )
    2. o级形式 *roup- .
        1. ←from 古英语 rēafian , to plunder;
          reave 抢走,剥夺 , ( 60496 , )
        2. ←from 古英语 berēafian , to take away ( be- , bi- , intensive prefix; see ambʰi );
          bereave 丧失亲友 , ( 52114 , )
        3. ←from 中古荷兰语 and Middle 低地德语 roven , to rob.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *(bi-)raubōn .
          rover 0 , ( 7515 , reup , _ )
        1. ←from 古法语 rober , to rob;
          rob v.(of)抢劫,盗取;非法剥夺 , ( 5311 , reup , _ )
          →[oew]→ robber n.强盗,盗贼 ( 12467 )
        2. ←from 意大利语 rubare , to rob. Bothaandb←from a Romance borrowing ←from 日耳曼语 *raubōn , to rob.
          rubato 弹性速度 , ( 44882 )
          →[oew]→ rubble n.碎石 ( 8930 )
      1. ←from 古法语 robe , robe (< "clothes taken as booty"), ←from 日耳曼语 *raubō , booty.
        robe n.长袍,罩衣,礼服,制服 ; ( 6229 , reup , _ )
        garderobe 衣柜 , ( x )
      2. 带后缀形式: *roup-tro- . ←from 梵语 loptram , booty.
        loot v.掠夺,抢劫,劫掠 n.掠夺物,战利品,抢劫 , ( 14570 , lau , _ )
      3. ←from 古俄语 rubiti , to chop, hew, ←from Slavic *rubje/a- .
        ruble 卢布 , ( 60921 , )
    3. 零级形式 *rup- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 ūsūrpāre (< *ūsu-rup- ; ūsus , use, usage, ←from ūtī , to use), originally "to interrupt the orderly acquisition of something by the act of using," whence to take into use, usurp.
        usurp 抢过来使用v.篡夺,侵占[T8] , ( 20189 , labʰ , )
      2. Nasalized 零级形式 *ru-m-p- . ←from 拉丁语 rumpere , to break.
        rout n.溃退 v.击溃 , ( 15871 , reu , _ )
        rupture n.v.破裂[T8] ; ( 17902 , lep₁ , rupt打破 )
        abrupt a.突然的,出其不意的;(行为等)粗鲁无礼的 , ( 8855 , reup , rupt打破 )
        bankrupt a.破产的;彻底缺乏的vt.使破产n.破产者 , ( 8628 , bʰeg , rupt打破 )
        corrupt 毁坏、破坏v.(使)腐烂堕落adj.腐败的[T6] , ( 6725 , reup , rupt打破 )
        disrupt vt.使中断,使分裂adj.分裂的,中断的[T8] , ( 6732 , reup , rupt打破 )
        erupt v.爆发,爆发出[T8] , ( 7205 , reup , rupt打破 )
        interrupt v.中断,遮断,阻碍;打断(话),打扰 , ( 4250 , en , rupt打破 )
        irrupt 闯入 , ( 56230 , )
        rupicolous 石生 , ( x )
    [In Pokorny 2. reu- 868.]
    route n.路线,路程 (Lat,101746)
    corruption n.腐化,贪污,(语词的)讹用,讹误 (Lat,104053)
    disruption n.破坏,毁坏;分裂,瓦解[T9] (Lat,106816)
    interruption n.中断;干扰;中断之事[T4] (Lat,108801)
    eruption n.爆发,喷发;火山灰;出疹[T9] (Lat,108890)
    disruptive adj.破坏的;分裂性的;制造混乱的[T8] (Lat,109008)
    corruptible adj.易腐败的,可以贿赂的 (Latin,140008)
    irruption n.侵入,急速增加 (Lat,141905)
    eruptive 爆发的 (Lat,154156)
    corruptor (Lat,)
    erumpent (Lat,)
    irruptive (Lat,)
    noneruptive (Lat,)
    reroute (Lat,)
    ;...439, r̥tko- 北极熊
    Bear. 最初形式: *h₂r̥tk̑o- , becoming *h₂ r̥tko- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    1. ←from 拉丁语 ursus , bear (< *orcsos ).
      ursine 与熊有关的 , ( 63458 , )
    2. ←from 希腊语 arktos , bear.
      arctic adj.北极的,北极区的 n.北极,北极圈 , ( 6271 , rkthos , _ )
      Arcturus 大角星 , ( x )
    [Pokorny ŕ̥k̑Þo-s 875.]
    Ursus (Lat,)
    ;...440, sā- 装满個
    To satisfy. 最初形式: *seh₂- , 变形 为: *sah₂- , becoming *sā- .
    1. Suffixed 零级形式 *sᵊ-to- .
      1. ←from 古英语 sæd , sated, weary, ←from 日耳曼语 *sadaz , sated;
        sad a.悲哀的,忧愁的 , ( 2145 , sa , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 sadian , to sate, ←from derivative 日耳曼语 verb *sadōn , to satisfy, sate.
        sate 满足 , ( 61075 , )
    2. Suffixed 零级形式 *sᵊ-ti- . ←from 拉丁语 satis , enough, sufficient.
      satiate 满足 , ( 61078 , )
      satiety 满足,饱足 ; ( 61079 , )
      assai 极其 , ( x )
      asset n.(pl.)资产,财产;有价值的物品;天赋 , ( 2328 , _ , _ )
      satisfy v.满意,使满意,使相信,说服 , ( 2871 , dʰe₁ , sat充满 )
    3. Suffixed 零级形式 *sᵊ-tu-ro- . ←from 拉丁语 satur , full (of food), sated.
      satire 种类齐全n.讽刺,讽刺文学,讽刺作品。最早指古罗马诗人Ennius的诗集,因其包罗万象而被称为satire。该诗 , ( 13778 , sa , sat充满 )
      →[考研]→ satisfaction n.满足,满意;乐事,愉快。 ( 2579 )
      →[考研]→ satisfactory a.令人满意的,圆满的,良好的,符合要求的。 ( 5407 )
      saturate vt.浸透,使湿透;使饱和,使充满adj.浸透的,饱和的;深颜色的[T8] , ( 13101 , sa , sat充满 )
    4. Suffixed 零级形式 *sᵊ-d-ro- . ←from 希腊语 hadros , thick.
      hadron 强子 , ( 27550 )
    [Pokorny sā- 876.]
    ;...441, sāg- 寻找
    To seek out. 最初形式: *seh₂g- , 变形 为: *sah₂g- , becoming *sāg- .
    派生词包括: seek , ransack , and hegemony.
    1. 带后缀形式: *sāg-yo- . ←from 古英语 sǣcan , sēcan , to seek, ←from 日耳曼语 *sōkjan .
      seek v.(after,for)寻找,探索;试图,企图 , ( 791 , sag , _ )
    2. 带后缀形式: *sāg-ni- . ←from 古英语 sōcn , attack, inquiry, right of local jurisdiction, ←from 日耳曼语 *sōkniz .
      soke 司法权 , ( x )
    3. 零级形式 *sᵊg- .
      1. ←from 古英语 sacu , lawsuit, case, ←from 日耳曼语 derivative noun *sakō , "a seeking," accusation, strife;
        sake n.缘故,理由 , ( 3018 , sag , _ )
        1. ←from 古英语 forsacan , to renounce, refuse ( for- , prefix denoting exclusion or rejection; see per₁ );
          forsake vt.放弃,抛弃 , ( 18980 , per₈ , _ )
          →[oew]→ forbidden adj.禁止的,严禁的 vbl.forbid的过去分词 ( 9111 )
          →[oew]→ forswear 放弃,发誓弃绝,发伪誓。 ( 54568 )
        2. ←from 古挪威语 *saka , to seek. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *sakan , to seek, accuse, quarrel. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *sak- .
          ramshackle adj.摇摇欲坠的 , ( 21989 , _ , _ )
          ransack vt.到处搜索,掠夺,洗劫 , ( 22931 , sag , _ )
    4. Independent 带后缀形式: *sāg-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 sāgīre , to perceive, "seek to know.".
      presage 预兆,预言 , ( 59988 , )
    5. 零级形式 *sᵊg- . ←from 拉丁语 sagāx , of keen perception.
      sagacious 明智的,练达的 , ( 60991 , )
    6. 带后缀形式: *sāg-eyo- . ←from 希腊语 hēgeisthai , to lead (< "to track down").
      diegesis x , ( 51073 )
      exegesis 释经 , ( 54226 , )
      hegemony n.霸权 , ( 13185 , sag , _ )
    [Pokorny sāg- 876.]
    hegemonic adj.支配的,霸权的 (Greek,116677)
    exegete n.解释者,注释家,评注家 (Greek,134251)
    diegetic (Greek,134581)
    eisegesis (Greek,)
    exegetic (Greek,)
    hegemon (Greek,)
    hegumen (Greek,)
    hypodiegetic (Greek,)
    metadiegetic (Greek,)
    protohegumen (Greek,)
    ;...442, sak- 朝圣
    To sanctify.
    1. 带后缀形式: *sak-ro- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 sacer , holy, sacred, dedicated;
        sacred 神化的:adj.神的,神圣的,庄严的,宗教的[T4] , ( 3778 , sak , sacr神圣 )
        →[oew]→ sacrament n.圣礼,圣餐,神秘的事物 vt.立誓[T8]。 ( 13736 )
        →[oew]→ sacristy 教堂圣器室。 ( 60979 )
        →[oew]→ sacrum 骶骨。 ( 60981 )
        sacristan 教堂圣器守司 , ( 60978 , )
        sexton 教堂司事 ; ( 61399 , )
        consecrate 祝圣 , ( 53080 , )
        execrate 诅咒 , ( x )
      2. compound *sakro-dʰōt- , "performer of sacred rites" ( *-dʰōt- , doer; see dʰē- ). ←from 拉丁语 sacerdōs , priest.
        sacerdotal 祭司的,司祭的 , ( 60971 , )
    2. Nasalized form *sa-n-k- . ←from 拉丁语 sancīre (past participle sānctus ), to make sacred, consecrate.
      saint n.圣人,基督教徒;(S-或St.用于人,地名前)圣 , ( 5357 , sak , sacr神圣 )
      sanctum 圣所,私室,密室 ; ( 61036 , )
      corposant 圣爱尔摩火 , ( x )
      sacrosanct 最神圣的,神圣不容置疑的 , ( 60980 , )
      sanctify 使神圣化,批准,认可 , ( 61033 , )
      →[oew]→ sanction n./v.批准,同意,支持,认可 n.处罚,制裁。 ( 4030 )
      →[oew]→ sanctuary n.避难所;至圣所;耶路撒冷的神殿[T9]。 ( 6735 )
      →[oew]→ sanctity n.圣洁,尊严,神圣不可侵犯性[T9]。 ( 17958 )
      →[oew]→ sanctimonious 伪善的,道貌岸然的。 ( 61034 )
      →[oew]→ SantaClaus 圣诞老人 ( 61053 )
    [Pokorny sak- 878.]
    sacrifice n.牺牲,牺牲品;祭品v.(for,to)牺牲,献出 (Lat,104466)
    sacrificial adj.牺牲的;献祭的[T9] (Lat,120036)
    desecration n.亵渎神圣,污辱,佛头著粪 (Lat,124485)
    consecration n.供献,奉献,献祭仪式 (Lat,127336)
    sacrilegious adj.犯渎圣罪的,该受天谴的 (Lat,129042)
    desecrate 亵渎神圣 (Latin,153553)
    execrable 可恶的,糟糕的 (Lat,154224)
    sacrilege 亵渎,渎圣 (Lat,160977)
    sanctimony 假装神圣,假装虔诚,伪善,虚伪 (Lat,161035)
    Sanctus (Lat,)
    Tersanctus (Lat,)
    deconsecration (Lat,)
    desecrator (Lat,)
    execration (Lat,)
    inexecrable (Lat,)
    obsecrate (Lat,)
    reconsecrate (Lat,)
    ;...443, sal- 沙涩盐
    1. 扩展形式: *sald- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *sald-o- . ←from 古英语 sealt , salt, ←from 日耳曼语 *saltam ;
        salt n.盐,盐,类v.腌,盐渍 , ( 1781 , sal₁ , sal盐 )
        1. ←from 古法语 sous , pickled meat;
          souse 腌,腌制 , ( 61865 , )
          →[oew]→ sour a.酸的;发酸的;酸痛的;脾气坏的;刻薄的。 ( 6202 )
        2. ←from 中古英语 cylte , fine sand, ←from a source probably akin to Danish and Norwegian sylt , salt marsh. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 零级 suffixed 扩展形式: *sult-jō .
          silt n.淤泥.v.(使)淤塞 , ( 20414 , sal₁ , _ )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 sallere (past participle salsus < *sald-to- ), to salt.
        salsa n.洋葱做的辣调味汁,萨尔萨舞曲 vi.跳萨尔萨舞 , ( 11719 , _ , _ )
        sauce n.酱汁,调味汁 , ( 2714 , sal₁ , _ )
        →[考研]→ saucer n.茶托,碟子。 ( 11278 )
        →[oew]→ saucy 粗俗的,色情的。 ( 61090 )
        sausage n.香肠,腊肠 , ( 7180 , sal₁ , _ )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 sāl (genitive salis ), salt.
      sal 萨尔 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ salve 油膏,药膏,软膏。 ( 61015 )
      →[oew]→ salty adj.咸的,含盐的[T3]。 ( 12776 )
      →[oew]→ saltine 盐饼干。 ( 61009 )
      →[oew]→ salutation 打招呼,致意。 ( 61014 )
      salad n.色拉,凉拌菜 , ( 3317 , sal₁ , sal盐 )
      salami n.意大利腊肠 , ( 23498 , sal₁ , _ )
      salary n.薪金,薪水 , ( 2636 , sal₁ , sal盐 )
      sali- 萨利·- , ( x )
      saline 含有盐的:adj.盐的,含盐分的n.盐水,盐湖[T9] ; ( 13187 , sal₁ , sal盐 )
      salmagundi 大杂烩 , ( x )
      saltcellar 盐瓶 , ( x )
      saltpeter 硝石,硝酸钾 , ( 61010 , )
    3. ←from 希腊语 hals (stem hal- ), salt, sea.
      halo- 晕, , ( x )
    4. ←from 俄语 solonets , salty soil, akin to 古教会斯拉夫语 slanŭ , salty, ←from Common Slavic *solnŭ .
      solonchak 盐土 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 1. sal- 878.]
    salinity n.盐分,盐度 (Lat,121531)
    desalination 脱盐 (Lat,153549)
    desalinate (Lat,)
    saucisson (Lat,)
    ;...444, sāwel- 太阳
    The sun. 最初形式: *seh₂wel- , 变形 为: *sah₂wel- , becoming *sāwel- , with 零级 *s(u)wel- . The element *-el- was originally suffixal, and alternated with *-en- , yielding the variant 零级s *s(u)wen- and (reduced) *sun- .
    派生词包括: Sunday , south , solar , and helium.
    1. 变化形式s *swen- , *sun- .
        1. ←from 古英语 sunne , sun;
          sun n.太阳;恒星;美国Sun公司 , ( 958 , sauel , _ )
          →[考研]→ Sunday n.星期日。 ( 2452 )
          →[考研]→ sunrise n.日出,拂晓;朝霞。 ( 8745 )
          →[考研]→ sunset n.日落,傍晚;晚霞。 ( 6511 )
          →[考研]→ sunshine n.日光,日照;晴天;。 ( 6411 )
          →[oew]→ sunny adj.阳光充足的,照耀的,快乐的 ( 5155 )
        2. ←from 中古荷兰语 sonne , sun. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *sunnōn- .
          sundew 茅膏菜 , ( 39021 )
      1. ←from 古英语 sunnandæg , Sunday, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *sunnōn-dagaz , "day of the sun" (translation of 拉丁语 diēs sōlis );
        sunday n.星期日 , ( 2452 , prai , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 sūth , south, and sūtherne , southern, ←from 日耳曼语 derivative *sunthaz , "sun-side," south.
        south n.南,南方,南部a.南方的,南部的 , ( 506 , sauel , _ )
        →[考研]→ southeast n./a.东南(的),东南部(的)。 ( 4776 )
        →[考研]→ southwest n./a.西南(的),西南部(的)。 ( 4943 )
        southern a.南方的,南部的 , ( 1219 , sauel , _ )
    2. 变化形式*s(ᵊ)wōl- . ←from 拉丁语 sōl , the sun.
      sol 太阳神 , ( 61791 , )
      →[oew]→ solidus 古罗马金币。 ( 61802 )
      →[oew]→ solicitation n.诱惑,揽货,恳切地要求,游说 ( 20141 )
      Sol 太阳神 , ( 61791 , )
      solar a.太阳的,日光的 , ( 3076 , sauel , sol太阳 )
      solarium 日光浴室 ; ( 61792 , )
      girasol 青蛋白石 , ( x )
      insolate 曝晒 , ( x )
      parasol 大遮阳伞 , ( 59145 , )
      solanaceous 茄属的 , ( x )
      solanine 茄碱 , ( x )
      solstice 太阳静止不动的时刻:n.至日(夏至、冬至)[T9] , ( 23104 , sta , )
      turnsole 向阳性植物 , ( x )
    3. 带后缀形式: *sāwel-yo- . ←from 希腊语 hēlios , sun.
      heliacal 太阳的 , ( 55318 , )
      helio- 太阳 , ( x )
      helium n.氦 ; ( 15674 , nebʰ , helio太阳 )
      anthelion 幻日 , ( x )
      aphelion 远日点 , ( 43915 )
      isohel x , ( x )
      parhelion 幻日 , ( x )
      perihelion 近日点 , ( 28422 )
    [Pokorny sāwel- 881.]
    insolation n.(尤指为脱色)曝晒 (Lat,147363)
    extrasolar 太阳系之外的 (Lat,154271)
    circumsolar (Lat,)
    soliform (Lat,)
    soliscence (Lat,)
    subsolar (Lat,)
    heliocentric 日心的,以太阳为中心的 (Greek,155319)
    heliograph 日光仪 (Greek,155320)
    heliotrope 天芥菜 (Greek,155321)
    heliotropism 向日性,趋日性 (Greek,155322)
    Helios (Greek,)
    heliocentrism (Greek,)
    heliodor (Greek,)
    heliolatry (Greek,)
    heliomania (Greek,)
    heliometer (Greek,)
    heliopause (Greek,)
    heliophobia (Greek,)
    heliophyte (Greek,)
    helioscope (Greek,)
    heliosphere (Greek,)
    heliostat (Greek,)
    heliotherapy (Greek,)
    ;...445, sē- 撒播
    To sow. 缩减自: *seᵊ₁- .
    1. ←from 古英语 sāwan , to sow, ←from 日耳曼语 *sēan .
      sow v.播种 , ( 13576 , se₁ , _ )
    2. 带后缀形式: *sē-ti- , sowing.
      1. ←from 古英语 sǣd , seed;
        seed n.种子v.播种;结实,结籽 , ( 2347 , se₁ , _ )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 saet and Middle 低地德语 sāt , seed. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *sēdiz , seed.
        colza 油菜 , ( x )
    3. Reduplicated 零级形式 *si-s(ᵊ)- . ←from 拉丁语 serere , to sow, satiō (< *sᵊ-tiō ), sowing.
      season n.季,季节,时节 , ( 546 , se₁ , _ )
    4. 带后缀形式: *sē-men- , seed. ←from 拉丁语 sēmen , seed.
      semé 义子 , ( x )
      semen n.精液,精子 , ( 19160 , se₁ , _ )
      seminary 传播(神学)之地:n.神学院;学校;发源地;高级中学[T8] ; ( 13145 , se₁ , semin种子 )
      disseminate vt.宣传,传播;散布vi.散布;广为传播[T8] , ( 13433 , se₁ , semin种子 )
      inseminate 授精 , ( 56079 , )
      sinsemilla x , ( x )
    [In Pokorny 2. sē(i)- 889.]
    seminar n.(大学的)研究班,研讨会 (Lat,105133)
    seasonal a.季节的,周期性的 (Latin,106393)
    dissemination n.宣传;散播;传染(病毒)[T9] (Latin,112523)
    postseason n.赛季后 (Latin,112819)
    preseason adj.活跃季节前的,旺季前的 (Latin,113686)
    seminal adj.种子的;精液的;生殖的[T8] (Lat,114987)
    insemination n.授精,播种,受精 (Lat,125382)
    seminarian n.神学校学生 (Latin,125517)
    seasonable 当季的,合时令的 (Latin,161267)
    semination 播种,传播,授精 (Latin,161328)
    sation (Latin,)
    sative (Latin,)
    semenuria (Latin,)
    seminiferous (Latin,)
    ;...446, sed- 坐席
    To sit.
    派生词包括: sit , soot , séance , siege , obsess , subside , soil ₁, and chair.
    1. 基本形式: *sed- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *sed-yo- .
        1. ←from 古英语 sittan , to sit;
          sit vi.坐,坐下;位于;栖息;孵卵vt.使就坐 , ( 340 , sed₁ , _ )
        2. ←from 高地德语 sizzen , to sit. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *sitjan .
          sitzbath 坐浴 , ( x )
          sitzmark x , ( x )
      2. 带后缀形式: *sed-lo- , seat. ←from 古英语 setl , seat, ←from 日耳曼语 *setlaz .
        settle v.安定,安顿;停息;定居;解决,调停 , ( 1558 , sed₁ , _ )
      3. Suffixed (stative) form *sed-ē- . ←from 拉丁语 sedēre , to sit.
        séance 降神会 , ( x )
        sedentary adj.久坐的,坐惯的,静坐的[T8] , ( 16710 , sed₁ , _ )
        sederunt x , ( x )
        sedile 牧师席 , ( x )
        sediment 坐下来的东西:n.沉积,沉淀物[T8] , ( 7843 , sed₁ , sed坐 )
        sessile 固着的 , ( 43664 )
        session n.(一届)会议,一段时间 , ( 1662 , sed₁ , sed坐 )
        sewer n.排水沟,下水道 , ( 10522 , akua , _ )
        siege n.包围,围攻,围困 ; ( 7100 , sed₁ , sed坐 )
        →[考研]→ size n.大小,尺寸,规模;尺码。 ( 728 )
        assess vt.(为征税)评估(财产、收入);征税;评价 , ( 2063 , sed₁ , sed坐 )
        assiduous 勤勉的 , ( 51892 , )
        assize 法定标准 , ( 51445 )
        dissident 分开坐的:adj.意见不合的n.持不同政见者[T8] , ( 11322 , sed₁ , sed坐 )
        insidious 坐在其中的:adj.阴险的,潜伏的[T8] , ( 16520 , sed₁ , sed坐 )
        obsess 坐在对面:vt.迷住,缠住,使困扰[T8] , ( 17837 , _ , sed坐 )
        poss+ess vt.拥有;掌握,懂得;主宰;缠住,迷住 , ( x )
        preside 坐在前面:n.主持[T6] , ( 9519 , sed₁ , sed坐 )
        →[考研]→ president n.总统,校长,会长,主席。 ( 331 )
        reside 在某地反复坐:vi.居住,驻留[T6] , ( 7340 , _ , sed坐 )
        subsidy 沉降下来的资金:n.补贴;津贴;补助金[T8] , ( 4960 , sed₁ , sed坐 )
        supersede 坐在上面:vt.取代,代替;紧接着……而到来vi.推迟行动[T8] , ( 18279 , sed₁ , sed坐 )
        surcease 停止 , ( 47556 )
      4. 带后缀形式: *sed-rā- . ←from 希腊语 hedrā , seat, chair, face of a geometric solid.
        -hedron x ; ( x )
        cathedra n.主教的座位,权威人士的地位,讲座 , ( x )
        cathedral n.大教堂 , ( 5062 , kat , _ )
        chai[hed]r n.椅子;大学教授职位;主持会议的主席(的席位或职位);讲座vt.主持;使…入座;使就任要职 , ( x )
        ephedrine 麻黄素 , ( 29561 )
        exedra 半圆形室外坐椅 , ( x )
        Sanhedrin 议会的 , ( x )
      5. Prefixed and 带后缀形式: *pi-sed-yo- , to sit upon ( *pi , on; see epi ). ←from 希腊语 piezein , to press tight.
        piezo- 压电- ; ( x )
        isopiestic 等压 , ( x )
      6. 基本形式: *sed- .
        1. ←from 希腊语 edaphos , ground, foundation (with 希腊语 suffix -aphos );
          edaphic 土壤 , ( x )
        2. ←from 梵语 upaniṣad , Upanishad, ←from -sad , sitting;
          Upanishad 《奥义书》 , ( x )
        3. ←from 古爱尔兰 tánaise , designated successor, ←from Celtic *tānihessio- , "one who is waited for," from *to-ad-ni-sed-tio , ←from *to-ad-ni-sed- , to wait for ( *ad- , to; see ad- ).
          tanist x , ( x )
      7. 带后缀形式: *sed-o- , sitting. ←from 威尔士 eistedd , sitting, ←from Celtic *eks-dī-sedo- ( *eks- , out, and *dī- , out, from ; see eghsand de- ).
        eisteddfod 艾斯特福德节(威尔士的一种文化节) , ( 53985 , )
    2. o级形式 *sod- .
      1. Perhaps 带后缀形式: *sod-dʰlo- . ←from 古英语 sadol , saddle, ←from 日耳曼语 *sadulaz , seat, saddle.
        saddle n.鞍,马鞍,鞍状物 , ( 6784 , sed₁ , _ )
      2. Suffixed (causative) form *sod-eyo- .
        1. ←from 古英语 settan , to place;
          set n.一套,一副,装置,接受机v.提出,调整,日落 , ( 235 , sed₁ , _ )
          →[考研]→ setback n.顿挫,挫折,退步,逆流,(疾病的)复发 ( 8507 )
          →[oew]→ settlement n.解决,决定,调停;居留区,住宅区。 ( 1991 )
          →[oew]→ setter 蹲伏猎狗。 ( 61391 )
        2. ←from 古英语 besettan , to set near;
          beset v.困扰 , ( 17566 , _ , _ )
        3. ←from 高地德语 irsezzan , to replace, ←from sezzan , to set.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *(bi-)satjan , to cause to sit, set.
          ersatz 合成的,代用的 , ( 54153 , )
      3. 带后缀形式: *sod-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 solium , throne, seat.
        soil n.泥土,土地,土壤v.弄脏,(使)变脏 , ( 1690 , sed₁ , 蒋争x )
    3. 零级形式 *-sd- (in compounds), assimilated to *-zd- .
      1. Reduplicated form *si-sd- becoming *si-zd- .
        1. ←from 拉丁语 sīdere , to sit down, settle;
          subside 沉降下来:vi.平息,沉淀,消退[T8] , ( 12404 , sed₁ , sed坐 )
        2. ←from 希腊语 hizein , to sit down, settle down.
          synizesis x , ( x )
      2. Compound 带后缀形式: *ni-zd-o- , nest, literally "(bird's place of) sitting down" ( *ni- , down).
        1. ←from 古英语 nest , ←from 日耳曼语 *nistaz ;
          nest n.窝,巢v.筑巢 , ( 4112 , ni , _ )
          →[oew]→ nestle v.依偎,(舒适地)安顿 ( 12186 )
          →[oew]→ nestling 雏鸟,幼鸟。 ( 58430 )
        2. ←from 拉丁语 nīdus . nest.
          niche n.壁龛,合适的职务(环境、位置等) , ( 7148 , _ , _ )
          nick n.小伤口,刻痕 , ( 6198 , _ , _ )
          nide , ( x )
          nidus 病灶 ; ( x )
          eyas 雏鹰 , ( x )
          nidicolous x , ( x )
          nidifugous x , ( x )
          nidify 筑巢 , ( x )
      3. Compound 带后缀形式: *kuzdʰo-zd- (see (s)keu- ).
    4. 加长级形式 *sēd- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 sēdēs , seat, residence.
        see vt.看见;会面;探望;知道,获悉;送行 , ( 77 , sed₁ , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *sēd-i- , settler.
        cosset 宠爱 , ( 53170 , )
        possibly←from 古英语 -sǣta , - sǣte , inhabitant(s), ←from 日耳曼语 *sētōn-, *sēti- .
      3. 带后缀形式: *sēd-yo- . ←from 古挪威语 sæti , seat, ←from 日耳曼语 *(ge)sētjam , seat ( *ge- , *ga- , collective prefix; see kom ).
        seat n.座位,底座;所在地,场所v.使坐下 , ( 999 , sed₁ , _ )
      4. 带后缀形式: *sēd-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 sēdāre , to settle, calm down.
        sedate 坐着的:adj.安静的,沉着的vt.使安静,给…服镇静剂[T8] , ( 34918 , sed₁ , sed坐 )
      5. 带后缀形式: *sēd-es- , seat. ←from 古爱尔兰 síd , fairy mound.
        banshee 女妖 , ( 52019 , )
    5. Lengthened o级形式 *sōd- . ←from 古英语 sōt , soot (< "that which settles"), ←from 日耳曼语 *sōtam , ←from 带后缀形式: *sōd-o- .
      soot n.煤烟,烟灰 v.用煤烟弄脏 , ( 18773 , sed₁ , _ )
    [Pokorny sed- 884.]
    resident n.居民,常住者a.居住的 (Lat,101533)
    possess v.占有,拥有 (Latin,103081)
    obsession n.痴迷;困扰,缠住[T8] (Lat,106318)
    obsessive adj.强迫性的;着迷的;分神的[T9] (Lat,111591)
    sedative adj.使镇静的;使安静的n.镇静剂;止痛药[T8] (Lat,123356)
    subsoil n.底土,下层土,天然地基 v.掘起...的底土 (Lat,126583)
    presidium 主席团 (Lat,159999)
    sedation 镇静状态 (Lat,161288)
    sedimentary 沉积的 (Latin,161290)
    sedulity 勤勉,勤奋 (Latin,161294)
    sedulous 勤勉的,勤奋的 (Latin,161295)
    nonresident (Lat,)
    soilure (Lat,)
    supersession (Lat,)
    chair n.椅子;(会议的)主席vt.当…的主席,主持 (Greek,100975)
    ephedra n.麻黄属植物 (Greek,127151)
    dodecahedron 十二面体 (Greek,153753)
    endohedric (Greek,)
    hexahedron (Greek,)
    octahedron (Greek,)
    pentahedroid (Greek,)
    pyritohedron (Greek,)
    rhombohedron (Greek,)
    synedrion (Greek,)
    tetrahedroid (Greek,)
    trapezohedron (Greek,)
    trisoctahedron (Greek,)
    ;...447, segh- 举行
    To hold. 最初形式: *seg̑h- , becoming *segh- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    派生词包括: hectic , eunuch , scheme , and scholar.
    1. 带后缀形式: *segh-es- . ←from 高地德语 sigu , sigo , victory, ←from 日耳曼语 *sigiz- , victory (< "a holding or conquest in battle").
      Siegfried 齐格弗里德 , ( x )
    2. ←from 希腊语 ekhein , to hold, possess, be in a certain condition, and hexis , habit, condition.
      hectic adj.脸上发红,发热的,兴奋的,狂热的,肺病的 n.脸红,患肺结核 ; ( 11947 , segh , _ )
      cachexia 恶病质 , ( x )
      cathexis 投注 , ( 45940 )
      entelechy 的原理 , ( x )
      eunuch 阉人,太监 , ( 54193 , )
      Ophiuchus 蛇夫座 , ( x )
      1. Possible suffixed (abstract noun) form *segh-wēr , toughness, steadfastness, with derivative *segh-wēr-o- , tough, stern. ←from 拉丁语 sevērus , stern;
        severe a.严厉的;剧烈的,严重的,严峻的,艰难的 ; ( 2074 , uero , _ )
        →[oew]→ severity n.严重;严格;猛烈[T9]。 ( 7332 )
        asseverate 郑重声明 , ( x )
        persevere vi.坚持;不屈不挠;固执己见[T6] , ( 16940 , uero , _ )
      2. ←from 希腊语 sthenos , physical strength, ←from a possible related abstract noun form *sgh-wen-es- (with 零级 of the root).
        sthenia 强壮 ; ( x )
        asthenia 衰弱 , ( x )
        calisthenics 健美操 , ( 52523 , )
        →[oew]→ calligraphy n.书法,书写艺术[T8]。 ( 23916 )
        hypersthene 紫苏辉石 , ( x )
        hyposthenia 衰弱 , ( x )
    3. o级形式 *sogh- . ←from 希腊语 epokhē , "a holding back," pause, cessation, position in time ( epi- , on, at; see epi ).
      epoch n.新纪元,时代 , ( 15029 , segh , _ )
    4. 零级形式 *sgh- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 skhēma , "a holding," form, figure;
        scheme n.计划,方案;阴谋;配置v.计划,策划;阴谋 , ( 1548 , segh , _ )
        →[oew]→ schematic adj.示意性的 ( 19407 )
      2. ←from 希腊语 skholē , "a holding back," stop, rest, leisure, employment of leisure in disputation, school.
        scholar n.学者 , ( 2563 , segh , _ )
        →[考研]→ scholarship n.奖学金;学问,学识。 ( 3452 )
        scholastic adj.学校的,学校教育的,学者的,学究的,经院的或经院哲学家的 n.经院哲学家,学究,墨守成规者,学生 , ( 15545 , segh , _ )
        scholium 注释 , ( x )
        school n.学校,(大学里的)学院;上学,学业;学派 , ( 137 , segh , _ )
    5. Reduplicated form *si-sgh- . ←from 希腊语 iskhein , to keep back.
      ischemia 缺血,贫血 , ( 56232 , )
    [Pokorny seg̑h- 888.]
    perseverance n.n.毅力,坚持不懈;不屈不挠[T9] (Latin,117160)
    asseveration (Latin,)
    perseverant (Latin,)
    perseverate (Latin,)
    perseveration (Latin,)
    perseverative (Latin,)
    schema n.计划 (Greek,115767)
    schematize 使系统化,使图式化 (Greek,161145)
    asthenosphere (Greek,)
    callisthenics (Greek,)
    schematism (Greek,)
    sthène (Greek,)
    ;...448, sek- 分割段
    To cut.
    派生词包括: scythe , Saxon , skin , insect , and sickle.
    1. ←from 古英语 sīthe , sigthe , sickle, ←from 日耳曼语 *segithō , sickle.
      scythe 镰刀 , ( 61252 , )
    2. Suffixed o级形式 *sok-ā- . ←from 古英语 sagu , sage , saw, ←from 日耳曼语 *sagō , a cutting tool, saw.
      saw n.锯子,锯床v.锯,锯开 ; ( 1007 , sek₁ , _ )
      hacksaw 钢锯 , ( 55109 , )
    3. Suffixed o级形式 *sok-yo- . ←from 古英语 secg , sedge, ←from 日耳曼语 *sagjaz , "sword," plant with a cutting edge.
      sedge 莎草 , ( 61289 , )
    4. Suffixed o级形式 *sok-so- .
      1. ←from 古英语 seax , knife, ←from 日耳曼语 *sahsam , knife, sword;
        zax 石斧 , ( x )
      2. ←from Late 拉丁语 Saxō (plural Saxonēs ), a Saxon, ←from West 日耳曼语 tribal name *Saxon- , Saxon, traditionally (but doubtfully) regarded as ←from 日耳曼语 *sahsam (as if "warrior with knives").
        Saxon 撒克逊人 , ( 61100 , )
    5. Extended root *skend- , to peel off, flay. ←from 古挪威语 skinn , skin, ←from 日耳曼语 *skinth- .
      skin n.皮,皮肤;兽皮,皮毛;外皮,外壳v.剥皮 , ( 1051 , sek₁ , _ )
    6. 基本形式: *sek- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 secāre , to cut;
        secant x , ( x )
        -sect 教派 , ( x )
        sectile 可切的 , ( x )
        section n.章节,部分;地区,部门,科;截面,剖面 , ( 515 , sek₁ , sect切割 )
        sector n.部门,部分;防御地段,防区;扇形 , ( 1427 , sek₁ , sect切割 )
        segment n.段,片,节,部分 ; ( 3441 , sek₁ , sect切割 )
        dissect v.解剖,切开,详细查究[T8] , ( 16065 , sek₁ , sect切割 )
        insect n.昆虫 , ( 3954 , en , sect切割 )
        intersect 从中间切开:v.横断,横切,贯穿,相交[T8] , ( 14871 , sek₁ , sect切割 )
        →[oew]→ intersection n.交叉;十字路口;交集;交叉点[T9]。 ( 7976 )
        resect 切除 , ( 60668 , )
        transect , ( 28259 )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 extispex , diviner who observes entrails, ←from exta , entrails, perhaps 缩减自: *exsecta , things cut out, ←from secāre , to cut ( -spex , "he who sees"; see spek- ).
        extispicy x , ( x )
    7. 加长级形式 *sēk- . ←from 拉丁语 sēcula , sickle.
      sickle n.镰刀 , ( 19986 , sek₁ , _ )
    8. Possible suffixed 变化形式*sak-so- . ←from 拉丁语 saxum , stone (< "broken-off piece"?).
      sassafras 黄樟 ; ( 30192 )
      saxicolous 石生 , ( x )
      saxifrage 虎耳草属植物 , ( 49022 )
    [Pokorny 2. sē̆k- 895, sken-(d-) 929.]
    See also extended roots skei- , sker-₁ .
    subsection n.分部,分段,小部分,小单位,细分 (Lat,113467)
    dissection n.解剖,切开;解剖体;详细查究[T8] (Lat,119201)
    sectional adj.部分的,节的;可组合的n.组合式家俱[T9] (Lat,121325)
    resection n.切除术,后方交会,反切法 (Lat,122359)
    transection n.横断,横切 (Lat,142633)
    subsector 子截口 (Lat,145457)
    bisect 两部分 (Lat,152200)
    vivisection 活体解剖 (Lat,163617)
    bisection (Lat,)
    bisector (Lat,)
    bisectrix (Lat,)
    intersectionality (Lat,)
    prosect (Lat,)
    prosector (Lat,)
    sectorial (Lat,)
    subsegment (Lat,)
    suprasegmental (Lat,)
    trisectrix (Lat,)
    ;...449, sekʷ-₁ 嗣跟群
    To follow.
    派生词包括: sequel , execute , pursue , and society.
    1. ←from 拉丁语 sequī , to follow.
      sect n.宗派,教派 , ( 13759 , sek₁ , )
      segue 接入,转入另一话题 , ( 61302 , )
      seguidilla 塞吉迪亚舞曲 , ( x )
      sequacious 盲从的 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ sequestered 隔离的,僻静的。 ( 61363 )
      sequel n.续集,继续;结局,后果[T9] , ( 10625 , seku₁ , sequ跟随 )
      sequence n.先后,次序;连续,数列 , ( 2574 , seku₁ , sequ跟随 )
      sue 追究(法律责任):v.起诉[T6] , ( 3253 , seku₁ , sequ跟随 )
      →[考研]→ suitable a.(for)合适的,适宜的。 ( 2471 )
      suit v.合适,适合;相配,适应n.一套西服;诉讼 , ( 1476 , seku₁ , sequ跟随 )
      suite n.套房,一套家具;随员[T3] , ( 4931 , seku₁ , sequ跟随 )
      suitor n.起诉者,求婚者,请愿者 ; ( 16648 , seku₁ , _ )
      consequent adj.随之发生的,作为结果的n.结果[T6] , ( 9349 , _ , sequ跟随 )
      ensue v.追求,接着发生[T8] , ( 13240 , seku₁ , sequ跟随 )
      exsecutte vt.执行;处死,处决;履行;完成 , ( x )
      obsequious 巴结的,讨好的 , ( 58674 , )
      persecute 穷追不舍:vt.迫害,困恼[T6] , ( 16398 , seku₁ , sequ跟随 )
      prosecute 向前追赶:v.检举,起诉[T8] , ( 6557 , seku₁ , sequ跟随 )
      pursue v.追赶,追踪;继续,从事 , ( 2078 , seku₁ , sequ跟随 )
      →[考研]→ pursuit n.追求,追赶,职业[T4]。 ( 3993 )
      →[oew]→ pursuant adj.追踪的,依照的 ( 19113 )
      subsequent a.随后的,后来的 , ( 2554 , seku₁ , sequ跟随 )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 sequester , "follower," mediator, depositary.
      sequester vt.没收,扣押,使隐退,隔离[T8] , ( 22461 , _ , )
      sequestrum 死骨片 , ( x )
    3. Suffixed (participial) form *sekʷ-ondo- . ←from 拉丁语 secundus , following, coming next, second.
      second a.第二;次等的,二等的n.秒v.赞成,附和 , ( 276 , seku₁ , sequ跟随 )
      →[oew]→ sectarian adj.宗派的;偏狭的;党派心强的 n.属于宗派的人;宗派心强的人;宗派主义者[T9]。 ( 10943 )
      secondo 第二声部 , ( x )
      secundines 产后物 , ( x )
    4. 带后缀形式: *sekʷ-os , following. ←from 拉丁语 secus , along, alongside of.
      extrinsic adj.外在的,外表的,外来的 , ( 18939 , seku₁ , _ )
      intrinsic adj.本质的,固有的[T9] , ( 7326 , seku₁ , _ )
    5. 带后缀形式: *sekʷ-no- . ←from 拉丁语 signum , identifying mark, sign (< "standard that one follows").
      scarlet n.猩红色,鲜红色布 adj.猩红的,鲜红的,深红的 , ( 7898 , sek₁ , _ )
      scarlatina 猩红热 , ( x )
      seal n.封铅,封条;印,图章;海豹v.封,密封 , ( 4438 , sek₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ secondary a.次要的,二级的;中级的,第二的。 ( 2583 )
      segno x , ( x )
      sigil 图章,印记,魔符 , ( 61530 , )
      sign n.标记,招牌;征兆,迹象v.签名(于),署名(于) ; ( 798 , sek₁ , sign记号 )
      →[考研]→ signal n.信号,暗号 v.发信号,用信号通知。 ( 2180 )
      →[考研]→ signature n.签名,署名,签字。 ( 4205 )
      →[考研]→ significance n.意义,含义;重要性,重要的。 ( 2300 )
      →[考研]→ significant a.有意义的;重大的,重要的。 ( 670 )
      →[考研]→ signify vt.表示,意味着,预示 vi.有重要性,要紧,冒充内行[T6]。 ( 7949 )
      assign vt.派给,分配;选定,指定(时间、地点等) , ( 3339 , sek₁ , sign记号 )
      →[考研]→ assignment n.分配,指派;(指定的)作业,(分派的)任务。 ( 3410 )
      consign 用符号标出:vt.交付,托运,寄存,把……委托给[T8] , ( 20246 , sek₁ , sign记号 )
      designate 标记出来:vt.指定,指派,标出,把……定名为adj.指定的,选定的[T6] , ( 7198 , sek₁ , sign记号 )
      →[考研]→ design v.设计;构思;绘制;图案;企图 n.设计,图样。 ( 711 )
      insignia n.记号,标志,徽章,荣誉[T8] , ( 14613 , seku₁ , sign记号 )
      resign v.辞去,辞职,使听从(于),使顺从 , ( 3964 , seku₁ , sign记号 )
    6. Suffixed o级形式 *sokʷ-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 socius , ally, companion (< "follower").
      sociable adj.社交的,好交际的,友善的[T8] , ( 23424 , seku₁ , soci结交 )
      →[考研]→ socialism n.社会主义。 ( 5498 )
      →[考研]→ sociology n.社会学。 ( 6050 )
      social a.社会的;交际的 , ( 234 , seku₁ , soci结交 )
      →[考研]→ soccer n.足球。 ( 3574 )
      society n.社会;社团,协会,社;社交界,上流社会 , ( 403 , seku₁ , soci结交 )
      socio- 表示“社会的” ; ( x )
      associate vt.联想;交往;联合;n.伙伴;a.联合的 , ( 1631 , seku₁ , soci结交 )
      →[考研]→ association n.联盟,协会,社团;交往,联合;联想。 ( 1286 )
      consociate 结合 , ( x )
      dissociate 否认联系 , ( 53725 , )
    [Pokorny 1. seku̯- 896.]
    executive n.总经理,董事,行政负责人a.执行的,实施的 (Lat,100873)
    consequence n.结果,后果,影响;重要性 (Lat,101674)
    prosecutor n.检察官,公诉人[T8] (Lat,102813)
    prosecution n.起诉,检举;进行;经营[T8] (Lat,103458)
    execution n.执行,实行;完成;死刑[T6] (Lat,104484)
    resignation n.辞职;放弃;辞职书;顺从[T4] (Lat,104738)
    execute v.实行;实施;执行;完成;履行;处死 (Lat,104836)
    consecutive adj.连贯的,连续不断的[T9] (Lat,105460)
    insignificant adj.无关紧要的[T6] (Lat,108762)
    societal adj.社会的 (Latin,109286)
    designation n.指定;名称;指示;选派[T8] (Lat,109451)
    persecution n.迫害,烦扰[T6] (Lat,109791)
    sequential adj.连续的,相继的[T8] (Lat,111718)
    suitability n.合适,适合 (Lat,114427)
    associative adj.联想的;联合的;组合的[T9] (Latin,117976)
    inconsequential adj.不重要的;不合理的;不合逻辑的[T8] (Lat,120709)
    signatory adj.签署的,签约的n.签约国,签名人[T8] (Lat,121761)
    reassign vt.再分配,再指定 (Lat,122262)
    prosecutorial adj.公诉人的,原告的; 起诉的 (Lat,124115)
    sociability n.好交际,社交性,善于交际 (Latin,124713)
    disassociate v.(使)分离 (Latin,125202)
    dissociation n.分离, 离解, 脱离关系,解体 (Latin,125251)
    reassignment 再分配,再赋值,重赋值 (Lat,126985)
    sociality n.社交,交际,社会性 (Latin,127172)
    insignificance n.无意义 (Lat,127321)
    dissociative adj.分离的,游离的 (Latin,128795)
    consociational (Latin,133508)
    disassociation n.分离,分裂 (Latin,137889)
    assignation 幽会 (Lat,151893)
    consequential 作为结果的,将产生重要影响的 (Lat,153081)
    consignment 装运货物,运送物 (Lat,153084)
    ensign 舰旗 (Lat,154094)
    executor 遗嘱执行人 (Lat,154225)
    nonsequitur 不合逻辑的推论 (Lat,158563)
    persecutor 迫害者 (Lat,159379)
    pursuance 追求,追逐 (Lat,160244)
    consociation (Latin,)
    dissociable (Latin,)
    dissocial (Latin,)
    interassociation (Latin,)
    non sequitur (Latin,)
    nonassociative (Latin,)
    assecution (Lat,)
    demisuit (Lat,)
    ensuant (Lat,)
    insequent (Lat,)
    nonconsecutive (Lat,)
    nonsequential (Lat,)
    obsequence (Lat,)
    obsequent (Lat,)
    prosecutive (Lat,)
    prosecutory (Lat,)
    pursual (Lat,)
    pursuivant (Lat,)
    resequent (Lat,)
    secundine (Lat,)
    sequacity (Lat,)
    sequela (Lat,)
    sequent (Lat,)
    sequitur (Lat,)
    signum (Lat,)
    suant (Lat,)
    subsecute (Lat,)
    subsecutive (Lat,)
    ;...450, sekʷ-₂ 跟随看
    To perceive, see.
    1. ←from 古英语 sēon , to see, ←from 日耳曼语 *sehwan , to see.
      see vt.看见;会面;探望;知道,获悉;送行 , ( 77 , sed₁ , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 sihth , gesiht , vision, spectacle, ←from 日耳曼语 abstract noun *sih-tiz .
      sight n.视力;望见,瞥见;视域;眼界;情景,奇观 , ( 1452 , seku₂ , _ )
      →[考研]→ sightseeing n.观光,游览。 ( 18776 )
    [Pokorny 2. seku̯- 897.]
    ;...451, sekʷ-₃ 解说
    To say, utter.
    1. o级形式 *sokʷ- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *sokʷ-yo- . ←from 古英语 secgan , to say, ←from 日耳曼语 *sagjan ;
        say vt.说,讲;说明;比如说vi.说,发表意见 ; ( 31 , seku₂ , _ )
        →[oew]→ saying n.话,谚语 ( 1522 )
        gainsay 否认 , ( 54727 , )
      2. 带后缀形式: *sokʷ-ā- .
        1. ←from 古英语 sagu , a saying, speech;
          saw n.锯子,锯床v.锯,锯开 , ( 1007 , sek₁ , _ )
        2. ←from 古挪威语 saga , a saying, narrative. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *sagō , a saying.
          saga n.传奇 , ( 8506 , seku₂ , _ )
    2. Perhaps suffixed 零级形式 *skʷ-e-tlo- , narration.
      1. ←from 古挪威语 skāld , poet, "satirist";
        skald 诗人 , ( 42383 )
      2. ←from 中古英语 scolde , an abusive person, ←from a Scandinavian source akin to 古挪威语 skāld (see above). Bothaandb←from North 日耳曼语 *skathla .
        scold v.责骂,训斥 , ( 12918 , seku₂ , _ )
    [In Pokorny 2. seku̯- 897.]
    ;...452, sel- 跳跃
    To jump.
    1. Suffixed 零级形式 *sal-yo- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 salīre , to leap;
        salacious 淫秽的,色情的 , ( 61000 , )
        salient adj.显著的,突出的,跳跃的n.突出部分,凸角[T8] , ( 10201 , sel₄ , sal.sult跳 )
        sally n.突围,(感情等)迸发,俏皮话,远足 v.突围,出发 Sally 萨利(女子名) , ( 9293 , sal₁ , sal.sult跳 )
        salto 萨尔托 , ( x )
        sauté 0 ; ( 11014 , sel₄ , _ )
        assail 跳过去(攻击)vt.攻击,质问,着手解决[T8] , ( 20690 , sel₄ , sal.sult跳 )
        assault 跳过去(攻击)n.v.攻击,袭击[T6] , ( 3120 , sel₄ , sal.sult跳 )
        desultory 随意的 , ( 53571 , )
        dissilient 爆裂的 , ( x )
        exult 兴奋 , ( 54275 , )
        insult vt./n.侮辱,凌辱 , ( 7411 , al₁ , sal.sult跳 )
        resile 恢复原状 , ( x )
        result n.结果,成绩v.结果,致使,导致,由…而造成 , ( 320 , sel₄ , sal.sult跳 )
        →[考研]→ resultant adj.结果的,合成的 n.结果,合力[T6]。 ( 11806 )
        somersault 空翻,翻筋斗 , ( 61815 , )
      2. ←from 希腊语 hallesthai , to leap, jump.
        halter n.缰绳,(马)笼头 , ( 21210 , kelp , _ )
    2. Probably 拉丁语 salmō (borrowed from Gaulish), salmon (< "the leaping fish")
      salmon 爱跳的鱼:n.鲑鱼,三文鱼,大马哈鱼[T6] . ( 3907 , sel₄ , sal.sult跳 )
    [Pokorny 4 5907sel- 899.]
    resilient 跳回去:adj.弹回的,有弹力的[T8] (Lat,112274)
    resilience n.恢复力;弹力;顺应力[T8] (Lat,113892)
    assailant n.攻击者adj.袭击的;攻击的[T9] (Latin,116917)
    resiliency n.跳回,弹性 (Lat,121747)
    salience n.显著;突出;卓越(等于saliency)[T9] (Latin,122432)
    exultation n.狂喜,大悦,欢欣,得意 (Lat,129868)
    assaultive adj.喜好攻击的,好动武的 (Latin,138226)
    exultant 兴高采烈的 (Lat,154276)
    assailable (Latin,)
    assailment (Latin,)
    consilience (Latin,)
    dissilience (Latin,)
    resilement (Latin,)
    salacity (Latin,)
    saltando (Latin,)
    saltation (Latin,)
    saltatorial (Latin,)
    saltatory (Latin,)
    saltigrade (Latin,)
    saltire (Latin,)
    saltus (Latin,)
    sault (Latin,)
    sauteuse (Latin,)
    sautille (Latin,)
    sautoir (Latin,)
    soubresaut (Latin,)
    subsultory (Latin,)
    transilience (Latin,)
    transilient (Latin,)
    insultation (Lat,)
    irresilient (Lat,)
    saltant (Lat,)
    ;...453, sem-₁ 像一同
    One; also adverbially "as one," together with.
    派生词包括: simultaneous , hyphen , acolyte , and simple.
    1. 全级形式 *sem- .
        1. ←from 希腊语 heis (< nominative singular masculine *hen-s < *hem-s ), one;
          hendecasyllabic x , ( x )
          hendiadys 二词一义,重言法 , ( 55347 , )
          henotheism 单一神论 , ( 55352 , )
          hyphen 连字符 , ( 55749 , )
        2. 希腊语 he- in hekaton , one hundred (? dissimilated from *hem-katon ; see dekm̥ ). Bothaandb←from 希腊语 *hem- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *sem-el- . ←from 拉丁语 simul , at the same time.
        simultaneous adj.同时的n.同声译员[T6] ; ( 8132 , aiu , simil类似 )
        assemble vt.集合,召集;装配;收集vi.集合,聚集 , ( 4573 , _ , simil类似 )
        →[考研]→ assembly n.集合;会议;装配;(美)洲议会的众议院。 ( 2593 )
        ensemble n.全体;总效果;全套服装;全套家具;合奏组adv.同时[T8] , ( 6404 , sem₁ , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *sem-golo- . ←from 拉丁语 singulus , alone, single.
        single a.单人的;单一的,单个的;未婚的,独身的 , ( 523 , sem₁ , _ )
        →[考研]→ singular a.非凡的,卓越的;单数的。 ( 10073 )
        →[oew]→ singularity n.奇异;奇点;突出;稀有[T8]。 ( 14837 )
        →[oew]→ singlet 背心。 ( 61569 )
        →[oew]→ singleton 单身,单项物。 ( 61570 )
      3. Compound *sem-per- ( *per , during, for; see per₁ ). ←from 拉丁语 semper , always, ever (< "once for all").
        sempre 自始至终 ; ( x )
        sempervivum x , ( x )
        sempiternal 永恒的 , ( x )
    2. o级形式 *som- .
      1. ←from 梵语 sam , together.
        bonze 和尚 , ( x )
        kalanchoe 高凉菜属 , ( x )
        sambal 辣椒酱 , ( 41656 )
        samhita x , ( x )
        samsara 轮回,转世 , ( 61027 , )
        sandʰi 变调 , ( x )
        sangha 僧伽 , ( x )
        Sankhya 数论派 , ( x )
        sannyasi x , ( x )
        Sanskrit 梵语 , ( 61051 , )
      2. 带后缀形式: *som-o- .
        1. ←from 古挪威语 samr , same, ←from 日耳曼语 *samaz , same;
          same a.相同的pron.相同的人(或物)ad.同样地 , ( 146 , sem₁ , _ )
        2. ←from 希腊语 homos , same;
          homeo- 一致的,同样的 , ( 55519 , )
          homo- 同样的,同性恋的 ; ( 55530 , )
          anomalous adj.不规则的,反常的 , ( 15099 , _ , _ )
        3. ←from 希腊语 homīlos , crowd.
          homily n.[宗](尤指讲解[[圣经]]的)布道,(冗长乏味的)说教 , ( 22039 , sem₁ , _ )
          →[oew]→ homophone 同音异义词。 ( 55537 )
      3. 带后缀形式: *som-alo- . ←from 希腊语 homalos , like, even, level.
        homolographic x , ( x )
    3. Lengthened o级形式 *sōm- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *sōm-i- . ←from 古挪威语 smr , fitting, agreeable (< "making one," "reconciling"), ←from 日耳曼语 *sōmiz .
        seem v.好像,似乎 , ( 207 , seku₂ , _ )
        →[考研]→ seemingly ad.外观上,表面上。 ( 4103 )
        seemly 得体的,合乎体礼的 , ( 61296 , )
      2. Suffixed lengthened o级形式 *sōm-o- . ←from 俄语 sam(o)- , self.
        samizdat 地下出版物 , ( 40826 )
        samovar 茶炊 , ( 61025 , )
    4. 零级形式 *sm̥- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 compound akolouthos , accompanying ( -kolouthos , ←from o级 of keleuthos , way, path), ←from ha- , a- , together.
        acolyte 侍僧 , ( 51560 , )
        anacoluthon 错格 , ( x )
      2. Compound form *sm̥-plo- ( *-plo- ,-fold; see pel-₂ ).
        1. ←from 拉丁语 simplus , simple;
          simpl adj.简单的;单纯的;易受骗的;天真的n.笨蛋;愚蠢的行为;出身低微者 , ( x )
        2. ←from 希腊语 haploos , haplous , single, simple.
          haploid 单倍体 , ( 55201 , )
          haplorrhine x , ( x )
      3. 带后缀形式: *sm̥m-o- .
        1. ←from 古英语 sum , one, a certain one;
          some a.几个;一些;有些;某(人或物)pron.一些 , ( 58 , sem₁ , _ )
          →[考研]→ somebody pron.某人,有人 n.重要人物。 ( 1106 )
          →[考研]→ somehow ad.以某种方式,用某种方法;不知怎么地。 ( 1726 )
          →[考研]→ someone pron.某人(=somebody)。 ( 416 )
          →[考研]→ something pron.某事,某物;被视为有意义的事物。 ( 148 )
          →[考研]→ sometime ad.将来(或过去)某个时候a.以前的。 ( 3760 )
          →[考研]→ sometimes ad.不时,有时,间或。 ( 455 )
          →[考研]→ somewhat pron.&ad.一点儿,几分。 ( 1820 )
          →[考研]→ somewhere ad.某地,在某处;在附近,前后,大约。 ( 1544 )
        2. ←from 古英语 -sum , -like. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *sumaz .
          -some 表形容词,“充满…的,具有…倾向的” , ( x )
      4. 带后缀形式: *sm̥m-alo- . ←from 拉丁语 similis , of the same kind, like.
        similar a.(to)相似的,类似的 ; ( 575 , sem₁ , simil类似 )
        →[考研]→ simple a.简单的;单纯的,直率的;迟钝的,头脑简单的。 ( 668 )
        →[考研]→ simplify v.简化,使单纯。 ( 9279 )
        →[考研]→ simply ad.简单地;完全,简直;仅仅,只不过;朴素地。 ( 560 )
        →[oew]→ simulate vt.模仿,假冒 adj.模仿的,假冒的[T8]。 ( 10513 )
        →[oew]→ simile 明喻,直喻。 ( 61550 )
        →[oew]→ similitude 相似。 ( 61551 )
        assimilate 使相同:v.吸收,同化,使相似[T8] , ( 12383 , sem₁ , simil类似 )
        resemble v.像,类似 , ( 3860 , sem₁ , simil类似 )
        →[考研]→ resemblance n.相似;相似之处;相似物;肖像[T6]。 ( 7799 )
      5. Compound *sm̥-kēro- , of one growing (see ker-₂ ).
      6. 带后缀形式: *sm̥-tero- . ←from 希腊语 heteros (earlier hateros ), one of two, other.
        hetero- 相异的 , ( 55382 , )
      7. Compound *sm̥-plek- , "one-fold," simple ( *-plek- ,-fold; see plek- ). ←from 拉丁语 simplex , simple.
        semplice 单纯的 , ( x )
        simplex 单一的,单倍的 , ( 61557 , )
        simplicity n.简单,简易;朴素;直率,单纯 , ( 6687 , em , )
      8. 扩展形式: *sm̥ma . ←from 希腊语 hama , together with, at the same time.
        hamadryad 树神 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 2. sem- 902.]
    similarity n.类似;相似点[T6] (Lat,105057)
    simulation n.仿真;模拟;模仿;假装[T9] (Latin,106674)
    assimilation n.同化;吸收;同化作用[T9] (Lat,111663)
    simulator n.模拟器,假装者 (Latin,116640)
    semblance n.类似,假装,外表[T8] (Latin,117323)
    dissemble 掩饰 (Latin,153723)
    simulacrum 模拟物,假象,幻象 (Latin,161559)
    verisimilitude 逼真 (Lat,163546)
    dissimilate (Latin,)
    simular (Latin,)
    verisimilar (Latin,)
    singulation (Lat,)
    singulative (Lat,)
    homosexual adj.同性恋的n.同性恋者[T9] (Greek,107382)
    homogeneous adj.均匀的,同种的,齐次的[T6] (Greek,109770)
    homophobia n.对同性恋的憎恶(或恐惧) (Greek,118856)
    homology n.相同,同族关系,异体同形 (Greek,132173)
    homozygous adj.同型结合的,纯合子的 (Greek,139048)
    homiletic adj.说教的 (Greek,149184)
    homologous 同源的,类似的 (Greek,155535)
    homonym 同形异义词 (Greek,155536)
    homograph (Greek,)
    ;...454, sem-₂ 夏天 , Also semᵊ- .
    Summer. (最初形式: *semh₂- ).
    1. Suffixed 零级形式 *sm̥ᵊ-aro- . ←from 古英语 sumor , summer, ←from 日耳曼语 *sumaraz .
      summer n.夏天,夏季a.夏季的 , ( 654 , sem₂ , _ )
    2. Suffixed 零级形式 *sm̥ᵊ-oni- . ←from 古爱尔兰 samain , Samhain (for the discrepancy in time of occurrence, Samhain taking place in the autumn, compare English Indian summer ).
      Samhain 夏末节 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 3. sem- 905.]
    ;...455, sēmi- 半分
    Half-, as first member of a compound.
    1. ←from 古英语 sām- , half, ←from 日耳曼语 *sēmi- .
      sand-blind x , ( x )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 sēmi- , half.
      semi- 半,部分 , ( 61325 , )
    3. ←from 拉丁语 sēmis , half.
      sesqui- sesqui- (L.), (semis, halfque, and) , ( x )
      sesterce 塞斯特斯 , ( x )
    4. ←from 希腊语 hēmi- , half.
      hemi- L. hemi-,来自G. hemi-, half一半 , ( x )
    [Pokorny sēmi- 905.]
    ;...456, sen-
    1. ←from 拉丁语 senex , old, an elder.
      seignior 封建制度的君主 , ( x )
      senate n.参议院,上院 , ( 1472 , sen , sen老年 )
      →[考研]→ senator n.参议员。 ( 3399 )
      →[oew]→ seniority n.长辈;老资格;前任者的特权[T9]。 ( 18729 )
      →[oew]→ senatorial adj.参议员的,参议院的[T9]。 ( 23178 )
      senectitude 晚年 , ( x )
      senescent 衰老的,老年化的 , ( 61340 , )
      senile 衰老的 , ( 61342 , )
      senior a.年长的;地位较高的n.(大学)四年级学生 , ( 1024 , sen , sen老年 )
      senopia x , ( x )
      señor 先生 , ( x )
      signore 夫人 , ( x )
      signory 领土 , ( x )
      sir n.先生,长官;[S-用于姓名前]…爵士 , ( 1025 , sen , _ )
      sire 陛下 , ( 61583 , )
      surly adj.粗暴的,乖戾的,阴沉的,无礼的,板面孔的 , ( 21933 , _ , _ )
    2. ←from 古爱尔兰 sen , old.
      shanachie x , ( x )
    [Pokorny sen(o)- 907.]
    senility n.衰老的状态 (Lat,130173)
    ;...457, sengʷh- 唱歌
    To sing, make an incantation.
      1. ←from 古英语 singan , to sing;
        sing v.唱,演唱;鸡叫 , ( 1347 , senguh , _ )
      2. ←from 高地德语 singan , to sing. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *singan .
        Meistersinger 工人歌星 , ( x )
        minnesinger 吟游诗人 , ( x )
        singspiel 德国轻歌剧,轻唱剧 , ( 61571 , )
    1. Suffixed o级形式 *songʷh-o- , singing, song. ←from 古英语 sang , song , song, ←from 日耳曼语 *sangʷaz .
      song n.歌唱,(虫、鸟等)鸣声;歌曲,歌词 , ( 1088 , senguh , _ )
    [Pokorny sengu̯h- 906.]
    ;...458, sent- 去为
    To head for, go.
    1. ←from 高地德语 sin(d) , direction, ←from 日耳曼语 form *sinthaz .
      widdershins 逆时针地 , ( x )
    2. Suffixed (causative) o级形式 *sont-eyo- . ←from 古英语 sendan , to send, ←from 日耳曼语 *sandjan , to cause to go.
      send v.(sent,sent)1.打发;派遣2.送;寄出 , ( 479 , sent , _ )
      →[oew]→ sentry n.岗哨 ( 18797 )
      →[oew]→ sensory adj.感觉的,知觉的,感知的[T9]。 ( 8474 )
      →[oew]→ sensibility n.敏感性,识别力,感觉,情感 ( 8579 )
      →[oew]→ sensual adj.感觉的;肉欲的;世俗的;感觉论的[T8]。 ( 11182 )
      →[oew]→ senseless adj.无知觉的,无意识的,愚蠢的[T6]。 ( 16083 )
      →[oew]→ sensuous adj.感觉上的,给人美感的 ( 20249 )
      →[oew]→ sensuality n.好色;淫荡;喜爱感官享受[T9]。 ( 21896 )
    3. Suffixed o级形式 *sont-o- . ←from 古英语 sand , message, messenger, ←from 日耳曼语 *sandaz , that which is sent.
      godsend 天赐之物 , ( 24223 )
    4. Perhaps 带后缀形式: *sent-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 sentīre , to feel (< "to go mentally").
      scent n.气味,线索,香水.vt.嗅到 , ( 4833 , sent , sens感觉 )
      sense n.感官;感觉;判断力;意义v.觉得,意识到 , ( 374 , sent , sens感觉 )
      →[考研]→ sensation n.感觉,感动,轰动[T6]。 ( 4544 )
      →[考研]→ sensible a.明智的,达理的;可觉察的,明显的。 ( 4265 )
      →[考研]→ sensitive a.(to)敏感的,易受伤害的;灵敏的。 ( 2305 )
      sensillum 感觉器 , ( x )
      sentence n.句子;判决,宣判v.宣判,判决 , ( 1461 , sent , sens感觉 )
      sentient adj.有感情的,有感觉的,有知觉的n.有知觉的人[T8] , ( 23335 , sent , sens感觉 )
      sentiment n.感情,情绪,情操,多愁善感[T6] , ( 4946 , sent , sens感觉 )
      sentinel 哨兵 ; ( 61349 , )
      assent n.vi.同意,赞同[T8] , ( 13768 , sent , sens感觉 )
      consent v./n.(to)同意,赞成,答应 , ( 3276 , sent , sens感觉 )
      dissent 感知有分歧:vi.不同意n.异议[T8] , ( 8973 , sent , sens感觉 )
      presentiment 预感,不祥之感 , ( 59997 , )
      resent v.对…表示忿恨,怨恨 , ( 8862 , sent , sens感觉 )
      sensulato 理智lato , ( x )
      sensustricto 美国这篇 , ( x )
    [Pokorny sent- 908.]
    consensus n.(意见等的)一致,一致同意,共识 (Lat,103464)
    nonsense n.胡说,废话 (Lat,105465)
    resentment n.怨恨,厌恶[T8] (Lat,106067)
    sensor n.传感器[T6] (Lat,106632)
    sentimental adj.多愁善感的,感情用事的,感情丰富的[T9] (Lat,108918)
    sensational adj.轰动的;耸人听闻的;极好的;使人感动的[T9] (Lat,110149)
    consensual adj.交感的;双方同意的[T9] (Lat,116848)
    sentimentality n.多愁善感,感伤癖 (Lat,122862)
    dissension n.不和,纠纷,争吵 (Lat,124320)
    sentience n.感觉性,感觉能力,知觉 (Latin,127076)
    insensate adj.无感觉的, 无生气的,无理性的, 狂暴的 (Lat,141763)
    sensate adj.感知的,知觉的 (Lat,142643)
    ;...459, sep- 品味高
    To taste, perceive. Suffixed 零级形式 *sap-yo- .

    sage n.圣人;贤人;哲人adj.明智的;贤明的;审慎的[T8] , ( 9705 , sal₁ , _ )
    sapid 有滋味的 , ( x )
    sapient 睿智的,博学的 , ( 61055 , )
    sapor 味道 , ( x )
    savant 智者,专家 , ( 61094 , )
    →[oew]→ savory adj.风味极佳的,可口的,味美的 n.使人开胃的菜肴 ( 19323 )
    savor vt.尽情享受;使有风味;加调味品于;品尝,欣赏vi.有…的滋味;带有…的性质n.滋味;气味;食欲[T9] , ( 11688 , sap , _ )
    savvy n.悟性;理解能力;懂行(的人)v.理解,知道[T8] ; ( 12908 , sap , _ )
    insipid 无味的 , ( 56085 , ) ←from 拉丁语 sapere , to taste, have taste, be wise.
    [Pokorny sap- 880.]
    insipience (Latin,)
    ;...460, septm̥ 七星
    1. ←from 古英语 seofon , seven, with derivatives (hund)seofontig , seventy, and seofontīne , seventeen ( -tīne , ten; see dekm̥ ), ←from 日耳曼语 *sebum .
      seven num.七,七个(人或物) ; ( 689 , septm , _ )
      →[oew]→ seventh n.第七(个),七分之一,乐七度音程 adj.第七的,七分之一的 adv.居第七位地 ( 4497 )
      seventeen num.十七 n.十七个 , ( 5728 , septm , _ )
      seventy num.七十 , ( 5285 , septm , _ )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 septem , seven.
      september n.九月 , ( 2082 , me₄ , _ )
      septennial 连续七年的 , ( x )
      septet 七重奏,七重唱 , ( 61356 , )
      Septuagint 旧约圣经 , ( x )
      septuple 七倍 ; ( x )
      septentrion x , ( x )
    3. ←from 希腊语 hepta , seven.
      hebdomad 七天 , ( x )
      hepta- G. hept-, hepta-,来自hepta, seven七 , ( x )
      heptad 七个 , ( x )
    [Pokorny septm̥ 909.]
    ;...461, ser-₁ 保护
    To protect.
    1. 扩展形式: *serw- . ←from 拉丁语 servāre , to keep, preserve.
      conserve vt.保存,保守,使守恒,将……做成蜜饯n.蜜饯,果酱[T8] , ( 9552 , ser₂ , serv服务 )
      observe v.观察,观测,注意到,监视,遵守,评述,说 , ( 1551 , ser₂ , serv服务 )
      →[考研]→ observation n.观察,观测,监视;(pl.)观察资料;观察力。 ( 2169 )
      preserve v.保护,维持;保存,保藏 , ( 2597 , ser₂ , serv服务 )
      reserve n.储备(物),储备金;缄默v.保留,储备;预定 , ( 3240 , ser₂ , serv服务 )
      →[考研]→ reservation n.保留,保留意见;预定,预订。 ( 3755 )
      reservoir n.水库,蓄水池 , ( 6410 , ser₂ , serv服务 )
    2. Perhaps suffixed 加长级形式 *sēr-ōs- . ←from 希腊语 hērōs , "protector," hero.
      hero n.英雄,勇士;男主角,男主人公 , ( 2165 , kleu₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ heroic a.英雄的,英勇的,崇高的。 ( 6890 )
      →[考研]→ heroin n.海洛因,吗啡 ( 5975 )
      →[考研]→ heroine n.女英雄,女主人公 ( 8949 )
    [Pokorny 2. ser- 910.]
    service n.服务;公共设施;维修保养;行政部门v.维修 (Latin,100254)
    conservative a.保守的,守旧的n.保守主义者 (Lat,101582)
    deserve v.应受,值得 (Latin,102688)
    conservation n.保存,保护,保守;守恒,不灭 (Lat,103021)
    servant n.仆人 (Latin,103782)
    preservation n.保存,保留[T6] (Lat,105389)
    observatory 观察场所:n.天文台,气象台,观测台,瞭望台[T8] (Lat,112068)
    observable adj.显著的;觉察得到的;看得见的[T9] (Lat,112715)
    conservatory n.温室;音乐学校adj.有保存力的;保存性的[T8] (Lat,114703)
    observational adj.观察的,观测的 (Lat,116397)
    observance 应遵守之事:n.惯例,遵守,仪式,庆祝[T8] (Lat,117201)
    observant n.奉行者,遵守法律或规章、习俗的人 adj.深切注意的 (Lat,120812)
    preservative n.防腐剂;预防法;防护层adj.防腐的;有保存力的;有保护性的[T8] (Lat,121575)
    conservator n.保护者,(博物馆的)管理员,(公共福利的)监督官 (Lat,121863)
    servitude n.奴役,劳役,奴隶状态[T8] (Latin,123705)
    servile 奴性的 (Latin,161386)
    subservient 温驯的,谄媚的 (Latin,162352)
    conservable (Lat,)
    observative (Lat,)
    observator (Lat,)
    preservable (Lat,)
    reservable (Lat,)
    reservance (Lat,)
    reservative (Lat,)
    heroism n.英雄品质,英雄主义 (Greek,115848)
    antihero (Greek,)
    ;...462, ser-₂ 排起
    To line up.
    1. ←from 拉丁语 serere , to arrange, attach, join (in speech), discuss.
      series n.一系列,连续;丛书 , ( 685 , ser₁ , sert结合 )
      →[考研]→ serial adj.连续的;连载的;分期偿还的 n.电视连续剧;期刊;连载小说[T8]。 ( 6525 )
      →[oew]→ sermonize 说教,教训。 ( 61377 )
      sertularian x ; ( x )
      assert vt.断言,宣称;坚持;主张(权利、权威等) , ( 3863 , ser₁ , sert结合 )
      desert n.沙漠,不毛之地v.抛弃,遗弃;擅离,开小差 , ( 2497 , ser₁ , sert结合 )
      dissertate 写论文 , ( x )
      exsert vt.发挥;运用;使受(影响等);用(力) , ( x )
      exsert 突出的 , ( x )
      insert v.插入,嵌入;登载n.插入物 , ( 5075 , se₁ , sert结合 )
    2. 带后缀形式: *ser-mon- . ←from 拉丁语 sermō (stem sermōn- ), speech, discourse.
      sermon 连续的大段话:n.布道;训诫;启示;冗长的讲话vt.对…布道;对…说教 , ( 8042 , ser₁ , _ )
    3. Perhaps 带后缀形式: *ser-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 sera , a lock, bolt, bar (? < "that which aligns").
      sear a.烤焦的,枯萎的.v.烤焦,变干枯 , ( 18796 , ksero , _ )
      serried 密集的,密排的 , ( 61382 , )
    4. Suffixed 零级形式 *sr̥-ti- . ←from 拉丁语 sors (stem sort- ), lot, fortune (perhaps from the lining up of lots before drawing).
      sorcerer 通过抽签来预知未来的人:n.魔术师,男巫师。之所以结尾有两个er,可能是因为该词由sorcery逆向衍生[T9] , ( 21488 , ser₁ , _ )
      sort n.种类,类别v.分类,整理 ; ( 660 , ser₁ , sort种类 )
      assort vt.把…分类vi.相配;相称 ;交际;交往 , ( x )
      consort 配偶 , ( 53087 , )
      ensorcell x , ( x )
      sortilege 抽签决定 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 4. ser- 911.]
    assertion n.断言,声明;主张,要求;坚持[T9] (Lat,105821)
    exert v.尽(力),施加(压力等),努力 (Latin,106826)
    consortium n.财团,联合,合伙[T9] (Lat,107620)
    dissertation 编排词语:n.论文,专题;学术演讲[T8] (Latin,110736)
    assertive adj.肯定的;独断的;坚定而自信的[T8] (Latin,111857)
    insertion n.插入;嵌入;插入物[T9] (Lat,112713)
    exertion n.发挥;运用;努力[T9] (Latin,114864)
    reassert vt.再断言,重复主张 (Latin,118513)
    desertion n.离弃,抛弃,擅离职守,开小差 (Lat,124338)
    reassertion n.再主张 (Latin,131810)
    curviserial (Latin,)
    dissert (Latin,)
    dissertator (Latin,)
    multiseriate (Latin,)
    rectiserial (Latin,)
    semidesert (Latin,)
    seriate (Latin,)
    seriatim (Latin,)
    uniseriate (Latin,)
    consortial (Lat,)
    desertrix (Lat,)
    sortition (Lat,)
    subsort (Lat,)
    ;...463, seuᵊ-₁ 分娩
    To give birth. 最初形式: *suhx-.
    Suffixed 零级形式 in derivative noun *su(hx)-nu- , son.
    son n.儿子;孩子(长者对年青或年幼男子的称呼) , ( 512 , seu₃ , _ ) ←from 古英语 sunu , son, ←from 日耳曼语 *sunuz .
    [Pokorny 2. seu- 913.]
    See also sū- .
    ;...464, seuᵊ-₂ 唆汤喝
    To take liquid. 最初形式: *suhx-.
    派生词包括: soup , soak , and succulent.
    1. Suffixed 零级形式 *suᵊ-yo- , 缩减成:*sū-yo- . ←from 希腊语 hūetos , rain, ←from hūein , to rain.
      hyetal 降雨的 ; ( x )
      isohyet 等降雨量线 , ( x )
    2. Possible extended 零级形式 *sūb- .
        1. ←from 古英语 sūpan , sūpian , to drink, sip;
          sup n.一口 vt.吸,进晚餐,体验 vi.吃晚饭,啜饮 , ( 22239 , sap , _ )
        2. ←from 古法语 soup(e) , soup;
          soup n.汤 , ( 3465 , sap , _ )
          sup n.一口 vt.吸,进晚餐,体验 vi.吃晚饭,啜饮 , ( 22239 , sap , _ )
        3. ←from Old Spanish sopa , food soaked in liquid.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *sūp- .
          sopaipilla x , ( x )
        1. ←from 古英语 sopp- in soppcuppe , cup for dipping bread in, ←from 日耳曼语 *supp- ;
          sop 用汤汁浸泡的面包片,小礼物,小贿赂,浸没,浸湿 , ( 61832 , )
        2. ←from 中古英语 sippen , to sip, ←from a source probably akin to 低地德语 sippen , to sip, possibly ←from 日耳曼语 *supp- .
          sip v.小口地喝,抿,呷n.一小口的量 , ( 7000 , sap , _ )
    3. Possible extended 零级形式 *sūg- .
      1. ←from 古英语 sūcan , to suck, ←from 日耳曼语 *sūk- .
        suck v.&n.吸,舐;吸收(取) , ( 4923 , sap , _ )
        →[oew]→ suckle 吃奶,吸奶,喂奶,哺乳。 ( 62373 )
        →[oew]→ suckling 乳儿,乳兽。 ( 62374 )
      2. ←from 古英语 socian , to steep, ←from 日耳曼语 缩短形式 *sukōn .
        soak v.浸泡,浸湿,浸透 , ( 6585 , sap , _ )
      3. ←from 拉丁语 sūgere , to suck.
        suction n.吸入,吸力,抽气,抽气机,抽水泵,吸引 , ( 19675 , sap , _ )
        suctorial 有吸盘的 ; ( x )
        prosciutto n.意大利熏火腿(切成薄片,常与甜瓜或无花果配成一道菜) , ( 23438 , _ , _ )
      4. 变化形式*sūk- . ←from 拉丁语 sūcus , succus , juice.
        succulent a.多汁的 , ( 21510 , sap , _ )
    [Pokorny 1. seu- 912.]
    succulence n.鲜美多汁,青饲料,多汁性,肉质性 (Lat,149162)
    exsuccous (Lat,)
    ;...465, skand- 跳攀爬 , Also skend- .
    To leap, climb.
    1. ←from 拉丁语 scandere , to climb.
      scan v.细看,审视;浏览;扫描n.扫描 , ( 4561 , skand , scan登爬 )
      →[oew]→ scandalize 使震惊,使愤慨。 ( 61120 )
      scandent 附着的 , ( x )
      scansion 诗行的韵律 , ( 61125 , )
      scansorial 攀登 , ( x )
      scantling 材料尺寸 ; ( x )
      ascend v.攀爬,上升[T8] , ( 12743 , skand , scan登爬 )
      condescend 谦逊 , ( 30411 )
      descend v.下来,下降;遗传(指财产,气质,权利) , ( 5199 , skand , scan登爬 )
      →[考研]→ descendant (在血缘上)下降的 : adj.下降的,祖传的 n.后裔,子孙[T6]。 ( 7067 )
      transcend vt.胜过,超越[T8] , ( 9044 , _ , scan登爬 )
    2. 带后缀形式: *skand-alo- . ←from 希腊语 skandalon , a snare, trap, stumbling block.
      scandal n.丑闻,诽谤,耻辱,流言蜚语,反感,公愤 , ( 3404 , skand , _ )
      slander 口头诽谤,诋毁,中伤 , ( 61630 , )
    3. 带后缀形式: *skand-slā- . ←from 拉丁语 scālae , steps, ladder.
      echelon n.[军]梯形,梯阵,梯次编队 vt.排成梯队 vi.排成梯队 , ( 21524 , skand , _ )
      escalade 凯雷德 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ escalator 逐步升高的电梯 : n.电动扶梯[T9]。 ( 18622 )
      scale n.刻度;天平,磅秤;比例尺;规模;音阶;鱼鳞 , ( 1118 , kel₈ , scan登爬 )
      →[oew]→ scallop n.扇贝,干贝 ( 16184 )
    [Not in Pokorny; compare 梵语 skandati, he jumps, and 古爱尔兰 scendim , I jump.]
    descent n.下降,血统;袭击[T6] (Lat,105664)
    ascent n.上升;上坡路;登高[T9] (Latin,110274)
    transcendent adj.卓越的,出类拔萃的n.卓越的人,超绝物[T8] (Latin,116776)
    transcendence n.超越,超绝,<宗>(神的)超然性,超凡 (Latin,117180)
    transcendental adj.先验的;卓越的,超越的;超自然的[T8] (Lat,120827)
    ascension n.上升;耶稣升天[T9] (Lat,122484)
    condescension n.<正>屈尊,俯就 (Lat,123943)
    descendent n.后裔,子孙,(某一原型的)派生物 adj.下降的,降落的,祖传的,派生的 (Latin,125431)
    ascendency n.优势,优越,权势 (Latin,148468)
    ascendent (Latin,)
    condescendence (Latin,)
    descension (Latin,)
    ;...466, skei- 分学科
    To cut, split. Extension of sek- .
    派生词包括: science , nice , shit , schism , sheath , ski , and esquire.
      1. ←from 古英语 scinu , shin, shinbone (< "piece cut off");
        shin n.胫骨 , ( 15552 , sek₂ , _ )
      2. ←from 古法语 eschine , backbone, piece of meat with part of the backbone. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *ski-nō- .
        chine n.(动物的)脊骨;脊柱;脊肉(带部分脊骨的肉);排骨肉 , ( 30751 )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 scīre , to know (< "to separate one thing from another," "discern.").
      science n.科学;学科 , ( 723 , sek₂ , sci知道 )
      →[考研]→ scientific a.科学上的。 ( 1376 )
      →[考研]→ scientist n.科学家。 ( 1126 )
      →[oew]→ scissors n.剪子。 ( 9644 )
      scilicet 换句话说 , ( x )
      sciolism 肤浅的知识 ; ( x )
      adscititious 外加的 , ( x )
      conscience n.良心,良知 , ( 4834 , sek₂ , sci知道 )
      →[考研]→ conscientious adj.凭良心的,尽责的,认真的[T8]。 ( 10948 )
      conscious a.(of)意识到的,自觉的;神志清醒的 , ( 3100 , sek₂ , sci知道 )
      nescience 无知 , ( x )
      nice a.美好的,令人愉快的;友好的,亲切的 , ( 911 , ne , _ )
      omniscient 全知全能的 , ( 58780 , )
      plebiscite 全民公决 , ( 59681 , )
      prescient adj.预知的,有先见之明的[T9] , ( 23014 , sek₂ , sci知道 )
    2. Suffixed 零级形式 *skiy-enā- . ←from 古爱尔兰 scīan , knife.
      skean 双刃短剑 , ( x )
    3. Extended root *skeid- .
        1. ←from 古英语 *scītan , to defecate;
          shit vi.拉屎,[俚]对...胡扯,企图欺骗,取笑 vt.欺骗 n.粪,屎 int.狗屁! ; ( 3520 , sek₂ , _ )
          gobshite 胡说八道 , ( 54922 , )
        2. ←from 古挪威语 skīta , to defecate;
          skate v.溜冰,滑冰n.冰鞋 ; ( 7161 , _ , _ )
          blatherskite 爱说废话的人 , ( x )
        3. ←from 高地德语 skīzzan , to defecate. (i)-(iii) all ←from 日耳曼语 *skītan , to separate, defecate.
          shyster 奸诈的律师 , ( 61508 , )
      1. suffixed 零级形式 *sk(h)id-yo- . ←from 希腊语 skhizein , to split;
        schism n.(政治组织等的)分裂,教派 , ( 22760 , sek₂ , _ )
        schist 片岩 , ( 61150 , )
        schizo- 分开,分裂 , ( 61151 , )
      2. nasalized 零级形式 *ski-n-d- . ←from 拉丁语 scindere , to split.
        scission 断开 ; ( x )
        exscind 割开 , ( x )
        prescind 不加考虑 , ( x )
        rescind vi.废除,解除,撤回[T8] , ( 20728 , sek₂ , _ )
    4. Extended root *skeit- .
        1. ←from 古英语 scēadan , to separate, ←from 日耳曼语 *skaith- , *skaidan ;
          shed v.流出;发散,散发,脱落,脱去n.棚,小屋 , ( 4376 , sek₂ , _ )
          shoddy adj.翻制的,以次充好的,假冒的 n.赝品 , ( 22049 , _ , _ )
        2. ←from 古英语 scēath , sheath (< "split stick"),
          sheath n.鞘,护套,外壳 , ( 16428 , sek₂ , _ )
          perhaps ←from 日耳曼语 *skaith- .
      1. ←from 古挪威语 skīdʰ , log, stick, snowshoe, ←from 日耳曼语 *skīdam ;
        ski n.雪橇v.滑雪 , ( 3491 , sek₂ , _ )
        →[oew]→ skipper n.船长 ( 10280 )
      2. o级形式 *skoit- . ←from 拉丁语 scūtum , shield (< "board").
        écu x , ( x )
        escudo 埃斯库多(葡萄牙货币单位) , ( 54164 , )
        escutcheon 锁眼盖,门把手盖板 , ( 54165 , )
        esquire 先生 , ( 54174 , )
        scudo 斯库多 , ( 61236 , )
        scutum 盾牌座 , ( 32693 )
        squire n.乡绅,律师,侍从,大地主,治安官 v.随侍,护卫 , ( 19107 , sek₂ , _ )
    5. Extended root *skeip- .
      1. ←from 中古英语 sheve , pulley (< "piece of wood with grooves");
        sheave 使成捆,使成扎 , ( 61425 , )
      2. ←from a Scandinavian source akin to 古挪威语 skīfa , to slice, split;
        skive 切,削,使成薄片,逃学,逃课,逃班 , ( 61616 , )
      3. ←from 中古英语 shivere , scivre , splinter, possibly from a 低地德语 source akin to Middle 低地德语 schever , splinter.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *skif- .
        shiver v./n.战栗,发抖 , ( 8095 , geph , _ )
    [Pokorny skē̆i- 919.]
    omniscience n.全知,全知者,上帝 (Lat,131238)
    omniscious (Latin,)
    scienter (Latin,)
    ;...467, skel-₁ 分贝壳 , Also kel- .
    To cut.
    派生词包括: scalp , skill , cutlass , half , scalpel , and sculpture.
      1. ←from 古英语 scell , sciel , shell;
        shell n.壳,贝壳;炮弹 , ( 2855 , kel₈ , _ )
        →[oew]→ shellac 紫胶,虫胶。 ( 61436 )
      2. ←from 意大利语 scaglia , chip. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *skaljō , piece cut off, shell, scale.
        scagliola 人造大理石 , ( x )
      1. ←from 古英语 sc(e)alu , husk, shell;
        shale n.页岩,泥板岩 , ( 18248 , sek₃ , _ )
      2. ←from 古法语 escale , husk, shell. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *skalō .
        scale n.刻度;天平,磅秤;比例尺;规模;音阶;鱼鳞 , ( 1118 , kel₈ , scan登爬 )
      1. ←from 古挪威语 skalli , bald head (< "closely shaved skull");
        scall 头皮屑 , ( x )
      2. ←from 中古英语 scalp , top of the head, ←from a source akin to 古挪威语 skalpr , sheath, shell. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *skal- .
        scalp v.剥头皮 n.头皮 , ( 9796 , sek₃ , _ )
        →[oew]→ scalper 票贩子。 ( 61115 )
    1. ←from 古挪威语 skāl , bowl, drinking vessel (made from a shell), ←from 日耳曼语 *skēlō .
      scale n.刻度;天平,磅秤;比例尺;规模;音阶;鱼鳞 , ( 1118 , kel₈ , scan登爬 )
      skoal 祝您健康! , ( x )
    2. ←from 古英语 scield , shield (< "board"), ←from 日耳曼语 *skelduz .
      shield n.防护物,护罩;盾,盾状物v.保护,防护 , ( 5916 , kel₈ , _ )
      1. ←from 古挪威语 skil , reason, discernment, knowledge (< "incisiveness");
        skill n.技能,技巧,手艺;熟练 , ( 890 , kel₈ , _ )
        →[考研]→ skilled a.(in)熟练的,有技能的;需要技能的。 ( 4585 )
        →[考研]→ skillful a.(skilful)(in,at)灵巧的,娴熟的。 ( 14411 )
      2. ←from 中古英语 scheld , variegated, ←from a 低地德语 source akin to 中古荷兰语 schillen , to diversify, with past participle schillede , separated, variegated. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *skeli- .
        sheldrake 希德瑞克 , ( x )
    3. ←from Middle 低地德语 schōle , troop, or 中古荷兰语 scōle , both ←from 日耳曼语 *skulō , a division.
      school n.学校,(大学里的)学院;上学,学业;学派 , ( 137 , segh , _ )
      shoal ①浅滩,沙洲②鱼群 , ( 64001 , )
    4. Suffixed 变化形式*kel-tro- . ←from 拉丁语 culter , knife.
      coulter 库尔特 , ( x )
      cultrate 小刀状的 , ( x )
      cutlass 短剑 , ( 53334 , )
      →[oew]→ cut n./v.切,割,削;削减,删节 n.切口,伤口。 ( 419 )
      →[oew]→ cutlery n.餐具 ( 18903 )
    5. Suffixed 零级形式 *skl̥-yo- . ←from 希腊语 skallein , to stir up, hoe (> skalenos , uneven).
      scalene 不等边三角形 , ( x )
    6. Extended root *skelp- .
      1. ←from Middle 低地德语 schelf , shelf (< "split piece of wood"), ←from 日耳曼语 *skelf- ;
        shelf n.架子,搁板 , ( 3305 , sek₃ , _ )
      2. possibly 日耳曼语 *halbaz (< variant root *kelp- ), divided. ←from 古英语 healf , half;
        half n.半,一半a.一半的,不完全的ad.一半地 , ( 422 , kel₈ , _ )
        halve vt.二等分,分享 , ( 13480 , kel₈ , _ )
      3. perhaps variant *skalp- . ←from 拉丁语 scalpere , to cut, scrape, with derivative sculpere (originally as the combining form of scalpere ), to carve.
        scalpel n.解剖刀 , ( 18822 , sek₃ , _ )
        sculpture n.雕塑;雕刻;刻蚀vt.雕塑;雕刻;刻蚀vi.从事雕刻[T3] , ( 3767 , sek₃ , _ )
        →[oew]→ sculptor n.雕刻家[T8]。 ( 9342 )
        →[oew]→ sculpt v.雕刻,造型 ( 16050 )
    [Pokorny 1. (s)kel- 923.]
    sculptural adj.雕刻的;雕刻般的[T9] (Latin,118218)
    sculptress 女雕刻家,女雕塑家 (Latin,161240)
    insculp (Latin,)
    resculpt (Latin,)
    sculp (Latin,)
    sculpsit (Latin,)
    sculptile (Latin,)
    colter (Lat,)
    coulter (Lat,)
    cultellus (Lat,)
    ;...468, skel-₂ 份内该
    To be under an obligation. o级 (perfect) form *skol- .

    shall aux.v.(我,我们)将要,会;必须,应该 , ( 989 , _ , _ ) ←from 古英语 sceal (used with the first and third person singular pronouns), shall, ←from 日耳曼语 *skal , I owe, hence I ought.
    [Pokorny 2. (s)kel- 927.]
    ;...469, sker-₁ 削切短 , Also ker- .
    To cut.
    派生词包括: shears , scabbard , skirmish , carnage , sharp , scrape , and screw.
    1. 基本形式: *sker- , *ker- .
        1. ←from 古英语 scieran , sceran , to cut;
          shear v.剪,剪切 , ( 10916 , ker₃ , _ )
        2. ←from 低地德语 scheren , to move to and fro, and 荷兰语 scheren , to withdraw, depart. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *skeran .
          sheer a.纯粹的,十足的,全然的;陡峭的,险峻的 , ( 3975 , _ , _ )
        1. ←from 古英语 scēar , plowshare;
          share v.(with)分配,共用;分担n.一份,份额;股份 , ( 631 , ker₃ , _ )
        2. ←from 古英语 scearu , scaru , portion, division (but recorded only in the sense of "fork of the body," "tonsure"). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *skeraz .
          share v.(with)分配,共用;分担n.一份,份额;股份 , ( 631 , ker₃ , _ )
        1. ←from 古英语 scēar , scissors, ←from 日耳曼语 *skēr-ō and *sker-ez- ;
          shear v.剪,剪切 , ( 10916 , ker₃ , _ )
        2. compound *skēr-berg- , "sword protector," scabbard ( *berg- , protector; see bʰergh-₁ ). ←from 古法语 escauberc , scabbard, possibly from a 日耳曼语 source akin to 高地德语 scarberc , scabbard. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *skēr- .
          scabbard 剑鞘 , ( 61102 , )
      1. ←from 古挪威语 skor , notch, tally, twenty, ←from 日耳曼语 *skur- .
        score n.得分,分数;二十v.得(分),记(…的)分数 , ( 1171 , ker₃ , _ )
        →[oew]→ scorpion n.[动]蝎子,心黑的人,蝎子鞭,[俚]直布罗陀人 ( 21840 )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 sker , low reef (< "something cut off"), ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *skar-jam .
        scar n.伤痕,疤痕.v.结疤,使留下伤痕 , ( 6236 , ker₃ , _ )
        skerry , ( x )
      3. Suffixed o级 扩展形式: *skorp-o- . ←from 古挪威语 skarfr , diagonally-cut end of a board, ←from 日耳曼语 *skarfaz .
        scarf n.围巾,头巾领巾,嵌接,嵌接处,切口 v.围(围巾),披(头巾)嵌接 , ( 6990 , _ , _ )
      4. Suffixed o级 扩展形式: *skord-o- . ←from 古英语 sceard , a cut, notch, ←from 日耳曼语 *skardaz .
        shard n.[瓷]碎片 破片 , ( 11098 , ker₃ , _ )
      5. 扩展形式: *skerd- in suffixed 零级形式 *skr̥d-o- .
        1. ←from 古英语 scort , sceort , "cut," short;
          short a.短的,矮的;(of)缺乏,不足n.(pl.)短裤 , ( 528 , ker₃ , _ )
          →[考研]→ shortage n.不足,缺少。 ( 4010 )
          →[考研]→ shortcoming n.短处,缺点。 ( 11068 )
          →[考研]→ shorthand n.速记 ( 13472 )
          →[考研]→ shortly ad.立刻,不久;不耐烦地,简慢地。 ( 2649 )
        2. ←from 古英语 scyrte , skirt (< "cut piece");
          shirt n.衬衫 , ( 1871 , ker₃ , _ )
        3. ←from 古挪威语 skyrta , shirt.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *skurtaz .
          skirt n.裙子;边缘,郊区 , ( 3949 , ker₃ , _ )
        1. ←from 古法语 eskermir , to fight with a sword, fence, and Old 意大利语 scaramuccia , skirmish, ←from a source akin to 高地德语 skirmen , to protect;
          Scaramouch 胆小鬼 , ( x )
          scrimmage n.混战,并列争球 vt.并列争球 vi.混战 , ( 20590 , ker₃ , _ )
          skirmish n.小冲突 v.进行一场小冲突 , ( 17420 , ker₃ , _ )
        2. ←from 中古荷兰语 scherm , shield. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 扩展形式: *skerm- .
          screen n.屏幕,屏风;帘v.掩蔽,包庇;筛选 , ( 1369 , sek₉ , _ )
      6. 变化形式*kar- . ←from 拉丁语 carō (stem carn- ), flesh.
        carnage n.大屠杀,残杀[T8] , ( 15608 , ker₃ , carn肉 )
        carnal 肉体的 , ( 23503 )
        carnassial 食肉的 , ( x )
        carnation n.康乃馨,粉色adj.肉红色的[T9] , ( 22870 , ker₃ , carn肉 )
        carnival 再见了肉:n.狂欢节,嘉年华,饮宴狂欢。源自人们在基督教封斋节开始前三天纵情吃喝玩乐的惯例[T8] , ( 16182 , ker₃ , carn肉 )
        carrion 腐肉 , ( 24861 )
        caruncle 种阜 , ( x )
        charnel 停尸房 , ( 38894 )
        crone 丑陋的老太婆 ; ( 53264 , )
        carneasada 卡恩浅田和另外 , ( x )
        carnivorous 肉食性的 , ( 24444 )
        carnosaur x , ( x )
        charcuterie 熟食店 , ( 39708 )
        incarnate 具体化,拟人化 , ( 55916 , )
      7. Suffixed o级形式 *kor-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 corium , leather (originally "piece of hide").
        coriaceous 皮质 , ( x )
        corium 真皮 , ( x )
        cuirass 胸甲 , ( 44228 )
        currier 制革匠 ; ( x )
        excoriate 剥落皮肤 , ( 54218 , )
      8. Suffixed 零级形式 *kr̥-to- . ←from 拉丁语 curtus , short.
        curt adj.简略的 , ( 39476 , ker₃ , _ )
        →[oew]→ curtail 剪短vt. 缩减;剪短;剥夺…特权等[T8]。 ( 12680 )
        curtal 截短的 , ( x )
        kirtle 外裙 , ( 50701 )
      9. Suffixed o级形式 *kor-mo- . ←from 希腊语 kormos , a trimmed tree trunk.
        corm 球茎 , ( 53144 , )
      10. Suffixed o级形式 *kor-i- . ←from 希腊语 koris , bedbug (< "cutter").
        coreopsis 金鸡菊 , ( 39622 )
      11. Suffixed 零级形式 *skr̥-ā- . ←from 古英语 scora , shore, ←from 日耳曼语 *skur-ō .
        shore n.海滨,湖滨 , ( 3554 , ker₃ , _ )
    2. Extended roots *skert- , *kert- .
      1. 零级形式 *kr̥t- or o级形式 *kort- . ←from 拉丁语 cortex , bark (< "that which can be cut off").
        cortex n.外皮,(大脑)皮层 ; ( 16973 , ker₃ , _ )
        decorticate 剥皮 , ( x )
      2. 带后缀形式: *kert-snā- . ←from 拉丁语 cēna , meal (< "portion of food").
        cenacle 餐室 , ( x )
    3. Extended root *skerp- .
      scurf 头皮屑 , ( 61245 , )
      probably from a Scandinavian source akin to 古英语 sceorf , scab, scurf, ←from 日耳曼语 *skerf- .
    4. Extended root *skerb(h)- , *skreb(h)- .
        1. ←from 古英语 scearp , sharp;
          sharp a.锋利的;轮廓分明的;急转的ad.(指时刻)正 , ( 1899 , ker₃ , _ )
        2. ←from 意大利语 scarpa , embankment, possibly from a 日耳曼语 source akin to Gothic skarpō , pointed object. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *skarpaz , cutting, sharp.
          scarp 陡坡,悬崖 , ( 61133 , )
        1. ←from 古挪威语 skrap , "pieces," remains;
          scrap n.碎片.vt.废弃 , ( 6544 , ker₃ , _ )
        2. ←from 古挪威语 skrapa , to scratch. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *skrap- .
          scrape v.刮(掉),擦过,勉强通过n.刮,擦痕,刮擦声 , ( 7525 , ker₃ , _ )
        1. ←from 中古荷兰语 schrabben , to scrape;
          scrabble 翻找,乱翻,乱找 , ( 61194 , )
        2. ←from 中古荷兰语 schrobben , to scrape. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *skrab- .
          scrub n.灌木丛.v.用力擦洗 , ( 8986 , bʰerem , _ )
      1. ←from 古英语 scrybb , shrub (< "rough plant"), ←from 日耳曼语 *skrub- .
        shrub n.灌木,灌木丛 , ( 8875 , bʰerem , _ )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 scrobis , trench, ditch.
        scrobiculate 具小网眼的 , ( x )
      3. ←from 拉丁语 scrōfa , a sow (< "rooter, digger").
        screw n.螺旋,螺丝(钉)v.拧,拧紧 , ( 5992 , _ , _ )
        scrofula 淋巴结核 , ( 61216 , )
    5. Extended root *(s)kers- . ←from 希腊语 epikarsios , at an angle ( epi- , at; see epi ), ←from suffixed 零级形式 *kr̥s-yo- .
      bias n.偏见vt.使存偏见 , ( 3915 , _ , _ )
    [Pokorny 4. (s)ker-, Section I. 938.]
    incarnation n.化身;道成肉身;典型[T9] (Lat,110974)
    carnivore n.食肉动物,食虫植物[T8] (Lat,118613)
    reincarnation n.再投胎,化身,再生 (Lat,122620)
    cortical adj.皮层的,皮质的,有关脑皮层的 (Lat,125064)
    charcuterie n.猪肉店,熟食店 (Lat,139708)
    carnality n.淫荡 (Latin,140162)
    excoriation n.严厉的责难,苛责,表皮脱落,抓痕 (Latin,147112)
    reincarnate 投胎,转世 (Lat,160610)
    corious (Latin,)
    cuirassier (Latin,)
    cuirie (Latin,)
    carnary (Lat,)
    carnate (Lat,)
    carneous (Lat,)
    carnose (Lat,)
    carnosity (Lat,)
    carunculate (Lat,)
    corticate (Lat,)
    corticiform (Lat,)
    corticifugal (Lat,)
    corticipetal (Lat,)
    curtate (Lat,)
    decortication (Lat,)
    decorticator (Lat,)
    decurt (Lat,)
    discarnate (Lat,)
    incarnadine (Lat,)
    ;...470, sker-₂ 转圈 , Also ker- .
    To turn, bend. Presumed base of a number of distantly related derivatives.
    派生词包括: shrink , ranch , rink , curve , crepe , circle , search , and crown.
    1. 扩展形式: *(s)kreg- in nasalized form *(s)kre-n-g- .
      1. ←from 古英语 scrincan , to wither, shrivel up, ←from 日耳曼语 *skrink- ;
        shrink v.起皱,收缩;退缩,畏缩 , ( 5543 , ker₁ , _ )
      2. variant *kre-n-g- .
        1. ←from 古挪威语 hrukka , a crease, fold;
          ruck ①群架,纷争,争球②衣服的皱,褶 , ( 63994 , )
        2. ←from 古法语 fronce , pleat, ←from Frankish *hrunkjan , to wrinkle. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *hrunk- .
          flounce 急动,骤动 , ( 54498 , )
    2. 扩展形式: *(s)kregh- in nasalized form *skre-n-gh- .
      1. ←from 古英语 hring , a ring;
        ring n.戒指;环;铃声;(打)电话v.按(铃),敲(钟) , ( 1523 , ker₁ , _ )
      2. ←from 古法语 renc , reng , line, row;
        ranch .v.经营牧场.n牧场 , ( 5698 , ker₁ , _ )
        range n.范围,领域;排列,连续;(山)脉v.排列成行 , ( 658 , ker₁ , _ )
        rank n.军衔,社会阶层;排v.分等级,把…分类 , ( 2800 , ker₁ , _ )
        rink n.溜冰场,冰球场,室内溜冰场 vi.溜冰 ; ( 14377 , _ , _ )
        arrange v.安排,筹划;整理,使有条理,排列,布置 , ( 2451 , ker₁ , _ )
        derange 扰乱 , ( 26363 )
      3. ←from 中古荷兰语 rinc (combining form ring- ), a ring.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *hringaz , something curved, circle.
        ringhals 眼镜蛇 , ( x )
    3. 扩展形式: *kreuk- .
      1. ←from 古英语 hrycg , spine, ridge;
        ridge n.岭,山脉;屋脊;鼻梁 , ( 4840 , ker₁ , _ )
      2. ←from 高地德语 hrukki , back. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 hrugjaz .
        rucksack 背包,旅行包 , ( 60924 , )
    4. Suffixed 变化形式*kur-wo- . ←from 拉丁语 curvus , bent, curved.
      curb n.路边,场外证券市场,vt.制止,抑制 , ( 7693 , ker₁ , _ )
      curvature n.弯曲,曲率 , ( 13782 , ker₁ , _ )
      curve n.曲线,弯曲(物)v.弄弯,成曲形 , ( 3364 , ker₁ , _ )
      curvet 腾跃 , ( x )
    5. Suffixed 扩展形式: *kris-ni- . ←from 拉丁语 crīnis (< *crisnis ), hair.
      crinoline 裙衬 , ( 53255 , )
    6. Suffixed 扩展形式: *kris-tā- . ←from 拉丁语 crista , tuft, crest.
      crest n.浪尖,冠 , ( 8037 , ker₁ , _ )
      crista , ( x )
      cristate 鸡冠状的 , ( x )
    7. Suffixed 扩展形式: *krip-so- . ←from 拉丁语 crispus (metathesized from *cripsus ), curly.
      crepe n.绉纱,绉绸 , ( 17195 , ker₁ , _ )
      crisp adj.脆的,易碎的 , ( 6718 , ker₁ , _ )
      crispate 卷缩状的 , ( x )
    8. Extended expressive form *krīss- . ←from 拉丁语 crīsāre , (of women) to wiggle the hips during copulation.
      crissum 肛周 , ( x )
    9. Perhaps reduplicated form *ki-kr-o- . ←from 希腊语 kirkos , krikos , a ring.
      cerclage 环扎术 , ( x )
      circa 大约 , ( 52869 , )
      →[oew]→ circumstantial adj.依照情况的;详细的;偶然的[T8]。 ( 17219 )
      →[oew]→ circumcision n. 割礼;净心;包皮环割术[T9]。 ( 22468 )
      circadian 生理节奏的 , ( 52870 , )
      circinate 漩涡状的 , ( x )
      Circinus 圆规座 , ( x )
      circle n.圆,圆周;集团;周期,循环v.环绕,旋转 , ( 1703 , ker₁ , circ环 )
      →[考研]→ circular a.圆(形)的,环形的;循环的 n.传单,通报。 ( 5406 )
      →[考研]→ circulate v.(使)循环,(使)流通。 ( 7572 )
      circum- L. circum-来自circum, round about , ( x )
      circus 圆形(场地):n.马戏,马戏团[T3] , ( 6036 , ker₁ , circ环 )
      cirque 盆形谷地 , ( 52875 , )
      search v./n.(for)搜索,寻找,探查 ; ( 1276 , ker₁ , _ )
      cricoid 环状 , ( 44388 )
      recherché 异国风味的 , ( x )
    10. Suffixed o级形式 *kor-ōno- . ←from 希腊语 korōnos , curved.
      corona n.冠壮物 , ( 21072 , ker₂ , _ )
      crown n.王冠,冕;君权,君王v.为…加冕 , ( 3015 , ker₁ , _ )
      koruna 克朗 , ( x )
      krona 克朗,瑞典和冰岛货币单位 , ( 56654 , )
      krona 克朗,瑞典和冰岛货币单位 , ( 56654 , )
      krone 克朗,丹麦和挪威货币单位 , ( 56655 , )
      krone 克朗,丹麦和挪威货币单位 , ( 56655 , )
    11. Suffixed 变化形式*kur-to . ←from 希腊语 kurtos , convex.
      kurtosis 峰度 , ( 34701 )
    [Pokorny 3. (s)ker- 935.]
    circus 圆形(场地):n.马戏,马戏团[T3] (Lat,106036)
    coroner 皇家的人:n.验尸官。最早指负责调查诺曼贵族死亡案件的皇家法官[T9] (Lat,109574)
    coronary adj.冠的;冠状的;花冠的[T9] (Lat,109826)
    coronation n.加冕礼[T8] (Lat,112423)
    curvature n.弯曲,曲率 (Lat,113782)
    corollary n.必然的结果,系,推论 (Lat,114194)
    crease n.折缝,皱褶.v.(使)起皱 (Lat,116541)
    corona n.冠壮物 (Lat,121072)
    curvilinear adj.曲线的,由曲线而成的 (Lat,127643)
    crape n.黑绉绸,黑绉纱,绉线,绉呢,绉布 (Lat,137238)
    coronavirus n.日冕形病毒,冠状病毒,冠形病毒 (Lat,148548)
    cavort 欢呼 (Latin,152679)
    corolla 花冠 (Lat,153154)
    coronet 冠冕 (Lat,153155)
    curvaceous 曲线优美的 (Latin,153328)
    Coronilla (Lat,)
    corollaceous (Lat,)
    corollarial (Lat,)
    coronamen (Lat,)
    coronate (Lat,)
    coroniform (Lat,)
    crispation (Lat,)
    crêpe (Lat,)
    curvate (Lat,)
    curvation (Lat,)
    curviform (Lat,)
    curvity (Lat,)
    incoronate (Lat,)
    incurvate (Lat,)
    incurvature (Lat,)
    incurve (Lat,)
    recurvate (Lat,)
    recurve (Lat,)
    recurvous (Lat,)
    ;...471, sker-₃ 排粪便
    Excrement, dung. 最初形式: *sk̑er- , becoming *sker- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    1. Suffixed un扩展形式: *sk-ōr , alternating with *sk-n̥- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 skōr (stem skat- < *sk-n̥-t- ), dung;
        scato- x , ( x )
        scoria 火山渣 , ( x )
        skatole 粪臭素 , ( x )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 skarn , dung, ←from 日耳曼语 skar- , alternating with skn̥- .
        skarn 夕卡岩 , ( x )
    2. 扩展形式: *skert- in taboo metathesis *sterk-os- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 stercus , dung;
        stercoraceous x , ( x )
      2. 变化形式s *(s)terg- , *(s)treg- . ←from Middle High German drëc , dung, ←from 日耳曼语 *threkka- .
        dreck 劣质货 , ( 53846 , )
    [Pokorny sk̑er-(d-) 947, 8. (s)ter- 1031.]
    ;...472, (s)keu- 扣盖掩藏
    To cover, conceal. 零级形式 *(s)ku- . Variant *(s)keuᵊ- , 零级形式 *(s)kuᵊ- , 缩减成:*(s)kū- .
    派生词包括: sky , meerschaum , scum , obscure , recoil , and hoard.
    1. Suffixed 基本形式:.
      1. ←from 古挪威语 skȳ , cloud;
        sky n.天空;[pl.]天色;气候 , ( 1246 , skeu , _ )
        →[考研]→ skyscraper n.摩天楼 ( 13463 )
      2. ←from a Scandinavian source akin to 古挪威语 skȳ , cloud. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *skeu-jam , cloud ("cloud cover").
        skewbald 花斑的 , ( x )
    2. 零级形式 *skū- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *skū-mo- .
        1. ←from 古法语 escume , scum;
          skim vt.撇去(液体表面)之漂浮物vi.轻轻掠过 , ( 11497 , skeu , _ )
          →[oew]→ skillet n.煮锅,长柄浅锅 ( 7531 )
        2. ←from 高地德语 scūm , scum;
          meerschaum 海泡石烟斗 , ( 48363 )
        3. ←from 中古荷兰语 schūm , scum. (i)-(iii) all ←from 日耳曼语 *skūmaz , foam, scum (< "that which covers the water").
          scum n.浮渣,浮垢,糟粕,泡沫,糖渣,铁渣 vt.将浮渣去除掉 vi.产生泡沫,被浮渣覆盖 , ( 12115 , skeu , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *skū-ro- . ←from 拉丁语 obscūrus , "covered," dark ( ob- , away from ; see epi ).
        obscure a.暗的.vt.使暗,使不明显 ; ( 5837 , skeu , _ )
        chiaroscuro 明暗对比法 , ( 52775 , )
    3. 零级形式 *kū̆- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *kū-ti- . ←from 古英语 hȳd , skin, hide, ←from 日耳曼语 *hūdiz ;
        hide v.隐藏,躲藏;隐瞒n.皮革,兽皮 , ( 1496 , kei₂ , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *ku-ti- . ←from 拉丁语 cutis skin;
        cutaneous 皮肤上的 , ( 53331 , )
        cuticle n.表皮,角质层 , ( 23076 , skeu , _ )
        cutis 皮肤 ; ( x )
        cutin 角质 , ( x )
      3. possibly 带后缀形式: *kū-lo- . ←from 拉丁语 cūlus , the rump, backside;
        culet 宝石底面 , ( x )
        culotte 裤裙 ; ( 39589 )
        bascule 活动结构 , ( x )
        recoil n.畏缩,弹回.vi.退却,畏缩,报应 , ( 16921 , _ , _ )
      4. 带后缀形式: *ku-to- . ←from 希腊语 kutos , a hollow, vessel.
        -cyte x , ( x )
        cyto- 表示细胞 , ( x )
    4. Extended 零级形式 *kus- .
        1. ←from 古英语 hosa , hose , covering for the leg;
          hose n.软管,胶皮管,长筒袜,男性穿的紧身裤 vt.用软管浇,痛打 , ( 7699 , kel₆ , _ )
          →[oew]→ hosiery 袜子,袜类。 ( 55600 )
          hosel x , ( 46402 )
        2. ←from 高地德语 hosa , leg covering. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *husōn- .
          lederhosen 皮短裤 , ( 35637 )
      1. 带后缀形式: *kuz-dʰo- (or suffixed 扩展形式: *kudʰ-to- ).
        1. ←from 古英语 hord , stock, store, treasure (< "thing hidden away"), ←from 日耳曼语 *huzdam ;
          hoard v.储藏 , ( 19060 , kel₆ , _ )
        2. compound *kuzdʰo-zd- , "sitting (over) a treasure" ( *-zd- , sitting; see sed- ). ←from 拉丁语 custōs , guard.
          custody n.保官 , ( 4594 , skeu , _ )
      2. ←from 俄语 kishka , gut (< "sheath").
        kishke 真皮 , ( x )
    5. Suffixed extended 零级形式 *kut-no- . ←from 拉丁语 cunnus , vulva (< "sheath").
      cunnilingus 舔阴 , ( 53309 , )
    6. Extended root *keudʰ- .
      1. ←from 古英语 hȳdan , to hide, cover up, ←from 日耳曼语 suffixed lengthened 零级形式 *hūd-jan ;
        hide v.隐藏,躲藏;隐瞒n.皮革,兽皮 , ( 1496 , kei₂ , _ )
      2. ←from 法语 hutte , hut, ←from 日耳曼语 suffixed 零级形式 *hūd-jōn- ;
        hut n.小屋,棚屋 , ( 5358 , kel₆ , _ )
        →[oew]→ hutch 养小动物的笼子,兔笼。 ( 55698 )
      3. ←from 低地德语 hudeln , to crowd together, probably ←from 日耳曼语 *hū̆d- .
        huddle n.|v.拥挤,挤作一团,草率了事 , ( 9806 , skeu , _ )
    7. ←from a Scandinavian source akin to 古挪威语 skāli , hut, ←from 日耳曼语 suffixed o级形式 *skaw-ala- .
      shieling 羊圈 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 2. (s)keu- 951.]
    custodial a.保管的,保管人的.n.[宗]圣物保管容器 (Lat,116486)
    custodian n.管理人,监护人 (Lat,118894)
    cuticle n.表皮,角质层 (Lat,123076)
    subcutaneous adj.皮下的 (Lat,125484)
    culottes 裙裤 (Lat,153298)
    intracutaneous (Latin,)
    cuticolor (Lat,)
    cuticular (Lat,)
    cutisector (Lat,)
    noncustodial (Lat,)
    ;...473, skeud- 分射出
    To shoot, chase, throw.
    派生词包括: shoot , shut , and scuttle.
    1. ←from 古英语 scēotan , to shoot, ←from 日耳曼语 *skeutan , to shoot.
      shoot v.发射;掠过,疾驰而过n.嫩枝,苗,射击 , ( 1019 , skeud , _ )
      1. ←from 古英语 sceot , scot , shooting, a shot;
        shot n.开枪,射击;投篮;弹丸,炮弹,子弹 , ( 1081 , _ , _ )
      2. ←from 高地德语 scuz , shooting, a shot;
        schuss 直线滑降 , ( x )
      3. ←from 古挪威语 skot and 古法语 escot , contribution, tax (< "money thrown down");
        scot n.分摊财政负担;估定的款项;税赋;苏格兰人 , ( 14195 , peik , _ )
        scotandlot 苏格兰人,很多 , ( x )
      4. ←from 中古荷兰语 sc(h)ot , crossbar, wooden partition.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *skutaz , shooting, shot.
        wainscot 护墙板 , ( 63654 , )
    2. ←from 古英语 scyttan , to shut (by pushing a crossbar), probably ←from 日耳曼语 *skutjan .
      shut v.关,关闭 , ( 1669 , skeud , _ )
      →[考研]→ shutter n.百叶窗,(照相机的)快门 ( 11973 )
    3. ←from 古英语 scytel , a dart, missile, ←from 日耳曼语 *skutilaz .
      shuttle n.航天飞机,梭子.v.穿梭来回(运送) , ( 4639 , skeud , _ )
      1. ←from 古英语 scēata , corner of a sail;
        sheet n.被单;(一)张,(一)片,薄片;大片 , ( 1281 , skeud , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 scēte , piece of cloth. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *skautjōn- .
        sheet n.被单;(一)张,(一)片,薄片;大片 , ( 1281 , skeud , _ )
      1. ←from a Scandinavian source akin to 古挪威语 skūta , mockery (< "shooting of words");
        scout n.侦察员,侦察机(舰)v.搜索,侦察 , ( 8676 , au₂ , _ )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 skūta , a taunt. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *skut- .
        shout v.大声叫,喊,呼出n.呼喊,叫 , ( 2335 , _ , _ )
    [Pokorny 2. (s)keud- 955.]
    ;...474, skrībʰ- 刻录写
    To cut, separate, sift. Extension of sker- ₁.
    1. ←from 拉丁语 scrībere , to scratch, incise, write.
      scribble v.潦草地写,乱写n.潦草写成的东西[T8] , ( 13436 , gerbʰ , scribe写 )
      scribe v.写下,记下[T9] , ( 18665 , ker₃ , scribe写 )
      script n.剧本(原稿);手稿,原稿;笔迹,手迹 , ( 3841 , ker₃ , scribe写 )
      →[oew]→ Scripture n.(大写)圣经;手稿;(大写)圣经的一句[T6]。 ( 11124 )
      scriptorium 缮写室,抄写室 , ( 61214 , )
      scripture n.(大写)圣经;手稿;(大写)圣经的一句[T6] , ( 11124 , ker₃ , scribe写 )
      serif 衬线 , ( 61376 , )
      shrive (神父)听忏悔,听告解 ; ( 61490 , )
      ascribe 写入vt.归因于,归咎于,归功于[T6] , ( 13889 , ker₃ , scribe写 )
      circumscribe 在周围划线:vt.限制[T8] , ( 21259 , ker₃ , scribe写 )
      conscript n.应征士兵vt.征召adj.被征召的[T8] , ( 22774 , ker₃ , scribe写 )
      describe v.描述,形容 , ( 698 , ker₃ , scribe写 )
      festschrift 纪念文集 , ( 54380 , )
      inscribe vt.题写,铭刻[T8] , ( 12774 , ker₃ , scribe写 )
      manuscript 手写的东西:n.手稿[T6] , ( 5540 , ker₃ , )
      postscript n.附言;又及[T8] , ( 17682 , ker₃ , scribe写 )
      prescribe v.指示,规定;处(方),开(药) , ( 6752 , ker₃ , scribe写 )
      →[oew]→ prescription n.药方;指示;惯例 adj.凭处方方可购买的[T3]。 ( 3991 )
      proscribe 禁止 , ( 60120 , )
      rescript 布告 , ( x )
      subscribe 在下面写(名字):v.签署,订阅,订购[T6] , ( 9271 , ker₃ , scribe写 )
      superscribe 写姓名住址 , ( x )
      transcribe vt.转录,抄写[T8] , ( 12469 , ker₃ , scribe写 )
    2. ←from 希腊语 skarīphos , scratching, sketch, pencil.
      scarify 划破皮肤 , ( 61132 , )
    [Pokorny 4. (s)ker-, Section II. 945.]
    description n.描写,形容;种类 (Lat,101861)
    descriptive adj.描述的,描写的[T9] (Lat,106882)
    transcript n.成绩单;抄本,副本;文字记录[T9] (Lat,107281)
    subscription n.捐献;订阅;订金;签署[T6] (Lat,107999)
    inscription n.题词;铭文;刻印[T8] (Lat,110086)
    transcription n.抄写;抄本;誊写[T9] (Lat,110422)
    nondescript adj.无可名状的,难以区别的,无特征的 n.无以名状,不属任何类型的人 (Lat,118985)
    scriptural adj.手稿的,圣经的,依据圣经的 (Lat,121187)
    descriptor n.描述符 (Lat,122199)
    conscription n.征兵,征用 (Lat,122329)
    scrivener n.公证人,代笔人 (Lat,134709)
    subscript adj.下标的,写在下方的,脚注的 n.下标,脚注,下角数码 (Lat,136960)
    proscriptive adj.剥夺人权的,放逐的 (Lat,145574)
    indescribable 难以描述的 (Lat,155960)
    prescriptive 规定的,规范的,指定的 (Lat,159992)
    proscription 禁止 (Lat,160121)
    superscript 写在正常字符上方的 (Lat,162443)
    ;...475, slēb- 弱困睡
    To be weak, sleep. Possibly related to slēg- , through a hypothetical base *slē- (< earlier *sleᵊ₁- ).

    sleep v.(slept,slept)睡n.睡眠 , ( 1035 , leb , _ ) ←from 古英语 slǣpan , to sleep, and slǣp , sleep, ←from 日耳曼语 *slēpan , *slēpaz .
    [In Pokorny lē̆b- 655.]
    ;...476, slēg- 松懒散 , Also lēg- .
    To be slack, be languid. Possibly related to slēb- through a hypothetical base *slē- (< earlier *sleᵊ₁- ). 零级形式 *slᵊg- , becoming *slag- .
    1. ←from 古英语 slæc , "loose," indolent, careless, ←from 日耳曼语 *slak- .
      slack n.松弛,静止,淡季,闲散,家常裤 adj.松弛的,不流畅的,疏忽的,软弱的,漏水的,呆滞的,懒散的 adv.马虎地,缓慢地 , ( 9229 , _ , _ )
    2. 带后缀形式: *lag-so- . ←from 拉丁语 laxus , loose, slack.
      lax adj.松的,松懈的,不严格的,腹泻的,松驰的 n.泻肚,[语]松元音 , ( 17238 , laks , lax放松 )
      lease vt.出租,租用n.租借,租期,租赁物 , ( 4762 , _ , lax放松 )
      lessor 出租人 ; ( 56893 , )
      relax v.(使)松驰,放松 , ( 2989 , _ , lax放松 )
      release v.释放,解放;发表,发行n.释放,豁免,放松 , ( 1155 , _ , lax放松 )
      relish n.意味 , ( 10386 , _ , _ )
    3. Suffixed nasalized form *la-n-g-u- . ←from 拉丁语 languēre , to be languid.
      laches 懈怠 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ lackadaisical 无精打采的。 ( 56681 )
      languid adj.倦怠的;呆滞的;软弱无力的[T8] , ( 23395 , leg₂ , _ )
      →[oew]→ languor 慵懒。 ( 56737 )
      languish vi.憔悴;凋萎;失去活力;苦思[T8] , ( 15756 , leg₂ , _ )
      lush a.茂盛的,丰富的 , ( 8137 , leg₂ , _ )
    4. Compound *lag-ous- , "with drooping ears" ( *ous- , ear; see ous- ). ←from 希腊语 lagōs , lagos , hare.
      lagomorph 兔形目动物 , ( x )
    5. 带后缀形式: *lag-no- . ←from 希腊语 lagnos , lustful, lascivious.
      algolagnia 性虐狂 , ( x )
    6. 基本形式: *slēg- . ←from 希腊语 lēgein , to leave off.
      catalectic x , ( x )
      →[oew]→ cataract 往下猛冲 : n.白内障,大瀑布,暴雨,洪水[T9]。 ( 19052 )
      →[oew]→ cataclysm 大灾难。 ( 52648 )
      →[oew]→ catacombs 地下墓穴。 ( 52649 )
      →[oew]→ catamaran 双体船。 ( 52653 )
    [Pokorny (s)lēg- 959.]
    delay v./n.耽搁,延迟 (Latin,102673)
    relaxation n.放松;缓和;消遣[T8] (Latin,106722)
    relay n.接力赛,中继转播(设备).vt.转述,转播 (Latin,109425)
    laxity n.松弛,散漫,(肠的)松动,泻肚 (Lat,129135)
    sublease vt.将…转租出去 n.转租 (Latin,137129)
    laxative 通便剂 (Latin,156801)
    relaxant 松弛药 (Latin,160618)
    disrelish (Latin,)
    laxation (Latin,)
    leasable (Latin,)
    ;...477, sleiᵊ- 深蓝
    1. o级形式 *sloi(ᵊ)- . ←from 古英语 slāh , slā , sloe (< "bluish fruit"), ←from 日耳曼语 *slaihwōn .
      sloe 黑刺李 , ( 61670 , )
    2. 零级形式 *slī- (缩减自: *sliᵊ- ).
      1. 带后缀形式: *slī-wo- . ←from 拉丁语 līvēre , to be bluish;
        lavender n.[植]熏衣草属,熏衣草花,淡紫色 adj.淡紫色的 vt.用熏衣草熏 , ( 8929 , lou , _ )
        livid adj.铅色的,(被打得)青紫色的 , ( 23989 , sli , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *slī-wā- . ←from Serbo-Croatian šljìva , plum.
        slivovitz x , ( x )
    [Pokorny (s)lī- 965.]
    livor (Lat,)
    ;...478, sleubʰ- 滑动
    To slide, slip.
    派生词包括: sleeve , lubricate , and slop.
    1. 基本形式: *sleubʰ- .
      1. ←from 古英语 slēf , slīf , slīef , sleeve (into which the arm slips), ←from 日耳曼语 *sleub- .
        sleeve n.袖子 , ( 5078 , _ , _ )
      2. ←from Middle 低地德语 slôven , to put on clothes carelessly, ←from 日耳曼语 *slaubjan .
        sloven 不整洁的人,邋遢鬼 , ( 61679 , )
      3. 带后缀形式: *sleubʰ-ro- . ←from 拉丁语 lūbricus , slippery.
        lubricate vi.润滑;涂油;起润滑剂作用vt.使…润滑;给…加润滑油[T6] , ( 29805 , sleubʰ , _ )
        →[oew]→ lubricant adj.润滑的 n.润滑剂;润滑油[T8]。 ( 19984 )
        lubricity 不稳定 , ( x )
        lubricious 光滑的,淫荡的,好色的 , ( 57207 , )
    2. Variant 日耳曼语 root form *sleup- .
        1. ←from 古英语 slypa , slyppe , slipa , slime, slimy substance;
          slip v.滑,滑倒;滑掉;溜走n.疏忽,小错,口误,笔误 ; ( 2019 , leb , _ )
          cowslip 野生报春花 , ( 53210 , )
          oxlip 樱草 , ( x )
        2. ←from 古英语 *sloppe , dung;
          slop 泥浆,泔水,剩饭菜 , ( 61673 , )
        3. ←from 古英语 (ofer)slop , surplice.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *slup- .
          slop 泥浆,泔水,剩饭菜 , ( 61673 , )
      1. ←from 中古荷兰语 slūpen , to glide.
        sloop 单桅帆船 , ( 61672 , )
    [Pokorny sleub(h)- 963.]
    ;...479, smei- 笑魔镜
    To laugh, smile.
    1. ←from 古英语 smercian , to smile (with -k- formative), ←from 日耳曼语 reshaped forms *smer- , *smar- .
      smirk v.傻笑 n.假笑 , ( 17065 , smell , _ )
    2. ←from 中古英语 smilen , to smile, ←from a Scandinavian source probably akin to Swedish smila , to smile, ←from 日耳曼语 扩展形式: *smīl- .
      smile n.微笑,笑容vi.微笑,露出笑容 , ( 972 , smei₁ , _ )
    3. 带后缀形式: *smei-ro- . ←from 拉丁语 mīrus , wonderful.
      marvel n.奇迹,(对……)感到惊奇[T6] , ( 11096 , smei₁ , mir惊讶 )
      miracle n.奇迹,令人惊奇的人(或事) , ( 3864 , smei₁ , mir惊讶 )
      →[oew]→ Miranda 米兰达原则。 ( 57919 )
      mirage n.海市蜃楼[T8] , ( 20661 , smei₁ , mir惊讶 )
      mirror n.镜子;反映,反射v.反映,反射 ; ( 1913 , smei₁ , mir惊讶 )
      admire vt.钦佩,赞赏,羡慕;称赞,夸奖 , ( 3799 , smei₁ , mir惊讶 )
      →[oew]→ admirable adj.令人钦佩的;极好的;值得赞扬的[T4]。 ( 10063 )
    4. Prefixed 零级形式 *ko(m)-smi- , smiling with ( *ko- , *kom- , together; see kom ). ←from 拉丁语 cōmis (< cosmis ), courteous.
      comity 礼让 , ( 29425 )
    [Pokorny 1. (s)mei- 967.]
    admiration n.钦佩;赞赏;羡慕;赞美[T6] (Lat,106824)
    marvelous adj.了不起的;非凡的;令人惊异的;不平常的[T4] (Latin,109448)
    miraculous adj.奇迹的,不可思议的[T8] (Lat,110979)
    admirability (Latin,)
    admirative (Latin,)
    mirative (Lat,)
    mirativity (Lat,)
    ;...480, (s)mer-₁ 记住
    To remember.
    1. Suffixed 零级形式 *mr̥-no- . ←from 古英语 murnan , to mourn, ←from 日耳曼语 *murnan , to remember sorrowfully.
      mourn v.哀悼,忧伤,服丧 , ( 9154 , smer , _ )
    2. Reduplicated form *me-mor- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 memor , mindful.
        memorable 能被记住的:adj.难忘的,值得纪念的[T9] , ( 6429 , _ , memor记忆 )
        memorandum 应记得之事n.备忘录,缩写为memo[T9] , ( 7738 , smer , memor记忆 )
        →[oew]→ memorize 变成记忆 : vt.记住,背熟[T9]。 ( 10980 )
        →[oew]→ memorabilia n.大事记 ( 14449 )
        →[oew]→ memoirs 0 ( 15488 )
        memory n.记忆,记忆力;回忆;存储(器) ; ( 896 , smer , memor记忆 )
        →[考研]→ memorial a.记忆的,纪念的 n.纪念物,纪念碑,纪念馆。 ( 5083 )
        commemorate 一起记忆:vt.纪念,庆祝[T8] , ( 10230 , _ , memor记忆 )
        remember v.记住;(to)转达问候,代…致意,代…问好 , ( 391 , smer , memor记忆 )
    [Pokorny (s)mer- 969.]
    memory n.记忆,记忆力;回忆;存储(器) (Lat,100896)
    memorial a.记忆的,纪念的n.纪念物,纪念碑,纪念馆 (Lat,105083)
    memorandum 应记得之事n.备忘录,缩写为memo[T9] (Lat,107738)
    memoir n.回忆录,自传[T8] (Lat,107858)
    remembrance n.回想,回忆,纪念品,记忆力[T9] (Lat,114824)
    commemoration n.纪念,庆典,纪念会[T9] (Lat,119455)
    commemorative adj.纪念的[T9] (Lat,120193)
    immemorial 远古的 (Lat,155841)
    memorability (Lat,)
    rememorate (Lat,)
    ;...481, (s)mer-₂ 分享用
    To get a share of something.
    1. Suffixed (stative) form *mer-ē- . ←from 拉丁语 merēre , merērī , to receive a share, deserve, serve.
      meretricious 妓女的,虚有其表的,金玉其外的 , ( 57692 , )
      →[oew]→ meritorious 有功绩的,值得赞扬的。 ( 57696 )
      merit n.优点,价值,功绩v.值得,应得 ; ( 4139 , smer , _ )
      demerit 缺点 , ( 53502 , )
      emeritus 不再挣钱谋生adj.退休的;名誉退休的[T9] , ( 14322 , smer , _ )
      turmeric 姜黄根粉 , ( 63307 , )
    2. 带后缀形式: *mer-o- . ←from 希腊语 meros (feminine meris ), a part, division.
      -mer x , ( x )
      -mere 仅仅是 , ( x )
      meristem 分生组织 , ( 44427 )
      mero- 部分 , ( x )
      -merous x ; ( x )
      allomerism x , ( x )
      dimer 二聚体 , ( 35533 )
      isomer 同核异能体,同质异能素 , ( 56239 , )
      monomer 单体 , ( 39422 )
      polymer n.聚合体 , ( 9045 , _ , _ )
      trimer 三聚物 , ( x )
    [In Pokorny (s)mer- 969.]
    telomere n.端粒(在染色体端位上的着丝点) (Greek,128168)
    enantiomer n.对映(结构)体,对映异构体 (Greek,135169)
    biopolymer n.生物高聚物 (Greek,149665)
    Moirai (Greek,)
    antimere (Greek,)
    antimeria (Greek,)
    decamer (Greek,)
    decamerous (Greek,)
    dimeric (Greek,)
    dimerism (Greek,)
    dimerous (Greek,)
    enneamer (Greek,)
    heptamer (Greek,)
    heterodimer (Greek,)
    heterotetramer (Greek,)
    hexamer (Greek,)
    homodimer (Greek,)
    homotetramer (Greek,)
    isomeric (Greek,)
    isomerism (Greek,)
    mereology (Greek,)
    merisis (Greek,)
    merism (Greek,)
    meristematic (Greek,)
    meristic (Greek,)
    meromorphic (Greek,)
    metamere (Greek,)
    metamerism (Greek,)
    monomeric (Greek,)
    octamer (Greek,)
    oligomer (Greek,)
    oligomeric (Greek,)
    pentamer (Greek,)
    pentamerous (Greek,)
    photopolymer (Greek,)
    phytomer (Greek,)
    tautomerism (Greek,)
    telomer (Greek,)
    tetramer (Greek,)
    tetrameric (Greek,)
    trimerize (Greek,)
    ;...482, snā- 游泳
    To swim. 最初形式: *sneh₂- , 变形 为: *snah₂- , becoming *snā- .
    1. 扩展形式: *snāgh- . ←from 希腊语 nēkhein , to swim.
      nekton 自游生物 , ( x )
    2. Suffixed 零级形式 *(s)nᵊ-to- . ←from 拉丁语 nāre , to swim, and frequentative natāre , to swim.
      natant 浮在水上的 , ( x )
      natation 游泳 , ( x )
      natatorial 游泳的 , ( x )
      natatorium 游泳池,游泳场 ; ( 58344 , )
      supernatant 上层清液 , ( 43666 )
    3. ←from 希腊语 nēsos , island, attributed by some to this root (but more likely obscure).
      chersonese 半岛 , ( x )
    [Pokorny snā- 971.]
    See also extension (s)nāu- .
    ;...483, (s)nāu- 吮营养
    To swim, flow, let flow, whence suckle. 最初形式: *sneh₂u- ; 变形 为: *snah₂u- , becoming *(s)nāu- . Extension of snā- .
    1. Suffixed 基本形式: *nāw-yo- . ←from 希腊语 Naias , fountain nymph, probably from nān , to flow.
      naiad 水泽仙女 , ( 58301 , )
    2. Variant root form *(s)neu(ᵊ)- . ←from 希腊语 nein , to swim.
      neuston 漂浮生物 , ( x )
    3. 零级形式 *(s)nū- (< *snuᵊ- ) in 带后缀形式: *nū-trī (with feminine agent suffix) ←from 拉丁语 nūtrīx , nurse, and nūtrīre , to suckle, nourish.
      nourish v.提供养分,养育,怀有(希望,仇恨等) , ( 13164 , sna₃ , _ )
      nurse n.护士,保姆v.护理,看护 , ( 1964 , sna₃ , _ )
      →[考研]→ nursery n.托儿所。 ( 5179 )
      nurture vt.养育;鼓励;培植n.养育;教养;营养物[T8] , ( 7606 , sna₃ , _ )
      nutrient n.营养物;滋养物adj.营养的;滋养的[T8] , ( 6267 , sna₃ , nutri滋养 )
      →[oew]→ nutrition n.营养,营养学;营养品[T8]。 ( 6034 )
      nutrify x , ( x )
      nutriment 营养品,养料 , ( 58641 , )
      nutriition n.营养,滋养;营养品;营养学;食物 , ( x )
      nutritious adj.有营养的,滋养的[T9] , ( 15177 , sna₃ , nutri滋养 )
      nutritive 营养 , ( 37152 )
    [In Pokorny snā- 971.]
    nutritional a.营养的,滋养的 (Lat,108099)
    malnutrition n.营养失调,营养不良 (Lat,117261)
    nourishment n.食物;营养品;滋养品[T6] (Lat,119168)
    nurturance n.养育,培养 (Lat,126014)
    malnourishment (Lat,140562)
    innutrition (Lat,)
    malnourish (Lat,)
    nonnutritional (Lat,)
    ;...484, (s)nē- 旋转缝 , Also nē- .
    To spin, sew. 最初形式: *(s)neh₁- , becoming *(s)nē- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *nē-tlā- . ←from 古英语 nǣdl , needle, ←from 日耳曼语 *nēthlō .
      needle n.针,指针,针状物 , ( 4208 , netr , _ )
    2. 带后缀形式: *snē-mn̥ . ←from 希腊语 nēma , thread.
      nemato- x ; ( x )
      aglaonema x , ( x )
      axoneme 基因丝 , ( x )
      chromonema 染色线 , ( x )
      protonema 原丝体 , ( x )
      synaptinemalcomplex x , ( x )
      treponema 密螺旋体属 , ( x )
    3. Suffixed o级形式 *snō-tā- . ←from 古英语 snōd , headband, ←from 日耳曼语 *snōdō .
      snood 束发网 , ( 61751 , )
    [Pokorny (s)nē- 973.]
    nematode 线虫 (Greek,158409)
    diplonema (Greek,)
    leptonema (Greek,)
    nematocyst (Greek,)
    nematocyte (Greek,)
    nematology (Greek,)
    pachynema (Greek,)
    synnema (Greek,)
    zygonema (Greek,)
    ;...485, sneigʷh- 下雪
    Snow; to snow.
    1. Suffixed o级形式 *snoigʷh-o- . ←from 古英语 snāw- , snow, ←from 日耳曼语 *snaiwaz .
      snow n.雪,下雪vi.下雪;如雪一般地落下 , ( 1852 , sneiguh , _ )
      →[考研]→ snowstorm n.暴风雪 ( 16275 )
    2. 零级形式 *snigʷh- . ←from 拉丁语 nix , snow.
      névé x , ( x )
      nival 多雪的 , ( x )
      niveous 纯白的 , ( x )
    [Pokorny sneigu̯h- 974.]
    Nevada (Latin,)
    nivation (Latin,)
    niveus (Latin,)
    subnival (Latin,)
    subnivean (Latin,)
    ;...486, (s)neᵊu- 肌腱
    Tendon, sinew. 最初形式: *sneᵊ₁u- . Extension of (s)nē- . 带后缀形式: *(s)neᵊw-r̥- , with further suffixes.
    1. *neu-r-o- . ←from 希腊语 neuron , sinew;
      neuro- 神经- , ( x )
      neuron n.神经元,神经单位[T9] , ( 13925 , netr , _ )
      neurula 神经胚 ; ( x )
      aponeurosis 腱膜 , ( x )
    2. metathesized form *nerwo- . ←from 拉丁语 nervus , sinew.
      nerve n.神经;勇敢,胆量 ; ( 3497 , netr , _ )
      →[考研]→ nervous a.神经的;神经过敏的,紧张不安的。 ( 2312 )
      enervate 使衰弱 , ( 54076 , )
    [Pokorny snēu- 977.]
    innervation n.神经分布,神经支配,运动感觉,动感 (Latin,136986)
    innervate vt.使受神经支配,促使(器官、肌肉等的)活动 (Latin,138856)
    enervation (Latin,)
    enervative (Latin,)
    nerval (Latin,)
    nervate (Latin,)
    nervose (Latin,)
    nervosity (Latin,)
    reinnervation (Latin,)
    trinervate (Latin,)
    neural adj.神经的;神经系统的;背的;神经中枢的[T9] (Greek,109779)
    neurotic adj.神经过敏的;神经病的n.神经病患者;神经过敏者[T9] (Greek,114651)
    neurologist n.神经病学家;神经科专门医师[T9] (Greek,117747)
    neurosurgeon n.神经外科医生 (Greek,122559)
    neuroticism n.神经过敏症 (Greek,126128)
    neurologic 神经病学的 (Greek,126793)
    neuropathy n.神经病 (Greek,127474)
    neurosurgery n.神经外科 (Greek,127508)
    neuropathic adj.神经病的,神经性的 (Greek,136689)
    neuroendocrine adj.神经内分泌的 (Greek,139685)
    neuritis n.神经炎 (Greek,145326)
    neurasthenia 神经衰弱 (Greek,158440)
    neurology 神经学 (Greek,158442)
    neurosis 神经官能症,神经过敏 (Greek,158444)
    endoneurium (Greek,)
    epineurium (Greek,)
    neurapraxia (Greek,)
    neuroblast (Greek,)
    neuroblastoma (Greek,)
    neurocranium (Greek,)
    neurocyte (Greek,)
    neuroendocrinology (Greek,)
    neuromorphology (Greek,)
    neurone (Greek,)
    neuropathology (Greek,)
    neuroplastic (Greek,)
    perineurium (Greek,)
    polyneuropathy (Greek,)
    ;...487, so- 兹此斯
    This, that (nominative). For other cases see to- .
    1. ←from Late 古英语 the , masculine demonstrative pronoun, replacing se (with th- ←from oblique forms; see to- ).
      the art.这(那)个;这(那)些(指特定的人或物) , ( 1 , t , _ )
    2. ←from 希腊语 ho , the.
      hoipolloi 大众 , ( x )
    3. Feminine form *syā- . ←from 古英语 sēo , sīe , she, ←from 日耳曼语 *sjō .
      she pron.(主格)她 , ( 29 , sos , _ )
    4. Compound 变化形式*sei-ke ( *-ke ,"this"; see ko- ). ←from 拉丁语 sīc , thus, so, in that manner.
      sic adv.[拉]原文如此(置括号中,表示前面所引的文字虽有错误或疑问,却是原文) , ( 10904 , ko , _ )
    [Pokorny so(s) 978.]
    ;...488, sol- 囫囵全 , Also solᵊ- .
    Whole. (最初形式: *solh₂- ).
    派生词包括: solid , catholic , and salvo.
    1. 基本形式: *sol- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *sol-ido- . ←from 拉丁语 solidus , solid.
        solder 焊接,焊合 , ( 61794 , )
        soldier n.士兵,军人 , ( 1311 , solo , _ )
        solid a.固体的;结实的,稳固的,可靠的n.固体 , ( 2087 , solo , sol独特 )
        sou 一点钱,一文钱 ; ( 61851 , )
        consolidate 一起凝固:v.巩固,加强,使固定[T6] , ( 8372 , kom , sol独特 )
      2. 带后缀形式: *sol-wo- . ←from 希腊语 holos , whole.
        holo- 整个的,整体的 ; ( 55505 , )
        catholic 包容一切的天主教的,罗马公教的n.天主教徒[T8] , ( 1862 , kat , _ )
      3. Dialectal geminated form *soll-o- .
        1. ←from 拉丁语 sollus , whole, entire, unbroken;
          solicit 全身心地呼唤:v.征求,招揽,恳求,请求[T8] , ( 10993 , kel₁ , )
          solicitous 焦急的,操心的,关心的,关切的 ; ( 61799 , )
          insouciant 无忧无虑的 , ( 56094 , )
        2. ←from 拉丁语 sollemnis (second element obscure), celebrated at fixed dates (said of religious rites), established, religious, solemn.
          solemn a.庄严的,隆重的;严肃的 , ( 9350 , solo , sol独特 )
          →[考研]→ solidarity n.团结,团结一致[T6]。 ( 6003 )
    2. 变化形式*solᵊ- .
      1. Suffixed 零级形式 sl̥ᵊ-u- giving *sal-u- . ←from 拉丁语 salūs , health, a whole or sound condition.
        salubrious 清爽的,有益健康的,适宜人居的 , ( 61011 , )
        salutary 有益处的,有益健康的 , ( 61013 , )
        salute (祝您)健康:n.致敬,欢迎;敬礼vt.行礼致敬,欢迎vi.致意,打招呼;行礼[T3] , ( 10582 , sal₁ , sal健全 )
        →[考研]→ salvation n.拯救,救助[T9]。 ( 5839 )
      2. Suffixed 零级形式 *sl̥ᵊ-wo- giving *sala-wo- . ←from 拉丁语 salvus , whole, safe, healthy, uninjured.
        safe a.安全的,牢靠的;谨慎的,可靠的n.保险箱 , ( 1063 , solo , _ )
        →[考研]→ safeguard n.保护;保卫;保护措施 vt.保护,护卫[T6]。 ( 9467 )
        →[考研]→ safety n.安全,保险;安全设备,保险装置。 ( 1046 )
        sage n.圣人;贤人;哲人adj.明智的;贤明的;审慎的[T8] , ( 9705 , sal₁ , _ )
        salvage n.打捞;海上救助;抢救财货;救难的奖金vt.抢救;海上救助[T8] , ( 12530 , sal₁ , _ )
        salvo 齐射,齐鸣,齐投 , ( 61017 , )
        salvo 齐射,齐鸣,齐投 , ( 61017 , )
        save v.救,拯救;储蓄,贮存;节省 , ( 774 , sal₁ , _ )
        →[考研]→ saving n.挽救,救助,节约,储蓄;(pl.)储蓄金,存款。 ( 2332 )
        →[oew]→ savage adj.野蛮的,未开化的,凶猛的,残忍的 vt.用暴力对付 n.原始的人,粗鲁的人 ( 8362 )
        →[oew]→ savior n.救世主;救星;救助者[T9]。 ( 14305 )
        save v.救,拯救;储蓄,贮存;节省 , ( 774 , sal₁ , _ )
    [Pokorny solo- 979.]
    solidification n.凝固 (Lat,140042)
    soldiery n.军人 (Lat,144896)
    salubrity 有益健康 (Latin,161012)
    salve 油膏,药膏,软膏 (Latin,161015)
    solidity 固态,坚固性 (Lat,161801)
    solidus 古罗马金币 (Lat,161802)
    nonsolid (Lat,)
    quasisolid (Lat,)
    semisolid (Lat,)
    sol (Lat,)
    soldo (Lat,)
    solidary (Lat,)
    ;...489, spē- 喷薄
    To thrive, prosper. 最初形式: *speh₁- , becoming *spē- .
    1. Suffixed o级形式 *spō-ti- . ←from 古英语 spēd , success, ←from 日耳曼语 *spōdiz .
      speed n.速度,快v.迅速,前进,急行;加速,使加速 ; ( 1231 , sphei₁ , _ )
      Godspeed 祝成功 , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式: *spē-s- . ←from 拉丁语 spērāre , to hope, denominative of spēs (plural spērēs ), hope.
      despair n.绝望;失望;令人失望的人(事物)v.绝望 , ( 5380 , per₅ , sper希望 )
      →[oew]→ desperate a.不顾一切的,铤而走险的;绝望的,危急的。 ( 3026 )
      esperance 埃斯佩兰斯 , ( x )
    3. Suffixed 零级形式 *spᵊ-ro- . ←from 拉丁语 prosperus , favorable, prosperous (traditionally regarded as from prō spērē , according to one's hope; prō , according to; see per ₁).
      prosper 符合希望:vi.繁荣,昌盛;成功vt.使成功;使昌盛;使繁荣[T9] , ( 11439 , per₅ , sper希望 )
      →[考研]→ prosperity n.繁荣,兴旺。 ( 5056 )
      →[考研]→ prosperous a.繁荣的,兴旺的,茂盛的,顺利的。 ( 7487 )
    [Pokorny 3. sp(h)ē(i)- 983.]
    desperation n.绝望的境地;不顾一切拼命[T9] (Lat,108397)
    desperado 亡命之徒 (Lat,153564)
    ;...490, spek- 看探测
    To observe. 最初形式: *spek̑- , becoming *spek- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    派生词包括: espionage , spectrum , despise , suspect , despicable , bishop , and telescope.
    1. 基本形式: *spek- .
        1. ←from 古法语 espier , to watch;
          espy 看到,注意到 , ( 54173 , )
          spy n.间谍v.当间谍,刺探;察觉,发现 , ( 5666 , spek , spec看见 )
          →[考研]→ spicy adj.辛辣的,香的,多香料的,下流的[T9]。 ( 10353 )
          →[考研]→ spite n.恶意;怨恨。 ( 5331 )
        2. ←from Old 意大利语 spione , spy, ←from 日耳曼语 derivative *speh-ōn- , watcher. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *spehōn .
          espionage 窥探:n.间谍;间谍活动;刺探[T8] , ( 14829 , spek , spec看见 )
      1. 带后缀形式: *spek-yo- . ←from 拉丁语 specere , to look at.
        specimen n.标本,样本 , ( 5902 , spek , spec看见 )
        spectacle 看到的:n.景象,场面,奇观,壮观,公开展示[T4] , ( 6743 , spek , spec看见 )
        spectrum 能见之表象:n.光谱,频谱,范围,余象[T6] , ( 4066 , spek , spec看见 )
        speculate vi.思索;推测vt.投机;思索,推测 , ( 6128 , spek , spec看见 )
        speculum 窥器,张开器 , ( 61919 , )
        spice 某种(可调味的)物质:n.香料,调味品,情趣vt.加香料于,使增添情趣[T6] ; ( 7193 , spek , spec看见 )
        aspect n.样子,外表,面貌,(问题等的)方面 , ( 1395 , spek , spec看见 )
        circumspect 小心谨慎的 , ( 52874 , )
        conspicuous 能看见的:adj.显而易见的,显著的[T8] , ( 8342 , spek , spec看见 )
        despise 看低vt.鄙视,轻视[T4] , ( 12179 , spek , spec看见 )
        →[考研]→ despite prep.不管,不顾。 ( 697 )
        exspect vt.期望;预料;要求;认为(某事)会发生vi.预期;期待;怀胎;怀孕 , ( x )
        frontispiece 卷首插图 , ( 54645 , )
        inspect vt.检查,调查,视察 , ( 6148 , spek , spec看见 )
        introspect 反省 , ( x )
        perspective n.透视画法,透视图;远景,前途;观点,看法 , ( 1586 , spek , spec看见 )
        perspicacious 敏锐的 , ( 59385 , )
        prospect n.景色;前景,前途,展望 , ( 2304 , spek , spec看见 )
        →[考研]→ prospective adj.预期的,未来的 n.预期,展望[T9]。 ( 5228 )
        →[oew]→ prospectus n.内容说明书,样张 ( 15889 )
        respect n./v.尊敬,尊重n.敬意,问候,关系,方面 , ( 1432 , spek , spec看见 )
        →[考研]→ respective a.各自的,各个的。 ( 5434 )
        respite n.暂缓 v.暂缓 , ( 13129 , spek , _ )
        retrospect n.v.回顾,回想,追溯[T9] , ( 9214 , _ , spec看见 )
        spiegeleisen 镜铁 , ( x )
        susspect vt.猜疑(是);怀疑,不信任;怀疑…有罪n.嫌疑犯vi.怀疑 , ( x )
        transpicuous 明白易懂的 , ( x )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 speciēs , a seeing, sight, form.
        species n.(物)种,种类 , ( 978 , spek , spec看见 )
        →[考研]→ special a.特殊的,专门的;附加的,额外的。 ( 441 )
        →[考研]→ specialist n.专家。 ( 2250 )
        →[考研]→ speciality n.专业,专长;特性[T4]。 ( 14815 )
        →[考研]→ specialize v.(specialise)(in)专攻,专门研究,专业化。 ( 5294 )
        →[考研]→ specific a.明确的,具体的;特定的,特有的。 ( 828 )
        →[考研]→ specification n.规格;说明书;详述[T6]。 ( 6401 )
        →[考研]→ specify v.指定,详细说明。 ( 4788 )
        →[考研]→ spectacular a.壮观的,引人注目的 n.壮观的演出。 ( 4083 )
        →[考研]→ spectator n.观众[T6]。 ( 6084 )
        →[oew]→ spectacles 0 ( 14683 )
        →[oew]→ specter 鬼,幽灵,恐惧,恐慌。 ( 61915 )
        →[oew]→ spectroscopy 光谱学,光谱术。 ( 61918 )
        specious 徒有其表的,华而不实的,似是而非的 ; ( 61911 , )
        especial adj.特别的,特殊的 , ( 7359 , spek , spec看见 )
      3. 带后缀形式: *spek-s , "he who sees," in 拉丁语 compounds.
        1. 拉丁语 extispex (see sek- );
        2. 拉丁语 haruspex (see gherᵊ- );
        3. 拉丁语 auspex (see awi- ).
      4. 带后缀形式: *spek-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 (denominative) dēspicārī , to despise, look down on ( dē- , down; see de- ).
        despicable adj.可鄙的,卑劣的[T8] , ( 21124 , _ , spec看见 )
      5. Suffixed metathetical form *skep-yo- . ←from 希腊语 skeptesthai , to examine, consider.
        skeptic n.怀疑者;怀疑论者;无神论者adj.怀疑性的 , ( 12416 , spek , _ )
    2. Extended o级形式 *spoko- . ←from metathesized 希腊语 skopos , one who watches, also object of attention, goal, and its denominative skopein (< *skop-eyo- ), to see.
      scope n.(活动)范围;机会,余地 , ( 2732 , spek , spec看见 )
      →[oew]→ scopophilia 偷窥癖,窥阴癖。 ( 61183 )
      -scope 范围 , ( x )
      -scopy x ; ( x )
      bishop n.主教 , ( 2718 , sap , _ )
      episcopal 0 , ( 9744 , spek , _ )
      horoscope 星象,占星术 , ( 55584 , )
      telescope n.望远镜v.缩短,压缩 , ( 3424 , ker₁ , )
      →[oew]→ telegraph n.电报机,电报 v.打电报,发电报。 ( 8609 )
    [Pokorny spek̑- 984.]
    expect v.预期;期望,指望 (Lat,100452)
    expectation n.预期,期望,指望 (Lat,102231)
    suspect v.猜想;怀疑;察觉a.可疑的n.嫌疑犯 (Latin,102263)
    inspector n.视察者,检查员,巡视员[T6] (Lat,103208)
    inspection n.视察,检查[T4] (Lat,103516)
    suspicion n.怀疑,猜疑;一点儿,少量 (Latin,104027)
    speculation n.推测,思索,投机[T9] (Lat,104533)
    suspicious adj.可疑的,怀疑的,多疑的[T6] (Latin,104713)
    respectable adj.可敬的,值得尊敬的n.可敬的人[T6] (Lat,106591)
    expectancy n.期望,期待[T9] (Lat,107879)
    speculative adj.投机的;推测的;思索性的[T8] (Lat,109261)
    retrospective adj.回顾的;怀旧的;可追溯的n.回顾展[T9] (Lat,109592)
    specificity n.特异性;特征;专一性[T9] (Lat,110337)
    respectability n.可尊敬之人或物,值得尊敬之性质或状态 (Latin,113953)
    spectral adj.光谱的;幽灵的;鬼怪的[T8] (Lat,115655)
    irrespective adj.不顾的,不考虑的,无关的 (Lat,116909)
    auspice 观鸟→占卜→吉兆:n.赞助,主办,吉兆[T8] (Latin,116926)
    auspices n.由...主办及赞助 (Lat,117383)
    disrespect n.失礼,无礼 vt.不尊敬,不尊重 (Lat,118335)
    speculator n.投机者,思索家 (Lat,118890)
    expectant adj.期待的;怀孕的;预期中的n.期待者,候选人[T9] (Lat,121289)
    introspective adj.内省的;反省的[T8] (Lat,122538)
    prospector n.探勘者,采矿者 (Lat,122600)
    subspecies n.(动植物的)亚种 (Lat,122606)
    introspection n.内省,反省[T9] (Lat,122648)
    circumspection n.细心,慎重 (Lat,128605)
    spectre n.鬼怪,幽灵,缠绕心头的恐惧,凶兆 (Latin,128851)
    speciation n.物种形成 (Lat,129678)
    interspecific adj.中间的,种间的 (Lat,135265)
    specie n.硬币,铸币 (Latin,137448)
    specular adj.镜的,窥器的,用窥器(检查)的,镜子似的 (Lat,139624)
    intraspecific adj.种内的 (Latin,140136)
    multispectral adj.多谱线的,多谱段的,多光谱 (Latin,141054)
    retrospection n.回顾,回想,追溯 (Lat,145399)
    conspecific adj.(植物、动物)同种的 (Lat,147451)
    spectatorial <美>能吸引观众的,观看用的,运动的,华美的 (Latin,148946)
    auspicious 吉祥的 (Lat,151941)
    inauspicious 不吉祥的 (Lat,155906)
    inconspicuous 不起眼的 (Lat,155935)
    auspicate (Latin,)
    biaspectual (Latin,)
    bispecific (Latin,)
    bispecificity (Latin,)
    conspecificity (Latin,)
    despection (Latin,)
    despiciency (Latin,)
    disrespectable (Latin,)
    infraspecific (Latin,)
    inspeximus (Latin,)
    interspecies (Latin,)
    intraspecies (Latin,)
    multispecific (Latin,)
    multispecificity (Latin,)
    prospicience (Latin,)
    prospicient (Latin,)
    reinspect (Latin,)
    respectant (Latin,)
    spectacularity (Latin,)
    spectant (Latin,)
    spectation (Latin,)
    subspeciality (Latin,)
    trispecific (Latin,)
    unispecific (Latin,)
    unispecificity (Latin,)
    aspectual (Lat,)
    brspecie (Lat,)
    circumspective (Lat,)
    conspectus (Lat,)
    incircumspect (Lat,)
    nonspecific (Lat,)
    perspicuity (Lat,)
    perspicuous (Lat,)
    speciosity (Lat,)
    speculatory (Lat,)
    microscope n.显微镜 (Greek,108379)
    microscopic a.显微镜的,极小的 (Greek,111352)
    stethoscope n.听诊器vt.用听诊器诊断[T8] (Greek,122639)
    endoscopic adj.内窥镜的,内窥镜检查的 (Greek,122659)
    telescopic a.望远镜的,[眼科]远视的 (Greek,123439)
    macroscopic adj.肉眼可见的,宏观的 (Greek,126147)
    endoscopy n.内镜检查术 (Greek,126798)
    endoscope 内窥镜 (Greek,154071)
    kaleidoscope 万花筒 (Greek,156477)
    periscope 潜望镜 (Greek,159361)
    stereoscopic 立体效果的 (Greek,162154)
    Abroscopus (Greek,)
    Telescopium (Greek,)
    diascopic (Greek,)
    diascopy (Greek,)
    epidiascope (Greek,)
    episcope (Greek,)
    episcopic (Greek,)
    gastroscopy (Greek,)
    panendoscopy (Greek,)
    periscopic (Greek,)
    scopophobia (Greek,)
    stereoscopy (Greek,)
    ;...491, (s)pen- 拽旋
    To draw, stretch, spin.
    派生词包括: spider , pansy , pendant ₁, appendix , penthouse , and spontaneous.
    1. 基本形式: *spen- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *spen-wo- .
        1. ←from 古英语 spinnan , to spin, and spīthra , spider, 缩减自: 日耳曼语 derivative *spin-thrōn- , "the spinner";
          spider n.蜘蛛 , ( 6407 , pend , _ )
          spin v.旋转;纺纱;织网,吐丝n.旋转;自转 , ( 3384 , pend , _ )
        2. ←from 古英语 spinel , spindle, ←from 日耳曼语 derivative *spin-ilōn- . Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *spinnan , to spin.
          spindle n.锭子,纺锤,细长的人(或物),轴,杆,心轴 v.长得细长,装锭子于 adj.锭子的,锭子似的 , ( 22481 , pend , _ )
      2. 扩展形式: *pend- . ←from 拉丁语 pendēre , to hang (intransitive), and pendere , to cause to hang, weigh, with its frequentative pēnsāre , to weigh, consider.
        painter n.漆工,画家 , ( 3674 , pend , _ )
        pansy 三色堇,娘娘腔 , ( 59096 , )
        penchant 受重力而倾向:n.嗜好,倾向[T8] , ( 15461 , pend , _ )
        →[oew]→ pending 悬而未决的 : adj.待定的[T8]。 ( 7157 )
        pendant 挂着的(东西):n.下垂物,垂饰,吊坠[T9] , ( 17312 , pend , _ )
        pendentive 穹隅 , ( x )
        pendulous 摇摆的 , ( 59302 , )
        pendulum 悬挂的小东西:n.钟摆[T6] , ( 15759 , pend , pend悬挂 )
        pensile 悬挂 , ( x )
        pension n.养老金,抚恤金 , ( 2794 , pend , pend悬挂 )
        pensive 反复考虑:adj.沉思的,忧郁的,哀愁的[T8] , ( 23299 , pend , pend悬挂 )
        peso 比索(拉美国家货币单位) , ( 59395 , )
        poise 悬着v.(使)平衡,准备好,悬着,保持……姿势n.姿势,平衡,镇静[T8] ; ( 8968 , pend , pend悬挂 )
        antependium 桌布 , ( x )
        append 附加 , ( 51814 , )
        appendix n.附录;阑尾;附加物[T6] , ( 6945 , kel₄ , pend悬挂 )
        avoirdupois 常衡 , ( 51960 , )
        compendium 放在一起考虑的东西:n.纲要,概略[T8] , ( 22985 , pend , pend悬挂 )
        compensate v.(for)补偿,赔偿 , ( 5548 , pend , pend悬挂 )
        →[考研]→ compensation n.补偿(或赔偿)的款物;补偿,赔偿。 ( 3231 )
        counterpoise 平衡 , ( 47211 )
        depend v.(on)取决于,依靠,信赖,相信 , ( 1514 , pend , pend悬挂 )
        →[考研]→ dependent a.依靠的,依赖的,从属的;随…而定的。 ( 2631 )
        →[oew]→ depending v.依靠( depend的现在分词 ),依赖,信赖,决定于 ( 3986 )
        dispense 分发出去:v.分发,分配;豁免,免除[T8] , ( 10284 , pend , pend悬挂 )
        expend 支付出去:vt.花费,消耗,耗尽[T6] , ( 13656 , pend , pend悬挂 )
        →[考研]→ expenditure n.支出,花费;经费,消费额[T6]。 ( 2793 )
        impend 即将发生 , ( x )
        penthouse n.小棚屋,雨篷 , ( 18643 , kueit , _ )
        perpend 慎重考虑 , ( x )
        perpendicular 完全垂下的小东西(即铅垂)的:adj.垂直的,正交的,n.垂线,垂直的位置[T6] , ( 17840 , pend , pend悬挂 )
        prepense 有计划的 , ( x )
        propend 倾向于 , ( x )
        recompense 弥补,赔偿 , ( 60516 , )
        stipend n.薪金,定期生活津贴 , ( 19505 , pend , _ )
        suspend v.悬(浮),挂;暂停,取消;推迟 , ( 4970 , pend , pend悬挂 )
        vilipend 轻视 , ( x )
      3. Perhaps 带后缀形式: *pen-yā- . ←from 希腊语 peniā , lack, poverty (< "a strain, exhaustion").
        -penia x , ( x )
      4. ←from 希腊语 ponos , toil, and ponein , to toil, o级 derivatives of penesthai , to toil.
        geoponic 田园的 , ( x )
        lithopone 锌钡白 , ( x )
    2. o级形式s *spon- , *pon- .
        1. ←from 中古荷兰语 spannen , to bind;
          span n.跨度,跨距 , ( 6277 , pend , _ )
          spancel 拴牛绳 , ( x )
        2. ←from 高地德语 spannan , to stretch. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *spannan .
          spanner 扳手,扳钳 , ( 61892 , )
      1. ←from 古英语 span(n) , distance, ←from 日耳曼语 *spanno- .
        span n.跨度,跨距 , ( 6277 , pend , _ )
      2. Perhaps 日耳曼语 *spangō . ←from 中古荷兰语 spange , clasp.
        spangle 闪光金属片 , ( 61887 , )
      3. Suffixed and 扩展形式: *pond-o- . ←from 拉丁语 pondō , by weight.
        pound n.磅;英镑v.(连续)猛击,(猛烈)敲打,捣碎 , ( 1400 , bend , _ )
      4. Suffixed and 扩展形式: *pond-es- . ←from 拉丁语 pondus (stem ponder- ), weight, and its denominative ponderāre , to weigh, ponder.
        ponder v.考虑,沉思,衡量[T6] , ( 8375 , pend , pend悬挂 )
        ponderous 缓慢的,笨重的 ; ( 59819 , )
        equiponderate 重量相等 , ( x )
        preponderate 在重量上超过,胜过,压倒 , ( 59980 , )
      5. Suffixed o级形式 *spon-t- . ←from 拉丁语 sponte , of one's own accord, spontaneously (but this is more likely related to the 日耳曼语 verb *spanan , to entice, ←from a homophonous root).
        spontaneous a.自发的,自然产生的 , ( 6405 , pend , _ )
    [Pokorny (s)pen-(d-) 988.]
    independent a.(of)独立的,自主的 (Lat,101020)
    pound n.磅;英镑v.(连续)猛击,(猛烈)敲打,捣碎 (Lat,101400)
    independence n.独立,自主 (Lat,102042)
    expense n.花费,消费,消耗 (Lat,102163)
    dependency n.属国;从属;从属物[T9] (Lat,107341)
    propensity 往前垂:n.倾向,习性,癖好[T8] (Lat,111980)
    suspense n.悬念;悬疑;焦虑;悬而不决[T8] (Lat,116167)
    dependable adj.可靠的,可信赖的;可信任的[T9] (Lat,116459)
    compensatory adj.补偿的,赔偿的[T8] (Lat,117779)
    interdependent a.相互依赖的,互助的 (Lat,118394)
    preponderance n.优势;多数;占优势[T9] (Lat,119970)
    ponderosa (tree)美国黄松; 美国黄松木 (Lat,122330)
    pendency n.垂下,悬垂,悬而未决 (Lat,150114)
    codependency 互为依赖 (Lat,152957)
    dispensation 豁免,分配 (Lat,153713)
    imponderable 难以估量的 (Lat,155874)
    codependent (Lat,)
    compendious (Lat,)
    impendency (Lat,)
    impendent (Lat,)
    lispendens (Lat,)
    pendent (Lat,)
    pendentelite (Lat,)
    pensative (Lat,)
    ponderable (Lat,)
    ponderance (Lat,)
    ponderation (Lat,)
    ponderosity (Lat,)
    propendency (Lat,)
    propendent (Lat,)
    propense (Lat,)
    propension (Lat,)
    ;...492, spend- 祭匹配
    To make an offering, perform a rite, hence to engage oneself by a ritual act. o级 from *spond- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *spond-eyo- . ←from 拉丁语 spondēre , to make a solemn promise, pledge, betroth.
      sponsor n.发起人,主力者,保证人v.发起,主办 , ( 4196 , spend₁ , spond约定 )
      spouse n.配偶(指夫或妻) ; ( 4593 , spend₁ , _ )
      despond 深渊 , ( x )
      espouse vt.支持;嫁娶;赞成;信奉[T8] , ( 13695 , spend₁ , _ )
      respond v.回答,响应,作出反应 , ( 1144 , spend₁ , spond约定 )
      →[oew]→ respondent 回答的;应答的 n.被告;应答者[T8]。 ( 3017 )
    2. 带后缀形式: *spond-ā- . ←from 希腊语 spondē , libation, offering.
      spondee 诗歌的扬扬格 , ( 61997 , )
    [Pokorny spend- 989.]
    response n.回答,响应,反应 (Lat,100748)
    responsibility n.责任,责任心;职责,任务 (Lat,100956)
    responsible a.(for,to)应负责的;可靠的;责任重大的 (Lat,101161)
    correspondent n.记者,通讯员;通信者 (Lat,103035)
    correspond v.通信,(with)符合,一致;(to)相当于,对应 (Lat,103267)
    correspondence n.通信,信件;(with)符合;(to)相当于,对应 (Lat,105315)
    responsive adj.响应的;应答的;回答的[T8] (Lat,107532)
    irresponsible a.不负责任的,不可靠的 (Lat,108552)
    spousal n.婚礼;结婚仪式adj.结婚的[T9] (Lat,121780)
    despondent adj.沮丧的;失望的[T8] (Lat,123918)
    irresponsibility n.不负责任,不承担责任 (Latin,124208)
    despondency n.失去勇气,失望 (Lat,129881)
    espousal n.支持,拥护,<古>结婚,订婚 (Lat,136613)
    riposte 反应,反驳 (Latin,160812)
    corresponsive (Latin,)
    cosponsor (Latin,)
    desponsage (Latin,)
    desponsate (Latin,)
    desponsation (Latin,)
    disespouse (Latin,)
    interspousal (Latin,)
    irresponsive (Latin,)
    respondee (Latin,)
    responsion (Latin,)
    responsivity (Latin,)
    espousage (Lat,)
    nonresponsive (Lat,)
    respondence (Lat,)
    sponsal (Lat,)
    sponsion (Lat,)
    sponsional (Lat,)
    ;...493, sper- 撒播
    To strew.
    派生词包括: sprawl , sperm ₁, and sporadic.
    1. 零级形式 *spr- .
      1. ←from 古英语 sprēawlian , to sprawl, ←from 日耳曼语 *spr- .
        sprawl v.伸开,扩张,蔓延 , ( 12650 , spher₁ , _ )
      2. 扩展形式: *spreud- .
        1. ←from 古英语 -sprūtan , to sprout (only in ā-sprūtan , to sprout forth);
          sprout v.萌芽n.苗芽 , ( 11041 , spher₁ , _ )
        2. ←from Middle High German sprützen , to spurt, spray;
          spritz 喷,洒 , ( 62025 , )
          spritzer 汽水,汽酒 , ( 62026 , )
        3. ←from 古英语 sprēot , pole (< "sprout, stem");
          sprit 精神 , ( 44018 )
        4. ←from Middle 低地德语 bōchsprēt , bowsprit.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *sprūt- .
          bowsprit 船头斜桁 , ( 52348 , )
      3. 扩展形式: *spreit- . ←from 古英语 -sprǣdan , to spread, ←from 日耳曼语 *spraidjan .
        spray n.喷雾,飞沫,浪花,水花v.喷,喷射 , ( 5167 , sphereg , _ )
        spread v./n.伸开,伸展;散布,传播 , ( 1318 , spher₁ , _ )
    2. 基本形式: *sper- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *sper-yo- . ←from 希腊语 speirein , to scatter, with derivative sporā , a scattering, sowing (seeIII. 1.).
        Diaspora n.犹太人的离散,离散的犹太人,向国外散居,(一个国家或民族)散居在外的人 , ( 14737 , spher₁ , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *sper-mn̥ . ←from 希腊语 sperma , sperm, seed (< "that which is scattered").
        sperm n.精液,精子,鲸油 , ( 8148 , spher₁ , _ )
    3. o级形式 *spor- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *spor-ā- . ←from 希腊语 sporā , a sowing, seed.
        spore n.孢子 , ( 14511 , spher₁ , _ )
        sporo- x , ( x )
      2. 带后缀形式: *spor-n̥d- . ←from 希腊语 sporas (stem sporad- ), scattered, dispersed.
        sporadic adj.零星的 , ( 12022 , _ , _ )
    4. Extended 日耳曼语 root *sprē(w)- . ←from 中古荷兰语 spraeien , sprayen , to sprinkle, ←from 日耳曼语 *sprēwjan .
      spray n.喷雾,飞沫,浪花,水花v.喷,喷射 , ( 5167 , sphereg , _ )
    [Pokorny 2. (s)p(h)er- 993.]
    aplanospore (Greek,)
    archesporium (Greek,)
    carpospore (Greek,)
    chlamydospore (Greek,)
    diaspore (Greek,)
    endospore (Greek,)
    esparto (Greek,)
    eusporangium (Greek,)
    exospore (Greek,)
    heterosporous (Greek,)
    heterospory (Greek,)
    homosporous (Greek,)
    isosporous (Greek,)
    leptosporangium (Greek,)
    megasporangium (Greek,)
    megaspore (Greek,)
    microsporangium (Greek,)
    microspore (Greek,)
    mitospore (Greek,)
    sporangiospore (Greek,)
    sporangium (Greek,)
    sporocarp (Greek,)
    sporophyte (Greek,)
    teliospore (Greek,)
    tetraspore (Greek,)
    tetrasporophytic (Greek,)
    zygospore (Greek,)
    ;...494, sperᵊ- 踝关节
    Ankle. 最初形式: *sperh₂- . 零级形式 *spr̥(ᵊ)- .
    1. ←from 古英语 spura , spora , spur, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *spur-ōn- .
      spur n.靴刺,马刺;刺激,刺激物v.刺激,激励 , ( 7484 , spher₂ , _ )
    2. Nasalized 零级形式 *spr̥-n-ᵊ- . ←from 古英语 spurnan , spornan , to kick, strike against, ←from 日耳曼语 *spurnōn .
      spurn v.弃绝 , ( 19124 , spher₂ , _ )
    3. ←from 中古荷兰语 spor , spoor , track of an animal, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *spur-am .
      spoor 野兽的足迹,踪迹 , ( 62004 , )
    [Pokorny 1. sp(h)er- 992.]
    ;...495, sreu- 流动
    To flow.
    1. Suffixed o级形式 *srou-mo- .
      1. ←from 古英语 strēam , stream;
        stream n.小河,溪流;流,一股,一串v.流出,涌 , ( 2420 , sreu , _ )
        →[考研]→ streamline a.流线型的 ( 14808 )
        →[oew]→ streamer n.横幅,长旗,彩色纸带 ( 21369 )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 stroom , stream. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *straumaz , stream.
        maelstrom 大漩涡,混乱 , ( 57310 , )
    2. 基本形式: *sreu- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 rhein , to flow, with o级 rhoos , flowing, a flowing;
        rheo- 变阻器。 , ( x )
        -rrhea x ; ( x )
        catarrh 黏膜炎 , ( 52655 , )
        diarrhea n.痢疾,腹泻 , ( 14211 , sreu , _ )
        hemorrhoid 很难相处的人 , ( 28737 )
        rhyolite 流纹岩 , ( x )
      2. 带后缀形式: *sreu-mn̥ . ←from 希腊语 rheuma , stream, humor of the body.
        rheum 感冒,鼻涕,黏液 , ( 60747 , )
    3. Suffixed 零级形式 *sru-dʰmo- . ←from 希腊语 rhuthmos , measure, recurring motion, rhythm.
      rhythm n.节奏,韵律 , ( 3636 , sreu , _ )
    4. Suffixed 零级形式 *sru-to- . ←from 希腊语 rhutos , fluid, liquid.
      rhyton 古希腊的角状环 , ( x )
    5. Perhaps 零级 扩展形式: *srug- . ←from 俄语 struga , deep place.
      sastruga 雪面波纹 , ( x )
    [Pokorny sreu- 1003.]
    rhythmic adj.有节奏的(等于rhythmical);间歇的;合拍的[T8] (Greek,109333)
    diarrhoea n.腹泻 (Greek,112756)
    rheumatoid adj.风湿病的,类风湿病的 (Greek,121638)
    arrhythmia n.心律失常,心律不齐 (Greek,124118)
    rheumatic adj.风湿病的,风湿病引起的,(有关)风湿病治疗的 n.风湿病患者,<口>风湿病 (Greek,129635)
    arrhythmic adj.无节奏的 (Greek,142855)
    rheostat n.可变电阻器 (Greek,146391)
    rheumatism 风湿病学 (Greek,160749)
    rheumatology 风湿病学 (Greek,160751)
    antiarrhythmic (Greek,)
    dysrhythmia (Greek,)
    endorheic (Greek,)
    eurhythmia (Greek,)
    eurhythmic (Greek,)
    eurhythmy (Greek,)
    gonorrhoea (Greek,)
    hemorrhea (Greek,)
    logorrhea (Greek,)
    polyrhythm (Greek,)
    rheology (Greek,)
    rheometer (Greek,)
    ;...496, stā- 坐落
    To stand; with derivatives meaning "place or thing that is standing. " 最初形式: *steh₂- , 变形 为: *stah₂- , 缩减成:*stā- .
    派生词包括: steed , stud ₂, arrest , instant , understand , static , prostitute , insist , ecstasy , and system.
    1. 基本形式: *stā- .
      1. 扩展形式: *stādʰ- .
        1. ←from 古英语 stēda , stallion, studʰorse (< "place for breeding horses"), ←from 日耳曼语 *stōd-jōn- ;
          steed 坐骑 , ( 62129 , )
        2. ←from 古英语 stōd , establishment for breeding horses, ←from 日耳曼语 *stōdō .
          stud vt.镶嵌,点缀 , ( 4718 , sta , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *stā-lo- .
        1. ←from 古英语 stōl , stool;
          stool n.凳子,大便,厕所 vi.长新枝 vt.诱捕 , ( 6347 , sta , _ )
        2. 日耳曼语 compound *faldistōlaz (see pel-₂ ). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *stōlaz .
      3. ←from 拉丁语 stāre , to stand.
        estancia 大庄园 , ( 36309 )
        stage n.舞台,戏剧;阶段,时期 , ( 703 , sta , sist站立 )
        →[考研]→ steady a.稳定的,不变的;坚定的v.(使)稳固/稳定。 ( 2882 )
        →[考研]→ storage n.贮藏(量),保管;库房。 ( 2769 )
        stance n.立场,姿态,位置[T8] , ( 4432 , sta , sist站立 )
        stanch 止血 , ( 62082 , )
        stanchion 支柱 , ( 62083 , )
        stanza 站住、停住n.演出期;局;场;诗的一节。源自拉丁文诗歌中表示一节结束的符号[T8] , ( 17880 , sta , _ )
        stative 表示状态的 , ( 62114 , )
        stator 定子 , ( 34135 )
        stay vi.逗留;保持vt.停止,延缓n.逗留,停留 , ( 435 , sta , sist站立 )
        stet 不删 ; ( x )
        arrest n.逮捕,扣留vt.逮捕,扣留;阻止;吸引 , ( 2484 , sta , _ )
        circumstance n.环境,详情,[pl.]境况 , ( 2323 , ker₁ , sist站立 )
        constant a.固定的,持续的,忠实的n.常数,恒量 , ( 1943 , sta , sist站立 )
        →[考研]→ constituent adj.构成的,选举的 n.成分,选民,委托人[T6]。 ( 6071 )
        →[考研]→ constitution n.构成,构造,组成(方式),成分;体格;宪法。 ( 3022 )
        →[oew]→ constituents 0 ( 11884 )
        contrast n.对比,对照vi.形成对比vt.把…与…对比 , ( 1547 , sta , sist站立 )
        cost n.成本,费用,代价v.价值为,花费 , ( 442 , sta , _ )
        →[考研]→ costly a.昂贵的,价值高的,豪华的。 ( 4778 )
        distant a.远的;遥远的;疏远的;不亲近的 , ( 2605 , sta , sist站立 )
        →[考研]→ distance n.距离,间隔,远方,路程。 ( 1232 )
        extant 站出来的:adj.现存的,显著的[T8] , ( 14442 , sta , sist站立 )
        instant a.立即的;紧迫的;(食品)速溶的n.瞬间,时刻 , ( 3896 , sta , sist站立 )
        →[考研]→ instance n.例子,事例,例证。 ( 2931 )
        →[考研]→ instantaneous adj.瞬间的;即时的;猝发的[T6]。 ( 13678 )
        →[考研]→ instead ad.代替,顶替。 ( 770 )
        obstacle n.障碍(物),妨碍,阻碍,干扰 , ( 4299 , sta , sist站立 )
        →[oew]→ obstetrician n.产科医师 ( 21067 )
        →[oew]→ obstetrics 妇产科。 ( 58678 )
        obstetric 产科 , ( 37892 )
        oust vt.剥夺,取代,罢免 , ( 13363 , sta , _ )
        rest n.休息;剩余部分v.休息;睡;放,靠,搁 , ( 618 , sta , sist站立 )
        →[考研]→ restaurant n.餐馆,饭店。 ( 1179 )
        →[考研]→ restless a.得不到休息的;不平静的;坐立不安的。 ( 7705 )
        →[oew]→ restitution n.恢复;赔偿;归还[T8]。 ( 19504 )
        restharrow 豆科植物 , ( x )
        restive 倔强的,难驾驭的 , ( 60684 , )
        substance n.物质;实质,本质;主旨;财产,资产 , ( 2385 , sta , sist站立 )
        →[考研]→ substantial a.实质的;相当的;显著的;坚固的;富裕的。 ( 1935 )
        →[oew]→ substantive adj.有实质的;大量的;真实的;独立存在的 n.名词性实词;独立存在的实体[T8]。 ( 7817 )
      4. ←from 梵语 ātiṣṭhati (stem ā-sthā- ), he stands by, remains on ( ā- , near, to, at).
        stir v.搅拌,搅动;动,摇动;激动;轰动;煽动,鼓动 , ( 2384 , tuer₁ , _ )
      5. 带后缀形式: *stā-men- . ←from 拉丁语 stāmen , thread of the warp (a technical term).
        etamine 纱罗 , ( x )
        stamen 雄蕊 , ( 62078 , )
        stammel 斯坦默尔粗毛呢 , ( x )
      6. 带后缀形式: *stā-mon- . ←from 希腊语 stēmōn , thread.
        penstemon x , ( 33404 )
      7. 带后缀形式: *stā-ro- . ←from 古教会斯拉夫语 starŭ , old ("long-standing").
        starets x , ( x )
    2. 零级形式 *stᵊ- (before consonants).
      1. Nasalized 扩展形式: *stᵊ-n-t- .
        1. ←from 古英语 standan , to stand;
          stand vi.站立;位于;经受n.台,座;货摊;立场 , ( 339 , sta , _ )
          →[考研]→ standpoint n.立场,观点。 ( 7645 )
        2. ←from 古英语 understandan , to know, stand under ( under- , under-; see n̥dʰer );
          understand v.懂,理解;获悉,听说;揣测,认为 , ( 343 , ndʰer , _ )
          →[考研]→ understanding n.理解,理解力;谅解 a.了解的,通情达理的。 ( 1125 )
          →[oew]→ undergraduate n.大学生,大学肆业生。 ( 4823 )
          →[oew]→ underestimate vt.|.n.估计不足,低估,看清 ( 7695 )
          →[oew]→ underwriter n.保险业者,承诺支付者,保险商 ( 21796 )
        3. ←from Frankish *standan , to stand;
          standard n.标准,规则a.标准的 , ( 718 , sta , _ )
        4. ←from 古英语 stund , a fixed time, while, ←from secondary 零级形式 in 日耳曼语 *stund-ō .a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *standan .
          stound 使惊奇 , ( x )
      2. 带后缀形式: *stᵊ-tyo- . ←from 古挪威语 stedʰi , anvil, ←from 日耳曼语 *stathjōn- .
        stithy 锻冶 , ( x )
      3. 带后缀形式: *stᵊ-tlo- . ←from 古英语 stathol , foundation, ←from 日耳曼语 *stathlaz .
        staddle 支柱 , ( x )
        stall n.货摊,畜栏,厩,出售摊 v.(使)停转,(使)停止,迟延 , ( 7179 , sta , sist站立 )
        starling n.八哥 ; ( 13348 )
        stalwart adj.坚定的 , ( 22450 , sta , _ )
      4. 带后缀形式: *stᵊ-mno- .
          1. ←from 古英语 stefn , stem, tree trunk;
            stem n.茎,干vt.堵(挡)住vi.起源于,由…造成 , ( 3648 , sta , _ )
          2. ←from 高地德语 stam , stem. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *stamniz .
            stalag 战俘营 , ( x )
        1. ←from a source derived from or akin to 日耳曼语 *stamniz .
          estaminet 小餐馆 , ( x )
          probably from Walloon stamen , post to which a cow is tied at the feeding-trough,
      5. 带后缀形式: *stᵊ-ti- .
          1. ←from 古英语 stede , place;
            stead 位置,地方,代替 , ( 62124 , )
            →[oew]→ sterling n.英国货币,标准纯银 adj.英币的,纯银制的,纯正的 ( 7685 )
          2. ←from 荷兰语 stad , place;
            stadʰolder 省长 , ( x )
          3. ←from 高地德语 stat , place. (i), (ii), and (iii) all ←from 日耳曼语 *stadiz .
            shtetl 东欧的犹太小镇 ; ( 61496 , )
            Lagerstätte x , ( x )
        1. ←from 拉丁语 statim , at once;
          stat n.斯达(放射性强度单位,等于3。64×10的-7次方居里) , ( 7777 )
        2. ←from 拉丁语 statiō , a standing still;
          station n.车站;所,站,局;身份,地位v.安置,驻扎 , ( 833 , sta , sist站立 )
        3. ←from 拉丁语 -stitium , a stoppage;
          armistice 停战 , ( 51856 , )
          solstice 太阳静止不动的时刻:n.至日(夏至、冬至)[T9] , ( 23104 , sta , sist站立 )
        4. ←from 希腊语 stasis (seeIII. 1. b.), a standing, a standstill.
          stasis 站着不动:n.郁积,停滞,血行停滞[T8] , ( 22604 , _ , _ )
      6. 带后缀形式: *stᵊ-to- .
        1. ←from 古挪威语 stadʰr , place, ←from 日耳曼语 *stadaz , placed;
          bestead 帮助 , ( x )
        2. ←from 希腊语 statos , placed, standing.
          -stat 统计 , ( x )
          static a.(statical)静态的,静力的 , ( 5844 , sta , sist站立 )
          statice 匙叶草属植物 , ( x )
          stato- ; ( x )
          astasia 不能站立 , ( x )
          astatine , ( 51896 , )
      7. 带后缀形式: *stᵊ-no- .
        1. ←from 拉丁语 dēstināre , to make firm, establish ( dē- , thoroughly; see de- );
          destine 正式确立:vt.注定,命定,预定[T6] , ( 10001 , sta , sist站立 )
          →[oew]→ destination n.目的地,终点。 ( 4054 )
          →[oew]→ destiny n.命运,定数 ( 5859 )
        2. ←from 拉丁语 obstināre , to set one's mind on, persist ( ob- , on; see epi ).
          obstinate 站着不动:adj.固执的,倔强的[T6] , ( 34890 , sta , sist站立 )
      8. 带后缀形式: *stᵊ-tu- . ←from 拉丁语 status , manner, position, condition, attitude, with derivatives statūra , height, stature, statuere , to set up, erect, cause to stand, and superstes (< *-stᵊ-t- ), witness ("who stands beyond").
        estate n.房地产;不动产;所有权;地位;生活状况 , ( 1699 , sta , sist站立 )
        étagère 架子 , ( x )
        stage n.舞台,戏剧;阶段,时期 , ( 703 , sta , sist站立 )
        state n.状态,情况;国,州v.陈述,说明 , ( 142 , sta , sist站立 )
        →[考研]→ statement n.声明,陈述。 ( 847 )
        →[考研]→ statesman n.政治家;国务活动家[T4]。 ( 10963 )
        →[考研]→ stationary adj.固定的,静止的,定居的 n.驻军,不动的人[T8]。 ( 10144 )
        →[考研]→ stationery n.文具,信纸 ( 12987 )
        →[考研]→ statistical adj.统计的,统计学的[T4]。 ( 3774 )
        statistics n.统计,统计学,统计法,统计资料,统计数字,“statistic”的复数 , ( 2567 , sta , sist站立 )
        statue n.塑像,雕像 , ( 4606 , sta , sist站立 )
        stature 站立的身体:n.身高,身材[T8] , ( 9144 , sta , sist站立 )
        status n.地位,身份;情形,状况 , ( 1069 , sta , sist站立 )
        statute 确立的东西:n.法规,法令,条例[T8] ; ( 4150 , sta , sist站立 )
        constitute vt.组成,构成,形成;设立,建立,任命 , ( 3061 , sta , sist站立 )
        destitute 被放到一旁,被遗弃:adj.穷困的;无的;缺乏的n.赤贫者vt.使穷困;夺去[T8] , ( 21480 , sta , sist站立 )
        institute n.学会,研究所;学院v.设立,设置,制定 , ( 2932 , sta , sist站立 )
        prostitute 站在前面→抛头露面:n.妓女adj.卖淫的,堕落的vt.使沦为妓女,滥用,出卖[T9] , ( 7673 , sta , sist站立 )
        restitute 复原,归还,赔偿 , ( 60683 , )
        substitute n.代替者;替身;代用品v.(for)代替,替换 , ( 4922 , sta , sist站立 )
        superstition 站在高处:n.迷信[T6] , ( 14938 , sta , sist站立 )
        →[oew]→ superstitious adj.迷信的,迷信引起的[T9]。 ( 18047 )
      9. 带后缀形式: *stᵊ-dʰlo- . ←from 拉丁语 stabulum , "standing place," stable.
        stable a.稳定的,安定的n.马厩,马棚 ; ( 2633 , sta , sist站立 )
        →[考研]→ stability n.稳定,安定。 ( 2953 )
        →[考研]→ stadium n.体育场。 ( 4634 )
        →[oew]→ statuary 雕像的,塑像的。 ( 62115 )
        →[oew]→ statuesque 雕像般的,又高又美的。 ( 62117 )
        →[oew]→ standing adj.直立的,停滞的,固定的,常备的,标准的,常设的 n.站立,身分,名望,持续 v.站 ( 1760 )
        →[oew]→ stamina n.毅力,持久力,精力 ( 12410 )
        →[oew]→ stabilize vt.使稳固,使安定 vi.稳定,安定[T9]。 ( 8126 )
        →[oew]→ staunch adj.坚定的 ( 13248 )
        →[oew]→ staid adj.固定的;沉着的;沉静的;古板的,保守的[T8]。 ( 23776 )
        →[oew]→ stagecoach 旧时的驿站马车,公共马车。 ( 62065 )
        constable 马厩主管:n.治安官,巡警,警察[T9] , ( 6912 , ei₁ , _ )
      10. 带后缀形式: *stᵊ-dʰli- . ←from 拉丁语 stabilis , standing firm.
        establish v.建立,设立;安置,使定居 , ( 982 , sta , sist站立 )
        →[考研]→ establishment n.建立,设立,建立的机构(或组织)。 ( 2476 )
        stable a.稳定的,安定的n.马厩,马棚 , ( 2633 , sta , sist站立 )
      11. 带后缀形式: *stᵊ-tā . ←from 希腊语 -statēs , one that causes to stand, a standing.
        -stat 统计 ; ( x )
        enstatite 顽辉石 , ( x )
      12. 带后缀形式: *stᵊ-mno- . ←from 希腊语 stamnos , stamnos (< "one that stands upright").
        stamnos x , ( x )
    3. 零级形式 *st- , *st(ᵊ)- (before vowels).
      1. Reduplicated form *si-st(ᵊ)- .
        1. ←from 拉丁语 sistere , to set, place, stop, stand;
          assist vt.协助,帮助,促进vi.帮忙,参加 , ( 2535 , sta , sist站立 )
          →[考研]→ assistance n.协作; 援助; 帮助。 ( 1967 )
          →[考研]→ assistant a.帮助的,辅助的 n.助手,助教;辅助物。 ( 2391 )
          consist v.(in)在于,存在于;(of)由…组成,由…构成 , ( 2525 , sta , sist站立 )
          →[考研]→ consistent a.(in)前后一致的;(with)一致,符合。 ( 2196 )
          desist 停止 , ( 53562 , )
          exsist vi.存在;生存;生活;继续存在 , ( x )
          insist vi.(on)坚持要求,坚决主张,坚持 , ( 1695 , sta , sist站立 )
          interstice 间隙,裂缝 , ( 56159 , )
          persist v.(in)坚持,持续 , ( 5354 , sta , sist站立 )
          resist v.抵抗,反抗;抗,忍得住,抵制 , ( 2736 , sta , sist站立 )
          →[考研]→ resistance n.(to)抵抗,反抗;抵抗力,阻力;电阻。 ( 2225 )
          →[考研]→ resistant a.(to)抵抗的,有抵抗力的。 ( 6711 )
          subsist 站起来:v.存在,维持生活,供养[T8] , ( 21669 , sta , sist站立 )
        2. ←from 希腊语 histanai (aorist stanai ), to set, place, with stasis ( *stᵊ-ti- ), a standing (seeII. 5. e.);
          apostasy 叛教 , ( 29544 )
          catastasis 戏剧的高潮 , ( x )
          diastase 淀粉糖化酵素 , ( x )
          ecstasy 站出来→灵魂出窍n.狂喜;入迷;忘形[T8] , ( 9022 , sta , sist站立 )
          epistasis 上位 , ( x )
          epistemology n.认识论 , ( 19762 , sta , _ )
          hypostasis 本质 , ( 41165 )
          iconostasis 圣障 , ( x )
          isostasy 地壳均衡说 , ( x )
          metastasis n.转移 , ( 21536 , medʰi , sist站立 )
          prostate 站在前面:n.前列腺adj.前列腺的[T9] , ( 9954 , sta , _ )
          system n.系统,体系;制度;方法,方式,步聚 , ( 177 , sta , sist站立 )
          →[考研]→ systematic a.(systematical)系统的,有组织的。 ( 4567 )
        3. ←from 希腊语 histos , web, tissue (< "that which is set up").
          histo- 竖直,组织 ; ( 55463 , )
          histiocyte 组织细胞 , ( 43335 )
          histogram 条形图,柱形图 , ( 55464 , )
      2. Compound form *tri-st-i- , "third person standing by" (see trei- ).
      3. Compound form *por-st-i- , "that which stands before" ( *por- , before, forth; see per₁ ). ←from 拉丁语 postis , post.
        post v.贴出;公告;投寄n.(支)柱;邮政,邮寄;职位 , ( 1478 , ap , )
      4. 带后缀形式: *st-o- in compound *upo-st-o- (see upo ).
    4. Extended root *stāu- (< *staᵊu- ), becoming *stau- before consonants, *stāw- before vowels; basic meaning "stout-standing, strong."
      1. Suffixed 扩展形式: *stāw-ā- . ←from 古英语 stōw , place, ←from 日耳曼语 *stōwō .
        stow v.装载 , ( 16145 , sta , _ )
      2. Probable o级 suffixed 扩展形式: *stōw-yā- . ←from 希腊语 stoā (also stoiā, stōiā ), porch.
        stoa 古希腊建筑的拱廊,柱廊 , ( 62184 , )
        stoic n.禁欲主义者,恬淡寡欲的人,不以苦乐为意的人 adj.坚忍的,苦修的 , ( 21128 , _ , _ )
      3. Suffixed 扩展形式: *stau-ro- .
          1. ←from 拉丁语 īnstaurāre , to restore, set upright again ( in- , on; see en );
            store n.商店,店铺;贮藏,贮备品v.贮藏,贮备 ; ( 845 , sta , _ )
            instauration 恢复 , ( x )
          2. ←from 拉丁语 restaurāre , to restore, rebuild ( re- , anew, again; see re- ).
            restore v.恢复,使回复;归还,交还;修复,重建 , ( 2897 , sta , sist站立 )
        1. ←from 希腊语 stauros , cross, post, stake.
          staurolite 十字石 , ( x )
      4. Variant *tau-ro- , bull (see tauro- ).
    5. 零级 extended root *stū- (< *stuᵊ- ). 带后缀形式: *stū-lo- . ←from 希腊语 stūlos , pillar.
      stylite 修行的人 ; ( x )
      amphistylar x , ( x )
      astylar 无柱式的 , ( x )
      epistyle x , ( x )
      hexastyle x , ( x )
      hypostyle 多柱式建筑 , ( x )
      octastyle x , ( x )
      peristyle 列柱廊 , ( 43671 )
      prostyle 前柱式的 , ( x )
      stylobate 柱座 , ( x )
    6. Secondary 全级形式 *steuᵊ- . 带后缀形式: *steuᵊ-ro- . ←from 梵语 sthavira- , thick, stout, old.
      Theravada 上座部(佛教部派),小乘佛教 , ( 62881 , )
    7. Variant 零级 extended root *stu- . 带后缀形式: *stu-t- . ←from 古英语 stuthu , studu , post, prop.
      stud vt.镶嵌,点缀 , ( 4718 , sta , _ )
    8. Secondary 全级形式 *steu- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *steu-rā- . ←from 古英语 stēor- , a steering, ←from 日耳曼语 *steurō , "a steering.".
        starboard n.右舷 , ( 18277 , bʰer₂ , _ )
        1. ←from 古英语 stīeran , stēran , to steer;
          steer vt.驾驶,为…操舵;引导vi.驾驶 , ( 5746 , sta , _ )
        2. ←from 中古英语 sterne , stern of a boat, possibly from a source akin to 古挪威语 stjōrn , a rudder, a steering, derivative of stȳra , to steer. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 denominative *steurjan .
          stern a.严厉的,坚决的.n.船尾 , ( 8651 , sta , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *steu-ro- , a larger domestic animal. ←from 古英语 stēor , steer, ←from 日耳曼语 *steuraz , ox.
        steer vt.驾驶,为…操舵;引导vi.驾驶 , ( 5746 , sta , _ )
      3. Probably 日耳曼语 diminutive *steur-ika- . ←from 古英语 stīrc , stierc , calf.
        stirk 牛犊 , ( x )
    [Pokorny stā- 1004.]
    exist v.存在;生存;生活 (Lat,101045)
    institution n.公共机构;协会;学校;研究所;制度;惯例 (Lat,101052)
    existence n.存在,实在;生存,生活(方式) (Lat,101713)
    constitutional adj.宪法的;本质的;体质上的;保健的[T8] (Lat,102661)
    institutional adj.制度的,公共机构的,福利机构的,惯例化的[T9] (Lat,103175)
    statutory adj.法定的;法令的;可依法惩处的[T8] (Lat,104166)
    restoration n.恢复,归还 (Lat,104531)
    persistent adj.固执的,坚持的;持久稳固的[T9] (Lat,105258)
    constituency n.(选区的)选民;支持者;(一批)顾客[T9] (Lat,105298)
    consistency n.坚固性,浓度,一致性 (Lat,105420)
    insistence n.坚持,强调;坚决主张[T9] (Lat,107318)
    instability n.不稳定性[T6] (Lat,107611)
    inconsistent adj.不一致的,不协调的,矛盾的 (Lat,107618)
    persistence n.持续;固执;存留;坚持不懈;毅力[T6] (Lat,107960)
    prostitution n.卖淫;滥用;出卖灵魂[T9] (Lat,109080)
    substitution n.代替,置换,代替物[T9] (Lat,109336)
    irresistible a.不可抵抗的,不能压制的 (Lat,109430)
    subsistence n.生活,生存,存在[T8] (Lat,110216)
    insistent adj.坚持的;迫切的;显著的;引人注目的;紧急的[T6] (Lat,111684)
    nonexistent adj.不存在的 (Lat,111974)
    statistic n.统计数值 (Latin,113459)
    reinstate 再次进入某种状态:vt.使恢复,使复原[T8] (Lat,114858)
    substantiate vt.证实;使实体化[T8] (Lat,116312)
    circumstantial adj.依照情况的;详细的;偶然的[T8] (Lat,117219)
    restorative adj.有助于复元的 n.滋补剂 (Lat,120398)
    reconstitute vt.重新设立;重新组成[T8] (Lat,120568)
    restate vt.重新叙述,重申 (Lat,121340)
    restatement n.再声明,重述 (Lat,123090)
    reinstatement n.复原,修复 (Lat,125024)
    constancy n.不屈不挠,坚定不移,恒久不变的状态或性质,持续性,稳定性,持久性 (Lat,125076)
    existent adj.存在的,生存的,现存的 n.存在的事物,生存者 (Lat,128941)
    arrestee n.被捕者 (Latin,129079)
    destitution n.穷困,缺乏,贫穷 (Lat,129577)
    substantiation n.实体化,证实,证明,使实体化 (Lat,134190)
    superstation n.特大功率电台,强力电台 (Latin,134634)
    equidistant adj.距离相等的,等距的 (Latin,137549)
    inconstancy n.反复无常 (Lat,139579)
    substantiality n.实在性,实质性,实体 (Lat,144993)
    consubstantial adj.同质的,同体的 (Lat,148289)
    instate vt.任命,安置 (Lat,149549)
    constabulary 警察部队 (Latin,153088)
    disestablish 废除国教地位 (Lat,153689)
    inconstant 不稳定的,不忠的 (Lat,155936)
    insubstantial 非实体的,不坚固的 (Lat,156101)
    presto 急板乐章,变(变魔术所说) (Lat,160005)
    statuette 小雕像,小塑像 (Lat,162118)
    substation 变电站 (Lat,162355)
    transubstantiation 变体,变体论 (Lat,163150)
    arrestant (Latin,)
    bistability (Latin,)
    bistable (Latin,)
    bistate (Latin,)
    equidistance (Latin,)
    substate (Latin,)
    tristate (Latin,)
    absist (Lat,)
    antestature (Lat,)
    circumstant (Lat,)
    circumstantiality (Lat,)
    consubstantiality (Lat,)
    consubstantiation (Lat,)
    contrastable (Lat,)
    instancy (Lat,)
    instatement (Lat,)
    instaurate (Lat,)
    instaure (Lat,)
    resistible (Lat,)
    stabile (Lat,)
    staminal (Lat,)
    statant (Lat,)
    statary (Lat,)
    subsistent (Lat,)
    substituent (Lat,)
    transubstantiate (Lat,)
    systemic adj.系统的,身体组织的,全身的 (Greek,109368)
    ecstatic adj.狂喜的;入迷的n.狂喜的人[T8] (Greek,112177)
    metastatic adj.转移性的,变态的,变形的,由转移所致的 (Greek,124385)
    metastasize vi.转移 (Greek,127028)
    stela n.石碑,石柱(古代多为建筑装饰的一部分,其上刻有浮雕等,现代多指纪念碑等) (Greek,129118)
    hydrostatic adj.静水力学的,流体静力学的 (Greek,130236)
    homeostatic adj.(社会群体的)自我平衡的,原状稳定的 (Greek,135824)
    stele n.石碑,石柱,匾额,墙刻,碑碣,中柱 (Greek,135867)
    stater n.古代希腊的金币单位 (Greek,136835)
    styloid adj.茎状突起的,尖笔形的,柱状的 (Greek,137483)
    orthostatic adj.正立位置的,由正立位置引起的,直立的 (Greek,141929)
    hypostatic adj.本质的,实体的,实在的 (Greek,146481)
    episteme n.知识 (Greek,148482)
    apostate 变节 (Greek,151807)
    epistemic 认知的 (Greek,154124)
    homeostasis 内环境稳定 (Greek,155522)
    stylus 唱针,触控笔 (Greek,162323)
    systematize 使系统化,使条理化 (Greek,162577)
    Stylites (Greek,)
    acrostatic (Greek,)
    actinostele (Greek,)
    amphiprostyle (Greek,)
    amphistyly (Greek,)
    anastasis (Greek,)
    anastylosis (Greek,)
    antistatic (Greek,)
    araeostyle (Greek,)
    araeosystyle (Greek,)
    astasis (Greek,)
    astatic (Greek,)
    blastostyle (Greek,)
    chronostasis (Greek,)
    diastasis (Greek,)
    diastatic (Greek,)
    diastyle (Greek,)
    diasystem (Greek,)
    eustasis (Greek,)
    eustatic (Greek,)
    eustele (Greek,)
    eustyle (Greek,)
    haplostele (Greek,)
    hyostyly (Greek,)
    hypostasize (Greek,)
    hypostatize (Greek,)
    mesostatic (Greek,)
    metasystem (Greek,)
    monostylous (Greek,)
    orthostates (Greek,)
    orthostyle (Greek,)
    protostele (Greek,)
    pycnostyle (Greek,)
    stasimon (Greek,)
    statoblast (Greek,)
    statocyst (Greek,)
    statolith (Greek,)
    systasis (Greek,)
    systematology (Greek,)
    systyle (Greek,)
    teleutostatic (Greek,)
    ;...497, stāi- 石墩
    Stone. 最初形式: possibly *steh₂i- , 变形 为: *stah₂i- , becoming *stai- before consonants and *stāy- before vowels.
    1. Suffixed o级形式 *stoi-no- .
      1. ←from 古英语 stān ;
        stone n.石,石头;岩石,矿石;(水果的)核、子 , ( 1140 , onomen , _ )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 steen , stone;
        steenbok 小岩羚 , ( x )
      3. ←from 古挪威语 steinn , stone;
        tungsten , ( 63291 , )
      4. ←from 高地德语 stein , stone.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *stainaz .
        stein 斯坦 , ( 9163 )
    2. Possibly 带后缀形式: *stāy-r̥ (earlier *staᵊy-r̥ ) ←from 希腊语 stear , solid fat, suet.
      stearic 硬脂 , ( 47484 )
      stearin 硬脂酸甘油酯 , ( x )
      steatite 滑石 , ( x )
      steato- x ; ( x )
      steapsin 胰脂酶 , ( x )
    [Pokorny (s)tāi- 1010.]
    ;...498, (s)teg- 覆盖
    To cover.
    派生词包括: thatch , thug , and detect.
    1. o级形式 *tog- .
        1. ←from 古英语 theccan , to cover;
          thatch 盖茅草,茅草屋顶 , ( 62867 , )
        2. ←from 中古荷兰语 decken , to cover;
          deck n.甲板 , ( 3090 , steg , _ )
        3. ←from 高地德语 decchen , to cover.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *thakjan .
          deckle 毛边 , ( 44759 )
        1. ←from 古英语 thæc , thatch;
          thatch 盖茅草,茅草屋顶 , ( 62867 , )
        2. ←from 中古荷兰语 dec , decke , roof, covering. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *thakam .
          deck n.甲板 , ( 3090 , steg , _ )
      1. 带后缀形式: *tog-ā- , covering. ←from 拉丁语 toga , toga.
        toga 托加袍 , ( 63020 , )
      2. Possibly 梵语 sthagayati , he covers
        thug n.暴徒,凶手 . ( 11302 , steg , _ )
    2. 基本形式: 15510*steg- . ←from 希腊语 stegein , to cover.
      steganography 隐写术 , ( x )
      stegodon 剑齿象 , ( x )
      stegosaurus 剑龙 , ( 62137 , )
    3. 基本形式: *teg- . ←from 拉丁语 tegere , to cover, and tēgula , tile (with lengthened-grade root).
      tectrix x , ( x )
      tectum 顶盖 , ( x )
      tegmen 外壳 , ( 49634 )
      tegmentum 芽鳞 , ( x )
      tegular 瓦状的 , ( 62752 , )
      tegument 外皮,壳 , ( 62753 , )
      tile n.瓦片,瓷砖 , ( 6038 , steg , _ )
      tuile x , ( x )
      tuille x ; ( x )
      detect v.察觉,发觉,侦察,探测 , ( 3188 , steg , tect遮蔽 )
      →[考研]→ detective n.侦探。 ( 4098 )
      →[考研]→ detector n.发现者,侦察器,探测器,检波器,检电器 ( 6508 )
      integument 皮肤 , ( x )
      obtect x , ( x )
      protect v.(from)保护,保卫 , ( 878 , _ , tect遮蔽 )
    [Pokorny 1. (s)teg- 1013.]
    protection n.保护,防卫 (Lat,101184)
    protective a.给予保护的,保护的 (Lat,104437)
    detection n.察觉,侦查,探测 (Lat,106342)
    protector n.保护器;保护者;保护装置;防御者[T9] (Lat,110926)
    protectress n.女性保护人 (Latin,151091)
    protectorate 受保护国,受保护领地 (Lat,160135)
    tog 外衣,斗篷,专用的衣服和服装 (Latin,163019)
    detectible (Latin,)
    integumentary (Latin,)
    pretectal (Latin,)
    pretectum (Latin,)
    protectory (Latin,)
    protectrix (Latin,)
    protégée (Latin,)
    togate (Latin,)
    togavirus (Latin,)
    toggery (Latin,)
    contection (Lat,)
    protégé (Lat,)
    tegmental (Lat,)
    tegula (Lat,)
    ;...499, stegh- 钉刺鹿
    To stick, prick; pointed.
    1. Perhaps nasalized form *stengh- . ←from 古英语 stingan , to sting, ←from 日耳曼语 *stingan .
      sting v./n.刺,刺痛,剧痛;刺,叮 , ( 9356 , stegh , stinc刺 )
    2. o级形式 *stogh- .
      1. ←from 古英语 stagga , stag, ←from 日耳曼语 *stag- ;
        stag n.牡鹿.vi.不带女伴参加晚会 , ( 22238 , stegh , _ )
      2. ←from 希腊语 stokhos , pointed stake or pillar (used as a target for archers), goal.
        stochastic 随机 , ( 30544 )
    [Pokorny stegh- 1014.]
    ;...500, steig- 针刺虎
    To stick; pointed. Partly blended with stegh- .
    派生词包括: stitch , ticket , instinct , stigma , tiger , and steak.
    1. 零级形式 *stig- .
      1. ←from 古英语 sticel , a prick, sting, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *stik-ilaz .
        stickleback 刺鱼 , ( 62166 , )
      2. 带后缀形式: *stig-i- . ←from 古英语 stice , a sting, prick, ←from 日耳曼语 *stikiz .
        stitch n.针脚,线迹;一针v.缝,缝合[T4] , ( 8816 , steig , _ )
      3. ←from 古英语 sticca , stick, ←from 日耳曼语 expressive form *stikkōn- .
        stick n.棍,棒,手杖v.刺,戳,扎;粘贴 , ( 1307 , steig , _ )
        →[考研]→ sticky a.粘的,粘性的;棘手的;(道路)泥泞的。 ( 6854 )
      4. ←from 古法语 estiquier , to stick, ←from 日耳曼语 stative *stikkēn , "to be stuck.".
        etiquette n.礼节 , ( 14968 , steig , _ )
        ticket n.票,入场券;票签;(交通违章)罚款传票 , ( 1691 , steig , _ )
      5. ←from 中古荷兰语 steken , to stick, stab, ←from 日耳曼语 blended variant *stekan .
        snickersnee 短刀 , ( x )
      6. Nasalized 零级形式 *sti-n-g- . ←from 拉丁语 stinguere , to quench, perhaps originally to prick, and its apparent derivative dīstinguere , to separate (phonological and semantic transitions obscure).
        distinguish v.(from)区别,辨别;辨认出;使杰出 , ( 3112 , steig , stinc刺 )
        →[oew]→ distinct a.清楚的,明显的;(from)截然不同的。 ( 2852 )
        extinguish v.熄灭;消灭;结束;压制;使黯然失色;偿清 , ( 14671 , steig , stinc刺 )
        instinct n.本能,直觉,天性 , ( 4706 , steig , stinc刺 )
      7. 带后缀形式: *stig-yo- . ←from 希腊语 stizein , to prick, tattoo.
        stigma (烙棒)戳的结果:n.耻辱;污名;烙印;特征;(植物)柱头[T8] ; ( 9979 , steig , stinc刺 )
        astigmatism 散光 , ( 51899 , )
      8. Suffixed 缩减形式 *tig-ro- . ←from 希腊语 tigris , tiger (from its stripes), ←from the same 伊朗语 source as 古波斯 tigra- , sharp, pointed, and Avestan tighri- , arrow.
        tiger n.虎;老虎 , ( 6366 , steig , _ )
    2. 基本形式: *(s)teig- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 īnstīgāre , to urge, ←from -stīgāre , to spur on, prod.
        instigate 在里面戳:vt.唆使;煽动;教唆;怂恿[T8] , ( 20268 , _ , stinc刺 )
      2. ←from 梵语 tejate (verbal adjective tikta- ), it is sharp.
        raita 沙拉 , ( 47462 )
    3. Suffixed o级形式 *stoig-ā- . ←from 古挪威语 steik , roast, steak, and steikja , to roast (on a spit), ←from 日耳曼语 *staikō .
      steak n.牛排;大块肉(或鱼)片 , ( 5783 , steig , _ )
    4. Extended 变化形式*teigs- .
      1. ←from 古英语 thistel ;
        thistle n.[植]蓟 , ( 21578 , _ , _ )
      2. ←from 高地德语 distil , thistle. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *thistilaz , perhaps simplified from earlier *thīhstilaz .
        distelfink x , ( x )
    [Pokorny (s)teig- 1016.]
    stigmatic 有烙印的 (Greek,162171)
    anastigmat (Greek,)
    anastigmatic (Greek,)
    astigmatic (Greek,)
    ;...501, steigh- 步楼梯
    To stride, step, rise.
    派生词包括: stirrup , acrostic , and stair.
    1. 基本形式: *steigh- . ←from 古英语 stīgan , to go up, rise, ←from 日耳曼语 *stīgan .
      sty ①猪圈②麦粒肿,眼睑炎 ; ( 64014 , )
      stirrup n.马镫,镫形物 , ( 23523 , steigh , _ )
    2. 零级形式 *stigh- .
      1. ←from 古英语 stigel , series of steps, ←from 日耳曼语 *stigila- .
        stile 台阶,梯磴 , ( 62173 , )
      2. 带后缀形式: *stigh-to- . ←from 古英语 stiht(i)an , to settle, arrange, ←from 日耳曼语 *stihtan , "to place on a step or base.".
        stickle 为小事争吵 , ( x )
      3. 带后缀形式: *stigh-o- . ←from 希腊语 stikhos , row, line, line of verse.
        stich 一首诗 ; ( x )
        acrostic 藏头诗,离合诗 , ( 51563 , )
        cadastre 地籍 , ( x )
        distich 对联 , ( x )
        hemistich 半行 , ( x )
        →[oew]→ hemisphere n.半球 ( 7495 )
        pentastich x , ( x )
        stichometry x , ( x )
        stichomythia 轮流对白 , ( x )
    3. o级形式 *stoigh- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *stoigh-ri- . ←from 古英语 stǣger , stair, step, ←from 日耳曼语 *staigrī .
        stair n.(pl.)楼梯 , ( 3531 , _ , _ )
        →[考研]→ staircase n.楼梯 ( 6954 )
      2. ←from 希腊语 stoikheion , shadow line, element.
        stoichiometry 化学计量学 , ( 50752 )
    [Pokorny steigh- 1017.]
    distichous (Greek,)
    haplostichous (Greek,)
    heptastich (Greek,)
    monostich (Greek,)
    monostichous (Greek,)
    orthostichy (Greek,)
    polystichia (Greek,)
    polystichous (Greek,)
    stichic (Greek,)
    stichomancy (Greek,)
    telestich (Greek,)
    ;...502, stel- 站立物
    To put, stand; with derivatives referring to a standing object or place.
    派生词包括: apostle , stallion , pedestal , stilt , and stout.
    1. 基本形式: *stel- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *stel-ni- . ←from 古英语 stille , quiet, fixed, ←from 日耳曼语 *stilli- .
        still a.静止的,寂静的ad.还,仍然;更;安静地 , ( 127 , sta , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *stel-yo- . ←from 希腊语 stellein , to put in order, prepare, send, make compact (with o级 and 零级形式s stol- and stal- ).
        apostle 派遣出去:n.使徒[T8] , ( 18138 , sta , _ )
        diastole 心脏舒张期 , ( x )
        epistle 使徒书信 , ( 54125 , )
        peristalsis 胃肠蠕动 , ( 59365 , )
        systaltic 心脏收缩的 , ( x )
    2. o级形式 *stol- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *stol-no- .
        1. ←from 古英语 steall , standing place, stable;
          stall n.货摊,畜栏,厩,出售摊 v.(使)停转,(使)停止,迟延 ; ( 7179 , sta , sist站立 )
          forestall 预先站好:vt.先发制人,预先阻止;垄断,屯积;领先;占先一步[T8] , ( 20863 , sta , _ )
        2. ←from 古法语 estal , place;
          stale n.变质的,不新鲜的;陈旧的,陈腐的 ; ( 10078 , sta , _ )
          installment n.安装;分期付款;部分;就职[T6] , ( 13517 , sta , _ )
        3. ←from Anglo-Norman estaloun , stallion;
          stallion 圈在厩里的(马):n.种马,成年公马[T9] , ( 18774 , sta , _ )
        4. ←from Old 意大利语 stallo , stall;
          pedestal peddestall=footofstall=货摊的脚:n.基座,基础vt.搁在台上,支持,加座[T8] , ( 14368 , ped , )
        5. ←from 中世拉丁 stallum , stall;
          install vt.(instal)安装,设置,安置;使就职,任命 , ( 3151 , sta , sist站立 )
          →[考研]→ installation n.安装,设置;装置,设备。 ( 4661 )
          →[oew]→ institution n.公共机构;协会;学校;研究所;制度;惯例。 ( 1052 )
        6. ←from 高地德语 stellen , to set, place, ←from 日耳曼语 denominative *stalljan .a-fall ←from 日耳曼语 *stalla- .
          gestalt 格式塔,完形(作为单一体系的一系列思想,经验等) , ( 54840 , )
      2. 带后缀形式: *stol-ōn- . ←from 拉丁语 stolō , branch, shoot.
        stolon 匍匐枝 , ( x )
      3. 带后缀形式: *stol-ido- . ←from 拉丁语 stolidus , "firm-standing," stupid.
        stolid 冷漠的,迟钝的 , ( 62209 , )
      4. 带后缀形式: *stol-ā- .
        1. ←from 古英语 stalu , upright piece, stalk, ←from 日耳曼语 *stalō ;
          stalk 支撑物:n.(植物的)茎,秆;(支持叶子、果实和花的)梗,柄;追踪;高视阔步vt.追踪,潜近;高视阔步vi. , ( 9218 , sta , _ )
        2. ←from 希腊语 stolē , garment, array, equipment.
          stole vbl.steal的过去式 n.女用披肩,圣衣,长巾 , ( 12914 , stel , _ )
    3. 零级形式 *stl̥- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *stl̥-to- . ←from 拉丁语 stultus , foolish (< "unmovable, uneducated").
        stultify 使思维迟钝,使呆滞,使乏味 , ( 62310 , )
      2. Suffixed 零级形式 *stl̥-no- . ←from 高地德语 stollo , post, support, ←from 日耳曼语 *stullōn- .
        stull 横梁 , ( x )
        stollen 果子甜面包 , ( x )
      3. Suffixed 零级形式 *stal-nā- . ←from 希腊语 stēlē , pillar.
        stele 石碑 , ( 35867 )
    4. 扩展形式: *steld- .
      1. ←from 中古英语 stilte , crutch, stilt, ←from a source akin to 低地德语 and Flemish stilte , stick, ←from 日耳曼语 *stiltjōn- ;
        stilt n.高跷,支柱 , ( 21110 , _ , _ )
      2. 零级形式 *stl̥d- . ←from 古法语 estout , stout, ←from 日耳曼语 *stult- , "walking on stilts," strutting.
        stout a.发胖的,结实的 , ( 12720 , stel , _ )
    [Pokorny 3. stel- 1019.]
    statute 确立的东西:n.法规,法令,条例[T8] (Latin,104150)
    peristaltic adj.蠕动的 (Greek,149322)
    systole 心脏收缩 (Greek,162578)
    centrostaltic (Greek,)
    epistolic (Greek,)
    epistolize (Greek,)
    epistolography (Greek,)
    eusystole (Greek,)
    hypodiastole (Greek,)
    peristole (Greek,)
    ;...503, (s)tenᵊ- 打雷声
    To thunder. 最初形式: *stenh₂- .
    1. 零级形式 *stn̥ᵊ- .
      1. ←from 古英语 thunor , thunder, Thor;
        thunder n.雷(声);轰隆声v.打雷;大声说,吼叫 ; ( 7676 , _ , _ )
        thursday n.星期四 , ( 5241 , medʰi , _ )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 doner , donder , thunder;
        blunderbuss 大口径枪,铳 , ( 52252 , )
        dunderhead 傻瓜 , ( 53897 , )
      3. ←from 古挪威语 Thōrr (older form Thunarr ), "thunder," thunder god.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *thunaraz .
        Thor 索尔 , ( 62907 , )
    2. o级形式 *tonᵊ- . ←from 拉丁语 tonāre , to thunder.
      tornado n.龙卷风,旋风[T8] ; ( 9622 , ker₁ , _ )
      astonish vt.使惊讶,使吃惊 , ( 11943 , stei , _ )
      detonate vt.使爆炸vi.引爆,爆炸[T8] , ( 16554 , stene , _ )
      stun 用雷击得灵魂出窍vt.使震惊;打昏;给以深刻的印象n.昏迷;打昏;惊倒;令人惊叹的事物[T8] , ( 6948 , stene , _ )
    [Pokorny 1. (s)ten- 1021.]
    ;...504, ster-₁ 站僵硬
    派生词包括: stare , starch , stork , starve , and torpedo.
    1. o级形式 *stor- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *stor-ē- . ←from 古英语 starian , to stare, ←from 日耳曼语 *starēn .
        stare v.(at)盯,凝视 , ( 1370 , ster₂ , _ )
      2. 扩展形式: *stor-g- .
        1. ←from 古英语 stearc , hard, severe, ←from 日耳曼语 *starkaz ;
          stark a.荒凉的,严酷的.ad.完全 , ( 7530 , ster₂ , _ )
        2. ←from 古英语 *stercan , to stiffen, ←from 日耳曼语 denominative *starkjan .
          starch n.淀粉 , ( 17556 , ster₂ , _ )
          →[oew]→ starlight n.星星的闪光,星光 ( 20546 )
          →[oew]→ starlet 小明星。 ( 62098 )
    2. 全级形式 *ster- .
      1. ←from 古英语 stierne , styrne , firm, ←from 日耳曼语 *sternjaz .
        stern a.严厉的,坚决的.n.船尾 , ( 8651 , sta , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *ster-ewo- . ←from 希腊语 stereos , solid.
        stere n.立方公尺,立方米 , ( x )
        →[oew]→ sterile a.贫脊的,不结果的,无菌的 ( 10376 )
        →[oew]→ sterilize vt.杀菌,消毒,使成不毛,使不育 ( 19219 )
        stereo- 固定的,三维的,立体的 ; ( 62152 , )
        cholesterol n.胆固醇 , ( 3741 , gel₁ , _ )
      3. 加长级形式 *stēr- . ←from 希腊语 stērizein , to support.
        sterigma 小梗 , ( x )
    3. 零级形式 *str̥- .
      1. 扩展形式: *str̥g- . ←from 古英语 storc , stork (probably from the stiff movements of the bird), ←from 日耳曼语 *sturkaz .
        stork , ( 62229 , )
      2. ←from 古英语 strūtian , to stand out stiffly, ←from 日耳曼语 *strūt- .
        strut n.高视阔步.v.昂首阔步地走 , ( 15447 , _ , _ )
    4. 扩展形式: *sterd- .
      1. ←from 古英语 steort , tail, ←from 日耳曼语 *stertaz .
        redstart n.红尾鸲 , ( x )
        stark-naked 赤裸的 , ( 62096 , )
        1. ←from 古英语 *styrtan , to leap up (< "move briskly, move stiffly");
          start v.开始;动身;吃惊;开办,开动n.开端;惊起 , ( 201 , ster₂ , _ )
        2. ←from 古英语 steartlian , to kick, struggle. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *stert- .
          startle v.惊吓,使吃惊 , ( 7034 , ster₂ , _ )
    5. 扩展形式: *sterbʰ- . ←from 古英语 steorfan , to die (< "become rigid"), ←from 日耳曼语 *sterban .
      starve v.(使)饿死,饿得慌,挨饿 , ( 9627 , ster₂ , _ )
    6. 扩展形式: *(s)terp- in suffixed (stative) 零级形式 *tr̥p-ē- . ←from 拉丁语 torpēre , to be stiff.
      torpedo 能使人麻木的鱼:n.鱼雷;水雷;油井爆破筒;电鳐;职业杀手vt.破坏;用鱼雷袭击[T6] , ( 16680 , stene , _ )
      torpid 懒散的,无力的 , ( 63069 , )
      torpor 懒散,无力 , ( 63070 , )
    [Pokorny 1. (s)ter- 1022.]
    sterility n.不毛,不孕,内容贫乏,不结果实 (Lat,125306)
    nonsterile 医有菌的 (Lat,149691)
    torpent (Latin,)
    ;...505, ster-₂ 紧建筑 , Also sterᵊ- .
    To spread. 最初形式:s *ster- , *sterh₃- .
    派生词包括: destroy , industry , straw , street , and stratagem.
    1. 扩展形式: *streu- .
      1. ←from 古英语 strēon , something gained, offspring, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *streu-nam .
        strain v.拉紧;紧张;扭伤;竭尽全力n.拉紧;负担 , ( 3419 , ster₁ , string拉紧 )
        →[oew]→ strategy n.战略,策略;对策,政策。 ( 915 )
        →[oew]→ struggle n./v.斗争,奋斗,努力。 ( 1651 )
        →[oew]→ stretch v.伸展,延伸 n.拉长;伸展;一段时间/路程。 ( 2124 )
        →[oew]→ strive v.努力,奋斗,斗争 ( 6446 )
        →[oew]→ strand vt.使搁浅 ( 6205 )
        →[oew]→ stride vi.大踏步走;跨越 n.一大步(pl.)长足进步。 ( 7130 )
        →[oew]→ strenuous a.奋发的,费力的,积极的 ( 12347 )
        →[oew]→ strata n.stratum 的复数 ( 16867 )
        →[oew]→ stratum n.(组织的)层;[地质]地层;社会阶层[T8]。 ( 15578 )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 struere , to pile up, construct.
        structure n.结构,构造;建筑物v.构造,建造 ; ( 760 , ster₁ , struct结构 )
        construct v.建设,建造,构造;创立 , ( 2827 , ster₁ , struct结构 )
        →[考研]→ construction n.建造,构造;建筑物,结构;释义,解释。 ( 1360 )
        destroy v.破坏,摧毁,消灭 , ( 1718 , ster₁ , struct结构 )
        →[oew]→ destruction n.毁坏,毁灭(的原因)。 ( 2731 )
        instruct v.教,教授;命令,指示 , ( 5369 , ster₁ , struct结构 )
        →[考研]→ instruction n.教授;指导;(pl.)用法说明(书),操作指南。 ( 1764 )
        instrument n.工具,仪器,器械;乐器 , ( 1812 , ster₁ , struct结构 )
        →[考研]→ instrumental adj.乐器的;有帮助的;仪器的,器械的 n.器乐曲;工具字,工具格[T6]。 ( 5818 )
        obstruct vt.妨碍;阻塞;遮断vi.阻塞;设障碍[T8] , ( 13909 , ster₁ , struct结构 )
        →[考研]→ obstruction n.障碍;阻碍;妨碍[T8]。 ( 9028 )
        substruction 下部结构 , ( x )
      3. 零级形式 *stru- . ←from 拉丁语 industrius , diligent, ←from Archaic 拉丁语 indostruus ( endo- , within; see en ).
        industry n.工业,产业;勤劳,勤奋 , ( 464 , ster₁ , _ )
      4. ←from 高地德语 strāla , arrow, lightning bolt, ←from 日耳曼语 *strēlō .
        bremsstrahlung 轫致辐射 , ( x )
    2. o级 扩展形式: *strou- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *strou-eyo- .
        1. ←from 古英语 strē(o)wian , to strew;
          strew vt.散播,点缀,撒满 , ( 13760 , ster₁ , _ )
        2. ←from 高地德语 strouwen , strowwen , to sprinkle, strew. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *strawjan .
          streusel , ( 32120 )
      2. 带后缀形式: *strow-o- . ←from 古英语 strēaw , straw, ←from 日耳曼语 *strawam , "that which is scattered.".
        straw n.稻草,麦杆;吸管 , ( 4893 , kau₃ , _ )
        →[考研]→ strawberry n.[植]草莓 ( 6901 )
    3. o级 扩展形式: *stroi- . ←from 古俄语 strojĭ , order.
      perestroika n.(苏联经济与政治体制的)改革,调整,政治经济重建的 , ( 17788 , _ , _ )
    4. 基本形式:s *ster- , *sterᵊ- .
      1. Nasalized form *ster-n-ᵊ- . ←from 拉丁语 sternere (past participle strātus ←from 零级 *str̥ᵊ-to- ), to stretch, extend.
        estray 迷失的人 , ( x )
        stratus 层云 , ( 62257 , )
        stray v.迷路,偏离,漂泊,漂泊游荡 adj.迷路的,离群的,偶遇的 , ( 10720 , _ , _ )
        street n.街,街道;行车道 ; ( 481 , ster₁ , _ )
        consternate 使慌乱 , ( x )
        prostrate 俯伏,拜倒 , ( 60127 , )
        →[oew]→ prostration 俯伏,拜倒。 ( 60128 )
        substratum 底土层 , ( 62356 , )
        →[oew]→ substructure 下层建筑,基础。 ( 62357 )
      2. 带后缀形式: *ster-no- . ←from 希腊语 sternon , breast, breastbone.
        sternum 胸骨 ; ( 62157 , )
        sternocleidomastoid 胸锁乳突肌 , ( 39442 )
    5. 零级形式 *str̥- , *str̥ᵊ- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *str̥-to- . ←from 希腊语 stratos , multitude, army, expedition.
        stratagem 战略,策略 ; ( 62254 , )
        stratocracy 军人专政,军阀统治 , ( 62256 , )
      2. 带后缀形式: *str̥ᵊ-to- . ←from 古爱尔兰 srath , a wide river valley, ←from Celtic *s(t)rato- .
        strath , ( x )
      3. Suffixed 扩展形式: *str̥ᵊ-mn̥ .
        1. ←from 希腊语 strōma , mattress, bed;
          stroma 基质 ; ( 34054 )
          biostrome 生物层 , ( x )
          stromatolite 叠层 , ( 49083 )
        2. ←from 拉丁语 strāmen , straw strewn as bedding.
          stramenopile x , ( x )
    [Pokorny 5. ster- 1029.]
    structural adj.结构的;建筑的[T4] (Lat,103348)
    instructor n.指导书;教员;指导者[T6] (Lat,103930)
    infrastructure n.基础设施;公共建设;下部构造[T9] (Lat,104093)
    destructive a.破坏性 (Lat,106124)
    constructive adj.建设性的;推定的;构造上的;有助益的[T3] (Lat,106848)
    instructive adj.有益的;教育性的[T8] (Lat,112212)
    construe 构造:vt.分析;解释;翻译vi.作文法性的分析[T8] (Lat,114458)
    consternation n.惊愕,恐怖,惊惶失措 (Latin,120808)
    constructor n.构造器 (Lat,131545)
    destructor n.破坏者,垃圾焚毁炉,爆炸装置 (Lat,147009)
    destruct adj.破坏的 n.故意或有计划的破坏 vi.破坏 (Latin,148932)
    indestructible 无法破坏的 (Lat,155961)
    stratify 使分层,使层级化 (Latin,162255)
    superstructure 上层建筑,上部结构 (Lat,162445)
    constructible (Lat,)
    obstruent (Lat,)
    strenuity (Lat,)
    ;...506, ster-₃ 站星座
    Star. 最初形式: *h₂ster- .
    1. 带后缀形式: *ster-s- . ←from 古英语 steorra , star, ←from 日耳曼语 *sterzōn- .
      star n.星;恒星;明星v.用星号标出;扮演主角 , ( 672 , sta , _ )
    2. 带后缀形式: *stēr-lā- . ←from 拉丁语 stēlla , star.
      stellar adj.星的,星球的,主要的,一流的[T8] , ( 11011 , ster₃ , stell星 )
      →[oew]→ steal v.偷,窃取;偷偷地做,巧取。 ( 2195 )
      →[oew]→ stealth n.秘密行动 ( 16408 )
      stellate 星状 ; ( x )
      constellation n.星座,星群,荟萃[T8] , ( 10042 , ster₃ , stell星 )
    3. 基本形式: *ᵊster- . ←from 希腊语 astēr , star, with its derivative astron , star, and possible compound astrapē , asteropē , lightning, twinkling (< "looking like a star"; ōps, op- , eye, appearance; see okʷ- ).
      aster 紫菀 , ( 51897 , )
      asteriated 显出星形的 , ( x )
      asterisk 小星星:n.星号[T8] , ( 23222 , ster₃ , aster星 )
      asterism 星群 , ( 32095 )
      asteroid 像星星的:n.小行星[T8] , ( 7562 , ster₃ , _ )
      astral 星体 , ( 30464 )
      astro- ; ( x )
      apastron 远隔点 , ( x )
      asteroseismology 已经形成 , ( x )
      astraphobia 闪电恐怖 , ( x )
      disaster n.灾难,大祸;彻底的失败 , ( 2364 , _ , aster星 )
      →[考研]→ disastrous adj.灾难性的;损失惨重的[T6]。 ( 6603 )
      periastron 近星点 , ( x )
    4. ←from 伊朗语 stem *stā̆r- (or perhaps of Semitic origin; see ṯtrin Appendix II).
      Esther 以斯帖 , ( x )
      perhaps from 波斯语 sitareh , star,
    [Pokorny 2. stē̆r- 1027.]
    interstellar adj.星际的[T9] (Lat,115415)
    circumstellar adj.环绕恒星的 (Lat,136514)
    stellation (Lat,)
    substellar (Lat,)
    astronaut n.宇航员[T3] (Greek,106728)
    astronomy n.天文学[T3] (Greek,107503)
    astrology n.占星术,占星学,原始天文学 (Greek,125033)
    diasterismgeaster (Greek,)
    monaster (Greek,)
    ;...507, streb(h)- 旋风
    To wind, turn. European root.
    1. ←from 希腊语 strephein , to wind, turn, twist, with o级 derivatives strophē , a turning, and strophion , headband.
      strepto- 扭曲的,成链的 , ( 62269 , )
      strop ①带索,环索,磨刀皮带②恼怒,懊恼 , ( 64013 , )
      strophe 诗节 , ( 62296 , )
      strophoid 环诉 , ( x )
      strophulus 婴儿苔藓 ; ( x )
      anastrophe 倒置法 , ( x )
      apostrophe 撇号 , ( 51809 , )
      boustrophedon 交互书写法 , ( x )
      catastrophe 彻底颠覆:n.大灾难,大祸。源自希腊戏剧术语,表示戏剧的出乎意料的结局,后来可以表示各种出乎意料的结局,尤其是坏结局[ , ( 7961 , kat , _ )
      diastrophism 地壳变动 , ( x )
      epistrophe 结句反覆 , ( x )
      strepsirrhine x , ( x )
    2. Unaspirated o级形式 *strob- . ←from 希腊语 strobos , a whirling, whirlwind.
      strobilus 球果 ; ( x )
      stroboscope 频闪观测仪 , ( 62292 , )
    3. Unaspirated 零级形式 *str̥b- . ←from 希腊语 strabos , squinting.
      strabismus 斜视 , ( 46967 )
      →[oew]→ strap n.皮带,带子v.用带扣住,束牢;用绷带包扎。 ( 7111 )
      →[oew]→ Streptococcus 链球菌。 ( 62270 )
      strabotomy 斜视手术 , ( x )
    [In Pokorny 1. (s)ter- 1022.]
    catastrophic adj.灾难的;悲惨的[T9] (Greek,108996)
    catastrophism n.劫数难逃论,灾变说 (Greek,147445)
    antistrophe (Greek,)
    monostrophe (Greek,)
    monostrophic (Greek,)
    strophic (Greek,)
    ;...508, streig- 限制紧
    To stroke, rub, press. European root.
    派生词包括: streak , prestige , and restrict.
    1. 基本形式: *streig- .
        1. ←from 古英语 strīcan , to stroke;
          strike n./vi.罢工vt.打,击;攻击;给…深刻印象 , ( 1248 , streig , _ )
          →[考研]→ striking a.显著的;惹人注目的,容貌出众的。 ( 3905 )
        2. ←from 古法语 estriquier , to strike. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *strīkan .
          tricot 经编针织物 , ( x )
      1. ←from 古英语 stricel , implement for leveling grain, ←from 日耳曼语 diminutive *strik-ila- .
        strickle 刮光 , ( x )
      2. ←from 古英语 strica , stroke, line, ←from 日耳曼语 *strikōn- .
        streak n.条纹vi.疾驶.vt.加条纹 , ( 5766 , _ , _ )
    2. o级形式 *stroig- . ←from 古英语 *strāc , stroke, ←from 日耳曼语 *straik- .
      stroke n.击;报时的钟声;一击/划/笔;中风v.抚摸 , ( 3595 , _ , _ )
    3. 零级形式 *strig- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *strig-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 striga , row of grain, furrow drawn lengthwise over the field.
        strigose 有硬毛的 , ( x )
      2. 带后缀形式: *strig-yā- . ←from 拉丁语 stria , furrow, channel.
        stria 条纹,细沟,槽 , ( 62274 , )
      3. Nasalized 零级形式 *stri-n-g- . ←from 拉丁语 stringere , to draw tight, press together.
        strain v.拉紧;紧张;扭伤;竭尽全力n.拉紧;负担 , ( 3419 , ster₁ , string拉紧 )
        strait adj.狭窄的n.海峡,困境[T3] , ( 17722 , streig , string拉紧 )
        →[oew]→ string n.弦,线,细绳;(一串),(一行) v.缚,捆。 ( 2752 )
        →[oew]→ stricture n.狭窄,苛评,非难[T8]。 ( 22895 )
        →[oew]→ strong a.强壮的,强大的;强烈的,浓的。 ( 454 )
        →[oew]→ strength n.力,力量;实力;长处,优点;人力;兵力。 ( 1227 )
        →[oew]→ strangle v.扼死 ( 12925 )
        →[oew]→ striate 加条纹,有条纹的,有细槽的。 ( 62275 )
        stress n.压力;重要性;应力;重音vt.强调,重读 , ( 1507 , streig , string拉紧 )
        stretto 提前进入 , ( x )
        strict a.(with)严格的,严厉的;严谨的,精确的 , ( 3297 , streig , string拉紧 )
        stringendo 渐快的 , ( x )
        stringent 正在拉紧的:adj.紧缩的,严厉的,严格的[T8] ; ( 9621 , streig , string拉紧 )
        astringent 收敛的,止血的 , ( 51901 , )
        constrain 拉到一起:vt.强迫,驱使,束缚[T8] , ( 9771 , ster₁ , string拉紧 )
        →[oew]→ constrict vt.压缩,收紧[T8]。 ( 20637 )
        →[oew]→ consternation n.惊愕,恐怖,惊惶失措 ( 20808 )
        distrain 扣押 , ( x )
        →[oew]→ distress n.苦恼;危难;不幸 v.使苦恼。 ( 4867 )
        disstress n.悲痛;危难,不幸;贫困;[法]扣押财物vt.使痛苦,使忧伤;[法]扣押(财物);使贫困 , ( x )
        prestige n.声望,威望 , ( 6424 , deik , _ )
        →[oew]→ prestigious a.享有声望的,有名望的 ( 6944 )
        →[oew]→ prestidigitator 变戏法的人。 ( 60004 )
        restrain v.(from)抑制,制止 , ( 7899 , streig , string拉紧 )
        →[考研]→ restraint n.抑制,制止。 ( 5558 )
        restrict v.限制,约束 , ( 3942 , streig , string拉紧 )
        sensustricto 美国这篇 , ( x )
      4. ←from 拉丁语 strigilis , strigil, possibly akin to stringere .
        strigil 刮身板 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 1. streig-, 2. streig- 1036, 4. ster- 1028.]
    district n.地区,行政区;美国各州的众议院选区 (Lat,101180)
    restriction n.限制;约束;束缚[T4] (Lat,103435)
    constraint n.约束,局促,不自然[T6] (Lat,105302)
    restrictive a.限制性的.n.限定词 (Lat,107689)
    constriction n.压缩,紧压的感觉,束紧,压缩物 (Lat,126117)
    constrictor n.使压缩之物,括约肌,大蟒 (Lat,130224)
    striation n.条痕,条纹状,线状,劈理,擦痕 (Lat,132922)
    stringency n.严格,紧迫,说服力,严格性,强度 (Lat,134106)
    constrictive adj.压缩性的,紧缩的,束紧的 (Lat,143735)
    astrict (Lat,)
    astriction (Lat,)
    astrictive (Lat,)
    astringe (Lat,)
    astringency (Lat,)
    constringe (Lat,)
    constringency (Lat,)
    constringent (Lat,)
    distraint (Lat,)
    extrastriate (Lat,)
    restrictor (Lat,)
    restringe (Lat,)
    restringency (Lat,)
    restringent (Lat,)
    striatum (Lat,)
    striature (Lat,)
    ;...509, sū-
    Pig. 最初形式: *suhx- , becoming *sū- ; probably a derivative of seuᵊ- ₁.
    1. 带后缀形式: *suᵊ-īno- .
      1. ←from 古英语 swīn , swine;
        swine n.猪,卑贱的人 , ( 17002 , mel₁ , _ )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 svīn , swine. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *swīnam .
        keelson 内龙骨 , ( x )
    2. Suffixed 缩减形式 *su-kā- .
        1. ←from 古英语 hogg , hog, ←from British Celtic *hukk- , ←from Celtic expressive form *sukko- , swine, snout of a swine;
          hog n.肥(公)猪,贪婪者 v.(使)拱起 , ( 10682 , mel₁ , _ )
        2. ←from Anglo-Norman soc , plowshare,
          socket n.窝,穴,孔,插座,牙糟 v.给...配插座 , ( 8136 , sus , _ )
          perhaps from Celtic *sukko- .
      1. ←from 古英语 sugu , sow, ←from 日耳曼语 *sugō .
        sow v.播种 , ( 13576 , se₁ , _ )
    3. 基本形式: *sū- . ←from 古英语 , ←from 日耳曼语 *sū- .
      sow v.播种 , ( 13576 , se₁ , _ )
    4. ←from 拉丁语 sūs , pig.
      soil n.泥土,土地,土壤v.弄脏,(使)变脏 , ( 1690 , sed₁ , sat充满 )
    5. ←from 希腊语 hūs , swine.
      Hyades 毕星团 , ( x )
      hyena n.鬣狗 ; ( 20565 , sus , _ )
      hyoscine 东莨菪碱 , ( x )
    [Pokorny sū̆-s 1038.]
    ;...510, swād- 甜美
    Sweet, pleasant. 最初形式: *sweh₂d- , 变形 为: *swah₂d- , becoming *swād- .
    1. ←from 古英语 swēte , sweet, ←from 日耳曼语 *swōtja- .
      sweet a.甜的;可爱的,美好的n.(常pl.)糖果;甜食 , ( 1766 , sal₁ , _ )
    2. 带后缀形式: *swād-ē- . ←from 拉丁语 suādēre , to advise, urge (< "recommend as good").
      suasion 劝说,劝服 ; ( 62326 , )
      assuasive 有镇静作用的 , ( x )
      dissuade vt.劝阻[T8] , ( 18637 , suad , suade劝告 )
      persuade v.说服,劝说;(of)使相信 , ( 3053 , suad , suade劝告 )
    3. 带后缀形式: *swād-wi- . ←from 拉丁语 suāvis , delightful.
      soave 甜蜜的 , ( x )
      suave 甜的,圆滑的,练达的 ; ( 62327 , )
      assuage vt.平息,缓和,减轻[T8] , ( 21618 , suad , _ )
    4. 带后缀形式: *swād-es- . ←from 希腊语 ēdos , pleasure.
      aedes 伊蚊 , ( x )
    5. 带后缀形式: *swād-onā . ←from 希腊语 hēdonē , pleasure.
      hedonic adj.享乐的;快乐的;快乐论的n.快乐论[T8] , ( 27741 , suad , _ )
      hedonism 享乐主义 , ( 55305 , )
    [Pokorny su̯ād- 1039.]
    persuasive adj.有说服力的;劝诱的,劝说的[T9] (Lat,108655)
    persuasion n.说服,说服力 (Lat,109146)
    assuagement (Lat,)
    dissuasion (Lat,)
    suaviloquent (Lat,)
    suaviloquy (Lat,)
    suavity (Lat,)
    ;...511, s(w)e- 自身
    Pronoun of the third person and reflexive (referring back to the subject of the sentence); further appearing in various forms referring to the social group as an entity, "(we our-)selves."
    派生词包括: self , gossip , suicide , secret , sober , sullen , ethic , and idiot.
    1. Suffixed 扩展形式: *sel-bʰo- . ←from 古英语 self , sylf , self, same, ←from 日耳曼语 *selbaz , self.
      self n.自我,自己(pl.selves) , ( 1787 , sue , _ )
      →[考研]→ selfish adj.自私的,利己的。 ( 7746 )
      →[oew]→ self-sufficiency n.自给自足 ( 17997 )
    2. 带后缀形式: *s(w)e-bʰ(o)- . ←from 古英语 sibb , relative, ←from 日耳曼语 *sibja- , "one's own," blood relation, relative.
      sib 胞亲 ; ( 61509 , )
      gossip n.闲话,闲谈.v.散播(流言蜚语) , ( 6836 , ghau , _ )
    3. 带后缀形式: *se-ge . ←from 古挪威语 -sk , reflexive suffix (as in būask , to make oneself ready), ←from sik , oneself (reflexive pronoun), ←from 日耳曼语 *sik , self.
      bustle v.匆匆忙忙.n.喧嚣 , ( 17454 , sue , _ )
    4. 带后缀形式: *swoi-no- . ←from 古挪威语 sveinn , herdsman, boy, ←from 日耳曼语 *swainaz , "one's own (man)," attendant, servant.
      swain 情郎 ; ( 62501 , )
      boatswain 水手长 , ( 52257 , )
    5. 带后缀形式: *s(u)w-o- , one's own.
      1. ←from 拉丁语 suī (genitive), of oneself;
        suicide n.自杀;给自己带来恶劣后果的行为 , ( 2681 , sek₂ , )
      2. ←from 梵语 svāmī , "one's own master," owner, prince, ←from sva- (< *swo- ), one's own.
        swami 印度教法师,大师 , ( 62502 , )
    6. 扩展形式: *sed . ←from 拉丁语 sēd , , sē- , without, apart (< "on one's own");

        secede vi.脱离;退出vt.从…中脱离;割让[T8] , ( 21882 , sed₂ , )
        secern 分开 , ( x )
        seclude 隔离,隐居 , ( 61276 , )
        →[oew]→ seclusion n.隔离;隐退;隐蔽的地方[T9]。 ( 21109 )
        secret a.秘密的,机密的n.秘密 , ( 1653 , ker₃ , )
        secure a.(from,against)安全的,放心的v.得到;防护 , ( 2125 , cura , )
        →[考研]→ security n.安全(感),防御(物),保证(人),(pl.)证券。 ( 638 )
        sedition 煽动叛乱 , ( 61291 , )
        seduction n.诱惑;魅力;(复数)诱惑物[T9] , ( 16442 , deuk , )
        sedulous 勤勉的,勤奋的 , ( 61295 , )
        segregate vt.使分离,使隔离[T9] , ( 15483 , sue , )
        select v.选择,挑选a.精选的,选择的 , ( 1790 , ksun , )
        separate a.(from)分离的,分开的 , ( 1353 , ksun , par准备 )
        sever v.切断 , ( 12759 , per₅ , _ )
        sure a.肯定的;一定会…的;有信心的,有把握的 , ( 336 , cura , _ )
        →[oew]→ surety 保证金,担保人。 ( 62469 )
      1. ←from 拉丁语 compound sōbrius , not drunk ( ēbrius , drunk; see egʷh- ).
        sober adj.冷静的 v.镇定 , ( 7945 , ebrius , _ )
        →[oew]→ sobriety n.清醒 ( 21416 )
    7. Possibly suffixed lengthened o级形式 *sō-lo . ←from 拉丁语 sōlus , by oneself alone.
      sole a.单独的,唯一的n.脚垫,鞋底 , ( 3982 , sel₁ , sol独特 )
      solitary a.(好)孤独的;偏僻的;单一的,唯一的 , ( 6981 , sue , sol独特 )
      solitude n.孤独,隐居,荒僻之地[T8] , ( 9673 , sue , sol独特 )
      solo n.独奏,独唱,独奏曲adj.独奏的,独唱的,单独的adv.单独地v.单人表演,单飞,单人攀登,单人驾驶[T6] , ( 5500 , sue , sol独特 )
      sullen adj.愠怒的,沉沉不乐的,(天气等)阴沉的 ; ( 13562 , sue , _ )
      desolate 使孤独:vt.使荒凉,使孤寂adj.荒凉的,荒无人烟的[T6] , ( 12694 , sel₂ , sol独特 )
      soliloquy 独白 , ( 61804 , )
      solipsism 唯我论 , ( 61805 , )
    8. Extended root *swē̆dʰ- , "that which is one's own," peculiarity, custom.
      1. ←from 拉丁语 sodālis , companion (< "one's own," "relative");
        sodality 伴侣,联谊会 , ( 61776 , )
      2. 带后缀形式: *swēdʰ-sko- . ←from 拉丁语 suēscere , to accustom, get accustomed;
        consuetude 习俗 , ( x )
        custom n.习惯,风俗,惯例;(pl.)海关,关税 , ( 3268 , sue , _ )
        →[考研]→ customary adj.习惯的;通常的 n.习惯法汇编[T6]。 ( 7831 )
        →[考研]→ customer n.顾客,主顾。 ( 1066 )
        desuetude 废弃,不用 , ( 53570 , )
        mansuetude 驯服,温顺,柔和 , ( 57443 , )
        mastiff 大驯犬,獒 , ( 57527 , )
      3. ←from 希腊语 ēthos , custom, disposition, trait;
        ethic adj.伦理的,道德的n.伦理,道德规范[T9] , ( 8408 , _ , _ )
        ethos n.气质,道义,民族精神,社会思潮,风气 ; ( 14928 , sue , _ )
        cacoëthes 恶习 , ( x )
      4. 带后缀形式: *swedʰ-no- . ←from 希腊语 ethnos , band of people living together, nation, people (< "people of one's own kind").
        ethnic a.种族的;人种学的 , ( 1983 , sue , _ )
        ethno- 民族 , ( x )
    9. Suffixed 扩展形式: *swet-aro- . ←from 希腊语 hetairos , comrade, companion, earlier hetaros .
      hetaera , ( x )
    10. Suffixed 扩展形式: *swed-yo- . ←from 希腊语 idios , personal, private ("particular to oneself").
      idio- 个人的 , ( 55807 , )
      idiom n.习语;成语方言;(艺术等的)风格,特色 , ( 12276 , kere , idio独特 )
      →[oew]→ idiocy 愚昧。 ( 55808 )
      →[oew]→ idiolect 个人说话方式。 ( 55809 )
      →[oew]→ idiomatic 习语的,地道的。 ( 55810 )
      idiot n.笨蛋,傻瓜,白痴[T6] ; ( 6856 , kere , idio独特 )
      idiopathy 自发病 , ( x )
      idiosyncrasy n.特质,特性 , ( 24047 , kere , idio独特 )
    11. 带后缀形式: *swei-no- . ←from 古爱尔兰 féin , self.
      SinnFein 新芬党 , ( x )
    12. Suffixed (ablatival) form *swe-tos , ←from oneself. ←from 古伊朗语 khvadāta- , lord, by haplology from compound form *khvatō-dāta- , created from oneself ( dāta- , created; see dʰē- ).
      khedive 埃及总督 , ( x )
    13. Perhaps 带后缀形式: *swe-tono- . ←from Khotanese Hvatana- , perhaps "those holding their own (power), masters.".
      Khotanese x , ( x )
    [Pokorny se- 882.]
    sobriety n.清醒 (Lat,121416)
    desolation n.荒芜;忧伤;孤寂;废墟[T9] (Lat,121802)
    inebriation n.醉,陶醉 (Lat,138149)
    solitaire 单人跳棋 (Lat,161807)
    desolatory (Lat,)
    inebriant (Lat,)
    inebriate (Lat,)
    inebriety (Lat,)
    saudade (Lat,)
    solitudinarian (Lat,)
    solitudinous (Lat,)
    solivagous (Lat,)
    ;...512, sweid- 汗水
    Sweat; to sweat.
    1. o级形式 *swoid- .
      1. ←from 古英语 swǣtan , to sweat, ←from 日耳曼语 *swaitaz , sweat, with its denominative *swaitjan , to sweat.
        sweat n.汗v.(使)出汗 , ( 4188 , sueid₂ , _ )
        →[考研]→ sweater n.毛衣,绒衣,厚运动衫。 ( 5593 )
        →[oew]→ sweatshirt n.运动衫 ( 14706 )
      2. 带后缀形式: *swoid-os- . ←from 拉丁语 sūdor , sweat.
        sudorific 发汗剂 ; ( x )
        sudoriferous 发汗的 , ( x )
      3. o级形式 *swoid-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 sūdāre , to sweat.
        sudatorium 发汗室 , ( x )
        suint 羊毛汗 ; ( x )
        exude v.(使)流出,(使)渗出,发散开来 , ( 16237 , _ , _ )
        transude 渗出 , ( x )
    2. Suffixed 零级形式 *swid-r-os- . ←from 希腊语 hidrōs , sweat.
      hidrosis 排汗 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 2. su̯eid- 1043.]
    exudate n.渗出物,分泌液 (Latin,140628)
    sudarium (Latin,)
    transudate (Latin,)
    ;...513, s(w)eks 六分女
    Six. 最初形式: *s(w)ek̑s , becoming *s(w)eks in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    1. Form *seks .
      1. ←from 古英语 s(i)ex , six , with derivatives sixtig , sixty, and sixtȳne , sixteen ( -tȳne , ten; see dekm̥ ), ←from 日耳曼语 *seks .
        six num.六pron./a.六(个,只...) ; ( 376 , seks , _ )
        →[oew]→ sixth num.第六,六分之一 ( 3426 )
        sixteen num.十六 , ( 4552 , _ , _ )
        sixty num.六十 , ( 3793 , seks , _ )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 sex , six.
        senary 六进制的 , ( x )
        sex- ; ( x )
        seicento 卡拉瓦乔 , ( x )
        semester n.学期 , ( 6884 , me₄ , _ )
      3. 带后缀形式: *seks-to- . ←from 拉丁语 sextus , sixth.
        sestet 六行诗节 , ( x )
        sestina 六节诗 , ( 43678 )
        sext 午时经 , ( x )
        sextant 六分仪 , ( 61397 , )
        →[oew]→ sexagenarian 六十几岁的人。 ( 61393 )
        sextile 六分相 ; ( x )
        sextodecimo 十六开纸 , ( x )
        siesta 午睡,午休 , ( 61527 , )
        Sistine 西斯廷 , ( 25908 )
    2. Form *sweks . ←from 希腊语 hex , six.
      hexa- , ( 55390 , )
      hexad 六个一组 , ( x )
    [Pokorny su̯ek̑s 1044.]
    bissextus (Latin,)
    semisextile (Latin,)
    sextain (Latin,)
    sextillion (Latin,)
    sixte (Latin,)
    Sext (Lat,)
    bissextile (Lat,)
    sexagenary (Lat,)
    sextan (Lat,)
    sextans (Lat,)
    sextary (Lat,)
    sextic (Lat,)
    ;...514, swel- 吃喝
    To eat, drink.
    1. Perhaps 日耳曼语 *swil- . ←from 古英语 swilian , to wash out, gargle.
      swill 泔水,猪水,大口喝,痛饮 , ( 62524 , )
    2. 扩展形式: *swelk- . ←from 古英语 swelgan , to swallow, ←from 日耳曼语 *swelgan , *swelhan .
      swallow n.燕子;吞咽vt.吞,咽;轻信;忍受;vi.咽口水 ; ( 4444 , _ , _ )
      groundsel 千里光属植物 , ( x )
    3. ←from 伊朗语 *khvāra- , eating.
      manticore 怪兽 , ( x )
      markhor 捻角山羊 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 1. su̯el(k-) 1045.]
    ;...515, swen- 诵声 , Also swenᵊ- .
    To sound. (最初形式: *swenh₂- ).
    1. Suffixed o级形式 *swon-o- .
      1. ←from 古英语 swan , swan, ←from 日耳曼语 *swanaz , *swanōn- , "singer.";
        swan n.天鹅,杰出的诗人、歌手,天鹅座 , ( 8602 , suen , _ )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 sonus , a sound.
        sone , ( x )
        sonic adj.音速的,声音的,音波的[T9] , ( 17368 , suen , son声音 )
        sonnet 小曲:n.十四行诗[T8] , ( 18123 , suen , _ )
        sound n.声音v.发声,响a.健全的,完好的;正当的 ; ( 633 , aue , _ )
        unison n.齐唱,和谐,同音,同度[T8] , ( 10879 , oino , son声音 )
    2. Basic 变化形式*swenᵊ- . ←from 拉丁语 sonāre , to sound.
      sonant 有声音 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ sonar n.声纳,声波定位仪[T9]。 ( 19017 )
      sonata 器乐声:n.奏鸣曲,索纳塔[T8] , ( 31495 , suen , _ )
      sonorous 声音雄浑的,浑厚的 ; ( 61826 , )
      assonance 半谐韵 , ( 51895 , )
      consonant 一起发音:adj.辅音的,一致的,和谐的n.辅音[T8] , ( 21900 , kom , son声音 )
      dissonant 不和谐 , ( 30273 )
      resound v.回响,传颂[T8] , ( 24048 , suen , _ )
    [Pokorny su̯en- 1046.]
    resonance n.共鸣,共振,回响[T8] (Lat,109194)
    resonate v.共鸣,共振[T8] (Lat,111200)
    ultrasound n.超频率音响 (Lat,116109)
    resonant adj.回响的,洪亮的,共振的[T8] (Lat,118288)
    supersonic adj.超音速的n.超音速,超声波[T6] (Lat,119644)
    dissonance n.不一致;不调和;不和谐音[T9] (Lat,120289)
    sonority n.响亮,(声音的)响亮程度 (Lat,134979)
    consonance 一致,协调 (Lat,153086)
    subsonic 亚音速的 (Lat,162354)
    ultrasonic 超音速的 (Lat,163372)
    magnisonant (Latin,)
    sondage (Latin,)
    absonant (Lat,)
    ambisonic (Lat,)
    assonant (Lat,)
    assonate (Lat,)
    consonous (Lat,)
    inconsonance (Lat,)
    inconsonant (Lat,)
    infrasonic (Lat,)
    infrasound (Lat,)
    sonance (Lat,)
    sonorant (Lat,)
    soun (Lat,)
    triconsonantal (Lat,)
    ;...516, swep- 睡眠
    To sleep.
    1. 带后缀形式: *swep-os- . ←from 拉丁语 sopor , a deep sleep.
      sopor 睡觉,昏迷,昏睡,嗜眠症 ; ( 61838 , )
      soporific 催眠的 , ( 61839 , )
    2. 带后缀形式: *swep-no- . ←from 拉丁语 somnus , sleep.
      somni- x , ( x )
      somnolent 瞌睡的,犯困的 ; ( 61820 , )
      →[oew]→ Somnus 睡神。 ( 61817 )
      →[oew]→ somnambulism 梦游。 ( 61818 )
      →[oew]→ somniloquy 说梦话,呓语。 ( 61821 )
      insomnia n.失眠症,失眠[T8] , ( 16396 , suep₁ , somn睡眠 )
    3. Suffixed 零级形式 *sup-no- . ←from 希腊语 hupnos , sleep.
      hypno- 睡觉,催眠 , ( 55751 , )
      hypnosis n.催眠;催眠状态[T9] , ( 14091 , suep₁ , hypno睡眠 )
      hypnotic adj.催眠的,催眠术的;易于催眠的n.安眠药;催眠状态的人[T8] , ( 18881 , _ , hypno睡眠 )
    [Pokorny 1. su̯ep- 1048.]
    somnambulist 梦游症患者 (Latin,161819)
    somnifacient (Lat,)
    somniferous (Lat,)
    somnific (Lat,)
    hypnotize vt.使着迷;对…施催眠术;使恍惚vi.施催眠术;使进入睡觉状态[T9] (Greek,122986)
    hypnotherapy 催眠疗法 (Greek,155752)
    hypnotist 催眠术专家 (Greek,155754)
    hypnagogia (Greek,)
    hypnagogic (Greek,)
    hypnolepsy (Greek,)
    hypnophobia (Greek,)
    hypnopompia (Greek,)
    hypnopompic (Greek,)
    ;...517, swer- 说明
    To speak, talk. o级形式 *swor- .
    1. ←from 古英语 swerian , to swear, proclaim, ←from 日耳曼语 *swarjan ;
      swear v.(at)诅咒,骂人;宣誓,发誓 , ( 4052 , suer₂ , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 andswaru , answer, ←from 日耳曼语 *and-swarō , "a swearing against," "rebuttal" ( *andi- , against; see ant- ).
      answer vt.回答,答复,答案v.回答,答复,响应 , ( 488 , ant , _ )
    [Pokorny 1. su̯er- 1049.]
    ;...518, swesor- 同胞妹
    Sister. Perhaps originally a compound of s(w)e- and *esōr , woman, so literally "woman of one's own kin group" in an exogamous society.
    1. 零级形式 *swesr- .
      1. ←from 古英语 sweostor , sister, and 古挪威语 systir , sister, both ←from 日耳曼语 *swestr- ;
        sister n.姐,妹;护士长;修女,女教士 , ( 895 , suesor , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *swesr-īno- . ←from 拉丁语 sobrīnus , maternal cousin.
        cousin n.堂(或表)兄弟,堂(或表)姐妹 , ( 2994 , suesor , _ )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 soror , sister.
      sororal 姐妹的,姐妹情谊的 , ( 61844 , )
      sorority n.妇女联谊会,女学生联谊会 ; ( 19582 , suesor , _ )
      sororicide 杀害亲姐妹者 , ( x )
    [Pokorny su̯esor- 1051.]
    sororate (Lat,)
    ;...519, swo- 这样
    Pronominal stem; so. Derivative of s(w)e- .
      1. ←from 古英语 swā , so;
        so ad.那么;非常;也;不错conj.因此;以便 , ( 52 , sos , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 swylc , such, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *swa-līk- , "so like," of the same kind ( *līk- , same; see līk- ).
        such a.这样的;上述的ad.那么pron.这样的人/事物 , ( 138 , leig₁ , _ )
    1. Adverbial form *swai . ←from 拉丁语 , if, in nisi , unless ( , not; see ne- ), and quasi , as if ( quam , as; see kʷo- ).
      nisi 非绝对的 , ( x )
      quasi , ( 29598 )
    [In Pokorny se- 882.]
    ;...520, syū- 绑缝 , Also sū- .
    To bind, sew. 最初形式: *s(y)uhx- , becoming *s(y)ū- .
    1. 基本形式: *syū- . ←from 古英语 seowian , siowan , to sew, ←from 日耳曼语 *siwjan .
      sew v.缝,缝纫 , ( 8494 , siu , _ )
    2. 变化形式*sū- .
      1. ←from 古英语 sēam , seam, ←from 日耳曼语 *saumaz .
        seam n.接缝,线缝,缝合线,衔接口,伤疤,层 vt.缝合,接合,焊合,使留下伤痕 vi.裂开,发生裂痕 , ( 9196 , siu , _ )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 suere (past participle sūtus ), to sew.
        suture 缝合,缝线 ; ( 62493 , )
        accouter 装备 , ( x )
        couture n.服装设计(师)或其服装店 , ( 18264 , siu , _ )
      3. 带后缀形式: *sū-dʰlā- . ←from 拉丁语 sūbula , awl (< "sewing instrument").
        souvlaki 烤肉串 , ( x )
        subulate 锥形的 , ( x )
      4. 带后缀形式: *sū-tro- . ←from 梵语 sūtram , thread, string.
        sutra 梵经,箴言,格言 ; ( 62492 , )
        Kamasutra 爱经 , ( 56478 , )
    3. Suffixed 缩短形式 *syu-men- . ←from 希腊语 humēn , thin skin, membrane.
      hymen ①处女膜②婚姻神,月老 , ( 63959 , )
    [Pokorny si̯ū- 915.]
    assument (Lat,)
    sutile (Lat,)
    ;...521, tag- 手触碰
    To touch, handle.
    1. Nasalized form *ta-n-g- . ←from 拉丁语 tangere , to touch, with derivatives taxāre , to touch, assess (possibly a frequentative of tangere , but probably influenced by 希腊语 tassein , taxai , to arrange, assess), and tāctus , touch.
      tact n.机智,圆滑,老练,鉴赏力[T6] , ( 22435 , tag₁ , tang接触 )
      →[oew]→ tactile adj.触觉的,有触觉的[T8]。 ( 17295 )
      tangent 正切,切线 , ( 62648 , )
      tangible 可触摸到的:adj.有形的n.有形资产[T8] , ( 7628 , tag₁ , tang接触 )
      task n.任务,作业,工作 , ( 920 , _ , _ )
      taste v.品尝;(of)有…味道;体验n.滋味;味觉 , ( 1881 , tag₁ , _ )
      tax n.税(款),负担v.对…征税,使负重担 ; ( 490 , tag₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ taxi n.出租汽车v.[指飞机](使)滑行。 ( 4253 )
      →[oew]→ taximeter 计程表,计价器。 ( 62711 )
      attain vt.达到;完成;获得vi.达到 , ( 6286 , tag₁ , tang接触 )
      contact v./n.(使)接触,联系,交往 , ( 1174 , kom , tang接触 )
      intact a.完整无缺的,未经触动的,未受损伤的 , ( 4918 , tag₁ , tang接触 )
      →[oew]→ intangible adj.无形的,触摸不到的;难以理解的[T8]。 ( 17929 )
    2. Compound form *n̥-tag-ro- , "untouched, intact" ( *n̥- , negative prefix; see ne ). ←from 拉丁语 integer , intact, whole, complete, perfect, honest.
      entire a.完全的,全部的,完整的 , ( 1033 , tag₁ , _ )
      integer 整数 , ( 56107 , )
      integrate v.(into,with)(使)成为一体,(使)结合在一起 , ( 4034 , tag₁ , tang接触 )
      →[考研]→ integral adj.积分的;完整的,整体的;必须的 n.积分;部分;完整[T6]。 ( 5606 )
      integrity n.正直,诚实;完整,完全 , ( 3571 , tag₁ , tang接触 )
    3. 带后缀形式: *tag-smen- . ←from 拉丁语 contāmināre , to corrupt by mixing or contact (< *con-tāmen- , "bringing into contact with"; con- , com- , with; see kom ).
      contaminate v.弄污,弄脏,毒害,传染,染污 , ( 10259 , tag₁ , _ )
      →[oew]→ contagious adj.接触传染的[T8]。 ( 15227 )
      →[oew]→ contagion n.传染病,蔓延,接触传染[T9]。 ( 23075 )
    [Pokorny tag- 1054.]
    attainment n.达到;成就;学识[T8] (Lat,108327)
    contingency n.偶然性;意外事故;可能性;意外开支[T9] (Lat,108808)
    contingent 触碰的:adj.因情况而异的;不一定的;偶然发生的;可能的;依情况而定的;偶然的;有条件的n.分遣队;偶然事件;分得 (Lat,108975)
    contiguous adj.连续的;邻近的;接触的[T8] (Latin,114793)
    tangential 正切的,稍微沾边的 (Lat,162649)
    pertingent (Lat,)
    tangental (Lat,)
    ;...522, tauro- 公牛
    Bull. Derivative of stā- , but an independent word in Indo-European.
    1. ←from 拉丁语 taurus , bull.
      taurine 牛磺酸 , ( 62702 , )
      Taurus 金牛座 , ( 62703 , )
      toreador 斗牛士 , ( 63068 , )
      torero 斗牛士 ; ( 44025 )
      bittern 麻鸦 , ( 52202 , )
    2. ←from 希腊语 tauros , bull.
      taurine 牛磺酸 ; ( 62702 , )
      taurocholicacid 牛磺胆酸 , ( x )
    [In Pokorny tēu- 1080.]
    ;...523, tegu- 盖?厚

    thick a.厚的,粗的,稠的,浓的ad.厚,浓,密 , ( 1755 , _ , _ ) ←from 古英语 thicce , thick, ←from 日耳曼语 *thiku- .
    [Pokorny tegu- 1057.]
    ;...524, tek- 生娃
    To beget, give birth to.
    1. 带后缀形式: *tek-no- , child. ←from 古英语 thegn , freeman, nobleman, military vassal, warrior, ←from 日耳曼语 *thegnaz , boy, man, servant, warrior.
      thane 领主 , ( 36701 )
    2. Suffixed o级形式 *tok-o- . ←from 希腊语 tokos , birth.
      oxytocic 催产剂 , ( x )
      polytocous x , ( x )
      tocology 产科学 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 1. tek- 1057.]
    ;...525, teks- 编织术
    To weave; also to fabricate, especially with an ax; also to make wicker or wattle fabric for (mud-covered) house walls. 最初形式: *tek̑s- , becoming *teks- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    派生词包括: text , tissue , subtle , architect , and technology.
    1. ←from 拉丁语 texere , to weave, fabricate.
      text n.正文,文本;原文;教科书 , ( 889 , tekhs , text编织 )
      →[考研]→ textbook n.课本,教科书。 ( 5174 )
      →[考研]→ textile n.纺织品 a.纺织的。 ( 5991 )
      →[考研]→ texture n.质地,纹理,肌理[T8]。 ( 4912 )
      tissue n.织物,薄绢,纸巾;(动,植物的)组织 ; ( 2877 , tekhs , text编织 )
      context n.(文章等)前后关系;(事件等发生的)背景 , ( 1185 , tekhs , text编织 )
      →[oew]→ contextual adj.上下文的;前后关系的[T9]。 ( 10863 )
      pretext 预先编好的:n.借口,托辞vt.以……为借口[T8] , ( 15939 , per₄ , text编织 )
    2. 带后缀形式: *teks-lā- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 tēla , web, net, warp of a fabric, also weaver's beam (to which the warp threads are tied);
        tiller n.耕者,农夫,(船的)舵柄 , ( 19148 , del₂ , _ )
        toil n.苦工,圈套.v.费力地做 , ( 17159 , steu , _ )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 subtīlis , thin, fine, precise, subtle (< *sub-tēla , "thread passing under the warp," the finest thread; sub , under; see upo ).
        subtle a.精巧的,巧妙的;细微的,微妙的 , ( 3533 , tekhs , text编织 )
    3. 带后缀形式: *teks-ōn- , weaver, maker of wattle for house walls, builder (possibly contaminated with *teks-tōr , builder) ←from 希腊语 tektōn , carpenter, builder.
      tectonic 地壳构造的 ; ( 62738 , )
      architect n.建筑师;设计师;缔造者;创造者 , ( 3416 , arkh , )
      →[考研]→ architecture n.建筑,建筑学;建筑式样或风格,建筑物。 ( 3084 )
    4. 带后缀形式: *teks-nā- , craft (of weaving or fabricating) ←from 希腊语 tekhnē , art, craft, skill.
      technical a.技术(性)的,工艺的;专门性的,专业性的 , ( 1663 , tekhs , techno技艺 )
      →[考研]→ technician n.技术员,技师,技工。 ( 6039 )
      →[考研]→ technique n.技巧,手艺,技能;技术,工艺。 ( 1380 )
      →[oew]→ technetium 锝。 ( 62729 )
      polytechnic adj.工艺的 n.工艺学校 , ( 9820 , tekhs , _ )
      technology n.科学技术;工业技术;应用科学 , ( 555 , tekhs , techno技艺 )
      1. ←from 高地德语 dahs , badger;
        dachshund 猎獾狗 , ( 53360 , )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 das , badger. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *thahsuz , badger, possibly from this root ("the animal that builds," referring to its burrowing skill) but more likely borrowed from the same pre-Indo-European source as the Celtic totemic name *Tazgo- (as in Gaulish Tazgo- , Gaelic Tadʰg ), originally "badger.".
        dassie 蹄兔 , ( x )
    [Pokorny tek̑Þ- 1058.]
    textual adj.本文的;按原文的[T9] (Lat,109476)
    subtext n.潜在的意思,潜台词 (Lat,120880)
    technocracy 专家治国,专家治校 (Greek,162734)
    technocrat 技术型官员 (Greek,162735)
    techne (Greek,)
    technogaianism (Greek,)
    technophilia (Greek,)
    technophobia (Greek,)
    ;...526, telᵊ- 举支撑
    To lift, support, weigh; with derivatives referring to measured weights and thence to money and payment. 最初形式: *telh₂- .
    派生词包括: tolerate , retaliate , tantalize , Atlas , translate , and extol.
    1. 带后缀形式: *telᵊ-mon- . ←from 希腊语 telamōn , supporter, bearer.
      telamon 忒拉蒙 , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式: *tel(ᵊ)-es- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 telos , tax, charge;
        toll n.(道路、桥等的)通行费;牺牲;死伤人数 ; ( 5255 , tol , _ )
        philately 集邮 , ( 59455 , )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 tolerāre , to bear, endure.
        tolerate vt.容忍,默许;对(药物、毒品等)有耐力 , ( 5386 , tol , _ )
        →[考研]→ tolerance n.宽容;容忍,忍受;耐药力;公差。 ( 5190 )
        →[考研]→ tolerant adj.宽容的;容忍的;有耐药力的[T6]。 ( 8848 )
    3. Suffixed 零级形式 *tl̥ᵊ-i- . ←from 拉丁语 tāliō , reciprocal punishment in kind, possibly "something paid out," from *tali- (influenced by tālis , such).
      talion 报复 ; ( x )
      retaliate v.报复 , ( 16018 , tol , _ )
    4. Suffixed variant 零级形式 *tala-nt- . ←from 希腊语 talanton , balance, weight, any of several specific weights of gold or silver, hence the sum of money represented by such a weight.
      talent n.才能,天资;人才 , ( 2205 , tol , _ )
    5. Perhaps (but unlikely) intensive reduplicated form *tantal- . ←from 希腊语 Tantalos , name of a legendary king, "the sufferer.".
      tantalize vt.逗弄,使干着急 , ( 20676 , tol , _ )
      Tantalus 坦塔罗斯 , ( 62660 , )
    6. Perhaps (but unlikely) 零级形式 *tl̥ᵊ- . ←from 希腊语 Atlās (stem Atlant- ), name of the Titan supporting the world.
      Atlantic n.大西洋.a.大西洋的 , ( 5797 , nebʰ , _ )
      Atlas n.地图,地图集 , ( 15786 , nebʰ , _ )
    7. Suffixed 零级形式 *tl̥ᵊ-to- . ←from 拉丁语 lātus , "carried, borne," used as the suppletive past participle of ferre , to bear (see bʰer-₁ ), with its compounds.
      ablation 冰雪消融 , ( 51524 , )
      ablative 夺格 , ( 51525 , )
      allative 向格 , ( x )
      collate 核对 , ( 52985 , )
      dilatory 拖延的 , ( 53630 , )
      elate 得意的 , ( 42916 )
      elative 从格的 , ( x )
      illation 演绎 , ( x )
      illative 推论词 , ( x )
      legislator n.立法者,立法委员[T9] , ( 6451 , _ , leg法律 )
      oblate , ( 35765 )
      prelate 高级神职人员 , ( 59969 , )
      prolate 扩展的 , ( x )
      relate v.叙述,讲述;使互相关联 , ( 1214 , tol , late带来 )
      →[考研]→ relation n.关系,联系;亲属,亲戚。 ( 1304 )
      →[考研]→ relationship n.关系,联系。 ( 475 )
      →[考研]→ relative a.相对的,比较的,有关系的 n.亲戚,关系词。 ( 1953 )
      →[考研]→ relativity n.相关(性);相对论。 ( 11134 )
      sublate 否定 , ( x )
      superlative 最高级的 , ( 62439 , )
      translate v.翻译,解释;转化, , ( 3073 , ter₃ , late带来 )
      →[考研]→ translation n.翻译;译文,译本。 ( 3387 )
    8. Suffixed 零级形式 *tl̥ᵊ-ā- . ←from 梵语 tulā , scales, balance, weight.
      tola 托拉 , ( x )
    9. Nasalized 零级形式 *tl̥-n-ᵊ- . ←from 拉丁语 tollere , to lift.
      extol 举起来:vt.颂扬;赞美;赞颂[T8] , ( 19008 , tol , _ )
    [Pokorny 1. tel- 1060.]
    different a.差异的,差异的,不同的 (Lat,100196)
    offer v.提供,提议,出现n.出价,提议,意图 (Lat,100370)
    difference n.差别,差异,分歧 (Lat,100524)
    conference n.(正式)会议;讨论,商谈 (Lat,100919)
    refer v.参考,查询;提到,引用,涉及;提交,上呈 (Lat,101264)
    suffer v.(from)受痛苦,患病;受损失;遭受;忍受 (Lat,101270)
    reference n.提及,涉及;参考,参考书目;证明书(人) (Lat,101492)
    prefer v.(to)更喜欢,宁愿 (Lat,101720)
    transfer vt./n.转移;转换;转让;过户;迁移;改乘 (Lat,101745)
    fortune n.运气;命运;财产;财富 (Lat,102847)
    preference n.(for,to)偏爱,喜爱;优惠;优先选择 (Lat,102908)
    differ v.(from)与…不同;(with)与…意见不同 (Lat,102948)
    correlation n.相关,关联;相互关系[T6] (Lat,103579)
    fortunate a.幸运的,侥幸的 (Lat,104935)
    interfere v.(in)干涉,干预;(with)妨碍,打扰 (Lat,104955)
    infer v.推论,推断 (Lat,105300)
    interference n.(in)干涉,干预;(with)妨碍,打扰 (Lat,105576)
    fertility n.多产,丰饶,肥沃,生育力[T9] (Lat,105858)
    referendum n.公民投票,(外交使节)请示书 (Lat,105989)
    referee 被委托者:n.裁判,调解人v.仲裁,当裁判[T6] (Lat,106437)
    correlate vi.关联vt.使有相互关系;互相有关系n.相关物;相关联的人adj.关联的[T6] (Lat,106707)
    referral n.参考,提及,被推荐的人[T9] (Lat,107066)
    fertile a.肥沃的,富饶的;能繁殖的 (Lat,107418)
    indifferent a.冷漠的,不关心的,不积极的 (Lat,107444)
    differentiate v.区分,区别[T8] (Lat,107492)
    differential adj.微分的 n.微分 (Lat,107800)
    indifference n.漠不关心;冷淡;不重视;中立[T9] (Lat,107807)
    confer vt.授予,颁与,比较,对照 vi.商议,磋商 (Lat,108404)
    differentiation n.区别,分化,分异,衍进,求导数 (Lat,108423)
    preferable a.(to)更可取的,更好的 (Lat,108601)
    inference n.推论,推理,推断;结论 (Lat,108712)
    translator n.译者;翻译器[T3] (Lat,109328)
    relational a.有关系的,亲属的 (Lat,109382)
    deference n.顺从;尊重[T8] (Lat,112000)
    preferential a.优先的,选择的 (Lat,112077)
    defer 拿开:v.推迟,延期;服从。原本=differ,后来受delay的影响词义发生变化[T8] (Lat,112388)
    infertility n.不肥沃,不毛,不育 (Lat,115636)
    aquifer n.蓄水层[T8] (Lat,116846)
    circumference 带着绕一周:n.周长,胸围[T4] (Lat,118385)
    conifer n.[植]松类,针叶树 (Lat,120655)
    referent n.指示物;指示对象[T9] (Lat,120912)
    infertile adj.不肥沃的;不毛的;不结果实的;不能生殖的[T9] (Lat,122371)
    elation n.兴高采烈;得意洋洋[T8] (Lat,122404)
    correlational 相关的 (Lat,123220)
    transference n.移动,转送,转让 (Lat,125812)
    deferral n.延期,缓役 (Lat,126688)
    referential adj.指示的,有参考内容的,用作参考的 (Lat,126763)
    deferment n.迁延,延期,暂缓 (Lat,127110)
    interrelation n.相互关系 (Lat,127440)
    deferential adj.恭敬的;惯于顺从的[T8] (Lat,127724)
    inferential adj.可以推论的,据推论得出的 (Lat,128320)
    correlative adj.相关的,关联的 n.关联词,相关物 (Lat,130338)
    transferability n.可转让性,可转移性,可移植性 (Lat,130906)
    transferable adj.可转移的,可转换的,可传递的 (Lat,134934)
    afferent adj.传入的,向心 (Lat,135142)
    translational 平动,平移,直线 (Lat,135362)
    efferent adj.传出的 n.输出管 (Lat,135630)
    counteroffer n.还价,还盘,反建议 (Lat,137500)
    rotifer n.轮虫 (Lat,138302)
    circumferential adj.圆周的 (Lat,138618)
    collation n.核对,小吃 (Lat,145416)
    relator n.叙述者 (Lat,146520)
    differentiable adj.可辨的,可区分的,可微的 (Lat,147493)
    conferral n.(称号、学位、权力等的)授予,赐给 (Lat,149330)
    ablate v.融化 (Lat,149829)
    transferral (Lat,151045)
    conferment 授予,颁发 (Lat,153056)
    coreferential 词源同指的 (Lat,153136)
    fortuitous 偶然发生的 (Lat,154573)
    insufferable 难以忍受的 (Lat,156102)
    interrelate 相互的 (Lat,156156)
    Lucifer 堕落天使,撒旦 (Lat,157209)
    oblation 祭品,祭物 (Lat,158664)
    offertory 祭品 (Lat,158724)
    preferment 晋升 (Lat,159959)
    sufferance 忍耐,勉强同意,宽容 (Lat,162380)
    ablator (Lat,)
    biferous (Lat,)
    cf. (Lat,)
    circumferentor (Lat,)
    collatitious (Lat,)
    collative (Lat,)
    collator (Lat,)
    conferential (Lat,)
    coreference (Lat,)
    coreferent (Lat,)
    countertransference (Lat,)
    cross-fertile (Lat,)
    deferent (Lat,)
    delate (Lat,)
    delative (Lat,)
    dereference (Lat,)
    differentia (Lat,)
    differentiator (Lat,)
    efference (Lat,)
    equidifferent (Lat,)
    fortuity (Lat,)
    inferable (Lat,)
    interconference (Lat,)
    intraconference (Lat,)
    lative (Lat,)
    multiferous (Lat,)
    nonconference (Lat,)
    nonillative (Lat,)
    noninterference (Lat,)
    nontransference (Lat,)
    perlative (Lat,)
    postelative (Lat,)
    prelacy (Lat,)
    prelature (Lat,)
    prolation (Lat,)
    prolative (Lat,)
    proliferous (Lat,)
    referendary (Lat,)
    relatrix (Lat,)
    relatum (Lat,)
    retransfer (Lat,)
    subfertility (Lat,)
    sublative (Lat,)
    subrelation (Lat,)
    sufferable (Lat,)
    translatitious (Lat,)
    translative (Lat,)
    vociferate (Lat,)
    ;...527, tem- 切分割 , Also temᵊ- .
    To cut. (最初形式: *temh₂- ).
    1. Form *temᵊ- . Nasalized form *t(e)m-n-ᵊ- . ←from 希腊语 temnein , to cut, with o级形式s tomos , cutting, a cut, section, volume, and tomē , a cutting.
      tmesis 分割插入法 , ( 62999 , )
      tome 切出来的部分:n.册[T9] , ( 19810 , tem , tom切 )
      -tome 多美 , ( x )
      -tomy 多美 ; ( x )
      acrotomophilia x , ( x )
      anatomy 切开:n.解剖,解剖学,剖析[T8] , ( 8971 , tem , tom切 )
      apotemnophilia x , ( x )
      atom n.原子;微粒,微量 , ( 5990 , ne , tom切 )
      diatom 硅藻 , ( 30604 )
      dichotomy 切成二n.二分法;两分;分裂;双歧分枝[T9] , ( 14745 , duo , _ )
      entomo- x , ( x )
      epitome 在上面切:n.摘要,缩影[T8] , ( 20585 , tem , _ )
    2. Form *tem- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *tem-lo- . ←from 拉丁语 templum , temple, shrine, open place for observation (augury term < "place reserved or cut out"), small piece of timber.
        temple n.庙宇,神殿,寺;太阳穴 , ( 3582 , temp , _ )
        →[oew]→ temperature n.温度,体温;热度,发烧。 ( 1646 )
        →[oew]→ temporary a.暂时的,临时的。 ( 2703 )
        →[oew]→ temper n.脾气;韧度vt.调和,使缓和;使回火。 ( 5983 )
        →[oew]→ temptation n.引诱,诱惑;诱惑物。 ( 5831 )
        →[oew]→ tempt vt.吸引,诱惑 ( 6724 )
        →[oew]→ temporal adj.现世的,暂时的 n.世间万物,暂存的事物[T8]。 ( 7259 )
        →[oew]→ temperament n. 气质,性情,性格;急躁[T9]。 ( 8032 )
        →[oew]→ template n.(=templet) 模板 ( 11031 )
        →[oew]→ tempo n.速度,发展速度;拍子[T8]。 ( 10750 )
        →[oew]→ tempera 蛋彩画法。 ( 62792 )
        →[oew]→ temperance 自我节制,克制,克己。 ( 62793 )
        →[oew]→ tempest 暴风雨,暴风雪。 ( 62794 )
        →[oew]→ tempestuous 狂暴的。 ( 62795 )
        temple n.庙宇,神殿,寺;太阳穴 ; ( 3582 , temp , _ )
        contemplate v.凝视,沉思,预期,企图 , ( 5977 , temp , _ )
        →[oew]→ contemplation n.注视,沉思,预期,企图,打算 ( 11840 )
        →[oew]→ contemplative adj.沉思的,冥想的,[宗]祈祷的 ( 14637 )
      2. Extended root *tem-d- becoming *tend- in o级 suffixed (iterative) form *tond-eyo- . ←from 拉丁语 tondēre , to shear, shave.
        tonsorial 理发的 , ( x )
        tonsure 僧侣或教士等的剃度 , ( 63050 , )
    [Pokorny 1. tem- 1062.]
    contemporary a.现代的,当代的;同时代的 (Lat,101842)
    contemporaneous adj.同时期的,同时代的,同生 (Lat,125416)
    extemporaneous adj.(讲话或做事)毫无准备的,即席的,仓促的,临时的 (Lat,136057)
    templar (Lat,)
    temporaneous (Lat,)
    atomic a.原子的,原子能的,微粒子的 (Greek,105657)
    tomography n.X线断层摄影术 (Greek,121512)
    dichotomous adj.分成两个的,叉状分枝的 (Greek,122365)
    entomology 昆虫学 (Greek,154103)
    Temnospondyli (Greek,)
    autotomy (Greek,)
    ectomy (Greek,)
    entomomancy (Greek,)
    entomophagous (Greek,)
    entomophilous (Greek,)
    monatomic (Greek,)
    pentatomic (Greek,)
    polyatomic (Greek,)
    polytomy (Greek,)
    tomogram (Greek,)
    trichotomous (Greek,)
    trichotomy (Greek,)
    ;...528, ten- 藤伸展
    To stretch.
    派生词包括: tendon , pretend , hypotenuse , tenement , tenor , entertain , lieutenant , and tone.
    1. Derivatives with the basic meaning.
      1. 带后缀形式: *ten-do- .
        1. ←from 拉丁语 tendere , to stretch, extend;
          tend v.趋向,往往是;照料,看护 , ( 1117 , ten , tend张开 )
          →[考研]→ tendency n.趋势,趋向;倾向。 ( 2786 )
          tender a.嫩的;敏感的;温柔的v.提出,提供;投标 , ( 4287 , ten , tend张开 )
          tendu x , ( x )
          tense n.时态v.拉紧,(使)紧张a.绷紧的,紧张的 , ( 6283 , temp , tend张开 )
          →[oew]→ tentative adj.试验性的,暂定的;踌躇的 n.假设,试验[T8]。 ( 8084 )
          →[oew]→ tentacle 用来摸索的小东西 : n.触手,触须,触角[T9]。 ( 11557 )
          tent n.帐篷 ; ( 3600 , ten , tend张开 )
          attend vt.出席,参加;照顾,护理vi.注意;侍奉 , ( 1258 , ten , tend张开 )
          →[考研]→ attendance n.出席;出席人数;护理,照料。 ( 4238 )
          →[考研]→ attendant adj.伺候的,伴随的 n.侍者,服务员,随员[T6]。 ( 6117 )
          contend 一起伸手去够:v.竞争,奋斗,斗争,主张,为……斗争[T6] , ( 4669 , ten , tend张开 )
          detent 止动装置 , ( 50057 )
          distend 膨胀 , ( 53729 , )
          extend v.延长,延伸;扩充;给予;提供;估价 , ( 1645 , _ , tend张开 )
          intend vt.想要,打算,企图 , ( 1794 , _ , tend张开 )
          ostensible 表面的,宣称的 , ( 58891 , )
          pretend v.假装,假托,借口,(在演戏中)装扮 , ( 3199 , per , tend张开 )
          subtend 对向弧,对向角 , ( 62358 , )
        2. ←from 拉丁语 portendere , "to stretch out before" ( por- , variant of pro- , before; see per₁ ), a technical term in augury, "to indicate, presage, foretell.".
          portend 伸展到前面vt.预示;预兆;意味着[T8] , ( 23452 , ten , tend张开 )
          →[oew]→ portent 预示,预兆,(尤指)恶兆,凶兆。 ( 59861 )
      2. 带后缀形式: *ten-yo- . ←from 希腊语 teinein , to stretch, with o级形式 ton- and 零级 noun tasis (< *tn̥-ti- ), a stretching, tension, intensity.
        tenesmus 下坠 ; ( x )
        anatase 锐钛矿 , ( x )
        bronchiectasis 支气管扩张 , ( 38705 )
        catatonia 紧张症 , ( 52656 , )
        entasis 凸肚状 , ( x )
        epitasis 剧情发展 , ( x )
        hypotenuse 直角三角形的斜边,弦 , ( 55764 , )
        neoteny 性早熟 , ( x )
        paratenichost x , ( x )
        peritoneum 腹膜 , ( 59366 , )
        protasis 条件从句 , ( x )
        syntonic 共振的 , ( x )
        telangiectasia 毛细管扩张 , ( x )
      3. Reduplicated 零级形式 *te-tn̥-o- . ←from 希腊语 tetanos , stiff, rigid.
        tetanus 破伤风 , ( 62850 , )
      4. Suffixed 全级形式 *ten-tro- .
        1. ←from 梵语 tantram , loom;
          tantra 坦陀罗,密教经书,印度教经书 , ( 62661 , )
        2. ←from 波斯语 tār , string.
          sitar 西塔尔 , ( 61592 , )
      5. 基本形式: (with stative suffix) *ten-ē- . ←from 拉丁语 tenēre , to hold, keep, maintain (< "to cause to endure or continue, hold on to").
        tenable 说得过去的,站得住脚的 , ( 62801 , )
        →[oew]→ tenter 张布架,张布钩。 ( 62813 )
        →[oew]→ tenterhooks 拉幅钩,紧张不安。 ( 62814 )
        →[oew]→ tension n.(紧张)状态;拉(绷)紧;张力,拉力。 ( 2242 )
        →[oew]→ tenancy n.租期;租用[T9]。 ( 13592 )
        tenacious adj.顽强的;坚韧的;固执的;黏着力强的[T8] , ( 19115 , ten , tain保持 )
        tenaculum , ( x )
        tenant 持有者:n.租户,承租人,佃户,房客vt.租借[T4] , ( 4063 , ten , tain保持 )
        →[考研]→ tennis n.网球。 ( 2915 )
        tenement n.出租公寓,租户,住户[T9] , ( 18534 , ten , tain保持 )
        tenet n.信条,教义,原则[T8] , ( 13447 , ghdʰu , tain保持 )
        tenon 接榫,榫头 , ( 62809 , )
        tenor 持续过程:n.男高音;要旨,大意;票据的限期;稳定的进程adj.男高音的(在歌剧中,歌曲的定曲调部分通常有男高音完成 , ( 10512 , ten , _ )
        tenure holding:n.任期,占有vt.授予……终身职位[T8] , ( 5718 , ten , tain保持 )
        tenuto 持续的 ; ( x )
        abstain keepawayfromvi.戒绝,放弃,避免,抑制[T8] , ( 18014 , ten , tain保持 )
        contain v.包含,容纳;容忍,抑制;可被...除尽 , ( 1048 , ten , tain保持 )
        →[考研]→ container n.容器;集装箱。 ( 3927 )
        continue v.继续,连续,延伸 , ( 359 , ten , tain保持 )
        →[考研]→ continent n.大陆,洲。 ( 3925 )
        →[考研]→ continual a.不断的,连续的,频繁的。 ( 8328 )
        →[考研]→ continuous a.连续的,持续的。 ( 3080 )
        detain vt.拘留;留住;耽搁[T6] , ( 10387 , ten , tain保持 )
        entertain v.招待,款待;使娱乐;使欢乐;容纳,接受 , ( 5651 , en , tain保持 )
        →[考研]→ entertainment n.招待,款待;表演文娱节目。 ( 2547 )
        lieutenant 代理他人职位之人:n.中尉;副官;助理人员[T4] , ( 6494 , sta , )
        maintain v.维修,保养,维持,供养,坚持,主张,支持 , ( 1009 , man , tain保持 )
        obtain v.获得,得到 , ( 1568 , ten , tain保持 )
        pertain 持续持有vi.属于,关于,适合[T8] , ( 15782 , ten , tain保持 )
        pertinacious 坚决的 , ( 59388 , )
        rein n.缰绳,统治,支配 vt.以缰绳控制,统治,驾驭 vi.勒住马,止住 , ( 11619 , _ , tain保持 )
        retain v.保持,保留 , ( 2738 , ten , tain保持 )
        retinaculum 支持带 , ( x )
        retinue 随行人员 , ( 60697 , )
        sustain vt.支撑,撑住;维持,持续,经受,忍耐 , ( 3366 , ten , tain保持 )
      6. 扩展形式: *ten-s- . Suffixed 零级形式 *tn̥s-elo- . ←from 梵语 tasaram , shuttle.
        tussah , ( x )
    2. Derivatives meaning "stretched," hence "thin."
      1. Suffixed 零级形式 *tn̥-u- . ←from 古英语 thynne , thin, ←from 日耳曼语 *thunniz , ←from *thunw- .
        thin a.薄的,细的;稀薄的,淡的;瘦的v.变薄;变稀 , ( 1615 , ten , _ )
        →[oew]→ thing n.物,东西;事,事情;所有物;局面,情况。 ( 122 )
      2. Suffixed 全级形式 *ten-u- . ←from 拉丁语 tenuis , thin, rare, fine.
        tenuous adj.纤细的;稀薄的;贫乏的[T8] ; ( 12557 , ten , tenu细薄 )
        attenuate 减弱,变细 , ( 51926 , )
        extenuate 使人原谅 , ( x )
      3. Suffixed 全级形式 *ten-ero- . ←from 拉丁语 tener , tender, delicate.
        tender a.嫩的;敏感的;温柔的v.提出,提供;投标 , ( 4287 , ten , tend张开 )
        tendril n.[植]卷须,蔓,卷须状之物 ; ( 19532 , _ , tain保持 )
        intenerate 使变软 , ( x )
    3. Derivatives meaning "something stretched or capable of being stretched, a string."
      1. 带后缀形式: *ten-ōn- . ←from 希腊语 tenōn , tendon.
        tendon n.[解]腱 , ( 14003 , ten , tend张开 )
        teno- 塔诺河- , ( x )
      2. Suffixed o级形式 *ton-o- . ←from 希腊语 tonos , string, hence sound, pitch.
        tone n.音调,音色;风气,气氛;腔调,语气;色调 ; ( 1989 , ten , ton音调 )
        →[oew]→ tonic adj.激励的,滋补的 n.滋补剂,滋补品 ( 11849 )
        →[oew]→ tonality 调性。 ( 63039 )
        baritone n.男中音;男中音歌手adj.男中音的[T9] , ( 18285 , guer , ton音调 )
        tonoplast 液泡膜 , ( x )
      3. Suffixed 零级形式 *tn̥-yā- . ←from 希腊语 tainiā , band, ribbon.
        taenia 绦虫 ; ( x )
        polytene 聚乙烯纤维 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 1. ten- 1065.]
    attention n.注意,注意力;立正;特别照顾;照料 (Latin,100569)
    attempt vt.企图,试图n.努力,尝试,企图 (Latin,100984)
    extent n.广度,宽度,长度;程度,限度 (Lat,101292)
    content n.容量,内容,(pl.)目录a.(with)满足的 (Lat,101540)
    extensive a.广大的,广阔的 (Latin,102397)
    intense a.强烈的,剧烈的;热烈的,热情的 (Lat,102552)
    maintenance n.维修,保养,维持,保持,生活费用 (Lat,102602)
    extension n.延长;扩大;范围;大小;尺寸;电话分机 (Lat,102785)
    intensity n.强烈,剧烈;强度 (Lat,103459)
    intent n.意图;目的;含义adj.专心的;急切的;坚决的[T6] (Lat,103965)
    intensive a.加强的,集中的,深入细致的,精耕细作的 (Lat,104545)
    temptation n.引诱,诱惑;诱惑物 (Latin,105831)
    continuity n.连续性,连贯性 (Latin,105922)
    continental adj.大陆的,大陆性的n.欧洲人[T6] (Lat,106244)
    superintendent n.监督人;负责人;主管;指挥者[T9] (Latin,106264)
    retention n.保留;扣留,滞留;记忆力;闭尿[T8] (Lat,106513)
    tempt vt.吸引,诱惑 (Latin,106724)
    detention n.拘留;延迟;挽留[T9] (Lat,106913)
    contention n.争论,争辩;争夺;论点[T8] (Latin,107110)
    continuation n.持续不断的;频繁的[T8] (Latin,108233)
    discontent adj.不满的n.不满vt.使不满[T9] (Lat,109177)
    continuum n.连续统;连续统一体;闭联集[T9] (Latin,109285)
    contentious adj.诉讼的;有异议的,引起争论的;爱争论的[T8] (Latin,109549)
    pertinent adj.相关的,相干的;中肯的;切题的[T6] (Lat,110449)
    detainee n.被拘留者,未判决囚犯 (Latin,110659)
    attentive adj.注意的,留意的[T4] (Lat,110940)
    containment n.包含;牵制;容量;密闭度;抑制,牵制[T9] (Latin,113080)
    abstinence n.节制,节欲,戒酒,禁食[T8] (Lat,114407)
    incontinence n.不能自制,无节制,[医]失禁 (Lat,115330)
    pretense n.借口;虚假;炫耀;自吹(等于pretence)[T9] (Lat,115577)
    discontinue v.停止,中断[T9] (Latin,115639)
    attendee n.出席者;在场者[T9] (Latin,115695)
    sustenance n.食物;生计;支持[T8] (Lat,118490)
    pretension n.自负;要求;主张;借口;骄傲[T8] (Lat,118752)
    tenacity n.固执,韧性,不屈不挠[T8] (Lat,119072)
    contentment n.满意,知己 (Latin,119599)
    retainer n.保持器;家臣;保持者;护圈;预付费用[T8] (Lat,121976)
    discontinuity n.不连续,中断 (Latin,122487)
    countenance n.面容,表情;支持vt.支持,赞同[T8] (Lat,122752)
    inattention n.疏忽 (Latin,123059)
    intensification n.激烈化,增强明暗度,加厚 (Latin,123068)
    continuance n.继续,连续,持续的时间,续篇 (Latin,124585)
    attenuation n.变薄,弄细,稀薄化,减少 (Lat,125627)
    inattentive adj.不注意的,疏忽的,漫不经心的,松散,粗疏 (Lat,125740)
    abstinent adj.饮食有度的,有节制的,禁欲的 n.禁欲者 (Lat,125861)
    extensor n.伸肌 (Lat,126097)
    discontinuous adj.不连续的,间断的,中断的,非连续 (Latin,127199)
    incontinent adj.(大小便)失禁的,不能自制的 (Lat,129654)
    impertinence n.不适宜,鲁莽,无礼,鲁莽,无礼,不合理( impertinency的名词复数 ) (Latin,132020)
    discontinuation n.停止,废止,中止 (Latin,133317)
    intensional (Lat,134267)
    pertinence n.有关性,相关性,针对性 (Lat,134519)
    coextensive adj.扩及同空间的,伸及同时间的,同延的 (Latin,136211)
    extensible adj.可展开的,可扩张的,可延长的 (Lat,139605)
    distention n.膨胀,延伸 (Latin,145040)
    discontinuance n.停指,废止,中止 (Latin,145354)
    detainment n.挽留,延误 (Latin,147141)
    superintendency n.监督者的地位 (Latin,147357)
    extensional adj.外延的 (Latin,147954)
    attenuator n.衰减器 (Lat,151165)
    abstention 戒除,弃权 (Lat,151542)
    appertain 相关的 (Lat,151815)
    appurtenance 附加物 (Lat,151821)
    continence 节制,自制 (Lat,153092)
    entente 友好关系 (Latin,154096)
    impertinent 不相关的,不切题的,粗鲁的,无礼的 (Lat,155866)
    intercontinental 洲际间的 (Latin,156117)
    malcontent 不满者 (Lat,157368)
    ostentation 炫耀,卖弄 (Lat,158892)
    ostentatious 炫耀的,卖弄的 (Lat,158893)
    portentous 坏的预兆的 (Latin,159862)
    retentive 记忆力好的 (Lat,160691)
    superintend 主管,监管 (Latin,162438)
    tendentious 有倾向的,偏向的 (Lat,162803)
    tensile 有张力的,可延展的 (Lat,162811)
    transcontinental 横贯大陆的 (Latin,163134)
    ambitendency (Latin,)
    coextend (Latin,)
    coextension (Latin,)
    contentive (Latin,)
    continuant (Latin,)
    continuative (Latin,)
    detainder (Latin,)
    detainer (Latin,)
    detinue (Latin,)
    discontentment (Latin,)
    distent (Latin,)
    détente (Latin,)
    entendre (Latin,)
    equicontinuity (Latin,)
    equicontinuous (Latin,)
    extensionality (Latin,)
    extensivity (Latin,)
    inextensible (Latin,)
    irretentive (Latin,)
    obtainment (Latin,)
    obtend (Latin,)
    obtension (Latin,)
    obtention (Latin,)
    ostensive (Latin,)
    ostent (Latin,)
    purtenance (Latin,)
    reobtain (Latin,)
    retainment (Latin,)
    se-tenant (Latin,)
    subtense (Latin,)
    sustentacular (Latin,)
    sustentaculum (Latin,)
    sustentation (Latin,)
    sustention (Latin,)
    tenace (Latin,)
    tendential (Latin,)
    tensility (Latin,)
    tentacular (Latin,)
    tentage (Latin,)
    tentiginous (Latin,)
    tentorium (Latin,)
    tenurial (Latin,)
    appertinent (Lat,)
    appurtenant (Lat,)
    attent (Lat,)
    attenuant (Lat,)
    contratenor (Lat,)
    distension (Lat,)
    extenuation (Lat,)
    intenible (Lat,)
    intension (Lat,)
    ostension (Lat,)
    ostensory (Lat,)
    pertinacity (Lat,)
    portension (Lat,)
    tensible (Lat,)
    tensure (Lat,)
    tentation (Lat,)
    tenuate (Lat,)
    tenuifolious (Lat,)
    tenuis (Lat,)
    tenuity (Lat,)
    tune n.调子,曲调;和谐,协调vt.调音,调节,调整 (Greek,104007)
    monotonous adj.单调的,无抑扬顿挫的;无变化的[T8] (Greek,115280)
    monotony n.单调;千篇一律[T8] (Greek,126565)
    catatonic adj.(患)紧张症的, (患)强直性昏厥的 (Greek,129457)
    monotonic adj.单调的,无变化的 (Greek,140794)
    hypertonic adj.张力亢进的,高渗的 (Greek,149664)
    diatonic 全音阶的 (Greek,153603)
    isotonic 等渗的 (Greek,156245)
    monotone 单一声调,单调 (Greek,158082)
    pentatonic 五声音阶的 (Greek,159319)
    tetany 手足抽搐,强直 (Greek,162851)
    anhemitonic (Greek,)
    atelectasis (Greek,)
    atonic (Greek,)
    atritonic (Greek,)
    barytone (Greek,)
    catatoniac (Greek,)
    decatonic (Greek,)
    ditone (Greek,)
    dodecatonic (Greek,)
    dystonia (Greek,)
    ectasia (Greek,)
    enneatonic (Greek,)
    entasia (Greek,)
    hemitonia (Greek,)
    hemitonic (Greek,)
    heptatonic (Greek,)
    hexatonic (Greek,)
    hyperisotonic (Greek,)
    hypertonia (Greek,)
    hypotonia (Greek,)
    hypotonic (Greek,)
    microtone (Greek,)
    octatonic (Greek,)
    oxytone (Greek,)
    paroxytone (Greek,)
    polytonic (Greek,)
    proparoxytone (Greek,)
    pyelectasis (Greek,)
    tetanolysin (Greek,)
    tetanospasmin (Greek,)
    tetratonic (Greek,)
    tritonic (Greek,)
    ;...529, terᵊ-₁ 转磨
    To rub, turn;
    with some derivatives referring to twisting, boring, drilling, and piercing; and others referring to the rubbing of cereal grain to remove the husks,
    and thence to the process of threshing either by the trampling of oxen or by flailing with flails. Oldest form *terh₁- , with variant *treh₁- , becoming *trē- .
    派生词包括: trite , detriment , thrash , trauma , and truant.
    1. 全级形式 *ter(ᵊ)- .
        1. ←from 拉丁语 terere (past participle trītus ), to rub away, thresh, tread, wear out;
          trite 陈腐的,老套的 , ( 63214 , )
          triturate 研磨,磨碎 ; ( 63215 , )
          attrition n.摩擦;磨损;消耗[T8] , ( 15425 , ter₂ , _ )
          contrite 懊悔的 , ( 53101 , )
          detriment 摩擦掉:n.损害;伤害;损害物[T9] , ( 13504 , ter₂ , _ )
        2. ←from 希腊语 terēdōn , a kind of biting worm.
          teredo 船蛆 , ( x )
          →[oew]→ termite n.白蚁 ( 15090 )
      1. 带后缀形式: *ter-et- . ←from 拉丁语 teres (stem teret- ), rounded, smooth.
        terete 圆柱状的 , ( x )
      2. 带后缀形式: *ter-sko- .
        1. ←from 古英语 therscan , to thresh;
          thrash vt.打(谷),(用棍、鞭等)痛打,打败,使逆行,胜过,使颠簸,推敲 vi.打谷,击,颠簸,逆行 n.打谷,逆风浪行进 , ( 15108 , ter₂ , _ )
          thresh 使翻滚,使脱粒 , ( 62916 , )
        2. ←from 古英语 therscold , threscold , sill of a door (over which one treads; second element obscure). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *therskan , *threskan , to thresh, tread.
          threshold n.入口;门槛;开始;极限;临界值[T6] , ( 5184 , ter₂ , _ )
    2. o级形式 *tor(ᵊ)- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 toreus , a boring tool.
        toreutics 金属细工 , ( x )
      2. 带后缀形式: *tor(ᵊ)-mo- , hole. ←from 高地德语 darm , gut, ←from 日耳曼语 *tharma- .
        derma 真皮 , ( x )
      3. 带后缀形式: *tor(ᵊ)-no- . ←from 希腊语 tornos , tool for drawing a circle, circle, lathe.
        turn v./n.(使)转动;(使)旋转;(使)转变n.机会 ; ( 200 , ter₂ , _ )
        →[考研]→ turnover n.翻转,营业额,转移 ( 4113 )
        →[oew]→ turnip n.[植]芜箐(甘蓝) ( 18501 )
        →[oew]→ turnpike 收费公路。 ( 63310 )
        attorn v.[法]转让,让序 , ( x )
        attorney n.(业务或法律事务上的)代理人;辩护律师 , ( 1481 , ter₂ , tour转动 )
        contour vt.画轮廓,画等高线n.轮廓,等高线,周线,电路[T9] , ( 11099 , ter₂ , tour转动 )
        detour v.(使)绕道,迂回n.绕道[T8] , ( 15769 , ter₂ , tour转动 )
        return v./n.返回,回来;归还,送还;回答 , ( 450 , ter₂ , _ )
    3. 零级形式 *tr- . ←from 中古荷兰语 drillen , to drill, ←from 日耳曼语 *thr- .
      drill v.练习;操练;钻孔n.操练;练习;钻孔(机) , ( 5485 , ter₃ , _ )
    4. 变化形式*trē- (< *treᵊ- ).
      1. ←from 古英语 thrāwan , to turn, twist, ←from 日耳曼语 *thrēw- .
        throw vt.扔;使突然陷入;使困惑n.投掷(距离) , ( 876 , treud , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *trē-tu- . ←from 古英语 thrǣd , thread, ←from 日耳曼语 *thrēdu- , twisted yarn.
        thread n.线,细丝;线索,思路;螺纹v.穿线,穿过 , ( 5363 , ter₂ , _ )
      3. 带后缀形式: *trē-mn̥ (< *treᵊ- or *tr̥ᵊ- ) ←from 希腊语 trēma , perforation.
        diatreme 火山爆发口 , ( x )
        monotreme 单孔目动物(卵生哺乳动物) , ( 58083 , )
        trematode 吸虫类 , ( x )
      4. 带后缀形式: *trē-ti- (< *treᵊ- or *tr̥ᵊ- ) ←from 希腊语 trēsis , perforation.
        atresia 闭锁 , ( 40648 )
    5. 扩展形式: *trī- (< *triᵊ- ).
      1. Probably 带后缀形式: *trī-ōn- . ←from 拉丁语 triō , plow ox.
        septentrion x , ( x )
      2. 带后缀形式: *trī-dʰlo- . ←from 拉丁语 trībulum , a threshing sledge.
        tribulation n.苦难;磨难;忧患[T8] , ( 22146 , ter₂ , _ )
    6. Various 扩展形式:s
      1. Forms *trō- , *trau- . ←from 希腊语 trauma , hurt, wound.
        trauma n.[医] 外伤,损伤 , ( 5615 , ter₂ , _ )
      2. Form *trīb- . ←from 希腊语 trībein , to rub, thresh, pound, wear out.
        diatribe n.恶骂,诽谤 , ( 24109 , ter₂ , _ )
        triboelectricity 摩擦电 , ( x )
        tribology 摩擦学 , ( 38851 )
        triboluminescence 摩擦发光 , ( x )
        trypsin 胰蛋白酶 , ( 48419 )
      3. Form *trōg- , *trag- .
        1. ←from 希腊语 trōgein , to gnaw;
          trogon 咬鹃 , ( x )
          trout n.鲑鱼 , ( 5809 , aud , _ )
        2. ←from 希腊语 tragēma , sweetmeat.
          dredge n.挖泥机.v.挖掘,努力回忆 , ( 17287 , dʰreg , _ )
      4. Form *trup- . ←from 希腊语 trupē , hole.
        trepan 钻孔机 ; ( x )
        trypanosome 锥体虫 , ( x )
      5. Possible form *trūg- . ←from 古法语 truant , beggar.
        truant 逃学的小学生 , ( 63249 , )
    [Pokorny 3. ter- 1071.]
    detrimental adj.不利的;有害的n.有害的人(或物);不受欢迎的求婚者[T8] (Lat,111341)
    detritus (摩擦掉的东西)n.碎石,岩屑[T8] (Lat,123225)
    contrition n.悔罪,抱愧,痛悔 (Lat,124760)
    detrital adj.由岩屑形成的 (Lat,148017)
    detritivorous (Latin,)
    retriment (Latin,)
    trituration (Latin,)
    triture (Latin,)
    detrition (Lat,)
    detritivore (Lat,)
    monotrematous (Greek,)
    trema (Greek,)
    tribochromism (Greek,)
    trypanophobia (Greek,)
    tryptic (Greek,)
    tréma (Greek,)
    ;...530, terᵊ-₂ 穿越窜
    To cross over, pass through, overcome. 最初形式: *terh₂- , with variant *treh₂- , 变形 为: *trah₂- , becoming *trā- .
    派生词包括: thrill , nostril , and trench.
    1. 零级形式 *tr̥(ᵊ)- .
      1. ←from 古英语 thyr(e)l , thȳrel , a hole (< "a boring through"), ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *thur-ila- .
        thrill n.一阵激动(恐惧)v.激动;(使)毛骨悚然 ; ( 6602 , ter₃ , _ )
        nostril n.鼻孔[T9] , ( 11710 , nas , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *tr̥ᵊ-kʷe . ←from 古英语 thurh , thuruh , through, ←from 日耳曼语 *thurh .
        thorough a.彻底的,完全的;精心的 , ( 5507 , ter₃ , _ )
        through prep./ad.穿过;自始至终;由,以a.直达的 , ( 116 , ter₃ , _ )
        →[考研]→ throughout prep.遍及,贯穿 ad.到处,自始至终,彻底。 ( 854 )
      3. 希腊语 nektar (see nek-₁ ).
      4. 零级形式 *tr̥ᵊ- and 全级形式 *ter(ᵊ)- . ←from 梵语 tirati , tarati , he crosses over.
        avatar n.化身,阿凡达 , ( 20191 , au₁ , _ )
    2. 变化形式*trā- (< *traᵊ- ).
      1. ←from 拉丁语 trāns , across, over, beyond, through (perhaps originally the present participle of a verb *trāre , to cross over).
        trans- 转移,转变,进入,穿过,横穿,超越 , ( 63131 , )
        transient adj.短暂的,路过的n.候鸟,过往旅客[T8] , ( 10292 , ei₁ , it走 )
        transom n.气窗,横窗,横梁,结构中横向构件 , ( 21190 , ter₃ , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *trā-yo- . ←from 伊朗语 *thrāya- , to protect.
        seraglio , ( 38118 )
        →[oew]→ service n.服务;公共设施;维修保养;行政部门v.维修。 ( 254 )
        →[oew]→ servile 奴性的。 ( 61386 )
        →[oew]→ serf 农奴。 ( 61371 )
        serai 客店 ; ( x )
        caravansary 商队旅馆 , ( x )
        lamasery 喇嘛庙 , ( x )
    3. Possible 扩展形式: *tru- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *tru-k- . ←from 拉丁语 trux (stem truc- ), savage, fierce, grim (< "overcoming," "powerful," "penetrating").
        truculent 好斗的 , ( 63251 , )
      2. Suffixed nasalized 零级形式 *tru-n-k-o- . ←from 拉丁语 truncus , deprived of branches or limbs, mutilated, hence trunk (? < "overcome, maimed").
        tranche 一份,一部分 , ( 63128 , )
        trench n.沟渠,堑壕.v.掘沟,挖战壕 , ( 7322 , ter₃ , _ )
        →[oew]→ trenchant 尖锐的,鲜明的。 ( 63170 )
        truncate 截短,缩短 , ( 63256 , )
        trunk n.大衣箱,皮箱;(汽车后部)行李箱;树干,躯干 , ( 4219 , ter₃ , _ )
    [Pokorny 5. ter- 1075.]
    truncheon 警棍 (Latin,163257)
    ;...531, terkʷ- 扭转
    To twist.
    1. Possible variant (metathesized) form *twerk- .
      1. ←from Middle 低地德语 dwer , oblique;
        queer n.同性恋者 adj.奇怪的,可疑的,不舒服的 vt.搞糟 n.同性恋者 , ( 12292 , tereq , _ )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 thverr , transverse. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *thwerh- , twisted, oblique.
        thwart vt.阻挠,横过,反对 , ( 11866 , tereq , _ )
    2. Suffixed (causative) o级形式 *torkʷ-eyo- . ←from 拉丁语 torquēre , to twist.
      torch n.手电筒;火炬,火把 , ( 7132 , tereq , tort卷缠 )
      →[oew]→ tortoise n.龟,迟缓的人 ( 16460 )
      torment n.痛苦,苦恼,痛苦的根源vt.折磨,使痛苦,纠缠[T6] , ( 15421 , tereq , tort卷缠 )
      torque n.扭矩,转矩 , ( 9543 , tereq , tort卷缠 )
      torque n.扭矩,转矩 , ( 9543 , tereq , tort卷缠 )
      torsade 带条 , ( x )
      torsion 扭转 , ( 63073 , )
      tort n.[律]民事侵权行为 , ( 15208 , tereq , _ )
      tortuous 拐弯抹角的 , ( 63076 , )
      torture v.拷问,拷打;折磨,磨难n.拷问;折磨,痛苦 , ( 5986 , tereq , tort卷缠 )
      truss 捆,束,捆绑,支架 ; ( 63261 , )
      contort v.扭曲,曲解[T8] , ( 21771 , tereq , tort卷缠 )
      distort 扭开:v.扭曲,曲解,(使)失真,(使)变形[T6] , ( 8122 , tereq , tort卷缠 )
      →[oew]→ distortion n.变形;失真;扭曲;曲解[T6]。 ( 7829 )
      extort 勒索 , ( 54265 , )
      nasturtium 旱金莲 , ( 58341 , )
      retort n.v.反驳,顶嘴[T6] , ( 16569 , tereq , tort卷缠 )
      torticollis 斜颈 , ( x )
    [Pokorny terk- 1077.]
    extortion n.勒索;敲诈;强夺;被勒索的财物[T9] (Lat,118223)
    contortion n.扭曲,弄歪,歪曲 (Lat,127263)
    detortion (Lat,)
    torse (Lat,)
    tortillon (Lat,)
    tortrix (Lat,)
    ;...532, ters- 干烤汽恐
    To dry.
    派生词包括: thirst , terrain , toast ₁, and torrent.
    1. Suffixed 零级形式 *tr̥s- .
      1. ←from 古英语 thurst , dryness, thirst, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *thurs-tu- ;
        thirst n.渴,口渴;(for)渴望,热望 , ( 11389 , ters , _ )
        →[考研]→ thirsty a.口渴的;(for)渴望的,热望的。 ( 10639 )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 thorskr , cod (< "dried fish"). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *thurs- .
        cusk 鳕鱼的一种 , ( x )
        torsk x , ( x )
        tusk n.长牙.vt.以牙刺戳 , ( 20496 , den , _ )
    2. Suffixed 基本形式: *ters-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 terra , "dry land," earth.
      terrace n.平台,阳台,梯田v.(使)成梯田[T6] , ( 5444 , ters , terr地 )
      →[oew]→ terrafirma 陆地,大地 ( 62835 )
      →[oew]→ terrine 陶罐,沙锅,罐装肉糜,鱼酱。 ( 62839 )
      terrain n.地形,地势,地带,领域[T8] , ( 5421 , ters , terr地 )
      Terran 人族 , ( x )
      terrene 土的 , ( x )
      terrestrial adj.陆地的,地球的,人间的n.陆地生物,地球上的人[T8] , ( 10642 , ters , terr地 )
      terrier n.[动]狗的一种,国防自卫队,地籍册 , ( 20046 , _ , _ )
      territory n.领土;版图;领域,范围 , ( 2281 , ters , terr地 )
      →[考研]→ terrible a.很糟的;可怕的,骇人的;极度的,厉害的。 ( 1855 )
      →[考研]→ terrific 可怕的 : adj.极好的,极其的[T4]。 ( 5150 )
      →[考研]→ terrify vt.恐吓,使恐怖[T3]。 ( 7888 )
      →[考研]→ terror n.恐怖;可怕的人(事)。 ( 3135 )
      terroir 土壤 , ( x )
      tureen 海碗,盖碗 ; ( 63303 , )
      fumitory x , ( x )
      inter 入土:vt.埋葬[T8] , ( 27748 , _ , terr地 )
      mediterranean 大地之间的:n.地中海adj.地中海的[T4] , ( 6432 , medʰi , )
      parterre 花坛 , ( 59180 , )
      souterrain 地下通道 , ( x )
      subterranean adj.地下的;秘密的;隐蔽的n.地下工作者[T8] , ( 18915 , _ , terr地 )
      tartufo x , ( x )
      terraqueous 水陆两栖的 , ( x )
      terreplein x , ( x )
      terre-verte x , ( x )
      terricolous 陆栖的 , ( x )
      terrigenous 陆源 , ( x )
      turmeric 姜黄根粉 , ( 63307 , )
      verditer 碳酸铜 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ verdant adj.翠绿的,青翠的,生疏的,没有经验的 ( 22911 )
      →[oew]→ verdigris 铜绿。 ( 63543 )
      →[oew]→ verdure 青葱的草木。 ( 63544 )
    3. Suffixed o级形式 *tors-eyo- . ←from 拉丁语 torrēre , to dry, parch, burn.
      toast n.烤面包,吐司;祝酒(词)v.烘,烤;(向…)祝酒 , ( 6597 , ters , _ )
      torrent (蒸汽)沸腾:n.奔流;倾注;迸发;连续不断[T4] , ( 12387 , ters , _ )
      →[oew]→ torrential 倾泻的。 ( 63071 )
      torrid 火热的,酷热的,热烈的,狂热的 , ( 63072 , )
      tostones x , ( x )
    4. Suffixed 零级形式 *tr̥s-o- . ←from 希腊语 tarsos , frame of wickerwork (originally for drying cheese), hence a flat surface, sole of the foot, ankle.
      tarsus 踝骨,跗骨 , ( 62681 , )
    [Pokorny ters- 1078.]
    extraterrestrial adj.地球外的n.天外来客[T9] (Lat,119846)
    terracotta 赤陶土 (Lat,162834)
    terrarium 生物育养箱 (Lat,162838)
    atterration (Lat,)
    circumterrestrial (Lat,)
    ;...533, teuᵊ- 凸鼓胀 , Also teu- .
    To swell. 最初形式: *teuh₂- .
    派生词包括: thigh , thousand , thimble , tumor , butter , and tomb.
    1. 扩展形式: *teuk- . ←from 古英语 thēoh , thigh, ←from 日耳曼语 *theuham , "the swollen or fat part of the leg," thigh.
      thigh n.大腿,股 , ( 4947 , teue , _ )
    2. 扩展形式: *tūs- . ←from 古英语 thūsend , thousand, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *thūs-hundi- , "swollen hundred," thousand ( *hundi- , hundred; see dekm̥ ).
      thousand num./n./a.一千;[pl.]许许多多,成千上万 , ( 736 , teue , _ )
    3. Probably suffixed 零级形式 *tu-l- .
      1. ←from 古英语 thol(l) , oar pin, oarlock (< "a swelling"), ←from 日耳曼语 *thul- ;
        thole 有耐心 , ( x )
      2. ←from 希腊语 tulos , callus, lump.
        tylectomy x , ( x )
        tylosis 胼胝症 , ( x )
    4. Extended 零级形式 *tūm- .
      1. ←from 古英语 thūma , thumb (< "the thick finger"), ←from 日耳曼语 *thūmōn- ;
        thimble 顶针,顶箍 , ( 62899 , )
        thumb n.拇指v.示意要求搭车;迅速翻阅 , ( 4279 , teue , _ )
      2. suffixed (stative) form *tum-ē- . ←from 拉丁语 tumēre , to swell, be swollen, be proud;
        tumescent 肿大的 , ( 63281 , )
        tumid 肿胀的 , ( 63282 , )
        tumor 肿胀之物:n.肿瘤,肿块[T9] ; ( 5974 , teue , _ )
        detumescence 消肿 , ( x )
        intumesce 沸腾 , ( x )
        →[oew]→ intubate 插管。 ( 56178 )
        tumefacient 肿大的 , ( x )
        tumefy 肿胀 , ( x )
        →[oew]→ tumultuous adj.吵闹的;骚乱的;狂暴的[T9]。 ( 16806 )
        →[oew]→ tumult n.骚乱,吵闹[T8]。 ( 22818 )
      3. 带后缀形式: *tum-olo- . ←from 拉丁语 tumulus , raised heap of earth, mound.
        tumulus 古墓,古冢 , ( 63285 , )
    5. Extended 零级形式 *tūbʰ- . ←from 拉丁语 tūber , lump, swelling.
      truffle n.[植]块菌 , ( 19089 , teue , _ )
      tuber n.[植]块茎,突起,[解]结节 ; ( 22210 , teue , _ )
      →[oew]→ tube n.管,软管;电子管,显像管;地铁。 ( 2809 )
      →[oew]→ tuberculosis n.肺结核 ( 10069 )
      →[oew]→ Tuber n.[植]块茎,突起,[解]结节 ( 22210 )
      →[oew]→ tuba 大号。 ( 63267 )
      →[oew]→ tubercle 小块茎,结节,肺结核结节。 ( 63270 )
      protuberate x , ( x )
      tartufo x , ( x )
    6. Suffixed 零级形式 *tū-ro- (< *tuᵊ-ro- ).
      1. ←from 希腊语 tūros , cheese (< "a swelling," "coagu拉丁语g");
        butter n.黄油,奶油v.涂黄油于…上 , ( 2641 , guou , _ )
        tyrosine 酪氨酸 , ( 39220 )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 -tūrāre , to stop up, possibly from *tūros , swollen, coagulated, stopped up.
        obturate 密闭 , ( x )
    7. Suffixed 变化形式*twō-ro- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 sōros , heap, pile;
        sorites 连锁推理 , ( x )
        sorus 孢子堆 , ( x )
      2. ←from 古教会斯拉夫语 tvarogŭ , curds, cottage cheese.
        quark n.夸克(理论上一种比原子更小的基本粒子) , ( 21215 , _ , _ )
    8. Suffixed 变化形式*twō-mn̥ . ←from 希腊语 sōma , body (< "a swelling," "stocky form").
      soma 身体,肉体 , ( 61812 , )
      →[oew]→ somatic adj.肉体的,躯体的,身体的,体壁 ( 16854 )
      somato- x , ( x )
      -some 表形容词,“充满…的,具有…倾向的” ; ( x )
      prosoma 前体 , ( x )
    9. Suffixed 零级形式 *twᵊ-wo- . ←from 希腊语 saos , sōs , safe, healthy (< "swollen," "strong"), with derivative verb sōzein , to save.
      creosote 杂酚油 , ( 53242 , )
      soteriology 救世神学 , ( 35884 )
    10. Perhaps nasalized 扩展形式: *tu-m-b(h)- (or extended 零级形式 *tum- ) ←from 希腊语 tumbos , barrow, tomb.
      tomb n.坟墓 , ( 6675 , teue , _ )
    [Pokorny tēu- 1080.]
    tumescence n.肿大,肿胀 (Latin,140377)
    tumulous 丘陵的,多山的 (Latin,163284)
    detumescent (Latin,)
    intumescence (Latin,)
    tumefaction (Latin,)
    tumesce (Latin,)
    tumorous (Latin,)
    tumular (Latin,)
    tumulose (Latin,)
    tumultuary (Latin,)
    tumidity (Lat,)
    ;...534, teutā- 部落总
      1. ←from 中古荷兰语 duutsch , German, of the Germans or Teutons;
        Dutch n.荷兰人.a.荷兰的 , ( 3837 , _ , _ )
      2. ←from 高地德语 diutisc , of the people. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *theudiskaz , of the people, derivative of *theudō , people.
        Plattdeutsch 低地德语 , ( x )
    1. 带后缀形式: *teut-onōs , "they of the tribe. ←from 拉丁语 Teutōnī , the Teutons, borrowed via Celtic ←from 日耳曼语 tribal name *theudanōz .
      Teuton 条顿人 , ( x )
    2. Possibly 拉丁语 tōtus , all, whole (? < "of the whole tribe")
      total n.总数,合计a.总的,全部的v.合计,总数达 , ( 744 , teue , _ )
      →[oew]→ totality n.全部,总数 ( 12035 )
      tutti 合唱 ; ( 34169 )
      factotum 事务总管 , ( 54287 , )
      teetotum x . ( x )
    [Pokorny 1 tēu- 1080.]
    subtotal 小计 (Lat,162362)
    ;...535, tkei- 居家住
    To settle, dwell, be home. 最初形式: *tk̑ei- , becoming *tkei- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    派生词包括: home , hangar , and situate.
    1. Suffixed o级形式 *(t)koi-mo- .
      1. ←from 古英语 hām , home;
        home ad.回家,在家n.家;家乡a.家庭的;家乡的 , ( 185 , kei₂ , _ )
        →[考研]→ homework n.(学生的)家庭作业、课外人员。 ( 4560 )
        →[oew]→ homely a.家常的,平凡的,相貌平庸的 ( 15956 )
        →[oew]→ homespun 家纺的,朴素的。 ( 55525 )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 heimr , home;
        Niflheim 死人国 , ( x )
      3. ←from 高地德语 heim , home;
        haimish x , ( x )
      4. ←from 中古荷兰语 hame , hame (< "covering");
        hame 不愉快的工作 , ( x )
      5. ←from 古法语 ham , village, home;
        hamlet n.小村,部落 n.哈姆雷特(Hamlet,莎士比亚著名悲剧剧名) , ( 9581 , kei₂ , _ )
      6. ←from 古法语 hanter , to frequent, haunt, ←from 日耳曼语 *haimatjan , to go or bring home;
        haunt v.出没于(像鬼魂一样) , ( 6749 , kei₂ , _ )
      7. ←from 古法语 hangard , shelter, possibly ←from 日耳曼语 *haimgardaz ( *gardaz , enclosure; see gher-₁ ).a-gall ←from 日耳曼语 *haimaz , home.
        hangar n.飞机修理库,飞机棚 , ( 15818 , konk , _ )
    2. 零级形式 *tki- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 ktizein , to found, settle, ←from metathesized *kti- ;
        amphictyony 近邻同盟 , ( x )
        protoctist 原生生物 , ( x )
      2. probably Italic *si- . ←from 拉丁语 situs , location, ←from 带后缀形式: *si-tu- .
        situate v.位于,坐落在 , ( 8475 , _ , _ )
        situs 位置,地点 , ( 61595 , )
    [Pokorny 1. k̑ei- 539, k̑Þei- 626.]
    ;...536, to- 这指代
    Demonstrative pronoun. For the nominative singular see so- .
    派生词包括: decoy , thus , and tandem.
      1. ←from 古英语 thē , thȳ (instrumental case), by the;
        the art.这(那)个;这(那)些(指特定的人或物) ; ( 1 , t , _ )
        natheless 虽然如此 , ( x )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 de , the;
        decoy n.诱饵,诱骗v.诱骗。来自荷兰语,表示四周装满网用来诱捕鸟雀的池塘,开头的de可能是荷兰语中的定冠词de,被误认为 , ( 14113 , kagh , _ )
      3. ←from 古英语 the , a conjunction.a-c ←from 日耳曼语 *thē , ←from Indo-European instrumental form *tē .
        lest conj.惟恐,免得 , ( 8924 , _ , _ )
    1. ←from 中古英语 though , though, ←from a Scandinavian source akin to 古挪威语 thō , though, ←from 日耳曼语 *thauh , "for all that.".
      though ad.可是,然而,不过conj.尽管,虽然 , ( 249 , to , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 thes , this , this, ←from 日耳曼语 *thasi- .
      these pron.&a.[this的复数]这些;这些人(东西) , ( 82 , t , _ )
      this pron.这(个)a.这(个);今ad.这(样) , ( 18 , t , _ )
      those pron./a.[that的复数]那些;那些人(东西) , ( 109 , t , _ )
    3. ←from 古英语 thanne , thænne , thenne , than, then, ←from 日耳曼语 *thana- .
      than conj.(用于形容词,副词的比较级之后)比 , ( 81 , t , _ )
      then ad.当时,在那时;然后,于是;那么,因而 , ( 78 , kuo , _ )
    4. ←from 古英语 thanon , thence, ←from 日耳曼语 *thanana- .
      thence adv.从此,从那时起 , ( 20284 , kuo , _ )
    5. ←from 古英语 thǣr , thēr , there, ←from 日耳曼语 *thēr .
      there ad.在那儿;往那儿;[作引导词表示存在] , ( 44 , t , _ )
      →[考研]→ thereafter adv.其后,从那时以后 ( 5673 )
      →[考研]→ thereby ad.因此,从而。 ( 3376 )
      →[考研]→ therefore ad.因此,所以 conj.因此。 ( 625 )
    6. ←from 古英语 thæder , thider , thither, ←from 日耳曼语 *thathro .
      thither 到那里,向那里 , ( 62906 , )
    7. ←from 古挪威语 their , they, ←from 日耳曼语 nominative plural *thai .
      they 商店。(一般人经常用复数they来指一家商店) , ( 20 , t , _ )
    8. ←from 古挪威语 their(r)a , theirs, ←from 日耳曼语 genitive plural *thaira .
      their pron..[they的所有格]他(她、它)们的 , ( 33 , t , _ )
      →[考研]→ theirs pron.[they的物主代词]他(她、它)们的。 ( 6002 )
    9. ←from 古挪威语 theim and 古英语 thǣm , them, ←from 日耳曼语 dative plural *thaimiz .
      them pron.他们/她们/它们(they的宾格形式) , ( 59 , t , _ )
      →[考研]→ themselves pron.他(她、它)们自己;他(她、它)们亲自。 ( 397 )
    10. Extended neuter form *tod- . ←from 古英语 thæt , that, ←from 日耳曼语 *that .
      that a./pron.那,那个ad.那么conj.[引导从句] , ( 9 , t , _ )
    11. ←from 古英语 thus , thus, ←from 日耳曼语 *thus- .
      thus ad.如此;像这样;于是;因此 , ( 553 , t , _ )
    12. Adverbial (originally accusative) form *tam . ←from 拉丁语 tandem , at last, so much, and tantus , so much.
      tandem adv.一前一后 , ( 15176 , de , _ )
      tantamount a.同等的,相当于 , ( 19754 , t , _ )
    13. Suffixed 缩减形式 *t-āli- . ←from 拉丁语 tālis , such.
      tales 0 , ( 9763 , t , _ )
      →[oew]→ talesman 修补陪审员。 ( 62623 )
    14. ←from 希腊语 to , the.
      tauto- 相同 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 1. to- 1086.]
    ;...537, tolkʷ- 说话
    To speak. Metathesized form *tlokʷ- .

    locution 惯用语,习语 , ( 57094 , )
    loquacious 话多的,健谈的 ; ( 57152 , )
    allocution 训示 , ( x )
    circumlocution 迂回说法 , ( 52873 , )
    colloquium 学术研讨会 , ( 52992 , )
    colloquy 谈话 , ( 31046 )
    elocution 演说术 , ( 54016 , )
    grandiloquence 豪言壮语 , ( x )
    interlocution 对话 , ( x )
    magniloquent 夸张的 , ( x )
    obloquy 抨击,辱骂 , ( 58668 , )
    prolocutor 代言人 , ( x )
    soliloquy 独白 , ( 61804 , )
    ventriloquism 口技 , ( 63535 , ) ←from 拉丁语 loquī , to speak.
    [Pokorny tolku̯- 1088.]
    eloquent adj.雄辩的,口才好的,能言善辩的[T6] (Lat,111253)
    eloquence n.雄辩术,口才,修辞[T6] (Lat,120840)
    interlocutor n.对话者,谈话者[T8] (Lat,123374)
    colloquial 口语的 (Lat,152991)
    grandiloquent 卖弄词藻的 (Lat,154976)
    allocutive (Lat,)
    collocution (Lat,)
    collocutor (Lat,)
    elocutio (Lat,)
    illocution (Lat,)
    interlocutory (Lat,)
    loquacity (Lat,)
    loquitur (Lat,)
    oblocutor (Lat,)
    perlocutionary (Lat,)
    ventriloquy (Lat,)
    ;...538, tong- 想感谢
    To think, feel.
    1. ←from 古英语 thanc , thought, good will, and thancian , to thank, ←from 日耳曼语 *thankaz , thought, gratitude, and *thankōn , to think of, thank.
      thank vt.感谢int.[-s]谢谢n.[pl.]感谢(意) , ( 537 , tong , _ )
      →[考研]→ Thanksgiving 0 ( 6259 )
    2. ←from 古英语 (bi)thencan , to think, ←from 日耳曼语 *(bi-)thankjan .
      bethink 忆起 , ( x )
      think v.想,思索;认为,以为;想要;料想,预料 , ( 70 , tong , _ )
    3. ←from 古英语 (ge)thōht , thought, ←from 日耳曼语 *(ga)thanht- ( *ga- , collective prefix; see kom ).
      thought n.思想,思考,思维;意图,打算;想法 , ( 352 , tong , _ )
      →[考研]→ thoughtful a.认真思考的,沉思的;体贴的,关心的。 ( 6280 )
    4. ←from 古英语 thyncan , to seem, ←from 日耳曼语 *thunkjan .
      methinks 我想 , ( 57730 , )
    [Pokorny 1. tong- 1088.]
    ;...539, treb- 居住
    1. 零级形式 *tr̥b- .
      1. ←from 古英语 thorp , village, hamlet;
        thorp 村庄 , ( 62910 , )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 dorp , village. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *thurp- .
        dorp 小镇,村庄 , ( 53793 , )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 trabs , beam, timber.
      trabeated 横梁式的 , ( x )
      trabecula 骨小梁 , ( x )
      trave 横梁 ; ( 63158 , )
      architrave 门楣 , ( 51843 , )
    [Pokorny trē̆b- 1090.]
    ;...540, trei- 三棵树
    派生词包括: three , trio , testicle , detest , and trinity.
    1. Nominative plural form *treyes .
        1. ←from 古英语 thrīe , thrēo , thrī , three, with its derivatives thrīga , thrīwa , thrice, thrītig , thirty, and thrēotīne , thirteen ( -tīne , ten; see dekm̥ );
          three num.三pron./a.三(个,只...) , ( 132 , tre , _ )
          thrice 三次,三倍 ; ( 62917 , )
          thirteen num./a.十三pron.十三(个,只...) , ( 4921 , dekm , _ )
          thirty num.三十,三十个(人或物) , ( 1907 , dekm , _ )
        2. ←from Old Swedish thrīr , three. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *thrijiz .
          trillium 延龄草 , ( 31915 )
      1. ←from 拉丁语 trēs , three.
        trey 三分球 ; ( 63177 , )
        trammel 鱼网,束缚,限制 , ( 63126 , )
        trecento 十四世纪 , ( 43641 )
        trephine 环钻 , ( x )
        triumvir 三执政之一 , ( x )
        trocar 套管针 , ( x )
      2. ←from 希腊语 treis, tris , three.
        triskaidekaphobia 恐数字13症 , ( x )
    2. 零级形式 *tri- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *tri-tyo- .
          1. ←from 古英语 thrid(d)a, thirdda , third;
            third num.第三(个),三分之一(的) , ( 489 , tre , _ )
          2. ←from 古挪威语 thridʰi , third. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *thridjaz , third.
            riding n.马术,骑术 , ( 5791 , reidʰ , _ )
        1. ←from 拉丁语 tertius , third.
          tercel 雄鹰 , ( x )
          →[oew]→ Tertiary a.第三的,第三位的 ( 14563 )
          tercet 三拍子 , ( 36687 )
          tertian 隔日的 , ( x )
          tertiary a.第三的,第三位的 , ( 14563 , tre , _ )
          tierce 三度音 ; ( x )
          sesterce 塞斯特斯 , ( x )
      2. Combining form *tri- .
        1. ←from 拉丁语 tri- , three;
          tri- 三,三的 , ( 63178 , )
          tribe n.部落,宗族[T4] , ( 3649 , tre , _ )
          →[oew]→ tribunal 护民官的(审判席) : n.法官席,法庭,裁决[T8]。 ( 5909 )
          →[oew]→ tribune 部落首领 : n.护民官,公民权利保护者,讲坛,看台[T9]。 ( 18243 )
          →[oew]→ tributary adj.纳贡的,附属的,辅助的 n.进贡国,附属国,支流[T8]。 ( 15301 )
          trio n.三重唱 , ( 7144 , tre , _ )
          triple adj.三倍的,三方的三倍数;三个一组vi.增至三倍vt.使成三倍[T9] , ( 7851 , plek₁ , )
        2. ←from 希腊语 tri- , three;
          tri- 三,三的 ; ( 63178 , )
          triclinium 躺卧餐桌 , ( x )
          tricrotic x , ( x )
          tridactyl 有三指的 , ( x )
          triglyph 花纹装饰 , ( x )
          tritone 三全音 , ( x )
        3. ←from 梵语 tri- , three.
          Trimurti 三神一体 , ( x )
      3. ←from 希腊语 trias , the number three.
        triad n.三个一组,三幅一组,[音]三和音 , ( 17216 , tre , _ )
      4. ←from 希腊语 trikha , in three parts.
        trichotomy 三分法 , ( x )
      5. ←from 希腊语 compound triērēs , galley with three banks of oars, trireme ( -ērēs , oar; see erᵊ- ).
        trierarch x , ( x )
      6. 带后缀形式: *tri-to- . ←from 希腊语 tritos , third.
        tritium , ( 63216 , )
      7. Compound form *tri-pl- , "threefold" ( *-pl- , < combining form *-plo- , -fold; see pel-₂ ). ←from 希腊语 triploos , triple.
        triploblastic 三胚层的 , ( x )
      8. Compound form *tri-plek- , "threefold" ( *-plek- ,-fold; see plek- ). ←from 拉丁语 triplex , triple.
        triplex 三层 , ( 38244 )
      9. Compound form *tri-st-i- , "third person standing by" ( -st- , standing; see stā- ). ←from 拉丁语 testis , a witness.
        testament n.遗嘱;圣约;确实的证明[T8] , ( 7757 , tre , test证据 )
        →[oew]→ Testament n.遗嘱;圣约;确实的证明[T8]。 ( 7757 )
        →[oew]→ testimonial adj.证明的;褒奖的;表扬的 n.证明书,推荐信[T9]。 ( 19989 )
        testimony n.证词,证言;证据[T8] , ( 3328 , _ , test证据 )
        testicle n.睾丸[T9] , ( 20053 , tre , _ )
        testis 睾丸 ; ( 62848 , )
        attest vt.证明;证实;为…作证vi.证明;作证[T8] , ( 12079 , tre , test证据 )
        →[oew]→ attribute v.(to)归因于,归属于 n.属性,品质,特征。 ( 3865 )
        contest n.竞争,竞赛,比赛v.竞争,比赛,争论 , ( 3177 , tre , test证据 )
        detest 发誓厌恶:vt.厌恶;憎恨[T8] , ( 21103 , tre , test证据 )
        obtest 哀求 , ( x )
        protest v./n.主张,断言,抗议,反对 , ( 2653 , tre , test证据 )
        testify vt.证明,证实;作证vi.作证;证明[T6] , ( 3748 , tre , test证据 )
        →[考研]→ test n./vt.试验;检验;测验。 ( 525 )
      10. ←from 波斯语 si , three.
        sitar 西塔尔 , ( 61592 , )
        teapoy 小桌 , ( x )
    3. Extended 零级形式 *tris , "thrice."
      1. ←from 拉丁语 ter , thrice.
        tern n.三个一组,[鸟]燕鸥 ; ( 21781 , tre , _ )
        termolecular 三分子的 , ( x )
        terpolymer 三元共聚物 , ( x )
      2. ←from 希腊语 tris , thrice.
        trisoctahedron x , ( x )
        HermesTrismegistus 赫耳墨斯 , ( x )
      3. 带后缀形式: *tris-no- . ←from 拉丁语 trīnī , three each.
        trine adj.三倍的,(占星术用语)三分一对座的n.三个一组,三个一套 , ( x )
        trinity n.三位一体,三人一个组,三个一组的(物) , ( 12667 , oino , _ )
    4. Suffixed o级形式 *troy-o- . ←from 俄语 troje , group of three.
      troika 三架马车,三人领导,三巨头 , ( 63226 , )
    [Pokorny trei- 1090.]
    contribute v.(to)贡献,捐助,捐献;投稿 (Lat,101459)
    tribute n.颂词,称赞 (Lat,104882)
    Protestant 抗议(罗马教廷)的:adj.新教的;新教徒的n.新教;新教徒[T9] (Lat,105677)
    contributor n.贡献者;投稿者;捐助者[T9] (Lat,106395)
    contestant n.竞争者,争论者 (Lat,111896)
    retribution n.报应,惩罚,报答,报偿[T8] (Latin,112535)
    contributory adj.捐助的;贡献的;有助于…的n.捐助者;贡献人[T9] (Lat,117206)
    tribulation n.苦难;磨难;忧患[T8] (Latin,122146)
    contestation n.论争,主张 (Lat,125321)
    attestation n.证词 (Lat,134047)
    detestable adj.嫌恶的,可厌恶的,可憎的 (Lat,135200)
    contestable adj.可争的,争论的 (Lat,140263)
    detestation n.憎恶,厌恶的人,嫌恶 (Lat,145007)
    testamentary adj.遗嘱的,据遗嘱的,遗嘱中有的 (Lat,149760)
    intestate 未留遗嘱的 (Lat,156165)
    protestation 郑重的声明,坚决的表示 (Lat,160137)
    ternary 三倍的,三重的 (Lat,162831)
    testate 立下遗嘱的 (Lat,162847)
    Terce (Lat,)
    attestable (Lat,)
    attestator (Lat,)
    counter-protest (Lat,)
    intestacy (Lat,)
    protestator (Lat,)
    ternate (Lat,)
    ternion (Lat,)
    tertial (Lat,)
    tertiate (Lat,)
    testacy (Lat,)
    testation (Lat,)
    testator (Lat,)
    testatrix (Lat,)
    trinal (Lat,)
    trinary (Lat,)
    ;...541, trep- 转向
    To turn.
    1. ←from 希腊语 trepein , to turn, with o级 derivative tropos , turning.
      -tropous x ; ( x )
      apotropaic 辟邪用的 , ( 42551 )
      Atropos 阿特洛波斯 , ( x )
      treponema 密螺旋体属 , ( x )
    2. o级形式 *trop- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *trop-o- . ←from 希腊语 tropos , a turn, way, manner;
        trope n.[语]修辞,比喻 , ( 18446 , trep , trop转 )
        →[oew]→ tropism 生物的向性。 ( 63238 )
        troubadour 游吟诗人 , ( 63242 , )
        trover 取得 ; ( x )
        contrive v.发明,设计,图谋 , ( 18107 , trep , _ )
        retrieve v.恢复,挽回,取回,检索 , ( 6228 , trep , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *trop-ā- . ←from 希腊语 tropē , a turning, change.
        trophy (敌人)回转(逃跑):n.奖品,战利品,纪念品[T8] , ( 5575 , trep , _ )
        tropic 回归线的:adj.热带的n.热带,回归线[T6] , ( 32918 , trep , trop转 )
        →[考研]→ tropical a.热带的。 ( 4122 )
        tropo- 对流层- ; ( x )
        entropy 熵,无序状态的测量 , ( 54110 , )
    [Pokorny 2. trep- 1094.]
    trove n.被发现的东西,收藏的东西 (Greek,121233)
    anisotropy n.各向异性各向异性,异向性,非均质性 (Greek,130789)
    troposphere n.对流层 (Greek,134439)
    isotropic adj.等方性的,迷向 (Greek,134782)
    entropic adj.熵的 (Greek,139410)
    allotrope 同素异形体 (Greek,151671)
    heliotropism 向日性,趋日性 (Greek,155322)
    psychotropic 药物等精神类的 (Greek,160178)
    ectropion (Greek,)
    entropion (Greek,)
    isentropic (Greek,)
    isotrope (Greek,)
    isotropy (Greek,)
    pleiotropic (Greek,)
    pleiotropy (Greek,)
    polytrope (Greek,)
    protrepsis (Greek,)
    protreptic (Greek,)
    treponematosis (Greek,)
    treponeme (Greek,)
    treponemiasis (Greek,)
    tropopause (Greek,)
    ;...542, treud-
    To squeeze.
    1. Suffixed o级形式 *troud-o- . ←from 古英语 thrēat , oppression, use of force, ←from 日耳曼语 *thrautam .
      threat n.恐吓,威胁;坏兆头,危险迹象 , ( 1143 , treud , trud插入 )
      →[考研]→ threaten v.恐吓,威胁;有…危险,快要来临。 ( 1829 )
      →[oew]→ threatening adj.胁迫的,危险的 ( 6512 )
    2. 变化形式*trūd- . ←from 古挪威语 thrȳsta , to squeeze, compress, ←from 日耳曼语 *thrūstjan .
      thrust vt.插入;猛推n.插,推力vi.刺,戳,冲 , ( 5077 , treud , trud插入 )
    3. ←from 拉丁语 trūdere , to thrust, push.
      abstruse 难解的,深奥的 , ( 51543 , )
      extrude 挤出,喷出 , ( 54274 , )
      intrude 往里挤:vi.闯入,侵入vt.把……强加,把……硬挤[T8] , ( 13716 , treud , trud插入 )
      →[oew]→ intrusion n.侵入,闯入[T8]。 ( 9691 )
      obtrude 强行闯入 , ( 58680 , )
      protrude 往前挤:v.(使)突出,(使)伸出[T8] , ( 15641 , treud , trud插入 )
    [Pokorny tr-eu-d- 1095.]
    intrusive adj.侵入的,闯入的,打扰的[T9] (Lat,112536)
    extrusion n.挤出,推出,喷出,赶出 (Lat,128865)
    obtrusive 显眼的,扎眼的 (Lat,158681)
    protrusion 突出物,伸出 (Lat,160143)
    abstrusity (Latin,)
    detrusor (Latin,)
    inobtrusive (Latin,)
    nonintrusive (Latin,)
    protrusile (Latin,)
    retrusive (Latin,)
    abstrude (Lat,)
    abstrusion (Lat,)
    detrude (Lat,)
    detrusion (Lat,)
    extrusible (Lat,)
    extrusive (Lat,)
    obtrusion (Lat,)
    protrudent (Lat,)
    protrusive (Lat,)
    retrude (Lat,)
    retruse (Lat,)
    retrusion (Lat,)
    ;...543, tu-
    Second person singular pronoun; you, thou.
    1. Lengthened form *tū (accusative *te , *tege ) ←from 古英语 thū (accusative thec , thē ), thou, ←from 日耳曼语 *thū (accusative *theke ).
      thee pro n.[古](thou的宾格)你 , ( 9813 , to , _ )
      thou pro.你 , ( 8826 , to , _ )
    2. Suffixed 扩展形式: *t(w)ei-no- . ←from 古英语 thīn , thine, ←from 日耳曼语 *thīnaz .
      thine (第二人称单数的物主代词)你的 , ( 62901 , )
      thy pro n.[古](thou的所有格)你的 , ( 9480 , to , _ )
    3. Enclitic form *toi . ←from 梵语 te , enclitic second singular genitive and dative pronoun.
      namaste 合十礼 , ( x )
    [Pokorny tū̆ 1097.]
    ;...544,ud- 上在外 , Also ūd- .
    Up, out.
    派生词包括: utmost , carouse , outlaw , and hubris.
      1. ←from 古英语 ūt , out;
        out ad.出去;离家;突出来a.外面的,往外去的 ; ( 63 , ud , _ )
        →[考研]→ outbreak n.爆发,发作 ( 5588 )
        →[考研]→ outcome n.结果,成果。 ( 1716 )
        →[考研]→ outdoor a.室外的,野外的。 ( 3937 )
        →[考研]→ outer a.外部的,外面的,外层的。 ( 3451 )
        →[考研]→ outfit n.用具,全套装配,.vt.配备,装备 ( 5222 )
        →[考研]→ outing n.外出,旅行,散步 ( 8439 )
        →[考研]→ outlet n.出路,出口;销路,市场;发泄方法;电源插座。 ( 5481 )
        →[考研]→ outline n.轮廓,略图;大纲,梗概 v.概述,略述。 ( 3998 )
        →[考研]→ outlook n.景色,风光;观点,见解;展望,前景。 ( 5612 )
        →[考研]→ output n.产量,输出(量)。 ( 2490 )
        →[考研]→ outset n.开始,开端。 ( 7089 )
        →[考研]→ outside ad.向外面 n.外部 a.外部的 prep.在…外。 ( 611 )
        →[考研]→ outskirts n.边界,(尤指)市郊 ( 8818 )
        →[考研]→ outward a.外面的,公开的,向外的ad.向外,在外n.外表。 ( 8661 )
        →[oew]→ outrage n.义愤,愤慨,暴行,骇人听闻的事件 vt.引起…的义愤,激怒,凌辱,强奸,虐待,迫害,违反 ( 6560 )
        →[oew]→ outright a.直率的,彻底的.ad.直率地,彻底地 ( 8650 )
        →[oew]→ outlandish adj.外国气派的,偏僻的,古怪的,奇异的 ( 19875 )
        →[oew]→ outworn 过时的。 ( 58929 )
        utmost a.最远的;极度的n.极限,极度,最大可能 , ( 10749 , ud , _ )
      2. ←from 高地德语 ūz , out;
        carouse 狂欢作乐 ; ( 52612 , )
        auslander x , ( x )
      3. ←from 古挪威语 ūt , out;
        outlaw n.歹徒,逃犯,丧失公权者 v.将...放逐,宣布...为不合法 , ( 13216 , legh , _ )
      4. ←from 中古荷兰语 ute , uut , out;
        uitlander 外国人 , ( x )
      5. ←from Middle 低地德语 ūt , out;
        utter v.说,发出(声音)a.彻底的,完全的 , ( 7681 , al₂ , _ )
      6. ←from 古英语 ūtera , outer, ←from 日耳曼语 suffixed (comparative) form *ūt-era- ;
        utter v.说,发出(声音)a.彻底的,完全的 , ( 7681 , al₂ , _ )
      7. ←from 古英语 būtan , būte , outside (adverb), ←from 日耳曼语 compound *bi-ūtana , "at the outside" ( *bi- , by, at; see ambʰi ).a-gall ←from 日耳曼语 *ūt- , out.
        but conj.但是prep.除...以外ad.只,才,仅仅 ; ( 23 , ambʰi , _ )
        about ad.在周围;大约prep.关于;在周围a.准备 , ( 48 , ud , _ )
    1. 扩展形式: *uds .
      1. ←from 高地德语 irsezzan , to replace, ←from ir- , out;
        ersatz 合成的,代用的 , ( 54153 , )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 oor , out;
        ort 剩菜,残羹 , ( 58873 , )
      3. 日耳曼语 compound *uz-dailjam (see dail- );
      4. ←from 高地德语 ur- , out of, original.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *uz , *uz- , out.
        Ursprache 原始语 , ( x )
    2. Suffixed (comparative) form *ud-tero- . ←from 希腊语 husteros , later, second, after.
      hysteresis 磁滞 , ( 33260 )
      hysteronproteron 倒置法 , ( x )
    3. ←from 希腊语 hubris , violence, outrage, insolence ( bri- , perhaps "heavy," "violent"; see gʷerᵊ- ₁), ←from hu- .
      hubris n.骄傲 ,傲慢,(狂妄自大) , ( 20213 , ud , _ )
    4. ←from 俄语 vy- , out.
      vigorish 高额利息 , ( x )
    [Pokorny ū̆d- 1103.]
    ;...545, uks-en- 牟牛
    Bull, ox.
    1. ←from 古英语 oxa , ox;
      ox n.牛,公牛 , ( 29807 , ugu , _ )
    2. ←from 高地德语 ohso , ox. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *uhsōn- .
      aurochs 欧洲野牛 , ( x )
    [In Pokorny u̯egu̯- 1118.]
    ;...546, uper 高超过
    派生词包括: over , sovereign , sirloin , soprano , and somersault.
    1. 扩展形式: *uperi .
      1. ←from 古英语 ofer , over;
        over ad.在上方;遍及地prep.在的上方a.结束的 , ( 100 , upo₃ , _ )
        →[考研]→ overall a.全面的,综合的 n.(pl.)(套头)工作服。 ( 1518 )
        →[考研]→ overcoat n.外衣,大衣。 ( 12055 )
        →[考研]→ overcome v.战胜,克服。 ( 2787 )
        →[考研]→ overflow n.溢出,超值,泛滥,充满,洋溢 v.(使)泛滥,(使)溢出,(使)充溢 ( 10451 )
        →[考研]→ overhead a.在头顶上的;架空的 ad.在头顶上。 ( 5645 )
        →[考研]→ overhear vt.无意中听到,偷听 ( 11459 )
        →[考研]→ overlap vt.重叠,重复 ( 8339 )
        →[考研]→ overlook v.看漏,忽略;俯瞰,眺望;宽容,放任。 ( 4125 )
        →[考研]→ overnight a.通宵的,晚上的 ad.在昨夜,一夜工夫,突然。 ( 4398 )
        →[考研]→ overpass n.[美]天桥,陆桥 vt.胜过,通过,忽视 ( 32916 )
        →[考研]→ overseas a.外国的,海外的 ad.在海外。 ( 3227 )
        →[考研]→ overtake v.追上,超过,突然降临,压倒。 ( 11861 )
        →[考研]→ overthrow n.推翻,打倒,扔得过远得球 vt.打倒,推翻,颠覆 ( 9789 )
        →[考研]→ overtime n.超时.a.超时的,加班的ad.加班 ( 8897 )
        →[考研]→ overturn n.倾覆,破灭.v.推翻,颠倒 ( 8674 )
        →[考研]→ overwhelm v.淹没,覆没,压倒,制服,使不知所措。 ( 6278 )
        →[考研]→ overwhelming adj.压倒性的,无法抵抗的 ( 4048 )
        over- 在上,超过,过度 , ( 58932 , )
      2. ←from 高地德语 ubar, uber (preposition) and ubari, uberi (adverb), over;
        uber- x , ( x )
      3. ←from Middle 低地德语 over , over.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *uberi .
        orlop 最下层甲板 , ( x )
    2. 变化形式*(s)uper .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 super , super- , above, over;
        soubrette 轻浮女人 , ( x )
        sovereign adj.至高无上的;有主权的;拥有最高统治权的n.主权国家;最高统治者[T6] , ( 6829 , reg₁ , _ )
        super- 在上,上方,超级,超过,额外 , ( 62424 , )
        superable 可超越的 , ( x )
        superior a.优良的,卓越的;上级的n.上级;长者;高手 , ( 3323 , bʰeu , _ )
        →[考研]→ super a.极好的,超级的。 ( 3063 )
        →[考研]→ superiority n.优越,高傲 ( 7290 )
        supreme a.极度的,最重要的;至高的,最高的 , ( 1738 , upo₂ , _ )
        supremo 最高领导人 , ( 36682 )
        sur- ①在上,上方,超级,超过②在下,向上 ; ( 64015 , )
        sirloin 牛上腰肉 , ( 61585 , )
      2. 带后缀形式: *(s)uper-no- . ←from 拉丁语 supernus , above, upper, top;
        supernal 天上的 , ( 49957 )
      3. 带后缀形式: *super-bʰw-o- , "being above" ( *bʰw-o- , being; see bʰeuᵊ- ). ←from 拉丁语 superbus , superior, excellent, arrogant;
        superb a.极好的,杰出的;华丽的; , ( 5284 , bʰeu , _ )
      4. suffixed (superlative) 缩减形式 *sup-mo- . ←from 拉丁语 summus , highest, topmost;
        sum n.总数,和;金额;算术题;要旨v.合计,总计 , ( 2775 , upo₂ , summ总数 )
        summit n.顶,最高点;颠峰,高峰;最高级会议 , ( 3046 , upo₂ , summ总数 )
      5. 带后缀形式: *super-o- . ←from 拉丁语 suprā (feminine ablative singular), above, beyond.
        sopranino x , ( x )
        soprano n.女高音 , ( 18102 , upo₂ , _ )
        supra- 在上,上方,超级,超过 ; ( 62463 , )
        somersault 空翻,翻筋斗 , ( 61815 , )
    3. 基本形式: *uper . ←from 希腊语 huper , over.
      hyper- 超过的,超级的 , ( 55731 , )
    [Pokorny upér 1105.]
    survive v.幸免于,幸存;比…长命 (Latin,101495)
    surround vt.包围,环绕n.环绕物 (Latin,102286)
    supermarket n.超级市场 (Latin,104566)
    surplus n.过剩,剩余;余款,余额a.过剩的,剩余的 (Latin,104826)
    supervise v.管理,监督 (Latin,106763)
    superficial a.表面的;肤浅的,浅薄的 (Latin,107731)
    supernatural a.|n.超自然(的),神奇(的) (Latin,109797)
    superpower n.超级强权 (Latin,111475)
    supernova n.[天]超新星 (Latin,112829)
    surname n.姓 v.用姓称呼 (Latin,114004)
    superfluous adj.多余的,奢侈的,不必要的[T8] (Latin,114387)
    superstition 站在高处:n.迷信[T6] (Latin,114938)
    supersede 坐在上面:vt.取代,代替;紧接着……而到来vi.推迟行动[T8] (Latin,118279)
    superimpose v.添加,双重 (Latin,118421)
    consummate 一起到达顶点:vt.完成,使达到顶点,使圆满adj.完美的,圆满的,至上的[T8] (Lat,119029)
    supersonic adj.超音速的n.超音速,超声波[T6] (Latin,119644)
    supercomputer n.[计] 超型计算机 (Latin,121204)
    summation n.和;总和;合计[T8] (Lat,122564)
    superposition n.重叠,重合,叠合,叠加,叠置,叠覆 (Latin,130232)
    summitry n.最高级会议的举行,以举行最高级会议为手段的外交手法 (Lat,146748)
    insuperable 难以逾越的 (Lat,156104)
    supercilious 高傲的,傲慢的 (Latin,162430)
    superlative 最高级的 (Latin,162439)
    superscript 写在正常字符上方的 (Latin,162443)
    supervene 意外发生,并发 (Latin,162447)
    summa (Lat,)
    summity (Lat,)
    supremity (Lat,)
    supremum (Lat,)
    ;...547, upo 下往上
    Under, up from under, over.
    派生词包括: uproar , open , eavesdrop , supple , valet , vassal , and opal.
      1. ←from 古英语 up , uppe , up;
        up ad.向上,...起来;...完;起床prep.向上 , ( 51 , upo₁ , _ )
        →[考研]→ upon prep.在…上;在…旁 [=on]。 ( 514 )
        →[考研]→ upper a.上面的;上部的,较高的。 ( 1802 )
        →[考研]→ upward a.向上的,上升的 ad.向上。 ( 6733 )
      2. ←from 古英语 ūp- , upp- , up;
        up- ME. up,upward向上 , ( x )
      3. ←from Middle 低地德语 up , up;
        uproar n.喧嚣,骚动 , ( 16630 , kere , _ )
      4. ←from 高地德语 ūf , up.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *upp- , up.
        Aufklärung 启蒙 , ( x )
    1. ←from 古英语 open , open, ←from 日耳曼语 *upanaz , "put or set up," open.
      open n.公开,户外a.开的,开放的v.开 , ( 304 , upo₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ opening n.开,开放,开始,空缺,机会 a.开始的,开幕的。 ( 1641 )
    2. ←from 古英语 būfan , above, over, ←from 日耳曼语 compound *bi-ufana , "on, above" ( *bi- , by, at; see ambʰi ).
      above a.上述的ad.在上面,在前文prep.在..之上,高于 , ( 573 , upo₁ , _ )
    3. Possibly 带后缀形式: *up-t- . ←from 古英语 oft , often, ←from 日耳曼语 *ufta , frequently.
      oft 经常 , ( 58738 , )
      →[oew]→ oftentimes adv.时常地 ( 16445 )
      often ad.常常,经常,通常 , ( 233 , op₁ , _ )
    4. 扩展形式: *upes- .
      1. ←from 古英语 efes , eaves;
        eaves 屋檐 , ( 53938 , )
      2. ←from 古英语 yfesdrype , water from the eaves, ←from 日耳曼语 *obisdrup- , dripping water from the eaves ( *drup- , to drip, ←from *dʰrub- ; see dʰreu- ). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *ubaswō , *ubizwō , vestibule, porch, eaves (< "that which is above or in front").
        eavesdrop v.偷听 n.屋檐水 , ( 19260 , upo₁ , _ )
    5. 变化形式*(s)up- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 sub , under;
        soutane 法衣 , ( x )
        sub- 在下,向上,少于,低于,亚于,次,分支,分部,分 ; ( 62328 , )
        souterrain 地下通道 , ( x )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 supīnus , lying on the back (< "thrown backʷard or under");
        supine 仰卧的,平躺的 ; ( 62452 , )
        resupinate 倒置的 , ( x )
      3. 带后缀形式: *sup-ter . ←from 拉丁语 subter , secretly;
        subterfuge 诡计,欺骗 , ( 62359 , )
      4. 拉丁语 compound supplex (< *sub-plak- ; see plāk-₁ ).
    6. 基本形式: *upo . ←from 希腊语 hupo , under.
      hypo- 亚,低于 , ( 55755 , )
    7. Suffixed 变化形式*ups-o- . ←from 希腊语 hupsos , height, top.
      hypso- 高度 , ( x )
    8. 基本形式: *upo- . Celtic *wo- , under, in compound *wo-rēd- (see reidʰ- ).
    9. Probably compound *upo-st-o- . ←from 通俗拉丁语 *vassus , vassal, ←from Celtic *wasso- , "one who stands under," servant, young man ( *sto- , standing; see stā- ).
      valet n.(男人的)贴身男仆,[美]衣物架 vt.伺候 , ( 17225 , upo₁ , _ )
      varlet 无赖,恶棍 , ( 63497 , )
      vassal 封臣 , ( 63505 , )
      1. ←from 梵语 upa , near to, under;
        opal 猫眼石,蛋白石 , ( 58809 , )
        Upanishad 《奥义书》 , ( x )
      2. ←from Avestan upa , up to, at (in *upastāvaka- , praise). Bothaandb←from Indo-伊朗语 *upa .
        Zend-Avesta , ( x )
    [Pokorny upo 1106.]
    ;...548, wal- 强健
    To be strong.
    1. Suffixed (stative) form *wal-ē- . ←from 拉丁语 valēre , to be strong.
      vale n.谷 , ( 15827 , ual , _ )
      →[oew]→ validity n.有效性,正确性[T6]。 ( 4379 )
      →[oew]→ valentine 情人节。 ( 63478 )
      →[oew]→ valerian 缬草根(从缬草根提取的镇定药)。 ( 63479 )
      valence , ( 24781 )
      valetudinarian 体弱多病的人 , ( x )
      valiant adj.英勇的,勇敢的n.勇敢的人[T8] , ( 21248 , ual , val强壮 )
      valid a.有效的;有根据的;正当的 , ( 3928 , ual , val强壮 )
      valor value:n.英勇;勇猛(等于valour)[T8] , ( 22688 , _ , val强壮 )
      value n.价格;价值;实用性v.评价,估价;尊重 ; ( 443 , ual , val强壮 )
      →[考研]→ valuable a.贵重的,有价值的 n.(pl.)贵重物品,财宝。 ( 2276 )
      ambivalence n.矛盾情绪;正反感情并存[T8] , ( 13547 , _ , _ )
      avail 使其有价值v.有益于,使对某人有利[T9] , ( 13645 , ual , val强壮 )
      →[考研]→ available a.(用于物)可利用的;可见到的,接受采访的。 ( 446 )
      convalesce 逐步康复 , ( 53106 , )
      countervail , ( 48495 )
      equivalent a.(to)相等的,等价的n.相等物,等价物 , ( 2957 , ual , )
      evaluate v.估价,评价;求…的值 , ( 2745 , _ , val强壮 )
      invalid adj.无效的,有病的,残疾的v.(使)伤残,(使)退役,(使)变得病弱n.残疾人,病人[T6] , ( 11040 , ual , val强壮 )
      →[考研]→ invaluable adj.无价的,非常贵重的[T9]。 ( 8566 )
      →[oew]→ invalidate vt.使无效,使无价值[T9]。 ( 18508 )
      invalid adj.无效的,有病的,残疾的v.(使)伤残,(使)退役,(使)变得病弱n.残疾人,病人[T6] , ( 11040 , ual , val强壮 )
      prevail v.(over,against)取胜,占优势;流行,盛行 , ( 5750 , ual , val强壮 )
      valediction 告别演说 , ( 63475 , )
    2. Extended o级形式 *wold(h)- .
      1. ←from 古英语 wealdan , to rule, and wieldan , to govern, ←from 日耳曼语 *waldan , to rule;
        wield v.挥 , ( 10798 , ual , _ )
      2. 日耳曼语 *wald- , power, rule, in compound *harja-waldaz (see koro- ).
    3. Suffixed extended o级形式 *wold-ti- . ←from 古教会斯拉夫语 vlastĭ , rule.
      oblast , ( 36551 )
    [Pokorny u̯al- 1111.]
    evaluation n.评价;评估;估价;求值[T8] (Lat,102329)
    availability n.可用性,有效性,实用性[T6] (Lat,104180)
    prevalence n.流行,普遍,广泛[T9] (Lat,106762)
    prevalent adj.流行的,普遍的[T6] (Lat,107247)
    valuation n.估价,评价[T9] (Lat,107916)
    validation n.确认 (Lat,109758)
    validate vt.使生效,验证,确认[T8] (Lat,110341)
    ambivalent adj.矛盾的;好恶相克的[T8] (Lat,111959)
    devaluation n.货币贬值[T9] (Lat,112334)
    equivalence n.等值,等价,相等[T9] (Lat,115089)
    devalue v.(使)贬值[T9] (Lat,117927)
    evaluator n.求值程序 (Lat,119203)
    evaluative adj.可估价的 (Lat,120539)
    valedictorian n.致告别辞者,告别演说者 (Lat,124528)
    revaluation n.再评价,重估计 (Lat,129886)
    convalescent adj.恢复(期)的,康复期的 n.恢复期的病人 (Lat,129901)
    convalescence n.渐愈,恢复期 (Lat,132132)
    multivalent adj.多化合价的 (Lat,136251)
    valorous adj.勇敢的,勇武的,无畏的 (Lat,145173)
    transvaluation n.重新评估 (Lat,149104)
    covalent 等价的 (Lat,153201)
    revalue 重新评估 (Lat,160712)
    valedictory 告别的 (Lat,163476)
    bivalent (Lat,)
    devaluate (Lat,)
    nonequivalence (Lat,)
    quadrivalent (Lat,)
    quantivalence (Lat,)
    reevaluate (Lat,)
    reevaluation (Lat,)
    transvalue (Lat,)
    trivalent (Lat,)
    univalent (Lat,)
    valetudinary (Lat,)
    valiancy (Lat,)
    validational (Lat,)
    validator (Lat,)
    valine (Lat,)
    valuta (Lat,)
    ;...549, wap- 歪邪
    Bad, evil. 最初形式: *h₂wap- . Suffixed 零级形式 *up-elo- .

    evil a.邪恶的,罪恶的n.邪恶,罪恶 , ( 3192 , upo₁ , _ ) ←from 古英语 yfel , evil, ←from 日耳曼语 *ubilaz , evil.
    [Not in Pokorny; compare Hittite ḫuwapp-, evil.]
    ;...550, we- 我们
    We. For oblique cases of the pronoun see nes- ₂ . Suffixed 变化形式*wey-es

    we pron.我们<主格> , ( 27 , _ , _ ) ←from 古英语 , we , we, ←from 日耳曼语 *wīz .
    [Pokorny u̯ē̆- 1114.]
    ;...551, wē-
    To blow. 最初形式: *h₂weh₁- , becoming *wē after loss of initial laryngeal and compensatory lengthening of vowel from loss of final laryngeal.
    1. Suffixed 缩短形式 *we-dʰro- . ←from 古英语 weder , weather, storm, wind, ←from 日耳曼语 *wedram wind, weather.
      weather n.天气,气象 , ( 1477 , ue , _ )
    2. Suffixed (participial) form *wē-nt-o- , blowing.
        1. ←from 古英语 wind , wind;
          wind n.风;气息v.转动;缠绕;上发条,;蜿蜒而行 , ( 1113 , ue , _ )
          →[oew]→ windmill n.风车 ( 16683 )
          →[oew]→ winnow 风选(以去掉谷壳)。 ( 63818 )
        2. ←from 古挪威语 vindr , wind. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *windaz .
          window n.窗,窗口 , ( 644 , oku , _ )
      1. ←from 拉丁语 ventus , wind.
        vent n.出口.v.排出,发泄 , ( 9094 , ue , vent风 )
        ventail x , ( x )
        ventilate vt.使通风;给…装通风设备[T6] ; ( 29812 , _ , )
        aventail x , ( x )
    3. ←from 中古英语 wenge , wing, ←from a Scandinavian source akin to 古挪威语 vængr , wing, ←from suffixed 日耳曼语 form *wē-ingjaz .
      wing n.翅,翅膀;翼,机翼;派别vt.装以翼 , ( 2061 , ue , _ )
    4. 基本形式: *wē- . ←from 梵语 vāti (stem *vā- ), it blows.
      nirvana 涅槃 , ( 58506 , )
    [Pokorny 10. au̯(e)- 81.]
    ;...552, webʰ- 编织波纹
    To weave, also to move quickly.
    派生词包括: web , weevil , and wobble.
    1. ←from 古英语 wefan , to weave, ←from 日耳曼语 *weban .
      weave v.编(织)n.编织法,编织式样 , ( 6740 , uebʰ , _ )
      woof 狗汪汪声 , ( 63855 , )
    2. ←from 古英语 wefta , weft , cross thread, ←from 日耳曼语 *wefta- .
      weft 纬线 , ( 63711 , )
    3. Suffixed o级形式 *wobʰ-yo- . ←from 古英语 web(b) , web, ←from 日耳曼语 *wabjam , fabric, web.
      web n.网,蜘蛛网 , ( 4516 , uebʰ , _ )
      webster 韦伯斯特 , ( x )
    4. ←from 古英语 wifel , weevil (< "that which moves briskly"), ←from suffixed 日耳曼语 form *webila- .
      weevil n.[昆]象鼻虫 , ( 22764 , _ , _ )
        1. ←from 古法语 gaufre , honeycomb, waffle;
          gaufrette x , ( x )
          goffer 高飞 , ( x )
        2. ←from 古北法语 waufre , wafer. Both (i) and (ii) ←from a source akin to Middle 低地德语 wāfel , honeycomb.
          wafer n.[无]晶片,圆片,薄饼,干胶片,[宗]圣饼 vt.用干胶片封 , ( 17473 , uebʰ , _ )
      1. ←from 中古荷兰语 wāfel , waffle. Bothaandb←from suffixed 日耳曼语 form *wabila- , web, honeycomb.
        waffle vi.闲聊,胡扯 n.华夫饼干,无聊话,动听而无意义的话 , ( 17222 , uebʰ , _ )
    5. Possibly 日耳曼语 *wab- , to move back and forth as in weaving.
      1. ←from 古英语 wafian , to move (the hand) up and down;
        wave n.波浪;(挥手)示意;飘扬v.(挥手)示意,致意 , ( 1539 , uebʰ , _ )
      2. ←from 中古英语 waveren , to waver;
        waver n.动摇,开始退让,踌躇,挥动者 vi.摇摆,颤抖,摆动,摇曳,犹豫 , ( 13062 , uebʰ , _ )
      3. ←from 低地德语 wabbeln , to move from side to side, sway.
        wobble n.摇晃,[生化]摆动,动摇,不稳定,变度 vi.摇晃,摇摆,游移不定,抖动 vt.使摇摆,使颤动 , ( 16364 , uebʰ , _ )
    6. Suffixed 零级形式 *ubʰ-ā- . ←from 希腊语 huphē , web.
      hypha 菌丝 , ( x )
    [Pokorny u̯ebʰ- 1114.]
    ;...553, wed-₁ 湿水
    Water; wet.
    派生词包括: water , hydrant , redundant , otter , and vodka.
    1. Suffixed o级形式 *wod-ōr .
      1. ←from 古英语 wæter , water;
        water n.水vt.浇灌;给…饮水vi.流泪,加水 , ( 213 , _ , _ )
        →[考研]→ waterfall n.瀑布,瀑布似的东西 ( 8933 )
        →[考研]→ waterproof a.防水的,耐水的。 ( 11141 )
      2. ←from 高地德语 wassar , water. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *watar .
        kirschwasser 樱桃酒 , ( x )
    2. Suffixed 加长级形式 *wēd-o- . ←from 古英语 wǣt , wēt , wet, ←from 日耳曼语 *wēd- .
      wet a.湿的,潮湿的;有雨的,多雨的v.弄湿,沾湿 , ( 2352 , _ , _ )
    3. o级形式 *wod- . ←from 古英语 wæscan , wacsan , to wash, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *wat-skan , to wash.
      wash n.洗;洗的衣物vt.冲刷,洗;冲出vi.洗澡 , ( 2256 , _ , _ )
    4. Nasalized form *we-n-d- . ←from 古英语 winter , winter, ←from 日耳曼语 *wintruz , winter, "wet season.".
      winter n.冬季,冬天 , ( 1208 , ueid , _ )
    5. Suffixed 零级形式 *ud-ōr . ←from 希腊语 hudōr , water.
      hydrant 给水栓,消防龙头 , ( 55705 , )
      hydria 提水罐 , ( x )
      hydro- 水的,氢的 , ( 55709 , )
      hydrous 含水的 , ( x )
      utricle 胞果 ; ( x )
      anhydrous 无水 , ( 35783 )
      clepsydra 漏壶 , ( x )
      dropsy 水肿 , ( 53861 , )
      hydathode 排水器 , ( x )
      hydatid 棘球蚴 , ( x )
    6. Suffixed nasalized 零级形式 *u-n-d-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 unda , wave.
      undine 水女神 , ( x )
      undulate 波动 ; ( 63394 , )
      abound 溢出来vi.富于[T8] , ( 9085 , aue , _ )
      inundate 在上面涌动:vt.淹没,泛滥[T9] , ( 17243 , _ , _ )
      redound 有助于,促成,改进,提高 , ( 60560 , )
      redundant 反复涌起adj.过剩的,多余的,冗余的[T8] , ( 8310 , _ , _ )
      surround vt.包围,环绕n.环绕物 , ( 2286 , _ , _ )
      →[考研]→ surroundings n.周围的事物,环境。 ( 5526 )
    7. Suffixed 零级形式 *ud-ro- , *ud-rā- , water animal.
      1. ←from 古英语 otor , otter, ←from 日耳曼语 *otraz , otter;
        otter n.水獭,水獭皮 , ( 15554 , aue , _ )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 lutra , otter (with obscure l- );
        nutria 海狸鼠 , ( 27402 )
      3. ←from 希腊语 hudros , a water snake;
        Hydrus 水蛇座 , ( x )
      4. ←from 希腊语 hudrā , a water serpent, Hydra.
        Hydra 多头蛇,祸患 , ( 55703 , )
        hydrilla 软水草 ; ( 36149 )
        hydrozoan 水螅虫类的 , ( x )
    8. Suffixed 零级形式 *ud-skio- . ←from 古爱尔兰 uisce , water.
      usquebaugh 威士忌 , ( x )
      whiskey n.威士忌酒 adj.威士忌酒的 , ( 9709 , akua , _ )
    9. Suffixed o级形式 *wod-ā- . ←from 俄语 voda , water.
      vodka n.伏特加酒 , ( 9988 , _ , _ )
    [Pokorny 9. au̯(e)- 78.]
    abundance n.丰富,充裕[T6] (Lat,105921)
    abundant a.大量(充足)的;(in)丰富(富裕)的 (Lat,106491)
    redundancy n.冗余,重复[T8] (Lat,109246)
    inundation n.淹没,洪水,(洪水般的)扑来,压倒 (Latin,129629)
    undulant adj.起伏的,波状的 (Lat,140172)
    superabundance 过多,过剩 (Lat,162425)
    undulation 波动 (Lat,163395)
    inundant (Latin,)
    undulatus (Latin,)
    superabound (Lat,)
    superabundant (Lat,)
    undulatory (Lat,)
    undulose (Lat,)
    hydrogen n.氢 (Greek,104995)
    hydraulic adj.液压的,水力的[T6] (Greek,111920)
    hydroelectric a.水力电气的 (Greek,120600)
    dehydrate v.(使)脱水[T8] (Greek,121832)
    hydrologist n.水文学者 (Greek,129027)
    hydrostatic adj.静水力学的,流体静力学的 (Greek,130236)
    hydroponic adj.溶液培养的 (Greek,131638)
    hydrophobic adj.狂犬病的,恐水病的,患恐水病的,不易被水沾湿的 (Greek,136895)
    hydrodynamics n.流体力学,水动力学,流体动力学 (Greek,138835)
    hydrophilic adj.亲水的,吸水的 (Greek,146796)
    hydrate 使吸收水分 (Greek,155707)
    hydraulics 水力学,液压装置 (Greek,155708)
    hydrology 水文学 (Greek,155719)
    hydrolysis 水解 (Greek,155720)
    hydrophobia 恐水症 (Greek,155721)
    hydatidosis (Greek,)
    hydrochloric (Greek,)
    hydromancy (Greek,)
    hydrophile (Greek,)
    hydrophily (Greek,)
    hydrosphere (Greek,)
    hydrostat (Greek,)
    hydrothermic (Greek,)
    hydrozoa (Greek,)
    polyhydric (Greek,)
    ;...554, wed-₂ 说话
    To speak. 最初形式: *h₂wed- .
    1. Possible reduplicated form *ᵊwe-ud- becoming *awe-ud- , dissimilated to *aweid- , with suffixed o级形式 *awoid-o- , becoming 希腊语 aweid- , to sing (but more likely from a separate root *ᵊ₂weid- ) ←from 希腊语 aeidein (Attic āidein ), to sing, and aoidē (Attic ōidē ), song, ode, with aoidos (Attic ōidos ), a singer, singing.
      ode 颂诗,颂歌 ; ( 58709 , )
      comedy n.喜剧;喜剧性事件 , ( 3599 , aus , _ )
      epode x , ( x )
      hymnody 唱赞美诗 , ( x )
      melody n.旋律;歌曲;美妙的音乐[T6] , ( 6681 , aud , _ )
      monody 单调的声音 , ( x )
      parody 比照而作的诗歌n.拙劣的模仿;诙谐的改编诗文vt.拙劣模仿[T8] , ( 12030 , aud , _ )
      rhapsody 史诗,荷马史诗朗诵,狂想曲,狂热表达 , ( 60738 , )
      tragedy n.悲剧;惨事,灾难 , ( 3172 , aig , _ )
    2. Suffixed o级形式 *wod-o- . ←from 梵语 vādaḥ , sound, statement.
      Theravada 上座部(佛教部派),小乘佛教 , ( 62881 , )
    [Pokorny 6. au- 76.]
    ;...555, weg- 威哥强
    To be strong, be lively. 最初形式: *weg̑- , becoming *weg- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    派生词包括: watch , vigilante , reveille , and velocity.
    1. Suffixed o级形式 *wog-ē- . ←from 古英语 wacan , to wake up, arise, and wacian , to be awake, ←from 日耳曼语 *wakēn .
      wake v.醒来,唤醒;使觉醒,激发,引起 , ( 1921 , ueg₂ , _ )
    2. Suffixed o级形式 *wog-no- . ←from 古英语 wæcnan , wæcnian , to awake, ←from 日耳曼语 *waknan .
      waken v.醒,弄醒,唤醒 , ( 29814 , _ , _ )
    3. ←from 古英语 wæccan , to be awake, ←from 日耳曼语 *wakjan .
      watch v.观看;看守;(for)窥伺,等待n.看管;表 , ( 378 , ueg₂ , _ )
    4. 带后缀形式: *weg-yo- . ←from 古英语 wicca , sorcerer, wizard (feminine wicce , witch), ←from 日耳曼语 *wikkjaz , necromancer (< "one who wakes the dead").
      Wicca 巫术崇拜,巫术迷信 , ( 63782 , )
      wicked a.坏的;邪恶的;不道德的;恶劣的;淘气的 , ( 7471 , uei , _ )
      witch n.巫婆,女巫,迷人的女子 vt.施巫术,迷惑 ; ( 6245 , ueid , _ )
      bewitch 着迷 , ( 52144 , )
    5. ←from 高地德语 wahta , watch, vigil, ←from 日耳曼语 *wahtwō .
      bivouac 临时露营 , ( 52206 , )
      1. ←from 古北法语 waitier , to watch;
        wait v.(for)等待;(on)侍候n.等候,等待时间 , ( 458 , ueg₂ , _ )
        →[考研]→ waiter n.侍者,服务员。 ( 5639 )
        →[考研]→ waitress n.女服务员,女侍者 vi.做女服务员 ( 7576 )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 and Middle 低地德语 wachten , to watch, guard. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *waht- .
        waft v.吹送,飘荡 n.飘荡,信号 , ( 15612 , ueg₂ , _ )
    6. Suffixed (causative) o级形式 *wog-eyo- . ←from 拉丁语 vegēre , to be lively.
      vegetable n.蔬菜,植物a.植物的,蔬菜的 , ( 2270 , ueg₂ , vig快活 )
      →[考研]→ vegetarian n.素食者;食草动物 adj.素食的[T9]。 ( 9862 )
      →[考研]→ vegetation n.植被;植物,草木;呆板单调的生活[T9]。 ( 6092 )
      →[oew]→ vegetate 无所事事。 ( 63515 )
    7. Suffixed (stative) form *weg-ē- . ←from 拉丁语 vigēre , to be lively.
      vigor n.活力,精力[T9] ; ( 13361 , ueg₂ , _ )
      ravigote x , ( x )
    8. 带后缀形式: *weg-(e)li- . ←from 拉丁语 vigil , watchful, awake.
      vedette 骑哨 , ( x )
      vigil n.守夜;监视;不眠;警戒[T9] , ( 14000 , ueg₂ , vig快活 )
      →[oew]→ vigorous a.朝气蓬勃的,精力旺盛的。 ( 6210 )
      vigilant adj.警惕的;警醒的;注意的;警戒的[T8] , ( 15702 , ueg₂ , _ )
      vigilante n.义务警员;治安维持会成员(来自西班牙语)[T9] ; ( 19888 , ueg₂ , _ )
      reveille 军队的起床号 , ( 60715 , )
      surveillant 监视者 , ( x )
    9. 带后缀形式: *weg-slo- . ←from 拉丁语 vēlōx , fast, "lively.".
      velocity n.速度,速率 , ( 6507 , oku , _ )
    [Pokorny u̯eg̑- 1117.]
    surveillance n.监督;监视[T8] (Latin,105590)
    vigilance n.警戒,警觉;警醒症[T9] (Latin,117797)
    invigilate 监考 (Latin,156192)
    ;...556, wegh- 运输车
    To go, transport in a vehicle. 最初形式: *weg̑h- , becoming *wegh- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    派生词包括: weight , away , wagon , earwig , devious , trivial , and vex.
    1. ←from 古英语 wegan , to carry, balance in a scale, ←from 日耳曼语 *wegan .
      weigh v.称…重量,称;重达;考虑,权衡 , ( 3154 , uegh , _ )
      →[oew]→ weighty adj.重的 ( 18333 )
    2. ←from 古英语 wǣg(e) , weight, unit of weight, ←from 日耳曼语 加长级形式 *wēgō .
      wee a.很少的,微小的 , ( 9341 , uegh , _ )
    3. 带后缀形式: *wegh-ti- . ←from 古英语 wiht , gewiht , weight, ←from 日耳曼语 *wihti- .
      weight n.重量;负荷,重担;重要性,分量;砝码,秤砣 , ( 926 , uegh , _ )
      1. ←from 古英语 weg , way;
        way n.道路,路程;方法/式,手段;习惯;状态 ; ( 91 , uegh , _ )
        always ad.总是,无例外地;永远,始终 , ( 198 , uegh , _ )
        away ad.在远处;离开;渐渐远去;一直;去掉 , ( 240 , uegh , _ )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 vegr , way;
        Norwegian a.挪威的n.挪威人,挪威语 , ( 9463 , ner , _ )
      3. ←from 高地德语 weg , way.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *wegaz , course of travel, way.
        thalweg 海谷底线 , ( x )
    4. Suffixed o级形式 *wogh-no- .
      1. ←from 古英语 wæ(g)n , wagon;
        wain 运货马车,战车 , ( 63653 , )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 wagen , wagon. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *wagnaz .
        wagon n.运货马车,运货车;敞蓬车厢 , ( 5006 , uegh , _ )
    5. Suffixed o级形式 *wogh-lo- .
      1. ←from 古挪威语 vagl , chicken roost, perch, beam, eye disease, ←from 日耳曼语 *waglaz ;
        walleyed 白眼的 , ( x )
      2. ←from 希腊语 okhlos , populace, mob (< "moving mass").
        ochlocracy 暴民政治 , ( x )
        ochlophobia x , ( x )
    6. Distantly related to this root are:
        1. ←from 高地德语 waggo , wacko , boulder rolling on a riverbed, ←from 日耳曼语 *wag- , "to move about";
          graywacke 杂砂岩 , ( x )
        2. ←from 中古英语 waggen , to wag, possibly ←from 日耳曼语 *wag- .
          wag vt.摇摆,摇动,饶舌 vi.爱说笑打趣的人,摆动,喋喋不休 n.摇摆,小丑 , ( 15605 , _ , _ )
        1. ←from 古英语 wicga , insect (< "thing that moves quickly");
          earwig 蠼螋,地蜈蚣 , ( 53933 , )
        2. ←from 中古荷兰语 and Middle 低地德语 wiggelen , to move back and forth, wag. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *wig- .
          wiggle v.(使)踌躇,摆动 n.踌躇,摆动 , ( 14248 , uegh , _ )
    7. 基本形式: *wegh- . ←from 拉丁语 vehere (past participle vectus ), to carry.
      vector 带有方向的数值:n.矢量;带菌者;航线vt.用无线电导航[T6] , ( 9126 , uegh , _ )
      vehement 激烈的 , ( 63516 , )
      vehicle n.车辆,交通工具;媒介,载体 ; ( 1468 , uegh , _ )
      advection 平流 , ( x )
      convection n.对流;传送[T9] , ( 20065 , uegh , _ )
      →[oew]→ conveyance n.运输;运输工具;财产让与[T9]。 ( 18541 )
      evection 出差 , ( x )
      invective 咒骂 , ( 56185 , )
      inveigh 猛烈抨击,痛骂 , ( 56186 , )
    8. Suffixed 基本形式: *wegh-yā- . ←from 拉丁语 via , way, road.
      foy n.饯行宴会,临别礼物 , ( x )
      via prep.经;通过;凭借 , ( 2239 , uegh , vi路 )
      viatical 旅行必备用品 , ( x )
      voyage n.航海;航行;旅行 ; ( 6988 , uegh , vi路 )
      convey v.运送,搬运,转运;传达,传播 , ( 3918 , uegh , vi路 )
      convoy 一起走:vt.护送,护航n.护送,护卫[T8] , ( 9256 , uegh , vi路 )
      deviate v.(使)偏离,脱离,越轨[T6] , ( 16559 , uegh , vi路 )
      devious 偏离道路的:adj.迂曲的,绕行的,诡诈的,不正直的,不坦率的[T8] , ( 15400 , uegh , vi路 )
      envoy 在路上n.使者;全权公使[T9] , ( 11263 , uegh , vi路 )
      envoy 在路上n.使者;全权公使[T9] , ( 11263 , uegh , vi路 )
      invoice n.发票,发货单,货物 v.开发票,记清单 , ( 13142 , _ , vi路 )
      obviate 消除,排除 , ( 58686 , )
      obvious a.明显的,显而易见的 , ( 1349 , uegh , vi路 )
      ogee x , ( x )
      ogive 圆拱 , ( x )
      pervious 可渗透的 , ( x )
      previous a.先前的,以前的 , ( 962 , uegh , vi路 )
      trivial adj.琐碎的,不重要的[T6] , ( 7438 , tre , vi路 )
      trivium 三学科 , ( x )
      viaduct 高架桥 , ( 63568 , )
    9. 带后缀形式: *wegh-s- . ←from 拉丁语 vexāre , to agitate (< "to set in motion").
      vex vt.使烦恼,恼怒 , ( 21735 , uegh , _ )
    10. Probably 带后缀形式: *wegh-so- . ←from 拉丁语 convexus , "carried or drawn together (to a point)," convex ( com- , together; see kom ).
      convex 带到一起:adj.凸面的;凸圆的n.凸面体;凸状[T8] , ( 21398 , uag₁ , _ )
    [Pokorny u̯eg̑h- 1118.]
    deviation n.偏差;误差;背离[T6] (Lat,107051)
    convoy 一起走:vt.护送,护航n.护送,护卫[T8] (Lat,109256)
    deviant adj.离经叛道的,不正常的n.不正常者,偏移值,变异物[T8] (Lat,113849)
    deviance n.偏常,异常,异常行为 (Lat,117883)
    impervious adj.不受影响的,无动于衷的;不能渗透的[T8] (Lat,119821)
    vehicular adj.车的,用车辆运载的,作为媒介的,车载式 (Lat,124708)
    convective adj.传送性的,对流的 (Lat,130283)
    vexatious adj.伤脑筋的 (Lat,140222)
    convexity n.凸状,凸面 (Lat,147293)
    triviality 琐事,细枝末节 (Lat,163221)
    vexation 烦恼 (Lat,163566)
    viaduct 高架桥 (Lat,163568)
    advect (Lat,)
    advective (Lat,)
    biconvex (Lat,)
    bivector (Lat,)
    bivial (Lat,)
    bivious (Lat,)
    bivium (Lat,)
    circumvection (Lat,)
    convect (Lat,)
    convector (Lat,)
    equiconvex (Lat,)
    extravehicular (Lat,)
    invect (Lat,)
    invection (Lat,)
    nonconvective (Lat,)
    pretervection (Lat,)
    provection (Lat,)
    quadrivial (Lat,)
    quadrivium (Lat,)
    quasiconvex (Lat,)
    quasiconvexity (Lat,)
    transvection (Lat,)
    trivium (Lat,)
    vection (Lat,)
    vectorial (Lat,)
    vecture (Lat,)
    vialis (Lat,)
    viary (Lat,)
    enochlophobia (Greek,)
    ;...557, wei- 缠绕 , Also weiᵊ- .
    To turn, twist; with derivatives referring to suppleness or binding. (earlier *weiᵊ₁- ).
    派生词包括: wire , vise , and iris.
    1. Form *wei- .
        1. ←from 古英语 wīr , wire;
          wire n.金属线,电线;电报,电信v.发电报(给) , ( 2635 , uei , _ )
        2. ←from 古法语 garlande , wreath, ←from Frankish *wiara , *weara , wire. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *wī-ra- , *wē-ra- .
          garland n.花环vt.戴花环 , ( 19744 , uei , _ )
      1. Probably suffixed 日耳曼语 form *wai-ra- . ←from 古英语 wār , seaweed.
        seaware 海藻 , ( x )
      2. Suffixed 零级形式 *wi-riā- . ←from 拉丁语 viriae , bracelets (of Celtic origin).
        ferrule 金属包箍 , ( 54376 , )
      3. 带后缀形式: *wei-ti- . ←from 古英语 wīthig , willow, withy, ←from 日耳曼语 *wīth- , willow.
        withy 柳树,柳枝 , ( 63831 , )
      4. Suffixed 零级形式 *wi-t- . ←from 古英语 withthe , supple twig, ←from 日耳曼语 *withjōn- .
        withe 细枝 , ( x )
    2. Form *weiᵊ- , 零级 *wī- (< *wiᵊ- ).
      1. 带后缀形式: *wī-ti- . ←from 拉丁语 vītis , vine.
        vise 钳子,台钳 ; ( 63603 , )
        viticulture 葡萄栽培术 , ( 63605 , )
      2. 带后缀形式: *wī-tā- becoming *wittā- . ←from 拉丁语 vitta , headband.
        vitta 色条 , ( x )
      3. 带后缀形式: *wī-men- . ←from 拉丁语 vīmen , withy, wicker.
        Mimbres x , ( x )
      4. Probably 带后缀形式: *wī-ri- . ←from 希腊语 īris , rainbow, and Īris , rainbow goddess.
        iridaceous 鸢尾科的 , ( x )
        irido- x , ( x )
        iris n.[解]虹膜,鸢尾属植物,[希神]彩虹之女神,虹,虹彩 , ( 14470 , uei , _ )
        Iris n.[解]虹膜,鸢尾属植物,[希神]彩虹之女神,虹,虹彩 ; ( 14470 , uei , _ )
        iridium , ( 56206 , )
        iritis 虹膜炎 , ( x )
      5. Perhaps 带后缀形式: *wī-n- . ←from 希腊语 īs , sinew.
        inion 枕骨隆突 ; ( x )
        exine 外膜 , ( x )
        inosine 肌苷 , ( x )
        inositol 肌醇 , ( x )
        inotropic 变力 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 1. u̯ei- 1120.]
    inotrope (Greek,)
    ;...558, weid- 活动现
    To see.
    派生词包括: guide , wisdom , kaleidoscope , Hades , unwitting , envy , idea , history , and penguin.
    1. 全级形式 *weid- .
        1. ←from 古英语 wītan , to reproach;
          twit 笨蛋,傻瓜 , ( 63344 , )
        2. ←from Old Provençal guidar , to guide;
          guide n.领路人;指南,导游v.领路;指导;支配;管理 , ( 1521 , ueid , _ )
          →[考研]→ guidance n.引导,指导。 ( 3121 )
          →[考研]→ guideline n.指导方针,指导原则,准则,标准。 ( 3922 )
          guidon 队旗 , ( x )
        3. ←from 古法语 guier , to guide;
          guy n.家伙,人 , ( 494 , _ , _ )
        4. ←from 古英语 wīte , fine, penalty, ←from 日耳曼语 derivative noun *wīti- .a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *wītan , to look after, guard, ascribe to, reproach.
          wite 罚金 , ( x )
      1. 带后缀形式: *weid-to- .
        1. ←from 古英语 wīs , wise;
          wise a.有智慧的,聪明的 , ( 3255 , ueid , _ )
        2. ←from 古英语 wīsdōm , learning, wisdom ( -dōm , abstract suffix; see dʰē- );
          wisdom n.智慧,明智;名言,格言 , ( 3217 , ueid , _ )
          →[oew]→ wistful adj.渴望的,想望的 ( 19726 )
        3. ←from 高地德语 wīzag , knowledgeable;
          wiseacre 自以为无所不知的人 , ( 63822 , )
          1. ←from 古英语 wīse , wīs , manner;
            wise a.有智慧的,聪明的 , ( 3255 , ueid , _ )
          2. ←from 古法语 guise , manner. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *wīssōn- , appearance, form, manner.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *wīssaz .
            guise n.外观,姿态,装束,伪装 v.伪装 , ( 11226 , ueid , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *weid-es- . ←from 希腊语 eidos , form, shape.
        eidetic 异常清晰的 , ( 41900 )
        eidolon 的精灵 , ( x )
        idol n.偶像,崇拜物,幻象,[逻]谬论 , ( 13068 , ueid , _ )
        idyll 田园,田园诗 , ( 55813 , )
        -oid x ; ( x )
        idocrase 符山石 , ( x )
        kaleidoscope 万花筒 , ( 56477 , )
    2. 零级形式 *wid- .
        1. ←from 古英语 wit , witt , knowledge, intelligence;
          wit n.智力,才智,智慧 , ( 6253 , ueid , _ )
          →[考研]→ witness n.目击者,证人;证据,证明 v.目击,目睹;作证。 ( 2123 )
          →[oew]→ witless 不明事理的。 ( 63832 )
          →[oew]→ witticism 妙语。 ( 63834 )
        2. ←from 古英语 wita , wise man, councilor. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *wit- .
          witenagemot 国会 , ( x )
      1. ←from 古英语 witan , to know, ←from 日耳曼语 *witan (古英语 first and third person singular wāt , ←from 日耳曼语 *wait , ←from Indo-European o级形式 *woid- ).
        wit n.智力,才智,智慧 , ( 6253 , ueid , _ )
        wot 知道 ; ( 32889 )
        unwitting adj.不知情的 , ( 23525 , ueid , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *wid-to- . ←from 古英语 gewis , gewiss , certain, sure, ←from 日耳曼语 *(ga)wissa- , known ( *ga- , past participial prefix; see kom ).
        iwis 真实地 , ( x )
      3. Form *wid-ē- (with the participial form *weid-to- ) ←from 拉丁语 vidēre , to see, look.
        vide 参见 , ( 63579 , )
        view n.视野;风景;观察;见解;照片vt.观察;认为 , ( 406 , ueid , _ )
        →[考研]→ viewpoint n.观点。 ( 6207 )
        visa n.(护照等的)签证;维萨信用卡vt.签证 , ( 6629 , ueid , vid看见 )
        →[考研]→ visual a.看的,看得见的;视觉的。 ( 2106 )
        →[oew]→ visitation n.访问;探视;视察;正式访问[T9]。 ( 14235 )
        visage 能看到的:n.脸,面容,容貌,外表[T8] , ( 23941 , ueid , vid看见 )
        vision n.视力,视觉;远见;洞察力;幻想,幻影;想象力 , ( 1365 , ueid , vid看见 )
        →[考研]→ visible a.看得见的, 明显的, 显著的。 ( 2386 )
        visit n.访问,参观v.访问,参观;视察;降临;闲谈 , ( 737 , ueid , vid看见 )
        →[考研]→ visitor n.访问者,客人,来宾,参观者。 ( 1834 )
        visor n.面颊,帽舌,盔甲 vt.(用脸盔,护目镜等)遮护 , ( 17654 , ueid , vid看见 )
        vista n.远景,展望,回顾,狭长的街景[T8] , ( 13380 , ueid , vid看见 )
        voyeur 窥淫癖者 ; ( 63635 , )
        advice n.劝告,忠告,(医生等的)意见 , ( 1200 , ueid , vid看见 )
        →[考研]→ advertise vt.公告,公布;为...做广告 vi.登广告。 ( 4153 )
        →[考研]→ advisable a.可取的,适当的,明智的。 ( 11768 )
        →[考研]→ advise vt.忠告,劝告,建议;通知,告知。 ( 2603 )
        advis vt.(商业)通知,报告;提议,建议vi.接受劝告,商量;建议,提供意见 , ( x )
        belvedere 瞭望台 , ( x )
        black-a-vised x , ( x )
        déjàvu 似曾相识的感觉 , ( x )
        clairvoyant 有洞察力的人 , ( 28917 )
        envy v./n.羡慕,忌妒 , ( 8778 , ueid , vid看见 )
        →[考研]→ envisage 当面看vt.正视,面对,注视,沉思[T6]。 ( 13554 )
        evident a.明显的,明白的 , ( 3212 , ueid , vid看见 )
        →[考研]→ evidence n.明显;显著;根据;证据;迹象。 ( 486 )
        improvise 没有预见的:v.即兴创作;即兴表演;临时做;临时提供[T8] , ( 12273 , ueid , vid看见 )
        →[oew]→ improvisation n.即兴创作;即席演奏[T9]。 ( 12843 )
        interview v./n.接见,会见;采访;面试 , ( 1073 , ueid , vid看见 )
        invidious 引人反感的,招人嫉妒的 , ( 56191 , )
        previse 预知 , ( x )
        provide v.供应,供给,准备,预防,规定 , ( 263 , ueid , vid看见 )
        →[考研]→ provided conj.倘若,只要,假如。 ( 1338 )
        →[oew]→ providence 上帝,神,苍天。 ( 60145 )
        →[oew]→ provision n.供应,(一批)供应品;预备;条款;(pl.)给养。 ( 1668 )
        →[oew]→ proviso n.限制性条款,附文,附带条件 ( 18738 )
        prudent 提前看adj.谨慎的;精明的;节俭的[T6] , ( 9121 , ueid , vid看见 )
        →[oew]→ prudence n.审慎[T8]。 ( 18293 )
        purvey 供应,提供 , ( 60246 , )
        purview n.范围 , ( 22279 , _ , vid看见 )
        review v.回顾,复习n.回顾,复习;评论 , ( 1102 , ueid , vid看见 )
        revise v.修订,校订;修正,修改 , ( 6839 , ueid , vid看见 )
        →[oew]→ revision n.修正;复习;修订本[T3]。 ( 5881 )
        supervise v.管理,监督 , ( 6763 , ueid , vid看见 )
        →[oew]→ supervision n.监督,管理[T9]。 ( 4854 )
        survey v./n.俯瞰,眺望;全面审视,调查;测量图,勘定 , ( 1103 , ueid , vid看见 )
      4. 带后缀形式: *wid-es-yā- . ←from 希腊语 ideā , appearance, form, idea.
        ide n.主意,想法;[哲]理念,观念;[乐]乐句;模糊想法 , ( x )
        ideo- 视频- , ( x )
      5. 带后缀形式: *wid-tor- . ←from 希腊语 histōr , wise, learned, learned man.
        history n.历史,历史学;来历,经历 , ( 348 , ueid , _ )
        →[考研]→ historian n.历史学家[T6]。 ( 2901 )
        →[考研]→ historic a.有历史意义的;历史的。 ( 2679 )
        →[考研]→ historical a.历史的;有关历史的。 ( 1388 )
        story n.故事,传说,小说;(=storey)楼层 ; ( 280 , ueid , _ )
        polyhistor x , ( x )
      6. ←from 希腊语 Haidēs (also Aïdēs ), the underworld, perhaps "the invisible" and from *wid- .
        hadal 超深渊的 , ( x )
        Hades 冥王,阴间,冥府 , ( 55111 , )
      7. Suffixed nasalized 零级形式 *wi-n-d-o- .
        1. ←from 古爱尔兰 find , white (< "clearly visible");
          colcannon 马铃薯卷心菜泥 , ( x )
        2. ←from 威尔士 gʷyn , gʷynn , white.
          penguin n.企鹅 , ( 12081 , ueid , _ )
      8. Celtic *wid- , seer, in compound *dru-wid- (see deru- ).
    3. Suffixed o级形式 *woid-o- . ←from 梵语 vedaḥ , knowledge.
      Veda 吠陀经 ; ( 63512 , )
      Rig-Veda 《梨俱吠陀》 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 2. u̯(e)di- (misprint for u̯(e)id- ) 1125.]
    video n.电视,视频;录像a.电视的,视频的;录像的 (Lat,101202)
    invisible a.看不见的,无形的 (Lat,104189)
    supervisor n.监督人,监工;管理人;检查员[T9] (Lat,104401)
    advisory adj.顾问的,咨询的,劝告的 (Lat,104757)
    envision 进入幻想中想象,预想,愿景[T8] (Lat,106503)
    advisor n.顾问,劝告者,<美>(指导大学新生学科问题等的)指导教授 (Lat,108160)
    visibility n.可见度 (Lat,108198)
    provisional 临时提供的:adj.临时的,暂时的;暂定的n.临时邮票[T8] (Lat,108536)
    preview n.预览;试映;事先查看vt.预览;预演;事先查看[T3] (Lat,109172)
    visionary adj.想象的,幻想的,梦想的n.空想家,梦想家,有眼力的人[T8] (Lat,110615)
    surveyor n.测量员,检查员 (Lat,110714)
    revisit vt.再访,重游,重临 n.第二次访问 (Latin,111319)
    supervisory adj.监督的[T9] (Lat,112718)
    interviewee n.被接见者,被访问者 (Latin,117996)
    envious adj.嫉妒的,羡慕的 (Latin,120028)
    purveyor n.承办商,伙食承办商 (Lat,120083)
    prudential adj.谨慎的 (Lat,121545)
    invisibility n.看不清,看不见的东西,难看见,透明性 (Latin,121729)
    enviable adj.令人羡慕的,可羡慕的 (Latin,122271)
    improvisational adj.即兴的 (Lat,124666)
    evidentiary adj.证据的,根据证据的 (Lat,126213)
    advisement n.深思熟虑,劝告,考虑 (Lat,129717)
    visuality 可视性 (Latin,134254)
    improvisatory adj.即席的 (Lat,134313)
    nonvisual 计VA非视件(一种不可视的部件) (Lat,137625)
    evidential adj.证据的,可作证据的,提供证据的 (Lat,138568)
    revisionary adj.校订的,修正的 (Latin,139609)
    imprudence n.轻率行为 (Lat,148854)
    clairvoyance 洞察力 (Latin,152889)
    improvident 不顾将来的,挥霍的 (Lat,155889)
    imprudent 不明智的 (Lat,155890)
    inadvisable 不明智的 (Latin,155899)
    provident 精打细算的,长久考虑的 (Lat,160146)
    counterview (Latin,)
    nonevidentiary (Latin,)
    nonsupervisory (Latin,)
    reviewal (Latin,)
    revisal (Latin,)
    surview (Latin,)
    survise (Latin,)
    videlicet (Latin,)
    voilà (Latin,)
    envisagement (Lat,)
    evidentiality (Lat,)
    improvidence (Lat,)
    improvisator (Lat,)
    inevident (Lat,)
    provisionality (Lat,)
    provisory (Lat,)
    purveyance (Lat,)
    vis-à-vis (Lat,)
    voila (Lat,)
    idyllic a.田园短诗的,牧歌的 (Greek,114274)
    idolater n.偶像崇拜者,虔诚的爱慕者 (Greek,141824)
    idolatry 偶像崇拜 (Greek,155812)
    eidos (Greek,)
    idyllist (Greek,)
    pareidolia (Greek,)
    ;...559, weiᵊ- 跟随走
    To go after someting, pursue with vigor, desire, with noun forms meaning force, power. 最初形式: *wihx- . Related to wī-ro- .
    1. 零级形式 *wī- (< *wiᵊ- ). ←from 拉丁语 vīs , force, with irregular derivatives violāre , to treat with force, and violentus , vehement.
      vim 精力 , ( 63584 , )
      violate vt.违背;冒犯;妨碍;侵犯;亵渎(圣物) , ( 4021 , uiro , _ )
      →[oew]→ violation n.违反;妨碍,侵害;违背;强奸[T6]。 ( 3725 )
      violent a.猛烈的,激烈的;暴力引起的,强暴的 , ( 2318 , _ , _ )
      →[考研]→ violence n.猛烈,强烈;暴力,暴行;强暴。 ( 1135 )
    2. Suffixed o级形式 *woi(ᵊ)-tyā- . ←from 古法语, gaaignier , gaignier , to obtain, ←from 日耳曼语 *waithanjan , to hunt, plunder, denominative verb from *wai-thjō , "pursuit," hunting.
      gain v.获得;增加;表等走快n.增进,增加;收益 ; ( 1268 , uen , _ )
      rowen 再生草 , ( x )
    3. Suffixed 零级形式 *wiᵊ-to- becoming *wī-to- . ←from 拉丁语 invītāre , to invite ( in- , in; see en ).
      invite vt.邀请,招待 , ( 1962 , _ , _ )
      →[考研]→ invitation n.邀请,招待;请柬。 ( 3830 )
    [Pokorny 3. u̯ei- 1123.]
    ;...560, weik-₁ 围阁园
    Clan (social unit above the household). 最初形式: *weik̑- , becoming *weik- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    1. 带后缀形式: *weik-slā- . ←from 拉丁语 vīlla , country house, farm.
      villa n.别墅,[英]城郊小屋 , ( 6182 , ueik₁ , _ )
      village n.村,村庄 , ( 992 , _ , _ )
      villain n.坏人,恶根 , ( 9715 , ueik₁ , _ )
      villanelle 维拉内拉诗 , ( x )
      villein 隶农 ; ( 63582 , )
      bidonville x , ( x )
      nasty a.肮脏的,卑劣的,下流的;令人厌恶的 , ( 4546 , _ , _ )
    2. Suffixed o级形式 *woik-o- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 vīcus , quarter or district of a town, neighborhood;
        vicinage 附近的地区 , ( x )
        vicinity n.邻近,附近 ; ( 9302 , ueik₁ , _ )
        bailiwick 职责范围内 , ( 32898 )
      2. ←from 希腊语 compound oikos , house, and its derivatives oikiā , a dwelling, and oikēsis , dwelling, administration.
        androecium 雄蕊 , ( x )
        autoecious 寄生的 , ( x )
        diocese n.主教教区 , ( 9503 , _ , _ )
        dioecious 雌雄异体的 , ( x )
        ecesis 定居 , ( x )
        ecology 关于生物栖息地的学问:n.生态学[T6] , ( 6799 , ueik₁ , eco家 )
        economy n.节约;经济 , ( 673 , ueik₁ , eco家 )
        ecumenical adj.一般的,普通的 , ( 12464 , ueik₁ , _ )
        heteroecious x , ( x )
        monoecious 雌雄同株的 , ( 49134 )
        parish n.教区 , ( 3331 , ueik₁ , _ )
        parochial adj.教区的,地方范围的,狭小的 , ( 12679 , ueik₁ , _ )
    3. 零级形式 *wik- . ←from 梵语 viśaḥ , dwelling, house.
      Vaisya 吠舍 , ( x )
    [Pokorny u̯eik̑- 1131.]
    village n.村,村庄 (Lat,100992)
    vicinal (Lat,)
    archdiocese n.大主教之管区 (Greek,121193)
    economize 节省 (Greek,153950)
    andromonecy (Greek,)
    dioecy (Greek,)
    gynomonoecy (Greek,)
    monoecy (Greek,)
    oecology (Greek,)
    oeconomus (Greek,)
    oikology (Greek,)
    oikophobia (Greek,)
    palaeoecology (Greek,)
    paleoecology (Greek,)
    paroecious (Greek,)
    perioeci (Greek,)
    trioecious (Greek,)
    ;...561, weik-₂ 转绕周 , Also weig- .
    To bend, wind.
    派生词包括: wicker , weak , and vicarious.
    1. Form *weig- .
        1. ←from 古英语 wice , wych elm (having pliant branches);
          wychelm x , ( x )
        2. ←from 中古英语 wiker , wicker, ←from a Scandinavian source akin to Swedish viker , willow twig, wand;
          wicker n.柳条a.柳条制的 , ( 15589 , uei , _ )
        3. ←from 古北法语 wiket , wicket (< "door that turns"), ←from a Scandinavian source probably akin to 古挪威语 vikja , to bend, turn.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *wik- .
          wicket n.小门,边门,便门,售票窗 , ( 15146 , uei , _ )
        1. ←from 古挪威语 veikr , pliant;
          weak a.虚弱的,软弱的;不够标准的;淡薄的,稀的 , ( 2077 , uei , _ )
        2. ←from 中古荷兰语 weec , weak, soft. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *waikʷaz .
          weakfish 一种食用鱼 , ( 41663 )
      1. ←from 古英语 wicu , wice , week, ←from 日耳曼语 *wikōn- , "a turning," series.
        week n.星期,周 , ( 205 , kuei₁ , _ )
        →[考研]→ weekday n.平常日,工作日。 ( 10875 )
        →[考研]→ weekend n.周末。 ( 1241 )
        →[考研]→ weekly a.每星期的,一周的ad.每周一次 n.周刊,周报。 ( 3324 )
    2. Form *weik- . 零级形式 *wik- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 *vix (genitive vicis ), turn, situation, change;
        vicar 上帝的代理人:n.教区牧师,教堂牧师;传教牧师;代理人[T8] , ( 12012 , uei , _ )
        →[oew]→ vice-president n.副总裁,副校长 ( 15553 )
        →[oew]→ viceversa 反之亦然 ( 63574 )
        vicarious 感同身受的 , ( 63573 , )
        vice- ; ( x )
        vicissitude 变迁,兴衰荣辱 , ( 63576 , )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 vicia , vetch (< "twining plant").
        vetch 巢菜,野豌豆 , ( 63565 , )
    [Pokorny 4. u̯eik- 1130.]
    vice versa (Latin,)
    ;...562, weik-₃ 征服胜
    To fight, conquer.
    1. ←from 古挪威语 vīgr , able in battle, ←from 日耳曼语 *wīk- .
      wight 人,生灵,鬼,幽灵 , ( 63789 , )
    2. Nasalized 零级形式 *wi-n-k- . ←from 拉丁语 vincere , to conquer.
      vanquish 战胜 , ( 63491 , )
      victor 胜利者:n.(男子名):维克托[T9] , ( 16904 , _ , vict征服 )
      vincible 可征服的 ; ( x )
      convict v.(经审讯)证明…有罪,宣判…有罪n.囚犯 , ( 5116 , kom , vict征服 )
      →[考研]→ conviction n.深信,确信;定罪,判罪;。 ( 3288 )
      convince v.(of)使信服,使确信 , ( 2495 , _ , vict征服 )
      evict vt.驱逐,逐出[T8] , ( 16421 , _ , vict征服 )
      evince vt.明确表示,表明[T8] , ( 23057 , _ , vict征服 )
    3. 零级形式 *wik- . ←from Celtic Ordovices ( *ordo-wik- ), "those who fight with hammers" ( *ordo- , hammer).
      Ordovician 奥陶系 , ( 49092 )
    [Pokorny 2. u̯eik- 1128.]
    victory n.胜利 (Lat,101463)
    province n.省;领域,范围,本分 (Latin,103113)
    Victorian a.维多利亚女王时代的 (Lat,104737)
    Victoria (Lat,106456)
    Vincent 胜利者:n.(男子名)文森特[T9] (Lat,112119)
    victorious adj.胜利的,获胜的[T4] (Lat,112136)
    invincible adj.无敌的,不可战胜的[T9] (Lat,119609)
    eviction n.逐出,赶出,(租地,租房等的)收回 (Lat,120759)
    convincible (Lat,)
    evincible (Lat,)
    inconvincible (Lat,)
    pervicacious (Lat,)
    revict (Lat,)
    revince (Lat,)
    vanquishment (Lat,)
    victress (Lat,)
    victrice (Lat,)
    victrix (Lat,)
    ;...563, weip- 歪摆
    To turn, vacillate, tremble ecstatically.
    派生词包括: wipe , whip , and vibrate.
    1. o级形式 *woip- . ←from Anglo-Norman waif , ownerless property, ←from a Scandinavian source probably akin to 古挪威语 veif , waving thing, flag, ←from 日耳曼语 *waif- .
      waif 无家可归者,流浪儿 , ( 63652 , )
      waif 无家可归者,流浪儿 , ( 63652 , )
      waive v.放弃 , ( 14073 , ueip , _ )
      waiver n.[律]自动放弃,放弃,弃权,弃权证书 , ( 12949 , ueip , _ )
    2. 变化形式*weib- .
      1. ←from 古英语 wīpian , to wipe;
        wipe v./n.擦,揩,抹 , ( 3428 , ueip , _ )
      2. ←from 古法语 guiper , to cover with silk;
        guipure 网络花边 , ( x )
      3. ←from 中古英语 wippen , to whip.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *wīpjan , to move back and forth.
        whip n.鞭子;车夫v.鞭打,抽打;突然移动 , ( 5202 , ueip , _ )
        →[oew]→ whippet 小灵狗。 ( 63753 )
        →[oew]→ whippoorwill 三声夜鹰。 ( 63755 )
    3. Perhaps suffixed nasalized 零级形式 *wi-m-p-ila- .
      1. ←from 古英语 wimpel , covering for the neck (< "something that winds around");
        wimple 修女带的头巾 , ( 63802 , )
      2. ←from 高地德语 wimpal , guimpe;
        gimp x , ( 31212 )
        guimpe 衬衫 , ( x )
      3. perhaps 中古荷兰语 wimmel , auger (< "that which turns in boring")
        wimble 钻孔器 . ( x )
    4. Suffixed 零级 变化形式*wib-ro- . ←from 拉丁语 vibrāre , to vibrate.
      vibrate v.(使)振动,(使)摇摆;受…而感动 , ( 12784 , ueip , vibr摇动 )
      →[oew]→ vibration n.振动;犹豫;心灵感应[T4]。 ( 8349 )
      →[oew]→ vibrant adj.振动的;充满生气的;响亮的;战栗的[T8]。 ( 8352 )
    [Pokorny u̯eip- 1131.]
    ;...564, wekti- 事物
    Thing, creature.
    1. ←from 古英语 wiht , person, thing;
      whit ①圣临降临节的②一点点,少量 , ( 64021 , )
      wight 人,生灵,鬼,幽灵 ; ( 63789 , )
      aught 任何事物 , ( 36649 )
      naught , ( 58366 , )
      not ad.不,不是,不会;没有 , ( 24 , ueks , _ )
    2. ←from 高地德语 wiht , thing, being. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *wihti- .
      nix n.[俚]无,皆无,(德国神话中的)女水妖,女水神 int.停!,不要!,不行! vt.禁止,拒绝 , ( 22840 , ne , _ )
    [Pokorny u̯ek-ti- 1136.]
    ;...565, wekʷ- 说话声
    To speak.
    1. o级形式 *wō̆kʷ- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 vōx , voice;
        vocal adj.声乐的,歌唱的,有声的n.声乐作品,元音[T8] , ( 5210 , ueks , voc喊叫 )
        →[考研]→ vocabulary n.词汇,词汇量;词汇表。 ( 4525 )
        voice n.声音;嗓音;发音能力;意见,发言权;语态 , ( 395 , ueks , _ )
        vowel 用嗓发音的:adj.元音的n.元音,母音[T6] , ( 13009 , ueks , _ )
      2. ←from 希腊语 ops , voice.
        Calliope 卡丽 , ( 30611 )
    2. Suffixed o级形式 *wokʷ-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 vocāre , to call.
      vocable 可发音的 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ vocative 呼格的。 ( 63621 )
      →[oew]→ vociferous 大声疾呼的。 ( 63622 )
      vocation (神的)召唤:n.职业,天职,天命,神召[T6] , ( 10986 , ueks , voc喊叫 )
      vouch v.担保,保证,证明,确定[T8] ; ( 23006 , ueks , voc喊叫 )
      advocate n.辩护者,拥护者,鼓吹者vt.拥护,提倡 , ( 3189 , ueks , voc喊叫 )
      avocation 副业 , ( 51959 , )
      convoke 召集会议 , ( 53110 , )
      equivocal 模棱两可的 , ( 54139 , )
      evoke 喊出来:vt.唤起,引起,博得[T8] , ( 6449 , ueks , voc喊叫 )
      invoke 对着喊:vt.调用,恳求,祈求[T8] , ( 7060 , _ , voc喊叫 )
      provoke v.挑动;激发;招惹 , ( 5906 , ueks , voc喊叫 )
      revoke n.v.撤回,有牌不跟[T9] , ( 16639 , ueks , voc喊叫 )
      univocal 意义明确的 , ( 34335 )
    3. 带后缀形式: *wekʷ-es- . ←from 希腊语 epos , song, word.
      epic n.史诗,伟大事迹.a.壮丽的 , ( 9029 , ueks , _ )
      epos 叙事诗 ; ( x )
      epopee 叙事诗 , ( x )
      orthoepy 标准发音 , ( x )
    [Pokorny u̯eku̯- 1135.]
    vocabulary n.词汇,词汇量;词汇表 (Lat,104525)
    advocacy n.主张;拥护;辩护[T9] (Lat,106249)
    vocational adj.职业的,行业的[T9] (Lat,107126)
    provocative adj.刺激的,挑拨的;气人的n.刺激物,挑拨物;兴奋剂[T9] (Lat,108600)
    voucher n.收据;证人;保证人;证明者;代金[T9] (Lat,108687)
    provocation n.挑衅;激怒;挑拨[T8] (Lat,112578)
    vowel 用嗓发音的:adj.元音的n.元音,母音[T6] (Lat,113009)
    evocative adj.唤起的;唤出的[T8] (Lat,117614)
    invocation n.祈祷;符咒;【法律】(法院对另案的)文件调取;(法权的)行使[T9] (Lat,119262)
    evocation n.招魂;唤起;唤出[T9] (Latin,121424)
    disavow vt.否认,否定;抵赖;拒绝对…的责任[T8] (Lat,122270)
    equivocation n.模棱两可的话,含糊话 (Lat,128174)
    disavowal n.不承认,否认,否定,拒绝 (Lat,129366)
    equivocate vi.使用模棱两可的话隐瞒真相,躲闪;推诿;含糊其词;说话支吾,态度暧昧 (Lat,133606)
    avowal n.公开宣布 (Lat,135442)
    revocable adj.可废止的,可撤回的 (Lat,139292)
    voiceprint n.<美>声波纹 (Lat,145812)
    avocation 副业 (Lat,151959)
    avow 声明 (Lat,151961)
    convocation 大型会议 (Lat,153109)
    devoice 使辅音清化 (Lat,153586)
    irrevocable 不可更改的 (Lat,156229)
    revocation 撤消,废除 (Lat,160729)
    vocative 呼格的 (Lat,163621)
    vouchsafe 给予,允诺 (Lat,163633)
    convocate (Latin,)
    convocator (Latin,)
    evocable (Latin,)
    evocator (Latin,)
    invocable (Latin,)
    invocate (Latin,)
    invocative (Latin,)
    invocator (Latin,)
    provocate (Latin,)
    provocateur (Latin,)
    reavow (Latin,)
    reinvoke (Latin,)
    advocation (Lat,)
    advocator (Lat,)
    advocatory (Lat,)
    advoke (Lat,)
    advowson (Lat,)
    avocate (Lat,)
    avoke (Lat,)
    avouch (Lat,)
    avouchment (Lat,)
    avowance (Lat,)
    avowant (Lat,)
    avowry (Lat,)
    disavouch (Lat,)
    disavowance (Lat,)
    equivocator (Lat,)
    nonvocal (Lat,)
    prevocalic (Lat,)
    prevocational (Lat,)
    provocator (Lat,)
    revoice (Lat,)
    sub voce (Lat,)
    univocalic (Lat,)
    univocity (Lat,)
    vocable (Lat,)
    vocalic (Lat,)
    vocality (Lat,)
    vociferant (Lat,)
    vouchee (Lat,)
    vouchment (Lat,)
    ;...566, wel-₁ 希望愿
    To wish, will.
    派生词包括: wealth , gallop , gallant , and voluptuous.
    1. ←from 古英语 wel , well (< "according to one's wish"), ←from 日耳曼语 *wel- .
      well ad.好,令人满意地;很int.哎呀,好啦,嗯 , ( 105 , uel₂ , _ )
    2. ←from 古英语 wela , weola , well-being, riches, ←from 日耳曼语 *welōn- .
      weal 红肿伤痕 , ( 63698 , )
      wealth n.财富,财产;大量 , ( 2162 , uel₂ , _ )
      →[考研]→ wealthy a.富有的,丰裕的,充分的 n.富人,有钱人。 ( 3279 )
    3. ←from 古英语 willa , desire, will power, ←from 日耳曼语 *wiljōn- .
      will aux./v.将;会;愿意n.意志;决心;愿望 , ( 41 , _ , _ )
      →[考研]→ willing a.愿意的,乐意的,心甘情愿的。 ( 1516 )
    4. ←from 古英语 willan , to desire, ←from 日耳曼语 *wil(l)jan .
      will aux./v.将;会;愿意n.意志;决心;愿望 ; ( 41 , _ , _ )
      nill 不愿意 , ( x )
      willy-nilly 不管愿意不愿意 , ( 63800 , )
    5. 日耳曼语 compound *wil-kumōn- (see gʷā- ).
    6. o级形式 *wol- .
      1. ←from 古法语 galoper , to gallop;
        gallop n.|v.疾驰,飞奔 , ( 15182 , klou , _ )
      2. ←from 古北法语 *waloper , to gallop;
        wallop 猛击 , ( 63662 , )
      3. ←from 古法语 galer , to rejoice, ←from Frankish 拉丁语 *walāre , to take it easy, ←from Frankish *wala , good, well.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *wal- .
        gallant adj.英勇的,豪侠的,堂皇的,壮丽的,华丽的,对妇女献殷勤的 ; ( 15835 , uel₂ , _ )
        →[oew]→ gallivant 闲游。 ( 54735 )
        →[oew]→ gala n.节日,庆祝 adj.节日的,欢乐的 ( 9818 )
        gallimaufry 杂凑 , ( x )
    7. 基本形式: *wel- . ←from 拉丁语 velle (present stem vol- ), to wish, will.
      velleity 微弱的欲望 , ( x )
      volition 意志力 , ( 63626 , )
      voluntary a.自愿的,志愿的 ; ( 3168 , uel₂ , vol意志 )
      →[考研]→ volunteer n./v.自愿(者,兵);自愿(提供)。 ( 2537 )
      benevolent adj.仁慈的,慈善的,亲切的[T8] , ( 12021 , deu , vol意志 )
      malevolence 恶意 , ( 30045 )
    8. Probably suffixed 扩展形式: *wel-p-i- . ←from 拉丁语 voluptās , pleasure, ←from an adjective *volupis , pleasing (probably preserved in the adverb volup , with pleasure, ←from neuter *volupe ).
      voluptuary 纵欲者 , ( 63630 , )
      voluptuous 满意的、尽情的:adj.撩人的;骄奢淫逸的;沉溺酒色的[T8] , ( 22587 , uel₂ , vol意志 )
    [Pokorny 2. u̯el- 1137.]
    involuntary adj.无意识的;自然而然的;不知不觉的[T8] (Lat,111210)
    malevolent adj.恶毒的,有恶意的,坏心肠的[T8] (Lat,121456)
    benevolence n.仁慈,慈善[T9] (Lat,123207)
    volitional adj.意志的,凭意志的 (Lat,132540)
    Voluntaryism (Latin,)
    omnibenevolence (Latin,)
    volitient (Lat,)
    volitive (Lat,)
    ;...567, wel-₂ 漩涡
    To turn, roll; with derivatives referring to curved, enclosing objects.
    派生词包括: waltz , willow , wallow , revolve , valley , and helix.
      1. ←from 高地德语 walzan , to roll, waltz;
        waltz 华尔兹 , ( 63666 , )
      2. ←from Middle 低地德语 or 中古荷兰语 welteren , to roll. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *walt- .
        welter 杂乱的一堆 , ( 63719 , )
    1. ←from 古英语 weoluc , weoloc , mollusk (having a spiral shell), whelk, ←from 日耳曼语 *weluka- .
      whelk 蛾螺 , ( 63741 , )
    2. Perhaps 日耳曼语 *wel- . ←from 古英语 welig , willow (with flexible twigs).
      willow n.柳(树) , ( 11057 , sal₂ , _ )
    3. Perhaps 日耳曼语 *welk- . ←from 古英语 wealcan , to roll, toss, and wealcian , to muffle up.
      walk v.走,步行,散步;走遍n.走,步行,散步 , ( 410 , uelu , _ )
    4. o级形式 *wol- .
      1. ←from 古英语 wiella , wælla , welle , a well (< "rolling or bubbling water," "spring");
        well ad.好,令人满意地;很int.哎呀,好啦,嗯 , ( 105 , uel₂ , _ )
      2. ←from 高地德语 wallōn , to roam;
        gaberdine 工作服 , ( x )

      3. wallet n.皮夹,钱包 , ( 5995 , uelu , _ )
        possibly from 古北法语 4038*walet , roll, knapsack.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *wall- .
    5. Perhaps suffixed o级形式 *wol-ā- .
      1. ←from 古英语 walu , streak on the skin, weal, welt;
        wale n.条痕,选择v.使有鞭条痕,挑选 , ( x )
      2. 高地德语 *-walu , a roll, round stem, in compound *wurzwalu (see wrād- ). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *walō .
    6. 扩展形式: *welw- .
      1. ←from 古英语 wealwian , to roll (in mud), ←from 日耳曼语 *walwōn ;
        wallow vi.打滚,[喻]沉迷,颠簸 n.打滚,泥坑,堕落 , ( 19500 , uelu , _ )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 volvere , to roll;
        vault 弯曲:n.拱顶,地下室,撑杆跳vt.撑杆跳过,做成拱形vi.跳跃,穹状弯曲[T6] , ( 9497 , uelu , _ )
        vault 弯曲:n.拱顶,地下室,撑杆跳vt.撑杆跳过,做成拱形vi.跳跃,穹状弯曲[T6] , ( 9497 , uelu , _ )
        volt n.伏特 , ( 29813 , onomen , _ )
        →[oew]→ volcanic a.火山的,猛烈的,易突然发作的 ( 7836 )
        voluble 滔滔不绝的 , ( 63628 , )
        →[oew]→ voluminous adj.大量的;多卷的,长篇的;著书多的[T8]。 ( 20332 )
        →[oew]→ volte-face 大转变。 ( 63627 )
        volume n.容积,体积;卷,册;音量 , ( 1751 , uelu , volve滚卷 )
        volute 蜗壳 , ( 41685 )
        volutin 异染质 , ( x )
        volvox 团藻 , ( x )
        voussoir 分块 ; ( x )
        archivolt 拱门饰 , ( x )
        circumvolve 旋转 , ( x )
        convolve 卷积 , ( x )
        devolve 滚下:v.转移,转交,使滚下,衰落,转让[T8] , ( 23009 , uelu , volve滚卷 )
        evolve v.(使)发展;(使)进化;(使)进展 , ( 3547 , uelu , volve滚卷 )
        involucrum 总苞 , ( x )
        involve v.卷入,陷入,连累;包含,含有,涉及 , ( 794 , uelu , volve滚卷 )
        →[oew]→ involvement n.连累,包含 ( 2076 )
        multivoltine x , ( x )
        revolve v.(使)旋转;考虑;【天】公转,循环 , ( 10298 , uelu , volve滚卷 )
      3. suffixed o级形式 *wolw-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 vulva , volva , covering, womb;
        volva 菌托 , ( x )
        vulva 外阴 , ( 63640 , )
      4. suffixed 零级形式 *wl̥w-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 valva , leaf of a door (< "that which turns");
        valve 能转动的东西n.阀,活门[T6] , ( 6326 , uelu , _ )
        valvule 瓣膜 , ( x )
      5. 带后缀形式: *welu-tro- . ←from 希腊语 elutron , sheath, cover.
        elytron 翅鞘 , ( x )
    7. 带后缀形式: wel-n- . ←from 希腊语 eilein (< *welnein ), to turn, squeeze.
      ileus 肠梗阻 ; ( x )
      neurilemma 神经鞘 , ( x )
    8. Perhaps variant *wall- . ←from 拉丁语 vallēs , vallis , valley (< "that which is surrounded by hills").
      vail 维尔 , ( x )
      vale n.谷 , ( 15827 , ual , _ )
      valley n.(山)谷;流域 , ( 2465 , uals , _ )
      vlei , ( x )
    9. Possibly 带后缀形式: *wel-enā- . ←from the 希腊语 name Helenē (最初形式: Welenā ), Helen.
      Helen 0 ; ( 6423 , dʰeu₁ , _ )
      elecampane 土木香 , ( x )
      inulin 菊粉 , ( 43351 )
    10. 带后缀形式: *wel-ik- . ←from 希腊语 helix , spiral object.
      helicon 诗的灵感源泉 , ( x )
      helix 螺旋形 ; ( 55325 , )
      helicopter n.直升(飞)机 , ( 3650 , pet₁ , )
    11. 带后缀形式: *wel-mi-nth- . ←from 希腊语 helmis , helmins (stem helminth- ), parasitic worm.
      helminth 寄生虫 ; ( 38109 )
      anthelmintic 打虫药 , ( x )
      aschelminth x , ( x )
      platyhelminth x , ( x )
    [Pokorny 7. u̯el- 1140.]
    revolution n.革命;旋转,转数 (Lat,102230)
    evolution n.进化,演变,发展,进展 (Lat,102750)
    revolutionary a.革命的,革新的n.革命者 (Lat,103572)
    evolutionary a.进化的,发展的,演变的 (Lat,105244)
    revolt v./n.反抗,起义 (Lat,108358)
    devolution n.相传,转移;委付;依次;落下[T9] (Lat,115945)
    convolute v.回旋,卷绕,盘旋 adj.旋绕的 (Lat,126996)
    convolution n.回旋,盘旋,卷绕 (Lat,132768)
    coevolution n.共同进化 (Lat,135359)
    coevolutionary adj.共同进化的(coevolution的变形) (Lat,145475)
    involution n.卷绕,回旋,复归,包卷,对合 (Lat,145508)
    bivalve 双壳软体动物 (Lat,152205)
    volvulus (Latin,)
    advolution (Lat,)
    circumvolute (Lat,)
    circumvolution (Lat,)
    coevolve (Lat,)
    convolutionary (Lat,)
    devolute (Lat,)
    devolutionary (Lat,)
    devolvement (Lat,)
    evolute (Lat,)
    evolvent (Lat,)
    involucrate (Lat,)
    involucre (Lat,)
    involute (Lat,)
    multivolume (Lat,)
    nonevolutionary (Lat,)
    revoluble (Lat,)
    revolute (Lat,)
    valvate (Lat,)
    volte (Lat,)
    voltigeur (Lat,)
    volubility (Lat,)
    volvelle (Lat,)
    volvent (Lat,)
    anthelix (Greek,)
    antihelix (Greek,)
    helicine (Greek,)
    helicograph (Greek,)
    helicoid (Greek,)
    helicospore (Greek,)
    helminthic (Greek,)
    helminthoid (Greek,)
    ;...568, welᵊ- 打伤害
    To strike, wound. 最初形式: *welh₂- .
    1. Suffixed o级形式 *wol(ᵊ)-o- .
      1. ←from 古挪威语 Valhöll , Valhalla;
        Valhalla 瓦尔哈拉殿堂(北欧神话中阵亡将士与奥丁神居住的宫殿) , ( 63480 , )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 Valkyrja , "chooser of the slain," name of one of the twelve war goddesses ( -kyrja , chooser; see geus- ). Bothaandb←from 古挪威语 valr , the slain in battle, ←from 日耳曼语 *walaz .
        Valkyrie 瓦尔基里(北欧神话中奥丁神待女,负责挑选阵亡者并将他们带到Valhalla) , ( 63483 , )
    2. Suffixed 基本形式: *welᵊ-nes- . ←from 拉丁语 vulnus (stem vulner- ), a wound.
      vulnerable a.易受伤的,脆弱的 , ( 2952 , uel₃ , _ )
    3. Suffixed 零级形式 *wl̥ᵊ-to- . ←from 古伊朗语 *varta- (Avestan varᵊta- ), seized, prisoner.
      berdache 男同性恋者 , ( x )
    [In Pokorny 8. u̯el- 1144.]
    ;...569, wemᵊ- ρ涡流
    To vomit. 最初形式: *wemh₁- .
    1. ←from 中古英语 wam(e)len , to feel nausea, stagger, ←from a Scandinavian source probably akin to 古挪威语 vamla , qualm, and Danish vamle , to become sick, ←from 日耳曼语 *wam- .
      wamble x , ( x )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 vomere , to vomit.
      vomit n.呕吐,呕吐物,催吐剂 vi.呕吐,大量喷出 vt.吐出,呕吐 ; ( 12310 , uem , _ )
      nux vomica 马钱子 , ( x )
    3. ←from 希腊语 emein , to vomit.
      emesis 呕吐 , ( x )
      emetic 催吐药 , ( 54035 , )
    [Pokorny u̯em- 1146.]
    vomition (Lat,)
    vomitory (Lat,)
    vomitus (Lat,)
    antiemetic (Greek,)
    emetine (Greek,)
    emetophobia (Greek,)
    haematemesis (Greek,)
    ;...570, wen-₁ 望争胜
    To desire, strive for.
    派生词包括: win , wont , wish , venerate , venereal , venom , and venison.
    1. 带后缀形式: *wen-w- . ←from 古英语 winnan , to win, ←from 日耳曼语 *winn(w)an , to seek to gain.
      win vi.获胜,赢vt.赢得;在…中获胜n.胜利 , ( 400 , _ , _ )
    2. Suffixed 零级形式 *wn̥-yā- . ←from 古英语 wynn , wen , pleasure, joy, ←from 日耳曼语 *wunjō .
      wynn 永利 , ( x )
      winsome 楚楚动人的 , ( 63820 , )
    3. Suffixed (stative) 零级形式 *wn̥-ē- , to be contented. ←from 古英语 wunian , to become accustomed to, dwell, ←from 日耳曼语 *wunēn .
      won vbl.win的过去式和过去分词 , ( 2211 , _ , _ )
      wont 习惯 , ( 63850 , )
    4. Suffixed (causative) o级形式 *won-eyo- . ←from 古英语 wenian , to accustom, train, wean, ←from 日耳曼语 *wanjan .
      wean vt.使断奶,使丢弃,使断念 n.[苏格兰]幼儿,小儿 , ( 17798 , _ , _ )
    5. ←from 古英语 wēnan , to expect, imagine, think, ←from 日耳曼语 denominative *wēnjan , to hope, ←from *wēniz , hope.
      ween 料想 , ( x )
    6. Suffixed 零级形式 *wn̥-sko- . ←from 古英语 wȳscan , to desire, wish, ←from 日耳曼语 *wunsk- .
      wish v.希望;但愿;祝n.愿望,希望;[pl.]祝愿 , ( 874 , _ , _ )
    7. Perhaps o级形式 *won- .
      1. ←from 古挪威语 Vanir , the Vanir;
        Vanir 华纳神族 , ( x )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 Vanadīs , name of the goddess Freya. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *wana- .
        vanadium , ( 63487 , )
    8. 带后缀形式: *wen-es- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 venus , love;
        venerate 敬重 , ( 63528 , )
        venereal 性病的 , ( 63529 , )
        venery 性欲 , ( x )
        Venus n.[罗神]维纳斯,[天]金星 , ( 15094 , aue , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *wen-es-no- . ←from 拉丁语 venēnum , love potion, poison.
        venom n.(蛇的)毒液,恶意.vt.放毒,使恶毒 , ( 12931 , uen , _ )
    9. Possibly 带后缀形式: *wen-eto- , "beloved. ←from 高地德语 Winid , Wend, ←from 日耳曼语 *Weneda- , a Slavic people.
      Wend 走,行 , ( 63722 , )
    10. 带后缀形式: *wen-yā- . ←from 拉丁语 venia , favor, forgiveness.
      venial 轻微而可原谅的 , ( 63532 , )
    11. 加长级形式 *wēn-ā- . ←from 拉丁语 vēnārī , to hunt.
      venery 性欲 , ( x )
      venison n.野味,鹿肉 , ( 21292 , uen , _ )
    12. Possibly 零级 带后缀形式: *wn̥-ig- . ←from 梵语 vaṇik , vāṇijaḥ , merchant (? < "seeking to gain").
      banyan 榕树 , ( 52022 , )
    [Pokorny 1. u̯en- 1146.]
    venerable adj.值得尊敬的,庄严的,珍贵的[T9] (Lat,113962)
    ;...571, wen-₂ 打伤
    To beat, wound.
    1. Suffixed 零级形式 *wn̥-to- . ←from 古英语 wund , a wound, ←from 日耳曼语 *wundaz .
      wound n.创伤,伤口v.伤,伤害 , ( 3302 , ua₂ , _ )
    2. Suffixed o级形式 *won-yo- . ←from 古英语 wen(n) , wæn(n) , wen, ←from 日耳曼语 *wanja- , a swelling.
      wen n.粉瘤,人口集中的大城市 , ( 19473 )
    [Pokorny u̯en- 1108.]
    ;...572, wer-₁ 举鸟飞
    To raise, lift, hold suspended. 最初形式: *h₂wer- .
    1. 基本形式: *awer- . ←from 希腊语 āeirein , to raise, and artēriā , windpipe, artery.
      aorta 大动脉 , ( 51790 , )
      arsis 弱拍 , ( x )
      arterio- 动, , ( x )
      arteriole 小动脉 , ( 51867 , )
      artery n.动脉,要道 ; ( 7356 , uer₁ , _ )
      →[oew]→ arterial adj.动脉的,似动脉的 ( 15195 )
      meteor n.流星,大气现象 , ( 11375 , uer₁ , _ )
      →[oew]→ meteorite n.陨石,流星 ( 14904 )
    2. Possibly from this root is 希腊语 āēr , air (from an obscure 基本形式: *āwer- )
      aerial adj.空中的,空气的,航空的n.天线[T6] , ( 7969 , ue , aero空气 )
      →[考研]→ aeroplane n.(airplane)(英)飞机。 ( 14505 )
      →[oew]→ aerosol n.浮质(气体中的悬浮微粒,如烟,雾等),[化]气溶胶,气雾剂,烟雾剂 ( 19740 )
      →[oew]→ aerobatics 特技飞行。 ( 51597 )
      →[oew]→ aerodynamics 航空动力学。 ( 51599 )
      aero- x , ( x )
      air n.空气;(复数)神气vt.(使)通风;晾干 , ( 377 , ag , _ )
      →[考研]→ air-conditioning n.空调设备,空调系统。 ( 20790 )
      aria n.独唱曲,咏叹调,唱腔 ; ( 19892 , _ , _ )
      malaria 坏空气带来的病:n.疟疾;瘴气[T9] . ( 10332 , melo , _ )
    3. 零级形式 10919*aur- . ←from 希腊语 aurā , breath, vapor (related to 希腊语 āēr , air; see2above).
      aura n.光环;气氛;(中风等的)预兆;气味[T9] , ( 9383 , _ , _ )
    [Pokorny 1. u̯er- 1150.]
    aerobic aero+bio(生物):adj.(微生物)需氧的,增氧健身法的[T8] (Greek,109740)
    aerodynamic a.空气动力学的 (Greek,121710)
    aortic adj.大动脉的 (Greek,126958)
    aeronautics n.航空学[T8] (Greek,131345)
    meteorology 气象学 (Greek,157727)
    aerorrhachia (Greek,)
    aerotitis (Greek,)
    endaortitis (Greek,)
    ;...573, wer-₂ 涡婉转
    Conventional base of various Indo-European roots; to turn, bend.
    派生词包括: stalwart , weird , vertebra , wrath , wrong , wrestle , briar ₁, rhapsody , and worm.
    1. Root *wert- , to turn, wind.
      1. 日耳曼语 *werth- .
          1. ←from 古英语 -weard , toward (< "turned toward");
            -ward 表形容词+副词,“向…” , ( x )
          2. ←from 古英语 inweard , inward, ←from 日耳曼语 *inwarth , inward ( *in , in; see en ). Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 variant *warth .
            inward ad.向内,在内a.向内的,在内的,里面的 , ( 10057 , uer₂ , _ )
        1. perhaps 日耳曼语 derivative *werthaz , "toward, opposite," hence "equivalent, worth. ←from 古英语 weorth , worth, valuable, and derivative noun weorth , wierth , value.
          worth n.价值a.值…的,价值…的,值得…的 ; ( 1036 , uer₂ , _ )
          →[考研]→ worthwhile a.值得(做)的。 ( 5739 )
          →[考研]→ worthy a.(of)值得…的,配得上…的;有价值的。 ( 5047 )
          stalwart adj.坚定的 , ( 22450 , sta , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 weorthan , to befall, ←from 日耳曼语 *werthan , to become (< "to turn into").
        worth n.价值a.值…的,价值…的,值得…的 , ( 1036 , uer₂ , _ )
      3. 零级形式 *wr̥t- . ←from 古英语 wyrd , fate, destiny (< "that which befalls one"), ←from 日耳曼语 *wurthi- .
        weird a.古怪的,离奇的;怪诞的,神秘而可怕的 , ( 4414 , uer₂ , _ )
      4. ←from 拉丁语 vertere , to turn, with its frequentative versāre , to turn, and passive versārī , to stay, behave (< "to move around a place, frequent").
        versatile 易于转变的:adj.多才多艺的,万能的,多面手的[T6] , ( 8752 , uer₂ , vers转变 )
        verse 从一行转到另一行:n.韵文,诗,诗篇,诗节[T6] , ( 5455 , per₄ , vers转变 )
        version n.版本;译本,译文;说法 , ( 1057 , uer₂ , vers转变 )
        versus prep.对抗,与……相对[T6] , ( 3729 , uer₂ , _ )
        vertebra 可以转动之物:n.椎骨;脊椎[T9] , ( 18473 , uer₂ , _ )
        vertex 顶点 , ( 63557 , )
        vertigo n.晕头转向,眩晕[T8] , ( 18094 , uer₂ , vers转变 )
        vortex 旋转物n.漩涡,涡流[T9] ; ( 18492 , uer₂ , vers转变 )
        adverse 转过来对着的:adj.相反的,不利的,敌对的[T8] , ( 5882 , uer₂ , vers转变 )
        →[oew]→ adversity n.逆境;不幸;灾难;灾祸[T9]。 ( 13494 )
        →[oew]→ adversary 转过来对着的人 : n.对手[T9]。 ( 9958 )
        anniversary n.周年,周年纪念日 , ( 3462 , at , )
        avert 转开vt.避免,防止[T8] , ( 10560 , uer₂ , vers转变 )
        bouleversement x , ( x )
        controversy n.争论,辩论,争吵 , ( 3092 , uer₂ , vers转变 )
        →[考研]→ controversial a.引起争论的,有争议的。 ( 3174 )
        converse adj.相反的,逆向的vi.交谈n.逆向,相反的事物[T8] , ( 15481 , uer₂ , vers转变 )
        convert v.变换,转换;改变(信仰等);兑换(钱) , ( 3532 , uer₂5 , vers转变 )
        dextrorse x , ( x )
        divert 转向一边:v.转移,(使)转向[T6] , ( 7042 , _ , vers转变 )
        evert 翻转 , ( x )
        extrorse 向外的 , ( x )
        extroversion 外向 , ( 32996 )
        extrovert 外向 , ( 54273 , )
        introrse 内曲的 , ( x )
        introvert 内向的 , ( 56177 , )
        invert vt.使翻转,使转化,使反转adj.转化的n.颠倒的事物[T8] , ( 18026 , uer₂ , vers转变 )
        →[oew]→ invertebrate adj.无脊椎的;无骨气的 n.无脊椎动物;无骨气的人[T8]。 ( 22081 )
        malversation 贪污 , ( x )
        obvert 将换置 , ( x )
        peevish 生气的,易怒的 , ( 59283 , )
        pervert 颠倒,误导,堕落,性变态 , ( 59392 , )
        prose n.散文 , ( 7103 , per₄ , _ )
        retrorse 逆向的 , ( x )
        revert vi.回复;重提;返祖遗传;归还vt.使回复原状n.恢复原状者[T8] , ( 11738 , uer₂ , vers转变 )
        sinistrorse 左旋的 , ( x )
        →[oew]→ sinister adj.险恶的 ( 9257 )
        subvert 从下往上转:vt.颠覆,推翻[T8] , ( 15186 , uer₂ , vers转变 )
        tergiversate 支吾,回避事实 , ( 62826 , )
        transverse 横向 , ( 23716 )
        →[oew]→ traverse v.穿过,横越,来回移动 adj.横贯的 n.穿过,横贯,横木[T6]。 ( 13219 )
        universe n.宇宙,万物 , ( 2268 , oino , vers转变 )
      5. ←from 俄语 versta , line, ←from Balto-Slavic *wirstā- , a turn, bend.
        verst 俄里 , ( x )
    2. Root *wreit- , to turn.
      1. ←from 古英语 writha , band (< "that which is wound around");
        wreath n.花冠;圈状物vt.环绕(等于wreathe)vi.盘旋(等于wreathe)[T4] , ( 12260 , uer₂ , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 wrīthan , to twist, torture;
        writhe vi.翻滚;蠕动vt.扭曲;扭动n.翻滚;扭动;苦恼[T9] , ( 16755 , uer₂ , _ )
      3. ←from 古英语 wrāth , angry (< "tormented, twisted").a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *wrīth- , *wraith- .
        wrath n.愤怒 , ( 11273 , uer₂ , _ )
        wroth 发怒 , ( x )
    3. Root *wergh- , to turn.
      1. ←from 古英语 wyrgan , to strangle, ←from 日耳曼语 *wurgjan .
        worry v.烦恼;(about)对…感到烦恼n.烦恼,焦虑 , ( 1027 , uer₂ , _ )
      2. Nasalized variant *wrengh- .
        1. ←from 古英语 wringan , to twist, ←from 日耳曼语 *wreng- ;
          wring v.绞,扭,折磨.n.绞,扭动 , ( 14299 , uer₂ , _ )
          1. ←from 中古英语 wrong , wrong, ←from a Scandinavian source akin to 古挪威语 *vrangr , rangr , curved, crooked, wrong;
            wrong a.错的ad.错误地,不正确地n.错误v.委屈 , ( 615 , sa , _ )
          2. ←from 中古英语 wranglen , to wrangle, ←from a 低地德语 source akin to wrangeln , to wrestle. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 *wrang- .
            wrangle 争吵 , ( 63874 , )
    4. Root *werg- , to turn.
      1. Nasalized 变化形式*wreng- .
        1. ←from 古英语 wrencan , to twist;
          wrench n.扳手,扳钳;扭伤;痛苦;歪曲;猛扭vt.扭伤;猛扭;曲解;折磨vi.扭伤;猛扭;猛绞[T6] , ( 13455 , uer₂ , _ )
        2. ←from 古英语 gewrinclian , to wind ( ge- , collective prefix; see kom ). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *wrankjan .
          wrinkle n.皱纹v.起皱,皱眉 , ( 10046 , uer₂ , _ )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 vergere , to turn, tend toward.
        verge v.濒临 n.边缘 ; ( 7442 , uer₂ , verg倾斜 )
        converge 转到一起:vt.使汇聚vi.聚集;靠拢;收敛[T8] , ( 11391 , uer₂ , verg倾斜 )
        →[oew]→ conversation n.会话,谈话。 ( 1013 )
        →[oew]→ conversion n.转换;变换;兑换;改变信仰[T4]。 ( 4130 )
        →[oew]→ conversant 通晓的。 ( 53107 )
        diverge 转向一旁vi.分歧;偏离;分叉;离题vt.使偏离;使分叉[T6] , ( 17785 , uer₂ , verg倾斜 )
        →[oew]→ divorce v./n.离婚,分离。 ( 3074 )
        →[oew]→ diverse a.多种多样的,(from)不同的。 ( 3075 )
        →[oew]→ diversion n.转移;消遣;分散注意力[T6]。 ( 8077 )
        →[oew]→ divers 种种的 ( 18596 )
    5. Root *wreik- , to turn.
        1. ←from 古英语 wrīgian , to turn, bend, go;
          wry adj.扭歪的,歪曲的,歪斜的 v.扭曲,扭歪 ; ( 11746 , uer₂ , _ )
          awry adj.错误的;扭曲的adv.歪曲地;歪斜地;错误地[T8] , ( 19288 , _ , _ )
        2. ←from Middle 低地德语 wriggeln , to wriggle. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *wrīg- .
          wriggle v.宛蜒行进,扭动 , ( 17369 , uer₂ , _ )
        1. ←from 古英语 wrist , wrist;
          wrist n.腕,腕关节 , ( 4160 , uer₂ , _ )
        2. ←from 古法语 guietre , gaiter, ←from Frankish *wrist- . Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *wristiz , ←from *wrihst- .
          gaiter 绑腿 , ( 54728 , )
      1. ←from 古英语 wrǣstan , to twist, ←from secondary 日耳曼语 derivative *wraistjan .
        wrest vt.用力拧;抢夺;歪曲n.扭,拧[T9] , ( 19690 , uer₂ , _ )
        wrestle 反复扭:n.摔跤;搏斗;斗争vi.摔跤;斗争;斟酌vt.与摔跤;与…搏斗;使劲搬动[T6] , ( 9241 , uer₂ , _ )
      2. Possibly from this root are European words for heather.
        1. ←from 希腊语 ereikē , tree heath (exact preform uncertain);
          hypericin 金丝桃素 , ( x )
          brusque 唐突的 , ( 52413 , )
        2. Possibly o级形式 *wroik- . ←from Late 拉丁语 brūcus , heather, ←from Gaulish *brūko- .
          briar 多刺灌木,野蔷薇 , ( 52378 , )
          brusque 唐突的 , ( 52413 , )
    6. ←from 高地德语 rīban , to rub, copulate, ←from 日耳曼语 root *wrib- .
      ribald 粗俗的,下流的 , ( 60769 , )
      →[oew]→ ribaldry 粗俗的言语或行为。 ( 60770 )
    7. Root *werb- , also *werbʰ- , to turn, bend.
      1. ←from 古英语 weorpan , to throw away, ←from 日耳曼语 *werp- , *warp- , "to fling by turning the arm.".
        warp v.弯曲,歪曲 , ( 14648 , uer₂ , _ )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 verber , whip, rod.
        reverberate v.反响 , ( 16725 , uer₂ , _ )
      3. ←from 拉丁语 verbēna , sacred foliage.
        verbena 马鞭草 , ( 63539 , )
        →[oew]→ vertical a.垂直的,竖的 n.垂线。 ( 4246 )
        →[oew]→ vertebrate adj.脊椎动物的;有脊椎的 n.脊椎动物[T9]。 ( 22354 )
        →[oew]→ versed 精通的。 ( 63554 )
        →[oew]→ verso 左页。 ( 63556 )
        →[oew]→ verger 教堂司事。 ( 63545 )
        →[oew]→ vermilion 朱砂,丹砂,鲜红的。 ( 63548 )
        →[oew]→ vermouth 味美思酒,苦艾酒。 ( 63550 )
        vervain 马鞭草 , ( 44040 )
      4. 零级形式 *wr̥b- . ←from 希腊语 rhabdos , rod.
        rhabdomancy 棍卜术 , ( x )
        rhabdovirus 弹状病毒 , ( x )
      5. Nasalized 变化形式*wrembʰ- . ←from 希腊语 rhombos , magic wheel, rhombus.
        rhombus 菱形 , ( 60763 , )
    8. Root *werp- , to turn, wind.
      1. Metathesized form *wrep- . ←from 中古英语 wrappen , to wrap, ←from a source akin to Danish dialectal vravle , to wind, ←from 日耳曼语 *wrap- .
        wrap v.裹,缠,卷,包n.披肩,围巾 , ( 2822 , _ , _ )
      2. 零级形式 *wr̥p- . ←from 希腊语 rhaptein , to sew.
        raphe , ( 38136 )
        raphide 针晶体 ; ( x )
        rhapsody 史诗,荷马史诗朗诵,狂想曲,狂热表达 ; ( 60738 , )
        staphylorrhaphy 软腭缝术 , ( x )
        tenorrhaphy 腱缝合术 , ( x )
    9. Root *wr̥mi- , worm; rhyme word to kʷr̥mi- .
      1. ←from 古英语 wyrm , worm, ←from 日耳曼语 *wurmiz .
        worm n.虫,蠕虫 , ( 5756 , uer₂ , _ )
        →[考研]→ worship n.礼拜,礼拜仪式;崇拜 v.崇拜,敬仰;做礼拜。 ( 5534 )
        →[oew]→ worthless adj.无价值的,无益的 ( 9830 )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 vermis , worm.
        vermeil 朱红色的 , ( 25436 )
        vermi- x , ( x )
        vermicelli 意大利细面条 , ( 63547 , )
        vermicular , ( x )
        vermin 害虫 , ( 63549 , )
    [Pokorny 3. u̯er- 1152.]
    university n.(综合)大学 (Lat,100655)
    universal a.普遍的,全体的,通用的;宇宙的,世界的 (Lat,102670)
    diversity n.多样性;差异[T8] (Lat,102792)
    reverse n.相反;背面a.相反的v.颠倒,倒转 (Lat,103353)
    advertise vt.公告,公布;为...做广告vi.登广告 (Latin,104153)
    reversal n.翻转,倒转,反转 (Lat,108005)
    convergence n.收敛;会聚,集合[T9] (Lat,109850)
    perverse 转向(歧路):adj.堕落的,不正当的,乖张的,违反常理的[T8] (Lat,110878)
    convertible adj.可转变的n.有活动折蓬的汽车[T8] (Lat,111286)
    diversify vt.使多样化,使变化[T9] (Latin,111821)
    subversive adj.破坏性的;从事颠覆的n.危险分子;颠覆分子[T8] (Lat,112063)
    conversational adj.对话的,健谈的[T9] (Lat,112138)
    divergent adj.相异的,分歧的;散开的[T8] (Lat,112448)
    irreversible a.不可逆的,不能取消的,不可挽回的 (Lat,113232)
    inversion n.倒置;反向;倒转[T9] (Lat,113442)
    divergence n.分歧[T9] (Lat,113857)
    varsity n.大学运动代表队,大学 adj.大学代表队的 (Lat,114245)
    versatility n.多功能性;多才多艺;用途广泛[T9] (Lat,115857)
    reversible adj.可逆转的[T9] (Lat,116268)
    aversion n.厌恶;讨厌的人[T8] (Lat,116782)
    advert n.〈英口〉同“advertisement” vi.引起注意,提到 (Lat,118053)
    universality n.普遍性,一般性 (Lat,118343)
    inverse adj.相反的;倒转的n.相反,倒转vt.使倒转,使颠倒[T8] (Lat,119076)
    adversarial adj.对抗的;对手的,敌手的[T9] (Lat,119424)
    subversion n.颠覆;破坏[T9] (Lat,120344)
    perversion n.反常;颠倒;曲解;误用;堕落[T9] (Lat,122008)
    convergent adj.会合的,逐渐减小的,趋同的,收敛的 (Lat,122567)
    inadvertent adj.疏忽的;不注意的;无意中做的[T9] (Lat,123494)
    averse adj.不乐意的,反对的,植与茎方向相反的 (Lat,124246)
    vertebral adj.椎骨的,脊椎的,由椎骨组成的,有脊椎的 (Lat,125557)
    perversity n.乖僻,倔强,任性,刚愎 (Lat,126511)
    diversionary adj.转换注意力的,牵制的 (Lat,128539)
    convertibility n.可改变性,可变化性,兑换 (Lat,130433)
    introversion n.内向性,内省性,内倾性格,内翻 (Lat,130859)
    vermiculite n.蛭石 (Lat,132795)
    multiverse n.多元宇宙 (Lat,133452)
    traversal n.横越,横断物,(横向)往返移动 (Lat,138870)
    controvert vt.争论,反驳,否定 (Lat,144847)
    reconversion n.恢复原状 (Lat,145076)
    reconvert v.(使)再改宗,(使)恢复党籍,(使)恢复故态 (Lat,148591)
    incontrovertible 不容质疑的 (Lat,155938)
    obverse 对立面,正面 (Lat,158685)
    reversion 倒退,回归 (Lat,160724)
    sinistral 左撇子的,用左手的,左旋的 (Lat,161573)
    vermicelli 意大利细面条 (Lat,163547)
    versification 诗律,作诗 (Lat,163555)
    vertiginous 引起眩晕的 (Lat,163558)
    adversative (Lat,)
    adversion (Lat,)
    advertent (Lat,)
    animadversion (Lat,)
    animadvert (Lat,)
    anteversion (Lat,)
    antevert (Lat,)
    aversation (Lat,)
    avertible (Lat,)
    contraversion (Lat,)
    divertible (Lat,)
    everse (Lat,)
    eversible (Lat,)
    eversion (Lat,)
    eversive (Lat,)
    indivertible (Lat,)
    interconversion (Lat,)
    interconvert (Lat,)
    interconvertible (Lat,)
    intervert (Lat,)
    introversive (Lat,)
    invertible (Lat,)
    nonconvertible (Lat,)
    nonuniversal (Lat,)
    obversant (Lat,)
    obversion (Lat,)
    pervertibility (Lat,)
    pervertible (Lat,)
    reconvertible (Lat,)
    reversionary (Lat,)
    reversive (Lat,)
    revertent (Lat,)
    revertibility (Lat,)
    revertible (Lat,)
    revertive (Lat,)
    subversionary (Lat,)
    subvertible (Lat,)
    vergence (Lat,)
    vermian (Lat,)
    vermiculate (Lat,)
    vermiculation (Lat,)
    vermicule (Lat,)
    vermiculose (Lat,)
    vermiculture (Lat,)
    vermiform (Lat,)
    vermifuge (Lat,)
    versable (Lat,)
    versant (Lat,)
    versicle (Lat,)
    versicular (Lat,)
    versificator (Lat,)
    versute (Lat,)
    ;...574, wer-₃ 察觉意
    To perceive, watch out for.
    派生词包括: wary , lord , reward , guard , and panorama.
    1. o级形式 *wor- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *wor-o- .
        1. ←from 古英语 wær , watchful;
          wary adj.谨慎的;机警的;惟恐的;考虑周到的[T8] , ( 6653 , suer₁ , _ )
        2. ←from 古英语 gewær , aware ( ge- , collective and intensive prefix; see kom );
          aware a.知道的,意识到的; , ( 1139 , suer₁ , _ )
        3. ←from 古英语 warian , to beware.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *waraz .
          ware 物品 , ( 63675 , )
      2. 带后缀形式: wor-to- .
          1. ←from 古英语 weard , a watching, keeper;
            ward n.病房;行政区;监护;被监护人vt.挡住 ; ( 3794 , uer₄ , _ )
            lord n.(Lord)上帝,主;主人,长官,君主,贵族 , ( 1484 , gn , _ )
            steward n.管家;乘务员;干事,理事;[部门,工厂]的工会代表vi.当服务员;当管事vt.管理 , ( 9077 , dʰeu₁ , _ )
          2. ←from 古英语 weardian , to ward, guard.
            warder 看守,狱吏 , ( 63674 , )
        1. ←from 古北法语 warder , to guard;
          warden n.典狱官,看守人,学监,区长,(供煮食的)一种冬梨 ; ( 9038 , suer₁ , _ )
          award vt.授予,给予;判定n.奖,奖金;仲裁 , ( 1182 , suer₁ , _ )
          rereward n.报酬;报答;赏金;酬金vt.酬谢,奖赏;报答,惩罚 , ( x )
          wardrobe n.衣柜,衣厨,衣室,衣服,行头,剧装 , ( 7591 , suer₁ , _ )
        2. ←from 古法语 guarder , to guard;
          guard v./n.保卫,守卫,提防n.哨兵,警卫,看守 ; ( 1542 , suer₁ , _ )
          garderobe 衣柜 , ( x )
          regard v.(as)把…看作为;考虑n.(pl.)敬重,问候 , ( 1857 , suer₁ , _ )
          →[考研]→ regarding prep.关于,有关。 ( 2343 )
          →[考研]→ regardless a./ad.不管…的,不顾…的,不注意的。 ( 3095 )
          →[oew]→ regain vt.收回,恢复,复得 ( 5861 )
        3. ←from Anglo-Norman warde , guard.a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *wardaz , guard, and *wardōn , to guard.
          rearward 后面的 , ( 60495 , )
      3. ←from 古英语 waru , goods, protection, guard, ←from 日耳曼语 *warō .
        ware 物品 , ( 63675 , )
      4. 带后缀形式: *wor-wo- . ←from 希腊语 ouros , a guard.
        Arcturus 大角星 , ( x )
        pylorus 幽门 , ( 60263 , )
      5. Probably variant *(s)wor- , *s(w)or- . ←from 希腊语 horān , to see.
        ephor 监督官 , ( x )
        panorama n.全景,全貌;全景画;概论[T8] , ( 16251 , keu₂ , oram景象 )
    2. Suffixed (stative) form *wer-ē- . ←from 拉丁语 verērī , to respect, feel awe for.
      revere vt.敬畏,尊敬,崇敬[T8] , ( 14719 , suer₁ , _ )
    [Pokorny 8. u̯er- 1164.]
    reverence n.崇敬,尊严,敬礼vt.敬畏,尊敬[T9] (Lat,112040)
    irreverent a.不敬的,无礼的 (Lat,121572)
    reverent 非常尊敬的 (Lat,160720)
    reverential 充满敬意的 (Lat,160721)
    reverend (Lat,)
    ;...575, wer-₄ 覆盖遮掩
    To cover.
    派生词包括: overt , cover , warranty , garage , garrison , and garnish.
    1. 基本形式: *wer- .
      1. ←from 古英语 wer , dam, fish trap, ←from 日耳曼语 *wer-jōn- .
        weir 堰,拦河坝 , ( 63713 , )
      2. Compound form *ap-wer-yo- ( *ap- , off, away; see apo- ). ←from 拉丁语 aperīre , to open, uncover.
        aperient 轻泻剂 , ( x )
        apéritif 开胃酒 , ( x )
        aperture n.孔,穴;(照相机,望远镜等的)光圈,孔径;缝隙[T8] ; ( 16286 , suer₁ , pass通过 )
        overt a.明显的,公然的 , ( 9123 , suer₁ , _ )
        overture opening:n.前奏曲;提案;序幕vt.提议;为……奏前奏曲[T8] , ( 17646 , suer₁ , _ )
        pert (形容年青女子)活泼的,泼辣的,无礼的,冒失的 , ( 59387 , )
      3. Compound form *op-wer-yo- ( *op- , over; see epi ). ←from 拉丁语 operīre , to cover.
        cover v.覆盖,包括,涉及n.盖子,套子;(书的)封面 , ( 603 , suer₁ , _ )
        →[oew]→ covert n.隐藏处;树丛;蔽覆羽翮基部的羽毛 adj.隐蔽的;隐密的;偷偷摸摸的;在丈夫保护下的[T8]。 ( 10152 )
        operculum ; ( x )
        kerchief 方巾,围巾 , ( 56513 , )
      4. 带后缀形式: *wer-tro- . ←from 梵语 vāṭaḥ , enclosure, ←from lengthened-grade derivative *vārt(r)a- .
        ambarella x , ( x )
        wat , ( 26464 )
    2. o级形式 *wor- .
      1. ←from 古英语 *war(e)nian , to take heed, warn, ←from 日耳曼语 *war-nōn .
        warn vt.警告vi.发出警告 , ( 2131 , suer₁ , _ )
          1. ←from 古法语 garant , warrant, authorization;
            guaranty 担保 , ( 31315 )
            →[oew]→ guarantee n.保证,保证书 v.保证,担保。 ( 2588 )
            →[oew]→ guardian n.护卫者,保护人,监护人 adj.守护的 ( 4700 )
          2. ←from 古北法语 warant , warrant, and warantir , to guarantee.
            warrant n.授权,正当理由,根据,证明,凭证,委任状,批准,许可证 vt.保证,辩解,担保,批准,使有正当理由 , ( 6070 , suer₁ , _ )
            warrantee 被保证人 , ( x )
            warranty n.(正当)理由,(合理)根据,授权,担保,保证,根据 , ( 9790 , suer₁ , _ )
        1. ←from 古法语 garer , to guard, protect;
          garage n.车库,飞机库;修车厂 , ( 3425 , suer₁ , _ )
        2. ←from 古法语 g(u)arir , to defend, protect;
          garret 阁楼小屋 , ( 54781 , )
          garrison n.守备队,驻地.vt.镇守 , ( 12547 , suer₁ , _ )
        3. ←from 古北法语 warenne , enclosure, game preserve;
          warren 兔穴 , ( 63679 , )
        4. ←from 古法语 g(u)arnir , to equip.a-eall ←from 日耳曼语 *war- .
          garment n.衣服,服装;外表,外观vt.给…穿衣服[T6] , ( 6696 , suer₁ , _ )
          garnish vt.装饰n.配菜,装饰品[T8] , ( 12621 , suer₁ , _ )
          garniture 附属品 , ( x )
      2. 带后缀形式: *wor-o- .
        1. 日耳曼语 *warōn- , protector, in compound *burg-warōn- (see bʰergh-₂ );
        2. ←from 古伊朗语 compound *šara-vāra- , thigh-covering ( *šara- , thigh);
          salwar 纱丽 , ( x )
        3. ←from 古伊朗语 compound *pari-vāraka- , protective ( *pari- , around; see per₁ ).
          barbican 巴比肯 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 5. u̯er- 1160.]
    discover v.发现,显示 (Lat,101136)
    discovery n.发现;被发现的事物 (Lat,102241)
    curfew n.(中世纪规定人们熄灯安睡的)晚钟声,打晚钟时刻,宵禁令(时间) (Lat,114200)
    rediscover vt.重新发现 (Lat,114548)
    discoverable adj.发现的,显露的 (Latin,135711)
    re-cover 重新覆盖 (Latin,160524)
    codiscovery (Latin,)
    coverture (Latin,)
    curch (Latin,)
    interoperculum (Latin,)
    nondiscoverable (Latin,)
    opercular (Latin,)
    operculiform (Latin,)
    subcover (Latin,)
    discovert (Lat,)
    discoverture (Lat,)
    ;...576, wer-₅ 词语 , Also werᵊ- .
    To speak. 最初形式: *werh₁- , with variant *wreh₁- , becoming *wrē- .
    1. Suffixed 零级形式 *wr̥-dʰo- . ←from 古英语 word , word, ←from 日耳曼语 *wurdam .
      word n.词,词语;言语,话;谈话;消息,信息 , ( 250 , oeword , )
    2. 带后缀形式: *wer-dʰo- . ←from 拉丁语 verbum , word.
      verb n.动词 , ( 7587 , suer₂ , verb字词 )
      →[考研]→ verbal adj.口头的,言语的,动词的,照字面的[T8]。 ( 4002 )
      verve 热情,气韵,神韵 ; ( 63559 , )
      adverb n.副词a.副词的 , ( 29795 , uer₆ , verb字词 )
      proverb 说出来的话:n.谚语,格言;众所周知的人或事[T6] , ( 16038 , uer₆ , verb字词 )
    3. 带后缀形式: *wer-yo- . ←from 希腊语 eirein , to say, speak.
      irony n.反话,讽刺 , ( 4993 , suer₂ , _ )
    4. 变化形式*wrē- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *wrē-tor- . ←from 希腊语 rhētōr , public speaker;
        rhetor 演说家,修辞学者 , ( 60745 , )
      2. 带后缀形式: *wrē-mn̥ . ←from 希腊语 rhēma , word.
        rheme 表位,述位 , ( 60740 , )
    [Pokorny 6. u̯er- 1162.]
    ;...577, wē-r- 涡流水
    Water, liquid, milk. 缩减自: *weᵊ₁-r- ; 零级 *uᵊ₁-r- , 缩减成:*ūr- . Related to euᵊ-dʰ-r̥ .
    Suffixed 零级形式 *ūr-īnā- .
    urine n.尿[T9] , ( 7398 , nebʰ , _ ) ←from 拉丁语 ūrīna , urine.
    [In Pokorny 9. au̯(e)- 78.]
    ;...578, wērᵊ-o- 真校验
    True, trustworthy. 最初形式: *wērᵊ₁-o- .
    派生词包括: warlock , and verdict.
    1. ←from 古英语 wǣr , faith, pledge, ←from 日耳曼语 *wēra- .
      warlock 男巫 , ( 63677 , )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 vērus , true.
      veracious 诚实的 , ( x )
      →[oew]→ verbatim 一字不差的。 ( 63538 )
      →[oew]→ verbiage 冗词。 ( 63540 )
      →[oew]→ verbose 冗长的,啰嗦的。 ( 63541 )
      verism 写实主义 , ( x )
      verity 真实性 , ( 26331 )
      very ad.很,非常;完全a.正是的;真正,真实的 ; ( 94 , suer₂ , ver真实 )
      aver 断言 , ( 51956 , )
      verdict 真实的话:n.裁定,判决,结论[T8] , ( 4455 , deik , dict说 )
      veridical 不虚伪的 , ( x )
      verify vt.证实,查证;证明 , ( 7097 , deik , ver真实 )
      verisimilar 好像是真的 , ( x )
      voirdire 预先审查 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 11. u̯er- 1165.]
    verbal adj.口头的,言语的,动词的,照字面的[T8] (Lat,104002)
    proverb 说出来的话:n.谚语,格言;众所周知的人或事[T6] (Lat,116038)
    veritable adj.真正的,名副其实的[T8] (Lat,117463)
    proverbial adj.谚语的;众所周知的;谚语式的[T9] (Lat,117991)
    veracity n.诚实;精确性;老实;说真实话[T8] (Lat,122847)
    adverb n.副词a.副词的 (Lat,129795)
    adverbial adj.副词的,状语的 n.状语 (Lat,132471)
    verbosity n.冗长,赘言 (Lat,147131)
    verisimilitude 逼真 (Latin,163546)
    verbicide (Lat,)
    verbid (Lat,)
    ;...579, werg- 做工能
    To do. 最初形式: *werg̑- , becoming *werg- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    派生词包括: work , allergy , surgery , wrought , and orgy.
    1. 带后缀形式: *werg-o- .
        1. ←from 古英语 weorc , werc , work;
          work n.工作(量);作品;[pl.]工厂v.工作;运转 ; ( 110 , uerg , _ )
          →[考研]→ worker n.工人,工作者,工作人员。 ( 701 )
          →[考研]→ workshop n.车间,工场,修理厂;研讨会,讲习班。 ( 3274 )
          handiwork n.手工,手艺,手工 , ( 20761 , kom , _ )
        2. ←from 高地德语 werc , work. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *werkam , work.
          boulevard n.<美>林荫大道 , ( 15594 , beu , _ )
          bulwark n.壁垒,防波堤 , ( 23950 , uerg , _ )
      1. ←from 希腊语 ergon , work, action.
        erg 尔格(功或能量单位) , ( 54142 , )
        ergative 作格的 , ( 54143 , )
        -urgy x ; ( x )
        adrenergic 肾上腺素能 , ( x )
        allergy 另一种反应:n.过敏,过敏症,憎恶[T8] , ( 9897 , uerg , erg作功 )
        argon , ( 51845 , )
        cholinergic 胆碱能 , ( 48360 )
        demiurge 巨匠造物主 , ( 53509 , )
        dramaturge 剧作家 , ( 50422 )
        endergonic 吸能的 , ( x )
        endoergic 吸热的 , ( x )
        energy n.活力,精力;能,能量 , ( 579 , uerg , erg作功 )
        →[考研]→ energetic a.精力旺盛的;积极的;有力的。 ( 7073 )
        ergograph 测功计 , ( x )
        ergometer 测力计 , ( 32661 )
        ergonomics 人体工程学 , ( 26246 )
        exergonic 放出能的 , ( x )
        exergue 年月了 , ( x )
        exoergic 放热的 , ( x )
        georgic 田园的 , ( x )
        hypergolic 自燃 , ( x )
        lethargy 无精打采,冷漠 , ( 56895 , )
        →[oew]→ lethal adj. 致命的,致死的 n. 致死因子[T8]。 ( 7154 )
        liturgy 公共服务:n.礼拜仪式,圣餐仪式[T9] , ( 12151 , uerg , _ )
        metallurgy 冶金学 , ( 57720 , )
        surgery n.外科,外科学;手术室,诊疗室 , ( 2045 , plek₁ , _ )
        synergid 助细胞 , ( x )
        synergism 协同主义 , ( 62571 , )
        thaumaturge 魔术师 , ( x )
    2. 零级形式 *wr̥g- .
      1. 带后缀形式:s *wr̥g-yo- , *wr̥g-to- .
        1. ←from 古英语 wyrcan , to work;
          wrought vbl.work的过去式和过去分词 adj.做成的,形成的,精炼的,[冶](金属)锻造的 , ( 22254 , uerg , _ )
        2. ←from 古挪威语 yrkja , to work. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *wurkjan , to work, participle *wurhta- .
          irk vt.使厌倦,使苦恼 , ( 22579 , _ , _ )
      2. 带后缀形式: *wr̥g-t- . ←from 古英语 wryhta , maker, wright, ←from 日耳曼语 *wurhtjō- .
        wright 建造者,制造者,工人 , ( 63878 , )
    3. o级形式 *worg- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 organon (with suffix -ano- ), tool;
        organ n.器官;机构,机关;风琴 , ( 3700 , uerg , _ )
        →[考研]→ organic a.器官的;有机的;有机体的。 ( 2935 )
        →[考研]→ organism n.生物,有机体。 ( 4795 )
        →[考研]→ organization n.(organization)组织,团体,机构。 ( 566 )
        →[考研]→ organize v.(organise)组织,编组。 ( 1887 )
        →[oew]→ orgasm n.极度兴奋,兴奋的高潮 ( 13796 )
        organon 推理法 , ( x )
      2. ←from 希腊语 orgia , secret rites, worship (< "service").
        orgy (=orgy ) n.纵酒狂欢,放荡 , ( 20605 , uerg , _ )
    [Pokorny 2. u̯erg̑- 1168.]
    surgeon n.外科医生 (Greek,103963)
    allergic adj.[医]过敏的,患过敏症的 (Greek,112431)
    microorganism n.微生物 (Greek,114949)
    synergy 一起作用:n.协同[T9] (Greek,119220)
    dramaturgy 编剧 (Greek,153835)
    ergophobia 工作恐惧症 (Greek,154146)
    organist 风琴手 (Greek,158852)
    orgiastic 纵欲的,狂欢的 (Greek,158857)
    theurgy 神通,法术,仙术,占卜 (Greek,162893)
    zymurgy 酿造学 (Greek,164010)
    ergate (Greek,)
    ergatocracy (Greek,)
    ergodic (Greek,)
    gamergate (Greek,)
    heterorganic (Greek,)
    homorganic (Greek,)
    organogenesis (Greek,)
    organoid (Greek,)
    organoleptic (Greek,)
    parergon (Greek,)
    theurgic (Greek,)
    theurgist (Greek,)
    ;...580, wers- 涡似祸
    To confuse, mix up. Compare ers- .
    1. Suffixed 基本形式:.
        1. ←from 古北法语 werre , war;
          war n.战争(状态);冲突vi.作战 , ( 311 , uers , _ )
        2. ←from Spanish guerra , war. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *werra- , ←from *werz-a- .
          guerrilla n.[古]游击战,游击队 , ( 6490 , uers , _ )
      1. ←from 古英语 wyrsa , worse, ←from 日耳曼语 comparative *wers-izōn- .
        worse a./ad.更坏,更差(的/地) , ( 2737 , uers , _ )
      2. ←from 古英语 wyrsta , worst, ←from 日耳曼语 superlative *wers-istaz .
        worst a./ad.最坏(的),最差(的) , ( 3677 , uers , _ )
    2. Suffixed 零级形式 *wr̥s-ti- . ←from 高地德语 wurst , sausage (< "mixture"), ←from 日耳曼语 *wursti- .
      wurst 香肠 ; ( 63880 , )
      liverwurst 肝泥香肠 , ( 45537 )
    [Pokorny u̯ers- 1169.]
    ;...581, wes-₁ 住宿是
    To live, dwell, pass the night, with derivatives meaning "to be." 最初形式: *h₂wes- .
    1. o级 (perfect tense) form *wos- . ←from 古英语 wæs , was, ←from 日耳曼语 *was- .
      was vbl.be的过去式 , ( 32 , ues₁ , _ )
    2. 加长级形式 *wēs- . ←from 古英语 wǣre (subjunctive), wǣron (plural), were, ←from 日耳曼语 *wēz- .
      were be的过去时复数和第二人称单数形式;有时代替 was,用于条件从句、动词 wish 之后等 , ( 93 , ues₁ , _ )
    3. ←from 古挪威语 vesa , vera , to be, ←from 日耳曼语 *wesan .
      wassail 饮酒狂欢 , ( 63680 , )
    4. Perhaps 带后缀形式: *wes-tā- . ←from 拉丁语 Vesta , household goddess.
      Vesta 灶神星 , ( x )
    5. Possibly suffixed 变化形式*was-tu- . ←from 拉丁语 astus , skill, craft (practiced in a town), ←from 希腊语 astu , town (< "place where one dwells").
      astute a.机敏的,狡猾的 , ( 13970 , ues₁ , _ )
    6. 带后缀形式: *wes-eno- . ←from 古波斯 vahanam , house.
      divan 睡榻 , ( 53738 , )
    [Pokorny 1. u̯es- 1170.]
    ;...582, wes-₂ 围裙穿
    To clothe. Extension of eu- ₁.
    1. Suffixed o级 (causative) form *wos-eyo- . ←from 古英语 werian , to wear, carry, ←from 日耳曼语 *wazjan .
      wear v.穿着,戴着;磨损,用旧n.穿,戴;磨损 , ( 649 , ues₂ , _ )
    2. 带后缀形式: *wes-ti- . ←from 拉丁语 vestis , garment.
      vest n.汗衫,马甲.vt.使穿衣服,授予 ; ( 9308 , ues₂ , vest穿衣 )
      →[oew]→ vestment 礼仪服装,法衣,圣衣。 ( 63563 )
      →[oew]→ vestry 法衣室,小礼拜室。 ( 63564 )
      devest 剥夺 , ( x )
      invest vt.投资,投入(精力、时间等) , ( 2370 , ues₂ , vest穿衣 )
      →[考研]→ investigate v.调查,调查研究。 ( 2121 )
      →[考研]→ investment n.投资,投资额。 ( 910 )
      →[oew]→ investiture 授衔仪式,授权仪式。 ( 56189 )
      revet 重新审核 , ( x )
      travesty 换衣服n.歪曲,滑稽作品,恶搞作品,拙劣的模仿作品vt.歪曲,恶搞,滑稽地模仿[T8] , ( 23003 , ues₂ , _ )
      →[oew]→ transvestite 易装癖者。 ( 63151 )
    3. 带后缀形式: *wes-nu- . ←from 希腊语 hennunai , to clothe, with nominal derivative heima , hīma (< *wes-mn̥ ), garment.
      himation 宽松长衫 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 5. u̯es- 1172.]
    vest n.汗衫,马甲.vt.使穿衣服,授予 (Lat,109308)
    vestige n.遗迹;残余;退化的器官[T8] (Lat,117345)
    divest 脱掉衣服vt.剥夺,使脱去,迫使放弃[T8] (Latin,123326)
    vestigial adj.残留的,残余的,退化的 (Lat,127827)
    vestment 礼仪服装,法衣,圣衣 (Lat,163563)
    vesture (Lat,)
    ;...583, wes-₃ 买埋汰
    To buy.
    1. 带后缀形式: *wes-no- . ←from 拉丁语 vēnum , sale.
      venal 见利忘义的 , ( 63527 , )
      vend vt.出售(尤指土地等财产);(尤指在公共场所)贩卖;发表(意见,言论);声明 , ( 19717 , do , _ )
    2. Suffixed o级形式 *wos-no- . ←from 希腊语 ōneisthai , to buy.
      duopsony 两家买主垄断 , ( x )
      monopsony 买主垄断 , ( 43930 )
    3. 带后缀形式: *wes-ā- . ←from 波斯语 bāzār , ←from 古伊朗语 *vahā-carana- , "sale-traffic.".
      bazaar n.集市,市场,杂货店,百货店 , ( 20299 , _ , _ )
    4. Perhaps 带后缀形式: *wes-li- . ←from 拉丁语 vīlis , cheap, base.
      vile adj.卑鄙的;邪恶的;低廉的;肮脏的[T8] ; ( 14217 , _ , _ )
      revile 辱骂,斥责 , ( 60726 , )
      vilify vt.诽谤;中伤;轻视;贬低[T8] , ( 22101 , _ , _ )
      vilipend 轻视 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 8. u̯es- 1173.]
    vilification n.污蔑,中伤,诽谤 (Lat,131744)
    venality n.贪赃枉法,腐败 (Lat,135097)
    ;...584, wes-pero- 晚日西
    Evening, night.
    1. 缩减形式 *wes- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *wes-to- .
        1. ←from 古英语 west , west;
          west n./a.西,西方(的),西部(的)ad.向西 , ( 547 , uesper , _ )
        2. ←from 古英语 westerne , western;
          western a.西方的,西部的 , ( 967 , uesper , _ )
        3. ←from 古英语 westra , more westerly.a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *west- .
          westerly 西风 , ( 27610 )
      2. Possibly 日耳曼语 *wis- , west, in Late 拉丁语 Visigothī , "West Goths" ( Gothī , the Goths)
        Visigoth 西哥特人 . ( x )
    2. 基本形式: *wespero- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 vesper , evening.
        pipistrelle 伏翼 , ( x )
        vesper 晚祷 , ( x )
        vespertilionid 温带蝙蝠 , ( x )
      2. ←from 希腊语 hesperos , evening.
        Hesperian 西方国家的 , ( x )
        Hesperides 赫斯帕里得斯 , ( x )
        Hesperus 长庚星 , ( x )
    [Pokorny u̯esperos 1173.]
    ;...585, wesr̥ 春天

    vernal 春季的 ; ( 63551 , )
    primavera 白桃花心木 , ( 31339 ) ←from 拉丁语 vēr , spring (phonologically irregular).
    [Pokorny u̯es-r̥ 1174.]
    ;...586, wet-₁ 吹鼓气
    To blow, inspire, spiritually arouse. Related to wē- . 最初形式: *h₂wet-
    派生词包括: Wednesday , and atmosphere.
    1. 加长级形式 *wōt- .
      1. ←from 古英语 Wōden , Woden;
        Woden 日耳曼主神 ; ( 63838 , )
        wednesday n.星期三 , ( 4717 , prai , _ )
      2. ←from 古挪威语 ōdʰinn , Odin;
        Odin 奥丁 , ( 58711 , )
      3. ←from 高地德语 Wuotan .a-call ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *wōd-eno- , *wōd-ono- , "raging," "mad," "inspired," hence "spirit," name of the chief Teutonic god *Wōd-enaz ;
        Wotan x , ( x )
      4. ←from 古英语 wōd , mad, insane, ←from 日耳曼语 *wōdaz ;
        wood n.木材,木头,木料;(pl.)森林,林地 , ( 1207 , uat , _ )
        →[考研]→ wooden a.木制的;呆笨的。 ( 2369 )
      5. Celtic *wāt- . ←from 拉丁语 vātēs , prophet, poet, ←from a Celtic source akin to 古爱尔兰 fáith , seer.
        vatic 预言的 , ( 63506 , )
    2. o级形式 *wot- . ←from 高地德语 wedil , fan, ←from 日耳曼语 带后缀形式: *wath-ila- .
      wedeln x , ( x )
    3. Suffixed 变化形式*wat-no- . ←from 拉丁语 vannus , a winnowing fan.
      fan n.扇子,风扇;(影,球等)迷v.扇,扇动,激起 , ( 1546 , ue , _ )
      van n.有篷汽车;有篷货运车厢 , ( 2866 , ue , _ )
    4. Oldest 基本形式: *ᵊwet- becoming *awet- in 带后缀形式: *awet-mo- . ←from 希腊语 atmos (< *aetmos ), breath, vapor.
      atmosphere n.大气(层);空气;气氛,环境;大气压 , ( 1958 , reg₂ , spher球状 )
    [Pokorny 1. u̯āt- 1113.]
    ;...587, wet-₂ 年湿季
    1. 带后缀形式: *wet-ru- . ←from 古英语 wether , wether, ←from 日耳曼语 *wethruz , perhaps "yearling.".
      wether 阉羊,公羊 ; ( 63729 , )
      bellwether 领头羊,预兆 , ( 52108 , )
    2. 带后缀形式: *wet-es- .
      1. ←from 拉丁语 vetus , old (< "having many years");
        veteran n.老手,老兵 ; ( 2998 , uet , _ )
        inveterate 积习难改的,上瘾的 , ( 56190 , )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 veterīnus , of beasts of burden, of cattle (perhaps chiefly old cattle);
        veterinary 与驮畜有关的:adj.兽医的n.兽医(等于veterinarian)[T8] , ( 10511 , uet , _ )
      3. ←from 希腊语 etos , year.
        etesian 每年的 , ( x )
    3. 带后缀形式: *wet-olo- . ←from 拉丁语 vitulus , calf, yearling.
      veal n.小牛肉,幼小的菜牛 vt.宰小牛 , ( 16368 , ane , _ )
      vitellus 蛋黄 , ( x )
    [Pokorny u̯et- 1175.]
    inveteration (Lat,)
    ;...588, wi- 分二
    Apart, in half.
    1. 带后缀形式: *wi-ito- . ←from 古英语 wīd , wide (< "far apart"), ←from 日耳曼语 *wīdaz .
      wide a.宽阔的;睁大的;远离的ad.广阔地;偏差地 , ( 815 , ei₁ , _ )
      →[考研]→ widespread a.分布广泛的,普遍的。 ( 2776 )
      →[考研]→ width n.宽度;宽阔,广阔。 ( 6260 )
    2. Suffixed (comparative) form *wi-tero- .
      1. ←from 古英语 wither , against, with its derivative with , with, against;
        with prep.跟…一起;用;具有;关于;因;随着 , ( 15 , _ , _ )
        →[考研]→ withdraw v.收回,撤消;缩回,退出;提取(钱)。 ( 3269 )
        →[考研]→ withhold vt.保留,不给;隐瞒;抑制 vi.忍住;克制[T8]。 ( 8450 )
        →[考研]→ within prep.在…里面,在…以内 ad.在内。 ( 253 )
        →[考研]→ without prep.无,没有 n.外面,外部。 ( 197 )
        →[考研]→ withstand vt.抵抗,经受住。 ( 7925 )
        withers 肩胛骨 , ( 63830 , )
      2. ←from 高地德语 widar , against. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *withrō , against.
        guerdon 报酬 ; ( x )
        widdershins 逆时针地 , ( x )
    [Pokorny 1. u̯ī̆- 1175.]
    ;...589, wī-ro- 男人
    Man. 最初形式: *wihx-ro- , derivative of weiᵊ- .
    派生词包括: werewolf , world , and virtuoso.
      1. ←from 古英语 wer , man;
        werewolf 狼人 , ( 63723 , )
        wergeld 称作wergeld , ( x )
        1. ←from 古英语 weorold , world;
          world n.世界,地球;…界,领域;世间;全世界 , ( 126 , uiro , _ )
          →[考研]→ worldwide a.全世界的,世界范围的 ad.遍及全世界。 ( 3680 )
        2. ←from 高地德语 weralt , world. Both (i) and (ii) ←from 日耳曼语 compound *wer-ald- , "life or age of man" ( *-ald- , age; see al-₂ ).
          Weltanschauung 世界观 , ( x )
          Weltschmerz 悲观主义 , ( x )
      2. ←from 古法语 garoul , werewolf, ←from Frankish *wer-wulf , "man-wolf" ( *wulf , wolf; see wl̥kʷo- ). Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *weraz , ←from 缩短形式 *wiraz .
        loup-garou x , ( x )
    1. ←from 拉丁语 vir , man.
      virago 悍妇 , ( 63593 , )
      virile 男子汉的 , ( 63596 , )
      virtue n.德行,美德;贞操;优点;功效,效力 , ( 3350 , uiro , vir男人 )
      →[考研]→ virtual a.实际上的,事实上的。 ( 3867 )
      →[oew]→ virtuous adj.善良的;有道德的;贞洁的;正直的;有效力的[T8]。 ( 15580 )
      →[oew]→ virtuosity n.精湛技巧;对艺术品的爱好;艺术爱好者[T8]。 ( 42076 )
      virtuosa x , ( x )
      virtuoso 有鉴赏力的:n.艺术品鉴赏家;古董收藏家;艺术大师adj.行家里手的;艺术爱好者的[T8] ; ( 21115 , _ , _ )
      decemvir x , ( x )
      decurion x , ( x )
      duumvir x , ( x )
      triumvir 三执政之一 , ( x )
    2. ←from 拉丁语 cūria , curia, court, possibly from *co-vir-ia , "men together" ( *co- , together; see kom ).
      curia 教廷 , ( 29080 )
    [Pokorny u̯ī̆ro-s 1177.]
    virtue n.德行,美德;贞操;优点;功效,效力 (Lat,103350)
    virility n.男性生殖力,男子气概 (Lat,127290)
    virtuality 实质 (Latin,133759)
    virilocal adj.以男方家庭为中心的,(婚后)居住在男方的 (Latin,148489)
    triumvirate 三人领导小组 (Lat,163219)
    virago 悍妇 (Lat,163593)
    decemvirate (Latin,)
    duumvirate (Latin,)
    septemvir (Latin,)
    septemvirate (Latin,)
    vigintivirate (Latin,)
    virilescence (Latin,)
    virilocality (Latin,)
    quadrumvirate (Lat,)
    ;...590, wīkm̥tī- 二十
    Twenty. Compound of wi- , in half, hence two, and *(d)km̥t-ī (nominative dual), decade, reduced 零级形式 of dekm̥ . 最初形式: *wīk̑m̥tī- , becoming *wīkm̥tī- in centum languages(K类语,颚音).
    1. ←from 拉丁语 vīgintī , twenty.
      vicenary x , ( x )
      →[oew]→ vicious adj.恶毒的;恶意的;堕落的;有错误的;品性不端的;剧烈的[T6]。 ( 6593 )
      vigesimal 第二十的 , ( x )
      vigintillion x , ( x )
    2. ←from 希腊语 eikosi , twenty.
      eicosanoid 类二十烷酸 , ( x )
      eicosapentaenoicacid 二十碳五烯酸 , ( x )
      icosahedron 二十面体 , ( 49084 )
    3. ←from 梵语 vimśatiḥ , twenty.
      pachisi 印度双骰游戏 , ( x )
    [Pokorny u̯ī-k̑m̥t-ī 1177.]
    vice n.邪恶;恶习;(pl.)台钳,老虎钳 (Lat,107348)
    vitiate 伤害,削弱,损坏 (Lat,163604)
    ;...591, wl̥kʷo- 狼狐
      1. ←from 古英语 wulf , wolf;
        wolf n.狼 , ( 4008 , uel₃ , _ )
      2. ←from 中古荷兰语 wolf , wulf , wolf;
        aardwolf 土狼 , ( x )
      3. ←from 高地德语 wolf , wolf;
        wolfram 沃尔夫勒姆 , ( x )
      4. Frankish *wulf , wolf, in compound *wer-wulf (see wī-ro- ).a-dall ←from 日耳曼语 *wulfaz .
    1. Taboo variant *lupo- . ←from 拉丁语 lupus , wolf.
      lobo 洛沃 , ( x )
      lupine 像狼的 , ( 57242 , )
      lupine 像狼的 , ( 57242 , )
      lupus n.狼疮,天狼座 , ( 22206 , ulkuo , _ )
      robalo x ; ( x )
      loup-garou x , ( x )
    2. Taboo variant *lukʷo- .
      1. ←from 希腊语 lukos , wolf;
        lycanthrope 变狼狂患者 , ( 43030 )
        lycopene 番茄红素 , ( 25197 )
        lycopodium 石松属植物 , ( x )
      2. 带后缀形式: *lukʷ-ya . ←from 希腊语 lussa , martial rage, madness, rabies ("wolf-ness").
        lytta 狂犬病 ; ( x )
        alyssum 香雪球 , ( 34432 )
    [Pokorny u̯l̥ku̯os 1178.]
    ;...592, wl̥p-ē- 狐狸
    1. ←from 拉丁语 vulpēs , fox.
      vulpine 狐狸似的 , ( 63639 , )
    2. Taboo variant *ᵊlōpē̆k- . ←from 希腊语 alōpēx , fox.
      alopecia 脱发 , ( 51680 , )
    [Pokorny u̯l̥p- 1179.]
    ;...593, wō̆s 你们
    You (plural).

    rendezvous n.集合点 v.在指定地点集合 , ( 17038 , _ , _ ) ←from 拉丁语 vōs , you.
    [In Pokorny 1. i̯u- 513.]
    ;...594, wrād- 根辐射
    Branch, root. 最初形式: *wreh₂d- , 变形 为: *wrah₂d- , becoming *wrād- .
    派生词包括: root ₁, wort , radish , and licorice.
    1. 基本形式: *wrād- . ←from 古挪威语 rōt , root, ←from 日耳曼语 *wrōt- .
      root n.根,根部;根本,根源v.(使)生根,(使)扎根 ; ( 2024 , uerad , _ )
      rutabaga 芜菁甘蓝,大头菜 , ( 60957 , )
    2. 零级形式 *wr̥ᵊd- .
        1. ←from 古英语 wyrt , plant, herb;
          wort 植物,植物根,麦芽枝 , ( 63872 , )
        2. ←from 高地德语 wurz , plant, root;
          Gewürztraminer 琼瑶浆 , ( x )
        3. ←from German Wurzel , root (< *wurzwala , rootstock; *-wala , a roll, round stem; see wel- ₂).a-call ←from 日耳曼语 *wurtiz .
          mangel-wurzel x , ( x )
      1. 带后缀形式: *wr̥ᵊd-yā- . ←from 古英语 wyrt , brewer's wort, ←from 日耳曼语 *wurtjō- .
        wort 植物,植物根,麦芽枝 , ( 63872 , )
      2. ←from 拉丁语 rādīx , root.
        radical a.基本的,重要的;激进的,极端的;根本的 , ( 2458 , rad₂ , radi根 )
        →[oew]→ radio n.收音机;无线电报,无线电话v.无线电通讯。 ( 909 )
        →[oew]→ radiation n.放射物,辐射 ( 3756 )
        →[oew]→ radioactive adj.[核]放射性的;有辐射的[T3]。 ( 7641 )
        →[oew]→ radiant a.发光的,辐射的 ( 11015 )
        →[oew]→ radiotherapy 放射化疗。 ( 60382 )
        radicle , ( x )
        radish 根:n.萝卜,小萝卜[T4] , ( 18272 , uerad , radi根 )
        radix 基数 ; ( x )
        deracinate 使背井离乡 , ( 53539 , )
        eradicate 使根出来vt.根除,消灭,灭绝[T8] , ( 11019 , uerad , radi根 )
        irradicable 不能根除的 , ( x )
      3. 带后缀形式: *wrᵊd-mo- . ←from 拉丁语 rāmus , branch.
        ramose 分枝的 , ( x )
        ramus 分支,旁枝 ; ( 60416 , )
        ramify 分支,分叉 , ( 60413 , )
      4. Perhaps suffixed 缩减形式 *wr̥(ᵊ)d-ya . ←from 希腊语 rhiza , root.
        rhizo- x , ( x )
        rhizome 根茎,块状茎 ; ( 60759 , )
        coleorhiza 胚根鞘 , ( x )
        licorice n.欧亚甘草,由欧亚甘草根熬成的精 , ( 24135 )
        mycorrhiza 菌根 , ( x )
    [Pokorny u̯(e)rād- 1167.]
    radiator n.辐射体,散热器,暖气片[T6] (Lat,112382)
    radial adj.半径的,放射状的,光线的,光线状的n.射线,光线[T6] (Lat,113671)
    ramification n.分枝,分叉,衍生物,支流 (Lat,113965)
    radiance n.光辉,闪烁,辐射率,深粉红色 (Lat,121494)
    irradiate 照射,辐射 (Lat,156214)
    radian 弧度 (Lat,160372)
    circumradius (Lat,)
    radicand (Lat,)
    radicant (Lat,)
    radicate (Lat,)
    radicel (Lat,)
    radicular (Lat,)
    radicule (Lat,)
    radiculose (Lat,)
    ramate (Lat,)
    ramiform (Lat,)
    ramosity (Lat,)
    ;...595, yē- 挤投扔
    To throw, impel. 缩减自: *yeh₁- .
    1. Extended 零级形式s *yak-yo- and *yak-ē- (stative) ←from 拉丁语 iacere , to throw, lay, and iacēre , to lie down (< "to be thrown") and iaculum , dart.
      gisant x , ( x )
      gist n.要点,要旨 , ( 22576 , ie , _ )
      gite 乡村度假别墅 , ( 49639 )
      jactitation 折腾 , ( x )
      jess 杰斯 , ( x )
      jet n.喷气发动机,喷气式飞机;喷口v.喷出,喷射 , ( 3575 , ie , _ )
      jeté 小跳 , ( x )
      jetsam 船上丢弃物 , ( 56347 , )
      jettison 扔:n.投弃;投弃货物vt.投弃(船舶遇难时投弃货物以为减轻负载)[T8] , ( 20924 , ie , _ )
      jetty n.防波堤,码头 , ( 22877 , ie , _ )
      joist n.[建]托梁 , ( 22838 , ie , _ )
      jut v.(使)突出,(使)伸出,突击 n.突出部分,伸出部分 ; ( 14845 , ie , _ )
      abject 扔到远处:adj.卑鄙的,无耻的,可怜的,悲惨的[T8] , ( 21351 , ie , ject投掷 )
      adjacent 扔到附近的:adj.毗连的,邻近的[T8] , ( 5635 , ie , ject投掷 )
      adjective n.形容词a.形容词的,用作形容词的 , ( 9658 , ie , ject投掷 )
      amice 披肩 , ( x )
      circumjacent 周边 , ( x )
      conjecture (把事实)扔到一起:n.v.推测,猜想[T8] , ( 18827 , ie , ject投掷 )
      deject 气馁的 , ( x )
      ease v.减轻;使舒适,使安心n.容易;舒适,悠闲 , ( 2941 , ie , _ )
      →[oew]→ easy a.容易的,不费力的,安逸的,宽裕的。 ( 492 )
      ejaculate 射精 , ( 53986 , )
      eject vt.喷射,驱逐[T6] , ( 14183 , ie , ject投掷 )
      inject vt.注射,注入[T6] , ( 7547 , _ , ject投掷 )
      interject vt.突然插入;插嘴[T9] , ( 18701 , ie , ject投掷 )
      object n.物体;客体,对象;目标;宾语v.(to)反对 , ( 1146 , ie , ject投掷 )
      →[考研]→ objection n.(to)反对,异议,不喜欢,反对的理由。 ( 4756 )
      →[考研]→ objective n.目标,目的 a.客观的,真实的。 ( 2040 )
      parget 石膏 , ( x )
      project n.方案,工程,项目v.投射,放映;设计,规划 , ( 520 , ie , ject投掷 )
      →[考研]→ projector n.投影仪;放映机;探照灯;设计者[T8]。 ( 13568 )
      →[oew]→ projection n.投射;规划;突出;发射;推测[T8]。 ( 5749 )
      reject v.拒绝,抵制,丢弃,排斥,退掉n.落选者 , ( 2383 , ie , ject投掷 )
      subjacent 在底下的 , ( x )
      subject n.主题;学科a.隶属的;易遭..的v.使隶属 , ( 542 , ie , ject投掷 )
      →[考研]→ subjective adj.主观的;个人的;自觉的[T8]。 ( 5730 )
      superjacent 盖在上面的 , ( x )
      traject n.传导;传达;通过;输送 , ( x )
    2. 基本形式: *yē- and 零级形式 *yᵊ- . ←from 希腊语 hīenai , to send, throw.
      catheter n.[医]导尿管,尿液管,导管 , ( 20287 , ie , _ )
      diesis 双剑符号 , ( x )
      enema 灌肠 , ( 54075 , )
      paresis 麻痹性痴呆 , ( 41306 )
      synesis 非成文造句法 , ( x )
    [Pokorny i̯ē- 502.]
    rejection n.抛弃;拒绝;被抛弃的东西[T9] (Lat,104890)
    injection n.注射,注射剂,(毛细血管等的)充血,(人造卫星,宇宙飞船等的)射入轨道 (Lat,105980)
    objectivity n.客观性,客观现实 (Latin,110656)
    trajectory n.轨道,轨线;弹道[T8] (Lat,110739)
    subjectivity n.主观性,主观 (Latin,111694)
    objectionable adj.引起反对的,讨厌的 (Latin,119721)
    projectile adj.抛射的;抛掷的;供抛射用的n.射弹;抛射体;自动推进武器[T9] (Lat,120271)
    ejection n.喷出,排出物,抛出,出坯,射出 (Lat,123462)
    injector n.注射器,喷嘴 (Latin,124263)
    ejaculation n.射出,突然的喊出 (Latin,126894)
    subjection n.征服,制伏,臣服,顺从 (Latin,129374)
    projective adj.与投影有关的,投影的,(图像的性能)不因投影而变化的,投射的 (Latin,129831)
    ejecta n.抛出物,喷出物(尤指从火山、或从星球上抛射出的物质) (Latin,132162)
    dejection n.忧郁,沮丧,排粪,排泄物 (Lat,133430)
    conjectural adj.推测的,好推测的 (Latin,135815)
    ejector n.驱逐者,放出器,排出器,抽气泵,剔出器,发射器 (Lat,138592)
    nonobjective adj.非写实的,抽象的 (Latin,139760)
    adjectival adj.形容词的,形容词性的,(作家或作品)以堆砌形容词为特点的,<婉>该死的 n.<语>形容词性词语 (Latin,139773)
    ejaculatory adj.突然喊叫的,射出性的,感叹的 (Latin,148424)
    adjacency n.邻接 (Latin,149026)
    introjection n.心力投入(使他人的态度或外界事物形成内心形象) (Lat,150684)
    introject v.(思想、感情、信念等)融合,使他人态度或外界事物形成内心形象 (Latin,151076)
    interjection 感叹词 (Latin,156128)
    objectification 人格物化 (Latin,158660)
    objector 反对者 (Lat,158662)
    circumjacency (Latin,)
    disject (Latin,)
    disjection (Latin,)
    ejective (Latin,)
    ejectment (Latin,)
    injective (Latin,)
    interjacent (Latin,)
    interjectional (Latin,)
    interjector (Latin,)
    interjectory (Latin,)
    interjoist (Latin,)
    introjective (Latin,)
    jactation (Latin,)
    jaculate (Latin,)
    jaculation (Latin,)
    jaculator (Latin,)
    jaculatory (Latin,)
    jaculiferous (Latin,)
    rejectamenta (Latin,)
    subjicible (Latin,)
    surjection (Latin,)
    trajectile (Latin,)
    trajection (Latin,)
    trijet (Latin,)
    nonadjacent (Lat,)
    surjective (Lat,)
    ;...596, yeg-

    icicle 冰锥,冰柱 , ( 55791 , ) ←from 古英语 gicel , icicle, ice, ←from 日耳曼语 *jakilaz , *jekilaz .
    [Pokorny i̯eg- 503.]
    ;...597, yek- 讲笑话
    To speak. Suffixed o级形式 *yok-o- .

    jewel n.宝石,宝石饰物 , ( 6979 , iek , _ )
    →[考研]→ jewelry n.珠宝 ( 5934 )
    jocose 幽默的,诙谐的 , ( 56384 , )
    jocular 幽默的,诙谐的 , ( 56385 , )
    joke n.笑话,玩笑v.说笑话,开玩笑 , ( 2498 , iek , _ )
    juggle v.|n.玩杂耍 , ( 13116 , iek , _ )
    juggler 玩杂耍的人 ; ( 56430 , )
    jeopardy n.危险,危险 , ( 9877 , iek , _ ) ←from 拉丁语 iocus , joke.
    [Pokorny i̯ek- 503.]
    jocularity n.滑稽,戏谑,打趣 (Lat,145675)
    jongleur n.<法>中世纪吟游诗人 (Latin,147013)
    jocosity (Latin,)
    ;...598, yē̆kʷr̥ 肝活
    1. ←from 希腊语 hēpar , liver (stem hēpat- < *yēkʷn̥-t- < Indo-European oblique stem *yē̆kʷn- ).
      hepatic 肝的 , ( 55353 , )
      hepato- x ; ( x )
      heparin 肝素钠 , ( 31572 )
      hepatitis n.[医]肝炎 , ( 14896 , ieku-rt , _ )
    2. ←from an 伊朗语 source akin to 波斯语 jigar , liver.
      gizzard 鸟胗 , ( 54875 , )
    [Pokorny i̯eku̯-r̥(t-) 504.]
    hepatocyte n.肝(实质)细胞 (Greek,146493)
    hepatology (Greek,)
    hepatomancy (Greek,)
    hepatoscopy (Greek,)
    hepatotoxic (Greek,)
    hepatotoxin (Greek,)
    hepatotropic (Greek,)
    ;...599, yēr- 年时季
    Year, season. 最初形式: *yeh₁r- , becoming *yē- .
    1. Suffixed 基本形式: *yēr-o- .
      1. ←from 古英语 gēar , year;
        year n.年,年度,学年a./ad.每年,一年一次 , ( 68 , eir , _ )
        →[考研]→ yearly a.每年的,一年一度的 ad.每年,一年一次地。 ( 9920 )
      2. ←from 高地德语 jār , year. Bothaandb ←from 日耳曼语 *jēram , year.
        Yahrzeit 逝世周年纪念 , ( x )
    2. Suffixed o级形式 *yōr-ā- . ←from 希腊语 hōrā , season.
      horary 每小时的 , ( x )
      hour n.小时,钟点;时刻;课时,工作时间 ; ( 328 , _ , _ )
      horologe 钟表 , ( x )
      horology 计时学,钟表制造术 , ( 55582 , )
      horoscope 星象,占星术 , ( 55584 , )
    [In Pokorny 1. ei- 293.]
    ;...600, yes- 沸腾泡
    To boil, foam, bubble.
    1. ←from 古英语 gist , yeast, ←from 日耳曼语 *jest- .
      yeast n.酵母,发酵粉 , ( 10862 , ies , _ )
    2. ←from 高地德语 jësan , to ferment, and jerian , to cause to ferment, ←from 日耳曼语 *jes- .
      kieselguhr 硅藻土 , ( x )
    3. ←from 希腊语 zeein , zein , to boil.
      eczema 湿疹 , ( 53957 , )
      zeolite 沸石 , ( 49537 )
    [Pokorny i̯es- 506.]
    ;...601, yeu- 幼活力
    Vital force, youthful vigor. 最初形式: *h₂yeu- ; variant of aiw- . Suffixed 零级形式 *yuwen- (< *yu-ᵊen- ), "possessing youthful vigor," young.
    1. Further 带后缀形式: *yuwn̥-ti- . ←from 古英语 geoguth , youth, ←from 日耳曼语 *jugunthi- , *jugunthō .
      youth n.青年;年轻人 , ( 1416 , ieu , _ )
      →[考研]→ young a.年轻的,幼小的;没经验的 n.青年人。 ( 230 )
      →[考研]→ youngster n.小伙子,年轻人;少年,儿童。 ( 5825 )
    2. Further 带后缀形式: *yuwn̥-ko- .
        1. ←from 古英语 geong , young;
          yong adj.年幼的;有朝气的;年轻人的;青年的n.年轻人;幼小的动物,崽 , ( x )
        2. ←from 高地德语 junc , young;
          junker 破车 , ( 35788 )
        3. ←from 中古荷兰语 jonc , young. (i)-(iii) all ←from 日耳曼语 *jungaz , ←from *juwungaz .
          younker 少年 , ( x )
      1. ←from 古爱尔兰 óac , ←from Celtic *yowanko- .
        gallowglass 保镖 , ( x )
    3. ←from 拉丁语 iuvenis , young.
      junior a./n.年少的/者,三年级的/学生,下级(的) , ( 2592 , _ , _ )
      →[考研]→ June n.六月。 ( 1621 )
      june n.六月 , ( 1621 , ieu , _ )
      Juno 朱诺 , ( 56446 , )
      juvenile adj.青少年的,幼稚的n.青少年,少年读物[T8] ; ( 6133 , ieu , juven年少 )
      →[oew]→ juvenescent 到达青少年期的,变年青的。 ( 56454 )
      rejuvenate v.(使)变年轻,(使)复原,(使)更新,(使)恢复精神[T8] , ( 23354 , _ , juven年少 )
    [Pokorny 3. i̯eu- 510.]
    juvenilia 少年时代作品 (Lat,156456)
    juniorate (Lat,)
    juniority (Lat,)
    juvenility (Lat,)
    ;...602, yeug- 挤进交
    To join.
    派生词包括: yoke , jugular , adjust , junta , and yoga.
    1. 零级形式 *yug- .
      1. 带后缀形式: *yug-o- .
        1. ←from 古英语 geoc , yoke, ←from 日耳曼语 *yukam ;
          yoke n.轭,轭状物,套,束缚,支配 v.把...套上轭,结合,连接 , ( 19828 , ieug , _ )
        2. ←from 拉丁语 iugum , yoke;
          jugate 并排的 , ( x )
          jugular 颈静脉 , ( 56431 , )
          jugum ; ( x )
          conjugate 列举动词的词形变化形式 , ( 53069 , )
          subjugate 制伏,使屈服 , ( 62341 , )
        3. ←from 希腊语 zugon , yoke, and zugoun , to join;
          zygo- x , ( x )
          zygoma 颧骨 , ( x )
          zygote 合子,受精卵 , ( 64008 , )
          -zygous x ; ( x )
          azygos 奇静脉 , ( x )
          syzygy 会合,朔望 , ( 62580 , )
        4. ←from 梵语 yugam , yoke.
          Yuga 时代 , ( x )
      2. Suffixed (superlative) form *yug-isto- . ←from 拉丁语 iūxtā , close by,
        jostle v.挤,推,争夺 n.挤拥,推撞 , ( 17143 , ieug , _ )
        joust 骑马比武,辩论,讨论 ; ( 56415 , )
        adjust vt.调节;整顿,调整vi.适应(to);使调节 , ( 2806 , ieuos , just正义 )
        juxtapose vt.并列;并置[T8] , ( 17351 , ieug , pos置放 )
        juxtaposition n.并置,并列;毗邻[T9] , ( 16245 , ieug , _ )
        perhaps from *iugistā (viā) , "on a nearby (road).".
      3. Nasalized 零级形式 *yu-n-g- . ←from 拉丁语 iungere , to join.
        join v.参加,加入;联合,连接;和…在一起 , ( 587 , ieug , join连接 )
        →[oew]→ joinery 细木工作品。 ( 56399 )
        joinder 共同诉讼 , ( x )
        joint n.接合处,接头;关节a.联合的,共同的,连接的 , ( 1756 , ieug , _ )
        jointure 连接 , ( x )
        junction n.连接,结合,结合点[T6] , ( 7118 , ieug , join连接 )
        juncture n.连接,结合,接缝[T8] , ( 15539 , ieug , join连接 )
        junta n.小集团,团体,派别 ; ( 20174 , ieug , _ )
        adjoin v.邻接,毗连[T6] , ( 20153 , ieug , join连接 )
        conjoin 连接 , ( 53067 , )
        conjugal 婚姻的 , ( 53068 , )
        conjunct adj.结合的,共同的,与他人联合的n.同他物结合的物体 , ( x )
        enjoin 加入:vt.命令,吩咐,嘱咐,禁止[T8] , ( 23700 , ieug , _ )
        injunction n.命令,禁令,劝告[T8] , ( 8660 , ieug , join连接 )
        rejoin v.再结合,再加入 , ( 14170 , ieug , join连接 )
        rejoinder 回答,反驳 , ( 60616 , )
        subjoin 增补 , ( x )
    2. 带后缀形式: *yeug-mn̥ . ←from 希腊语 zeugma , a bond.
      zeugma 轭式搭配 , ( x , )
    3. Suffixed o级形式 *youg-o- . ←from 梵语 yogaḥ , union.
      yoga n.瑜珈,瑜珈术 , ( 10568 , ieug , _ )
    [Pokorny 2. i̯eu- 508.]
    conjunction n.接合,连接,联合;连(接)词 (Latin,109837)
    adjunct adj.附属的n.附属物,助手,修饰语[T8] (Latin,115435)
    conjugation n.结合 (Lat,131564)
    disjunctive adj.分离(性)的,(指连词)转折的,反意的 (Latin,133154)
    adjunctive adj.附属的,附加的 (Latin,136655)
    junto n.政治集团 (Latin,141902)
    conjunctive adj.连接的 (Latin,143528)
    disjoint v.(使)脱节,(使)解体,(使)脱臼 adj.不相交的 (Latin,147326)
    disjunct adj.分离的,不相连的 (Latin,147863)
    disjoin v.(使)分开,(使)分离,拆散 (Latin,151478)
    conjugal 婚姻的 (Lat,153068)
    conjugate 列举动词的词形变化形式 (Lat,153069)
    disjunction 分离 (Latin,153705)
    subjunctive 虚拟语气,虚拟时态 (Latin,162342)
    adjoint (Latin,)
    adjunction (Latin,)
    conjoint (Latin,)
    enjoinder (Latin,)
    enjoinment (Latin,)
    injunctive (Latin,)
    nondisjunction (Latin,)
    nonjoinder (Latin,)
    sejoin (Latin,)
    sejungible (Latin,)
    subjoinder (Latin,)
    surrejoinder (Latin,)
    conjugacy (Lat,)
    jugal (Lat,)
    heterozygous adj.杂合的 (Greek,135635)
    monozygotic adj.单卵的,单精合子的 (Greek,137751)
    dizygotic adj.两合子的,两受精卵的 (Greek,149024)
    heterozygote 异合子 (Greek,155385)
    Zygoptera (Greek,)
    azygous (Greek,)
    diazeugma (Greek,)
    hyperzeuxis (Greek,)
    hypozeugma (Greek,)
    hypozeuxis (Greek,)
    mesozeugma (Greek,)
    prozeugma (Greek,)
    synezeugmenon (Greek,)
    zeugitae (Greek,)
    zygomorphic (Greek,)
    zygomorphism (Greek,)
    zygomycosis (Greek,)
    zygomycota (Greek,)
    zygon (Greek,)
    ;...603, yewes- 约束法
    1. ←from 拉丁语 iūs (stem iūr- ), law, and its derivative iūrāre , "to pronounce a ritual formula," swear.
      jural 法律上的 , ( 51173 )
      jurist 法律专业人士:n.法学家,法官,律师[T8] , ( 21742 , _ , just正义 )
      jury n.陪审团;全体评审员 ; ( 1851 , deik , just正义 )
      abjure 声明放弃 , ( 51523 , )
      adjure 命令 , ( 51582 , )
      conjure 一块念咒:vt.念咒召唤,通过魔法产生,影响,变出,想象出,请求vi.变戏法,施展魔法[T8] , ( 11044 , ieuos , jur发誓 )
      injury n.伤害,损害 , ( 1640 , ieuos , just正义 )
      →[考研]→ injure v.损害,损伤,伤害。 ( 4674 )
      juridical 司法的,审判的 , ( 56449 , )
      jurisconsult 法律专家 , ( x )
      jurisdiction n.司法权,审判权,管辖权[T8] , ( 4286 , deik , )
      jurisprudence n.法律体系;法学及其分支;法律知识;法院审判规程[T8] , ( 17962 , ieuos , just正义 )
      →[oew]→ juror n.审查委员,陪审员[T9]。 ( 5394 )
      nonjuror x , ( x )
      objurgate 训斥 , ( x )
      perjure 作伪证,发假誓 , ( 59368 , )
    2. Compound form *yewes-dik- (see deik- ).
    3. Suffixed from *yewes-to- . ←from 拉丁语 iūstus , just.
      just ad.正好地;刚才;只不过a.公正的,公平的 , ( 73 , ieuos , just正义 )
      →[考研]→ justice n.公正,公平;审判,司法。 ( 1350 )
    [Pokorny i̯eu̯os- 512.]
    perjury n.伪证;伪誓;背信弃义[T8] (Latin,112609)
    abjuration (Lat,)
    de jure (Lat,)
    jurat (Lat,)
    juration (Lat,)
    juratory (Lat,)
    ;...604, yewo- 精谷物
    A grain, probably barley. 带后缀形式: *yew-ya .

    zein 玉米蛋白 ; ( x )
    zeaxanthin 玉米黄质 , ( 35396 ) ←from 希腊语 zeia , one-seeded wheat.
    [Pokorny i̯eu̯o- 512.]
    ;...605, yu-
    You. Second person (plural) pronoun.

    ye [域] Yemen ,也门 , ( 6634 , iu₁ , _ )
    you pron.你;你们;一个人,任何人 , ( 13 , iu₁ , _ )
    →[考研]→ your pron.[you的所有格]你的,你们的。 ( 67 )
    →[考研]→ yours pron.[you的物主代词]你(们)的(所有物)。 ( 2816 )
    →[考研]→ yourself pron.[反身代词]你自己;你亲自。 ( 853 ) ←from 古英语 and ēow , you, ←from 日耳曼语 *jūz (nominative) and *iwwiz (oblique).
    [Pokorny 1. i̯u- 513.]

    ;... 606, ap-1
    ap-1 , adept 已经掌握的:adj.熟练的;擅长…的n.内行;能手[T8] ( 11914 , )
    ap-1 , apex n.顶点 ( 13392 , )
    ap-1 , apt adj.易于...的,有...倾向的,灵敏的,灵巧的,适当的,切题的,敏捷,倾向是 ( 7603 , )
    ap-1 , aptitude n.天资,自然倾向,适宜[T8] ( 16093 , )
    ap-1 , artillery n.炮的总称,炮兵的总称 ( 7195 , )
    ap-1 , attitude n.态度,看法(to,toward,about);姿势 ( 1095 , )
    ap-1 , couple n.(一)对,双;夫妇;v.连接,结合 ( 574 , )
    ap-1 , inept adj.笨拙的,不恰当的。等于inapt[T8] ( 18365 , )
    adapt vt.使适应,使适合;改编;改写vi.适应 (Lat,103247)
    adaptation n.适应;改编;改编本,改写本[T9] (Lat,105693)
    adaptable a.能适应的,适应性强的,可改编的 (Lat,114129)
    attitudinal adj.态度的,根据(或表示)个人态度的 (Lat,118936)
    ineptitude n.不合适,不适当,笨拙,愚笨 (Lat,124823)
    adaptative (Lat,)
    aptate (Lat,)
    aptitudinal (Lat,)
    maladaptation (Lat,)
    ;... 607, arku-
    arku- , arc n.弧,弓形 ( 6481 , )
    arku- , arcade n.拱廊,游乐场,有拱廊的街道vt.使有拱廊[T9] ( 12159 , )
    arku- , arch n.拱门v.(使)弯成弓形 ( 6701 , )
    →[oew]→ archbishop n.大主教[T9]。 ( 7389 )
    →[oew]→ archaeology n.考古学[T8]。 ( 7727 )
    →[oew]→ archives n.档案,公文,档案室,案卷保管处 ( 13250 )
    →[oew]→ archaic adj.古代的,陈旧的,古色古香的[T9]。 ( 12752 )
    arku- , archer n.弓箭手[T8] ( 20718 , )
    arku- , arrow n.箭,矢,箭状物;箭头符号 ( 5126 , )
    arciform (Lat,)
    arco (Lat,)
    arcuate (Lat,)
    archeology n.考古学, 古物学,文化遗物, 古迹 (Greek,127365)
    archaeoastronomy n.考古天文学(指对古代天文学进行研究的考古学科) (Greek,146441)
    archaism n.古词,古语,拟古主义,之乎者也,古词语 (Greek,149766)
    Archaea (Greek,)
    archegonium (Greek,)
    ;... 608, beu-
    beu- , bill n.账单;招贴,广告;(人员,职称等的)表;钞票 ( 738 , )
    →[oew]→ billet 部队临时设营。 ( 52175 )
    beu- , boast v.(of,about)自夸,夸耀n.自夸,大话 ( 5854 , )
    beu- , boil v.(使)沸腾,煮(沸) ( 5115 , )
    beu- , buckle n.带扣.v.扣住,变弯曲 ( 12550 , )
    →[oew]→ bucket n.水桶,吊桶。 ( 5061 )
    beu- , budge v.移动 ( 15017 , )
    beu- , bullet n.子弹,枪弹 ( 3509 , )
    →[oew]→ bullion 金条。 ( 52433 )
    beu- , bulletin n.公报,公告,告示 ( 6729 , )
    beu- , poach vt.水煮(荷包蛋),把...踏成泥浆,侵入偷猎,窃取 vi.偷猎 ( 16774 , )
    beu- , pocket n.衣袋a.袖珍的,小型的v.把…装入袋内 ( 1734 , )
    beu- , pouch n.小袋,烟草袋,钱袋,育儿袋 vt.把...装入袋中,使成袋状 vi.成袋状 ( 10541 , )
    beu- , pucker v.折叠 n.皱纹 ( 22680 , )
    beu- , puff v.喘气,抽烟.n.泡芙 ( 9495 , )
    →[oew]→ puffy adj.一阵阵吹的,气喘吁吁的,膨胀的,自大的, ( 15403 )
    →[oew]→ puffin 海鹦。 ( 60195 )
    buccal adj.(面)颊的,口的,口腔的,口甲 (Lat,133871)
    debouch vi.走进开阔地,(河等)流出 (Lat,149825)
    buccinator muscle (Lat,)
    debuccalization (Lat,)
    ;... 609, bʰudʰ-
    bʰudʰ- , abyss n.深渊 ( 15873 , )
    bʰudʰ- , bottom n.底(部);基础,根基;海底,湖底,河床 ( 1435 , )
    bʰudʰ- , found vt.建立;创立;创办;使有根据;铸造;熔制 ( 470 , )
    bʰudʰ- , founder n.创始人,创办人[T8] ( 3271 , )
    bʰudʰ- , fund n.资金,基金;存款,现款;(知识等的)累积 ( 832 , )
    →[考研]→ fundamental a.基础的,基本的 n.(pl.)基本原则,基本原理。 ( 2036 )
    bʰudʰ- , profound adj.深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的[T6] ( 3868 , )
    foundation n.基础,根本,建立,创立;地基,基金,基金会 (Latin,102140)
    fundamentalism n.正统派基督教,此派的运动 (Latin,115523)
    fundament n.基础,基本原理,臀部 (Latin,138373)
    profundity 深邃,深远 (Latin,160079)
    ;... 610, deph-
    deph- , illiterate adj.不识字的,没受过教育的n.文盲[T6] ( 12862 , )
    →[oew]→ illiteracy n.缺乏读写能力,无知[T9]。 ( 21077 )
    deph- , letter n.信,函件;字母,文字 ( 568 , )
    deph- , literal adj.字面的,逐字的,不夸张的[T6] ( 7988 , )
    deph- , literary a.文学上的,文学的;精通文学的,从事写作的 ( 2467 , )
    →[考研]→ literacy n.有文化,有教养,有读写能力。 ( 5178 )
    →[考研]→ literally ad.照字面意义,逐字地;确实。 ( 2894 )
    →[考研]→ literature n.文学,文学作品,文献,图书资料,印刷品。 ( 1423 )
    deph- , obliterate vt.涂去,抹掉,抹杀,使无法辨识[T8] ( 14414 , )
    literate adj.受过教育的,会读写的n.学者[T8] (Lat,112174)
    obliteration n.涂去,删除,管腔闭合 (Lat,127237)
    alliteration n.头韵,双声 (Lat,129590)
    alliterative adj.头韵的,头韵体的 (Lat,133963)
    preliterate adj.没有文字的,尚无文字的 (Latin,142128)
    transliteration n.字译,音译,译音 (Lat,143900)
    literati 文人学士 (Latin,157044)
    transliterate 直译,字译 (Latin,163143)
    biliterate (Latin,)
    literatim (Latin,)
    literation (Latin,)
    literator (Latin,)
    multiliteral (Latin,)
    nonliteral (Latin,)
    nonliterary (Latin,)
    nonliterate (Latin,)
    quadriliteral (Latin,)
    uniliteral (Latin,)
    biliteral (Lat,)
    transliteracy (Lat,)
    triliteral (Lat,)
    ;... 611, der-1
    der-1 , teeter v.步履蹒跚,摇摇欲坠 ( 15299 , )
    der-1 , trade n.贸易,商业;职业,行业v.经商,交易 ( 601 , )
    →[考研]→ trademark n.商标;特征 vt.注册的…商标。 ( 9421 )
    →[oew]→ trample v.践踏,轻视,伤害 ( 15404 )
    →[oew]→ trampoline 蹦床,跳床。 ( 63127 )
    der-1 , tramp v.重步行走,踏,践,践踏 ( 13818 , )
    der-1 , trap n.陷阱,圈套vt.诱捕;使中圈套vi.设圈套 ( 3696 , )
    der-1 , tread n.踏,步态.v.踏,跳 ( 11724 , )
    der-1 , trip n.旅行,远足v.绊倒;失足;犯错 ( 1079 , )
    der-1 , trot v.(使)小跑,(使)快步走,骑马小跑,疾走 n.小跑,骑马,疾走,忙碌 ( 11482 , )
    ;... 612, dʰabʰ-
    dʰabʰ- , daft adj.愚蠢的 ( 15632 , )
    dʰabʰ- , deft a.敏捷熟练的,灵巧的 ( 19289 , )
    dʰabʰ- , fabric n.织物;织品;结构;构造;建筑物 ( 3152 , )
    dʰabʰ- , fabricate vt.制造,编造,伪造,装配[T6] ( 13580 , )
    dʰabʰ- , forge v.锻造,伪造n.锻工车间;锻炉 ( 7456 , )
    →[oew]→ forgery n.伪造物,伪造罪,伪造 ( 21227 )
    fabrication n.制造,建造,装配,伪造物[T6] (Lat,115100)
    fabricator n.捏造者,制作者,假造者,杜撰者 (Lat,130025)
    ;... 613, dʰeu-1
    dʰeu-1 , deaf a.聋的;不愿听的 ( 4403 , )
    dʰeu-1 , deer n.鹿 ( 3356 , )
    dʰeu-1 , dizzy a.头晕目眩的,眩晕的;(可能)使人头晕的 ( 9186 , )
    dʰeu-1 , dove n.鸽子 vbl.dive 的过去式 ( 10621 , )
    dʰeu-1 , doze vi.瞌睡,假寐 vt.打瞌睡度过 n.瞌睡 ( 14331 , )
    dʰeu-1 , dull a.单调的;迟钝的,愚笨的;不锋利的 ( 4464 , )
    dʰeu-1 , dumb a.哑的,无言的 ( 5449 , )
    dʰeu-1 , Duncan 邓肯(姓氏;Isadora, 1878-1927,美国女舞蹈家) Duncan I 邓肯一世(1034-1040年在位,被麦克斯 ( 9247 , )
    dʰeu-1 , dusk n.薄暮,黄昏 ( 7713 , )
    dʰeu-1 , dust n.灰尘,尘土v.拂,掸 ( 2440 , )
    dʰeu-1 , dwell vi.居住,存在于 ( 8613 , )
    →[考研]→ dwelling n.住处 ( 8640 )
    dʰeu-1 , fume vi.冒烟;发怒vt.熏;冒烟;愤怒地说n.烟;愤怒,烦恼[T8] ( 13032 , )
    dʰeu-1 , funky adj.胆战心惊的 ( 14410 , )
    dʰeu-1 , perfume 用烟熏遍:n.香水;香味vt.洒香水于…;使…带香味vi.散发香气[T4] ( 7435 , )
    dʰeu-1 , reindeer n.驯鹿 ( 16742 , )
    dʰeu-1 , stew v.炖,焖 ( 8815 , )
    dʰeu-1 , stove n.炉子,火炉 ( 5203 , )
    dʰeu-1 , thyme n.麝香草属的植物,[植]百里香 ( 11238 , )
    fumigation n.烟熏,熏蒸,忿恨 (Lat,135960)
    fumarole n.(火山区的)喷气孔,气孔 (Lat,137677)
    fumacious (Lat,)
    fumade (Lat,)
    fumage (Lat,)
    fumarine (Lat,)
    fumatorium (Lat,)
    ;... 614, g(e)n-
    g(e)n- , gnarled adj.(树、树干、树枝)扭曲的,多瘤的,多节的,(手、手指)粗糙的 ( 19456 , )
    g(e)n- , knapsack n.(士兵或徒步旅行者用的帆布或皮制的)背包 ( 21589 , )
    g(e)n- , knead vt.揉(面等)成团,按摩 ( 16609 , )
    g(e)n- , knife n.刀,餐刀v.用刀切,用匕首刺 ( 2410 , )
    g(e)n- , knit v.编织,编结;接合,粘合 ( 7957 , )
    g(e)n- , knob n.(门,抽屉等的)球形捏手,节,瘤,旋钮,球形突出物,(煤,砂糖等的)小块 vt.使有球形突出物 vi.鼓起 ( 10460 , )
    g(e)n- , knock v.敲,敲打,碰撞n.敲,击 ( 2392 , )
    g(e)n- , knoll n.小山 ( 23332 , )
    g(e)n- , knot n.(绳)结;(树)节;节(=海里/小时)v.打结 ( 5785 , )
    g(e)n- , knuckle n.指节,关节.v.开始工作 ( 12218 , )
    ;... 615, g(e)r-2
    g(e)r-2 , carp n.鲤鱼 vi.吹毛求疵 ( 13969 , )
    g(e)r-2 , cart n.(二轮货运)马车,手推车 ( 4689 , )
    g(e)r-2 , cradle n.摇篮,发源地,支船架 vt.将...放在摇篮内 ( 9666 , )
    g(e)r-2 , cramp n.痉挛.vt.限制,束缚 ( 16187 , )
    g(e)r-2 , crank adj.脾气暴燥的,易怒的 n.[机]曲柄,奇想 vt.[机]装曲柄 vi.[机]转动曲柄 ( 12099 , )
    g(e)r-2 , creek n.小溪,小河, ( 7862 , )
    g(e)r-2 , creep v.爬,爬行;(植物)蔓延 ( 6457 , )
    g(e)r-2 , crib n.婴儿床,食槽,栅栏 vi.抄袭 vt.拘禁,关入栅栏 ( 12747 , )
    →[oew]→ crimp 使卷曲,起皱。 ( 53253 )
    g(e)r-2 , cringe vi.畏缩,阿谀,奉承 ( 14466 , )
    g(e)r-2 , crinkle n.皱纹 v.起皱 ( 23325 , )
    g(e)r-2 , cripple n.跛子,残疾人v.使跛,使残疾 ( 12528 , )
    g(e)r-2 , crock n.坛子,瓦罐碴 ( 22645 , )
    g(e)r-2 , crook n.骗子,坏蛋;弯处,弯曲部分;钩状物vt.使弯曲;欺骗,诈骗vi.弯曲,成钩形[T8] ( 10012 , )
    g(e)r-2 , crop n.作物,庄稼;(谷类等的)一熟收成;一批,大量 ( 2684 , )
    g(e)r-2 , crotch n.(人的)胯部,分叉处;丫叉[T9] ( 16164 , )
    g(e)r-2 , crouch vi.蹲伏,蜷伏;卑躬屈膝vt.低头;屈膝n.蹲伏[T8] ( 9175 , )
    g(e)r-2 , crumb n.碎屑,面包屑,少许 vt.搓碎,弄碎 ( 10138 , )
    →[oew]→ crumble v.弄碎,崩溃 ( 10116 )
    →[oew]→ crucible 坩锅。 ( 53279 )
    →[oew]→ crumpet 小圆烤饼。 ( 53285 )
    g(e)r-2 , crumple v.(使)皱,扭曲,(使)崩溃,使一蹶不振 ( 15284 , )
    g(e)r-2 , crutch n.拐杖;支柱;依靠;胯部vt.用拐杖支撑;支持[T8] ( 15572 , )
    g(e)r-2 , curl v.(使)卷曲,蜷缩n.卷发;卷曲状;卷曲物 ( 6384 , )
    g(e)r-2 , encroach 用钩子勾进vi.侵占;蚕食;侵蚀vt.侵犯[T8] ( 20042 , )
    g(e)r-2 , grape n.葡萄 ( 5997 , )
    g(e)r-2 , grapple v.格斗,抓住.n.格斗 ( 11971 , )
    g(e)r-2 , group n.群,组v.分组 ( 168 , )
    g(e)r-2 , lacrosse n.长曲棍球 ( 16998 , )
    ;... 616, gerere
    gerere , belligerent adj.交战的,交战国的n.交战国[T8] ( 20636 , )
    →[oew]→ bellicose 好战的。 ( 52106 )
    gerere , digest vt.消化;领会,融会贯通n.文摘,摘要 ( 9880 , )
    gerere , gesture n.姿势,姿态,手势v.做手势 ( 3166 , )
    gerere , ingest 带入内:vt.摄取,吸收,咽下[T8] ( 18623 , )
    gerere , register n./v.登记,注册v.(仪表等)指示,(邮件)挂号 ( 2857 , )
    gerere , suggest v.建议,提出;使联想,使想起…;暗示 ( 469 , )
    →[考研]→ suggestion n.建议,意见;细微的迹象;暗示,联想。 ( 2333 )
    rebel v.反抗,反叛,起义n.叛逆者,起义者 (Lat,104539)
    rebellion n.叛乱;反抗;谋反;不服从[T4] (Lat,106365)
    congestion n.拥挤;拥塞;充血[T9] (Lat,109832)
    suggestive adj.暗示的;提示的;影射的[T8] (Lat,111448)
    digestion n.消化;领悟[T8] (Lat,111729)
    digestive adj.消化的;助消化的n.助消化药[T9] (Lat,112527)
    revel 不受约束的寻欢作乐:vi.狂欢;陶醉n.狂欢;闹饮;喜庆狂欢活动[T9] (Lat,113658)
    belligerent adj.交战的,交战国的n.交战国[T8] (Lat,120636)
    antebellum adj.(美国南北)战争前的 (Lat,122015)
    congestive adj.充血的 (Lat,123864)
    ingestion n.摄取,采食 (Lat,123909)
    gestation n.怀孕,怀孕期,(思想、主意等的)构思、酝酿,孕育(过程) (Lat,124012)
    gestational 妊娠期的 (Lat,126649)
    belligerence n.交战,好战,斗争性 (Lat,128899)
    digestible adj.易消化的,可摘要的,容易了解的 (Lat,131043)
    bellicosity n.好战,好打架 (Lat,145729)
    decongestant 减充血药 (Lat,153448)
    gerund 动名词 (Lat,154839)
    gestate 孕育 (Lat,154841)
    indigestible 难以消化的 (Lat,155968)
    indigestion 消化不良 (Lat,155969)
    revelry 狂欢作乐 (Lat,160717)
    vicegerent (Latin,)
    agger (Lat,)
    bellic (Lat,)
    congest (Lat,)
    contragestive (Lat,)
    contrasuggestible (Lat,)
    debellatio (Lat,)
    gerundive (Lat,)
    gestant (Lat,)
    gestative (Lat,)
    gestatory (Lat,)
    imbellic (Lat,)
    ingestive (Lat,)
    revelment (Lat,)
    ;... 617, ghāi-
    ghāi- , chasm n.深坑,裂口 ( 17634 , )
    ghāi- , gap n.缺口;差距;空白;缺乏 ( 2091 , )
    ghāi- , gape v.打呵欠 n.呵欠 ( 17780 , )
    ghāi- , gasp vi.喘息,气喘 vt.气吁吁地说 ( 6700 , )
    ghāi- , hiatus n.裂缝,脱落 ( 19541 , )
    ghāi- , yawn v.打呵欠n.呵欠 ( 13395 , )
    hiatal (Lat,)
    ;... 618, ghers-
    ghers- , abʰor 极端厌恶而离开:vt.憎恶,痛恨[T8] ( 21568 , )
    ghers- , arugula n.[植]芝麻菜 ( 22362 , )
    ghers- , horrible a.令人恐惧的,可怕的;极讨厌的,糟透的 ( 4167 , )
    ghers- , horrid adj.可怕的,恐怖的,极其讨厌的[T9] ( 21804 , )
    →[oew]→ horrific adj.可怕的,恐怖的[T8]。 ( 10052 )
    ghers- , horror n.恐怖,战栗 ( 3437 , )
    ghers- , urchin n.顽童,[动物]刺猥,[动物]海胆 ( 18251 , )
    ;... 619, ghrēu-
    ghrēu- , chrome n.铬,一种能形成多彩化合物的金属[T9] ( 15891 , )
    ghrēu- , chromium n.铬 ( 21121 , )
    ghrēu- , congruent adj.适合的,一致的;全等的;合谐的[T8] ( 20391 , )
    ghrēu- , gravel n.砂砾(层) ( 5649 , )
    ghrēu- , great a.伟大的;重要的;大量的;很好的;美好的 ( 156 , )
    ghrēu- , grit n.粗砂.v.研磨,咬牙切齿地说 ( 10815 , )
    ghrēu- , gruesome adj.可怕的,可憎的,令人厌恶的 ( 15534 , )
    chromosome n.染色体[T8] (Greek,110109)
    monochrome n.单色;单色画adj.单色的;黑白的[T8] (Greek,123140)
    monochromatic adj.单色的,单频的 (Greek,124258)
    polychrome adj.彩饰的 n.多彩艺术品 vt.用多色装饰 (Greek,133998)
    achromatic adj.消色差的,非彩色的 (Greek,143984)
    polychromatic adj.多色的 (Greek,144518)
    achromat n.色盲患者 (Greek,150708)
    chroma 色度,彩度 (Greek,152842)
    chromatic 半音阶的 (Greek,152843)
    achromatism (Greek,)
    achromatopsia (Greek,)
    achromatopsic (Greek,)
    amphichroic (Greek,)
    apochromat (Greek,)
    auxochrome (Greek,)
    chromatid (Greek,)
    chromatophore (Greek,)
    chromogen (Greek,)
    chromolithography (Greek,)
    chromophobia (Greek,)
    chromophore (Greek,)
    dichroic (Greek,)
    dichroism (Greek,)
    dichromatic (Greek,)
    heliochrome (Greek,)
    heterochromatic (Greek,)
    heterochromatin (Greek,)
    microchromosome (Greek,)
    photochromism (Greek,)
    pleochroism (Greek,)
    trichroism (Greek,)
    trichromatic (Greek,)
    trichromic (Greek,)
    ;... 620, kel-1
    kel-1 , calamity n.灾难,不幸事件 ( 16753 , )
    kel-1 , clerk n.职员,办事员;店员 ( 3652 , )
    kel-1 , clone n.无性繁殖,克隆;复制品v.克隆 ( 8434 , )
    →[考研]→ clergy n.圣职者,牧师 ( 5883 )
    kel-1 , cope v.(with)竞争,对抗;(with)对付,妥善处理 ( 2559 , )
    →[oew]→ coppice 修剪小树以助长。 ( 53121 )
    →[oew]→ copse 萌生林。 ( 53123 )
    kel-1 , coup n.砰然而有效的一击,妙计,出乎意料的行动,政变 ( 4330 , )
    →[oew]→ coupon n.息票,商家的优待券 ( 9429 )
    →[oew]→ coupe n.双座四轮轿式马车,分隔车房 ( 16344 )
    kel-1 , hilt n.柄,刀把 ( 21570 , )
    kel-1 , limp a.柔软的,易曲的v./n.蹒跚,跛行 ( 12291 , )
    ;... 621, kel-3
    kel-3 , accelerate v.使加速,使增速,促进vi.加快,增加 ( 6167 , )
    kel-3 , behold vt.看;注视;把...视为vi.看[T8] ( 14333 , )
    kel-3 , celebrate vt.庆祝;颂扬,赞美vi.庆祝,过节 ( 2424 , )
    kel-3 , celebrity n.名人,名声[T8] ( 3689 , )
    →[oew]→ celebration n.庆典,庆祝会;庆祝;颂扬[T3]。 ( 3449 )
    kel-3 , halt n.止步,停步,停止前进v.止步,(使)停止 ( 4883 , )
    kel-3 , hold v.拿着;保有;托住;举行;继续n.握住;船舱 ( 262 , )
    acceleration n.加速,加速度[T4] (Lat,107870)
    accelerator n.加速者,加速器 (Lat,112406)
    celebratory adj.庆祝的;庆贺的;快乐的[T9] (Lat,120219)
    deceleration n.减速 (Lat,125958)
    accelerant n.促进剂 (Lat,133972)
    celebrant 宗教礼仪主持人 (Lat,152683)
    decelerate 减速 (Lat,153437)
    accelerando (Lat,)
    celerity (Lat,)
    concelebration (Lat,)
    decelerando (Lat,)
    decelerator (Lat,)
    ;... 622, kemb-
    kemb- , Cambridge n.剑桥 ( 4614 , )
    kemb- , canteen n.(工厂、办公室等)食堂或小卖部 ( 10746 , )
    →[oew]→ cantankerous 坏脾气的。 ( 52561 )
    →[oew]→ canton (瑞士等国的)行政区,州。 ( 52568 )
    kemb- , change n.改变,变化;零钱v.更换,调换,交换;改变 ( 252 , )
    kemb- , exchange v./n.(for)交换,兑换;交流,交易;交换台 ( 1273 , )
    kemb- , hump n.驼峰,峰丘.v.(使)隆起 ( 17987 , )
    kemb- , interchange vt.(指两人等)交换 v.相互交换 ( 13355 , )
    ;... 623, ker-2
    ker-2 , crevice n.裂缝;裂隙[T8] ( 17691 , )
    →[oew]→ creak n.吱吱响声 v.吱吱作响 ( 15788 )
    →[oew]→ crevasse 裂缝。 ( 53248 )
    ker-2 , cricket n.[昆]蟋蟀,[运动]板球 ( 4548 , )
    ker-2 , decrepit adj.衰老的;破旧的[T8] ( 21262 , )
    →[oew]→ decry v.谴责 ( 15635 )
    ker-2 , raven n.大乌鸦,掠夺 ( 20051 , )
    ker-2 , scream v./n.尖声叫,喊叫着说出,(风)呼啸 ( 2598 , )
    ker-2 , screech n.尖声喊叫,尖叫声,急煞车声 vt.尖着声音讲或喊 vi.发出尖锐的声音,发出恐惧或痛苦的叫喊声 ( 15377 , )
    ;... 624, klāu-
    klāu- , clause n.(正式文件或法律文件的)条款;从句,分句 ( 3807 , )
    klāu- , close v./n.关;结束a./ad.近的(地);紧密的(地) ( 495 , )
    klāu- , closet n.(壁)橱a.私下的vt.把…引进密室会谈 ( 4779 , )
    klāu- , closure n.关闭;终止,结束[T8] ( 5084 , )
    klāu- , clove n.[植]丁香 vbl.cleave 的过去式 ( 8104 , )
    klāu- , cloze adj.完形的,填充测验法的填充测验法 (测验阅读理解能力的方法) ( 11683 , )
    klāu- , conclude v.结束,终止;断定,下结论;缔结,议定 ( 2000 , )
    klāu- , enclave 锁在里面:n.飞地,被包围物[T9] ( 12783 , )
    klāu- , exclude v.拒绝,把…排除在外,排斥 ( 3617 , )
    klāu- , include v.包括,包含,计入 ( 321 , )
    klāu- , preclude 提前关闭(通道):vt.排除,阻止,预防[T8] ( 9468 , )
    conclusion n.结论,推论;结尾;缔结,议定 (Lat,101560)
    exclusive a.独占的;排他的;孤高的;唯一的;高级的 (Lat,103585)
    inclusion n.包含;内含物[T9] (Lat,105342)
    disclose vt.公开,揭露[T4] (Lat,105419)
    exclusion n.排除;排斥;驱逐;被排除在外的事物[T9] (Lat,105503)
    disclosure n.披露;揭发;被揭发出来的事情[T9] (Lat,105518)
    inclusive adj.包含的,包括的[T6] (Lat,108888)
    enclosure n.附件;围墙;围场[T6] (Lat,109173)
    enclose v.围住,圈起,封入 (Lat,109439)
    conclusive adj.决定性的;最后的;确实的;确定性的[T8] (Lat,111344)
    inconclusive a.非决定性的,不确定的 (Lat,113861)
    seclusion n.隔离;隐退;隐蔽的地方[T9] (Lat,121109)
    exclusionary adj.排他的[T9] (Lat,121619)
    reclusive adj.隐居的;隐遁的[T9] (Lat,122431)
    occult 严实隐藏adj.神秘的;超自然的;难以理解的vt.掩蔽n.神秘学vi.被掩蔽[T8] (Latin,123375)
    exclusivity n.排外(主义),排他性主义(尤指搞宗派、拉山头或闭关自守) (Lat,123988)
    cloture n.讨论终结 vt.结束辩论 (Lat,124918)
    occlusion n.闭塞,锢囚锋,咬合,堵塞 (Lat,125217)
    inclusionary (Lat,136279)
    occlusive adj.闭塞的,咬合的 (Lat,147370)
    conclusory (Lat,148474)
    claustrophobia 幽闭恐惧症 (Latin,152900)
    cloister 回廊禁地 (Lat,152923)
    occlude 堵塞 (Lat,158690)
    recluse 喜欢独处的人 (Lat,160513)
    seclude 隔离,隐居 (Lat,161276)
    claustral (Lat,)
    claustrum (Lat,)
    clausula (Lat,)
    clausure (Lat,)
    clusivity (Lat,)
    concludent (Lat,)
    disclude (Lat,)
    disclusion (Lat,)
    exclusory (Lat,)
    inclose (Lat,)
    inclosure (Lat,)
    inclusivity (Lat,)
    malocclusion (Lat,)
    nondisclosure (Lat,)
    nonexclusive (Lat,)
    preclusive (Lat,)
    reclude (Lat,)
    reclusion (Lat,)
    reclusory (Lat,)
    seclusive (Lat,)
    ;... 625, kwei-3
    kwei-3 , accurate a.正确无误的;准确的,精确的 ( 2617 , )
    →[考研]→ accuracy n.准确(性);精确;准确度。 ( 3919 )
    kwei-3 , assure vt.使确信,使放心(of);向…保证 ( 3186 , )
    →[考研]→ assurance n.保证;保险;确信;断言[T6]。 ( 4941 )
    kwei-3 , curator n.(博物馆,艺术展的)馆长,管理者[T8] ( 7117 , )
    kwei-3 , cure v.(of)治愈,医治;矫正n.治愈,痊愈;良药 ( 4163 , )
    →[oew]→ curate 助理牧师。 ( 53319 )
    kwei-3 , curious a.好奇的,求知的,古怪的,爱挑剔的 ( 2970 , )
    →[考研]→ curiosity n.好奇心;古董,古玩。 ( 4570 )
    kwei-3 , ensure v.确保,保证;使安全 ( 1243 , )
    kwei-3 , insure vt.保险,给…保险;保证 ( 7409 , )
    →[考研]→ insurance n.保险,保险费,保险业。 ( 1197 )
    kwei-3 , manicure n.v.手部护理,美甲[T9] ( 20602 , )
    kwei-3 , procure 为某种目的而关注:v.(想方设法)获得,取得,导致[T8] ( 17479 , )
    kwei-3 , proxy n.代理人 ( 10408 , )
    kwei-3 , scour vt.四处搜索,洗涤 ( 13320 , )
    kwei-3 , secure a.(from,against)安全的,放心的v.得到;防护 ( 2125 , )
    kwei-3 , sure a.肯定的;一定会…的;有信心的,有把握的 ( 336 , )
    security n.安全(感),防御(物),保证(人),(pl.)证券 (Lat,100638)
    curious a.好奇的,求知的,古怪的,爱挑剔的 (Lat,102970)
    curiosity n.好奇心;古董,古玩 (Lat,104570)
    reassure vt.使…安心,使消除疑虑[T9] (Lat,106501)
    curator n.(博物馆,艺术展的)馆长,管理者[T8] (Lat,107117)
    insecurity n.不安全,不牢靠,局促不安,无把握 (Lat,108881)
    inaccurate a.不准确的,错误的 (Lat,109351)
    reassurance n.安慰,再保证[T9] (Lat,110404)
    insecure adj.不安全的;不稳定的;不牢靠的[T9] (Lat,111331)
    procurement n.采购;获得[T8] (Lat,112419)
    inaccuracy n.不准确,误差,不准确的说法 (Latin,121973)
    incurable adj.不能治愈的 (Lat,122138)
    curative adj.医疗的 n.药品 (Lat,125176)
    curio n.小件珍奇物品 (Lat,127085)
    insurable adj.可保险的,适合保险的 (Lat,144695)
    curettage n.刮除术 (Lat,146371)
    curable 可治愈的 (Lat,153316)
    curacy 助理牧师的职位 (Latin,153318)
    pedicure 足部护理 (Latin,159271)
    proctor 考官,监考人员 (Lat,160065)
    procuracy 代理权 (Lat,160066)
    procurator 代表,管家,代理人,发言人,地方行政长官 (Lat,160067)
    reinsurance 再保险 (Lat,160611)
    sinecure 挂名,闲职 (Lat,161561)
    surety 保证金,担保人 (Lat,162469)
    curability (Latin,)
    proctorial (Latin,)
    proctour (Latin,)
    assecure (Lat,)
    curette (Lat,)
    insurability (Lat,)
    pococurante (Lat,)
    proctorage (Lat,)
    procurable (Lat,)
    procuration (Lat,)
    reinsure (Lat,)
    scourage (Lat,)
    sinecural (Lat,)
    ;... 626, leup-
    leup- , leaf n.叶子;(书刊的)一页,一张;金属薄片 ( 1866 , )
    →[考研]→ leaflet n.小叶,传单 ( 8293 )
    leup- , lift v.升起,举起,消散n.电梯,上升,免费搭车 ( 1460 , )
    leup- , lobby n.门廊,门厅,(会议)休息厅 ( 4294 , )
    leup- , lodge v.临时住宿,寄宿,寄存,容纳n.传达室,小旅馆 ( 5891 , )
    leup- , loft n.阁楼 ( 8428 , )
    ;... 627, mai-1
    mai-1 , ant n.蚁;蚂蚁 ( 6460 , )
    mai-1 , maim vt.使残废,使不能工作 ( 21778 , )
    mai-1 , Malcolm 0 ( 8197 , )
    mai-1 , mangle vt.乱砍,撕裂,破坏,毁损,损坏,轧布 n.(洗衣用的)轧干机,熨平机 ( 24124 , )
    mai-1 , mayhem n.伤害罪之一种,故意的伤害罪 ( 16391 , )
    mai-1 , mite n.微小的东西, ( 15751 , )
    ;... 628, merk-3
    merk-3 , commerce n.商业,贸易;交际,交往 ( 4581 , )
    →[考研]→ commercial a.商业的;商务的;可获利的 n.广告节目。 ( 980 )
    merk-3 , market n.集市,市场;销路,需求(量)v.销售 ( 317 , )
    →[oew]→ mart ①市场②圣母玛丽亚。 ( 63971 )
    merk-3 , mercenary adj.雇佣的;唯利是图的n.雇佣兵;唯利是图者[T8] ( 19056 , )
    →[oew]→ Mercury n.水银,水星,墨丘利(罗马神话中的神使和贸易神)[T4]。 ( 6862 )
    →[oew]→ Mercedes 0 ( 14417 )
    →[oew]→ mercantile 商业的,贸易的。 ( 57682 )
    →[oew]→ mercurial 水银的,多变的。 ( 57689 )
    merk-3 , merchant n.商人,零售商 ( 4078 , )
    →[考研]→ merchandise n.商品;货物 vt.买卖;推销 vi.经商[T6]。 ( 9814 )
    merk-3 , mercury n.水银,水星,墨丘利(罗马神话中的神使和贸易神)[T4] ( 6862 , )
    merk-3 , mercy n.仁慈,怜悯,宽恕 ( 5574 , )
    noncommercial adj.非营利的 (Latin,125043)
    amercement (Latin,)
    mercery (Latin,)
    ;... 629, merph-
    merph- , conform 形成一体:v.符合,遵照,使遵守,使一致,使顺从adj.一致的,顺从的[T6] ( 6919 , )
    merph- , form n.形状,形式;表格v.组成,构成;形成 ( 342 , )
    →[考研]→ formation n.形成;构成;组织;构造;编制;塑造。 ( 2502 )
    →[考研]→ formulate vt.规划,用公式表示,明确地表达[T6]。 ( 6688 )
    →[oew]→ Formosa 台湾。 ( 54564 )
    merph- , formal a.正式的;形式的 ( 1727 , )
    merph- , format n.(出版物的)开本,版式,格式vt.设计;安排 ( 3551 , )
    merph- , formula n.(pl.formulae)公式;规则;分子式;药方 ( 3242 , )
    merph- , inform v.(of,about)通知,告诉,报告;告发,告密 ( 2466 , )
    →[考研]→ information n.通知,报告;情报,资料,消息;信息。 ( 244 )
    merph- , platform n.平台,台;站台,月台;政纲,党纲 ( 2902 , )
    merph- , reform v./n.改革,改造,改良 ( 1160 , )
    →[oew]→ reformer n.改革家,改革运动者 ( 9446 )
    merph- , transform vt.改变,变换;变压;转化;改造,改造 ( 2784 , )
    merph- , uniform n.制服,军服a.相同的,一律的 ( 2856 , )
    information n.通知,报告;情报,资料,消息;信息 (Lat,100244)
    performance n.履行,执行;表演,演出;性能,特性;成绩 (Lat,100632)
    perform v.履行,执行;表演,演出;完成(事业) (Lat,101134)
    formula n.(pl.formulae)公式;规则;分子式;药方 (Lat,103242)
    transformation n.转化;转换;改革;变形[T4] (Lat,103440)
    informal adj.非正式的,通俗的,不拘礼节[T9] (Lat,103785)
    formulation n.构想,规划;公式化;简洁陈述[T6] (Lat,106905)
    informative a.提供消息的,情报的,见闻广博的 (Lat,109358)
    informant n.被调查者,告密者,提供消息者[T9] (Lat,109766)
    conformity n.一致,适合;符合;相似[T8] (Lat,110452)
    formality n.礼节,仪式,正式手续,拘谨[T8] (Lat,111540)
    formative adj.形成的,造型的,格式化的n.构词要素[T8] (Lat,111826)
    uniformity n.均匀性;一致;同样[T9] (Lat,112770)
    reformation n.改革,革新[T9] (Lat,116951)
    transformative adj.有改革能力的,变化的,变形的 (Lat,119163)
    deformity n.畸形;畸形的人或物;道德方面的缺陷[T9] (Lat,119184)
    transformational adj.转换的,转换生成的 (Lat,120307)
    deformation n.变形[T6] (Lat,121876)
    disinformation n.故意的假情报 (Lat,124551)
    malformation n.难看,畸形 (Lat,125326)
    formulary n.公式集,处方一览表,公式 adj.规定的 (Lat,133545)
    conformance n.顺应,一致 (Lat,133813)
    informality n.非正式,不拘礼节 (Lat,134879)
    preform vt.预先形成 n.粗加工的成品 (Lat,139215)
    deformable adj.可变形的 (Lat,139413)
    formant n.共振峰,构形成分 (Lat,149701)
    deform 损毁外形 (Lat,153471)
    reformat 重新格式化 (Lat,160586)
    reformatory 青少年犯教养所 (Lat,160587)
    biform (Lat,)
    biformity (Lat,)
    conformable (Lat,)
    conformant (Lat,)
    counterreformation (Lat,)
    formable (Lat,)
    irreformable (Lat,)
    nonconformance (Lat,)
    preformat (Lat,)
    reformable (Lat,)
    transformable (Lat,)
    triform (Lat,)
    triformity (Lat,)
    ;... 630, meug-
    meug- , meek adj.温顺的,谦恭的,(河流等)和缓的,驯服的 ( 18368 , )
    meug- , moist a.潮湿的,湿润的,多雨的 ( 7384 , )
    →[考研]→ moisture n.潮湿,湿气,湿度。 ( 6094 )
    meug- , mucus n.粘液,胶 ( 22446 , )
    meug- , musty adj.发霉的,有霉味的,冷淡的 ( 19543 , )
    →[oew]→ mustard n.芥菜,芥末 ( 7251 )
    →[oew]→ mushroom n.蘑菇 vt.迅速生长,迅速增加,采蘑菇。 ( 5293 )
    meug- , smock n.工作服 ( 22252 , )
    meug- , smug adj.自鸣得意的 ( 13206 , )
    meug- , smuggle v.走私,偷带 ( 11819 , )
    ;... 631, mittere
    mittere , admit vt.承认,供认;准许…进入,准许...加入 ( 1285 , )
    mittere , commit v.把…交托给,提交;犯(错误),干(坏事) ( 1777 , )
    →[考研]→ committee n.委员会,全体委员。 ( 849 )
    mittere , compromise n.妥协,折衷vi.妥协vt.危及,放弃(原则等) ( 3682 , )
    mittere , dismiss v.免职,解雇,开除,解散 ( 3492 , )
    mittere , emit vt.发出;放射;吐露;散发;发表;发行 ( 8295 , )
    mittere , mess n.混乱,混杂,脏乱v.弄脏,弄乱,搞糟 ( 3548 , )
    →[考研]→ messenger n.送信者,使者,传令兵。 ( 7338 )
    mittere , message n.消息,信息,通讯,启示,教训,广告词,预言 ( 861 , )
    mittere , missile n.导弹,发射物 ( 2921 , )
    →[考研]→ missionary n.传教士 adj.传教的,传教士的[T6]。 ( 5663 )
    →[oew]→ missal 弥撒经书。 ( 57969 )
    →[oew]→ missive 信函,公函。 ( 57973 )
    mittere , mission n.使命,任务;使团,代表团 ( 1396 , )
    mittere , omit v.省略,删去;遗漏,忽略 ( 7446 , )
    mittere , permit v.许可,允许n.许可证,执照 ( 2439 , )
    mittere , premise 在前面给出:n.前提[T8] ( 5840 , )
    mittere , promise v.允许,答应;有…可能n.承诺;希望,出息 ( 1486 , )
    →[考研]→ promising a.有希望的,有前途的。 ( 4162 )
    mittere , remit 放回,放松:vt.宽恕;免除;减轻;传送;使恢复原状vi.汇款;缓 ( 17363 , )
    mittere , submit v.(to)使服从,屈服;(to)呈送,提交 ( 3567 , )
    mittere , surmise 从上面发出:n.v.猜测,推测,认为[T8] ( 17753 , )
    mittere , transmit vt.传输/导;转送;发射vi.发射信号;发报 ( 6110 , )
    commission n.委员会;委任,委托(书),代办;佣金,手续费 (Lat,101482)
    commitment n.委托事项,许诺,献身 (Lat,101557)
    permission n.允许,同意 (Lat,102887)
    admission n.允许进入;承认;入场费,入会费,入场券 (Lat,102930)
    emission n.发射,散发;喷射;发行[T6] (Lat,103286)
    transmission n.播送,发射;传动,传送 (Lat,103944)
    dismissal n.免职,解雇,不予考虑 (Lat,106578)
    submission n.投降;提交(物);服从;(向法官提出的)意见;谦恭[T8] (Lat,107124)
    demise 解散n.死亡,终止,转让,传位vt.遗赠,禅让[T8] (Lat,107436)
    omission n.疏忽,遗漏;省略;冗长[T9] (Lat,109841)
    subcommittee n.委员会的附属委员会,小组委员会 (Lat,109960)
    intermittent adj.间歇的;断断续续的;间歇性[T8] (Lat,111831)
    permissible adj.可允许的;获得准许的[T9] (Lat,112294)
    remission n.缓解;宽恕;豁免[T8] (Lat,113742)
    dismissive adj.表示轻视的;解雇的[T9] (Lat,114159)
    remittance n.汇款;汇寄之款;汇款额[T8] (Lat,120105)
    admissible adj.可容许的;可采纳的;可接受的[T9] (Lat,120732)
    emissary n.使者;间谍;密使adj.间谍的;密使的[T8] (Lat,121240)
    permissive adj.许可的;自由的;宽容的;放纵的[T8] (Lat,121350)
    submissive adj.顺从的;服从的;柔顺的[T9] (Lat,122830)
    intermission n.幕间休息;暂停;中断[T8] (Lat,123632)
    admissibility n.可容许,有入场的资格,可允许性,可容许性 (Lat,130434)
    readmission n.重新接纳,重新入场(或入学)许可 (Lat,130809)
    transmissible adj.可传送的,可遗传的 (Lat,134081)
    recommit vt.再委托,再犯 (Lat,134763)
    permittee 持证人 (Lat,136688)
    manumission n.解放 (Lat,139449)
    transmittal n.传送,传输,被传送 (Latin,141257)
    emissivity n.发射率,放射性 (Lat,142248)
    retransmission n.转播,中继,重发,转发 (Lat,145557)
    transmissibility n.可传送性,可遗传性,变速性,可透性,可传性 (Lat,146373)
    retransmit n.转播,转发,中继站发送 (Lat,150909)
    commissar (尤指旧时苏联的)政治委员,政委 (Lat,153016)
    commissariat 军需处 (Lat,153017)
    commissary (军事基地,监狱等处)杂货商店 (Lat,153018)
    decommission 正式停止使用 (Lat,153447)
    impermissible 不允许的 (Lat,155864)
    inadmissible 不允许的 (Lat,155898)
    promissory 承诺的,约定的 (Lat,160095)
    readmit 重新接纳 (Lat,160478)
    remiss 疏忽的,懈怠的 (Lat,160624)
    admittatur (Latin,)
    admittee (Latin,)
    commissive (Latin,)
    commissural (Latin,)
    compromis (Latin,)
    compromissary (Latin,)
    decommitment (Latin,)
    dimissory (Latin,)
    dimit (Latin,)
    entremet (Latin,)
    fideicommissary (Latin,)
    fideicommissum (Latin,)
    inadmissibility (Latin,)
    omissible (Latin,)
    omissive (Latin,)
    permissory (Latin,)
    promisee (Latin,)
    admissive (Lat,)
    commissure (Lat,)
    committal (Lat,)
    decommit (Lat,)
    demiss (Lat,)
    demit (Lat,)
    emissitious (Lat,)
    emissive (Lat,)
    emittent (Lat,)
    intromissible (Lat,)
    intromission (Lat,)
    intromissive (Lat,)
    intromit (Lat,)
    intromittent (Lat,)
    manumit (Lat,)
    mittimus (Lat,)
    noncommittal (Lat,)
    premiss (Lat,)
    premit (Lat,)
    pretermission (Lat,)
    pretermit (Lat,)
    promissive (Lat,)
    remise (Lat,)
    remissible (Lat,)
    remissive (Lat,)
    remissory (Lat,)
    remittal (Lat,)
    remittee (Lat,)
    remittence (Lat,)
    remittent (Lat,)
    remittiturresubmit (Lat,)
    transmissive (Lat,)
    ;... 632, op-2
    op-2 , adopt vt.采用,采取(态度等);选定;收养 ( 1849 , )
    op-2 , co-opt vt.由现会员选举,指派 ( 18098 , )
    op-2 , opine v.认为,表达意见[T8] ( 21719 , )
    op-2 , opinion n.意见,看法,主张 ( 1038 , )
    →[考研]→ optional a.可以任选的,随意的,非强制的。 ( 5799 )
    op-2 , opt vi.选择 ( 5896 , )
    op-2 , option n.选择(权),[商]选择买卖的特权 ( 1210 , )
    adoption n.采用;收养;接受[T6] (Latin,103834)
    adoptive adj.采用的;有收养关系的[T9] (Lat,113197)
    adoptee n.被收养者,被立嗣者 (Latin,126032)
    co-option (Latin,145060)
    nonoptional (Latin,)
    optionality (Latin,)
    coopt (Lat,)
    cooptation (Lat,)
    optation (Lat,)
    optative (Lat,)
    ;... 633, ōr-
    ōr- , adore 祈祷:v.崇拜,爱慕,极喜欢[T6] ( 10780 , )
    ōr- , inexorable adj.无情的,不可改变的[T9] ( 22536 , )
    ōr- , oracle (神)说出来的话:n.神谕,预言[T8] ( 13171 , )
    ōr- , orator n.演说者;演讲者;雄辩家;原告[T8] ( 22816 , )
    ōr- , oratory n.雄辩术,演讲术[T8] ( 23353 , )
    oral a.口头的 (Lat,103558)
    adorable adj.可爱的,迷人的,值得崇拜的[T8] (Lat,116851)
    adoration n.崇拜;爱慕[T8] (Lat,120842)
    intraoral 口内的 (Lat,145958)
    oration 演说,演讲 (Lat,158841)
    oratorio 清唱剧,神剧 (Lat,158843)
    orifice 孔,穴,腔 (Lat,158862)
    osculate 接吻 (Lat,158883)
    peroration 结尾,总结 (Latin,159375)
    orate (Latin,)
    orison (Latin,)
    perorate (Latin,)
    perorator (Latin,)
    adoral (Lat,)
    adosculation (Lat,)
    exorable (Lat,)
    inosculate (Lat,)
    inosculation (Lat,)
    interosculate (Lat,)
    oscitate (Lat,)
    oscitation (Lat,)
    osculant (Lat,)
    oscular (Lat,)
    oscularity (Lat,)
    osculation (Lat,)
    osculator (Lat,)
    osculatory (Lat,)
    osculatrix (Lat,)
    oscule (Lat,)
    osculum (Lat,)
    ;... 634, rei-1
    rei-1 , arrive vi.到达;(时间、事件)到来,发生;达到 ( 985 , )
    →[考研]→ arrival n.到达,到来;到达者,到达物。 ( 2773 )
    rei-1 , reap v.收割,收获 ( 9961 , )
    rei-1 , rife adj.普遍的 ( 14690 , )
    rei-1 , rift n.裂口,分裂,不和.v.裂开 ( 10851 , )
    rei-1 , riparian adj.河边的,水滨的,河岸拥有人 ( 21530 , )
    rei-1 , ripe a.熟的,成熟的;(for)时机成熟的 ( 6748 , )
    rei-1 , river n.河流 ( 1091 , )
    rei-1 , rope n.绳,索 ( 3535 , )
    rei-1 , row n.(一)排,(一)行;吵嚷v.划(船等),荡桨 ( 1817 , )
    ;... 635, s)kep-
    s)kep- , landscape n.风景,全景.vt.美化 ( 1960 , )
    s)kep- , scab n.疤,痂,不参加罢工的工人,恶棍,工贼 vi.结痂,当工贼 ( 20327 , )
    s)kep- , scoop n.铲子 v.掘,挖 ( 9329 , )
    s)kep- , shabby adj.破旧的,褴褛的,低劣的,卑鄙的,不公平的 ( 10271 , )
    s)kep- , shaft n.柄,杆 ( 5842 , )
    s)kep- , shape n.形状,外形;情况,状态;种类v.成型,塑造 ( 1238 , )
    s)kep- , shave v.剃,刮,刨,削n.刮脸 ( 7901 , )
    →[oew]→ shaver 剃须刀。 ( 61424 )
    ;... 636, s)keuᵊ-
    s)keuᵊ- , caution n.小心,谨慎;警告,警示vt.警告[T6] ( 5170 , )
    →[考研]→ cautious a.(of)小心的,谨慎的。 ( 5011 )
    s)keuᵊ- , caveat 让他小心:n.警告;中止诉讼手续的申请;货物出门概不退换;停止支付的广告[T8] ( 15408 , )
    s)keuᵊ- , precaution n.预防,谨慎,警惕 ( 8401 , )
    s)keuᵊ- , scavenger n.清道夫,食腐动物,拾荒者 ( 19679 , )
    s)keuᵊ- , sheen n.光辉 v.闪光,发出光彩 ( 16647 , )
    s)keuᵊ- , show n.节目,表演v.上演(戏剧等),放映(电影) ( 193 , )
    cautionary adj.警告的;劝诫的[T8] (Lat,117869)
    precautionary adj.预先警戒的,小心的 (Lat,123459)
    ;... 637, s)preg-2
    s)preg-2 , disperse vt.分散;使散开;传播vi.分散adj.分散的[T6] ( 9928 , )
    s)preg-2 , freckle n.雀斑,斑点 ( 17310 , )
    s)preg-2 , intersperse v.点缀;散布[T8] ( 18663 , )
    s)preg-2 , sparse adj.稀疏的;稀少的[T8] ( 11432 , )
    →[oew]→ spark n.火花,火星 v.发火花,发电花。 ( 6044 )
    →[oew]→ sparkle v.发火花,(使)闪耀,(香槟酒等)发泡,用眼神表达,发光闪烁 n.火花,闪光,光彩,活力,发泡 ( 11830 )
    s)preg-2 , sprinkle v.撒(某物)于(某物之表面),洒,喷撒 ( 5899 , )
    dispersal n.分散;传播;散布;疏散;消失[T9] (Lat,113761)
    dispersion n.散布;离差;驱散[T9] (Lat,119719)
    aspersion n.诽谤,中伤,(天主教)洒圣水 (Lat,129415)
    dispersive adj.分散的,弥散的,色散的 (Latin,142565)
    sparsity n.稀少 (Latin,150373)
    asperse (Latin,)
    aspersive (Latin,)
    insperse (Latin,)
    inspersion (Latin,)
    interspersal (Latin,)
    interspersion (Latin,)
    nonaspersion (Latin,)
    nondispersive (Latin,)
    nonsparse (Latin,)
    sparge (Latin,)
    spargefaction (Latin,)
    ;... 638, s)teu-1
    s)teu-1 , archetype n.原型[T8] ( 19564 , )
    s)teu-1 , pierce v.剌穿,刺破 ( 9377 , )
    s)teu-1 , steep a.陡峭的;险峻的;急剧升降的vt.浸泡,沉浸 ( 4140 , )
    →[oew]→ stepfather n.继父 ( 12610 )
    s)teu-1 , steeple n.尖塔 ( 22494 , )
    s)teu-1 , stint v.紧缩,节省 ( 11602 , )
    s)teu-1 , stock n.备料,库存,现货;股票,公债v.储存 ( 822 , )
    →[考研]→ stocking n.长(统)袜。 ( 8570 )
    s)teu-1 , stoop v.弯腰,俯身n.弯腰,曲背 ( 12841 , )
    s)teu-1 , stub n.树桩,残余,断株,烟蒂,用突了的笔,存根 adj.短而秃的 vt.挖除断株,连根拔除,踩熄 adj.短而秃的 ( 19271 , )
    s)teu-1 , stucco n.[建]装饰用的灰泥 vt.涂以灰泥,粉刷 ( 16679 , )
    s)teu-1 , student n.(大中学校的)学生;研究者,学者 ( 180 , )
    →[考研]→ studio n.画室;播音室;(电影)制片厂。 ( 1358 )
    →[oew]→ studious 勤奋的,好学的。 ( 62304 )
    s)teu-1 , study vt.学习;研究;细看vi.读书n.学习;研究 ( 226 , )
    s)teu-1 , stupid a.愚蠢的,迟钝的 ( 2740 , )
    →[oew]→ stupefy 使震惊,使神志不清。 ( 62315 )
    →[oew]→ stupendous 极大的,令人惊叹的。 ( 62317 )
    →[oew]→ stupor 恍惚,神志不清。 ( 62318 )
    s)teu-1 , stutter n.口吃,结结巴巴 v.口吃着说 ( 17382 , )
    s)teu-1 , toil n.苦工,圈套.v.费力地做 ( 17159 , )
    s)teu-1 , type n.型式,类型;印刷字体;活/铅字v.打字 ( 530 , )
    →[考研]→ typewriter n.打字机。 ( 9741 )
    →[考研]→ typical a.(of)典型的,有代表性的。 ( 1712 )
    →[考研]→ typist n.打字员。 ( 26827 )
    →[oew]→ typify v.代表,是...的典型 ( 17906 )
    →[oew]→ typography 印刷术,版面设计。 ( 63359 )
    stupidity n.愚蠢;糊涂事[T9] (Lat,112569)
    stupefaction n.麻木状态,惊呆 (Lat,140503)
    stuporous adj.昏迷的,不省人事的,麻木的 (Lat,151006)
    étude (Lat,)
    prototype n.原型;标准,模范[T6] (Greek,106863)
    typology n.类型学,血型学,体型学,象征学 (Greek,119923)
    phenotype 表现型的 (Greek,159446)
    allotype (Greek,)
    ecotype (Greek,)
    ectype (Greek,)
    epitype (Greek,)
    ergatotype (Greek,)
    heterotype (Greek,)
    heterotypic (Greek,)
    holotype (Greek,)
    homeotypic (Greek,)
    homotype (Greek,)
    homotypic (Greek,)
    isosyntype (Greek,)
    isotype (Greek,)
    lectotype (Greek,)
    logotype (Greek,)
    monotypic (Greek,)
    neotype (Greek,)
    paralectotype (Greek,)
    paratype (Greek,)
    schizotypic (Greek,)
    syntype (Greek,)
    ;... 639, s)twer-1
    s)twer-1 , disturb v.扰乱,妨碍,使不安 ( 5333 , )
    →[考研]→ disturbance n.干扰;骚乱;忧虑[T6]。 ( 6359 )
    s)twer-1 , stir v.搅拌,搅动;动,摇动;激动;轰动;煽动,鼓动 ( 2384 , )
    s)twer-1 , storm n.暴风雨,暴风雪;激动,爆发v.猛攻,直捣 ( 1951 , )
    s)twer-1 , trouble n.烦恼;动乱;疾病;故障;辛苦v.(使)烦恼 ( 934 , )
    →[考研]→ troublesome a.令人烦恼的,讨厌的。 ( 9092 )
    s)twer-1 , turbine n.涡轮;涡轮机[T4] ( 8306 , )
    →[考研]→ turbulent adj.骚乱的,混乱的,狂暴的,吵闹的,激流的[T4]。 ( 9636 )
    →[oew]→ Turbo 0 ( 19286 )
    →[oew]→ turbid 浑浊的,混乱的。 ( 63296 )
    →[oew]→ turbojet 涡轮喷气式飞机。 ( 63299 )
    turbulence n.骚乱,动荡;[流]湍流;狂暴[T9] (Latin,110796)
    turbinate n.螺旋形介壳,鼻甲骨 adj.陀螺状的 (Latin,125072)
    turbidity n.混浊,混乱,混浊度,浊度 (Lat,127908)
    perturb 使焦虑,不安 (Latin,159389)
    perturbation 焦虑,不安 (Latin,159390)
    nonperturbative (Latin,)
    perturbance (Latin,)
    perturbative (Latin,)
    troublous (Latin,)
    ;... 640, ser-4
    ser-4 , affront 面对:vt.面对,(通过公开的不敬来)冒犯n.轻蔑,公开侮辱[T8] ( 21221 , )
    ser-4 , confront v.使面临,使遭遇;面对(危险等) ( 3126 , )
    ser-4 , front a.前面的,前部的n.正面;前线,战线v.面对 ( 824 , )
    ser-4 , frontal adj.正面的,前面的,额的n.额部,房屋正面[T9] ( 13358 , )
    ser-4 , frontier n.国境,边境;尖端,新领域 ( 5030 , )
    confrontation n.对抗;面对;对质[T9] (Lat,105008)
    confrontational adj.挑衅的,对抗的 (Lat,116462)
    frontage n.(建筑的)正面,前面,建筑前面的空地面积,空地的宽度 (Lat,129585)
    frontispiece 卷首插图 (Lat,154645)
    quadrifrons (Lat,)
    ;... 641, servus
    servus , concierge n.看门人,门房 ( 19671 , )
    servus , sergeant n.警官,军士 ( 4898 , )
    servus , servant n.仆人 ( 3782 , )
    servus , serve v.服务,尽责;招待,侍候;符合,适用 ( 499 , )
    servus , servitude n.奴役,劳役,奴隶状态[T8] ( 23705 , )
    deserve v.应受,值得 (Lat,102688)
    subservience n.有利,有益,从属(地位),附属性,屈从,恭顺,媚态 (Lat,128333)
    servile 奴性的 (Lat,161386)
    subservient 温驯的,谄媚的 (Lat,162352)
    ;... 642, skeubʰ-
    skeubʰ- , scuff vi.拖足而行,磨损 vt.以足擦地,践踏,使磨损 n.拖着脚走,磨损之处 ( 22621 , )
    skeubʰ- , scuffle v.混战 n.混战 ( 23654 , )
    skeubʰ- , shove vt.乱推;乱塞vi.用力推,挤n.猛推 ( 5895 , )
    skeubʰ- , shovel n.铲,挖斗机 ( 10187 , )
    skeubʰ- , shuffle n.拖着脚走,混乱,蒙混,洗纸牌 v.拖曳,搅乱,慢吞吞地走,推诿,洗牌 ( 10797 , )
    ;... 643, skreu-
    skreu- , inscrutable adj.神秘的;不可理解的;不能预测的;不可思议的[T8] ( 23255 , )
    skreu- , scroll n.卷轴,卷形物,名册 v.(使)成卷形 ( 13973 , )
    skreu- , scrutiny n.详细审查;监视;细看;选票复查[T9] ( 5089 , )
    skreu- , shred n.碎片,破布,少量剩余,最少量 v.撕碎,切碎 ( 12131 , )
    skreu- , shrewd adj.精明 ( 10766 , )
    →[oew]→ shrew 鼩鼱,泼妇,悍妇。 ( 61483 )
    skreu- , shroud n.裹尸布,寿衣.vt.用裹尸布裹,遮蔽 ( 17003 , )
    ;... 644, snu-
    snu- , snap v.啪地移动;(使)突然断开,断开(成两截) ( 3280 , )
    snu- , sniff v.用力吸,嗅,闻到,发觉,轻视,用力吸气 n.吸,闻,吸气声,嗤之以鼻 ( 7904 , )
    snu- , snip v.剪断 ( 18497 , )
    snu- , snoop vi.探听,调查,偷窃 n.到处窥视,爱管闲事的人,私家侦探 ( 22175 , )
    snu- , snout n.猪嘴,鼻子 ( 18551 , )
    snu- , snub n.故意怠慢,斥责 v.故意怠慢,责骂,压熄(香烟等),冷落慢待 ( 22761 , )
    snu- , snuff n.灯花,烛花,鼻吸气息,气息 v.用鼻子使劲地吸,扑灭 ( 19190 , )
    ;... 645, stebʰ-
    stebʰ- , staff n.全体职工;杠,棒;参谋部v.配备工作人员 ( 581 , )
    →[oew]→ Staphylococcus 葡萄球菌。 ( 62087 )
    stebʰ- , stamp n.邮票;印;跺脚;标志v.跺脚,顿足;盖章 ( 4630 , )
    stebʰ- , stampede n.惊跑 v.惊跑 ( 22130 , )
    stebʰ- , staple vt.订.a.主要的 ( 8438 , )
    stebʰ- , step n.步;台阶,梯级;步骤,措施v.踏,走,举步 ( 661 , )
    →[oew]→ Stephen 0 ( 4999 )
    stebʰ- , stump n.树桩,残余部分.vi.笨重地走,使为难 ( 9913 , )
    ;... 646, steg-1
    steg-1 , attach v.系,贴,装,连接;使成为一部分;使依恋 ( 2892 , )
    steg-1 , attack v./n.攻击,抨击;着手,开始n.(病)发作 ( 795 , )
    steg-1 , stack n.堆,一堆v.堆积,堆起 ( 5367 , )
    steg-1 , stagger vi.摇晃着移动;蹒跚n.摇晃不稳的动作;蹒跚 ( 10409 , )
    steg-1 , stake n.桩,标桩;赌注,利害关系 ( 2905 , )
    ;... 647, swei-2
    swei-2 , swap v.交换 n.交换 ( 9916 , )
    swei-2 , swift a./ad.快的(地);敏捷的(地)a.立刻的n.雨燕 ( 6055 , )
    swei-2 , switch n.开关;转换;鞭子v.转变,转换;抽打 ( 2520 , )
    swei-2 , swivel v.旋转 ( 14640 , )
    swei-2 , swoop n.突然下降,猛扑vt攫取 vi.飞扑,突然袭击 ( 13277 , )
    ;... 648, teng-
    teng- , dunk v.泡,浸 ( 18646 , )
    teng- , stain n.污点,瑕疵v.沾污;染色 ( 7986 , )
    teng- , taint vt.污染;腐蚀;使感染n.污点;感染vi.败坏;被污染[T9] ( 15439 , )
    teng- , tinge n.淡色;些许味道;风味vt.微染;使带气息[T8] ( 18891 , )
    →[oew]→ tincture 酊剂。 ( 62966 )
    teng- , tint n.色彩;浅色vt.染(发);给…着色[T8] ( 18885 , )
    aquatint 飞尘腐蚀法 (Latin,151830)
    mezzotint 金属版印刷法 (Latin,157755)
    distain (Latin,)
    tinct (Latin,)
    tinctorial (Latin,)
    tingent (Latin,)
    ;... 649, ter-
    ter- , determine v.决心,决定;确定,限定 ( 912 , )
    →[oew]→ determination n.决心,果断 ( 3379 )
    ter- , exterminate vt.消灭;根除[T8] ( 22594 , )
    ter- , term n.学期;期限,期间;(pl.)条件,条款;术语 ( 616 , )
    →[考研]→ terminal a.晚期的;终点的;期末的 n.终点(站);终端。 ( 5027 )
    →[oew]→ terminology n.术语(学) ( 8639 )
    →[oew]→ termination n.结束,终止[T8]。 ( 9951 )
    →[oew]→ terse adj.简洁的,精练的,扼要的[T8]。 ( 22881 )
    ter- , terminate vt.使终止;使结束;解雇vi.结束,终止;结果adj.结束的[T6] ( 8589 , )
    ter- , terminus n.终点;终点站;界标;界石[T8] ( 19453 , )
    determinant adj.决定性的n.决定因素;行列式[T8] (Lat,111670)
    detergent n.清洁剂;去垢剂[T8] (Lat,116221)
    indeterminate adj.不确定的;模糊的;含混的[T8] (Lat,120673)
    interminable adj.冗长的;无止尽的[T8] (Lat,121554)
    extermination n.消灭;根绝[T9] (Lat,123328)
    determinate adj.限定的,确定的 (Lat,128415)
    determinative adj.决定的,限定的,确定的 n.决定性事情(或情况) (Lat,130180)
    determinable adj.可决定的 (Lat,145258)
    coterminous 毗连的 (Lat,153176)
    terminator 终结者 (Lat,162830)
    determinator (Lat,)
    indeterminable (Lat,)
    terminative (Lat,)
    ;... 650, tragh-
    tragh- , abstract a.抽象的n.摘要,文摘,梗概vt.提取;摘录要点 ( 3643 , )
    →[oew]→ abstraction n.抽象;提取;抽象概念;空想;心不在焉[T8]。 ( 9228 )
    tragh- , attract vt.引起的注意(或兴趣等),吸引;引起;激起 ( 1895 , )
    →[考研]→ attractive a.吸引人的,引人注意的;漂亮的,迷人的。 ( 2139 )
    tragh- , contract n.(承包)合同/契约v.订合同/契约;使缩小 ( 1002 , )
    tragh- , detract vt.转移,使分心vi.贬低;减去[T8] ( 18749 , )
    tragh- , distract v.分散;使分心;打扰;使心情烦乱 ( 5567 , )
    tragh- , extract 拖出来、分离:vt.提取,摘录,榨取n.榨出物,汁液,摘录,选粹[T6] ( 5091 , )
    tragh- , portray 往前拖(画)vt.描绘,描写[T8] ( 4418 , )
    →[考研]→ portrait n.肖像,画像。 ( 3045 )
    tragh- , retract 拖回去:v.缩回,缩进,取消[T8] ( 18217 , )
    tragh- , subtract v.(from)减(去),扣掉 ( 13166 , )
    tragh- , trace n.痕迹,踪迹;极少量v.描绘;跟踪,追踪 ( 3105 , )
    →[考研]→ tractor n.拖拉机,牵引车。 ( 7401 )
    →[oew]→ track n.跑道,小路;轨迹,轮迹 v.跟踪,追踪。 ( 1199 )
    →[oew]→ traces 0 ( 12648 )
    →[oew]→ tractable 易处理的。 ( 63110 )
    →[oew]→ trawl n.[渔] 拖网 v.用拖网捕鱼 ( 19011 )
    tragh- , tract n.地带,大片土地,部位,束,小册子[T8] ( 7053 , )
    tragh- , traction n.牵引,牵引力[T8] ( 13588 , )
    tragh- , trail n.踪迹,痕迹;小路v.追踪,跟踪;拖,拖曳; ( 2070 , )
    tragh- , train n.列车;行列,系列,一串v.训练,培养 ( 1072 , )
    →[考研]→ training n.训练,培养。 ( 622 )
    tragh- , trait n.特征,特点,特性 ( 4609 , )
    tragh- , treat v.对待;治疗;论述;款待,请客n.款待,请客 ( 1121 , )
    →[考研]→ treaty n.条约,协议,协商。 ( 2311 )
    →[oew]→ treatise n.论述;论文;专著[T8]。 ( 7208 )
    attraction n.吸引(力),具有吸引力的事物(或人) (Lat,103779)
    contractor n.订约人,承包人 (Lat,104642)
    distraction n.注意力分散;消遣;心烦意乱[T9] (Lat,107280)
    contraction n.收缩,紧缩[T9] (Lat,108946)
    portrayal n.描画,描写 (Lat,109695)
    extraction n.取出;抽出;拔出;抽出物;出身[T6] (Lat,109736)
    intractable adj.棘手的;难治的;倔强的;不听话的[T8] (Lat,114215)
    detractor n.贬低者;诽谤者[T9] (Lat,116491)
    portraiture n.肖像画;肖像绘制;人像摄影[T9] (Lat,123437)
    subtraction n.减,减法,减除法,减去 (Lat,124779)
    retraction n.收回,缩回,缩入 (Lat,125041)
    extractive adj.引得出的,抽取的,萃取的 n.抽出物,精,熬汁 (Lat,126978)
    attractor n.引起注意的人 (Lat,127578)
    extractor n.抽油烟机 (Lat,130899)
    attractant n.(对昆虫等动物具有诱惑力的)引诱剂,引诱物 (Lat,131248)
    subtractive adj.减去的,负的,有负号的 (Lat,134454)
    retractor n.牵引器,缩肌,牵缩肌 (Lat,138063)
    distractive adj.分散注意力的,扰乱的 (Lat,148542)
    tractate n.论文,短文 (Lat,149692)
    protractor 量角器,分度规 (Lat,160142)
    abstractive (Lat,)
    contractional (Lat,)
    contractive (Lat,)
    contrahent (Lat,)
    detraction (Lat,)
    detractive (Lat,)
    distrait (Lat,)
    subtractor (Lat,)
    subtrahend (Lat,)
    tractation (Lat,)
    tractator (Lat,)
    tractile (Lat,)
    tractional (Lat,)
    ;... 1651
    camera n.照相机,摄影机 ( , Latin,101217)
    chamber n.房间,室;会议室;议院;(动物体内)腔室 ( , Latin,102717)
    comrade n.同志,同事,同伴,朋友 ( , Latin,108906)
    camaraderie n.同志之爱,友情 ( , Latin,116375)
    antechamber n.前厅 ( , Latin,131765)
    bicameral 两议院 ( , Latin,152154)
    camber 拱曲度 ( , Latin,152533)
    chamberlain 内侍 ( , Latin,152727)
    unicameral 一院制的 ( , Latin,163410)
    concamerate ( , Latin,)
    concameration ( , Latin,)
    multicamera ( , Latin,)
    tricameral ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1652
    campaign n.战役;运动 ( , Latin,100706)
    camp n.野营,营地;帐篷,阵营v.设营,宿营 ( , Latin,101352)
    campus n.(大学)校园 ( , Latin,102373)
    champion n.冠军,得胜者;拥护者,斗士 ( , Latin,102691)
    campsite n.野营地,露营预定地 ( , Latin,114545)
    encampment n.营地,露营,扎营[T9] ( , Latin,120266)
    campesino n.<西>农夫 ( , Latin,123973)
    decamp 潜逃 ( , Latin,153429)
    encamp 扎营 ( , Latin,154055)
    campestral ( , Latin,)
    campicolous ( , Latin,)
    campimetry ( , Latin,)
    campo ( , Latin,)
    champertous ( , Latin,)
    champerty ( , Latin,)
    champignon ( , Latin,)
    decampment ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1653
    percolate n.滤过之液体,滤液.v.过滤 ( , Latin,123496)
    couloir n.山腹的峡谷 ( , Latin,128360)
    coulee n.深谷,小川,熔岩流 ( , Latin,131136)
    percolation n.过滤,浸透,渗滤,渗漏 ( , Latin,133595)
    colander 滤器 ( , Latin,152977)
    coulis 稀果酱 ( , Latin,153178)
    percolator 渗滤式咖啡壶 ( , Latin,159339)
    portcullis 铁闸门,吊闸 ( , Latin,159859)
    coulisse ( , Latin,)
    cullender ( , Latin,)
    cullis ( , Latin,)
    piña colada ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1654
    coloration n.着色;染色[T8] ( , Latin,123936)
    discoloration n.变色,褪色,污染 ( , Latin,124711)
    versicolor adj.杂色的,斑驳的,色彩变换的 ( , Latin,143694)
    coloratura 花腔 ( , Latin,152998)
    discolor 褪色 ( , Latin,153677)
    tricolor 三色旗 ( , Latin,163189)
    Colorado ( , Latin,)
    bicolor ( , Latin,)
    concolorous ( , Latin,)
    decolor ( , Latin,)
    encolor ( , Latin,)
    multicolor ( , Latin,)
    quadricolor ( , Latin,)
    recolor ( , Latin,)
    unicolor ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1655
    culprit n.犯人,罪犯;被控犯罪的人[T8] ( , Latin,112506)
    culpability n.苛责,有罪 ( , Latin,123245)
    exculpatory adj.辩解的,辩明无罪的 ( , Latin,130794)
    culpable 应受责备的 ( , Latin,153299)
    exculpate 开脱罪责 ( , Latin,154222)
    inculpate 使有罪,控告 ( , Latin,155945)
    inculpable ( , Latin,)
    inculpatory ( , Latin,)
    mea culpa ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1656
    coin n.硬币,货币v.铸造(硬币),创造(新词) ( , Latin,104524)
    cuneiform 楔形文字 ( , Latin,153308)
    coign ( , Latin,)
    coigne ( , Latin,)
    cuneate ( , Latin,)
    cuneus ( , Latin,)
    encoignure ( , Latin,)
    obcuneate ( , Latin,)
    precuneus ( , Latin,)
    quoin ( , Latin,)
    sconcheon ( , Latin,)
    scuncheon ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1657
    density n.密集,密度,浓度 ( , Latin,104332)
    dense a.浓厚的,密集的,稠密的 ( , Latin,105329)
    condensation n.冷凝;凝结;压缩[T9] ( , Latin,114044)
    condense v.(使)冷凝,(使)凝结;浓缩,压缩,简缩 ( , Latin,116615)
    condensate n.冷凝物 ( , Latin,123221)
    condensable ( , Latin,)
    condensational ( , Latin,)
    condensative ( , Latin,)
    nondense ( , Latin,)
    superdense ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1658
    endorse v.在(票据)背面签名,签注(文件),认可,签署 ( , Latin,105102)
    endorsement n.背书,签注(文件),认可 ( , Latin,106309)
    dorsal a.背的,脊的 ( , Latin,116259)
    dorsiflexion n.背屈,向背弯曲 ( , Latin,129394)
    dorsum n.背(部),舌背 ( , Latin,142220)
    dossier 卷宗 ( , Latin,153798)
    disendorse ( , Latin,)
    dorsiferous ( , Latin,)
    dorsiflexor ( , Latin,)
    dorsigrade ( , Latin,)
    dorsiventral ( , Latin,)
    endorsee ( , Latin,)
    indorse ( , Latin,)
    indorsement ( , Latin,)
    reredos ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1659
    billet-doux 情书 ( , Latin,152176)
    dulcet 甜蜜的 ( , Latin,153886)
    dulcimer 大扬琴 ( , Latin,153887)
    dolce ( , Latin,)
    dolcetto ( , Latin,)
    douce ( , Latin,)
    doux ( , Latin,)
    dulcian ( , Latin,)
    dulcify ( , Latin,)
    edulcorant ( , Latin,)
    edulcorate ( , Latin,)
    subdulcid ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1660
    equal a.相等的;胜任的n.相等的事务;对手v.等于 ( , Latin,101580)
    equity n.公平,公正,衡平法,普通股,净值[T8] ( , Latin,103850)
    equilibrium n.均衡,静态,(情绪)平静,保持均衡的能力[T6] ( , Latin,106374)
    equate vt.使相等,视为平等vi.等同[T8] ( , Latin,111242)
    equivalence n.等值,等价,相等[T9] ( , Latin,115089)
    equivocate vi.使用模棱两可的话隐瞒真相,躲闪;推诿;含糊其词;说话支吾,态度暧昧 ( , Latin,133606)
    equanimity 平静 ( , Latin,154132)
    equinox 春分,秋分 ( , Latin,154137)
    equipoise 平衡 ( , Latin,154138)
    equivocal 模棱两可的 ( , Latin,154139)
    iniquity 不公正 ( , Latin,156048)
    Equator ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1661
    fail v.失败,不及格;衰退,减弱 ( , Latin,100959)
    FALSE adj.错误的,虚伪的,伪造的adv.欺诈地[T3] ( , Latin,102503)
    fault n.过失,过错;缺点,毛病 ( , Latin,102620)
    default v.不履行,不参加,拖欠n.缺席,缺乏,违约,系统默认值[T6] ( , Latin,106870)
    fallacy n.谬误,谬论[T8] ( , Latin,118171)
    falsify vt.伪造,篡改,歪曲,证明……虚假vi.撒谎[T8] ( , Latin,120972)
    falsity n.虚伪,虚假,不老实,不忠实 ( , Latin,127564)
    fallacious 谬误的 ( , Latin,154308)
    fallible 犯错误的 ( , Latin,154309)
    falsetto 假音 ( , Latin,154312)
    ;... 1662
    final a.最终的,决定性的n.结局;决赛;期末考试 ( , Latin,100702)
    fine a.晴朗的,美好的,细致的v./n.罚金,罚款 ( , Latin,100709)
    finish n.完成;结束;磨光v.完成;结束;用完;毁掉 ( , Latin,100988)
    define v.给…下定义;阐述;阐释;限定,规定 ( , Latin,101406)
    finance n.财政,金融v.为…提供资金 ( , Latin,101894)
    confine vt.限制;使不外出,禁闭n.[pl.]界限,范围 ( , Latin,106540)
    infinite a.无限的,无穷的n.无限 ( , Latin,106682)
    finite adj.有限的,限定的n.有限之物[T6] ( , Latin,108683)
    affinity 把边界接上→结为姻亲n.密切关系,亲和力,姻亲[T8] ( , Latin,108854)
    refine v.精炼,精制,提纯;使文雅,使高尚 ( , Latin,109088)
    finale n.结局,终曲,尾声,最后一场[T8] ( , Latin,110683)
    ;... 1663
    reflect v.反射,反映,表现,反省,沉思 ( , Latin,101148)
    reflection n.(reflexion)映像,倒影;反省,沉思 ( , Latin,102966)
    flexible a.柔韧的,易弯曲的,灵活的,能变形的 ( , Latin,103540)
    flex vt.弯曲(四肢),伸缩,折曲 vi折曲,弯曲 n.电线,松紧带 ( , Latin,112394)
    deflect vt.使转向;使偏斜;使弯曲vi.转向;偏斜[T6] ( , Latin,113557)
    reflex n.反射;反映;映像;回复;习惯性思维adj.反射的;反省的;反作用的;优角的[T9] ( , Latin,114034)
    inflection n.弯曲,变形;音调变化[T9] ( , Latin,121003)
    flexion n.弯曲,弯曲状态;弯曲部分[T9] ( , Latin,121971)
    genuflection n.曲膝,屈服 ( , Latin,146664)
    circumflex 音调符号 ( , Latin,152872)
    flexor 屈肌 ( , Latin,154480)
    inflect 屈折,使词尾屈折变化 ( , Latin,156020)
    flexile ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1664
    global a.球形的;全球的,全世界的;全面的 ( , Latin,101163)
    globe n.球体,地球仪;地球,世界 ( , Latin,105529)
    globular adj.球状的 ( , Latin,118981)
    globule n.小球,水珠 ( , Latin,130028)
    globulin n.血球素,球蛋白 ( , Latin,134413)
    globate ( , Latin,)
    globose ( , Latin,)
    globosity ( , Latin,)
    inglobate ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1665
    glory n.光荣,荣誉 ( , Latin,104243)
    glorious a.壮丽的,辉煌的;光荣的 ( , Latin,106195)
    glorify vt.赞美;美化;崇拜(神);使更壮丽[T6] ( , Latin,117811)
    glorification n.赞颂 ( , Latin,127210)
    inglorious 可耻的 ( , Latin,156031)
    vainglorious 自命不凡的 ( , Latin,163473)
    gloriation ( , Latin,)
    gloriole ( , Latin,)
    vainglory ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1666
    glue n.胶,胶水v.胶合,粘贴 ( , Latin,107837)
    agglutination n.黏着,胶合,凝集(反应),块结 ( , Latin,148405)
    agglutinate 粘合的 ( , Latin,151620)
    gluten 谷蛋白 ( , Latin,154905)
    glutinous 黏的 ( , Latin,154907)
    agglutinant ( , Latin,)
    agglutinative ( , Latin,)
    glutelin ( , Latin,)
    glutinosity ( , Latin,)
    nonagglutinative ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1667
    grandeur grand-ness:n.壮丽,宏伟,庄严[T8] ( , Latin,112126)
    grandiose adj.宏伟的,宏大的,堂皇的,浮夸的[T8] ( , Latin,114739)
    grandiosity n.雄伟,壮观 ( , Latin,133052)
    grandee n.贵族,大公,显贵者 ( , Latin,135249)
    grandiloquent 卖弄词藻的 ( , Latin,154976)
    aggrandisement ( , Latin,)
    grandific ( , Latin,)
    grandiloquous ( , Latin,)
    grandioso ( , Latin,)
    grandity ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1668
    inhale vt.吸入;猛吃猛喝vi.吸气[T8] ( , Latin,109345)
    exhale vt.呼气;发出;发散;使蒸发vi.呼气;发出;发散[T8] ( , Latin,115174)
    inhalation n.吸入;吸入药剂[T9] ( , Latin,121927)
    exhalation n.呼出,呼气,蒸发,发散物 ( , Latin,125391)
    inhalant 吸入剂 ( , Latin,156038)
    anhelation ( , Latin,)
    anhele ( , Latin,)
    anhelous ( , Latin,)
    exhalable ( , Latin,)
    exhalant ( , Latin,)
    halitus ( , Latin,)
    inhalable ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1669
    exhaust v.使筋疲力尽,耗尽;抽完n.排气装置;废气 ( , Latin,105557)
    exhaustion n.耗尽枯竭,疲惫,竭尽 ( , Latin,108793)
    exhaustive adj.无遗漏的,彻底的,详尽的,无遗的 ( , Latin,112676)
    exhaustible adj.可空竭的,可耗抽,汲,用尽的,用得尽的 ( , Latin,148973)
    inexhaustible 无穷无尽的 ( , Latin,155998)
    hauriant ( , Latin,)
    haurient ( , Latin,)
    haustellate ( , Latin,)
    haustellum ( , Latin,)
    haustorium ( , Latin,)
    haustrum ( , Latin,)
    nonexhaustive ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1670
    hesitate v.犹豫,踌躇;含糊,支吾 ( , Latin,104714)
    inherent a.固有的,内在的,天生的 ( , Latin,104746)
    coherent adj.连贯的,一致的,粘在一起的,凝聚性的[T6] ( , Latin,106346)
    adhere v.粘附,粘着,依附,追随,坚持[T6] ( , Latin,108125)
    hesitation n.犹豫[T9] ( , Latin,108162)
    adherence n.坚持;依附;忠诚[T9] ( , Latin,110433)
    cohesion n.凝聚;结合;内聚力[T8] ( , Latin,110520)
    hesitant adj.迟疑的;踌躇的;犹豫不定的[T9] ( , Latin,111112)
    coherence n.一致;连贯性;凝聚[T9] ( , Latin,111148)
    cohesive adj.有结合力的,有粘附性的,紧密结合的[T8] ( , Latin,112984)
    adherent adj.粘着的,附着的n.追随者,信徒[T8] ( , Latin,116500)
    adhesion n.粘附;支持;固守[T9] ( , Latin,117676)
    incoherent adj.语无伦次的;不连贯的;不合逻辑的[T9] ( , Latin,120693)
    adhesive adj.有粘性的n.粘合剂[T8] ( , Latin,121559)
    cohere 条理性 ( , Latin,152972)
    hesitancy 犹豫,踌躇 ( , Latin,155379)
    inhere 内在,存在 ( , Latin,156040)
    adherend ( , Latin,)
    decoherence ( , Latin,)
    hesitator ( , Latin,)
    inherency ( , Latin,)
    inhesion ( , Latin,)
    nonadherence ( , Latin,)
    nonadherent ( , Latin,)
    nonadhesive ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1671
    adjutant 副手 ( , Latin,151583)
    jocund 欢乐的,愉悦的 ( , Latin,156386)
    adjument ( , Latin,)
    adjutor ( , Latin,)
    adjutory ( , Latin,)
    adjutrix ( , Latin,)
    coadjutant ( , Latin,)
    coadjutor ( , Latin,)
    injucundity ( , Latin,)
    jocundity ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1672
    labor n.(labour)工作,劳动;劳力v.劳动,苦干 ( , Latin,101570)
    laboratory n.实验室 ( , Latin,102885)
    collaboration n.合作;勾结;通敌[T9] ( , Latin,104281)
    elaborate v./a.精心制作(的);详细阐述(的) ( , Latin,104768)
    collaborative adj.合作的,协作的[T9] ( , Latin,106978)
    collaborate vi.合作;勾结,通敌[T6] ( , Latin,108807)
    collaborator n.合作者,通敌者 ( , Latin,111714)
    elaboration n.苦心经营,精巧;详细阐述[T8] ( , Latin,113258)
    laborious adj.勤劳的;艰苦的;费劲的[T9] ( , Latin,121437)
    elaborative adj.详尽的,精心制作的,煞费苦心的 ( , Latin,141950)
    elaborator ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1673
    lame adj.跛足的,僵痛的,不完全的,金属薄片,不知内情的人,(辩解、论据等)无说服力的 vi.变跛,瘸行 vt.使成残废 ( , Latin,111155)
    omelet n.煎蛋饼,煎蛋卷 ( , Latin,119351)
    lamination n.叠层,层压 ( , Latin,137861)
    laminate 压合材料,层压制品 ( , Latin,156715)
    omelette 煎蛋卷 ( , Latin,158773)
    bilamellate ( , Latin,)
    bilaminar ( , Latin,)
    lamella ( , Latin,)
    lamellar ( , Latin,)
    lamellate ( , Latin,)
    laminose ( , Latin,)
    laminous ( , Latin,)
    lamé ( , Latin,)
    multilaminar ( , Latin,)
    trilaminar ( , Latin,)
    unilaminar ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1674
    dilapidation n.坍塌,倾圮,破烂 ( , Latin,141620)
    lapidary 镌刻在石头上的,优雅的 ( , Latin,156747)
    lapidation 用石头砸死,石刑 ( , Latin,156748)
    dilapidate ( , Latin,)
    lapidarian ( , Latin,)
    lapidate ( , Latin,)
    lapidator ( , Latin,)
    lapideous ( , Latin,)
    lapidescence ( , Latin,)
    lapidescent ( , Latin,)
    lapidicolous ( , Latin,)
    lapidification ( , Latin,)
    lapillation ( , Latin,)
    lapilli ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1675
    large a.大的,广大的,大规模的 ( , Latin,100208)
    enlarge vt.扩大,放大,增大 ( , Latin,109975)
    enlargement n.放大,扩建 ( , Latin,113490)
    largesse n.慷慨赠与的钱或物 ( , Latin,124031)
    largess 慷慨,大方,施舍 ( , Latin,156757)
    largo 缓慢而庄严的 ( , Latin,156758)
    allargando ( , Latin,)
    largamente ( , Latin,)
    largando ( , Latin,)
    largition ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1676
    bilateral adj.双边的;有两边的[T9] ( , Latin,106962)
    lateral adj.侧面的,横向的n.侧部;边音vt.横向传球[T8] ( , Latin,107959)
    multilateral adj.多边的;多国的,多国参加的[T9] ( , Latin,110339)
    unilateral adj.单边的;单侧的;单方面的;单系的[T8] ( , Latin,110487)
    collateral 肩并肩的:adj.并行的;旁系的;附属的n.抵押品;担保品;旁系亲属[T8] ( , Latin,114265)
    contralateral adj.对侧的 ( , Latin,131690)
    ipsilateral adj.身体的同侧的 ( , Latin,135728)
    patrilateral adj.父系的,父亲一方的,堂亲关系的 ( , Latin,143026)
    laterality n.对一侧面的偏重,偏向一侧状态,偏利 ( , Latin,144331)
    matrilateral adj.母系的,母亲一方的,姑表(或姨表)关系的 ( , Latin,147471)
    equilateral 等边的 ( , Latin,154134)
    quadrilateral 四边形的 ( , Latin,160292)
    trilateral 三方的,三边的 ( , Latin,163198)
    ambilateral ( , Latin,)
    ambilaterality ( , Latin,)
    bilaterality ( , Latin,)
    extralateral ( , Latin,)
    inequilateral ( , Latin,)
    nonlateral ( , Latin,)
    plurilateral ( , Latin,)
    semilatus ( , Latin,)
    septilateral ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1677
    local a.地方的,当地的;局部的 ( , Latin,100277)
    location n.位置,场所,定位,测位 ( , Latin,101569)
    locate v.查出,探出,查找…地点,使…坐落于,位于 ( , Latin,102187)
    couch n.长沙发;(病人躺的)长榻vt.表达 ( , Latin,104187)
    allocate 放置于某地:v.分配,使坐落于[T8] ( , Latin,107779)
    locality n.位置,地点 ( , Latin,109319)
    relocate v.重新部署,迁移 ( , Latin,109816)
    relocation n.迁移,再定位 ( , Latin,110662)
    locus n.地点,所在地,[数]轨迹 ( , Latin,112355)
    locale n.现场,场所 ( , Latin,113560)
    milieu n.周围,环境 ( , Latin,115130)
    dislocation n.脱臼,混乱[T9] ( , Latin,117212)
    lieu n.场所,代替 ( , Latin,118202)
    dislocate vt.使脱臼,使混乱[T8] ( , Latin,123919)
    translocation n.迁移,移动,置换,易位,输导作用 ( , Latin,140333)
    collocation n.排列,配置,词的搭配 ( , Latin,148937)
    translocate vt.改变…的位置 ( , Latin,149606)
    locative 方位格 ( , Latin,157082)
    locator 定位器 ( , Latin,157083)
    locomotion 移动,运动 ( , Latin,157092)
    accouchement ( , Latin,)
    bilocation ( , Latin,)
    bilocular ( , Latin,)
    cislocative ( , Latin,)
    couchant ( , Latin,)
    interlocal ( , Latin,)
    loculament ( , Latin,)
    locular ( , Latin,)
    locule ( , Latin,)
    loculose ( , Latin,)
    loculus ( , Latin,)
    multilocal ( , Latin,)
    multilocation ( , Latin,)
    multilocular ( , Latin,)
    nonlocal ( , Latin,)
    translocative ( , Latin,)
    trilocular ( , Latin,)
    unilocular ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1678
    emerge vt.显现,浮现;暴露;形成; ( , Latin,101620)
    emergency n.紧急情况,突然事件,非常时刻 ( , Latin,101826)
    emergence n.出现,浮现,露头,发生[T9] ( , Latin,105352)
    merge v.合并,融合,吞没[T9] ( , Latin,106715)
    immerse vt.沉浸,使陷入[T6] ( , Latin,111185)
    submerge v.沉没,淹没;潜入 ( , Latin,114231)
    immersion n.沉浸,陷入,专心[T9] ( , Latin,116157)
    emergent adj.紧急的;浮现的;意外的;自然发生的[T9] ( , Latin,117181)
    immersive adj.拟真的 ( , Latin,129783)
    submersion n.淹没 ( , Latin,139776)
    submergence n.浸没,淹没,潜航,潜水 ( , Latin,146576)
    demerge 将合并公司分拆 ( , Latin,153500)
    submersible 水下的,水下使用的 ( , Latin,162347)
    demersal ( , Latin,)
    demerse ( , Latin,)
    demersion ( , Latin,)
    emersion ( , Latin,)
    immerge ( , Latin,)
    immergence ( , Latin,)
    immersible ( , Latin,)
    reemerge ( , Latin,)
    reemergence ( , Latin,)
    reimmerse ( , Latin,)
    submerse ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1679
    moratorium n.延期偿付,延期偿付期间 ( , Latin,114104)
    demur 表示反对 ( , Latin,153514)
    demure 端庄 ( , Latin,153515)
    demurrable ( , Latin,)
    demurrage ( , Latin,)
    demurral ( , Latin,)
    demurrer ( , Latin,)
    mora ( , Latin,)
    remora ( , Latin,)
    remorate ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1680
    map n.地图,图vt.在地图上标示出,绘制地图 ( , Latin,101644)
    mundane a.平凡的,世俗的 ( , Latin,109795)
    demimonde n.<法>暗娼阶层,(由暗娼组成的)风月场,品德有问题的女人 ( , Latin,139957)
    mundanity ( , Latin,146573)
    anima mundi ( , Latin,)
    antemundane ( , Latin,)
    demimondaine ( , Latin,)
    extramundane ( , Latin,)
    intramundane ( , Latin,)
    mondain ( , Latin,)
    mondaine ( , Latin,)
    mondial ( , Latin,)
    mondo ( , Latin,)
    ultramundane ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1681
    innuendo n.暗讽(的话),影射(的话) vi.影射 vt.旁敲侧击地表达,暗示 ( , Latin,117824)
    numen 神灵,守护神 ( , Latin,158623)
    numinous 神圣的 ( , Latin,158624)
    circumnutate ( , Latin,)
    circumnutation ( , Latin,)
    counternutation ( , Latin,)
    innuent ( , Latin,)
    nutant ( , Latin,)
    nutation ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1682
    nuclear a.核心的,中心的;原子核的,核能的 ( , Latin,101082)
    nucleus n.(pl.nuclei)核,核心,原子核 ( , Latin,107306)
    nucleation n.成核现象,晶核形成 ( , Latin,143962)
    enucleation 摘出术,剜除术,摘出术 ( , Latin,151430)
    nougat 牛轧糖 ( , Latin,158592)
    Nucifraga ( , Latin,)
    enucleate ( , Latin,)
    extranuclear ( , Latin,)
    internuclear ( , Latin,)
    intranuclear ( , Latin,)
    multinucleate ( , Latin,)
    nucament ( , Latin,)
    nucellar ( , Latin,)
    nucellus ( , Latin,)
    nucifer ( , Latin,)
    nuciferine ( , Latin,)
    nuciferous ( , Latin,)
    nuciform ( , Latin,)
    nucivorous ( , Latin,)
    nucleate ( , Latin,)
    nucleolar ( , Latin,)
    nucleolate ( , Latin,)
    nucleolus ( , Latin,)
    pronuclear ( , Latin,)
    pronucleus ( , Latin,)
    supranuclear ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1683
    explore v.勘探,探测;探究,探索 ( , Latin,101811)
    exploration n.探测;探究;踏勘[T6] ( , Latin,103939)
    exploratory adj.勘探的;探究的;考察的[T9] ( , Latin,111280)
    implore v.恳求或乞求[T6] ( , Latin,118025)
    deplore vt.谴责;悲悼;哀叹;对…深感遗憾[T8] ( , Latin,118222)
    deplorable adj.可叹的;凄惨的[T9] ( , Latin,122574)
    deploration ( , Latin,)
    imploration ( , Latin,)
    imploratory ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1684
    quadruple adj.四倍的;四重的vt.使…成四倍vi.成为四倍n.四倍[T9] ( , Latin,118778)
    quadrennial adj.继续四年的,每四年一次的 ( , Latin,131006)
    quadrangle 四方形院子 ( , Latin,160287)
    quadriceps 四头肌 ( , Latin,160291)
    quadrilateral 四边形的 ( , Latin,160292)
    quadrillion 千的五次幂(1015) ( , Latin,160294)
    quadruped 四足动物 ( , Latin,160296)
    quadruplet 四胞胎 ( , Latin,160297)
    quatrain 四行诗 ( , Latin,160312)
    quadrifarious ( , Latin,)
    quadrifid ( , Latin,)
    quadrifolium ( , Latin,)
    quadrifrons ( , Latin,)
    quadrilingual ( , Latin,)
    quadriliteral ( , Latin,)
    quadrimester ( , Latin,)
    quadrinational ( , Latin,)
    quadrinodal ( , Latin,)
    quadrinomial ( , Latin,)
    quadrinominal ( , Latin,)
    quadripara ( , Latin,)
    quadrireme ( , Latin,)
    quadrisection ( , Latin,)
    quadrivalent ( , Latin,)
    quadrivium ( , Latin,)
    quadruplex ( , Latin,)
    quadruplicate ( , Latin,)
    quatre ( , Latin,)
    quatrefoil ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1685
    question n.问题;询问v.询问;怀疑,对…表示疑问 ( , Latin,100194)
    require v.需要;(of)要求,命令 ( , Latin,100510)
    requirement n.(for)需要,需要的东西,要求 ( , Latin,101850)
    request v./n.请求,要求 ( , Latin,101901)
    acquire v.获得;学到(知识等);养成(习惯) ( , Latin,102306)
    inquiry n.(enquiry)询问,打听,调查 ( , Latin,102876)
    acquisition n.取得,学到,养成(习惯);获得的东西 ( , Latin,103422)
    questionnaire n.问卷;调查表[T6] ( , Latin,103797)
    quest n.探寻,探求;寻求,追求 ( , Latin,104775)
    questionable adj.可疑的;有问题的[T6] ( , Latin,107283)
    conquest n.征服,征服地,掠取物 ( , Latin,107846)
    conquer v.征服,战胜,占领;克服,破除(坏习惯等) ( , Latin,108048)
    exquisite 寻找出来的:adj.精致的,优美的,高雅的[T8] ( , Latin,108529)
    inquire v.询问,查究,调查 ( , Latin,108941)
    query n.疑问,查询v.询问,表示怀疑[T8] ( , Latin,110110)
    prerequisite 预先必备的:n.先决条件adj.首要必备的[T8] ( , Latin,111083)
    inquest n.审讯,讯问[T9] ( , Latin,112617)
    requisite adj.必备的,必不可少的;需要的n.必需品[T6] ( , Latin,113105)
    inquisitive adj.好奇的;好问的,爱打听的[T8] ( , Latin,122099)
    acquisitive adj.(对钱财等)渴望得到的,贪得无厌的,能够获得并保存的 ( , Latin,130364)
    inquisitorial adj.(宗教法庭)审判官似的,爱打听的 ( , Latin,140086)
    disquisition 专题演讲 ( , Latin,153719)
    inquisition 盘问,责难 ( , Latin,156070)
    inquisitor 盘问者,责难者 ( , Latin,156071)
    perquisite 特权,额外补贴,津贴 ( , Latin,159376)
    reconquer 再占领 ( , Latin,160522)
    requisition 要求,征用 ( , Latin,160664)
    acquest ( , Latin,)
    acquiree ( , Latin,)
    acquirement ( , Latin,)
    acquisite ( , Latin,)
    acquisitory ( , Latin,)
    corequisite ( , Latin,)
    exquire ( , Latin,)
    inquisitory ( , Latin,)
    perquisition ( , Latin,)
    quaere ( , Latin,)
    quaestor ( , Latin,)
    questionary ( , Latin,)
    questor ( , Latin,)
    reconquest ( , Latin,)
    requisitive ( , Latin,)
    requisitor ( , Latin,)
    requisitory ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1686
    rostral 嘴的,有喙的 ( , Latin,160880)
    rostrum 讲坛,指挥台 ( , Latin,160881)
    brevirostrate ( , Latin,)
    curvirostral ( , Latin,)
    lamellirostral ( , Latin,)
    rostellate ( , Latin,)
    rostelliform ( , Latin,)
    rostellum ( , Latin,)
    rostrate ( , Latin,)
    rostriform ( , Latin,)
    rostrulum ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1687
    semester n.学期 ( , Latin,106884)
    sexangle ( , Latin,)
    sexangular ( , Latin,)
    sexavalent ( , Latin,)
    sexennial ( , Latin,)
    sexennium ( , Latin,)
    sexireme ( , Latin,)
    sexivalent ( , Latin,)
    sexpartite ( , Latin,)
    sexradiate ( , Latin,)
    sextain ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1688
    absorb vt.吸收(水、光、蒸汽等);使全神贯注;吞并/兼并 ( , Latin,103666)
    absorption n.吸收,全神贯注[T6] ( , Latin,107347)
    absorbent adj.能吸收的 n.吸收剂 ( , Latin,126183)
    adsorption n.吸附(作用) ( , Latin,133171)
    resorption n.再吸收,再吞 ( , Latin,133653)
    absorptive adj.吸收性的,有吸收力的 ( , Latin,136352)
    absorbency n.吸收性,吸光度,吸收能力,吸光率(度) ( , Latin,145486)
    malabsorption n.(营养)吸收障碍,吸收不良 ( , Latin,147469)
    adsorb 吸收 ( , Latin,151590)
    absorptivity ( , Latin,)
    adsorbent ( , Latin,)
    exsorption ( , Latin,)
    insorption ( , Latin,)
    resorb ( , Latin,)
    resorptive ( , Latin,)
    sorbent ( , Latin,)
    sorbile ( , Latin,)
    sorbition ( , Latin,)
    sorption ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1689
    spine n.脊柱,脊椎;(动植物的)刺;书脊 ( , Latin,105339)
    spinal adj.脊髓的;脊柱的;针的;脊骨的;尖刺的n.脊椎麻醉[T9] ( , Latin,108857)
    spinous adj.多刺的,刺状的,难弄的 ( , Latin,151175)
    infraspinate ( , Latin,)
    infraspinatus ( , Latin,)
    interspinal ( , Latin,)
    spinel ( , Latin,)
    spinescent ( , Latin,)
    spiniferous ( , Latin,)
    spiniform ( , Latin,)
    spinose ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1690
    umbrella n.伞 ( , Latin,106013)
    somber adj.昏暗的,(颜色等)暗淡的,忧郁的,严峻的 ( , Latin,113413)
    umbral adj.有荫影的,阴暗的 ( , Latin,139897)
    penumbral adj.日月半影的 ( , Latin,140079)
    umbel n.伞状花序 ( , Latin,142963)
    adumbrate 概述 ( , Latin,151592)
    penumbra 半影 ( , Latin,159322)
    sombrero 墨西哥宽边帽 ( , Latin,161814)
    umber 棕土 ( , Latin,163374)
    umbra (日食或月食期间地球或月球的)本影 ( , Latin,163376)
    umbrage 愤怒,不快 ( , Latin,163377)
    adumbral ( , Latin,)
    adumbrant ( , Latin,)
    adumbration ( , Latin,)
    adumbrative ( , Latin,)
    antumbra ( , Latin,)
    inumbrate ( , Latin,)
    obumbrant ( , Latin,)
    obumbrate ( , Latin,)
    obumbration ( , Latin,)
    subumbellate ( , Latin,)
    umbellate ( , Latin,)
    umbelliferous ( , Latin,)
    umbelliform ( , Latin,)
    umbellulate ( , Latin,)
    umbellule ( , Latin,)
    umbraculum ( , Latin,)
    umbrageous ( , Latin,)
    umbriferous ( , Latin,)
    umbrose ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1691
    urban a.城市的,市内的 ( , Latin,101536)
    suburban adj.郊区的,土气的n.郊区居民[T9] ( , Latin,104318)
    suburb n.市郊,郊区 ( , Latin,104476)
    urbanity n.有礼貌,文雅 ( , Latin,134086)
    exurb n.城外,市外, (尤指)远郊的繁华地区 ( , Latin,134125)
    interurban adj.都市间的 n.市间铁路,无轨电车线 ( , Latin,144556)
    conurbation 大都市 ( , Latin,153105)
    suburbanite 郊区居民 ( , Latin,162364)
    urbane 练达的 ( , Latin,163447)
    exurban ( , Latin,)
    inurbane ( , Latin,)
    inurbanity ( , Latin,)
    nonurban ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1692
    evaporate v.(使)蒸发,(使)挥发,(使)脱水,使(消失)[T4] ( , Latin,110570)
    vapor n.水蒸气,烟雾 ( , Latin,111659)
    evaporation n.蒸发,消失[T9] ( , Latin,119327)
    evaporative adj.成为蒸气的,蒸发的 ( , Latin,130580)
    evaporator n.蒸发器,脱水器 ( , Latin,132733)
    vaporous adj.蒸气多的,冒出蒸气的 ( , Latin,133741)
    vapid 乏味的 ( , Latin,163493)
    evaporite ( , Latin,)
    nonevaporative ( , Latin,)
    vapidity ( , Latin,)
    vaporescence ( , Latin,)
    vaporescent ( , Latin,)
    vaporific ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1693
    various a.各种各样的;不同的 ( , Latin,100700)
    variety n.种种,多种多样;种类,品种 ( , Latin,101030)
    variable a.易变的;可变的;变量的n.变量 ( , Latin,101875)
    vary vt.改变,变化;使多样化 ( , Latin,102267)
    variation n.变化,变动;变种,变异 ( , Latin,102805)
    variance n.变异;变化;不一致;分歧;[数]方差[T8] ( , Latin,105480)
    variant adj.不同的,多样的n.变体,转化[T9] ( , Latin,109449)
    covariate n.协变量,相关变量 ( , Latin,118233)
    bivariate adj.二变量的,双变的 ( , Latin,122283)
    invariant adj.无变化的,不变的 n.不变式,不变量 ( , Latin,125986)
    invariance n.不变性,恒定性 ( , Latin,129397)
    varietal adj.品种的 ( , Latin,131310)
    variate n.变量, 变数, 变元,随机变量 ( , Latin,133192)
    covariation n.共变,协变 ( , Latin,142304)
    invariable 不变的,始终如一的 ( , Latin,156184)
    intervarietal ( , Latin,)
    variegate ( , Latin,)
    variola ( , Latin,)
    variolation ( , Latin,)
    variorum ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1694
    vinegar n.醋 ( , Latin,106172)
    vine n.葡萄树,藤本植物 ( , Latin,106982)
    vinaigrette n.香料饰盒,香料嗅瓶 ( , Latin,115507)
    vignette n.装饰图案,小插图 vt.把....印放为虚光照 ( , Latin,115569)
    vigneron ( , Latin,)
    vinaceous ( , Latin,)
    vineal ( , Latin,)
    viniculture ( , Latin,)
    vinosity ( , Latin,)
    vinous ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1695
    virus n.病毒;(精神,道德方面的)有害影响 ( , Latin,103011)
    viral adj.病毒的,病毒引发的[T8] ( , Latin,110831)
    virulent adj.剧毒的;恶性的;有恶意的[T8] ( , Latin,118946)
    virulence n.毒力,毒性,恶意 ( , Latin,128125)
    rotavirus n.轮状病毒(一种致婴儿或新生畜胃肠炎的病毒) ( , Latin,130558)
    retroviral 医逆转录病毒的 ( , Latin,147799)
    retrovirus 逆转录酶病毒 ( , Latin,160707)
    togavirus ( , Latin,)
    virality ( , Latin,)
    viricidal ( , Latin,)
    viricide ( , Latin,)
    virucidal ( , Latin,)
    virucide ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1696
    devour 吞下:vt.吞食[T6] ( , Latin,111930)
    carnivore n.食肉动物,食虫植物[T8] ( , Latin,118613)
    voracious adj.贪吃的,狼吞虎咽的[T8] ( , Latin,121407)
    carnivorous adj.(动物)食肉的,肉食 ( , Latin,124444)
    omnivorous adj.(尤指动物)杂食性的,肉草兼食的,对任何事物均感兴趣的,什么书都看的 ( , Latin,132770)
    herbivorous adj.食草的 ( , Latin,133212)
    voracity n.贪食,贪婪 ( , Latin,142424)
    herbivore 食草动物 ( , Latin,155362)
    omnivore 杂食动物 ( , Latin,158781)
    devoration ( , Latin,)
    devoré ( , Latin,)
    locavore ( , Latin,)
    voraginous ( , Latin,)
    ;... 1697
    vote n.投票,表决;选票,选票数v.投票,表决 ( , Latin,101054)
    devote v.(to)奉献,致力 ( , Latin,103814)
    devotion n.献身,奉献;忠诚;热爱[T3] ( , Latin,106923)
    vow n.誓约 v.宣誓,立誓,发誓 ( , Latin,107771)
    devout adj.虔诚的;衷心的[T8] ( , Latin,112789)
    devotee n.信徒;爱好者[T8] ( , Latin,116080)
    devotional adj.虔诚的,祷告的;信仰的;献身的[T8] ( , Latin,121197)
    votary 信仰者 ( , Latin,163631)
    votive 还愿的 ( , Latin,163632)
    devove ( , Latin,)
    devow ( , Latin,)